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_Groo_hi/2 all00:05
_Groo_i'm using radeon dri2/kms (im using for a long time now), since i upgraded to lucid with kde 4.4 beta 1 i cant activate compositing anymore. it works with compiz but not kwin.00:05
yofel_Groo_: the kde4.4beta release page says that compositing doesn't work for some hardware, maybe you're affected by that00:12
_Groo_yofel: it always worked since 4.0, and compiz is working00:13
_Groo_yofel: also, is the printer settings broken too?00:13
yofel_Groo_: see Known Problems http://kde.org/announcements/announce-4.4-beta1.php00:14
yofeldunno about the printer settings, I use hplip00:14
JontheEchidnaprinter settings are probably because the python bindings are still at KDE 4.3.300:15
JontheEchidnabut kdebindings fails to build in beta, which is typical each kde release00:15
_Groo_JontheEchidna: ahh true.. kdebindings are for 4.3.300:15
_Groo_JontheEchidna: lol yeah, true00:16
DanaGgrr, kde 4.4 deals badly with multiple monitors.00:17
DanaGThe second monitor's background is in front of everything else.00:17
_Groo_yofel: some hardware is vage at least00:17
yofel_Groo_: well, I don't know more than that, sry00:17
_Groo_JontheEchidna: are you using 4.4? can you tell me if the clipboard (klipper) is broken?00:17
JontheEchidnaworks fine here00:17
yofel_Groo_: works for me00:17
DanaGAnd plasma segfaults all the time.... tons and tons of times.00:18
_Groo_yofel: very strange :P00:19
yofelnot here, I have a (fixed upstream) kwin crash sometimes, but otherwise kde works fine00:19
yofelah, about klipper: was 'use selection' turned on by default in kde4.3?00:19
yofelI thought that it was broken at first too00:19
_Groo_yofel: where do i set that?00:20
yofel_Groo_: I set 'ignore selection' in the settings to get it to work as I expected00:21
_Groo_yofel: you are joking?00:21
_Groo_yofel: its the negative???00:21
yofel_Groo_: no, what I mean is: I DO NOT want it to use the selection00:21
yofelI often replace selected text, which doesn't work with selection copy enabled00:22
_Groo_yofel: doesnt work, always empty and i do have selection00:22
DanaGSEcondary monitor (actually, the thing I WANT to have be primary!) is showing only a static image.00:23
_Groo_yofel: and it always crashes on exit00:23
yofel_Groo_: oh, might have seen that crash too, doesn't happen always though00:23
_Groo_yofel: im installing kdelibs5 dbs and qt4.5 dbg so i can report the bugs...00:24
DanaGgrr, using two different-dpi displays resets the thing back to 96 dpi!00:27
xray7224im going for the upgrade00:28
xray7224its updating to lucid now :D00:28
yofelxray7224: good luck00:28
xray7224thanks :P00:28
DanaGgrr, plasma died again.00:29
yofelDanaG: still using compiz?00:29
DanaGkwin compositing isn't working.00:29
DanaGIn fact, it isn't even TRYING to work.00:29
BUGabundoxray7224: via what method ?00:30
DanaGIt thinks it is working, though... it shows it "enabled" in kde!00:30
_Groo_DanaG: same problem here00:30
DanaGer, in systemsettings.00:30
xray7224BUGabundo, just update-manager -d00:30
BUGabundojust making sure :)00:30
_Groo_DanaG: mine just enables if i have compiz running, but never really works.. if you restart kde without any compositing it fails miserably00:30
DanaGgrr, kde doesn't acknowledge xrandr dpi changes.00:32
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mysticdarkhackanyone here know where I can edit for the kernel startup00:53
mysticdarkhackthere no menu.lst00:54
yofel!grub2 | mysticdarkhack00:54
ubottumysticdarkhack: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub200:54
yofelsomeone should: s/in Karmic/since Karmic/00:55
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
bjsniderBUGabundo, i realize you need bug testers for chromium-browser, but i can't see anything wrong with it...01:39
bjsniderworks fine01:39
BUGabundothat's what we like to hear01:41
bjsniderwhich ablocker works best with it?01:41
BUGabundobjsnider: (01:42:29 AM) fta: BUGabundo, codecs broken, webgl broken, some say svg broken but wfm, ...01:44
BUGabundonot as good as adblock :(01:44
BUGabundonot even close01:44
bjsnideri'm using adblock now, but it doesn't block the ads until they've already loaded01:46
bjsniderwhat is webgl supposed to mean01:47
bjsnidersvg would be handled by webkit01:47
bjsnidercodecs? you mean for html5?01:48
BUGabundobjsnider: ask fta :)01:48
BUGabundoI'm just the messenger01:48
bjsniderwhat channel?01:48
BUGabundoas usua01:49
BUGabundoas usual01:49
BUGabundoand yes, I know the irony01:49
BUGabundoshould be called01:49
bjsnideri think there's a chromium support channel01:49
BUGabundofor ubuntu ?01:51
BUGabundoor upstream?01:51
i_is_brokeis there still a memory leak with nautilus?01:54
i_is_brokeim having a really bad time with memory being used on boot up.01:55
BUGabundo 1831 bugabund  40   0  874m  52m  12m S    0  1.3   2:32.65 nautilus02:00
BUGabundoit aint that bad02:00
BUGabundo 7810 1634e4   3998        920K   1.1G 192.3M   1.1G 192.3M   5% pidgin02:00
BUGabundo17955 198076    354       2130K 698.1M 142.8M 698.1M 142.8M   4% gwibber02:00
BUGabundo 4786 413456   1076      32515K 879.3M 106.3M 879.3M 106.3M   3% chromium-brows02:00
i_is_brokewell just booting into lxde desktop i loose about 256 meg. im going to run htop and see whats doing it.02:10
BUGabundoi_is_broke: run sudo atop 202:14
BUGabundopress 'm' for memory02:14
BUGabundosnailmail ?!02:27
i_is_brokei still dont see anything that should be using that much memory?02:27
BUGabundoduke nuken ?02:27
macos/n /m //02:27
i_is_brokeits weird, gkrllem says its down to like 140 meg unused, but atop says im only using like 119 megs total.02:29
i_is_brokebut it acts like i dont have any unused, its very doggish.02:29
DanaGargh, volume controls on ac97 audio with pulseaudio are rather thoroughly broken.02:31
DanaGconservative governor failed, too long transition latency of HW, fallback to performance governor02:32
oldude67hold on ill send this to pastebin and show you what im talking about. by the way im i_is_broke this is my test box here.02:32
DanaGSO what if it has long latency?  how do I override this?02:32
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic02:33
BUGabundoDanaG: ohh so that's why02:34
BUGabundomine gets at performanceBAHH02:34
DanaGSo you have either omgfullspeedallthetime or low-speed, and no auto-throttling at all!02:34
DanaGIt used to give you slow throttling, at the very least!02:34
oldude67ok i cant handle this rebooting02:37
ubottubugs.gentoo.org bug 287463 in Core system "Kernel modifications break ondemand frequency scaling from conserving power" [Major,Reopened]02:39
DanaG< Detailed C-state information is not P-states (frequencies)02:42
DanaGthat's broken grammar.02:42
DanaGhorrible, horrible, horrible: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/41094802:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 410948 in pulseaudio "Volume too loud" [Medium,Confirmed]02:54
bjsniderwasn't there a similar bug in the karmic cycle?02:55
DanaGactually, what I'm seeing that on, is my old desktop... haven't booted it in months.03:00
DanaGLinux GLaDOS 2.6.31-5-generic #24-Ubuntu SMP Sat Aug 1 12:48:18 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux03:01
DanaGI'm upgrading it to Karmic final.03:01
DanaGMy issue is different: as you slide the volume control in pulseaudio, the underlying hardware "sliders" get twiddled, seemingly randomly.03:01
DanaGI can even jiggle it around near 1% in pavucontrol, and you'll see surround and front each jump around separately.03:02
oldude67this is really getting annoying, i reboot and memory is fine now.03:02
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 478604 in kernel "emu10k1: "Master" slider should be name "Front" because it only controls Front L+R." [Medium,New]03:19
DanaGthis bug report, last post, describes the same symptoms as what I have with ac97.03:19
rskhow do you disable the screensaver03:26
rskit just goes instantly black after 10minutes03:27
dtchenDanaG: I would need a codec dump and amixer output03:33
DanaGah,  I suppose I should update the kernel to at least karmic release-version first.03:34
dtchenDanaG: also, beware that it's very difficult to fix properly for "all" Creative cards driven by emu10k1, because different revisions of the Sigmatel 9750,1 act differently03:34
DanaGOh yeah, the actual card I'm speaking of that has those symptoms, is ALC650, actually.03:35
DanaGit's just that the mixers behavior is broken the same way.03:35
dtchenoh, the Realteks are far worse03:36
dtchenat least there's method to the Sigmatel madness03:36
bjsnideri don't think i've heard you say anything good about any sound chips at all03:38
DanaGAnyway, since it's a machine I very rarely use (perhaps like once or twice a year, just for the heck of it), it's not too much of an issue.03:38
DanaGHmm, I haven't really had any good sound chips.  Then again, what would you call "good"?03:38
DanaGI have my screwy-dB USB card that confuses even Windows... my notebook Audigy that's cardbus, not expresscard... and I have various onboard sound chips on various computers.03:39
bjsniderwell, maybe there aren't any good sound chips and the whole bloody business is just a giant con job03:40
DanaGI bet Aureal were the last good one... and Creative crushed them.03:42
DanaGI'm also curious about those Xonar cards.03:43
DanaGargh... stupid Apple keyboard (borrowed from my dad's closet)... keeps dying.03:44
bjsniderthat's the cmxxxx chip right?03:44
DanaGXonar PCI ones are 8788, or something.03:45
bjsnideri'd like to see dtchen write a blog about his recommended sound cards for use with ubuntu/pulse and vista/win703:46
bjsnideri have a feeling it would be a short list03:46
bjsniderand of course it would have to include the cards he'd like us to stay away from03:46
bjsniderwhich would presumably be a much longer list03:46
gnomefreakanyone else lose TTYs03:47
DanaGdamnit, the mouse died, too!03:49
DanaGAnd so did every other method of input.03:50
DanaGIncluding vnc... I could view, but no input worked!03:50
bjsniderbad case of lack of input03:50
DanaGAnd even ssh failed, too.03:51
DanaGArgh, it seems USB on the machine itself just perma-died.03:53
bjsniderrestart udev03:53
bjsnideri guess you can't03:53
DanaGhmm, it un-died now.03:54
DanaGHad to hard power off.03:54
DanaGI pressed power button... it said "will now halt"... and then just sat there.03:54
DanaGIn Xorg.,03:54
dtchenbjsnider: there are no "good" cards from my perspective; each has a list of known quirks and workarounds a mile long03:55
dtchenif you've ever done RE on a Windows driver, you'll see that, too03:55
bjsnideryou meant o tell me there aren't some you'd say "do not buy this card on penalty of death"?03:55
dtchenthat's a different question03:56
dtchenany card is acceptable if you're willing to accept the risk03:56
bjsniderthere are certainly degrees of badness03:56
bjsnidersome must be less than awful03:56
dtchensure. It largely depends on the desired feature set.03:56
DanaGAnyway, that motherboard has been through a PSU death (via exploded capacitor), so the state of the board itself is certainly screwed up in some way.03:57
bjsniderwhat if i desire bass/treble hardware controls?03:57
dtchenspend a few hundred bucks and get a pro card.03:58
bjsnidersuch as what?03:58
dtchenfor the life of me, I don't know why you would want bass/treble hw controls on a card anyhow03:58
gnomefreakcan we please move the non Lucid topics to #ubuntu-offtopic03:58
DanaGOne pro card I tried: M-Audio something ice7412 or something.03:58
DanaGIt actually made PulseAudio CRASH.03:58
DanaGOr rather, failed assertions.03:58
DanaGBut, that was ages ago that I tried it.03:59
dtchenthat's alsa-lib's fault03:59
bjsniderspeaker system doesn't do any analog sound filtering03:59
dtchenI could pretty easily patch around it, but I'll incur the wrath of two upstreams03:59
DanaGdangit, now it won't boot... dies somewhere in radeon.04:01
DanaGTime to make radeon not load, the same way I made vga16fb not load: feed it garbage parameters.04:01
DanaGARgh, now the stupid friendly-recovery thing doesn't even work!04:03
DanaGAND now... unable to mount root FS!04:04
DanaGAnd then keyboard stopped working again.04:05
DanaGHad to actually unplug PSU to get keyboard back.04:06
DanaGnow where's sysrq on Apple?04:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 458352 in mountall "Karmic - Corrupted Recovery Menu (dup-of: 456806)" [High,Incomplete]04:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 456806 in mountall "mountall vomits a shell onto virtual console when you run vi" [High,Fix released]04:10
DanaGAnd now keyboard died again. Grr....reat.04:12
DanaGhmm, has update-manager had lucid added as "a new development version" yet?04:26
DanaGhmm, I "fixed" my usb breakage... by pulling out a PS/2 keyboard.04:27
DanaGgrep: block: no such file or directory04:27
DanaGgrep: devices: no such file or directory04:27
DanaGgrep: found: no such file or directory04:27
DanaGIsn't that an old, now-fixed bug?04:27
DanaGNo wonder things were broken... that machine was left alone since August or so.04:28
DanaGAnd then:\04:28
DanaGno raid devices and with names: "no block devices found"04:28
DanaGAND with names?04:28
DanaGyay, now to upgrade that thing to lucid.04:34
DanaGgrr, PCI SATA == le suck.04:35
DanaGDisk activity brings the whole system grinding to a halt.04:35
gnomefreakDanaG: please keep on lucid topic not you pc issues04:36
DanaGAnyway... time to upgrade to lucid, and try R300 KMS.04:47
DanaGsudo do-release-upgrade --devel-release:          checking for a new ubuntu release......... no new release found.04:55
DanaGDo I just need to go the raw sources.list route?04:55
rski did sudo update-manger -d04:56
rskand it found 10.0404:56
DanaGargh, but that needs Xorg, and I feel more comfortable doing upgrades under console (in case xorg dies, or such).04:57
oldude679.10 is making me mad, im redoing my regular box and now its being totally stupid no mouse and dpkg is broke as well when doing their friggin updates. im having more problems with it then i am 10.0404:58
oldude67this is truely bogus as i installed the final release of karmic, its a total disaster, but if i install the beta release of karmic it works fine..ugh05:26
oldude67ill probably just go ahead and update it to lucid as well..and just skip karmic totally.05:26
oldude67im really starting to believe its the vista of ubuntu....:(05:26
DanaG<insert "YOUR MOM" joke here>05:27
oldude67any how, where do i go to look for bug reports launch pad? i want to see if anyone else is having memory issues as well?05:29
dtchen"memory issues"?05:29
oldude67yeah it seems like sometimes when i reboot the system, its using all but like 150 meg of ram on lxde or xfce.05:30
rskmemory is meant to be used05:31
oldude67and thats before i start any programs05:31
rskas long as mem isn't filled up it's fine05:31
oldude67yeah but when your only running 512 thats alot to be used on nothing05:31
DanaGWhat's it filled up with?05:31
DanaGCache, or filled by one program?05:31
dtchenthat's intentional05:32
oldude67dont know everytime i try and check its like there are several programs bouncing around...05:32
dtchenlinux caches aggressively, and you should know that ureadahead also is working05:32
oldude67then if i reboot i get about 350 meg free. and it runs normal.05:32
DanaGALSA lib conf.c:2714:(snd_config_hooks_call) function X�Y       ication.name returned error: Invalid argument05:32
DanaGand earlier:05:32
DanaGALSA lib conf.c:1179:(parse_def) show is not a compound05:32
DanaGALSA lib conf.c:1589:(snd_config_load1) _toplevel_:17:26:Unexpected char05:32
dtchenDanaG: what version?05:33
DanaGalsa-libs version?05:33
DanaGVersion: 1.0.20+dfsg-1ubuntu505:33
oldude67like im running gnome now and pidgin and xchat and amarok and still have 255 free meg after rebooting.05:33
DanaGI'm upgrading it to lucid anyway... will check again once upgrade completes.05:33
DanaGYeah, I think it's karmic's.05:34
dtchenyeah, I just uploaded a bunch of fixes earlier for alsa-*05:34
dtchen(lucid, of course)05:34
DanaGThat old desktop has an R350 in it.05:34
DanaGoh yeah, and I figured out why Plymouth doesn't work.05:35
ubottuFreedesktop bug 22239 in plymouth general "improve console= handling" [Normal,New]05:38
oldude67and yeah i know i need to get more ram for this thing, but it takes rambus memory and that crap is not cheap....and yes its crap.05:38
DanaGheh, probably cheaper to get a whole secondhand machine than to get more rdram.05:38
oldude67ya you know it.05:39
oldude67i was looking on ebay at it, and they want 100$ for a gig.05:40
oldude67thats why i have been running it on lxde or xfce.05:41
DanaGrandom: http://www.publicsurplus.com/sms/auction/view?auc=39421405:42
oldude67hey that looks like my old crap i have running..lol05:44
oldude67na actually this is a dual p3 86605:45
oldude67old dell optiplex gx30005:45
DanaGFirst dual-CPU system I ever used, was Dual P2 350, later upgraded to Dual P3-650.  Used standard SDRAM.  Dell Precision 410, I think it was.  Even had SCSI onboard.05:47
DanaGOnce I tried that, I knew I never wanted to go single-core again... in terms of responsiveness, it beat even my 2GHz Athlon XP.05:48
DanaG(granted, my AthlonXP system had tons of random stuff on it at the time.)05:48
DanaGgrr, stupid apple mighty mouse... keeps turning itself off.05:49
oldude67yeah i just wished i had at least a gig of ram in it..would be a little better...oh well...for now it will work...just want to find out whats going on with the memory issue.05:50
oldude67someone said that nautilus had a memory leak, but i havent seen it.05:50
DanaGI've seen a leak in kded, I think.05:51
DanaGHad it cause OOM kills on a system with 4 gigs of RAM.05:51
DanaGBut it only happened once.05:51
dtchenthere is apparently a PA memleak, but no one has provided a useful valgrind (massif mode) trace05:51
oldude67well i tried booting in to gnome when it was doing that and before i could get the system to reboot i had a ton of things trying to start down on the bottom taskbar.05:52
oldude67next time it does it im going to try and see what it is thats trying to do that...05:52
oldude67actually im going to try and do an update and see if it will do it again.05:52
DanaGhmm, what's massif mode?05:53
oldude67now when i want it to do it it wont..go figure.06:03
oldude67rebooted the dang thing 4 times and its working now.06:03
DanaGradeon oops.06:35
DanaGgrr, radeon is null-pointer-dereference'ing.08:07
rskany idea on howto disable the hidden screensaver08:08
DanaGoooh, thunder.08:14
Hans_Henrik_it should be OK to update from karmic to lucid  now right?08:16
Hans_Henrik_(not like it crash half-way or something?)08:16
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DanaG                                                     08:34
DanaG        Kernel driver in use: agpgart-nvidia08:34
DanaG        Kernel modules: nvidia-agp08:34
joaopintoanyone else having the sound muted at each reboot09:09
joaopintodtchen, ping09:09
joaopintoops, there is an update to alsautils09:10
DanaGhmm, lucid is still giving me the same corrupt-file thingy.09:12
DanaG!find libatk-bridge.so09:23
ubottuFile libatk-bridge.so found in at-spi, libatspi-dbg09:24
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DanaGthere's my alsa-info.09:29
yofelok... just rebooted and I had a mixture of MY and the default kde desktop. 2 panels and a folderview more that messes up my desktop isn't what I expect from an update...11:15
xray7224wow i upgraded well too soon :P11:34
xray7224hmm i don't know whether to report a bug about my nvidia card11:49
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xray7224does anyone know when lucid will have the nvidia drivers12:34
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seren__anyone on Kubuntu lucid alpha 1 ?12:34
seren__I got a strange problem where all my applications have disappeared from kickoff or lancelot, krunner12:35
gianluigisk8hello  i do the upgrade now there are more problem with this alpha?13:40
SwedeMikemy X hasn't been working for 3 days, I get signal 11 in my xorg.log, so yeah, at least some problems.13:41
gianluigisk8so work great?13:42
SwedeMikegianluigisk8: what?13:43
knuehi. i currently have the probl that plasma-desktop isn't started automatically when logging into KDE. Is this a known probl? Or have I messed up sth by myself?13:43
gianluigisk8it's work good?13:43
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SwedeMikegianluigisk8: I just told you my X doesn't work, why are you asking that?13:43
gianluigisk8ah sorry...13:44
gianluigisk8i do the upgrade now13:44
gianluigisk8You have other problem?13:45
i_is_brokegianluigisk8, you might want to wait a bit. people are having and issue with x13:45
gianluigisk8sorry ^^ what you  intend eith X?13:46
SwedeMikegianluigisk8: the graphics interface.13:46
i_is_brokegianluigisk8, depending on your graphics card, X may not work13:47
SwedeMikegianluigisk8: so with my nvidia gfx card, I get no graphics, only text mode.13:47
gianluigisk8ah,.. i have got  ati radeon 1600 xt13:47
gianluigisk8i'm not more expert with the text mode13:48
i_is_brokeSwedeMike, they was talking about nvidia graphics last night and a work around. if bugabundo comes in ask him, he was one of them talking about it..something about the 190 driver.13:48
i_is_brokethis computer uses the sis chip set so its not to bad, and other computer is an old nvidia tnt2 that loads with just the nv.13:50
bjsniderthe nouveau driver will work with the old card13:51
gianluigisk8bho i try it now than it not work i reistall  9.1013:51
i_is_brokegianluigisk8, g/l13:55
Ketsuban"Good luck". I think.14:02
gianluigisk8ah XD14:03
BUGabundohey guys14:43
BUGabundoola i_is_broke14:55
eagles0513875hehe BUGabundo14:55
* mac_v cries14:55
* BUGabundo gives mac_v a tissue14:55
eagles0513875question for ya granted its karmic related but whats the name of the package for software compilation 4.3.414:55
i_is_brokeBUGabundo, wasnt it you last night talking about the nvidia driver?14:55
i_is_brokeor was it DanaG14:56
BUGabundono idea14:56
BUGabundowhat do you want to know?14:56
mac_vanyone know of a bug in synaptic ? i cant find any apps in synaptic Lucid[coulnt find xchat/conky... nothing ]... had to come back to karmic :(14:56
i_is_brokesomeone was in here earlier did update and had no x and last night i remember someone talking about uploading a ppa for the 190 driver.14:57
i_is_brokeand he was running a new nvidia card.14:57
i_is_brokebut hey who knows i have slept since then too.14:57
BUGabundonot me14:57
BUGabundomac_v: humm I had a prob with running newly installed apps14:57
i_is_brokemight of been dtchen too..14:57
BluesKajmac_v, how did you upgrade to lucid firstly14:57
BUGabundountil I open a new terminal14:58
mac_vi installed lucid on a separate partition14:58
mac_vclean install14:58
i_is_brokewell anyways, im out for a while, going to church..be back later..have a good one.14:58
eagles0513875any idea wht the name of this package is in its ppa http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.3.415:03
mac_veagles0513875: ,i believe it is a pre-release for 4.3.4 , it has loads of packages15:09
mac_vwell thats what i understood of KDE SC...15:09
* mac_v hides... never used KDE for too long ;p15:09
eagles0513875can never find any kde users in here :( all on gnome15:10
MitchTrue. :(15:11
eagles0513875u kde as well Mitch15:11
MitchWhen I'm using Linux, yes.15:12
eagles0513875what desktop environment?15:12
MitchMostly in a VM, FWIW.15:12
eagles0513875hehe im going to be trying out lucid in a vm for now15:13
MitchLike I answered, KDE.15:13
eagles0513875ahhh sry mis read that15:13
Torchwhen i try to run the installer on the kubuntu lucid alpha cd it just quits without any error message. how can i get it to run? or diagnose what's the problem?15:17
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mac_vTorch: did you use manual partitioning and "format" partition and install?15:25
Torchmac_v: i booted from the CD in virtualbox.15:26
Torchmac_v: now the installer icon sits there in a folder view. when i double click it nothing happens. when i run the app behind it ("ubiquity"), it just quits.15:27
mac_vTorch: oh... so it stopped , even ahead of the install process15:27
Torchmac_v: it does not run at all. no signs of life.15:27
mac_vTorch: try the install option, install of the try Kubuntu15:27
mac_vinstead of*15:28
yofeleagles0513875: pong (KDE user)15:28
eagles0513875yofel: have you tried the software-compilation package in the ppa15:28
yofeleagles0513875: and KDE SC is just the new official name for KDE15:28
eagles0513875ahh ok15:29
yofeleagles0513875: http://dot.kde.org/2009/11/24/repositioning-kde-brand15:30
yofelit *IS* a bit confusing at first15:31
Torchmac_v: the "install kubuntu" grub entry takes me to the desktop with the folder view, install icon and i'm back on square one ;-)15:31
BluesKajI'm looking for the media options , but system settings in kubuntu lucid no longer gives it ..wonder where to look ?15:31
yofelBluesKaj: the phonon kcm doesn't build with the lucid phonon version yet, it's being worked on15:32
BluesKajyofel, ok , i just the apt-cache policy to make sure pulseaudio wasn't included with lucid by default .. media seems fine so far tho15:35
yofelBluesKaj: bug 49464315:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494643 in kdebase-runtime "No kcm_phonon in kdebase-runtime after upgrade to 4.4-beta1" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49464315:36
mrmcq2uanyone any idea when dri2 is being enabled for radeon driver for lucid?15:37
mrmcq2uwas using it on karmic through a third party ppa and its been enabled in fedora the last two releases at the least15:38
mrmcq2uwould be nice to be able to work with clutter with compiz enabled :)15:38
BluesKajyofel, what about the printer configuration ..I'm getting the "orphaned control module message " :(15:41
yofelBluesKaj: no idea, I use hplip15:41
BluesKajmaybe I should too , which file do I set that up in ?15:42
yofelBluesKaj: its a seperate app, install hplip-gui15:42
yofelJontheEchidna: do you know something about the printer module?15:42
BluesKajright on, yofel15:42
_Groo_mrmcq2u: its enabled, just use radeon.modeset=1 when loading lucid at grub line15:43
JontheEchidnayeah, it's busted until kdebindings can build, which beta1 can't.15:43
_Groo_mrmcq2u: unfortunatelly kde 4.4 is broken with radeon and some other cards right now, but compiz works15:43
JontheEchidnafairly usual for that to happen with kdebindings around beta15:43
BluesKajyofel, I thought it might be like the network/interfaces file for eth015:43
JontheEchidnaand since the printer module uses the python bindings...15:44
yofelah ok15:44
JontheEchidnayeah, not nice, but not unusual and should resolve itself in beta2 or RC1 or so15:44
_Groo_JontheEchidna: also koffice and kdenlive are broken, i reported to neverfelde yesterday about it15:44
mrmcq2u_Groo - using gnome15:44
_Groo_mrmcq2u: ah ok, then just enable the modesetting and be happy with compiz15:45
mrmcq2u_Groo - any idea whether kms is enabled? I know it supports it as plymouth worked nicely with fedora15:45
seren__JontheEchidna: any ideas why my applications have disappeared completely from kickoff, lancelot, krunner or file association. It looks like Kde have forgotten about them15:45
seren__I can launch them though15:45
JontheEchidnaDid everything upgrade successfully? That's the only thing I can think of15:46
yofelah that reminds me, after some update I had a  desktop that consited of my configuration and the default configuration merged together. e.g. 2 panels, 2 folderview applets...15:46
_Groo_mrmcq2u: kms is enabled but you need to pass radeon.modeset=1 to grub at boot time15:46
seren__seems so but who knows...I might have a corrupted file somewhere :)15:46
JontheEchidnayofel: yeah, kubuntu-default-settings got a plasma-desktop-appletsrc so that plasma wouldn't crash for the iso15:47
yofelJontheEchidna: ok15:47
mrmcq2u_Groo - any eta on when grub defaults to enabling them?15:47
_Groo_mrmcq2u: ask the kubuntu gods, JontheEchidna for one , or neverfeld, apachelloger... im a minion15:47
yofelJontheEchidna: will that happen on every login for now, or was that only a one-time config reload?15:48
BUGabundoJontheEchidna: kmail keeps complaining about nepomuk on GNOME :(((15:48
JontheEchidnayofel: should be one time15:48
JontheEchidnaBUGabundo: same here :(15:48
_Groo_BUGabundo: thats because lucid is missing virtuoso ¬¬15:48
BUGabundoguys we need more testers for Chromium Beta... please help testing it https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/beta15:48
mrmcq2u_Groo - oh so its kde bugs that are holding it back atm?15:48
BUGabundo_Groo_: ahh15:48
BUGabundoI tried to disable all akonadi services15:48
_Groo_BUGabundo: im using it for almost 6 months.. works like a charm15:48
BUGabundobut no go :(15:48
BUGabundo_Groo_: not trunk... BETA15:49
_Groo_BUGabundo: ah :P15:49
BUGabundomeant for more "common" users15:49
mrmcq2uhehehe - been testing from that ppa for ages now15:50
_Groo_any eta for virtuoso btw?15:50
mrmcq2uoh wait no15:50
mrmcq2ubeen using daily15:50
JontheEchidna_Groo_: whenever it hits debian15:50
BUGabundomrmcq2u: right me too15:50
mrmcq2uyet still more stable than ... cough cough15:50
mrmcq2uI need not say more :D15:51
_Groo_JontheEchidna: is there any ppa i could use?15:51
_Groo_JontheEchidna: while waiting for debian?15:51
JontheEchidnaI think Lex was doing something like that15:51
JontheEchidnafor karmic at least15:51
mrmcq2uone thing that annoys me over firefox though is that when you have lots of tabs you cant see from a glance what they are because there are no icons or text for them :(15:51
_Groo_JontheEchidna: btw is project neon still working for kde? kde daily builds?15:52
JontheEchidna_Groo_: Quintasan is working on resurrecting it15:52
_Groo_JontheEchidna: oh ok15:53
seren__can you tell me what you have in ~/.local/share/applications cause I only have wine and 'applications' belongs to root:root15:57
seren__which does not seem right15:57
yofelseren__: http://paste.ubuntu.com/340600/15:59
JontheEchidnaIt might be a good idea to run: sudo chown -R seren.seren ~/15:59
seren__thx yofel15:59
yofelhm, anyone an idea how to debug a kmail freeze?16:01
BUGabundonot freezing here yofel16:01
yofelwhen I press <enter> to open a mail it just sits there unresponsive with 0% cpu16:01
BUGabundorun it on gdb16:01
BUGabundowell I got a bit of unresponsive16:01
BUGabundobut it was mouse input only16:02
yofelwell, I mean: unresponsive as in: screenshot mode16:02
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BUGabundonot here16:10
BUGabundonot latelly at least16:10
BUGabundoearly this week, yes16:10
BUGabundoit would crash16:10
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_Groo_BUGabundo: are you using kde daily ?16:11
BUGabundooficial repo16:11
BUGabundo$ apt-cache policy kmail  Installed: 4:4.3.80-0ubuntu216:11
BUGabundo        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com lucid/main Packages16:12
_Groo_BUGabundo: ah ok16:12
_Groo_BUGabundo: is klipper working for you? its mpty for me always16:12
BUGabundoI use gnome16:12
BUGabundoso parcelite here16:12
_Groo_BUGabundo: ¬¬16:13
_Groo_BUGabundo: just run klipper and see if it shows any text, i want to be sure before reporting the bug16:13
seren__Groo : same here, empty klipper16:13
BUGabundotehre you go16:13
_Groo_seren__: ah ok, its a bug then, not my config thats broken16:14
yofelklipper works fine here...16:14
BUGabundoyofel: when nothing else does?!16:14
yofelBUGabundo: well, most things work, it just seems to be quite random what does and  what doesn't work :/16:15
_Groo_yofel: it does oO? kde 4.4?16:15
yofelwtf? I can read mails in kmail if I open them as 'edit mail'16:15
yofelbut when I open them kmail freezes...16:16
BUGabundoyofel: its too soon to begging KDE madness16:16
BUGabundoits usually only around A316:16
yofel_Groo_: yes, klipper 4:4.3.80-0ubuntu216:16
BUGabundobut I guess you gonna do like I do: install GDB packages16:16
_Groo_yofel: very strange16:16
BUGabundoand run *everything* on GDB :)16:16
yofelBUGabundo: well, IT WORKED, some update broke iit16:16
_Groo_yofel: well im using latest X ppa, maybe its a xclipboard bug16:17
BUGabundoprob is : our kubuntu ninjas can't do much about it16:17
yofel_Groo_: edgers? might be16:17
yofelBUGabundo: well yeah, I'm just confused since it worked yesterday and is broken today...16:17
_Groo_yofel: yeah but i have a cursed radeon card, i need edgers :P16:18
yofelmaybe something broke on login initialization...16:18
_Groo_seren__: are you using what x, seren?16:18
BUGabundo" yofel have you rebooted it yet?" lol16:18
seren__what x version do you mean ?16:19
yofelBUGabundo: yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking of right now... *-.-16:19
yofelwell, let's check the retrace...16:19
_Groo_seren__: the version of Xorg, is lucid stack of xorg edgers?16:20
seren__this is the lucid stack from the official repositories without the xorg ppa16:20
yofelhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/340606/   seems fine to me...16:21
seren__xserver-common: 2:1.7.2-2ubuntu216:21
yofelbt with drkonqi after killing kmail16:21
_Groo_yofel: see, seren is using stack and klipper is broken for him too... very strange indeed16:21
yofeltrue... maybe I have some package installed that it needs to run and you don't? (I have pretty much all kde/-dev/-dbg packages installed)16:23
_Groo_yofel: gonna check16:24
yofelcould be a missing dependency16:24
BUGabundoyofel: kill the remaing KIO locks :)16:25
BUGabundo$ dpkg -l | pastebinit http://paste.ubuntu.com/340613/16:26
BUGabundoincase you guys need to compare16:26
BUGabundopretty basic stuff from fresh install16:26
BUGabundoand a few *required* superuser packages16:27
BUGabundoI should do a meta package for that eheh16:27
BUGabundoubuntu-desktop++ LOL16:27
SarvattBUGabundo: sudo apt-get install nvidia-190-kernel-source :D16:38
BUGabundohey Sarvatt16:39
BUGabundolong time no see16:39
Sarvattheyo man!16:39
BUGabundohow are you doing ?16:39
Sarvattgood, just fiddling with nvidia in edgers since its so messed up right now :D16:40
BUGabundoits working here16:41
BUGabundodon't mess it too much16:41
Sarvatt185 is working for you?16:41
BUGabundobesides that vdpau issue :)16:42
Sarvattyou sure you arent using vesa? :D16:42
BUGabundodid you know the bronco the assembled my GPU 18 months ago, left a seal over the GPU16:42
BUGabundomaking it much HOTTER then needed?16:42
Sarvatt185 wont even load with the xorg 7.5 libs16:42
BUGabundoSarvatt: how can I test?? I'm running compiz16:43
BUGabundoright 7.5 is broken16:43
BUGabundoI had to downgrade16:43
Sarvattbut you're using xserver 1.8 on that list you pasted16:43
Sarvattoh just common16:44
Sarvattwow thats a screwed up setup you got there :D16:44
BUGabundoSarvatt: how come?16:45
BUGabundomy setup is pretty clean16:45
BUGabundono great mess here16:45
SarvattBUGabundo: sorry, wasnt looking at irc there, I put a 190 series nvidia blob in edgers that'll work with all the rest of the xorg 7.5 stuff though if you're already using it16:51
BUGabundoI'll test it latter16:51
BUGabundogonna grab some food and watch the rest of Final Destination 416:52
BUGabundousually I multitask, but this film is too good to miss its bits :916:52
yofelhey nice... dolphin can't handle sftp:// any more...16:54
yofel"Invalid Protocol"16:54
yofeluh... kio_sftp.so is missing...16:56
JontheEchidnayofel: yeah, they switched to using libssh for sftp and we're still working on the Main Inclusion Report for libssh16:56
JontheEchidnaonce it gets a security review we'll be able to build the ssh kio slave16:57
yofelJontheEchidna: ok :) can you put a short comment on bug 49620816:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496208 in kdebase-workspace "sftp:// protocol no longer works in KDE 4.4 on lucid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49620816:58
seren__regarding ftp, there is something strange17:02
seren__I used to save a file I was editing with kate on a remote server and it was updated at once17:02
seren__now I need to close kate to get a pop up asking for update17:02
yofelseren__: indeed17:05
penguin42does the current lucid build of radeonhd have the 3d support for r700 based cards - I know it's very very new?17:13
Ian_Cornewhat aviyt 77O cards? :D17:19
nastasis there anyone that knows to help about internal card reader on a laptop?17:50
shadeslayernastas: max i know is that if it doesnt work check dmesg17:51
nastasshadeslayer: i did. nothing about card. i might screw my card reader :)17:55
shadeslayernastas: hehe... does it work in some other PC/OS ?17:58
nastasshadeslayer: yep17:59
shadeslayernastas: wierd then... does some other device work in the same USB port?17:59
LLStarkshow do i access the authorization menu?>17:59
LLStarksi need to modify my access17:59
nastasshadeslayer: it's an onboard card reader. and it almost works if i boot a livecd18:00
penguin42nastas: The hardware for those varies quite a bit - mine shows up as an mmc device18:01
shadeslayernastas: hmm... no idea,try lsmod on the live CD and compare the modules with the install18:01
penguin42nastas@ Try dmesg|grep mmc - mine shows 'mmc0: SDHCI controller on PCI [0000:07:06.3] using DMA'18:01
shadeslayerin lspci mine is shown as : 03:09.1 SD Host controller: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter (rev 22)18:02
penguin42yeh in mine lspci shows me both Mass storage controller: Texas Instruments 5-in-1 Multimedia Card Reader (SD/MMC/MS/MS PRO/xD) and Host controller: Texas Instruments PCIxx12 SDA Standard Compliant SD Host Controller18:03
nastassame here penguin42 except the dmesg | grep the output is different18:05
DanaGhmm, are tifm_7xx1 and tifm_sd loaded?18:05
penguin42nastas: What do you see on your dmesg ?18:05
DanaGthat'd be  for TI card reader.18:05
DanaGMine's Ricoh... no DMA by default, bleh.18:05
nastaspenguin42: mmc0: SDHCI controller on PCI [0000:02:09.4] using PIO18:06
shadeslayernastas: does it not show up in dolphin or nautilus?18:07
penguin42nastas: well that looks OK; what happens if you put a card in?18:07
nastaswhen i'm insert a card nothing happens18:07
penguin42nastas: Nothing at all appears in dmesg ?18:08
shadeslayernastas: what about dmesg | tail ?18:08
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nastasshadeslayer: http://pastebin.ubuntu-gr.org/m7bd11cfb18:09
nastasthats the output18:09
shadeslayernastas: did you remove and put the card in again?18:09
nastasyes shadeslayer i did18:10
shadeslayerhmm.. weird18:10
penguin42nastas: What does lspci | grep 02:09.4  give ?18:10
nastas02:09.4 SD Host controller: Texas Instruments PCI6411/6421/6611/6621/7411/7421/7611/7621 Secure Digital Controller18:11
shadeslayerits detected but not respondig ;P18:11
penguin42nastas: lsmod | grep -i ti ?18:12
penguin42nastas: sorry, grep -i tifm18:12
nastasthe output of "lsmod | grep -i tifm" is an absolute nothing18:13
nastasnothing happens18:13
nastaslol i know18:14
penguin42try modprobe tifm_core and tifm_7xx118:14
nastasFATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.31-17-generic/kernel/drivers/misc/tifm_core.ko': No such file or directory18:14
shadeslayernastas: sudo modprobe18:15
shadeslayernastas: not just modprobe ....18:15
nastasthe same output18:16
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nastasnastas@lazaros:~$ sudo modprobe tifm_core18:16
nastasFATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.31-17-generic/kernel/drivers/misc/tifm_core.ko': No such file or directory18:16
shadeslayernastas: what about the other one?18:16
nastastha same18:16
penguin42nastas: What kernels do you have in /lib/module ? and uname -a shows which kernel?18:16
penguin42sorry, /lib/modules18:17
nastasLinux lazaros 2.6.31-17-generic #54-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 10 16:20:31 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux18:17
DanaG31-17 is karmic, not lucid.18:18
penguin42nastas: I think you are running a kernel that you haven't got the packages installed for somehow, and hence don't have the modules18:19
shadeslayernastas: then why are you here?18:19
shadeslayernastas: do you have karmic or lucid?18:20
nastaskarmic and just asking a solution for my problem. is this so wrong?18:20
penguin42nastas: It's the wrong channel to ask in technically18:21
shadeslayernastas: please ask in #ubuntu or #kubuntu18:22
nastasok. thnx for you help anyway18:22
penguin42nastas: People will get confused into wondering if it's something that's just been broken in lucid18:22
nastasyou're right18:22
penguin42nastas: Anyway, check that you do actually have the kernel in /lib/modules/blah18:22
dtchenjoaopinto: pong18:29
dtchenjoaopinto: right, my last alsa-utils upload was precisely for that bug18:31
dtchenI just haven't gone back and triaged all the bug reports yet; there are probably a couple dozen18:31
sal_advice on "partial ugdate"?18:47
sal_first time testing a devel release18:48
sal_have a stable alpha running18:48
seren__sal : just wait for a few hours/ days18:48
yofelsal_: advice: never do partial upgrades18:48
yofelsal_: rather open a terminal and update with 'sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade'18:49
yofelor yes, wait a few days, but then something else might be broken ^^18:49
sal_i tried two days ago, and several times since.  still offering only partial18:50
yofelsal_: then use aptitude to find out why18:50
sal_yofel, this is safe/ best way - the comman lines?18:50
yofelsal_: well, the cli tools are what I'm most familiar with, there might be a gui, but don't know much there18:51
sal_this is new to me.  i would like to learn the terminal bits for this18:51
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:52
sal_'sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade' -- ?is best way for normal updates?18:52
yofelsal_: the guide is pretty nice for beginners18:52
yofelsal_: it's the best way for updates that won't break anything18:53
sal_i have been reading some of the guide18:53
yofelsal_: what I like is the interactive mode, just run 'sudo aptitude' and see ;)18:54
sal_great, thanks.  just what i am looking for18:54
yofelthere you'll see if packages are held back and can easy switch different solutions18:54
yofeltakes a bit getting used to though18:55
sal_how do i read all this?18:55
sal_or use it?18:55
yofelsal_: aptitude uses vi keybindings18:56
yofeluse hjkl for scrolling18:56
yofel+ - for adding/removing packages18:56
yofel / to search for packages18:57
sal_is there a man page?18:57
yofelcertainly, man aptitude18:58
sal_got it18:58
sal_what is the difference between aptitude and apt?18:58
sal_or apt-get, for example?18:59
yofelwell, aptitude has the better interface and a (sometimes) more intelligent dependency-resolver19:00
yofelbut mostly it's the same as apt-get19:00
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide19:01
sal_and the two sudo lines you gave above .. run those together always?19:02
yofelwell, not necessary, 'sudo aptitude update' (or 'u' in the interface) will refresh the package cache (same as apt-get update)19:03
yofelyou only need to do that once in a while19:03
yofelwe usually post those together here to make sure you have a up-to-date package cache19:04
yofelsudo aptitude safe-upgrade will then actually do the updating19:04
BUGabundowhy can't the darn bright settings get there act toghether !?!? grrrr19:04
yofel&& makes sure the 2. command is only run if the 1. command doesn't fail19:05
sal_so if i am wanting to do just basic updates through the lucid devel .. ? once a week, or ?19:05
BUGabundosal_: I do twice a day19:05
BUGabundo$ aptitudeupdate :D19:05
BUGabundogot an alias and everythign19:05
BUGabundoalias aptitudeupgrade='sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade ; sudo aptitude full-upgrade'19:06
BUGabundobut don't do, the FULL.... please DON'T (try this at home)19:06
sal_BUGabundo, not sure what all that means .. -v a bit please?19:06
seren__I didn't knew aptitude interactive mode19:06
seren__this is quite nice19:06
BUGabundoseren__: best way to upgrade19:07
BUGabundosal_: just keep running update-manager19:07
seren__since I am using apt-get usually19:07
BUGabundobut don't do partial upgrades ok ?19:07
sal_i have been, but it has only been offering the 'partial'19:07
BUGabundoseren__: I was like that up to one year ago19:07
yofelBUGabundo: the partial part was where this discussion began ;)19:07
seren__is this a bad idea to switch back and forth between aptitude and apt-get N19:07
sal_so i am looking for another way ..19:07
BUGabundothen I found aptitude manage depency much better19:07
BUGabundoso thanks to KDE mess :)19:07
BUGabundoseren__: no19:08
BUGabundosal_: try $ sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade ; sudo aptitude full-upgrade19:08
sal_what i am really here for today .. to find an good/best/safe way to keep lucid updated.  am new to testing/ devel19:08
BUGabundojust to see if anything is stuck19:08
sal_but not the Full part, right?19:09
BUGabundoyep, don't19:09
BUGabundojust CHECK19:09
BUGabundoI only do that if im *really* sure it's a depency jump19:10
BUGabundoand not broken depencies19:10
sal_so .. $ sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade19:11
sal_twice daily with vinegar?19:11
sal_should keep me good ..?19:11
BUGabundoIt should keep in a mess19:12
sal_good/bad/ugly mess?19:12
BUGabundogood mess19:12
sal_thanks, just what i'm after .. i think19:13
sal_when would i want to do the Full part? at the alpha2?19:14
sal_or .. ?19:14
yofelsal_: sometimes package depdencies are changed during development, like recently when upstart was removed from ubuntu-desktop to make place for plymouth19:14
yofelsal_: aptitude safe-upgrade in this case will NOT remove usplash19:15
yofelargh, s/upstart/usplash19:15
sal_but later it may be removed at a safer time/place?19:16
yofelsal_: full-upgrade will remove usplash, but you first have to see if what aptitude wants to do is intended by the developers or not19:16
yofelsal_: if not: you'll probably break your system19:16
sal_ok.  being new to using a devel release, i'm just trying to crawl along and KISS19:17
yofelsal_: no problem, hang out here and ask questions, you'll learn it with the time19:17
sal_will do.  thanks for the patient help19:18
yofelsal_: you might want to check this ML if you want to keep up with the changes in lucid: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Lucid-changes19:19
yofelthose are the package changelogs19:19
sal_i'll read it and see if i can decipher any of it ;-)19:20
sal_ML =?19:20
ubottuMail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailing lists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com19:20
yofelyou can get a changelog for a specific package with 'aptitude changelog <package>' too19:20
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joaopintodtchen, it fixed it, thanks19:35
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DanaGweird... viafb has horrible visual glitches.20:27
IdleOneDanaG: how did the upgrade go?20:28
DanaGoh, that radeon?  it caused null-pointer dereferences until I passed radeon.agpmode=-1.20:30
=== BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGabundo
DanaGoh, and I've swapped the drive over to another system, for a little while, and now need help with this:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25792420:31
IdleOneDanaG: I was tlaking about the upgrade to Lucid you mentioned last night20:33
IdleOnesomething about do-release-upgrade not working20:33
DanaGYeah, do-release-upgrade didn't work.20:37
DanaGHad to use the GTK update-manager.20:37
IdleOneI am a little nervous about upgrading20:38
IdleOnethen again I could always just reinstall20:39
dtchenDanaG: that's a bit odd; the backend is identical20:39
DanaGYeah, weird.20:39
IdleOnehere goes nothing20:40
DanaGI could also use this thing: http://www.yggdrasl.demon.co.uk/code/20:40
IdleOnewhere can I look at a default karmic sources.list?20:41
IdleOnemine seems to have some weird repos init20:42
IdleOnein it*20:42
BUGabundoIdleOne: comment them prior to upgrade20:44
IdleOneBUGabundo: good idea20:44
BUGabundoIdleOne: I _think_ UM does it for you non the less20:45
IdleOnewell it's the backport repos that seem to be causing the issue20:46
IdleOneand proposed20:46
BUGabundothere are none on +120:50
IdleOneBUGabundo: ^^ any ideas?20:54
BUGabundocomment them ?20:54
BUGabundoyou dotn need them for nor20:54
IdleOneI don't see them in sources.list20:54
yofelwasn't that the canonical partner repos?20:54
yofelI have 'deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner' in my sources list20:56
BUGabundodamn it20:57
yofelIdleOne: what does grep 'partner' /etc/apt/sources.list give you?20:57
BUGabundothere must be a way to make pidgin fonts bigger20:57
BUGabundoI'm going BLIND IN HERE20:58
yofelBUGabundo: mom20:58
BUGabundothis stupid thing got extremlly small fonts Friday20:58
BUGabundoand I can't make them bigger20:59
BUGabundoI can't read this20:59
BUGabundospending two day with this F*** is driving me crazyt20:59
yofelhm, pidgin seems to have changed a lot since I last used it...21:00
BUGabundoit did, in this last update21:00
BUGabundomostly settigns menu21:00
DanaGgrr, something randomly decided to bring my system grinding to a high-load halt.21:01
BUGabundocome one21:05
BUGabundosome one here must be albe to help me21:05
BUGabundoor you guys and galls like me so much you want me out of here?!?!21:05
BUGabundook, ill try #pidgin21:05
* BUGabundo puts armor suit on21:05
IdleOneBUGabundo: use a real IRC client :P21:05
BUGabundowish me luck21:06
BUGabundoDAMN IT21:07
BUGabundoI'm downgrading to pidgin PPA21:07
BUGabundowhat the heck...21:08
BUGabundosynaptic doesn't let me downgrade?21:08
BUGabundoand shows NO error ?21:08
BUGabundoheck... I'll use compiz zoom instead21:10
BUGabundoZERO replies in #pidgin... as usual21:10
BUGabundoat least no one is throwing me chairs the moment I say "ubuntu"21:11
yofelBUGabundo: how about... xchat, quassel, chatzilla, ...21:11
BUGabundoyofel: never liked xchat or chatzilla21:11
BUGabundonever tried quassel21:11
BUGabundobut I love to have all IM/µblogging/IRC in one window21:12
IdleOneBUGabundo: and yofel thanks for the hints btw21:13
yofelyou're welcome21:14
* Tscheesy 's updating his Kubuntu Netbook Edition :)21:25
* popey hands BUGabundo a copy of irssi,bitlbee and twirssi :)21:25
BUGabundothanks popey21:26
BUGabundodoes any of those groups all my IM protocols ?21:26
popeybitlbee does21:26
popeyi use one window for all my IM/irc/microblogging... screen running on a remote server with irssi, twirssi and bitlbee running in it21:27
BUGabundolet me try it then21:27
BUGabundo"An IRC to other chat networks gateway"21:28
BUGabundoerr not what I need21:28
BUGabundoits a gateway21:29
BUGabundoI need a client21:29
popeythe client is irssi, the irc client21:29
popeyso in the irc client i have irc, MSn, yahoo, google talk, icq etc, and twitter and identica21:30
sal_yofel, i managed all the upgrades from earlier .. the hang on the 'partial update' seems coming from gdm21:30
yofelsal_: do you have kubuntu-desktop installed?21:31
sal_yofel, i have 2.29.1-0ubuntu3 current, but not sure how to read all the package changes .. anything to do or not do with this?21:31
sal_no kubuntu21:31
yofelsal_: yes, ubuntu5 conflicts with usplash since plymouth will be used in the future21:32
sal_yofel, so just leave it as is for now ?21:33
yofelsal_: either that or remove usplash21:34
sal_yofel, usplash is a package(?) -- at some future point of update, this would be resolved naturally, yes?21:35
sal_remove usplash, then update gdm?21:35
yofelit should be, but I can't really give you tested advice, I have to keep gdm back since I would have to remove kubuntu-desktop too21:37
BUGabundopidgin fixed21:38
BUGabundodarn place to put the font settigns21:38
BUGabundoon a freaking plugin21:38
sal_yofel, ok.  thanks.  i'll just let it be for now ..21:38
ubottuyes, I'm alive.21:46
* cwillu pokes his head in21:46
BUGabundoahhhh size 13 is guud21:46
* BUGabundo hugs cwillu21:46
BUGabundodude you owe me a beer21:46
cwillu-28.0C, feels like -39.5C21:46
cwilludo you mind if its frozen?21:47
BUGabundo+10ºC feels like 4º21:47
* cwillu runs outside quickly to start his car21:47
BUGabundocwillu why isn't your car inside, next to the fireplace?21:48
sal_BUGabundo, ubottu sent pm saying its a know nothing re plymouth21:54
BUGabundoso why are you asking me?21:54
BUGabundodo I look like a bot?21:54
BUGabundoI've out grown that phase21:54
sal_from my knowledge .. yup21:54
cwilluBUGabundo, don't have a garage, nor a fireplace21:55
BUGabundocwillu kitchen oven ? :p21:56
BUGabundo!search plymouth21:56
yofelsal_: plymouth is still very new in ubuntu, see http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/FeatureBetterStartup for now21:56
BUGabundoohh yeah the startup thing we dumped21:56
DanaGPlymouth just plain refuses to even try working on my system.21:56
BUGabundoyofel: we kicked it out21:56
BUGabundotooo slow21:56
ubottuFreedesktop bug 22239 in plymouth general "improve console= handling" [Normal,New]21:56
yofelBUGabundo: no, lucid will have it after all21:57
yofelBUGabundo: didn't notice gdm kicking out usplash?21:57
BUGabundoman I really should read the ML21:58
BUGabundo2k unread emails :(21:58
sal_i looked it up21:58
robin0800BUGabundo: what it is to be popular21:58
yofelBUGabundo: see https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-lucid-boot-experience21:59
BUGabundorobin0800: no idea.. I'm not :)22:00
BUGabundonot anymore at least22:00
BUGabundotry me 2 or 3 cycles ago22:00
BUGabundoand I would know more then the bot it self22:00
BUGabundonow I barelly keep up :(22:01
Tscheesyhm - no Desktop-shell whithin upgraded KNE22:25
Tscheesyah plasma-netbook was not running22:29
nhasianhello everyone22:30
Tscheesyhuch - what's Byobo  Window Manager needed for ?22:32
yofelTscheesy: if you mean byobu: profiles for screen22:44
sebsebsebsal_: oh you are in here as well22:47
sebsebsebsal_: hi?22:48
sebsebsebsal_: So what's this  about GDM updates in Lucid?22:50
Crashbit!w IMHO22:52
sebsebseb!pm > sal_22:52
ubottusal_, please see my private message22:52
Crashbituish, sorry22:52
sal_got it.  sorry22:53
yofelsebsebseb: the new gdm breaks usplash, so you need to remove usplash to update22:54
sebsebsebsal_: your new to Ubuntu?22:54
sebsebsebyofel: oh, but usplash is going to get replaced by Plymouth isn't it?22:54
sebsebseband xsplash will get replaced by that as well?22:55
sebsebsebuh at all these names22:55
yofelsebsebseb: yes, but the situation right now ends with gdm being held back by apt22:55
sebsebsebwhat do you mean held back by apt?22:55
bjsniderthey want the boot time held to less than 10 seconds anyway22:55
sal_this was giving me the 'partial upgrade' thing in update mngr22:55
bjsniderthey want it like osx where there is hardly any boot time22:56
sebsebsebsal_: some things are best for a channel see,  also I have only ran my alpha 1 vm briefuly, so I didn't actsauly know what you were talking about22:56
BUGabundoyofel: so is it safe to force the upgrade of GDM?22:56
BUGabundoor are depencies still tripping ?22:56
yofelBUGabundo: afaik yes, DanaG might now more22:57
sal_yofel helped get me going around it, my issue is solved for now, but curious what others are doind ..22:57
sal_sebsebseb, thanks for the irc user tip(s)22:57
sebsebsebyofel: sal_  thought this channel was off topic for Lucid, or something like that22:58
yofelsebsebseb: err... this is #ubuntu+122:58
sebsebsebyofel: exactly22:58
sebsebsebI told them in pm that it's on topic here22:58
yofelwell yeah, even the topic says so22:59
sal_lucid is apparently offtopic in the main support channel, my bad22:59
sebsebsebsal_: in the main support channel it is yes, but not in here22:59
sal_got it22:59
sebsebsebwell I guess it's ok to suggest people stay on 8.04 for now and wait untill 10.04, depending on how that is done etc22:59
sebsebsebin the main one23:00
BUGabundosal_: FYI this # is meant for support and discussion for +1 and +223:00
BUGabundothen again, most of us in here are just users or little time devs23:01
sebsebsebBUGabundo: +2 as well, that would be  10.1023:01
sebsebsebwhen is that released by the way?23:01
BUGabundoand many many times we can really make our voices be heard in the true decisions23:01
BUGabundosebsebseb: duh october 201023:01
sebsebsebyeah I know23:01
sebsebsebI am wondering about the day the date23:01
BUGabundoask the GOD23:01
sebsebsebUbuntu seems to like releasing on a Thursday23:02
sebsebsebfinal releases, but also  alpha's etc23:02
bjsniderBUGabundo, we can make our voices heard in which decisions?23:02
BUGabundobjsnider: "can't" :(23:02
bjsnideri see23:03
BUGabundoremember all those bugs we fough and lost ?23:03
bjsniderwhich decisions did you have in mind?23:03
DanaGwhat about me?23:03
BUGabundoUM, OSD, boots, etc23:03
BUGabundoDanaG: GDM upgrde23:03
BUGabundosafe or foo ?23:03
DanaGhmm, I don't remember what was up with that.23:03
yofelDanaG: usplash removal23:04
bjsniderBUGabundo, i'll tell you a little story23:04
sebsebsebThursday April 29th is 10.04, so does that mean that 10.10 comes out on Thursday 28th October?23:04
BUGabundosebsebseb: not sure23:04
BUGabundobjsnider: you work for the big guy, and are a agent in diskise?23:04
DanaGah yeah, plymouth looks nice... when it doesn't decide not to run.23:04
DanaGAnd yes, it does actively DECIDE not to run, on my system.23:05
ubottuFreedesktop bug 22239 in plymouth general "improve console= handling" [Normal,New]23:05
bjsnidersomebody asked me to package kaffeine0.8.8 because kaffeine pre1 in karmic was useless. i went into kubuntu-devel channel and asked who made the decision to package pre1 over 0.8.8, which was more stable, and they said it was made because no users objected23:05
sebsebsebDanaG: Mandriva 2010's Plymouth is rather nice indeed, I wonder what 10.04's will be like.   my boot up was a bit uh last time I was in my vm about two days or whatever for alpha 123:05
DanaGhmm, try setting default theme to spinfinity.23:05
sebsebsebat least that xplash rubbish will be replaced :)   well xplash is ok23:06
DanaGIf we had a spinner instead of an infinity-sign, it'd be nice.23:06
sebsebsebjust  I wonder about  if it's possible to get the boot up text mode as well with xplash hmm23:06
sal_BUGabundo, am aware of that +1.  i think just some confusion .. switching channels23:06
* sebsebseb really likes having a text boot, but wants a picture of some sort there as well23:07
BUGabundobjsnider: so you mean no one complaint23:07
BUGabundoeither no one is using the proper channels23:08
BUGabundoor no one is listenign to users23:08
sebsebsebMandriva's is good,  press esc to get the text mode,  and if don't do that,  have the graphical boot23:08
bjsniderBUGabundo, right, no users complained that pre-1 was missing the dvb-s2 features, or supposedly it would have been dropped from the karmic cycle23:08
BUGabundobjsnider: up to one year ago *that* was MY task23:08
BUGabundoto be in between devs and users23:08
BUGabundoto keep up on both sides, and mediate intel23:09
bjsniderwell, i wonder why they're coming to me about this whent hey should be sending in bugs complaining23:09
BUGabundobut no more time for it unfortunatelly23:09
bjsnideri mean i don't use kaffeine!23:09
BUGabundoto keep up woth several MLs, wiki pages, blogs, IRC #s23:09
bjsniderthis is what one of the users told me in response to being asked why he didn't speak up about the kaffeine issue:23:11
BUGabundoso now I'm counting on YOU guys to take my roll in the community23:11
bjsnider"Unfortunately, I missed the testing of kaffeine; probably also because I am already trying to have other points of Ubuntu improved."23:11
BUGabundodevel spin cycle23:11
BUGabundoone of the reasons I run +1 since so early is to have everything I use running on stable23:12
BUGabundonot that ill be running stable for long :)23:12
bjsnidermany users don't seem to understand how to get directly in touch with the ubuntu devs to stop them from going ahead with bad decisions23:12
BUGabundobut it still manages to work well up to FF/A6 and then break before beta and not get fixed :(23:12
BUGabundobjsnider: well from my POV even if they knew how, and actually did23:13
yofelbjsnider: someone even created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperCommunication for that23:13
BUGabundomany of those times they wouldn't be listened to23:13
bjsniderhave you said that in the motu channel?23:13
BUGabundoI remember when I shared my ideas on -devel/devel-discuss MLs23:13
BUGabundomost of the times I was just pushed back :(23:13
bjsniderbrushed off?23:14
BUGabundoI'm tired of it23:14
BUGabundoI became that kind of super user that goes get a workaround23:15
BUGabundoinstead of actually working to fix a prob23:15
BUGabundoshame on me23:15
BUGabundobe it gets really tired after a point23:15
BUGabundorunning, testing, supporting, user formation, public information, for over 3 years tears a person apart23:16
bjsnideryes but that's your place in this23:18
bjsnideryou've chosent hat over developing or just sitting back and using23:18
BUGabundoits my personality fault23:19
BUGabundoI can't leave a person without help, if I can help23:19
bjsniderthe kubuntu-devel guys also told me that they did not have enough time to fully test the software, which raises questions about the rest of the kubuntu distro23:20
BUGabundoso I try to know all I can on a subject I'm intereted so I can help23:20
BUGabundoplus I can so easilly find bugs in anything I touch , so I tend to help test and file bugs and suggestions on any new project I pick up, until I get bothered or it works as I need it too23:20
yofelbjsnider: well, they invented the timelord project to help with the poor q/a issue23:21
DanaGToo bad Ubuntu doesn't use fbcondecor.23:21
bjsnideri don't know what that is23:21
BUGabundome neiehte23:22
DanaGit used to be called fbsplash.23:22
DanaGFancy console backgrounds, that's what.23:22
yofellemme see... we have 122 people in #ubuntu-bugs and... 15 in #kubuntu-bugs23:23
yofelyep, not enough to triage  all kubuntu  bugs at LP23:24
bjsniderwhat does that tell you23:24
BUGabundoyofel: and k-devel vs u-devel23:24
yofelthat too23:24
bjsniderat one point it looked to me that there as only one guy, riddel of course, packaging anything for kde, but that was a couple years ago23:25
yofelyeah, there are a lot more now, or we probably wouldn't have seen kde4.4 for alpha123:26
bjsniderhave they held on to riddell?23:26
bjsnideror is he gone?23:26
yofelhe's still there afaik23:29
bjsniderwell, continuity over the years is good23:33
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
* cwillu_at_work huggles BUGabundo23:56
cwillu_at_workdoesn't help that there isn't a good list of features that users care about (and that such a thing is probably impossible to create in the first place)23:56
* cwillu_at_work thinks23:58
BUGabundocwillu at work?23:58
BUGabundocar didn't have much probs?23:58
cwillu_at_workis at work23:58
BUGabundocan't imagine what is driving with those temparatures23:58
cwillu_at_worknah, never had issues starting it as long as the battery is good, but it still doesn't like driving cold23:58
BUGabundocolder I've ever driven was like -2ºC23:58
cwillu_at_worknot very slippery when it gets uber cold23:58
cwillu_at_workyep, that's about as bad as it gets for slippery, ice gets less slippery as it gets colder23:59
cwillu_at_workends up a little worse than driving in fresh rain23:59

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