
Rocket2DMnjjesse, on a roll buddy!03:11
jjesseRocket2DMn: i think i have most if not all of the reported karmic bugs fixed for kubuntu-docs03:11
jjesseso then we can somehow figure out how to do an SRU for kubuntu-docs03:11
Rocket2DMnthat's awesome03:11
Rocket2DMnI just sent out a request to help get ubuntu-docs bugs fixed03:12
jjesseand the lucid kubuntu-docs are started to rock again03:12
jjessewhich is nice03:12
jjesseok i'm out to walk the dog, see you later :)03:12
Rocket2DMnokie dokie, peace03:12
mistryniteshany reason why link to karmic specs still showing on the /Kubuntu/Todo/Lucid wiki page?07:09
Darkwing-Netbookmistrynitesh: Not sure, hang on...07:10
Darkwing-Netbookmistrynitesh: Fixed. :) Thanks for pointing that out.07:20
mistryniteshDarkwink-Netbook: thanks for redirecting :)07:22
Darkwing-Netbookhehe I just realized you were in there LOL07:23
Rocket2DMnmdke, if you get a few minutes today, I have some questions I'd like to run by you15:37
=== astechgeek is now known as techgeek
dhillon-v10nixternal, hi :)20:17
* dhillon-v10 says hi to everyone20:17

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