
nigel_nbdoctormo: need a favor00:00
pleia2cprofitt: yes, and people interested in education00:00
nigel_nbdoctormo: need a template folder in there for new classes.  Preferably as a new folder.  Can you?00:00
nigel_nbdoctormo: just the basic folders and one file of instructions.  If you want me to make it, can do00:01
cprofittpleia2: what do you think of having a new forum area added?00:01
pleia2cprofitt: for educators or this project?00:02
cprofittfor educators00:02
pleia2forums aren't really my forte00:02
pleia2so I'm not sure :)00:02
cprofittI think it hurts that there is not one.00:03
cprofittTo me it fits with your feeling on having the Ubuntu Women's forum area00:05
cprofittdo you know the process to have a new area created pleia2 ?00:05
pleia2cprofitt: not a clue, and they were cutting back on the number of forums (they actually shut down UW until I objected)00:07
cprofittah... well then it may be tough to get one.00:07
cprofittBy the way doctormo and pleia2 I want to publicly acknowledge what a great conribution you have both made to UCLP00:08
pleia2might talk to bodhi though, since he's an admin and all :)00:08
cprofittit was fantastic tohave you both go to UDS and represent00:08
pleia2thanks cprofitt!00:08
cprofittand the work on asciidoc has been fantastic00:08
cprofittit shames me that my efforts have not been up to that measure.00:08
doctormonigel_nb: Aye, we should chat about what you mean, I'm not sure.00:09
doctormoThanks cprofitt, very kind of you to say, but I've been focusing a lot of my time on education this year, perhaps next I will be forced to get a real job and won't have as much time.00:09
pleia2doctormo: oh no, not a real job!00:10
doctormoAlthough various people are pushing me to go into education propperly.00:10
cprofittReal jobs are a good way of staying alive... that is for sure.00:11
cprofittdoctormo: as in becoming a teacher?00:11
doctormocprofitt: Of some description, not sure what level of students, but people have mooted that I might be good at it.00:11
cprofittIn the US that involves getting a BA - student teaching - then a masters00:12
cprofittits a tough road00:12
cprofitteasier when you are not employed or married though I suspect00:12
doctormoi am married00:12
cprofittI would have taken too big a cut in pay to do it...00:12
cprofittwell... then it becomes a bit more difficult -- kids?00:13
cprofittsorry that I did not know you were married doctormo00:13
doctormoAlthough I suspect that traditional (i.e. kids) teaching might not be possible, as I couldn't teach windows.00:13
cprofittyou have not mentioned that -- at least not that I recall.00:13
* pleia2 gets dragged off again00:13
pleia2doctormo: will you be around tomorrow morning?00:13
cprofittdoctormo: there are some schools that use FLOSS00:13
doctormocprofitt: Did I not send you a picture of my wife in corsett?00:13
cprofittdoctormo: you sent me a picture of a lady in a corsett... not sure you specified wife00:14
doctormopleia2: morning for US EST, should be.00:14
pleia2doctormo: ok, cool00:14
cprofittwhat time pleia2 ?00:14
pleia2cprofitt: I will be around all morning est00:14
cprofitt-- did you need me on?00:14
pleia2just wanted to ask some questions about our format and scripts00:14
pleia2nigel and I went over a bunch this morning, was way helpful00:15
* pleia2 phone &00:15
doctormoSo... pleia2, cprofitt, BiosElement(not here) and nigel_nb: you might want to throttle me, but I want to modify things slightly in the structure. Thinking over about what's been said, I think it might be worth putting each of the sections into a single file, instead of having a directory for each one.00:25
nigel_nboh no!00:26
cprofittdoctormo: sounds like what bioselement and I discussed the other night00:26
doctormocprofitt: It could be, but if it's what BiosElement already has written out, then it might not be.00:26
nigel_nbdoctormo: My personal opinion, do what you have to do and make it final soon.00:27
cprofittno... I do not think it was what he had written out...00:27
cprofittI think it might be best to stick with what we have for now though00:27
doctormoIt depends on what perspective is put on the single file, the idea is to simply take our 4 files in the directory and concat them, leaving you with still a number of modular sections.00:27
cprofittwe need to stop changing the structure until we have time to truly test it00:28
doctormocprofitt: That's true, but in this case it's changing it because of us trying it out.00:28
cprofittah -- what are you trying to compile your current content too?00:28
cprofittlink to the source asciidoc?00:29
nigel_nbdoctormo: We need a deadline when everything with the format will be done, decided, and finalized.00:29
cprofittnigel_nb: we do not need to finalize it...00:30
doctormonigel_nb: Well, decided and finalised are further off that we think. That takes a vote I think.00:30
cprofittbut we need to have a deadline for an Alpha that is functional00:30
nigel_nbcprofitt: my course is heavily dependent on the structure00:30
cprofittthen we can use it to make PDF courses and Moodle courses and adjust from there00:30
nigel_nbcprofitt: when the structure changes, I have to modify the course accordingly00:30
doctormoBut if I said that having all the scripts in place to render docbooks, pdfs, htmls should be in place by morning time. This small change included.00:30
cprofittnigel_nb: I agree... your course is about the 'structure' correct?00:31
nigel_nbcprofitt: its about how to contribute00:31
* cprofitt nods to nigel_nb 00:31
nigel_nbcprofitt: I not only have to change the structure of my course, I have to change my course accordingly too, so it would be nice if we finalized it00:31
nigel_nbI dont mind these changes too much really00:31
nigel_nbbut I want something finalized so that we can pace up course creation00:32
doctormonigel_nb: How long are you online for this evening?00:32
cprofittnigel_nb: until we utilize the first Alpha I am not sure we can finalize though00:32
nigel_nbdoctormo: I'm off in an hour00:32
nigel_nbcprofitt: :(00:32
cprofittwe have to do at least one course end to end in all formats to see if we need adjustments00:32
cprofittwhile we can all hope none are needed...00:33
cprofittwe can not truly say 'done' 'final' until we have put it to use00:33
nigel_nbcprofitt: by done I mean, ready for teaching others00:33
doctormoI agree00:33
doctormonigel_nb: OK, lets make sure this works in the next hour before you go.00:34
nigel_nbcprofitt: doctormo's new scripts are almost on the mark, if everything works out, I can get my course ready soon00:34
nigel_nbcprofitt: now I just need to give a brush of the format which I'm glad I haven't started since we're tinkering with it now ;)00:34
cprofittstill need to test the transition to Moodle though00:34
nigel_nbcprofitt: that needs a dedicated set of people actually.  Because the quiz and stuff is going to be difficult00:35
cprofittnigel_nb: well... the project needs to make sure that there is a working process00:37
cprofittregardless of who does what parts00:37
nigel_nbcprofitt: yep :)00:37
cprofittall I am leaving the door open too is that if changing the process slightly makes translation to / from Moodle eaier00:38
cprofittthat will need to be considered00:38
cprofittwould you agree with that doctormo pleia2 ?00:41
doctormocprofitt: I would00:45
cprofittcool :-)00:46
doctormonigel_nb: Pushed a new banch, take a look at it's changes and tell me frankly what you think.00:47
nigel_nbdoctormo: a new branch or updated trunk?00:47
cprofittnigel_nb: nice picture by the way00:48
nigel_nbcprofitt: hehe, the one on your site?00:48
nigel_nbcprofitt: that was my testing of cheese ;)00:48
cprofittyeah -- that is your; right?00:48
doctormonigel_nb: updated trunk00:49
nigel_nbcprofitt: thats me :)00:49
nigel_nbdoctormo: merging00:49
cprofittnigel_nb: I am happy to have 12 members to that site in under 24 hours00:52
nigel_nbcprofitt: we're a helpful crowd :)00:52
nigel_nbcprofitt: after joining bug squad I forgot how many sites (upstream bug trackers, etc) I've signed up and I get around 100 mails every 3 days...00:53
cprofittI think you, John and I are the only people that are not educators00:53
doctormocprofitt: I would have joined, but the registration process went and died.00:54
cprofittdoctormo: are you running Windows?00:55
* cprofitt runs and hides00:55
nigel_nbdoctormo: not bad, need some time learning the new one though00:55
doctormocprofitt: Besmitched.00:56
* cprofitt flops on the floor like a trout out of water00:56
doctormonigel_nb: It's simply a concatination of each of the asciidoc files with <== between each section, then the build script I'm about to commit, splits it out and puts it back into the directories we currently have.00:57
doctormoIt's simply a way to move the directories to build only processes.00:57
nigel_nbdoctormo: okay, once its ready, let me know so I can get my last section ready :)00:57
doctormoSart getting it ready for the test :-)00:58
nigel_nbim off then guys01:04
nigel_nbsunday, time to get ready fer church :)01:04
FFEMTcJ'night nigel_nb01:06
doctormonigel_nb: Pushing rev18 with updated and tested scripts.01:09
FFEMTcJmy first blod post to planet just went up01:15
doctormoFFEMTcJ: What's a blod post? :-D01:16
doctormoChris Johnston?01:16
FFEMTcJblog.. whatever01:17
cprofittnigel_nb: what is your wave account?01:17
cprofittnigel_nb: I did not get that from you...01:24
cprofittI dropped... sorry01:24
cprofittwant to add you to my wave01:24
FFEMTcJcprofitt: he didnt answer01:25
cprofittwas not sure...01:25
FFEMTcJid give you mine, but it wouldnt help :-P01:28
cprofittFFEMTcJ: true...01:28
cprofittunless you too join the Ubuntu Educators group... and want to be part of that wave01:29
FFEMTcJI was actually gonna ask you about that.. I'm a little confused.. Its a group for teachers/instructors who use ubuntu?01:30
cprofittit is a group for educators - teachers / edu administrators / edu support staff01:31
cprofittwho use Ubuntu and/or FLOSS01:31
* FFEMTcJ doesnt fit any of that...01:31
cprofittthat was the angle that I originally approached UCLP when Vantrax and I were formulating creating UCLP01:32
cprofittthough more from the standpoint of creating Moodle courses that educators could use01:33
cprofittto aide their transition to Ubuntu and FLOSS01:33
cprofittthe same courses would likely be usable by business unless they got curriculum specific01:33
FFEMTcJpleia2: you arent around are you?01:40
Pendulumcprofitt: I'd actually be interested in that. my mum's a teacher and while where she teaches doesn't use Ubuntu (they're a MacOS school), I think they use moodle01:40
cprofittCool... what the link Pendulum01:41
cprofittpart of the transition process would likely be staying with OS X or Windows and using FLOSS01:41
cprofittI meant do you want the link?01:41
Pendulumyes, please :)01:41
cprofittlet her and her fellow teacher know as well.01:42
FFEMTcJPendulum: we have 10 instructors, 9 hours and then the intro hour01:42
cprofittFFEMTcJ: are we nailing down the schedule?01:42
FFEMTcJcprofitt: id like to01:42
Pendulumyeah, I don't know that the school would ever switch (it's a prep school and students are actually required to own mac laptops), I know the current tech guy does OSS stuff and such01:42
PendulumFFEMTcJ: nice :)01:42
Pendulum*but I know...01:43
FFEMTcJHere is my thought:01:44
FFEMTcJSwitching * install at 130001:44
FFEMTcJ1400 equiv programs01:44
cprofittPendulum: required to own a mac?01:44
FFEMTcJ1500 finding help01:45
FFEMTcJ1600 command line basics01:45
FFEMTcJ1700 restricted drivers01:45
FFEMTcJthere is still a pgp course.. but other than that people didnt put what they wanna teach01:46
cprofittwhat is the URL to our page again01:46
cprofittfor the Ubuntu day stuff...01:46
cprofittI see we added some later times01:47
Pendulumcprofitt: http://edcommunity.apple.com/ali/story.php?itemID=11690 is the school01:47
cprofittif that is possible I would be happy to move my section later if it was better.01:48
cprofittI am GMT-501:48
cprofittand can do anything up until 04:00 UTC01:48
FFEMTcJwe stop at 2200 utc01:48
PendulumOne sec, I'm going to edit the wiki so all the times are UTC so I can look at it and actually parse it better ;)01:49
cprofittsomeone added time up until 03:00 UTC01:49
FFEMTcJcprofitt: I was thinking to do the courses if possible in an order that makes sense.. so install would be first.. and then eqiv programs, would be shortly there after01:49
cprofittcurious as to why we would end at 22:00UTC01:49
FFEMTcJthats 10 hours01:50
cprofittFFEMTcJ: yeah... only issue is at GMT-5 I can not really do things that early01:50
cprofittyes, but 10 hours across a globe spanning 24 hours01:51
FFEMTcJI understand that..01:51
cprofitt22:00 UTC = 17:00 UTC-5 (EDT) or 13:00 UTC-8... etc01:51
cprofittso if you have instructors willing to go later -- why not?01:51
cprofitt12:00 UTC would be very early for a person in California.01:52
Pendulumbtw, do we know who is doing the intro?01:53
Pendulumor is it going to be a collective thing from those of us organizing?01:53
FFEMTcJPendulum: I'm thinking collective01:53
FFEMTcJpleia2: said she had some material for it.. but i was kindof thinkging collective01:53
cprofittPendulum: If Apple was a better 'corporate partner' with schools I may not choke on the idea of paying 2x the cost of their laptops01:55
FFEMTcJcprofitt: going by tat thought tho (that 12utc is early for CA, then the course at 12 should be repeated at 2201:55
PendulumFFEMTcJ: I see one problem with doing command line basics when you have it scheduled, which is that cprofitt signed up for that one and he's not available until later ;)01:55
Pendulumerr.. not CL basics, equivalent programbs01:55
cprofittFFEMTcJ: if we had enough instructors and could have multiple IRC rooms that would be a grand idea01:56
FFEMTcJya.. we are talking about that01:56
FFEMTcJPendulum: ^01:56
PendulumI suspect some of the bits of getting extra instructors, etc. may be a "when we do this again" thing01:56
cprofittits one of the things that plague a synchronous presentation of material on a global scale01:56
cprofittPendulum: +101:57
cprofittwe have to build..01:57
FFEMTcJcprofitt: thats what logs are for01:57
cprofittthe global time issue is what I like Moodle for... it allows Asynchronous courses01:57
FFEMTcJUOW/UDS isnt 24 hours..01:57
Pendulumoh, I think it'd be great if eventually it worked so we could do essentially a 24hr thing at some point01:57
cprofitthow many people attending UDS do so remotely?01:57
Pendulumcprofitt: both FFEMTcJ and I did :)01:58
cprofittI did too...01:58
FFEMTcJI would say a fair amount.. I dont know a number tho01:58
FFEMTcJbut all the chans seemed quite active01:58
Pendulumbecause I think a flaw in UOW is that it only works for certain time zones01:58
cprofittand I would say remote attendance of live events are a bit different than all on-line events.01:58
cprofittPendulum: yep01:58
Pendulumand new users are less likely to go want to read logs01:58
cprofittstill having global time issues as an issue is a good thing01:59
FFEMTcJPendulum: the IMHO, UOW, there arent enough instructors to make it work for everywhere01:59
cprofittUOW = ?01:59
PendulumUbuntu Open Week01:59
cprofittthey did extend UOW the time I did it...01:59
cprofittbut only by an hour I think01:59
cprofittit would be great to have audio and screen casts (recorded) for some of the stuff...02:00
cprofittnew users could benefit a bit more from those than IRC logs...02:00
cprofittdue to that format keeping their interest a bit better... and providing some visuals.02:01
cprofittbut IRC logs are still useful.02:01
FFEMTcJsounds like a beginner team project02:01
cprofittFFEMTcJ: very well could be.02:01
cprofittthough I am on the Security Team now... not EDU Focus group02:01
* FFEMTcJ doesnt know how to do screencasts/etc02:02
nigel_nbcprofitt: my wave id is nigelbabu@googlewave.com02:02
FFEMTcJyou can join two FGs02:02
cprofittsaj0577 is the man to contact for that.02:02
FFEMTcJI think saj is gonna get kicked from his spot02:02
nigel_nbcprofitt: sorry I replied late, I was getting ready02:02
cprofittFFEMTcJ: kicked?02:02
cprofittnigel_nb: no problem02:02
cprofittFFEMTcJ: I have not seen him on, so he may be removed... or may step down.02:03
FFEMTcJSounds from what ive heard (looks from what ive seen?) like he is mia02:03
cprofittI am sure bodhi will make the right call.02:03
FFEMTcJI guess kicked was harsh02:03
cprofittI should probably talk to bodhi about it...02:03
cprofittwe need someone in that slot.02:03
FFEMTcJI need to speak to bodhi02:03
nigel_nbguys (and gals), later, probably 2morrow02:03
FFEMTcJnight nigel_nb02:03
cprofittI stepped down and handed it to Vantrax -- who hnaded it to saj02:04
cprofittnigh nigel_nb02:04
FFEMTcJcprofitt: I wish I had the time to commit to something like that, however I know I don't for the next year02:04
cprofittFFEMTcJ: I understand...02:04
cprofittit is not an easy thing to make time for...02:04
FFEMTcJI wont be able to participate as much as I do now.02:04
cprofittI gave up computer gaming to do all the FOSS stuff I do02:04
FFEMTcJI talked to one of my co-workers who is just completing the program I start in january.. he said it was the hardest year of his life02:05
cprofittI am the lead contact for Lugor, President of the NY State LoCo, BT Council Member, BT Security FG lead, Fedora Ambassador...02:05
PendulumFFEMTcJ: going for EMT-P?02:05
cprofittI actually give several presentations a year too.02:05
FFEMTcJalready p02:05
Pendulumooh... fun :)02:05
cprofittRN... nice FFEMTcJ02:05
FFEMTcJIts a 1 year RN program tho.. vs the normal 202:05
cprofittGood luck with that.02:06
FFEMTcJI wish the wife would let me get a new laptop thats smaller02:06
Pendulumyeah, I've heard of those programs (not known anyone whose done one), I can see how it'd kick you hard02:06
FFEMTcJty cprofitt02:06
Pendulumgood luck :)02:06
cprofittFFEMTcJ: they are not too expensive...02:06
cprofittwhat size lappy do you have now?02:06
FFEMTcJPendulum: with my schedule of working every third day, and the RN schedule of clinicals tuesdays, labs thursdays, tests every other friday.. clinicals start an hour before i get off work, labs start 30 minutes after i get off work..02:07
FFEMTcJI have a lot of schedule issues02:07
FFEMTcJcprofitt: 17 wide02:07
FFEMTcJi love it, but it isnt portable02:07
PendulumFFEMTcJ: oof.02:08
cprofittno, not at all...02:08
cprofittwould she let you get a Netbook for portability and keep the 17 for regular use?02:08
cprofittuse Ubuntu One to synch files?02:08
FFEMTcJbasically... im gonna have to pay people to work for me to make school work..02:08
FFEMTcJcprofitt: no.. I'm gonna take prolly a 10k $$ hit next year atleast, just in lost wages.. plus having to pay people to cover my shifts02:09
cprofittouch... that hurts02:09
FFEMTcJplus shes having a 7k surgery in jan02:09
cprofittthat would kill me02:09
FFEMTcJthe day school starts02:09
cprofittI do not have any space for that kind of expense in my budget02:09
FFEMTcJI dont either02:09
FFEMTcJthe first semester of school is 1200 for tuition, 800 for books02:10
FFEMTcJso 2k right there02:10
FFEMTcJwe just have no breathing room02:10
FFEMTcJright now02:10
cprofittI can understand...02:10
cprofittI have a +/- $20 a month budget right now02:10
cprofittwe are re-financing the house to get some more breathing room02:11
FFEMTcJ1 day of overtime for me is $610.. I wish I could talk her into letting me work one day, and spending that $ on a computer.. but shed just say we need that money somewhere elese02:11
FFEMTcJmy house is already 5.75. it aint gonna get better enough to make it worth it for me02:12
cprofittthe rates today near me were 4.88 on 30yr and 4.60 on 20yr02:12
cprofittI am locked in at 5.0 though02:12
cprofittI was at 6.7502:12
FFEMTcJshe just started a gig in the evenings thats $75/hr for her.. but its not steady enough to count on02:13
FFEMTcJthats still pretty good02:13
cprofittyeah... a 1.75 drop will help... $150/month02:13
FFEMTcJuggh,, I wish someone would put the new thunderbird on a ppa02:15
cprofittthink that is a photoshop or real?02:15
FFEMTcJi hope photoshop02:15
FFEMTcJbbiab.. need to call wife and tell her g'nite02:17
Pendulumwhatever it is, it's not looking to me like something apple would put out (whether that02:21
Pendulum*that's that it's real and unfinished or a photoshop job)02:21
cprofittI would think they would include a keyboard...02:22
cprofittthough maybe not02:22
Pendulumpossibly a keyboard, certainly not that many icons on a screen (too confusing), etc.02:22
cprofittthat is a very good video to show Apple fans02:22
FFEMTcJanyone know how to get me out of an ATT cell contract?02:23
Pendulummost apple fans I know have seen it :)02:23
cprofittyou guys seen the Supervillian cartoon?02:24
cprofittto be honest... I used Vista print to make some generic cards for my being a FOSS advocate02:35
cprofittthat was a good event though...02:37
cprofittwe have been invited back and asked to do at least two additional presentations.02:37
FFEMTcJg'nite all02:48
Pendulumg'night FFEMTcJ02:50
=== jfluhmann_ is now known as jfluhmann
doctormopleia2: hello15:24
doctormonigel_nb: Also if your about15:25
FFEMTcJhey doc15:33
doctormoHey FFEMTcJ15:34
FFEMTcJhow goes?15:35
doctormowell, happy I got all the builder scrpts fixed15:38
nigel_nbdoctormo: great to know :)16:25
doctormonigel_nb: Great, let me know that your book compiles correctly and I'll start on importing the ubuntu docs team's rendering scripts.16:26
nigel_nbdoctormo: no time to check rite nw :(16:26
nigel_nboh, hey pleia216:27
nigel_nbdoctormo: u'll be around at 2 am ur time?16:33
doctormonigel_nb: Are you sure of my time? I'm at GMT currently.16:33
nigel_nbi'm sure16:33
doctormopleia2: I needed to pass changes by you16:33
nigel_nbpleia2: now its individual files instead of folders16:34
nigel_nbeach section is one file16:34
pleia2hooray for less cding16:34
nigel_nbyea, less messy16:35
pleia2which branch should I look at to see how this looks?16:35
pleia2ah, commandline-basics has it16:37
doctormopleia2: Yes, so basically what I did was, I moved the mess into the scripts so the script splits it out into seperate files for building.16:39
doctormopleia2: But writers shouldn't see them.16:40
cprofittpleia2: this is what bioselement and I discussed a few days back -- it makes much more sense to me with the limited knowledge I have of asciidoc16:42
pleia2so, can we walk through a workflow for this?16:42
* pleia2 nods16:42
pleia2so, I have a course I want to write, first I set up bzr and stuff16:42
pleia2I think if a course name, know the proper section16:42
pleia2then I run the template structure script thingy somewhere?16:42
nigel_nbyea, sorta16:44
doctormopleia2: So you write each of these files out, then you run ./builder/build.sh [section-name] [class-name]16:44
pleia2each of what files?16:44
nigel_nb01, 02,16:45
nigel_nbpleia2: will be up around at 8 to 9 PM (your time)?16:46
nigel_nbI'll test it with my class then16:46
nigel_nbokay :)16:47
nigel_nbthen you guys need to vote on this and I can finish my lesson off16:47
pleia2I am afraid I still don't understand though16:47
* pleia2 reads build.sh16:48
cprofittdoctormo: if someone wants to pull 'sections' from course A, B, and C to make a new course... how will that work in your current system?16:48
nigel_nbpleia2: try16:48
nigel_nbpleia2: try running build on command line basics16:48
nigel_nbcprofitt: probably, copy it into a new folder and run the build scripts16:49
pleia2I am trying to figure out how we get the templates in place, not building yet16:49
doctormocprofitt: It's a matter of recombining them, make some symbolic links and rebuild.16:49
doctormopleia2: The script's templates or the human's templates?16:49
pleia2doctormo: human16:50
pleia2whatever makes the presentations directory, and the basic structure that we then edit16:50
nigel_nbdoctormo: I think pleia2 is asking the same thing I asked you in the morning16:50
nigel_nban empty template for others to build upon16:50
pleia2nothing about building yet :) I am talking about starting from the beginning, before we've written anything16:51
nigel_nb"build" as in start writing a new course16:51
doctormopleia2: That's stage 2, getting things building and rendering was stage 1,16:51
doctormoSince nigel_nb could always make a course manually and pull out problems with the structure16:52
pleia2sorry, I thought build was generate the html file16:52
doctormopleia2: build is generating the docbooks, the html is really only for testing.16:52
pleia2you're confusing me :(16:52
doctormosince translations will come in from docbook to html+pdf in the render stage.16:53
pleia2I have absolutely no content, I'm starting at the beginning, empty directory16:53
pleia2there is nothing to build, I haven't even written anything, I need a template16:53
nigel_nba folder with the basic files16:54
pleia2that's what I need16:54
pleia2do we have a script to put these basic files in place? or do I have to copy them from somewhere?16:54
doctormopleia2: Not written yet, please stand by.16:54
pleia2ok, that's all I was asking :)16:55
nigel_nbpleia2 & doctormo: you guys get things ready, I'm leavin fer work soon (i'm already late by 30 minutes), I'll catch you guys in 8 to 8.5 hours :)16:55
pleia2nigel_nb: ok, see you later :)16:55
=== doctormo_ is now known as doctormo
nigel_nbpleia2: did u and doctormo get things done about empty template while I was away?22:20
pleia2that's doctormo's script, not sure22:25
nigel_nbdid u get time to review my new rev?22:27
nigel_nbum, pleia2 ?22:30
nigel_nb_marx_: hows the screencasts going?22:30
popeystill cant download those files from rapidswitch nigel_nb :(22:32
nigel_nbpopey: something must be wrong with that dumb host22:32
nigel_nbI'll get it to a new host today and give you the link22:32
popey"There are no more download slots available for free users right now. If you don't want to become a premium member, you might want to try again later."22:32
nigel_nboh great :(22:33
pleia2nigel_nb: the 3 sections look good :) were you going to move it over to the new format so they are individual text files?22:33
nigel_nbpopey: I'm at work right now, I'll be hom in around 2 and a half hours22:33
nigel_nbpleia2: you want me to?22:33
nigel_nbpleia2: right now, it converts well to pdf and html without issues22:34
pleia2nigel_nb: not my call, I guess we can wait until we're absolutely, totally, positively sure that's the way we're going :)22:34
nigel_nbpleia2: thats why I was hoping you and martin would make a decision today22:34
pleia2I didn't realize we were supposed to be deciding :)22:35
_marx_nigel_nb: better did 3 more takes today, blogging on our first UbuntuHour now and recovery from grandkids being in the house22:35
popeywoot, finally getting them nigel_nb :)22:35
nigel_nb_marx_: oh great :)22:35
* popey has been stabbing refresh :)22:35
nigel_nbpopey: got them? poor F5 :P22:35
nigel_nbpleia2: I need to write about the format :(22:36
nigel_nbwithout a proper decision is there a point in writing?22:36
pleia2nigel_nb: sorry, I don't know what to tell you22:38
nigel_nbpleia2: I dont know what to do either, I'm totally stuck22:38
pleia2if doctormo is around now we can talk about it, I didn't realize we were supposed to get this all done in 8 hours22:38
pleia2(I don't think he realized you were expecting it either)22:38
nigel_nbI want to move ahead but unless we get a fix on this, the course would be redundant22:38
nigel_nbthats also probable, I moved from bazaar introduction to introduction to contributing22:39
nigel_nboh hey, doctormo is here22:39
nigel_nbpleia2: I'm not putting you on spot (I was only hoping you guys would get it done)22:41
doctormonigel_nb: OK, I will make the call, you can blame me if something goes wrong. But you should convert to and write about the format that we have right now, since a) we have builder scripts all working and b) render scripts are very close and c) init scripts are not far behind.22:41
doctormonigel_nb: I take it your using a previous version of my scripts that generate from the seperate directories?22:42
* nigel_nb hugs doctormo 22:42
nigel_nbdoctormo: yep, the separate directories22:42
nigel_nbdoctormo: will take around 10 minutes to convert to new one, no issues22:42
nigel_nbdoctormo: (as soon as I get home, another 2 hours to go)22:43
pleia2thanks guys :)22:43
nigel_nbokay, so we're getting this one fixed22:43
* nigel_nb is jumping with joy (finally)22:43
doctormonigel_nb: You should be able to convert it with some bash: `echo "<===" > /tmp/seperator & ls | xargs -i1 cat 1/title.txt /tmp/seperator 1/overview.txt /tmp/seperator 1/demonstration.txt /tmp/seperator 1/practical.txt > 1.txt`22:43
doctormopleia2: confirb that bash ooks sane right22:44
* doctormo clears his throat/keyboard22:45
pleia2is ok, I can read typo!22:45
doctormopleia2: Confirm for me that this bash line looks sane please.22:45
pleia2and yeah, that should be fine22:45
nigel_nbI cant wait to get home, but thanks to getting here 1 hour late, I've gotta stay till 6:15 am :(22:46
nigel_nbdoctormo: if u and pleia2 are around then, you can check out the results :)22:48
doctormonigel_nb: *hug* you'll get through it and then you can save yourself 10 ehole mins of work with my bash fu22:48
doctormonigel_nb: I'll make sure I'm here, 1am right.22:49
nigel_nbdoctormo: yep 1 am-ish,22:49
nigel_nbshould be able to get there by then (some daredevil driving reqd)22:49
doctormonigel_nb: Be as safe as you can be on the road, your no good to anyone wrapped around a cow.22:51
nigel_nbhaha, no cows and no traffic either22:51
nigel_nbat 6 a.m. on a monday I'm among the few vehicles on the road22:51
doctormonigel_nb: These are vampire cows ;-D22:51
nigel_nband I wear full gear anyway, helmet, jacket, gloves, shoes22:52
doctormonigel_nb: And garlic?22:53
nigel_nbdoctormo: hahaha22:54
* _marx_ knows not jokes: silver bullets too?22:54
pleia2no no, silver bullets are for werewolves22:55
nigel_nbpleia2: u haven't seen blade I guess22:55
pleia2blade was silly22:55
nigel_nbpleia2: dont tell me you belong to the twlight scheme of things22:55
nigel_nbin that case, I might fall in love with the cow :P22:55
pleia2nigel_nb: no, vampires don't sparkle either :)22:55
nigel_nband give her a ride too, hehe22:56
pleia2I'm more of a buffy/forever knight/dracula vampire lore follower ;)22:56
nigel_nbpleia2: more mature, and more traditional22:57
nigel_nbok, break time over, need to get back to work, catch you guys in 1 hour22:58
nigel_nb2 hours22:58
pleia2later nigel :)22:58
_marx_new moon here22:58
doctormopleia2: Into your josh sweden? I liked Firefly.22:59
pleia2doctormo: yeah, firefly was great :)23:00
pleia2I didn't watch buffy until just recently actually, after liking firefly so much I was talked into it23:00
pleia2"but buffy is just about teenages killing vampires, that's silly!"23:00
pleia2nah, it's good stuff :)23:00
doctormoI was so bummed that they cancled it, I don't know if I should be more angry at fox for being despicable political bastards or because they cancled firefly.23:00
pleia2cancelled dollhouse too *sad*23:01
doctormoBuffy was good, my wife sat me down and made me watch all of the seasons.23:01
pleia2similar for me, it was a boyfriend who was like "no, you must watch these"23:01
doctormoMy wife has a cultural re-emersion sessions, where I have to watch all this stuff, because I grew up under a rock.23:12
Pendulumdoctormo: my friends do that for me23:25

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