
=== yoasif_ is now known as yoasif
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
FFEMTcJis TB3 on a non daily ppa yet?01:35
BUGabundofta: (01:39:04 AM) bjsnider: BUGabundo, i realize you need bug testers for chromium-browser, but i can't see anything wrong with it...01:40
BUGabundo(01:39:08 AM) bjsnider: works fine01:40
ftaBUGabundo, codecs broken, webgl broken, some say svg broken but wfm, ...01:42
ftasome say it's slower than chrome, can't confirm01:43
ftabut most love it01:43
BUGabundohaven't notice a thing in daily01:45
micahghi gnomefreak03:16
micahgblueprint is attached to the bug in LP03:16
gnomefreakmicahg: hi ok ill look again i didnt see it there but with LP beta always changing it could have moved03:26
micahggnomefreak: it's on the bottom right now03:26
gnomefreakmicahg: thanks03:26
micahggnomefreak: I was wondering what plans you had for packaging this cycle03:26
gnomefreakmicahg: atm i going to be leaving to go back out of town until feb. but as of right now i have none. once m-d gets fixed i will package sunbird03:27
micahggnomefreak: you'll package sunbird after feb or now?03:27
gnomefreakmicahg: when ever m-d gets fixed but ive been asking someone to do that since late karmic dev cycle03:28
micahggnomefreak: what's wrong with m-d?03:28
gnomefreakmicahg: ii should have this box up there so i can do it than i hope03:28
gnomefreakmicahg: it doesnt grab pre release sunbird/lightning seamonkey-2.0. it grabs sunbird-0.9 and sm 2.103:29
* micahg was going to look into it after tb3 and enigmail03:29
gnomefreakenigmail can use a good cleaning last i saw it it was a mess03:29
micahgyep, and there's no bzr repo03:29
* gnomefreak cant find any .wav :(03:30
micahggnomefreak: how does sunbird pull the source now, I couldn't find it03:31
gnomefreakmicahg: i dont recall i havent needed it since 0.9 came out. but i have updated package in m-t branches03:31
micahggnomefreak: I know fta made some changed to the firefox and tb builds to pull only certain branches, maybe I can adapt those for TB/SM03:35
micahgoops, I meant sunbird/SM03:36
gnomefreaksorry about that firefox froze and i cant get into a TTY for some reason03:45
micahgok, I'm wondering if update-orig is what I'm looking for in sunbird...03:54
gnomefreakmicahg: i dont think it is let me check03:59
gnomefreakwait yes it is but give me a sec03:59
gnomefreakmicahg: it is update-orig03:59
micahggnomefreak: maybe I can tweak it like fta did with the TB/FF builds04:00
micahgBTW, sunbird 1.0b1 was released04:01
gnomefreakmicahg: you can try but i  remember it being more involved04:01
micahgok, well, I won't get to the till after I get TB3 built for lucid04:01
rippsI've discovered that some websites have figured how to disable pageaction chromium extensions. Now I can adblock on certain sites.04:02
gnomefreakmicahg: not sure the package will grab b1 since it isnt final from m-d's POV04:02
micahggnomefreak: maybe we need a get-orig-source in there then04:02
gnomefreakmicahg: yeah i agree, i havent figured out what im going to do with sunbird/lightning once sunbird is stopped04:03
micahggnomefreak: why would sunbird stop?04:03
gnomefreakmicahg: 1.0b1 is the last of it. noone willing to build it/support it upstream04:04
gnomefreakonly lightning will continue04:04
gnomefreaki would have to re read all the posts (find them first) to be exact on that04:05
gnomefreakmicahg: do you have the KDE intergration bug handy?04:05
micahgbug 49406704:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494067 in xulrunner "Provide better Firefox KDE integration" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49406704:06
micahggnomefreak: I think this is what you were referring to: http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/calendar/2009/08/how_to_save_sunbird.html04:07
gnomefreakmicahg: that is one of many but that gives enough to get an idea. I get them in my mailing lists for mozilla. i had asked what was needed for it to continue but they need all points of dev.04:09
micahggnomefreak: I guess we'd just package lightning if sunbird goes away and they refuse to build a 64 bit version04:10
gnomefreakmicahg: yeah we will continue but i was thinking make it into an .xpi using same method as other extensions but i havent had time to think about how i want to continue on with it. doesnt it work on 64bit? it should04:11
micahggnomefreak: the version of lightning nightlies will not work on 64 bit04:12
gnomefreakwhy would 64bit work with 0.9 but not 1.0*04:13
micahggnomefreak: we compile 64 bit for 0.904:14
gnomefreakyeah i thought of that after i hit <enter>04:14
micahggnomefreak: if sunbird goes away, we can have TB source build lightning04:15
gnomefreakmicahg: right but from what im seeing they are thinking of using lightning as a standalone (sort of)04:16
* gnomefreak wonders if this reply to upstream from LP works04:21
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hackelAnyone know of a PPA building an icedtea6-plugin that is compatible with Firefox 3.6?06:43
micahghackel: why isn't the one in the archvie compatible?07:07
hackelFirefox 3.6 requires NPAPI plugins, the old one used OJI.07:08
micahgI know the sun plugin works fine07:10
hackelPerhaps, but I don't want to use any proprietary garbage.07:11
micahghackel: which version of ubuntu?07:11
hackelKarmic.  It's nothing crucial, I can still run firefox-3.5 on those 2 times a year that I actually need the java plugin :)07:12
micahgok, well, we'll try to get it fixed for lucid07:13
micahghackel: can you see if a bug is filed against openjdk-6?07:14
hackelYeah, I looked a bit and didn't find one immediately, but I'll look again and file one if I can't find it.07:15
micahghackel: ok, please subscribe micahg when you do07:21
micahghackel: that code should be in karmic07:43
hackelmicahg:  hmm, I just assumed that's why it wasn't working, but could be something else?  Do you get java in ff3.6?07:44
hackelIt won't even show up for me in about:plugins, but works fine in ff3.5.07:44
micahghackel: let me try in 3.707:44
micahgno go in 3.707:48
micahgI guess I live quite well without java...07:49
micahgI don't have it :)07:50
hackelYeah, like I said I find myself wanting to use it about twice a year.07:50
micahgcould be a build option07:51
hackelThere's an --enable-npplugin option described in the openjdk readme.07:52
micahghackel: it seems to depend on which xulrunner openjdk is built against07:54
micahgok, I'm updating the bug07:55
hackelmicahg:  Yes, that's mentioned on that site, because 1.9.2 is where they dropped oji support.07:55
micahgI suppose I can push a version to my PPA and have it build against xul-1.9.207:57
hackelI'll definitely test it out if you do.  There's also an openjdk-7 ppa I saw.08:01
Mitchasac: Building Firefox with Qt would improve its KDE integration, at least in the look 'n' feel department. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-firefox-kde-integration08:01
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debfxMitch: is the firefox qt port still actively developed?09:45
Mitchdebfx: They make sure it still builds, yeah.09:45
losich0sneed help for thunderbird: can send mails successful, but not receive.12:20
losich0shello? anybody in here?12:21
mbanawhat's up with the font rendering in TB 313:58
asacmbana: same that is up with fonts in ffox35?14:11
mbanaasac: no.  far worse.  hinting isn't even on14:11
mbanacan u show me how yours looks14:11
mbanaasac: ok that looks v. good.  on my side, there's no hinting at all14:13
mbanaone sec14:14
asacmbana: check your .fonts.conf14:14
asacthe xul 1.9.1 branch doesnt honour gnome settings that good (ffox and tb)14:14
asacso if you tweak in fontconfig it wins basically14:15
Mitchasac: So...what about Qt Firefox builds for Kubuntu?14:16
asacMitch: thats far off14:17
asacMitch: the gtk qt backend is considered OK for what we want14:17
asacgtk qt engine that is14:17
asacwhat we do this cycle (if we find the resources and get permission from upstream) is integrating the patches used by suse14:18
asachopefully after landing them upstream14:18
asacin any case: the qt backend is not really finished/usable/maintained/supported upstream14:18
mbanai'm using the PPA with just TB £14:21
mbanaTB 314:21
asacyou say the left one is better?14:21
mbana.fonts.conf:  http://pastebin.com/m792cc258.  it's pretty long14:22
mbanayes far better14:22
mbanait seems the menus are rendering well, yet the content isn't14:22
asaclooks identical to me ;)14:22
asaci checked content14:22
asacanyway ... itrs understandable that 2.0 is different from 3.014:23
asacas i said, we have this "gnome settings bustage" bug for fonts14:24
asacin 1.9.1 xul branch (shared among f3.5 and t3.0)14:24
mbanai'm not sure if i updated xul as well14:24
asacso the difference from mine to yours is probably fontconfig tweakage14:24
asacmbana: tb3 has xul 1.9.1 ... but uses its own copy14:25
asacalso if you have ffox 3.5 you have 1.9.1 anyway14:25
BUGabundohey guys14:42
asachi BUGabundo14:43
BUGabundoasac: working on Sunday?14:44
mbanaasac: so you're saying i should tweak the .fonts.conf?14:54
* BUGabundo is still crying over new pidgin *smallest* fonts14:55
BUGabundomust make this bigger or I'll go blind14:56
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mbanaasac: mind posting ur config15:29
BUGabundofta: stupid Ch no longer restores window size :(15:32
ftaBUGabundo, the beta or trunk?15:35
BUGabundostarted last night15:35
BUGabundoif I open a new window it will be eihter half screen or "almost" full screen but not maximized15:36
ftadid you look for an existing bug?15:40
ftaasac, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135037815:40
bdrungasac: around?15:40
BUGabundofta: not yet15:40
BUGabundobeen busing flashing my android15:41
BUGabundoits easier to just complain to you :)15:41
ftafighting with the codecs right now15:42
ftachromium-browser                 24715   1.80%      4468   12764    7478       515:44
ftagoogle-chrome-unstable           20246   1.48%      4794    9641    5792      1915:44
ftagoogle-chrome-beta                3203   0.23%       855       3    2343       215:44
ftaBUGabundo, ^^ you're not good enough at spreading the news15:44
BUGabundoopen 12 tabs (almost) at once, and Ch dies15:44
BUGabundofta:  I haven't even started15:44
ftaor users are dumb15:44
BUGabundoyou said you didnt want public spread yet15:44
BUGabundobefore more testing15:44
ftai sure do now15:45
ftaenough testing, go live15:45
BUGabundowhere's chromium beta in there!?15:45
ftai used the same name15:45
ftagoogle didn't15:46
ftathey regained 3000+ users on us in 3 days15:48
BUGabundoso unstalbe is google beta?15:49
ftano, google-chrome-unstable is ~trunk, and google-chrome-beta is the beta15:50
ftawell, not sure about google-chrome-unstable, i need to see the version15:51
ftai never installed it15:51
BUGabundome neither15:51
BUGabundoso chromium-browser is trunk+beta ppas ?15:52
ftahm.. http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/2008/08/secrets_of_the_mmscfg_file_1.html16:00
ftadoes this work at all?16:01
BUGabundofta: the slite optimization seems to work pretty well16:03
BUGabundoadblock of course not16:03
BUGabundofaster fox causes problems in most servers16:03
BUGabundodisabling ipv6 is a mistake16:03
BUGabundobut an workaround for Ubuntu bug16:04
BUGabundomost proxy will kill you if you push pipeline16:04
BUGabundoflash 64 bits > flash 32 wrapper of course16:04
BUGabundoforce composite in X? lol16:05
BUGabundoeheh ramdrives? LOL16:05
BUGabundowith the amount of crashs I have , that's a bad option16:05
BUGabundoLOLOLOL getting trunk from mozilla when we have daily PPAs16:06
BUGabundoSWIFTFOX is lame16:06
ftago tell them that16:06
BUGabundoWhat is Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO)?16:06
BUGabundohumm right how are we on PGO?16:07
BUGabundoasac said he would try that16:07
BUGabundook, so 20% of what he says is OK16:07
BUGabundothe rest will just put the user over an HUGE piece of trouble16:07
BUGabundofta: so stupid Pohotoshop  http://photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com/2009/12/playboy-poland-bells.html16:17
ftaBUGabundo, "why does she only have one breast?" lol :)16:19
BUGabundoguess playboy could spare to pay to include both!?16:20
fta"Why are her legs taller than my garage door?"16:20
BUGabundomissed that one16:21
mbanammm anyone around16:48
mbanaasac: ...16:48
mbanadoes anyone use gmail?  have u noticed that when u reply to an email on, say, a list, it doesn't show up in gmail16:51
BUGabundogmail won't show emails sent to your self16:52
BUGabundothat's a "feature"16:53
mbanawait hold on ... if i use gmail i sent it myself16:53
mbanaso why does it appear then16:53
BUGabundothey filter it16:53
BUGabundoyou can see it in the sent and All16:54
BUGabundothat's it16:54
mbanaam i the only one that's confused right now?  what do they filter?16:55
BUGabundothe received email16:55
BUGabundofrom the list you just sent16:56
BUGabundoyou reply to my email from mozillateam ML16:56
BUGabundoeveryone on the least will get it, but your gmail account will filter the delived email16:56
BUGabundoso you will never receive it, as it usually works on other email setups16:57
BUGabundothat's why I activate the deliver Mailman receipt16:57
mbanaare u saying, it's possible for me to send using TB and have in appear in the thread in gmail?16:58
BUGabundonow I'm confused16:59
mbanano why does gmail show my replies in the thread?  it makes it seem as though i'm receiving my own replies17:00
mbanahere is my workflow.17:00
mbanaassume thread x.  i reply to thread x in gmail.  i see the reply within gmail17:01
mbanai reply to thread in TB, i don't see it.17:01
mbanawhen i say, i see it in gmail, i mean i see the reply within the thread, as well as in sent folder17:01
BUGabundoall sent emails are in (gmail)Sent folder17:06
BUGabundoand also All17:06
BUGabundoyou must sync those folders in TB17:06
mbanabut will i see the reply in the thread?17:09
mbanaor will i have to manually navigate to the sent/all folder?17:09
BUGabundoyou have to put rule to place the sent email on the proper folder you want the thread17:10
BUGabundothat's what I do on kmail17:10
BUGabundoyour own TB sent17:10
BUGabundonot the gmail one17:11
mbanaand then it'll also appear in the gmail?  see i don't have access to imap/smtp at work so i gotta use gmail there17:16
BUGabundoit *always* appars in gmail17:16
mbanajust not in the right place17:18
BUGabundoyes, right place17:18
mbanadid anyone see the screen asac posted?  if anyone has a similar setup can u post your .fonts.conf18:05
ftawhat screen?18:11
mbanaBUGabundo: do i need to restart TB 3 to see .fonts.conf changes19:09
BUGabundono idea19:09
BUGabundomaybe I should try TB ?19:09
BUGabundoman I'm in love with KMail19:09
BUGabundobut I have tooooo much mail in there19:09
BUGabundomaybe I should just forget and start fresh !19:09
bdrungasac: please review https://code.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/mozilla-devscripts/dh_xul-ext and tranform the xpath into python.19:19
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
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=== BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGabundo
BUGabundofta: what was the privacy link you gave last night?22:16
BUGabundocan't find it in my history22:16
BUGabundoman I miss my FF awesome bar right now22:16
ftaBUGabundo, Omnibox is supposed to be even better22:20
jason81hi there!!! someone can  you help to change my ip22:20
BUGabundofta: either it isint or I lost all my logs22:21
BUGabundono history before 2 days22:21
BUGabundofta: but do you have the link at hand where it stated the privacy stuff of chrome ?22:21
fta>> BUGabundo_work, at least, chromium doesn't have that http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Chrome#Usage_tracking22:21
BUGabundoahhh wikipedia22:22
ftathere are blogs about that too22:22
BUGabundojason81: what do you need?22:23
ftasupport is provided in #ubuntu, not here22:23
jason81BUGabundo: thanks for your help.. I need to change my Ip for see22:24
jason81BUGabundo: thanks for your help.. I need to change my Ip for whatc a film in streaming22:24
jason81unfortunately this film are visibile only in usa22:24
jason81<BUGabundo:I have tried to install torbutton but i don't resolve.. any suggestion?22:28
BUGabundojason81: not the place to ask22:29
BUGabundotry #ubuntu22:29
jason81ok.. I try for better understand the add-on torbutton22:30
BUGabundofta: can you please return me my hamer22:39
BUGabundoI need to punch and stab GWIBBER a bit22:39
BUGabundodarn thing dies every 10 min :(22:39
BUGabundoand also keeps lossing replies :(((((22:39
* BUGabundo cries22:39
ftaBUGabundo, it's stable for me. but complain to asac or kenvandine, not to me, i'm just the middle man for the dailies now22:52
BUGabundoI know22:52
BUGabundonot complaing to you22:52
BUGabundojust asking for my hammer back22:53
BUGabundobtw when was the "daily" last updated?22:53
BUGabundoI haven't got many updates :(22:53
BUGabundoand still can't change font size kenvandine22:53
BUGabundoI'm amazed hoe much Mosaic still resembles to browsers in use today23:34
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
ftai've used Mosaic for a year or two before netscape 0.9 appeared, i remember people saying that it had no future, that ftp & gopher were there to stay23:43
mbanadid asac disappear?23:43
fta-it had+it will have23:43
ftambana, try tomorrow, european business hours23:43
ftawell, it's already monday23:44
BUGabundonot here23:46
BUGabundoI don't recall using Mosaic much23:46
BUGabundoI did use netscape23:46
BUGabundoand then IE23:46
BUGabundostarted in the web in 94/9523:46
BUGabundoa shared PC at school23:47
BUGabundoover ISDN :)23:47
BUGabundoIRC was king23:47
BUGabundoaltavista too23:47
BUGabundostill remember like it was today23:47
BUGabundoteachers commenting when we said : "hotmail" eheh23:47
BUGabundoback in the days MSFT didn't own it23:48
BUGabundoand inbox were 256KB23:48

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