
tonyyarussohttp://www.twincities.com/ci_13968657?source=email&nclick_check=1  <-- Bigfoot in the paper :P00:32
sparklehistoryLooks like a person to me...00:35
tonyyarussosparklehistory: 7 feet tall, from black to "UPS brown" by reports, so it would have to be an unusual person.00:38
tonyyarusso(Also, walking in the woods at night with no flashlight - also insane like me :) )00:38
sparklehistorytonyyarusso: 'Cause there's no chance they slightly exaggerated the height or failed to take into consideration that he might be wearing heavy outerwear or a mask/other cold-weather facecovering.00:42
sparklehistorytonyyarusso: So that's what you do when you go camping - freak people out by impersonating Bigfoot.  ;)00:42
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=== jenkinbr is now known as rbniknej
Jorahows it going?02:19
Obsidian1723good good. just chillin02:19
Obsidian1723bbiab, food.02:19
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Obsidian1723Anyone know of a 3dmf viewer (3-D Metafile) for Ubuntu?03:49
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=== jenkinbr is now known as rbniknej
=== sparkle_history is now known as sparklehistory

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