
ardchoillexFKSxSquirrel: gtk = Gnome Tool Kit00:00
ubottuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI00:00
zoughey, anyone know how to run sudo tasks on my crontab?00:00
ardchoilleer.. Gimp Tool Kit00:00
xFKSxSquirrelso if im on ubuntu what theme do i use00:00
rCXkazik: Just click the add button and enter a name and command00:00
Kontinuumtransfi just installed ubuntu 9.10 on my usb-drive... but skipped installing a bootloader because i thought it wouldn't be necessary if there is only one OS on the disk... apparently i was wrong. is there a way to get a bootloader on that disk from windows or with the cd subsequent to the installation?00:00
kazikyeah, i know, but i can't get to work Guake Terminal, i create an activator and don't know what the path is to Guake Terminal00:00
karma_policegoogle gento? what is gento?another distro?00:00
jannehhi all. I have a question: can I set two different shortcuts for the same functionality in gnome somehow (i.e. for playing music)?00:00
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm00:00
{VOID}karma_police, google: gentoo grub guide00:00
ardchoillekazik: just enter: guake00:00
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kazikyeah, i did... and it didn't work that's why i ask00:01
kazikit's freakin weird00:01
{VOID}gentoo is another distro00:01
zouggotmilk82: okay, let me try00:01
ardchoillekazik: did you log out and back in?00:01
kazikyeah, i've restarted the system00:01
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)00:01
{VOID}one that I perfer, but, I'm more of an advanced user with an odd ARCH00:01
ardchoillekazik: then F12 should drop it down00:01
gotmilk82zoug there is a sudo crontab if I remember right00:01
APERSONgotmilk82, there is00:02
kazikyeah, i know ;p but it doesn't :P really :P that's why it's sooooo weird00:02
draginxAPERSON, still crashed...weird00:02
rCXkazik: try guake-terminal00:02
APERSONdraginx, granted, I'm using chromium00:02
sal_karma_police, i did a dual linux/windows a couple years back and found it much easier to have the win on the hdd first, then linux on top00:02
ardchoillekazik: is there a file named something like guake.desktop in ~/.config/autostart ?00:03
AdvancedN00banyone know how to restart audio without rebooting?00:03
draginxAPERSON, whats the diff?00:03
rCXHamptonSam: Still downloading ?00:03
draginxAnd the same .so file im using in firefox..works fine..00:03
sal_karma_police, if you can start with fresh installs .. ??00:03
HamptonSamrCX: Almost done :)00:03
APERSONdraginx, branding, and chromium is updated faster00:03
kazikw8, im gonna try the guake-terminal in path00:03
{VOID}sal, he wouldn't learn anything that way.00:03
draginxAPERSON, is it still by google? O_o00:03
sal_karma_police, if you dont get the grub thing sorted out00:03
zouggotmilk82: hmm, i thought i am not supposed to use it00:03
xFKSxSquirrelwhat theme do i use when on 9.10 ubuntu00:03
rCXHamptonSam: And then it has to install :) shouldn't take as long though00:03
karma_policei may have to do that.. was hoping to fix what i have messed up but it looks like im digging a hole00:03
zouggotmilk82: sudo and the root thing..00:03
APERSONdraginx, chrome is built from chromium00:03
jannehi.e. I want to use the XF88AudioPlay button for music playback when I'm using my external keyboard, but when I use the laptop keyboard it doesn't have that key so I'd like to have Super+X mapped to play music as well.00:04
gotmilk82zoug....no its more of a crontab for things that need sudo or root access00:04
sal_{VOID}, true.  about all i can offer .. that was my experience.00:04
AdvancedN00banyone know how to restart audio without rebooting?00:04
gotmilk82zoug so you should definitely only use it when you are sure....LOL00:04
APERSONAdvancedN00b, sudo service alsa-utils restart00:04
ctmjrAdvancedN00b: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart and or pulseaudio -k then pulseaudio -d00:04
{VOID}the gentoo grub guide should get him at least a lot closer.00:05
{VOID}and why do all that over a little config file fix.00:05
zouggotmilk82: lol, okay, thanks for the go00:05
karma_policei agree void... i want to learn as much as i can00:05
{VOID}karma_police, you find that guide?00:05
xFKSxSquirreldo i use gtk beryl or gnome theme type00:06
{VOID}when I first configed grub, the HDD mapping is what confused me the most.00:06
xFKSxSquirrelor gdm00:06
karma_policefound a gento  grub2 guide.. still reading where to start from in my situation00:06
APERSONxFKSxSquirrel, metacity00:06
kazikthat Guake-terminal path WORKED! ;p thanks00:06
{VOID}first, you need to know your partition tables.00:06
ardchoillekazik: Ah, ok00:06
kazikyeah, i'd never figure that one out on my own00:07
rCXkazik: Glad that it worked!00:07
kazikthx again and goin back to sleep, its 1pm here in poland ;)00:07
{VOID}once you have an idea of all your partition tables, you learn the language of the config file.00:07
kazikbye guyz00:07
jimmykirthi guys00:07
AdvancedN00bActionParsnip: clean reinstall did not fix anything with my audio00:07
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APERSON!hi jimmykirt00:07
APERSON!hi | jimmykirt00:08
ubottujimmykirt: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!00:08
RenatoSilvahow to rename an user?00:08
RenatoSilvausername is disabled00:08
rCXHamptonSam: By the way, don't restart the computer.  Even if it asks you to.00:08
guest1hi... i'm a newbie here. just installed ubuntu on my compaq netbook and the wi-fi is not recognized. help please00:08
meowbuntuhi all i have a friend who is not into mucking around with computer that much i am looking for a way for him to easily install linux and windows. so it will be easy for him. what is lin4win like. that seems to be best option for him. any ideas please00:08
jimmykirtim trying to use a live cd to install manually ubuntu00:08
APERSONguest1, can you plug in via ethernet and see if the restricted drivers manager picks anything up?00:09
AdvancedN00bActionParsnip: thought i would let you know00:09
osotogarianyone know what the latest kernel ubuntu uses (i.r. today)? i need to know if my wireless card is supported00:09
IdleOne!wubi | meowbuntu00:09
ubottumeowbuntu: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.00:09
jimmykirtis there a way to use a live cd to get to a CLI?00:09
jimmykirtwithout booting the x00:09
AdvancedN00bjummikirt: ye00:09
ActionParsnipAdvancedN00b: bah00:09
meowbuntujimmykirt, thats easy just do install from grub menu00:09
songerhello, how can install applet if i don't have internet?00:09
sal_karma_police, http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?part=1&chap=10#doc_chap200:10
meowbuntuIdleOne, is wubi win4lin00:10
{VOID}karma_police, if you need anything else, /msg me. K00:10
jimmykirtmeowbuntu, i want to install in a CLI no GUI at all, never00:10
IdleOnemeowbuntu: no.00:10
rCXHamptonSam: I'll assume it's still installing ...00:10
sal_karma_police, and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub200:10
karma_policethanx.. does it matter if it grub or grub2?00:10
HamptonSamrCX: 44 seconds :)00:10
draginxAPERSON, would I need to reload chrome? I thought I didnt need to with that...00:10
bastid_raZorjimmykirt: use the ubuntu-server version00:10
meowbuntuIdleOne, not lin4win. win4lin. linux his main os windows running on that win4lin.application.00:11
{VOID}should be backwards compatible.00:11
jimmykirtin the live menu i can ESC to get to a boot cli but then i should have some way to boot in cli00:11
bazhang jimmykirt best to use the minimal 9mb iso if you wish for cli00:11
sal_karma_police, i think 9.10 and after are a grub2 thing - {Voi} may know better00:11
jimmykirti have a regular live cd and i cannot burn other tonigh00:11
IdleOnemeowbuntu: this is an Ubuntu channel. try the web for info on win4lin00:11
karma_policefrom what i have read i have grub2 because i have 9.1000:11
meowbuntuis that the best option. to save him having to install windows and linux seperatly00:11
HamptonSamrCX: Now installing it.00:11
{VOID}karma_police, yeah, you have grub200:12
xFKSxSquirrelwhats a good theme to get?00:12
sal_karma_police, try the ubuntu wiki page - i understand lots of folks have had some trouble ..00:12
bazhang!themes | xFKSxSquirrel check here00:12
{VOID}my live CD said I could install ubuntu on the windows partition meowbuntu.00:12
ubottuxFKSxSquirrel check here: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy00:12
meowbuntuIdleOne, am just getting ideas if anyone here has maby tryed it as well. i  know about googoe thanks00:12
karma_policei'ver tried severalsteps from the wikipage00:12
meowbuntu!google | IdleOne00:12
ubottuIdleOne: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.00:12
rCXHamptonSam: Ok tell me when it's done00:13
drunkpunkhye folks any help getting remote desktop to work?  finally got connection working and can see remore screen but for some reason cannot interract with it.  ANY help much appreciated!00:13
APERSONdraginx, yes, you'd need to restart the browser to load a new plugin00:13
bazhangxFKSxSquirrel, go to that website and take a look00:13
karma_policealmost ready to reformat abdstart over but i'd feeliwas cheating myself and i really do want to figure this out00:13
{VOID}karma_police, do you have your partition tables written down?00:13
xFKSxSquirrelo i thought it was like a command or something00:13
* meowbuntu meand no disrespect to IdleOne 00:13
IdleOnemeowbuntu: did I tell you to google? I know about the factoid. YOU are asking about win4lin in an Ubuntu channel. I suggested wubi because if any issues arise you can ask in here about wubi.00:13
karma_policewell, i know my ubuntu is on /dev/sda100:13
jimmykirtusing a regular live cd, is there a way to get in a ubuntu cli session without going through the gui?00:14
{VOID}you familiar with fdisk?00:14
osotogariHi, does anyone know what the latest kernel ubuntu uses (i.r. today)? i need to know if my wireless card is supported, Realtek RTL8192E00:14
karma_policei did an fdisk -l00:14
bazhang!info linux | osotogari00:14
APERSONosotogari, 2.6.31-17-generic00:14
ubottuosotogari: linux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all)00:14
{VOID}good, keep that info in mind.00:14
ActionParsnipjimmykirt: add the boot option 'single'  without quotes00:15
karma_policesda1 is linus sda2 is windows sda3 is extended and sda5 is lin swap00:15
meowbuntuIdleOne, but wubi is lin4win about running linux on a windows machine. i am wanting to run windows on a linux machine. thats still relevent to discuss here. for basic info00:15
APERSONosotogari, that was from my uname -r00:15
{VOID}could you paste your /boot/grub/grub.conf in /msg?00:15
guest1aperson... just checked and found two broadcom devices... which do i use?00:15
karma_policehow do i msg?00:15
IdleOnemeowbuntu: ahh, ok well then Virtualbox00:15
fulat2khi folks, i'm using jaunty and it's giving broken packages error when installing freeradius-mysql.  any ideaS?00:15
karma_policedumb q i know00:15
APERSONguest1 which are listed?00:15
{VOID}or any other way to make a personal conversation.00:15
drunkpunkhey folks any help getting remote desktop to work?  finally got connection working and can see remote screen but for some reason cannot interract with it. Neither keyboard nor mouse input works. ANY help much appreciated!00:16
bazhangkarma_police, /msg nick hi00:16
{VOID}what chat client are you using?00:16
ActionParsnipfulat2k: can you pastebin the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install00:16
jimmykirtActionParsnip, so it would be : "live --vga=771 single"  ?00:16
nemodrunkpunk: you prooobably have it on view only? :)00:16
nemodrunkpunk: check your settings ;)00:16
ActionParsnipjimmykirt: sounds good to me00:16
drunkpunknemo: naw its set to allow me to make changes00:16
{VOID}karma_police, so only the windows part wont work?00:16
APERSONguest1, does one say ath5k and does one say madwifi?00:17
{VOID}or, you need a whole new config file from scratch?00:17
drunkpunknemo: just double checked00:17
nemodrunkpunk: you running 2 different VNC maybe?00:17
guest1aperson... broadcom b43 and broadcom sta00:17
nemodrunkpunk: (that is possible to do btw)00:17
drunkpunknemo: both ubuntu boxes00:18
Ripp__When I ssh into my machine, I get the following message "3 packages can be updated."00:18
nemodrunkpunk: no. I mean 2 on same box00:18
Ripp__How can I find out *which* packages?00:18
meowbuntuIdleOne, not enough ram to run vbox00:18
Ripp__And moreover, how do I update them?00:18
meowbuntu512 only he has00:18
nemodrunkpunk: some people setup VNC at level of gdm00:18
drunkpunknemo: i dont THINK so....????00:18
karma_policethis is my grub.cfg http://pastebin.org/6408300:18
nemodrunkpunk: you just used System->Preferences->Remote Desktop right?00:18
drunkpunknemo: how best to find out?00:18
nemodrunkpunk: didn't do anything else?00:18
drunkpunknemo: yep00:18
HamptonSamrCX: all done00:18
meowbuntui know that using win4lin/lin4win runs the os just slightly under its native speed but thats ok  for what my friend needs.00:19
rCXGo to system -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager.00:19
drunkpunknemo: forwarded the port on my router and that it00:19
APERSONguest1, the sta one apparently works better00:19
Ripp__Nevermind, figured it out.00:19
guest1aperson... negative00:19
rCXHamptonSam: Go to system -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager.00:19
meowbuntuwubi how that differ from lin4win/win4lin00:19
{VOID}I used the mimo on my b43 card00:19
HamptonSamrCX: I'm there.00:19
nemodrunkpunk: mm dunno could try cranking up the loglevel on vncviewer I guess00:19
rCXHamptonSam: Go to Settings -> Repositories00:19
APERSONguest1, you'll need to install it and then possibly restart00:19
nemodrunkpunk: and maybe check ~/.xsession-errors00:19
{VOID}what exact card do you have?00:19
mrqismrxI had a file and then I changed the name of that file by the "mv" command I think. The weird thing is, if I am going to the directory where that file is located with naituls it's only the new file with the new name. But if I am doing "ls" in the terminal I see the old file aswell with a ~ after it's name. What is this??00:19
APERSONguest1, if the one doesn't work, try the other00:20
nemomrqismrx: that's a temp file00:20
guest1aperson... will give it a try, thanks!00:20
nemomrqismrx: used by an editor00:20
karma_policemsg not working00:20
nemois harmless. you can erase 'em if you want00:20
ActionParsnipmrqismrx: do you use ./ in your commands?00:20
osotogariHmmm looks like i will have to wait till kernel 2.6.32 for wireless support00:20
HamptonSamrCX: I'm getting erros when launching Synaptic, then it crashes.00:20
ActionParsnipmrqismrx: use tab completion too00:20
mrqismrxnemo, I have never used ./ with any command what does it do?00:20
{VOID}osotogari, sure there isn't a patch?00:20
mrqismrxI meant it for ActionParsnip00:21
nemomrqismrx: I didn't say anything about that. he's referring to running a local command named mv. sounds silly to me00:21
{VOID}all you need is the kernel source and a patch.00:21
osirisx11[Performance Question] I have a quad core @ 2.67ghz, 6gb of ram with pae, and running karmic with nvidia proprietary drivers. My firefox and flash still lag, and my system runs sluggishly. What can I do to increase performance? I am cautious but still considering going to x64 version, but concerned over compat problems.00:21
rCXHamptonSam: What do the errors say00:21
elcoboummm it worrks00:21
nemomrqismrx: you just were editing that file in gedit or somesuch, that's all00:21
mrqismrxnemo, how long will this temp file there?00:21
ActionParsnipmrqismrx: it tells the interpretter to use the pwd for the location of the file00:21
nemomrqismrx: hm. you know. not sure...00:21
drunkpunknemo: this maybe unrelated but evry time i log out of the machine i'm remoting to it makes me authenticate the shutdown because other users are logged on (even tho they aint!)00:21
mrqismrxnemo, yeah thats right I am using gedit but how how to clear it?00:21
nemomrqismrx: but you can erase it w/o problems00:21
nemorm ~filename00:21
HamptonSamE: dpkb was interrupted, you must manually run "sudo dpkg --configure -a' to corrent the problem00:21
IdleOneHamptonSam: sudo dpkg --configure -a00:22
nemodrunkpunk: ah. interesting.00:22
APERSONHamptonSam, run that in a terminal00:22
mrqismrxnemo, ok cool00:22
rCXOk open a terminal and type that "sudo dpkg --configure -a00:22
drunkpunkNemo: this happened without remote desktop00:22
yyis core 2 duo better than centrino duo ?00:22
mrqismrxActionParsnip, aha ok cool thanks00:22
{VOID}fallow the yellow brick road.00:22
ActionParsnipHamptonSam: and if you run the command does it fix it?00:22
nemodrunkpunk: gotta go. sorry. does sound interesting00:22
nemoxmas shopping time00:22
rCXHamptonSam:Open a applications -> accessories -> terminal and type " sudo dpkg --configure -a"00:22
osotogarii think i can use ndiswrapper00:23
osotogarii thin00:23
drunkpunknemo: np cheers anyway00:23
RoyallREALLY annoying thing in Ubuntu: when saving a file, typing immediately starts a quicksearch of the open directory, instead of entering the filename00:23
HamptonSamrCX: dpkg: failed to write status record about 'jfsutils' to '/var/lib/dpkg/status': NO space left on device00:23
{VOID}osotogari, you can, but it isn't good.00:23
meowbuntui want to know difference between the 2 lin4win(win4lin) and wubi00:23
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{VOID}osotogari, gets the job done though.00:23
RoyallI mean really, if any Ubuntu developers are on here, that should be at the top of the papercut list00:23
APERSONRoyall, submit it as one then :)00:24
IdleOneHamptonSam: sudo apt-get autoremove will clear up a little space00:24
Guest247What can I use to run GTA San Andreas on ubuntu guy?00:24
IdleOnevery little but still00:24
{VOID}Royall, things don't get done unless they take the proper channels.00:24
APERSONHamptonSam, or just use aptitude and it will do that for you :)00:24
osotogari@ {VOID}: i might try it with the live cd00:24
ActionParsnipmeowbuntu: win4lin looks like a virtualbox like thing00:25
RoyallHow would I submit one00:25
{VOID}osotogari, I had to use it on my b43 card just to grab the firmware.00:25
APERSONRoyall, launchpad00:25
HamptonSamrCX: E: dpkg was interruped, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a" to correct the problem.00:25
quesoI'm using xterm in gnome (not gnome-terminal). How can I set it up with an icon that it will use, instead of displaying the default application icon everywhere?00:25
meowbuntuActionParsnip, no not true00:25
Guest247Would it run in wine?00:25
IdleOne!bug | Royall00:25
ubottuRoyall: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots00:25
{VOID}osotogari, but, you lose a lot of ability with your card most the time.00:25
ActionParsnipmeowbuntu: http://win4lin.com/wp/ look at the screenshot00:25
ActionParsnipmeowbuntu: looks like it to me quite a lot00:26
{VOID}osotogari, if you plan on using aircrack, most the time, you have no way of using it.00:26
osirisx11[Performance Question] I have a quad core @ 2.67ghz, 6gb of ram with pae, and running karmic with nvidia proprietary drivers. My firefox and flash still lag, and my system runs sluggishly. What can I do to increase performance? I am cautious but still considering going to x64 version, but concerned over compat problems.00:26
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ActionParsnipmeowbuntu: desktop in a window on a desktop on the win4lin site, looks like a virtual system to me00:26
rCXHamptonSam: Are you using ubuntu 9.10 Or 9.0400:26
{VOID}osirisx11, why not go with the x64 version?00:26
HamptonSam9.04 rCX00:27
zz_b0wanyone know how to fix this on aptitude?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/340205/00:27
ActionParsniposirisx11: change swappiness to between 1 to 500:27
osirisx11{VOID}: last time i tried x86 i had lots of compat problems especially with flash, video card drivers, webcam drivers00:27
osirisx11ActionParsnip: what is swappiness?00:27
ActionParsnipmeowbuntu: what do you think it is then?00:27
meowbuntuwin4lin(lin4win) allow you to install windows on a linux machine lika a native linux  application and dual boot. (lin4win) allows you to install linux on a windows machine like a native windows application.00:27
APERSONosirisx11, I wouldn't worry about comparability problems00:27
UbuntuLilyWhat is the equivalent of chkdsk on Ubuntu after improper shutdown?00:27
osirisx11{VOID}: i mean x64 i mean00:27
meowbuntunow what is wubi00:27
{VOID}lmao, with 6gigs of ram, you shouldn't be touching swap.00:27
APERSON!wubi > meowbuntu00:27
ubottumeowbuntu, please see my private message00:27
osirisx11{VOID}: sorry, rum+egg nog lol00:28
rCXHamptonSam: try downloading pysdm from http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/pysdm just click the link that says "all" at the bottom00:28
{VOID}osirisx11, lol.00:28
ActionParsnipmeowbuntu: well the screen shot on the official site says different00:28
ActionParsnipmeowbuntu: so right back at you "not true"00:28
{VOID}osirisx11, you have a windows OS on this machine?00:28
IdleOneAPERSON: he wants to run windows inside linux. I suggested virtualbox.00:28
ActionParsniposirisx11: its the amount of stuff ther OS will put in swap as a percentage, swappiness means do not use swap unless it is absolutely needed00:28
rCXHamptonSam: Just save it to your desktop...00:28
osirisx11{VOID}: no, $&% windows!00:28
NineTeen67CometMorning; I installed wicd on a few of my netbooks (mine, my wifes and her friends) but wicd asks for a password every boot. (It seem to load into the systray before loading before the systray).. Anyone know how to fix this?00:28
{VOID}VMware and nothing less.00:28
zz_b0wanyone know how to fix this on aptitude?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/340205/00:29
ActionParsniposirisx11: if you never max out your ram you can make the system smoother by not using swap so much00:29
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APERSONIdleOne, vbox is the way to go00:29
{VOID}osirisx11, just asking, you sure you are using all your cores?00:29
osirisx11ActionParsnip: can you give me something more i can google besides swappiness? I really appreciate the advice but i am unsure what to look for to do it00:29
ActionParsniposirisx11: i like to give it a bit of swappiness just incase00:29
{VOID}osirisx11, I think it is just a reference to swap space settings.00:29
ActionParsniposirisx11: http://www.zolved.com/synapse/view_content/28224/How_to_tune_your_Ubuntu_PC_for_faster_performance_00:30
osirisx11{VOID}: i don't know how to tell how many of the cores i am using, but the cpu mhz controller applet thingy shows four cpus and even if i put them all on "Performance" it still lags00:30
Diverdudeis it possible to mount a folder residing on another computer in linux?00:30
{VOID}depends on the protocol used.00:30
rCXHamptonSam: Is it downloading?00:30
drunkpunknemo: still there?00:30
NineTeen67CometDiverdude: yes .. you can use the smb command (it is a windows box) or nfs ..00:31
ActionParsnipDiverdude: if its shared, yes00:31
HamptonSamFirefox wasn't working so i'm transfering it to the ubuntu computer via a flash drive.00:31
osirisx11ActionParsnip: thank you00:31
DiverdudeNineTeen67Comet, its residing on a solaris server actually00:31
LOLsaurusRexI need some halp.  Halp!00:31
osirisx11LOLsaurusRex: don't ask to ask, just ask00:31
FlannelSorry for the spam guys, it'll be done with quickly00:31
DiverdudeActionParsnip, I can ssh it...so can i then also mount it?00:31
NineTeen67CometDiverdude: You may be able to use nfs with that then (Haven't used Solaris in a few years)..00:32
LOLsaurusRexI'm running Ubuntu 9.10 on an old dell laptop and its running very, very slowly00:32
ActionParsnipDiverdude: sure you can use sshfs00:32
osirisx11ActionParsnip: i LOL at the detailed instruction and pic on how to open terminal, hahah00:32
LOLsaurusRexwhat is going on?00:32
meowbuntuAPERSON, i understand what you mean but thats ok00:32
HamptonSamrCX: this is quite annnyoing...00:33
DiverdudeActionParsnip: is it preinstalled?00:33
bazhangLOLsaurusRex, how much ram00:33
{VOID}osirisx11, you sure your bios is set up properly?00:34
{VOID}sure you aren't running at some odd bus speed?00:34
LOLsaurusRexbazhang: The laptop has 512 MB stick and 128 MB built in.  So 640 MB total.00:34
{VOID}I'm using an Athlon XP, and I have no lag.... lol00:34
LOLsaurusRexit has a 1.2 GHz processor.  So its above the minum requirements00:35
rCXHamptonSam: Your sister really owes you alot for trying this. Is it done yet?00:35
HamptonSamYeah, almost.00:36
HamptonSamrCX: it's done installing.00:36
LOLsaurusRexIs Ubuntu that memory hungry to work acceptably, or is Canonical still ironing out the bugs?00:36
bazhangLOLsaurusRex, more an issue of gnome; you may wish to try something lighter00:37
rCXHamptonSam: So it's done installing pysdm.  Use System -> Administration -> Storage Device Manager00:37
osirisx11ActionParsnip: any idea why they want me to edit the rc file specifically with mousepad? why not gedit?00:37
osotogarixubuntu ftw00:37
LOLsaurusRexIs there something ligher? I'm fairly new to linux.00:37
{VOID}yeah, at least it is better then knome. lol00:37
{VOID}kde I mean.00:38
{VOID}wow, didn't even have eggknog yet.00:38
HamptonSamrCX: I'm there00:38
osotogari@ LOLsaurusRex: xubuntu is pretty light wirhgt00:38
bazhangLOLsaurusRex, there are a ton; lxde fluxbox, and a very long list; you can check in the synaptic package manager and try to see which suits you best00:38
rCXHamptonSam: Under the "partition list" on the left what do you see?00:38
HamptonSamsda, sdb, sdc00:38
{VOID}fluxbox is pretty nice.00:39
osirisx11LOLsaurusRex: if you're new to linux i would suggest using gnome or kde, gnome is more simplistic and kde is more like windows. xfce IS lighter but not as pretty or easy to configure00:39
bazhangosirisx11, limited ram00:39
joenochello im having difficulty setting up a dell 1320c network printer. is there a strand of code that will configure this printer? using 9.1 koala00:39
osirisx11bazhang: what do you mean? i have 6gb, is gedit no good?00:39
{VOID}blackbox is my all time favorite00:39
{VOID}yeah, 6gigs of ram is a little...00:39
rCXHamptonSam: How many external drives are plugged into the computer?00:40
bazhangosirisx11, was talking about LOLsaurusRex only having 768mb00:40
{VOID}ow. lol. made it sound different.00:40
osirisx11bazhang: oh, lol. LOLsaurusRex yes xfce is lighter and not bad00:40
HamptonSamrCX: I removed the flash drive now there is only 2.00:40
bazhangLOLsaurusRex, you could install lubuntu-desktop then choose that from the login session and see if you like it, openbox is also very light00:41
{VOID}with blackbox, I used only 32MB after booting.00:41
joenochello im having difficulty setting up a dell 1320c network printer. is there a strand of code that will configure this printer? using 9.1 koala00:41
evo_Olut a tous00:41
evo_Oor hi all00:41
{VOID}kernel, X, blackbox, fuse, smb... all on 32MB of ram.00:41
mysticdarkhackhey all00:41
osirisx11{VOID}: i haven't changed bios speeds, all my cpu cores show at 2.67ghz on the cpu stepper applet00:41
cormanohello, i have a question, does anyone know why compiz ships with vsync turned off by default in ubuntu? i have noticed turning it on easily solves the video tearing issues, at least with the nvidia binary driver00:41
rCXHamptonSam: Good! when you click sdb's down arrow (if it has one) how many partitions does it have?00:41
{VOID}ow and some small python for stats.00:41
mysticdarkhackquick question here: where do I edit kernel start list?00:41
HamptonSamOn the external, rCX?00:42
mysticdarkhackkernel boot start up list00:42
{VOID}sure you have the right ram in the machine?00:42
rCXHamptonSam: yeah it should be sdb00:42
LOLsaurusRexwhat is the least amount of memory needed to run gnome?  I don't mean the "minimum" as given by Canonical.  But the minimum to have all the bells and whistels turned on.00:42
HamptonSamrCX: i see one sdb100:42
joenochello im having difficulty setting up a dell 1320c network printer. is there a strand of code that will configure this printer? using 9.1 koala00:43
{VOID}Mem:       1544264     969724     57454000:43
rCXHamptonSam: click on sdb1 and then click assistant on the right00:43
=== ArchMage is now known as ShadwDrgn_Laptop
{VOID}347MB is buffer00:44
ShadwDrgn_Laptopmu ha ha?00:44
SuperMiguelwhats a good C IDE???00:44
HamptonSamrCX: /dev/sdb1 hasn't been configured. Do you want to configure it now?00:44
ardchoillejoenoc: just to clarify, there is no 9.1, it's 9.10 (year.month; 2009.April)00:44
rCXHamptonSam: Press yes00:44
{VOID}hmmm didn't know that...00:44
HamptonSamrCX: I'm at the assistant.00:44
ardchoille er (year.month; 2009.October)00:45
{VOID}what happens after 100 years of ubuntu? lol00:45
xFKSxSquirrelok now how do i get widgets or what ever they are called00:45
joenocardchoille, thanks for all the help00:45
=== z is now known as Guest83942
rCXHamptonSam: Make sure "mount file system in read-only mode" is unchecked and press ok00:45
HamptonSamIt's not checked.00:45
HamptonSamAt all.00:45
joenochello im having difficulty setting up a dell 1320c network printer. is there a strand of code that will configure this printer? using 9.10 koala00:45
LOLsaurusRexSince I'm here I'm might as well ask?  What are the best Linux games?00:46
rCXHamptonSam: That's good.  Ok then press apply00:46
IdleOne!games > LOLsaurusRex00:46
ubottuLOLsaurusRex, please see my private message00:46
ardchoille!printer | joenoc Have a look at this:00:46
ubottujoenoc Have a look at this:: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows00:46
HamptonSamrCX: Done.00:46
DiverdudeWhat does this erromessage mean : "fuse: mountpoint is not empty" When i run the sshfs command?00:46
rCXHamptonSam: Try copying a file to the disk00:47
{VOID}anyone find an easier way to use Upnp then djmount?00:47
el_compAIf I install ubuntu 9.10 on a dual boot with windows will it be difficult to do a fresh install of ubuntu 10.04??(whenever it comes out)00:47
{VOID}I really dislike djmount.00:47
HamptonSamrCX: nope. The destination is read-only.00:48
{VOID}el_compA, that is what distro updated are for.00:48
rCXHamptonSam: Eject/unplug the disk and plug it in again00:48
kavurtI installed r-base. but I cannot find it anywhere. where is it?00:48
{VOID}Diverdude, that isn't an empty directory to mount to.00:48
el_compABut what if I want to do a fresh install?00:48
bpZerothe saa7134 driver in kernel 2.6.31 doesn't work with my card, but the one in 2.6.28 did. How can I use the old driver with 2.6.31?00:49
HamptonSamrCX: You are not privileged to mount the volume 'ExHD'.00:49
{VOID}el_compA, as long as you keep the paritions the same, I see no issue.00:49
joenocardchiolle: thanks, i know cups is installed. so you are saying there is no support for my printer. there is no make/model matching mine in either supported or testing.00:49
{VOID}I'm not sure if it'll want to format the partition or not.00:49
joenocardchoille: there is no way around this?00:49
ardchoillejoenoc: I don't know, I've neve3r owned a printer.. referring you to those links was the best I could do to help you00:49
Diverdude{VOID}, but what does that mean?00:50
osirisx11thanks everyon00:50
el_compASo is the procedure the same as installing windows? Format> install?00:50
Diverdude{VOID}, What should i then do?00:50
rCXHamptonSam: Go to the terminal and enter "sudo gedit  /etc/fstab"00:50
joenocardchoille: ty00:50
{VOID}make a seperate dir for your mounting point.00:50
{VOID}see what happens then.00:50
ardchoille!gksudo | rCX , HamptonSam00:50
ubotturCX , HamptonSam: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)00:50
{VOID}make sure your permissions are right too.00:50
joenoclooking for a printer guru*00:50
pyropheliaI'm trying to extend the size of a logical volume in lvm2 to all the availble free space allocated to that volume group. the command I'm using is: lvextend -l %FREE /dev/foo/bar. I get an error back saying: Invalid argument %FREE. what am I doing wrong?00:51
Zosimosi cant hear any sound on ubuntu00:51
HamptonSamrCX: I'm there.00:51
Diverdude{VOID}, ??00:51
rCXHamptonSam: You should see a line that says "/dev/sdb1"00:51
{VOID}Diverdude, what are you trying to do?00:51
SuperMiguelim looking for a C IDE that changes the colors of the code like dev C++ does...00:51
HamptonSamrCX: Yup, i see it.00:52
joenoc*need help with support for dell 1320c printer*00:52
LOLsaurusRexSuperMiguel: Eclipse00:52
rCXHamptonSam: Delete that line!00:52
{VOID}SuperMiguel, vim does that.00:52
rCXHamptonSam: and save the file00:52
Diverdude{VOID}, I want to mount the homedir at have at the university server00:52
HamptonSamrCX: deleted and saved00:52
Diverdude{VOID}, on my own computer00:52
rCXHamptonSam: Unplug and replug in the disk00:52
SuperMiguelLOLsaurusRex, how can i install eclipse when i download it??00:52
ardchoillejoenoc: Is this any help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78334600:52
HamptonSamrCX: done.00:52
rCXHamptonSam: Try copying some files00:53
Zosimosi cant hear any sound on ubuntu00:53
{VOID}what service are you using to propogate your data?00:53
LOLsaurusRexWhat version of Ubuntu are you using?00:53
HamptonSamrCX: nope.00:53
Zosimosthe latest release00:53
Zosimosi just installed it00:53
rCXHamptonSam: What does it say?00:53
HamptonSamthe desintation is read-only00:53
Diverdude{VOID}, you see?00:53
Zosimosi installed flash plugins and whar not, but no sound will play00:53
joenocardchiolle: i never get the easy projects.00:54
ardchoillejoenoc: join the club00:54
rCXHamptonSam: What type of disk is it? Does it have a read/write swith?00:54
Diverdude{VOID}, was that nope for me?00:54
{VOID}I always get the easy ladies, does that count? lol00:54
LOLsaurusRexHow do I start a private chat here?00:54
HamptonSamrCX: it's a western digital, no it doesn't have one00:54
HamptonSamto my knowledge, it doesn't.00:54
ardchoille{VOID}: please stay on topic00:54
{VOID}Diverdude, that was a no00:55
{VOID}yes ardchoille, didn't know humor wasn't allowed.00:55
LOLsaurusRexSuperMiguel: What version of Ubuntu are you using?00:55
Zosimosthis is a help channel, {VOID}00:55
klaesHey, anyone who can help me with getting back my option to start with an xsession from gdm login screen?00:55
Zosimostalk in ubuntu-offtopic00:56
Diverdude{VOID}, so you do not understand what i want to do?00:56
{VOID}considering I've helped out 3 people before making one joke, I think I earned the joke.00:56
SuperMiguelLOLsaurusRex, 8.04 thats why i donwloaded it00:56
loshajoenoc: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78334600:56
{VOID}Diverdude, that was very vague.00:56
klaesoh, i guess this is for gnome... but was after i installed karmic that it went :P00:56
Zosimos{VOID}: freenode is a tad similar to IRC bureaucrats00:56
Zosimosremember that00:56
{VOID}I even helped with grub of all things, lol.00:57
{VOID}Whatever works for you.00:57
Diverdude{VOID}, ok...there is a solaris server at the university. I have a folder there, which is my folder. I want to mount that folder here on my laptop over the internet00:57
rCXHamptonSam: Go back to System -> Administration -> Storage Device Manager00:57
LOLsaurusRexSuperMiguel: Well, you will have to check that you have the latest version of openJDK running if that's what you are using.  Or are you using the Java JDK?00:57
meatbunhow to check # of packets i am receiving and sending for eth0?00:57
meatbunin real time00:57
klaeshow do i get to boot from my .xsession file again?00:57
rCXHamptonSam: Choose sdb1 and click assistant again00:57
klaescant choose it on login00:57
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic00:57
{VOID}Diverdude, what service does that server use to share your data?00:57
HamptonSamrCX: i'm there00:57
IdleOne{VOID}: jokes detract from the support. Keep in mind though that this is a family friendly channel so please try to stay on topic ☺00:57
SuperMiguelLOLsaurusRex, im just trying to use the C part.. do i still need Java?00:58
{VOID}is there a place to joke in here?00:58
airtonixmeatbun, htop or jnettop00:58
Diverdude{VOID}, I dont know00:58
SuperMiguelLOLsaurusRex, or JDK?00:58
Flannel{VOID}: #ubuntu-offtopic00:58
loshameatbun: ifconfig eth0 reports packets RX and TX...00:58
rCXHamptonSam: Mount as read-only is still unchecked right?00:58
IdleOne{VOID}: #ubuntu-offtopic00:58
gestahltI have a big problem installing ubuntu 9.04 Server on my Server00:58
airtonix!info jnettop | meatbun00:58
Diverdude{VOID}, how can i find out?00:58
HamptonSamrCX: yes.00:58
ubottumeatbun: jnettop (source: jnettop): View hosts/ports taking up the most network traffic. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.12.0-4 (karmic), package size 35 kB, installed size 140 kB00:58
LOLsaurusRexSuperMiguel: Yes, eclipse runs on java.  Trust me is the best C IDE.00:58
gestahlti have a Raid10 with 4x 1 TB Harddrives00:58
gestahltat the end of the installation.. grub doesnt install00:58
=== coop3r is now known as cooper|offline
{VOID}Diverdude, how do you get to that data using a windows pc?00:59
SuperMiguelLOLsaurusRex, so i need to run apt-get install OPENJDK?00:59
rCXHamptonSam: Check "Allow any user to mount the file system"00:59
DiverdudeDiverdude, I can connect using a program called winscp00:59
LOLsaurusRexSuperMiguel: yeah00:59
joenocardchoille: am going through the motions. installing alien now00:59
HamptonSamrCX: then apply and try?00:59
meatbunairtonix, losha i am installing jnettop00:59
Diverdude{VOID}, I can connect using a program called winscp00:59
rCXHamptonSam: Yeah.  You may have to unplug and replug the drive... and then try copying files.01:00
airtonixmeatbun, one of the display methods it has is to show packets instead of bytes01:00
{VOID}so, you use SSH?01:00
gestahltHas grub generally issues with raid?01:00
loshaDiverdude: depends on what kind of access you have to the machine. If you can ssh to it, you can use sshfs....01:00
HamptonSamrCX: sure.01:00
dailystruggleis sceencats.ubuntu a working site01:00
Diverdudelosha, i can ssh to it01:00
{VOID}I was just getting to that losha01:00
ardchoillejoenoc: What are you doing? I would advise against installing any package that wasn't built for ubuntu, alien can cause problems01:00
meowbuntuanyone know a tutoral that works about win4lin.01:00
mysticdarkhackanyone know where I can edit the grub2 with the kernel list booup?01:01
HamptonSamrCX: i try to unmount it but it says it's not mounted?01:01
{VOID}I'm getting burnt out, need a 5 minute break.01:01
losha{VOID}: sorry, didn't mean to steal your thunder....01:01
Diverdudelosha, but i get an error when i try sshfs01:01
gestahltNow with Raid 10 the volume isnt even found for partitioning01:01
rCXHamptonSam: Just unplug it then and plug it back in.01:01
loshaDiverdude: what kind of error? I don't have a crystal ball...01:01
{VOID}losha, you stepped in at the right time, thanks.01:01
meatbunairtonix, it looks like tcpdump01:01
dailystruggleit doesnt send mail!01:02
Diverdudelosha, I get this error01:02
Diverdudefuse: mountpoint is not empty01:02
Diverdudefuse: if you are sure this is safe, use the 'nonempty' mount option01:02
yoyonedmeowbuntu: I havn't heard much from win4lin in a while.  Virtualbox and vmware can just about do it all01:02
HamptonSamrCX: the destination is read-only..01:02
{VOID}losha, helped 3 other people just before this, spent an hour straight helping people. I needed a break but didn't want to step away in the middle of this.01:02
loshaDiverdude: It's just a guess, but I think it's saying the directory where you're trying to mount (on the local machine) has files in it. Is that true?01:03
rCXrCX: Hmm that should have worked and I think we're stuck...01:03
rCXHamptonSam:  Hmm that should have worked and I think we're stuck...01:03
Diverdudelosha, well i did not specify a placetomount locally01:03
HamptonSamrCX: how do you suggest moving 40gbs off the hard drive? :)01:04
losha{VOID}: after a while you'll realise the stream of people needing help is apparently endless. You have to pace yourself...01:04
klaesanybody know how i can get back to booting my .xsession file from login?01:04
joenocardchoille: it is in the repository in symaptic. i have little other choice.01:04
{VOID}losha, this is my first time helping in an irc room like this.01:04
macoklaes: at gdm options choose "run X client script" instead of choosing gnome session01:04
merGetting "Unable to find medium containing a live file system" after running Update Manager.  Can anyone assist?01:04
{VOID}I've done tech support on forums, ect.01:04
losha{VOID}: unfortunately, it's addictive...01:04
gestahlti cant get ubuntu installed on a raid 1001:05
gestahltcan somebody help me please?01:05
loshaDiverdude: let me check the sshfs pages. You should probably do the same...01:05
rCXHamptonSam: Does she have any specific folders that she wants to keep.  You don't need copy all the programs and Windows01:05
merdailystruggle,,,,what's your question. i just joined in.01:05
klaesmaco, i dont think there was one, just failsafe, gnome, xterm and hmm... gonna check thx01:05
=== Anacranom is now known as SeaPhor
HamptonSamrCX: that's exactly what im doing01:06
klaesmaco: yeah, and KDE01:06
macoklaes: i dont know then01:06
dailystrugglewhy doesnt screencast ,ubuntu,com allow you to sign up or it just doesnt send mail01:06
klaesmaco: there is no way to run that anymore, thats my problem ;P01:06
loshaDiverdude: take a look at: http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/10/28/how-to-mount-a-remote-ssh-filesystem-using-sshfs/01:06
rCXHamptonSam: How big is your flash drive?01:06
Diverdudelosha, This is what i wrote:  sshfs server.name.somewhere: /home/myusrname01:06
HamptonSamrCX: 4 gigs.01:07
joenocardchiolle: ty for the help01:07
dailystrugglemer: http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/user/register01:07
rCXHamptonSam: Okay you may have to copy 1/10th of her files at a time to another computer then.01:07
HamptonSamrCX: sigh.. okay.01:08
HamptonSamrCX: i really appreciate your help.01:08
loshaDiverdude: try: sshfs server.name.somewhere:/home/myusrname   /some/local/directory    <-- Note the spacing. It matters!!!01:08
Diverdudelosha, i think i did it correct...what do you think?01:08
Diverdudemoment ill try it01:08
el_compACould you guys help me get a lexmark 2300 to work on ubuntu ( yew I already tried googleing it)01:08
rCXHamptonSam: Thanks.  Hope everything works out.01:08
merdailystruggle,,,what's that for?  You're trying to register and can't?01:08
loshaDiverdude: note:  NO spaces inside server.name.somewhere:/home/myusrname01:09
dailystruggleI create tuts and want to share I have a large u tubs audience01:09
dailystruggleit dont send mail01:09
merwhat are tuts?01:09
chaotikcoreanyone know how to edit the password prompt gui01:10
dailystrugglesorry chat01:10
gestahltARGH it is really driving me nuts01:10
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.01:10
loshamer: tutorials. How anyone with such grammar & spelling creates tutorials is a mystery though...01:10
Diverdudelosha,  hmm then it says invalid argument01:10
dailystruggleim just trying to get them up01:10
merno problem.  so the site you listed isn't working as expected?01:10
Diverdudelosha, heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey01:11
dailystruggleI have them on my site and u tubs but not the screencast site01:11
gestahltCan someone please help me with my ubuntu problem01:11
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:11
Diverdudelosha, awesome it works01:11
chaotikcorewhat problem01:11
merI haven't used that site before.  No experience there.  Have you written them?01:12
dailystruggleI have over one hundred I need to link01:12
loshaDiverdude: very cool...01:12
ActionParsnipgestahlt: ask away01:12
gestahltI want to install Ubuntu 9.04 Server on a Raid10 Array01:12
merGetting "Unable to find medium containing a live file system" after running Update Manager.  Can anyone assist?01:12
Diverdudelosha, thank you so much...and to {VOID} also01:12
gestahltbut i dint find any harddrives in the partition menu01:12
gestahltor arrays01:12
CyberBopHi, I was wondering  Is there a script or something that allows SMS -> email, auto response, email->SMS, running 8.1001:12
dailystrugglethats what the member meeting said I should load them to01:12
Diverdudelosha, is it possible to put this into a script somehow?01:12
ActionParsnip!raid | gestahlt01:12
ubottugestahlt: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto01:12
nalsaI have an interesting issue- just installed ubuntu server-- and did apt-get ubuntu-desktop install; when I boot into gnome nothing is clickable-- I can move the mouse but no clicks are going through-- also tried CTRL+ALT+f1 to go to CLI but no response; Any thoughts?01:12
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:13
dailystrugglewhere can I let someone know that the site doesn't work01:13
ActionParsnipnalsa: why install server to then install a desktop on it?01:13
gestahltAnd for hardware raid?01:13
dailystrugglebeccause this would be a subdomain of ubuntu.com01:13
ActionParsnipgestahlt: you will need to setup RAID in your device, you may need a driver installing or compiling for your device01:14
merdailystruggle,,,"We have an irc channel - #ubuntu-screencasts on freenode. "01:14
nalsaWell I want the server but with the Xorg and gnome packages-- I read the easiest way to get it setup was to install ubuntu-desktop01:14
merAlso, "To see a list of team members or to apply to join the team, visit our launchpad page. "01:14
Blue1i am getting a strange error from mtp-detect on my creative zen:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/340265/01:14
ActionParsnipgestahlt: lspci will show you what it is and you can websearch the line that defines the device and find guides01:14
loshaDiverdude: Lots of choices: you can add it to /etc/fstab so it happens automatically at bootup, or just put it in a file named e.g. remote.sh (plus a #! /bin/sh line) and then call it when you want, or just make a command for it in gnome01:14
dailystruggleill go there this should be there anyway01:15
merDailystruggle, those are from the "Contacts" page at the screencasts site.01:15
ActionParsnipnalsa: you may as well install the deskyop system, its exactly the same01:15
gestahltwoa.. wait how do i include drivers in the installation?01:15
ActionParsnipnalsa: yuo dont gain anything installing desktop on server01:15
Diverdudelosha, if i do it at bootup and it fails because there is no network, what happens then?01:15
MagicBenhello ppl01:15
loshanalsa: that's supposed to work. You'ver rebooted since the install?01:15
merGetting "Unable to find medium containing a live file system" after running Update Manager.  Can anyone assist?01:16
nalsayes I have rebooted01:16
echotoneI am having trouble installing ubuntu on my desktop. i can install win7, winXP, and osx86 but when i attempt to install ubuntu, it flashes some white lines on the screen then sits black indeffinitely. any thoughts?01:16
loshaDiverdude: nothing much happens, it just fails and you'd have to reissue the command by hand after the network comes up01:17
ActionParsnipnalsa: could also try: sudo gdm start    I personally suggest you download, MD5 test, burn and install the DESKTOP system as thats what your final aim is. I am baffled why you are doing that way and not suprised you are getting issues01:17
nalsaI have actually installed it twice-- first time I did it I thought it was a corrupt install-- so I did a full reinstall of the server package and got it working fine- and installed the ubuntu-desktop and it did the same thing--01:17
ActionParsnipnalsa: you can run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm01:17
nalsaactionparsnip: I was under the impression server edition and more packages on the default install01:17
Jamedechotone: maybe a graphics issue, you should try the alternate install cd01:18
echotoneit was the alt cd01:18
Jamedechotone: oh01:18
sarthorHi, where can i get help to configure my thomson adsl modem via telnet with 4 M DSL connection??01:18
nalsaactionparnsip: thanks ill try that real quick01:18
Diverdudelosha, ok....and will it try again at next reboot or do i have to reenable it again?01:18
loshanalsa: Well, I did the same as you, and I never got the desktop working satisfactorily, lots of X11 stuff missing. In the end, I installed ubuntu-desktop instead...01:18
echotoneand i can install every os except ubuntu. win7 detects both monitors and runs great.01:18
loshaDiverdude: what did you to do '01:18
loshaDiverdude: Um, what did you to do 'enable' it?01:18
ActionParsnipnalsa: if you install the desktop package you get the desktop system but will get less hastle01:19
Diverdudelosha, nothing...just wrote the line you helped me with01:19
loshaDiverdude: then that's all you'll need next time too...01:19
loshanalsa: ActionParsnip: a *lot* less hassle...01:20
DiverdudeDiverdude, but if its /etc/fstab/ already then I guess i dont have to put it there again right?01:20
nalsais it prety easy to setup a lamp server on the desktop?01:20
ActionParsnip!lamp | nalsa01:20
ubottunalsa: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:20
richie0hi, guys.  is there a command that will show my cpu speed?  this laptop should be 2.1ghz but conky shows 1.2ghz.01:21
sarthorHi, where can i get help to configure my thomson adsl modem via telnet with 4 M DSL connection??01:21
merGetting "Unable to find medium containing a live file system" after running Update Manager.  Can anyone assist?01:21
nalsa!lamp | nalsa01:21
ubottunalsa, please see my private message01:21
Diverdudelosha, so I just put the sshfs command in the end of /etc/fstab ?01:22
loshaDiverdude: in theory, but you were right. If for some reason, the network is slow to come up, the mount in /etc/fstab might fail (fstab was really designed for disks which are always ready') and you'll have to issue the command by hand...01:22
loshaDiverdude: better to make a command and run it by hand. The remote machine might be unavailable or down etc...01:23
ActionParsnipwhen Bleachbit is running, why does it sit for ages when it hits about 60% ?01:23
emancan you help me rip a dvd image?01:23
ActionParsnipeman: use acidrip or dd01:24
dailystrugglemer:no answer01:24
emank thank u01:24
loshaeman: maybe. What do you want to do with it once it's ripped?01:24
emanmy windows xp disk01:24
emanuse it in virtualbox01:24
Diverdudelosha, yeah....but if its not available at boottime i can just do it by hand.....and next time i boot it will just try again right?01:24
ActionParsnipeman: dd if=/dev/sr0 of=~/XP32.iso01:25
loshaDiverdude: yes....01:25
merdailystruggle,,,don't know dude.  hopefully someone else can help you.  sorry.01:25
gotmilk82anyone running chromium?01:25
dailystruggleI am not a patient person so I will return when the alcohol stop flowing freely01:25
ActionParsnipgotmilk82: i do01:25
dailystrugglethats ok01:25
=== Jamed is now known as Guest50145
Diverdudelosha, ok nice...so i just put the sshfs command in the bottom of /etc/fstab ?01:25
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gotmilk82i am building it now, is it any good?01:25
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ActionParsnipgotmilk82: why not use the daily build ppa?01:26
Gateanyone direct me to a decent howto to unencrypt files that were  encrypted by the "encrypt your home directory" option in Ubuntu?01:26
loshaDiverdude: yes. That should work...01:26
ActionParsnipgotmilk82: best browser ive used to date :D01:26
gotmilk82I am learning, just having fun01:26
Guest40392i need help with tcl01:26
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=== Guest40392 is now known as JordanCook
macoGate: when you're logged in the directory will be decrypted. then you can copy files out in cleartext01:26
gotmilk82when I update this christmas, I wll use the ppa01:27
gotmilk82I get to update to 9.10 then01:27
JordanCookdoes anybody know why i am getting http://pastebin.com/m6ab2d63301:27
Gatemaco: system is unbootable. I am dumping the files onto another working system and I need to recover the data01:28
=== sysop is now known as Guest38606
gotmilk82I have to get a new list of all the ppas I am currently using though or life will be bad after the install to 9.10 :(01:28
wgrantgotmilk82: Why not upgrade?01:28
Diverdudelosha, how do i then supply the password?01:28
macoGate: i think you need to copy the whole directory then. im not sure where the key is stored though01:28
GateI am copying the whole home folder, thanks. Just trying to hunt down some instructions or a manual that describes how to unencrypt them.01:29
gotmilk82wgrant i tried that with 8 to 8.10 and it was soooooo messed up.  i also need to encrypt the LVM this time01:29
loshaJordanCook: it's not recognising the file as tcl and trying to execute the contents as shell commands. That usually means the file isn't meant to be executed directly, i.e. that some other tcl file is supposed to invoke it. Make sense?01:29
merGetting "Unable to find medium containing a live file system" after running Update Manager.  Can anyone assist?01:29
macoGate: i think there's a file in there when its not unlocked that says how to open it, isnt there?01:29
wgrantGate, maco: I believe the passphrase is stored (encrypted to your login password) in /home/.ecryptfs/USERNAME/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase01:29
JordanCooklosha: do you know how i can fix this issue?01:30
ActionParsnipgotmilk82: just backup /etc/apt/sources.list01:30
gotmilk82wgrant right now I only have my user directory encrypted and according to our security guy, thats not enough01:30
wgrantGate:: 'ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase' will get you the raw key.01:30
wgrantgotmilk82: It depends on the purpose of the encryption.01:30
Diverdudelosha, ??01:30
loshaDiverdude: oops. You either have to arrange for passwordless login over ssh, which is a hassle, or just do it manually (*much* simpler)...01:30
Gatewgrant: OK, thanks.01:30
gotmilk82to stop people who still my laptop from being able to dd01:30
gotmilk82I think....01:31
loshaDiverdude: dude, I can only type so fast...01:31
gotmilk82they just aren't happy since they got the PGP whole disk encryption for the Windows boxes... :(01:31
Diverdudelosha, sorry i thought you didnt see it01:31
loshaJordanCook: like I say, I think you're supposed to be executing a different file. Where did this stuff come from and what's it for?01:32
Diverdudelosha, so I have to make a trust relationship then?01:32
Diverdudelosha, like such a keyfile01:32
gotmilk82stupid question: how does one know if a ppa is safe or not?01:32
chaotikcoreu dont01:33
CShadowRungotmilk82: you don't01:33
macogotmilk82: one doeesn't01:33
Diverdudelosha, like an SSH key pair01:33
macogotmilk82: if you know the person who made the ppa and trust them not to be jerks....ok01:33
wgrantOne must trust the owners of the PPA.01:33
ilpresidentei'm frecnh01:33
ActionParsnipgotmilk82: you dont01:33
JordanCooklosha: its  a flashpolicy tcl file. it is supposed to serv crossdomain.xml. i got it from http://blog.zappmonkey.com/2008/01/13/tcltk-flash-socket-policy-server/01:33
macogotmilk82: i tend to trust PPAs that are owned by ubuntu developers01:33
ilpresidentecan we create a server?01:33
wgrant!fr | ilpresidente01:33
CShadowRunI tend to trust that ppa's would be taken down within 5 minutes if they contained malicious software01:33
ubottuilpresidente: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr01:33
gotmilk82I was afraid of that01:34
wgrantCShadowRun: That's in no way a valid assumption.01:34
macoCShadowRun: you really think they're monitored?01:34
ActionParsnipgotmilk82: i just go for it as i backup my data so i dont care if my desktop system gets screwed01:34
CShadowRunnope, i don't think they are monitored01:34
gotmilk82shhhh, I wont tell the security guys if you don't ... LOL01:34
CShadowRunbut just like the resent problem on gnome-look that lasted all of 5 minutes01:34
wgrantThere are approximately an AWFUL LOT of PPAs.01:34
CShadowRunit doesn't last long01:34
loshaDiverdude: yeah, ssh login using keys. There are web pages on it. I don't think it's a good idea for sshfs though, because at some point, you still need a keyphrase to unlock the local keys01:34
gotmilk82I am with you ActionParnip01:34
macoilpresidente: #ubuntu-fr01:34
ilpresidenteare you in guadeloupe01:34
Gateah, maco wgrant: I just realized that the .encryptfs symlink is broken on the system, which is why it won't unencrypt with the normal command. Hunting for why that link is broken now01:34
gotmilk82I backup too01:34
macoilpresidente: no01:35
wgrantGate: Uhoh.01:35
gotmilk82so no worries01:35
loshaDiverdude: so I think I was wrong to propose the /etc/fstab solution...01:35
merGetting "Unable to find medium containing a live file system" after running Update Manager.  Can anyone assist?01:35
Diverdudelosha, ok....better to make a script the mounts all drives i need to mount and then associate this with a menu entry i guess...right?01:36
loshaJordanCook: try: tclsh ./flashpolicy.tcl01:36
=== Guest38606 is now known as sysop2
gotmilk82I left Windows because I got tired of the whole crash machine, spend 3 days getting it back online, try useful thing again....crash again....repeat until fed up01:37
loshaDiverdude: much better. That way it can prompt you for any passwords it needs, and it won't try mounting until you tell it to...01:37
Witch-King-VTwhat does it means MPlayer GUI requires X11?01:37
Witch-King-VTwhat I should install01:37
jribWitch-King-VT: what are you trying to accomplish exactly?01:37
ActionParsnipWitch-King-VT: if you want a gui, you need a desktop system01:37
gotmilk82Witch-King-VT: check into smplayer instead01:37
Gatewgrant: DUH! I mounted the drive on a live-cd, and that symlink is absolute, so it is looking for that folder on the live-cd. :) I found the private keys!01:38
ActionParsnipWitch-King-VT: mplayer can be ran and controlled from command line01:38
JordanCooklosha: i get http://pastebin.com/m2120a815 now01:38
ActionParsnipGate: you mounted the partition, you can't mount disks01:38
wgrantGate: Excellent. Now, be veeeeery careful with them!01:38
arghh2d2Witch-King-VT: you can even run mplayer video from console if you got framebuffer running01:38
GateActionParsnip: yeah, yeah yeah whatever :)01:38
Gateslip of the tounge01:38
Gatewgrant: cp is my friend01:38
arghh2d2cp just wants your money01:39
Witch-King-VTI compile mplayer svn everithing is ok until a give command gmplayer01:39
jribWitch-King-VT: mplayer is in the repositories and it includes the gui01:39
Gatethanks for your help guys, I think I can get the data now that I know where the private keys are01:39
gotmilk82Witch-King-VT: i would suggest you look at smplayer, they also keep your mplayer up to date.01:40
loshaJordanCook: I think it means something is already running on that port (843). Try running: netstat -an | egrep 843 and see what it says....01:40
arghh2d2smplayer is qt, yuck01:40
arghh2d2may as well run vlc then01:41
gotmilk82so are a lot of things01:41
JordanCooklosha: tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN01:41
Witch-King-VTin the blloody repo mplayer does not be set to use cyrilic 1251 so I desidet to compile01:41
ActionParsniparghh2d2: runs well though, and uses mplayer which rocks01:41
Witch-King-VTbut now I got the error01:41
loshaJordanCook: yes, something is already listening on tcp port 843. Do you know what it is?01:41
arghh2d2i just run mplayer from the command line, theres keys to handle anything imaginable01:41
gotmilk82I know that and you know that....but they want the gui man....01:42
arghh2d2usually just need "f" key for full screen, space key is pause01:42
Geanti need help01:42
ActionParsnipGeant: ask away01:42
JordanCooklosha: i have no idea. i am looking in running processes, but see nothing01:42
sebsebseb!help |  Geant01:42
ubottuGeant: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:42
loshaarghh2d2: I use mplayer for everything *except* dvd menus....01:43
arghh2d2losha: i hear ya.  mplayer rocks01:43
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:43
gotmilk82sebsebseb is quick on that thing, aint he....fastes ! in the west01:43
merGetting "Unable to find medium containing a live file system" after running Update Manager.  Can anyone assist?01:43
loshagotmilk82: years of practice...01:44
sebsebseblosha: not years :)01:44
gotmilk82not worthy....not worthy....01:44
chaotikcoremer| whats goin on01:44
JordanCooklosha: i found out what is using it, i am now killing the pid01:44
loshaJordanCook: what process was it?01:44
Qvintvsis there a ubuntu package for gnu mit-scheme>01:45
yolpesorry can u link me in support channel in italian lenguage? tnx01:45
JordanCooklosha: its the flashpolicy script, but its one that doesnt work01:45
sebsebseb!it |  yolpe01:45
ubottuyolpe: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)01:45
mdb3624my system keeps locking up forcing me to do a hard reboot01:45
merchaotikcore, something happened after patching01:45
loshaJordanCook: yes, makes perfect sense...01:45
sebsebsebyolpe: np01:45
merchaotikcore,,,running from a usb01:45
mdb3624can someone help me figure out what is causing my system to do a hard lock?01:46
chaotikcoremer| can u mount usb01:46
merchaotikcore,,,,had been running fine for months01:46
chaotikcorelet me see hold on01:47
loshamer: I think it's a grub config issue. What did you update from/to ?01:47
merchaotikcore,,,,i'm currently booted to just a liveCD01:47
chaotikcorehad same problem im gonna look at my back logs to see how i fixed01:47
merchaotikcore,,,,awesome.  thanks.01:47
KamokowAn icon for one of my partitions disappeared from my desktop, i can still access the partition, but I cant get the icon back... Help?01:47
Proteus_evening all. little question, I'm setting up a dual boot win7/kubuntu system on a brand new comp and I came across this little tidbit in the ubuntuguide: "DO NOT USE the Karmic Koala Desktop edition if you use a boot partition, use multiple OS (more than 2), or chainload bootloaders. The Ubuntu installer will overwrite your Master Boot Record and you will later be forced to recreate it."  If I'm just doing a fresh install of win7 and then01:47
Proteus_ ubuntu is this really a problem?01:47
loshamdb3624: lockups are very hard to diagnose. It's usually a hardware issue. Start by running a memtest overnight...01:48
gotmilk82whoa, chromium is very fast01:48
chaotikcoremer| what version u running01:48
sebsebsebProteus_: ubuntuguide.org is not an offical site, so some of the info may not be accurate enough or even recommended01:48
gp5sthello! is there any program that will pick songs similar in style/taste? i guess sort of like pandora, but for my music, and not based on user rankings01:49
Proteus_sebsebseb, where would you suggest I go instead?01:49
pvt_harvhow can i dual boot with win701:49
gp5sti guess it'd have to analyze each song and figure out stuff from it, that "stuff" is what i find to be the hard part, what parameters would one even use: temp0?01:49
Kamokowgp5st: All programs like that need some sort of multi-user control.01:49
sebsebseb!new |  Proteus_01:49
ubottuProteus_: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com01:49
=== alex1_ is now known as alex2
loshagp5st: the easiest way to do that would be to get the other users to do it for you....01:50
sebsebsebProteus_: right ok, so your going to dual boot Kubuntu and Windows 7?01:50
sebsebsebProteus_: and there are no other OS's on there as well?01:50
gp5stkamkow: multi-user?01:50
Proteus_sebsebseb, yeah. And I plan on having no other OSes01:50
gp5stlosha: the song couldn't be analyized and somehow figured out what songs go together?01:50
chaotikcoreapparentlly i had to reninstall all acm and usb drivers01:50
Kamokowgp5st: Pandora style. Because ,it allows for the program to find song similarities without analyzing them under a microscope01:51
merchaotikcore,,,,your issue was after patching too?01:51
gp5stkamokow: but i'm just me...01:51
sebsebsebProteus_: first of all a seperate /boot partition is not needed,  well with XFS and the old Grub it is, but  9.10 does not come with the  old Grub, and it does not come with XFS as the default file system01:51
sebsebsebProteus_: also I am not sure, but XFS probably works with the new Grub 2 without needing a seperate /boot01:51
chaotikcoremer| yep but patching overwrote acm and used an odler ver.01:51
sebsebsebProteus_: so see what I mean about bad advice for that website?01:51
Kamokowgp5st: The only things like that (in my knowledge) use an online database that is contributed to by its users01:52
Proteus_sebsebseb, so I'd basically just set the root partition as bootable?01:52
merchaotikcore,,,,how can i reinstall acm and usb when I can't boot?  (although I do get to a limited shell)01:52
sebsebsebProteus_: if you install Windows after,  Ubuntu/Kubuntu some other Linux distro etc,  then yes it will go over the Master Boot Record01:53
chaotikcorecan u sudo in that shell01:53
sebsebsebProteus_: and remove the part of Grub that is in there, then only Windows will boot up, and sorting that out can be tricky espesailly for new users01:53
sebsebsebProteus_: that is why it is recommended to have Windows installed first01:53
gp5stkamokow: hmmm, do you know of an open one? i'm sure given time i could deduce tempo, and some rudimentry style parameter? i'm curious what else i'd need01:53
Proteus_sebsebseb, ahh, that makes more sense01:53
Kamokowgp5st: No sorry :-/01:54
merchaotikcore,,,,not sure.  i'll have to try.  will need to leave IM to reboot.  what should I do if I *can* sudo.01:54
loshagp5st: it's harder than you think to do that. One of those 'artificial intelligence' things....01:54
Proteus_sebsebseb, but with GRUB2 and karmic I don't need a dedicated boot partition?01:54
sebsebsebProteus_: ,but saying don't install Karmic, because of what you copied in, that's silly01:54
gp5stlosha: what ai? i deduce parameters from different songs and see which ones cluster?01:54
chaotikcoreapt-get acm01:54
chaotikcorehave you tried gparted to read01:55
sebsebsebProteus_: by default Ubuntu puts everything into /  and does a swap for people when doing the guided install01:55
Aditya1gp5st: we did that for a research thing in school01:55
gp5stkamokow: hmm, i wonder how possible it would be to have it deduce different instruments and keys01:55
Aditya1it somewhat works01:55
loshagp5st: if you can get a reliable system that does that, you can sell it to amazon for millions....01:55
gp5stadityal: i knew i couldn't be first!01:55
sebsebsebProteus_: however having a seperate /home is useful01:55
Aditya1but its nowhere as good to differentiate instruments01:55
chaotikcoremer| hold up may have answer01:55
gp5stadityal: yeah, i could see that being very difficult01:56
Kamokowlosha: he wouldnt need amazon, he could sell it easily elsewhere :P01:56
chaotikcoregrub loads fine right01:56
Aditya1but we were able to see pretty good distinction in timbre between songs that were rated "happy" vs stuffthat was "sad" or "angry" in a survey01:56
merchaotikcore,,,,no grub in use.  just booting straight to the usb drive.01:56
sebsebsebProteus_: you will also get Ext4 as the default file system in Karmic,  if you do manual install in the installer, you can choose a file system for the installer, but also set up seperate /home.  easier to set them up on a new install rather than after woulds.  Home is where your data would go, and also program user data, for example the Firefox profile.01:56
yuanxinHi, in 9.04 how can I make the icons representing running programs in the taskbar expand to fill the whole taskbar?01:57
gp5stbut you get to the issue of what makes a song "classical" or "soft rock" or "hard rock"? tempo? avg volume and std dev of volume? how is "jazz" different from classical? how does one define those?01:57
sebsebsebProteus_: a seperate /boot is not needed if you do Ext4 or Ext3 etc01:57
gp5stlosha: well it's a matter of getting the params more than the matching/clustering01:57
sebsebseb!dualboot |  Proteus_01:57
ubottuProteus_: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:57
maco!ot | gp5st01:57
ubottugp5st: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:57
chaotikcorelook at this thread http://gparted-forum.surf4.info/viewtopic.php?id=9790:01:57
MagicBeni'm still using Jaunty on my pc cause grub2 get quickly unhappy with wubi install ^^'01:58
gp5stmaco: sorry, i guess i've gone beyond the "i wonder if there is a program that does this"01:58
merchaotikcore,,,,ok... brb.01:58
Proteus_ubottu, ah, thank you01:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:58
lindarHello there. I'm having trouble with SCIM. I've installed it along with Anthy, but I can't seem to get it to do anything, regardless of configuration. I set my preferences, set up the hot keys, then started up the tray icon that sits there next to the clock, but no matter what I press, it doesn't seem to want to switch to Japanese.01:58
sebsebseb!thanks |  Proteus_01:59
ubottuProteus_: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)01:59
RoyallI can't transfer or modify files on my flash drive, it's a read-only filesystem, and chown doesn't work02:00
KamokowSo, a partition on my hdd stopped showing up on my desktop, how do I re-add the link there?02:00
gp5stroyall: is it a thumb drive thing or sd card?02:00
Royallthumb drive02:00
sebsebsebProteus_: so I get the thanks, well good luck02:00
merchaotikcore,,,,i had seen that posting.  since my system was working until i updated yesterday, i was hoping to just fix what got broken without introducing new layers.  so i saw how to reinstall acm.  what is "acm" by the way?02:00
gotmilk82ActionParsnip I found a bug?  I have a website that I use for reports that creates about 26 tabs in firefox, but nothing seems to happen in Chromium....am I missing a setting somewhere?02:01
meowbuntuhi can someone scan this and tell me if it will link to mint8 grub2 bootloader. i will only have winxp  and ubuntu9.10 on seperate hdd. (this uses a seperate bootloader adn links to each os individual grub bootloader) http://www.justlinux.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=14397302:01
nanomachinehow do i compile with cmake?02:01
Proteus_sebsebseb, is there a way with ext4 to just prevent /home from growing so much it interferes with the system when if fills up? I'm not sure how to balance the partitions at the moment since my usage patterns are going to evolve as I swtich fom school to research to dabbling with art with this new comp02:01
chaotikcorehardware mounter02:01
nanomachineubuntubot knows nothing about cmake02:02
Proteus_sebsebseb, I sincerely thank you for your time  and assistance as well02:02
sebsebsebProteus_: oh right02:02
maconanomachine: from the parent directory of the source type "cmake srcdirame/" then itll do stuff and generate a makefile, then you use the Makefile as usual02:02
sebsebsebProteus_: when you ready to install Ubuntu? now?02:02
maconanomachine: cmake is like the ./configure step02:02
merchaotikcore,,,,oh ok.  and the command for usb would be "sudo apt-get usb"?02:02
sebsebsebProteus_: oh yes something I should mention is this,  if Windows 7 is like Vista you should let it resize itself, or data loss might happen02:02
chaotikcoreno little more tricky let me find out02:03
Proteus_sebsebseb, I'm setting up partions now, then I'm gong to install win7 into it's partition, then reboot and let ubuntu do it's thing02:03
sebsebsebProteus_: that's one why to do it preperae things a bit with gparted first02:03
nanomachinemaco, theres several src inside the extracted tar file directory02:03
maconanomachine: outside the extracted directory02:03
sebsebsebProteus_: way not why,   good idea to set up a seperate /home as I suggested :)02:03
chaotikcoreare you trying to install fronm usb in widows02:03
maconanomachine: and give it the name of the extracted directory02:04
franhay alguien?02:04
sebsebseb!es |  fran02:04
ubottufran: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:04
KamokowSo, my desktop isnt working at all, none of the icons are showing up for anything, and I cant right click or anything. If I goto my desktop in the file browser I can see everything, but nothing shows up on the actual desktop itself.02:04
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merchaotikcore,,,,no.  i was going to boot back to the point that it fails and then use the shell.  it's not a full shell though.02:04
hyperstream_ whenthis machine downloads the latest updates is it possible to somehow xfer these over to my other ubuntu desktops instead of downloading via each machine ?02:05
Proteus_sebsebseb, if ext4 has a good growfs tool  I suppose a separate /home would keep things clean - how large would you recommening making the /home partition?02:05
chaotikcorehave u seen this http://www.pendrivelinux.com/create-a-ubuntu-9-10-live-usb-in-windows/02:05
sebsebsebProteus_: Ext4 is not a tool, it's a file system,  gparted is a partitions tool02:05
Proteus_sebsebseb, I know02:05
merchaotikcore,,,,It's the BusyBox shell, whatever that is.02:05
merchaotikcore,,,,let me look at that link...02:06
chaotikcoreu need root shell for all this02:06
Proteus_sebsebseb, but I've tried actually resizing an ex4 partiton02:06
sebsebsebProteus_: 10 to 12GB for /    a bit of SWAP space,  that depends on RAM and if you want to hibernate, if you do some SWAP space or not bother.   Make a big seperate /home02:06
Proteus_I've never tried, rather02:06
sebsebseb!swap |  Proteus_02:06
ubottuProteus_: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info02:06
meowbuntuanyone here have grub-fu i need help on something02:07
chaotikcoremeow|grub 1 or 202:07
Proteus_sebsebseb, as I understand it a swapfile can't be used for hibernation, correct?02:07
merchaotikcore,,,,hmmm.  well, i'm getting the filesystem-squashfs and the casper-rw files mounted right now.  maybe i'll be able to figure something out from there...02:07
Proteus_only a /swap partiton?02:07
sebsebsebProteus_: to hibernate you need swap space02:07
meowbuntuchaotikcore, grub 1 mainly02:07
sebsebsebProteus_: as far as I know for swap you can have a swap partition or a file and it doesn't matter02:08
chaotikcorewhat do u need02:08
lindarHello there. I'm having trouble with SCIM. I've installed it along with Anthy, but I can't seem to get it to do anything, regardless of configuration. I set my preferences, set up the hot keys, then started up the tray icon that sits there next to the clock, but no matter what I press, it doesn't seem to want to switch to Japanese.02:08
sebsebsebProteus_: How much RAM do you have?02:08
meowbuntuhold on chaotikcore02:08
Proteus_sebsebseb, 8G02:08
sebsebsebProteus_: 8GB RAM hmm02:09
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sebsebsebProteus_: with less than 4GB it's like basically double the RAM and have that size as the SWAP, but with 8GB, 16GB SWAP is to much really02:09
chaotikcoremer| sorry i cant help in more detail02:09
meowbuntuhi can someone scan this and tell me if it will link to mint8 grub2 bootloader. i will only have winxp and ubuntu9.10. (this uses a seperate grub1 bootloader and links to each os individual grub bootloader) http://www.justlinux.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=14397302:09
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merchaotikcore,,,,thanks for your help.  i appreciate it.02:09
meowbuntu^ chaotikcore02:09
sebsebsebProteus_: ok better question, are you going to hibernate the computer, or well would you like to?02:09
meowbuntucan you take a look02:10
merchaotikcore,,,,i'll send you something if i figure it out without fully reinstalling the system02:10
Proteus_sebsebseb, I figure I need 8G swap for hibernation but my understanding is that that much swap isn't actully that usefull in day-to-day use02:10
chaotikcoremer| sound good02:10
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sebsebsebProteus_: exactly 16GB SWAP space would basically be a right waste of hard disk space02:10
nanomachinemaco "nanomachine: cmake is like the ./configure step" how do i get specific program configure options using cmake?02:10
sebsebsebProteus_: even 8GB SWAP is probably a waste of hard disk space in your case02:11
meowbuntuchaotikcore, all i have os 2 hdd one with xp onw with ubuntu 9.1002:11
maconanomachine: that, i dont know. i havent used it that much02:11
meowbuntuos = is02:11
Proteus_sebsebseb, my work invovles computational biology, evolutionary algorithms, and an interest in 3d modeling02:11
tylerdoes ubuntu have fingerprint support?02:11
chaotikcoremeow| grub 2 is totally diff than 102:11
Proteus_sebsebseb, don't I need at least as much swap as mem for hibernate?02:11
sebsebsebmaco: if someone has 8GB RAM,  in this case Proteus_  how big should their SWAP be?02:11
macosebsebseb, Proteus_: depends, do you want to hibernate?02:12
Proteus_maco, yes, I'd like the ability to hibernate02:12
macoProteus_: it really depends on load. if you're going to be swapping AND hibernating, you need > 8GB02:12
Flannelcoop3r: Please turn off your away message.02:13
meowbuntuchaotikcore, what that guys has done is use a seperate grub 1 bootloader that links to the os grub bootloader i was thinking that process would be able rto use teh grub 1 bootloader to link to ubuntu 9.10 grub 2 bootloader and run that. just a thought02:13
macoProteus_: add up how much swap will be in use + 8GB, and make that your swap size02:13
gotmilk82this is so bizarre....if i start the laptop off of the docking station, everything is great.  If I start on the docking station, the keyboard doesn't work right....if I push m I get repeating b's if I push enter, I get repeating 's ....  I just tried to change BIOS for a slow POST to see if that was it...but apparently ubuntu is keeping some settings specific to the docking station?02:13
meowbuntuchaotikcore, seems doable in theroy02:14
chaotikcoredamn meow i dont know man in theory it could work02:14
mrqismrxI am having a slight problem with gnome-mplayer. The problem is nothing major but still kinda annoying. Sometimes I can see a drawing problem like one line in the screen get's drawed later then the other. Any idea how I can fix this issue?02:14
gotmilk82even if I take the laptop off after the boot to login screen, the keys are still screwed up.....hrmmmmm02:14
chaotikcorebut thats a lot of editing02:14
gotmilk82any ideas?02:15
gotmilk82i am fresh out... :(02:15
chaotikcoretry switching to grub 2 much harder to learn but way more configurable02:15
gotmilk82i am using grub 202:16
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aboanyone having problems connecting to msn using pidgin (it's been like this for 1 or 2 days now) - I've been using it for years02:16
Proteus_maco, ok. thanks for the advice. I've never had a comp with this much memory before I really have no idea if it will be swapping much at all even with the heavy loads I'm going to be subjecting it to02:16
gotmilk82abo...yep....mine keeps crashing02:16
mrqismrxabo, It has worked fine for me.02:16
aidave_bazaar is so frustrating02:16
mewreiQuestion, I'm wanting to convert from nVidia Fakeraid to Linux Softraid, can I just boot into the alternate installer (after disabling fakeraid in the bios), set up both old drives as physical volumes for RAID, and setting up my partition? (I'm running RAID-1 with only 1 partition inside of the RAID)02:17
macoProteus_: if it is and you make swap 8GB, you cn always close the memory hog program before hibernate...02:17
abois there a pidgin chanel?02:17
sebsebsebabo: #pidgin ?02:17
abooh yeah, thx sebsebseb02:17
sebsebsebabo: np02:18
karma_policestill having issues with grub202:18
sebsebsebkarma_police: oh yeah you again02:18
karma_policeanyone here familiar with dualbooting win7 after 9.10 install?02:18
sebsebsebkarma_police: Grub 2 is new for all of us, since Grub 2 is new02:18
lloydhow do i permanently apply monitor resolution in xubuntu, it goes back to 1024x768 when i set it on 1366x76802:19
lloydafter restart02:19
karma_policeglad i'm not the only one in the dark... i'm  a noob so there is a lot i have to learn anyways02:19
gotmilk82something tells me I am not going to get an answer in #ubuntu-laptop about this.... ;)02:19
sebsebsebkarma_police: I gave options before I remember02:19
* aidave_ strangles bazaar02:19
hyperstream_How do i go about making a USB-Live Ubuntu to boot up into ubuntu live and/or install ubuntu karmic ? (dvd on laptop is busted), perferably he easyest method02:19
macolloyd: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution02:19
sebsebsebkarma_police: Ubuntu was already on there?  and you wanted to put Windows 7 on, wasn't it?02:20
sebsebsebkarma_police: ,but for some reason/s you didn't want to remove that install and  put Windows 7 on first02:21
karma_policei followed the forums about reinstalling grub202:21
sebsebsebkarma_police: you also had your actsaul data backed up  on an external hard disk?02:21
karma_policenow when i reboot i get a screen that has "grub>02:21
gotmilk82karma_police looks like it is missing the configurations02:22
karma_policei had my music files and important docs on separate hdd.. all ubuntu related sys files are on primary partition02:22
lloyd@maco im using xubuntu not ubuntu02:23
sebsebsebkarma_police: yeah which is the default everything in / in cluding home, plus some swap space02:23
macolloyd: xubuntu uses gdm just like ubuntu, doesnt it?02:23
lloyd@maco i dont know02:23
macolloyd: i'm pretty sure they both use gdm, and i *know* .xprofile is the same regardless of kubuntu, ubuntu, or xubuntu02:23
karma_policeall my files are intact... it seems my grub is just misconfigured or not configured at all? i dunno02:24
sebsebsebkarma_police: if you create a seperate /home partition, you could do my partition idea.  re installing Grub 2, or doing that, you will learn something either way02:24
brando753yo, what is the diffrence between Nvida and Ati in ubuntu?02:24
lloydis there a simple way?02:24
lloyd@maco is there a simple way?02:24
karma_policewhen i initially installed win7 it wouldn't give me a bootloader menu02:24
macolloyd: er...that wiki page explains it02:24
aidave_ati has better multimonitor for me than nvidia02:24
ardchoillebrando753: drivers for video cards from two different companies02:24
gotmilk82is there a good way to search the ppas02:24
macolloyd: run the commands it says, copy and paste into a file, log out, log back in02:25
thiebaudenvidia is better supported02:25
sebsebsebkarma_police: might need a seperate /usr as well, for all Ubuntu settings to remian in tact,  after a clean install of /02:25
karma_policeyou mean just backup my home folder and reinstall?02:25
wilberfanI just installed 9.10 onto a system with Debian Sid (sidux) and Windows 7.   When I boot, the Sidux grub menu still displays.  I'm pretty sure Ubuntu recognized the other two installs...but no 'buntu grub menu...02:25
sebsebsebkarma_police: and when putting a new / on you will put Grub 2 on.   also I think you can maybe use the Live CD  don't format the partitions and re install Grub like that.02:25
gotmilk82ah...cool I think I found it....02:26
karma_policei'm on the live usb right now02:26
thiebaudewilberfan, you over wrote grub02:26
aboI need to upgrade my pidgin, I'm currenly on version 2.4.1 and want to upgrade to 2.6.4, running "sudo apt-get upgrade pidgin" says there is no upgrades available, any ideas how can I upgrade?02:26
karma_policei wish i knew what to compARE the grub.cfg file to02:26
wilberfanthiebaude: i WANTED to overwrite the grub...but I don't think it overwrote properly?02:26
sebsebsebkarma_police: Why don't you want to just re install Ubuntu?  Things are way easier that way02:26
thiebaudewilberfan, ok02:26
brando753does Ati crossfire work well in ubuntu?02:27
karma_policei would.. if its just a config file that could be reconfigured i would rather fix that and learn from it.. but i may have to fresh install anyway02:27
karma_policeso its recommended to install windows first?02:27
sebsebsebkarma_police: yes02:27
karma_policeno way to load windows using grub as of yet?02:28
sebsebsebkarma_police: oh yeah depending on what you want to use it for, well maybe you don't have a proper reason to have on dual boot,  and also depending on  your computer how much RAM etc02:28
sebsebsebkarma_police: if you put Windows on now, it will go over the part of Grub in the Master Boot Record02:28
karma_policei have 2.8 dual core with 4gb of ram and running 64 bit os's02:28
sebsebsebkarma_police: there is a way to get the Windows boot loader to boot up Grub though,  first you also have to get the WIndows boot loader showing.  There is also a way to re install Grub 202:29
chern0byl1is some samba/winbind expert around here?02:29
karma_policei reinstalled grub2.. thats where i am stuck now... it boots to some sort of grub command promt02:29
lloydhow do i permanently apply monitor resolution in xubuntu, it goes back to 1024x768 when i set it on 1366x76802:30
sebsebsebkarma_police: how did you lose Grub 2 in the first place?02:30
lloydafter restart02:30
sebsebsebkarma_police: by installing Windows yes?02:30
kostkonabo, you need to add pidgin's PPA first02:30
lloyd@centH0GG is that a command?02:30
karma_policemy prob initially started when i installed windows702:30
karma_policei gparted a separate partition before i started02:31
abokostkon, how can I do that?02:31
sebsebsebkarma_police: ok good,  I am going to ask someone to jion here, that can probably help you then02:31
BookmanCan anyone else play the game here, and if so, what am I missing?  http://www.classiconlinegames.nl/arcade/112-galaxian02:31
kostkonabo, check here: http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/02:31
centHOGGi forget the name... lxrnr something like that02:31
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abokostkon, thanks I will now02:31
loshacentHOGG: xrandr ?02:31
Stadenhave any of you installed ubuntu on an intel ss4200-e NAS? I'm contemplating doing so myself, and I'd like to know if there are any potential stumbling blocks that I might not be aware of02:31
karma_policeboth systems were running fine..... i messed something up when i reinstalled grub2..02:32
karma_policebrb.. gotta let dogs out02:32
centHOGGlloyd: you can stick a monitor setting in the xrandr folder and it will be a default02:32
lloyd@centH0GG how do i do it?02:33
centHOGGgoogle... won't take you but 30 min to figure out02:33
eclipse_I have a SATA dvd drive that I'm trying to mount in ubuntu, but I cant find the device. Are there any tricks to getting it to show up02:34
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=== chernobyl is now known as chern0byl
meowbuntuKardos, you a developer02:35
sebsebsebthiebaude: you know how to re install Grub 2, after Windows went over it? hi by the way02:35
Kardosnot really, o02:36
meowbuntukarma_police, you a developer or just using a fancy nick02:36
thiebaudesebsebseb, i never knew how to do that, and i have done many dual boots02:36
sebsebsebthiebaude: yeah same here02:36
thiebaudedont install windows 7 in a partition02:36
loshaeclipse_: they are usually named /dev/sr0, /dev/sr1 etc. Try running eject /dev/sr0 etc. and see if the tray opens02:36
sebsebsebthiebaude: don't install Windows 7 in a partition?02:36
zenwrylyIs there a way to disconnect ssh connections when the network manager network connection changes?02:36
sebsebsebthiebaude: what?02:37
sebsebsebthiebaude: uhmm Windows 7 has to be installed into a partition or a virtual machine, so what do you mean?02:37
trismsebsebseb: this doesn't work? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD (haven't tried it yet myself)02:37
thiebaudesebsebseb, oh i came in late, he's doing a vm, my bad02:37
thiebaudethats different then02:38
sebsebsebtrism: it's karma_police with the issue,  I haven't read up  properly about Grub 2 yet etc, to be able to help him properly.   also someone that could probably help him,  that I tried to get to join, had to go02:38
loshazenwryly: I'm not sure I fully understand the question. Are these incoming or outgoing ssh connections?02:38
thiebaudei messed up grub2 one time and had to re-install02:39
zenwrylylosha: sorry, to clarify, I'm annoyed that I have to wait for a timeout or kill ssh on another console when I change networks02:39
zenwrylylosha: since the machine is often sleeping between so not much time passes02:39
karma_policeok i'm back.. sorry02:40
sebsebsebthiebaude: karma_police  trism Grub has never been easy to re install!02:41
eclipse_losha there sg002:41
karma_policei am finding that out now.. its especially hard for a noob02:41
thiebaudesebsebseb, yep, and at the time i followed the instructions carefully02:41
loshazenwryly: I don't know of a better way than killing the sessions manually. I suppose you could try configuring keepalives so that the timeout happens more quickly?02:42
trismsebsebseb: actually the original grub was pretty simple, and if the method on the wiki works, seems relatively the same except for the chroot with complicates things a bit02:42
thiebaudemaybe they should of kept grub102:42
loshaeclipse_: /dev/sg0 ?02:42
sebsebsebthiebaude: it can be installed into Karmic02:42
eclipse_losha, yes02:42
zenwrylylosha: ok, I figured there wre network-manage hooks or somesuch02:42
thiebaudesebsebseb, i didn't know that02:42
eclipse_losha, that does not eject the drive, I think it may be a different device02:42
sebsebsebtrism: I haven't read up about Grub 2, but  I expect the proccess for re installing will be similar to the old one.02:43
thiebaudesebsebseb, and it wont mess up grub202:43
hyperstream_guys, has anyone tried to use usb-creator-gtk to make a usb ubuntu live , it says my 4gig usb needs to be formatted, it was showing up as sdd and sdd1, now i only see sdd, and if i format it, it mounts it, does stuff then dismounts the drive, and thats it, says it still needs to be formatted.., so how can i format this thing outside of usbcreator?02:43
loshaeclipse_: Not what I expected. Which os version is this?02:43
hyperstream_would be good if anyone knew the format02:43
jmyersanyone with experience installing HP all in one printers?  I'm running 9.1.  It 'recognized it immediately upon plugging in the USB cable, but was printing blank pages.  I went to http://hplipopensource.com and downloaded the HPLIP, and installed that.  But I'm still getting blank pages.  (YES, my ink cart has ink in it)  any ideas?02:43
karma_policewhen i got to the etc/default/grub i got confused02:43
wilberfanSpeaking of GRUB...  I just installed 9.10--but I'm getting the grub menu from one of the other OS's on this box...02:44
karma_policethe wiki doesn't give you much info on what to do there02:44
eclipse_Ubuntu 8.1002:44
wilberfanie, the ubuntu grub isn't displaying...02:44
sebsebsebkarma_police: be very clear what your trying to do and what you have done, and trism or someone like that, can probably help you :)02:44
loshaeclipse_: what does 'dmesg | egrep -i dvd' say?02:44
karmic_policei used this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub202:45
RedLancejmyers, If you go under System > Administration > Printing then right click your printer, and go to properties.  Next to Make and Model, click change, let it search, and what does it come up with?02:45
eclipse_losha, no return02:46
jmyers@RedLance stand by02:46
RedLancejmyers, Standing by...02:46
stryker4realI get this error when installing skype: http://pastebin.com/m5d26d8f002:47
stryker4realplease help02:47
spiky25does broadcom-wl or broadcom STA is included on the ubuntu 9.10 cd ???02:47
karma_policei started off with a 9.10 install that has been running fine since release date.  i wanted to dual boot win7 for school and i used gparted to resize and make a separate partition for the windows702:47
loshaeclipse_: that's bad, that suggests it isn't even seeing the dvd drive. Do you have 'Disk Utility' somewhere under the system menu?02:47
jmyers@RedLance: HP PSC 1400 Series hpcups 3.9.1002:47
karma_policei logged in ubuntu after resizing to make sure no data loss or misconfig then i installed win7 on the previously made partition... when i rebooted it loads straight to windows.. skips grub altogether02:48
RedLancejmyers, And did you chose to select from a database?02:48
stryker4realhelp with skype please> http://pastebin.com/m5d26d8f002:48
karma_policeso i followed the wiki about retoring grub from live cd and now i just get a "grub>" prompt02:49
sebsebsebkarma_police: oh it seems you can recover it from the Live CD :)02:49
spiky25do theses drivers and firmwares are included in ubuntu 9.10 (b43-fwcutter, broadcom-wl and broadcom sta) ?02:49
trismkarma_police: did you skip the update-grub step?02:49
karma_policei am on the livecd now02:49
karma_policewell, it told me to reboot then update grub02:50
karma_policeshould i have updated grub then rebooted?02:50
jmyers@RedLance it gave me direction to either unplug the usb cable, and continue the installation, or to restart and run hp-setup from the terminal.  I unplugged/replugged the cable, and continued, but the gui portion of the installer said it recognized no printers.  So I started over, and went the reboot option and ran the hp-installer.  THAT time it recognized the printer, and I selected it from the gui.02:50
sebsebsebtrism: ok good your going to help them :)02:50
karma_policewhen i reboot i have to use livecd to get back on02:51
trismkarma_police: yeah you need to update-grub when you are still in the chroot02:51
karma_policei am karmic and karma... have my netbook beside me02:51
spiky25Is there a way to install ubuntu 9.10 from a wireless connection and having my wireless working after ???02:51
kostkonstryker4real, how are you truing to install it?02:51
centHOGGspiky25: what nic? how old?02:52
LinuxGuy2009Hey guys I really want to run 8.04.3 LTS on my Dell Inspiron mini netbook until the 10.04 LTS release comes out but the bcm4312 wireless and the audio doesnt work with it. Is there any way to get these to work? Any way to see if its a kernel version issue? What can i do?02:52
RedLancejmyers, Ahh, ok...Well, I know that with my LaserJet 4 I have to switch between 2 different drivers, depending on weather I want to use my duplexer, or if I want graphics to print dark enough to see...so I was hoping it would list a few more choices...02:52
stryker4realkostkon: via synaptic, but i got it with a .deb TY02:52
kostkonstryker4real, just double click on the .deb02:53
spiky25dell inspiron 1501 with broadcom b4311 rev 102:53
jmyers@RedLance No, just the HPC 1401 All in one option was all it offered.02:53
eclipse_losha, disk manager02:53
kostkonstryker4real, close synaptic first02:53
trismkarma_police: yeah, the Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD section02:53
stryker4realkostkon: i got it to work tho :) thank you02:53
loshaeclipse_: close enough, Run it and see if it lists the disks and dvd drive...02:54
eclipse_just hard disk partitions02:54
RedLancejmyers, Ok, well, I guess I won't be too much help.  Sorry.02:54
karma_police # If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update # /boot/grub/grub.cfg.  GRUB_DEFAULT=0 GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true GRUB_TIMEOUT="10" GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian` GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""  # Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only) #GRUB_TERMINAL=console  # The resolution used on graphical termi02:54
spiky258.04.3 is seriously outdated are you sure that you need it ???02:54
karma_policei get that page there02:54
spiky25ubuntu 9.10 should be better if you're good on linux try archlinux (real good !!!)02:54
meowbuntu hey the /nick command is not working for me02:55
jmyers@RedLance no worries.  Thanks for trying.  Good thing I'm already nearly bald.  I'd be pulling out hair over this deal. :/02:55
loshaeclipse_: I don't think the dvd drive has been recognised by the kernel. This usually means a hardware problem. Is it a known working device? Are all the connections good etc....02:56
karma_policethis is where i am at righ now:   http://pastebin.org/6413902:56
relentlessHey, how do I find out waht packages need to be updated on my server I am using sudo apt-get -u upgrade, but it wont tell me anything02:56
eclipse_yea, connections are good, device works02:56
RedLancejmyers, I know how that is...I just installed a scsi card to use my old scanjet 5p, and now my optical drives don't work....02:56
spiky25How could I install ubuntu 9.10 from nothing and having my wireless drivers working without being connected to my lan ???02:56
loshaeclipse_: 'device works' -- you mean it has power and the blinky light comes on?02:57
trismkarma_police: add a # infront of the GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT line or it won't show the menu when you boot02:57
=== meowbuntu is now known as meowpup
spiky25I would reinstall but I only have a wireless access for now02:57
karma_policehow do i edit it?02:58
eclipse_losha, yes, it works in a different machine. I'm going to try a live cd in another cd drive02:58
spiky25help !!!02:58
poseidonWhat does "realtime kernel" mean and does ubuntu use it by default?02:58
drakonHay can you have a different wallpaper for each desktop like on the main website were they show expo but each desktop has its own wallpaper. Does anyone know how to do that? o.o02:58
trismkarma_police: sorry, the nano screen made me think you were editing it02:59
spiky25realtime kernel mean a more power using kernel made for audio creation ...02:59
loshaeclipse_: before you do that, I would try the drive in a different sata port (you will need to reboot). Just a hunch....02:59
karma_policeok.. i put a # there.. how do i save it?02:59
pyropheliaquick question about filesystems ans raids. if I built my raid with with 128k blocks, does my fs need to be in 128k blocks as well, or will it matter?03:00
spiky25use it only for a desktop computer used for professionnal audio creation ...03:00
trismkarma_police: if you're using nano, ctrl+o I think?03:00
eclipse_losha,  the drive shows up in bios.03:00
nytek_karma_police, you're probably using gedit, ctrl s03:00
karma_policexoff ignored mumble mumle?03:01
loshaeclipse_: weird. Sorry, I'm out of ideas then....03:01
karma_policeits in the terminal03:01
eclipse_losha, no problem, thanks for the help03:01
gdizhey, I have a question for you all, I am trying to operate hulu desktop remotely. So I can get it up and running via ssh.  Is there a way I can send keyboard events via ssh, and if so, where can I go looking for that?03:01
trismkarma_police: no idea what you mean03:02
karma_policehow do i get out of the /file/etc/grub so i can update grub?03:02
trismkarma_police: I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to do, I thought you were following the Recover grub section of the wiki03:03
AgentArmstronghowdy folks03:03
loshaposeidon: no, the default kernel is not realtime. Realtime kernels are ones which make guarantees about how long it takes to do certain operations. You want that for some sound apps so you don't get dropouts if the kernel gets busy doing other stuff.03:03
karma_policei am    *        Now you need to edit the /etc/default/grub file to fit your system   $ nano /etc/default/grub      *        When that is done you need to run update-grub to create the configuration file.03:04
spiky25how could I reinstall my broadcom b4311 rev 01 wireless card without internet ???03:04
trismkarma_police: oh, ctrl+x exits nano03:04
williamchanim trying to use deboostrap to create a karmic image in tar.gz form03:05
spiky25can someone answer me ?03:05
williamchani want to be able to tar -xzf it on the target system and it should be ready to boot03:05
williamchanhow should i go about doing this since debboostrap doesnt include grub by default...03:05
spiky25I can't know everything, I'm not a ubuntu dev ...03:06
ultra_streaming radio stations keep cutting off on me and I have to restart the program thats playing them, or completly restart firfox if its a flash player, to get it working again. can anyone help?03:06
karma_policehttp://pastebin.org/64142 got this now03:06
syn-ackNot even the Ubuntu devs know everything03:06
sebsebseb!wireless | spiky2503:06
ubottuspiky25: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:06
centHOGGspiky25: hi, does the nic show up when you use the live cd03:06
karma_policethats where i messed up initially.. i never hit ctrl x03:07
ne171proCan some one tell me where to start for installing hardware drivers?  I'm well versed in cpu's but first day on linux03:07
sebsebsebne171pro: Hardware drivers for what, most standard PC hardware will be supported by the Linux kernel already, with the exception of graphics cards and wireless03:07
williamchanhow can i use deboostrap to include grub?03:08
ne171prook, I'm installing on a sony vio03:08
ne171proevery thing seems operational03:08
sebsebsebne171pro: system > administration > hardware drivers  and find out if anything is available03:08
loshaspiky25: are you saying you need the wireless card to work so that you can download & install the drivers for the wireless card?03:08
trismkarma_police: that should ok for the moment, you will likely need to do a sudo update-grub after you reboot into ubuntu so that it can search for windows 703:08
DASPRiDany idea why gxine doesn't want to play mkv files with h264 codec?03:08
ne171probut what about my ati radeon 920video drivers003:09
ultra_streaming radio stations keep cutting off on me and I have to restart the program thats playing them, or completly restart firfox if its a flash player, to get it working again. can anyone help?03:09
spiky25I don't have tried the live cd cause I have Archlinux 64 bits for now03:09
sebsebsebne171pro: people can get issues installing ATI03:09
sebsebseb!ati |  ne171pro03:09
ubottune171pro: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:09
nytek_spiky25, nice distro pick :D03:09
sebsebsebne171pro: why lol?03:09
captblackwoodWhat's the off topic channel?03:09
sebsebsebcaptblackwood: #ubuntu-offtopic03:09
karma_policebrb.. at the reboot stage03:09
trismkarma_police: good luck03:09
ne171proknow i was talking to the guy that said ati can issues03:09
sebsebsebcaptblackwood: np03:10
spiky25yes but I need more access to proprietary softwares so I switch back to ubuntu ...03:10
karmic_policeits restarting now03:10
sebsebsebne171pro: what?03:10
grafixbadnowhi room! I tried to set up laptop to dual boot vista and ubuntu. It worked... sort of. I ended up with no "swap partition", so I can't stand-by or hibernate ubuntu. What do I need to do differently on this attempt?03:11
nytek_spiky25, what kind of proprietary software?03:11
rodgerris there a version of skype running on 9.10?03:11
nytek_rodgerr, 2.0 beta?03:11
sebsebseb!freedom |  spiky2503:11
ubottuspiky25: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing03:11
spiky25I'm connected on a wireless hotspot so I need to reinstall ubuntu with a careful wireless drivers reinstall without internet after03:12
rodgerrnytek: where do I pick it up?03:12
karmic_policeit loading up ubuntu now... didn't show windows.. maybe have to update grub?03:12
sebsebsebkarmic_police: you can add Windows to Grub later on03:12
sebsebsebkarmic_police: if it's not showing03:12
nytek_rodgerr, you running ubuntu 9.10?03:12
spiky25nero linux 4, cedega, crossover linux and crossover games mostly ...03:12
rodgerrnytek: yes?03:12
sebsebsebspiky25: nero hmm03:12
sebsebsebspiky25: K3B :)03:12
nytek_rodgerr, open terminal, sudo apt-get install skype03:12
sebsebseb!info k3b03:12
ubottuk3b (source: k3b): A sophisticated KDE CD burning application. In component main, is optional. Version 1.68.0~alpha3-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 637 kB, installed size 1840 kB03:12
trismkarmic_police: yeah, for some reason they didn't mount proc in the chroot on the wiki so it couldn't search for it, just run sudo update-grub once you are in ubuntu and it should find it *hopefully*03:13
sebsebseb!games | spiky2503:13
ubottuspiky25: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php03:13
spiky25k3b don't burn blue-ray disks ...03:13
rodgerrnytek: wow - who is maintaining it?  Is it working well or just somewhat?03:13
sebsebsebspiky25: yep there are good native games for Desktop Linux as well :)03:13
ne171prohow are you guys replying back to the person? in chat?03:13
nytek_rodgerr, I think the company, Skype isn't opensourced.03:14
sebsebseb!tab |  ne171pro03:14
ubottune171pro: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:14
frogzooskype is very very proprietary03:14
spiky25sebsebseb I know about wine but I want something working well and fast ...03:14
rodgerrnytek: the company doe snot have it on their site - that's why i was amazed03:14
nytek_frogzoo, their like Apple lol03:14
rodgerrdoes not03:14
karmic_policethank yall03:15
nytek_rodgerr, yeah, it's not well advertised for linux03:15
sebsebsebspiky25: maybe Virtualbox 3.0+ with the Direct3D support for some of your Windows games, depending on your hardware03:15
karmic_policeit works like a charm now03:15
sebsebsebkarmic_police: good :)03:15
trismkarmic_police: excellent03:15
karmic_policei was so close to just reformatting.. feel good i rode it out'03:15
loshaspiky25: are you burning blue-rays with nero linux?03:15
rodgerrnytek_: do you use it??03:15
sebsebsebspiky25: also some games won't just work in Wine, but you can configure them to work well03:15
karmic_policethank u all so much03:15
nytek_karmic_police, congratz03:15
nytek_rodgerr, skype?03:15
spiky25yep but skype work well on any distro03:16
nytek_karmic_police, its a great feeling when you work hard at something and get it finished.03:16
RedLanceSo...can anybody tell me why my optical drives nolonger work, after installing an Adaptec 2940 PCI SCSI card?03:16
rodgerrI heard that Skype has a lot of video issues on linux03:16
karmic_policei knowthis is a goofy question but can u edit the entries to just show the two os's in the grub menu? it has a few safe modes and memtests03:16
nytek_spiky25, I find skype impossible to use on ubuntu, just my opinion though03:16
textexanyone here?03:16
centHOGGRedLance: does everything work with a LiveCD?03:17
textexim having problems finding some drivers03:17
spiky25sebsebseb to configure games on wine you need a decent internet access ...03:17
karmic_policei'm a noob so yeah it feels good when i learn something new.. especially aboutlinux..03:17
rodgerrnytek_: there - see - skype not worth installing03:17
nytek_rodgerr, thats the reason I dont use it and microphones never work03:17
textexi got a pci-e -dvi-i card on my ibm thinkcentre03:17
spiky25nytek_ switch pulseaudio to alsa and it work pretty well03:17
sebsebsebspiky25: not sure about wireless, but ndiswrapper can be used for Windows drivers03:17
textexis there any chance i can use it on ubuntu?03:17
trismkarmic_police: you can hide memtest by doing a sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+; sudo update-grub03:17
pyropheliaqucik question about raid blocks and filesystem blocks. I've configured my software raid for 128K blocks and I'm wondering if I should format my fs for 128k blocks as well or if it will matter03:17
trismkarmic_police: anything more and it becomes a bit tricky03:18
sebsebseb!new |  karmic_police03:18
ubottukarmic_police: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com03:18
nytek_rodgerr, i would run a virtual system to use skype. im running xp right now though03:18
sebsebsebkarmic_police: Ubuntu Pocket Guide  you want that I think03:18
karmic_policei may just leaveit alone for this round.. hehe03:18
RedLancecentHOGG, Never thought to try that...03:18
ne171proWHat is a good windows emulator?03:18
karmic_policei have the pocket guide.. read it like 5 times.. lol03:18
sebsebseb!wine |  ne171pro03:18
ubottune171pro: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:18
nytek_spiky25, I've tried that, no luck on my end. Tried every option in Skype and even went into editing the skype configuration file03:18
shazaam_karma_police: one of the pleasures of using linux compared to Redmond fare. No need for a sledgehammer, just some gentle persuasion.03:18
rodgerryeah - I am about to load xp in vbox - but want to use only the programs I can't get on ubuntu03:18
centHOGGRedLance: see if you can boot the livecd... verify if it is hw or sW03:18
sebsebsebne171pro: oh uhmm Windows not Windows programs, Virtualbox then03:18
* pyrophelia modprobe shazaam 03:19
RedLancecentHOGG, Would the netbook remix work?  I happen to already have that on a USB stick...03:19
karmic_policewell, i gtg.. thanks again03:19
textexi got a pci-e -dvi-i card on my ibm thinkcentre, any chance i can use it on ubuntu?03:19
spiky25ne171pro > virtualbox windows virtual machine should do well for applications but don't expect too much for games03:19
nytek_rodgerr, i think im done with running distros off my internal hd, Im just going to create virutal systems03:19
sebsebsebtextex: try the Ubuntu Live CD and find out03:19
sebsebsebtextex: I guess03:20
captblackwoodSeaPhor, what's going on with your Channel?03:20
loshatextex: maybe. you need to find the make and model number of the card so you can google it. Or boot a live-cd and see if it runs ok?03:20
sebsebsebtextex: or you already have Ubuntu installed?03:20
pyropheliais there a channel specfically for hardware questions?03:20
sebsebsebpyrophelia: ##hardware03:20
textexsebsebseb i got ubuntu installed, im using a vga screen to look at it now03:20
rodgerrnytek_: XP kept crashing and I could not find the hardware problem so I put in a new HD and loaded Ubuntu and it works!!  I have had enoug heart ache from M$, now I get my heartaches from Ubuntu!03:21
textexfound the modelnr now ;FRU39J933403:22
textextried googling it +ubuntu, but no hits03:22
gdizis it possible to have ssh remember a password so I don't have to type it in everytime?03:22
spiky25ubuntu is not the best linux distro so expect some problems but with some linux knowledge you will be ok ...03:22
spiky25textex > www.google.com/linux03:22
nytek_rodgerr, lol, i completely understand. I still love linux distrobutions, I got into trying different window managers, ended with a tiling one. I still use its perfectly programmed terminal base apps03:23
rodgerrnytek_: you must have another source for your skpe because install won't find it with th defualt sources03:23
spiky25rodgerr use the skype package from the skype website03:24
rodgerrit is for 8.10 not 9.1003:24
rodgerrpretty old03:24
ruffus910skype from the website works fine on 9.1003:24
ruffus910i dont have any problem with it03:24
textexspiky25: couldnt find anything03:25
rodgerrruffus910: are you using the 64 or 32 bit version03:25
spiky25it should do some packages from olders versions work on latest versions even sometimes debian packages will work as nero linux deb package named ????all.deb03:25
=== jordan is now known as jcool
spiky25or something like03:25
pyropheliaspiky25, what would u call the best?03:26
jcoolhey does anyone have tf2 working on ubuntu?03:26
mr_frosteeI have tried quite a few distros using Live CD.  I still keep coming back to Ubuntu.  I have also learned that I prefer Gnome over KDE.03:26
CShadowRunjcool me03:26
nytek_mr_frostee, have you tried xfce or fluxbox?03:26
rodgerrruffus910: any special tweaks to make it work once you installed - or was that too long ago to remember03:27
jcoolsweet how did you do it i always get a black screen after the load screen and it doesnt have sound03:27
spiky25pyrophelia there is no best in everything, it depend of your needs and knowledge ...03:27
CShadowRunjcool: try setting -dxlevel 80 as the launch option03:27
TrueBluecan anyone help me with installing Ubuntu03:27
TrueBlueim really new03:27
jcoollaunch option? like in terminal? cause usually i run it straight from steam03:28
ruffus910rodgerr: No tweaks whatsoever. It did have some stability issues for a little bit, but ran find after 2 days.03:28
spiky25mr_frostee try ubuntu 9.10 lubuntu-desktop package, slitaz 2.0 for old pcs and archlinux by chakra live cd, it's the only 3 distros that I really like and come back often ...03:29
CShadowRunjcool in steam, my games, right click tf2, properties, set launch options, put -dxlevel 80 in the box03:29
ruffus910rodgerr: last time i did an clean install, i uninstalled and reinstalled skype, because it did have some issues03:29
TrueBlueI'm trying to install Ubuntu on my laptop and I just get a black screen after starting the installation03:29
spiky25!wiki documentation > Trueblue03:29
ruffus910rodgerr:after that it worked fine03:29
loshamr_frostee: me too, I keep coming back to ubuntu. I don't run a desktop though, and I don't like wms that take up screen real-estate...03:29
spiky25!wiki documentation > TrueBlue03:30
spiky25!documentation > TrueBlue03:30
ubottuTrueBlue, please see my private message03:30
jcoolthanks man ill see if that works03:30
CShadowRunjcool that should fix it, if it works, you can try -dxlevel 90 for better graphics.03:30
ultra_streaming radio stations keep cutting off on me and I have to restart the program thats playing them, or completly restart firfox if its a flash player, to get it working again. can anyone help?03:30
nytek_losha, i started with ubuntu, then tried different lighter WM's because of my laptop and found that i enjoyed a minimalistic WM when using linux. I got so much more use out of my system and it looked good as hell03:31
nytek_losha, you should try the combo :D03:31
loshanytek_: I use karmic with fvwm. 'Cos I've always used it and there are no panels...03:32
spiky25check the ubuntu documentation, there is also the ubuntu pocket guide freely available to help you and peoples from the forums and the chat will help you after to resolve problems after installation or install by wubi first but it's not a real install ...03:32
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com03:32
williamchanhow do i install grub in a chroot envivronment03:33
nytek_losha, i love have no panels too, i got into xmonad for a while, using rxvt 256 color terminal. it looked beautiful03:33
loshawilliamchan: can't you just apt-get it like everything else?03:33
spiky25thanks frogzoo I don't know the bot commands well here ...03:33
williamchanlosha i did03:34
spiky25xmonad is good but how do you like awesome ???03:34
williamchanand then i created a /boot/grub/menu.lst03:34
williamchanbut it cant find my kernel03:34
d3c3p710nOpenbox FTW imho :D03:35
spiky25awesome does almost like a desktop manager with tilling and stacking as I remember ...03:35
spiky25!kernel > williamchan03:35
textexibm tells me to use intel video driver03:35
ubottuwilliamchan, please see my private message03:35
textexand that it should work for the card03:36
loshawilliamchan: then your config is wrong. Do you want to pastebin it so we can see it?03:36
williamchanlosha: config is right for sure . grub is also saying my FS is ext2 instead of ext3 . does it make a difference?03:37
williamchanill pastebin it too03:37
ne171prohow do i install sound themes?03:37
loshawilliamchan: ext2/ext3 shouldn't matter much. ext3 adds journalling but that doesn't matter for booting...03:38
spiky25ext2 just don't journalize your files ... ext3 do it and maybe have a little better performance ...03:38
williamchanspiky25: im not building a kernel, im using deboostrap  to build a image that i can tar.gz onto a xen domU03:38
spiky25I personnaly use ext2 for my /boot partition as you never change it a lot ...03:38
vbabiyHey any one have know how I can make a user and give it a password all in one line, with out it asking me for password? Using adduser03:39
williamchani used this: sudo debootstrap --arch=i386 --include ssh,udev,linux-image-virtual jaunty /tmp/karmic .... to create my karmic image on my karmic laptop03:39
JustMozzyhi guys03:39
gdizhere's a question for you all, I open a shell session and start a program running (i.e. firefox), but that program doesn't close.  Do I need to open another shell session in order to do something else too?03:39
Kind_budwhats up?03:40
JustMozzyI made a huge mistake... accidentally I overwrote my hosts file. how can I restore the default hosts entries?03:40
Kind_budanyone here know any good HD video players for ubuntu?03:40
williamchanlosha, spiky25: sudo debootstrap --arch=i386 --include ssh,udev,linux-image-virtual jaunty /tmp/karmic ... this is the command i used to create my image, then i tar -cpzf it ... then i tar -xzf on my target domU03:40
microlithgdiz: you can type ctrl-z to detach the process, then "bg" to continue it in the background03:40
microlithor you can start it with an & at the end of the line03:40
loshawilliamchan: I assume you've checked the filenames. The only other thing I can suggest offhand is try using uuid instead of /dev/xvda103:40
williamchanlosha, spkiy25: then i proceed to do an aptitude install grub once i chroot into the new environment03:40
Quan-Time_KingOfDos: VLC works great.. using it atm03:40
williamchanlosha: i dont have a uuid since this is on a virtual machine .... xen domU03:41
gdizmicrolith, cool! thanks.03:41
Kind_budVLC gives quality HD imagery?03:41
textexmy dvi cards dies after "grub loading"03:42
Quan-Time_Kind_bud: vlc uses its own codecs..03:42
airtonixJustMozzy, did you make any modifications to it prior to deleting it?03:42
jsilverwhat is the minimum unbtu partition size03:42
Kind_budWhat is good for HD though?03:42
Quan-Time_you mean a .mkv file >?03:42
metamanuse VLC?03:42
jsilveri want ubuntu in like 1 gb03:43
spiky25vlc does well but there is good codecs also ...03:43
Kind_budYeah, or any kind of HD videos or pictures?03:43
Quan-Time_1080p HD is what you mean ?03:43
Quan-Time_Kind_bud: "HD" is just a resolution..03:43
Kind_budyeah, I guess quan time03:43
Kind_budYeah, I know, I just wanted to get good quality HD footage with my video players03:43
Quan-Time_so it packs more info into the screen.. thats all HD is.03:43
metamanis there a player better than VLC?03:44
metamanimo VLC isnt that great03:44
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:44
jsilverwhat is the minimum unbtu partition size03:44
Quan-Time_metaman: im used to it.. so its what you are used to.03:44
Quan-Time_MANY ppl use totem.. which is ok.03:44
lstarnesjsilver: I would say 4 GB03:44
spiky25try mplayer or smplayer instead of vlc03:44
jsilverhow can i install it in 1gb03:44
Quan-Time_and mplayer is the default,, yes ?>03:44
jsilver4gb is a lot, seems bloated03:44
Quan-Time_long as you install the required codecs, your set. but i like VLC as its got its own codecs03:45
lstarnesjsilver: you do need space for other things03:45
lstarnesjsilver: like your user's settings and other data03:45
spiky25but good codecs help also, I never tried fluendo codecs but I maybe can be really decent ...03:45
Kind_budALright thanks, I used mplayer, I was really looking for a player as good as windows media player or vuze's player, only made for linux03:45
jsilverthaanks lstarnes03:45
spiky25there powerdvd and lindvd for linux also ...03:45
aboucheranyone know why i can't run wubi off of the ubuntu 9.10 disk?03:45
metamanbleh i wish GOM is on ubuntu03:45
Quan-Time_jsilver: umm, you want ubuntu on 1gb.. yes ? what system are you installing it to ? a custom thin client ? some minimal system for minimal use ?? whats the reason for a minimal install ?03:46
Kind_budwhat is GOM?03:46
metamanits a tight ass media player03:46
metamanbut its for windows :(03:46
spiky25Kind_bud expect things to be different a lot on linux, there is no best software but a lot of alternatives ...03:46
Kind_budI see03:46
Quan-Time_i used mpc-hc for win based machines03:46
jsilverQuan-Time_, i want more room for music when im djing03:46
jsilveri think 4gb is fine03:47
textexand now i cant connect to the net from ubuntu03:47
jsilverhow much space does ubuntu OS proper take?03:47
textexdo i need a driver for that aswell?03:47
Quan-Time_jsilver: ok.. what system size are you installing on.. hdd wise ?03:47
spiky25jsilver try Slitaz 2.0 it will be better for you maybe ... ubuntu isn't made for 1 Gb03:47
jsilveri want the rest for windows03:47
jsilveri primarily want linux to code03:47
FloodBot1jsilver: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:47
lstarnesjsilver: then you should probably have 8 GB or so03:47
williamchanlosha: pulled a UUID, tried and didnt work03:48
Quan-Time_80gb is heaps.. even for a DJ set.. concidered a external HDD caddy for more storage ? i have a 500gb usb powered one.. works great.. can stream videos off it03:48
ne171proWHY is my software not downloading?  Says waiting for software managers to close..03:48
williamchanlosha: getting an error 15, file not found03:48
spiky25Slitaz 2.0 live cd is 30Mb and 1-2Gb for the live dvd with all softwares inside ...03:48
Quan-Time_jsilver: linux doesnt really like being "slipstreamed" like windows OS..03:48
spiky25It's not so up-to-date but it's really decent and fast ...03:48
Quan-Time_you can start removing other packages you dont need.. such as gimp, openoffice, etc.03:49
jsilverspiky nice03:49
rodgerrnytek_: SKYPE works like a champ so far - able to configure it and talka nd listen to the test messages - video is slow but working03:49
Quan-Time_you might save some space.. but remember that many of the packages are required to function properly03:49
nytek_rodgerr, congrats, thats good to know. it was probably because i wasnt using ubuntu at the time :D03:49
spiky25Quan-Time linux can be lighter than windows and run way faster but you need proper knowledge for that ...03:49
=== Hello is now known as Mizuno
Obsidian1723-2Anyone know of a 3dmf viewer (3-D Metafile) for Ubuntu?03:50
Kind_budDoes ubuntu have a 3d desktop feature like windows vista or windows 7?03:50
Obsidian1723-2kind_bud. yes03:51
Quan-Time_spiky25: yes.. i agree. and anyone asking in here if they can get it down to 1gb (probably) hasnt done the full research on it.03:51
Kind_budHOw do you access it?03:51
Obsidian1723-2Look on YouTube for "Ubuntu vs Vista" and it shows it. It's called Compiz03:51
Obsidian1723-2You can get Compiz from the repositories03:51
Quan-Time_next ubuntu release is rumored to have "aero" effect.. RGBA03:52
Quan-Time_which is nice.. wanky.. but nice03:52
ShadeSi'm tired of these downloads ont going through correcvtly/win 2003:52
spiky25Kind_bud > compiz but I prefer to work without it, I love my linux fast but I use compiz on my demonstration live cds or dvds03:52
loshawilliamchan: doesn't grub have some commands you can run to list the files it can see? I forget the details...03:52
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abouchercan anyone help me?03:52
Obsidian1723-2Anyone know of a 3dmf viewer (3-D Metafile) for Ubuntu?03:52
losha!ask | aboucher03:53
ubottuaboucher: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:53
spiky25RGBA come from kde developpement don't expect too much as kde 4 was just decent after 4.203:53
Quan-Time_!grub2 | losha03:53
ubottulosha: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:53
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aboucherwell, i already tried that and everyone ignored me03:53
Quan-Time_might helr03:53
loshaQuan-Time_: williamchan is running grub1, but thanks...03:53
spiky25aboucher don't ask to ask, just ask your question politely ...03:54
Quan-Time_!grub | losha03:54
ubottulosha: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.03:54
Quan-Time_try that instead ;)03:54
loshaaboucher: that generally means no-one knows the answer...03:54
jacquesdupontdhi guys03:54
spiky25if someone know how to help you, they will do it ...03:54
aboucheranyway, when i go to run wubi off of the 9.10 disk i can't run the autoplay program or wubi03:54
airtonixQuan-Time_, what do you mean next release will have rgba... i assume it already does rgba03:54
jacquesdupontdi'm searching for a good thing to record my desktop cause record my desktop is not doing good videos and i have a really good computer so i don't understand03:55
spiky25grub2 isn't needed grub or lilo do also well ...03:55
Quan-Time_airtonix: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2009/12/lucid-to-get-aero-style-rgba.html03:55
williamchanlosha: gonna try and build a 64-bit deboostrap isntead03:55
loshaaboucher: yeah, I don't know the answer to that. wubi isn't used as much as regular ubuntu install....03:56
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williamchanlosah: wondering if its cause im trying to ruan a 32-bit domU inside a 64-bit host03:56
airtonixQuan-Time_, this is without compiz then?03:56
Quan-Time_airtonix: no idea.. not spoken to the devs about it03:56
Quan-Time_but its gtk+ so i strongly suspect it WONT be compiz03:57
Quan-Time_but standalone03:57
jacob_I've been having trouble getting some packages such as usb-creator.  I03:57
spiky25aboucher burn an ubuntu 9.10 live cd (32 bits if not sure) then put your bios boot order to cd-rom or dvd-rom then load the live cd when restarting your computer and follow what the live cd say ...03:57
loshawilliamchan: up to you, pretty advanced stuff you're doing. We mostly answer questions like: how do I click using the mouse...03:57
mynickstakenquick question ubuntu peeps03:57
Quan-Time_losha: woooh thats fairly advanced there buddy03:57
mynickstakenhow do i tell 9.10 to not start x on boot03:58
aboucherspiky i already know that03:58
mynickstakenremoved gdm from the runlevel, it still starts03:58
aboucheri've been running ubuntu for a few years and am trying to install it on a family computer03:58
textexthis is funny03:58
textexok now i tried a tip form google.03:58
textexjust using 1 screen at a time03:58
textexthe vga screen works fine03:58
jacquesdupontdok vlc seems to be perfect03:58
textexbut when trying the dvi screen, i get "failed to restore crct configuration"03:59
spiky25aboucher wubi isn't a decent ubuntu installation even for a beginner cause it has many lacks like security ...03:59
trismmynickstaken: you need to disable /etc/init/gdm.conf, I've heard moving it to /etc/init/gdm.conf-disabled will work, haven't tested it yet03:59
textexany idea?03:59
mynickstakentrism: word, thanks03:59
jacquesdupontdplease i'm seing like desklet on a video but i don't remember what it is can someone tell it to me ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOM8pnSA9fc  The one on the right : thx03:59
loshamynickstaken: I usually mv /usr/sbin/gdm to /usr/sbin/gdm.orig and I do the same with gdm-binary. I'd like to punch the gdm developer...03:59
jacob_I've been having trouble getting some packages such as usb-creator.  I'm new to ubuntu, but not a too dumb.  I think the problem is that I have a dell given kernel, which locks me out of some of the major features.  Can't upgrade from 8.04 (software sources doesn't have the option to change release type) and I can't even get the usb-creator package to get reinstall the OS.  Any suggestions?03:59
aboucherwhat is there to lack04:00
textexcan another screen fuck up the whole os?04:00
airtonixjacquesdupontd, are you talking about the white text on the right?04:00
trismlosha: it is more upstart having no standard way of disabling services at this point than gdm04:00
textexor is that it is trigging another driver?04:00
spiky25aboucher do you can read in french ???04:00
Quan-Time_textex: gpu ?04:00
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:00
greezmunkeyspiky25, The one benefit it does have is that you can get used to Ubuntu, and even save config files etc. for use later in a full install.04:01
airtonixjacquesdupontd, if so that is called conky04:01
textexQuan-Time_ i didnt understand that one?04:01
airtonix!info conky | jacquesdupontd04:01
ubottujacquesdupontd: conky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.2-0ubuntu5 (karmic), package size 28 kB, installed size 64 kB04:01
jacquesdupontdconky comes with the application ?04:01
jacquesdupontdi think i have it04:01
Quan-Time_textex: you are having screen issues ?04:01
jhonyokalguien por ahì04:01
nytek_conky <304:02
jhonyoksi hola04:02
FloodBot1jhonyok: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:02
maco!es  jhonyok04:02
maco!es |  jhonyok04:02
ubottujhonyok: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:02
spiky25aboucher if you read french > www.ubuntu-fr.org documentation and forums and www.framasoft.org for ubuntu pdf book to help you ...04:02
Quan-Time_#ubuntu-es ?04:02
jhonyokocuh perdon04:02
textexQuan-Time_ Well i installed ubuntu now. It works fine on my VGA screen, but i want to use it as a media center so i tried connecting it to my tv using a dvi card and dvi-hdmi converter. But now it gets weird04:02
aboucherspiky i can't read french04:02
jacquesdupontdairtonix, how comes my alt+f2 is not working to launch an app04:02
jhonyokhow are you04:02
jhonyoki need help04:02
Quan-Time_textex: ok.. GPU.. ie: what video card.. ati or nvidia ?04:03
airtonixjacquesdupontd, are you running compiz?04:03
macojhonyok: state your problem04:03
textexIts a ibm card04:03
Quan-Time_jhonyok: ask your question.. dont ask to ask a question04:03
textexusing intel chipset i think04:03
Quan-Time_textex: on board video ?04:03
ne171proI can't uninstall in software, it says "waiting for other software managers"  Help me?04:03
textexQuan-Time_ no, its a standalone card that followed the pc, the vga is onboard04:04
Quan-Time_ne171pro: tried restarting your session ?04:04
airtonixne171pro, try logging out then back in04:04
macone171pro: if you have other synaptics or something open, close them04:04
ne171proi did :(04:04
spiky25there is also the ubuntu pocket guide pdf freely availaible somewhere for english readers ... french community is better structured than english ubuntu community, weird but true, they are almost more advanced than www.ubuntu.com website ...04:04
jhonyoki do wish make whit virtual box, load my HD c: how are this?04:04
macone171pro: maybe its checking for updates right now?04:04
greezmunkeytextex, you may have fewer issues if you start you computer with your tv attached, just a thought from a tutorial I read.04:04
aboucherhow can they be more advanced than ubuntu.com?04:04
macojhonyok: it can't. you have to install inside virtualbox. it cant load your existing windows install04:04
spiky25try www.ubuntu1501.com and www.ubuntumini.com it should help you a lot ...04:04
textexQuan-Time_ no, its a standalone card that followed the pc, the vga is onboard04:05
loshaspiky25: sometimes these things are due to the efforts of just one dedicated individual...04:05
macoaboucher: very very organized04:05
Quan-Time_textex: OK.. so what is plugged into what ? you have your onboard plugged into your htpc ?04:05
aboucheri am officially switching to another distro04:05
loshaaboucher: which one?04:05
textexQuan-Time_ i think its something about "intelfb"04:05
macoaboucher: have fun04:05
aboucherslackware and fedora04:05
Quan-Time_textex: need to explain your config / setup clearly.. before we can start trouble shooting it04:05
textexQuan-Time_ Well first i had my regular vga screen plugged into the onboard vga card. It worked fine04:05
loshaaboucher: slackware's a bad idea, but fedora looks ok....04:05
Quan-Time_textex: yup.. go on04:06
aboucherwhat's wrong with slackware04:06
textexQuan-Time_ Then i tried unplugging the vga screen.04:06
jhonyokI would like to load, the data I have on my hard x loaded into virtual box04:06
loshaaboucher: it's off-topic, can't talk about it here...04:06
spiky25aboucher better documentation with a book maded for each ubuntu release and a custom made live usb setup with portables applications for windows and mac, persistent datas and shared profiles for firefox, thunderbird and pidgin ...04:06
Quan-Time_aboucher: try linux mint.. might go ok.. else look on distrowatch for what takes your fancy04:06
ne171proWhat could be running? keeping from installing or uninstalling04:06
textexQuan-Time_ And connecting the tv to the dvi-i card04:06
adm1aboucher, slackware used to not track dependencies04:06
adm1aboucher, not sure if that's still the case04:06
textexQuan-Time_ When trying to start ubuntu now, i get that error.04:07
jhonyokmaco where your from?04:07
loshaadm1: it still doesn't. I tried building Handbrake on it. Oy vey...04:07
madPJKfanhey everybody - quick Q - if I install Ubuntu from the online installer - does this automatically dual-boot windows, or does it wipe the doze installation - I have XP...04:07
Quan-Time_uh.. ok.. textex.. i think it could be your cable config, OR in your bios on your computer.. its telling the hardare what to use...04:07
macojhonyok: the best you can do is install something inside virtualbox then set up a shared directory and copy data over04:07
adm1losha, that's a cluster .....04:07
jacquesdupontdairtonix, right04:07
macojhonyok: im from estados unidos04:07
spiky25linux mint, ultimate edition and super os could be decent ubuntu variations for beginners also ...04:07
jacquesdupontdairtonix, and i'm on kubuntu don't know where to set shortcuts04:08
Quan-Time_textex: i HATE to not finish this, but i have a matter i gotta step out for thats just popped up.. so i cant finish helping.. but im sure others can04:08
Quan-Time_<-- afk04:08
jacob_what would cause the terminal to fail to find a package when the command is correct and the package exists?04:08
textexQuan-Time_ thanks for trying04:08
airtonixjacquesdupontd, sorry i can't help you. I'm not familiar with kde04:08
grandpapcHi. I have a problem. I'm using UNR Karmic on an MSI WindTop AE1900W, and when it returns from suspend the brightness is low. ACPI doesn't seem to work right, the brightness and volume buttons don't function at all. BUT, pm-suspend --quirk-s3-bios works great, the brightness is great returning from suspend04:08
macojacquesdupontd: what about kde?04:08
aboucherjacob, you need the uh04:08
aboucherjacob, i forgot what it's called04:08
textexanyone else got any input on this+04:09
jhonyokjeje i do speak spanish, but treat of write english thank maco04:09
aboucherjacob, you need to repo source04:09
pyropheliais there a tool to check the consistancy of ext4 volumes?04:09
jacob_and how would I do that?04:10
macopyrophelia: fsck04:10
loshajacob_: a typo in the package name?04:10
spiky25grandpapc some troubles like this can come from a different bios version, my dell inspiron 1501 need a specific bios version to have all fonctions without patching ...04:10
macojacob_: if new install, you might need to run "sudo apt-get update" first04:10
pyropheliawhat's the difference between fsck and e2fsck?04:10
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nalsakind of a weird new issue for me, when installing ubunu from a live CD it the computer keeps freezing; I have tried multiple different disks- same result04:10
macopyrophelia: fsck just calls the right one04:10
grandpapcspiky25 thtat is good advice i will check the msi support site once more to see if there is a fix04:10
madPJKfancan anyone tell me does the windows installer wipe your windows installation, or does it set it up for dual boot?04:11
macojacquesdupontd: #kubuntu may help04:11
textexanyone else here got problems with intelfb?04:11
jacquesdupontdthat's ok thx04:11
macomadPJKfan: wubi? it dual boots without partitioning04:11
jhonyokthank you maco " mi idolo XD "04:11
jacquesdupontdmaco, it was to have the launcher04:11
madPJKfanmaco: cheers04:11
macojacquesdupontd: which?04:11
jacquesdupontdalt + f2 shortcut, compiz + kubuntu04:11
macojacquesdupontd: ah ok krunner04:11
textexanyone else here got problems with intelfb?04:11
airtonixmaco, madPJKfan : wubi isn't really dual boot like you would traditionally be expecting04:11
=== dual is now known as _dual_
macoairtonix: i *said* "without partitioning"04:12
mr_frosteeI suggest just wiping windows all together04:12
spiky25textex the only thing I know about dvb is that mine need a firmware but I never get it working so I can't help you, check mythbuntu or mythtv documentations, forums and irc channels and mostly hope to be lucky ...04:12
macoairtonix: its still 2 OSes, option at boot, etc.....just without partitioning04:12
madPJKfanmaco, airtonix:  I just saw it "formatting swap" and got scared04:12
jacob_ah...that might be the problem...  sudo apt-get update only checks a dell url.  is there a way to change where to get updates from?04:12
madPJKfanlast real time I used linux was redhat 8ish...04:12
macojacob_: system -> administration -> software sources04:12
airtonixmadPJKfan, if you use wubi to install ubuntu, then the health of your ubuntu install depends on the health of your ntfs windows partition. (since wubi installs ubuntu into a disk image file on the windows partition)04:13
pyropheliamaco, I'm trying to build a 20TB volume but I can't extend it past 10TB with e2fsck saying file to large04:13
Newbie-Widgethey guys, does (x)ubuntu have the same issue as windows that if you install the OS on 1 machine, xfer the HDD to another machine, you will get problems ???04:13
macopyrophelia: WOW04:13
airtonixmadPJKfan, so don't go deleting your windows partition after install ubuntu via wubi04:13
jacob_what url should I use to get the updates?04:13
pyropheliamaco: any advice?04:13
macopyrophelia: nope04:13
madPJKfanairtonix: sweet - that'll do me for the moment.  There is a bit of a lack of documentation on the download ubuntu page.  There is heaps on the wubi page that I am now reading - much obliged.04:14
macojacob_: there should be checkboxes....04:14
jacob_there isn't...04:14
jacquesdupontdmaco, thx working i set that in compiz commands04:14
luisthey guys i need some help here.... i have a delegate that overrides the paint function, and inside that delegate i emit the signal itemSelected(), but i cant connect it from outside the delegate... what am i doing wrong? http://pastie.org/74101004:14
spiky25man if ubuntu was like archlinux for packages, we could stay on it more easily for a lifetime ...04:14
luistops wrong channel sry04:14
pyrophelia:( it needs to be 54 TB.  grrrr04:14
macojacob_: there's not checkboxes for univere, multiverse, etc? and a tab with checkboxes for choosing updates, security, or proposed?04:14
jacquesdupontdwow conky is not working that well with compiz04:15
mikeruis there a Mac OS X-like character palette for ubuntu04:15
airtonixjacquesdupontd, no it won't.04:15
mikerunot the ugly applet?04:15
airtonixjacquesdupontd, you need to run it in a non compositing mode04:15
macomikeru: i have no idea what osx does it like, but theres gucharmap04:15
madPJKfanmaco, airtonix - thanx for the info.04:15
macojacquesdupontd: it *can* work...i just have no idea how i made it work that one time i got it to04:16
mikerumaco: it shows all unicode characters04:16
spiky25maco www.ubuntu-fr.org click on sources.list and follow the instructions if you read french a little it will be easier ...04:16
mikerumaco: from 0000 to FFFF04:16
jacob_nothing for those.  I have an updates, 3rd party software, and authentication tab04:16
pjHi everyone, I recently upgraded my kernel to 2.6.32-020632rc8-generic in order to get a webcam to work (and it does work with this RC kernel), but now the 3d driver for my ATI graphics chipset is disabled and won't reinstall (when I try to activate it from the hardware drivers window it simply does not change to active), can someone help me to get graphics accelleration back?04:16
macospiky25: jacob_ you mean04:16
JustMozzyhey there, I am writing a shell script. how can I assume root credentials for commands in the script? I tried sudo echo "bla bla bla" > /etc/apache2/includes/something.conf but it didn't work04:16
mikerumaco: http://blogs.atlassian.com/developer/2008/11/02/Character%20Palette.jpg04:17
airtonixJustMozzy, you should have a lookt at some of the nautilus-scripts to see how they do it04:17
macojacob_: er maybe this has changed since i last used ubuntu then. i use kubuntu now04:17
Newbie-Widgethey guys, is there much difference between 8.04 and 8.04.1 ?04:17
iKernel732.34 MB of data have to be downloaded04:17
JustMozzyairtonix: where would I find those?04:17
iKernel64 MB of data will be freed04:17
airtonixJustMozzy, http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/04:17
jacquesdupontdto kill a proccess in the terminal ?04:17
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:17
macomikeru: ive never seen anything like that, sorry. i like the "related characters" though04:17
JustMozzyairtonix: thanks :)04:17
scuniziNewbie-Widget: there were a lot of fixes and upgrades with the .1 version04:17
Mizunoidentify 12345604:17
greezmunkeyNewbie-Widget, the reasons for problems with that in windows is a matter of hardware. Without abstracting the hardware you will have issues moving hard drives between machines with different hardware sets.04:17
Newbie-Widgetok cool, thnc scunixi04:17
echotonei coudnt use the live cd to install ubuntu. i made an alternate disk and could install it. but when i try to boot into it, the same problem happens and it freezes at a black sscreen for ever. and ever.04:18
Kind_budman, I need to get a 3d card04:18
grandpapcspiky25 i can't find a bios update on google or the msi support/download page for the model, is there a way to make the s3bios quirk "stick" in karmic? I've tried several and none work so far. I even installed s2ram and s2disk but the result is the same. only pm-suspend --quirk-s3-bios from the command line works04:18
greezmunkeyNewbie-Widget, The short answer is yes if the hardware is substantially differant04:18
spiky258.04 , 8.04.1 .2 or .3 are just updated versions04:18
mikeruquite sad···04:18
scuniziNewbie-Widget: which brings to mind.. if you install that don't up grade to 10.04 LTS until it's 10.04.104:18
airtonixjacquesdupontd, if you want to find out more about conky then have a browse through the crunchbang forums. several good threads about conky there04:18
mikeruat least gucharmap looks acceptable04:19
Newbie-Widgetgreezmunkey: does that mean if i were to install ubuntu on a hdd and move it to another pc, ill get the same problem ?04:19
sebsebsebscunizi: don't upgrade untill 10.04.1  if doing 8.04 LTS, why?04:19
jacquesdupontdworks fine thx airtonix04:19
jacob_maco: i'm running 8.04, which sites give a walk-through on how to upgrade.  The features that those ask me to change are not on my software sources.  I'm trying to set up a bootable usb to wipe and reinstall, but I can't get the usb-creator package mentioned on ubuntu support's walkthrough.04:19
jacquesdupontdairtonix, i'm reading help04:19
airtonixjacquesdupontd, http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/topic/59/my-conky-config/04:20
jacquesdupontdshould work good thx04:20
scunizisebsebseb: on an lts release the .1 is like a large service pack.. they've ironed out the upgrade bugs and other things.04:20
spiky25grandpapc maybe a patch will do check a little www.ubuntu1501.com search bios and seek what it say and check for your computer model by google after ...04:20
macojacob_: usb-creator-gtk maybe? i dont know, sorry04:20
sebsebsebscunizi: are you sure about that?04:20
mikerumaco: is there anyway you can insert control characters with it ?04:20
grandpapcspiky25 i have googled extensively for days to solve this and tried many things and come up with only the command line that works...04:20
pjjacob_: I think usb_creator was not available in 8.04.04:20
scunizisebsebseb: that's what's happened to me in the last upgrade.. things just get more stable after .104:21
Newbie-Widgetbasically my laptop cd drive is dead, i cant boot from usb and i have no floppy :S ,,, i took out the hdd from the laptop, connected it via USB to my main tower, installed ubuntu, took it out and put back in my laptop.. it loads to desktop (though touchpad doesnt work)04:21
mikerumaco: nevermind04:21
spiky25LTS just mean better for servers but for normal peoples almost every stable release will do well ...04:21
macojacob_: for the sources, http://paste.ubuntu.com/340310/ try putting that in /etc/apt/sources.list04:21
sebsebsebspiky25: yeah that's the kind of thing I am thinking as well04:21
Newbie-Widgeti got some links last night in this IRC chat, but Im not very skilled enough and dont really understand it :S04:21
datakidI've just downloaded the ubuntu 9.10 desktop cd to install with, but it's not recognised on reboot? The cd drive is the first boot device, but nada04:21
scunizispiky25: releases between lts releases aren't always stable04:22
datakidmd5sums is correct too04:22
pjNewbie-Widget: I would install ubuntu-minimal on the HDD, transfer it back to the laptop, then complete the install from there (you can install the ubuntu-desktop package once it is back in the laptop).04:22
echotonedatakid: try making an alternate cd.04:22
macomikeru: you should be able to enter unicode characters by hitting ctrl+shift+U (itll then show an underlined u) and typing the codepoint in hex and hitting enter04:22
zhanehow to make vlc as the default player to play http://www.mediacorpradio.sg/mediaplayer/player_yes.asp?varKey=01045393001 in firefox?04:22
spiky25grandpapc build a sh script and make it launch at every boot if you don't see another solution ...04:22
mikerumaco: sure, but it's nice to see which one is which04:23
jacquesdupontdok i'm recording the desktop with vlc i'm gonna see what it looks like04:23
Newbie-Widgetpj: that's what i tried to do, but im not 100% sure when to stop the installation. Do I stop after the copying files process ?04:23
mikerumaco: View->By Unicode Block04:23
spiky25usb-creator is 9.04 and more only as I remember04:23
macomikeru: i meant for when you get a few memorized ;)04:23
jacquesdupontdthx for all the advice i was finding at the same time :)04:23
sebsebsebmaco: what are the point releases for LTS about is it true what scunizi  said  things become more stable etc ?04:23
Kind_budhow much video ram do you need to run compiz?04:23
mikerumaco: (:04:23
grandpapcspiky25 how would it interrupt the normal suspend procedure? do you mean turn off suspend in power management and run a script that runs suspend when user activity stops? Sorry I'm not a linux expert04:23
macosebsebseb: they're just the updates to that point packaged up and put on a cd04:23
spiky25maybe there a ppa for it in lauchpad ...04:23
sebsebsebmaco: so not just security updates? ,but other updates as well?04:24
macosebsebseb: believe so04:24
grandpapcspiky25 it has to be easy this pc is for my 86 year old grandfather to learn how to email and browse the web04:24
Newbie-Widgetunless anyone knows where to download a CD that allows me to boot from USB devices ? ive only seen tutorials on how to make em04:24
macosebsebseb: but i dont roll the cds, so im not 100% positive04:24
scunizisebsebseb: and you doughted me.. :)04:24
spiky25sebsebseb LTS is made for servers or little linux users only mostly ...04:24
scunizilittle linux users?04:24
arghh2d2thus the nick grandpapc, it all makes sense now04:24
scunizispiky25: what's a "little linux user"..04:25
airtonixscunizi, people like me who rummage through the sewers for muck04:25
arghh2d2i thought maybe we were talkin about an i386 or a commadore 6404:25
spiky25grandpapc I'm not an expert also, I just tell you what I know that could help you even just a little ...04:25
sebsebsebscunizi: well I already knew that your an LTS fan,  and I am not sure if it's the best advice to tell people not to get the latest LTS untill a point release.  Surely an LTS is good when it comes out?  or well meant to be04:25
datakidechotone, thanks04:25
rodgerrnytek_: SKYPE - spent the last hour trying to find my profile for skype to edit it - turns out the linux version does not give access to the profile!!!04:25
scuniziairtonix: I thought he was saying I was short or something :)04:26
spiky25little mean not often just sometimes if you prefer ...04:26
airtonixscunizi, no just calling us peseants04:26
sebsebsebscunizi: and maco  seems to know about that kind of stuff, hence why I asked her04:26
scunizisebsebseb: no.. I run lts, 8.10 and 9.1004:26
macosebsebseb: we certainly dont get nearly enough testers til after release, so a LOT of updates come through the first month04:26
arghh2d29.10 isnt lts is it?04:27
scunizisebsebseb: 9.10 I run ubuntu and kubuntu.. I rather like kubuntu now.. very slick04:27
macoscunizi: 8.10 and 9.10 arent lts04:27
scunizimaco: I know.. that's why I made the differentiation04:27
pjNewbie-Widget: you can get cd's that you can use to boot to a usb stick, but that requires that you have a working cd drive.04:27
macoscunizi: ahhh ok04:27
bazhangNewbie-Widget, unetbootin to write a ubuntu iso to usb stick for booting04:27
macoscunizi: i misparsed04:27
grandpapcCan anyone help me? The MSI Wind Top AE1900w (UNR karmic) suspends fine, but the brightness isn't set correctly when returning. Running pm-suspend --quirk-s3-bios from the command line works, but I'm not sure how to make it stick, I've put it in /etc/acpi/sleep.sh and tried disabling the code that removes the quirks from /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d but nothing works04:27
grandpapcI also edited /etc/default/grub and added i915.modeset=0 to the defaults.04:28
pjHi everyone, I recently upgraded my kernel to 2.6.32-020632rc8-generic in order to get a webcam to work (and it does work with this RC kernel), but now the 3d driver for my ATI graphics chipset is disabled and won't reinstall (when I try to activate it from the hardware drivers window it simply does not change to active), can someone help me to get graphics accelleration back?04:28
zhanehow to make vlc as the default player to play http://www.mediacorpradio.sg/mediaplayer/player_yes.asp?varKey=01045393001 in firefox?04:28
airtonixNewbie-Widget, i assume : 1) you're using karmic 2) you've already tried usb-creator-gtk ?04:28
scunizisebsebseb: no matter what release.. try running your everyday stuff from a TTY sometime.. without the gui.. now that can be a learning experience :)04:28
sebsebsebmaco: maybe if the first beta wasn't in March for 10.04, but earlier instead, that would have helped quite a bit with bug testing,  anyway off topic now04:29
jacquesdupontdvlc is mervelous to record desktop on the computer04:29
jacquesdupontdit works perfectly04:29
ne171proI cannot figure this out, cant uninstall or add software.  I tried rebooting04:29
macosebsebseb: in 10.04 the beta was moved 2 weeks earlier, i think. and we're having 2 of them04:30
spiky25I run Slitaz 2.0 on an old ibm thinkpad 240 laptop that seem like a netbook or ultraportable, archlinux 64 bits on an i7 desktop and ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS 32 bits on a dell inspiron 1501 (for 32 bits repositories not available for 64 bits users and stability for my work laptop mostly)04:30
arghh2d2scunizi: i run 90 % of my linux box in cli04:30
ne171proIt tells me "waiting for other softwarere managers to close........04:30
macosebsebseb: basically the last alpha was renamed "beta 1"....because people are allergic to the word "alpha" :P04:30
darkscryptwhat packages do i need installed on ubuntu server inorder to do x11 forwarding, but not actually run an xserver04:31
spiky25zhane use mplayer plugin it will do better with proper codecs ...04:31
darkscrypti want to forward x11 traffic through putty to another machine04:31
zhanespiky25: vlc player no gd?04:31
sebsebsebmaco: the scheduled says March 18th for beta 1, but this is off topic now also04:31
scuniziarghh2d2: fun isn't it?04:31
macosebsebseb: there has historically been only 1 beta. 10.04's beta 1 is a few weeks earlier than beta normally is...at the time that the last alpha normally is04:31
rCXne171pro: Well there's a bug report about this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/44416804:31
spiky25mplayer outperform vlc cause vlc don't use codecs so mplayer will show a better output mostly ...04:32
sebsebsebmaco: oh ok04:32
sebsebsebmaco: thanks04:32
arghh2d2scunizi: yeah, keep it all in gnu screen and log in/out start/stop X and never miss a beat..i love it04:32
Newbie-Widgetsry back,, my CD drive "kinda" works, I can put discs in and it picks them up. a Ubuntu disc it can load to the initial screen and u choose to do mem tests, install ubuntu (text mode) ect.. just reading the files n such04:32
spiky25sudo pacman -Ss mplayer > what in ubuntu cli ???04:33
Flannelspiky25: What does pacman -Ss do?04:33
Flare-LaptopIsn't pacman for Arch Linux?04:33
arghh2d2pacman is arch lol04:33
Newbie-Widgeti cant boot from USB though as the laptop doesnt give the option.. i only have option  to boot from HDD / CD / Network (network setup too much for my brain)04:33
rCXne171pro: Try the suggestions in the comments section of the report.04:33
echotoneCan i disable my splash while my hdd is mounted from puppy linux? I am having trouble logging in to ubuntu9.1004:33
SuperMiguelbeside eclipse is there any other good C IDE??04:33
spiky25search a package or named like it ...04:33
FlannelSuperMiguel: Check out anjuta04:33
Flannelspiky25: apt-cache search [foo]04:34
arghh2d2spiky25: wrong channel?04:34
MizunoWho can take a afternoon tea with me at Shanghai today?04:34
Flare-LaptopSuperMiguel: I like CodeBlocks04:34
scuniziarghh2d2: mutt, finch, irssi, links2, lynx or w3m.. what else is there? oh.. nano, vi, etc04:34
Newbie-WidgetUbuntu version 9.04 is what i have atm (for etsting) but im gonna put on 8.04 (which i think is hardy)04:34
Newbie-Widgeti hear that one's pretty good04:34
Newbie-Widgetlaptop is pretty old too.04:34
robbmunsonspiky25: sudo aptitude search mplayer04:34
Flannelarghh2d2: No, right channel.04:34
spiky25yep I'm mostly an Archlinux user so I wanna give him the ubuntu cli commands ...04:34
Flannelrobbmunson, spiky25: you don't need sudo to search.04:34
robbmunsonFlannel: well, yeah..I kinda went overboard, caught my mistake after I hit return04:34
spiky25thanks !!!04:34
Newbie-Widgetatm i cant find anything in the mouse options about the Touchpad.. its non responsive04:35
arghh2d2Flannel: ? right channel?  he's on ubuntu suggesting arch package manager04:35
robbmunsonFlannel: thanks for spotting my glitch in typing ;)04:35
Flannelarghh2d2: No, he's asking for the equivalent in Ubuntu.04:35
scuniziNewbie-Widget: 8.04 will be end of life next year.. so will 9.04.. whichever you want.. but you'll be forced into an upgrade next year for security updates regardless.04:35
arghh2d2i see04:35
robbmunsonspiky25: sure :)04:35
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget: try 9.04 :)04:35
spiky25I'm always on my root account on Archlinux that why I forgot about sudo ...04:35
FlannelNewbie-Widget, scunizi: 8.04 lasts until April of 201104:35
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget: 8.04 is a bit to old now in a way, for  a lot of us, and jauntey is a pretty good release04:35
echotoneI cant use ubuntu. it doesnt get past the white ubuntu logo. does anybody know anything about that?04:36
Newbie-Widgethow well does the new stuff run on old laptops though04:36
robbmunsonspiky25: yeah, but you dont need sudo to search for packages with aptitude ;)04:36
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget: if that doesn't work properly for you then sure you could try 8.0404:36
Newbie-Widgetim not really going to be using it full on, just a lil media players04:36
robbmunsonspiky25: just to install :)04:36
squidbillyNewbie: or try xubuntu04:36
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget: How much RAM?04:36
scuniziFlannel: ah.. I was wrong.. I thought one LTS replaced the other.. but it is 3 years not 2 so there's some overlap.. merry christmas by the way?04:36
rCXechotone: Are you trying to use a live cd?  Or is it installed?04:36
scuniziFlannel: by the way!04:36
Newbie-Widgetonly 256 atm but i have more and a 2nd slot, gonna test out other 256 sticks to take it to 51204:37
Flannelscunizi: Yeah, three years on the desktop precisely so there's overlap.  You get a year to plan you're upgrade.  Merry Christmas to you too.04:37
Newbie-WidgetAquid, yeh i want to mainly put xubuntu on but the xubuntu IRC always seems dead, so i came heer04:37
sebsebsebsquidbilly: Newbie-Widget  or LXDE or whatever, there are loads of light waight things that can be run04:37
exploreralexhi, i just downloaded a theme. it is a .tar.gz file. now i don't know how to install it. it opens in archive manager.04:37
Newbie-Widgeti mean Squid :p04:37
sebsebsebFluxbox etc04:37
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget: How much RAM?04:38
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget: ok 256MB04:38
echotonerCX: i cant use a live cd. i made an alternate cd and it installed but i had the same problem of it freezing after the white ubuntu logo.04:38
scuniziexploreralex: in most releases open the theme manager and just drag and drop the tar.gz to it04:38
Newbie-Widgetsebsebseb: 256mb atm04:38
Newbie-Widgetbut can upgrade04:38
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget: 9.04 should run with 256MB RAM, and  it will with 512MB04:38
Newbie-Widgetadd to 2nd slot04:38
exploreralexscunizi: okay thanks. i04:38
exploreralexll try04:38
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget: the other hardware should be alright, well it's a desktop PC, how old?04:39
echotoneif anybody can help me with my problem, please move to #xubuntu04:39
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget: it is a desktop isn't it?04:39
spiky25Newbie-Widget: forget the extra ram if you use 9.10 install lubuntu-desktop then remove ubuntu-desktop correctly04:39
Newbie-Widgetnah, Laptop04:39
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget: have you tested an Ubuntu Live CD on there already nope?04:39
pjCan anyone help me with this?  I recently upgraded my kernel to 2.6.32-020632rc8-generic in order to get a webcam to work (and it does work with this RC kernel), but now the 3d driver for my ATI graphics chipset is disabled and won't reinstall (when I try to activate it from the hardware drivers window it simply does not change to active), can someone help me to get graphics accelleration back?04:39
Newbie-Widgetmaybe 7yrs roughly04:39
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget: RAM might not be an issue, but wireless could be04:40
Newbie-Widgetsebsebseb: can't, cd rom dopesnt work properly04:40
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget: USB works though?04:40
Newbie-WidgetUSB works, but cant boot from USB devices04:40
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget:  hmm which leaves a netinstall and wubi  for installing Ubuntu hmm, unless you put the hard disk in another computer and do it04:40
LaHirehello everyone04:41
spiky25Newbie-Widget: lubuntu-desktop is a set of ubuntu packages that will use lxde desktop manager instead of gnome and that use less ram ...04:41
LaHireQuestio: Does anybode tested 9.10 on a Lenovo T60?04:41
sebsebsebspiky25: seems we got another issue now, how are they going to get Ubuntu on there in the first place04:41
spiky25that doesn't mean desktop as desktop computer and can be used on a laptop without trouble04:41
pyropheliais there a command to make sure u installed the x64 version?04:41
Newbie-Widgetsebsebseb: I have the option to Net boot in the laptop BIOS, but i dont know how to get it up and running, i checked the tuts but cant work it out04:41
boomernangpyrophelia, _, uname -a04:42
sebsebseb!install | Newbie-Widget04:42
ubottuNewbie-Widget: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate04:42
wgrantpyrophelia: dpkg --print-architecture04:42
Newbie-Widgetspiky25: thanks, ill check it out.. i was gonna use xubuntu as i hear is more lighter then the others04:42
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget: not sure if it mentions the net install, I guess it does04:42
spiky25he could install ubuntu by the minimal cd ...04:42
LaHireQuestion: Does anybode tested 9.10 on a Lenovo T60? :D04:42
spiky25lubuntu is way lighter than xubuntu but less known04:42
Newbie-Widgetsebsebseb: it does mention many ways, but i still dont understand it. the ones i found in there require a Floppy drive, which i dont have for it :S04:42
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget: LXDE/lubuntu is probably more light waight then XFCE/Xubuntu04:43
scunizichrunchbang spiky25 .. check it out04:43
pjNewbie-Widget: look here for different install options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation04:43
lakotajamesHi guys.  I'm trying to install linux on my wii, and it involves coping a filesystem to an sd card.  The file system is in a tar file.  When I try to extract it from the terminal, it gives me errors about "No such file or directory" for almost every file.  if I do it with the file roller program, I get errors about not being able to move special files.  help please?04:43
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget: it's got Windows on there at the moment?04:43
pyropheliaarg this is frustrating. why won't e2fsck check a 20TB volume? it keeps saying, file to large04:43
karma_policehow hard is it to network ubuntu?04:43
b00tsRandolphSeems like the weight of different Ubuntu installs was discussed on Lifrehacker recently. Lemme see if I can find the article...04:43
spiky25try Slitaz 2.0 live cd if you wanna try lxde first a little without installing it > 30Mb live cd isn't too much ...04:43
sebsebseb!details |  karma_police04:43
ubottukarma_police: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:43
LaHireHi everyone! Question: Does anybode tested 9.10 on a Lenovo T60? :D04:43
Newbie-Widgetpj: checked that last night, the ones i saw require a floppy, otherwise somthing about installing grub04:44
rCXechotone: The live cd would not work and you installed it anyways?04:44
spiky25karma_police try samba for network drives with windows computers on linux04:44
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget: has it got Windows on it at the moment?04:44
pjNewbie-Widget: does your CD drive work at all, or is it completely toast?04:44
Mizunowho can tell me ubuntu can be installed at levono x20004:44
Newbie-Widgetsebsebseb: nah, no windows.. earlier i took it out of the Laptop, connected via USB in my tower and installed that way.. i got it installed, but am having issues with devices04:44
Mizunowho can tell me ubuntu can be installed at levono x20004:44
echotonerCX: the live cd wouldnt work so i made an alternate cd and it worked. but my machine wont boot into ubuntu04:45
karma_policei want to set my ubuntu 9.10 to share music files over the network for other ubuntu computers and possible windows pc's also04:45
LaHireMizuno: thinkwiki, maybe? :304:45
Random832pyrophelia, there are issues with filesystems over 16TB04:45
Newbie-Widgetpj: dont think it "completely" toast.. it can still boot the discs ok, just cant read the data needed to copy04:45
sebsebseb!samba |  karma_police04:45
ubottukarma_police: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:45
spiky25xubuntu is big as ubuntu and kubuntu so don't use xubuntu for it's no use ...04:45
karma_policedoes samba need to be on the windows pc's too?04:45
sebsebsebkarma_police: no04:45
pjNewbie-Widget: try the minimal CD install method, it just needs to boot the CD and will download all the packages from the internet.04:45
=== Mizuno is now known as SUBARU
karma_policecan the linux boxes use samba to communicate too or do i need nfs for that also?04:45
lakotajamesHi guys.  I'm trying to install linux on my wii, and it involves coping a filesystem to an sd card.  The file system is in a tar file.  When I try to extract it from the terminal, it gives me errors about "No such file or directory" for almost every file.  if I do it with the file roller program, I get errors about not being able to move special files.  help please?04:46
sebsebsebkarma_police: Did you buy the music?04:46
spiky25lubuntu is now installable on ubuntu 9.10 variants with the lubuntu-desktop package so it should be way better than xubuntu ...04:46
LaHiredos anybody have a Lenovo T6004:46
pjthe CD image is only 12MB for minimal install, so chances are your "not completely toast" cd drive can read it.04:46
karma_policelol.. no  i have about 300gb of bought and dl'ed music04:46
lakotajamesI'm having a problem extracting files from a tar to a sd card.  Help?04:46
rCXechotone: Oh I see.  Does it print any errors? By the way you should try asking this at the http://ubuntuforums.org as well04:46
sebsebseb!piracy > karma_police04:46
ubottukarma_police, please see my private message04:47
rCXLaHire: I have a T4304:47
spiky25lubuntu is normaly 32 bits only but ubuntu 9.10 has 64 bits version so it's better to install by the ubuntu minimal cd if you're good enough for that ...04:47
Newbie-Widgetpj: thanks, i might give that a shot... though roughly what's the size of the packages ? i got little data left for the month, otherwise will have to try at work04:47
sebsebsebkarma_police: to share files with Windows,  samba on the Linux box, shared folders on Windows04:47
arghh2d2spiky25: who are you talking to?04:47
LaHirewell, i have issues with Ubuntu 9.10 with a lenovo T60, anybody can help around?04:48
SuperMiguelhow good is cc for compiling?04:48
rCXrCX: It's very similar to a T6004:48
echotonerCX: good call. but there are threads of my same problem and nobody seems to offer any solution...i guess i could still pot my own.04:48
pjNewbie-Widget: probably about 500 meg or so, give or take.04:48
echotonerCX: my machine puts out some page of text but then it goes away, i cant read it. it doesnt seem to be an error but it must be fif my system doesnt work huh?04:48
rCXechotone: It's worth a try. Good luck04:48
Newbie-Widgetpj: hmm,t hanks :)04:49
pjNewbie-Widget: yw :-)04:49
spiky25arghh2d2: someone was asking about xubuntu and was thinking about adding more ram for nothing so I suggest him that solution ...04:49
pjNewbie-Widget: and FYI, I had a similar situation a while back and the minimal install CD method worked for me.04:49
arghh2d2spiky25: crunchbang is another solution04:50
=== paragonc_ is now known as paragonc
rCXechotone: what type of computer do you have?04:50
spiky25crunchbang take too long to learn, lxde is better suited for beginners ...04:50
LaHireHi everyone! Question: Does anybode tested 9.10 on a Lenovo T60? :D04:50
lakotajamesPlease help me.04:50
spiky25openbox is for middle or advanced linux users mostly ...04:51
Newbie-Widgetpj: any ideas on the Touchpad ?04:51
arghh2d2lxde sucks imo04:51
scuniziLaHire: probably not since they haven't responded in the last 5 times you've asked04:51
sebsebseb!ask |  lakotajames04:51
ubottulakotajames: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:51
sebsebsebarghh2d2: no it's alright04:51
spiky25lakotajames: don't ask to ask, just ask your question !!!04:51
LaHirescunizi: i know, but people keep comming in  :P04:51
b00tsRandolphAt long last I find the article I was looking for regarding use of resources and different Ubuntu versions. 'Twas in Linux Mag--not Lifehacker. Duh. http://www.linux-mag.com/cache/7520/1.html04:51
lakotajamessebsebseb: I did ask, and no one answered. ;_;04:51
arghh2d2sebsebseb: no, it sux04:52
sebsebseblakotajames: well you repeate04:52
TeslaTonyarghh2d2: What do you prefer for a lightweight desktop environment? (I use LXDE)04:52
sebsebseblakotajames: aftert a while if that happens04:52
lakotajamesHi guys.  I'm trying to install linux on my wii, and it involves coping a filesystem to an sd card.  The file system is in a tar file.  When I try to extract it from the terminal, it gives me errors about "No such file or directory" for almost every file.  if I do it with the file roller program, I get errors about not being able to move special files.  help please?04:52
pjNewbie-Widget: what about the touchpad?04:52
rCXLaHire: I tested 9.10 on my T43 (which is an older version of the T60) and had few issues.04:52
scuniziLaHire: try googleing ... T60 ubuntu .. and see what pops up.. there's bound to be something out there.04:52
sebsebsebarghh2d2: in your opinion, it's not a fact04:52
arghh2d2TeslaTony: openbox, just build it yourself, you dont need lxde to do it for you04:52
rCXLaHire: Look at this link http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_9.10_(Karmic_Koala)_on_a_ThinkPad_T6104:52
arghh2d2sebsebseb: ditto04:52
bashirdid they get rid of the x64 images for ubuntu 9.1004:52
spiky25lxde suck less than xfce, gnome and kde, it's the lightest desktop manager so it's pretty decent for someone that can't use a windows manager correctly ...04:53
bashirthey are not availible on the website04:53
b00tsRandolphI'm using 9.10 on a T43 currently. Words swimmingly.04:53
Newbie-Widgetpj: doesn't work at all... not sure if its missing a driver or maybe needs a configuration or somthing04:53
bashirand the link from distrowatch is down04:53
sebsebsebarghh2d2: what  spiky25 said I guess04:53
bashirthis is really unusual04:53
datakidI have now tried both install cds - Desktop and Alternate, neither works04:53
Newbie-Widgetpj: i know it's physically fine though04:53
spiky25nope 9.10 images are availables ...04:53
scunizibashir: use www.ubuntu.com and you'll find it.. torrent and iso download04:53
pjNewbie-Widget: it should, "just work", try your re-install first and see if it comes to life, otherwise it could be a hardware problem.04:53
sebsebsebarghh2d2: except for how I would normalley use Gnome04:53
sebsebsebwith some KDE apps etc04:53
JustMozzyweird... following sudo echo " test.local" >> /etc/hosts gives me a permission denied error :s04:54
Newbie-Widgetpj: hmm, ok, ill give re-install a shot, thnx :)04:54
bashirscunizi i tried, see http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download04:54
pjNewbie-Widget: it could be because you installed ubuntu on a different computer, so it didn't install the touchpad drivers because it didn't detect the touchpad at the time.04:54
LaHirerCX: i have checked that page, but i just wanted to ask if anyone had some issues with firefox on that notebook, 'cos it's eating up my cpu04:54
bashirscunizi there isnt a link for 64 bit04:54
arghh2d2spiky25: crunchbang's install configuration isnt hard to learn and is a hundred times better than lxde, takes the good lx stuff and leaves the lame out04:54
Newbie-Widgetsry, what was the name of the other ubuntu.. lxubuntu or somthing ?04:55
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget: right ok so touchpad not working in 9.1004:55
scunizibashir: I'll look04:55
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget: yes?04:55
b00tsRandolphlubuntu is one of 'em04:55
spiky25touchpad settings are in xorg.conf if I remember well check it out ...04:55
Newbie-Widgetsebsebseb: using 9.0404:55
sebsebseb!touchpad | Newbie-Widget04:55
ubottuNewbie-Widget: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad04:55
Newbie-Widgetsebsebseb: thnx :)04:55
sebsebsebNewbie-Widget: I haven't been on that link yet ( or not that I remember anyway ) , but I guess it wil help04:56
bashiri cant believe it is so difficult to find an architecture disk for the most popular linux distro on the planet04:56
scunizibashir: under the "download location" link there is another link for "alternative" downloads.. click that and you'll see the 64 bit version04:56
spiky25arghh2d2 just understand that beginners don't know enough about linux to start straight with openbox so lxde is decent and was maded for them ...04:56
sebsebsebspiky25: openbox hmm04:56
sebsebsebor Fluxbox etc04:57
bashirscunizi ah thanks.  they really should change that04:57
rCXLaHire: Hmm firefox worked fine for me.  If you are really having problems you could dowgrade from 3.5 to 3.04:57
sebsebsebspiky25: true though not many beginers using those to begin with04:57
scunizibashir: yea.. it use to be easier04:57
bashirscunizi ya i expected it to take less than 10 seconds as usual04:57
arghh2d2spiky25: lxde isnt realy that user friendly, it tries to be and just ends up being lame04:57
SuperMiguelbeside eclipse is there any other good C IDE? that i can compile and run the program inside the program?04:57
sebsebseb!ot |  arghh2d204:58
ubottuarghh2d2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:58
LaHirerCX: well, maybe downgrading... i shall try that04:58
spiky25lame but decent for speed that's why many distros begin to use it ...04:58
arghh2d2sebsebseb: thats fcking hilarious coming from you when you were just arguing off topic with me...hipocrit04:58
sebsebsebarghh2d2: yeah I know :D04:58
sebsebsebarghh2d2: I did think about doing it to the three of us, but then nah04:59
spiky25linux need 500 Mhz to run well we have way more now so no need for the lightest if it mean harder for almost nothing that's all ...04:59
sebsebseb!ot |  arghh2d2 spiky25  sebsebseb04:59
ubottuarghh2d2 spiky25  sebsebseb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:59
hoxhai need help04:59
JustMozzydoes anyone know why I can't just sudo echo "something" >>  /etc/hosts   ?05:00
sebsebseb!ask | hoxha05:00
ubottuhoxha: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:00
spiky25it's like having a 4000$ computer for a grand-mother that just talk on msn, it's no use ...05:00
sebsebsebarghh2d2: that I was off topic05:01
sebsebsebhoxha: ok what do you want help with?05:01
hoxhawhat dose it mean when it says you dont have permission05:01
sebsebsebhoxha: depends on what your doing05:02
spiky25sebsebseb it's not offtopic it's a matter of choice and needs ...05:02
spiky25hoxda permission for ???05:03
sebsebsebspiky25: it's off topic, it's not Ubuntu support05:03
hoxhaim trying to put a skin on amsn05:03
hoxhaand i have to put the folder in a file05:03
spiky25hoxha >gksudo nautilus05:03
hoxhaand it asks me you dont have permission05:04
spiky25be careful that way you won't need permissions but it's not recommanded ...05:04
pyropheliaRandom832, what kind of issues? I amusing ext4. it should be able to check and resize a 20TB volume with ease05:04
sebsebseb!permissions |  hoxha05:04
ubottuhoxha: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions05:04
Madpilothoxha, the system parts of your Linux install are owned by the system, not by your user05:04
spiky25open your terminal for that > applications > accessories > terminal05:04
Random832pyrophelia, I am not sure if all the tools have been updated for it. If the tool you are using says it's too big, it probably hasn't.05:05
pyropheliawell fudge05:05
hoxhawow thanks dam!05:05
sebsebsebhoxha: be careful with that05:05
sebsebsebhoxha: also open it with gksudo also05:05
sebsebsebalways open with gksudo05:05
theadminsebsebseb: Or, rather, gksu... gksudo is just an alias05:06
datakidwhen I boot up, neither of the cds Alternate or Desktop will boot. When I go into the BIOS, there's the line (not present) next to the CDROM option. Despite the fact that once the current ubuntu install (8.10) is loaded, cd-drive works fine?05:06
pyropheliarandom832, why the heck would they make ext4 the default fs if they can't even use it right?05:06
spiky25hpxha nothing I learned that way, if you want a graphical gksudo use PCmanFM to do it faster ...05:07
sebsebsebpyrophelia: oh dear your using for a 20TB volume?05:07
spiky25you won't have to remember gksudo that way but remember to be careful cause as root you could easily destroy your linux setup in no time at all ...05:08
sebsebsebpyrophelia: oh looking at scroll back uhmm05:08
airtonixspiky25, or you could use a natilus script to do the same thing05:09
sebsebsebpyrophelia: Don't use Ext4 for large amounts of important data! Data might get currupted even,  that's mentioned in the 9.10 release notes.05:09
Dyinglight12i need majoir help05:09
robbmunson!ask | Dyinglight1205:09
ubottuDyinglight12: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:09
spiky25sebsebseb what would be the best way to install ubuntu offline and get my wireless working directly without an internet access ?05:09
pyropheliasebsebseb, it needs to be 60TB but I'm having trouble getting past 16. ubuntu must not have updated the e2fsck tool05:09
Dyinglight12i need help with unetbootin05:10
Dyinglight12if anyone knows wat that is :P05:10
sebsebsebpyrophelia: XFS would probably be a better choice in your case, it's been around much longer, so way more stable.  etc05:10
robbmunsonDyinglight12: just ask your question, im sure someone will be able to help..05:10
theadminDyinglight12: Well, not a place to ask... PM me, I can help.05:10
sebsebsebpyrophelia: or maybe even Ext3 in your case, but I woudn't trust Ext4 for what your doing05:10
pyropheliayea but not as fast05:10
theadminDyinglight12: Unetbootin is hardly related to Ubuntu at all, you see :D05:10
gotmilk82pyrophelia: I run XFS and it works really well..05:10
pyropheliasebsebseb, ext3 doesn't support volumes larger than 16TB05:11
spiky25airtonix: yep on linux there's almost everytime many ways to do something more than 10 ways sometimes so I just tell the easiest to peoples ...05:11
gotmilk82I use it to record two movies, convert 2/3 more and play one....works fine05:11
netyirehello! how do I set the owner of a folder?05:11
sebsebsebpyrophelia: and I quite like Ext4 myself, well I did with Ubuntu 9.04,  I got speed improvements when / was done  in it, but wasn't perfectly stable there.  with 9.10 it seems Ext3 and Ext4 for just standard install it doesn't really matter.05:11
robbmunsonnetyire: chown05:11
netyirethank you!05:11
spiky2516 TB omg big server !!!05:12
sebsebsebpyrophelia: it's a server?05:12
pyropheliatechnically 60TB05:12
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sebsebseb!reiser |  pyrophelia05:12
ubottupyrophelia: reiserfs is a journalling file system, which outperforms many others on I/O operations, but has drawbacks (such as increasing likelihood of data loss, and introducing latency unsuitable for gaming or real-time audio). Using !ext3, the default on Ubuntu, is *highly* recommended. A read-only Windows driver is available at http://p-nand-q.com/download/rfstool.html05:12
airtonixspiky25, its easy : 1 ) http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/nautilus-scripts/Execute/Misc/root-nautilus-here 2) save as : ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/root-nautilus-scripts05:12
pyropheliana, just my home theater system.05:12
sebsebsebpyrophelia: don't know if resier would be a good choice, but yeah XFS,  riser, etc05:12
spiky2560 TB omg I would be ok for a lifetime with this or almost ...05:13
gotmilk82pyrophelia that is exactly what I am doing here....xfs seems to do fine05:13
scunizi spiky25 backups would be a pain05:13
sebsebsebpyrophelia: Ext4 is  not exactly 100% stable yet, or as far as I know anyway, let's put it that way05:13
pyropheliaand actually no I was kidding, this is for a hd video production server05:13
sebsebsebpyrophelia: hence why I woudn't trust it with big data files that I really want to be sure to keep05:14
spiky25airtonix > PCmanFM = apt://pcmanfm in firefox (ubuntu variants only)05:14
pyropheliaso speed is very important to me05:14
sebsebsebpyrophelia: at this time05:14
airtonixspiky25,why do i want another file manager when nautilus does it?05:14
yadudocHi, I just copied an ubuntu repository from a mirror onto my external drive. Does anyone know how to add it to synaptic ?05:14
sebsebsebpyrophelia: the release notes for 9.10 even mentioned a possible data curruption bug, last time I looked05:14
sebsebsebpyrophelia: with Ext405:14
Random832pyrophelia, are you on 32-bit or 64-bit?05:14
pyropheliathink I might have to change, thanks for the input05:14
Random832I'm finding some stuff online that implies that fsck supports >16TB only on 6405:15
sebsebseb!notes | pyrophelia05:15
ubottupyrophelia: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91005:15
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Random832but i guess that's wrong or something - who knows05:15
shaunanyone know where to find good co-location deals ?05:15
pyropheliaI've read that as well but I'm on a 64bit system05:15
rww!ot | shaun05:15
ubottushaun: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:15
iflemayadudoc: a line of text begining with deb? if so >> sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list05:16
airtonix!info nautilus-gksu | hoxha05:16
sebsebsebpyrophelia: well people say that, can get all the proper advantages of Ext4 with XFS05:16
ubottuhoxha: nautilus-gksu (source: gksu): privilege granting extension for nautilus using gksu. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.2-2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 5 kB, installed size 76 kB05:16
pyropheliaamazon C2 offers ubuntu 9.10 cloud support, but its kinda pricy05:16
gotmilk82sebsebseb do you know anything about laptops and ubuntu?05:16
sebsebsebgotmilk82: not much other than how wireless is usually an issue for people, oh and maybe sound as well05:17
Geoffrey2can anyone point me to documentation about the indicator applet?  supposedly it's installed, but it's not being displayed05:17
hoxhawhen i type in gksudo  what is that do?05:17
rahilmI want to merge two adjacent NTFS partitions, anyone knows how to do it05:17
sebsebsebpyrophelia: Ubuntu Desktop Edition or Server?05:17
sebsebsebok that's what I thought05:17
airtonixhoxha, have a read oif the sudo page at help.ubuntu.com05:17
airtonix!sudo | hoxha05:17
ubottuhoxha: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)05:17
sebsebseb!server |  pyrophelia05:17
ubottupyrophelia: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support05:17
sacarlsonhow do you configure dibbler-server to setup address range?05:17
gotmilk82sebsebseb lol....do you know if ubuntu saves any information about the different docking stations it encounters?05:17
Kage_Jittaiqustion, is there a command in dpkg to check and make sure all files are setup correctly?05:18
sebsebsebgotmilk82: no05:18
spiky25nautilus is heavy more than pcmanfm that's all ...05:18
sebsebsebpyrophelia: maybe you should be on 8.04 really05:18
airtonixhoxha, if you want to be able to right click and gain root access to a folder in nautilus then you need the nautilus-gksu package05:18
sebsebsebpyrophelia: 8.04 with XFS maybe?05:18
Kage_JittaiI deleted a file by accident, no idea what package it belongs to, and now some programs won't run correctly05:18
pyropheliaI'm just going to reformat with xfs. ext4 is still to buggy05:18
spiky25still a matter of choice tough ...05:18
sebsebsebpyrophelia: then you would need a seperate /boot partition for the old Grub as well, since you used XFS05:18
airtonixspiky25, moot point since it's already installed05:19
sebsebsebpyrophelia: /boot  in Ext3  that will do it05:19
pyropheliahow so? the boot disk isn't connected to the raid what so ever05:19
sebsebsebpyrophelia: oh I am on about the desktop version here, but I assume it's also the case for the server05:19
gotmilk82sebsebseb pyrophelia my home theater box is on  8.10 ubuntu with mythtv on it05:19
sacarlsonany one have any luck with dibbler-server for dhcpv6 serving?05:19
gotmilk82with xfs05:19
spiky25airtonix I use minimal everytime so I choose all my softwares between all ubuntu variants as I want and need ...05:20
airtonixspiky25, so you're assuming that others do to?05:21
sebsebsebpyrophelia: I guess do what  gotmilk82 says :D05:21
sacarlsonor know where to go to ask about dhcpv6 on another IRC or web?05:21
spiky25airotnix nope I suggest a way that's all05:22
gotmilk82okay...what keyboard is a US m a b?05:22
spiky25try ext2 for /boot as it don't need journalizing, 32 to 100 Mo should be enough depending or your needs ...05:22
sebsebsebspiky25: pyrophelia   Ext2 for boot that sounds more like it05:23
hoxhalook what i am doing is trying to get a skin for amsn, when i download zip package and try to move it to my file system it says You don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "file:///usr/share/amsn/skins"05:24
sacarlsonsudo nautilus is what I used that is the command in botton on top my screen05:24
sebsebsebhoxha: AMSN hmm05:24
sebsebseb!msn |  hoxha05:24
ubottuhoxha: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete05:24
sebsebsebno wrong stupid factoid05:24
Newbie-Widgeti read 9.10 isnt that great, some place reviewed it and it always crashed .. is that the case now ?05:24
sebsebsebhoxha: Kmess and Emesene are also nice05:24
airtonixhoxha, http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo05:24
spiky25emesene now accept webcams also you could try it ...05:25
spiky25kopete will be better suited for kde users ...05:25
sebsebsebhoxha: I haven't tried emesene yet or did I, but forgot. anyway I will soon, and not in Ubuntu, and I have been told it's good by quite a lot of people05:25
sacarlsonNewbie-Widget: I got it running ubuntu 9.10 in vertualbox ok05:25
hoxhayes it is05:26
spiky25without a webcam need, pidgin and empathy seem more decents to use ...05:26
pyropheliawhat package do I need to install to format, grow, shrink xfs volumes?05:26
sacarlsonNewbie-Widget: but I think I had problems on my laptop when I tried it there something with the video drivers05:26
airtonixhoxha, sacarlson reasons why you don't use sudo on graphical apps mentioned in the link i posted05:26
hoxhaim just trying to get a skin thats all05:26
airtonixhoxha, did you install nautilus-gksu ?05:26
Newbie-Widgetsacarlson: ic..ic, thnx :)05:26
sebsebsebthere should be a factoid that mentions the programs that can do MSN on Ubuntu,  that's what I wanted earlier, but there isn't one it seems05:27
ne171proVENUS PROJECT05:27
hoxhahold on not yet05:27
airtonixhoxha, i am assuming of course that you are running standard ubuntu with gnome05:27
sebsebsebhoxha: it might be a bit buggy, it's closed source only made by one guy, and written in Java, but there's also Mercury Messenger, which can do most MSN features and it's own stuff here and there05:27
spiky25sacarlson if you have an old ati before ati radeon hd2000 stay with the open source drivers if using ubuntu 9.04 or more05:27
hoxhai guss i am05:28
sebsebsebhoxha: that's also not in the repo05:28
sebsebseb!ot |  ne171pro05:28
ubottune171pro: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:28
sacarlsonspiky25: seems I had a few other problems with ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop even with all open source05:28
sebsebsebne171pro: not sure what your after also05:29
spiky25mercury has it made a lot better in 2 years cause it wasn't so good before ?05:29
Newbie-Widgetcan anyone give me some names of pre made USB boot cd;s ?05:29
airtonixhoxha, 1) install nautilus-gksu 2) log out then back in 3) navigate to /usr/share/amsn4) right click skins folder and choose 'open as administrator 5) do your stuff with your skins files05:29
sacarlsonspiky25: even when I tried just vga05:29
yadudociflema, no its not a line of deb... I have an entire mirror copied..05:29
sebsebsebspiky25: I haven't used it recently05:29
yadudociflema, hence there are lots of folders and I think packeages from intrepid onwards are there05:29
iflemayadudoc: are you going to use on a machine with ni inet?05:30
sacarlsonanyone know where to find info on dhcpv6 server?05:30
spiky25sacarlson I will never buy an ati or intel onboard chipset again, I'm sold to nvidia you can put a price tag on me ... lol05:31
nightfrogsacarlson: google.com?05:31
sacarlsonspiky25: yes I like nvidia that's what I have also05:31
iflemayadudoc: itll be a line in /etc/apt/sources.list that is required05:31
sebsebsebspiky25: $1 ?05:31
bodigood evening all05:32
sacarlsonnightfrog:  tried that, that's why I'm here05:32
=== C405129` is now known as James_N_
datakid_I still can't seem to upgrade to Karmic. Neither disk works during boot, and after boot I get "An upgrade from 'intrepid' to 'karmic' is not supported with this tool."05:32
sebsebsebdatakid_: you have to upgrade through 9.04 first05:32
reactorguys how to add delay to startup application?05:33
wgrantdatakid_: You cannot upgrade directly to Karmic. You must first upgrade to Jaunty.05:33
spiky25lol put 1000$ on a nvidia card worth 100$ I will buy it even if you give me a 3000$ worth ati card ...05:33
iflemayadudoc: or system/administration/software sources05:33
datakid_sebsebseb, wgrant I'd rather just reinstall. But they karmic disks are not being discovered ?05:33
sacarlsondatakid:  I'm sold on ubuntu 8.04,  I only play above that version in vertualbox05:33
bodi? when you have time thanx05:34
yadudociflema, okay... will something like deb file:////media/Data/ubuntu karmic main universe restricted multiverse    work ?05:34
datakid_bodi, did you have a question?05:34
sebsebsebdatakid_: md5sum/sha1sum your ISO05:35
sebsebsebdatakid_: to make sure the ISO is good05:35
iflemayadudoc: yeah... im lookin it up now... good question....05:35
sebsebseb!md5sum | datakid_05:35
ubottudatakid_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:35
datakid_sebsebseb, both md5sums have been perfect05:35
iflemayadudoc: ya can have http ftp cdrom etc05:35
sebsebsebdatakid_: burn the CD a bit slower, and make sure your burning the contents of the ISO to CD, not the ISO itself05:35
datakid_sebsebseb, I burnt it as slow as possible, and it's not a disc with an .iso file on it :)05:36
sebsebsebdatakid_: what is it then USB?05:36
sebsebsebdatakid_: oh nevermind05:36
sebsebsebdatakid_: make sure the computer is able to boot from CD drive, also you could install from USB etc05:36
bodii just installed ububtu 9 and noticed there are not many dvd riping programs avaliable for distros so tried all of the ones on the drop down and not one works any suddestions05:36
datakid_no, it's a disc created _from_ the iso, but is not a disc with ubuntu-desktop.iso as the only file :)05:36
yadudociflema, honestly isn't that kindof lame.... they are not supporting anything besides cdroms for local file system05:37
sacarlsondatakid_: you can install the ISO file direct into vertualbox and try it out to see if it works before you burn a disk05:37
datakid_bodi, k3b?05:37
sebsebsebdatakid_: ok that's probably the problem then05:37
iflemayadudoc: nah.. ya can do what you ask.... just i forget05:37
sebsebsebdatakid_: I meant the contents of the ISO, if  you have any other files on there as well05:37
yadudociflema, i think I need to download packages.bz also from the mirror .. but i wonder what if the packages on the mirror changed in between05:37
Baconheartwhere are the netbook remix IMG files?  I can only find ISO05:37
datakid_sebsebseb, what is? oh, yeah, the cdrom is filled with files - it looks like an install disk05:37
sebsebsebdatakid_: right, and only Ubuntu's files yes?05:38
iflemayadudoc: why... may i ask you wan twhole mirror05:38
datakid_sebsebseb, yep05:38
researcher1how to uninstall a program?05:38
spiky25sacarlson when you're stucking yourself on a ubuntu LTS version like that it's time to learn better, try Archlinux by Chakra live cd, you will have the most up-to-date distro, lightweight and fast, you will learn a lot more about linux and even if you return to another distro that knowledge will follow you for a lifetime ...05:38
sebsebsebdatakid_: should boot up then, as long as your computer is able to boot from CD's still05:38
bodiyes i tried it and ot locks up on start05:38
datakid_when I go into the bios it tells me that the cdrom boot option is first, but that it is (not present)05:38
sebsebsebresearcher1: sudo apt-get remove programname or if you want to do config files as well  sudo apt-get purge programname05:38
qwebirc95333howto install driver modem usb ZTE mf628 on ubuntu 9.1005:38
Baconheartanyone know where are the netbook remix IMG files are?  I can only find ISO downloads.05:38
airtonixresearcher1, how did you install it?05:39
sacarlsonspiky25: ok I'll try that on vertualbox too05:39
spiky25bodi no linux software rip protected dvds that's maybe your problem ... (as I know for now ...)05:39
sacarlsonI like to try them all but I don't want to bring down my network when I play05:39
jacquesdupontd_i'm searching somethings to paste .xtm05:39
bodiis k3b as capable as dvd fab also?05:39
yadudociflema, I "have" the whole mirror something past some 100Gb05:40
researcher1installed through synaptic05:40
jacquesdupontd_like xtremsplit but i'm not finding at all, and the version given on the site is not working05:40
iflemayadudoc: one can generate a packeges file if so needed... but is it really05:40
airtonixresearcher1, then thats where you'll uninstall it from05:40
jacquesdupontd_please help me it makes 20 minutes i'm doing it05:40
sebsebsebresearcher1: ok well you can remove in synaptic,  or remove using the terminal with the command/s  I gave05:40
bragoodose anyone know if there is a channel for Debris-Linux?05:40
iflemayadudoc: yeah... why?05:40
bodiok thanks05:40
spiky25sacarlson archlinux isn't good for virtualbox virtual machine as I remember ...05:40
airtonixresearcher1, either using synaptic or like was previously mentioned : using apt-get remove <package-name>05:40
yadudociflema, i copied the mirror when I went to IITM that institution has a mirror, just the matter of an ftp download05:40
spiky25too lightweight and slipstreamed maybe ...05:41
airtonixresearcher1, remember that using apt-get remove will require sudo infron of it05:41
iflemayadudoc: yeah but it goes stale05:41
yadudociflema, I'm getting a local mirror in my college...05:41
iflemajust use web.......05:41
sebsebsebresearcher1: and synaptic can't be open when using those commands, or you will get an error message05:41
researcher1can removing a package affect the other, i mean shared files as in Windows XP?05:41
Baconheartthis is making me suicidal.  why hide the IMG files?05:41
scunizi /quit05:41
iflemayadudoc: oh fun..... you have some homework to do05:41
sebsebsebresearcher1: shoudn't do05:41
researcher1thats nice to hear05:42
sebsebsebresearcher1: well if you remove samba for example, you woudn't be able to access   files on XP like that etc05:42
yadudociflema, no... most packages don't change often right... u can take a diff and update the ones that need to be changed.. there must be some way to do that05:42
spiky25how to remove a package/software/game the command line (CLI) way in the terminal > sudo apt-get remove packagename05:42
loshabragoo: google says no. but there is a user forum...05:42
researcher1but other prgrams will work?05:42
iflemayadudoc: gotta step for min....05:43
bragoolosha: tnx05:43
sebsebsebresearcher1: normalely if you remove a program from Ubuntu, it won't effect other programs05:43
sebsebsebresearcher1: well unless they are in the same group or whatever as in dependancies one needing the other etc05:43
researcher1that really very good05:43
rob_hello, I'm looking for a cusomizable chat program for ubuntu that doesn't use the MSN network, yahoo, or google chat, are there any good recomendations for person to person chat programs/networks like this?05:43
sebsebsebresearcher1: oh and sometimes if removing programs it might want to remove ubuntu-desktop as well, but  that's ok to do,  it's just when your doing an upgrade to a later version of Ubuntu you might want that installed,  so you get all of the next one05:43
sebsebsebresearcher1: if I am correct about that second bit anyway05:44
rob_*that are also usable by someone using windows XP05:44
spiky25sebsebseb: is there a way to install a wireless drivers and firmware without internet ???05:44
sebsebsebspiky25: yes05:44
bragoorob_: have u tried Pidgin?05:44
sebsebsebspiky25: or no05:44
sebsebsebspiky25: ,but ndiswrapper can be done on the Live CD, if I remember correctly05:45
researcher1how do i determine dependencies? autochecking possible?05:45
datakid_sebsebseb, the disk installs fine on the virtual box. Does that mean I have a problem with my bios (ie, not finding cdrom drive during boot)05:45
spiky25how ? do broadcom-wl or broadcom STA still included and working after install on 9.10 as 9.04 was ?05:45
sebsebsebrob_: Empathy is the default mutli protocall network program, there's also Pidgin and Kopete05:45
sebsebsebrob_: Empathy the default  for Karmic/9.1005:46
sebsebsebdatakid_: you probably need to go into the bios and change the boot order then05:46
rob_I think more I'm looking for a network that isn't msn yahoo or google05:46
sebsebsebdatakid_: so it boots from CD first then if it can't find one the hard disk05:46
chilli0Hello , For some reason my other ubuntu computer isnt showing up in my network05:46
chilli0Noting is only my self05:46
datakid_that's what I was saying - the boot order is correct, but for some reason, next to 1. CDROM it says (not present)05:46
sacarlsonspiky25: bummer about not working in virtualbox but I see it has a USB flash disk version.  I might like to try that.05:46
spiky25I checked but some bugs seem to talk about it so I wanna be sure to be ok ...05:47
rob_I liked Galaxiam, but I seem to miss a lot of msgs that come through the msn netword05:47
sebsebsebrob_: I am not sure what that is, but if it's a WIndows program which I assume it is, you may be able to Wine it05:47
ranjan_hello every body .. i am wondering with one thing is there any rss reader in ubuntu 9.10 that can use lib- notifiction demon for displaying any notification ... any wor's could be of great help for me ....;)05:47
researcher1I have a computer lab with 30 pcs. I want to do networking 1 as server ( teacher terminal). Shall I go for Samba or what?05:48
spiky25sacarlson I said to you that Archlinux and Chakra (Archlinux live cd installer project) don't work in virtualbox ...05:48
sebsebsebresearcher1: Samba is for file sharing, and there's NFS and SCP and what not as well.  and then other programs for other types of networking05:48
sacarlsonspiky25: yes I saw that. but It says it works on USB disk05:48
bodithats a live boot i thik05:49
researcher1I just want italc to work initially and moodle05:49
sacarlsonspiky25: is the usb disk version working on your Archlinux?05:49
bllzDoes anybody have experience with mythbuntu and IR blaster configuration (everybody is afk in #ubuntu-mythtv)?05:49
sebsebsebresearcher1: you want to do what exactly?05:49
researcher1Im teaching to 30 studnet sin my computer lab05:50
spiky25try your luck then, archlinux is worth a lot of troubles as it work really well after and it's a rolling release so no version change just update it ...05:50
researcher1they occupy individual pc and do program in c or autocad05:50
rob_thanks for all the msgs, I think I'll see what else pidgen can do for me :)05:50
sacarlsonresearcher1: samba is cool for shareing files.05:50
researcher1these pcs r in XP05:50
researcher1Im on one terminal05:50
sebsebseb!ssh > researcher105:51
ubotturesearcher1, please see my private message05:51
sebsebseb!vnc  > researcher105:51
researcher1wanna see their desktops and talk to them thrugh headphone05:51
sebsebsebresearcher1: ah ha05:51
sebsebseb ok05:51
sebsebsebVNC then05:51
sebsebsebor FreeNX05:51
FloodBot1sebsebseb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:51
researcher1Im in a small lab which ic simpe LAN05:51
sebsebseb!vnc > researcher105:51
ubotturesearcher1, please see my private message05:51
researcher1LAN is already done05:51
researcher1ubottu I have seen ur message n will work accordingly05:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:52
sebsebsebresearcher1: ok if it's over a LAN, you don't need to do it over SSH,  it's when using over the Internet VNC should be done over VNC to make secure05:52
sacarlsonresearcher1: ya VNC is what you want so you can see what the student('s) is doing05:52
acer_yo yo05:52
sebsebsebresearcher1: done over VNC,  uhmm done over SSH when using over Internet05:52
researcher1but then what type of networking server do i install to enable VNC to work?05:52
dpicMy webcam seems to work fine other than using it with flash. After allowing a website to access my webcam through flash, it works for a second, but there's no sound. Then the image freezes, and the webcam doesn't work until i reboot my machine. Any ideas on what's causing this?05:52
sebsebsebresearcher1: a VNC client on Windows05:53
sebsebsebor uhmm the server uh05:53
bllzdpic:  linux generally does not play nice with flash05:53
researcher1shall I b able to see more desktops at a time?05:53
spiky25but vinaigre vnc software isn't preinstalled on ubuntu ?05:53
sebsebsebresearcher1: yes05:53
dpicbllz: yet i can't find this specific internet on google or the forums05:53
researcher1thats great05:53
researcher1I think my issue is almost solved05:54
bllzdpic:  you can't find what?05:54
researcher1Im not in lab now but on working day I will do it soon05:54
sebsebsebspiky25: yes it is05:54
bllzresearcher1:  for what it's worth, ive always been happy with tightvnc05:54
spiky25dpic update to the latest flash beta or alpha and cross your fingers ...05:54
sacarlsonresearcher1:  I know I've used one of the ubuntu (not default install) packages to vnc to windows XP before.05:54
dpicspiky25: already done05:54
researcher1whats tightvnc?05:54
bllzresearcher1:  its a vnc client for windows05:54
sebsebsebresearcher1: a VNC client/server or uhmm both for Windows one of them05:54
bllzthey also have a server, I believe05:55
cfeddesee also ultravnc05:55
sebsebsebvnc 4 viewer for WIndows or whatever it is, that's good05:55
researcher1sacarlson please clarify further05:55
sebsebsebthe free edition05:55
nodakotorPUlseaudio gives some problem in gaming, is there any way to tell an application to use alsa-oss instead?05:55
sacarlsonresearcher1: tightvnc is one that I have used I think on XP05:55
researcher1studnets should not be able to control my desktop but vice vers should be possible05:55
sebsebsebresearcher1: yes of course05:55
sebsebsebresearcher1: you connect to their computers etc05:56
bllzresearcher1:  yeah just make sure the vnc server is on the student's computer and not yours lol05:56
spiky25researsher tightvnc is the best app for that his choice can't be better for both ...05:56
researcher1by VNC?05:56
spiky25vnc = virtual network connection05:56
researcher1howw do i find tightvnc? install?05:56
bllzresearcher1:  google tightvnc05:57
silverfinhow do i use IRC commands with empathy?05:57
researcher1command line? for tightvnc?05:57
spiky25www.google.com/linux search it there05:57
sebsebsebresearcher1: there are a few vnc clients for Windows, looks like you should do a bit of research05:57
silverfinEntering them on the input box doesn't seem to work05:57
bllzresearcher1:  i must have hopped in on this issue a bit late.  Your studens are all on ubuntu?05:57
researcher1ok spiyk2505:57
iflemayadudoc: nice project ya got going, there are official ways... good luck05:57
airtonixresearcher1, http://marc-abramowitz.com/archives/2006/02/17/tightvnc-on-ubuntu/05:57
researcher1my studnets on XP05:57
itamarjp1someone can explain for me how to install the new version of transmission in ubuntu ? I need to edit sources.list ?05:57
silverfinanybody here using empathy?05:57
sebsebsebardchoille: uh the date in the url?05:58
airtonixresearcher1, you also have freenx as an alternative option05:58
airtonix!search freenx05:58
ubottuFound: nx, vnc, freenx05:58
sebsebsebardchoille: wrong one05:58
researcher1i dont know freenx05:58
bllzresearcher1:  then you would google tightvnc and install the server executable to each computer05:58
airtonix!info freenx05:58
ubottuPackage freenx does not exist in karmic05:58
sebsebsebairtonix: see above that was for you05:58
researcher1compared to tightvnc hows it?05:58
spiky25itamarjp can I suggest you to try deluge software first ?05:58
bllzresearcher1:  and you'll be using ubuntu, then?05:58
sacarlsonresearcher1:  I think I used xtightvncviewer on my Ubuntu side so to install #apt-get install xtightvncviewer05:58
itamarjp1spiky25: how ?05:58
spiky25apt://deluge in firefox05:59
bllzresearcher1:  if you're using ubuntu, i'd recommend the default vnc client05:59
itamarjp1spiky25:  I am running ubuntu in sheevaplug , there are no firefox05:59
researcher1whats deluge?05:59
ubottureseacher1: deluge is a Bittorent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured cliekt to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce. See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information or the package 'deluge-torrent' in the package repositories.05:59
n8tuser!hamachi | researcher106:00
bllzand it's a damn good one too!06:00
researcher1i too feel vnc would be gud though I know neither vnc nor freenx06:00
spiky25ok rtorrent will be more suited for cli commands for it06:00
sacarlsonresearcher1: bllz:  I think bllz is correct as far a viewer I think the built in one will work too.06:00
silverfinAnybody here on empathy?06:00
airtonixresearcher1, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX06:00
researcher1bllz is for what?06:00
sebsebsebresearcher1: well find out about the vnc clients and servers for WIndows that's a start06:01
spiky25deluge is the more near to an open source utorrent if you prefer but I don't do in command line ...06:01
bllzresearcher1:  don't make this complicated because it's really not =)  Install the tightvnc server on the student's computers and then use the default vnc client in ubuntu to control them06:01
bllzresearcher1:  and bllz is a corruption of "balls"06:01
researcher1ok bllz06:01
itamarjp1spiky25: any other suggestion ?06:01
spiky25silverfin try pidgin if empathy is too hard for you ...06:02
researcher1i will try it in labs tomorrow n report here. Can i pm the sucess to you personally06:02
bllzresearcher1:  I understand the temptation to want to carefully compare all your options, but really, vnc clients are all the same06:02
itamarjp1spiky25: I am using sheevaplug (openplug.org)06:02
bllzsame with servers06:02
bllzand the default ubuntu one is great06:02
researcher1right bllz06:02
silverfinspiky25: It's not that anything is hard, I just can't seem to find where to enter IRC commands.06:02
researcher1agree with hat off to care n concern06:02
bllzhaha =)06:02
spiky25itamarjp1 for the sheeva plug as it use cli commands only try rtorrent or transmission ...06:02
silverfinspiky25: IRC commands on the input box doesn't seem to work.06:03
spiky25rtorrent is more used in cli mostly06:03
itamarjp1spiky25: I want to use transmission because of the webpage06:03
bllzitamarjp1:  they have a webUI for rtorrent too06:03
airtonixitamarjp1, rtorrent has web interfaces too06:03
n8tuserbllz-> i dont believe the default one allows for resumable vnc session06:03
silverfinspiky25: may I know how I can send IRC commands?06:03
spiky25rtorrent also have a web UI06:03
itamarjp1airtonix: ok, I just want transmission 1.706:03
airtonixitamarjp1, in fact transmission, deluge both have their own web interfaces06:04
spiky25silverfin I don't use empathy sorry06:04
sacarlsonok no one can help me with my dhcpv6 configuration problem?   I think I'm back to google.06:04
bllzairtonix, spiky25:  do you know if rtorrent supports socks proxies for trackers yet?06:04
silverfinAnybody here using empathy?06:04
pshr_hello, After i click on upgrade in update manager it starts to download files and all of a sudden i get this error Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server.06:04
bllzsilverfin:  nope, i'm so used to pidgin i just installed that06:04
itamarjp1airtonix:  ii  transmission-daemon                    1.51-0ubuntu306:04
silverfinAfterall it's the default IRC client.06:04
itamarjp1airtonix:  I just want the version 1.706:04
bllzpshr_:  did you add any 3rd party repositories?06:04
spiky25airtonix deluge won't do as a sheeva plug a lightweight 100$us server without a GUI interface ...06:05
pshr_yeah bllz i do have third party repos06:05
pshr_like that of googles and few more i guess06:05
airtonixspiky25, sheeva-what-now?06:05
bllzpshr_: then most likely you didn't import a gpg key for those servers so ubuntu is warning you that you have no way of ensuring that the packages are, indeed, coming from said servers06:05
itamarjp1airtonix: http://openplug.org/06:06
bllzpshr_:  the solution is to go over your 3rd party repos and add the relevant GPG keys.  There are usually instructions on the repository's homepage06:06
spiky25sheeva plug > google it06:06
airtonixitamarjp1, what version of ubuntu are you running ?06:06
pshr_is there a way to over come that... like can i make it through upgrade with out those errors06:06
bllzpshr_: the most common culprits are winehq and medibuntu06:06
airtonixspiky25, why do i want to google it?06:06
pshr_thanks bllz06:07
itamarjp1airtonix:  cat /etc/debian_version -> 5.006:07
spiky25it's for your knowledge mostly06:07
airtonixitamarjp1, lsb_release -d06:07
bllznp, pshr_06:07
itamarjp1airtonix:  Description:Ubuntu 9.0406:08
spiky25any bug report for broadcom b4311 rev 01 on ubuntu 9.10 ???06:08
flexiblehey, i just installed cairo dock06:09
spiky25itamarjp1 rtorrent should be better for you as more used worldwide ...06:09
flexiblehow do i launch it06:09
bllzflexible:  try alt+F2 and type "cairo"06:10
bllzi think that's it06:10
o2oanyone here06:11
helllllllowho can say story06:11
qwebirc95333howto install driver modem usb ZTE mf628 on ubuntu 9.1006:12
spiky25story !!!06:12
airtonixitamarjp1, http://www.getdeb.net/software/Transmission06:12
spiky25usb modem ? outch06:12
helllllllostory,story,say story06:12
airtonixitamarjp1, but its for 9.10. also not sure why you want transmission on a headless machine06:13
spiky25hello ? enough ok ?06:13
hoxhahow do i start the hole paltalk installing  for ubuntu, because am trying to get paltalk on ubuntu?? anyone knows how to look for the best way to get it06:13
bllzhellllllllo:  go to #troll please06:13
flexibledoes ubuntu have much support for laptop's wireless cards? is there a site that has this information?06:14
bllzflexible:  you should look up your specific adapter on the community documentation page06:15
spiky25helllllllo: go to #ilovebeingadickhead it's better !!! omg ...06:15
SuperMiguelflexible, what card you have?06:15
ubottuflexible: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:15
bllzflexible:  once you've taken a look at the information there, we'll be able to help you mroe because you'll likely have some more specific questions =)06:15
flexiblei don't - i'm planning on buying a laptop and want to make sure i buy one that has full support for the card, as it will be used at uni next year06:15
spiky25flexible > google.com/linux linlap06:15
bllzspiky25:  I think #unfunny might actually be where he belongs lol06:16
spiky25if you know the terminal do lspci and tell the network card line here only06:16
_madrugaspiky25, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported06:17
o2ohello, in ubuntu, i wrote a C++ program that use STL vector, but it compiles error06:17
bllzflexible:  ever look at system76 computers?06:17
spiky25bllz: true true !!! (budweiser publicity)06:17
lucas___i cant start gdm on boot... this is what i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/340348/06:17
flexibleno i haven't06:18
hoxhadose anyone how do to start installing paltalk on to ubuntu, because i am trying to get paltalk on to it06:18
lucas___i think ive modify something wrong on gdm... http://paste.ubuntu.com/340348/06:18
bllzflexible:  Full disclosure -- I own one but i'm not affeliated witht he company06:18
bllzflexible:  they make compuers (including laptops) that are designed around ubuntu06:18
bllzand they write drivers if open source drivers aren't available or adequate06:18
spiky25flexible > dell mini 10v > www.ubuntumini.com the best choice for you ...06:18
flexibleah really06:18
bllzflexible:  www.system76.com  maybe you'll find something you like06:19
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.06:19
goose!ops | tex is DCC spamming06:19
ubottutex is DCC spamming: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!06:19
spiky25it run windows xp, 7, linux, osx86 and even google chrome OS nice for a netbook ...06:20
ShadeShey, I don't know if there is a #ubuntustudio but it shouldn't matter at this stage of the install. I have a hard disk that I split in half (win32/ubuntustudio). I plan to encrypt this disk. I'm not sure if I should go ahead and do that with true crypt in windows or if I have other options to explore..?06:20
syn-ack!ops Tex | spamming06:20
flexibleanyway bllz: thanks for the suggestions, i'll look into whether they sell them in australia anywhere...06:20
spiky25flexible check for the dell model that I said06:21
nameless|Can we get a ban on Tex for spamming dcc sends?06:21
itamarjp1airtonix: thanks06:21
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.06:21
celthundertex kid stop bein an idiot06:21
River_RatIs there an ops channel for this channel?06:21
celthundernameless|, yeah he just did it to me too06:22
syn-ackRiver_Rat, #ubuntu-ops06:22
ne171prosend me a cool theme If u got one06:22
lucas___pleeease cant access ubuntu!! http://paste.ubuntu.com/340348/06:22
spiky25just ignore him > /ignore username06:22
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.06:22
lucas___pleeease cant access ubuntu!! http://paste.ubuntu.com/340348/06:23
=== leon is now known as Guest33643
spiky25ne171pro > www.ubuntumini.com check there ...06:23
locatesriHi, I am new to Ubuntu, Installed Ubuntu 8.04 some time back, when Iam trying to view movies from websites the system hangs up, I  have to restart my machine using the restart button,Can anyone help me with this06:23
=== nikhil__ is now known as nikhil_
bllzlocatesri:  are they flash videos?06:24
locatesrino it is not flash06:24
locatesrinormal movies06:24
=== River_Rat is now known as RiverRat
bllzlocatesri:  hmm. you'll have to give us a better description of the problem.  run your web browser from a terminal and recreate the crash conditions, then post the errors you get in the terminal to pastebin06:25
spiky25locatesri youtube ???06:25
bllzspiky25:  he said it wasn't flash06:25
bllzbut then again, some people aren't clear on what flash is =)06:25
spiky25websites like youtube are flash videos ...06:25
bllzwow, the floodbot army has arrived06:25
bllzlocatesri:  yeah what website was it?06:26
locatesrilet me get the link06:26
spiky25some use silverlight sometimes but you could use moonlight for that ...06:26
ShadeSanyone catch my question?06:26
Vossbllz, some people dont know the difference between windows and office. I had people telling me that had Windows 2007!06:26
eclipse_who is tex?06:26
bllzVoss:  lol you make a good point06:26
Dasdais it better to install ubuntu then windows xp or install windowsxp and then ubuntu? I am looking to dual boot on a new hdd06:26
bllzeclipse_:  tex is successful troll06:26
bllzDasda:  windows then ubuntu06:27
spiky25if not sure, use the mplayer plugin with the good codec and it may work ...06:27
eclipse_I just got a dcc flood from him. ><06:27
wgrantDasda: Windows then Ubuntu, as otherwise Windows will overwrite your MBR and leave you unable to boot Ubuntu.06:27
bllzDasda:  grub will automatically detect the XP installation and autoconfigure the boot options06:27
spiky25xp then ubuntu06:27
iflema ShadeS: do you plan on encrypting the linux half?06:27
* silverfin "test"06:27
spiky25no grub setup to do that way ...06:27
bllzShadeS:  I missed it, can you repeat?06:27
bllzeclipse_:  i think he's already been manhandled06:28
flexiblewhat is the difference in the package manager between removal and complete removal?06:28
wgrantflexible: Complete removal (aka. purge) also removes configuration settings.06:28
the_fileis running photoshop cs4 on ubuntu possible without vm?????????06:28
bllzflexible:  complete removal removes config files as well06:28
bllzthe_file:  did you look into wine?06:28
wgrantflexible: Although note that it's only *system* configuration settings. Your personal settings will remain.06:28
Dasdaaaah ok guys, Is there a page on the site that explains how to do it? I can ofcourse google it if it seems im lazy but I thought i'd ask if someone has a good guide on how to do it. I've never dual booted before. I have a really crappy computer and love the fact ubuntu is safe on internet06:28
HajuuHi, i'm trying to setup samba, but when I try to connect from my windows 7 computer, it seems like even though as my username I enter 'hajuu' it tries to use 'MICHAEL1\hajuu' as my username. Which is wrong obviously.06:28
svs`help..a recent upgrade has borked my laptop keyboard and touchpad. anyone else have the same issue? any possible fixes? I get an error "Could not find core pointer device" in Xorg.0.log06:28
HajuuAny ideas?06:28
spiky25removal = software only, complete = software + configuration06:28
locatesriThis is the site06:29
wgrantDasda: Just install Windows then Ubuntu. The Ubuntu installer will walk you through it.06:29
bllzDasda:  don't bother.  Install XP, and then when you install ubuntu, pick the option to resizze your drive and install ubuntu next to xp.  the rest will be done automagically.  it's that simple06:29
Vosssvs, go back to the earlier kernel in the grub menu06:29
svs`i am on karmic06:29
skellingtonhey guys, im sure some of you know of jolicloud, a variant of ubuntu directed at netbooks. well i tried it out and it feels too barebones for my taste, however it has working drivers for my wifi card. is there anyway i can get these drivers into ubuntu?06:29
locatesriFrom this site I was trying to play some live tv channels, when my system hangs06:29
spiky25cs4 work on ubuntu but is a pain to setup with wine ...06:29
svs`will try that06:29
Dasdawgrant and bllz, thanks guys06:29
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu06:29
bllzDasda:  no problem!06:29
bllzthe_file:  there it is =)06:29
ploceidaeskellington, which wifi card?06:30
spiky25svs' > check xorg.conf settings06:30
skellingtonatheros something. i dont remember exactly.06:30
bllzthe_file:  i recommend you check google for tutorials06:30
Vossskellington, did you try ubuntu netbook remix and it not have the drivers?06:30
Vossskellington btw, which netbook do you have06:30
ploceidaeploceidae, which netbook do you have?06:30
spiky25skellington > ndiswrapper + windows drivers06:30
hackelAnyone else have a problem with Ubuntu's icedtea6-plugin not showing up in Firefox 3.6?06:31
skellingtonvoss yes, ive tried many distros, unr being one of them, and the only ones that have worked so far were jolicloud and moblin06:31
Brandonhello ubuntu dwellers!!! I have an interesting topic for you. during the installation of Virtualbox, I get a funny little error, but it completes the installation like it's nobody's business.  the error code is "no suitable module for running kernel found." this package is being installed to a custom live cd via THIS guide. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization06:31
skellingtonvoss asus eeepc 1000ha06:31
BrandonAny ideas would be helpful06:31
ShadeShey, I don't know if there is a #ubuntustudio but it shouldn't matter at this stage of the install. I have a hard disk that I split in half (win32/ubuntustudio). I plan to encrypt this disk. I'm not sure if I should go ahead and do that with true crypt in windows or if I have other options to explore..?06:31
skellingtonspiky i tried that it didnt work.06:31
spiky25locatesri > flash and moonlight could be used check the documentation ...06:31
Vossskellington, http://www.eeebuntu.org/06:31
opticonwebmin has to be one of the coolest things ever06:32
opticonthis the place to talk about it?06:32
datakidskellington, I'm using ubuntu nbr on eeepc 1000H - wifi works fine06:32
bllzopticon:  + 1 internets to you06:32
datakidskellington, which version of ubuntu aree you using?06:32
spiky25webmin user here !!! thumb up dude !!!06:33
skellingtondatakid i was using netbook remix. wifi was the only thing that didnt work06:33
ploceidaeskellington, kernels later than 2.6.30 should contain ath9k, which is the driver you need06:33
datakidskellington, what ploceidae said is true06:33
augtenhi all, is there any shortcuts for rhythmbox as pressing z/x/c/v to choose play/pause/forward/backward ?06:33
dark_and_twisty_I don't know if i'm in the right place but I recently got a new laptop and I don't want to necessarily get rid of my old one but i won't be able to upgrade it to windows 7 so I was thinking of using ubuntu on it. any suggestions etc?06:34
spiky25skellington for your netbook what you need of a linux distro ?06:34
the_fileif you are reading this:   do you know any1 that has run or is running adobe cs4 on ubuntu without vm??06:35
Vossdark what do you want to do with your old laptop06:35
skellingtonill try unr again and if it doesnt work, ill report back.06:35
nikhil_dark_and_twisty_: use linux mint, www.linuxmint.com. based on ubuntu + has codecs etc06:35
skellingtonspiky25 what do i need? i need a fairly fast booting system.06:35
Dyinglight12i have a question about booting something from a usb06:35
Brandonhello ubuntu dwellers!!! I have an interesting topic for you. during the installation of Virtualbox, I get a funny little error, but it completes the installation like it's nobody's business. the error code is "no suitable module for running kernel found." this package is being installed to a custom live cd via THIS guide. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization06:35
skellingtonspiky25 but i dont want to feel limited to a silly webapp repository.06:35
Dyinglight12can i have someone pm me06:36
dark_and_twisty_well i'm not sure what I want to do with it, it's really not that good, but i was considering just using it for my hubs, ie always having it connected to the hubs and using my new laptop for most things, though I'm open to suggestions06:36
spiky25the_file I have done it before ...06:36
ploceidaeDyinglight12, ask here in a concise and straightforward manner06:36
Vossdark and twisty what are the specs of your old laptop?06:37
skellingtonalso, darn eeebuntu is ugly06:37
spiky25skellington check Slitaz 2.0 and Archlinux maybe xpud06:37
Lasthope106I'm looking for a graphic calculator program.  Is there such thing for Ubuntu?06:38
the_fileIm sure there is06:38
spiky25skellington Archlinux by Chakra live cd all the way for you, hard but good for a lifetime06:39
ploceidaeskellington, have you tried Ubuntu proper? it may not boot as fast as the netbook versions but you'll have working WiFi and you can remove startup programs that you don't need.06:39
Newbie-Widgetdoes anyone know if Internode hosts Lubuntu ? I had a look but can't see the iso's.. just artwork06:39
skellingtonspiky25 with such a low memory footprint, i assume these distros would not have my drivers06:39
iflemadark_and_twisty_ install ubuntu on old laptop.. give it a fair run.. realise how limited you are under windows and then install onto new laptop..... for better peformance.... yeah.06:40
skellingtonplodeidae i have, it did not work. the problem isnt missing drivers but faulty drivers it appears. i should have specified that before06:40
dark_and_twisty_my new laptop is a macbook, primarily for the size and portability. i'm just checking the specs of my old laptop, its been so long since i've used it that i've forgotten lol06:40
ubuntuHey guys. Something's come up, for some reason grub no longer detects a file system to boot from. Don't think I made any changes, and don't think there were any updates recently (recently being past day)06:41
spiky25Newbie-Widget: just install any ubuntu 9.10 variant then add lubuntu-desktop package from repositories of canontical/ubuntu ...06:41
iflemaittl do06:41
skellingtonwhen i try to connect to any access point, i cannot. they are detected, but i cant connect..06:41
ploceidaeskellington, what version of Ubuntu? what Linux kernel version?06:41
ubuntuFortunately my /home partition is still there06:41
Newbie-Widgetspiky25: oh ic, ty :)06:41
spiky25skellington you will have to install it manualy but Arch is worth the trouble06:41
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skellingtonploceidae oh gosh, i dont remember. ill try out the new ones tomorrow and see if they work, if not ill just come back here.06:42
spiky259.10 and more only Newbie-Widget06:42
skellingtonspiky25 yes ive heard great things about it but im not a very motivated person06:43
spiky25it take a while before new stuff is added to ubuntu repositories ...06:43
Newbie-Widgetspiky25: ahh k06:43
hackelAnyone know of a PPA building an icedtea6-plugin that is compatible with Firefox 3.6?06:43
ploceidaeskellington, the only reason i ask is i'm using an EeePC with Ubuntu Karmic, 2.6.31 kernel and had no problems with WiFi06:43
dark_and_twisty_bah my old laptop is still turning on.06:44
skellingtonploceidae what model?06:44
dark_and_twisty_so what do you guys like best about ubuntu?06:44
spiky25skellington just try it by the Chakra live cd on a desktop computer first but it take a while to be perfect with it ...06:44
ploceidaeso it's actually using a different driver: ath5k06:44
ploceidaebut still, i don't think there should be issues with ath9k06:44
iflemado ya wanna keep the old windows?06:44
spiky25icedtea ??? use adobe flash or gnash ...06:44
ubuntuIf I'm running from a Live session, how can I get fsck to run on my hdd's main boot partition?06:45
spiky25dark_and_twisty_: nothing ...06:45
iflemadark_and_twisty_: do ya wanna keep the old windows?06:45
dark_and_twisty_spiky25: you don't like it?06:45
dark_and_twisty_um no not really06:45
skellingtonploceidae i know there shouldnt be issues. but i know that ive had issues with it. ill just try out a few fixes later and see how it goes06:45
spiky25I would stay on Archlinux if the proprietary softwares where supported well ...06:45
skellingtonspiky25 maybe someday..06:46
ploceidaeskellington, best of luck :)06:46
adantehi guys06:46
skellingtonploceidae thanks.06:46
adantewhen i mount a samba share and it times out is there a way to not make it cock up my system?06:46
SuperMiguelwhen is trim support comming to ubuntu?06:47
spiky25skellington Archlinux is always up-to-date and you don't need to reinstall it again for a lifetime like gentoo, it accept packages and sources (emerge style) ...06:48
holmserwhy does truecrypt only offer 256 bit encryption?06:48
holmserseems a bit light06:48
iflemadark_and_twisty_: OK..... 1. software free (almost always) = no demos, cracks, keygens = less chance of virus/malware06:48
spiky25holmser try ubuntu alternate cd it offer encrypted partition creation at installation ...06:49
wgrantholmser: I think you're confusing the key lengths of the various algorithms.06:49
ubuntuOh noes, gparted shows my old / as "unknown file system", does this mean what I think? Would there be any way of bringing it back?06:49
dark_and_twisty_iflema: okay cool thanks lol06:49
wgrantholmser: While 256-bit is not strong for RSA, for AES it is very strong.06:49
wgrantholmser: they are completely different types of keys.06:49
holmserthat makes sense06:49
spiky25Check the documentation to see how cause it make a long time for me, too much to help you a lot ...06:50
microlithwgrant: wasn't AES over 128-bits found to have a weakness making it equivalent to 119 bits?06:50
dark_and_twisty_okay laptop finally on... my laptop is vista home premium, intel core 2 duo, 1.83 ghz, 2gb ram and its 32bit os06:50
wgrantmicrolith: Yes.06:51
ubuntuMmm, ok, so I found my old / through gparted, but I can't see it in /dev, what am I looking for?06:51
absentiahello.  I upgraded to ubuntu 9.10 ... my sound was working fine before -- now it's all garbled.  any suggestions -- short of a complete reinstall of the entire os -- that I could do in order to try to fix the sound?  I'm not an ubuntu expert.  thanks!06:51
spiky25vista omg everything is better even then that ...06:51
dark_and_twisty_i know its so crap06:51
dark_and_twisty_i hate it06:51
dark_and_twisty_and i know this is unrelated but the fan only works if i have speed fan open.06:52
dark_and_twisty_which i forgot about and the computer hadn't been turning on because i forgot to open speed fan haha06:52
spiky25just try Slitaz 2.0 from the live cd you will forget vista after that ...06:53
songerhello, how can i install Network Manager whitout internet?06:53
songeron ubuntu studio?06:53
absentiaanyone have any ideas about the sound issue?06:53
spiky25use wicd download it from the ubuntu packages website songer ...06:53
ubuntuYikes, scary amount of fsck problems here06:54
hoxhasee if any one has paltalk06:54
greezmunkeysonger, did you have it before?06:54
hoxhai wanna see if anyone can sin in good06:54
nalsa__i think i am having the same issue- I am unable to complete an install from the live CD it just keeps freezing on the installer-- any advice?06:55
dark_and_twisty_i <3 my new laptop but i don't like shakespeer (the only real option for dc use) and would also like to have it always open so i can log mainchat, so i think thats one of the things i'd like to use my old laptop with ubuntu for , as well as just to play around, experiment and indulge my inner nerd.06:55
bazhangnalsa__, did you md5 the iso; burn at very low speed then do the disk integrity check?06:56
bazhang!md5 | nalsa__06:56
ubottunalsa__: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:56
iflema(17:52:35) dark_and_twisty_: inner nerd you say.... can that thing boot from cd? http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download06:56
bazhangnalsa__, if all those successfully complete and you are still stuck you should consider using the text only alternate installer; it does well when the live cd cannot in certain cases06:57
ubuntuI think ext4 full died on me or something06:58
nalsa__thanks for the response-- yes the image is good-- I have booted it up fine and installed without issues on alternate machines06:58
greezmunkeysonger, You can go here and download the package. Move it to Ubuntubox with a thumb drive or w/e: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager06:59
absentiahello ?06:59
dark_and_twisty_iflema: thanks so much. i'm going to start there. I didn't want to jump into it the wrong way :)06:59
iflemadark_and_twisty_: 32bit or 64bit you say.......06:59
nalsa__and as far as doing text only install im sure that will work-- but all my issues in the first place have been with gui- (freezing/no being able to click on things)07:00
spiky2564 bits if you have a 64 bits cpu07:00
iflemadark_and_twisty_: you can maybe google you laptop stats for compatibility or dive in...07:00
ZeikfriedHas anyone compiled intel drivers for a 950 gma that can help me out?07:00
absentiafucking useless07:01
nalsa__im pretty sure it is a video card issue at this point-- kinda at a loss07:01
iflemadark_and_twisty_: dive in...... come here for q&a07:01
dark_and_twisty_okay cool thanks!07:01
macowow, rage quit!07:01
spiky25and don't use ext4 for now stay on ext3 except for partition without important data or that you can lose ...07:01
Churchnalsa: try downgrading maybe?07:01
HardDiskext4 seems to be fine07:02
HardDiskif it wasn't it wouldn't be the default for new karmic installations.07:02
HardDiskor included in new kernels for other linux distro's07:03
Churchoh, you are speaking about initial install07:03
TheRufushelp please07:03
spiky25ext4 still outperformed by ext307:03
nikhil_Audio:     Card Intel 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller driver HDA Intel07:04
nikhil_           Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Version 1.0.2007:04
spiky25and ext4 isn't a standard yet and ubuntu always putted new stuff before others with a little risk ...07:04
TheRufusrun out of space, mysql db dead due to that fact, need to uninstall useless programs, how do I remove stuff. is it apt-get remove <application> ?07:04
spiky25yes rufus07:04
spiky25don't forget sudo before ...07:05
spiky25use sudo !! if you have forgot07:05
spiky25nikhil oh man not that sound card !!!07:06
stevenesshey, im on kubuntu, and i installed nautilus, now the whole machine looks like ubuntu, and is replaced with gnome, how do i get it back07:06
shyam_kknow of any desktop blog editors that support page option of wordpress?07:06
airtonixsteveness, with great difficulty07:07
spiky25steveness > package : kubuntu-desktop07:07
spiky25remove ubuntu-desktop after07:07
bazhangspiky25, that wont do it07:07
iflemasteveness: have you install all of gnome and logged into it?07:08
bazhangsteveness, you want pure gnome or pure kde07:08
stevenessidk, it looks exactly like ubuntu07:08
stevenessi want pure kde07:08
bazhang!purekde | steveness07:08
ubottusteveness: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »07:08
iflemasteveness: maybe log out.. change window manaer and log in again07:08
bazhangspiky25, ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage alone, removing will do nothing07:08
stevenesshow do i change window manager07:09
airtonixsteveness, follow the link bazhang gave you first07:09
bazhangsteveness, back to dolphin?07:09
iflemasteveness: @ log in prompt...07:09
stevenessnautilus is gone, but it is the same07:09
[SilverFox]anyone here have a  ati 4890?????????07:10
bazhangsteveness, then check the link I gave you07:10
stevenesshey, stay on here, imma log out for a sec07:10
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »07:11
the_fileI am trying to get internet explorer 6 running on my ubuntu07:11
iflemathe_file: no................07:12
spiky25the_file try wine-doors or ies4linux07:12
flexiblehow do i make a second x-screen07:12
iflemathe_file: try firefox07:12
the_filedoes microsoft word doesen't work for ubuntu?07:13
iflemathe_file: well07:13
spiky25the_file are you a webmaster ?07:13
* airtonix does a facepalm07:13
iflemathe_file: not ver 607:13
spiky25if not internet explorer on linux will be worthless07:13
silv3r_m00nI have a netbook with ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix  , and have to show a presentation using a projector , will ubuntu work with external projectors ?07:13
the_filethose were just jokes07:14
Twisted_Little_Jplease tell me that every one here ( talks !!!! )07:14
spiky25use firefox, opera, chromium or google chrome depending of your needs ...07:14
flexibleanyone know how to set up a seperate x-screen?07:14
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:14
Twisted_Little_Jthis is a geek thingy07:14
Twisted_Little_Jhello ( once again ) hoping someone will answer07:15
Andrew12ask a question07:15
spiky25!ask > Twisted_Little_J07:15
ubottuTwisted_Little_J, please see my private message07:15
Twisted_Little_Jwell i dont have a question07:15
Andrew12epic syntax07:15
Twisted_Little_Jactully once again , i want to ask07:15
Andrew12If you have a question, then ask it.07:16
Twisted_Little_Jwhere can i find , the hacking " channels " ?07:16
airtonix #telstra-help-desk07:16
the_filethere is not 'hacking' channel07:16
bazhangTwisted_Little_J, not on this server, unless you mean kernel hacking.07:16
Twisted_Little_Ji want to know more about hacking07:16
spiky25open source hacker here ...07:16
bazhangits offtopic here Twisted_Little_J07:16
Twisted_Little_Jopen source hacker , sounds good07:16
Andrew12hacking can mean a lot of things07:16
Twisted_Little_Jso anyone can help me ?07:16
Twisted_Little_Jyes i know07:17
bazhangTwisted_Little_J, no07:17
spiky25but I don't hack to do bad things sorry ...07:17
Twisted_Little_Ji mean hacking by ( understanding everything )07:17
bazhangTwisted_Little_J, wrong channel, wrong network07:17
Twisted_Little_Ji dont want to do bad things07:17
iflemadefine bad07:17
Twisted_Little_Jyou misunderstood me07:17
airtonixiflema, things i don;t like07:17
Twisted_Little_Jbad = hacking and stealing and doing illegal things07:17
bazhangTwisted_Little_J, then clarify, on a single line07:17
Twisted_Little_Jright ?07:17
the_fileTwisted_Little_J ackass07:18
spiky25I do harware hacking also sometimes ...07:18
bazhangthe_file, that is not needed07:18
Twisted_Little_Jjackass you know where to shove it ( your little hole )07:18
sinchanTwisted_Little_J : hacker never do that07:18
klearI'm having problems with static IP -- I can ping from within the box but I cannot ping or connect to the box from outside... says timeout07:18
spiky25hardware ...07:18
iflemahack ya head maybe07:18
Twisted_Little_Jlisten you little geeks07:18
airtonixi smell a troll07:18
Twisted_Little_Jcan you help me or not ?07:18
bazhangTwisted_Little_J, please stop07:18
stevenessi need the interface to become plasma07:19
stevenessi am in kde07:19
silv3r_m00nhow to switch off the bluetooth on ubuntu ?07:19
spiky255% of hackers are bads, most of them are open source developpers, IT technicians and so on ...07:19
bazhanglets get back on topic please07:19
klearcan anyone help with networking please?07:19
iflemaklear: of....07:20
stevenessi need help with my kde being gnome, i think plasma is not default any more07:20
laocoonanyone know how to force a screen resolution? I installed radeonhd driver and the screen resolution doesn't go up to where xserver-xorg-video-ati had it set07:20
spiky25Twisted_Little_... ask without illegal stuff and I maybe will answer you dear ...07:20
bazhangsteveness, did you follow the link I sent you07:21
stevenesscan someone point me to where plasma is located07:21
spiky25klear lan or wlan (wifi) ?07:21
kleari have ubuntu server configured with static IP and all works fine except I can't ping the box from outside -- this is LAN07:21
ZeikfriedSteveness - Open a terminal/Konsole and type in    kwin --replace07:21
spiky25laocoon > xorg.conf07:21
stevenessthe windows are regular07:21
stevenessi need plasma, where is it located?07:22
bazhangsteveness, please answer my question07:22
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stevenessthat isn't what i am looking for07:22
laocoonspiky25 I tried through that but it didn't change my options... do I have to set a default resolution in there?07:22
iflemaklear: #ubuntu-server..... maybe07:23
klearok, i'll check, thank you very much guys!07:23
spiky25laocoon you could stick one default resolution there if I remember ...07:24
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laocoonspiky25 I'll look through the xorg.conf help again... I tried specifying the modes in a subsection under the section "screen" but will dig a bit further07:24
stevenessi found where plasma is and now i am good07:25
rance94hey can somebody help me with ftp servers07:25
error404notfoundcan i hide desktop icons?07:25
stevenessrance94, i could07:25
rance94steveness : that would be great if u could07:25
iflemasteveness: you on 9.10? all good? i havent done the kde thing on ubuntu lately07:25
rance94steveness could u help right now??07:26
stevenessrance94, tell me what you need07:26
andresmhmy webcam stopped working for some reason (it's a builtin one on a thinkpad). The LED indicator turns on but I do not see anything. I tried on cheese and gstreamer-properties. How can solve this? I'm running an up to date 9.1007:26
rance94steveness, i want to connect to a remote ftp server with like telnet but idk how or a server to connect to?07:27
stevenesswhat would it be for07:27
fourhi i am trying to move some files around on my computer but when i try to send a file to the trash i get this error: 'could not display"/home/lint/downloads/etc, the location is not a folder07:28
andresmhi've noticed a decrease in the response rate in the Ubuntu forums. I wonder if my questions are getting harder or the forums are getting busier so attention is hard.07:28
fourcan anyone help me07:28
rance94steveness i am learning sockets in python and i made a localhost client and server but the book im reading talks about connecting remotly and telnetting to it07:28
iflemafour: ask away07:28
stevenessouch, python, i am not touching that07:28
fourhi i am trying to move some files around on my computer but when i try to send a file to the trash i get this error: 'could not display"/home/lint/downloads/etc, the location is not a folder07:28
rance94why not07:28
stevenessi am horrible at it07:29
klearfour: maybe your user doesn't have access to remove files?07:29
fourklear, it didnt mention anything about permissions07:29
rance94steveness i just want to mess around with a remote server do u know how or were i could do that??07:29
stevenessyou need a remote server ready to connect to07:29
iflema four: "could not display" sounds odd07:30
stevenessi think you need 2 computers or a loopback07:30
rance94steveness yes i need one lol07:30
stevenessidk how to loop back07:30
fouriflema, i think it has something to do with the style of sidebar i am using, i have it as tree and not just showing folders but files as well07:30
rance94ahh well i better find somebody w/ a remote server07:30
airtonixrance94, use a virtual machine07:30
bastid_raZorerror404notfound: yeah, delete them.07:30
Alan502Do you know what this error is about: error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1    i got it trying to install pygame07:30
stevenessairtonix good idea07:30
error404notfoundbastid_raZor, thanks, really helped me...07:31
rance94airtonix idk how to do that i tried but couldn't get it to work because i need the windows disk and some stuff like that that i dont have07:31
stevenessuse virtualbox07:31
bastid_raZorerror404notfound: how else would you hide an icon on the desktop?07:31
rance94steveness i dont know how lol and yes i used google07:32
stevenessgo to applications > add and remove07:32
error404notfoundbastid_raZor, i was looking for something like "computer_icon_visible" on gconf-editor > apps > nautilus07:32
iflema four: maybe do the work in nautilus....07:32
stevenessand search up virutalbox07:32
rance94steveness i already have it downloaded07:32
stevenessi gtg07:32
rance94ahh ok07:32
rance94its k07:33
hipitihopDell laptop using dual screen with ATI FGLRX driver and after a reboot I can no longer get it to enable the external monitor. Can someone help ?07:33
rance94airtonix can u help me wit the vm07:33
terriblesarcasmwhat is the channel for people developing linux apps, but not developing ubuntu itself?07:33
DiverdudeDoes Ubuntu ship with thunderbird? Or do you recommend another mailprogram?07:33
hipitihopDiverdude, Ubuntu ships with Evolution07:34
rance94airtonix can u help me wit the virtual machine07:34
airtonixrance94, got your ubuntu live cd there ?07:34
Diverdudehipitihop, ok...and Evolution is better than thunderbird?07:34
airtonixrance94, or iso07:34
Madpilotterriblesarcasm, many apps have their own channels, either here on Freenode or on other IRC networks07:34
bastid_raZorerror404notfound: but honestly, what would be the point of having icons on the desktop that you are just going to hide?.07:34
iflemaDiverdude: if ya happy with thunderbird its a few clicks away.... evolution can be a bit buggy....07:34
rance94airtonix i have ubuntu 9.04 on a usb is that good??07:34
gh0s7can anyone help me with a nessus install?07:34
airtonixrance94, preferable that you have the ISO file07:34
terriblesarcasmMadpilot: any ideas of where to try if i would like to be pointed in the right direction toward starting to program for linux?07:35
Diverdudeiflema, ok....well i dont know...i never used either..only MS outlook hehe07:35
rance94airtonix sooo go to thepiratebay,org ??07:35
error404notfoundbastid_raZor, Disabling them will make my wallpaper look good :P, and i would still be able to navigate to them using ~/Desktop :P07:35
airtonixrance94, ? no07:35
iflemaDiverdude: evolution is most intergrated into gnome... thus the bugs07:35
hipitihopDiverdude, those sort of questions are subjective and depends on how you measure better, try it and see what you think07:35
rance94airtonix well were should i go??07:35
gh0s7can anyone help me with nessus?07:35
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fourhow do i get rid of the logo that ciomes with ubuntu main menu?07:35
rance94airtonix to get the iso07:35
Madpilotterriblesarcasm, interesting question, I really don't know. Most of the programming languages also have channels, so maybe start asking around the language channels for beginner tutorials?07:35
iflemaDiverdude: go evolution....07:35
airtonixrance94, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download07:36
flexiblehow do i edit xorg and set up a seperate X screen?07:36
rance94airtonix thx for helping me i know i sound like a noob lol srry07:36
airtonixwhile thats downloading, install virtualbox07:36
terriblesarcasmoh, hmm i was almost positive that around last month i had been in a channel similar to ubuntu-devel-beginners or something like that07:36
iflemaDiverdude: ive had trouble with evolution in past with plugins for rss feeds07:36
rance94airtonix it takes an hour????07:37
hipitihopdoes anyone know where the configuration file is for the ATI FGLRX driver ? I can't get it to do the right thing via the GUI and just want the equivalent of xorg.conf07:37
andresmhIf my webcam doesn't work with either cheese nor gstreamer-properties but it used to work. what is the best way to submit a bug report? ubuntu-bug cheese?07:37
Madpilotterriblesarcasm, for ubuntu, there's #ubuntu-motu, but they're mostly for packaging, not programming07:37
knx_i have a problem with opensuse: when i try to login as user it says "authentication failure"!07:37
gh0s7can anyone help me with nessus? I can't find how to launch to application i've tried launching it via terminal by typing in nessus but it won't launch. I installed it using the deb on nessus' website07:37
airtonixrance94, how did you install your current ubuntu desktop?07:38
Bridge|anyone know how i can transfer a direct from one ssh server to another?07:38
Flannelterriblesarcasm: #ubuntu-offtopic, or #ubuntu-programming07:38
terriblesarcasmthanks Flannel07:38
rance94airtonix i had windows and i burnt ubuntu on too a usb07:38
hipitihopBridge|, scp07:38
rance94airtonix now i boot it wit that07:38
airtonixrance94, and where did you get ubuntu from originally?07:38
jennieDoes ubuntu have a full DVD OS like other OS have ?07:39
rance94airtonix www.ubuntu.com07:39
iflemagh0s7: did you mean nexiuz? FPS07:39
rance94jennie yes07:39
terriblesarcasmairtonix: couldn't he just use the usb to install the virtual machine?07:39
airtonixrance94, so you still have the file you used to setup the usb boot ?07:39
gh0s7iflema no i mean nessus07:39
airtonixterriblesarcasm, sure if you want to walk him through that07:39
rance94airtonix it is on my usb07:39
bastid_raZorerror404notfound: adding them to /usr/local/bin or including ~/bin in your $PATH would make it much easier to do what your complicating07:39
Hunephhey can anyone help me set up jack to use pulseaudio?07:39
Hunephi've got pulseaudio-module-jack07:39
jennierance94 but on ubuntu site there are only CD version in the download section07:39
Hunephjust don't know how to set it up07:39
rance94airtonix i could get it off07:39
error404notfoundbastid_raZor, nah, did something else :P07:39
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airtonixrance94, so you do already have the iso file avilable ?07:40
rance94airtonix yeah im pretty sure07:40
Dr_Willisjennie:  the dvd version just has addational languages and a few other things. No real need to use the DVD version07:40
airtonixrance94, ok, so now need to know which version of ubuntu you are running07:40
rance94on this laptop im running 9.10 on the usb it is still 9.0407:41
Hunephi need help setting up pulse audio and jack together07:41
andresmhbummer, it sucks to get no response07:41
Diverdudeis there a place which is usually used to store different mountpoints?07:41
airtonixrance94, are you doing this python work on the laptop?07:41
jennieDr_Willis, dont the dvd version include most of packages ? I thought DVD has most of packages like other distros have07:41
rance94airtonix yes07:41
andresmhi'll try reddit/r/ubuntu :)07:41
Dr_Willisjennie:  Nope. Not really.07:41
airtonixrance94, ok install virtualbox-3.007:42
Dr_Willisjennie:  thers a 'b-side' project taht includes a lot of extra packages for ubuntu if you want to install some things for a machines thats offline07:42
airtonix!search virtualbox-3.007:42
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airtonix!search virtualbox07:42
rance94airtonix i do have it installed07:42
ubottuFound: vbox, virtualizers, virtualbox, vmware, virtualization07:42
jenniegive me link07:42
airtonixrance94, ok start it up then.07:43
rance94airtonix k it is up07:43
gh0s7anyone help me with nessus client 4.0?07:43
airtonixrance94, click the blue star icon for new machine07:43
el_compAHello I have an installation question, I have ubuntu 9.04, if I want to do a fresh install of ubuntu, and I want to do a fresh install of 9.10, is it ok to install grub again? Also, do I need to do anything before installing like format? (I have a dualboot with windows)07:44
rance94airtonix wanna private chat07:44
airtonixrance94, no because then it deprives others of helping you also07:44
rance94airtonix ahh true ok soo im gonna name it then...07:44
laocoonI need help with my xorg.conf file as it will not allow me to force a resolution07:45
jennieDr_Willis , where can i get the bside project link ?07:45
airtonixrance94, 1) new machine 2) name it 3) select ostype : linux version : ubuntu 4) select memory size (250mb) 5) boot hard disk (create a new one 4gb) : fixed size07:45
hipitihopcan someone help me to fully remove and re-install the ATI FGLRX driver07:46
airtonixrance94, if you have quite a large hardrive on your laptop feel free to gie it much more space on the virtual hard drive07:46
Dr_Willisjennie:  first guess.. google.. or check out my delicious.com links under 'dr_willis'07:46
airtonixrance94, same logic applies to the memory07:46
Dr_Willisjennie:  i might have it in my ubuntu tags07:46
hipitihopis there an ATI linux channel ?07:46
laocoonhipitihop: have you checked out http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Jaunty_Installation_Guide07:47
airtonixrance94, when you have that machine ready to boot in the list let me know07:47
hipitihoplaocoon, looking now07:47
laocoonhipitihop: sudo apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx to remove then reinstall with that guide07:48
rance94airtonix ok ill let u know07:48
laocoonhipitihop: pm?07:48
hockeyrink1Looks like an Atheros driver I need is on a dead website (http://partner.atheros.com/Drivers.aspx). Anybody have a copy of AR813X-linux-v1.0.0.9.tar.gz they can point me to?07:49
dogatemycomputerGreetings..   I have a question..   and this may sound strange.. but does Ubuntu/Conical/FOSS need money?07:49
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davepamazing. wubi detected that there was only 6gb available and made a 5gb image07:50
davepit failed to detect that the installation iso would take up all that space.07:50
rance94airtonix ok it is ready!07:51
andrew_46dogatemycomputer: https://shop.canonical.com/ ?07:51
airtonixrance94, right click the entry in the list and click settings07:51
dogatemycomputerandrew_46:  well..  that's the thing..   I don't really want anything.07:51
airtonixrance94, then goto cd\dvdrom07:51
terriblesarcasmdogatemycomputer: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/donations ?07:51
Hunephcan you guys help me set up pulseaudio and jack together?07:51
rance94airtonix k07:51
davepi mean, i could modify wubi to use an external drive for the installation iso, butttt07:51
davepmy user experience is already destroyed :D07:52
airtonixrance94, 1) tick "mount cd/dvd-rom' 2) click the radio for ISO image-file 3) should be a folder button at the end there now (click it)07:52
Dr_Willisdavep:  friends dont let friends use Wubi07:52
dogatemycomputerterriblesarcasm andrew_46:  good..  okay.. well.. here is what I was thinking..  I routinely donate to my local Public Radio Station and I donate to the Society for the Prevention and Cruelty to Animals.   I donate about $100/year to each because I give them my credit card number and they automatically draft $8/month out of my account which comes to about $100/year.07:52
rance94airtonix ok i clicked it07:53
airtonixrance94, 1) (toolbar up the top) click add 2) navigate to your usb drive (make sure it's plugged in and mounted) 3) find the iso file07:53
terriblesarcasmdogatemycomputer: i think that maybe you can set up a 'subscription' in paypal to do just that07:53
dogatemycomputerterriblesarcasm: andrew_46:   If you consider the average idiot spends about $100/year for Windows then I don't see why I have to login every month and donate manually.07:53
davephow can i manually set up a wubi-like installation?07:53
rance94airtonix k i have to go get usb brb07:53
dtamhey guys.. is there a shortcut key that rolls up the window? super + d iconizes all windows... what about rolling up?07:53
davepre-partitioning isnt an option :\07:53
dogatemycomputerterriblesarcasm: good..  so why can't Conical do that for people automatically?07:54
airtonixrance94, navigating to your usb drive will usually be at /media/<insert-name-of-the-drive-here>07:54
davepwell, unless i pirated a decent partition resizer07:54
Dr_Willisdavep:  thers always virtualbox.07:54
rance94airtonix k i just put it in07:54
davepits a netbook, no hardware virtualisation07:54
Dr_Willisdavep:  i find gparted on the gparted-live-cd works well for me.07:54
hockeyrink1haha! Found a copy on a file-hoster.  For future reference for the logs: http://bebasupload.com/m2u3trvkjd7y/AR813X-linux-v1.0.0.9.tar.gz.html\07:54
davepalright, ill try it07:54
terriblesarcasmdogatemycomputer: because they are busy trying to code things that make canonical better :) , why recode something that is available on paypal? :)07:54
Dr_Willisdavep:  i run virtualbox on my netbook. the low ram is a bit of a factor however.07:54
davepmeh, i upgraded it to 2gb07:54
airtonixdavep, buy another hardrive07:55
dogatemycomputerterriblesarcasm: I just think if people could contribute without having to "set it up" or "worry about it" (and more importantly.. do it without having to go through the process of creating a Paypal account) then I don't see why someone isn't managing this.    My Public Radio station just collected $700,000 in the last 45 days.07:55
Dr_Willisdavep:  Such Powar!07:55
davepi could buy a bigger ssd07:55
dogatemycomputerterriblesarcasm: because people are lazy and FOSS could use their money?07:55
davepbut they cost about half the entire cost of the netbook07:55
rance94airtonix the iso isnt in there????07:55
Dr_Willisdavep:  you can also just install/run from a  Decent sized flashdrive07:55
dogatemycomputerterriblesarcasm: unless you are saying FOSS doesn't need lazy people's money?07:55
terriblesarcasmdogatemycomputer: i don't know what FOSS is07:55
el_compA_Can anyone help me07:55
dogatemycomputerterriblesarcasm:  FREE AND OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE.07:55
airtonixrance94, you then need to 1) find it 2) download it again.07:56
davepi put the kubuntu netbook installer on an 8gb drive07:56
davepit seems to "extract" to the target drive first07:56
davepTHEN install07:56
rance94airtonix hang on i think it might be in here let me look07:56
davepif i find the guy that came up with that...07:56
terriblesarcasmdogatemycomputer: if you can argue this much about how they don't do it you could have already set it up with paypal by now07:56
macoterriblesarcasm, dogatemycomputer: ummm offtopic much?07:57
dogatemycomputermaco:  hence my point.. where is "on topic" and who should I contact?07:57
macodogatemycomputer: on topic is ubuntu support07:57
airtonixdogatemycomputer, http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/contactus07:57
el_compA_How do I do a fresh install of ubuntu 9.10 on a dual boot? Currently running 9.04 and windows07:58
Dr_Willisdavep:  i just use unetbootin, or the usb-0creator tool or other guides to make a bootale usb disk. You dont put the installer on a usb, then 'install' to the same usb.07:58
macodogatemycomputer: it might make more sense to pick a non-profit foundation or project making software you like, such as the GNOME Foundation, Apache Foundation, KDE, or Inkscape07:58
airtonixel_compA, insert the 91.0 cd in the cdrom drive and reboot07:58
davepi think what i did was07:58
davepi copied the cd image files, then switched it to syslinux07:59
Dr_Willisdavep:  I also learned how to setup grub2 to boot the various iso files from the flash/hd. whch lets me setup a 5+Disrto flash drive.07:59
davepit should be able to install DIRECTLY to a target drive07:59
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davepwhy does a CD have to EXTRACT AN ISO to install?07:59
airtonixel_compA, 9.10 (karmic) cd i mean. ( assuming you already have the iso file and have burnt it to a blank cd)07:59
terriblesarcasmel_compA: install it onto the partition that currently has the older version of ubuntu on it07:59
dogatemycomputermaco:  well..  that makes sense but I always assumed that the company who is packaging/distributing all that software would be in a better position to collect funds and distribute them upstream to projects that help move the platform forward.    Don't worry though.. I appreciate the help.  I'll contact Support.07:59
Dr_Willisdavep:  ive no idea what you are trying to do. Ive never had touse anything more then an iso file i downloaded and the unetbootin program.07:59
reZohi, i'm running version 9.04 and nautilus keeps crashing constantly when i open a folder on desktop, how can i resolve this?07:59
el_compA_airtonix: But in the installation how do completely remove 9.04 and then install 9.1007:59
davepim trying to use wubi to install from within windows07:59
macodogatemycomputer: the distribution does not distribute money among upstreams08:00
davepto an internal 8gb ssd.08:00
macodogatemycomputer: canonical sells services to earn money08:00
Dr_Willisdavep:  wubi is worth avoiding like its the plague. - thats the extent of my experience with Wubi.08:00
dogatemycomputermaco:  I think that should be someone's job at the distrubution.08:00
macodogatemycomputer: if you want to give to upstream, you do so directly08:00
airtonixel_compA, yes, and this is where you learn that seperating your system files from your home/documents folder into two seperate partitions will save you much time and effort for future clean upgrades08:00
Hans_Henrik_ever since i installed and uninstalled ClamAV, my bootup has been slower, and "Starting AppArmor" is being done twice during bootup.. ideas what went wrong and/or how to fix?08:00
davepi wanted to avoid resizing the partition08:00
davepbut wubi has forced my hand >:|08:00
dogatemycomputermaco: well.. the average idiot isn't going to go find someone upstream.. which is the problem I think needs correcting.08:00
macodogatemycomputer: sending patches upstream is enough work :P08:00
macodogatemycomputer: perhaps you could make a website with "donate to...." and then buttons for all different upstreams?08:01
airtonixel_compA_, http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/34136/screenshot_003_I4EkpE.png08:01
el_compA_airtonix: I tried doing that in a virtual machine and it failed08:01
rance94airtonix ok i finally found it08:01
davepoh, i see the problem now08:01
davepwubi appears to be a sandwhich of python scripts08:02
rance94airtonix i had to dig and im still not sure if this iso is the right one lol08:02
airtonixrance94, i think it matters little, its only going to be your priate python server thing08:02
OMamahow ubuntu is better than fedora ?08:02
airtonixrance94, private*08:02
reZoOMama, no,08:02
airtonixOMama, doesn't use rpm.08:02
Diverdudewhat is the command to show the Applications-menu? I need to make a shortcut for it08:02
reZoOMama, fedora is better then ubuntu.08:02
Dr_WillisOMama:  try them both out - see what you perfer.08:02
rance94airtonix huh o well ill try and see if this is it08:03
airtonixrance94, so you still ahve the selection window open for finding the iso file?08:03
dogatemycomputermaco:  thank you for the help and sorry for being off-topic!08:03
davepi love how the install fails.....and it makes no attempt to clean up08:03
rance94airtonix this takes sooo long lol and i need to go get the iso lmao08:03
airtonixrance94, ok in the vbox main window click file > virtual media manager08:04
rance94airtonix wait i have the live CD haha08:04
tolonugahi. does anyone know how to get gdb in karmic to work? It somehow things my app is threaded, but it isn't, so it doesn't find the thread, and then hangs in error state - can't continue to debug. "[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]" "Cannot find new threads: generic error"08:04
flexiblei have two x-screens running different monitors, and gnome is insisten on running on both... currently it keeps reloading the interface, which means it is unusable because nothing is focused... it is like they are both fighting to load... how do i stop Gnome from loading on a second display (screen1)08:04
tolonugagoogle shows many hits for that, so ubuntu has a broken gdb in karmic?08:04
rance94airtonix k08:04
Dr_Willisflexible:  good idea to always tell the channel what  video card you are using - in such a question.08:04
airtonixrance94, when you say "you have the live cd" is it a file or an actual physical disc08:05
flexibleDr_Willis: good point... it is an Nvidia 660008:05
el_compA_Yes airtonix that's the partition I deleted and installed it on but it failed i get black screen that says starting init crypto disks...08:05
rance94airtonix it is the actual physical disk08:05
Senesence!find virtualbox08:05
ubottuFound: virtualbox-ose, virtualbox-ose-dbg, virtualbox-ose-guest-source, virtualbox-ose-guest-utils, virtualbox-ose-guest-x11 (and 3 others)08:05
Dr_Willisflexible:  you have installed the nvidia drivers using the Admin->hardware drivers tool ?08:06
airtonixrance94, ok below the toolbar you see three tabs, select the middle one (cd/dvd images)08:06
rance94wait i need to go get the cd dont i??08:06
speedxxxcoreI need good rsync switches for an incremental backup?08:06
airtonixrance94, actually no this is wrong. close the virtual media manager08:06
flexibleDr_Willis, yes... the drivers work fine08:06
rance94airtonix ok08:06
airtonixrance94, settings of the virtual machine (right click it in the list)08:06
Dr_Willisflexible:  i always use the twinview feature. Ive never seen the need for 2 seperate X 'displays'08:06
Diverdudehmm i would like to assign the windows key to the "Show the panel's main menu" But in the keyboard shortcuts i have to assign windowskey+someOtherKey. How do I assign ONLY the windows key ?08:06
macospeedxxxcore: you may want rdiffbackup not rsync08:07
macospeedxxxcore: it keeps incremental snapshots08:07
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rance94airtonix k08:07
macospeedxxxcore: ive never used it though08:07
airtonixrance94, cd/dvd-rom > tick mount cd/dvd dirve > select host drive08:07
flexibleDr_Willis: yes, but my two monitors are of different resolutions. which caused some glitches...08:07
airtonixrance94, put the disc in your laptops cdrom drive08:07
flexibleOne is widescreen, the other is a normal ratio08:07
Dr_Willisflexible:  so are mine. but ive no real problems other then a small bit of a 'dead' zone at the bottom of the smaller one.  Been using them this way for years.08:08
rance94airtonix let me go find it08:08
Dr_Willisflexible:  i align the top or bottom side how i like normally.  Rarely have any big problems with them.08:08
Senesence!find virtualbox08:08
ubottuFound: virtualbox-ose, virtualbox-ose-dbg, virtualbox-ose-guest-source, virtualbox-ose-guest-utils, virtualbox-ose-guest-x11 (and 3 others)08:08
Snowboarderhmm i would like to assign the windows key to the "Show the panel's main menu" But in the keyboard shortcuts i have to assign windowskey+someOtherKey. How do I assign ONLY the windows key ?08:08
Dr_Willisflexible:  biggest issue i have is dumb programs that try to fullscreen across both because they dont detect the res's properly08:08
airtonixel_compA_, this is how my partitions are setup on my desktop : http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/34136/screenshot_003_I4EkpE.png >> see how swap is first then system and lastly /home has the rest of the drive space ?08:09
rance94airtonix ok im back and i have to cd08:09
airtonixrance94, ok put in the drive and start the virtual machine. you should now be able to install ubuntu onto the virtual machine as you would normally08:10
rance94airtonix thx k so now install it like normal??08:11
airtonixrance94, yes.08:11
rance94k i hit something lol i dont know what i did lmao08:12
Snowboarderhmm i would like to assign the windows key to the "Show the panel's main menu" But in the keyboard shortcuts i have to assign windowskey+someOtherKey. How do I assign ONLY the windows key ?08:12
Diverdudewhat is the command to show the Applications-menu? I need to make a shortcut for it08:12
Newbie-Widgetguys, im gonna try a netboot install found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows  but the Link in step 2 doesnt work.. anyone have an alternate ?08:12
airtonixDiverdude, using gnome?08:12
Diverdudeairtonix, yeah08:13
airtonixDiverdude, and thus metacity window manager (which controls the application menus)08:13
Newbie-Widgetnot step 2 sry, paragraph 208:13
Diverdudeairtonix, yes08:13
Newbie-Widgetunder "Netboot approach"08:13
airtonixDiverdude, so you are under the impression there is a command line program to run that will make it show up on a programs window ?08:14
Diverdudeairtonix, it?08:14
kermitcan someone explain the background to this statement? (2009-12-13 07:58:51) tonyyarusso: All of the system scripts *should* be using dash these days.08:14
airtonixDiverdude, "it" being the application window menu08:14
Diverdudeairtonix, hmm well yes...its the panels main menu i am talking about08:14
airtonixDiverdude, or are you refering to the gnome applet menu08:15
Diverdudeairtonix, Like in this guide: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/use-the-windows-key-for-the-start-menu-in-ubuntu-linux/08:15
mianschey guys08:15
=== rainofkayos is now known as BladeNBrocade
mianschow would I go about backing my ubuntu 9.1008:15
mianscI just want my installed programs , photos etc..08:15
Diverdudeairtonix, only problem is that i have to press the windows key + some other key08:15
airtonixDiverdude, there isn't a command you can use in the terminal that will make it show as far as i know08:15
mianscthen reinstall everything back on on ubuntu 9.0408:15
Diverdudeairtonix, ok...but is there a way i can assign the windows key to it?08:16
Madpilotairtonix, pretty sure he wants a keystroke to drop the menu down08:16
airtonixDiverdude, gnome will refer to it as the super key08:17
pyropheliawhen your creating a raid with mdadm, how do you sepcify the first partion on a series of disks?  is it /dev/sd{a,b,c,d}1 /dev/sd{a,b,c,d}(1) /dev/sd{a,b,c,d}{1}08:17
Diverdudeairtonix, ok...so what do i have to do then?08:17
airtonixDiverdude, are you also running compiz ?08:17
Diverdudeairtonix, yep08:17
airtonixDiverdude, ok do you hae compizconfig-settings-manager installed ?08:17
Diverdudeairtonix, yes indeed08:17
airtonixDiverdude, this is where you'll need to make the changes you want.08:18
kermitpyrophelia: in a config file?  those look like at attempt at shell expansion, bubt if you mean shell expansion, the first one08:18
Diverdudeairtonix, aha ok...where in the compizconfig-settings-manager ?08:18
airtonixDiverdude, the standard keyboard shortcuts applet is ignored when running compiz unless you make some background changes08:18
pyropheliakermit, well no i'll be be building each raid by hand but I have a lot :P08:19
airtonixDiverdude, i'm also assuming you are using karmic 9.1008:19
Diverdudeairtonix, indeed i am08:19
pyropheliasudo mdadm --create --verbose --force /dev/md0 --level=raid6 --chunk=128   --raid-devices=15  --spare-devices=0  /dev/sd{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o}108:19
pyrophelialike that?08:19
airtonixDiverdude, compizconfig-settings-manager should be in your system menu -> preferences08:19
kermitpyrophelia: how about /dev/sd[a-o]108:19
Diverdudeairtonix, yep. i am there08:19
airtonixDiverdude, keyboard shortcuts are controled via the commands section within that app08:20
kermitpyrophelia: assuming you have all those devices in /dev/08:20
pyropheliaI didn't know I could use -08:20
airtonixDiverdude, woops wrong08:20
Diverdudeairtonix, hmm the command sections?08:20
=== Hans_Henrik_ is now known as Hans_Henrik
airtonixDiverdude, its under the general section in the bindings tab08:20
Tecnacan somebody please help me configure lineakd for my HP2506?  Half of my Easy Access keys aren't working.08:21
Diverdudeokay. generel->commands and then what?08:21
airtonixDiverdude, again, no its not. in the main list there do you see an entry called " gnome compability" ?08:21
Diverdudeairtonix, yes i do08:21
airtonixDiverdude, it is in there08:22
airtonixDiverdude, i just tested it by setting it to shift alt g08:22
Diverdudeairtonix, hmm but it is still not working08:22
airtonixDiverdude, make sure that the tick box on the far left of the window is ticked to enable the module08:22
ZeikfriedAnyone know how to fix this?     OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer08:22
Diverdudeairtonix, i pressed to <super> button08:23
airtonixDiverdude, yeah super button alone wont work( didnt for me either)08:23
Diverdudeor selected08:23
Diverdudeairtonix, damn thats what i want :(08:24
airtonixDiverdude, this is because there is something else in gnome that interferes with this08:24
Diverdudeairtonix, ok. so how can i do it?08:24
pyropheliakermit: you can't use - when specifying devices for mdadm, they must be in , order08:24
airtonixDiverdude, one sec, i need to find the app for it08:25
kermitpyrophelia: im still not clear, are you asking about shell expansion or a config file particular to mdadm?08:25
pyrophelianeither, I was building the raid right from the shell08:25
pyropheliaunless that's what you mean by shell expansion08:25
kermitpyrophelia: 'shell' was the first choice, yes08:25
airtonixDiverdude, ok you mileage may vary but : system > preferences > windows08:25
kermitpyrophelia: [a-o] will expand in alphabetical order08:25
pyropheliayou might want to double check that08:26
pyropheliamdadm didn't like it08:26
airtonixDiverdude, movement key : change that to something else08:26
pyropheliaI changed it to , order and it worked fine08:26
kermitpyrophelia: try 'echo ...' to see for yourself how these things expand08:26
kermitpyrophelia: just put echo in front of the whole line08:27
Diverdudeairtonix, the movement key is set to Alt already08:27
kermitpyrophelia: rather than speculating about it08:27
airtonixDiverdude, ok this isn't it either (there are still some conflicting issues with compiz and gnome so its not going to be a real fix)08:27
Diverdudeairtonix, ok...its okay ill just assign anoher key. Thank you very much for your hep08:28
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.08:28
airtonixDiverdude, for future reference im pretty sure its to do with metacity gconf settings08:28
SahkolihaaGlad XChat has protection.08:28
Sahkolihaa You are being CTCP flooded from Saundra, ignoring *!*@ :D08:29
jtaji!ops | Saundra08:29
ubottuSaundra: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!08:29
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.08:30
=== ploceidae_ is now known as ploceidae
eclipse_srsly, this "MOTHER_SPA...." dude needs a Z:Line08:30
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.08:31
ranjan_saundra ??08:32
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.08:32
SahkolihaaYeah the bot's gone, don't worry.08:32
aoickSaundra  What do you seed to me ?08:32
Sahkolihaaaoick: It was a bot and has been removed. :P08:32
ranjan_saundra:: whare are you trying to send to me08:33
ranjan_saundra:: whare are you trying to send to me ??08:33
chris231989Saundra: ya seriously08:33
aoickSahkolihaa em.. Thx I`m a noob in here08:34
=== Xero is now known as Guest61474
zirodaySaundra was a bot sending malicious files and attempting a DCC flood attack, its gone now.08:34
KIAazedoes anyone else here get spam-like file offers on IRC?08:34
klearrdoes anyone know how to fix the "Cannot Display Video in this Mode"? it's only happening with the root user, all other users are showing GUI fine08:34
aoickoh,I see :D08:34
davepoh lawd. partition magic set itself to resize a partition on reboot. it was running off a usb disk. it couldnt find itself.08:34
Noose215KIAaze, i do08:35
davepnow im getting an annoying message every boot08:35
Daifanwho keeps spamming to send the file Mother_SPanks_Son_Hard.mpeg08:35
davepwhy didnt i listen :\08:35
KIAazehaving the same problem.08:35
Noose215why are we getting spam08:35
zirodayDaifan: a bot, its been k-lined. Don't worry about it08:35
DaifanI see08:36
KIAazefirst Tex, now Saundra. I got new ones.08:36
klearrso... X.org problem... anyone can help?08:36
Madpilotklearr, be more specific that "X.org problem" and someone might be able to...08:37
apandais it safe to try to mount the ntfs drive that is my host drive for the wubi install im currently running?08:37
Dr_Willisapanda:  im not sure thats doable. Ive heard of others having issues trying that. But i avoide Wubi like its the plague. :)08:38
airtonixapanda, only if you don;t acare about the wubi install08:38
daveppartition resized. yay.08:38
klearras soon as I log into my Ubuntu, I get "Cannot View in this Mode" or something similar -- when I log in as another user on the same computer, GNOME shows up fine... I only get the X.org problem with the root user (MY root user, not the "root" root)08:39
davepokay, now lets hope that the installer doesnt try to run from inside a chroot which has no dev files again08:39
Diverdudei have a lot of files called core and core.1687 and core.2345 etc. What are those files? I cannot seem to open them08:39
davepmakes grub surprisingly hard to install08:39
Dr_Willisdavep:  thers ways to make the chroot env. see the proper /dev/08:40
apandawubi is good because it made installing linux easy ;) but now i need to somehow get some ntfs data into linux and resize the ntfs and repartition it :p08:40
davepbut an automated installer08:40
davepshould do that08:40
davepi had to do that MANUALLY.08:40
FloodBot2davep: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:40
Ellie_Momotarohello everyone!08:40
Dr_Willisdavep:  you are doiing weird stuff to begin with.. so it can be expectd.08:40
=== Ellie_Momotaro is now known as movela
davepi did nothing weird08:40
davepit was a standard ubuntu install08:40
davep(in that case)08:40
Dr_Willisdavep:  you are using a chroot toinstall you just said.. that is weird.08:41
davepi did nothing08:41
Madpilotubottu, enter |  davep08:41
ubottudavep: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:41
movelais eeebuntu any differ from ubuntu netbook remix? btw i have a eeepc 1000ha.. thanks!08:41
Dr_Willisdavep:  so given the lack of actual info youve given us.. we have no idea what you are really doing.  We dont need a "play by play" either :)08:41
davepi ran the installer as normal. then when i got to grub, it said it failed.08:41
apandaso the worst case that happens if i try to mount the wubi hosting ntfs drive is that i damage the wubi install? it's only meant to be a temporary solution so that would be ok08:41
davepi checked what it was doing... it chrooted to the new install, and tried to run grub. with no dev files.08:42
Dr_Willisdavep:  the fixgrub wiki page details the needed commands to  properly reinstall grub. - one of those commands detail how to set up the /dev/ properly08:42
davepi've already fixed it :P08:42
davepi dont see why an average user should have to know what chroot is to install ubuntu.08:43
Dr_Willisdavep:  an average setup - grub dosent fail to install.08:44
davepim glad that you ahve tested the installer on every possible hardware configuration and have reached that conclusion. :D08:44
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.08:44
boomernangjesus christ i just got spammed like a mofo with dcc's08:44
mattgyverno i dont want mother spanking a child08:45
Dr_Willisdavep:  im glad you are just rambbling.  Good luck08:45
Sachosomeone doesn't like ubuntu08:45
davepamazing. when the magic perfect ubuntu installer fails, i must be "just rambling"08:45
cn28h/ignore *!*@* DCC08:45
kermitfor pidgin, minimizing the chat windows then clicking one DCC SEND window, and holding down alt-c, is a quick way to get rid of those08:46
Sachodid :)08:46
Dr_Willisdavep:  Your comments are rambling.   I never mentioned anything else.08:46
SahkolihaaXChat handles the ignoring very well. :)08:46
MadpilotSacho, this channel is a big target08:46
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.08:46
apandayeah only that i had to click cancel 50 times..08:46
Seveaskermit, pidgin sucks at irc anyway :)08:46
Sacho"I don't see why an average user should know...." <-- rambling08:46
Dr_Willisapanda:  :) gotta love dcc.08:46
kermitSeveas: it's the best i've found :P08:46
ZeikfriedNvm, found the fix for the software rasterizer.08:46
apandaand i was lucky to disable the default auto accept a few minutes ago ;)08:46
Seveaskermit, try xchat or irssi :)08:46
DiverdudeCan somebody please ban this guy that keeps sending that file MOTHER SPANKS CHILD RATHER HARD.MPEG ?08:46
Dr_WillisSacho:  its not 'support related' so yes. It is rambling. take it to #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to continue.08:47
davepwhy does ubuntu boldly assume the system clock is set to UTC?08:47
davepit doesnt ask me if it is. it just says, okay, you're in sydney, IT MUST be 6am now!08:47
gaurav1 Hi. I have ubuntu 9.04 on my machine. I am unable to boot ubuntu. I get an error saying Busybox initramfs. Any help?08:47
Dr_Willisdavep:  now thats a support related question. :)08:47
HardDiskbecause the world doesn't start with US times.08:47
kermitSeveas: i have, neither support smooth scrolling, and i dont think you can have 6 windows tiled with 10 tabs of channels in each window, either08:47
Seveasdavep, because UTC is the one true timezone (and the installer does ask, last time I checked)08:47
SachoDr_Willis: I was agreeing :)08:47
davepokay, im going to blame whoever assembled the kubuntu netbook installer then08:47
Flanneldavep: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime#Multiple%20Boot%20Systems%20Time%20Conflicts08:47
Seveasdavep, then file a bug. This channel is for support not for rambling and whining08:48
MadpilotSeveas! Where'd you surface from?08:48
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.08:48
HardDiskDiverdude, learn to use /mode so you can block all that08:49
SeveasMadpilot, 7th circle of hell08:49
HardDiskbanning doesn't stop people flooding you.08:49
MadpilotSeveas, you always were. Good to see you around.08:49
gaurav1 Hi. I have ubuntu 9.04 on my machine. I am unable to boot ubuntu. I get an error saying Busybox initramfs. Any help?08:50
Newbie-Widgetguys.. for https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows .. section "The Netboot Approach" .. link for "linux and initrd.gz" diesnt work08:50
Newbie-Widgetany alternate?08:50
Seveasgaurav1, that error usually means it cannot find your rootpartition. Did you do any partition shuffling recently?08:50
apandauh lol you could just have told me that the host drive for wubi is already mounted in /host :)08:51
Seveasgaurav1, the real error is not 'busybox initramfs' but a few lines above that. Can you maybe take a picture of the screen and upload it somewhere?08:51
speedxxxcorenu ska jag installera vmware-server på min linode..08:51
DigitalFizthat was fun08:51
speedxxxcoreundra om det funkar.. och om det är ok08:51
Dr_Willisapanda:  the amazing thing about wubi.. is that no one seems to actually to use it very much. :)08:51
davephow can i get to a text based installer?08:52
=== el_compA_____ is now known as el_compA
speedxxxcoresry wrong channel08:52
HardDiskdavep, ubuntu alternative download08:52
Seveas!se | speedxxxcore08:52
ubottuspeedxxxcore: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se08:52
Dr_Willisdavep:  thats what is on the 'alternative-cd'    its a text based installer.08:52
davepthis gui based installer is beyond terrible. the performance is awful, it doesnt even cache the contents of dropdowns :D08:52
HardDiskthat is your opinion.08:52
Dr_WillisDemand a refund!08:52
neilsonI have an old laptop Dell Inspiron 1150 Celeron 2.5ghz would I be advised to install the netbook remix on it or will i gain no advantage on older hardware?08:52
Newbie-Widgetok nvm, found08:53
Dr_WillisThere is no text based alternative-cd for the 'netbook remix' that ive ever seen.08:53
HardDiskof course not.08:53
gaurav1Seveas: a'right. i'll do that after a reboot. i'm on the livecd. when i try to mount my root patition i get this error. " mount: wrong fs type, bad option,  superblock on /dev/sd608:53
HardDisknetbook remix works fine as it is.08:53
davepan opinion it may be08:53
zirodayneilson: you would gain very little speed advantage using the netbook remix. Perhaps xubuntu08:53
Newbie-Widgetquick question though for that netboot.. it says "Create a directory called boot in the root directory of the first primary partition of your hard drive (usually drive c:\, which it will be referred to as from now on)." .. im guessing this is saying create a folder on my windows c: drive ?08:53
davepbut is it reasonable to take 5 minutes to set a timezone?08:53
Seveasgaurav1, sd6 is not a device node. You may mean sda6 or sdb608:53
davepi hope it wasnt trying to get internet time. i havent set up wifi. it should know that.... right?08:54
HardDiskdavep, 5 minutes for a timezone? the installation procedure is more than setting up a timezone.08:54
gaurav1Seveas: yea, i mean sda608:54
davepyes. by extrapolation, 5 minutes to set a timezone08:54
davepwould mean08:54
davepa week08:54
Dr_WillisNewbie-Widget:  you could have C: be somewhere else.. but proberly C: is a good guess. yes.08:54
davepfor the whole process :D08:54
Newbie-WidgetDr_Willis: ty :)08:54
apandaDr_Willis ok, i'm one of the elite few then :p (jk)08:54
gooseI'm having trouble running a .bin file, I think it's because I'08:54
Seveasdavep, again, if you see something is wrong, you should file a bug. Whining in IRC channels is not helping you, us or Ubuntu in any way08:54
neilsonziroday: thank you08:55
HardDiskgoose, chmod +x the bin file.08:55
Dr_WillisNewbie-Widget:  i found it easier to just setup a bootale flash drive then mess with netboot/installing08:55
davepit helps me a lot, actually :]08:55
zirodayneilson: no problem, have fun!08:55
gooseI'm having trouble running a .bin file, I think it's because I'm on an x64 OS. do I need an additional package to install .bin files on x64?08:55
Dr_Willisgoose:  what exactly IS this .bin file?08:55
Seveasgoose, what kind of .bin file?08:55
goosehalf life dedicated server08:55
Newbie-WidgetDr_Willis: true, but my laptop doesnt support booting from USB :(08:55
Seveasgoose, that probably only runs on 32bit08:55
Dr_WillisNewbie-Widget:  ewww..08:55
HardDiskgoose, chmod +x nameoffile.bin08:55
Newbie-Widgetunless theres a boot disc i can download that allows me to boot form usb ?08:55
ojohey, how do I open emacs in command line, because each time I type emacs in the terminal it opens a X window08:55
gooseHardDisk: did that, doesn't work.08:55
gaurav1Seveas: and the other thing is that, my ubuntu used to work real slow. I thought it was because of some hardware issue. but the livecd is working pretty fast.08:56
Dr_WillisNewbie-Widget:  ive only seen such things in a few specific cases. and if you had a bootabel cd.. you could just install from that anyway.08:56
HardDiskNewbie-Widget, usb creator or unetbootin08:56
gooseSeveas: probably. A year or so ago when I was on a different VPS I had this same error and someone told me a package to install to fix it, and it worked. Any idea what it might be, or what to search synaptic for?08:56
Seveasgaurav1, use 'top' to find out if a process is hogging your CPU08:56
ojofhenning09 doesn't work08:56
Newbie-WidgetDr_Willis" old laptop, failing cd drive, wont read data.. can boot a cd, but copying is a no go :(08:57
gaurav1Seveas: top ? what is top ?08:57
Seveasgoose, ia32-libs maybe08:57
fhenning09not sure whats going on there08:57
Newbie-WidgetHardDisk: those programs, can i make a disc that will then allow me to boot from USB drive ?08:57
Seveasgaurav1, it's a commandline application to see processes and their usage of cpu, memory etc.08:57
gooseI'll try it. thank you very much Seveas08:57
fhenning09try this : apt-get install xemacs08:57
davepim trying to figure out what the setup is trying to do. top says that only xorg is wasting cpu. there is no disk activity.08:57
ojofhenning09, Gonna try that08:57
fhenning09try this :sudo apt-get install xemacs08:57
Dr_WillisNewbie-Widget:  bummer.  I recall seeing somewhere a 'net-boot live cd' project. You booted the live-cd on one boxx and it would let you net-boot and install to other machines on the lan. but im not sure how active/useable it even was.08:57
FlannelNewbie-Widget, Dr_Willis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation has a number of different ways to install, hopefully you can find something that works08:58
gaurav1Seveas: i did try using system monitor to have a look at it. but all of it seemed fine. my system would lag mostly when i used firefox. and to be specific..facebook. but i'm using the same thing on livecd, and works just fine.08:58
Newbie-WidgetDr_Willis: damn :S ,, if u remember, can let me know :)08:58
davepcheck if there's a BIOS update08:59
davepif you're lucky, they added usb boot support08:59
Dr_WillisNewbie-Widget:  i must of saw it on some of the UBuntu tutorial sites. but im not evne sure of what the name was.08:59
Seveasgaurav1, do you have greasemonkey scripts for facebook? That used to kill my system :)08:59
boomernanggaurav1, what kind of lag?08:59
Newbie-WidgetFlannel: seen that, im a bit of a newb so hard to understand all that.. atm im trying https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows08:59
davepwhy does it take 5 minutes to scan partitions when fdisk does it in one second? :D08:59
Seveasgaurav1, try to disable all firefox extensions08:59
gaurav1Seveas: yes, i did have greasemonkey, but i did uninstall it.08:59
Newbie-Widgetdavep: might do that :)08:59
gaurav1boomerand: everything would work very-very slow. even scroll up and down would be real slow09:00
Dr_WillisNewbie-Widget:  it might be bookmarked at my  http://delicious.com/tags/dr_willis     page09:00
boomernanggaurav1, what video card have you got? and what drivers?09:00
gaurav1boomernang: nvidia 8800, 320 mb. drivers, probably 180.xx09:01
apandahow can i ensure x uses 1:1 mouse speed? i.e. it doesnt interpolate anything09:01
davephmm. does no swap space cause problems on a regular basis?09:02
Dr_Willisdavep:  its proberly a good idea to make at least a small (512mb) or so swap partition.09:02
gooseSeveas: you rock, that was the package I needed. thank you :)09:02
Madpilotdavep, hasn't here yet, although this is a desktop w/ 2GB of real RAM09:02
davepthat would be 1/12th of the available space09:03
davepnetbook with 2gb :P09:03
Newbie-Widgetthanx Doc, checking it out now, also downloading UNetbootin09:03
Dr_Willisdavep:  5% of any ext3/4/2  is also reserved for recovery ussage. thats tuneable with the tune2fs command.09:03
davepits tempting to turn that down to 1% tbh09:04
boomernanggaurav1, what does glxinfo | grep "direct" say?09:05
davephmm. the partioner defaults to ext4. while not a bug, the extra writes can cause poor performance on slower SSDs, and less usable life.09:05
Dr_Willisdavep:  i set it to 0% on some of my drives.. but it can be bad if the fs ever gets currupted and the disk is 100% full.09:05
Dr_Willisdavep:  thers also a few forum threads on optmizations specifically for sdd based netbooks.09:05
davepdoes it record a "last accessed" time on files? i mean, i have that turned off in windows so meh09:06
gaurav1boomernang: I'm on my livecd right now. My OS isn't booting. It gives me an error saying Busybox initramfs. On the livecd is says: direct rendering: Yes09:06
Dr_WillisNewbie-Widget:  check out --> http://www.howtoforge.com/boot-linux-over-http-with-netboot.me09:07
Dr_WillisNewbie-Widget:  i never did get that working however.09:07
mistergibsonis there a channel to ask hal / hald questiosn?09:07
yeomanhi folks..any idea hw to download and save a adobe flash player video file in 9.10?09:07
Newbie-WidgetDr_Willis: thnx, ill check it out :)09:07
davepi find it ironic that a thread saying to turn on noatime is using ext4 :\09:08
Dr_Willisyeoman:  thers dozens of firefox extensions to let you do that.09:08
echotoneI have been trying and trying for almost a week now to install ubuntu and i just cant do it. I have tried everything that i can think of and managed to get it installed but i cant boot into it. does anybody know why it would stop after showing me the ubuntu logo and stay stuck at a black screen???? please?09:09
Dr_Willisechotone: so the live cd installed, then fails to boot to the desktop on first boot into the 'real' system?09:09
echotoneDr_Willis: I cant use a live cd. i had to make an alternate cd.09:10
boomernanggaurav1, ok so the reason why it is fast on cd is because rendering is enabled. Did you try appending 'acpi=noacpi irqpoll' to the kernel line? as stated here - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2008-October/162172.html09:10
Dr_Willisechotone:  so It installed.. then never booted into the real os then? no errores at all during the install?09:10
echotonethe live cd gives me the same problem. it gives me the logo then black screen.09:10
echotonenope no errors09:10
Dr_Willisechotone:  what video card?09:10
echotonenvidia 9500gt09:10
echotonei had it installed and working fine. until i decided to try win709:11
echotonethen when i went to switch back with a clean install it wont work09:11
Dr_Willisechotone:  thats odd.. normally nvidia works very well.     You installed it the exact same way when it 'was' working?09:11
echotonei havent touched anything.09:11
echotonei am in puppy linux right now.09:11
gaurav1boomernang: no. how do i do that? and when i was on the OS i did use compiz, etc. i believe the rendering was enabled that time as well.09:11
yeomanthanks willis...can we do that even when that net video is only a readable and not downloadable?09:12
Dr_Willisechotone:  so claify. you had it installed and working.. then installed win7?  then what.09:12
echotoneso i hope it isnt a problem with my computer because every other os works fine. only linux09:12
Dr_Willisyeoman:  depends on the site and how they do things..  I rarely bother with grabbing flash video. I have grabbed many from a lot of sites however.09:12
echotoneDr_Willis: I installed win7. I didnt like it. I put the linux disk in and it gave me said problem.09:13
Dr_Willisechotone:  so you no longer want windows7?    You mean to say.. the live cd's worked BEFOR you installed windows 7, and now the live cd's fail to work with window7 on the machine?09:13
yeoman mine is the site Websurg and has surgery videos09:14
echotonei just built this machine and the first thing i did was install 9.1009:14
Dr_Willisechotone:  well you could use the puppy disrto to totally erase the hd. and see if the live cd works after that.. But somthing VERY weird is going on here.09:14
echotoneit was great and i just wanted to try win 7.09:14
echotonebad idea09:14
davepthe live cd shouldnt touch the HDD09:14
davephence it should work with no win7 and with win7 equally well09:15
Dr_WillisI cant imagine what windows7 would do to a system. Unless it caused some hardware to fail.09:15
echotonei have formatted the drive so0o many times. i dont think that will do it.09:15
davepdoes it just go black, or does it trigger a reboot?09:15
MidnightBomberI have ubuntu netbook remix 9.10 with all updates. It does not allow me to install any new software packages. it says "This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Futhermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time." WTF09:16
=== el_compA_ is now known as el_compA
Dr_Willisechotone:  there is the grub revovery options also that disable that logo and stuff. did it show any error messages?09:16
echotoneI never got an error. it goes straight from the logo to black09:16
Dr_Willisechotone:  but ages ago the live cd DID work  (the same cd?)09:17
echotoneyes. i have a cd from canonicle. i ordered it09:17
echotoneand the live cd worked fine09:17
Dr_Willisweirdness. Try making a bootable flash drive?09:18
echotonei am using an xpc. and it wont boot from usb.09:18
echotonethe alternate cd installs the system. but it gives me the same problem09:18
Dr_Willissounds like its narrowed down to some video driver issue.  the revovery mode however does not even get you to the console however.. thats even weirder.09:19
davepbooooom. installer failed09:19
echotonei tried the alternate cd recovery mode and have been tinkering with it for about a week now. no luck09:20
Dr_Willissounds more and more like some odd hardware issue.09:20
Dr_Willisechotone:  youve tried the memtest option to verify the ram?09:20
echotoneyes i have.09:20
gaurav2boomernang: any luck?09:20
echotonei am trying to figure out how it worked and now it doesnt.09:21
Dr_Willisechotone:  You dont hae anything odd hooked up. like  a tv to the tv out? or extra monitors?09:21
Tecnahttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=653124 instructions on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=653124 say to edit /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh but I don't see it on my system.  has it been moved in newer versions?09:21
echotonei had just bought everything from the store. so i went back to the store and returned my hard drive for a new one and tried it again.09:22
echotonei have 2 dvi monitors09:22
Tecnaor should I create it new?09:22
Dr_Willisechotone:  well see what video driver PuppyLinux  is using. perhaps copy its xorg.conf to /etc/X11/xorg.conf on the system.  There is also the grub config files you may want to tweak them to use the  'nosplash nofb noquiet verbose' options to get maximum error messages printing out. you may at least get a console that way09:23
echotoneokay. thank you. i will try that.09:23
echotoneDr_Willis: Should i only have 1 monitor plugged in?09:23
echotoneidk why that would inhibit me from anything...09:23
davepthe error text is09:24
FlannelMidnightBomber: Can you please pastebin the output of 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'?09:24
davep"progress bar cancelled"09:24
Dr_Willisechotone:  that would elinimate one potential problem,. i had issues once with a tv  plugged in.. the default X was showing up on the TV. whichi dident even have turned on. :) confused things.09:24
echotonei'll give it a try.09:24
apandawhere can i set my mouse sensitivity numerically? i only have a vague slider..09:25
Dr_Willisechotone:  thers just the 1 video card? not an onboard and a pci/pcie card in addation is there?09:25
davepgoogle tells me its an old bug09:25
davepwhich was "fixed"09:25
echotoneno built in graphics. i have 1 pcie card. its nvidia 9500gt09:25
echotonei am running a shuttle xpc sb95p v209:26
Dr_WillisAhh a good old shuttle.. I had one of those.. till it blew up.09:26
echotoneyeah. i got it for free from my uncle because it started smoking...09:26
=== evilGUI is now known as evilGUI0001
davepwhy does a GUI element cause an installation to fail?09:26
davepseriously now.09:26
Dr_WillisYep. such neat products from such an Annoying company09:26
davepi suppose i could chroot to target and finish the install manually. again. -.-09:27
Dr_Willisdavep:  you re back to rambling  - and no one really knows what you are actually doing.09:28
davepim attempting to install kubuntu netbook (inb4 #kubuntu), and it failed citing an error message09:28
davep"progress bar cancelled"09:29
davepwhich honestly sounds like more of a "status update" than "critical error which prevents the install from continuing", but meh09:29
BeenbassionTrying to install ubuntu for the first time on an XP computer, can't find any blank disks, and wubi doesn't work for it. I've already installed it on my own laptop but that had vista and I can't figure this out. Any help?09:29
echotoneThanks for your help everyone. i am going to try what i have been given. take care.09:29
Dr_WillisBeenbassion:  you could make a bootable usb/flash drive and install from that if you wanted. Or are you trying to get 'wubi' to work as your goal?09:30
davepit looks like it was trying to update the status of the progress bar...on a window which has closed09:30
BeenbassionI'd like to get wubi to work as its what I'm most familiar with09:31
Emanonmorning all09:31
Dr_WillisBeenbassion:  thats scary. Im not even sure if wubi supports XP or not. Or why it  'dosent work'  i avoid wubi like its the plague :)09:31
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.09:31
Emanonanyone know if there is an option in Karmic to integrate thunderbird like evolution is? like make it use the im/mail icon be the default for calandars and stuff09:31
apandawubi works for win2k, so it certainly should work for xp09:32
Beenbassion:P Well I'm still a fairly new user and it was the easiest way for me to install it on my vista system09:32
deokanonhello, sorry to intrude... i have some kernels showing up in grub menu list and i want to delete them (they don't work)...how do i proceed? i also wanted to keep an older version of the kernels i want to get rid of. any advice?09:32
rahilmwubi works in Xp, it did when i installed 8.1009:32
Beenbassionwubi 9.10 doesn't work though09:32
davepdeokanon: you can comment out their entries in the menu.lst09:32
Emanonmight consider apt-get autoremove? that might remove obsoleted kernels09:32
Dr_Willisdeokanon:  use the package manager to remove the older kenels. or the  system-> admin -> computer janitor tool.09:32
Emanonor that09:32
EmanonDr_Willis' is better09:33
deokanoncool thanks guys09:33
joaopintothere are reported bugs with Wubi/Ubuntu 9.10 breaking after kernel upgrades09:33
Dr_Willisdeokanon:  they dont take  up much space -   id be sure to at least leave  the one you are using (duh) and one older kernel.09:33
Emanonyea always nice to have a backup if something bricks the latest09:33
Dr_WillisThers so many reported bugs with Wubi - its scary09:33
deokanonactually i want to keep the older ones and get rid of the new ones...the new ones are buggy like crazy09:34
Emanonwell if it involves windows...09:34
Emanonso IS there some package (or a few) that more tightly integrates thunderbird with gnome in Karmic?09:34
rahilmbut wubii is safer than a real install but it is useful only for trying out09:35
deokanonwell that's not exactly true... i want to keep one that is old...which i am currently using right now... and get rid of the other recent kernels09:35
echotonewhere is this particular chat logged? i am looking for instructiones i recieved a minute ago but i closed this window and lost it.09:35
Dr_Willissafest would be to test it out in 'virtualbox' or 'vmware' :)09:35
BeenbassionI know wubi is bugged but I have no blank cds and the usb install seems to complicated09:35
Emanonor some way to make Google Wave work in Evolution09:35
apandawhere are the config files where i can edit the mouse speed? there is no xorg.conf09:35
ultra_could anyone PLEASE tell me how to stop streams from cutting out and buffering 2-3 times an hour while I'm listening to them on any media player?09:35
Dr_WillisBeenbassion:  making a usb insaller complex? Instll/run unetbootin. Point it to the iso file and the cd.. hit 'go for it!'  and get a soda...09:35
Optimus55hey just wonderin quickly, any know if there's people having issues with wifi disconnects in karmic? i thought it was just my router cus it's shitty but a friend told me there's issues09:36
BeenbassionI had an issue with the other night, a reboot solved it09:36
Emanoni know UNR 9.10 had a little trouble with my dad's wifi card but 9.04 didnt support it at all so a lil spotty was ok09:36
leonhi all09:37
Optimus55Emanon: is it specifically with intermittent disconnects?09:37
Beenbassionand dr_willis thanks, I'll give that a shot09:37
Emanonnah just was a bother to get it working the first time09:37
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Optimus55Ah okay, but one it worked it was fine09:37
rahilmwhat happens if i dd the entire Live-CD on the usb stick09:37
Emanonsince his motherboard likes to misrepresent the wifi cards connection status09:37
Dr_Willisrahilm:  i doubt if it will be bootable.09:37
Emanonsay its on when its been switched off (i hate those wifi switches on new laptops)09:38
Optimus55cool thanks09:38
icerootrahilm: should be working09:38
Dr_Willisrahilm:  thats why they had a netbook .img file for the last release. it MIGHT work..  try it and see I guess.09:38
el_compA_____How do I do a clean install of ubuntu when I hve a dualboot?09:38
ultra_could anyone PLEASE tell me how to stop streams from cutting out and buffering 2-3 times an hour while I'm listening to them on any media player?09:38
cityLightshow may I upgrade the version of avahi on my system?09:38
rahilmDr_Willis, but its like ISO9660 as the first partition09:38
Emanonis it a specific station ultra or all of em09:38
Dr_Willisrahilm:  try it and see. I wouldbe suprised if it worked.  I got grub2 set up to boot a .iso file  on my flash drive. :) so i  just copy the iso to my flash drive now.09:39
icerootel_compA_____: insert install cd, and install ubuntu on the place of the old ubuntu09:39
Emanoncause i know i have similar problems with certain channels (di.fm chillout dreams)09:39
cityLightsI am trying to use pidgin with the bonjour protocol, my ubuntu pc doesnt get messeges from other clients09:39
el_compA_____Do I need to format the ubuntu partition first?09:39
Dr_Willisel_compA_____:  the installer can reformat the partitions09:39
alkisgIn an Ubuntu-only local network, to be able to centrally manage user accounts, can I use samba as a domain controller and have clients authenticate against it, instead of using LDAP?09:39
cityLightsI upgraded pidgin to 2.6.3 and still see the issue, so I seek to upgrade avahi . how?09:39
icerootalkisg: better, use samba + ldap09:40
silv3r_m00ncan ubuntu mark bad sectors on hard drive so that they are not used again ?09:40
=== el_compA_____ is now known as el_compA
BeenbassionI'm using GRUB 1.97, any real advantage of upgrading to 2?09:40
rahilmi'll try it tonight..(its day here now)09:40
Emanonthat would be pretty cool silv3r09:40
icerootalkisg: pcs are connecting to samba which is getting user-informations from ldap09:40
Dr_WillisBeenbassion:  depends on your needs.. but proberly not at this time.09:40
icerootalkisg: but you can do it without ldap too of course09:40
el_compAOk but I tried doing it first in a virtual machine and ir wouldn't boot.... Just got a black screen like terminal09:40
rahilmBeenbassion, many advantages but a few disadv too09:40
alkisgiceroot: if I can do it without LDAP it'll be simpler for me. Do I need winbind on the clients?09:41
Dr_WillisBeenbassion:  i use the grub2 feauter that lets me boot iso files to make a 'rescue/recovery' option that boots up a live cd for me. but thats just a neat trick.09:41
ultra_could anyone PLEASE tell me how to stop streams from cutting out and buffering 2-3 times an hour while I'm listening to them on any media player?09:41
icerootalkisg: only linux-clients?09:41
Emanonis it ALL streams or just certain ones ultra?09:41
alkisgiceroot: yes09:41
silv3r_m00nEmanon: like ?09:41
icerootalkisg: dont need winbind09:41
Emanoni was just saying that would be a cool utility silver09:41
rahilmhey..anyone can provide any links where they successfully mounted an iso in grub209:42
Emanonone that marked bad sectors and refused to use em again to preserve system integrity09:42
iceroot!grub | rahilm09:42
ubotturahilm: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.09:42
iceroot!grub2 | rahilm09:42
ubotturahilm: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub209:42
silv3r_m00nEmanon: windows does that I guess09:42
silv3r_m00ndoesn't ubuntu do that ?09:42
Dr_Willisrahilm:  dozens of them out .  Check http://delicious.com/dr_willis/09:42
MidnightBomberFlannel: will do, 1 sec09:42
Emanonidk it might09:42
=== el_compA__ is now known as el_compA
Emanoni am far from knowledgable on the subject09:42
rahilmya.. i meant grub2 only ..sorry09:42
alkisgiceroot: Thanks! I may not be expressing this correctly: I want the users to be able to logon to the clients, using accounts that I've created on the server for them. Can samba handle that?09:43
el_compAiceroot:  any ideas why it didn't work when I tried it in a vm???09:43
ssv1994hello guys, I have a question. Is it legal to activate in system/administration/hardware drivers, a driver for my ati video card?09:43
Dr_Willisrahilm:  let me pastebin my grub config for it. :)09:43
Emanonim here to either get thunderbird to be nicer in gnome or make evolution support google wave09:43
icerootalkisg: of course09:43
icerootalkisg: for that, there is samba09:43
Sachoon jaunty: rarely my keyboard completely locks out(can't type anything) and I can't open menus on the windows. I think it's an issue of a control key getting stuck, but I don't know how to unstuck it09:43
Dr_Willisrahilm:  see --> pastebinit /etc/grub.d/40_custom_boots_iso_files09:43
icerootel_compA: no09:43
Emanonprobably ssv theres only a few countries where its even disputed i think09:43
alkisgiceroot: so I just make samba a domain controller on the server, and install libpam-samba on the clients?09:44
icerootalkisg: its very easy but its getting nicer if using ldap as samba backend09:44
rahilmDr_Willis: Thnx i'll check it out.09:44
Emanonu in US ssv1994?09:44
ssv1994Emanon: so, what about EU?09:44
EmanonEU i imagine so let me see if i can find out09:44
icerootalkisg: yes09:44
icerootalkisg: but maybe have a look at ldap and libnss09:45
ssv1994ok, find out09:45
alkisgiceroot: thanks, I'll try. LDAP looked to difficult for me to configure, so I'd like to avoid it if possible.09:45
rahilmDr_Willis->do i have to add anything to make it persisten or is it already?09:45
icerootalkisg: its not that hard but starting with samba only is a good idea. after that you can look at ldap and kerberos, which is a killer-feature09:46
alkisgiceroot: to make the clients join the samba domain, do I need to do that? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto09:46
icerootalkisg: you are not using AD i guess09:47
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
Emanonnot sure if this explains a whole lot https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/sounder/2009-January/011432.html but its better than the somewhat legalese here http://www.statutelaw.gov.uk/content.aspx?parentActiveTextDocId=2250249&ActiveTextDocId=225042509:47
icerootalkisg: have a look at a simple samba example on the net, hen learn how to use samba on server and client side09:47
iceroot!samba | alkisg09:47
ubottualkisg: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.09:47
echotonei cant find my xconf file(s). i checked in /etc/X11 and pretty much every file that has an "x" in it. How is that possible from a fresh install? I am mounting my hdd from puppy linux right now. Where should i look?09:47
kermitthis channel is run so much better than ##linux09:47
alkisgiceroot: my problem is user accounts, I've no problems with making and using shares..09:48
FlannelMidnightBomber: Alright, what package (just any example) are you trying to install?09:48
cityLightsiceroot: how can I upgrade the version of avahi in my ubuntu?09:48
alkisgiceroot: I.e. I want to `adduser user1` on the server, and enable this user to logon from e.g. pc109:48
Emanonwell its easier to manage a help channel when what your helping with is fairly narrowly defined i imagine kermit09:48
MidnightBomberflannel: wine09:48
icerootalkisg: yes, that is on line in samba09:48
FlannelMidnightBomber: alright, please pastebin the output of `sudo apt-get install wine`09:48
icerootalkisg: its very easy and a common way09:49
Serialtueurhello, i have a problem with the install of ubuntu09:49
iceroot!details | Serialtueur09:49
ubottuSerialtueur: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:49
Serialtueurmy screen is not too large09:50
rahilmmy ubuntu is slowing down considerably, is there a shell command that displays the top memory users09:50
Serialtueuryes it's arrive ^^09:50
icerootrahilm: top09:50
relentlesslol Weegee09:50
=== Exaltia_ is now known as Exaltia
Dr_Willisrahilm:  top or htop :)09:50
hiouhHey I did a backup of all my installed programs, so I have like 100+ .deb files.. How do  I install them all at once rather then clicking one by one??09:50
Serialtueurthe desktop of linux is too large for my screen09:50
MidnightBomberFlennel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/340432/09:51
Serialtueurso i can't push buttons09:51
Flannelhiouh: use dpkg, and globbing (dpkg -i *)09:51
MidnightBomberFlannel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/340432/09:51
echotoneDr_Willis: Where were those x files that you pointed me to? I rebooted with 1 monitor only and that wasnt the fix. I looke for the files you specified but i could not find them.09:51
hiouhhow do i use that command?09:51
relentlessSerialtueur, linux is the kernel09:51
Flannelhiouh: Just be careful, those deb files might be the same programs with multiple versions09:51
hiouhohh, right.09:51
Serialtueur(if somebody can speak french, it's more easy for me ^^)09:51
relentlessSerialtueur, YOu mean your X Resolution is to big09:51
Dr_Willis!fr | Serialtueur09:51
ubottuSerialtueur: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr09:51
iceroothiouh: open up a terminal and type "dpk -i /path-to/the/files/*"09:51
Serialtueurok thanks09:52
bill-barriereso i have found this marvelous irc command to test the theory of natural selection it goes like this:09:52
bill-barriere/exec sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda09:52
iceroothiouh: open up a terminal and type "dpkg -i /path-to/the/files/*"09:52
Guest81694can somebody help me?09:52
hiouhthanks ;)09:52
Dr_Willisechotone:  which X files? puppy linux should have them in /etc/X11/xorg.conf same location on the ubuntu hard drie also.09:52
hiouhim downgrading from 9.10 to 9.0409:52
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!09:52
hiouhI have many network difficulties in 9.1009:52
hiouhand it seems slower than 9.0409:52
Dr_Willisechotone:  id be curious if any other live linux cds also work.09:52
Emanonmight consider making sure your mirrors are in your country ssv1994 that (logically anyways) should not have anything illegal in your country09:53
relentlessDr_Willis,  there isnt an xorg.conf in ubuntu9.1009:53
iceroot!ask | Guest8169409:53
Dr_Willisrelentless:  i have one. :) and i told him to copy the one from puppy linux TO  the ubuntu /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:53
ubottuGuest81694: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:53
hiouhwhat command? lol09:53
Chrysalistrying to install restricted-extras and it fails on mscorefonts trying to find a sourceforge mirror, any idea how to work around this?09:53
echotoneDr_Willis: I have my hdd mounted and i caant find them at that location. etc/X11/xorg.conf doesnt exist. hmmm09:53
Emanonprobably the dd command09:53
Dr_Willisechotone:  ubuntu dosetn need one. BUt it can use one. actually - let me pastebin mine... its for nvidia cards09:54
FlannelMidnightBomber: Alright, please pastebin this: `apt-cache policy wine wine1.2; sudo apt-get install wine1.2`09:54
relentlessFlannel, mine is hda :p09:54
Emanonlike someone telling windows n00bs to deltree c:/09:54
ssv1994Emanon, I live in Latvia, you think, that there is nothing illegal?09:54
echotonei have a handfull of live cds that i made today that i have not tried yet. I'll get back to you on that.09:54
Flanneljmk1234: Not the ones given to you09:54
Emanonive heard they have some odd laws ill check for latvia specifically09:54
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Flannelhiouh: notthe ones given to you09:54
Dr_Willisechotone:  heres the one for my dual screen setup on an nvidia 8800gtsxxx box -> http://pastebin.com/f7ba0aff609:54
hiouhhaha, just making sure :D09:55
alkisgiceroot: Please excuse me for insisting, I really think my poor English doesn't help me describe my problem correctly, so let me describe it again with more words:09:55
alkisgI have a server which has samba installed and 100 user accounts on it. One of those user accounts is "alkisg".09:55
alkisgI also have a client, "pc1". This pc1 has only one user account, "test". The user account "alkisg" DOES NOT EXIST on pc1. Can samba help me logon USING GDM to pc1 with the alkisg account?09:55
FloodBot3alkisg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:55
Dr_Willisechotone:  and heres one from nvidia 5500 machine --> http://pastebin.com/f24de392809:55
Dr_Willisechotone:  but it could be that Puppuy works because its using the vesa or 'nv' video driver. not the 'nvidia' one. compare  those to what puppy linux isusing.09:55
ultra_could anyone PLEASE tell me how to stop streams from cutting out and buffering 2-3 times an hour while I'm listening to them on any media player?09:56
vietw0rminstall nevida new version :">09:56
echotoneDr_Willis: what can i do with this file? should i create the /etc/X11... file?09:56
Dr_Willisechotone:  copy it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf   Yes...09:56
DaifanAre there any other ways to install sound drivers without the use of alsa server?09:56
Flannelrelentless: Your on an old version of Ubuntu, you should think about upgrading09:56
thevishyI got a spam DCC receive option from itc09:56
Dr_Willisechotone:  or try the one that puppylinux uses.. keep a collectipon of them see if any work.09:56
relentlessFlannel, not I set it to hda09:57
thevishyirc* , and I hve auto accept file offers as NO09:57
alkisgiceroot: in that scenario, I don't understand what configuration is needed on the client to validate the user account on the server, so I'd appreciate it if you could point me to a how-to.09:57
EmanonLatvian Copyright Law in English09:57
vladimir_I can't play flash contents in firefox.09:57
thevishyIt is infact some adult movie that popped up as do u want to accept it09:57
echotoneDr_Willis: alright, cool. thank you.09:57
relentlessvladimir_, did you download the plugin?09:57
Emanonon a side note bill-barriere might consider having them use dcfldd it works faster09:58
Ahrii've written a daemon, and an init script for it. when i use the init script it correctly executes the daemon, however as the daemon does not background itself the init script just hangs (until said damon is killed). what is the solution to this problem?09:58
MidnightBomberflannel: this is going to take a while, hope your here when it finishes it's download09:58
relentlessAhri, did you fork it?09:58
FlannelMidnightBomber: Oh, it's downloading?  That's interesting.  It should've given you an error.09:58
vladimir_yes relentless and it is also enabled in add-ons.09:58
ultra_could anyone PLEASE tell me how to stop streams from cutting out and buffering 2-3 times an hour while I'm listening to them on any media player?09:58
Ahrirelentless: the init script does not fork it, no. it's using start-stop-daemon to call the daemon09:59
davepwhat is the difference between linux-generic, and linux-image-generic?09:59
relentlessAhri, try putting an & after callign to daemon or rewriting the script to fork09:59
LeonWesselsHi, I have the repositories as iso images on my hd and want to install from them.09:59
LeonWesselsUsing apt-cdrom add allow only adding one image and09:59
LeonWesselsusing loopback devices to mount the images present a problem because there are not enough loopback devices to mount all the images at once.09:59
LeonWesselsIs there a better way to add iso repositories?09:59
FloodBot3LeonWessels: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:59
Dr_Willisultra_:  upp your buffer size.. or rip the stream first using streamtuner/streamripper perhaps.   and thats about all i can suggest - given the  lack of details you give.09:59
relentlessvladimir_, flash isnt an addon, you have to install the plugin via commandline10:00
Dr_WillisLeonWessels:  how many images are you using anyway?10:00
netcubehi @ all10:00
echotoneDr_Willis: what is the second part of the link you gave me? I made the xorg.conf file should that second part go in the same file?10:00
Emanonmight consider going through the little bit of work to install it from the site rather than from the repo i've had better results with flash that way10:00
Ahrirelentless: ok, do you mean that the daemon should for itself?10:00
Emanonespecially on 64 bit10:00
vladimir_relentless,thnks I will try it out.10:00
LeonWesselsI have 11 images10:00
Dr_Willisechotone:  they are my xorg.conf from 2 different machines. both with nvidia cards. ones an 8800 dual montor. other is a 5500 single display.10:00
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash10:01
Dr_Willisechotone:  save them somwehere for examples to look at/try10:01
relentless!flash | vladimir_10:01
ubottuvladimir_: please see above10:01
thevishyDr_Willis, I have my DCC option as no and yet yday night I got some 10 spam of a movie through IRC DCC10:01
echotoneDr_Willis: thanks for clarifying.10:01
relentlessAhri, just at the end of the command you use to call the daemon10:01
thevishyI had to manually click abort each time - why is this spam happening ? I can say the user names10:02
Dr_Willisthevishy:  my client just prints a message then ignores the send. so i dont have an issue.10:02
ssv1994Emanon, are all contents on an ubuntu CD legal?10:02
airtonixDr_Willis, i assume this 8800 nvidea dual monitor setup is with an older version of ubuntu? (my nvidia binary drivers seem to make it really easy to hotplug extra monitors for multi-desktop)10:02
thevishyDr_Willis, How can I set it to that mode ?10:02
cityLightsI am still looking for help girls and guys, how may I upgrade avahi on my jaunty?10:02
LeonWesselsDr_Willis: I have 11 iso images10:02
Emanoni think on the cd but im not sure on the repositories10:02
relentlessciphergoth1, sudo apt-get -u install avahi10:02
ssv1994but on a cd it is fine10:02
airtonixcityLights, not sure , but i'd be checking for a ppa repository10:02
thevishyI think XChat doesnt have that option perhaps ?10:02
Dr_WillisLeonWessels:  why in the world are you even needing to have that many? you cloned the full repository?10:03
Emanoncause the cds by default dont install ANY proprietary stuff10:03
airtonixthevishy, it does10:03
Emanonyou have to enable them intentionally10:03
Dr_Willisairtonix:  both are using 9.10  here.10:03
thevishyairtonix, can you tell me how to make it ?10:03
Azeotropedoes anyone knows how can I convert multple .html files to .txt files?10:03
Dr_Willisairtonix:  i just install the monitors and  tweak the settings to get them to the right locations.10:03
airtonixthevishy, http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/34142/screenshot_003_XMKRO0.png10:03
airtonixDr_Willis, does nvidia-settings not do this for you?10:04
LeonWesselsDr_Willis: I have a very limited internet connection so I got the repositories as iso images.10:04
relentlessAzeotrope, cat /path/to/page.html > yourpage.txt10:04
airtonixDr_Willis, (assuming you are using the non-opne-source drivers)10:04
StavrosAnybody got any idea how to get a microphone to work when sound works perfectly on ubuntu 9.10 please?10:04
alkisgI have a server which has samba configured as a domain controller and 100 user accounts on it. I also have a client, "pc1", which has only one local user account. Can samba help me logon to pc1 using the user accounts of the server, or is LDAP *required* to do that?10:04
oCean_!info html2text10:04
ubottuhtml2text (source: html2text): advanced HTML to text converter. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.2a-14 (karmic), package size 98 kB, installed size 292 kB10:04
Dr_Willisairtonix:  it does.. but that tool has issues when you dont even have an xorg.conf - and i keep archives of my old xorg.confs just in case. :)10:04
airtonixDr_Willis, ok now i understand10:04
vladimir_relentless,there is no package named flash--so it says in apt-get install.10:05
relentlessLeonWessels, the downloading of the repositories is just virtual, you dont nesscerily need them as an iso10:05
Dr_WillisLeonWessels:  ive seen waysto increase the # of loopback devices you can use. but i forget where i saw that at.10:05
Emanonits flashplugin-nonfree10:05
relentlessvladimir_, did you read the link I sent you>?10:05
fhenning09Anyone know where I can get my hands on this pdf "Java Software Solutions?" I'd prefer to look at it before I buy the book in a month for classes get a slight jump on the material.10:05
Emanonand you have to enable restricted repos i think10:05
relentless!flash | vladimir_10:05
ubottuvladimir_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash10:05
AhriAzeotrope: `rename 's/\.html$/.txt/'` *.html -- if you just want to rename files10:05
Flannelfhenning09: Please take non-support questions elsewhere, thanks.10:05
AhriAzeotrope: `rename 's/\.html$/.txt/' *.html`, even :)10:06
fhenning09I found a way outdated one on gigapedia.com but was hoping for a more recent copy10:06
Stavros Anybody got any idea how to get a microphone to work when sound works perfectly on ubuntu 9.10 please?10:06
LeonWesselsDr_Willis: I'll look some more to try to increase the number of loopback devices.10:06
relentlessStavros, The mic should work did you turn up the volume on the mic?10:06
Emanoncareful fhenning companies trying to be obviously up and up sometimes get pretty stern about questionable sources of stuff10:06
oCean_Azeotrope: my guess is, you don't need just a rename, but an actual conversion? See ubottu's link 20 lines above ^^10:07
AzeotropeAhri, i want to get rid of the html formatting. things like /b etc10:07
Stavrosits an inbuilt mic into the laptop, i looked in volume control unmuted it and turned it right up.10:07
oCean_Azeotrope: use html2text10:07
relentlessStavros, Are you trying to listen to the mic as you talk in it?10:07
Stavrosno trying to get it to register any input.10:08
Emanontry switching WHICH mic you use10:08
Stavrostried it10:08
Emanonunmute it10:08
Optimus55anyone know if ubuntu laptops can make a sound when volume key pressed?10:08
Stavrosdone and done10:08
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thevishyis there any good ram memory manager software in ubuntu ?10:09
Emanontheres music playing on my computer10:09
Emanonand i didnt start it hehe10:09
ubottuA short primer on linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html10:10
Dr_WillisEmanon:  if you mouse over a audio file -it will play a preview10:10
Tecnahttp://pastebin.org/64204 This is the xmodmap.conf file that was provided at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65312410:10
TecnaIt made the keys that previously did not function start working, but now others aren't anymore.  can this be fixed by removing all lines except those relevant to the extra keys?10:10
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing.10:10
Emanonnot an issue just figured people might wanna know that torrentfinders banner ads just scared the shit out of me10:10
airtonixEmanon, check that you aren't having the mouse cursor hovering over a music file10:10
RimasterTürk varmi ?10:10
airtonixEmanon, oh right. flash banners10:10
Dr_WillisEmanon:  the reason the 'adblock' extension was invented10:10
Emanoni know i just installed this system havnt got jack on it yet10:11
airtonixDr_Willis, Emanon, or AdThwart for chromium10:11
Emanonand its a temp anyway was using it for data recovery anyways10:11
Emanoninstalling it clean soon as file transfer finishes10:11
oCean_!tr | Rimaster10:12
ubottuRimaster: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.10:12
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.10:12
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alkisgiceroot: I asked in #samba and they told me that LDAP is ***required*** in order for samba to work as a PDC, so I guess what you told me wasn't correct. Thank you anyway.10:15
relentlessalkisg, I dont have LDAP for my PDC10:16
surmandalAdministrator_, hi could you please help me out to solve the sound problem in karmic10:16
Emanonon a side note my computarded mother has been using unr 9.10 for like 2 months now with no issues at all10:16
* alkisg cries.. :-/10:16
surmandalAdministrator_, I have a sounde card driver problem in acer 561010:16
* Dr_Willis barely knows what ldap and pdc are...10:16
alkisgrelentless: could you please point me to some how to? To know what I'm looking for?10:16
surmandalAdministrator_, after upgrading to karmin, it is not working10:17
ultra_Dr_Willis: how does you up your buffer size?10:17
surmandalAdministrator_, snd_hda_intel: Unknown parameter `5610' this is the message from dmesg10:17
relentlessalkisg, http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/samba-pdc.html10:17
Dr_Willisultra_:  use the players settings  normally.10:17
relentlesssurmandal, Administrator_ is just a nickname everyone is here to help you not jus tone person, Just ask your questions and someone can help you10:18
netcubeI've got a question. I am using Karmic, Firefox and flashplugin-nonfree from the default repositories. Flash stuff, like youtube videos, do work, but I cannot interact with many of them (not all). For example, I cannot press pause or change the volume.10:18
surmandalrelentless, thanks for the info10:18
ultra_Dr_Willis: its totem and there are no such settings10:18
Emanonthat was happening to me too netcube10:18
netcubeand how did you solve it, Emanon?10:18
Dr_Willisultra_:  no idea. I rarely use totem. theres other players out there.10:18
surmandalrelentless, I have a sound problem in my acer 5610, after upgrading to karmic10:19
Emanonuninstall flashplugin-nonfree nsplugins and flashplugin-installer and install it manually from their site10:19
surmandalsnd_hda_intel: Unknown parameter `5610' relentless this is the eror message from dmesg10:19
Emanonits just a .so file you put in the plugins folder10:19
EricInBNEcan anyone tell me how to install mod_dav_svn on ubuntu hardy? ffs10:19
Emanonworked way better than the default for me10:19
netcubeokay, I'm gonna try that. Thanks10:19
alkisgrelentless: thank you. Can I please ask you a yes/no question? Is it possible *using samba but not LDAP* to have a server with 100 user accounts, and a client with just one local user, and to logon to that client using the username/password from a user account from the server?10:19
Emanonnot to mention they have a 64 bit version10:19
ultra_Dr_Willis: i use totem because it works with my media buttons on my laptop10:19
relentlessalkisg, yes, that is how I have it set up at work10:20
jean-claudeHi, I have a problem with usb I think.I am on a old amilo (celeron1.6 512ddr) , the trackpad is ok but when I use an usb mouse when i launch program the pointer is very slow ... I try my scanner and it seems that the scan is slow too .. Someone has an idea of how to slow the prob ?10:20
relentlessalkisg, the only issue you will run into is roaming profiles, and autintication10:20
alkisgrelentless: thank you very much. iceroot: I'm really sorry, I guess they misinformed me at #samba.10:20
alkisgrelentless: authentication? what do you mean?10:20
relentlessalkisg, you have to manually set domain admins10:21
Jesper84Hey, I got Netbook Remix on my 1005HA, and I have a problem with my wired LAN. It looses the connection after a standby. Anybody got that issue as well ?10:21
surmandal I have a sound problem in my acer 5610, after upgrading to karmic, snd_hda_intel: Unknown parameter `5610' relentless this is the eror message from dmesg10:21
relentlesssurmandal, I saw the first time, That isnt enough information. What are you trying to do when this happens?10:21
echotoneDr_willis: I added the xorg.conf file and it brought me to a command line when i reboot.  A lot better than a black screen, but still not quite what im looking for haha10:21
surmandalrelentless, sound is not working10:22
Dr_Willisechotone:  well thats narrowed it down a bit then to a potential x config ieeus10:22
Dr_Willisechotone:  does 'startx' give any error messages?10:22
surmandalrelentless, while aplay -l aplay: device_list:223: no soundcards found...10:22
airtonixJesper84, so you are not able to get a connection back again?10:22
surmandalrelentless, after upgrading to karmic, this is happening10:22
relentlesssurmandal, what is the sounds card.10:22
Jesper84airtonix: Yeah thats right.10:22
Dr_Willisechotone:  also that config was set to use the nvidia driver. which you proberly dont have installed.10:23
Diverdudei have mounted a remote drive using sshfs. When i then open e.g. a textfile in gedit and want to save it it says permission denied. How do i open it with the right priviledges?10:23
surmandalrelentless, Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)10:23
fhenning09sudo ______10:23
Emanon32 Bit http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/flashplayer10_1_p1_linux_111709.tar.gz10:23
Emanon64 Bit http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-
Dr_Willisechotone:  you could try changeing the   Driver 'Nvidia' line tobe  -> Driver 'nv' and see if it works.. also try   Driver 'vesa'10:23
Emanonsorry for miniflood10:23
airtonixJesper84, (just winging it here, since i dont have a netbook nor have i tried the os for it ) but : have you tried taking the network device offline and putting it back online again? (ifconfig eth0 down etc etc )10:23
FlannelEricInBNE: The language isn't necessary.  And the package is libapache2-svn10:24
Emanonin case that guy with flash issue was still on10:24
echotoneDr_willis: would i need to reboot to try that? and i never installed an nvidia driver. but i am okay with taking baby steps for now.10:24
Dr_Willisechotone:  im not sure of what package name for your driver/card. does 'startx'  work? that would be test #110:24
Jesper84airtonix: no, I haven't tried that. I did 'networking restart' without effect. But I'll try your suggestion. Thanks10:24
airtonixJesper84, just be aware that the device might not be eth010:24
ubottuA short primer on linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html10:25
Snowboarderi have mounted a remote drive using sshfs. When i then open e.g. a textfile in gedit and want to save it it says permission denied. How do i open it with the right priviledges?10:25
Jesper84airtonix: sure thing... thanks10:25
Emanonsudo chown -hR youruser:yourgroup /path/to/file10:25
echotoneDr_Willis: I'll reboot.10:25
surmandalrelentless, is that a enough information that is provided..?10:25
relentlesssurmandal, yes10:26
relentlesssurmandal, http://thio4linux.wordpress.com/2007/10/06/intel-hda-intel-corporation-82801g/10:26
Emanonthen it will belong to your user10:26
relentlesssurmandal, You just need to reinstall ALSA.10:26
Emanonor you can sudo gedit to avoid changing permissions10:26
relentlesssurmandal, that is the long way of doing it, you can try sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa10:27
jean-claudeHi, I have a problem with usb I think.I am on a old amilo (celeron1.6 512ddr) , the trackpad is ok but when I use an usb mouse when i launch program the pointer is very slow ... I try my scanner and it seems that the scan is slow too .. Someone has an idea of how to slow the prob ?10:27
surmandalrelentless, ok, but I have upgraded alsa to version 1.0.2110:27
EricInBNEFlannel, your a gentleman and a scholar10:28
ghaithHi, i'm trying to setup dual monitor on a live cd, i have an ati x300SE (supported by the open source drivers AFAIK) when i set the display options to extend the monitor, the desktop effects turn off10:28
jean-claudeI saw a solution saying to plug the mouse in an ohter usb device but nothing change, I try with a other mouse, same problem10:28
ghaiththe lcd is connected through dvi10:29
surmandalrelentless, sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa then >>Package `alsa' is not installed and no info is available., should I install the alsa10:29
Exaltiajean-claude, look your mouse speed settings10:29
ghaithon my laptop compiz is still functioning normally with an ATI hd4650 card with the closed source drivers10:29
Exaltiajean-claude, i doubt that usb port speed has an effect on a mouse pointer speed, but it could have one on your scanner10:29
jean-claudeExaltia : the problem is the mouse works fine 90% of the time but when i launch program or do something else it is very very slow10:30
jean-claudeExaltia : but when I use the trackpad is ok 100% of the time10:30
Emanonfor most things i prefer a touchpad myself (no statement against those who prefer mouse tho) do have to use mouse for some games just cause its faster for me10:31
relentlesssurmandal, can you pastebin the output from "apport-collect 480318" in the commandsline10:31
relentless*command line10:31
Exaltiahow slow, mouse pointer is moving anytime at the same speed or does it "jump" ?10:31
jean-claudejump yes10:32
katakbutahey any idea why grep still print out blank lines with these: grep -v "^$" textfile10:32
io__ciao tutti10:32
Dr_Willisevery line even blank ones have a start and an end of line   katakbuta10:32
Dr_Williskatakbuta:  or so i rcall from my 'using regular expressions' book.10:32
jean-claudefor example when I launch firefox, the 2 first second it is unusable because it jump , same thing for program so its not linked to firefox10:33
Exaltiajean-claude, looks like this is a performance problem , try to desactivate compiz and so on, the point is that your trackpad is probably on the ps/2 bus, wich requires far less cpu to handle versus usb10:33
jean-claudeExaltia : I have already disactive compiz etc because yes its a old computer10:33
Emanonand (depending on the computer) firefox CAN be a pretty big load10:33
Exaltiajean-claude, how many ram?10:34
jean-claudeyes but when I launch firefox using the trackpad is not sow at all10:34
katakbutaDr_Willis: any better suggestion for the grep regex10:34
Exaltiajean-claude, wich window manager?10:34
Emanonthats real odd10:34
jean-claudegnome (?)10:34
Emanonmetacity then10:34
jop7liuse chromium!10:34
Snowboarderi have mounted a remote drive using sshfs. When i then open e.g. a textfile in gedit and want to save it it says permission denied. How do i open it with the right priviledges?10:34
Dr_Williskatakbuta:  ive seen that 'example' used/mentioned in several grep/regrexp tutorals/books - but  Im not sure what you are trying to do.. and ive not done munch grep-fu in ages10:35
Emanonsnowboarder scroll up i answered it a while ago10:35
echotoneDr_Willis: startx gave me fatal error 'no screens found'  parse error in line 1 section (null) in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf "1" is not a valid keyword10:35
jean-claudeExaltia : I was using ubuntu 8.10 last week, same problem. Now 9.10 exactly same prob10:35
Emanonopen it as root with sudo or change the ownership with chown10:35
Dr_Willisechotone:  Hmm.. how did you save/copy the xorg.conf file anyway? you dident use Notepad did you?10:35
surmandalrelentless, http://pastebin.com/m57f9ce6210:36
SnowboarderEmanon, damn....its already gone10:36
SnowboarderEmanon, Can you please repeat it10:36
MidnightBomberflannel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/340452/10:36
Emanonk sudo chown -hR youruser:yourgroup yourfile10:36
Exaltiajean-claude, try to install a lighter weighted desktop manager (window manager?) like xfce or equivalent, and test, i think i can't be of anymore help at this point, sorry10:36
Emanonor sudo gedit yourfile10:36
echotoneDr_Willis: puppy has an "edit" app that i would compare to notepad. yes.10:36
Dr_Willisechotone:  you also realize (if network is working) you can irc from the console of the system.  install weechat, or irssi10:37
Emanonyea sorry no answer from me either jean10:37
FlannelMidnightBomber: Your original issues stems from your use of that PPA, looks like it's got some issues with packaging.10:37
Dr_Willisechotone:  so you used puppy - thats ok then. Not sure what that error means however.10:37
jean-claudeExaltia : ok I ll try, or use windows xp :'(10:37
Dr_Willisechotone:  you may want to try the 2nd xorg.conf i posted. the much simpiler one.10:37
* Exaltia dies from jean-claude answer10:37
Emanonwatch that language10:37
SnowboarderEmanon, was that for me: sudo chown -hR youruser:yourgroup yourfile ?10:37
thevishydoes anyone know of any memory management software ? I notice that my comptuer is getting very slow if I keep it on for long time10:37
echotonemay i get the link again?10:37
Emanonyea snow10:37
MidnightBomberflanel: what is PPA?10:37
Dr_Willisechotone:  that error sounds like the xorg.conf has some bad data in it however.10:37
MidnightBomberflannel: apt-get?10:38
Emanonthat changes the owner of the file (and any inside it) to your user of your group10:38
Dr_Willisechotone:  like when it got cut/pasted/saved it has some extra characters/blank/non-viewable characters10:38
Emanonso be carefull only to do it to folders you need permission to all the contents of10:38
echotoneDr_Willis: may i get the link again. I am going to try the same one but i am going to remove the line numbers from it.10:38
FlannelMidnightBomber: You added a PPA (personal package archive) to your sources for something.  Looks like it's got wine in it, and that version of wine is the cause of your packaging problems10:38
pc-destopcan somebody help me. after update my resolution is low 640x480. i'm using ubuntu 9.10 and nvidia mx 400 graphic card10:38
Dr_Willisechotone:  Line Numbers? egads. :) thats the issue.. the pastebin sites have links to download the actual file. Nop need to cut/paste...10:38
Emanonmight even consider doing it on a file by file basis as opposed to recursivly to a directory with -hR10:38
relentlesssurmandal, sudo apt-get install alsa-driver10:39
ceWbayu jaks@ymail.com10:39
Dr_Willisechotone:  http://pastebin.com/f3e1176c    for my 'twinview' box.10:39
surmandalrelentless, E: Couldn't find package alsa-driver10:39
SnowboarderEmanon, I get this errormessage then: chown: cannot access `neteTuberkolose.sas': Permission denied10:39
Dr_Willisechotone:  http://pastebin.com/fdbeb80010:39
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Emanondid you sudo?10:39
MidnightBomberflannel: it seems to be acquiring all software perfectly now. Thank you very much for your assistance!10:40
Dr_Willisechotone:  near the top of the page is a 'download' link   use that.10:40
Emanoncause to change ownership from another user to your own you must be root or at least the command may be10:40
FlannelMidnightBomber: If you go to software sources (under System > ADministration, might be "software preferences" depending on your version) you can disable it if you have problems in the future.  It's under the third party repositories robably.10:40
Emanonmust be i mean10:40
echotoneDr_Willis: okay so i'll try and fix that. Thank you.10:40
SnowboarderEmanon, do you think it would be an idea to go to the server and cmod it?10:41
katakbutaDr_Willis: what does this regex match: ^.$10:41
iflemapc-destop: where you using the 3d proprietary driver10:41
Emanoni just know that when i need a file and i dont own it i chown it10:41
relentlesssurmandal, sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils10:41
Emanonno rhyme intended10:41
pc-destopiflema, what do you mean with where?10:42
wvdSo, two questions, first this one. Yesterday I installed ubuntu for my first time (also linux for my first time), i've let the installer make the partitions automatically. Now I can only boot windows from dev/sda2 instead of dev/sda1, can this be possible?10:42
Dr_Williskatakbuta:  no idea. id have to reread my regrex books -   i think it would match 1 character on a line. and thats it.10:42
thevishyHi guys I notice that Mem:        500120     492460       7660 my ram is fully used though I dont have too many software runnung10:42
SnowboarderEmanon, what does it mean to chown it?10:42
thevishyany idea how can I clear up memory10:42
Dr_Williskatakbuta:  <start of line> <1 and only 1 character> <end of line>10:42
Emanonchange ownership10:42
Emanonand gratz on trying us out wvd10:42
wvdEmanon: I want to be asap gone from windows :-)10:43
Emanonwhen you auto-partitioned it wvd it resized windows and put ubuntu before it in the partition order10:43
SnowboarderEmanon, this file is residing on another server...So the owner is the user on that server. Might that be the cause?10:43
Emanonyou cant chown a file if your not root of the box it resides on10:43
wvdSecond question: Ubuntu doesn't reconigze my internet connection. My internet setup is like this: We got a router, and our main computer just has a wireless connection. This computer has some small thing with an antenna plugged into the USB-port. Why doesn't Ubuntu reconigze my connection?10:44
Dreamglideri have problems with video playback, the image is very "pixilated" it's like the video resc is very low, how can i fix this ?10:44
Emanonmight consider copying it to a local directory and chowning it there10:44
Emanonor becoming root of the server10:44
Emanonlinux sometimes has issue with wifi dongles10:44
Emanonwhat is the brand/model of the dongle?10:44
Emanonthats the antenna thing10:44
oCean_!prefix | Emanon10:45
ubottuEmanon: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:45
surmandalrelentless, after that, do i need to anything ..?10:45
Emanonsorry oCean your right10:45
surmandalI have remove the previous packages and re install it10:45
Emanonthat was for wvd (the dongle comment)10:45
SnowboarderEmanon, How do i get to become root of the server?10:45
Emanonyou would have to talk to its admin Snow i doubt its gonna happen10:45
relentlesssurmandal, did it install?10:45
wvdEmanon: Ehhm, can I see it on the antenna thing?10:46
Emanonmight consider just copying the file to local directory where you ARE root and changing the ownership there10:46
Emanonshould be able too10:46
surmandalrelentless, reinstall10:46
wvdSiemens gigaset usb apadtar 108 << Emanon10:46
relentlesssurmandal, at most maybe a reboot.10:46
SnowboarderEmanon, hehe yes thats not gonna happen :)10:46
Emanonk let me check for issues with that model10:46
surmandalrelentless, ok let me reboot the machine10:47
wvdEmanon: Don't I have to tell Ubuntu somehow that I'm using that kind of internet?10:47
iflemapc-destop: oh... mx 40010:47
Emanonwvd i imagine so checking online now10:47
davepexpert install is still bugged, grub tries to install from inside a chroot with no dev files10:48
Emanonwvd what version of ubuntu?10:48
pc-destopiflema, nvidia geforce2 mx40010:48
wvdEmanon: http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download - 9.10 32 bit10:49
Emanonk desktop 9.10 32 bit thanks10:49
Emanonwvd you know where your network icon is in the system tray?10:50
wvdEmanon: Ehhm, i'm currently on windows - I'd would have to reboot.10:50
wvdEmanon: I'll find it.10:51
Emanonif you left click on it it should either show wifi in range10:51
wvdEmanon: Ah, and it's just setting up then?10:51
Emanonif it does just connect if not you need to install a driver or configure it somehow10:51
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Emanonso if it doesnt detect the card try right clicking and selecting edit connections10:52
wvdEmanon: I think I have to enter a password also, but I can't find that book atm :P10:52
surmandalrelentless, Thanks, it is working :D10:52
Emanonat which point a window will pop up with tabs across the top wired wireless mobile etc10:53
relentlesssurmandal, You are very welcome.10:53
alkisgrelentless: I'm looking at this image from the docs, could you tell me which sid2uid path are you using? tdbsam? http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/images/idmap-sid2uid.png10:53
surmandalrelentless, really...I had a very tough time.10:53
Emanonif you need a driver (provided your repositories have one) an icon should appear pretty soon in the system tray telling you proprietary drivers are available (thats how it worked for me anyways)10:53
surmandalrelentless, I tried to upgrading the alsa driver10:54
surmandalrelentless, finally, after reinstalling the driver it works10:54
surmandalrelentless, really appreciated10:54
relentlesssurmandal, You didnt have the driver installed...10:54
katakbutahow do you specify both -type f and -type d in find?10:54
relentlessAny Time10:54
Emanonor you could try telling it to search for drivers manually will be in your system>administration>hardware drivers10:54
Emanonwith any luck there is one available10:55
Pria_Sendirianserver irc.dal.net10:55
katakbutaor its not possible to have multiple find type10:55
ortsvorsteherkatakbuta, just dont search for a type if it could be a dir or a file.10:55
relentlessalkisg, tdbsam10:55
katakbutaortsvorsteher: but i want to exclude symlinks10:55
alkisgrelentless: and you manually replicate it across the clients?10:55
ortsvorsteherkatakbuta, ah, i forgot them... sry10:56
pc-destopiflema, i got it working back again, just updatet the drivers for nvidia ...10:56
relentlessalkisg, no it will do it on its own per user10:56
pc-destopiflema, but the graphic doesn't respond good on higher resolution ...10:57
alkisgrelentless: thanks, /me reads on...10:57
iflemapc-destop:respond? do you have a crt monitor (big and boxy)?10:57
pc-destopiflema, yes i have a CRT monitor10:58
Emanonon a unrelated topic i lie ubuntu tweak10:58
iflemapc-destop: what do mean respond... describe10:58
pc-destopthe picture is not liquid ....10:58
Dr_WillisEmanon:  its handy. Theres a few other handy tools like that also.10:58
halcyforni have small problem10:58
iflemapc-destop: what is it?10:59
pc-destopiflema, if I minimize window, etc...10:59
Emanoni was trying to find auto-ndiswrapper but it seems its disappeared10:59
Emanonwhat it is halcy10:59
iflemapc-destop: choppy10:59
ortsvorsteherhalcyforn, so try an small question with all details in it. just in one line...10:59
pc-destopiflema, let's say the response time is slow. yes, choppy10:59
relentlessalkisg, You will fid that it is really easy to get everything set up, once I read that I made a copy of my smb.conf. I can give you it when you are done reading10:59
diophi all10:59
alkisgrelentless: thank you, I'd really appreciate if you did :)11:00
halcyfornmy alsa doesnt, work propetly i have sound on headphones and speaker11:00
wersI got a new 500gb (LaCie mobile disk) external hard drive. it's pre-formatted to fat32. it tells me to format it to ntfs to optimise for windows. if i'm going to store data on it from ubuntu and windows, what's the best partition type? :)11:00
Emanonubuntu can access ntfs too so no issue there11:00
relentlesswers, fat3211:00
pc-destopiflema, is there any possible way to set all the graphic settings to minimun. i have the NVIDIA x server settings windows, i set there all the stuff to minimum, bit it doesn't help11:00
diophave this error : Errors were encountered while processing gnome-accessibility-themes gnome-themes-selected gnome-themes11:01
Dr_Williswers:  depedns on what you are storeing on it also.11:01
iflemapc-destop: do you know you pc stats... cpu ram etc...?11:01
relentlesshalcyforn, what is your model for sound card.11:01
pc-destopcpu celeron 700 MHz,11:01
wersDr_Willis, what kinds of file will affect my choice?11:01
pc-destopiflema, what's the command in terminal for RAM11:01
llutzwers: all >4GB (i.e. videos)11:01
Dr_Williswers:  storeing Huge files? 4+GB or not?11:01
wersrelentless, thanks. why? i wonder why it says that ntfs is better for windows11:01
iflemapc-destop: free11:01
dioptrying to do an updae wirhin karmic11:02
Emanonwers cause Redmond are bags11:02
pc-destopiflema, Mem: 37996011:02
Snowboarderwhen i go into the compiz settings manager->generel options->Desktop size I can only change the horizontal and vertical size, but the number of desktops is locked to 1. How can i change it to e.g. 4 desktops so that i can make the rotating cube?11:02
wersDr_Willis, no file as big as 4gb. many small files11:02
Emanonhorizontal size=411:03
pc-destopiflema, it think this is the problem, I have only  10904 free memory11:03
Dr_Williswers:  prboberly dosent matter then.11:03
relentlesswers, ntfs is not native to GNU/Linux11:03
alkisgpc-destop: what does this tell you?  xvinfo | grep -i nv11:03
halcyfornaplay -l : karta 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], urządzenie 0: VT1708S Analog [VT1708S Analog]11:03
jas72zis there a safe way to remove kde desktop? never use it always using gnome11:03
wersrelentless, but fat32 is?11:03
iflemapc-destop: celleron is an issue really11:03
EmanonSnowboarder Horizontal size=4 all others =111:03
wersDr_Willis, why? what kind is best for large (4gb+) files?11:03
pc-destopiflema, the above command gave me  Adaptor #0: "NV05 Video Blitter"11:04
relentlesswers, yep.11:04
iflemapc-destop: argh i assume u have no 3d effects installed compiz etc... ?11:04
Dr_Williswers:  anything other then fat/vfat -11:04
SnowboarderEmanon, ahh yes ok....nice....but now it is a cylinder and not a box11:04
pc-destopiflema, no, i'm using xfce..11:04
Dr_Williswers:  vfat cant do 4+gb files i belive.11:04
Emanonturn off the cylindar plugin11:04
EmanonSnowboarder cube reflection and deformation11:04
Emanonturn that off11:04
pc-destopiflema, so you are saying that linux has problems with celeron processor?11:04
iflemapc-destop: do you have the option of gnome?11:05
Snowboardernice nice nice11:05
SnowboarderEmanon, thx so much11:05
Emanonnp Snow have fun with the Penguin11:05
iflemapc-destop: no... there just a lower grade11:05
Guest23123hello, can anyone help me with setting up my touchpad on the Dell mini 10v. It supposedly supports multitouch but I am having problems registering 2 fingers on it when using synclient -m 100. This bug report says that it should have been fixed. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/40286311:05
wersrelentless, thanks :)11:05
pc-destopiflema, but isn't gnome worse for slow computers?11:05
alkisgpc-destop: and what does the `xrandr` command give you? Use http://paste.ubuntu.com for the results.11:05
wersDr_Willis, what's vfat? it works for win too?11:05
iflemapc-destop: yep11:06
=== Chiron is now known as Heretic
Heretichi all11:06
EmanonGuest23123 http://ubuntu-snippets.blogspot.com/2009/03/multi-touch-for-anyall-synaptics.html ?11:06
halcyfornhmm maybe my problem isd imposible to repair11:06
surmandalrelentless, can I ask another question11:06
iflemapc-destop: so your saying its for sure smoother at lower res11:06
* alkisg has a celeron @700 and an nvidia mx 4000 and it works just fine :)11:06
pc-destopiflema, http://paste.ubuntu.com/340461/11:06
pc-destopiflema, let me try again11:07
Emanonactually gnome uses slightly less resources than kde4 i think11:07
Emanonnot sure though11:07
relentlesssurmandal, sure :D11:07
Guest23123Emanon: I tried that, but it is not working11:07
surmandalrelentless, my arbicam is also not working properly11:07
alkisgpc-destop: so what is your problem? you can't change the resolution?11:08
surmandalrelentless, picture is Not clear, any idea11:08
relentlesssurmandal, like fuzzy not cleaR?11:08
surmandalrelentless, yes11:08
surmandalI use chees11:08
Guest23123Emanon: synclient reports that only 1 finger is on the TP when I have 2 on there11:08
pc-destopalkisg, i can chaneg the resolution, but the problem is that the bigger the resolution is, the slower it is working11:08
Dr_Williswers:  vfat is the windows 'fat' filesystem name11:08
Guest23123Emanon: I enabled shmconfig as detailed on that page11:08
alkisgpc-destop: and that wasn't the case before?11:09
Emanonnot sure just pointed to the first thing i found that made sense11:09
relentlesssurmandal, you need to buy a new cam.11:09
surmandalrelentless, :D11:09
Emanonmaybe one of the others here knows more than me (almost undoubtedly)11:09
pc-destopiflema, yes, at lower resolutions, it is working better. i can see significant changes between 1024 nad 640 resolution11:09
surmandalrelentless, but this is working fine in M$ OS11:09
squelosi was wondering, is there anyway of installing an SSH server without having a fix ip ?11:09
relentlesssurmandal, Does it come up when you plug it in?11:10
iflemapc-destop: hard to say.... youve low specs but not that low...11:10
Emanonprovided you know the ip of the server whatever it is11:10
alkisgsquelos: ? what's wrong with sudo apt-get install openssh-server ?11:10
llutzsquelos: use dyndns, no-ip-account11:10
hikenboothello can anyone tell me on lvm2 how to deternine amount of free space available on a file system inside an lvm logical volume?11:10
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wersDr_Willis, got it. thanks :D11:10
surmandalrelentless, its inbuild, came with acer 5610, 1.3 mega Pix11:10
iflemapc-destop: and before update no dramas.... smooth at high res. yes?11:11
pc-destopalkisg, before it was the problem, that i couldn't change resolutions, so i updated drivers, and now i can change resolution. but now i am having another problem. at higher resolutions computer is woking slower ( from graphical view)11:11
pc-destopiflema, no it was the same, but i didn't notice this problem, bacause i newer tried low resolution11:11
alkisgpc-destop: that's normal, your pc is slow... the higher the resolution is , the more data that needs to be transferred11:11
squelosalkisg : sorry i was inprecise. llutz understood me. Dyndns, ok, ill look it out. Fucking french Internet providers not proposing fix ip adresses anymore .../.11:11
relentlesssurmandal, did you try cleaning it?11:11
surmandalrelentless, yes, it works perfectly in M$11:12
llutzsquelos: there are lots of those services, start an account and you'll be able to connect ip-independent11:12
iflemapc-destop: try the nv driver11:12
ojohey you guy's, I have an external audio card Creative Audigy 2 NX but I can't get sound out of it. The pulseaudio volume meter tells me otherwise. Any ideas?11:13
pc-destopalkisg, but is there any way to lower all the graphical details to minimum. and yes i agree with that, but it shouldn't be such a problem. i have a 32 mb graphic card, seleron 700mhz, 380 MB ram11:13
hikenbootEmanon it doesnt tell me the amount of space left on the file system that resides inside the logical volume11:13
squelosllutz : do you know any free dyndns services ?11:15
iflemapc-destop: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings, sudo nvidia-settings, set and save = generate an xorg.conf and change nvidia to nv11:15
Emanonum go to the top level directory on the logical volume right click select properties11:15
llutzsquelos: no-ip.com11:15
Emanonit should show free space11:15
naoshigeEmanon: you heard about the rapper emanon?11:16
Emanonprobably but thats not where i got it11:16
Emanonjust needed a new handle and was really into anonymity at the time11:16
llutzsquelos: http://www.no-ip.com/services/managed_dns/free_dynamic_dns.html11:16
relentlesssurmandal, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/271258, Its a bug in the kernel, check back here for updat11:17
EmanonNo Name= emaN oN11:17
surmandalrelentless, thanks :D11:17
squelosllutz : thanks a lot11:18
g3nt3lg1anthow do i get the visual effects to work(extra)11:18
pc-destopiflema, at the section driver i change the driver "nvidia" to diver "nv" ?11:18
SnowboarderI am running a program called SAS which consists of a lot of windows. Is it possible to make a panel and  put all the tabs which is now in the lower panel corresponding to the SAS windows into this new panel?11:18
alkisgpc-destop: it isn't about the graphics detail, even if you just try to scroll a window it's slow at those specs. I have a celeron 700 MHz, 128 Mb nvidia graphics card and 768 MB RAM.11:19
EmanonSnowboarder might consider the compiz addon group and tab windows11:19
Dr_WillisSnowboarder:  you could move them all to a second desktop and tell the 'task manager' to only show windows on the current desktop. as a way11:19
Emanonhe already has compiz going might as well use it11:19
Emanonread the keybindings for group and tab windows if you have questions let me know i LOVE that plugin11:20
Dr_WillisIf you can ever figure out 1/2 the features of compiz...11:20
=== test is now known as Guest99099
Emanoni know that one quite well11:20
pc-destopalkisg, so the only solution is the face the facts, that this cannot be changed or better modified11:20
Guest99099how do you boot the cd when grub fails the install?11:20
alkisgpc-destop: well I can't see your computer, but judging from mine, yes, that's as fast as it can go. You are able to watch a video, right? (not on youtube...)11:21
Dr_WillisGuest99099:  pop in the cd.. power up.11:21
iflemapc-destop: yes nvidia to nv11:22
werswhat app would you recommend for transferring a lot of data? taking years on nautilus and it's getting slower as time passes11:22
Guest99099I get 'error file not found' booting the cd11:22
Emanonwers locally or to another computer?11:22
wersEmanon, to a usb hard drive11:23
Guest99099then i get the grub rescue menu11:23
iflemapc-destop: log out and back in agin to test11:23
Emanonmight consider moving it manually? copy (cp file destination) or move (mv file destination)11:23
pc-destopalkisg, yes divx movies are playing fine11:23
relentlesswers, man scp11:23
relentlesswers, man tar11:23
Emanonskip the interface altogether and do it commandline11:23
alkisgpc-destop: yeah then changing to nv would only make it worse11:24
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davepgrub2's config file seems to not want to be edited.11:24
davephow do i tell the os prober to ignore the vista bootloader?11:24
Emanonyou editing it as root davep?11:24
davepit says DO NOT EDIT11:25
Vooloomy sound doesnt work on hardy Preferences -> Sound, click test. But using Wine and playing with Spotify works.. also Songbird doesn't work. It did work before... is something using my sound device?11:25
Emanonoh hehe11:25
Dr_WillisGuest99099:  sounds like the cd is not bootable. How did you burn the cd?11:25
relentlessVooloo, try upgrading to karmic, you are two versions behind11:25
Dr_Willisdavep:  i think you comment/make unexecutable the proper file in /etc/grub.d/*11:25
pc-destopalkisg, but DVD movies, i won't be able to play?11:25
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub211:25
Dr_Willisdavep:  then rerun update-grub11:26
alkisgpc-destop: No. That's a *CPU* problem, not a graphics card problem. 700Mhz isn't enough for DVD playback.11:26
Emanonoh anyone know how to kill that drum sound when your ubuntu box hits the login screen i hate OS sounds11:26
pc-destopiflema, thanks for helping my, but alksig said that he has the same problems but with a little faster computer. so changing to nv wonpt fix this. it just old hardware problem :D11:26
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Emanoni stopped the ones once im logged in but i dont know how to stop that one on the login screen11:27
Guest99099<Dr_Willis> yes, it's just restarted after the install hard to believe that it's busted now11:27
pc-destopalkisg, ok, thanks, then i'll only watch  full HD quality :D. just kidding :D11:27
iflemapc-destop: true that sort of....11:27
Newbie-Widgethow many types of internet based installs are there ? I can only see Ubuntu...11:27
Dr_WillisGuest99099:  No idea what you are saying. Be clearer and more concise.11:27
pc-destopalkisg, iflema , thanks for helping me11:27
alkisgpc-destop: yw :)11:28
iflemapc-destop: puppy linux11:28
Emanoni think he was saying that he just installed from the cd, the install failed and now the cd says its not there which is odd cause he JUST installed from it so he knows its there11:28
iflemapc-destop: do it all just fine...11:28
iflemapc-destop: ;)11:28
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davepif i comment out the OS prober11:29
davepthen it wont find XP11:29
Emanonoooh i forgot i have icecream BRB11:29
Guest99099<Dr_Willis> ill try burning the cd again11:29
zeeblewhat are the sources.list entries for the PPA archive to install thunderbird 3.0?11:30
pc-destopiflema, puppy linux, DSL linux, hm ... but, are they hard to install ?11:30
Dr_WillisGuest99099:  or verify that the system is trying to boot from the cd.11:30
ultracan anyone tell me how to reset all of ubuntu's audio settings. everything is really screwed11:30
EricInBNEis there a special trick to enabling HTTP basic authentication on apache2 in ubuntu hardy?11:30
EricInBNEhave tried all the standard directives and they are just being ignored11:30
iflemapc-destop: givem a go... just not winblows11:30
ultralike, how do I change from pulse to alsa11:31
pc-destopiflema, cuz, in ubuntu my printer is working, it's all starting to work :D11:31
iflemapc-destop: i know.....11:31
pc-destopwinblows are cool, they blow your nerves :D. but not for free :D11:31
Guest99099<Dr_Willis> it is11:31
davepoh no! i edited the do not edit file! the horror xD11:32
airtonixEricInBNE, you are using hardy for live webserver?11:32
pc-destopiflema, i will try puppy or DSL linux in future time, but now a have another problem with ubuntu. every time i go to ctrl+chift+F1 terminal window i try tu put username and passowrd and it is always wrong11:33
airtonixdavep, you have until tuesday ( http://xkcd.com/564/ )11:33
pc-destopiflema, sory ctrl+alt+F111:33
EricInBNEairtonix, its a virtual appliance i am reconfiguring with a hard to install app. i11:33
ultracan anyone tell me how to reset all of ubuntu's audio settings. everything is really screwed. for instance could anyone tell me how to change back to alsa?11:34
airtonixEricInBNE, and when you say 'basic authentication' you mean the user is presented with a uname & pword gui box when they arrive at the location ?11:34
alkisgrelentless: I've only read 1/3 of the samba document so far... but would you mind sending me your smb.conf now, in case I can't find you later on when I finish all of it? Thanks! :D11:34
pc-destopiflema, i have:    pc-desktop login:    , the username is pc-desktop, then i type in passowrd and it always wrong11:34
EricInBNEairtonix, yep11:34
iflemapc-destop: suss out #xubuntu maybe someone with tips 4 low specs.... & remember/type correctly... lol11:34
airtonixEricInBNE, can you pastebin what you've tried already please11:34
hgalcyfornusi have problem on my lsaptop i have sound on myphones and speaker. i need only on headphones11:35
pc-destopiflema, i typed in correctly i am sure of that :D11:35
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EricServerBoxairtonix, http://pastebin.com/m41f194db11:36
pjpc-destop: either you typed it wrong or the username or password is not what you think it is.  Check your caps lock key to see if it is on by accident when you type, check that the case of letters is the same, check that you did not accidentally include a space in the password, either when you entered it originally or now.11:37
EricServerBoxthat just gets me a svnrepo with no auth11:37
airtonixEricInBNE, i assume you've already created the htaccess file ? and the releated htpasswords file11:38
pc-destoppj, i am sure that the password is correct, because i use it for sudo. if y type in whoami a get pc-desktop11:38
EricServerBoxairtonix, I created an htpasswd file11:39
EricServerBoxairtonix, do i need to create an htaccess file? I never had to do that on fedora11:39
pjCan anyone help me with this?  I recently upgraded my kernel to 2.6.32-020632rc8-generic in order to get a webcam to work (and it does work with this RC kernel), but now the 3d driver for my ATI graphics chipset is disabled and won't reinstall (when I try to activate it from the hardware drivers window it simply does not change to active), can someone help me to get graphics accelleration back?11:39
airtonixEricServerBox, http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/howto/auth.html11:40
pjpc-destop: so you have logged in successfully?  Then why do you say it is always wrong?11:40
rekhello !!! how can i find the name of my usbflash to mount it?11:40
urkkiAnyone use Megaupload? How do I upload files with it?11:40
Dr_Willisrek:  plug it in . check 'dmesg' command  at the end..  should mention it..11:40
pc-destoppj, becaue in the terminal mode (ctrl+alt+f1) i cannot log in11:40
airtonixEricServerBox, if you don't want to use .htaccess then my next question is which file did that pastebin you gave me come from?11:41
rekDr_Willis: did dmesg |grep -i usb but i don't see something like sdb sda disk etc....11:41
Dr_Willisrek:  it can take a few seconds for it to show up near the end.11:41
EricServerBoxairtonix, /etc/httpd/conf/svn.conf11:41
Emanonpj deactivate it restart then activate it again (maybe that will work)11:41
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airtonixurkki, deb on getdeb.net that might be of interest to you11:41
Dr_Willisrek:  or wait a bit then try 'sudo fdisk -l'11:41
EricServerBoxairtonix, /etc/apache2 i mean11:41
pjEmanon: I'll try the restart and activate, but it is already deactivated.11:41
airtonixEricServerBox, ok i suspect that is your problem11:41
EricServerBoxairtonix, wrong dir?11:42
rekDr_Willis:  yeah yeah that one was right11:42
airtonixEricServerBox, on ubuntu apache conf files are : /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ *11:42
rekvery detailed....11:42
urkkiairtonix, Thanks!11:43
rekDr_Willis: what's -l ?11:43
EricServerBoxairtonix, I have an include directive from there to /etc/apache2/conf/svn.conf  which I thought was the convention11:43
airtonixEricServerBox, there is a page on help.ubuntu that details the basics of this11:43
airtonixEricServerBox, not on ubuntu.11:43
hccmbhello there you all good people11:44
wvdSo, I tried to configure my wireless network for Ubuntu (i'm using an adapter), but when I went to the control panel of the internet, it doesn't show any of the connections.. why not?11:44
Emanonnever been called that before hccmb11:44
hccmbneed a little hand holding on an nvidia issue,11:44
relentlesswvd, what do you see11:44
Emanonneed the driver probably wvd u try that hardware driver thing i told you11:44
hccmbhwo can i save my nvidia settings in 9.10 ?11:44
hccmbfailed to parse xorg.conf11:45
hccmbhow to do it? any tips are welcome11:45
relentless9.10 doesnt use xorg.conf anymore hccmb11:45
hccmbi know, but what should i do to keep settings11:45
motownhccmb, sudo nvidia-xconfig and then gksu nvidia-settings11:45
wvdrelentless: an empty listbox, where I can also add.11:45
wvdEmanon: How would I do that?11:46
relentlesshccmb, cat xorg.conf > xorg.conf~save11:46
rekDr_Willis: it says you must specify the filesystem type what can i do?11:46
EmanonSystem>Administration>Hardware Drivers11:46
airtonixEricServerBox, here this is my local dev server setup to show how it deals with the conf files : http://airtonix.pastey.net/130185 (its setup that way to allow for virtual hostnames11:46
pjEmanon: I rebooted and it still won't allow me to activate the driver.  When I try it asks for my password briefly flashes something (which I can't see because it's too fast) and then it's right back to not being active again.11:47
wvdEmanon: k11:47
airtonixEricServerBox, the file i think that is most relevant to you would be 000-default11:47
Emanonhmm i had a similar problem with nvidia driver once too never found out what did it and it was a live disk and worked fine the next time11:47
Emanonwith any luck someone else knows something11:48
airtonixEricServerBox, here : FYI https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html11:48
Emanonanyone know what might cause the hardware drivers utility in ubuntu 9.10 i assume to refuse to activate a driver11:48
hccmbokay giving it a try11:48
pjhrmmm, let me try running the hardware panel from the terminal11:48
* hccmb back after the try11:48
EricServerBoxairtonix, i think the person who installed this virtual appliance was on crack.11:48
EricServerBoxits redmine installed on turnkey linux11:48
Dr_Willisrek:  filesstem for what exactly?11:49
airtonixEricServerBox, the server is missing those directories?11:49
wvdEmanon: But noirmally it should show all internet connections?11:49
rekof my usb i guess ok il write fat32 right after the mount command?11:49
iflemahccmb: sudo nvidia-settings11:49
daveplovely. kde network manager allows me to add a wireless connection11:49
Emanonprovided it recognizes the hardware11:49
davepbut not to tell it to connect.11:49
davepanyone know how?11:49
Dr_Willisrek:   what filesysem does fdisk -l say it is..    -t vfat ==> option for fat3211:49
rekno no just before11:50
airtonixdavep, have you tried ifconfig ?11:50
wvdEmanon: What?11:50
pjit doesn't tell me anything extra in the terminal11:50
wvdEmanon: Ah, where can I see that?11:50
davepi dont want to jump back to the command line11:50
davepfrom a gui tool11:50
EricServerBoxairtonix, there is a default, mercurial and railsapp file under sites-available11:50
EricServerBoxno dirs11:50
Dr_WillisRight click, or left click on the icon.. normally has a menu, or 2 differnt menuss.11:50
EricServerBoxi just cant believe apache config is so different from fedora to ubuntu11:50
airtonixEricServerBox, ok, try putting your authentication directives in the default file11:50
EricServerBoxairtonix, that sounds sensibel11:51
EmanonSystem>Administration>Network Connections perhaps wvd11:51
davepwait, network connections adds them11:51
rekDr_Willis: i must query you11:51
davepknetworkmanager actually connects11:51
daveptoo bad it isnt working.11:51
Mrokiihello, is it normal that, if one uses the alt-key as the third-level-activator, none of the systems alt-key-combinations (to change to another TTY for example) are working anymore?11:51
Dr_Willisrek:  im in and out and baby sitting.. so i may vanish at any time :)11:51
airtonixEricServerBox, but also , have a look at both those other ones to make sure that the directories you want to protect via authentication will actually be handled by the default file ...11:51
airtonixEricServerBox, (i suspect it will )11:52
Emanonhe should really set up virtualbox on the windows side reading from the partition that is the ubuntu side so he doesnt have to keep logging off to try new things11:52
hccmbgoing for a reboot to see if it worked11:52
Snowboarderhmm is there really no way to enlarge the task panel, or make a new panel where i can have some of the tasks stored or something similar?11:52
hccmbsee you later ...11:52
airtonixEmanon, would be good if you could point him to a step by step guide that outlines how to achieve that11:53
qdbhello , what is difference of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/11:53
Emanonhes offline right now11:53
EricServerBoxairtonix, thanks that worked. what a joke tho lol11:54
Emanonenlarge the bar the task panel is on by right clicking selecting properties and changing the size11:54
airtonixEricServerBox, :)11:54
Emanonmake a new bar just for it by right clicking the panel and selecting new panel11:54
Emanonright click new panel select add to panel and find the task panel plugin11:55
EricServerBoxthank buddah. may buddah bless you11:55
pc-destopalkisg, i dissabled rendering for fonts and used DPI, and it is working faster. but fonts are not so smooth11:55
airtonixEmanon, whoa re you conversing with ?11:55
michael007anyone tell me, how can i change resolution of sis672 to 1280x80011:55
Emanonhe rebooted to his ubuntu side to try to fix a wifi issue11:56
airtonixyou mean the wvd that isn't online ?11:56
davepkde fail11:56
davepthe firefox button installs firefox11:56
davepand doesnt launch it11:56
davepeven after it has installed.11:56
Emanondoesnt seem to be airtonix11:56
fhenning09one elow it is right one11:56
DEViUShello to all, can someone help me with modifying grub2 under ubuntu 9.10, or event pointing me out to a gui application at least...11:57
michael007My laptop use sis672 chipset, How can i change the resolution....11:57
wvdSo I did System>Adminstration>Hardware Drivers, it searched, and it told "No propriatiry hardwire drivers found for....", does this mean I don't have internet because of this?11:57
almart02Hi, I want to add proprietary drivers, but when I open System>Administration>Hardware Drivers, all it says is "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system.11:57
iflemamichael007: sis and linux not so friendly... hang on11:57
fhenning09yeah I suppose I'm gonna try Gnome and see how much easier it is to tinker with theming11:57
michael007iflema, so, is there any way?11:58
airtonixEmanon, btw how do you mount a live partition under vbox ?11:58
almart02oh, look, wvd has the same problem:)11:58
pc-destopwhich is a god application for xubuntu server desktop viewer11:58
Emanonnot sure how to do it in windows but i know you can do it in linux11:58
wvdalmart02: you also have problem connecting to the internet?11:58
fhenning09Rip it into an ISO so its not as slow then point your virtual drive to the iso11:58
almart02I can't install the wireless drivers11:58
iflemamichael007: maybe... not official as far i know.11:59
almart02and when I plug in the network cable nothing happens11:59
wvdalmart02: it doesn't reconigze my internet.. do you also use an adapter?11:59
DEViUShello to all, can someone help me with modifying grub2 under ubuntu 9.10, or event pointing me out to a gui application at least...11:59
almart02built in laptop card11:59
airtonixEmanon, i assume you're using some kind of trickery to get it to appear as a file (since in the virtual media manager I only see options to insert iso or disk image files)11:59
wvdah, wlel i got a siemens gigaset usb adapter 108.11:59
Dr_WillisDEViUS:  no gui tool for it yet that ive seen.11:59
Emanonyea sec ill get you a link airtonix11:59
michael007iflema, i get a driver from intel site. but i cant make it use, because there is not a xorg.conf file.11:59
DEViUSDr_Willis: can u help me modify it?11:59
Dr_WillisDEViUS:  edit the proper /etc/default/grub  or /etc/grub.d/* files and rerun update-grub   see the Grub2 wiki page11:59
Dr_Willis!grub2 | DEViUS12:00
ubottuDEViUS: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:00
chuDoes Ubuntu no longer use Usplash during boot? If I change the Usplash screen, will it have any [visible] effect?12:00
iflemamichael007: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124583112:00
papulhi guys :)12:00
DEViUSDr_Willis: ok12:00
qdbhello. kernels after 2.6.27-14-generic does not work, freezs, hang before login. there is ubuntu 9.04 . where to report bug? in launchpad for ubuntu report link lead to help page, to use programs bug-report etc12:00
Dr_Willischu:  usplash is getting phased out for the next release I hear also. personally I disable the thing.12:00
michael007iflema, thank you.12:01
iflemamichael007: balpark... what version you on?12:01
Emanonairtonix http://blarts.wordpress.com/2007/12/06/how-to-run-virtualbox-using-a-physical-partition-using-ubuntu-feisty-fawn/12:01
SnowboarderEmanon, where do i find the task panel plugin?12:01
michael007iflema, 9.1012:01
chuJust don't particularly like the Ubuntu logo :p There's this fingerprint Usplash theme that looked kinda cool, but oh well, kinda pointless anyway :p12:01
DEViUSDr_Willis: i dont know what to do, its very confusing12:02
chuSo, what's the Ubuntu equivalent called anyway?12:02
wvdSo I did System>Adminstration>Hardware Drivers, it searched, and it told "No propriatiry hardwire drivers found for....", does this mean I don't have internet because of this? Also, I got a KPN Experia box, and I got an adapter plugged in (siemens gigaset usb adapter 108)12:02
Dr_WillisDEViUS:  i dont know whaat you are trying to do.. thats even more confuseing.12:02
Emanonright click on panel select add to panel type win into the search box theres 3 options for different task managers12:02
Emanonnot task managers sorry12:02
Emanontask panels12:02
Emanonnot sure how to make that particular dongle work sorry for the wasted effort wvd12:03
DEViUSDr_Willis: i just want to remove 3 old entries, and rename the rest, thats all12:03
Dr_WillisDEViUS:  what old entries?12:03
saulusHow is the name of the program that helps you after a key-signing party by recognizing the 2d-barcode (data-matrix-code) to identify the keys you got?12:03
wvdEmanon: How should I search further?12:03
Emanonperhaps search the model of the device +linux on google?12:03
chuxsplash apparantly12:04
SnowboarderEmanon, yes...which one of the 3 is the correct?12:04
DEViUSDr_Willis: there are old startup OS entries that dont exist anymore, so i want to delete them12:04
SnowboarderEmanon, i would guess Window List12:04
Dr_WillisDEViUS:  in theory if you run 'sudo update-grub' it should rscan/remove/add any new/changed os's it finds or fails to find12:04
Emanondepends on whether you want window picker window selector or window list12:04
Emanontry em out see which one you like12:04
wvdAh, this guide tells me, you can also setup a network using a wizard, how?12:04
Dr_WillisDEViUS:  thats if you truely are using grub2. :)12:05
DEViUSDr_Willis: i am, thats what comes with ubuntu 9.1012:05
EmanonSnowboarder the one in UNR is window picker the one in regular is window selector i think12:05
penthiefI have a HP laptop with Ubuntu, and I was hoping to be able to plug in a keyboard and have it work immediately. I did and it didn't, although the keyboard LEDs flashed briefly.12:05
Dr_WillisDEViUS:  9.10 clean install  = grub2 for default.   try reruning 'update-grub' and see what it does.12:05
Emanonerr regular ubuntu is window list sorry12:05
Mrokiihello. I have problems with several alt-key-combinations not working. For example "ctrl+alt+fn" does not switch to a TTY. If I am in a bash-window and type "ctrl-alt-f1" for example, it prints out ";7P"12:06
DEViUSDr_Willis:  it says: Could not find /boot/grub/menu.lst file. Would you like /boot/grub/menu.lst generated for you? (y/N) ...wat shud i do ?12:06
qdbhello. kernels after 2.6.27-14-generic does not work, freeze, hang before login. this is ubuntu 9.04 and athlon ... 1700 .... where to report bug? in launchpad for ubuntu report link lead to help page, to use programs bug-report etc12:06
reactorguys do somebody know how to set delay for startup application?12:06
Dr_WillisDEViUS:  some how you got grub1 and grub2 mixxed in together.. grub2 does NOT use menu.lst   perhaps try running 'sudo update-grub2'12:06
DEViUSDr_Willis:  command not found, and btw this is a fresh install of ubuntu 9.1012:07
Dr_WillisDEViUS:  you got somthing very WEIRD going on then.12:07
Emanonwvd make sure you get the right help for the right version of ubuntu and all http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Siemens+Gigaset+USB+108+%22%22Ubuntu+9.10%22&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&hs=bjn&filter=012:07
DEViUSDr_Willis: =S so wat do i do ?12:07
penthiefqdb: What is system->preferences->appearance->visual effects set to?12:08
SnowboarderEmanon, ahaa i see....okay so it then lists all the running tasks in the panel12:08
Dr_WillisDEViUS:  what does 'lsb_release -a' say?12:08
wvdEmanon: My network driver isn't supported for linux...12:08
wvdEmanon: going to try it with nsidwrapper12:08
qdbno effect12:08
SnowboarderEmanon, but is there a way to split up the tasks, so that some are shown in one panel, and others are shown in others?12:08
Emanonthen get ndisgtk if you dont already have it its rather nicer than by command line12:08
Emanonnot sure Snowboarder, not that i've found12:09
DEViUSDr_Willis: no lsb modules are available.....ubuntu 9.10 ....9.10.....karmic12:09
eiowhi, how do I add proprietary drivers (9.1)12:09
Dr_WillisDEViUS:  then you some how managed to install grub1 and remove grub2 it seems12:09
penthiefqdb: I had a freeze problem that was fixed by setting it to extra. (Believe it or not). This might work for you. Older kernels were fine for me too.12:09
Emanonas in MP3 and such eiow?12:09
Dr_WillisDEViUS:  perhaps reinsstall the grub-pc package12:09
DEViUSDr_Willis: ok12:09
eiowno, like hardware drivers12:09
EmanonSystem>Administration>Hardware Drivers12:10
eiowI know there is a tool, but it's empty when I open it, and I can't see where to add new ones12:10
eiowyeah, that one12:10
qdbpenthief, i think i cannot to set it extra because have not installed video driver12:10
qdbcannot set12:10
Emanonthen you might want to make sure that proprietary repositories are permitted in your synaptic repositories menu12:11
DEViUSDr_Willis: done, now can i rename the entries listed on startup?12:11
Dr_WillisDEViUS:  rerun Update-grub   it does it automatically12:11
iflemaeiow: drivers for video/graphics card(s)?12:11
Emanongo to synaptic and click settings at the top click repositories and check proprietary device drivers hit ok then hit reload then try the hardware thing again12:12
eiow@Emanon It was checked, but needed to be updated, Ill do that12:12
penthiefqdb: I don't know about that. It was compiz trying to make whizzy effects with the visual effects set to normal that was causing my problem. I also found it would not freeze by uninstalling compiz completely, temporarily.12:12
iflemaeiow: whats ya card type/manufacturer12:12
Emanonnot sure if it will help but heres hoping12:12
Snowboarderbut damn...i must say....ubunto is really waaay better than windows....its just so much more integrated and has so much more features...its really nice12:12
qdbpenthief, thank you , may be i have not it installed already, i will check12:12
DEViUSDr_Willis: i want to give them the name i want instead of "Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda1" just "Windows 7"12:12
woodbjDEViUS: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1287602 has was to change the titles12:13
eiow@iflema It's NVIDIA, but there are other proprietary drivers I need as well (like wireless), but I just can't figure out how to use this Hardware Drivers tool12:13
Dr_WillisDEViUS:  then you are back to editing the grub config files and reruning update-grub12:13
ubuntuI have a strange problem: I am on a constrained device and a attempt to install a large package failed because there are no more space on /. I am now trying to recover on this. I am trying to remove the package with sudo apt-get purge package and sudo dpkg -P package but *it seems to need to write on / even for removing a package, even if it's broken because of no space on /*12:13
ubuntuthe error is dpkg: failed to write status record about `libclutter-1.0-0' to `/var/lib/dpkg/status': No space left on device12:13
=== ubuntu is now known as EliasAmaral
iflemaeiow: ok12:13
Dr_WillisDEViUS:  ive no idea how you managed to get grub1 and 2 messed up. but hopeflly you are using grub2 now12:13
EliasAmaralI could just delete a file, or maybe mount /var/lib/dpkg on a ramdisk, but.. isn't this a severe design flaw of dpkg? or, maybe, i don't know the correct switch :)12:14
penthiefAnyone know what tool I should use for managing multiple keyboards?12:14
DEViUSDr_Willis: i hope so12:14
DEViUSwoodbj: thanx ill check it12:14
Emanonhttp://wearables.unisa.edu.au/mpx/ perhaps pentheif?12:15
leeehi everyone12:15
MASARUwotahello leee12:15
pjEliasAmaral: I would not expect anything to work correctly if your root filesystem is out of space.12:15
leeeanyone know how to make a ASCII art work12:16
penthiefActually, I just trying to work out why plugging an external keyboard into my laptop does not work.12:16
EliasAmaralpj, I would; linux (the set of oses based on linux, including gnu/linux and others) are usually fairly resilient12:16
Emanonmight consider freeing space by temporarily moving some large unnecessary file to another medium (jump drive whatever)12:16
penthiefleee: Emacs has an artist-mode12:16
EliasAmaralpj, actually, i have spend some days with absolutely no write space at all *and the system is performing great*12:16
leeewhat should i do?12:17
extorDoes ubuntu server generally run a more recent Xen kernel than centos server runs?12:17
pjEliasAmaral: well, I can cite at least a few reasons why it isn't a good idea to run a system with little or no free space.12:17
wvdCan I install ndiswrapper without using sudo apt-get? I need it but I don't have internet..12:17
penthiefleee: install emacs, then learn emacs a bit, then type M-x artist-mode. You can use the mouse and everything, and there may be a tutorial somewhere. apt-get install emacs12:17
Emanonyea grab the .deb from the site on the windows side install it on the linux side12:18
EliasAmaralpj, you have a point, but the system tools should work under constrained environments whenever possible12:18
airtonixpenthief, http://xkcd.com/378/12:18
pjEliasAmaral: it may continue to run, but seemingly random things will fail at in-opportune times.12:18
jrib!offline > wvd12:18
ubottuwvd, please see my private message12:18
jrib!wifi > wvd12:18
leeeok , i'll try12:18
* c0p3rn1c wonders when the MOTU will release gnome-do 12:19
EliasAmaralpj, no; one may guarantee that, if only some class of tools are used, nothing will fail. (but you have a point; many tools are truly useless without space on /tmp or /var)12:19
* c0p3rn1c wonders when the MOTU will release gnome-do 0.8.312:20
EliasAmaralpj, i am only trying to say that i would expect that, in this particular case, it's inappropriate for dpkg to misbehave like that12:20
Emanonprobably EliasAmaral12:20
Emanonbut unless you feel like rewriting it its the way it is for now12:21
pjEliasAmaral: well regardless of what you think it should do, the package manager is not running for you with no free space on the filesystem and the simple solution is to free up a bit of space for it.  Considering that the package management is actually quite a complex system that has to compare dependancies of hundreds of packages to determine what has to be done it is not surprising that it is refusing to run in that situation ... and I wo12:21
pjuld not consider it to be a bug either, because it is not a normal running scenario to add or remove packages.12:21
penthiefHow can I disable a keyboard (and enable another keyboard)?12:21
Emanonunplug one plug in other?12:22
iflemapenthief: plug'n'play12:22
Emanonidk about switching keyboards, i bought the right one the first time :-)12:23
pjEmanon: only I would not recommend unplugging or plugging in a PS2 connector while the system is running, you're ok hot swapping a USB keyboard, though.12:23
penthiefEmanon, iflema: Plug and play is not working for some reason, and I came across a post which suggested unplugging another keyboard. I can't do that because it is my laptop keyboard.12:23
penthiefs/another/the other12:23
Emanonahh bummer idk then pen12:24
EliasAmaralpj, the reason it is complaining is not because it have to compare dependencies; is that because it, by default, must write on /var/lib/dpkg/status in order to delete something. (maybe it have something to do with being able to recover later). handling with the dependency tree is usually done in memory12:24
iflemapenthief: just plug in another and thats it.... they both do..12:24
Emanonthen work within the limits set or change the limits EliasAmaral12:24
iflemathe same12:24
pjEliasAmaral: be that as it may, it is what it is.12:24
pjEliasAmaral: is it so hard to delete some odd file somewhere?12:25
EliasAmarali have no problem with this being the default; i just want to find a switch to make it work /my way/, because i am likely right now to have this problem in the future12:25
Emanonnot sure about the rest of the folks here but im not too handy in C so i can't fix that problem12:25
EliasAmaral(or i might give up ubuntu for this use case)12:25
jeno_hi guys , i have a problem , i use ubuntu 9.10 and i have problems whit my webcam a4tech viewcam pro12:25
EliasAmaralpj, no, but it is happening all the time since I... am without a hard drive, booting from cdrom, :)12:25
Emanonor you might just partition directories that ALWAYS need spare space separately so they have the space they need12:26
EliasAmaralbooting from usb!12:26
penthiefI guess it's just a compatability problem them. I'm trying several PS/2 keyboards, through a PS/2->USB adapter into a HP Compaq 6720s running Ubuntu 9.10 and I'm going to give up soon.12:26
pjEliasAmaral: EliasAmaral ahhh, I see, well, USB should have some free space on it, or set a ramdisk.12:26
Emanonlive or what Eli?12:26
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EliasAmaralpj, yeah, i use ramdisks all the time. did you know that when the system go out of ram, it kills randoms apps/12:27
thevishyElias : is that a RAM manager ?12:27
leeei tried to made an ASCII art work with GIMP,but the pic is too big to view,what should i do12:27
pjEliasAmaral: well, technically not *random* but yes.12:27
EliasAmaralpj, it's not wise to have a huge ramdisk; even gnome-session might be killed (interestingly, the X will never be killed, maybe because it is from root)12:27
Emanonmight just consider repartitioning to allow there to be room in necessary directories without being a hassle to /home and such12:27
EliasAmaralpj, not random? then how it is picked? :)12:28
EliasAmaralfor me seems to be is always the one that is eating more ram12:28
P_KableI just installed kaola clean, just kept /home, but I have no sound, anyone knows why ?12:28
EliasAmaralbut other times, seems to be random12:28
EliasAmaral(happened a lot of time..)12:28
pjEliasAmaral: what happens is that an application dies when it tries to request more RAM and the request is refused by the OS.12:28
thevishymy ubuntu becomes slow after idling for night time - i suspects its cause of RAM problems , does anyone know what utility I can use to handle this'12:28
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EmanonP_Kable some of the old Configs in /home might be screwing things up12:28
Winsonhi,all, is anyone experience on command ipcs?12:29
ivanatworkIn Ubuntu 9.10, how can I edit modify the Gnome menu "Resources"? (the one before "System")12:29
jribthevishy: system -> administration -> system monitor  shows your ram is being fully used?12:29
P_KableEmanon, rm -rfv wichfolder  to fix it ?12:29
jribWinson: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)12:29
EliasAmaralpj, using the interfaces I know (malloc() and derivatives), the application will only receive a null pointer, and may continue to run if they wish12:29
EliasAmaralthat's wrong?12:29
thevishyjrib,   total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached12:29
thevishyMem:        500120     470592      29528          0       4720     15822012:29
thevishyits a 512 MB RAM12:30
airtonixP_Kable, before you go using that < locate pusle-audio conf ifles in your home folder12:30
Emanonmight search for anything with alsa or pulse in it (but that might be a bad idea maybe wait for someone more experienced)12:30
jribthevishy: so now go see what is using all the ram12:30
airtonixP_Kable, or alsa conf files12:30
pjEliasAmaral: yes, but most won't, and some are poorly coded to the point where they will try to reference that pointer and die that way.12:30
Winsonthevishy, it that means 512 MB RAM is share memory?12:30
airtonixP_Kable, then back them up and try running system without them12:30
ivanatworkIn Ubuntu 9.10, how can I edit modify the Gnome menu "Resources"? (the one before "System")12:30
airtonixP_Kable, if you dont want to remove files yet, then you can achieve the same effect by creating a new user and logging in with that user12:31
thevishyNot sure if its a share memory , how do I check that ? Winson . jrib no program is using RAM , i just have a browser and sme couple of other software running nothing heavy but its dead slow12:31
EliasAmaralpj, but I receive messages on dmesg saying the kernel killed an app because of memory, I think that if the kernel don't have enough space for its own structures it kills random apps12:31
airtonixivanatwork, you need ot be more descriptive (because some of that menu is constructed from nautlus bookmarks)12:32
pjEliasAmaral: possibly, I don't know for sure.12:32
jribthevishy: did you use System Monitor?12:32
thevishyyeah I have the gnome system monitor running12:32
jribthevishy: and you sorted my memory usage?12:32
ivanatworkairtonix, if I click with the right mouse button, I can modify the menus. But "Risorse" (I mean "Resources") doesn't appear. I need to know a way to modify it12:33
pjEliasAmaral: at any rate, if you're having issues with file space and memory, then maybe you should either upgrade your hardware or consider using a more lightweight distribution than ubuntu.12:33
thevishyyeah I sorted I can see a max of 100 MB being used - thats it jrib12:33
jribthevishy: by...?12:33
jeno_when i try to start a video call whit skype i can not receive any picture ....12:33
thevishyChrome , Music Player Ubuntu Software Manager Program12:33
Emanonjeno make sure you set the video source to whatever your camera is12:34
Winsonwhile you using the command 'ipcs -m'12:34
airtonixivanatwork, because its behaviour ( and its contents ) are hardcoded. the bookmarks submenu however is created from bookmarks you create within nautilus12:34
Emanonbe it /dev/video or whatever12:34
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Emanonmight wanna see where the type of camera you use (brand/model) shows up at /dev/ wise12:35
Winsonwhat is the Tap name 'Key'?12:35
ivanatworkairtonix, I'm searching a way to add another directory to it12:35
thevishyjrib, those are the software , nothing heavy really12:35
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frikkermanHi new to all this and I need help installing a printer/scanner12:36
jeno_the model is viewcam pro12:36
Emanonsorry ubuntu logged me out for no apparent reason12:37
jeno_what i should type to find the model ?12:37
ivanatworkfrikkerman, I installed my printer successfully. Just joking... tell me ;)12:37
frikkermanI can only scan single page documents and as soon as I choose multipage option xsane close12:39
Emanonviewcam pro ubuntu perhaps?12:39
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ivanatworkhow does the menu "Resources" work? I need to add more entries.12:40
thevishydo u feel ur linux system is fast ?12:41
jeno_Emanon, how can i find the model in ubuntu , what i should type to find the model ?12:41
CShadowRunthevishy: I run a quad screen system running more stuff than i can count, and i only seem to get my CPU up to ~40%12:41
CShadowRunthevishy: so yea, fast ;)12:41
wirechiefi have network manager on ubuntu moblin remix, i am unable to reconfigure it, i want to use wicd, any links to downloading it ?12:42
Emanongoogle the model/manufacturer and ubuntu12:42
=== EcKstasy is now known as JNSamuel
thevishyCShadowRun, lucky u :) I am using a old system with 512 MB Ram and things are not so smooth !12:42
relentlessjeno_, lsmod &&lspci12:42
thevishyI guess somethin related to memory management12:42
CShadowRunthevishy: should be, my dad has a p4 2ghz with 512mb ram and it's smooth12:42
CShadowRunhe constantly rambles on about how fast it boots.12:43
thevishyohhh thats surprising , mine takes near to a minute to boot12:43
frogzoodepends what services you keep running12:43
ivanatworkhow can I modify the Gnome menu "Resources"?12:43
Signal360i've just installed ubuntu 9.10 with wubi, its pretty good, it takes around 20-30 seconds to start up :D12:43
EliasAmaralpj, yeah. also i will have some new hardware in some days that will enable me to continue using ubuntu (at least if I can manage to fix all the random pulseaudio bugs, or at least disable it). by now i think i will install.. lfs, that was something I wanted to do a long time ago and now seems adequate12:44
jribivanatwork: are you able to do so by right clicking on the ubuntu icon and selecting "edit menu"?12:44
ashzillahey dudes, I am stuck asking "give root password for maintenance" but I do not know ubuntu had root passwd12:45
thevishyjrib, are u aware of any memory management software like FREE XP ? in windows12:45
ivanatworkjrib, I see the other two menus but not "Resources". That must be a special entry :(12:45
ashzillaany help????12:45
Emanongood luck on lfs ive wanted to do that for a while12:45
thevishyashzilla, !root12:45
jeno_relentless, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/340512/12:45
Dr_Willisashzilla:  its the furst users password12:45
thevishy!root , ashzilla12:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:45
Dr_Willisashzilla:  the one you use with sudo12:45
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:45
Emanonbut then everyone will know by looking at how well my computer runs that im a virgin and always will be12:45
docmaxcan i change the skin of the ubuntu popup???12:45
airtonixdocmax, you mean the notifcation bubble ?12:46
jribthevishy: no, memory management works fine on linux...12:46
thevishywhich popup u mean the regular windows ?12:46
docmaxairtonix, yes12:46
airtonixdocmax, no you can not12:46
ashzillayou guys that password does not work I tried it12:46
Emanonanyone know how to stop the lil drum sound when ubuntu reaches the login screen?12:46
Emanoni find it rather annoying and its the only sound i havnt turned off yet12:46
airtonixdocmax, which is to say it is not possible at this point in time. libNotify is still a work in progress12:46
docmaxi want white background12:46
jribthevishy: you should be able to account for every mb of ram using System Monitor.  My guess is your browser is hogging it, but no one should have to guess on this since you can see the numbers12:46
relentlessjeno_, lines 41 til the end are your model numbers to your devices12:47
Emanonanyone notice that sometimes system monitor won't shut down and you actually have to end its process using itself?12:47
ashzillawhat else can I put in grub to skip fscj12:47
Emanonisnt it rather perverse using a program to terminate itself? like forced suicide12:47
jribivanatwork: I don't even see Resources anywhere on a fresh install12:47
ashzillaI must get free12:47
jeno_relentless, and what  should i do next ?12:48
airtonixdocmax, just to clarify : youa re referring to this  ?  : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotificationDevelopmentGuidelines?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=icon-summary-body.png12:48
ujioplease help me I have two .txt files containing Cd keys of windows OS and they automatically becomes locked/encrypted such that I am not able to view/upload/copy/zip/move or even open them. I have to format the partition containing that keys but i dont want to loose them, I tried everything in XP and now i booted in Ubuntu 9.04 and trying to backup them. Please help me here are the ss:- http://i50.tinypic.com/nw0k6w.jpg , http://i4712:48
relentlessjeno_, well what are you tyring to do?12:48
grawitydocmax: notify-osd does not support themes or skins.12:48
docmaxairtonix, exactly12:48
jeno_i want to use my webcam in skype12:49
jribujio: gksudo nautilus, then try again12:49
icerootjeno_: then use it12:49
MASARUwotaujio: try opening it in SU mode?12:49
Emanonujio mount the windows partition then in terminal sudo cp -f  file destination12:49
ashzilla!root ashzilla12:49
relentlessjeno_, ok, what is stopping you12:49
docmaxhmm, i thought in linux you can custonmize EVERYTHING =)12:49
icerootdocmax: sure you can12:49
jeno_i dont know how , maybe its sound stupid ...12:49
ivanatworkThey are Nautilus' bookmarks. Thank you all for the help. Finally it worked12:49
icerootdocmax: just a matter of skill12:49
Emanonyou can docmax provided you know how12:49
ashzilladudes this mobile client does not get queries how can I skip fsck at startup12:50
thevishyjrib, my free shows almost 27MB free though I am not using much program12:50
jribivanatwork: isn't that called "Places"?12:50
relentlessjeno_, no, you just arent giving me much info to work off of, What is stoppign you from using your camera in skype?12:50
Emanonyea an unorigional system is a sign of the user not being creative not the system being faulty12:50
airtonixdocmax, notify-send is one of those contradictions12:50
icerootthevishy: free != free12:50
grawitydocmax: you could try to install notification-daemon or xfce4-notifyd12:50
airtonixdocmax, a constant source of angst12:50
thevishyok iceroot but still I am facing not of slowness I did read !ram12:50
ubottuA short primer on linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html12:50
icerootthevishy: used ram = using ram from programs directly + buffer + cache12:50
ashzillahow do I skip fsck ubuntu is failing hard12:51
grawityashzilla: If you had a root password set - enter it. If you didn't - just press "Enter".12:51
icerootthevishy: top12:51
icerootthevishy: then u see what i mean, also see  df -h12:51
ujiojrib sudo nautilus gives same error12:51
jribashzilla: ubuntu usually tells you "press escape to skip the check"12:51
icerootashzilla: esc and bootsplash-screen12:51
Emanonwhat error ujio12:51
docmaxok ill leave it as it is, thanks anyway12:51
jribujio: I didn't say sudo nautilus...12:51
icerootashzilla: also see man shutdown for command to skip fsck12:51
ashzillagrawity that just returns the same thing12:51
MASARUwotaujio sudo gedit12:52
iceroot!gksudo | MASARUwota12:52
ubottuMASARUwota: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)12:52
ashzillaiceroot Im not in console u boob12:52
grawityashzilla: have you tried your own password too?12:52
ashzillau noob*12:52
icerootashzilla: what? calling me noob?12:52
MASARUwotaoh whow its filled with newbs here isnt it, jesus christ12:52
airtonixoh lol inb4 troll12:52
oCean_!ohmy | MASARUwota12:53
ubottuMASARUwota: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.12:53
MASARUwotagksudo better then sudo, it just shows a gtk popup ;/12:53
icerootashzilla: i have the perfect command for then you dont need fsck anymore, see my private message12:53
Emanonits usefull if you dont want to open terminal12:53
Emanonjust gksudo in gnome do12:53
grawityiceroot: ashzilla has left long ago.12:53
Dr_Willisgksudo also sets Up the proper enviroment for programs to run on the Desktop12:53
icerootgrawity: :(12:53
MASARUwotaEmanon: makes sense, then again, why wouldnt you want to start a terminal, you could follow debugging that way ;/12:54
icerootgrawity: i wanted to say "thank you" for the thing about "noob"12:54
Emanonnot everyone gives a shit about debugging12:54
blueglassesDr, is it gksudo or gksu ?12:54
ujioEmanon, MASARUwota I got this http://i50.tinypic.com/nw0k6w.jpg12:54
Emanonsometimes they just want to actually USE a program12:54
jeno_relentless, http://kepfeltoltes.hu/091213/18882160N_vtelen_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg12:54
MASARUwotaujio: same thing after doing gksudo gedit ?12:54
Dr_Willisblueglasses:  i thionk one ofthose is an alias for the other12:55
Emanonas opposed to using a computer for the sake of using a computer they want to use it for what it IS a tool to accomplish a task12:55
ivanatworkjrib, wrong translation ;)12:55
darthanubishow many times is samba going to brak in one year?12:55
jribivanatwork: ah :)12:55
ivanatworkjrib, np my fault lol12:55
Dr_WillisComputers are just a fad.12:55
Emanonbut im getting off subject12:55
Emanoni heard someone say that once Dr_Willis12:55
MASARUwotaEmanon: your point makes sense, but i dont agree :p12:55
Emanonoh and the compulsory "what you talkin bout willis?"12:56
relentlessjeno_, that doesnt tell me anything. Do you see your video on a loopback outside of skype12:56
MASARUwotaujio: still there man?12:56
Emanonim going to type this slowly and clearly, not everyone cares HOW their computer does what it does they just want it to do what they want it to do12:56
Emanonthey dont care how12:56
Emanonor why12:56
Emanonor how to make it do it better12:56
jribEmanon: move on please...12:56
lanclinHi . USB hard drive is not detected in 9.1012:56
Emanonas long as it does it when they say they dont care12:57
MASARUwotaEmanon: thats the simplicity of windows, i hoped the people here passed that stage ;/12:57
oCean_Emanon: stay on topic, pls12:57
lanclinThere is light in hard drive12:57
grawityMASARUwota: Ever wondered why Mac OS was (and is) so popular? It just works™12:57
Emanon<points up at Masaru^12:57
MASARUwotagrawity: yeah, thats why they use mac OS. Ever wondered why linux is so special? because it shows you what its doing12:58
Emanonno because it allows it if you choose not because its users force it on you because of their aesthetic12:58
* jrib sighs12:58
grawityMASARUwota: that's why I prefer Arch over Debian :)12:58
jrib!ot | MASARUwota, Emanon12:58
ubottuMASARUwota, Emanon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:58
ubottuNOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.12:58
MASARUwotak ill shut up now :X12:59
MASARUwotaalso, grawity, so do i.12:59
Emanon*fervent prayers answered*12:59
mylisto2So I'm having issues with Ubuntu and java applications freezing up and not working at all..mouse pointer still moves..but java is a no go...I'm using 8.1013:01
_raven_hi - is there any jack-plugin providing a surround-monitor? (like this: http://www.rtw.de/images/10600_Loudness_400Pix.gif)13:01
jtromposchre ! I'm back.13:02
NoProhey in onodevelop... when u want to publish ur program what does it build it as? a .exe?13:03
grawitynever used monodevelop, but I'm guessing .exe - what else could it be?13:04
mylisto2So I'm having issues with Ubuntu and java applications freezing up and not working at all..mouse pointer still moves..but java is a no go...I'm using 8.1013:04
stevecoh1recently installed Ubuntu 9.10.  It doesn't recognize blank cd/dvd inserted for burning.  No CD icon appears on my desktop and brasero detects no disk inserted.13:06
stevecoh1previously, could burn13:06
NoProbut for ubuntu users13:06
NoProwhat use is it if its an exe?13:06
grawityNoPro: Mono is supposed to be cross-platform. .exe's can be run both on Windows' .NET and on Mono.13:07
NoProOh k.... but I wanted to create it for linux users.13:07
NoProI guess If they have wine :P13:07
grawityMono does not require Wine.13:07
grawityJust like Java - same executable and library format for all OSes, and such.13:08
stevecoh1what tools are available to me to help me figure out why Ubuntu 9.10 doesn't recognize blank CD/DVD?13:08
grawityNoPro: In Ubuntu, Banshee music player and Tomboy notes app (and F-Spot, IIRC) all are Mono apps and come as .exe files (even though they don't work in Windows, only Mono)13:09
NoProohh, ok.13:10
NoProso how are they installed (im confused)13:10
stevecoh1Why won't ubuntu 9.10 recognize a blank CD?  no such problem in 9.0413:11
stevecoh1Is there something I need to download?13:11
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Dr_Willisstevecoh1:  there was a bug in brasero or somthing a few weeks back that wouldent let you burn cd's - try update/upgrading and see if that fixes it.13:13
mylisto2So I'm having issues with Ubuntu and java applications freezing up and not working at all..mouse pointer still moves..but java is a no go...I'm using 8.1013:13
stevecoh1thank you Dr_Willis but I doubt there is an update available.  I've been taking all the updates.13:15
pepito /join #bioinfobdx13:16
stevecoh1nope, I am at latest.13:16
stevecoh1I think I am screwed.13:16
stevecoh1Must boot Windows or some such13:17
pc-destopis there any way, that nautilus woudn't add shortcut to mounted folder on desktop ?13:17
icerootstevecoh1: tried k3b?13:17
icerootstevecoh1: much better then brasero (but needing some kde-libs)13:17
iflemapc-destop: mount it @ /mnt no desktop icon /media desktop icon13:18
NoProi dont follow?13:18
Emanonyou can make nautilus not place an icon for any mounted devices with gconf-editor>apps>nautilus13:19
bintangmlm brow.....13:20
motowndian, bintang  ini bukan tempat buat kenalan. #ubuntu-id13:20
pc-destopEmanon, thanks, the volumes_visible was on, so this was the problem13:20
pc-destopEmanon, it solved my problem13:21
Emanonnp i like a clean desktop too13:21
stevecoh1but will K3B work if OS doesn't even see disk?13:21
bintangeeeeeeoooooo .....jg.....13:22
pc-destophow can i locate network shared folders in terminal?13:22
Dr_Willisstevecoh1:  its a question of is it the OS not seeing the disk.. orBrasero not seeing it.  I perfer k3b also.13:22
Dr_Willisstevecoh1:  ane befor when i had the issue. K3b worked.. but brasero did not.13:22
Dr_Willispc-destop:  try the findsmb or smbtree commands13:22
motown!troll > bintang13:22
ubottubintang, please see my private message13:22
stevecoh1well, I can try it.13:22
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stevecoh1but I am betting it's the OS.  installing k3b now13:23
rob__hey guys, im trying to configure a socks5 proxy server and am struglling with netmasks.13:24
rob__my typical ip range is
stevecoh1geez, it's installing the whole world13:24
rob__this is what im using:
rob__doesnt work, dont know why13:25
grawityrob__: /0 matches every existing IPv4 address (as it translates to
grawityrob__: You probably want /24, will match 10.1.1.[0-255]13:25
rob__ah right, thanks grawity13:26
mariai have a general question regarding propietary graphics drivers.  Normally when install ubuntu the proprietary drivers are listed and i activate one.13:26
mariathis install no drivers are listed.  how do i ident the graphics card and its proprietary driver.  Where do i down load it?13:26
iflemamaria: in terminal enter 'lspci | grep VGA'13:28
icerootstevecoh1: kde-libs13:28
icerootstevecoh1: but trust me k3b much much much much better then brasero13:28
stevecoh1OK, K3b seems to recognize the drive, but won't let me add mp3s?   arggh!!!!!!!!!!13:29
mariaiflema thank you13:29
icerootstevecoh1: sure it let you13:29
icerootstevecoh1: select audio-cd13:29
stevecoh1did that13:29
stevecoh1unable to handle files due to an unsupported format.13:29
icerootstevecoh1: lame-encoder installed?13:29
stevecoh1probably not.13:30
icerootstevecoh1: http://linuxappfinder.com/blog/howto_enable_mp3_support_for_k3b13:30
ashvalaMy X stopped working after I installed wacom drivers13:30
mariaiflema, if i swap hard drives, both with ubuntu installed.  Will the new ubuntu install new drivers for the system automatically?  I remember in windows that ive not been able to do that13:30
ashvalaplease help!?13:31
icerootstevecoh1: sudo apt-get install libk3b2-mp313:31
ashvalaKarmic Koala 9.1013:31
icerootashvala: post usefull details like error-messages to the chanlle. use pastebin for multiple-lines13:31
oCean_!ask | ashvala13:32
ashvalaoh, I am on finch... so, how do I pastebin?13:32
ubottuashvala: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:32
iceroot!paste | ashvala13:32
ubottuashvala: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic13:32
stevecoh1E: Couldn't find package libk3b2-mp313:32
iflemamaria: should do.... whats the card type?13:32
{VOID}anyone ever have any luck with Upnp clients?13:32
ashvala!pastebinit | ashvala13:32
ubottuashvala, please see my private message13:32
{VOID}anyone ever have any luck with Upnp clients with XBMC as the server.13:32
icerootstevecoh1: libk3b6-extracodecs is looking good13:32
iceroot!anyone | {VOID}13:33
ubottu{VOID}: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:33
SwedeMike{VOID}: you wont get any good answers when you ask questions that vaguely.13:33
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airtonixashvala, tip : /exec -o tree ~/Desktop | pastebinit13:33
icerootairtonix: that is not usefull13:34
airtonixiceroot, thats your opinion13:34
{VOID}that is my question, I've tried djmount and it doesn't show all my media.13:34
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mariaiflema, im going from ati to nvida 590013:34
airtonixiceroot, and you are welcome to it13:34
icerootairtonix: we need error-messages not a listing of files13:34
MakavelHi... where can i find menu.lst to edit in Ubuntu 9.10? I have searched but cant find it13:35
airtonixiceroot, think abit out side the box and see what i just proposed13:35
SwedeMike{VOID}: try again with : I want do to <thing>, I've tried <program> and <program> and I don't get it to work because of <problem description>13:35
mariaiflema, but the graphic driver is the generic ubuntu, not proprietary.  Im hoping that swapping will find the right proprietary.  Unable to watch flash without 3d accelerator13:35
stevecoh1Yea extracodecs is installed but basic OS problem remains.  It's not detecting the CD13:36
icerootairtonix: again, that is not usefull13:36
mariaiflema, also....i would like to see what i type in real time.  You know how annoying it is to find out at the end of a sentence that zouäve made a typo?13:36
{VOID}I guess that is the answer...13:36
icerootairtonix: for e.g. he has no pastebinit installed13:36
motown!pm | dian13:36
ubottudian: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:36
mariaiflem, like i said.  This time the screen greyed out after i hit return13:36
MrZaiusany real benefit to using reverse proxies over firewalls and simpler port forwarding to push traffic to a virtual appliance?13:37
mariaiflem, upgrading from AMD 900 to pentium 2,66....hope to see a performance difference13:37
MrZaiuslike, do you get any security benefit out of using virtual proxies, or is it only useful for simplifying name-based redirection13:37
MakavelHello guys... how can i edit grub menu list?13:37
erUSULMakavel: grub2 ?13:38
MakavelHello guys... how can i edit grub menu list in Ubuntu 9.1013:38
SwedeMike!grub2 | Makavel13:38
ubottuMakavel: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub213:38
MakavelerUSUL: yeah grub213:38
=== askhl__ is now known as askhl_
icerootMakavel: there is no menu.lst in 9.10 (if using grub2)13:38
erUSUL!grub2 | Makavel13:38
zvzvzvzguys i want to get dial up modem or somethingh like that for my laptop13:39
Makaveliceroot: is there is no menu.lst then how can someone edit the grub menu?13:39
stevecoh1really dumb question.  Will K3b let me format a RW-DVD blank as a CD?13:39
zvzvzvzi dont know anything about services or what not13:39
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
erUSULMakavel: he bot is down... to tweak grub2 take a look into /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/*13:39
MakavelerUSUL: alright... Thanks13:40
MrZaiusstevecoh1: no13:40
ashvalaiceroot, airtonix: http://pastebin.com/f6fffd48113:41
stevecoh1maybe that is the whole problem13:41
zvzvzvznobody uses anything but dsl in here13:41
zvzvzvzamazing, guys we have guiness world record13:41
FoggyHillWhen gem install mysql on Ubuntu, why am I getting ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension? I've read whatever Google gave me, installed libmysqlclient15-dev and tried gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-config=/usr/bin/mysql_config to no luck.13:42
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ashvalazvzvzvz: please keep the world record elsewhere, ty! this is meant to be a support channel...13:42
zvzvzvzo yes13:42
zvzvzvzwhat was i thinking13:42
zvzvzvzwe dont need iNTERNET13:42
zvzvzvzin here13:42
=== register is now known as Z3Ro0n3
FloodBot3zvzvzvz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:42
zvzvzvzsilly me13:42
stevecoh1seems to be working when I insert an old RW CD13:42
ashvalaiceroot> I sent you the pastebin...13:42
tapaswhat's the best place to add hdparm settings in an ubuntu system?13:43
trismFoggyHill: do you have build-essential installed?13:44
taurusivyhow come I can find bluetooth dev with 'hcitool scan', but cannot use 'sdptool search SP'?  there is an error comes out saying "Failed to connect to SDP server on 00:24:2C:BA:4C:76: Function not implemented"13:45
MaT-dg1what was the channel again where you could say: "what's the best ...... for......?"13:46
sAnta89_!best | MaT-dg113:46
ubottuMaT-dg1: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:46
bazhangMaT-dg1, #ubuntu-bots13:46
SmokeyD1hey everyone, if I right click a folder in nautilus and set the sharing options, where are those samba shares stored? Where can I find the config of those shared? They are not in /etc/samba/smb.conf13:47
MaT-dg1sAnta89_, bazhang: thx :)13:47
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Dr_Willistapas:  i was thinking theres some other config files for that.. but ive not had to mess with hdparm in at least 2+ releases of ubuntu13:49
erUSULtapas: /etc/hdparm.conf13:49
erUSULsnce the libata drivers switch hdparm has lost most of its uses13:50
RambaZambahello guys, I have a sometimes an error named "Segmentation fault" when i try to open for example a logfile. Does anyone know how to fix that?13:50
Dr_WillisRambaZamba:  open how/with what?13:50
RambaZambacat works13:51
coreGrlthere is a way to install IE on ubuntu?13:51
RambaZambabut the editor itself works too... it seems to be a problem with the file13:51
Dr_WillisRambaZamba:  could be the log file is so huge it crashes the app13:51
RambaZamba3,3M should not be a problem for the editor13:52
RambaZambai opened bigger files13:52
iflemacoreGrl: is that really necessary?13:52
erUSULcoreGrl: ie4linux or via stock wine13:53
erUSUL!wine > coreGrl13:53
ubottucoreGrl, please see my private message13:53
erUSUL!appdb > coreGrl13:53
coreGrliflema, yes I develop websites and I need to test them with IE too13:53
stevecoh1I'm an idiot.  Trying to burn an audio CD onto a DVD blank.  I thought you could do it.13:53
iflemaright answer.... ;)13:53
stevecoh1cd blank everytbing works.13:53
neurodronedoes anyone know how the settings for growl-like pop-ups in karmic be changed?13:54
RambaZambasame problem with vi13:54
neurodroneanyone using mac would have had a good idea on what growl is.. but just incase, its the semi-transparent popups notifications you receive which appear on top right of the screen13:54
eliot_why wont my keyboard type in virtualbox?13:54
RambaZambais there a max filesize for editors in the terminal?13:55
NervAgentRambaZamba: nano maxes out at 32mb13:55
RambaZambai'm trying to open logfiles with vi in /var/logs.. 45kb works, 3,2mb not -> segmentation fault :/13:56
RambaZambabut "less" works with those files - strange13:57
NervAgentless loads differently to vi13:57
rekcan i have a command line messenger13:57
_raven_durin an isntallation of meterbridge i get this error http://pastebin.com/d25d95b8a what is still missing13:58
Raj7681Hi, Can anyone help me with Wubi?13:58
RambaZambaNervAgent, yes, but vi should be able to handle files with 3mb size13:58
RambaZambasomething is wrong :/13:59
Dr_Willisrek:  there are command line based IM clients.. yes13:59
taurusivywhy can't i operate like 'sdptool search SP' in spite of  being able to  find bluetooth dev with 'hcitool scan'?  there is an error comes out saying "Failed to connect to SDP server on 00:24:2C:BA:4C:76: Function not implemented".. thanks a lot!!!14:00
evonare UUIDs always the same everytime you restart the computer?14:00
Dr_Willisevon:  they should be yes.14:00
Dr_Willisevon:  about the only way they change is if you resize the hard drive/parittions (seen that happen) or you change them with the tune2fs command14:00
ValentineXHello, How to use SonyEricsson phone as webcam?14:01
Raj7681Hi, Can anyone help me with Wubi?14:01
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.14:01
evonDr_Willis: so if i use the UUID in fstab instead of the sdx labeling, my drive will always mount everytime I restart?14:02
Dr_Willisevon:  if you look at the fstab - you should seen that  its allready done that way in most cases14:02
KnifeySpooneyI can't play audio in an Ubuntu karmic fresh install in Firefox when I run a page with Java with sound and another page with Flash with sound. I can only get sound in one of the programs depending on which opened first. I can run as many flash apps as I want and the sound will work. I would like for sound to work in both apps at once, and i've looked around the Ubuntu forums for a fix but none of the howtos have worked or a14:02
Dr_Willisevon:  you could also mount based on label, or other 'values'14:02
DEViUShi to all, i was here earlier trying to do something with grub2, anyway thats not important now, what i want to do now is delete the windows entry from it....can anyone assist?14:02
subitocan vlc read mp4?14:03
Raj7681Thanks Ubottu. My problem with Wubi Ubuntu is that I am not able to find shutdown option. I had to use shutdown now command from terminal. Is it correct method?14:03
Dr_WillisDEViUS:  so you hav3e windows installed? or not?14:03
Dr_Willis!bot | Raj768114:03
ubottuRaj7681: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:03
evonDr_Willis: I just want to mount based on a 'value' that won't change everytime I restart.  What do you suggest?14:03
Dr_WillisRaj7681:  you could also log out and  use the shutdown menu item from GDM.14:04
Dr_Willisevon:  uuid is normally used for that. I have some data drives i mount based on label.14:04
iflemasubito: yep... and it converts to formats aswell... bonus14:04
DEViUSi have it installed, windows 7, but i am favouring the bcd menu over grub, so i want the bcd menu to show on startup [WHICH I CAN DO], and on it there will be windows seven and linux loader [WHICH IVE ALREADY ACOMPLISHED], but i want to remove the windows seven from the grub list =]14:04
Raj7681Hi Dr_Willis: am not getting logout option too and what is GDM? I am new to Linux world.14:05
KnifeySpooneyalbertong: i know an albert ong in real life14:05
wiwarHello, which application can I use to store set of laws (preferable it should already have a ready to use database)?14:05
evonDr_willis: Is it possible for me to restart the fstab without restarting computer?14:05
Dr_WillisDEViUS:  edit/make-unexecutable the proper /etc/grub.d/whatever-os-prober file. then rerun update-grub14:05
rekDr_Willis: centerim installed lol14:05
Dr_Willisevon:  you just use 'sudo mount -a' to reparse the fstab.14:05
erUSULevon: « sudo mount -a -o remount » may work14:05
evonoh ok. cool.14:06
Dr_Willisevon:  depending on exactly what you are trying to do.14:06
DEViUSDr_Willis: i have it installed, windows 7, but i am favouring the bcd menu over grub, so i want the bcd menu to show on startup [WHICH I CAN DO], and on it there will be windows seven and linux loader [WHICH IVE ALREADY ACOMPLISHED], but i want to remove the windows seven from the grub list =]14:06
DEViUSDr_Willis: i dont understand anything from wat u saiid =S14:06
LuyangHi, I'm about to sign up for SliceHost. Can somebody recommend me a distribution??14:07
KnifeySpooneyDEViUS: chmod -x /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober14:07
KnifeySpooneyDEViUS: That should disable Grub from adding other OSes14:07
Raj7681Dr_Willis: am not getting logout option too and what is GDM? I am new to Linux world.14:07
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Guest98466hello ppl, what is this supposed to mean? network "device not managed"14:08
DEViUSKnifeySpooney, that wont affect ubuntu and memtest , ryt?14:08
ValentineXhow to use my sonyericsson phone for sms reading writing contacts backing up etc with Linux?14:09
erUSULGuest98466: from network manager?14:09
KnifeySpooneyDEViUS: Nope. the memtest parser is at /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+ and the ubuntu parser is at /etc/grub.d/10_linux14:09
bkolicsanybody could help with wireless keyboard/mouse issues? My Karmic installation stops accepting input from the keyboard/mouse a minute or two after it starts the desktop14:09
KnifeySpooneyDEViUS: after disabling the 30_os-prober script, you have to run 'sudo update-grub2'14:09
DEViUSKnifeySpooney, oki, nice14:09
scooter89I installed pure-ftpd and pureadmin. I configured a user in pureadmin. Rebooted and I am unable to connect. Any ideas?14:10
Guest98466yep...network manager applet14:10
evonDr_willis: where do i get the uuid?14:11
DEViUSKnifeySpooney, Perhaps you know how to edit the Display name of the os entries of grub2?14:11
iflemascooter89: firewall14:11
legend2440evon: in terminal type    sudo blkid14:12
Guest98466any idea how to solve the problem?14:12
wirechief_if you havent run into issues with network-manager yet , you will, wicd is much better and the how to get it is here: http://wicd.sourceforge.net/download.php14:12
scooter89iflema: Firestarter was installed on the machine but I removed it before the pureftpd install.14:12
evonlegend2440: thanks14:12
DEViUSKnifeySpooney, do u have an idea ???14:13
KnifeySpooneyDEViUS: Yeah, i found a thread on it, reading about it14:13
DEViUSKnifeySpooney, if its the wiki, i read it but cudnt get it to work14:14
minehi tell me something about the  basic firewall configure14:14
JJ1219hey guys i have a question, I downloaded the disk of 9.10 last night and i used the wubi inside of it to install ubuntu as part of windows vista HP, but when i ran it it started redownloading a torrent of the files, why?14:14
iflemamine: out the box?14:14
iflemamine: upon install/having done nothing....14:15
DEViUSmine, its very basic...=S ...be specific14:15
KnifeySpooneyDEViUS: what exactly do you want to change?14:15
Guest98466pls, does anyone know how to solve this..."device not managed" thing?14:16
KnifeySpooneyLike go from Ubuntu karmic, Linux ______ to Ubuntu Karmic?14:16
mineI don't know14:16
scooter89iflema: I also did a portscan and 21 is open. Any other ideas?14:16
minetell me some command for example14:16
DEViUSKnifeySpooney, the ubuntu os entrys, i dont like the way they are listed, so i want rename them, just like in grub114:16
iflemamine: 'sudo apt-get install firestarter' for gui14:17
mineDEViUS just change it in the file.cfg14:17
minesome command about ufw14:17
FoggyHillWhen gem install mysql on Ubuntu, why am I getting ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension? I've followed http://articles.slicehost.com/2007/9/10/ubuntu-lts-mysql-and-ror and tried gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-config=/usr/bin/mysql_config and gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-dir=/usr/bin --with-mysql-lib=/usr/lib64/mysql to no luck.14:18
iflema scooter89: there all open.. youve no firewall14:18
minejust give  little example14:18
trismFoggyHill: again, did you install the build-essential package?14:18
FoggyHillHere's the full output: http://pastie.org/74126514:18
DEViUSmine, sudo apt-get install firestarter14:18
JJ1219guys- would it be better to wubi install 9.04 and then update to 9.10?14:18
FoggyHilltrism: what's the build-essential package?14:18
DEViUSmine, will help u configure ur firewall14:18
francesco_hi everyone14:18
sAnta89_JJ1219, no, complete installs are recommended14:18
iflema scooter89: add firestarter and allow service (incoming) ftp for everyone14:19
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FoggyHilltrism: Wait, hold up14:19
StavrosDoes anyone have any ideas how to get my webcam to work on Ubuntuo 9.10 by any chance?14:19
francesco_can you help with a problem of wine14:19
KnifeySpooneyDEViUS: take a look at this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128760214:19
FoggyHillNo some were missing14:19
evonhow do use the uuid in fstab?14:19
iflema scooter89: or selected few14:19
JJ1219sAnta89_: I xannot full install 9.10 because my dad uses this computer and he hates ubuntu14:19
KnifeySpooneyevon: to find the uuid you can run 'blkid sdxy' where x is the hard drive letter and y is the partition number14:20
trismFoggyHill: the build-essential package just points to a bunch of other packages necessary to compile code14:20
minesomething like  -ufw  allow 80/tcp14:20
mineand more command14:20
DEViUSevon: <UUID> <mount point>   <type>  <options><dump>  <pass>14:20
sAnta89_JJ1219, in any case, it's still unwise to upgrade from 9.04-9.10, why can't you install 9.10 Wubi?14:20
evonDevius: so i don't have to put 'UUID=' or anything like that?14:21
FoggyHilltrism: Yeah, all that stuff is installed14:21
FoggyHillIt still doesn't work14:21
JJ1219when i try 9.10 wubi i get the no disk in drive error, and have to click like 900,000 times to get anywhere14:21
StavrosDoes anyone have any ideas how to get my webcam to work on Ubuntuo 9.10 by any chance?14:21
iflemamine: http://linux.die.net/man/8/iptables14:21
KnifeySpooneyStavros: I don't have any direct experience becasue i don't have a cam, but I know the programs "Cheese" and "Webcamstudio" both work14:22
Stavrosthank you14:22
DEViUSevon, ill give u an example,   UUID="4353BCDA2B3995D5"      /media/DATA   ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-80 014:22
evondevius: thanks i just forgot the quotes14:23
scooter89iflema: Before I install firestarter, I should mention that I am already using this machine as web server. Is there any specific configuration needed when running ftp and apache on the same machine?14:23
DEViUSevon, welcome14:23
KnifeySpooneyI can't play audio in an Ubuntu karmic fresh install in Firefox when I run a page with Java with sound and another page with Flash with sound. I can only get sound in one of the programs depending on which opened first. I can run as many flash apps as I want and the sound will work. I would like for sound to work in both apps at once, and i've looked around the Ubuntu forums for a fix but none of the howtos have worked or a14:23
iflemamine: a firewall........ && ubuntu's netfiltering is handled by iptables14:23
grawityiflema: iptables _and_ ufw.14:23
minethank you14:24
BluesKajKnifeySpooney, try 2 different browsers14:24
grawityscooter89: for Apache, allow incoming HTTP and HTTPS connections. But FTP is trickier; it uses a separate data connection... if you're using FTP with SSL, it can be a pain.14:24
iflemamine: allow service (incomming) http maybe https for everyone or select few14:25
FoggyHillWhy can't anybody port pf to Linux? I mean, look how beautiful its configuration is: http://pastie.org/741284 - not to mention that it's referred to as the world's best firewall by experts.14:25
KnifeySpooneyBluesKaj: didn't work14:26
erUSULFoggyHill: there are numerous frontends to iptables to make it more pleasant.14:26
FoggyHillerUSUL: but it's fake pleasantness14:27
FoggyHillerUSUL: i don't like it14:27
_raven_which jack-plugin can generate a 5.1 signal from stereo signals?14:27
BluesKajKnifeySpooney, that's an unusual request ..hope you have some patience :P14:27
iflemascooter89 :allow service (incomming) http maybe https for everyone or select few14:27
FoggyHillThe FBI, CIA and U.S. Military uses pf14:27
Stavrosthanks for that, cheese makes my webcam work perfectly but when i try it on skype it distorts the picture...is this a problem with the driver or something else?14:27
JJ1219sorry about that guys windows needed to update :P14:28
KnifeySpooneyBluesKaj: Yeah, tell me about it. And it seems like other people have had this problem before but there havent been any recent reports. I experience this problem on two separate computers, too..14:28
JJ1219stupid windows14:28
JJ1219I do have news though14:28
Stavrosthanks for that, cheese makes my webcam work perfectly but when i try it on skype it distorts the picture...is this a problem with the driver or something else?14:29
BluesKajKnifeySpooney, I don't consider that a real problem , since most ppl don't listen to 2 audio feeds simultaneously :)14:29
JJ1219i saved a copy of the zipped ubuntu 9.10 install to my EHD last night for some reason, so i still have it. now how do i use wubi with that to make it a part of windows14:29
LizardK|ngKnifeySpooney: did you try jaunty instead of karmic?14:29
MrZaiusis rc.local the typical place to lay out iptables rules, or is there a more preferred way to define them in a debian/ubuntu environment?14:29
thevishyit says I cant save my new.php in /var/www no permissions  !14:30
KnifeySpooneyBluesKaj: The problem is noticeable when I have a java app open that takes control of the sound, but outputs nothing. I then try to run a music streaming service and I don't get any audio playback. Restarting firefox seems to fix it14:30
MASARUwotathevishy, gksudo14:30
KnifeySpooneyLizardK|ng: yeah, I have been getting this issue since hardy14:30
thevishyi am using gedit14:31
erUSULMrZaius: use iptables-save and iptables-restore14:31
thevishydo you mean I have to open gedit  from terminal isnt there a simpler method ?14:31
BluesKajthat damn java again , trying to take control of ppl's computers :P14:31
JJ1219so guys, how do i install 9.10 wihtout it having to search and download the torrent again14:31
KnifeySpooneywell vice-versa happens with flash14:31
jake__Does anyone know why I can NOT cd while using an FTP client, but can cd if simply FTP'd in from command line?14:32
Jamedthevishy: alt+f214:32
grawityjake__: uh, what FTP client?14:32
MASARUwotaJJ1219: ubuntu.com14:32
grawityjake__: The 'ftp' command-line thing _is_ a FTP client too.14:32
JJ1219what about it Masaru14:32
thevishyok Jamed will do it that way14:32
MASARUwotaJJ1219: you want to install ubuntu without downloading the torrent, so just download the iso directly ;/14:33
MrZaiuserUSUL: thanks for the tip14:33
erUSULMrZaius: no problem14:33
[Spooky]Is there any sound improving software for Ubuntu, like more bass and so on?14:34
JJ1219i did download the damnable iso, it came to me zipped as a rar, i unrar'ed itand i have a set of files14:34
erUSUL[Spooky]: individual programs have equalizer (or not)14:34
JJ1219.disk casper autorun md5sum a readme.diskdefines a file called Ubuntu and wubi14:34
trismFoggyHill: that with-mysql-dir has to be incorrect, --with-mysql-dir sets --with-mysql-include --with-mysql-lib, and the header and library files are not in /usr/binn14:35
evonthanks everyone for their help14:35
JJ1219am i missing anything?14:35
coz_what is the iso of?14:36
JJ12199.10 desktop14:36
coz_JJ1219,  what is the iso of?14:36
JJ1219i386 iirc14:36
coz_JJ1219,  ok where did you download it that it came in rar?14:36
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JJ1219from ubuntu.com14:36
JJ1219i clicked download 9.1014:36
coz_JJ1219,   let me check   ...which version did you download?14:36
JJ1219and it said pick a location14:36
JJ1219i said USA and it popped up14:37
scooter89iflema: Installed firestarter, allowed specific incoming services and was able to establish a connection. Once is got to the password it kicked me off and said, "Authentication failed." I tried it numerous times, my password is correct. I'll play with the settings a bit. So close! Thanks for your help!14:37
bazhangJJ1219, there is no download as .rar option14:37
coz_JJ1219,  that shouldnt be in a rar format  it should download in .iso14:37
JJ1219grrrr, well how do you explain what it did14:37
JJ1219it downloaded as a darned rar14:37
coz_JJ1219,   ok try again14:37
bazhangsounds like you extracted items from the iso14:38
grawitycoz_: might be because WinRAR displays .iso files as archives.14:38
ultracan anyone tell me how to reset all of ubuntu's audio settings. everything is really screwed. for instance could anyone tell me how to change back to alsa?14:38
coz_grawity,  oh is he on windows?14:38
coz_JJ1219,   are you downloading this onto windows?14:38
grawitycoz_: why would he download Ubuntu then?14:38
coz_JJ1219, do not use winrar14:39
coz_JJ1219,   do you have  a cd burning software14:39
coz_JJ1219, which application is that?14:39
JJ1219but i want it as an application inside of windows14:39
JJ1219because I love ubuntu and have used it for ages14:39
JJ1219but my dad dermands windows14:39
JJ1219so i wanted to dualboot them14:39
coz_JJ1219, ok a dual boot14:40
JJ1219vista and ubuntu 9.10 using wubi14:40
coz_JJ1219,   oh using wubi14:40
JJ1219so that i could install 9.10 just as another application you know14:40
coz_JJ1219,  ok are you downloading wubi?14:40
JJ1219i can do either14:40
JJ1219download it from the site14:40
grawityJJ1219: So you'll need the .iso (NOT extracted), and the Wubi.exe installer14:40
JJ1219or use the one that came with the cd download14:40
coz_JJ1219,  ok which cd burning software do you have14:40
grawitycoz_: Wubi doesn't need a CD14:41
JJ1219idk, whatever vista has default14:41
coz_grawity,  ah I see I have never used it14:41
gdizI have a question for you all.  I am trying to forward keyboard events to a remote ubuntu box via ssh.  I am trying to control huludesktop through ssh.  any ideas?14:41
grawityJJ1219: "Whatever Vista has" does not support burning ISO images, AFAIK.14:41
sean93hey all, i cant get my iternet to work in ubuntu. i installed my windows drivers using ndisgtk but still no internet.14:41
d3Lt40neyah you can automatically download it14:41
coz_JJ1219,  I dont know if vista has an iso vurning option14:41
coz_iso burning14:41
grawityJJ1219: Anyway. Do you still have the .iso?14:41
ultracan anyone tell me how to reset all of ubuntu's audio settings. everything is really screwed. for instance could anyone tell me how to change back to alsa?14:42
JJ1219i do not need the disk of Ubuntu 9.1014:42
ultracan anyone tell me how to reset all of ubuntu's audio settings. everything is really screwed. for instance could anyone tell me how to change back to alsa?14:42
docmaxcan i change font of the syslog viewer?14:42
grawityJJ1219: Open it with WinRAR, it should have Wubi.exe inside. Extract that. Make sure you don't modify the .iso itself in any way.14:42
JJ1219what i want is to be able to install it using wubi as a part of windows14:42
JJ1219i did grawith14:42
grawityJJ1219: Now put both of them to the same folder, and run Wubi14:42
coz_JJ1219,  ok I have no idea how to do this since I have never used wubi14:42
[Spooky]I love the work with Ubuntu 9.10 :P14:43
[Spooky]How is the security on a default 9.10 install?14:44
[Spooky]Do i need to get a software firewall?14:44
oCean_!ufw | [Spooky]14:44
ubottu[Spooky]: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist14:44
docmaxcan i change font of the ubuntu syslog viewer?14:45
erUSUL[Spooky]: by default ubuntu does not have any service listning on any port. so a fw is not strictly neccesary14:45
sean93anyone know how i get my internet to work? i installed my windows drivers using ndisgtk but still no internet14:46
[Spooky]erUSUL: Ah ok thanks for info..14:46
iflema[Spooky]: loose and yes in terminal type 'sudo apt-get install firestarter'14:46
spiky25someone know if you can install broadcom b4311 rev 01 offline without troubles ???14:47
spiky25jj1219 > wubi isn't recommanded, it's just good for a beginner 1st try even a virtual machine is better14:47
docmaxcan i change font of the ubuntu syslog viewer?14:48
ssv1994hellp, what are gstream plugins?14:49
trismdocmax: the font is controlled by the fixed width font setting in System/Preferences/Appearance on the Fonts tab14:49
ultracan anyone tell me how to reset all of ubuntu's audio settings. everything is really screwed. for instance could anyone tell me how to change back to alsa?14:49
docmaxtrism, thanks14:49
JJ1219spiky25: i dont want to try anything else becuase i do not want to mess up my vista boot because my dad needs vista14:49
sean93why am i being ignored?14:49
erUSULspiky25: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76399514:49
erUSUL!caps | ultra14:50
ubottuultra: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.14:50
BluesKajultra , yes purge pulseaudio14:50
=== berry is now known as berry_nl
KongfuToufuanyone know why mtp devices can't be accessed using mtp-detect?14:50
erUSUL!patience | sean9314:50
ubottusean93: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.14:50
ultrano but there was something under settings that would enable you to change it14:50
gdizoops sorry14:50
iflemasean93: drivers for wifi?14:50
ssv1994guys, what are gstream plugins and are they legall?14:51
ultrawithout going through all that garbage of purging pulse14:51
trismssv1994: they are various codecs used to play audio and video files14:51
ssv1994are they legal?14:51
grawitythey're all legal, otherwise they would be not available for Ubuntu.14:52
ultragrawity: even from 3rd party repositories?14:52
ssv1994is adobe flash player legal to use, if I download it from their site?14:52
KongfuToufuanyone know how to sync mtp devices in ubuntu?14:53
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demon_D_MANI'm trying to reach my server by entering my external ip in my address bar; but opera can't find it14:53
forceflowKongfuToufu: Rhythmbox has MTP plugin14:53
demon_D_MANalthough I can reach my server with localhost14:53
MASARUwotassv1994: ofcourse it is, its not FREE AS IN FREEDON however14:53
forceflowworks pretty well for my creative zen14:53
ultraBluesKaj: there was an easier way to do it than that!14:53
trismssv1994: you don't need to download it from their site, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer will download it for you14:53
forceflowKongfuToufu: or check Gnomad14:53
spiky25In case of troubles just buy the fluendo codecs pack ...14:53
iflemademon_D_MAN: firewall14:53
grawityssv1994: The only problem is that they cannot be redistributed along with Ubuntu. But downloading separately is okay. (AFAIK.)14:53
MASARUwota^ that14:54
demon_D_MANiflema: I'm using firestarter14:54
KongfuToufuforceflow:when i use it in terminal, it just can't initialize the device and tells me that is busy14:54
demon_D_MANbut I don't now what to do14:54
demon_D_MANto enable it14:54
sean93iflema, yes14:54
ssv1994ok, that is good, but what about device drivers?14:54
grawityKongfuToufu: It might be that it's already being accessed by gphoto2 in the graphical interface.14:54
iflemademon_D_MAN: enable http service??14:55
RiotingPacifistI've installed libs to /usr/local how do i get the system to use them instead of the defaults (globally,  e.g not for just a program as i launch it)?14:55
demon_D_MANiflema: I already have that enabled14:55
demon_D_MANeven if my firewall is off I can't reach it14:56
KongfuToufugrawity: i know that issue but in 904 if i unmount the device it can be normal, but this doesn't work in 910 now14:56
dattai am trying to uninstall firefox 3.5 in ubuntu 8.04 to go to firefox 3 which i think will be better than the crashing browser i am using right now14:56
grawityssv1994: basically, there are two things that apply to most of these programs: 1) they can be downloaded separately but not distributed with Ubuntu. 2) they are only available as pre-compiled binaries, not as source code => Ubuntu developers cannot fix them in case of problems. (At least that's how I understand it.)14:56
iflemademon_D_MAN: are you behind an adsl router?14:56
dattai looked up in ubuntu forum and saw this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4811890 and this does not help me for 3.5 at all14:56
KnechtRwozu muss dieser prozess laufen? -> /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-data-server-2.2614:56
MASARUwotadatta: so you want to remove ff3.5 and install ff3.0?14:56
demon_D_MANiflema: probably but how can I be sure and if I'm how can I reach my server?14:57
ssv1994grawity: but why in some countries it is illegal?14:57
dattaMASARUwota: yes14:57
grawityssv1994: What do you mean by "it"?14:57
iflemademon_D_MAN: sometimes the router has a firewall activated.....14:57
demon_D_MANgod damn14:57
ssv1994I mean codecs and wifi drivers14:57
MASARUwotadatta: open up a terminal and type: sudo apt-get remove firefox --purge14:57
* grawity thinks he should redirect ssv1994 to #ubuntu-lawyers or something.14:57
iflemademon_D_MAN:  if so open 80 and 43114:57
MASARUwotadatta: that will remove and purge the directories14:57
iflemais it 431?14:57
KongfuToufugrawity:how can i solve that libgphoto and libmtp conflict?14:57
evonsomeone please help me with this ttf-dejavu error http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/340572/14:58
RiotingPacifistdatta: my aptitude shows a program called firefox-3.0 have you tried installing that?14:58
demon_D_MANiflema: so and how do I open those :D14:58
evonI can't find any fixes for it14:58
grawityKongfuToufu: I used to solve it with a kill -914:58
dattaMASARUwota: this is the problem that the terminal says that package firefox is not installed14:58
grawitydatta: Try 'shiretoko' or 'firefox-3.5'14:58
Sylvebarbehello everybody14:58
wvdIs it possible to download nsidwrapper on windows, and then use it on linux or something?14:58
grawitydatta: Or dpkg -l | grep firefox14:58
MASARUwotadatta: maybe its called differently in the ubuntu repos D:14:59
RiotingPacifistssv1994: the programs are not illegal it's just that canonical are not allowed to redistribute them14:59
grawitywvd: It should be in http://packages.ubuntu.com/14:59
iflemademon_D_MAN: if this is the case... youll prob need a password to get into web interface = address required14:59
wvdgrawity: do I have to set it on a CD then?14:59
demon_D_MANokay I have the address of my router14:59
grawitywvd: CD, USB drive, whatever you have.14:59
wvdgrawity: and, no, it isn't there..14:59
demon_D_MANiflema: Okay I will try to find the pass somewhere =D  thanks for the help15:00
iflemademon_D_MAN: if firewall is acticve... sound like it what about firefox does it get in????15:00
evonsomeone please help me with this ttf-dejavu error http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/340572/15:00
evonsomeone please help me with this ttf-dejavu error http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/340572/15:00
evonI can't find any fixes for it15:00
sean93my comp is duel boot, im in windows now, and my internet works on it. Why not on ubuntu15:00
gdizis there a program in the unix framework that imitates keyboard events in the gui15:00
MASARUwotawere is the !not spam bot thing when you need it ;/15:00
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dattagrawity: i do not understand what it says when i paste the dpkg -l |grep firefox15:00
wvdsean93: enable it, and what for internet you got=15:00
spiky25http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=763995 is not a solution some got better ?15:01
grawitywvd: packages.ubuntu.com lists ndiswrapper-utils, ndiswrapper-common, and ndisgtk -- so get all three.15:01
KongfuToufugrawity:I don't know that exactly what i should do, can you explain it?15:01
MASARUwotaevon: try install ing ttf-dejavu-extra first15:01
iflemasean93: is an adsl router involved?15:01
grawityKongfuToufu: Do 'ps -ef', and see if there are any gphoto processes listed.15:01
grawityKongfuToufu: Or, maybe pgrep -lf gphoto15:01
sean93iflema, im not sure15:01
wvdgrawity: and then if I have them on USB/CD, what should I do?15:01
pkkmHow so set up Parked Domains and Addon Domains in Apache?15:02
iflemausb or ethernet connection?15:02
grawitywvd: In GUI - double-click on the package.15:02
Balsaqi want to purchase a new laptop but have heard some cannot boot ubuntu? i do not want the laptop unless i can install ubuntu to the hard drive. it is a toshiba with an amd 2.1 sempron processor15:02
iflemasean93: usb or ethernet connection?15:02
sean93i have a PCI Card15:02
grawitywvd: In Terminal -- dpkg -i *.deb15:02
RiotingPacifistevon http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/340574/ is your /etc/defoma/hints/ttf-dejavu-extra.hints the same?15:02
evonMASARUwota: it's already installed15:02
MASARUwotaBalsaq: just search for the model + ubuntu on a search engine to find if it boots alright15:02
wvdgrawity: dpkg -i *.deb should automatically install all three?15:03
Balsaqok thanks15:03
MASARUwotaevon: k, now retry. make sure to do a "sudo apt-get update" first15:03
grawitywvd: well, yeah. The "*.deb" part will match all .deb files in the current directory...15:03
wvdgrawity: i see..15:03
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ssv1994guys, is it legal to activate a driver for my atix1600 videocard?15:03
wvdgrawity: thank you!15:03
grawitywvd: ...so make sure you are in the correct directory before doing it. 'pwd' to show, 'cd' to change, 'ls' to list all files.15:03
wvdI know15:03
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dattaand none of them actually seem to work with the uninstalling part15:04
c3lHi, ive recently installed ubuntu 9.10 (x64 desktop) and installed the ubuntu extras, and nvidia extra driver. and updated the system. I cannot get HDMI to work (neither sound or video) how do I fix this?15:04
RiotingPacifistssv1994: yes15:04
dattai have tried all of them provided by http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4811890 this topic in the ubuntuforum15:04
wvdgrawity: how do I go to an CD-rom in linux? which dir is it mostly?15:04
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RiotingPacifistssv1994: as i said before it is legal but it can't come on the cd because ubuntu cant give you it directly15:05
MASARUwotawvd it should show up in nautilus15:05
grawitywvd: Dunno. I think Ubuntu auto-mounts it to /media/cdrom/ ...15:05
grawitywvd: But I'm sure it will be inside /media/15:05
evonRiotingPacifist: if what you're showing me in the pastebin is the contents of that file then no. mine is completely empty15:05
wvdgrawity: ok thanks15:05
KongfuToufugrawity:yes,when i use pgrep -lf gphoto, it displays: 3061 /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor15:05
evonMASARUwota: same thing15:05
RiotingPacifistevon: well put that in the file and try again15:05
grawityKongfuToufu: okay, now the number is process ID - use "kill -9 3061"15:06
MASARUwotaevon: k. how about downloading the deb package from packages.ubuntu.com15:06
MASARUwotaevon: and installing that15:06
grawityKongfuToufu: If it returns "Permission denied", put "sudo " before the command and repeat.15:06
ssv1994RiotingPacifist: I was just asking, because I've read, that videocard and wifi drivers can't be used in ubuntu ore with it. There was something with EULA15:06
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c3lHi, ive recently installed ubuntu 9.10 (x64 desktop) and installed the ubuntu extras, and nvidia extra driver. and updated the system. I cannot get HDMI to work (neither sound or video) how do I fix this?15:07
c3lis there anything I need to do to get hdmi to work with linux?15:08
evonMASARUwota: ok i will try that15:08
KnechtRwhat is this process for? -> /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-data-server-2.2615:09
MrZaius /part15:09
RiotingPacifistssv1994: OK, well basically the EULA says canonical can't give you the drivers, but the tools gets around that by installing them from somewhere else, the only possible illegal stuff is to do with mp3 playback15:09
sean93should i just stick with windows? is there any major advantages to changing to linux?15:10
Dr_Willissean93:  totallyt depends on what you are doing.15:10
Dr_Willissean93:  if you are sick of viruses and Malware....... well..15:10
MASARUwotasean93: if you want to play games and watch flash videos. then no15:11
KongfuToufugrawity:after i killed that, and type pgrep -lf gphoto again, there is nothing displayed. But mtp-detect or rhythmbox also displays: usb_claim_interface(): Device or resource busy LIBMTP PANIC: Unable to initialize device15:11
sean93you cant play games on linux?15:11
Dr_Willissean93:  i have all sorts of games on Linux.15:11
grawitysean93: You can - but most games are developed for Windows :(15:11
Dr_Willissean93:  dont expect the latest directx 11 uber-gfx game with 100x of  DRM to work however15:11
minehow to   make  the  result of a command display  line by line15:11
Dr_Willismine:  command | less15:12
KnechtRany1 with brain in this channel?15:12
MASARUwotaKnechtR: i hope so15:12
RiotingPacifistsean93: a lot of 3D games arn't made for linux, however flash games and little games solitair etc and older games are avalible15:12
milanhow can I get /init.d/postgresql-8.4 file? I deleted it following some instruction, and now server dos not work15:12
evonMASARUwota: thanks for your help.  I got it working with someone else's suggestion. have an awesome day15:12
MASARUwotaevon: k, cya15:13
sean93so what is linux better for?15:13
darthanubisKnechtR, you'll be waiting with that tude dude15:13
evonRiotingPacifist: it worked. thanks a lot. have an awesome day.15:13
bazhangsean93, lets take this to #ubuntu-offtopic15:13
dheeraji have sound problems with ubuntu 9.1015:13
RiotingPacifistevon: np, have fun with fonts15:13
bourkehi, an update last night seems have broken my flash plugin - firefox doesnt pick it up anymore.. any ideas?15:13
darthanubissean93, whatever use you can find for it15:13
MASARUwotadheeraj: what problems?15:13
c3lHi, ive recently installed ubuntu 9.10 (x64 desktop) and installed the ubuntu extras, and nvidia extra driver. and updated the system. I cannot get HDMI to work (neither sound or video) how do I fix this?15:13
c3lusing nvidia15:14
dheerajmy soundcard is not detected.15:14
sean93anyway does anyone know how to get my wifi working?15:14
MASARUwotadheeraj: what soundcard do you own?15:14
RiotingPacifistmilan: does dpkg -S /init.d/postgresql-8.4 give you anything15:14
dheerajati xp modem ac 97 audio15:14
milancan yomeone help me with postgresql install?15:14
milanif yes, please come on private15:14
bazhangwhat chipset, what have you tried, please paste.ubuntu.com with errors if more than a single line15:14
darthanubis!ask > milan15:14
Dr_Willissean93:  that will totally depend on the exact wireless card/chipset15:14
ubottumilan, please see my private message15:14
sean93ok, one sec15:15
darthanubis!details > sean9315:15
ubottusean93, please see my private message15:15
* Dr_Willis dosent even know what postgresql is.15:15
RiotingPacifistc3l: have you tried using the nvidia configuration tool15:15
dheerajshall i send my lspcioutput??15:15
darthanubisdheeraj, only to pastebin15:15
tsunamiCan someone check out this error: http://pastebin.com/m2a6a2fb0  Happened just after an upgrade for apperantly no reason.15:15
RiotingPacifisttsunami: means you have to run fsck on a partition manually15:16
darthanubistsunami, no biggie there15:16
tsunamiokay, i'll check it out then15:16
spiky25hi what would be a better wireless card for my laptop (dell inspiron 1501) that work for wireless security testing and that have a driver and firmware included in the linux kernel if possible (open source friendly)15:17
Dr_WillisHmm. that would be a nice feture in the grub menu 'fsck all filesystems'15:17
RiotingPacifisttsunami: it means the filesystem is slightly corrupted but running fsck /<partiton name> should work15:17
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RiotingPacifistDr_Willis: espeically as the friendly recovery menu means you can't fsck /usr :(15:17
tsunamiJust sucks I can't ssh into the box15:17
darthanubisspiky25, http://linux-wless.passys.nl/15:17
milanhow to remove application, so that it is gone without any trace and really redownloaded and reinstalled like new?15:17
RiotingPacifistmilan: aptitude purge name15:18
darthanubismilan, purge15:18
Dr_WillisRiotingPacifist:  i was just thinking how i got grub2 set to boot a .iso file. You could have a minimal iso/ubuntu that is just for doing some repair tasks.15:18
c0p3rn1cmilan, sudo apt-get remove --purge package15:18
dheerajwhen i try to load my driver to the kernel,i get an error message...15:19
reki'm not able to save files with firefox15:19
c3lRiotingPacifist, no, i do not know how15:19
rekwith fluxbox15:19
Dr_Willisrek:  where are you saving them to?15:19
ssv1994guys, why in some countries people need to buy license to listen mp3?15:19
rekin any place15:19
rekno difference15:19
rekit's grey15:19
Dr_Willisrek:  can you save stuff with a text editor?15:19
rekyep sure15:19
MASARUwotassv1994: because corporations want to get MONEYZ15:19
MASARUwotaor something15:19
Dr_Willisssv1994:  because the people that invented mp3 say so.15:19
rekmaybe i had to open firefox with sudo?15:19
Dr_Willisrek:  thats bad logic.15:20
BalsaqMASARUwrote  hmmm...i see many articles on ubuntu working in amd sempron but not the excact model but supposedly amd an ubuntu mix well as far as i can see15:20
rekDr_Willis: sure ;-)15:20
Dr_Willisrek:  if you go about running stuff with sudo when you dont need to. you can really cause issues.. like what you are experienceing15:20
RiotingPacifistssv1994: its to do with software patents, if you live in the EU your fine, if you live in the US then nobody has gone after free software so your also fine15:20
rekwhat's happening15:20
Dr_Willisrek:  no idea. I dont know what all you are doing. I doubt if fluxbox has anything to do with it.15:21
reklol it's rek's fault15:21
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)15:21
Dr_Willisrek:  you sould be able to save stuff to /home/whateveryourusernameis15:21
dheerajanyone please help in resolving my sound problem....15:21
ssv1994ok, thanks, but why in some countries it is forbidden to use drivers with ubuntu?15:22
EsatYucei installed an debian package about dictionary, and setup it, How can i run this application?15:22
reki did sudo mkdir /home/riccardo/somethinglol15:22
Dr_Willisrek:  if NOTHING can save to your home dir. then you got some permissions set wrong.15:22
sean93Ok, I have a duel boot PC, Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.10. My internet works in Windows but not in ubuntu. MY wireless card is BT Voyager 1040 PCI Adapter (or Broadcom 802.11g Wireless Network Adapter, im not sure). I installed my windows drivers using ndisgtk, but still no internet.15:22
rekit's all messed uo15:22
Dr_Willisrek:  recall what i said about using 'sudo' when you dont need to... thats why.15:22
RiotingPacifistssv1994: no the drivers are always fine, only mp3codec have *potential* problems (and only in the US)15:22
rekthis' weird15:22
Dr_Willisrek:  that dir is owned by root.  is why15:22
Balsaqi can but a 2.1 semprom laptop with 3g ram today for 299.00? seems to cheap to be true, its only a single core. i wonder if thats enough of a computer to run ubuntu fast...for many years to come...15:22
reki know15:22
Dr_Willisrek:  its very logical. there was no need to 'sudo mkdir' :)15:22
rekno need but it can be done15:23
muri_oneDepending on interpretations of the GPL proprietary/closed source drivers could techinically be violating it15:23
reki'll reboot15:23
reki think15:23
dimitaris there any way to change splash screen in ubuntu 9.10?15:23
RiotingPacifistrek: to fix it try sudo chown riccardo.riccardo /home/riccardo/somethinglol15:23
Dr_Willisrek:  whats that supposed to acomplish?15:23
demon_D_MANCan anybody tell me what I need to do with my router firewall to be able to visit my server in the browser?15:23
MASARUwotaRiotingPacifist: do you have a list of the !triggers somewhere? :p15:23
ssv1994that is good, do you know, is it legal to run any programm for windows using wine?15:23
Dr_Willisdimitar:  you can change the xsplash stuff and the usplas ubuntu logo.  if you really want to bother.15:23
rekmy aims15:24
Emanonif it was legal to run them without wine probably ssv15:24
RiotingPacifistmuri_one: GPL only applies on distribution thats why your fine installing them on your system15:24
demon_D_MANssv1994: if you got the program legal, the nit is legal15:24
rekRiotingPacifist: i'm not allowed to save anything in my whole pc15:24
tapasDr_Willis: ok, i think it was /etc/hdparm.conf :)15:24
Emanonif you own the program the law doesnt say HOW you can run the program just whether or not you can15:24
Emanonlike if you own it legally or not15:24
demon_D_MANIs there someone who can help me?15:24
oCean_!ask | demon_D_MAN15:25
ubottudemon_D_MAN: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:25
Dr_Willisdemon_D_MAN:  forward the proper ports to the proper machine via the router configs15:25
RiotingPacifistMASARUwota: nah i just remember gksudo/kdesudo being important as i've messed up homes with it15:25
RiotingPacifistrek: pastebin cat /proc/mounts15:25
demon_D_MANDr_Willis I know which ports to forward15:25
dheerajiam not getting sound in my laptop ...i use ubuntu 9.10 some one help me please15:25
dimitarhow to install atheros driver for my wireless card...?15:25
ssv1994does someone has an ati X.... video card?15:26
dheeraj Multimedia audio controller: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 01)15:26
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:26
dheeraj00:14.6 Modem: ATI Technologies Inc SB400 AC'97 Modem Controller (rev 01)15:26
RiotingPacifistdheeraj: try speaker-test, what error does it give15:26
dimitarhow to install atheros driver for my wireless card...?15:26
Emanonati has a rather poor history with linux (although some use it with no issues)15:26
dheerajit shows no soundcard found when i try aplay -l15:27
Dr_Willisati has a rather poor history    :)15:27
rekhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/340585/    lol!15:27
n00pI'd like to create a 2GB file in the shell. Easiest way to do this?15:27
RiotingPacifistdheeraj: try sudo speaker-test15:27
Dr_Willisn00p:  dd command can do that.15:27
n00pdoesn't matter what's in it15:27
dimitarhow to install atheros driver for my wireless card...?15:27
rekhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/340585/    lol! RiotingPacifist15:27
RiotingPacifistdimitar: use the gui driver tool15:27
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n00pright, so dd if=/dev/zero of=path/file bs=1G c=2?15:28
dimitari used gui driver tools....but there is nothing...non of the hardware is listed there15:28
Dr_Willisn00p:  or somthing like that..15:28
Dr_WillisImnot sure you can use BS=1G :)15:28
ultrawhere do you change between ALSA, OSS and Pulse in karmic?15:28
* n00p uses /dev/shm to test15:28
dimitari used gui driver tools....but there is nothing...non of the hardware is listed there15:29
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Dr_Willisultra:  pulse uses alsa.   IT often depends on the actual app to select to use alsa or pulse, or oss. (oss is still around?)15:29
mikobuntuultra gstreamer-properties from the terminal15:29
sean93Ok, I have a duel boot PC, Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.10. My internet works in Windows but not in ubuntu. MY wireless card is BT Voyager 1040 PCI Adapter (or Broadcom 802.11g Wireless Network Adapter, im not sure). I installed my windows drivers using ndisgtk, but still no internet.15:29
RiotingPacifistrek: hmm not what i though, all i can suggest is that your disk is full, check with df -h15:29
dheerajit shows a long list of playback errors...shall i paste the output???15:30
RiotingPacifistdimitar: well my atheros card worked out of the box in 9.10 perhaps the drivers are already installed?15:30
Dr_Willis!pastebin | dheeraj15:30
ubottudheeraj: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:30
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dimitarRiotingPacifist: how can i check that?15:30
RiotingPacifisttry connecting to a network15:30
rekRiotingPacifist: no15:30
anouarHi guys i'm trying to extract rar file , it's says "Archive type not supported." when i tried "sudo apt-get install unrar" i get this error message " Package unrar has no installation candidate15:31
anouar" any idea plz15:31
ultrawell i want to know what the hells going wrong with my sound, it's gone ape-sht and having a million and one different things wrong with it and I'm getting f****** sick of it15:31
rekit sais i must change the permissions or something15:31
Dr_Willisanouar:  find the proper rar package names15:31
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free15:31
rek/home/riccardo/icone/Gnome-terminal.png could not be saved, because you cannot change the contents of that folder.15:31
rekChange the folder properties and try again, or try saving in a different location.15:31
Dr_Willis!info rar-nonfree15:31
dimitarright now there are no wireless network here...:/      is there any terminal command so i can check my drivers beside wireless card...?15:31
ubottuPackage rar-nonfree does not exist in karmic15:31
peekayhey, i can't seem to run glipper after having installed it. it's not even in /usr/bin/, however the installer seems to have created directories such as /usr/share/pyshared/glipper/ and /usr/lib/glipper/glipper15:32
FoggyHillWhen gem install mysql on Ubuntu, why am I getting ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension? I've followed http://articles.slicehost.com/2007/9/10/ubuntu-lts-mysql-and-ror and tried gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-config=/usr/bin/mysql_config and gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-dir=/usr/bin --with-mysql-lib=/usr/lib64/mysql to no luck. Here's the full output: http://pastie.org/74126515:32
ultrahow do I just start over >:-015:32
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RiotingPacifistdimitar: nm-tool may work just an idea15:32
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Administrator_sean93: try to go to hardware then check your wireless adapter if it is not installed15:32
anouarDr_willis : where can i find that proper rar package ?15:32
Dr_Willis!info rar15:32
ubotturar (source: rar): Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.9.b2-1 (karmic), package size 542 kB, installed size 1164 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)15:32
ultraDr_Willis: how do i just start anew?15:32
RiotingPacifistrek: what happens when you run touch /home/riccardo/test15:33
Dr_Willisanouar:  its possible you dont have the 'multiverse' repo enabled.  or try the 'unrar' package15:33
Dr_Willis!info unrar15:33
ultraevery thing possible that could go wrong is going wrong15:33
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.9.3-1 (karmic), package size 100 kB, installed size 248 kB15:33
Balsaqultra have you tried removing and reinstalling your sound card?15:33
Dr_Willisultra:  start what anew?15:33
ultrastart my sound configuration anew15:33
rekriccardo@riccardo-desktop:~$ touch /home/riccardo/test15:33
Dr_Willisultra:  no idea. I use pulse audio here with no problems on my 3 machines.15:33
sean93Administrator_, how do i do that?15:34
rekgenerated a text file15:34
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Dr_Willisrek:  that just made a file called 'test'   so it worked.. :)15:34
ultrai cant even play f****** youtube videos. the sound goes out 1/3 of the way through15:34
rekgreat DR willssss15:35
Balsaqultra have you tried removing and reinstalling your sound card15:35
sean93Administrator_, how do i do that?15:35
rekso now what can i do?15:35
ultraBalsaq: that would void my warranty15:35
Balsaqultra i would ask the manufacturer about this issue if you still have a warranty15:35
dheerajmy sound crd not working..please help15:36
Dr_Willisrek:  im not sure what you are truing to do.. or what the original problem is now.15:36
ultraBalsaq: they don't cover any problems not encountered under windows15:36
rekDr_Willis: not able to save something with firefox15:36
Balsaqultra in now that, but i have never heard that re-installing a sound card voids a warranty?15:37
Dr_Willisrek:  if you really want to reboot.. go for it..  but i doubt if it will help much15:37
booh"You attempted to reach bugs.launchpad.net, but the certificate that the server presented has been revoked by its issuer."  -< help?15:37
Balsaqultra it probably is a driver issue though15:37
dattai see that firefox is uninstalled in all my system which was firefox 3.5 in ubuntu 8.04 but when i type firefox in terminal, i can still get firefox 3.515:37
Balsaqultra who is the manufacturer of your sound card15:38
dattawhy is it still installed when it is supposed to be out of my system?15:38
RiotingPacifistwho was i trying to help, my hdd went walkies so i don't have any logs15:38
richie0hi, guys.  i'm trying to make a launcher for a roguelike game in my /home file and it won't work.  how can i get this to work?15:38
ultraBalsaq: i have a hardware warranty. if i tinker with the hardware, I could be the cause of a hardware failure, thus the reason for voiding the warranty.15:38
Balsaqultra who is the manufacturer of the sound card15:38
rekDr_Willis: not able to save something with firefox15:38
Dr_Willisrichie0:  make a script that runs the proper command is one way..   2 lines  #!/bin/bash         gamenametorun &15:38
sean93roguelike game?15:39
RiotingPacifistrek what happened when you ran touch ~/test ?15:39
ultraBalsaq: i dont know. but my sound card works fine, the sound just cuts out after so long15:39
Dr_Willisrichie0:  or just right click, make new launcher.. is another way15:39
dattai tried sudo apt-get purge firefox-3.515:39
richie0Dr_Willis: holy crap!  i never even thought of that.  thanks!15:39
RiotingPacifistultra: what version of ubuntu are you on?15:39
anouarHi guys i'm trying to extract rar file , it's says "Archive type not supported." when i tried "sudo apt-get install unrar" i get this error message " Package unrar has no installation candidate15:39
dattaand still it does not work on removing the preferences and all the information of firefox completely15:39
Dr_Willisrichie0:  what? looking in the gnome menus for a feature? :)15:40
Balsaqultra if it works and then cuts out, it is not working fine, i think the sound card is fine, but you need the correct driver and to get that we need to know who made the sound card15:40
coz_anouar,  sudo apt-get install rar15:40
RiotingPacifistdatta: to remove firefox preferences run mv ~/.mozilla{,~}15:40
Dr_Williscoz_:  i think he may not have multiverse repo enabled..15:40
richie0Dr_Willis: no.  writing a little script.15:40
=== Qu4R0w is now known as cQ
Administrator_administration > hardware > then select the wifi adapter card for it try to install the right card to it15:40
coz_Dr_Willis,  oh ooo that would help :)15:40
prappl93Whenever I right click on something in the tray, I have to either hold down the right mouse button or push it multiple times for it to come up. Is there a way to fix this to where I only need to push it once?15:40
Dr_Willisrichie0:  :P   for a text based game use 'xterm -e gamename'15:40
almogaverXIIIwin 7 is better than all of linux!!15:40
dheerajsound card not detectd...any one help me in resolving...15:40
anouarcoz: Package rar has no installation candidate15:40
ultraBalsaq: but it has always worked fine in the past15:40
Balsaqultra the cpmuter manufacturer wil ltell you if you can't figure out the sound card...but it shows up unders device manager15:40
Dr_WillisalmogaverXIII:  i missed where we care..15:40
=== cQ is now known as diey0sa
RiotingPacifistdheeraj: can you post the pastbin link i lost my hdd15:41
prappl93almogaverXIII, GTFO15:41
klappirichie0: #!/bin/sh exec game is nicer15:41
coz_anouar, ok open system/administration/synaptic pacakge manaer15:41
dattaRiotingPacifist, i just tried that and then i typed firefox into my terminal and it still opened up15:41
ultraBalsaq: but it has always worked fine in the past15:41
anouarcoz : ok still here i'm gunna do that15:41
coz_anouar,  tell when that is opened15:41
dringzWindows 7 is just Vista with UAC downscaled 1 security level15:41
richie0klappi: thanks.  exec is a built in command?15:41
coz_anouar,  when that opens  click Settings/repositories15:42
=== mike is now known as Guest61596
RiotingPacifistdatta: you have to close all running firefoxs to get it to forget, pkill firefox15:42
klappirichie0: mormaly yes15:42
RiotingPacifistdheeraj: what command gave that output?15:42
prappl93Whenever I right click on something in the tray, I have to either hold down the right mouse button or push it multiple times for it to come up. Is there a way to fix this to where I only need to push it once?15:42
Balsaqultra well...you have options, you have a warranty and since you have a warranty if you are not willing to look in your computer and get the sound card info, you can have the computere manufacturer look it up for you, oncce you get that info, we can find out if there is driver support for it with ubuntu15:42
anouarcoz :i couldnt find Settings/repositories15:43
coz_anouar, the menu item   "Settings"15:43
coz_anouar,   File ...Edit..Pacakge..Settings...Help15:43
ultra[10:36:34] <ultra> Balsaq: they don't cover any problems not encountered under windows15:43
Qu4R0wwhere is "trash" location in backtrack 4?15:43
coz_anouar,  fin that?15:43
coz_anouar, find15:43
coz_anouar,    it is the Settings menu item15:44
Xintruderkiss umkum15:44
Balsaqultra i know that? i never mentioned them covering it?15:44
gast123hi, is there any ubntu with preconfigured fluxbox  based on ubuntu 9.10?15:44
dattaRiotingPacifist: still does not work15:44
coz_anouar,  ok hold on15:44
Balsaqlook in yur computer and see what the sound card is OR let the manufacturer look it up for you15:44
ultraBalsaq: how do I find out what my sound card is from ubuntu?15:44
scooter89Has anybody successfully installed and configured pure-ftpd in Karmic?15:44
coz_anouar,   look at this screenshot   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/Screenshot-Synaptic%20Package%20Manager%20.png15:45
Balsaqultra look...just call th folks who built your computer if you dont know how to look it up15:45
RiotingPacifistultra: lshw or a gui for it should give you the info (or lspci) it's pretty technical output though15:45
anouarcoz : i did now15:45
dattaby the way, has anyone faced such crashes with ubuntu 8.04 when they are trying to run firefox 3.5?15:45
anouarcoz :settings >...15:45
ultraBalsaq: just tell me the command please15:45
muri_onehow do I see what was updated in a package? Like a changelog.15:45
dattathe crash happens after you close your firefox15:45
coz_anouar,   ok  click repositories15:45
Guest61596oh man, im trying to run a game in WINE but right click and keyboard input doesnt work..who can I ask to help?15:45
RiotingPacifist!wine | Guest6159615:46
ubottuGuest61596: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:46
coz_anouar,  so Settings  /  Repositories15:46
anouarcoz :then15:46
Balsaqultra who built your computer, what company15:46
coz_anouar,  make sure the first four rick boxes are checked15:46
coz_anouar,  under  Ubuntu software tab15:46
dringzIt's still not called the "Google Phone", but the Nexus One -- to be made by HTC -- is as close as I think we're going to get. The WSJ cites sources familiar with Google's plans and says that Google has designed this handset and plans to sell it directly to consumers, unlocked.15:46
chuckfultra: run lspci |grep -i audio15:46
Bombohi i booted ubuntu live cd and i got internet but no mp3 support, i want to listen to internet radio it says video player doesnt support mp3, then it searches for a plugin but isnt successful15:46
coz_anouar,  if you like you can also tick the 4 boxes under the Updates tab15:46
anouarcoz :yes they are15:46
ultradoes this look right? :15:46
ultraAudio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)15:47
anouarcoz :what now ?15:47
ultrawhoa, i didnt realize i had HD15:47
coz_anouar,  ok  now click the  Reload button on synaptick15:47
chuckfultra: that looks right15:48
mdeontewhat is the image format that uses the least disk space15:48
anouarcoz : but i did not edit yet15:48
lixhhola amigos alguien habla español15:48
sAnta89_!es | lixh15:48
ubottulixh: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:48
coz_anouar,     edit what?15:48
klappiultra: thats the onboard sound15:48
anouarcoz:i just let everything as it was15:48
Balsaqultra there you go...so the sound works great, but it cuts out only when you run youtube in ubuntu right?15:48
ultraBalsaq: no.15:49
coz_anouar,   ok  close synaptic package manager15:49
ultraklappi: what does that mean?15:49
anouarcoz :ok15:49
coz_anouar,  open a terminal    suod gedit  /etc/apt/sources.list15:49
Obamacidehey, what is ubuntu for netbooks called now (9.10) still UNR or something else?15:49
Balsaqultra please repeat the problem15:49
coz_anouar,  sorry that is sudo  gedit /etc/apt/sources.list15:49
sAnta89_!unr | Obamacide15:49
ubottuObamacide: Ubuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu15:49
ultrathe sound keeps on cutting out permanently (until i restart whatever application is playing audio)15:50
coz_anouar,   when that opens you will see many lines  that begin withi     deb   if any of them are   #deb   remove the   #  then save and close15:50
anouarcoz :ok let me see if it's gunna work15:50
aTypicalHi, all.  Where can I find the latest file versions for Ubuntu?  In particular, I'm wondering what the latest kernel is.  I just picked up an HP Tablet and wanted to give it a try.15:50
ultrathat's the problem15:50
coz_anouar,   sudo apt-get install rar15:50
Obamacidemy problem is that the dell mini 9 i have only has 4gb flash drive....(one of the early ones)....is UNR smaller footprint that regular 9.10???15:50
ultraklappi: what does that mean?15:50
anouarcoz :it's opened a text file15:51
coz_anouar,  right15:51
clawfirehello everybody15:51
anouarcoz :what i'm dunna to do with it15:51
ultrai think i understand why this potentially wonderful, free, open-source OS is not more popular15:51
coz_anouar,   look for any line that has  #deb  and just remove  the  #  infront of the deb15:51
spiky25Obamacide install UNR 9.10 then do sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop ...15:51
klappiultra: just wanted to inform you that the line you posted is provided by the mainboard chipset15:51
aTypicalOf course, if someone here already has the tx2 tablet with Ubuntu installed I'd love to chat with you.  :-)15:51
ultraklappi: and that means...?15:52
coz_anouar, well if you are not used to linux  it will seem difficutlt at first...but then ...at some point... eveything comes together and you will be pushing the system to your friends15:52
spiky25then run in lxde desktop environnement and remove gnome packages that you don't need anymore ...15:52
klappiultra: you know what a mainboard is?15:52
clawfirei've got some trouble with ndiswrapper after loading a driver, , when i make ndiswrapper -l my driver seems to be loaded but i've got "alternate driver: ssb) what does it mean ?15:52
klappiulta: yes mainboard == motherboard15:53
coz_anouar,   ok are you seeing any of the deb lines that have  #deb15:53
dringzultra, the United Nations is buying out Ubuntu, did you see the article15:53
dringzon retuers15:53
dringzfor like $450 million15:53
anouarcoz :i did what now15:53
coz_anouar,   ok  in that text file15:53
ultradringz: prove it15:53
coz_anouar,   do you see the lines that begin with  deb15:53
spiky25clawfire if you want a better wifi card get a card compatible with ath9k15:53
Obamacidethanks spiky15:53
Bombohow do i add mp3 support for totem?15:53
coz_anouar,   look for any of those those lines that have  #deb  and remove the   #15:54
FiahI'm having trouble with a Xubuntu installation, and whenever I check #Xubuntu there's no one alive there to help me.15:54
anouaryes i did15:54
Balsaqdringz...are you serious?15:54
coz_anouar,  ok so all of the #  have been removed?15:54
coz_anouar,   so they all say  deb15:54
d3Lt40neBombo:use rythmbox15:54
aeon-ltdfiah: whats the problem?15:54
spiky25Obamacide you could switch to a window manager later for better performance but you will need more linux knowledge15:54
Obamacidespiky lubuntu desktop is lighter on memory usage.....but it is hd space that I am worried about......will adding it help in that department15:55
clawfiremy card is a belkin and work with ndiswrapper by the apst ... but i can't to load properly the driver this time15:55
anouartes but some deb-src still with # delete them as well15:55
coz_anouar, well you can yes its no big deal just dont delete the "deb or any after those letters  just the  #  sign15:55
klappibombo: try installing gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp315:55
spiky25Fiah do the minimal cd (9.10 version or more only) install then do sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop15:55
Glaedrhi all. When I was using ubuntu <= 9.04 internet (especially loading web pages) was faster than windo**, but now, on a faster computer, with the same ADSL connection, running ubuntu 9.10 internet is very slow...I'm using a 64bit version, and, such as in 9.04, it configured automatically the ethernet connection...I tried to use the OpenDNS, but nothing has changed...what to do?15:55
richie0Dr_Willis: this works:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/340598/  does that look like the best way to do it?15:56
aeon-ltdFiah: whats the problem?15:56
anouarcoz :there some deb like this #deb-src15:56
FiahI tried to install version 6.06.1 of Xubuntu on my iMac G3, using the release on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/6.06.1/release.1/15:56
anouarcoz ,delete its too ?15:56
ssv1994hello guys, what does adobe flash player download, when I am installing it?15:56
clawfireoh gosh excuse me it's ok ... ifconfig doesn't show the wlan0 interface but iwconfig yes ...15:56
coz_anouar,   yes you can  take out the  #  sign on those as well15:56
FiahIt runs fine, up until it tries to load/start pbbuttonsd15:56
FiahThen it fails, brings me to a command prompt15:56
spiky25Obamacide > Slitaz 2.0 is for HD space maniacs but you will lose all linux real potencial ...15:56
coz_anouar,  tell me when you have finished15:56
klappiGlaedr: what browser?15:57
anouarcoz : done15:57
spiky25hd space is dirt cheap these days, buy a decent space solution for your needs ...15:57
coz_anouar,  ok click the  X  to close and then  Save15:57
coz_anouar,   now open a terminal15:57
dringzThey say that people who can fluidly understand beyond calculus 4, and linear algebra in their brain, are wired differently in the head then most humans, bordering on a thin thread of psychosis, and schizophrenia15:57
FiahI tried the alternate install, which actually completes the installation and prompts for a reboot, saying it installed successfully, but when I reboot it's not installed.15:58
coz_anouar,  is the terminal opened?15:58
aeon-ltdspiky25: there are other smaller distros and there is no way you can lose linux potential infact in my history of  linux ubuntu has the least (from stock) potential due to its need to be 'user friendly'15:58
Bombod3Lt40ne: same message, no decoder found search for plugins etc... not working15:58
Glaedrklappi: any15:58
anouarcoz yes15:58
spiky25Fiah try Chakra live cd if you have a decent linux knowledge instead of ubuntu ...15:58
coz_anouar,   ok first   sudo apt-get update   then    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade    then   sudo apt-get install rar15:59
ssv1994guys, what does adobe flash player download, when I am installing the .deb package? What packages is it downloading?15:59
aeon-ltdspiky25: as long as there is a terminal emulator/ VT, a package manager, and compiling tools it is at 100% potenial15:59
d3Lt40neBombo:download winamp and use wine instead15:59
coz_ssv1994,  the flash install files15:59
spiky25aeon-ltd lightweight vs full-featured mean sometimes the lack of proprietary softwares support mostly ...15:59
user__im haveing15:59
coz_ssv1994,  I would assume15:59
ssv1994does it download mp3 or mpeg?16:00
ultradringz: you must have your pants on your arms, because you are talking out of your bottom16:00
FiahI'll check out Chakra Live CD16:00
anouarcoz :start updating :)16:00
aeon-ltdspiky25: proprietry software(if you mean flash and codecs) are compatible with almost every distro but the *BSDs16:00
user__im having some problems with hdmi (nvidia) Ive got it to work, almos, the resolutions are correct, but still about an inch on each edge is missing.  and I do not get any sound, how do I fix this?16:00
AzeotropeI want to start mplayer with crontab to play an mp3 file. i can onlz hear the first 4 secs of the file, then it stops16:00
anouarcoz :take long time ?16:01
spiky25Fiah remember for advanced users only !!!!!!!!!!!!!!16:01
coz_anouar,   ok  one thing  when on irc  type the first 3 letters of someones nick and then hit the tab button to complete it  ,,,,this way the person will see a text color change on his system16:01
=== sean is now known as Guest54906
spiky25aeon-ltd what about nero linux, cedega, crossover linux and crossover games ?16:01
ardian_Hi I have a script and i want to run it automatically when the computer starts how do I do it ?16:02
RiotingPacifistardian_: run as user or run as root?16:02
CShadowRunardian_: system > preferences > startup applications16:02
klappiardian_,: you can add it to rc.local16:02
CShadowRunmy ways for user :P16:02
anouarcoz :tab button , where is it ?16:03
Guest54906y won't my iternet work????16:03
chilli0Is there any alarm programs that will turn on if the computer is off ?16:03
coz_anouar,  on your keyboard16:03
aeon-ltdspiky25: there are alternatives such as abcde, wine for emulation16:03
coz_anouar,  left hand   side at least on american keyboards16:03
ssv1994does adobe flash player download, when it is installing, mp3, mpeg or other codecs?16:03
RiotingPacifistchilli0: nice GUI way, probably, ugly CLI hack would be to add shutdown -P 1 to a cronjob16:03
aeon-ltdguest54906: what happened prior to internet loss?16:03
coz_anouar,   anyway   ...how far is it with the updates?16:03
klappianouar: under ^ on german keyboards16:03
anouarcreate the first 3 chracters and the color of the system will change16:04
anouarcoz :how16:04
coz_anouar,  ok type    coz  and then hit the tab button16:04
spiky25aeon-ltd if I'm buying tools to make my life easier, I want support to come with them that's all ...16:04
chilli0RiotingPacifist, How can i do it gui ?16:04
c0p3rn1cssv1994, can you refrase your question please, it's bit unclear to me16:04
Guest54906aeon, I never had Internet in Linux16:04
Guest54906it works in windows though16:04
Fiah@spiky25: I don't believe my iMac fits the system requirements for Chakra16:04
anouarwhich key called tab16:04
user__im having some problems with hdmi (nvidia) Ive got it to work, almos, the resolutions are correct, but still about an inch on each edge is missing.  and I do not get any sound, how do I fix this?16:04
coz_anouar,  first type   coz  but dont hit enter until you hit the tab button16:05
aeon-ltdspiky25: i guess16:05
anouarcoz :where is exist the tab button on the keyboard16:05
aeon-ltdguiest54906: how do you connect eth0 or wifi16:05
coz_anouar,  which country are you in?16:05
tarski_ssv1994, you mean does it come with the codec for mp3/4 etc?16:05
coz_anouar,  oh ok let me check16:05
spiky25Fiah switch to something else than a powerpc cause support is really bad now ...16:05
coz_anouar,  there you go16:06
ssv1994does it?16:06
anouarit works16:06
coz_anouar,   oui16:06
Guest54906wifi, I installed my windows drivers with ndisgtk but still nothing16:06
tarski_ssv1994, not that I know of you need to install those codecs manually either through the package manager or apt-get16:06
ctmjruser__: although it is not recommended in this channel the drivers from the nvidia website have a overscan slider built in and the sound if you have pulse audio it is a pain getting it to work16:06
anouarcoz  type ano and test it16:06
xtg2165new to irc - can anyone suggest a tutorial?16:06
tarski_ssv1994, *synaptic or apt-get16:06
coz_anouar,   I had to hit tab twice to get your name correct16:07
ssv1994tarski_: what formats are used to play videos, music in the internet?16:07
spiky25Guest54906 > Try a ath9k compatible wireless card to be troubles free on linux ...16:07
anouarah yes16:07
anouarcoz_: i understand ya now16:07
=== eth1 is now known as kaziem
aeon-ltdguiest54906: did you load the module as per tutorial?16:07
coz_anouar,  this way the person you talk to will know immediatly that you are talking with them :)16:07
anouarit works with commands in the terminal as well16:07
tarski_ssv1994, theres lots of answers to that since theres lots of formats on the internet :) if you mean movies like on youtube, then that would be flash16:07
user__ctmjr, so what to do then?16:07
RiotingPacifist!ndis | Guest5490616:07
ubottuGuest54906: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:07
coz_anouar,   yes tab button can help complete pacakge names etc in terminal as well16:08
spiky25pulseaudio ? they even don't have removed this crapware worst than mono ... omg they will never learn !!!16:08
coz_anouar,  if you want to copy paste something  anywhere on the system   you just highlight the test you want to copy then "middle" click in terminal window or where ever you want to paste it16:08
grawitybutbutbut mono's awesome.16:08
ssv1994but does with adobe flash player come some illegal things?16:08
RiotingPacifistspiky25: i get that your an arch user but if your going to post in a support chan atleast try and be usefull16:09
coz_text  not test16:09
tarski_ssv1994, what do you mean illegal?16:09
coz_anouar,   updates complete?16:09
durammxHi everyone! Were I can get a list of packages of ubuntu 9.10 that came in the cd?16:09
grawityssv1994: Flash, and everything that comes in the package, is completely legal to download and use. Otherwise Adobe wouldn't distribute it.16:09
anouarworks as well16:10
RiotingPacifistssv1994: no adobe flash is perfectly legal as is using mp3 players it's only distributing them that MAY be illegal16:10
doofuseverytime apt-get runs, whatever i install, installs, but for some reason it's stuck on a kernel deb, and everytime it pukes out and finishes with an error...16:10
coz_anouar, ctrl + c is copy but inside terminal it is shift+ctrl+c to copy and shift+ctrl+v to paste16:10
coz_anouar,  ok are the updates finished??16:10
tarski_ssv1994, mp3 is restricted not illegal, it just depends where you are and what laws are in place16:10
anouarcoz_: let me take look16:10
anouarcoz_: not yet16:11
tarski_take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Multimedia16:11
gentiwhat is the name of software to convert xvid to mp4?16:11
ussergenti, ffmpeg, mencoder16:11
gentithanx im gonna try it16:11
anouarcoz_: done16:12
coz_anouar,   ok now    sudo apt-get install  rar16:12
d3c3p710ni've just gone from xvid2vob in 13minutes with my i7 :P16:12
d3c3p710nstupidly fast16:12
anouarcoz_: donz16:13
ctmjruser__: i have the drivers from nvidia because it fixes overscan on tv out and i run intrepid without pulse and the hdmi audio works fine it is up to you if you want to install, but keep in mind you have to reinstall the drivers with each kernel update/upgrade16:13
coz_anouar,  ??16:13
anouarcoz_: done16:13
coz_anouar,  did you mean done?16:13
ubottudri is direct rendering infrastructure, a framework for allowing direct access to graphics hardware under the X Window System in a safe and efficient manner.16:13
coz_anouar,   oh ::)16:13
anouarcoz_: :)16:13
coz_anouar,   ok now right click that pacakge and  extract16:13
anouarcoz_: bravo16:13
coz_anouar,  bon16:14
anouarcoz_: what i have to say ,i really glad16:14
anouarcoz_: thanks so mush16:14
coz_anouar,  je suis heureaux16:14
toaderHi, in linux, which software support voice chat? I am using pidgin with googletalk, but it seems not very good. The voice is always broken.16:14
anouarcoz_: are u using ubuntu ?16:14
coz_anouar,  yes I am16:14
anouarcoz_: c'est cool16:14
anouarcoz_: tu parles français ?16:15
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:15
coz_anouar,  un peu petit16:15
coz_anouar,  lol16:15
toaderHi, in linux, which software support voice chat? I am using pidgin with googletalk, but it seems not very good. The voice is always broken.16:15
anouarcoz_: where are you come from ?16:15
coz_anouar,   from italy but I have been living in US  for many many many years16:15
gentihow can i run ffmpeg encoder. its in not listed in applications menu16:16
coz_genii,  from the terminal16:16
coz_genti,   type  man ffmpeg16:16
Dr_Willisgenti:  its not a gui app.16:16
anouarcoz_: nice i would go there this year to finish my studies , but some horible stuff happened , i lost my dad and the trip get over16:16
Dr_Willisgenti:  theres several front ends to it. dependogn on what you are doing16:16
coz_anouar,  oh my !!!  well perhaps you can go another time when things are better16:17
gentii just need to convert xvid to mp4. can i find any graphic interface for ffmpeg?16:17
wvdSo I have a siemens gigaset usb adapter, and I installed those two driver files with ndiswrapper. Now when I look it up with ndisgtk it says: hardware present: no - any way to fix it?16:17
anouarcoz_: yes thanks bro ,wish to see you again16:17
coz_anouar,  oui    anytime :)16:17
Dr_Willisgenti:  a quckk read of the ffmpeg doc/faq at the homepage proberly will give such an example16:18
coz_anouar,   I have to break to drive to the grocery   "d'epicerie16:18
coz_be back in a bit16:18
gentithanx to all for helping16:18
ussergenti, winff16:18
Dr_Willisgenti:  or check out 'winff'16:18
anouarcoz_: bravo à vous ok16:18
anouarcozi have to go as well16:18
gentiok ill try it16:19
tonybaloney867Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble making a USB boot drive for Netbook Remix.16:22
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tonybaloney867I'm trying to create it on a Mac using the commands listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles16:23
tonybaloney867however the download is a .iso file and the drive won't boot when plugged into an eeepc 70116:23
Dr_Willistonybaloney867:  the guide is for the older netbook remix release which was a .img file. the new one is now a .iso16:23
Dr_Willistonybaloney867:  perhaps the pendrivelinux.com site has a guide for Macs16:24
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot16:25
doom2quaketonybaloney867, i had similar issues with my 701, try changing the USB drive16:25
Guest84137anybody from Russia is here?16:25
Dr_Willisim not sure you can 'dd' an iso file to a flash drive and have it work properly.   but i could be wrong i guess16:25
bastid_raZordoes one need to do the /fastboot option to prevent a fsck check after running the shutdown -F -r now command?16:26
mrtubbyunder /lib/modules i have several directories labeled with old kernel versions, if they are taking up like a gig of my 8 gig hard drive I should be cool with dumping them right?16:26
gooseis there any way to restart my sound card without doing a full restart / restarting gdm ?16:26
Guest84137Русские есть?16:26
Dr_Willis!ru | Guest8413716:26
ubottuGuest84137: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:26
doom2quaketonybaloney867, also did you use unetbootin utility to write the ISO to the USB ?16:26
detrateanyone here use debfoster?16:27
tonybaloney867doom2quake: unetbootin is available for the Mac? let's see if I can use it16:27
Gh0styanyone can help debugging printer driver issues? my network printer -epson alc1100- works on ubuntu 32 bit but not on 64 bit and cups does not provide me with any errors ... :(16:27
trismmrtubby: if you want to remove old module directories, remove the linux-image-VERSION packages that go with them, that will remove the modules too16:28
sean93Ok, I have a duel boot PC, Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.10. My internet works in Windows but not in ubuntu. MY wireless card is BT Voyager 1040 PCI Adapter (or Broadcom 802.11g Wireless Network Adapter, im not sure). I installed my windows drivers using ndisgtk, but still no internet.16:28
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mrtubbythank you very much Mr. Trism16:29
captaincCan I create a dynamic truecrypt volume on linux?16:29
mrtubby... Also duh16:30
sean93where is my home folder?16:30
sean93in windows, how do i find it?16:30
captaincsean93: /home/[your username]16:30
Dr_Willismrtubby:  thers the computer-janitor tool that can help remove them.. but use it with care.. it likes to remove too much stuff i find.16:30
rahilmIs there an ID3 tag demuxer support for rhythmbox, i am always getting that error16:31
sean93how do i find my home folder when im in windows?16:31
Dr_Willissean93:  you have to install special tools in windows to read ext2/3 filesystems.. not sure if any for windows can read ext4.16:31
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=== X_X is now known as goose
Dr_Willis!ext3 | sean9316:32
ubottusean93: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org16:32
microcaisean93: you can't16:32
Dr_Willissean93:  ext4 is now the default in 9.10 - so  that fs-driver may or may not be updated.16:32
wvdIs it possible to somehow dump the cmd hal-device | less, or search for it? It seems to be a pretty big file, and I Need to get the ID of my gigaset USB adapter.16:32
sean93can anyone help me get my wifi working on ubuntu?16:33
Dr_Williswvd:  cat hal-device | grep PATTERn  | less16:33
rahilmrhythmbox is unable to find ID3 tag demuxer support!!16:33
wvdDr_Willis: What does that?16:33
Dr_Williswvd:  it filters out all lines that match the pattern...16:33
wvdDr_Willis: Also, where should I search for if I want the ID of my usb adapter?16:33
Dr_Williswvd:  no idea on that..  you could plug it in and look at the 'dmesg' command outpyt16:34
EricTheHaxi upgraded to 9.10. any way to make my computer function like an amp like back in 9.04?16:34
wvdDr_Willis: ok16:34
Dr_WillisEricTheHax:  clarify what you mean.16:34
EricTheHaxI want to playback the audio in my input while i play it16:35
Dr_WillisEricTheHax:  plug the stuff in. and twiddle with the slider controlls?16:35
Dr_Willisgetting the mic/line in - is  a bit of an annoyance at times.. depending on the sound card.16:35
EricTheHax9.10's sound doesn't have an option to playback input it seems16:35
user__I need serious help getting the hdmi input to work properly (nvidia) I get hdmi video with correct resolution, BUT about an inch is missing on each edge, and there is no sound through hdmi... (i have set audio output in ubuntu to hdmi)16:35
Dr_Willisuser__:  i belive thers some known overscan issues with nvidia drivers. I hear that the new nvidia drivers on their homepage fix's the issues. (but never tried them)16:36
Dr_Willisuser__:  No idea on hdmi sound.16:36
rahilmdoes gnome-do has its separate irc?16:36
user__Dr_Willis, thanks. how do I go about replacing the current drivers?16:37
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user__and why havent ubuntu updated the repo?16:37
rahilmDr_Willis: Hey, thanks for the help. I got iso files booting with grub2. Now I am trying to make a persistent image. do you have any pointers?16:38
papulcan anyone suggest a good c ide?16:39
gooseis there any way to restart my sound card without doing a full restart / restarting gdm ?16:39
gadget3000user__: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1034543.html16:39
rahilmpapul, GEANY16:39
EricTheHaxlisten, im a noob guitarist, i need to practice, i play electric, i dont have a guitar-amp cable thats not broken. i cant go to a store that has them in my schedule. i need to use my computer as an amp for now. either way i would have to listen before i record anyway. 9.04 i could do that. 9.10's new sound manager sucks ass16:39
papul!pkg geany16:40
rahilmpapul, why what's wrong with geany? another is codeblocks16:40
EricTheHaxhow do i get that function back16:40
gentii get this message when i try to encode xvid to mp4 "Unknown encoder 'libx264'16:40
ctmjrgoose: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart16:40
papulok i will try that rahilm16:40
user__gadget3000, ty16:40
gentii get this message when i try to encode xvid to mp4 "Unknown encoder 'libx264'. i was using winff16:40
sean93can anyone help me get my wifi working on ubuntu16:40
ActionParsnipEricTheHax: you will need an amp as your guitar is powered by the cable ytou connect to it, yhou can then use the audio out to plug to the audio in to then use your speakers as the cab16:40
gadget3000genti: sudo apt-get install libx264-6716:41
EricTheHaxno working cable for my amp at the moment16:41
gentiok thanx ill try16:41
ActionParsnipEricTheHax: you'll have to do more than '....' it means less than nothing16:41
karab44_papul, ECLIPSE CDT only16:42
Wizzrobe1Heidi hoooooooooooo16:42
goosectmjr: thanks a million. I was tired of having to restart X every time my sound card died.16:42
ActionParsnipEricTheHax: you cannot plug it directly into a PC as it wont be able to power the guitar16:42
rahilmpapu, there is anjuta but i haven't tried it yet16:42
karab44_rahilm, better for you16:42
Wizzrobe1Is there anywhere a guy called "Mr Hankey" ?!?!?16:42
Azeotropemy ubuntu logged me out suddenly and now i got a message that sais "this competr must be restared for the update to take place"16:42
Wizzrobe1the x-mas shit ? ya know.....16:42
papulas for now nano only :)16:43
ctmjrgoose: your welcome16:43
ActionParsnipAzeotrope: sounds like you installed a new kernel16:43
AzeotropeI did't do anything16:43
EricTheHaxit has powered it and it continues to do so. Here's my current camera frame: http://www.offresonance.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/double-facepalm.jpg16:43
rahilmGeany fulfills all my need as a C, C++ IDE16:43
sean93Ok, I have a duel boot PC, Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.10. My internet works in Windows but not in ubuntu. MY wireless card is BT Voyager 1040 PCI Adapter (or Broadcom 802.11g Wireless Network Adapter, im not sure). I installed my windows drivers using ndisgtk, but still no internet.16:43
gentii get this message when i try to install libx264-67 "libx264-67 is already the newest version"16:43
karab44_geany is poor16:43
ActionParsnipEricTheHax: welcome to ignore16:43
karab44_use Eclipse16:43
AzeotropeActionParsnip: I didn't choose that16:43
ActionParsnipAzeotrope: sounds like autupdates has16:44
Wizzrobe1I got an error msg: You need some x-mas shit, probably "Mr Hankey" for your cookies... hmmm:-/16:44
ActionParsnipAzeotrope: its the only reason you need to reboot16:44
EricTheHaxfyi, if it can power a mic, it can power my pickup16:44
rahilmkarab44_:Does Eclipse have its own compiler or does it use gcc?16:44
ActionParsnipgenti: sudo apt-get install x26416:44
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rahilmAnd i heard Eclipse was made specifically for JAva16:45
AzeotropeActionParsnip: i remember having the same kernle. 31-16-generic16:45
microcairahilm: It use what ever compiler found on your machine16:45
forceflowEclipse for C++ isn't so bad16:45
papuland nide looking media player16:45
karab44_rahilm, 100 years ago it was true16:45
forceflowI use it for my thesis project16:45
Azeotropemaybe i've been hacked16:46
sean93eric, why do you need an amp? just play it like an acustic until you get an amp16:46
ActionParsnipAzeotrope: look in /var/cache/apt/archives16:46
EricTheHaxi HAVE an amp16:46
karab44_its most powerfull C++ IDE I've ever work with16:46
papulwhich one is a nice looking media player? nice slick transparent16:46
ActionParsnipAzeotrope: you will see the new debs and see what has been installed16:46
EricTheHaxthe cable end bent and i have yet to go to a store that sells the cable16:46
sean93well, untill you get a cable then16:46
ActionParsnip!player | papul16:46
ubottupapul: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs16:46
karab44_people try good polish beer16:47
papulActionParsnip: i want something that looks nice16:47
ActionParsnippapul: nobody can tell you what YOU will think looks "nice"16:47
AzeotropeActionParsnip: ok. i see them16:47
EricTheHaxi have a large to small adapter made for this but with 9.10 i cant playback my input16:47
ActionParsnippapul: so I gave you a list to try16:47
EricTheHaxmeaning i have to record with audacity and playback16:48
papultey must be visually appealing and sexy16:48
wvdI got problems setting up my itnernet connection using a gigaset usb adapter 108.  I already used nsidwrapper to install the windows drivers, when I look at nsidwrapper -l it just list them but doesn't say any hardwrare is present.. Anyone has ideas?16:48
techtronichello ,  howto disable linux max connection tcp ?16:48
karab44_papul, use audiacity216:48
sean93eric go back to 9.04?16:48
ActionParsnippapul: wouldnt you rather have solmething efficient and slick rather than some glossy garbage16:49
microcaikarab44_:  Agree~16:49
karab44_papul, sorry, I meant Audacious216:49
microcaikarab44_:  I like eclipse-cdt ......16:49
AzeotropeActionParsnip: the newest deb is one i insalled. mpg32116:49
karab44_microcai, yeah it owns16:49
karab44_its perfect16:49
papulActionParsnip: i want glossy garbage? btw ubuntu is already loaded with garbage16:50
microcaikarab44_:  The only ** is tooooooo slow ......16:50
techtronichowto disable limit max connections tcp ? :(16:50
EricTheHaxi want my old mixer app back but it dont support it no more it seems16:50
sobersab1eis there a FULL DVD of all packages of Ubuntu ?16:50
Dr_Willistechtronic:  max connections for what exactly?16:50
karab44_microcai, not Eclipse, a computer :)16:50
Dr_Willissobersab1e:  no there is not.16:50
ActionParsnippapul: depends whom is installing it, its very slick here16:51
sobersab1eDr_Willis: is there a howto on how to prepare one ?16:51
techtronicDr_Willis now is: ulimit -n 102416:51
microcaikarab44_:  .... why don't rewrite eclipse in pure C ?16:51
sean93Ok, I have a duel boot PC, Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.10. My internet works in Windows but not in ubuntu. MY wireless card is BT Voyager 1040 PCI Adapter (or Broadcom 802.11g Wireless Network Adapter, im not sure). I installed my windows drivers using ndisgtk, but still no internet. can anyone help me?16:51
ActionParsnippapul: my desktop comes in at just under 2Gb, no garbage here16:51
Dr_Willissobersab1e:  i belive the  full repositories would fit on several dvd's   - ive never had the need to download/archive/to dvd packages that i will never use. So no idea.16:51
karab44_microcai, it wouldn't change anything. Its the way Eclipse works16:52
Meteorahey, I was wondering how I'd get my Windows Live IM to work on Pidgin...any ideas?16:52
Azeotropehow can i see why i was logged out and that message with "restart needes" appeared?16:52
John_buffaloHey, does any one know if my dvd drive is support under the ubuntu 9.04 kernel. My dvd drive is a: [    1.748389] ata3.01: ATAPI: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH22LS40, LL02, max UDMA/10016:52
Um_cara_qualquerexcuse me... to an audio cd work in all cd players i must burn it wave or ogg-vorbis?16:52
sobersab1eDr_Willis: some people want linux, but don't have internet access.16:52
ActionParsnipAzeotrope: ok well one will be the one needing the reboot16:52
sobersab1ethey sometimes even have many computers.. but no internet.16:52
karab44_you need fast SSD disk for Eclipse parsing code and at least 4GB ram. I prefere core quad also16:53
sobersab1ebut thanks.16:53
gadget3000John_buffalo: I have a similar dvd drive and it works fine16:53
wvdI got problems setting up my itnernet connection using a gigaset usb adapter 108.  I already used nsidwrapper to install the windows drivers, when I look at nsidwrapper -l it just list them but doesn't say any hardwrare is present.. Anyone has ideas? I also tried getting my usb adapter id with hal-device | less, but I dunnow how to find it into that big list..16:53
Meteorano ideas?16:54
Meteorait says the Pidgin protocol is not supported by the Windows Live servers16:54
techtronicDr_Willis: IP connections TCP  :|16:54
karab44_I just fixed in 9.10 sound problem, I can share with my solution16:54
dauerflucher_Meteora, you might need an additional protocol16:55
sean93i dont know how it can be that in the offical ubuntu support channel no one knows how to get my wifi working16:55
sal_sean93, likely the broadcom.  what is the chip id?  bc43xx or something?16:55
Meteoradauerflucher_: how would I do that? (I literally got Ubuntu yesterday)16:55
Dr_Willistechtronic:  from what i googled about ulimit -n -- its a very 'interesting' topic and can really goof things up. :)  the following URL seemed to have some good info -> http://serverfault.com/questions/48717/practical-maximum-open-file-descriptors-ulimit-n-for-a-high-volume-system16:55
sean93i dunno sal_, how do i find that out?16:56
sal_sean93, have you enabled the proprietary drivers?16:56
dauerflucher_Meteora, just gimme a moment16:56
sal_sean93, is this a new install?16:56
Meteoraokie dokie16:56
twig11If I install kubuntu-desktop from within a standard Ubuntu installation, can I then edit the application menus from within gnome to show only gnome apps, and edit the kde menus to show only kde apps, to avoid clutter when I log into one or the other?16:56
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sean93in hardware drivers it days i have no proprietary drivers16:57
Dr_Willistwig11:  you could. that may take some time to do however.16:57
wvdsean93: what for wifi you got?16:57
wvdI got also problems with a gigaset usb adapter 108..16:57
wvdTried everything16:57
ActionParsnipwvd: run: sudo lshw -C network16:57
sal_sean93, lspci -v16:58
ActionParsnipwvd: what does the product line say for the wireless device?16:58
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dauerflucher_Meteora, sorry i was wrong... there is an additional 3rd party protocol especially for WLM, but pidgin should work ootb with WLM and libpurple16:58
sean93what does lspci -v do?16:58
wvdActionParsnip: I've got to reboot, ok? Since I'm on windows.16:58
sal_sean93, it will list pci devices verbose16:59
sigmonsaysanyone knwo the ubuntu one command name/16:59
Um_cara_qualquerdoes anybody uses k3b here?17:00
John_buffalohey, does anyone know how to mount this device: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH22LS40, LL0217:00
necromastergot a problem with my xubuntu17:00
necromasterplease help17:01
ablysssigmonsays: you want to do what?17:01
Dr_Willisnecromaster:  tell the channel the complete problem.17:01
ssv1994guys, how do you think. Will my ati x1600 video card work with ubuntu 10.04?17:01
aaron11Hi I want to know how to reply to someone in Gwibber17:01
Dr_Willisssv1994:  we have no way of knowing.17:02
John_buffalossv1994 ati has drivers for linux on their site17:02
necromasteri recently updated the xubuntu 9.04 to 9.1017:02
ssv1994but it works with ubuntu 9.1017:02
alkisgIs it possible to have samba operate as a PDC with a tdbsam passdb backend, and some Linux clients to join the domain and to use domain users for logon, by using winbind? (I mean without using local accounts nor LDAP).17:02
necromasterworks fine for a moment then it freezes17:02
sigmonsaysablyss, looking to try out the shared storage bit, but I don't know how to start it. Running on enilghtenment17:02
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necromasterit's a labtop17:02
necromastera toshiba satellite sp12917:03
necromaster256 ram17:03
necromaster2.4 ghz celeron17:03
necromastergot a problem with my xubuntu17:03
necromasterplease help17:03
necromasteri recently updated the xubuntu 9.04 to 9.1017:03
necromasterworks fine for a moment then it freezes17:03
wvdActionParsnip: It said something along the lines of "Ethernet interface", eth0 etc.17:04
FloodBot3necromaster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:04
necromastergot a problem with my xubuntu17:04
ablysssigmonsays: oh no idea, i use gnome17:04
Dr_Willisso we gather.....17:04
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necromasterraeely need help17:04
ActionParsnipwvd: well we are playing with wifi so thats not useful at all. I strongly suggest you use a wired connection til you get on your feet17:04
necromasterbefore it got freeze again17:04
Dr_Willisnecromaster:  'a moment then freezes' => you cant even login ? or it runs for 10 min? or 5 min? or 5 sec....17:04
=== JulioNeto is now known as julioneto
user__okay ive managed to fix the overscan in nvidia, (currentöly using nvidias latest drivers) and still no sound through HDMI. how do I fix this? (in ubuntu ive set sound output as digital stereo (HDMI) output17:05
necromasterit's unkonow yet17:05
Dr_Willisnecromaster:  you dont know if it frezes after 10 sec.. or 10 min?17:05
necromasterjust when power the sound or video17:05
necromasterit got freeze17:05
Dr_Willisnecromaster:   it only freazes after you do somthing specific?17:05
Meteoradauerflucher_: if you could PM me, that'd be great...17:05
necromasteri was watchin a video on youtube i fullscreen the video and works good then it freezes17:06
djanatynHey, quick question. I currently have an external hard drive happily running Arch Linux, but I'm becoming addicted to ubuntu, and my stable Arch setup is fine, so I thought I might install Ubuntu on my external hard drive. I was wondering if Wubi could do that, and if not, could I just grab a live cd and install it on the external hard drive, bootloader and all?17:06
necromasterthe same when i'm hearing music17:06
_raven_who knows about the plugin "autotalent"?17:06
Dr_Willisnecromaster:  thats different then what you said earlier..  So it freezes after you are booted up, and playing video or audio..  freezed after a few min? instantly? an hr?17:06
ActionParsnipdjanatyn: you can install ubuntu to USB17:07
djanatynWait. What do you mean by, install Ubuntu to USB?17:07
gadget3000djanatyn: You can install it from wubi or livecd. Just make sure you change bios boot order after install17:07
John_buffalohey, does anyone know how to mount this device: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH22LS40, LL02 ?17:07
Dr_WillisJohn_buffalo:  depends on what it 'really' is...17:07
necromasteri think is after a while when doing some multimedia activity17:07
djanatynAlso: will Wubi install GRUB on the hard drive, or can I enable it to be installed on the external?17:07
Dr_WillisJohn_buffalo:  is it a cd? dvd? some fancy usb gizmo?17:08
necromasterlike a moment when i boot up the computer it freezes in the boot17:08
gadget3000djanatyn: you can select either. You will only need to change bios order if you install it on external drive17:08
necromasteror in choosing an aplication17:08
necromasterit freezes anytime, no exactky time17:08
gadget3000djanatyn: although im not sure if wubi lets you select.17:09
necromasterjust freezes17:09
Dr_WillisJohn_buffalo:  a dvd drive should auto mount. or tyr manually mounting it 'sudo mount /dev/dvd /mnt'   and see if the contents show up in /mnt17:09
necromaster9.04 this not happen17:09
Dr_Willisnecromaster:  did you do a clean install of 9.10 or did you Upgrade?17:09
zjblabsare you people ready for this?17:09
necromasteran interesting thing it's that when it freezes i still can move the mouse17:10
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gpmhi. i have an rtl-8185 wireless card. i have it working but it is getting very poor signal strength. it works fine in windows. any suggestions/clues?17:10
necromasterand yes i did did a clean up after installation17:10
djanatynOkay, it's not seeing the drive itself.17:10
necromasterwell i think17:10
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ActionParsnipgpm: maybe it needs firmware17:10
aaron11Hi I want to know how to reply to someone in Gwibber17:11
user__okay ive managed to fix the overscan in nvidia, (currentöly using nvidias latest drivers) and still no sound through HDMI. how do I fix this? (in ubuntu ive set sound output as digital stereo (HDMI) output17:11
zjblabs> start the ping chain!!!17:11
gadget3000gpm: Windows' signal scale is different from ubuntu. Ubuntu is more accurate17:11
bot-zjblabs^$ pong17:11
bot-zjblabs> ping17:11
bot-zjblabs^$ pong17:11
bot-zjblabs> ping17:11
bot-zjblabs^$ pong17:11
bot-zjblabs> ping17:11
FloodBot3bot-zjblabs^: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:11
FloodBot3bot-zjblabs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:11
OMFG_its_NinaWth how do I get the this thing to stop typing it in twice?17:11
necromasterit's the clean up that update program makes after finishing the update activity17:11
OMFG_its_NinaIT DIDNT DO IT17:11
gadget3000aaron11: just put @theirUser at the start17:11
FloodBot3OMFG_its_Nina: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:11
Meteoraokay, I just downloaded the new version of Firefox, and it gave me a .bz2 folder...I'm confused. How do I Install it?17:11
ActionParsnipMeteora: why not use the repos?17:11
aaron11gadget3000: Im a bigginer17:11
airtonixMetaBot, right click it and select decompress here17:11
gpmActionParsnip: would it work at all if it needed firmware?17:12
Dr_WillisMeteora:  just uncompress it. cd into the dir it makes.. and run the new version from there. you dont really 'install' it.17:12
darkweaselMeteora: you can just extract it and start it from inside there17:12
gpmgadget3000: is there somewhere i can read about the difference in signal strength reporting?17:12
MeteoraActionParsnip: I literally started using Ubuntu yesterday, so I have no idea what the hell I'm doing17:12
alkisgIs it possible to have samba operate as a PDC with a tdbsam passdb backend, and some Linux clients to join the domain and to use domain users for logon, by using winbind? (I mean without using local accounts nor LDAP).17:12
aaron11gadget3000: I meant how to reply to someones message in Facebook17:12
ActionParsnipgpm: it might, ive sen poor signal stregth on some other chipsets, maybe yours is similar17:12
gooseis there a terminal command I can use to see connections to my server? according to icecast, I have 255+ client connections to my server that I _just_ created and fired up, and should have no connections to17:12
Dr_WillisMeteora:  i wouldent bother with trying to upgrade firefox then.  Just stick to whats included and learn the OS some more17:13
gpmActionParsnip: any suggestions on what i should do?17:13
necromasterso no solutiomn17:13
gadget3000aaron11: oh, not sure. i use pidgin for that17:13
djanatynHmm. Having some problems. My external drive is partitioned and bootable, and it seems that Wubi isn't recognizing it. Any ideas, or will I need to go to the live CD?17:13
airtonixMeteora, before you download a program from "some website" first open synpatic package manager and look through its index to see if that program is there instead (synaptics can be found : system menu -> administration -> synaptics package manager)17:13
ActionParsnipgpm: what version of firefoxes garbage do you desire?17:13
zjblabs> attack !17:13
bot-zjblabs$ pong17:13
djanatyn(also, unfortunately, I believe I17:13
bot-zjblabs^> ping17:13
bot-zjblabs$ pong17:13
bot-zjblabs^> ping17:13
bot-zjblabs$ pong17:13
bot-zjblabs^> ping17:13
bot-zjblabs^> ping17:13
FloodBot3bot-zjblabs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:13
Dr_Willisnecromaster:  if you did not do a 'clean install;  you may want to try that. Or see if the live cd of 9.10 has the same issue17:13
FloodBot3bot-zjblabs^: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:13
CShadowRun!ops | zjblabs17:13
ubottuzjblabs: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!17:13
crimeboygoose: lsof and iptraf17:14
djanatyn*(also, unfortunately, I believe I'm out of DVDs.)17:14
zjblabs> ping17:14
bot-zjblabs$ pong17:14
necromasterand how i clean if xubuntu17:14
gpmActionParsnip: firefoxes garbage? i just want to know what i should do to find out if my card requires firmware. it doesn't seem to based on a little bit of googling, but if there's a better place i should search that'd be helpful.17:15
necromasterdon't come with17:15
Dr_Willisnecromaster:  a clean INSTALL.. ie: you put in the 9.10 cd.. and installed that..17:15
CShadowRunikonia: get zjblabs too, he's the one starting the floods17:15
djanatynI'm just going to try a reformat.17:15
user__hm it seems I cant get any sound out of ubuntu?17:15
ActionParsnipgpm: sorry, crossed wires17:15
aaron11ikonia: Ban him17:15
gpmActionParsnip: np17:15
ikoniaguys, clam down please17:15
ActionParsnipgpm: websearch for the chip you have and you will find guides17:15
necromasterso thats it17:15
aaron11Hi I want to know how to reply to someone in Gwibber17:15
John_buffaloIf I switch DVD drives on an existing install of 9.04, What should I do if the system won't mount?17:15
scooter89sean93: Try sudo apt-get update followed by jockey-gtk17:15
sal_wvd, ?17:15
necromasterno software for cleaning17:15
Dr_Willisnecromaster:  thats somthing to try.. 9,10 live cd.  or a clean insstall. I wouldent bother with xubuntu  personally. I perfer ubuntu17:16
Dr_Willisnecromaster:  your confused about the use of the term 'clean' in this case.17:16
twig11I got disconnected right after posting this question the last time; After installing kubuntu-desktop on a standard ubuntu install, can I edit the application menus so that I see only gnome apps when logged into gnome and kde apps when logged into kde, to avoid clutter?17:16
ActionParsnipMeteora: ok in ubuntu its very rare to download apps from sites17:16
kevin_Dell1100I have a question that I wish I could give more specifics to, but I'm new to Ubuntu and don't know where to start looking. I have 9.10 and on random occasions during bootup, after it states "grub loading" I'll get a blank screen, and it's as if everything has loaded fine (based off of the processing sounds/lights), but I see nothing. Sometimes does this 3x in a row, sometimes once every 10 boots. I have Dell Inspiron 1100, not sure if you need more17:16
kevin_Dell1100hardware specs.17:16
Meteoraokay, I'm still used to running Windows17:16
Dr_Willistwig11:  yes you can. BUt editing the menus may be more work then you want to do.17:16
ActionParsnipMeteora: most of the time you will use the repositories to install stuff.17:16
necromasteri know how to mke an clean install but i don't want to do it17:17
Meteoraalrighty, I'm doing that now.17:17
necromasterit takes a lot of time17:17
yltsrccan anyone help me? I've got an error from launchpad after uploading my package17:17
yltsrcRejected: Upload rejected because it contains binary packages. Ensure you are using `debuild -S`, or an equivalent command, to generate only the source package before re-uploading. See https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA for more information.17:17
ActionParsnipMeteora: if you run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade17:17
crimeboynecromaster: upgrade is not a good idea17:17
necromastersince i have to download the iso image and burn it and boot it17:17
airtonixnecromaster, if you had put your /home on a separate partition it takes less than 20min to do a full clean install17:17
crimeboynecromaster: dont stay a perfect thing17:18
ActionParsnipMeteora: that will upgrade you to the latest version of the release of firfox you have, you can install 3.5 if you are using jaunty, its a separate app in jaunty17:18
necromasteri got so clean instal it's the recomend17:18
crimeboyis like uses dirty dishes17:18
John_buffaloIf I swap out DVD drives on an existing install of 9.04, What should I do if the system won't mount?17:19
necromasterwell so see you later thanks for all17:19
crimeboyu need to format partition then you can install a new system17:19
ActionParsnipMeteora: you can add the mozilla PPA and install the daily build17:19
user__okay ive managed to fix the overscan in nvidia, (currentöly using nvidias latest drivers) and still no sound through HDMI. how do I fix this? (in ubuntu ive set sound output as digital stereo (HDMI) output17:19
twig11Dr_Willis: I know how to edit menus using the gui in gnome. That's no problem at all. Is there more to it than that?17:19
crimeboyJohn_buffalo: you just get UUID of drive e put a line insite /etc/fstab17:19
Dr_Willistwig11:  thers going to be kde entries all over the place. and some will have identical names to the gnome entry. It just gets to be a bother.17:20
ActionParsnipuser__: hdmi is a PITA to setuo17:20
MeteoraActionParsnip, could you please PM me?17:20
dannizhey guys, anyone got time to help me with some debugging? :) Having some weird things happen at 3am where my httpd stops talking to my php gateway for no specific reasons. checked crontabs and logs and still blank17:20
svinobahi, i got problem with system time.17:20
sigmonsayswow, ubuntu one is a pile of 403's and 500's17:20
ActionParsnipMeteora: sure but i dint give support in PM17:20
Meteorauh, okay...17:20
user__ActionParsnip, lol :( but I need it. how do I fix it? do you know any forum or discussion or guide regarding it?17:20
MeteoraI'm sorry, I'm just getting lost in everyone else's problems17:21
ActionParsnipuser__: i dont use it, too much heartache17:21
svinobaeverytime i boot into ubuntu and then into fedora or slackware the system time defaults to utc17:21
twig11Dr_Willis: Is there any simple way to avoid that if you install both?17:21
crimeboyJohn_buffalo: you can see that at internet17:21
Dr_Willistwig11:  not that ive noticed17:21
Dr_Willistwig11:  it gets even worse when you also install xubuntu-desktop and lubuntu-desktop and.. hmm what others...17:22
meero149hi, i cannot reboot ubuntu server - sudo reboot .....any ideas why?17:22
LizardK|ngcan anyone help me with this error when I try to run an SDL application? "do_wait: drmWaitVBlank returned -1, IRQs don't seem to be working correctly.  Try adjusting the vblank_mode configuration parameter."  i downloaded driconf and tried all four vsync settings but none had any affect.17:22
user__ActionParsnip, what to do then, it doesnt seem that like my TV can handle hdmi video and  analouge audio. should I get external speakers?17:22
Dr_Willismeero149:  tell the channel the output of that command perhaps? error messages and so forth.17:22
Dr_Willisuser__:  your tv dosent also have audio in ports for normal  audio?17:22
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu17:23
Dr_Willistwig11:  installing Lubuntu-desktop REALLY can goof things up.. :)17:23
ActionParsnipuser__: if you can't get it working, its an option17:23
goosedoes anyone have an "edcast" alternative for ubuntu to upstream to icecast?17:24
twig11Dr_Willis: I don't know anything about lxde so I don't think I'll be installing it soon.17:24
svinobahi,i have issue with system time. everytime i boot into ubuntu and then into fedora/slackware the system time defaults to utc17:24
user__Dr_Willis, i dont know about "normal" but what i have is a red-yellow input. and that only plays audio if "PC" is set instead of HDMI, which means i cant get video and audio at the same time17:24
svinobabut system clock is set to localtime in all of the distros.17:24
user__and linux was supposed to be easy ;) whats the issue with HDMI audio=17:24
kevin_Dell1100airtonix: how do you put /home on a separate partition? I'm thinking of reinstalling 9.1017:25
twig11Dr_Willis: what if I install kubuntu-desktop and want to remove it later? Is that a real pain?17:25
yoyonedsvinoba: Fedora uses UTC by default.  Just have all you distros use UTC17:25
Dr_Willisuser__:  its HDMI thats the issue..  its just soo new. and  makers dont want to release the specs for their cards taht do hdmi audio17:25
n00pI noticed 2-3 years ago Ubuntu had a CPU frequency selector: http://lgespee.blogspot.com/2007/04/cpu-frequency-selector_06.html does this still exist? If so, how to reach it?17:25
Dr_Willistwig11:  it can be a bother.17:25
wvdI need help on setting up internet with a siemens gigaset usb adapter.. I've installed windows drivers etc and tried everything, but it still can't reconigze my hardware. I also tried finding my usb adapter id using hal-device | less but idk how to find it.. Anyone knows what to do?17:25
Dr_Willis!puregnome | twig1117:25
LizardK|nguser__: is there a white plug there too with the red and yellow?17:25
ubottutwig11: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal17:25
svinobayoyoned: i cant as I have vista along side. ubuntu seems to be doing what windows usually does :(17:25
FragsworthIs it possible to set it up so Ubuntu never asks me to restart? On more than one occasion I have lost data due to accidentally clicking on "Yes" when it popped up17:26
user__Dr_Willis, omigosh ;O so there is no solution at all? cant I go with some proprietary stupid drivers then?17:26
fat0sshow can  i recover linux grub  after windows lilo installation17:26
twig11Dr_Willis: thanks!17:26
LizardK|nguser__: can you use the VGA input on your TV?17:27
crimeboyn00p: yeap17:27
user__LizardK|ng, there might be17:27
Dr_Willisuser__:  ive never even seen a video card that also does hdmi sound out yet.. its just cutting edge stuff.17:27
user__LizardK|ng, but its not a 'standard' audio connector17:27
user__LizardK|ng, yes the vga works, but crappy resolution17:27
crimeboyn00p: cpufreq-selector17:27
evoliohi if anyone is from outside the uk and would be willing help test my squid config could they pm me17:27
LizardK|ngVGA should work at at least 1024X768 on a decent tv17:28
user__Dr_Willis, my card is built in the motherboard, so I can get audio too. if ubuntu would allow it17:28
wvdI need help on setting up internet with a siemens gigaset usb adapter.. I've installed windows drivers etc and tried everything, but it still can't reconigze my hardware. I also tried finding my usb adapter id using hal-device | less but idk how to find it.. Anyone knows what to do?17:28
Guest578Hey check this site out, i just joined nice site http://www.ugotit.ca17:28
LizardK|ngor 1366X768 on widescreen17:28
user__LizardK|ng, exactly, i need at least 720p =)17:28
gantrixxI noticed that grip is not in the Ubuntu repositories, that is what I'm most used to.  Which CD ripper does the Ubuntu community recommend?17:29
ctmjruser__: are you using a dvi connector with a cable from the video card to onboard sound or a hdmi connection17:29
user__I do have a surround system in another room, maybe I should move it to the TV ;)17:29
Dwade09can anyone tell em what the whole thing in ubuntu that is like synposis is? its in the main menu bar and you can open it up and search for all types of software games and utilities17:29
user__ctmjr, no I have a direct hdmi output from my motherboard17:29
Dr_Willisgantrixx:  wonder when that got removed.. i used that one a lot ages ago. :)17:29
LizardK|nguser__: VGA won't do 1280X720 on your tv?17:30
Dr_WillisDwade09:  you mean the  'ubuntu software center' ?17:30
Dwade09Dr_Willis: i think so, its been so long since i ran ubuntu17:30
user__LizardK|ng, nope17:30
DarkS7arcan someone give me advice how to capture my screen17:30
Dr_WillisDwade09:  err  the Ubuntu Software center - is new in 9.10  Its just another front end to the package manager system17:31
Dwade09but i remember it being with a synapsis or something.17:31
crimeboyDarkS7ar: hav a option do do that on your menu acessories17:31
fat0sshow can  i recover linux grub  after windows lilo installation..????????????????//17:31
DarkS7arto capture video?17:31
LizardK|nguser__: how about dvi?17:31
Dr_WillisDwade09:  if you mean the program 'synaptic' thats the normal 'full' package manager17:31
hhlp!grub2 | fat0ss17:31
ubottufat0ss: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:31
crimeboyDarkS7ar: video Recordmydesktop17:31
gantrixxDr_Willis, I guess I will give Asunder a try17:31
ActionParsnipfat0ss: windows doesnt install lilo17:31
Dwade09Dr_Willis: ah that is it.17:31
Dwade09Dr_Willis: thank you.17:32
Dr_Willis!apt | Dwade0917:32
ubottuDwade09: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)17:32
purplefooldoes anyone know about 'Ubuntu one'?  is it safe or even recommended?17:32
DarkS7arcrimeboy: i tried it but it makes strange "effect"17:32
DarkS7arcrimeboy: i cant explain it17:32
Dwade09thank you so much Dr_Willis =D17:32
ActionParsnippurplefool: its perfectly safe, its recommended if you need it17:32
Dr_Willispurplefool:  it works  :) and its free.. theres also #ubuntuone channel.17:32
crimeboyDarkS7ar: have others, but a forgot the names17:32
hhlppurplefool, ubuntuone it fine and safety and you can use dropbox too17:33
DarkS7arcrimeboy: i tried istanbul and xvidcap17:33
crimeboyxvidcap is better17:33
n00pthis may seem like a newby question, but why doesn't sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-applets work?17:33
wvdI need help on setting up internet with a siemens gigaset usb adapter.. I've installed windows drivers etc and tried everything, but it still can't reconigze my hardware. I also tried finding my usb adapter id using hal-device | less but idk how to find it.. Anyone knows what to do?17:33
user__LizardK|ng, havent thought of that, I do have a dvi-vga swich actually (since the tv only has a vga connector)17:33
DarkS7arcrimeboy: but i think that there is some problem because i cant get normal video17:33
KOS117Hi, does any one know if there is a solution to the ATI (AMD) Tunner 650? that works with Ubuntu17:34
DarkS7arcrimeboy: im with nvidia G105M 512mb17:34
n00pwvd: have you tried ifconfig?17:34
DarkS7ardo u know if there is a bug with the card or something17:34
wvdn00p: ifconfig wlan0?17:34
LizardK|nguser__: as long as your computer has the analog version of DVI available..17:34
wvdn00p: or what?17:34
S0LIDUShi everyone!17:34
Dwade09Dr_Willis: now one more thing please? what is the game under ubuntu games that is in a big block and are small balls and you have to make them line up ontop each other to make them go away kinda like tetris but with balls and the whole box is filled up and you must make it empty17:34
sal_wvd, do you know the chipset?17:34
n00pifconfig wlan0 down, man iwconfig & man ethtool17:35
LizardK|ngDVI-I, i think (there I's in a row...)17:35
crimeboyDarkS7ar: i don't, but you could find some information pasting the error on some forums on internet17:35
n00pthen ifconfig wlan0 up17:35
S0LIDUSCould anyone tell me how to install LVM on hardy server?17:35
wvdsal_: the id of the usb?17:35
ActionParsnipKOS117: whats the issue? You havent told us17:35
n00pthat is if ifconfig sees wlan0 in the first place17:35
=== mike is now known as Guest21859
wvdn00p: dmesg doesn't show anything with wlan0..17:35
wvdn00p: also, when I do ndiswrapper -l it shows the drivers installed, but nothing with hardware.17:36
n00pit may be eth117:36
n00pnot wlan17:36
DarkS7arn00p: do u understand of wireless17:36
n00pyes, I'm running from wireless now17:36
user__LizardK|ng, yeah but most do? anyway it would be so much easier with hdmi, ive recently bought a cable just for this. and now I need to get a long vga and audio cable. (since the computer is built into a 'wall' some meters away17:36
purplefoolok, thx for the feedback!!17:36
n00pI set it up CLI17:36
sal_wvd, the chipset specific, running inside the usb?17:36
wvdsal_: idk what you're talking about sal_, sorry :(17:36
LizardK|nguser__: if you use the vga port in the TV, there are probably audio inputs very close to it to use17:36
Dr_WillisDwade09:  i forget the name..  wife liked that game.. but i cant rember its name17:36
DarkS7arn00p: because my wireless disconnects me from any network i connect17:36
Dwade09Dr_Willis: its same gnome17:37
LizardK|nguser__: it's only easier with hdmi if your computer's hdmi will do it properly17:37
wvdn00p: so ifconfig wlan0 down, man iwconfig & man ethtool and then ifconfig wlan0 up?17:37
sal_wvd, lspci -v read through the output ..17:37
=== KOS117 is now known as GodsNumba7
n00pDarkS7ar: same suggestion... ifconfig ethX down, man 8 iwconfig, man 8 ethtool, ifconfig ethX up once it's configured17:37
DarkS7arn00p: im using atheros network adapter with the ath9k driver17:37
hackingnesecito ayuda de ustedes, tengo que poner una wifi en modo monitor y no se como hacerlo por que no existen drivers aparentemente para esta placa, es una syntek semiconductor dongle usb de mi bangho fit h1017:38
n00pwvd: do freakin ifconfig and paste it to http://codepad.org/ for me would you?17:38
LizardK|nguser__: i mean, if it can't do what you want how you want, it will be MUCH harder (impossible) to make it do what you want17:38
wvdn00p: i'd would have to reboot :S17:38
ActionParsnip!es | hacking17:38
ubottuhacking: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:38
DarkS7arn00p: i tried configuring manually but the effect is the same17:38
user__LizardK|ng, well the computer is doing it properly. not ubuntu though. no audio is getting through. and I havent found any way to fix it, not even someone stating they know how to17:38
Dwade09Dr_Willis: yes it is called same gnome17:38
wvdn00p: let me go on my other computer with a webclient.17:38
LizardK|nguser__: are you sure audio is coming out the signal?17:38
n00pDarkS7ar: what is your interface name?17:38
DarkS7arn00p: it connects then disconnects and cant connect unless i restart my pc17:39
n00psame problem I had. what is your interface name?17:39
user__LizardK|ng, I see. well mthen ill figure out some nice solution.17:39
sal_wvd, should tell you what you're dealing with17:39
DarkS7arn00p: wlan017:39
n00pare you SURE?17:39
Godsnumba7Hi, does any one know if there is a solution to the ATI (AMD) Tunner 650? that works with Ubuntu17:39
user__LizardK|ng, i shuold double check that, ill get something that i know can receive hdmi sound properly and test17:39
chuckffor the ath9k wireless issues I was having I ran sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-karmic followed by sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-wireless-karmic-generic followed by a reboot and have been pretty good since17:39
S0LIDUSCould anyone tell me how to install LVM on hardy server?17:39
DarkS7arn00p: if that is the name yes and my wired card is eth017:39
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto17:40
John_buffaloI have this error locating uuid: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH22LS40, LL02, max UDMA/100. vol_id -u /dev/sr0 /dev/sr0: error opening volume17:40
n00pand you're on ubuntu now DarkS7ar?17:40
John_buffaloneed some more help if you could17:40
DarkS7arwlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:17:c4:a4:ca:5317:40
DarkS7ar          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:117:40
DarkS7ar          RX packets:3 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:017:40
DarkS7ar          TX packets:53 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:017:40
DarkS7ar          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100017:40
FloodBot3DarkS7ar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:40
DarkS7ar          RX bytes:1222 (1.2 KB)  TX bytes:8548 (8.5 KB)17:40
Dr_WillisJohn_buffalo:  and you 'swapped' out 2 optical drives? (if i recall)17:40
ilrahceveryone who has a sense of humor and likes aimless chatting, join ##570917:40
DarkS7arn00p: im running mint17:41
Dr_Willisilrahc:  we have #ubuntu-offtopic for that17:41
n00pyou people are giving me a headache. I want help myself... but I shall attempt to help someone with the expectation that someone shall help me17:41
DarkS7arn00p: but its the same i think17:41
Dwade09Dr_Willis: yay they have it for the mac os x17:41
blacktalonzIs there an Mac OS X Auaq compatibility layer for GNU/Linux similar to the Wine compatibility layer for Windows?17:41
DarkS7arwhats your problem17:41
blacktalonzAqua even17:42
ilrahcDr_Willis: Sure thing :)17:42
Dwade09i used to play it all the time on ubuntu it is addicting.17:42
Dr_WillisDwade09:  if you like little games. be sure to check out the 'python game of the week' web site also. :)17:42
sensouciHello, I would like one of mu ubuntu desktop user to have différent dns setting than the other users is that possible ?17:42
philipp_n00p, whats your problem?17:42
Dr_Willissensouci:  im not sure how that could be possible.17:42
n00pcan't get the cpu frequency selected up17:42
n00ptried dpkg-reconfigure gnome-tools, nothing shows up17:42
n00ptried installing gnome-core (because the readme stated I'd need it)17:43
Dwade09Dr_Willis: hmm im coming up with football sites on that17:43
n00pI get nowhere with that17:43
=== diego is now known as Guest69564
sensouciDr_Willis: ok thank you, I will try a script rewriting the resolv.conf file...17:43
guysterHi all, I have a question concerning sdl games.17:44
epalmhow can i get openoffice writer to underline spelling mistakes.  i selected English (CAN) when installing which was probably a mistake17:44
Dr_WillisDwade09:  wow. first google hit here. :)  Time to change search enginesd17:44
epalmbut setting it to English (USA) does not solve the issue17:44
Dwade09Dr_Willis: google is my home17:44
John_buffaloI have this error locating uuid: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH22LS40, LL02, max UDMA/100. vol_id -u /dev/sr0 /dev/sr0: error opening volume17:44
ilrahc        UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:117:44
ilrahc<DarkS7ar>           RX packets:3 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:017:44
ilrahc<DarkS7ar>           TX packets:53 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:017:44
ilrahc<DarkS7ar>           collisions:0 txqueuelen:100017:44
ilrahc<FloodBot3> DarkS7ar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:44
FloodBot3ilrahc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:44
ilrahc<DarkS7ar>           RX bytes:1222 (1.2 KB)  TX bytes:8548 (8.5 KB)17:44
Dr_WillisDwade09:  www.pyweek.org17:44
biabiaso, i suppose i cant apt-get upgrade from 8.04 to karmic?17:44
Dr_WillisDwade09:  it was the first google hit here.17:44
darkweaselbiabia: no you can't17:44
wvdn00p: ifconfig wlan0 down returns: wlan0: ERROR While getting interface flags: No such device17:44
darkweaselyou can upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 to 9.04 to 9.1017:44
JoeSomebodyhi, if i may ask, what are you all using for irc clients?17:44
Flare183epalm: you must click the the button next the the spelling and grammar button.17:45
Dwade09Dr_Willis: lol i typed in game of the week17:45
pdragon_hi dose anyone know how to fix this error http://pastebin.com/d15d45ff317:45
Flare183JoeSomebody: XChat17:45
Dwade09thats probably why17:45
darkweaselJoeSomebody: kvirc17:45
LizardK|ngcan anyone help me with this error when I try to run an SDL application? "do_wait: drmWaitVBlank returned -1, IRQs don't seem to be working correctly.  Try adjusting the vblank_mode configuration parameter."  i downloaded driconf and tried all four vsync settings but none had any affect.17:45
biabiawhat are my options? i want to upgrade but not wipe everything17:45
Dr_WillisDwade09:  well.. the imporntant term was 'python' :)17:45
LizardK|ngin karmic17:45
Dwade09lol, ah no wonder i didnt get it.17:45
cqhello, what's the best FS type to use at present for a system disk and a separate data disk? ext2, 3, or 4? I don't need super high performance, priority is stability and I do want journaling17:45
darkweaselJoeSomebody: you can use /ctcp #ubuntu VERSION17:45
n00pwvd: IFCONFIG ALONE17:45
darkweaselto ckeck this17:45
epalmFlare183, "AutoSpellcheck" is clicked17:45
darkweaselif this isn't disabled here17:45
wvdn00p: oh, k17:45
wvdn00p: it returns eth0 and lo17:45
LjLdarkweasel: please don't do/suggest that, JoeSomebody don't do that17:45
biabiadarkweasel: how would i upgrade to 8.1017:46
Dwade09ooo, im a idiot Dr_Willis i over read python17:46
wvdn00p: with some text.17:46
Dwade09i am so sorry17:46
darkweaselLjL: okay17:46
andresmhMy webcam stopped working in Linux. I have this problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8492071#post849207117:46
n00pwvd: do you have an ethernet port?17:46
Dr_Williscq:  if you want to play it safe stick with ext317:46
LjL!poll | JoeSomebody17:46
ubottuJoeSomebody: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:46
John_buffaloany help with this erro?17:46
wvdn00p: .. my adapter is wifi?17:46
darkweaselbiabia: using the upgrade manager17:46
philipp_n00p, do you have kde or gnome?17:46
falconheartis there a repository for Hardy that I can get more up-to-date software from? I'd like to update nautilus and synaptic but the latest versions are not available from the ubuntu hardy repo.17:46
n00pgnome philipp_17:46
biabiadarkweasel: ill give that a shot, thanks17:46
n00pwvd: do you have an ethernet port?17:46
wvdn00p: i don't think so..17:46
andresmhhow do I report a bug about the kernel? ubuntu-bug linux-image didn't work17:47
Dwade09Dr_Willis: what i am really looking for is a freeware game like fable and or WoW17:47
philipp_so you want to have a programm or something that shows you your cpu frequent?17:47
n00pwvd: then eth0 is your wireless! HOORAH?17:47
wvdn00p: so what to do?17:47
grawityandresmh: There's https://bugs.launchpad.net/17:47
n00pconfigure it. wait for me here17:47
Flare183!bug | andresmh17:47
ubottuandresmh: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots17:47
philipp_n00p, so you want to have a programm or something that shows you your cpu frequent?17:47
cqDr_Willis: ok, thanks, that would have been my guess too... ext4 too new, ext2 didn't have journaling yet, right?17:47
Rolandso what's the easyest way to restore grub?17:47
wvdn00p: sec, restarting.17:47
Dr_Williscq:  basically. Ive had no issues with ext4. but use what you want17:47
JoeSomebodyLjL i am trying to learn ubuntu and linux, and you want me TO NOT ASK WHAT IS GOOD?17:47
DarkS7arn00p: something about my problem?17:47
sAnta89_n00p, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't eth0 ethernet, while wlan0 is wireless? I assume it's in the name..17:48
andresmhFlare183, I know about that. I just don't know what the package for the kernel is. In fact, I am not sure this bug is due to kernel. It's a regression on webcam support.17:48
Flare183andresmh: You would have to goto launchpad.net and report it there.17:48
LizardK|ngshould i be scared that karmic tells me "Disk has many bad sectors"?  I wish that application would show a trend; do i have more bad sectors today than yesterday?17:48
SerraphynHello, I was wondering if anyone can help me with installing ubuntu, I have downloaded the live CD several times and versions, when i boot the CD ubuntu get to the part where it looks like night rider on my screen and the dot hangs and stops moving, the PC does nothing else.  This system has ran up to windows 7 fine.17:48
cqJoeSomebody: chatzilla under firefox does all I need17:48
Flare183LizardK|ng: That's really bad.17:48
biabiadarkweasel: i see update manager not upgrade manager and it isnt offering me to go to 8.1017:48
pdragon_anyone can help me17:49
darkweaselbiabia: yeah i meant update manager17:49
darkweaselwait a moment17:49
LjLJoeSomebody: "learning" involves, among other things, testing out several applications and learning to pick your favorites among them. also, you *can* ask the bot, which has *tons* of user votes for IRC clients.17:49
cqSerraphyn: see if you can download alternate boot disks (they have more drivers, that could be part of the problem) or try a USB boot from http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/17:49
biabiahow about synaptic17:49
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n00psAnta89_: no. wireless network can be eth too :)17:49
n00pmine is eth117:49
andresmhFlare183, thanks. I'm on launchpad, i search for webcam and there are tons of bugs. I am not sure where to put mine.17:49
n00pif you don't trust me, it doesn't matter... but we shall see now17:49
sAnta89_n00p, this is new to me, I shall investigate :D17:50
Flare183andresmh: Search for your kernel's package name, and report a bug to it.17:50
wvdn00p: I don't know for sure if I don't got an enthernet port17:50
John_buffaloanyone know why I am receiving this error?: vol_id -u /dev/sr0 /dev/sr0: error opening volume17:50
LizardK|ngit says 236455269 bad sectors17:50
n00pDarkS7ar, wvd: http://codepad.org/antGiOLo17:50
darkweaselbiabia: sorry i can't find the page where this was explained17:50
ikoniaJohn_buffalo: no cd in the drive17:50
n00pwvd: it's worth a try17:50
andresmhFlannel, how do I get the package name of my kernel? uname -a?17:50
darkweaselmaybe someone else can help you17:50
n00pmake the necessary adjustments, and save it somewhere you know you can find it17:50
andresmhLinux karmicx300 2.6.31-16-generic17:51
JoeSomebodyLjL ok, but i DONT WANT to pollute my linux like my windows box for example17:51
Flare183andresmh: Yes, that is correct.17:51
wvdn00p: what's the MODE?17:51
n00pthen do sudo /path/script-name17:51
wvdAnd what about the key, don't I have to specify WPA2?17:51
JoeSomebodyi want a lean and good install, not hundreds of things on my menus17:51
n00pMODE is man iwconfig17:51
n00pread about MODE there17:51
lordganeshwhat is difference bitween eth0 and ppp017:51
DarkS7arn00p:  it doesnt work for me17:51
sAnta89_JoeSomebody, you can remove things as easily as you can add them, so as long as you remember to get rid of the stuff you don't want, you should be fine17:51
DarkS7ari tried configuring manually17:51
wvdn00p: ESSID is the SSID?17:51
LjLJoeSomebody, well, the good thing here is that you can install and uninstall everything from the official repositories, without downloading stuff from the web and really "polluting" anything. it takes one command to install, and one to purge (or clicks in Synaptic, if you prefer the GUI way)17:51
ikonialordganesh: one is a network interface, one is your ppp (point to point) protocol interface17:51
falconheartis there an up-to-date repo for ubuntu hardy? The default one has older versions of many programs like nautilus and synaptic.17:51
pdragon_ppp0 is dial up17:52
LizardK|ngi think it's claiming i have more bad sectors than i have total sectors on the disk, it's only 120GB17:52
Flare183lordganesh: eth0 is ethernet, and ppp0 is dialup most likely.17:52
andresmhFlare183, I get There is no project named '2.6.31-16-generic ' registered in Launchpad"17:52
DarkS7aressid is the name of the AP17:52
n00pwell, maybe. depends what you think SSID is17:52
Flare183andresmh: kernel-image-<insert version here>17:52
pdragon_used to use pp0 before the time of dsl cable :P17:52
Flare183I think17:52
Dwade09Dr_Willis: you know anything like that?17:52
cqpdragon_: ppp0 can also be VPN connections... it#s a protocol, not necessarily dialup17:52
hhlpJoeSomebody, you can use synaptic to install things and use synaptic to desintall thinghs when you don't want to use with complte remove17:52
wvdn00p: It's somethng like SX551 for me.17:52
John_buffaloanyone know why I am receiving this error?: vol_id -u /dev/sr0 /dev/sr0: error opening volume17:53
wvdn00p: So what should I change? mode, essid, and key?17:53
DarkS7arwvd: if the key is ASCII s:key17:53
skellingtonhey guys, whats the package manager in ubuntu called?17:53
andresmhFlare183, I get: There is no project named 'kernel-image-2.6.31-16' registered in Launchpad17:53
sAnta89_skellington, Synaptic?17:53
wvdDarkS7ar: The key is ascii yes17:53
n00pwvd: change ESSID and KEY, you might need to change MODE depending on your network type17:53
skellingtonsanta89 thats the one, thanks17:53
falconheartskellington: Synaptic or apt-get in the command line17:53
spiky25JoeSomebody install ubuntu by the minimal cd of 9.10 and do sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop ... if you're good on linux try Archlinux by the Chakra live cd ...17:53
n00pbut for most home wireless networks that MODE should be fine17:53
wvdn00p: ok, going to reboot and test17:54
guy11hey.  can a live CD be used to fix a ubuntu installation done by the windows installer?17:54
JoeSomebodywhen i install something half the time it puts other things in with it, so if i try out lotsa stuff, i cant clean up a system i dont know well, i figure anyway17:54
|blendernation|Is EricTheHax here?17:54
skellingtonfalconheart i was thinking of synaptic, thanks17:54
n00pfool.. no need to reboot17:54
LjLspiky25: what sort of random suggestion is that?17:54
lordganeshikonia: i use ifconfig to check how much i downloaded ,,so total amount willl be that much from eth0 ,,am i right?17:54
DarkS7arwvd: then add s: before $key17:54
LizardK|ngFlare183: where does it get its information on bad sectors from?17:54
EricTheHaxyea why17:54
b3njaminshould it be any problems to install latest ubuntu on a dell inspiron 6400 laptop?17:54
DarkS7arn00p: how do u fix the problem with disconnecting17:55
JoeSomebodyi am only a 6 months old in linux, read stuff, took a couple courses, otherwise know nothing  :)17:55
DarkS7arit seems to be a bug in the driver17:55
EricTheHax|blendernation|: why17:55
spiky25he want a lean ubuntu system there is nothing better installed fast and easily17:55
=== Flare183_ is now known as Flare183
DarkS7arbut how to fix it17:55
chasedawg1Why doesn't blender work with ubuntu?17:55
Dr_WillisLubuntu has a lot of 'issues' last i tried it.17:55
n00pDarkS7ar: by configuring your wireless network properly.17:55
|blendernation|i don't know..17:55
EricTheHaxsilly |blendernation|17:56
spiky25blender work with ubuntu try the latest version by getdeb.net17:56
DarkS7arwell ok17:56
Flare183!hi | nadajankovik17:56
ubottunadajankovik: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:56
falconheartanyone know if there is a repo for ubuntu hardy I can get the latest versions of nautilus and synaptic from?17:56
andresmhFlare183, it's not so simple to report kernel bugs, uh? :)17:56
b3njaminshould it be any problems to install latest ubuntu on a dell inspiron 6400 laptop?17:56
n00pI gave you a script that you can use as a guide, DarkS7ar, along with "man iwconfig"17:56
Flare183andresmh: What's your kernel's version?17:56
hhlpJoeSomebody, when you want to uninstall somethoingd complete use synaptic select the package you want to uninstall and right click and you can see a lot of posibility17:57
DarkS7arn00p: i know how to configure it17:57
JoeSomebodyLjL that bot DID NOT work btw17:57
pdragon_can someone help me with my error problem17:57
spiky25falconheart ubuntu backports maybe ?17:57
n00pDarkS7ar: what is ESSID also known as?17:57
DarkS7arn00p: and i have already tried17:57
andresmhFlare183, uname -a returns Linux karmicx300 2.6.31-16-generic #53-Ubuntu SMP Tue Dec 8 04:01:29 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux17:57
ikonialordganesh: ifconfig isn't a good guide to how much you've downloaded17:57
spiky25JoeSomeboy > lubuntu-desktop ...17:57
n00pESSID... what is it also known as?17:57
falconheartubuntu backports? do you have a url for that?17:58
pdragon_you know like the name of your wireless router17:58
DarkS7ari think ssid is the mac17:58
n00pnot ssid17:58
n00pssid is the mac17:58
DarkS7arbut dont know for essid17:58
lordganeshikonia: can u tell another commands to see how much i've downloaded17:58
n00pessid is the network name17:58
nutehow do i check the version of ubuntu?17:58
LjLJoeSomebody: because you didn't use the correct syntax with it.17:58
cptblooduname -r17:58
ikonialordganesh: if you search synaptic there are some netowrk monitor tools17:58
biabiadarkweasel: in system|administration|sofwaresources|updatestab i changed lts to normal. now its let me upgrade17:58
n00por on some wireless products it's the domain id17:58
ikonianute: lsb_release -a17:58
Dr_Willisnute:  lsb_release -a17:58
cptbloodin terminal nute17:58
HardDiskn00p http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_set_%28802.11_network%2917:58
cptbloodor that i guess17:58
lordganeshikonia: thanks17:59
LLStarkshow do i access the authorizations menu in karmic?17:59
n00pHardDisk: man iwconfig17:59
spiky25falconheart > sources.list have it uncommented remove the # to enable it17:59
HardDiskor that too17:59
DarkS7aressid is the name of the AP i dont know ow to explain17:59
b3njaminshould it be any problems to install latest ubuntu on a dell inspiron 6400 laptop?17:59
ikoniab3njamin: no17:59
HardDiski assumed you wanted to know what it was17:59
vladimir_when I install a .bin file from terminal I get permission denied.17:59
falconheartoh ok. thanks!17:59
DarkS7arn00p:  why17:59
b3njaminikonia: tried it?17:59
HardDiskvladimir, chown17:59
spiky25but be careful cause you can broke your ubuntu system with it17:59
n00pDarkS7ar: what do you mean why?17:59
ikoniab3njamin: not on that specific hardware platform, but on similar ones yes, and the hardware is mostly listed as well supported17:59
DarkS7arn00p: why do u ask for essid18:00
n00pwhy? because I want to make sure you know how to configure it18:00
falconheartok. I'll just update a couple programs and disable it again18:00
b3njaminikonia: okey, thanks :)18:00
DarkS7arn00p:  i know and it connects18:00
spiky25dell inspiron 6400 should work my inspiron 1501 work well ...18:00
vladimir_how do I chown?18:00
Flare183andresmh: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug18:00
DarkS7arn00p: but after a while it disconnects18:00
sAnta89_What command can I use to look at my download/upload rates? Like top or free, but for network usage (:18:00
b3njaminspiky25: okey thanks :)18:00
n00phow far are you from the AP?18:00
DarkS7ar3 metres18:00
andresmhFlare183, thanks! so the package is just called "linux" no version number?18:00
Diverdudehmmm why cant i install the acrobat pdf reader using the Ubuntu Software Center?18:00
Flare183andresmh: the kernel version 2.6.31-16-generic is part of that package :D18:01
Flare183andresmh: So yeah.18:01
DarkS7arn00p: i googled it and it seems to be a driver bug but noone gives a soluiont18:01
n00pDarkS7ar: what's the name of your interface?18:01
spiky25wifi g 75ko/sec but lan goes at 1000ko/sec sometimes ....18:01
dimitarhi to do that thing like cube desktop or sometnigh like that?18:01
andresmhFlare183, cool. thanks!18:02
DarkS7arn00p: brb18:02
Flare183!compiz | dimitar18:02
ubottudimitar: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz18:02
Flare183andresmh: No problem.18:02
=== senen is now known as Guest34482
dimitari installed compiz18:02
Natalie_hey guys18:02
Guest34482good afternoon18:02
Flare183dimitar: then install compizconfig-settings-manager and enable the Cub18:02
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu18:02
Guest34482anyone knows something about fluxbuntu ?18:03
Hans_Henrikhow can i find out what grapic-card i got?18:03
DarkS7arn00p: im back18:03
djanatynHey, quick question. I have a netbook running standard ubuntu, karmic koala. Can I use it to install ubuntu onto my external hard drive?18:03
n00pDarkS7ar: what's the name of your interface?18:03
DarkS7arn00p: wlan018:03
soreauHans_Henrik: lspci|grep VGA18:03
jpastoreI'd like to try and create a bootable thumbdrive. I have a 128GB stick I wanted to try ... the howtos on line don't seem to be working any ideas or recommendations would be appreciated18:03
Flare183!boot | jpastore18:03
ubottujpastore: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto18:03
dimitari installed that too....and what then? i enabled the cube?18:03
n00pDarkS7ar: is that what you put in the WANDEV field?18:03
soreaudimitar: If you come to #compiz, we will help you set it up there18:04
spiky25fluxbuntu is outdated > try lubuntu-desktop by the ubuntu minimal cd it will be better ...18:04
Flare183!usb | jpastore18:04
ubottujpastore: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:04
BallsyHi gang.  Trying to install 9.10 on amd Athlon 64 arch, and have had 0 success.  md5sum checks out on the downloaded images (tried alternate disks too), used 'verify' option when burning with Nero and ImgBurn, tried using 2 diff burners on 2 diff PCs....install kaks with scrolling errors (cannot read from cache file, something about SQUASHFS, etc etc)18:04
DarkS7arn00p: u caught me i don't know what WANDEV is18:04
n00pDarkS7ar: WANDEV should be "WLAN0" in your case. I messed the script up anyway.. just a second :)18:04
=== kb is now known as Guest32115
DarkS7ari suppose it has to point to device used to connect to the AP18:05
Flare183Ballsy: Try the USB Install.18:05
Ballsyoh, and 'check disk integrity' option from the install menu DOES report 2 files with errors....which I'm sure is the problem, but unsure how to fix18:05
Flare183DarkS7ar: type in iwconfig wlan0 scanning and pastebin the output18:05
spiky25Ballsy it seem like my next config I'm on Arch also, I switch for better support for proprietary softwares only ...18:05
DarkS7arn00p: how to configure it18:05
n00pok DarkS7ar: http://codepad.org/8UQck8nU18:05
Flare183on the terminal I mean.18:05
n00penter your network name/domain id and key18:06
LizardK|ngcan anyone help me with this error when I try to run an SDL application? "do_wait: drmWaitVBlank returned -1, IRQs don't seem to be working correctly.  Try adjusting the vblank_mode configuration parameter."  i downloaded driconf and tried all four vsync settings but none had any affect.18:06
n00pthen save it as /etc/init.d/init-wireless18:06
DarkS7arFlare183: whats that scanning option?18:06
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n00pand sudo /etc/init.d/init-wireless18:06
andresmhhow do I get what kind of builtin webcam i have? i am trying to submit a bug report about it. I'd like to include as much info as possible.18:06
Flare183DarkS7ar: it looks for Access points18:06
BallsyFlare183 .... brilliant idea....embarrassed I never thought of it/found it....will try.  Many thanks.18:06
Flare183It scans18:06
n00pI should have put the "3" in quotes earlier :P18:06
Flare183Ballsy: :D18:06
evonis there a way to change your password through terminal?18:07
Flare183evon: passwd18:07
evonflare183: typing that will give me prompts to change my password?18:07
Flare183evon: just be sure your logged into the user that you want to change the password for.18:07
Flare183evon: Yup18:07
DarkS7arFlare183: i dont have such option18:08
ctmjrjpastore: 128gb flash drive must be expensive18:08
DarkS7arn00p: the password and the id are different every time18:08
* Flare183 is confused18:08
evonflare183: thanks18:08
CarlFKwhat will send jaunty or lucid to stdout?  (or in a file - need to read it from python)18:08
n00pDarkS7ar: your AP's password and id changes?18:08
Flare183DarkS7ar: iwconfig wlan0 scanning does work, it scans for AP18:09
LizardK|nga 128BG usb drive is propably a micro harddrive18:09
Flare183evon: np18:09
n00pDarkS7ar: try Flare183's suggestion18:09
DarkS7arn00p: nope i just dont connect only to one AP and i its on 6 channel18:09
LizardK|ngi mean 128GB18:09
e-headHey guys, I had a package not install properly using apt-get.  How can I re-install and make sure the installation script runs again?18:09
HardDisksudo apt-get install -f18:10
CarlFKe-head: apt-get remove/apt-get install18:10
LizardK|nge-head: sudo apt-get install <packagename> --reinstall18:10
DarkS7arFlare183: iwconfig wlan0 scanning18:10
DarkS7ariwconfig: unknown command "scanning"18:10
e-headokay. Thanks to both of you.18:10
LizardK|nge-head: there you go, three different ways18:10
CarlFKoh.. forget my plan... didn't know about --reinstall...18:10
e-headLizardK|ng: that will cause the installation script to rerun I take it?18:10
LizardK|nge-head: as far as i know; it will re-download it too, i think18:11
* Flare183 found it18:11
Flare183DarkS7ar: iwlist wlan0 scanning18:11
Homely_GirlHi, I am installing Ubuntu 9.10 on my pc with 2 hdd's!18:11
LizardK|ngcrap, i need to go to the bank and a van is blocking my driveway18:11
Homely_GirlI know I need to set one up as /home and I'm just in over my head, could someone help me thru this plse?18:11
CarlFKLizardK|ng: apt-get remove van18:12
usserCarlFK, what was your question about jaunty or lucid?18:12
HardDisklook in the van, maybe the couple are still having sex18:12
Flare183CarlFK: haha nice one! XD18:12
Flare183Homely_Girl: Do you know which one is which, like can you tell the difference in the /dev/ folder?18:12
LizardK|ngthe house in front of me is getting remodeled18:13
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:13
CarlFKusser: trying to make this line default to the current release: parser.add_option("-r", "--release", default="jaunty",18:13
HardDiskLizardKing, is it fat?18:13
CarlFKusser: but I am reading sources.list, I can just get it from there18:13
DarkS7arFlare183: now what it found APs and what18:13
usserCarlFK, or use lsb_release18:13
Homely_GirlFlare183: they are 2 different sizes 'n it seems to be defaulting to putting the O/S onto the 10GB which is wot I wanted.18:13
usserCarlFK, lsb_release -a | grep Codename | cut -f 218:14
Homely_GirlNow I want to set the 15gb up as /home18:14
LizardK|ngHardDisk: it does say "Operation Bedding" on it18:14
Flare183Homely_Girl: PM me for I don't kill the channel18:14
doofuseverytime apt-get runs, whatever i install, installs, but for some reason it's stuck on a kernel deb, and everytime it pukes out and finishes with an error...18:14
Lord-Readmanhello, i want to install ubuntu on my dell m1730 by resizing my vista partition but when i go to gparted or the installer paritioner, it says its all unallocated, insted of having them all there18:15
usserCarlFK, or just lsb_release -c | cut -f 218:15
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
DarkS7arn00p: i have dmesg logs after a crash do u want to see it18:17
LizardK|ngif i run sudo apt-get autoremove, it says "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded."  it used to say ..."1 not upgraded."  how can i find out what those "not upgraded" packages are?18:17
Lord-Readmanhello, i want to install ubuntu on my dell m1730 by resizing my vista partition but when i go to gparted or the installer paritioner, it says its all unallocated, insted of having them all there to resize etc18:18
Dr_WillisLord-Readman:  i would use vista to resize the vista partitions.18:18
Lord-Readmanbut that wont help18:18
Lord-Readmanbecause ubuntu would still say all of it was unallocated18:18
Lord-Readmanthere is free space already18:18
Lord-Readmani just cant see any of them, it just says ARRAY18:19
bllzIs there a version of ubuntu that comes without all the default software?18:19
LizardK|ngok, i ran apt-get upgrade and now it's back to "1 not upgraded."  how can i find out what it's not upgrading?18:19
bllzjust the bare essentials18:19
Dr_WillisLord-Readman:  you may want to check what 'sudo fdisk -l' says.   Something seems.. odd18:19
bllzI'd like a GUI though, so not ubuntu server18:19
Lord-Readmanil try fdisk -l as root on the live cd18:19
Dr_WillisLizardK|ng:  see what     sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  says18:20
Dr_Willisbllz:  thers several mini-ubuntu variants out.18:20
bllzDr_Willis:  what are they called?  Mini ubuntu?18:20
LizardK|ngDr_Willis: "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded"18:20
Dr_Willisbllz:  no idea. ive seen several mentioned in differnt places.   I dont use any. It depends on your exact needs.  that crunchbang is rather small. but theres smaller...18:21
vladimir_how do install .bin file without getting permission denied18:21
LizardK|ngi ran it twice to be sure18:21
Dr_Willisvladimir_:  what is it exactly you are trying to install?18:21
bllzDr_Willis:  okay, i've seen crunchbang, but i think it still comes with a bunch of default software...  Maybe I'll just manually uninstall everything I don't need lol18:22
LizardK|ngvladimir_: sudo ./yourinstaller.bin probably18:22
=== rainbow is now known as Guest20144
Dr_Willisbllz:  what you need.. and what i need.. are diffrent things. :) so you will have to see what is out there18:22
DJones!minimal | bllz18:22
ubottubllz: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:22
vladimir_Willis, I am trying to install LinuxInstaller.bin18:23
bllzDJones:  that sounds like what i'm looking for, thanks!18:23
Dr_Willisbllz:  it comes down to a point where its more about fighting to get the stuff you want going properly....18:23
Dr_Willisvladimir_:   you did make it executable?18:23
vladimir_yes I added ./18:23
Dr_Willischmod +x whatever.bin   then 'sudo ./whatever.bin'18:23
LizardK|ngoh yeah, executable is needed too18:23
Dr_Willisvladimir_:  what IS the thing exactly supposed to be installing?18:24
* Dr_Willis dosent trust .bin installers18:24
mkahi everyone!18:24
LizardK|ngDr_Willis: linux, obviously18:24
Dr_WillisLizardK|ng:  dont make me stop this car.....18:25
TidersIs there any type of vent client for Linux?18:25
LizardK|ngDr_Willis: .bin installers are usually proprietary, like nvidia drivers or adobe reader18:26
bllzTiders:  it runs under wine, I believe18:26
Tidersbllz How do you install it?18:26
Dr_WillisLizardK|ng:  yes i know... and ive seen some that are just stupid 'ask to ok the eula' then use the actual package manager...  things..18:26
bllzTiders:  there's a bunch of tutorials if you google it18:27
LizardK|ngnvidia was annoying cuz you need to exit X18:27
bllzbut it should be pretty straightforward18:27
mkaI can no longer boot my computer, when grub is loading, it says "Error 22" and then it just hangs there18:27
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* bllz is tired of GRUB2 already18:29
CarlFKusser: im not sure this is good, but I have to share... sources.list is read into   d={'http://cp333:9999/ubuntu': ['', {'lucid': {'deb': ['main']}}]} (truncated ver)  and so the release is d.items()[0][1][1].items()[0][0] which looks like ascii art18:29
always_smilehello,hope everyone doing alright18:30
* hbah427 Can't boot SnowOSX with GRUB2...18:30
always_smileI downloaded google earth through synaptic,but when i click on it to install ,nothing happens,what can I do?18:31
* bllz can't boot mythbuntu with grub218:31
LizardK|ngoops! i almost flooded the channel with my resume.... weird though, i am VNCing from my ubuntu laptop to my fileserver which is running pidgin, and the clipboard is NEVER shared when i WANT it to be18:31
=== bob is now known as Guest1275
sal_always_smile, not sure googlearth is supported fully.  what distro are you using?18:32
LizardK|ngcan anyone help me with this error when I try to run an SDL application? "do_wait: drmWaitVBlank returned -1, IRQs don't seem to be working correctly.  Try adjusting the vblank_mode configuration parameter."  i downloaded driconf and tried all four vsync settings but none had any affect.18:32
bob__hello all18:32
LizardK|ngalways_smile: google had me download a .bin installer18:32
bllzalways_smile:  i usually managed to get google earth working via Ubuntu Tweak18:32
=== bob__ is now known as Guest66248
Guest66248anyone know why my update manager wont load?18:32
always_smilesal the ubuntu 9.1018:32
hbah427Guest66248, does it throw up an error?18:33
bllzGuest66248:  not off the top of our heads, we're going to need some information18:33
djanatynCould I use ubiquity on my current ubuntu setup to install ubuntu on my external hard drive?18:33
* LizardK|ng throws up18:33
djanatyn(sorry for asking so many questions)18:33
=== egertonm20 is now known as citypop
bllzdjanatyn:  you're a bave man18:33
Guest66248just says an error has occured18:33
bllzjanatyn:  but there's no reason it shouldn't work18:33
sal_always_smile, there are some pakages in the software installer, try there first18:34
bllzGuest66248:  run the update manager in the terminal and then pastebin the errors you get18:34
gbear14275I'm having problems with an unrecognized filesystem and am unsure how to repair them...  Anyone able to help?  I have already tried to check them using gparted but it still won't let me mount them18:34
djanatynbllz: I try to use what I have ;)18:34
bllzdjanatyn:  I hear you.  I'm the same way.  It should work, albeit slowly18:35
gadget3000gbear14275: try cfdisk: sudo cfdisk /dev/sd(x)18:35
Guest66248I'm new to this OS what is the command to start update manager in the terminal?18:35
gadget3000Guest66248: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade18:36
gbear14275gadget3000: ok...  don't see a "fix" option18:36
EsatYuceI have 2 wirelesses connection. i can connet to Internet with unpassword, but i CAN'T with password wireless. Why can't i connet to Internet with my Wireless? even i enter my password correct.18:36
Hilikusguys, my screen flickers when i change the brightness or when i start up my computer. its an MSI wind18:36
EsatYuceanybody hear me?18:36
strywgrhow to view something if someone has shared it on network.18:36
strywgras i used to put the ip only as -> /10.xx.xx.xx18:37
EsatYuceI have 2 wirelesses connection. i can connet to Internet with unpassword, but i CAN'T with password wireless. Why can't i connet to Internet with my Wireless? even i enter my password correct.18:37
always_smileI'm using the the karmic koala dist. and I downloaded google earth via the synaptic package manager,but when I try to click on the icon,it won't install?18:37
Guest66248thank you i shall try now18:37
LizardK|ngEsatYuce: can you connect to the AP?18:37
hbah427Guest66248, Alt+f218:37
hbah427Then type 'Update Manager'18:37
hbah427That one18:37
FloodBot3hbah427: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:38
chasedawg1does anyone know how to use setup gnomenu?18:38
EsatYucewhat is AP Li..?18:38
gadget3000gbear14275: it's just another way to parition18:38
LizardK|ngEsatYuce: the wireless access point18:38
EsatYuceLi..: yes18:38
gbear14275gadget3000: yeah... don't want to format any of my partitions... I'm trying to repair the filesystem18:38
EsatYuceit is runnig18:38
LizardK|ngEsatYuce: does it give you an IP address?18:39
gadget3000gbear14275: Oh, sorry18:39
gbear14275any ideas?18:39
always_smilei also have got the midibuntu respiratory installed18:39
EsatYuceno, it connet Internet directly18:39
vladimir_which is best download manager for linux.Where can I geet it?18:39
LizardK|ngEsatYuce: how many wireless routers do you have?18:39
Majostdownload manager?18:39
EsatYuceone is unpassword and other one is with password18:40
vladimir_you heard it right Majost18:40
LizardK|ngEsatYuce: and when you try to connect to the one with the password, do you get an IP address?18:40
\bMike\bHow can I remove a script from the rcS.d dirs? Apparently you're not supposed to just delete them??18:40
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : no18:40
vladimir_I want to use one with GUI.18:41
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : it just says me that "The connect was reset"18:41
labratosxhi there18:41
gbear14275$ sudo mount /dev/sda6 mount: can't find /dev/sda6 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab18:41
MajostCorrect me if I am wrong -- but aren't those usually windows apps that companies use as a tool to display ads?18:41
hbah427There's the 'DownThemAll' FF extension18:41
LizardK|ngEsatYuce: can a different computer connect to it?  if not, try removing the password and try to connect18:42
Guest66248I tryed updating from terminal large list scrolled by then done. still getting a problem occured when checking for updates18:42
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : yes there are many computers here, all of them are connecting the Internet the same Router18:42
hbah427gbear14275, you need to set a mount point18:42
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : but they are using Windows OS18:42
hbah427gbear14275, type sudo mkdir /media/sda6 && sudo mount /dev/sda6 /media/sda618:42
LizardK|ngMajost:  not in linux...18:43
vladimir_hbah427 where can I get it and what is FF?18:43
Majostff == firefox18:43
\bMike\bvladimir_: firefox18:43
LizardK|ngEsatYuce: check your logs for any messages about connecting18:43
nuteIs vnc easy to set up?18:43
hbah427vladimir_, It's Firefox, http://www.downthemall.net/18:43
ardchoille!info gnote18:44
ubottugnote (source: gnote): desktop note taking program using Wiki style links. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.2-1 (karmic), package size 1507 kB, installed size 4556 kB18:44
MajostServer is down18:44
Luyanghi! How to install Sun JDK 6? And how to search for packages?18:44
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX18:44
Guest66248now update nor synaptic manager will work18:44
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX18:44
Majostvladimir_, you probably can get it from here too https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/browse/type:718:44
hbah427Luyang, 'sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk'18:44
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : Can i change the router password?18:45
Luyangapt-get install sun-java6-jdk doesn't work for me18:45
Dwade09 i just love that18:45
vladimir_hey, the url does't work.18:45
hbah427Search in Synaptic for JDK18:45
Luyanghbah427: I get this: Package sun-java6-jdk is not available, but is referred to by another package.18:45
LuyangThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or18:45
thingfishwhen I try to install 9.10 64-bit, it neither runs as a live cd, nor starts the install process18:45
thingfishis this a known issue?18:45
LizardK|ngnute: very easy, you may already have it set up in fact18:46
LizardK|ngnute, turn it on by going to system-> preferences-> Remote Desktop18:46
Luyanghbah427: what can I do to solve this error?18:46
thingfishbasically I select one of the menu options presented when the cd boots, hit Enter, then nothing happens18:46
\bMike\bthingfish: probably an issue with the burning process. Check the checksum both before and after burning the disc18:46
LuyangThat Java package doesn't work18:46
thingfish\bMike\b: tried multiple burns and multiple re-downloads of the iso18:46
LuyangDo I miss an apt-get repository??18:46
\bMike\bthingfish: Also, note that the LiveCD is very slow to load, it can take quite some time depending on your hardware18:46
thingfishusing two different cd burning apps18:46
qdbsudo route add default gw says some error if i try to use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing and connect newest ubuntu to internet through ubuntu 9.04 which is connected with pppoeconf18:47
hbah427try openjdk-6-jdk18:47
\bMike\bthingfish: you shouldn't have to do that - just verify the checksum18:47
thingfishthis is a core 2 duo with 6GB ram18:47
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : How ??18:47
hbah427Luyang, make sure you have Universe and Multiverse enabled18:47
LizardK|ngEsatYuce: can you?18:47
thingfish2.6 ghz18:47
=== infamy is now known as milkshakes
TidersHas anyone gotten Vent to work on Ubuntu under Wine or Crossover?18:47
Luyanghbah427: how can I make sure that18:47
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : how can??18:48
qdbalso i have dnsmasq installed, and try to press auto eth0 on client comp but it does not connect18:48
qdbalso tried etc initd networking start18:48
always_smilehello there everyone,I downloaded google earth package through the synaptic manager, I'm using Karmic koala,I already got  Medibuntu repository added,but when I click on it,i won't install,what can I do?18:48
qdbi should try restart18:49
gadget3000always_smile: That package isn't the full google earth. You have to get it from the google earth website18:49
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : how can i check logs message?18:49
=== bob is now known as Guest5022
LizardK|ngEsatYuce: depends on the route, did you set it up?18:49
Luyangcan somebody please help me add repository so that I can download the sun jdk 6 thanks18:49
\bMike\bHow can I remove a script from the rcS.d dirs? Apparently you're not supposed to just delete them? I don't want mpd to start up on it's own.18:49
qdbdoes not work18:49
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : once i connet to Internet with this router, then i cant connect18:50
gdizdo any of you know how to send keyboard events to a box running ubuntu via ssh18:50
wvdn00p: ur still there?18:50
gadget3000always_smile: http://dl.google.com/earth/client/current/GoogleEarthLinux.bin18:50
always_smileso gadget3000 you mean I need to deinstall the package then?18:50
LizardK|ngEsatYuce: System-> Administration-> Log File Viewer18:50
EsatYucenow i m connecting to Internet with unpassword router18:50
Guest5022update manager & synaptic manager will not run keep getting error has occurred when checking for updates18:50
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : ok i m checking18:50
thevishyanyone with xubuntu ?18:50
LizardK|ngEsatYuce: once you connect, you can't connect?  that doesn't really make sense18:50
HardDiskthevishy, sorry ive already got a gf18:51
\bMike\bthevishy: #xubuntu18:51
thevishyi wanna know the opinion on xfce , is it faster ?18:51
sAnta89_HardDisk, I lol'd  :D18:51
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : there are long message in this file. how can i find?18:51
gadget3000always_smile: I thought you said it wouldn't install. I don;t think it matters if you keep it anyway18:51
thevishycan somebody tell me about XFCE ? i just wanna know if it makes system faster bcoz i think GTK takes a bit longer18:51
=== I-Blocklist526 is now known as Lord-Readman
HardDiskthevishy, there are "lighter" gui's you can use18:52
=== rainbow is now known as Guest53912
Lord-Readmani tried fisk -l and it says Unable to seek on /dev/sda18:52
Lemontree_84hmm XFCE is a bit "lighter" and couse of that it runs lil bit faster, imo18:52
wvdI got problems with setting up a gigaset usb adapter 108 on ubuntu.. I tried ndiswrapper with the windows drivers etc, but it says that no hardware is present. I also tried getting it with hal-device | less but I cant'; find any id.. Anyoneh as ideas? I'm clueless.18:52
LizardK|ngEsatYuce: try to connect, then see what logs turn bold, then scroll to the bottom of them18:52
thevishyHardDisk, like ?18:53
gbear14275hbah427: great that worked I think... how would I set a mount point for my boot directory?18:53
Machtinis there any command to 'restart' the usb-ports?18:53
Lord-Readmani tried fisk -l and it says Unable to seek on /dev/sda18:53
HardDiskthevishy, xfce, fluxbox, enlightment etc18:53
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : if i try to connect, i cant communication with you18:53
=== urkki is now known as Finnish
rance94hey could somebody help me with sockets??18:53
gadget3000Lord-Readman: sudo fdisk -l ??18:53
rance94hey could somebody help me with sockets??18:53
\bMike\b!repeat | rance9418:54
ubotturance94: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:54
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : Let me try a few minutes.18:54
LizardK|ngEsatYuce: that's quite a dilemma18:54
gbear14275sudo mkdir /boot && sudo mount /dev/sda6 /boot18:54
Lord-Readmangadget3000 i was root but sudo said same18:54
LizardK|ngcan anyone help me with this error when I try to run an SDL application? "do_wait: drmWaitVBlank returned -1, IRQs don't seem to be working correctly.  Try adjusting the vblank_mode configuration parameter."  i downloaded driconf and tried all four vsync settings but none had any affect.18:54
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.18:54
skinofstarsHi. I've done an install for ubuntu server and installed gnome-core, but have for nvidias sake I've decided to move to the generic kernel. Hoe do I now install the nvidia drivers?18:54
HardDiskthevishy, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DerivativeTeam/Derivatives18:54
LizardK|ngi don't like E18:54
opticoni have webmin and ubuntu i created a share configured permissions but from my windows machines the samba share isnt browsable from say windows explorer but if i map the share in windows and auth it works any idea why its not browsable?18:54
wvdI got problems with setting up a gigaset usb adapter 108 on ubuntu.. I tried ndiswrapper with the windows drivers etc, but it says that no hardware is present. I also tried getting it with hal-device | less but I cant'; find any id.. Anyoneh as ideas? I'm clueless.18:54
opticonalso using gadmin18:55
gadget3000!repeat | wvd18:55
ubottuwvd: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:55
nuteIs it possible to install freenx on ubuntu 9.04?18:55
wvdgadget3000: just been trying it for like 10hours now :-:18:55
rance94hey could somebody help me with sockets??18:56
LizardK|ngnuute: you don't like vino?18:56
nuteLizardK|ng what is vino?18:56
LizardK|ngthe vnc server thatcomes with ubuntu18:56
ReX0rwhat do I do when I get: configure: error: no Free Pascal Compiler found in /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games18:57
gadget3000wvd: Must an uncommon problem then. I had a similar problem with a different adapter ages ago. I solved it by installing it in ndiswrapper with one set of drivers rebooting, uninstalling those, installing the others, rebooting and, for some reason, it worked. Try something like that18:57
=== nitrohax is now known as Guest16556
thevishyhow do I install enlightenment ?18:57
=== rainbow is now known as Guest40503
always_smilewhen I play audio files on firefox they play autmatically with realplayer,how can I make VLC the default player?18:57
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LizardK|ngReX0r: install a pascal compiler?18:57
gbear14275anyone know how to repair the /boot mount point?  It says "unrecognized filesystem" when I try and boot... on a live cd now18:58
=== Guest16556 is now known as nitrohax
ReX0rin synaptec?18:58
wvdgadget3000: I installed those drivers.. but with the nisgtk gui it says that there is no hardware thing or something. Where did you get those windows drivers from?18:58
Luyanghbah427: I get this: Package sun-java6-jdk is not available, but is referred to by another package.18:58
TidersNobody gotten vent to work?18:58
Luyanghow can I find it and install it??18:58
nuteLizardK|ng: can I start vino through shell?18:58
gbear14275anyone know how to repair the /boot mount point?  It says "unrecognized filesystem" when I try and boot... on a live cd now18:58
bill__Hello there. I experience a problem. I installed a game on my linux and it works fine. Then I just had to make a shortcut to launch it easier. When I make a shortcut , it was fine when it is on the game's folder. When I drag this shortcut on my desktop , it doesnt work. Why?18:59
gadget3000wvd: It was for a different adapter. You need different versions of drivers for it, eg 1.1 and 1.218:59
gbear14275anyone know how to repair the /boot mount point?  It says "unrecognized filesystem" when I try and boot... on a live cd now9i18:59
LizardK|ngnute, system-> preferences-> remote desktop18:59
wvdgadget3000: where do I find those?18:59
nuteLizardK|ng: Using ssh, I don't have access to the actual computer.18:59
gadget3000wvd: Which adapter was it for?18:59
always_smilewhen I play audio files on firefox they play autmatically with realplayer,how can I make VLC the default player?19:00
thevishycan anyone tell me how I can install enlightenment in my desktop19:00
gbear14275anyone know how to repair the /boot mount point?  It says "unrecognized filesystem" when I try and boot... on a live cd now19:00
wvdgadget3000: Siemens gigaset usb adapter 10819:00
Lord-Readmanany ideas gadget3000?19:00
rance94hey could somebody help me with sockets??19:00
LizardK|ngnute: i'm sure you can, i just don't know how :P19:00
rance94how do i register my nick??19:00
nuteLizardK|ng: Ok. Thanks for trying to help me.19:00
gadget3000Lord-Readman: no sorry19:00
sAnta89_!register | rance9419:00
ubotturance94: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode19:00
LizardK|ngnute: /usr/lib/vino/vino-server19:01
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.19:01
gadget3000wvd: here is one set but you will need to extract them using universal extractor in windows, or from installing it in wine. http://download.gigaset.com/repository/1457/145798/usb_adapter_108_V2025_eng.exe19:01
coincoin1611hi, i have on ubuntu 9.10 a problem with gconf-sanity-check-2 which exits with code 256 ! I checked by chmod 755 the dirs and files in /etc/gconf, but nothing works, have you any idea ?19:02
Luyanghbah427: I get this: Package sun-java6-jdk is not available, but is referred to by another package. Question: how can I make that package available? do I have to add a url to the apt-get repository list?19:02
always_smilewhen I play audio files on firefox they play autmatically with realplayer,how can I make VLC the default player?19:02
gbear14275anyone know how to repair the /boot mount point?  It says "unrecognized filesystem" when I try and boot... on a live cd now19:02
wvdgadget3000: what does universal extractor exactly? creates a zip?19:02
wvdgadget3000: i'm getting an error19:02
gadget3000wvd: It extract everything from the installer without installing it. This will mean ndiswrapper can use it19:03
Spasysheephow can i create .cbr files in 9.10? the compress > cbr option from theright click menu isn't working19:03
wvdgadget3000: ok, thanks, but I need to come from the gigaset website, did you just search it on the gigaset website?19:04
gadget3000wvd: yes19:04
wvd"You see this page because you came from a non Siemens website."19:04
SAngeliHi, how to install pwmanager (a KDE applicationo)? I fail to find it in applications. Please let me know19:05
lilyshuhi. is it possible to install kde on top of ubuntu without having to install kde based applications? i mean to only install kde environment?19:05
gbear14275anyone know how to repair the /boot mount point?  It says "unrecognized filesystem" when I try and boot... on a live cd now19:05
fcoldewewhere can i see which system my karmic koala has? 32 bit or 64bit?19:05
always_smilewhen I play audio files on firefox they play autmatically with realplayer,how can I make VLC the default player?19:05
wvdgadget3000: where did you search :$? can't find it19:05
LizardK|ngif i install ebox, will it set up apache for me?19:06
gadget3000wvd: here is another set. http://bit.ly/5IP3Wb19:06
pratik_narainno gtalk contacts(online as well as offline) showing up in empathy. any solution plz19:06
gadget3000wvd: If you can;t extract them then I'll have a go19:06
wvdgadget3000: i couldn't download them, but I use that bit.ly link19:06
wvdgadget3000: page not found..19:07
pkkmwhy is system beep disabled in karmic?19:07
gbear14275anyone know how to repair the /boot mount point?  It says "unrecognized filesystem" when I try and boot... on a live cd now19:07
=== kitche_ is now known as kitche
wvdgadget3000: i think I found it.19:07
LizardK|ngpkkm: because it's annoying? :)19:07
wvdgadget3000: going to try uniserval extractor now19:08
probyhi guys19:08
pkkmhow to enable system beep?19:08
nitrohaxgbear14275> have you tried to fix grub?19:08
LizardK|ngdon;t know19:08
probyi have ubuntu 9.10 but the sound did not work19:08
gadget3000wvd: http://gigaset.com/shc/0,1935,hq_en_0_88570_rarnrnrnrn_variation%253A-5_pageType%253Adownloads_imagePos%253A0,00.html19:08
rance94im registering and it is telling both my emails are invalid WTF!!!!!! does that mean19:08
thevishyhow to fix this19:08
tgrhi can you tell me the benefits of upgrading to koala? i heard it was a bit hard to upgrade from 9.0419:08
thevishyW: GPG error: http://debian.alphagemini.org unstable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 7E5D69A103CA424319:08
rance94im registering and it is telling both my emails are invalid WTF!!!!!! does that mean19:08
meeromeero149: yeah19:08
probyi have intel sound card19:08
gbear14275nitrohax: no i haven't19:09
meero149meero: yes19:09
wvdgadget3000: yes I got that19:09
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : i m here19:09
probyit works on win but on ubuntu nothing19:09
wvdgadget3000: extracting now19:09
tgris it good to upgrade? my laptop is also 2 years old will it be bad for it?19:09
probyi have ubuntu 9.10 but the sound did not work19:09
probyit works on win but on ubuntu nothing19:09
rance94im registering and it is telling both my emails are invalid WTF!!!!!! does that mean19:09
LizardK|ngEsatYuce: on the AP with the password?19:09
PolitikerALTHello, does anybody know how to read an ext2fs with 32kb block size?19:09
LaeborgIs there anything wrong with XChat?19:09
nitrohaxgbear14275> are you trying ot dual boot?19:09
pratik_narainno gtalk contacts(online as well as offline) showing up in empathy. any solution plz19:09
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : no unfortunatelly19:10
always_smilewhen I play audio files on firefox they play autmatically with realplayer,how can I make VLC the default player?19:10
wvdgadget3000: i got it.. but it has 3 maps, drivers for vista, xp/2003 and other.19:10
wvdgadget3000: whcih should I use on Ubuntu?19:10
rance94im registering and it is telling both my emails are invalid WTF!!!!!! does that mean19:10
rance94im registering and it is telling both my emails are invalid WTF!!!!!! does that mean19:10
thevishyi have a 4 year old laptop , i installed ubuntu via alternate distro - not upgrade ...though its a tad slow on my machine i would say go for it19:10
arghh2d2if everything works with whatever your using then by all means DO NOT UPGRADE...if it aint broke, dont fix it19:10
tgrwhat are benefits to upgrade please anyone19:10
=== nightfrog` is now known as nightfrog
LizardK|ngtgr, faster bootup19:10
gadget3000wvd: the xp ones19:10
drewsusHello everyone!19:10
wvdgadget3000: i can just it on my HDD and copy it from the HDD to /home on ubuntu?19:10
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : i tried to connect with password AP,19:10
tgrarghh2d2: well 9.04 works why not upgrade to something better?19:11
gadget3000wvd: yes19:11
fcoldewewhere can i see which system my karmic koala has? 32 bit or 64bit?19:11
probyhi guys i have ubuntu 9.10 but the sound did not work19:11
arghh2d2tgr: if your not missing any featurs then there is no benefit of upgrading, you just risk screwing something up19:11
probyhi guys i have ubuntu 9.10 but the sound did not work19:11
probyhi guys i have ubuntu 9.10 but the sound did not work19:11
FloodBot3proby: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:11
nitrohaxgbear14275> take a look at this and see if it helps. I need to get going. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435119:11
wvdgadget3000: however, it only includes 1 driver file, not the athblala.inf19:11
wvdgadget3000: doesn't that matter?19:11
tgrarghh2d2: ok cool19:11
arghh2d2tgr: nobody said 9.10 is better, bigger number dont mean its better19:11
gadget3000wvd: Use whichever has the inf file then19:11
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : it always appeared one window name "Wireless Network Authentication Required" to sing in password19:11
tgrarghh2d2: yeah that is what i wanted to know19:11
wvdgadget3000: right, but before I had 2 inf files with nsidwrapper.19:11
wvdgadget3000: how do I remove a driver?19:12
tgrif 9.10 was better to use in any way19:12
gbear14275$ sudo grub Bus error19:12
wvdgadget3000: nvm, i think it's nsidwrapper -r or something19:12
scyTh3I have 2 scripts I would like to run. I have placed them in /etc/cron.daily and the scripts execute correctly. My question is does the scripts run as root since the permissions of that folder are roots? If so can I create a cron script to run as a user?19:12
wvdgadget3000: let me try it, brb rebooting19:12
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : i signed in the password ,but it always asked me19:12
itiliousis it possible to have ubuntu automatically disable compiz after so long of idleness?19:12
gadget3000wvd: thats what I was going to suggest. i think you do 'ndiswrapper -l' to list devices then 'ndiswrapper -r NAMEOFDEVICE' to remove it19:13
drewsusokay so, I have a problem. Im using 9.10 and sometimes I lose my theme/icons to what seems to be a very default one (which also has sounds enabled when clicking on things). Windows in nautilus look more akin to what you would see if you were the Root user. What seems to fix this is "killall nautilus && nautilus" and then changing to another theme then back to my original. Any ideas?19:13
LizardK|ngEsatYuce: make sure you have the right password19:13
tgrcan someone tell me how to upgrade virtualbox if i have one already do i have to remove the package with dpkg?19:13
soreauitilious: You could do that with a script I presume19:13
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : yes19:13
EsatYucei m sure which my name is EsatYuce19:13
=== shazam is now known as palomer
grandpapcHi. I am setting up a PC for my 86 year old Grandpa. It is an AIO MSI Windtop Ae1900w. I have it running UNR Karmic, and this is the problem: ACPI is totally broken. Brightness buttons don't work on the AIO. Fine. I just want to be able to return from suspend without the brightness setting turning to very low. Right now, resuming breaks the brightness, but if I suspend from the command line with either: pm-suspend --quirk-s3-bios OR19:14
grandpapcreturns fine. Help me make these the default for suspend! I tried everything!19:14
arghh2d2tgr: try sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get virtualbox19:14
LizardK|ngEsatYuce: you may want to double check you have the right password19:14
LizardK|ngcheck with whoever set up the wireless network19:14
pratik_narainno gtalk contacts(online as well as offline) showing up in empathy. any solution plz19:14
tgrthanks arghh2d2 but i installed from deb package before should that still be fine?19:14
gbear14275$ sudo grub Bus error   anyone able to help?19:14
Trezkerindividuals can have these things, because we can spy on others just as much as others can spy on us19:14
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : Then i tried to cennect other AP, but it also cant connect19:15
Trezkerbut the government should never have it because it's hard for individuals to spy on the government19:15
EsatYuceLizardK|ng :: unless i restart my pc again19:15
probyhi guys i have ubuntu 9.10 but the sound did not work19:15
probyhi guys i have ubuntu 9.10 but the sound did not work19:15
probyhi guys i have ubuntu 9.10 but the sound did not work19:15
FloodBot3proby: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:15
gbear14275$ sudo grub Bus error   anyone able to help?19:16
probyhi guys i have ubuntu 9.10 but the sound did not work19:16
probyhi guys i have ubuntu 9.10 but the sound did not work19:16
probyhi guys i have ubuntu 9.10 but the sound did not work19:16
FloodBot3proby: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:16
SAngeliHi, how to install pwmanager (a KDE applicationo)? I fail to find it in applications. Please let me know19:16
drewsusokay so, I have a problem. Im using 9.10 and sometimes I lose my theme/icons to what seems to be a very default one (which also has sounds enabled when clicking on things). Windows in nautilus look more akin to what you would see if you were the Root user. What seems to fix this is "killall nautilus && nautilus" and then changing to another theme then back to my original. Any ideas? here is a post with a screen shot and some commen19:16
drewsusts: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=849249619:16
gadget3000proby: tell everyone more details. Soundcard etc19:16
arghh2d2tgr, i'm not sure, you can read the manpage: man dpkg   maybe theres a way to --remove something installed from dpkg, i'm not on ubuntu right now so i'm not sure19:16
always_smilewhen I play audio files on firefox they play autmatically with realplayer,how can I make VLC the default player?19:16
gbear14275$ sudo grub Bus error   anyone able to help?19:17
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : May i explain my problem well?19:17
pratik_narainno gtalk contacts(online as well as offline) showing up in empathy. any solution plz19:17
kitchealways_smile: with some edits since officially vlc does not have a plugin for firefox19:17
grandpapcPlease. sudo pm-suspend --quirk-s3-bios = resume with brightness, sudo s2ram -f -a = resume with brightness, Click "Suspend" or waiting 30 minutes causes resume with low brightness! There must be a simply way to change how Karmic handles suspend, isn't there? Why on earth wouldn't there be?19:17
gbear14275$ sudo grub Bus error   anyone able to help?19:18
tgrthanks arghh2d2 i got it with synaptic19:18
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always_smilekitche: do you think you could let me know how?19:18
gbear14275$ sudo grub Bus error   anyone able to help?19:18
kitchealways_smile: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56949 is one way but I do not go that route19:18
gbear14275$ sudo grub Bus error   anyone able to help?19:18
arghh2d2tgr: np19:18
gbear14275$ sudo grub Bus error   anyone able to help?19:18
FloodBot3gbear14275: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:18
probygadget3000 intel HDA-Intel19:19
probygadget3000 intel HDA-Intel19:19
probygadget3000 intel HDA-Intel19:19
FloodBot3proby: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:19
probygadget3000 intel HDA-Intel19:19
grandpapcI have posted about this on ubuntuforums.org, spent a week googling and trying things. Is suspend/resume so broken in Karmic that you can't even change the command line parameters??19:19
probygadget3000 intel HDA-Intel19:19
probygadget3000 intel HDA-Intel19:19
probygadget3000 intel HDA-Intel19:19
FloodBot3proby: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:20
arghh2d2grandpapc: screw it, try 9.04 then19:20
LjL!ops | proby19:20
ubottuproby: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!19:20
tgrif i have a bad file sector because of a computer drop on my hard drive can i partition it out to make it unreadable to save system integrity?19:20
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : there?19:20
gadget3000proby: what happens when you do: speaker-test -c 219:21
erUSULtgr: use badblocks or the -c option for e2fsck to marl them19:21
probygadget3000 nothing19:21
tgrerUSUL: thanks a lot19:21
gadget3000no output in console?19:21
gadget3000proby: no output in console?19:21
probyi dont hear nothing19:22
grandpapcarghh2d2, Such a terrible solution but I agree probably the only one. What bothers me is that I lose all the tweaks I've made and for what, because nobody can change how Karmic handles suspend when ACPI isn't working? That's an unfortunate oversight that slipped into 9.10 if it's truly unfixable.19:22
wvdgadget3000: Still there?19:22
probyi dont use console19:22
gadget3000proby: what does it say in console?19:22
gadget3000wvd: still here19:22
probyi use rythmic box19:22
gadget3000wvd: I found some more help on the ndiswrapper website: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ndiswrapper/index.php?title=Siemens_Gigaset_USB_10819:23
tgris there any way to save the grub file that was corrupted erUSUL i had to install a minimum debian just so i can continue using my computer i think it must have sealed the bad sector when i usd fsck last time19:23
santiagohello folks19:23
santiagodo you have a clue how to generate a "live" ^M code in bash?19:23
wvdgadget3000: i pasted it somewhere but can't find it, ehhm, I installed and ndiswrapper -l showed the name and said 'device installed', it still tells me 'no propriatiry hardware found' and dmesg told me something with usb.19:23
=== liar_ is now known as liar
arghh2d2grandpapc: wth, why is that a terrible solution? its not your fault ubuntu released buggy software, its your fault for thinking bigger numbers = better software.19:23
erUSULsantiago: echo -e "\n\r"19:24
wvdgadget3000: i already tried that..19:24
grandpapcarghh2d2, I specifically used 9.10 because the MSI WindTop is a touchscreen AIO, and quite unsupported out of the box, the consensus I found online was that 9.10 fixed most problems with it.19:24
wvdgadget3000: i installed both, but idk what to do then19:24
arghh2d2grandpapc: all your tweaks are in your /home folder, just back em up or dont format your home partition19:24
probyf*** ***19:24
grandpapcarghh2d2, and in fact that is true, it works flawlessly except for this one issue, which I can easily fix in the command line.19:24
erUSULtgr: save ? tried reinstalling grub?19:24
pratik_narainno gtalk contacts(online as well as offline) showing up in empathy. any solution plz19:25
pratik_narainno gtalk contacts(online as well as offline) showing up in empathy. any solution plz19:25
pratik_narainno gtalk contacts(online as well as offline) showing up in empathy. any solution plz19:25
FloodBot3pratik_narain: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:25
arghh2d2grandpapc: ahh, well then you better stick to 9.10 and forget about suspend/hibernate then19:25
wvdgadget3000: what should I do if I have those both drivers installed (listed @ the wiki)19:25
drewsusokay so, I have a problem. Im using 9.10 and sometimes I lose my theme/icons to what seems to be a very default one (which also has sounds enabled when clicking on things). Windows in nautilus look more akin to what you would see if you were the Root user. What seems to fix this is "killall nautilus && nautilus" and then changing to another theme then back to my original. Any ideas? here is a post with a screen shot and some commen19:25
drewsusts: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=849249619:25
drewsusdoes anyone have any insight to this..? please ^^19:26
canthus13How do I give access to a specific directory to a user?19:26
pratik_narainno gtalk contacts(online as well as offline) showing up in empathy. any solution plz plz plz ^^19:26
grandpapcarghh2d2, alright. I think you're right. I'll just have to set it to bad power management ruin the ecosystem mode :(19:26
gadget3000wvd: what is the output from ndiswrapper -l19:26
wvdgadget3000: it just tells that 2 drivers are installed, and the last one (from the gigaset) website it also tells that the device is found19:26
santiagoerUSUL: i'm trying to execute stuff in detached screen session... and \n\r doesn't work :(19:26
probyi wont ever return here and good luck for arabics19:27
arghh2d2grandpapc: ok, ruin away, just ride your bike to work once a week to make up for it, or maybe teach your grandpa how to turn it off and on19:27
gadget3000wvd: 'sudo depmod -a' then do 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper'19:27
wvdgadget3000: and then?19:27
wvdgadget3000: (going to reboot soon then)19:27
sAnta89_!de | FANDER19:28
ubottuFANDER: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:28
erUSULsantiago: then i dunno...19:28
wvdgadget3000: let me try that first, i'll be back soon19:28
ubuntuI am trying to recover grub to my ubuntu drive - following the "command line" section here:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:28
z3rongodI've installed ubuntu!19:29
tarskiit's a miracle!19:29
z3rongodand in 10 minutes XCHAT19:30
itiliousanyone here able to help me with a quick problem with dual booting ubuntu with windows 7?19:30
z3rongodI've first tried bitchX but failed19:30
tarskiirssi = win19:30
gadget3000itilious: tell everyone more details19:30
arghh2d2irssi ftw19:30
z3rongodtarski, so i've read19:30
z3rongodBut i've also read that it needs configuring19:30
itiliousi've formated the partition i wish to use as NTFS via gparted19:30
z3rongodAnd not in the mood for it right now19:30
tarskiZ3Ro0n3, and?19:30
SAngeliWhere can I find the repository for pwmanager (a KDE applicationo)???? I fail to find it in xubuntu19:30
SAngeliPlease help19:30
arghh2d2irssi is BitchX++19:31
itiliouswhen i boot to the windows 7 cd i choose this partition, and setup simply says" can't use partition"19:31
tarskixchat is cool, too19:31
ubuntufind /boot/grub/stage1 returns (hd2,4) ... which I think is my ubuntu swap partion?  however root (h2,1) returns error 23: error while parsing number? can anyone help?19:31
tarskiwhatever floats yer boat19:31
itiliousis there some specific step i must take for this partition to be compatible to install windows 7?19:31
drewsusokay so, I have a problem. Im using 9.10 and sometimes I lose my theme/icons to what seems to be a very default one (which also has sounds enabled when clicking on things). Windows in nautilus look more akin to what you would see if you were the Root user. What seems to fix this is "killall nautilus && nautilus" and then changing to another theme then back to my original. Any ideas? here is a post with a screen shot and some commen19:31
drewsusts: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=849249619:31
LuyangSAngeli: I asked the same for sun jdk 6 but no reply19:31
tarskiwhat's windows 7?19:31
syk/join ##netbook19:31
z3rongodIs dd_rescue GNU available on Aptitude ?19:31
arghh2d2xchat cant run within screen or over ssh so it therefore sinks my boat19:31
FloodBot3syk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:31
gadget3000itilious: format the partition again from the install. Its something like advance settings under the but where you select the partition. From there you go to format and select the partition to use19:31
itiliousgadget3000, i did that as well19:32
sykto many //19:32
itiliousi also deleted the partition and then recreated it and then re-formatted it and its still "unusable"19:32
itiliousi'v never had this problem until i installed ubuntu :(19:32
z3rongodCan someone help me install a software on ubuntu to recover data from my other HDD please?19:32
gadget3000itilious: try using cfdisk to partition it instead.19:33
itiliousthe whole reason and only reason is to be able to use my "tv 2000xp rm" analog video capture because I can't find any linux application that will SIMPLY let me capture the analog video lol19:33
gadget3000itilious: sudo cfdisk /dev/sd(x)19:33
JeruvyZ3Ro0n3: can you not see the drive under removable media?  If not give us some details of what your working with.19:33
legend2440z3rongod: ddrescue is in Synaptic but you have to enable the  Universe repo if its not enabled already19:34
ubuntuwhich partion of my linux drive should I be installed grub to please?19:34
wvdgadget3000: it took like ~20-30 secons to execute both commands. then I did dmesg and it showed some errors.19:34
z3rongodMy other HDD is broken, in the freezer as we speak. I'm trying to recover data from it using the GNU dd_rescue19:35
gadget3000wvd: what does it say?19:35
wvdgadget3000: sec, lemme paste it.19:35
z3rongodlegend2440 is it the latest version? http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/ddrescue/19:35
wvdgadget3000: http://codepad.org/ixNztufF19:35
ubuntuif grub find /boot/grub/stage1 returns (hd2,4) where should I root and setup grub to please?19:35
LizardK|ngEsatYuce: sorry, i was away.  did you set up the network?19:36
gadget3000wvd: remove the first driver to leave you with the working one from the gigaset website19:36
z3rongodWhich file should i download from here: http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/ddrescue/19:36
legend2440z3rongod: version in karmic is  1.13-319:36
wvdgadget3000: i got two..19:36
wvdgadget3000: netwg and ath something19:36
z3rongodlatest version is 1.919:36
hoxhadose any one no how to put paltalk on ubuntu am i some hard time on it19:36
z3rongodI would like to go with the latest to be honest19:36
drewsusokay so, I have a problem. Im using 9.10 and sometimes I lose my theme/icons to what seems to be a very default one (which also has sounds enabled when clicking on things). Windows in nautilus look more akin to what you would see if you were the Root user. What seems to fix this is "killall nautilus && nautilus" and then changing to another theme then back to my original. Any ideas? here is a post with a screen shot and some commen19:36
drewsusts: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=849249619:36
gadget3000wvd: get rid of netwg19:37
wvdgadget3000: they where both from that wiki you linked (which I installed before)19:37
wvdgadget3000: and then?19:37
wvdgadget3000: dmesg agian?19:37
wvdor modprobe etc?19:37
FloodBot3wvd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:37
z3rongodlegend2440, which one should i download from the link ?19:37
wvdgadget3000: will try, thanks!19:37
=== rainbow is now known as Guest28898
jb39cj9in htop i have this process running 'java -Dnetworkaddress.cache.ttl=0 -Dnetworkaddress.cache.negative.ttle=0' at least 50 times19:37
gadget3000itilious: have you tried this guide? http://www2.truman.edu/~dat725/htpc_preface.html19:37
z3rongodddrescue-1.9.tar.lz  ?19:38
=== okan_ is now known as okan_ubuntu
LizardK|ngAUGHH! gadmin-samba clobbered my samba setup19:38
z3rongodor ddrescue-1.9.tar.bz2   ?19:38
meero /help19:38
JoeSomebodywhat file do i edit to permanently mount an ntfs drive ?19:38
coincoin1611what means the following msg from dmesg : hub 1-0:1.0: cannot reset port 6 (err = -108) ? all my usb devices do not work on karmic, it worked fine on previous versions of ubuntu19:38
ardchoille!fstab | JoeSomebody19:39
andrew__Hi all19:39
z3rongodah bz219:39
ubottuJoeSomebody: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions19:39
legend2440z3rongod: ddrescue-1.10 is the latest but you would have to compile it19:39
guntbertz3rongod: they are all the same - only different compression tools19:39
z3rongodActually ddrescue-1.11.tar.lz   is the latest19:39
Jay__gadget3000, when i access cfdisk for this partition i get the error message "  FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 0: Partition begins after end-of-disk19:39
Jay__                          Press any key to exit cfdisk"19:39
whiteshepherdfurtopia.org 600719:39
jb39cj9in htop i have this process running 'java -Dnetworkaddress.cache.ttl=0 -Dnetworkaddress.cache.negative.ttle=0' at least 50 times19:39
z3rongodWill it be hard to compile ?19:39
anigmawhat's the difference between ubuntu and xubuntu ?19:39
gdizhas anyone ever messed with xsendkeys?  if so do you know how I could say...tell firefox to type "f" or something like that via ssh19:39
guntbertwhiteshepherd: no announcements here please19:40
legend2440z3rongod: why compile when its in synaptic?19:40
ardchoilleanigma: different default desktop environments19:40
jiohdianigma: gnome v xfce19:40
z3rongodddrescue-1-11 is in synaptic? Ok how do i install it then?19:40
user__is /etc/init.d/ssh the same as sshd?19:40
gadget3000Jay__: Ive had that error recently. Give me a sec to remember how I solved it19:40
jiohdianigma: xfce does not install with all the gnome or kde default packages, much lighter install19:40
meeroi cannot restart ubuntu server, what could be reason?19:40
jb39cj9user__, that's just the name of the script19:41
LizardK|nguser__: ssh is the client, sshd is the server19:41
gadget3000Jay__: Does the partition mount?19:41
jb39cj9/etc/init.d/ssh(d) is just a script19:41
Jay__gadget3000, yes19:41
legend2440z3rongod: in terminal type   sudo apt-get install ddrescue19:41
meeroi cannot restart ubuntu server, what could be reason?19:41
coincoin1611nobody has any idea ?19:41
user__LizardK|ng, oh so sshd isnt installed with the ssh package?19:41
Jay__gadget3000, me and itilious  are the same person, i'm just switching back and forth between computers in different rooms ;)19:41
erUSUL!details | meero19:41
ubottumeero: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:41
jb39cj9meero, did you try unplugging it19:41
gadget3000Jay__: Can you right click it on the desktop and then click format?19:41
legend2440z3rongod: but Universe repo has to be enabled19:41
LizardK|nguser__: probably not19:42
JoeSomebodysearching docs wasnt very successful , how do i list my drives? how would i find that on my own?19:42
anigmais there some sort of ubuntu server edition? or would that just be regular ubuntu with slightly modifications?19:42
z3rongodAlready enabled that's how i got this IRC client :-)19:42
gadget3000Jay__: I thought your name changed!19:42
andrew__I just installed 9.10 to replace windows cause it really sucks and im tired of paying HUGE $$$ for it and now i am getting really slow download speeds19:42
LizardK|ngJay__: just vnc from one machine to the other19:42
erUSULJoeSomebody: ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/19:42
z3rongodI'm going to attempt to use ddrescue on a working HDD and save the data19:42
ardchoilleanigma: the server edition installs a server with no gui environment19:42
jb39cj9user__, sshd is just an alias to ssh(daemon) ... like i said before it's a script that starts the ssh server19:42
z3rongodFirst documentation19:42
z3rongodThank you legend244019:42
ardchoilleanigma: What are you looking to accomplish?19:42
gadget3000andrew__: Is this browsing or downloading?19:42
JoeSomebodyerUSUL, to list them all19:42
LizardK|ngjb39cj9: but ssh and sshd are not in the same package19:43
user__jb39cj9, ah thanks, so in this case ssh represents sshd? =)19:43
meerojb39cj9: ok.... i type sudo reboot , or   sudo poweroff and, this message appears ..."system is going down..." and then normal shell appears :-) and nothing19:43
erUSULJoeSomebody: that list them all19:43
Jay__LizardK|ng, i have to keep restarting and sincei tried dual booting windows with ubuntu now the grub screen stays and i can't log back in because it wont auto restart19:43
jenniecan we install downloaded rpm files in ubuntu19:43
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ardchoillejennie: no19:43
Jay__gadget3000, my mistake i can't actually mount it19:43
erUSUL!rpm | jennie19:43
ubottujennie: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)19:43
legend2440z3rongod: are you trying to rescue the hard drive that ubuntu is on?19:43
wvdgadget3000: same error, then I removed the athf also, and still same error (I think)19:43
Jay__error: only root can mount /dev/sdb2 on /media/vm19:43
Jay__VM is the label of the LAST partition and isnt even correct :(19:44
anigmaardchoille: yes, so, I should start with just installing ubuntu and choose "Server" (or something similiar like that) and then I'll get the server edition?19:44
meeroubottu: im running ubuntu server 9.10 , i tryied to sudo reboot,system is going down.....and nothing happen after..19:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:44
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)19:44
LizardK|ngJay__: i thought it was two different physical machines19:44
ardchoilleanigma: What are you looking to accomplish?19:44
Jay__LizardK|ng, it is19:44
z3rongodlegend2440, no19:44
gadget3000Jay__: did you use sudo before that command?19:44
benehi, where does ubutu9.10 store the display settings (like xorg.conf) after changing them from within gnome with the screen-setting-panel?. I want to start a separate X11 session on another screen to query a X11-remote server with the same display settings.19:44
ardchoilleanigma: do you just want a server with no desktop?19:44
erUSULmeero: can you see something in the logs?19:44
Jay__gadget3000, yes19:44
anigmaardchoille: indeed19:44
z3rongodThe problematic HDD is in the freezer at -10oC19:44
legend2440z3rongod: ok   good luck19:44
andrew__gadget 3000 Both...i checked speed on speedtest.net and its like 3  mbit/se19:44
z3rongod"Never try to rescue a r/w mounted partition. The resulting copy may be useless."19:44
LuyangDoes Ubunto have YUM too or is that only for fedora?19:44
z3rongodr/w mounted partition ?19:44
_raven_hat jemand erfahrung, wie viel eine 5.1 anlage schon kosten sollte, um wenigstens tendentiell studioklang zu bekommen?19:45
ardchoilleanigma: download and install the server edition cd, that will get what you want19:45
wvdgadget3000: http://codepad.org/vmAoZgYD << same error I think with some different numbers.19:45
JoeSomebodyerUSUL, to list them all, that was not the one i am looking for , ther is another way i forget19:45
gadget3000wvd: Hmm, I'm out of ideas. Try leaving something on ndiswrapper forums. Sorry19:45
legend2440z3rongod: yes thats why i asked19:45
erUSULLuyang: we have aptitude19:45
z3rongodOh i understand now19:45
erUSULJoeSomebody: sudo fdisk -l19:45
JoeSomebodyjust want to list my partitions only19:45
meeroerUSUL: actually i dont know where to check... i chechked syslog, and the last thing is there that logging deamon stopped :-)19:45
wvdgadget3000: i see.. thanks for helping though, but I'm trying it for 10 hours now, so I guess it's a hardware issue.19:45
JoeSomebodyok thanks19:45
erUSULmeero: /var/log/messages19:45
ardchoilleanigma: If you decide later that you want a gui environment, you can easily install that from the package manager19:45
Jay__so would anyone have any ideas why cfdisk gives the error: Bad primary partition 0: Partition ends after end-of-disk?19:46
LuyangerUSUL: wow that was very graphical19:46
erUSULJay__: becouse actually Partition ends after  end-of-disk19:46
Jay__erUSUL, so how would i fix this?19:46
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Novatoalguien habla español???19:46
ardchoille!es | Novato19:47
ubottuNovato: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:47
LizardK|ngcan anyone help me with this error when I try to run an SDL application? "do_wait: drmWaitVBlank returned -1, IRQs don't seem to be working correctly.  Try adjusting the vblank_mode configuration parameter."  i downloaded driconf and tried all four vsync settings but none had any affect.19:47
erUSULJay__: remake the paritions? (dunno if it is possible in your case) with gparted19:47
anigmaardchoille: oh, so there is a own "server edition". I didn't know that. I thought you'd had to simply choose it from the desktop CD in the menu..19:47
Jay__erUSUL, tried that first thing19:47
Jay__in the windows installation as well as in ubuntu gparted19:47
anigmaardchoille: anyway, downloading as we speak..19:47
ardchoilleanigma: ok :)19:47
kusanagi_does firefox run tabs as a different process?? when i run htop i see like 10 different pids for firefox with same memory usage19:48
erUSULJay__: with plain old fdisk?19:48
z3rongodlegend2440, Right now i'm on an external HDD with ubuntu installed, only one partition. The other HDD has two partitions C:\ and D:\ Can you guide me on how to use the commands?19:48
Sickki?? server19:48
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support19:48
gadget3000Jay__: DO you have a second OS you can use? I think I ended up formatting the partition on windows19:48
Jay__fdisk wont even load that specific partition19:48
raul_Nobody can see or listen to me on Skype... My ubuntu 9.10 does not recognize my webcam and microphone... what should I do?19:48
metamanhow do you install a driver?19:48
meeroerUSUL: hmm, there is lot of things,  i rebooted server manualy, after loosing patience. what would u searchfor in my case, in .../messages?19:48
z3rongodlegend2440,  I'm looking at Example 1 on this page: http://www.gnu.org/software/ddrescue/manual/ddrescue_manual.html#Examples  but don't understand exactly how it works19:48
metamanraul: me too19:48
Jay__gadget3000, no thats the source of the whole issue because i'm trying to get a second os installed :/19:49
kusanagi_raul_, does it work in cheese?19:49
erUSULmeero: really dunno. something odd at the time of the reboot command...19:49
legend2440z3rongod: sorry i wouldn't be much help. i dont have window  only ubuntu19:49
andrew__gadget3000 did you get my last?19:49
gadget3000andrew__: no19:49
raul_kusangi I didn't try to use cheese yet...19:49
jugimasterHi :)    I've installed Ubuntu Server and MySQL, but mysql won't let me connect as a new user I createdm even though the password is right. It keeps saying "access denied (using password: YES)"19:49
kusanagi_raul_,  try it19:49
andrew__gadget3000 Both...i checked speed on speedtest.net and its like 3  mbit/se19:49
z3rongodWell i am running the application on Ubuntu. I don't think it has to do with windows19:50
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metamanwhats cheese?19:50
jugimaster( any ideas? :) )19:50
erUSULJay__: dunno then. if no parition editor wants to edit you parition table is hard to fix the thing...19:50
z3rongodFrom what i remember it should be something like /dev/hdb119:50
erUSUL!info cheese | metaman19:50
ubottumetaman: cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 2423 kB, installed size 7144 kB19:50
z3rongodand hdb2 would be D:\19:50
raul_kusangi_ ok... does it work with you?19:50
gadget3000andrew__: what is in /etc/resolv.conf19:50
metamanyea but my ubuntu cannot reconize my webcam and microphone19:51
metamanit did couple days ago19:51
kusanagi_raul_,  does your webcam work on cheese?19:51
z3rongodfdisk /dev/hdb means to format the partition ?19:51
kusanagi_metaman, try cheese too19:51
raul_kusanagi_ I will see it soon... I'm installing cheese19:51
meeroerUSUL: there is lot off errors of this type : JBD2: Detected IO errors while flushing file data on sdb319:51
Jay__this is pretty sad that ubuntu can't even format a simple ntfs partition and mount it19:51
meeroerUSUL: probably some ext4 problem19:52
JoeSomebodyis there a channel for wine19:52
gadget3000Jay__: I solved mine, as it was an external drive, by doing write partition table in gparted but that will destroy all data on your drive. You need to repair the partition table somehow19:52
kusanagi_does firefox run tabs as a different process?? when i run htop i see like 10 different pids for firefox with same memory usage19:52
andrew__gadget3000 there is a folder called "update-lib.d" and a file in that called "avahi-daemon"19:53
Jay__gadget3000, i dont know how but i got gparted to mount it finally19:53
legend2440z3rongod: in terminal type  sudo fdisk -l     see if that helps figure out which partition is which19:53
gadget3000Jay__: Thats what mine was like. After a few reboot it decided to behave19:53
raul_kusanagi_ my webcam works with cheese19:53
Jay__gadget3000, now cfdisk simply says "can't open disk drive" even though i've mounted it19:54
gadget3000andrew__: sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf19:54
ardchoille!gksud | gadget3000 , andrew__19:54
meeroerUSUL: but thanks for direction..19:54
ardchoille!gksudo | gadget3000 , andrew__19:54
ubottugadget3000 , andrew__: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)19:54
andrew__gadget3000 # Generated by NetworkManager19:55
andrew__domain home19:55
andrew__search home19:55
FloodBot3andrew__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:55
gadget3000ardchoille: ty. never knew it work better19:55
ardchoillegadget3000: yw19:55
gadget3000andrew__: do you know your dns server ips?19:55
benehi, where are ubuntu screen settings stored after change in gnome?19:56
yamichiAnybody know more about fixing a USB wifi adapter than what is on the forums?19:56
z3rongod/dev/sda1 Linux  /dev/sda2  Extended   /dev/sda5 Linux Swap Solaris :-)19:56
arghh2d2i've been trying lots of irssi scripts and all that i've tried that are supposed to put out random colors for nick name just put out a green nick...does anybody no why this is?  i'm using urxvt.19:56
z3rongodWhat does this do? fdisk /dev/hdb19:56
andrew__gadget3000 you mean my ISP's DNS servers IP addys?19:56
gadget3000andrew__: yes19:57
z3rongodfdisk stands for find disk?19:57
andrew__gadget3000 I can find them...that shouldnt be a problem19:57
kusanagi_raul_, ok what are you using for video conference?19:57
gadget3000wvd: my last attempt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper19:57
z3rongodformat disk or switching partitions in the terminal ?19:57
Whitorz3rongod, no19:57
Whitorz3rongod, fdisk is a program19:58
wvdgadget3000: oh, I was gone for a while, going to look at that19:58
metamankusanagi_: it doesnt work. the screen is all black. i have the driver for my webcam. the problem isi dont know how to install it19:58
Whitorz3rongod, fdisk lets you setup the partition table19:58
z3rongodI see19:58
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z3rongodOk i'll go per instructions that come with dd_rescue's examples19:58
wvdgadget3000: that guide is pretty lol, they tell you to use apt-get while you don't got a connection! heh :-) luckily I already installed nisgtk19:59
z3rongodBe back with results19:59
gadget3000Jay__: did you get that last message from whitor?? ask him how to use fdisk to repair partition table19:59
kusanagi_metaman, is ur webcam usb?19:59
gadget3000wvd: lol19:59
Wolfman2000Afternoon. I'm trying to add some syntax highlighting to nano for PHP. The line in question: color green "\$([[:alpha:]]|_)[[:word:]]+"  <-- this line is apparently an invalid regex, and I'm at a bit of a loss for how to get it to work. Any ideas?19:59
legend2440z3rongod: what is the problem with the hard drive?20:00
metamankusanagi_: yea20:00
wvdgadget3000: it should tell that the hardware is presnt.. but that's the problem20:00
wvdgadget3000: oh nvm20:00
Flare183Is there anyway to use my laptop's montior/screen as a second monitor? I've got Linux running on both Machines so yeah.20:00
Flare183for I can use dualhead?20:01
yamichiwvd/gadget: I'm running into trouble at 3.6 still20:01
kusanagi_metaman, does it appear when you do lsusb?20:01
z3rongodlegend2440, BSOD 0x000007 on atapi.sys, tick tick tick coming out of it every 2-3 seconds20:01
wvdyamichi: with what?20:01
z3rongodWon't boot from it20:01
yamichiI do ndiswrapper -l and it says that the driver is installed an hardware is present20:01
z3rongodProbably the read head20:01
z3rongodHopefully not.20:01
yamichibut when I do iwconfig, it has no wireless extensions20:01
gadget3000wvd: You've been going for 10 hours! I'm already out of ides XD20:01
yamichiand the dongle doesn't have a light20:02
wvdgadget3000: yes.. going to try something tho now20:02
gadget3000yamichi: 3.6??20:02
yamichithe link you gave a moment ago20:02
metamankusanagi_: nope but it worked yesterday20:02
legend2440z3rongod: atapi.sys   so is that windows?20:02
z3rongodI'm going to mount a dummy HDD and try to save data from it before i go on the problematic HDD20:03
kusanagi_metaman, restart your computer. Have you tried that cam in another computer?20:03
z3rongodso be back later20:03
legend2440z3rongod: ok20:03
metamankusanagi_: when i had windows it worked20:03
gadget3000yamichi: hmm. Take it out and put it in again?20:03
yamichidone it repeatedly20:03
yamichino dice20:03
gadget3000yamichi: remove the driver, reinstall with the adapter out20:04
Barkhornheya, is it possible to upgrade to a specific version of ubuntu? i have 8.04 and want to go to 9.04 if possible20:04
hiatus777how do I set up ssh for ubuntu?20:04
Flare183!ssh | hiatus77720:04
ubottuhiatus777: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)20:04
yamichigadget: will removing them through the GUI be sufficient or should I jump through some other hoops as well?20:05
kusanagi_metaman, i dont know much about it myself, but even if ubuntu doesnt understand how your webcam works (drivers and stuff) it should appear when you list your usb devices...20:05
gadget3000yamichi: I mean with: ndiswrapper -r20:05
Flare183hiatus777: Np20:05
andrew__gadget3000 I now know All of my ISP's DNS server addys20:05
H3331Hallo can anyone help me I can't find the option add/remove in my Ubuntu. Foes any one know what could be the reason for this problem??20:06
kusanagi_metaman, besides, it worked before (under ubntu?), so id try to reconect the webcam or restart the computer20:06
metamankusanagi_: hmm alright thanks anyway. ill figure it out myself then20:06
Flare183H3331: Add/Remove has been renamed to the Ubuntu Software Center.20:06
LuyangOK So I've installed glassfish on ubuntu... I should add a different user and run it as that user right?20:07
yamichioy... inappropriate ioctl for device20:07
gadget3000andrew__: now in the /etc/resolv.conf file remove the current 'nameserver IPADDRESS' entry and make two new ones with the dns serv ips you have just found20:07
DiverdudeHow do i search for all files with suffix tex in a folder a and its subfolders?20:07
Whitorls -R | grep *.tex20:07
WhitorI think there is a find gui too20:08
andrew__gadget3000 do i put "nameserver before the addys or just the addys?20:08
DiverdudeWhitor, no its nice...i would like to learn to use grep20:08
Flare183Diverdude: or you could do it like this: find /path/to/folder -type f -name "*.whatever"20:08
DiverdudeWhitor, thx a lot20:08
H3331Ok. but tell me why am I unable to find 7Zip on my computer then. The Software Center tells me it's installede already but i simply can't find it.20:09
gadget3000andrew__: like this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/340746/20:09
WhitorDiverdude, grep is basicly just a 'find' command.20:09
DiverdudeWhitor, so | pipes the output of ls into grep which then filters with the regex *.tex ?20:09
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guntbertDiverdude: find . name "*.tex"20:09
Flare183H3331: install the p7zip package.20:09
WhitorDiverdude, exactly20:09
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DiverdudeWhitor, nice20:09
MrSchaapmanI need help with internet connection sharing.20:09
WhitorDiverdude, but there are better ways of finding a file ... but its still good to know grep20:09
DiverdudeWhitor, yes i have to learn it20:10
guntbert!ics | MrSchaapman20:10
ubottuMrSchaapman: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php20:10
always_smilehow can I do cd in terminal for googelearth directory : /home/name/Downloads/GoogleEarthLinux.bin20:10
andrew__gadget3000 done and saved20:10
H3331That's the roblem the software center claims it is already installed but i can't find it.20:10
wvdgadget3000: I think we got further! I tried 'ifdown wlan0' and it said: wlan0 not configured, where it said before: couldn't find wlan0 or somethign! Any ideas?20:10
guntbertalways_smile: exactly so: cd /home/.... (use <tab> completion)20:10
MrSchaapmanguntbert: I've tried both of those methods and neither worked.20:11
yamichiGadget- nvm I got it to uninstall... will start the whole mess over... thanks so far20:11
MrSchaapmanI don't think I'm setting it up properly.20:11
guntbertalways_smile: but you cannto cd to a file :-)20:11
gadget3000andrew__: that should be it. try it20:11
DiverdudeWhitor, hmmm this returns nothing, although it should: ls /media/TrayData/arbejde/docs/ -R | grep *.pdf20:11
gadget3000wvd: No idea at all20:11
always_smileguntbert: may I have the full command,i downloaded googleearth as bin file,so what shall I do now?20:11
DiverdudeWhitor, is something wrong there?20:12
Nytekalways_smile, its probably easier inside a terminal20:12
WhitorDiverdude, what does it return ?20:12
DiverdudeWhitor, aboslutely nothing20:12
nuteWhen I try to connect to my nx server I get "Cannot initiliaze the display service". How do I fix this?20:12
always_smilewell Nyteki already downloaded it through synaptic manager,but it won't let me install it when I click on it20:13
WhitorDiverdude, ls -R dirname20:13
guntbertalways_smile: cd /home/hello/Dow<tab>, then that is your current directory20:13
gadget3000always_smile: Sorry. I completely forgot about your google earth problem. are you getting help?20:13
drewsusokay so, I have a problem. Im using 9.10 and sometimes I lose my theme/icons to what seems to be a very default one (which also has sounds enabled when clicking on things). Windows in nautilus look more akin to what you would see if you were the Root user. What seems to fix this is "killall nautilus && nautilus" and then changing to another theme then back to my original. Any ideas? here is a post with a screen shot and some commen20:13
drewsusts: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=849249620:13
DiverdudeWhitor, changes nothing20:13
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andrew__gadget3000 same...i have also used SpeedGuide.net TCP/IP Analyzer and it finds that my TCP/IP settings (window size) is wrong...could that be it?20:14
WhitorDiverdude, remove the | check the output manually20:14
WhitorDiverdude, remove the grep too20:14
MrSchaapmanSee, what I did was follow the instructions on the "InternetConnectionSharing" page, then I tried using Firestarter.20:14
gadget3000andrew__: maybe but I wouldn't know how to change them20:14
always_smilegadget3000: some nice guys do their best,still am trying :),thanks :)20:14
MrSchaapmanI'm thinking maybe Firestarter didn't work because I had already set up internet connection sharing through the command line.20:14
MrSchaapmanIs there anyway I can undo those changes? Do I even have to?20:14
WhitorDiverdude, also I don't know if ls -R will look in hidden folders20:15
DiverdudeWhitor, ls /media/TrayData/arbejde/docs/ returns a lot of things, also *.pdf files20:15
Whitornot on my linux system to test... sry20:15
andrew__gadget3000 got ya...you have been great and ty for your help20:15
always_smilewell guntbert when i type cd /home/hello/Dow<tab> in terminal,it gives me error?20:15
H3331Ok I just found out thaz i obviously picked the wrong package sorry for troubling you. Flare183.20:15
gadget3000andrew__: np20:15
andrew__gadget3000 any ideas where i sould look for help?20:15
gadget3000andrew__: IRC?? XD20:15
andrew__gadget3000 heh...ty20:16
guntbertalways_smile: I guessed at your user name - obviously wrong - please replace hell with your user name20:16
Flare183H3331: Nah, I'm here to help the users its ok :)20:16
DiverdudeWhitor, any ideas?20:16
always_smilemy username is hello guntbert20:16
FromTheRedCarpeta better (more secure Vs. faster) file sharing? NFS or SAMBA?20:17
gadget3000always_smile: cd ~/Downloads20:17
Baldur63Good evening20:17
always_smilegadget3000: cd ~/Downloads that's it all? I need the full command?20:17
danopiai'm going 9.10, finally20:18
danopiareformatting my old xubuntu 8.04 atm20:18
Baldur639.10 is great20:18
yamichigadget3000: I have more info that MAY be at issue- all the Ndiswrapper docs for this device reflect a different chipset20:18
H3331Can you probably tell me if there are any beamer and TV-Cards that work with Ubuntu Flare183??20:18
gadget3000always_smile: oh, to start the installer, if the one I mentioned earlier, ~/Downloads/./GoogleEarthLinux.bin20:19
Flare183H3331: I'm pretty sure there are, check the HCL for them20:19
Flare183!hcl | H333120:19
ubottuH3331: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:19
gadget3000yamichi: what adapter is it?20:19
Diverdudewhy does ls . | grep * return nothing when ls . returns a long list of files?20:19
wvdSo I got a problem.. where I'm 10 hours busy with now. I got troubles configuring my gigaset usb adapter 108. With ndiswrapper -l it tells me that the adapter is installed, but the interface wlan0 isn't here... Anyone has ideas?20:20
always_smilegadget3000: i clicked after that:  sudo ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin20:20
yamichiit's not running the same broadcomm chip that the others are running20:20
always_smileso next?20:20
yamichimy ID is 1737:007520:20
gadget3000yamichi: Is it a usb/pci? who makes it?20:20
Diverdudewhy does ls . | grep * return nothing when ls . returns a long list of files?20:21
always_smilebut nothing happens then gadget300020:21
wvdgadget3000: it seems that wlan0 is not installed :O20:21
yamichiLinksys/Cisco USB wifi adapter20:21
wvdanyway, i'll figure out20:21
jribDiverdude: what did you expect exactly?20:22
H3331thx for the links ubottu.20:22
FromTheRedCarpetwvd: can you "hard" connect while t/s the wireless card?20:22
H3331Sry but what hcl?20:22
gadget3000yamichi: that adapter is not compatiable with ndiswrapper according to it's site20:22
gadget3000wvd: What!? What is your iwconfig output?20:23
jribDiverdude: well?20:23
wvdgadget3000: it shows eth and lo20:23
wvdgadget3000: (i think)20:23
guntbertH3331: Hardware Compatibility List :-)20:23
FromTheRedCarpetwvd: Is it an Atheros chipset? I just dealt with that a couple of days ago...20:24
gadget3000wvd: and your connected through eth0 now? Check and pastebin it20:24
wvdFromTheRedCarpet: idk.. it's a gigaset usb adapter20:24
Diverdudewhy does ls . | grep * return nothing when ls . returns a long list of files?20:24
wvdgadget3000: no, i'm back on windows again..20:24
jribDiverdude: can you answer my question?20:24
wvdgadget3000: i think I cannot connect via eth020:24
MrSchaapmanAnybody? Help?20:24
gbearLooking for help  with my /boot parition.  When I try to boot is says unrecognized filesystem and then when trying to install grub it says bus error20:24
gadget3000wvd: are both the drivers installed again?20:24
wvdgadget3000: no, only the one from the download page.20:25
wvdfrom the gigaset20:25
FromTheRedCarpetwvd: Hrmmm... Thinking about what I did...20:25
yamichigadget3000: Does that translate to "can't be done" or to "try a different path"20:25
aliendude5300Hey guys I need some quick help badly -- I restarted my system improperly using Alt-SysRq-B because it was frozen and not even Alt-SysRq-K was working, and now I can only login using failsafe gnome. When trying to log in using GNOME, Xmonad, or Xterm, I am immediately taken back to the login screen.. I can login fine on the other consoles using Ctrl-Alt-(F1-F6).20:25
jribDiverdude: what are you trying to do?  You keep repeating your question but do not answer mine so I cannot help you.20:25
Diverdudejrib, sorry20:26
gadget3000wvd: if that one is giving a different error than i would go with that one for now. I don;t know how to configure wlan0, or any vairiation, anywya20:26
Diverdudejrib, i didnt see it20:26
aliendude5300I think I need to delete one of the hidden files in my home folder to mark my session as not being active or something, but I don't know which one, so I'm asking you guys. :)20:26
FromTheRedCarpetwvd: have you checked dmesg?20:26
wvdgadget3000: eth0 is ethernet, so I think that won't work20:26
Obsidian1723-2Does anyone know a program that will view 3dmf files? (3-D Metafiles)?20:26
wvdFromTheRedCarpet: Yes, it shows nothing about my ndiswrapper I think.20:26
wvdFromTheRedCarpet: What should it show?20:27
gadget3000yamichi: they say it causes freezes and various other crashes20:27
jribDiverdude: it's ok.  What are you trying to accomplish?20:27
yamichile sigh...20:27
FromTheRedCarpetwvd: checking my box for you... one sec...20:27
guntbertDiverdude: put "*" instead of just * or the shell will have its fun with it20:27
Diverdudejrib, i expected that the output of ls would just be forwarded to grep and then printed20:27
gadget3000yamichi: yeah. anyother adapters just lying around by any chance? :P20:27
yamichinot my PC so... no20:27
yamichiInstalled Ubuntu on an old PC to give to a friend.  They bought a wifi adapter and want to make it work...20:28
aliendude5300Anyone have any idea how to fix my problem? I really need to be able to login right now... :(20:28
jribDiverdude: * gets expanded by your shell.  So for example, if your directory has the files: a, b, and c, you are running: ls | grep a b c   which of course doesn't match20:28
illuminarisIs anyone else having problems with the new evolution from 9.10 connecting to their e-mail accounts? I use gmail.20:28
aliendude5300illuminaris, no it works fine for me.20:29
guntbertDiverdude: if you type file * it is "expanded" to file <and here comes a list of all your files>20:29
Diverdudejrib, im not really sure i understand. should grep * not just match everything?20:29
nuteWhen I try to connect to my nx server I get "Cannot initiliaze the display service". How do I fix this?20:29
=== kb is now known as Guest26259
FromTheRedCarpetwvd: dmesg | grep "itk"20:29
illuminarisaliendude5300, are you using pop or imap?20:29
H3331Ok now I installed 7zip sucessfully but under which Category can I launch it now?? I still can't see it anywhere.20:29
andy543Hi all20:29
FromTheRedCarpetwvd: should see at least SOMETHING in there...20:29
gadget3000always_smile: chmod +x GoogleEarthLinux.bin20:29
jribDiverdude: no, your shell expands *... What are you actually trying to accomplish because making grep match anything is kind of silly anyway20:29
aliendude5300illuminaris, IMAP.20:30
gadget3000always_smile: then do sudo ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin20:30
wvdFromTheRedCarpet: I would have to reboot for that.. but could you paste what's there?20:30
illuminarisaliendude5300, do you use gmail?20:30
wvdFromTheRedCarpet: then I'll check that tommorow20:30
andy543anyone know how to get a list of all installed apps?20:30
Diverdudejrib, yes i know grep * is silly...but its sort of a test20:30
aliendude5300illuminaris, yes I use gmail.20:30
Diverdudejrib, i just needed to understand whats going on...which i dont really do20:30
IdleOne!clone | andy54320:30
ubottuandy543: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate20:30
jribDiverdude: you want grep '.' I guess...20:30
panfistif i am ssh'd into a server already, is there an easier way to transfer files from the server to me than opening a new terminal and using scp or sshfs?20:30
drewsusokay so, I have a problem. Im using 9.10 and sometimes I lose my theme/icons to what seems to be a very default one (which also has sounds enabled when clicking on things). Windows in nautilus look more akin to what you would see if you were the Root user. What seems to fix this is "killall nautilus && nautilus" and then changing to another theme then back to my original. Any ideas? here is a post with a screen shot and some commen20:30
drewsusts: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=849249620:31
nuteWhen I try to connect to my nx server I get "Cannot initiliaze the display service". How do I fix this?20:31
andy543ah excellent    thanks :)20:31
aliendude5300illuminaris, you may have to go to gmail.com and make sure the option is enabled on your account. Otherwise it won't work right. It's in the settings somewhere.20:31
FromTheRedCarpetwvd: for example, [   21.640429] iwl3945: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG/BG Network Connection driver for Linux, 1.2.26ks - tells me that the hardware was successfully detected...20:31
Diverdudejrib, no i want ls . | grep * <--- so list all contents of current folder, pipe it into grep which matches the entire content, and then prints it out20:31
dmj7261My external hard drive sometimes disappears/unmounts/stops working and then won't remount until a reboot or something else arcane happens.20:31
wvdFromTheRedCarpet: ndiswrapper -l doesn't tell me hardware detected, it tells me 'Vehice installed'.20:31
andy543hey did a bot just answer my question???20:32
wvdFromTheRedCarpet: I'm going to sleep now.. going to try it tommorow again, thanks tho20:32
jribDiverdude: why don't you just ask what you really want to do...?  ls | grep '.'20:32
illuminarisaliendude5300, thanks, i actually just found all my new e-mail in my junk folder. looks like all i need to do is mess with my junk settings. thanks!20:32
FromTheRedCarpetwvd: good luck20:32
dmj7261/dev/sdx is there for the drive, but not /dev/sdx1 etc20:32
dmj7261any clues on why this could be?20:32
sAnta89_andy543, yep (:20:32
andy543hey thats spooky20:32
aliendude5300no problem! :) now if only someone could help me with my problem... :(20:32
drewsusdmj7261: does unplugging its usb cable from your computer and putting it back in help?20:33
aliendude5300Hey guys I need some quick help badly -- I restarted my system improperly using Alt-SysRq-B because it was frozen and not even Alt-SysRq-K was working, and now I can only login using failsafe gnome. When trying to log in using GNOME, Xmonad, or Xterm, I am immediately taken back to the login screen.. I can login fine on the other consoles using Ctrl-Alt-(F1-F6).20:33
williamchani am getting a : LANGUAGE = (unset) and LC_ALL = (unset) warning, how do i fix it?20:33
dmj7261drewsus: nope20:33
FromTheRedCarpetAny opinions on sharing with NFS vs. SAMBA?20:33
sAnta89_andy543, if that's not good enough, how's this? (:20:33
Diverdudejrib, what i really want to do is to search for all files with suffix tex in folder and subfolders. And for some reason ls -R | grep *.tex is not working20:33
sAnta89_!bot | andy54320:33
ubottuandy543: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:33
jribDiverdude: you want to use find20:33
LuisGMarinehello guys any here that can help me with a quick python question?>20:33
Diverdudejrib, why cant i use grep?20:33
dmj7261the drive has both ntfs and ext partitions20:33
andrew__Hi all. could someone help me with a slow internet connection problem. I am paying for 20/15 connection speeds from my ISP and am getting 3/5. I have changed the settings in /etc/resolv.conf to include my ISP's DNS servers IP addy's20:33
jribDiverdude: because find is the right tool for the job.  You can use grep if you want, but find will be most likely be more efficient20:34
andy543thats really cool if not a little disturbing!20:34
jribDiverdude: now I'm going to ask the same question... why do you want to search for all .tex files?  What do you actually want to do?20:34
Diverdudejrib, this was also to learn to understand grep..... so i dont understand why ls -R | grep *.tex is not working20:34
lluahow do i find out if my wireless connection is 802.11b or g?20:35
guntbertDiverdude: use find . name "*.tex"20:35
jribDiverdude: because '.' matches any character, not '*'20:35
guntbertDiverdude: use find . -name "*.tex"20:35
Diverdudejrib, because i need to see if the folder or subfolders has tex files20:35
jribDiverdude: * means "match 0 or more of the previous pattern"20:35
LuisGMarinecan someone help me with python, here is my code http://pastebin.com/d63dccabb.  I just want it to loop back to "check" if I input other answers other than yes or no20:35
jribDiverdude: this is in the context of grep and regular expressions of course20:35
aliendude5300Nobody seems to know how to fix my problem? :(20:35
jrib!helpme | aliendude530020:36
ubottualiendude5300: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude20:36
aliendude5300sorry jrib, this is just kinda urgent. :(20:36
guntbertLuisGMarine: ask in #python please - you need to be identified to join that channel20:36
lluahow do i find out if my wireless connection is 802.11b or g?20:36
jribaliendude5300: that's fine, but I have no clue what your question is20:36
GalaxorHi. I'm trying to compile a custom kernel.  I got the source from git.  I don't have debian/config.  I do have debian.master/config.  Is there some rules thing I need to run in order to make those files?20:36
Diverdudejrib, find worked....20:36
LuisGMarinesorry thought I was in python20:36
aliendude5300Hey guys I need some quick help badly -- I restarted my system improperly using Alt-SysRq-B because it was frozen and not even Alt-SysRq-K was working, and now I can only login using failsafe gnome. When trying to log in using GNOME, Xmonad, or Xterm, I am immediately taken back to the login screen.. I can login fine on the other consoles using Ctrl-Alt-(F1-F6).20:36
jrib!kernel > Galaxor20:36
ubottuGalaxor, please see my private message20:36
LuisGMarinemy bad20:36
jribDiverdude: of course it did :)20:36
awaadHow can I make eclipase useful for "C programming" after installing it on ubuntu 9.10 using the following command    "sudo apt-get install eclipse"20:37
aliendude5300Thats exactly what I typed last time. Just copied and pasted it.20:37
Diverdudejrib, I will have to learn grep later :) and find also hehe20:37
Diverdudejrib, thx20:37
Galaxorjrib: I don't seem to have gotten that message.20:37
jribaliendude5300: see if it happens with a fresh new user20:37
LuisGMarinegunbert what do you mean be identified?20:37
jrib!kernel | Galaxor20:37
ubottuGalaxor: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages20:37
LuisGMarineguntbert: what do you mean be identified?20:37
aliendude5300When I attempt to login through gdm not using failsafe gnome, gdm just restarts. It doesn't log me in. I think it has to do with my Xsession file.20:37
aliendude5300not sure what I need to delete though...20:38
Galaxorjrib, thanks.20:38
Diverdudedoes ubuntu ship with emacs?20:38
jribDiverdude: http://www.regular-expressions.info/ is decent.  ubuntu does not ship with the evil that is emacs!  it has vim-tiny!20:38
L0C4LH0STDiverdude: eMacs come shipped with Mac OS20:38
JamedDiverdude: you can install it from the repos20:38
guntbertLuisGMarine: If I remember correctly you must be identified to freenode to join #python, but maybe I am not right :-)20:38
inquizikillerubuntu boot dvd doesnot work on pc boot, windows xp doesnot recognise it either20:39
Diverdudeahh yes...in the Ubuntu softeware center there is Emacs 22(GTK), Emacs(X11) and Emacs snapshot(GTK) hmmm which one to choose20:39
andy543well thanks folks for the help     bye20:39
aliendude5300just made a user named test with the password "pw" gonna try it. I'm gonna have to leave IRC to test this though. :(20:40
aliendude5300Be right back... :/20:40
JamedDiverdude: i prefer the nox version, because i dont see a reason to use emacs with X20:40
andrew__Hi all. could someone help me with a slow internet connection problem? I am paying for 20/15 connection speeds from my ISP and am getting 3/5 while others in my house get 18/15. I have changed the settings in /etc/resolv.conf to include my ISP's DNS servers IP addy's. I have also used a tool from speedguide.net that suggests that it my be my TCP/IP setting.20:40
LuisGMarineguntbert: hmm I can't just type in /join20:40
Kr0ntabhave there been any dcc floods since last night?  That was getting annyoing.20:40
LuisGMarineempathy sucks20:40
z3ron-afkOk i'm back on windows now20:40
guntbert!register | LuisGMarine20:40
DiverdudeJamed, nox version?20:40
ubottuLuisGMarine: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode20:40
LuisGMarine /msg nickserv register20:41
JamedDiverdude: no X, so you get the text based version only20:41
inquizikillerplease i need help, ubuntu dvd does not boot20:41
z3ron-afkUbuntu is installed on an external USB hdd and i can't find in bios any option to enable boot from USB hardware. I do find USB support enable or something (there were 3 options enabled)20:41
aliendude5300jrib, it works PERFECTLY fine with the user "test".20:41
Kr0ntabLuisGMarine: empathy really has not impressed me either.  So I use Pidgin.20:41
guntbertLuisGMarine: just make *certain* that / is really the first character (and not the second after a blank)20:41
DiverdudeJamed, so GTK is with GUI?20:41
JamedDiverdude: yes20:41
z3ron-afkI tried booting from the ubuntu DVD/CD but i don't know how to select to boot from USB from that20:41
H3331Anyone there?20:41
gadget3000LuiGMarine: I use pidgin aswell20:42
Kr0ntabH3331: about 1400 peoples20:42
user__I need help with mpd, it tells me that it lacks permission to read its config file (/etc/mpd.conf) but owner premissions for that file are mpd:audio. so why does it fail?20:42
aliendude5300I think it has to do with my personal Xsession or Xauthority files... but I'm not sure and I don't want to risk deleting the wrong thing.20:42
gadget3000z3ron-afk: You change to boot from usb in your bios settings20:42
always_smilethanks gadget3000,i finished installing ,i pressed quit,so what canIdo next?20:42
LuisGMarineguntbert: keeps telling me unsuported command lol20:42
DiverdudeJamed, nice im gonna pick that20:42
LuisGMarinebrb gona go get rid of this pos20:42
Dac-iPhoneIm having trouble installing ubuntu on my netbook.20:42
duffydacknice how pidgin changed the preferences in the latest version.. much better20:43
H3331So can anyone of those people tell me under which category i'm able to launch 7zip?????20:43
z3ron-afkgadget3000: I don't have an option to boot from USB nor do i see the device in boot20:43
gadget3000always_smile: it should be under Applications>Internet>Google Earth20:43
Dac-iPhoneI made a USB install drive but im getting weird errors when I try to install.20:43
=== rosh is now known as Guest96011
gadget3000z3ron-afk: You may need to upgrade your bios firmware then. Otherwise your motherboard doesn't support booting from usb20:43
guntbert!info p7zip | H333120:44
ubottuH3331: p7zip (source: p7zip): 7zr file archiver with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.04~dfsg.1-1 (karmic), package size 350 kB, installed size 1000 kB20:44
Dac-iPhoneStuff like usb 1-2: reset high speed USB device using ehci-hcd and address 120:44
RouninHello! It seems like Xorg somehow has a feature that allows applications (emulators, games and so on) to take control of the keyboard and disable Alt-Tab, Ctrl-Alt-F1-12 etc., but I want to retain those key combos. Is there any way of doing this at all? It's really impractical to lose control of the keyboard...20:44
lluahow do i find out if my wireless connection is using 802.11b or g?20:44
Diverdudehmm what package should I install to use latex ?20:44
Dac-iPhoneAny ideas on how to get this to install on my netbook?20:44
aliendude5300Rounin, that's the first time I heard of that. What evil application uses that functionality?20:45
Jamed!latex | Diverdude20:45
ubottuDiverdude: tex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX20:45
Rouninaliendude5300: At least wine (though it can be configured to not do it), zsnes and bzflag20:45
Dac-iPhoneCan anyone here help me?20:45
RouninThere's been tons of posts about it, but noone seems to have come up with a solution20:45
LuisGMarineguntbert, hey I downloaded x-chat and I"m all good now, thanks for the help =)20:45
RouninOf all the strange ways to violate the users...20:46
DiverdudeJamed, hmmm is there no tex in the repos?20:46
guntbertLuisGMarine: glad it works - have fun :-)20:46
always_smilegadget3000: thanks so much,how can I get updates  when new version become availble?20:46
JamedDiverdude: there is, its called texlive20:46
wrapstercant i select a screen saver of my choice?20:46
wrapsteron 9.0420:46
DiverdudeJamed, isnt it better to use that?20:46
gadget3000always_smile: google earth isnt in the google repositories so you just have to keep checking. But there are rarely updates20:47
JamedDessan: er.. what?20:47
JamedDiverdude: er.. what?20:47
wrapsteri have  a few pics that i would like to use as SS,is it not possible to choose em?20:47
DiverdudeJamed, its better to use texlive instead of manually download i20:47
DiverdudeJamed, download a package20:47
Rouninaliendude5300, arguably, though, the fault lies with X for enabling it at all... Giving windows focus is typically a task for the operating system, not a single game20:48
JamedDiverdude: yes20:48
always_smilethanks gadget3000,you're of great help20:48
patdk-h3how do I setup an alias interface on a vlan?20:48
RouninNext they'll allow mail clients to alter the file system20:48
patdk-h3it works for normal, but not vlan, and google isn't locating anything20:48
gadget3000always_smile: np20:48
aliendude5300Rounin, I'd assume there would be a setting in your xorg.conf file, but I'm not sure.20:48
RouninHopefully, aliendude5300... Nobody else seems to know either though20:49
patdk-h3iface eth0.4:9 gives "/etc/network/interfaces:19: too few parameters for iface line20:49
RouninI just saw a post about it from 200420:49
dmj7261why wouldn't /dev/sde1 be found when /dev/sde is?20:49
yamichiusing the wndis gui, I get an error "Could not find a network configuration tool"20:49
Galaxordmj7261: Is the disk partitioned?20:49
=== patdk-h3 is now known as PatrickDK
gadget3000dmj7261: because sde isnt partitioned? what comes up with sudo fdisk -l20:49
dmj7261yes, it has several20:49
guntbertdmj7261: type sudo fdisk -l to get a list of all devices and partitions20:49
dmj7261/dev/sde1               1       20503   164690316    7  HPFS/NTFS20:50
dmj7261/dev/sde2   *       20504       38913   147878325    5  Extended20:50
dmj7261/dev/sde5           36482       38913    19535040   83  Linux20:50
dmj7261/dev/sde6           20504       36480   128335189+  82  Linux swap / Solaris20:50
FloodBot3dmj7261: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:50
H3331Ah guntbert is !info p7zip a comment for the terminnal? if so it doesn't work.20:50
DiverdudeJamed, hmm although there is nothing called texlive20:50
dmj7261oh sorry20:50
gbearI've been asking all day... can anyone please help me with my /boot partition?  It says unrecognized filesystem when I try and boot and when I try and install grub it says bus error20:50
gadget3000dmj7261: You have to mount the parition first if it's ntfs, i think20:50
JamedDiverdude: do a "apt-cache search texlive", it should give you some packages20:50
dmj7261If I look in /dev it doesn't show it.20:50
guntbertH3331: no, you get  a text for you to read (from ubottu)20:51
always_smilei've got a 512 RAM,a dual core processor,windows 7&ubuntu are installed in my PC,it keeps freezing and I have problems with windows lists,do I need to remove windows or you think I need to upgrade my system,thank you20:51
H3331ubozzu?? Sry but i have already installed 7zip I just need to know how to launch it.20:51
danobookdoes GRUB have known issues with ext4?20:51
Anril does anyone know whether the linux md raid5 should be checking / resynching after a reboot? I'm coming from a windows environment where any unplanned reboot caused the software raid to resync the whole drive. My ubuntu box froze up just now and now it booted and the raid is apparently clean, and fsck says its clean. Is this expected? There was no heavy disk activity going on at the time of the freeze.20:51
gadget3000danobook: i use ext4 with grub fine20:51
dmj7261ntfs-3g: Failed to access volume '/dev/sde1': No such file or directory20:51
gdizis there a way to configure shutdown so I don't have to do sudo?20:51
yamichi512MB is cutting it REALLY close with win720:51
guntbertH3331: from where did you install it?20:51
danobookgadget3000, is it ok for GRUB to assume it's a ext2 partition, and which version of GRUB?20:51
gbeardying here... my live cd is failing every other reboot... someone?20:51
H3331From the software center, guntbert.20:52
DiverdudeJamed, still no texlive20:52
gbeargbear: I've been asking all day... can anyone please help me with my /boot partition?  It says unrecognized filesystem when I try and boot and when I try and install grub it says bus error20:52
gadget3000danobook: 1.97 beta. i just installed mine with karmic so i dont know what partition type grub assumes it is20:52
guntbertH3331: give me a few moments20:52
always_smileyamichi: so you think the problem is with RAM?20:52
jribaliendude5300: now you are sure it's some user-specific setting.  Don't delete, just rename to test20:52
JamedDiverdude: strange, try installing auctex, the emacs latex plugin. it should install texlive as a dependency20:53
yamichialways: it's very possible.  That shouldn't be an issue within linux though20:53
gbearcan anyone please help me with my /boot partition?  It says unrecognized filesystem when I try and boot and when I try and install grub it says bus error20:53
Flare183!repeat | gbear20:54
ubottugbear: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:54
DiverdudeJamed, the "Ubuntu Software Center" in the startmenu has the same search results as if I searched in the terminal right?20:54
danobookgadget3000, 32 or 64 bit20:54
gbearcan anyone please help me with my /boot partition?  It says unrecognized filesystem when I try and boot and when I try and install grub it says bus error20:54
always_smilethen if I wish to remove windows from my system and keep ubuntu alone,how can i remove it safely?20:54
JamedDiverdude: afaik the software center just shows some specific packages, allthough i never used it20:55
gadget3000danobook: 3220:55
guntbertH3331: it comes without a gui - just type p7zip ... (man p7zip for help)20:55
dgrantCan someone with Karmic tell me the name of the executable that runs when you go to "System->Adminstration->User Management". I'm missing this tool.20:55
danobooki'm on 64bit20:55
DiverdudeJamed, so how can i search in the terminal?20:55
gbearFlare183: I've never understood if that was a serious or sarcastic message before20:55
Anrilis it normal for /dev/md0 to be clean after a forced reboot without resyncing?20:55
JamedDiverdude: apt-cache search <part of package name>20:55
inquizikilleri need help20:56
gadget3000always_smile: you can remove the ntfs partition with gparted and remove the windows entry from grub.conf20:56
DraccoHello, I've got a question. What is the name of sound mixer in Ubuntu 9.10 under Gnome?20:56
gadget3000Dracco: pulseaudio20:56
rampage73ok need help with grub2 apparently , i have ubuntu karmic installed on ext4 fs and just installed windows 7 (job requirement) now i have tried and failed to reinstall grub correctly and all i get on boot is the grub command line20:56
wfosterI need some help please. I have just plugged in a monitor to my eeePC 901 9" netbook and the max resolution for my external screen is 800x600. Can I change that to 1680x1050 please?20:56
Flare183gbear: Its both.20:56
Time`s_Witnesshey. i got a problem. last time i rebooted ubuntu, it didnt want to reboot the normal way, so i did "sudo reboot". now each time i try to login, after inserting login data, the screen goes black, and back to login screen20:56
dgrantCan someone with Karmic tell me the name of the executable that runs when you go to "System->Adminstration->User Management". I'm missing this tool.20:56
guntbertdgrant: if you mean users and groups - that is users-admin20:56
H3331into the terrminal??20:56
dgrantguntbert: thanks!20:56
Time`s_Witnessi think it might be related to having changed screen resolution during last session20:56
guntbertdgrant: you're welcome :-)20:57
DiverdudeJamed, ahh that returns a whole bunch of tex-lives in different languages20:57
guntbertH3331: yes20:57
wfosterI need some help please. I have just plugged in a monitor to my eeePC 901 9" netbook and the max resolution for my external screen is 800x600. Can I change that to 1680x1050 please?20:57
Time`s_Witnesscan someone help me out restore GUI please? :X20:57
JamedDiverdude: for basic installation install "texlive", for full (with ALL languages) install "texlive-full"20:57
FromTheRedCarpetdgrant: sudo users-admin20:57
gbearwfoster: check if the eeepc's graphics can support that resolution20:57
wfostergbear: How? :L20:57
rampage73anybody ?20:58
guntbert!gksudo | FromTheRedCarpet dgrant20:58
rampage73ok need help with grub2 apparently , i have ubuntu karmic installed on ext4 fs and just installed windows 7 (job requirement) now i have tried and failed to reinstall grub correctly and all i get on boot is the grub command line20:58
ubottuFromTheRedCarpet dgrant: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:58
inquizikilleri need to unisntal windows XP20:58
always_smilegadget3000: how I may remove the ntfs partition,how can i reach it,what's the gprated?20:58
DiverdudeJamed, yikes 1.1 GB20:58
dgrantguntbert: FromTheRedCarpet: I was missing the gnome-system-tools package for some reason20:58
JamedDiverdude: yeah texlive is huge20:58
inquizikillerhow do i erase windows xp??20:58
guntbertdgrant: that explains it :-)20:59
DiverdudeJamed, so you have installed this emacs extension to tex also?20:59
JamedDiverdude: yes20:59
FromTheRedCarpetguntbert: ubottu: great catch... thanks...20:59
antoine_Is it possible to force an install of a deb  that uses the i386 arch on a amd64 box?20:59
yamichianybody wanna have a look at my error output from my terminal about my poopy adapter?20:59
guntbertFromTheRedCarpet: :-)20:59
Anrilis it normal for /dev/md0 to be clean after a forced reboot without resyncing?20:59
JamedDiverdude: if you want to use emacs to edit .tex files its essential for syntax hilighting and so on21:00
DiverdudeJamed, ahhh very nice21:00
gadget3000always_smile: it will be easier to do this in livecd, saves installing gparted. in livecd you go to System>admin>gparted. Check  http://gparted.sourceforge.net/  for manuals21:00
DiverdudeJamed, that is my intended plan yes21:00
Time`s_Witnesshey. i got a problem. last time i rebooted ubuntu, it didnt want to reboot the normal way, so i did "sudo reboot". now each time i try to login, after inserting login data, the screen goes black, and back to login screen. I think this might be related to having changed screen resolution last session. How can GUI be restored please ? :X21:00
andrew__Hi all. could someone help me with a slow internet connection problem? I am paying for 20/15 connection speeds from my ISP and am getting 3/5 while others in my house get 18/15. I have changed the settings in /etc/resolv.conf to include my ISP's DNS servers IP addy's. I have also used a tool from speedguide.net that suggests that it my be my TCP/IP setting.21:00
JamedDiverdude: i thought so, thats why i suggested it :)21:00
wfostergbear: I couldn21:00
wfostergbear: I couldn21:00
DiverdudeJamed, hehehe :D21:00
wfostergbear: I couldn't find the resolution.21:01
DiverdudeJamed, ill install that one after texlive21:01
guntbertTime`s_Witness: boot into recovery mode, there select "repair X" (or so)21:01
CkhiKuzadwho can i thank for the ability to have workspaces in gnome?21:01
DiverdudeJamed, any adviced on how to get started on using emacs?21:01
Time`s_Witnessguntbert, i have boot into recovery mode and repaired.. everything i saw there :s i.. think. even grub xD i'll try once again tho. thank you :)21:02
elaijsamy file transfer rate is limited by 5.6 kb/sec with amsn. what could be the reason?21:02
JamedDiverdude: i have some reference carrds, but i dont know where i got them. you might google emacs reference card and auctex reference card for some key-combinations21:02
JamedDiverdude: http://refcards.com/docs/gildeas/gnu-emacs/emacs-refcard-a4.pdf21:03
nuteWhen I try to connect to my nx server I get "Cannot initiliaze the display service". How do I fix this?21:04
H3331Everytime the terminal asks me for my password the computer refuses to let me type in anything21:04
DiverdudeJamed, ahhh cool21:05
JamedDiverdude: an heres the other one: http://wwwcdf.pd.infn.it/localdoc/tex-ref.ps.gz21:05
ActionParsnipH3331: it is accepting what you type, it just gives no feedback21:05
CShadowRunH3331: no it doesn't, it just doesn't show you typing your password, it's a security feature21:05
guntbertH3331: type right away - the key strokes are not shown but registered21:05
ActionParsnipH3331: it hides the length of the password21:05
always_smilegadget3000: but what do you mean by 'live cd'?21:05
FromTheRedCarpetDoes anyone have an opinion on NFS vs. SAMBA for sharing btwn Ubuntu clients21:06
ActionParsnipguntbert: hur hur, you said stroke21:06
DiverdudeJamed, sweet indeed21:06
gadget3000always_smile: in which case 'sudo apt-get install gparted' will be easier21:06
guntbertActionParsnip: I beg your pardon?21:06
janisozaurcan I use logical "or" in rhytmbox's search field?21:06
ActionParsnipFromTheRedCarpet: samba will allow any future windows systems to easily access the share21:06
ActionParsnipguntbert: its a beavis and butthead tribute21:07
freerideGuys, please advice a software for diary21:07
dmj7261so it appears to have started working again.  The frustrating thing is that it unmounts, refuses to remount, then lets you do it after some random period.21:07
always_smileso gadget3000 i need to do only this command: gadget3000 in which case 'sudo apt-get install gparted' ,is  that enough??21:07
guntbertActionParsnip: sorry, still no idea what you are talking about ??21:07
DiverdudeJamed, 50% of texlive downloaded :)21:07
ActionParsnipfreeride: what sort of diary?21:07
ActionParsnipguntbert: if you havent seen the show you wont get it, ont seat it21:08
janisozaurfreeride: apt-cache search diary21:08
JamedDiverdude: you definately have a faster internet connection than me :)21:08
FromTheRedCarpetActionParsnip: right, but I've seen a few posts regarding slower connections than with NFS?21:08
freerideActionParsnip day1 I got up at 7, wen to school at 8 etc21:08
guntbertActionParsnip: ok :-)21:08
janisozaurfreeride: then "apt-cache show <pkgname>"21:08
gadget3000always_smile: do that to install gparted then do SYstem>admin>gparted etc etc21:08
ActionParsnipfreeride: like a calendar diary to remind you whats going on, or one to write like a journal?21:08
ActionParsnipFromTheRedCarpet: works fine here21:08
janisozaur!it | ga21:08
ubottuga: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:08
freerideActionParsnip: no, what has been21:09
freeridejanisozaur "apt-cache show <pkgname>" ???21:09
FromTheRedCarpetSo are the posts about NFS being faster than SAMBA legit?21:09
F3ar<F3ar> K21:09
F3ar<F3ar> So21:09
F3ar<F3ar> The error I'm getting when I try to install Wine is "Could not apply changes! Fix broken packages first."21:09
F3ar<F3ar> What to do?21:09
F3ar<F3ar> I've already deleted and readded the thing in the software sources21:09
FloodBot3F3ar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:09
F3ar<F3ar> Also - I'm on Ubuntu 9.1021:09
drewsusokay so, I have a problem. Im using 9.10 and sometimes I lose my theme/icons to what seems to be a very default one (which also has sounds enabled when clicking on things). Windows in nautilus look more akin to what you would see if you were the Root user. What seems to fix this is "killall nautilus && nautilus" and then changing to another theme then back to my original. Any ideas? here is a post with a screen shot and some commen21:09
drewsusts: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=849249621:09
nuteWhen I try to connect to my nx server I get "Cannot initiliaze the display service". How do I fix this?21:09
janisozaurfreeride: substitue <pkgname> with the name of a package you'd found using search action21:09
z3rongod_Can someone please help me find a way to use a CD/DVD to boot from USB external HDD? I've got ubuntu on my external HDD and i can't see it in windows21:10
ActionParsnip!info almanah | freeride21:10
ubottufreeride: almanah (source: almanah): application to ease management of a personal diary. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.1-1 (karmic), package size 103 kB, installed size 544 kB21:10
z3rongod_in BIOS*21:10
DiverdudeJamed, hehe...well its not that fast actually....what do you use tex for anyway?21:10
z3rongod_Asusteck does not have any drivers to update bios so i can boot from USB21:10
always_smilegadget3000: does ubuntu have tools to fix problems with system like safe mode in windows?21:10
janisozaurfreeride: so, if you want to know more about "almanah", you'd type "apt-cache show almanah"21:10
freeridejanisozaur i wish i knew this package name)))21:10
JamedDiverdude: everything :), i even uninstalled openoffice21:10
gadget3000always_smile: recovery mode. It should be on your grub menu21:10
ActionParsnipz3rongod_: windows can't read ext2 or ext3 without help from: www.fs-driver.org21:11
H3331What does that mean?21:11
janisozaurfreeride: "apt-cache search diary"21:11
DiverdudeJamed, haha nice :D21:11
nuteWhen I try to connect to my nx server I get "Cannot initiliaze the display service". How do I fix this?21:11
NithF3ar: Edit --> Fix broken packages21:11
velociostrichWhen you boot up, you'll be presented with a boot list21:11
freerideActionParsnip, janisozaur thank guys a lot!!!!21:11
velociostrichthat's GRUB21:11
NithF3ar: and be watchful of it's suggestions21:11
ActionParsnipH3331: what does what mean?21:11
velociostrichyou might have to press 'escape' to see it, if you only have Ubuntu installed ,for example21:11
FromTheRedCarpetAny truth to NFS being faster/more secure than SAMBA for file sharing?21:11
janisozaurcan I use logical "or" in rhytmbox's search field?21:11
H3331compressed data  are not written to the terminal.21:11
seyfarth__Hey guys, how do I set Picasa as the default photo manager in 9.10 NBR?21:11
DiverdudeJamed, you write articles?21:11
F3arNith, where is this "edit"21:12
guntbert!ot | Diverdude21:12
ubottuDiverdude: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:12
NithF3ar: the message you wrote looked it was from synaptic, I guess I made that assumption21:12
skellingtonim sorry, but why does dropbox start when i sudo nautilus?21:12
z3rongod_ActionParsnip: I'm on windows right now because i can't acces ubuntu that's installed on the USB HDD. I will only be able to have connected to the machine the USB external HDD and a CD/DVDrom21:12
JamedDiverdude: no, mostly stuff for school, like handouts21:13
Time`s_Witnessguntbert - didn't work. it has no repair X, in fact, it has just repair broken paackages, and repair grub21:13
always_smilegadget3000: Im running many windows at the time,,they're taking big space of  the panel,is there a way to keep them vertical?21:13
gadget3000seyfarth__: go to tools, options, file types and select the formats you want picasa to be default for21:13
gbearanyone able to help me mount my /boot21:13
F3arNith, http://f3ar.hobo-studios.org/image.php?p=ubuntu21:13
guntbertskellington: sudo nautilus is double wrong - don't run nautilus with root privileges and only use gksuso with GUI apps21:13
guntbertskellington: sudo nautilus is double wrong - don't run nautilus with root privileges and only use gksudo with GUI apps21:14
gadget3000always_smile: use the second desktop, its the 2nd icon in the bottom right hand corner21:14
ActionParsnipz3rongod_: if you bot to liveCD, The live session will be able to read and write both ntfs and ext3/2/4 (more flexible than stagnant windows) so you can copy any data you like21:14
velociostrichis there a difference between gksu and gksudo, or is one just a soft link to another?21:14
velociostrichs/another/the other21:14
guntbertTime`s_Witness: did you scroll down too?21:14
skellingtonoh gksudo.21:14
seyfarth__gadget3000: Okay thanks21:14
ActionParsnipvelociostrich: try: file `which gksudo`21:14
EricTheHaxwhen blender crashes, if i kill it, it still shows up in the window list buttons and will take focus as if maximized. this happened after upgrade and i cant fix it. might need to fix that bug in the next ubuntu21:14
skellingtonguntbert: why?21:14
nuteWhen I try to connect to my nx server I get "Cannot initiliaze the display service". How do I fix this?21:14
z3rongod_ActionParsnip i don't understand what data copy has to do with booting into ubuntu ?21:15
always_smilethe one saying click to start dragging ubuntu gadget3000?21:15
guntbert!gksudo | skellington21:15
ubottuskellington: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)21:15
velociostrichoh okay :)21:15
velociostrichgksudo -> gksu21:15
NithF3ar: click ok and close all of that, click system --> Administration --> Synaptic package manager21:15
NithF3ar: In synaptic, edit --> fix broken packages21:15
gadget3000always_smile: if you hover over it, it says current workspace21:15
skellingtonguntbert thank you ill try that out from now on21:15
ActionParsnipz3rongod_: I assumed as you are trying to access the data in windows, that you were trying to get at the data21:15
NithF3ar: atleast that's how I'd do it21:15
z3rongod_ActionParsnip i'm trying to boot into ubuntu to use the installed dd_rescue on a broken HDD21:15
EricTheHaxand probably no one saw what i said about crashed applications not disappearing when killed21:15
Time`s_Witnessguntbert: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1324493, apparently there's no repair X in 9.10 :X21:16
ActionParsnipNith: or you can just run: sudo apt-get -f install     easier to advise too in IRC21:16
Time`s_Witnessi didnt seem to recognize we could scroll down21:16
guntbertskellington: it might be, that you messed with some session data that way21:16
gadget3000always_smile: I need to brb. I wont be long21:16
z3rongod_But i can't boot to ubuntu as it's on USB hdd, and bios does not have the option to boot from USB devices, nor does an update exist for the bios to offer this feature.21:16
NithActionParsnip: wasnt sure the syntax using apt-get21:16
ActionParsnipz3rongod_: can do that in liveCD too ;)21:16
skellingtonguntbert, so i screwed something up. wonderful.21:16
ActionParsnipNith: every day is a school day21:16
always_smileok gadget3000,thank you very much21:16
z3rongod_ActionParsnip How ?21:17
NithF3ar: you do have to close that window that add repository btw21:17
z3rongod_I did install ubuntu using the CD on the same machine, it saw my external usb hdd21:17
Time`s_Witnessguntbert: is what they suggest in that link i typed safe to do for my case?21:17
ActionParsnipz3rongod_: same as if you'd booted to the USB, just runs a little slower21:17
DiverdudeJamed, nice...98% now21:17
gbearok... no one can help me with my first issue... how about an easier one... I can't find a list of the grub-rescue> commands anywhere... can anyone find a list?21:17
z3rongod_ActionParsnip isn't it possible to boot into the USB using the livecd?21:18
nuteWhen I try to connect to my nx server I get "Cannot initiliaze the display service". How do I fix this?21:18
z3rongod_as it sees the USB hdd?21:18
ActionParsnipz3rongod_: you can chroot to the installed system21:18
JamedDiverdude: wow, it took me more than 1 hour to download all the texlive packages21:18
watrhas anyone successfully setup "PLACES" to access a samba share on OSX using a login/password?21:18
gbearI can't find a list of the grub-rescue> commands anywhere... can anyone find a list?21:18
gbearI can't find a list of the grub-rescue> commands anywhere... can anyone find a list?21:19
DiverdudeJamed, im fetching 500 Kb/s21:19
guntbertTime`s_Witness: just checking something21:19
z3rongod_"chroot"ing would boot up the installed ubuntu on the USB device?21:19
JamedDiverdude: nice speed21:19
gbearI can't find a list of the grub-rescue> commands anywhere... can anyone find a list?21:19
gbearI can't find a list of the grub-rescue> commands anywhere... can anyone find a list?21:19
Nithgbear: stop flooding21:19
nute!repeat | gbear21:19
DiverdudeJamed, got same speed up also21:19
ubottugbear: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:19
fool__anyone know how to roll back the last flash update ?21:19
fool__anyone know how to roll back the last flash update ?21:20
DiverdudeJamed, 40USD a month21:20
ActionParsnipz3rongod_: it will mean the terminal will use the files and settings in the system installed usb system21:20
gbearNith: nute:  Can you help me troubleshoot a /boot issue.  It fails to grub-rescue on boot and when I use a live cd and try to mount it says "unrecognized filesystem"21:20
watranyone know howto setup "PLACES" to access a samba share using a login/password?21:20
z3rongod_ActionParsnip can you tell me a brief example of how can i use the dd_rescue installed on the USB hdd ?21:20
gbearNith: nute:  Been asking for hours...21:20
nuteWhen I try to connect to my nx server I get "Cannot initiliaze the display service". How do I fix this?21:20
Nithgbear: I'm sorry but usually I dig myself deeper before I dig myself out of those ones21:21
LjLgbear: you've been *flooding* for hours, yes.21:21
always_smileI got downloaded VLC  plugin for firefox,but now I need to know how can I make it default player for firefox audio&video files,thanks21:21
velociostrichgbear: how did you try to mount it?21:21
JamedDiverdude: wow, i pay the same in euro in germany and have less than half your downspeed, not to mention the slooooow upspeed21:21
FromTheRedCarpetjust read another good post on how NFS was slower than SAMBA... So confused now...21:21
gbearsudo mount /dev/sda521:21
guntbertTime`s_Witness: it seems you are right - the option is gone - as long as you create backup-files I'd say everything is safe - try it and don't worry you can always revert from the backup copy21:21
velociostrichmaybe you have to explicitly specify the fstype?21:21
velociostrichlike sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda5 /media/sda521:22
Anrilis it normal for /dev/md0 to be clean after a forced reboot without resyncing?21:22
nuteIs there any other option besides nx or vnc for remote desktop?21:22
DiverdudeJamed, nice...but generally in DK the internet is quite fast and quite cheap21:22
Nithgbear: and you'll need to make the mount point and include one if it's a livecd21:22
gbearvelociostrich: its a /boot partition... I want to try and restore the mount point for it but don't know how21:22
ActionParsnipz3rongod_: dd_resue takes a block device and makes an image, dd will stop if it gets an issue, dd_rescue doesnt care. You can dd_rescure the USB device and make the detination be the NTFS partition (assuming there is enough space). You can then fsck the image and mount it to read its data21:22
cwillugbear, are you still on the old grub, or are you using grub 2?21:23
gbearcwillu:  new grub (1.97)21:23
ActionParsnipFromTheRedCarpet: its all down to settings dude, the defaults in samba are pretty good21:23
cwillugbear, (forgive the repetition) you can mount it from a live cd?21:23
nuteHow do I start vino through ssh?21:23
DiverdudeJamed, heh the actual install and unpacking properly takes longer than the d/l21:23
seyfarth__how do i force ubuntu to mount my digital camera? picasa can't find it.21:23
FromTheRedCarpetActionParsnip: Is there any less security with SAMBA than NFS?21:23
velociostrichdoes anyone know why when I ssh into my server and try to turn it off with 'sudo shutdown -P' it doesn't power off?21:24
gadget3000always_smile: I'm back21:24
gbearcwillu: yes21:24
velociostrichIf I hook up a monitor to it, it gives me the same screen as if I had booted up and chose recovery mode21:24
ActionParsnipFromTheRedCarpet: you can setup authentication using smbpasswd so users will need to authenticate and you can also control what they acess based on their username21:24
always_smilewelcome back gadget3000:)21:24
ActionParsnipseyfarth__: if you run: sudo fdisk -l    do you see the partition?21:25
cwillugbear, you know how to chroot into your installation from a live cd?21:25
always_smilegadget3000: I got downloaded VLC  plugin for firefox,but now I need to know howto  can make it default player for firefox audio&video files,thanks21:25
gbearcwillu:  let me take a look at the man page... brb21:25
nuteHow do I start vino through ssh?21:25
JamedDiverdude: damned :D, but installing texlive usually takes a long time, because the indexing of the fonts is done after installing every single font package21:25
DiverdudeJamed, ok...what was the name of the emacs tex extension again?21:25
cwillugbear, wait21:25
Anrilvelociostrich: have you tried 'sudo poweroff'?21:25
JamedDiverdude: auctex21:25
gbearcwillu: k21:25
velociostrichthat might work21:25
velociostrichcan't try it now, but thanks21:25
DiverdudeJamed, hehe all installation and d/l done already :D21:25
cwillugbear, are you in the livecd right now?21:25
gbearcwillu: yes21:25
arghh2d2always_smile: maybe just restart ff21:26
FromTheRedCarpetActionParsnip: nice. thanks...21:26
cwillugbear, check your pm's21:26
ActionParsnipalways_smile: sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-vlc21:26
Anrilvelociostrich i'm guessing it will probably give the same problem since it will call the same low level script, but give it a try anyway21:26
gadget3000always_smile: I'm not a user of firefox but I imagine it's under options, extentions, or something. Possibly about:extensions in address bar21:26
gdizis there a way in shell to tell flash in a web browser to go to fullscreen?21:26
gbearcwillu: private messages?21:26
ActionParsnipalways_smile: its in the repo21:26
velociostrichAnril: hrm maybe, I'll try21:26
velociostrich(later, that is)21:26
nuteHow do I start vino through ssh?21:26
* cwillu pings gbear again21:26
ActionParsnipnute: ?21:26
Anril does anyone know whether the linux md raid5 should be checking / resynching after a reboot? I'm coming from a windows environment where any unplanned reboot caused the software raid to resync the whole drive. My ubuntu box froze up just now and now it booted and the raid is apparently clean, and fsck says its clean. Is this expected? There was no heavy disk activity going on at the time of the freeze.21:26
nuteActionParsnip: How do I start vino through ssh?21:27
DiverdudeJamed, so i just install auctex, and then it manages to merge together with emacs itself and all that?21:27
z3rongod_ActionParsnip: This is how i planned it out: 1 Broken 80GB HDD with 2 partitions NTFS (C:\ and D:\) in the freezer; 1 external HDD with ubuntu and dd_rescue on it. Use command "sudo fdisk -l" to see what parittions i have. Then use this: dd_rescue -n /dev/hdb1 /dev/hda21:27
gbearnot getting anything...  but I also have no clue how to use evolution21:27
always_smileso what search engine do you use yourself gadget3000 then?21:27
ghostlinesI'm trying to make a star-stop-daemon script for an app but I'm getting an --make-pidfile command not found error. Any ideas?21:27
z3rongod_then ddrecover -dr3 /dev/hdb1 /dev/hda21:27
gbearcwillu:  how do I kick off a pm?21:27
seyfarth__ActionParsnip: nope. nautilus finds it, but its not in the actual file system - "gphoto2://[usb:001,004]/" ?21:27
JamedDiverdude: yes, if you edit a -tex file with emacs, auctex should be loaded automaticly21:27
gadget3000always_smile: I used to use bing but I've recently transferred to google. We should speak about this on #ubuntu-uk because it's off topic21:28
_GoRDoN_What might cause audio and video to be out of sync in vlc, mplayer and totem.21:28
ActionParsnipnute: sudo apt-get install vino*     if it doesnt start try running: sudo /etc/init.d/vino start     if you are on LAN, you can use X forwarding21:28
arghh2d2gbear: what irc client are you using?21:28
cwillugbear, /m name message21:28
Dravekx_question: i want to add FTP access to my personal server so I can update files from filezilla. I have openssh installed. anyone know how to set this up?21:28
gadget3000_GoRDoN_: A rubbish media file21:28
ActionParsnipseyfarth__: fine, add it to your favourites21:28
gbeararghh2d2: cwillu:  got it... using evolution... was using webchat but they said to use something real... this was the only thing on the live cd21:29
JamedDiverdude: please ignore my typos, im a bit tired :)21:29
velociostrichwell, you can ssh into a remote machine on the same local network by using ssh very easily21:29
DiverdudeJamed, nice....all is done....now i just need to get started using emacs with latex hehe21:29
velociostrichI think it's just ssh ipaddress21:29
velociostrichthat's assuming that you have the same username on both machines21:29
ActionParsnipz3rongod_: check     man dd_rescue    but yeah you can spit the resulting file to the ntfs, you could even use foremost to just search for file types on the USB and extract them to the ntfs21:29
_GoRDoN_Those files worked when I was using 9.04 but after I updated to 9.10 this problem started presenting21:29
nuteActionParsnip: sudo: /etc/init.d/vino: command not found21:29
guntbertvelociostrich: or ssh -l user ipaddress21:30
rodrigohi... anyone know of any good system redundancy link?21:30
ActionParsnipnute: is vino installed?21:30
rodrigoredundancy of link 221:30
ActionParsnipnute: i dont use vino, i think vnc is a bit vulgar21:30
nuteActionParsnip: vino is already the newest version.21:30
DiverdudeJamed, so I just go $ emacs myfile.tex ?21:30
JamedDiverdude: yes, that should do it21:30
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rodrigowith iprouter2 works well?21:31
z3rongod_ActionParsnip: The problematic HDD is not the USB external one21:31
ShwackI accidentally deleted the first entry in Xchat: user Defined Commands.  Can anybody please tell me the first entry? I cannot find on google21:32
ActionParsnipz3rongod_: whichever you'll still need the right command synatax ;)21:32
rodrigoplease someone help me?21:32
DiverdudeJamed, nice....highlight is loaded in emacs21:32
always_smileActionParsnip: I already insalled it,but how can I set it to be my default player for audio &vedio files?21:32
DiverdudeJamed, so i guess auctex works21:32
z3rongod_ActionParsnip can you tell me exactly how i can run the dd_rescue software that's saved on the USB hdd using the livecd ?21:33
JamedDiverdude: yeah, since you have hilighting, auctex works21:33
always_smilewhat you mean by repo ActionParsnip?21:33
ActionParsnipalways_smile: it will be used automagically in firefox, make sure you have no other video plugin packages installed ( i believe ubuntu shiops with some totem mozilla plugin package). try: dpkg -l | grep mozilla21:33
Dravekx_whats the best ftp client for ubuntu server?21:33
[Spooky]Anyone here use Empathy?21:33
ActionParsnip!repo | always_smile21:33
ubottualways_smile: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories21:33
Dravekx_which is better: vsftpd or proftpd?21:35
Blue1Dravekx_: I use vsftp but I think it's a pref. thing21:35
Anril does anyone know whether the linux md raid5 should be checking / resynching after a reboot? I'm coming from a windows environment where any unplanned reboot caused the software raid to resync the whole drive. My ubuntu box froze up just now and now it booted and the raid is apparently clean, and fsck says its clean. Is this expected? There was no heavy disk activity going on at the time of the freeze.21:35
mneptokDravekx_: ae you trying to run a public server, or just access for those with actual accounts on the machine?21:36
el_compAIs there a program in Linux that does the same thing as teamviewer? ( remote desktop connection)21:36
ActionParsnipDravekx_: there is no BEST application for ANYTHING21:36
ingo_86hi all21:36
ActionParsnipDravekx_: proftpd is a daemon (hence it ending in d)21:36
rodrigoplease someone help me?21:36
ingo_86i have problems with pulseaudio and microphone on my ubuntu notebook21:36
ActionParsnip!ftp  | Dravekx_21:36
ubottuDravekx_: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd21:36
conb123Do MKV's work ok in ubuntu with vlc, if not which codecs do i need to make them work?21:36
ingo_86the volume is always too low21:36
mneptokconb123: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras21:37
ingo_86i'm using an intel audio card21:37
mneptokconb123: that gets Matroska playback in Totem21:37
conb123mneptok: Awesome thanks, also does that include ffdshow i couldn't find it in the repositories21:38
Daifaningo_86: is your driver installed correctly?21:38
mneptokconb123: ffdshow is Windows-only21:38
ingo_86Daifan: it's a new intallation of ubuntu21:38
rodrigoingo_86: you tried to configure the alsa?21:39
ingo_86Daifan: everything works, i'm using pulseaudio and it's fine21:39
conb123mneptok: Oh really, i'd always thought it had started as a unix thing, oh well, thanks21:39
ingo_86Daifan: i noticed that inside alsamixer i haven't any capture device21:39
mneptokconb123: ffdshow enables MP$ playback in DirectShow (WMP, WinAMP) players.21:39
Daifaningo_86: but its too soft?21:39
ingo_86Daifan: however, i can record21:39
conb123mneptok: Ahhh21:40
ingo_86Daifan: yes, absolutely21:40
mneptokconb123: Linux does not use anything DirectShow. so it's like asking "where do i install the hay and oats in my jet plane to get it to move?" ;)21:40
el_compAAnyone know of a good remote desktop connection app?21:40
MatBoyis there still no other package management tool like landscape ?21:40
Time`s_Witnessguntbert: ok, i'll try now. thanks :)21:40
gbear_cwillu: so... empathy just crashed on me... back to webchat21:40
Daifaningo_86: i recommend resetting up your alsa server21:40
conb123mneptok: Ahaha, sorry i'm pretty new to this stuff21:40
Blue1el_compA: vnc21:41
always_smileActionParsnip: :do you think you can check this:http://paste.ubuntu.com/340787/21:41
mneptokconb123: no worries. everyone's new at some point.21:41
conb123mneptok: Anyway i can watch futurama now, thanks for your help21:41
Daifaningo_86: first do "aplay -l" and see if you have the right driver21:41
ActionParsnipalways_smile: looks fine, run: gksudo gparted   and you can partition as you need21:42
ingo_86Daifan: i have alc660 analog21:42
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ingo_86Daifan: and  alc660 digital21:42
ingo_86Daifan: and a modem21:42
rodrigoAnybody know a way to balance the link?21:44
always_smileActionParsnip: how can I run run: gksudo gparted,thanks!21:44
MatBoymhh I need some packagemanagement tool, but not landscape :)21:45
ActionParsnipalways_smile: press alt+f221:45
Daifaningo_86: follow this to see if it helps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449&highlight=sound+drivers21:45
ActionParsnipalways_smile: then paste the command21:46
lluahow do i find out if my wireless connection is using 802.11b or g?21:46
ingo_86Daifan: thank you21:46
always_smilethank you ActionParsnip,now where can I find windows7,how may i remove it,thank you21:46
ActionParsnipllua: sudo iwconfig   may tell you21:46
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:47
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kmillerwhere can I get some straight talk about 9.10 issues?  My old athlon box just doesn't like it.  Do I have to downgrade 9.04?21:47
ActionParsnipalways_smile: you will need to delete the partition it resides on, this will destroy ALL data on the partition so you are on your own dude21:47
canthus13How do you give read/write access to a directory (And it's children) to a specific user?21:48
sebsebsebkmiller: Ok what's not working?  Also have you tried an older version of Ubuntu on there, or even another distro?21:48
ActionParsnipkmiller: ask and the channel will reply, 9.04 stil has 10 months support21:48
sebsebseb!details |  kmiller21:49
ubottukmiller: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:49
always_smileActionParsnip: but I"m not sure which partition windows is located @?21:49
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ActionParsnipalways_smile: then run: sudo fdisk -l   this may help21:49
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ActionParsnipalways_smile: tread very carefully21:50
sebsebsebkmiller: How much RAM?  How old is the computer? etc21:50
sebsebsebxenos1: hi21:51
Dravekx_ok so: vsftpd or proftpd? which is better?21:51
ActionParsnipDravekx_: neither is better, nor worse21:52
Blue1Dravekx_: which ever you prefer...21:52
kmiller@sebsebseb:   athlon 3000+ 1Gb ram.  older nvidia video card21:52
DiverdudeHow do I copy/paste in emacs?21:52
ActionParsnipDravekx_: try both, those AREN'T ftp clients you know, those are ftp servers21:52
sebsebsebkmiller: What are the actsaul problems you are having? What's not working when you try and do 9.10?21:52
kmiller@sebsebseb:   tried several installs.   first a dist-upgrade, wouldn't even boot.   messed with grub, still fubared.   fresh install, network won't work, misc lockups21:52
mrbrdohey guys, after installing another OS, grub is broken. i am just wondering which partition should be set with BOOT flag for grub to work properly (after running also grub-install in livecd)?21:52
always_smileActionParsnip: ,there's nothing appears when I run:      sudo fdisk -l21:53
sebsebsebkmiller: it's a lap top?21:53
kmiller@sebsebseb:   negative21:53
sebsebseba desktop?21:53
Blue1sebsebseb: for me - I get usb slow down, extra mount points, and incomplete task bars.21:53
kmiller@sebsebseb:  yes21:53
Time`s_Witnesslast time i rebooted ubuntu, i had to force reboot by console - sudo reboot - because it wouldnt move. since then, when i want to login it goes blackscreen for a couple seconds, back to ubuntu logo and asks me login info once again. any tip on how to solve this please ?:X21:54
sebsebsebkmiller: ok a little odd then since desktops tend to work well with Ubuntu21:54
sebsebsebkmiller: however there are issues with 9.10,  where things that used to just work in 9.04, don't in 9.1021:54
ActionParsnipkmiller: tried some bootoptions?21:54
kmiller@sebsebseb:  yeah, a vm at work dist-upgraded just fine.21:54
andrew__Hi all. could someone help me with a slow internet connection problem? I am paying for 20/15 connection speeds from my ISP and am getting 3/5 while others in my house get 18/15. I have changed the settings in /etc/resolv.conf to include my ISP's DNS servers IP addy's. I have also used a tool from speedguide.net that suggests that it my be my TCP/IP setting.21:54
sebsebsebkmiller: right, but that's a vm,  not a psyical install21:54
kmiller@sebsebseb:  yes, tried various combo's of disabling apci21:54
Blue1andrew__: you should first contact your isp21:55
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sebsebsebkmiller: You had problems on the Live CD, and installed anyway or?21:55
canthus13Blue1: His ISP will likely say that they're not compatible with linux and hang up.21:55
andrew__Blue1: done that...once i say Ubuntu they cant help me21:55
kmiller@sebsebseb:  this particular machine has been running ubuntu since 7.something, so specific to 9.10.21:55
kmiller@sebsebseb:  live cd wouldn't even boot21:56
canthus13andrew__: Are you sharing this connection between everyone in your house?21:56
sebsebsebkmiller: oh right so 9.10 isn't on there then?21:56
Blue1canthus13: ahh the cox connection -- yeah I forgot my bank told me the same thing....21:56
* canthus13 isn't really supposed to, but supports linux as best as he can.21:56
kmiller@sebsebseb:  it is actually now, but network doesn't work and it freezes randomly21:56
darkurza88how do i connect to rizon.net?21:57
darkurza88does anyone know the connect command?21:57
Blue1darkurza88: http://www.rizon.net ?21:57
sebsebsebkmiller: oh right hmm,  on the other computer a desktop, the ethernet woudn't work in 8.10.  also I remember when someone came in here who had been using a printer since like 7.10, but then in 9.10 it  won't work.21:57
darkurza88i wanna connect to it with xchat21:57
darkurza88i'm new to linux so i'm not quite sure how to get around21:57
andrew__Blue1: yes...we use cable modem/router that we distribute access with21:57
Blue1darkurza88: you'll need the irc server name21:57
Time`s_WitnessBlue1: /server -m irc.rizon.net, -m flag for new window, not getting disconnected from here. this is for mIRC21:58
Time`s_Witnesstry your luck21:58
kmiller@sebsebseb:  are you aware if canonical is going to come out with a new 9.10 release to address these issues?21:58
ActionParsnipmirc? yuck21:58
Time`s_Witnessyea im having some problems in linux21:58
ApexWhat is the status on exchange 2007 and evolution?21:58
Time`s_Witnesstrying to get help here but guess its too new version around xD21:58
always_smileActionParsnip: are you still there?21:59
Time`s_Witnesslast time i rebooted ubuntu, i had to force reboot by console - sudo reboot - because it wouldnt move. since then, when i want to login it goes blackscreen for a couple seconds, back to ubuntu logo and21:59
CrAzE124Hi all. having a little GRUB problem, someone willing to help?21:59
sebsebsebkmiller: I think put 9.04 on, or another distro.  There seem to be some issues in 9.10 that are effecting you, that should be fixed for 10.04 (April 2010) the next Long Term Support.  Also I am not sure which issues exactly, but if you have a look at the release notes for 9.10 their might be something relevant.21:59
ActionParsnipTime`s_Witness: too new version of what?21:59
sebsebseb!notes |  kmiller21:59
ubottukmiller: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91021:59
SpudsterQuestion for anyone: I have a program that works great when run from an interactive SSH session, but doesn't work from a non-interactive session such as init.d or even a php exec() call..  The output from non-interactive scripts is totally blank, any ideas what I could check?  The script I am running is a DrQueue Master node startup command.  (Ubuntu 9.04)21:59
Blue1Time`s_Witness: your nick is very hard to deal with -- but that's my missue21:59
Time`s_Witnessasking me login info again21:59
ActionParsnipBlue1: its a ` not a '21:59
KamokowI just heard, is it true that GNOME is going proprietary?22:00
Time`s_WitnessActionParsnip: of ubuntu xD22:00
Blue1ActionParsnip: yeah got that - but it's still painful22:00
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andrew__Blue1: yes...we use cable modem/router that we distribute access with22:00
ActionParsnipTimes_Witness: do you mean lucid?22:00
kmiller@sebsebseb:  thank you.  I have trolled the forums for a while but never found anything relevant to my specific issues.   I am looking forward to 10.04, but that's a ways away.  I guess I will just downgrade for the meantime22:00
sebsebsebkmiller: trolled the forums? :D22:00
Xodiaccan someone help me find a im that is crossplatform and with video chat22:00
Blue1andrew__: how many computers involved?22:00
Times_Witnessi don't know.  9.10. something broke and i have no idea how to fix :X im new to linux22:00
andrew__Blue1: mine is the only one that has an issue22:01
ActionParsnipTimes_Witness: karmic isnt overly new22:01
Blue1Times_Witness: what's broke?22:01
kmiller@sebsebseb:  hehee, I meant like trolling the oceans.  :)  thanks for your input22:01
ActionParsnipTimes_Witness: tell us what happens after logon all on one line22:01
sebsebsebkmiller: You meant searched the forums?22:01
Blue1andrew__: well what's running on your machine?  (hint top)22:01
Times_Witnesslast time i rebooted ubuntu, i had to force reboot by console - sudo reboot - because it wouldnt move. since then, when i want to login it goes blackscreen for a couple seconds, back to ubuntu logo and then back to login screen asking me the info again. and again. and again22:01
Xodiaccan someone help me find a im that is crossplatform and with video chat22:01
hdtdihey dudes.. when i use netstat -tap to see some host i have establish a connection.. it shows only the half of the name.. can i expend the foreign adress cell (or whatever is called)22:01
always_smileActionParsnip: could you check this and let me know: http://paste.ubuntu.com/340793/22:02
Blue1Xodiac: kopete?22:02
ActionParsnipTimes_Witness: sounds like your video drivers are faulty22:02
ActionParsnipTimes_Witness: boot to recovery root colnsole and run: lspci | grep -i vga22:02
ratapoilwhat would be a quick shell command to check out how much free space I have in /home ?22:02
XodiacBlue1: it is good with video22:02
Blue1Xodiac: it seems to work well22:02
macoratapoil: d -h22:02
macoratapoil: df -h, sorry22:03
ActionParsnipalways_smile: you just have 2 kernels installed, this is fine22:03
XodiacBlue1: nice thanks man22:03
Blue1Xodiac: try cheese first to see what the picture looks like -22:03
XodiacBlue1: k22:03
Times_Witnesshum. okay, ActionParsnip.  be right back then22:03
ratapoilthanks, maco!22:03
Leoneof`last news is..Gnome will split off from gnu?22:03
andrew__Blue1: nothing cept xchat and system monitor22:03
Blue1Leoneof`: yeah a rumour22:04
ActionParsnip!ot | Leoneof`22:04
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always_smileActionParsnip: what you mean by kernels,versions of ubuntu maybe?22:04
ubottuLeoneof`: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:04
sebsebsebLeoneof`: yeah and KDE will drop the K or whatever, but  yep ActionParsnip  is right, that's all off topic for in here22:04
Blue1andrew__: hmm I don't run the system monitor - try it without that running.22:04
ActionParsnipalways_smile: you have 2 kernels, the updater doesnt remove the old kernels when a new one is installed. Ive seen systems with 6 kernels22:05
always_smilei tried to run    sudo fdisk -l  many times ActionParsnip,but nothing happens?22:06
gunner85evening all22:06
andrew__Blue1: its the same...oh...this is a new install of 9.10 so there isnt a whole lot that ive dont to the OS yet22:06
ActionParsnipalways_smile: its a terminal command, it will show the partitions available22:06
MatBoymhh I should have a php based apt-get app22:06
Blue1andrew__: this sound super dumb - but it's happened - have you tried switching ethernet cables?22:07
jtapioU910 and no suspend.22:07
andrew__Blue1: yes and i have also used my wireless card instead of cat522:08
jtapiomachine always turns of when trying to suspend.22:08
andrew__Blue1: same results22:08
Blue1andrew__: private messge ok?22:08
andrew__Blue1: sure22:08
ubunewbuHi! I tried googling but didn't find anything on the subject. So where do all files get installed in Ubuntu/Linux? I want to ask this because when I uninstall an application with Ubuntu Software Center, I want the application's traces to be deleted too (no empty folders ANYWHERE! Not even a marking in any text file of its existence)22:09
Times_WitnessActionParsnip: the following line is printed, on lcpci:  01:00. VGA compatilble controller: ATI technologies Inc RV670PRO (Radeon HD 3850)22:09
Apexubunewbu: If u do apt-get remove -purge everything gets removed22:09
ubunewbuFor example in Windows I always have to run regedit and delete it from LOCAL and USER directories and delete empty folders from My Documents and Program Files. And perhaps Temp and Windows folders. How do you do this in Linux?22:10
Apexubunewbu: It's not Windows. The cfg's are usually stored in /etc22:10
ubunewbuApex: Even after I've uninstalled? I mean it was weird when I uninstalled Empathy and the "letter-icon" in the tray still had "Empathy", I clicked on it and WHAT THE BEEP?! It opened Empathy?! I deleted it!!! :O22:10
always_smileActionParsnip: why can't i see divisions into the partition like C,D,E? it shows dev/sda?22:10
Apexubunewbu: open up a terminal. Write sudo apt-get remove -purge empathy22:11
ubunewbuThank you =)22:11
M0D-1Tis there someone who talks American English or British English as native language here??22:11
Apexubunewbu: You need to have empathy installed first of course.22:11
microlithM0D-1T: good chance of that, I'd imagine :)22:11
M0D-1Tmicrolith: do you?22:12
microlithM0D-1T: considering I was born in the 'states I'd hope so :)22:12
ubunewbuApex: So technically its wise to uninstall stuff with that trick always? But how do I know the program's "short name"22:12
microlithubunewbu: I suggest using the Synaptic packagae manager, it's a little more windows-friendly22:12
ubunewbuFor example if it's a long program name... How do I know what to type in the terminal instead of empathy22:12
topoHi does any one know how to fix the artheros wifi module? ar5001 it's very unstable connection22:13
Apexsudo apt-cache search "program name"22:13
rickabillieHi, I need help, a ntfs disk has a group of '49', i can only access it as root...22:13
ActionParsnipTimes_Witness: ok then uninstall the proprietary driver and reboot, your system wil use the open driver and should be ok22:13
ubunewbumicrolith: But there's Ubu Software Center :O And thanks for your advice :)22:13
mneptokApex: -sudo :)22:13
microlithubunewbu: yeah, never used it myself22:13
sebsebsebtopo: nope, but you could try ndiswrapper instead I guess22:13
hdtdihey dudes.. when i use netstat -tap to see some host i have establish a connection.. it shows only the half of the name.. can i expend the foreign adress cell (or whatever is called) to see the whole result22:13
Apexubunewbu: If u can use the terminal, do it. GUI = bloat.22:13
ActionParsnipalways_smile: drive letters are what windows uses, linux isnt windows, linux uses block devices and mount points22:13
microlithApex: hardly22:13
ubunewbuApex: As my nickname says... I'm a total newb and am avoiding anything that has to do with consoles/terminals. Used Windows for all my life22:14
ActionParsnipubunewbu: use tab completion22:14
mneptokubunewbu: well, not yet you haven't ;)22:14
always_smilethanks ActionParsnipto be honest I"m still unable to find which partition windows occurs in,because it's not shown there in the list of partions?22:14
toposebsebseb: I was using the ath5 driver i hoped i could keep using open drivers22:14
sebsebsebubunewbu: installing and removing programs using the terminal is rather easy22:14
Times_WitnessActionParsnip: how can i do that ? :x Also, i did this to try to fix that issue, thinking it was X it was broken: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1324493, should i revert the original file back to there or leave that default one suggested in that thread?22:14
Apexubunewbu: Its better too learn to use the terminal in the beginning. Cause you get a feel of how stuff works.22:14
sebsebsebtopo: well yes that's the way to do it really, use open drivers,  ndiswrapper if no luck with that22:15
mneptokalways_smile: ls /dev/sd* && df -h22:15
mneptokalways_smile: which devices appear in the first command, but not in the second?22:15
sebsebsebtopo: Windows wireless drivers being used in a Linux distro, is a bit hmm22:15
ActionParsnipTimes_Witness: if you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file it will be used, you should specify the driver as vesa so that you will get an x server22:16
sebsebsebtopo: wireless  is slower than ethernet, and can be rather unreliable as well22:16
toposebsebseb: Yes specially when I can connect to the wifi but wont get acces to the web. weird?22:16
sal_ubunewbu, you wont get far here w/o terminal ..22:16
sebsebsebtopo: maybe it's not set up properly in Ubuntu,  and no I don't know enough about wireless in Ubuntu, to be able to help you find out or not, the bot link for wireless might be useful though22:17
Times_WitnessActionParsnip: i had a  /etc/X11/xorg.conf first time i looked, i didn't create one from scratch. i had to delete some lines to get it just like that one though. My question is if i just keep it like that one in the thread, or if i should restore the backup22:17
sebsebseb!wireless |  topo22:17
ubottutopo: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:17
ActionParsnipTimes_Witness: try both, its free to try22:17
katycorphey guys, random vimrc question22:17
mneptokmicrolith: do not diss the command line. it's a powerful and useful interface.22:18
ActionParsnipTimes_Witness: _make sure you specify the vesa driver so it doesnt try to load any wierd ati drivers22:18
microlithmneptok: I won't argue that, but the fact that it is -essential- to do anything is discouraging22:18
katycorpI used to have something in my vimrc (or maybe bashrc) that allowed for better mouse integration, such as changing the window size during a split screen, does anyone know what his would have been?22:18
trismkatycorp: perhaps set mouse=a22:18
microlithand I'm the kind of person who cross-compiled gtk2/glade libraries for ARM22:18
Times_WitnessActionParsnip: how do i do both: uninstal proprietary driver, and specify the vesa driver? I'm sorry i'm.. using linux for about a week now :p22:19
mneptokmicrolith: IMO, the UNIX command line is a lot easier to learn than the Windows registry. and eventually anyone that wants to not have to reinstall Windows every 3 months has to use regedit.22:19
ubunewbuBut there should be a gui equivalent for each terminal command :) I know it's possible... it is in windows atleast22:19
Daimonicmost comon hex editor?22:19
Daimonicor already installed on ubuntu 9.1022:19
sal_ubunewbu, microlith https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:19
topoubottu: thx I've been there, tried everything i couldbut i'm to much of noob for some of the stuff22:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:19
ubunewbuand I think most stuff CAN be done with GUI in Ubuntu :P Atleast so far I think so22:19
=== Gnea_ is now known as Gnea
katycorptrism: ah I think that's it, thanks22:19
microlithmneptok: I haven't had to use regedit to avoid reinstalling windows every 3 months22:20
sebsebsebubunewbu: no certain things in Windows can only be done in the command prompt22:20
always_smilemneptok: please check this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/340803/22:20
mneptokubunewbu: what's the Windows GUI that provides "fdisk /mbr"22:20
ubunewbuwhat is fdisk? :F22:20
DaimonicIs there a hex editor on ubuntu?or can anyone name one which is common?22:20
icerootDaimonic: apt-cache search hex editor22:20
sebsebsebubunewbu: it's also much easier and faster to use the commands when installing programs from the repo.22:20
mneptokalways_smile: your Windows partition(s) are /dev/sda(1-6)22:21
jason81hi there!!22:21
mneptokalways_smile: do you have GNOME installed?22:21
sebsebseb!terminal | ubunewbu22:21
ubottuubunewbu: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:21
jason81someone could suggest me how to set proxy system of usa22:21
always_smilemneptok: what's Genome?how tomake sure I got it installed ,thanks22:22
mneptokalways_smile: do you have a GUI?22:22
sal_ubunewbu, http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm22:22
Kamokowalways_smile: GNOME is the default gui system in ubuntu desktop22:22
always_smilemneptok: I'm not sure,Im new here,Im nut sure about the terms22:22
sebsebsebsal_: ubunewbu  that article is good,  Linux distros are not Windows.  Yes they aren't, but can be used instead of Windows for most computer tasks :)22:23
Times_WitnessGUI: graphic user interface. are you running linux in a console mode, or you do have a mouse pointer, a GUI?22:23
ActionParsnipTimes_Witness: you will add a line in xorg.conf under the device section -0 Configured video device stating: Driver "vesa"    this will make it use that driver22:23
freerideplease help, how to use in the shell date???? I need to output smth like 2009121122:23
sebsebsebsal_:  ubunewbu depending on the type of distro of course22:23
ActionParsnipTimes_Witness: you can use jockey-gtk or synaptic to remove the driver22:24
ubunewbuWell... I think I can use linux without a single terminal command :D Just watch me22:24
LjLDaimonic: beav, vche, lde, tweak, ht, hexcurse, hexer  —  GNOME: ghex, bless  —  KDE: khexedit22:24
ubunewbuAnd GUI is easier ... it provides the "Are you sure?" questions before you do stuff and gives hints on what stuff is and pictures and all22:24
sebsebsebubunewbu: well yes you can, as long as the hardware you want to use, works with the distro you gone for which is Ubuntu, and you don't want to do anything slightly more advanced22:25
ubunewbuI mean it's easier to browse for sofware even that way than just "reading" black and white text22:25
freeridehow to use DATE command in the shell???? I need to output smth like 2009121122:25
sebsebsebubunewbu: however sudo apt-get  install program  or  program 1 prgraom 2 etc isn't hard22:25
LjLfreeride: date +%Y%m%d22:25
trismfreeride: date +%Y%m%d22:25
trism*is too slow*22:25
Times_WitnessActionParsnip i dont know what is jockey, but about synaptic i dont think i can access it from console. supposing you dont know the name of the package/s of those drivers, do you know how can i get those so i can 'apt-get remove <driver>' ?22:25
ubunewbuIs there documentation on where Ubuntu/Linux installs stuff when a program gets installed? I mean a complete list of directories. I know the purge command22:25
freeridethanks a lot guys )))22:26
ubunewbubut if I want to do it manually, graphically and with MORE WORK22:26
sebsebsebubunewbu: and much quicker than first having to open up the software centre (assuming your on 9.10 if not add/remove)  or synaptic22:26
[[thufir]]my kernel version is 2.6.28-16-generic , so I won't be effected by by bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/249340 during upgrade, will I?22:26
trismubunewbu: you can see where everything is installed with the command dpkg -L package_name22:26
always_smileKamokow: how I make sure I got gui or not?22:26
ubunewbuBut it's nice to browse for software like typing in "MSN" and it'll show them all and describe them and show picture :)22:26
mneptokubunewbu: you should use the package manager to delete packages. do not do it by hand.22:26
ActionParsnipTimes_Witness: yes thats why you need to edit xorg.conf FIRST so you get a desktop22:27
ubunewbumneptok: But it's nice to know how and I want to delete traces on all apps22:27
Admiral-AwesomeHello, Is there an easy way to make the icons in menu only smaller22:27
ubunewbuI never like it when a computer keeps track of program history22:27
mneptokubunewbu: sudo apt-get purge $PACKAGENAME22:27
sebsebsebubunewbu: you can install more than one program like this. sudo apt-get install program1  program2 program3 program4  where than select each one individualley in a graphical program and tell it you want to install the program22:27
mneptokubunewbu: or use the "completely remove" option in Synaptic22:27
Kamokowalways_smile: If you have only text on your screen, its not gui, if you have images and stuff, like a taskbar, you have a gui22:27
ubunewbumneptok: Yes, but I want to do it like this:  Use the GUI to uninstall and then WITH THE GUI delete every file that is left. I have to know where they are first, so the dpkg is nice22:28
sebsebsebubunewbu: silly tpeos or typing in wrong words by mistake even,  above where,  I put where, I meant to put rather22:28
mneptokubunewbu: if you do it by hand, the package management system will not know the app has been removed, and when an update comes out, will install that update. and the app is back on your system.22:28
Times_WitnessActionParsnip ah. ok xD Thanks! on my way...22:28
[[thufir]]I'm not finding good info on how to upgrade from cd :(     I prefer not fiddle with partitions22:28
mneptokubunewbu: sudo apt-get purge $PACKAGENAME22:28
mneptokubunewbu: that removes the app, all config files, everything.22:28
sebsebsebmneptok: by hand, you don't mean using the terminal to remove the program, or?22:28
always_smileKamokow: yes I've got gui ,but why?22:29
sebsebsebmneptok: ok that answers that22:29
sal_ubunewbu, sebsebseb hope there are no proprietary drivers in your system!22:29
Kamokowalways_smile: Why what? Im confused?22:29
sebsebsebsal_: normalley I wil install the propritary driver for my Nivida graphics card when on Ubuntu, but  I am using another distro at the moment,  and so maybe I don't have one installed,  don't need the propritary one right now anyway22:30
ubunewbuone question is that when you purge... does the $ get used or capital letters?22:30
topoAny idea about running the madwifi drivers in karmic22:30
sebsebsebubunewbu: no22:30
xenos1whats the best video card for dual display? One that is just straight out of the box autoconfigured by ubuntu?22:30
always_smileyou asking if i've got gui Kamokow?thanks for your help ,andit's much appreciated22:30
sebsebsebubunewbu: sudo apt-get purge  packagename22:30
sal_sebsebseb, not so much aimed at you .. ;-)22:30
Kamokowalways_smile: Do you mind opening up a private message so its easier to talk?22:30
sebsebsebsal_: ok22:30
sebsebsebubunewbu: purge removes the config files as well, not just the program which is what happens when you do remove22:31
=== ArdAmAx is now known as Antrax
always_smileno not at all Kamokow,it's pleasure22:31
jason81 I need to change my Ip for whatch a film in streaming visibile only in USA someone can suggest me something22:31
eugene_bondarenkhello, I went to "User and Groups", changed password to current user but that doesn't have any affect22:31
jason81 I need to change my Ip for whatch a film in streaming visibile only in USA someone can suggest me something22:31
sal_i like the gui too, but also like learning command line, and find it necessary22:31
sebsebsebubunewbu: also programs have hidden folders in home with their program user data,  for example .mozilla is the Firefox profile, if you then remove that or move it some where else, and re open Firefox, it's like your using it for your first time in Ubuntu22:31
ubunewbuHow to get the numpad  "del" button to work? I tried making a custom hotkey ctrl+alt+del to open up "gnome-system-monitor" , didn't work but ctrl+alt+q worked...22:32
sebsebsebsal_: the software centre in 9.10 is ok, it's going to improve a lot and replace Synaptic as well,  however commands are still a great way to install and remove programs22:32
eugene_bondarenkalso sudo passwd doesn't have any effect. I still have to use old password when I sudo22:32
ubunewbuThank you btw for helping me out so much :))) Some channels are like "gtfo" if you ask something and if you're a novice :(22:33
workstationI am using Ubuntu 9.10, which uses the GRUB2. It does not have grub anymore. If I downloaded grub so I can use it in a terminal to set root on a partition, would that interfere with the newer grub version?22:33
sebsebsebubunewbu: ah right yeah, well there's even a bot factoid for that kind of thing22:33
newbieI installed 9/.10 aside from 8.10 on my EEE PC 1005HA  I didn't format the /.  I want to set up the same users. Only their old directories remain from 8.1022:33
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.22:33
Iskreni-Voljeni<<< KOSOVO22:33
xtjacobI need some help! I can't open firefox or google chrome, and xulrunner won't start because it says "error while loading shared libraries: libplds4.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32" Can someone PLEASE help me!22:33
[[thufir]]can I run the update manager against the live cd somehow?22:33
Dravekxif I sudo chmod a directory while logged in, it will only change permissions for that user, correct?22:34
Iskreni-VoljeniJa Koristim [- KoSoVo-ScRiPT V3.0 -] By darky22:34
ubunewbuOh... sry :(I I didn't mean any harm by the acronym ._.22:34
Blue1!hcl | blue122:34
ubottuBlue1, please see my private message22:34
sebsebsebubottu: see above,  I could have got that highlighted for you though.  Anyway the Ubuntu community welcomes newbies22:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:35
ubunewbubut any idea how I can get ctrl+alt+(numpad)del to work as a custom hotkey? Didn't work for gnome-system-monitor , but ctrl+alt+q worked as a custom... Doesn't Ubuntu recognize the numpad del?22:35
sal_sebsebseb, i've been leaning more lately, would like to be more proficient .. practicing on some extra space with and early lucid now22:35
eugene_bondarenkhello, I am on 9.10, I went to "User and Groups", changed password to current user but that doesn't have any affect22:35
newbieHow do I either remove the old directories to make new ones for the same users or make thje same users and give them the same directories?22:35
sebsebsebubunewbu: hmm I just messaged the bot hmm, interesting way to mess up my auto complete there.  anyway I was just showing you that, there is a factoid22:35
=== newbie is now known as sburwood
xtjacobHello! I can't open firefox or google chrome, and xulrunner won't start because it says "error while loading shared libraries: libplds4.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32"22:36
jstI have two video cards in my machine as /dev/dvb/adapter0 and ... 1.  How can I determine which card is which?  dmesg isn't being very helpful.22:36
Dravekxif I sudo chmod a directory while logged in, it will only change permissions for me, correct?22:36
ianyikosWhen I tried to restart my computer after installing a wireless driver, it hosed up and now it doesn't even show it as installed.22:36
ubunewbuI've never hear of a bot factoid before :o22:37
jstDravekx, depends on whether or not you own it... you might want to chown it as well22:37
erUSULDravekx: no; chmod will modify the permissions on disk22:37
ubunewbuBut I think the del button should work22:37
sebsebsebubunewbu: ubottu is the bot a computer program, that gets used in  the channel, for info22:37
sebsebseb!bot | ubunewbu22:37
ubottuubunewbu: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:37
M0D-1Tcan anybody help me understanding some word in a video on youtube? it is in english language, but i'm not so good with it. please guys, it is a 1 minute favour!22:37
sal_eugene_bondarenk, try in user info22:37
Dravekxjst, I have a directory on FTP setup with Lamp, but I want my username to have full access, but not web users to have that option.22:38
sal_# about me22:38
q_mod-1t say22:38
eugene_bondarenksal_, thanks. actually never mind, I've already changed the password by sudo passwd eugene22:38
eugene_bondarenkbut I can't figure out whose password I changed by sudo passwd22:39
sebsebsebsal_: I got alpha 1 in a virtual machine,  and I been testing Ubuntu since like uhmm  7.10 or something  maybe 7.04 even22:39
jstDravekx, then you probably want something like chmod 77022:39
eugene_bondarenkalso why does sudo use eugene's password. isn't it supposed to use root's password22:39
ianyikosWhen I tried to restart my computer after installing a broadcom sta wireless driver, it hosed up and now it doesn't even show it as installed, and when i try to install it again it doesn't do anything.22:40
sal_sebsebseb, i started with dapper cold from windows, took me some time to catch on.  hardy on my main machine, alpha1 on a spare partition now and first time in testing22:40
M0D-1Tq_: can i talk about it in pvt?22:41
xtjacobwhat does  error while loading shared libraries: libplds4.so.0d: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS3222:41
DiverdudeHow do I copy/paste in emacs?22:42
CyntroxHi, I've got a bit of a problem here - I am trying to install Ubuntu Server on an old dinosaur, but it says it can't boot from the CD and suggests I flash my BIOS. Problem is, I'm not sure what motherboard it is. It's using some kind of intel socket 5 processor though. Currently running W98. Anyone got any ideas?22:42
sal_eugene_bondarenk, i think by default, ubuntu uses the primary user and has no root pw/user22:42
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit22:42
sebsebsebsal_: ok I started with Fedora Core 2 and 4   so 2004 is when I started using Desktop Linux.  stupid wireless device no net  etc.  Ubuntu since second release in 2005.  some Live CD  using after Fedora Core and I have done quite a lot of  distros in virtual machines.  Plus this is all off topic.22:43
eugene_bondarenkoh, I see, so the primary user is some kind of root?22:43
eugene_bondarenkI mean not literally22:43
[[thufir]]can I somehow direct aptitude to use the cdrom for "safe-upgrade"? http://www.pastie.org/74185122:43
eugene_bondarenkbut isn't it totally wrong to think of it that way?22:43
sal_primary user has root privs22:45
Yossi_i have xubuntu installed with wubi on a really old computer. i want the computer to boot to the linux command line automaticly. i already edited boot.ini, what else needs to be done?22:45
sal_sebsebseb, do you know anything about the gdm in the lucid updates22:46
sebsebsebsal_: uhmm #ubuntu+1 for Lucid at the moment22:46
Yossi_i want to to go to the command line, not a wm22:46
salvohi, I am having pretty big problems with the nvidia drivers on ubuntu 9.10 (black screen of death), does somebody knows how to fix this?22:47
[[thufir]]I'm about to attempt a long download from a slow connection for a safe-upgrade.  not to hassle, but can I use the live cd for that somehow from apt-get?22:47
cowgardenwhat is that paket ideling in my update manager? (acondis server or something) http://q-garden.de/screens/tmp_167_40008.png22:47
hassanakevazirsalvo, whats your card?22:48
cowgardenwhat is a Distribution update at all?22:48
tony_Hi, does anyone have any experience with Hydrogen? I cannot get it to play. Hi, everyone. I wouldn't be here bothering you all, but I have tried all the available howtos and I just can't get Hydrogen to play. Audacity, Ardour, mp3, etc. all work. Just not Hydrogen.22:48
salvoit's a ZOTAC GTS 25022:48
geronHello people22:49
DrDamnitHow do I add a user to the admins group so that they will be able to use sudo to gain root privs?22:49
salvoaccording to nvidia, it should be supported22:49
geronЕсть тут руские?22:49
forceflowtony_: Hydrogen uses the Jack audio system22:49
hassanakevazirsalvo, no idea then :/ I only have geforce.22:49
salvoit is a geforce22:49
LjL!ru | geron22:49
forceflowyou'll need a jack->pulse audio daemon, I think22:49
ubottugeron: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:49
blakkheimDrDamnit: # usermod -a -G <group>  <user>22:49
salvoit is a geforce gts 25022:49
DrDamnit<group> is the ascii name of the group or the gid?22:50
tony_forceflow: thanks, it22:50
tony_is running22:50
salvo02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G92 [GeForce GTS 250] (rev a2)22:50
blakkheimDrDamnit: the actual group name22:50
Exetubinhello everyone...22:51
godhaxhello, I keep getting a "Buss Error" on every video player(vlc,kmplayer) I've tried except for the one that is built-in...any clues22:51
DrDamnithow do I figure out what the group name is for the adins group?22:51
blakkheimDrDamnit: try the "sudo" group22:51
hassanakevazirsalvo, any errors if you run: "sudo nvidia-xconfig" or "sudo nvidia-settings"22:51
DrDamnitgroups command22:52
DrDamnitgot it.22:52
DrDamnit@blakkeim: THANK YOU!22:52
blakkheimDrDamnit: np22:52
salvono, no errors, I can install the driver without problems, but after reboot I get a black screen of death and have to hard-reset the computer22:52
Exetubini have XUbuntu 9.10 installed on my PS3 and am using a Logitech diNovo Edge keyboard... the keyboard works fine, but the touchdisk is NOT responding... please help....22:52
salvono matter if I install the driver manually, from the repos or from the nvidia website, it just does not work.... even with envyng22:52
xtjacobcan someone explain to me what this is and how to fix it? "error while loading shared libraries: libplds4.so.0d: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32"22:53
godhaxoh f..uck!, vlc does work! hallelujah!22:53
Exetubini have XUbuntu 9.10 installed on my PS3 and am using a Logitech diNovo Edge keyboard... the keyboard works fine, but the touchdisk is NOT responding... please help....22:53
sebsebseb!language | godhax22:53
ubottugodhax: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:53
xtjacobanyone know how to fixed a messed up xulrunner?22:54
Exetubini have XUbuntu 9.10 installed on my PS3 and am using a Logitech diNovo Edge keyboard... the keyboard works fine, but the touchdisk is NOT responding... please help....22:54
habadajuttdoes ubuntu make new-line characters readable for windows?22:54
habadajutteasy peasy in particular22:54
Exetubini have XUbuntu 9.10 installed on my PS3 and am using a Logitech diNovo Edge keyboard... the keyboard works fine, but the touchdisk is NOT responding... please help....22:55
blakkheimExetubin: you don't have to keep repeating yourself so often22:55
godhax(@sebsebseb, sorry :D) vlc probably got scared 'cuz I joined this channel :D22:55
Diverdudemy friend somehow managed to make a functionality so that when I move the cursor up in the corner, all desktops are displayed at once next to each other, and then i can press the one i want to see. How can i do that? Its somewhere in the compiz-settings22:56
hassanakevazirsalvo, that sounds grim. maybe dmesg has a relevant error? does it work with a live CD?22:56
xtjacobWhat do I do if i messed up xulrunner by accidentally deleting libplds4.so from /usr/lib/xulrunner?22:57
salvonope, nothing at all, this is exactly the point, I do not get an error... just a black screen... it seems to be a known issue with the drivers...22:57
blakkheimDiverdude: try the "expo" section of ccsm22:57
Exetubinso, blakkheim.... you think you can help? I've been trying different things, but I still could not make the TouchDisk to work...22:57
blakkheimExetubin: i don't even know what a touchdisk is22:58
Diverdudeblakkheim, the expo section? hmm no section named that22:58
Exetubinblakkheim.... the diNovo Edge keyboard is a keyboard / touchpad (or TouchDisk) combo... the touchpad / touchdisk is used for the mouse functionality22:59
blakkheimDiverdude: under "desktop"22:59
salvoi am going to restart, I tried something else now22:59
awaadHow can I install CDT for Eclipse on ubuntu 9.10 using  "sudo apt-get install ...... " ?      I tried :" sudo apt-get install eclipse-cdt" but it failed.22:59
Diverdudeblakkheim, ahhh yes...its now <super>e i see22:59
Exetubini have XUbuntu 9.10 installed on PS3 and the keyboard works well.... the touchpad / touchdisk is not responding, however....22:59
blakkheimDiverdude: you want to look for the "edge" option and disable it i believe23:00
wilharti wonder why my KDM has large fonts and the fonts was so big i had to change all fonts to 423:00
wilhartstill some applications has big fonts23:00
wilhartsome are small23:00
Blue1andrew__: is your m/b a socket 939 or am2?23:00
wilhartis there a bug on this ?23:00
xtjacobhow do I get libplds4.so back?23:00
Diverdudeblakkheim, yeeep it works now...coool thx duude23:01
=== Enissay_ is now known as Enissay
blakkheimDiverdude: no prob23:01
wilhartok and firefox has super large icons and fonts23:01
Exetubini have tried adding the line "options usbhid quirks=0x046d:0xc71f:0x00080000" on the alsa-base.conf file (in /etc/modprobe.d/ directory), but that did not make the touchpad work at all... (even after rebooting)....23:01
spiky25 what is the best partitionning for a dual-boot windows/linux with partitions to backup all the stuffs I need on linux when I reinstall without a network connection to have even my wireless card working ?23:02
zambai have a set of mp3 files that i want to make accessible over the web, by using some sort of streaming technology.. to make it simple for my users to stream these files i want to embed them in a web page and use a specialized player for it, instead of relying on client software for playback.. anyone got any idea how i can fix this?23:02
=== Greed is now known as NIGG
salvoblack screen again, switched back to "nv" drivers...23:03
salvoman this is getting on my nerves...23:03
spiky25zamba check www.livingelectro.com they use an embed player using a web sharing service that should do well23:03
KingCreole_Hi there! Does anybody know what's the matter with bugs.launchpad.net ? Wanted to file a bug, but I'm getting only timeouts23:03
zambaspiky25: thanks, i'll check it out23:04
xtjacobsomeone please help... :-(23:04
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
progre55some advice needed. on a linux machine, is it better to have the whole tomcat folder under an ordinary user's rights, or root?23:05
xtjacobHow do I get xulrunner working again after I accidentally deleted libplds4.so from /usr/lib/xulrunner?23:05
raevolhey everyone, just ran system updates on my computer, and now i am getting a message during boot that my /home can't be mounted23:05
raevolthere's no uuid for it in /dev, but i see it  (sda6) in /dev23:05
raevolwhat do i need to do to get it mounting again?23:06
cowgardenxtjacob, maybe just reinstall it? should keep the preferences23:06
ActionParsnipraevol: sudo blkid | grep sda623:06
xtjacobcowgarden: I've looked at uninstalling it but it removes ubuntu-desktop and a bunch of other packages23:07
raevolActionParsnip, doesn't display anything23:07
Supermatt1000can some one help me get custom plugins for my compiz like the cube atlantis23:07
Supermatt1000pleas pm me23:07
ActionParsnipraevol: try: sudo blkid    then, it will show the UUIDs of ALL partition23:07
cptbloodfor some reason, i cannot ssh to my newly installed ubuntu jaunty pc, i have installed openssh-server, but putty just says "Network error: Software caused connection abort" ... any ideas?23:08
cowgardenxtjacob, isn't there a reinstall function in the contextmenu of synaptic?23:08
raevolActionParsnip, that shows me 4 partitions, and not my /home one, it's the only ext3 one and i don't see it23:08
cowgardenxtjacob, lucky you I forgot my keys and came back :)23:08
Supermatt1000can some one please pm me and tell me how to get custom plugins for compiz like the cube atlantis one i realy got no clue what im doing23:08
[[thufir]]seriously, the upgrade is about to start downloading, is there some way of using safe-upgrade from cd?23:09
xtjacobcowgarden: i'm trying it now. I had installed abode air and it messed up chrome and i was trying to fix it, and accidentally deleted that instead of the one in /usr/lib :(23:09
zambaspiky25: i'm also looking for a way to attach cue sheets to my mp3 files, so that the users are able to jump in the mp3 stream.. do you know about anything like that?23:09
ActionParsnipraevol: if you run: sudo fdisk -l   you will see all available partitions23:09
Times_WitnessActionParsnip: didn't work.. adding 'Driver "vesa"' under at device section ;S23:10
Supermatt1000pleas i realy need help23:10
raevolActionParsnip, that shows sda623:10
ActionParsnipraevol: then use /dev/sda6 instead of the UUID23:11
raevolActionParsnip, ok i'll try it23:11
Supermatt1000can some one help me get custom plugins on compiz23:12
erUSULSupermatt1000: join #compiz23:13
Supermatt1000erUSUL thanks23:13
Supermatt1000join #compiz23:13
raevolActionParsnip, that got me mounting and booting fine, should i be worried that sda6 still doesn't have a uuid?23:13
erUSULSupermatt1000: /join #compiz23:13
Supermatt1000erUSUL it dident work23:13
erUSULSupermatt1000: put the /23:14
xtjacobOk i just tried to reinstall xulrunner-1.9.1 and now i get E: xulrunner-1.9.1: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 127 :(23:14
Supermatt1000erUSUL thanks23:14
cowgardenxtjacob, worked?23:14
Diverdudehow do i create pdf from tex in emacs?23:14
xtjacobcowgarden: nope i got an error: E: xulrunner-1.9.1: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 12723:14
ActionParsnipraevol: not sure, if sda6 works, roll with it dude23:14
cowgardenxtjacob, damn, sry i dont know how to handle such things23:15
raevolActionParsnip, haha k, thanks a lot for the help i appreciate it23:15
jribDiverdude: run pdflatex on the file23:15
redonkhey guys i have 9.10 using home encrypted file systems, how do i setup vsftpd so when i log in with a local user it can access the encrypted /home dir of that user?23:15
xtjacobcowgarden: thanks for trying, i've been looking for a solution for 2 hours23:15
ActionParsnipraevol: np man23:16
Supermatt1000erUSLA  i dont think any ones there23:16
ActionParsnipxtjacob: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xulrunner-1.9.1/+bug/36735423:16
Diverdudejrib, got it23:16
ubuntufriends of ubuntu23:16
ubuntumy fsck fails when it runs on startup23:17
sblommerssorry newb23:17
FloodBot1sblommers: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:17
xtjacobActionParsnip: the error has something to do eith the amazonmp3 downloader i think23:17
erUSULsblommers: /quit23:17
ubuntuhow can I run it from this livecd iI'm inside23:17
SkautKwaterMasteCześć kto mi pomoże z ubuntu? Jak wylaczam kompa to dyski sie wylaczaja i jest plansza ze wylogowalo, juz mi sie nie chce po raz 20sty instalowac system, i sciagac te wszystkie aktualizacje. Szukalem na po forach i nic nie ma na temat :(23:17
Supermatt1000erUSUL i dont think any ones in #compiz23:17
LjL!pl | SkautKwaterMaste23:17
ubottuSkautKwaterMaste: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.23:17
ActionParsnipubuntu: fsck it from live cd23:18
ubuntuActionParsnip: I do not know how :o23:18
ubuntuActionParsnip: do you?23:18
ActionParsnipubuntu: man fsck23:18
ubuntuActionParsnip: I don't want to run it wrong, do you have any syntax questions?23:18
c3lwhy should mpd be run as a separate user? (mpd) why not as my selfe?23:18
geirhaubuntu: You can also do it from gparted. Right click partition and choose check.23:19
ubuntugeirha: thanks!23:19
ActionParsnipubuntu: sudo fsck -a /dev/partition-name-to-scan23:19
blakkheimc3l: i run it as my normal user, works fine23:19
ubuntuActionParsnip: cheers23:19
c3lblakkheim, oh thanks. it should be alot smoother with permissions etc..23:20
Supermatt1000can some one here help me get cube atlantis for compiz no one is in #compiz i realy got no clue what i am doing23:21
paoloscusate la mia ignoranza23:21
LjL!it | paolo23:21
ubottupaolo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:21
paoloma come funziona qui?23:21
rheideRan an update on Karmic yesterday. Boot-up now only goes as far as displaying the Ubuntu circle, but no progress line. Using the grub menu, if I select recovery mode, I see:23:21
rheideGave up waiting for the root device. Common problems:23:21
rheide-Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)23:21
rheide- Check rootdelay= (did the system wait long enough?)23:21
rheide- Check root= (did the system wait for the right device?)23:21
rheide-Missing modules (cat /proc/modules: ls /dev)23:21
FloodBot1rheide: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:21
rheideALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/##### does not exist. Dropping to a shell!23:21
F3arWhere's the sound control thing?23:22
paolosorry me23:22
cptbloodfor some reason, i cannot ssh to my newly installed ubuntu jaunty pc, i have installed openssh-server, but putty just says "Network error: Software caused connection abort" ... any ideas?23:22
ubuntuActionParsnip: It said if I run it it mounted it may cause SEVERE file system damage23:22
ubuntuActionParsnip: what do you say23:22
erUSULSupermatt1000: then i dunno sorry23:22
blakkheimSupermatt1000: try #compiz-fusion?23:22
=== ubuntu is now known as ashzilla
ashzillaActionParsnip: I'm not going to run it like that, I do not trust it23:22
geirhaubottu: Say no. Unmount the filesystem, then run fsck23:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:22
Supermatt1000blakkheim ill try it23:22
ActionParsnipubuntu: run it in a liveCD. You must unmount it with: sudo umount /dev/partition-name23:22
F3arWhere's the sound control thing?23:22
ashzillageirha: how do I unmount correctly23:22
rheideSorry about "flood".23:22
blakkheimcptblood: it would be helpful if we had a more verbose error, try ssh -v user@server23:22
xtjacobi tried to reinstall xulrunner-1.9.1 and i noe get the error "/usr/lib/xulrunner- error while loading shared libraries: libplds4.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" :(23:23
ActionParsnipashzilla: run it in a liveCD. You must unmount it with: sudo umount /dev/partition-name23:23
geirhaashzilla: Or right click in gparted and choose unmount ;)23:23
ashzillaActionParsnip: how confident are you that this will work23:23
ActionParsnipashzilla: 50% like everything23:23
blakkheimxtjacob: https://bugs.launchpad.net/xulrunner/+bug/276431 might help23:23
MaT-dghow can I cd to a mounted windows share in terminal?23:24
ActionParsnipMaT-dg: cd /mount/point23:24
ashzillageirha: gparted keeps crashing :(23:24
* ashzilla is not feeling smug with Ubuntu right now23:24
ActionParsnipMaT-dg: the mount point will be where you mounted it23:24
geirhaashzilla: o_O  odd23:24
carrerais the grub problem in 9.10 solved?23:25
redonkcan anyone give me a hand?23:25
MaT-dgActionParsnip: there's no /mount in ubuntu 9.1023:25
blakkheimMaT-dg: it was an example23:25
geirhaMaT-dg: Type «mount» in the terminal to view a list of all mounted filesystems (without the quotes)23:25
dpicMy webcam seems to work fine other than using it with flash. After allowing a website to access my webcam through flash, it works for a second or two, but there's no sound. Then the image freezes, and the webcam doesn't work until i reboot my machine. Any ideas on what's causing this?23:26
ActionParsnipMaT-dg: i know i was kinda hoping you'd use some fuzzy logic and replace /mount/point with where you mounted it23:26
xtjacobNope didn't help i've tried that already...23:26
ashzillaActionParsnip: geirha alright guys23:26
ashzillawish me luc23:26
ashzillaI'm fsck'ing around right now23:26
ActionParsnipMaT-dg: just like the instructions I gave to ashzilla are not exct as I have no way of knowing where you mounted to share23:26
MaT-dgActionParsnip: problem was that I didn't know where a windows share is mounted ;)23:26
ActionParsnipMaT-dg: you need to replace the folder with the mount point23:26
redonkdpic, have you checked your dmesg? and did you try disconnecting your webcam and plugging it back in after the crash?23:27
ActionParsnipMaT-dg: mount    will show you. I have no way of knowing do I, you could mount it ANYWHERE in your filesystem (except in /proc)23:27
dpicredonk: err, how do i check my dmesg? i have no tried disconnecting and reconnecting-- but either way it won't work when using it with flash23:27
redonkconsole -> Root -> #dmesg23:28
DaZdmesg doesn't need root.23:28
MaT-dgActionParsnip: I didn't mount it manually, just set a shared folder in windows and accessed it on ubuntu with nautilus (network)23:28
dpicredonk: what am i supposed to be checking it for?23:29
redonkdevice errors?23:29
GambaroniHow do I solve svnbackup? I want to backup with rsync every night.. I heard that just copy the repo-files isn't good enough.23:29
redonkfor your webcam?23:29
ActionParsnipMaT-dg: then you will need to use smbmount (or similar) to mount the share23:29
ActionParsnipMaT-dg: http://www.linux-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1404-how-to-mount-a-windows-share-with-smbmount/23:30
Exetubini need help...23:31
DaZExetubin: no you don't.23:31
dpicredonk: [178764.039152] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, address 523:31
Exetubini'm trying to figure how to follow instructions here: http://www.opcommando.com/?p=5423:31
Exetubinthe instructions are for Fedora 9, but I have XUbuntu 9.10 installed on my PS3.... i'm trying to get my diNovo edge keyboard TouchPad to work23:32
ExetubinDaz.... you think you can help?23:32
dpicredonk: no idea if that's related. it was third from the bottom23:32
ActionParsnipExetubin: it will work, xorg.conf is xorg.conf23:32
ExetubinActionParsnip.... where is the xorg.conf file located... i performed a search, but couldn't find the file23:33
xtjacobI'm trying to reinstall xulrunner and it fails with: "/usr/lib/xulrunner- error while loading shared libraries: libplds4.so: cannot open shared object file: Error 4023:33
xtjacobdpkg: error processing xulrunner-1.9.1 (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 127"23:33
ActionParsnipExetubin: it should be in /etc/X11 but karmic retardedly doesnt ship with one so you will need to find a skeleton one online to use23:34
dpicredonk: any idea how to pick out the important stuff from dmesg?23:34
ActionParsnipExetubin: you will need: gksudo mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf     so you can save the new file.23:34
awaadIs it dangerous if I removed this directory from ubuntu 9.10 "/home/username/.local/share/gvfs-metadata ??23:35
rheideRan an update yesterday, and can't boot up any more. The details are here ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/340825/ ). Forums suggest rebuilding my Karmic kernel, but I could use some assistance with it.23:35
Exetubinactionparsnip.... thanks.... i see.... since i'm a noob.... i didn't quite understand what you meant when you mentioned "karmic retardedly doesnt ship with xorg.conf".... when you say karmic, do you refer to XUbuntu 9.10?23:36
redonkdpic, is your webcam a usb cam?23:36
ActionParsnip!9.10 | Exetubin23:36
ubottuExetubin: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91023:36
DaZExetubin: buntu is buntu23:36
awaadIs it dangerous if I removed this directory from ubuntu 9.10 "/home/username/.local/share/gvfs-metadata" ??23:36
dpicredonk: yes23:36
Exetubingot it... thanks23:37
DaZawaad: no23:37
ActionParsnipawaad: not tried or advise it, you could rename it, see if there are any adverse affects. You can rename back if you get issues23:37
johntrampis there a way to tell if a connected hard drive is sata or pata, from dmesg or something?23:37
redonkin the console as root, type lsusb -v , i believe that will tell you what usb device is plugged in23:37
redonkthen you can do a dmesg | grep <device>23:37
redonkto see all the errors or what not23:37
DaZawaad: something may go to default settings because of it but it's in userspace23:38
Exetubinactionparsnip... let me see if I can follow your instructions.... wish me luck.... first is to find a skeleton of xorg.conf23:38
DaZExetubin: do you have nvidia maybe?23:38
awaadDaZ, ActionParsnip: This directory having alot of files.log in it which took all my hard disk space23:38
ExetubinDaz.... i'm using a PS3... not sure if the video engine uses nVidia on PS323:39
c3lwhat do I need to configure to be able to connect to mpd from remote?23:39
dpicredonk: turns out closing flash (restarting web browser) also bring back my webcam23:39
DaZExetubin: it's late here, ignore that question [;23:39
awaadDaZ, ActionParsnip: These files are about 5 GB of space23:39
mrrcphey does anyone know of a proxy server that will allow me to make users agree to terms with a site first?23:39
dpicredonk: so it seems to crash in flash, so flash is using it, so other apps can't use it, but flash is stuck23:39
jay_how do I save an fdi file to /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy, I am denied permission23:40
DaZjay_: sudo.23:40
awaadDaZ, ActionParsnip: So, If I removed it , Are you sure it will not harm my ubuntu ?23:40
DaZawaad: no23:40
ExetubinDaz... no worries23:40
redonkdpic, ok so possibly a flash issue?23:40
DaZor it will not ;f23:40
awaadDaZ: Do you mean by "no" that it will harm my operating system ?23:41
dpicredonk: yes, probably. Nothing that can be done?23:41
redonkdpic, i dont use webcams, so really if its not a hardware issue sounds like a software issue.. so now that you know more about your issue i would probably google webcam flash linux known issues?23:41
dpicredonk: that's the first think i did =]23:41
DaZawaad: anything in user catalog can't damage your system23:42
=== sether__ is now known as ploceidae
arooni-mobile___can i install software raid through the regular ubuntu cd or do i need the alternate?23:42
awaadDaZ : mmmm, Can you tell me the most silly thing that it can do if I removed this directory ?23:42
DaZawaad: you can remove everything there and only effect of it would be going to default applications settings23:42
git__it's cheaper to do RAID at hardware level23:42
arooni-mobile___git__, is that to me?23:43
git__software RAID is prune to a lot of problem and error23:43
c3lwhat do I need to configure to be able to connect to mpd from remote?23:43
arooni-mobile___git__, so you'd recommend doing hardware not software raid?23:43
git__u'll find your driver obsolete, very little support, etc.23:43
redonkdpic: http://getsatisfaction.com/12seconds/topics/webcam_doesnt_work_with_flash_10_for_linux23:43
DaZawaad: i don't use gnome so i don't know what gvfs do23:43
git__most definite arooni-mobile23:43
git__why do software raid?23:43
SBDUBHi, I am having a problem with GRUB can someone help?23:43
arooni-mobile___git__, in case a hard drive died?  i dont have a hardware raid controller currently ...23:44
redonkdpic: does that sound simular to what your experiencing?23:44
git__ur data is worth more than the time u configure software raid and maintenance of it23:44
arooni-mobile___git__, that being said, my raid 1 software setup just died reallly relaly hard23:44
arooni-mobile___git__, agree23:44
arooni-mobile___git__, i had raid1 setup and now i cant even boot, and i've been trying ot debug for dayz!23:44
git__when ur software raid died, u have to spend more than 3 days understanding RAID23:44
arooni-mobile___git__, it already did die23:44
git__and understand the underlying way to recover from a RAID failure23:44
git__where ur data is23:44
git__how inconsistent they are23:45
arooni-mobile___git__, whats the best way to do this?  just start over and install to a particular drive?23:45
git__and how to make the two consistent again23:45
git__which block/sectors are synced23:45
arooni-mobile___git__, i'm worried because i installed raid before, that i wont be able to ovewrite it23:45
ExetubinActionParsnip.... i'll now reboot... hope it works23:45
git__recover ur data, setup RAID as hardware23:45
git__and be done23:45
SBDUBWhen I try to boot my computer, it says grub loading then goes immediately to a white screen, then reboots...any fixes?23:45
Exetubinby the way.... i only have the lines mentioned in the instructions in my xorg.conf file.... is that OK?23:46
git__btw did u have a backup? or backup plan in place?23:46
git__backup is a tedious chore but necessary when you consider how valuable data is now23:46
ExetubinActionParsnip.... by the way.... i only have the lines mentioned in the instructions in my xorg.conf file.... is that OK?23:46
arooni-mobile___git__, i have a backup in the cloud, plus i have a good copy of the data on one of the raid 1 drives23:46
git__arooni, r u able to extract the data from the raid 1 drive?23:47
arooni-mobile___git__, essentially i have two identical 320GB drives ... one of which has my /home partition unscathed... not sure what to do now23:47
git__software raid might cloud your ability to extract the data23:47
LinuxGuy2009Hey guys I just got done downloading the full DVD repository set on my netbook and it seems to be taking forever to run an md5sum on the iso images. Is there any pipe commands or anything to have a progress bar for a command completion so I get an idea of how long I need to wait?23:47
Admiral-AwesomeHello, Is there an easy way to make the icons in gnome desktop menu smaller ?23:48
git__arooni -- is ur drive SATA?23:48
arooni-mobile___git__, these two drives are PATA23:48
arooni-mobile___git__, not sure if i should try to do hardware raid now, or wait until i buy a mobo with it in the future23:48
git__not familiar with PATA interface23:48
arooni-mobile___git__, the drives before sata,  with IDE cables23:48
james-coloradopata = parallel cable23:48
git__parallel cable? :)23:49
SBDUBWhen I try to boot my computer, it says grub loading then goes immediately to a white screen, then reboots...any fixes?23:49
james-coloradothe big ribbon cable lol23:49
james-coloradoshadap haha23:49
dattai am trying to uninstall openoffice in ubuntu 8.0423:49
git__see if promise has a RAID controller for PATA23:49
dattahttp://user.services.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=68 this tutorial does not help me at all for some reason with the repos23:49
arooni-mobile___git__, so should i PUNT on getting raid working for now?  i.e. can one setup hardware raid later?23:50
c3lis ampache the best alternative for streamin music from my server to friends and my selfe on the go?23:50
git__arooni -- u can23:50
dattacan anyone help me?23:50
git__arooni -- u can setup ur raid provided u have the disk23:50
james-coloradosudo apt-get remove openoffice*23:50
arooni-mobile___git__, so i can setup raid1 via hardware controller later?23:50
git__arooni -- yeah23:50
arooni-mobile___git__, sounds llike i'll do that23:51
dattajames-colorado could not be found in the terminal23:51
git__arrooni -- i don't see ur hard drive dying within a year or two23:51
arooni-mobile___git__, so maybe i just dont need it till i build another box23:51
git__depend on your estimated time23:51
xtjacobok I finally got it to work!23:51
freeridehelp me with Python. when i use IF operator if a<b: a=1 elseif: b=1. the question how should I define the if block, how does the program understand where is the end of IF ????????23:51
dattaokay worked after putting the * after openoffice23:51
git__just make sure u have good backup, weekly23:51
git__then u should be fine for personal23:51
freeridefreeride: help me with Python. when i use IF operator if a<b: a=1 elseif: b=1. the question how should I define the if block, how does the program understand where is the end of IF ????????23:52
Jeruvyfreeride: you should ask in #python23:54
james-coloradoAnyone know how to change the passphrase I have on my home directory? I know what it is, but I wanna change it. Thanks23:54
freerideJeruvy thanks23:54
DaZpassphrase? >:23:54
SBDUBcan anybody help me with GRUB? It won't load and instead goes to a white screen then reboots23:54
jay_need help making the config file from here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AiptekTablet please PM me23:54
Jeruvy!grub > SBDUB23:54
ubottuSBDUB, please see my private message23:54
james-coloradoDaZ: my home directory is encrypted, so i gotta enter a passphrase to mount it.23:54
DaZjames-colorado: what did you use to encrypt it? ;f23:55
james-coloradoecryptfs? It did it during installation of ubuntu.23:55
Diverdudewhat is the shortcut for run latex in emacs?23:55
SBDUBI guess i have grub223:56
SBDUBsince i have 9.10?23:56
ardchoilleSBDUB: did you do a fresh instal or upgrade fomr 9.04?23:56
SBDUBfresh install23:56
ardchoilleSBDUB: grub223:56
SBDUBit was working fine before, the problem just started23:57
SBDUBbut now it won't load at all and just goes to a white screen23:58
Jeruvy!grub2 | SBDUB :)23:58
ubottuSBDUB :): GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:58
SBDUBthen the whole computer reboots and the cycle goes over and over23:58

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