
ScottKRiddell: For the kdegraphics build failure on armel, I have this theory that qimageblitz needs to be rebuilt on arm due to the switch to v7.  Would you be able to upload a rebuild to the armel PPA and then build kdegraphics against that?00:42
JontheEchidnamm, driving was fun tonight01:45
JontheEchidnaseeing 7 or 8 SUVs and pickup trucks in the ditch/flipped over, distributed one or two per mile was snicker-worthy though01:46
JontheEchidnaI threw the new libssh at the archive01:48
Lex79he did a diff between his Qt-kde branch on git and Qt-kde branch (ever in git)01:50
JontheEchidnaoh yeah, the kde-qt git branch01:51
JontheEchidnamaybe we're missing some patches from there?01:51
Lex79now I downloaded his Qt-kde branch and I'm doing a diff between qt 4.6.0 stable and his branch01:51
* JontheEchidna kicks off another polkit-1 build for kde4libs01:53
Lex79JontheEchidna: http://pastebin.ca/171389602:23
Lex79JontheEchidna: I'm wondering if I have to add some build-deps02:23
JontheEchidnayou rock02:25
JontheEchidnaI wouldn't think you'd have to add anything except the libpulse dev package02:25
Lex79JontheEchidna: maybe I have to add the build-deps of phonon-backends package? no?02:26
JontheEchidnaa lot of those are for the xine plugin, which qt phonon doesn't have02:27
Lex79well, I try to build with only libpulse dev02:29
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Lex79JontheEchidna: Qt uploaded to ninja04:13
Lex79patch: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/394059/updated-phonon.diff04:13
Lex79good night04:14
JontheEchidnaI'm going off to bed too04:17
ScottKJontheEchidna: I'm working updating libattica to 0.1.0.  0.1.1 is out, but I can't find the tarball.  In the meantime, libattica is currently misbuilt on armel, so I need to upload something and so I'm going with 0.1.004:21
ScottKUrgh.  Help.  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libattica/0.1.0-0ubuntu1/+build/1394421/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-armel.libattica_0.1.0-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz05:07
ScottKJontheEchidna: ^^^05:08
* ScottK is going to bed.05:08
ScottKNow I'm going to bed.  Uploaded it again without the symbols file.05:26
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ghostcubeehlo :)08:30
macobased on cjwatson and Keybuk's chatter in #ubuntu-devel, sounds like we're not supposed to have usplash anymore10:12
macoseeded, i mean10:12
elvitoHello, I'm using Ubuntu karmic and tried to compile the latest version of amarok. I followed this tutorial step by step--> http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-compile-amarok-2-from-git-on-kubuntu-9.10-karmic When I try to compile amarok itself it gives me following error  --> http://pastebin.com/d1d509e4d. I asked in the amarok-channel but nobody was able to help me. I think something went wrong with the QTscript and QT Bindi10:50
elvitongs. I also tried it with the qtscript-tools package via apt-get. The error message is the same. Could someone give me a hint where to start?10:50
ulysses__elvito: Have you installed the 'libqt4-dev' package?10:55
apacheloggercrappy howto10:57
apacheloggerelvito: apt-get build-dep amarok10:57
elvitook there were some packages missing10:59
elvitoi'll retry the compiling and report the result10:59
ghostcubeecho 'export KDEDIR=$HOME/kde' >> ${HOME}/.kde/env/myenv.sh10:59
ghostcubeisnt this wrong ?10:59
ghostcubeecho 'export KDEDIR=$HOME/.kde' >> ${HOME}/.kde/env/myenv.sh10:59
ghostcuberight one ?10:59
elvitoi use gnome10:59
ghostcubeah ok10:59
ghostcubeah ok he makes an kde build folder11:00
apacheloggertechnically the main runtime path11:00
apacheloggerghostcube: http://techbase.kde.org/KDE_System_Administration/Environment_Variables#KDEDIRS11:01
elvitoyeah worked!11:01
elvitojust a missing package11:02
elvitothanks a lot11:02
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ghostcubeapachelogger: yeah makes sense ;)11:03
apacheloggermhh ==6651==   total heap usage: 22 allocs, 22 frees, 1,355 bytes allocated :D11:10
Riddellsmarter: qimageblitz uploaded11:11
=== sebasje is now known as sebas
RiddellScottK rather11:11
Riddelltalking of amarok, I should look at that if nobody else is already11:11
markeythe beta?11:12
markeywe had to delay release for one day (hopefully only), because of server upgrade11:12
markeyif we can get the server move done, we'll release today11:12
Riddellmarkey: I'd best get packaging then :)11:13
markeythat would be nice :)11:13
* markey is all giddy about the new server11:14
markeypretty big iron (but still relatively cheap)11:14
markeyi7, 12Gigs, 2TB HDD, 100Mbit pipe11:14
Riddellwhy does amarok need a new server?  it's just one website isn't it?11:14
markey(and cheaper than our current dual-core)11:14
ghostcubeship it to me11:14
ghostcubeno stop11:14
Sputah yeah I was thinking of getting one of those11:14
markeyno the t hing is, it's cheaper than before :)11:15
Sputthey're quite cheap nowadays11:15
apacheloggerRiddell: nope there is much more stuff on that server11:15
markeyso we would be silly not to upgrade11:15
Sputmarkey: Hetzner?11:15
markeySput: yes11:15
apacheloggerRiddell: konversation and oxygen for example11:15
ghostcubeHetzner is cool11:15
markeywe plan to host a lot more KDE stuff in the future11:15
Riddellapachelogger: all your warez? :)11:15
markeyon that box11:15
apacheloggerRiddell: also neon was running on that server ;)11:15
apacheloggeroh true11:15
ghostcubei only have a new server at university now11:15
* apachelogger happened to have a home of almost 100G I have been told :P11:15
ghostcubebut only xeon 3 gig11:15
ghostcubewoah i need to set this one up before the new semester starts11:16
markeyHetzner has great prices, and good service11:16
markeyreally recommendable11:16
apacheloggerghostcube: FAI :P11:16
apacheloggerghostcube: \sh always does the sweet talk about FAI11:17
amichairmarkey: how much does a box like that go for nowadays?11:18
* apachelogger guesses 3 bucks per year :P11:18
markeyamichair: http://www.hetzner.de/en/hosting/produkte_rootserver/eq6/11:19
markeycan't complain about that :)11:19
ghostcubeapachelogger: :O deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/fai/ubuntu karmic main11:20
ghostcubehavent known that there are ubuntu packages11:20
apacheloggerhence I mentioned that \sh is quite the FAI obsessee :P11:20
amichairmarkey: how much bandwidth does the server use on average?11:21
ghostcubeapachelogger: 40 per month or ?11:21
Sputyeah he keeps spamming twitter with it :)11:22
ghostcubewow 60 a month is hard11:22
ghostcubeso i stay with my xeon for =€11:22
ghostcubeso i stay with my xeon for 0€11:22
ghostcubewoha vamopire smily11:22
markeyamichair: ours currently? I don't have exact stats, but I heard something about 500 Gigs11:22
markeyis that realistic?11:23
markeyour admin knows better11:23
amichairwell that site says 92 GBit bandwidth11:23
markeyb/w is 100Mbit11:23
amichaircap, not speed11:23
amichair(at least that's how I understand it)11:23
markeytraffic limited to 2TB, but you can buy more if you over that11:24
amichairoh I see11:24
markeydunno really, but, the pipe is huge11:24
markeyour (dual-core) server survived a Slashdot/Digg frontpage once11:24
markeyat the same time11:24
markeyand stayed alive :)11:24
markeyso, it is pretty decent11:24
amichairmarkey: what more can u ask for? :-)11:24
amichairRiddell: a few more software-properties fixes waiting in the branch. I think we're fresh out of sp-kde specific bugs :-)11:26
amichairwell, at least until someone starts using the new version :-P11:27
ghostcube100 mbit pipe over 500 tb you get 10 mbit pipes markey as i read it correct in CT11:27
markeyyeah, something like that11:27
ghostcubehier mal ein buchtip für alle german fähigen11:27
ghostcubemarc-uwe kling Die Känguruh Chroniken11:27
Riddellamichair: great11:27
ghostcubeich hab mich selten so weggeschmissen11:27
amichairso I hear there's gonna be a new splash system used? so no point trying to fix the current broken splashes in lucid alpha?11:36
Riddellamichair: yes (as far as I can make out, I've not investigated it much yet)11:41
Riddellamichair: there's a thread about plymouth on the kubuntu-devel mailing list with a link to the upstream bug for it11:42
amichaircan't wait to see how it'll look :-)11:43
ofirkI finally finished the first draft of the feature tour for the new kubuntu website11:50
ofirkWhat do you think?11:50
amichairofirk: looks awesome11:54
amichairofirk: is there still a planned slideshow image? that can reduce the screenshot clutter, and at the same time show larger images11:55
ghostcubeofirk: looks cool11:55
ofirkamichair: there will be screenshot slideshow at the homepage11:58
amichairofirk: cool12:00
ofirkI almost forgot..12:00
ofirkthere is another draft:12:01
ofirkthe diffrence is less screenshots in the upper part12:01
Riddellofirk: ooh, shiny!12:03
amichairofirk: do u know if there will also be an actual (large size) screenshots section?12:03
Riddellamichair: that's stuck on security :(12:03
Riddellthe drupal module didn't pass kees's security review12:04
Riddellsomeone who knows PHP and drupal needs to fix it up12:04
ghostcubeuse joomla o.o12:04
ghostcubeor typo312:04
ghostcubeisntead of drup12:04
amichairwas ofirk the one with experience in that, or someone else asking about timelord?12:05
amichairbtw what did happen to all those other timelord inquirers? how's our retention rate?12:05
ofirkWhich one is better?12:06
amichairofirk: to me, one looks too much, and the other too little. maybe the second with larger sizes? the tiny ones really are tiny :-)12:07
ofirkamichair: ok, thanks12:08
Riddellamichair: poor but in general people who say "I want to help" often don't hang around compared to people who say "this annoys me, I'm going to look into it"12:08
* amichair sees a finger pointing at him12:09
ghostcubecool i must more often step into classroom12:11
ghostcubeneed to learn more about packaging12:11
Riddellamichair: oh not at all, you're a bit of an exception there :)12:13
amichairRiddell: that's a problem. I'm going to look into it.12:13
amichairso maybe instead of pointing ppl at general triaging etc, we should first ask which aspects/apps they use most or would like to see improved etc., and use that as an entry point (even to triaging)12:14
Riddellmarkey: amarok needs qtscript from http://code.google.com/p/qtscriptgenerator/ ?  from qt 4.6 isn't good enough?12:24
apacheloggerRiddell: isnt qtscriptgenerator creating more bindings than basic qtscript ships?12:27
apacheloggerphonon for example12:27
Riddellyes I mean qtscriptgenerator12:27
RiddellI'm getting12:28
Riddellmarkey: amarok needs qtscript from http://code.google.com/p/qtscriptgenerator/ ?  from qt 4.6 isn't good enough?-- The following REQUIRED packages could NOT be located on your system.12:28
Riddell"-- The following REQUIRED packages could NOT be located on your system. * qtscript-qt  <http://code.google.com/p/qtscriptgenerator/>"12:28
Riddellis what I'm geetting12:28
Riddellwhen compiling amarok12:28
Riddellbut qtscriptgenerator won't compile http://paste.ubuntu.com/341123/12:32
Riddellhmm http://paste.ubuntu.com/341126/12:36
Riddellbuildingtest segfaults12:36
Riddellthat could explain it12:36
Riddellyep, qt script is broken in lucid, waa12:39
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
Riddellwibble http://paste.ubuntu.com/341137/12:47
Tm_TRiddell: not to mention that atleast at some point qtscriptgenerator check in amarok required dbus session running, caused issues with my scripts (:12:50
Tm_TRiddell: and cmake output doesn't mention this, ofcourse, I ran manually the check to find out this12:55
Tm_Toh and current amarok fails to build with intrepid mysql...12:56
Tm_Twell, mysqle collection part atleast12:56
Tm_Tbut that's mysql package issue, I suppose12:56
amichairis the 'find best server' feature in software-properties working well for everyone? and the rest of sp?13:00
ScottKRiddell: Thanks (qimageblitz). libattica misbuilt on armel (due to Qt4 BIC change) was the cause of the latest -runtime failure.  We've got ~75 minutes to find out how much farther it gets now.13:06
RiddellTm_T: you're right, works ok in a full VM13:06
Tm_TRiddell: nasty, isn't it13:07
RiddellScottK: kdegraphics uploaded now13:13
Riddellto ppa13:13
ScottKRiddell: Cool.  kdenetwork has an identical build failure, btw.13:14
ScottKRiddell: workspace looks like another qreal problem.  Still no NCommander.13:17
ScottKsebas: Any chance you could look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/4:4.3.80-0ubuntu2/+build/1393520/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-armel.kdebase-workspace_4:4.3.80-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz13:18
glatzorRiddell, PolicyKit-1 is implemented in the current kdebase?13:18
sebasScottK: sure, somewhen in the next hours most likely13:18
Riddellglatzor: no but there's a separate package in kdereview which JontheEchidna packaged yesterday13:19
Sputsebas: btw, do you need a bug for the wrong trayicon being shown if one has a GSM device that's offline?13:20
JontheEchidnayeah, I have all the kde pieces, but I need something KDE that actually uses polkit-113:20
JontheEchidna(good morning, by the way)13:20
sebasSput: yes, please. Might get lost otherwise13:20
Riddellphew, amarok finally building13:20
Sputsebas: ok, will file today or tomorrow then :)13:20
sebasSput: sweet, thanks13:21
* Sput needs to finish his presentation and shouldn't lurk around IRC -.-13:21
sebasI've pretty much reserved hacking time over christmas / new year for KDE bugs13:21
Sputnice :)13:21
Sputall in all the plasmoid is working well for me13:21
sebasnice :)13:21
JontheEchidnahttps://launchpad.net/~echidnaman/+archive/ppa/?field.series_filter=lucid <- for those interested in polkit-qt/kde-1 stuff13:24
jussi01now that Riddell is back, are we going to have a meetign?13:36
ScottKWe should.13:36
JontheEchidnameh, kde4libs w/ polkit-1 ftbfs linking libkdecore13:36
Riddelljussi01: feel free to do the dooble scheduling thing13:37
JontheEchidnaand I found my error in several pastebins on the internet so it's probably just me13:37
JontheEchidnaIt would be nice if I had found anything other than pastebin posts with the error :/13:37
jussi01Riddell: ScottK is there an agenda somewhere?13:44
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ScottKjussi01: The usual place (whereever that is).  We need to get KC to approve our specs, I know.13:47
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jussi01ScottK: thats what I was asking :D where is "the usual place" :D13:48
ScottKWiki somewhere is all I know.13:48
jussi01oh, found it: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings13:51
Tm_Tehm, where was the patch for kopete-facebook plugin to fix crash on quit?13:52
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Riddelljussi01: you can delete the old items on the agenda page14:07
jussi01just send the doodle to the kubuntu devel list?14:08
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jussi01Riddell: done.14:22
* txwikinger presumes the times are UTC14:23
Riddellyou can set the timezone14:24
txwikingerI can?14:24
jussi01nah, its borked iirc14:24
txwikingerWell.. if it uses timezones, it is vey odd :)14:29
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
* txwikinger thinks he needs to sue facebook14:31
alshould be interesting14:32
alis there by chance a test suite i could run to measure my kde performance (whatever that is in particular)?14:33
ScottKal: Not that I know of, but it depends a lot on what you mean by performance.14:35
alwhen i switch from quassel to thunderbird it takes forever to fully render14:36
alwhen i click a link in akregator, it takes forever for the browser tab to appear14:36
alstuff like that14:36
ali installed a gentoo flavor on the same machine, trying to stick as close to the kubuntu setup it replaced and things felt a lot faster there14:37
also, obviously i can't put my finger at what the issue really is, which is why i'm looking for some diagnostic tools14:37
ScottKal: I'm not sure, but I think you've hit on a good area for investigation.14:37
ScottKSounds like something like a runtime equivalent of bootchart would be useful.14:38
alyea, that'd be perfect14:39
ScottKal: How about http://oprofile.sourceforge.net/examples/14:40
ScottKSeems at least in the ballpark.14:41
ScottKal: It's also packaged.14:42
redhammergood morning, or whatever time of day it is where you are14:43
redhammermy kvm must be broken.  kubuntu lucid will not boot and has not since before alpha 114:44
redhammerusing the following command    kvm -cdrom lucid-desktop-amd64.iso -m 204814:44
redhammerusing kvm in hardy 64bit14:44
Riddellredhammer: that doesn't sound like a problem with KDE, we only do KDE here14:46
alScottK: i had hoped for a more standardized approach (read: less work for me)14:52
ScottKal: I understand.  This is an area I know needs work and has been on my TODO for about 9 months now.  Sorry I don't have a better answer.  Maybe someone else will.14:52
seelewhat time zone is that kubuntu meeting being scheduled in?14:54
txwikingeral: Do you test kubuntu and gentoo for the same amount of time?14:59
altxwikinger: sorry, i don't get the question15:02
txwikingerwell.. how long has your KDE instance run when you compare the times of switch15:03
Riddellseele: I'd assume UTC15:03
txwikingerRiddell: I have entered my info as UTC15:03
altxwikinger: oh, yea, same amount of time15:04
ali didn't set it up for testing purposes, it's my main workstation15:05
albut if i'm going to oprofile it i'll try to think of a somewhat reproducible and comparable test scenario15:07
Lex79Riddell: can you upload koffice from bzr when you have time? thanks15:19
freeflyingjust wondering will we replace OOo with koffice in lucid?15:21
macodont think so15:21
freeflyingany concerns?15:22
RiddellLex79: to lucid?15:24
Riddellfreeflying: it's not ready, we may not even include it in main15:24
Lex79we need some MIR also15:24
freeflyingRiddell: got it, thanks15:24
jussi01Riddell: txwikinger Nightrose, I added that the times are in utc to the description.15:29
Nightrosejussi01: next time just allow timezone support ;-)15:30
Nightrosethat makes it a lot easier for everyone15:30
Nightroseand also makes it show up right in my imported calendar15:30
jussi01Nightrose: timezone support is broken15:31
Nightrosehow so?15:31
jussi01it doesnt allow you to use it...15:32
Nightroseit worked well last i used it15:32
jussi01 been broken for a while iirc.15:32
jussi01yeah, lets you enable it, but when you go to click next it gives errors.15:32
jussi01I did try to use it first up...15:32
ScottKWhat's the link for the doodle poll?15:33
NightroseScottK: devel list15:33
Nightrosesorry can't copy here15:33
Nightroseemail is on the other pc15:34
ScottKOK.  thanks.15:34
* ScottK has the same problem. Webmail it is.15:34
ScottKsebas: I'd appreciate it if you'd add http://launchpadlibrarian.net/36774143/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-armel.kdebase-runtime_4%3A4.3.80-0ubuntu5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz to your list.15:36
alhttp://www.doodle.com/2u4q56pf7e3nxg3a jic15:42
RiddellScottK: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/kdegraphics-arm15:50
ScottKRiddell: Very close.  Looks like the qimageblitz rebuild is definitely needed.15:52
RiddellScottK: I'll throw that up into lucid15:52
ScottKRiddell: Excellent.15:52
RiddellScottK: dunno why okular poppler doesn't get compiled though15:55
ScottKRiddell: Agreed.  That's odd.15:56
RiddellScottK: nothing obvious in the buildlog, hard to look more without access to a machine to hand build on15:57
Riddellmaybe we should just upload kdegraphics without okular poppler for now15:57
JontheEchidnasweet: http://imagebin.ca/view/PAJ6LvV.html16:42
ScottKJontheEchidna: Nice.16:43
ScottKRiddell: I think one can have arch specific install files.16:43
RiddellScottK: yes I uploaded to the PPA with that16:44
ScottKAh.  OK.16:44
RiddellScottK: upstream has no ideas without having access to the build files either16:44
RiddellScottK: looks like the kdebase-workspace issue is already fixed in svn, I'll nab that16:45
ScottKRiddell: Cool.  So sebas can take the one off his list (just runtime now, IIRC).16:45
JontheEchidnasoftware-center actually works with polkit-kde-1 too16:45
Riddelljussi01: awooga16:45
RiddellScottK: the kdebase-runtime one is the same issue in the same file (seems to be a copied file)16:47
ScottKRiddell: Ooh.  Even better.  Code reuse FTW.16:47
ScottKRiddell: Is runtime fixed upstream?16:47
ScottKnixternal: Is there a reason you didn't upload your kdeedu improvements?16:48
DaskreechDoes anyone have a Lynx live Cd ?16:49
EagleScreenthere usually isn't live CD until Alpha2 or Alpha316:52
Riddellalpha 1 has a live CD, see kubuntu.org16:52
* Daskreech ponders how people are responding to his bug report then16:52
jussi01Riddell: can you tell me precisely what I am to do with a comment like awooga? is it same as ping?16:54
Riddelljussi01: no it means "oh good"16:59
Riddelland it was intended for JontheEchidna17:00
jussi01Riddell: heh17:00
jussi01ok then... :(17:00
Riddellseems my tab completion isn't working well today17:00
Riddelljussi01: but awooga to you for applying for membership :)17:00
jussi01Riddell: I hope Im doing it right, I have ubuntu membership, but want kubuntu membership.17:01
Riddellyes you are17:01
jussi01great :)17:01
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
markeyapachelogger: ping17:52
Riddellgah, amarok doesn't compile in a buildd, it probably needs X and dbus running for that qtscript test18:26
Tm_TRiddell: I wonder if one can just force the check being skipped and set found18:28
Riddellthat's what I'm thinking18:28
Quintasangoogle cal sync is working for anyone?18:40
nixternalScottK: yeah, because I couldn't test build them...I don't do blind uploads18:41
ulysses__Quintasan: I found this on identi.ca: http://identi.ca/notice/1673373718:42
ScottKnixternal: How about now?18:42
nixternalphonon stuff was causing htem not to build18:42
nixternalhaven't tried18:42
nixternalI will try it now18:42
Quintasanulysses__: I did this, doesn't work for Calendar18:42
QuintasanContacts are synced but no things from calendar18:43
Quintasanulysses__: oh well, it works but only for my default calendar :S18:52
RiddellScottK: grump http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/kdegraphics-arm18:54
ScottKRiddell: Progress?18:56
Riddellnot much18:56
Riddellokular does seem to be compling to some extent18:57
ScottKI guess the in archive retry I did doesn't have much hope.18:58
Riddelloh that's pdf so that's the same problem18:59
RiddellI'll try again with that file removed18:59
cragdorHi All, if i wanted to create a VM to start developing/compiling kde, is there a setup guide/ version of kubuntu i can install on the vm19:16
yuriycragdor: there isn't a version specifically for development. the kde-devel package should get you most of what you need. see techbase.kde.org for guides.19:27
nixternalScottK: what do you think about an MIR for xplanet? this way here we can build kdeedu (kstars) completely?19:43
nixternalRiddell: ^^19:43
ScottKnixternal: I'd say worth asking (filling it out).19:43
nixternalthat is the only dep that kdeedu is missing from being complete, well that and the experimental python crap19:44
r4v3nsw0rdthis is the place for kubuntu 10.04, correct?19:50
r4v3nsw0rdwell, I guess I'll just ask my question then, is there a fix out for the kickoff application launcher such that when I type in a search term that it will auto select the most relevant result?19:53
Daskreechr4v3nsw0rd: for 4.4 it should do that from the runners19:56
Riddellnixternal: what does xplanet do for kstars?19:57
r4v3nsw0rdsorry, 4.4 of what Daskreech?19:57
DaskreechKDE SC19:58
r4v3nsw0rdah, oops, found my problem, forgot to update after the upgrade, k, thanks20:01
ofirkwhen KDE4.4 SC beta 1 packages will be available?20:16
ofirkI mean for karmic20:17
* ghostcube listens 20:17
ScottKWhen they're ready20:37
* ScottK doesn't recall who was working on them.20:37
r4v3nsw0rd_Daskreech: I've updated, but it still occurs, how to I install KDE SC 4.4?20:40
nixternalScottK: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MainInclusionReportXplanet  <- quick review please20:44
nixternalRiddell: it adds the ability to render the xplanet data...we are the only distro not providing this ability20:45
ScottKnixternal: One small edit and it looks good.20:46
nixternaldid you edit it?20:46
ScottKnixternal: You know about the bug filing part of this, right?20:46
ScottKI did20:46
ScottKIt's still saving20:46
ScottKNow it's done20:46
nixternalScottK: bug is filed, just haven't subscribed mir yet20:47
nixternalwhoa dude, it just automatically updated in my browser after your change20:47
ScottKInteresting, perhaps scary20:47
ScottKnixternal: I'd say go for it.20:47
apacheloggerjussi01: I just spent 5 minutes clicking on doodle :P20:48
nixternalScottK: do I add the stuff to the seeds now or wait?20:49
ScottKnixternal: Wait for it to be approved.20:50
nixternalbeen a long time since my last MIR20:50
nixternalok, just making sure20:50
nixternallooks like dapper was my last MIR20:50
ScottKnixternal: Once it's approved, you just add it as a build-dep, you don't directly seed it.20:50
ScottKThat is a while.20:50
jussi01apachelogger: is everybody done as far as you can see? can I "decide" a time now?20:50
nixternalkdeedu test building now20:50
apacheloggerjussi01: JontheEchidna did not20:53
JontheEchidnadoodle? Totally slipped my mind20:54
JontheEchidnawow, that's a lot of times to choose from20:54
ScottKRiddell: I think I figured it out.  poppler was built against the beta Qt4: libqt4-xml (4:4.6.0~beta1-1ubuntu1)20:55
* ScottK rebuilds20:55
RiddellScottK: hum.  need me to throw anything at the PPA?20:58
* Riddell building kdevelop beta 720:58
ScottKRiddell: No.  We know it should be rebuilt, so I'll just retry in the archive after this builds.20:58
Sputsebas: kde bug 218706 :)21:05
ubottuKDE bug 218706 in general "[knetworkmanager] Wrong tray icon if a GSM device exists" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21870621:06
Daskreechofirk: Possible you may just get B221:07
Sputsebas: one more thing, I have one or two device entries containing "No such interface org.kde.networkma..." in the device list as well, is that known or something I should report as well?21:07
r4v3nsw0rd_in 10.04, when I type in a search term, is there a way so that it will auto select the most relevant result?21:07
ofirkDaskreech: that's fine too21:07
Daskreechr4v3nsw0rd_: if you are on Lynx then you have KDE SC 4.4 b1 already21:07
ofirkI just so anxious to use it21:08
r4v3nsw0rd_it's still not working though21:08
DaskreechScottK: Is there a buildmatrix anywhere ?21:09
ScottKDaskreech: For?21:09
Daskreechr4v3nsw0rd_: does it work for Krunner?21:09
ScottKDaskreech: We have https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/DependencyGraph21:10
DaskreechScottK: well we are finding out what was built against what to find the beta qt packages21:10
r4v3nsw0rd_yes, it works for krunner21:10
ScottKDaskreech: Right.  Here's the answer I goe when I asked wgrant:21:10
DaskreechSeems that we should be able to simply pull up the cases of packages which were built against that21:10
ScottKScottK: I think you'd have to grab all the build logs from the librarian, or work out when exactly it was in the archive (easy), take the intersection of packages that build-depend on it (presumably easy), and search for all build records for those packages to see if the latest one was during the broken period (not so easy, but quite doable).21:11
DaskreechSounds scriptable actually21:15
ofirkdid you see the new drafts of the feature tour for the new website?21:18
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
ScottKDaskreech: It is.  It needs someone to script it.21:19
ofirkI really need some feedback21:19
ScottKofirk: ryanakca is probably the first one to get feedback from.21:20
ScottKI like it.21:21
ofirkI already talked to him, but I want more opinions21:21
ofirkScottK: which one of them?21:21
* ScottK only saw one21:22
ofirkthere are 4:21:23
ofirk* http://www.violetech.org/feature-tour-main-page-draft2.png21:23
amichairofirk: nice! I like #321:24
ScottKofirk: I like 3 too, but I think they're all good.21:25
ofirkThe feature tour will cover the 5 most popular apps which will come with 10.0421:26
ofirkI need some opinion about which 5 to choose21:27
ofirkamarok? Openoffice? firefox?21:27
ScottKIt should be KDE apps that we focus on.21:28
ofirkso what are they?21:30
ScottKNot sure.  For me Konsole would be on the list, but not for most users.21:30
JontheEchidnamaybe a feature tour for developers wouldn't be such a bad idea either?21:31
JontheEchidnaoh hai there21:32
nixternalstupid kdeedu21:32
ScottKpoppler uploaded.21:32
JontheEchidnanixternal: btw, good news. sandsmark finished his Phonon patch and lex has Qt with the patch in -ninjas ready for the next KDE SC beta release21:33
nixternalwell...in pbuilder the phonon error doesn't happen anymore, but if i debuild -nc I get the error21:34
nixternaloh I hate this package21:34
ofirkMaybe amarok, dolphin, k3b, kdenlive, gwenview and kaffine?21:34
ScottKofirk: kdenlive is not in our default install, so probably not that.  The others are good.21:35
ScottKI would have our mail client in there (kontact)21:35
ofirkis it not kmail?21:36
* JontheEchidna goes about re-enabling the phonon kcm in -runtime21:36
ofirk(I don't use it so I really don't know)21:36
ScottKofirk: kmail is part of kontact.21:37
JontheEchidnaofirk: kontact is a shell for all the KDE pim apps: kmail, korg, akregator etc21:37
ofirkhmmm... ok21:38
Daskreechofirk: Must it be apps which ship with the CD ?21:38
JontheEchidnabtw, polkit-kde-1 in revu: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=7195 (needs polkit-qt-1 from new queue)21:39
ofirkSo how I can present it to the average user in a 4-5 sentences?21:39
Lex79JontheEchidna: when you have finished, upload it to ninja for testing21:39
JontheEchidnaI basically took the packaging for when policykit-kde was standalone and made it more polkit-1-ish21:39
Lex79I mean -runtime21:39
ofirkI mean, what the kde-pim suit can do and for it used...21:39
JontheEchidnaLex79: right21:39
Lex79JontheEchidna: should we rebuild others KDE core packages ?21:40
ofirkAgain, I am asking because I don't use it21:40
amichairofirk: is the idea to do 1 page for each of the top 5 apps or something like that? why not have more apps, with a screenshot and paragraph each? (I'm asking coz I have no idea what the purpose is :-) )21:40
Daskreechofirk: I like Draft 2 btw21:40
JontheEchidnaofirk: It can do email, todo, address organization, RSS feeds21:40
JontheEchidnaprobably more stuff, but I only use kmail myself ;-)21:40
JontheEchidnaLex79: it probably can wait until 4.4 beta221:40
DaskreechScottK: It must ship with the Cd ?21:41
DaskreechI would think that having one that's not there would be a good thing21:41
ofirkamichair: the idea is to make 1 page for 5-6 important apps21:41
ofirkI can do multiply pages21:41
DaskreechSomething like Digikam that would be useful to a large number of people but isn't shipped by default21:41
ofirkamichair: Actually, it sounds better21:41
ScottKDaskreech: I think so.  For the main page.21:42
amichairDaskreech: I find that a bit wierd... it sounds a bit off if one of the top 5 apps marketed as a distro's features is not actually included in it by default...21:42
amichairofirk: what sounds better?21:42
ScottKIt'd also be good to have a separate section for 'other stuff not in the default install'21:42
Lex79JontheEchidna: yes, I meant if there are others kde core packages which needs Qt with patch for building, or just -runtime?21:42
ofirkamichair: to make different pages for different apps21:42
Daskreechamichair: Why ? ONe of the biggest selling points of Debian is NOT what it ships with. It's what is available21:43
amichairofirk: how about different pages for different categories, and each category showing a handful of apps?21:43
ofirkamichair: maybe different pages for different tasks like internet browsing, email, music, video etc21:43
Daskreechamichair: Still needs a top 521:43
ofirkamichair: I write slow...21:43
JontheEchidnaLex79: I think all of the other ones didn't have any trouble, only -runtime was failing without patching it21:43
JontheEchidnaI thought kdeedu was too, but nixternal says it's building fine21:44
JontheEchidnawell, it does FTBFS21:44
JontheEchidnabut not phonon's fault this time :P21:44
ofirkamichair: games are bundled with kubuntu?21:45
Lex79it's strange that kdemultimedia doesn't need new phonon21:45
ScottKofirk: On kubuntu-netbook they are.21:45
ofirkso it will be ok to put them in the feature tour21:45
JontheEchidnaLex79: The only thing that was really missing was the new GlobalConfig class, which only the config module needs21:45
JontheEchidnathe other stuff the phonon-backends use21:45
Lex79oh I see21:46
ofirkBTW, I need help with writing texts for the feature tour (in English)21:48
ofirkor at least help with making it proof-reading21:48
Daskreechofirk: Write it an put it up. Someone will review it.21:49
DaskreechProbably throw it into the topic here so anyone coming through can give input21:49
ofirkDaskreech: the texts in http://www.violetech.org/feature-tour-main-page-draft-3.png are fine?21:50
ScottKofirk: nixternal volunteered to work on feature tour, IIRC.21:51
amichairofirk: maybe 'our artists come up with...' should be 'came up with'?21:51
ofirkamichair: fixed. thanks!21:51
sebasSput: that last one is on my radar, no need to file a bug21:51
Sputsebas: ok.21:52
sebasI'm getting it as well, so it's quite obvious (didn't find the cause yet, seems to be "crap on the bus")21:52
ofirkScottK: I know, but he is busy and I have a tight schedule21:52
amichairofirk: what are "regular enterprise releases"?21:52
ScottKamichair: LTS every two years.21:52
ofirkamichair:  LTSs21:52
amichairoh, didn't know they're called 'enterprise releases' :-)21:53
ScottKThey aren't officially, but it's a good term for them.21:54
Daskreechofirk: Other than my Peeve of Office being a category I don't have a problem with it21:55
DaskreechAnd it's not strictly true we have no licenses21:56
amichairmaybe 'license fees' works?22:02
jussi01ok, Im off to bed, can someone look at doodle and make a meeting time.22:02
ofirklicense fees sounds more accurate22:03
amichairofirk: the 'the' should be 'The'22:11
ofirkamichair: I know, but the 'ubuntu logo' font doesn't have upper case letters22:12
ofirkamichair: I might make the letter T myself22:13
amichairofirk: oh. never would have guessed it.22:14
nixternalthis is weird... debuild -nc on a lucid box bombs on the phonon crap, but in pbuilder-lucid it doesn't....trying to figure out this r-base-core dependency for cantor22:14
nixternalor whatever it is called22:14
RiddellLex79: what's the status of beta 1 in karmic and what can I do to help?22:24
ScottKRiddell: Ouch on runtime.  Do we need sebas after all?22:29
sebasScottK: so which one remains?22:31
ScottKsebas: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-runtime/4:4.3.80-0ubuntu7/+build/1396131/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-armel.kdebase-runtime_4:4.3.80-0ubuntu7_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz22:31
verbalshadowi like http://blog.chatonka.com/2009/12/timevault-progress-update/22:32
sebasScottK: alright, thanks :)22:32
verbalshadowoops wrong channel22:32
RiddellScottK: looks like our patch still isn't complete22:36
sebasScottK: Hm,do you have that source file handy, it seems to have moved around in trunk, and it's hard to find the right place (also might already be fixed in trunk, but definitely not on the lines the compiler complains about)22:37
Riddellsebas: it's oxygen.cpp, there's already a fix in svn22:37
ScottKhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/kdebase-runtime_4.3.80.orig.tar.gz (without our patches)22:38
sebasit's the usual qreal vs. double, just popping in a qreal cast before the double (second argument in line 2962 and 3807) should fix it22:38
ScottKRiddell: Are you getting that one?22:39
RiddellScottK: can do22:39
sebasthanks :)22:39
sebas2962: qreal offset( qMin( penThickness, (qreal)(1.0) ) );22:40
sebassame in 380722:41
ScottKRiddell: poppler rebuild just finished on armel, so I'll retry kdegraphics in an hour.22:43
ScottKsebas: I'd give Riddell a ping when you're done so he doesn't miss one.22:43
sebasdone with?22:44
ScottKsebas: Looking for more changes.22:46
* ScottK has to run. Good luck.22:46
sebasScottK: I didn't look for changes, those are the two lines that fail to build in oxygen.cpp22:47
ScottKsebas: Oh.  OK.22:47
sebasit's actually the same line twice22:47
ScottKSee you later.22:47
sebassee you :)22:47
RiddellMamarok: I updated libmtp to 1.0.1 in lucid and in beta ppa ready for amarok
Lex79Riddell: for beta1 in karmic I have to reupload kdebase-workspace with some changes which are in lucid and is ready for me23:08
Lex79I can do that now23:08
RiddellLex79: and then it should be ready?  should I test it?23:09
zegenieLex79 / Riddell: let me know if there is any way I can help out testing it, too23:09
Lex79if you want yes, but the packes was tested by some testers already23:09
Lex79zegenie: I have to reupload kdebase-workspace and when it built you can test from Staging ppa23:10
zegenieLex79: sure thing, do you have the launchpad / apt url?23:12
RiddellLex79: hum http://paste.ubuntu.com/341494/23:22
RiddellI just packaged kdevplatform23:22
Riddellwonder which one its ment to be in23:22
Lex79uhm never seen before23:23
Riddellwell no, I only packaged it a few minutes ago :)23:24
Lex79ah ok ahaha :)23:24
Lex79Riddell: did you upload this?? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdeplasma-addons/ubuntu/revision/7723:25
RiddellLex79: I guess I'll remove it from kdevplatform especially since they'll be sharing a PPA23:25
RiddellLex79: no, should I?23:26
RiddellLex79: this is known? http://paste.ubuntu.com/341496/23:26
Lex79uhm there is only one fix for "overwriting issue", I asked because you changed UNRELEASED to karmic, sound strange :)23:26
Lex79yes it fixed in the new version uploaded right now23:27
Riddellwasnae me, it was JontheEchidna23:27
RiddellJontheEchidna: that should be lucid?23:28
Lex79oh, right, JontheEchidna we are working in Lucid now :)23:28
JontheEchidnawhat's up?23:30
Riddellyou uploaded to karmic?23:30
Lex79iirc he can't upload kdeplasma-addons23:31
Lex79kubuntu-dev policy issue23:32
Riddellok I'll do it23:33
JontheEchidnayeah... it's not in the list of packages I can upload :(23:35
Lex79Riddell: don't forget koffice tomorrow, since we haven't yet a koffice2 release in lucid23:36
RiddellLex79: it's now top of my todo23:36
nixternalwhy is #include <kio/netaccess.h> causing undefined reference to KIO::NetAccess:del...testing now to see if #include <KIO/NetAccess> causes it or not23:38
Lex79JontheEchidna: news about kdebase-runtime? does it build?23:45
JontheEchidnanope, the phonon check fails23:45
JontheEchidnaI've pinged sandsmark about the issue23:45
Lex79noooo :(23:45
RiddellLex79: plasma-desktop crashes, which I suppose is consistent with lucid23:46
Lex79Riddell: it crashes in karmic? my testers doesn't complains about that for now, and in ubuntu-it forum I have about 15 testers23:48
Lex79I uploaded in staging ppa also kubuntu-default-settings for fix that23:48
RiddellI don't have plasma-desktop install23:49
RiddellI don't have plasma-desktop installed23:49
Riddellthe package23:50
Riddellhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/341506/ more overwrites?23:50
Lex79I have to fix that ^ in lucid and in karmic too23:53
=== r4v3nsw0rd_ is now known as r4v3nsw0rd
Lex79I'm fixing23:55
RiddellLex79: helps if I have plasma-desktop installed, I did a dist-upgrade and it wasn't, maybe we should tell people to reinstall kubuntu-desktop after the dist-upgrade23:58
Lex79you don't have plasma-desktop because kdebase-workspace doesn't depend on plasma-desktop23:59
Lex79that bug now is fixed23:59

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