
MTecknologyYou guys know what's going on with OpenID?00:10
MTecknologyI can't log into anything with the Launchpad OpenID anymore00:10
MTecknologyspm: any ideas?00:10
spmMTecknology: can you be more specific? "anything" is a wide brush. :-)00:11
MTecknologyspm: I'm trying to use the drupal-openid modules canonical put out00:11
MTecknologyhurray for reliable internet00:12
MTecknologyspm: I don't really know how to be more specific :(00:14
wgrantlamont: I forget -- have you approved/merged my lp-buildd debug symbol flag branch?00:16
MTecknologyspm: Do you know if anything with OpenID changed recently?00:19
spmMTecknology: well, we had the release ~ 10 days ago. but nothing other than that.00:21
lamontwgrant: I've based my stuff on yours, about to drop that on dogfood, if you want to play>?00:22
wgrantlamont: It's not supported by Soyuz yet, so it won't do anything on DF.00:22
lamontoh, right00:22
MTecknologyspm: I wonder if that's what changed... I'll try to ask stu and see if he knows what's going on.00:23
lamontOTOH, this has fixes for all of the other "in progress" launchpad-buildd bugs00:23
lamontwgrant: ^^00:23
wgrantlamont: While you're there, I have another branch which unbreaks things on Karmic. I think you might already have some of these fixes.00:23
wgrantlamont: Nice.00:24
lamontunbreaks how?00:24
wgrantNot sure how appropriate the last rev is for prod, though.00:25
wgrantThey're changes I've been carrying locally for months, so I decided I should push them up somewhere.00:25
lamontheh.  you missed /etc/hostname00:26
lamontI'll include that in my stuff, too00:26
wgrantlamont: True, although that doesn't seem to break anything.00:27
lamonttrue enough00:28
wgrantI also have a branch that allows the master to override the buildd arch, but that's not very interesting until Soyuz gains support for that in who knows how long.00:29
lamontI'll ignore that bug until we finish landing all these branches00:29
lamontwgrant: lp:~lamont/launchpad-buildd/proposed-version-53 <-- is live on ferraz00:33
lamontwell, once it finishes pushing, it'll be there00:36
wgrantlamont: You're not accidentally pushing a full LP branch up to the launchpad-buildd project, are you?00:38
lamontyay launchpad00:38
wgrantThat will take forever, and then a bit longer, because it won't stack.00:38
lamontyeah - I guess I should push it to launchpad, eh?00:38
wgrantMight be a bit quicker, yeah.00:38
lamontand yeah, much quicker00:42
lamont9905 is the rev that I wonder about in that branch though - it's the "no, you really can't refer to ../../../ in a source package" fix00:45
wgrantlamont: i think buildd-slave.tac should just live in lib/canonical/buildd00:47
wgrantOh, needs tachandler too.00:47
lamontso I went lalalalalala and took a stab at it so I have a source package00:47
wgrantlamont: r9994 doesn't actually run dpkg-source in the chroot, does it?00:48
wgrantIt runs it on files in the chroot.00:48
wgrantBut it doesn't seem to run the dpkg-source that lives in the chroot,.00:48
zsquareplusci found spam. who removes it?00:48
lamontwgrant: why, so it does. :/00:49
wgrantlamont: Also, do you happen to the status of the dpkg upgrade on cocoplum/germanium/iron/whatever-runs-debdiff-for-Soyuz?00:51
spmzsquareplusc: link?00:52
zsquarepluscPM? otherwise it will show up in the logs again?00:53
lamontwgrant: re-pushed00:55
lamonter, ing00:55
Jordan_UI'm getting a timeout error trying to report a bug. I have tried disabling redirection to the edge server and I still get the same error ( though it takes longer to show up :)00:56
spmzsquareplusc: sure00:57
wgrantlamont: If that works, it looks much better.00:58
lamontworked on this machine00:58
wgrantGreat. Just wasn't quite sure about the paths.00:58
lamontTraceback (most recent call last):00:58
lamont  File "/usr/share/launchpad-buildd/upgrade-config", line 55, in <module>00:58
lamont    if int(old_version) < 12:00:58
lamontValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '53~0.CAT.8.04'00:58
lamontway to go lp-buildd.  way-to-go00:58
wgrantAh, yes, struck that locally.00:58
wgrantI just removed upgrade-config.00:59
lamontI just purged and reinstalled. :=-)00:59
wgrantdogfood looks mildly unhappy.01:00
wgrantferraz is currently building a build that finished <blank> ago, but is currently building, and already has a build log.01:01
lamontwell, I did kinda yank the buildd out from under it.  also just uploaded binutils01:02
wgrantIt's been broken like that for ages.01:02
wgrantI presume buildd-manager isn't running.01:02
lamontwell, I'm pretty sure that the slave scanner and such are, um, manual01:02
lamontI'm gonna need bigjools training.01:03
wgrantlamont: Ah, you can't drive it?01:03
lamontlack of clue is the only obstacle01:04
wgrantYou should just need to fire up buildd-manager, then run process-upload.py.01:04
lamontbuildd-manager as who?01:05
lamontI mean, I'm root on the box if I want, but haven't ever driven lp at that level01:06
wgrantlamont: buildd-manager runs as whoever owns /srv/launchpad.net/builddmaster01:07
wgrantIf you don't know the magic to start it, check start-soyuz.sh on https://dev.launchpad.net/Soyuz/HowToUseSoyuzLocally01:07
lamontinterestingly, buildd-manager seems to be running.01:08
lamontand yeah, so totally not working hours for me... I'm gonna just leave it for julian tomorrow, and get him to walk me through the specialness that is dogfood01:08
wgrantHeh, good idea.01:09
wgrantThanks for merging that stuff.01:09
lamontand once binutils builds on dogfood, then I can un-jail pkgmanglebinary and make #u-devel happy with me again01:10
lamontand afk01:10
Jordan_UCan anyone else file a bug report without getting an error? I am getting the error right after entering the summary so you can test with a dummy bug report.01:12
spivJordan_U: try a shorter summary01:13
wgrantIf that still doesn't work, try edge, or use 'zzzzzz' as the summary.01:13
spivJordan_U: (the search for duplicate bugs is more likely to timeout with longer summaries)01:14
Jordan_Uspiv: A ( much ) shorter summary did it.01:15
Jordan_Uspiv: I tried shortening it more and more and it only worked after shortening it to 3 words ( which is not enough to make an understandable title for this bug )01:16
Jordan_ULooks like I can change the title afterwards at least01:17
spm**** WE ARE HAVING WOES ATM -LOOKING - no ETA on a fix ****01:30
persiaAha!  That explains it.01:30
jldupontneed help: let's say I upload a package and building this package requires a package from another PPA... how do I specify this?01:32
micahgjldupont: edit dependencies01:32
wgrantjldupont: Assuming that you can actually talk to LP at the moment, you should see an 'Edit PPA dependencies' link near the top right of your PPA page.01:34
jldupont@micahg: where?01:34
jldupontfound it.01:34
jldupontJolly good... thanks @micahg, @wgrant.01:36
jldupontcan I just "retry build" or do I need to delete and re-upload?01:40
spm**** LP LOOKS like it's back again - can anyone deny? ****01:40
wgrantjldupont: The former.01:41
jldupont@wgrant: thanks.01:41
wgrantspm: Looks happy enough to me.01:41
jldupont"Build can not be retried"01:41
wgrantjldupont: Maybe it's already been retried?01:42
jldupont@wgrant: you are right!  sorry for the noise.01:42
persiaspm: All I ever saw was LP being extra-slow, but it doesn't seem that way to me anymore.01:43
spmpersia: cool; thanks!01:44
spmfwiw, looks like we had a couple of old select queries that were somehow (maybe...) causing woe. educated guess: - it was killing their attached procs that seemed to fix things. Dear Checkwatches was one guilty party.01:45
mrooney_Hello! Anyone know of an existing feature / script to mark all "Fix Committed" bugs against a milestone as "Fix Released"?01:53
mrooney_I should stop doing this manually :)01:53
Jordan_Umrooney_: Shouldn't that be done in the changelog of the package? ( sorry if I am just misunderstanding )02:03
thumpermrooney_: no I don't, but a feature has been considered to do just that02:18
thumpermrooney_: I'm sure you can find the bug with a quick search02:18
mrooney_thumper: launchpad is not only for ubuntu :)02:38
thumpermrooney_: I didn't say that it was02:38
mrooney_thumper: well, you said it should be done in the changelog of a pakcage02:38
thumpermrooney_: I would also use the feature that you are thinking about02:38
thumpermrooney_: no, that wasn't me it was Jordan_U02:38
mrooney_oh, haha, right you are :)02:38
mrooney_Jordan_U: ^^ :)02:38
mrooney_yeah, it seems like it would be a cool checkbox for making a release in launchpad02:39
persiaWouldn't it make sense for LP to automatically shift "Fix Committed" to "Fix Released" for all the bugs in a branch when that branch is linked to a release?02:39
thumperpersia: except you can't link a branch to a release right now02:40
thumperand the sad fact that the branch statuses aren't changed at all from branches right now02:40
persiaWhat?  I was sure I could make a bug "Fix Committed" by linking a bug, and then merging it to the branch identified as trunk.02:41
thumperpersia: nope02:41
thumpernot yet02:41
mwhudsonpersia: give the keys to your time machine back02:41
thumperthere are bugs about making it happen02:41
persiaAh.  So mrooney's bug can be fixed once that is done?02:42
persiamwhudson: Um, no.  Causality, dontcha know?02:42
thumpermrooney_ didn't say that all his bugs are linked to branches02:43
persiaGood point.02:43
mrooney_most of the ones I fixed recently are02:54
mrooney_but reallly I would just want the releasing process in LP to do it for me, doesn't it know which milestone I am releasing?02:55
mrooney_I suspect if I learned the LP API it would be a fairly small script03:21
laegis there a way to see a list of all subscribed threads? i can't see it in my user cp03:43
wgrantlaeg: Like https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+subscribedbugs?\04:02
laegwgrant: it doesn't show any, perhaps because they're resolved? any way to see those ones?04:06
Sam-I-Amhey folks04:06
wgrantlaeg: 'Advanced search', then select all of the statuses.04:16
laegwgrant: ty04:16
wgrantlaeg: Also, duplicates are hidden by default. To show them, uncheck the "Hide duplicates" checkbox at the bottom.04:17
wgrantThe search defaults are optimised for developers and projects -- they don't always work so well for normal user bug lists.04:17
Sam-I-Amany of you guys admins for the ppa build VMs?04:18
wgrantSam-I-Am: They lurk around here. Ask your question, and somebody will help if they can.04:18
Sam-I-Ammy build apparently hung one04:18
Sam-I-Amits been stuck for over 3 hours04:18
Sam-I-Amnot sure exactly what happens next04:18
* wgrant guesses that it's bohrium again.04:19
Sam-I-Amdid i get stuck on the short bus box?04:19
wgrantIt just likes dieing during build-dep installation.04:19
* wgrant checks if that is where it has died again.04:19
Sam-I-Amcute... to think its just a VM04:19
wgrantAh, no, not this time.04:19
Sam-I-Amgreat, well, i bring you a unique problem :P04:20
wgrantI can't do anything about it, and I'm not sure if anybody around now can. But just wait around here and see, I guess.04:20
* Sam-I-Am gets comfortable04:22
CarlFK"gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found."  because I toasted my home dir.  but I have an image, and have been plucking out the stuff I didn't backup (everything not in a repo... doh!)05:34
CarlFKdoes that file have a header I can search for?05:34
wgrantCarlFK: That error means that the input file you gave it isn't encrypted or signed.05:38
wgrantCarlFK: Nothing about your keys05:38
wgrant(which live in ~/.gnupg)05:38
CarlFKwgrant: I don't have any keys right now05:39
CarlFKwell, I do, but they are somewhere in a 70gig .img05:40
wgrantCarlFK: What isn't working, and what are you trying to do?05:40
CarlFKI am trying to dig my key out of a 70g image of my old home partition05:40
wgrantOh, so you want to look through a raw disk image for the header to see if you can retrieve it?05:40
wgrantCarlFK: You could try grepping for your email address. secring.gpg is a binary file, so it doesn't have obvious headers.05:41
CarlFKwhen upgrading to karmic, I got confused between what partitions /home and /tmp were on...05:41
wgrantCarlFK: Exported key files have a nice greppable header, but not until they're exported.05:41
CarlFKoh crap.05:41
wgrantBut my UIDs show up as plaintext 'William Grant <some@email.address>'05:42
wgrantSo yours probably do too.05:42
CarlFKIs that at the start of the file, or line?05:44
wgrantIt's nowhere in particular.05:44
CarlFKI am finding lots of changelog05:44
wgrantIt's a binary file with no obvious sane newlines.05:44
spmCarlFK: this may help your search? http://isc.sans.org/diary.html?storyid=699105:45
* wgrant assumed that the filesystem structure was utterly toasted.05:46
spmpossibly is; but if a loopback is possible...05:47
CarlFKspm: I wish.  the ubuntu installer did a mkfs over my home partition.  so no more root dir, and no superblock table (I think.. still wondering if there is a copy in a random spot that I seem to have heard of05:47
spmbummer :-(05:47
wgrantCarlFK: If the partition is the same size, you're probably out of luck.05:47
CarlFKI did just dig out my dput.cf05:48
wgrantAlthough I've largely recovered FAT volumes with no root dir and only portions of each FAT remaining, I'm not sure about other FSes.05:49
spmwgrant: there's a *world* of unspoken issues in that single sentence of yours ;-)05:49
CarlFKI wish I knew if ext2 directory entries pointed to the first block, or into the superblock, where it points to the data.05:50
CarlFKif the dir entries point to the first block, I could find all the dirs (they are just files with a fairly identifiable signature) and at least have the first block of all my files, and 99% of the ones I care about are dinky, so would  all be in one block05:51
wgrantspm: It's not that hard if the volume was not very fragmented.05:52
spmwgrant: heh. no. My meaning was more around the number of your friends etc who have toasted their home PC's. As the likely conclusion. :-)05:53
wgrantspm: USB flash drives, but yes.05:53
* wgrant wanders home.05:56
CarlFKhow do I gen a new key?05:57
persiaCarlFK: Note that your new key will not inherit the trust of your old key.  Also, your old key will float around on the keyservers until revoked (if you didn't generate an offline revocation certificate for the old key, you'll want to do that for the new one, just in case)05:58
CarlFKpersia: i just want to see what it looks like - still have hopes of digging it out of my old home/06:00
CarlFKhope springs eternal :)06:00
Jordan_UCarlFK: It looks basically the same as the public key06:01
CarlFKah, it has my comment in there... that's fairly unique... yay.06:12
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AnAntHello, when is Launchpad upgrade ?07:48
wgrantAnAnt: Wed 2200UTC, AFAIK.07:52
spmAnAnt: Starts: 22.00 UTC 16th December07:56
AnAntwill the new release support 3.0 source format packages ?07:57
wgrantAnAnt: Yes, but not necessarily immediately.07:57
wgrantAnAnt: There are things apart from LP that have to be upgraded for that.07:57
kb9vqf_I am (still) brand new to bzr...trying to get a bzr branch to track upstream SVN (first attempt here: https://code.launchpad.net/~kb9vqf/trinity-desktop/trunk)...any idea why it is still pending review?07:58
* kb9vqf_ thinks he probably did something wrong07:58
wgrantkb9vqf_: Subversion and CVS imports must be manually approved by Launchpad Code developers, as it's easy to get them wrong.07:59
kb9vqf_OK; I wanted to get an import running so that when bzr to PPA auto-build rolls around all I have to do is flip a switch :)08:00
wgrantThat's still a couple of months away yet.08:00
kb9vqf_Yeah, so no rush08:01
mwhudsonkb9vqf_: that url doesn't really look like something you want to import to me08:01
kb9vqf_why not?08:01
wgrantmwhudson: Mightn't it also be a good idea to wait two days and then get bzr-svn goodness?08:01
persiaI've an interesting formatting bug on edge right now, specifically for bug 437626 (viewed from bzr).  The top of the various stuff on the right side is aligned with the bottom of the stuff on the left.08:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 437626 in bzr "[sru] exceptions.AssertionError: second push failed to complete a fetch set" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43762608:02
mwhudsonkb9vqf_: well, wouldn't svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/trinity/konstruct make more sense?08:02
mwhudsonwgrant: i guess maybe08:02
persiaIs that likely to be my browser, or the site?08:02
wgrantpersia: You have a really wide window, don't you?08:02
kb9vqf_mwhudson: Oh, I see, so I would need to set up an auto-import (and bzr trunk) for each of the Trinity modules in that SVN folder?08:03
mwhudsonkb9vqf_: yes08:03
wgrantpersia: If so, probably bug #49351808:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493518 in launchpad-foundations "Side portlet moved again below the main content on wide-screen displays (1920x1200)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49351808:03
jussi01hrm, why cant I use my email address as a teams contact email?08:03
persiawgrant: Not that wide.  Maybe 1000 pixels or so?08:03
kb9vqf_mwhudson: Once I do that should I come back here with a list of all the new import requests?08:03
kb9vqf_Or will they automagically go through?08:03
persiawgrant: Except my window isn't maximised, and my screen isn't that wide.08:05
wgrantpersia: Is it broken on production too?08:05
persiawgrant: Doesn't appear to be.  I just got fed an edge URL and was too lazy to edit it.08:07
persiaRemoving ".edge" makes it appear correctly on the same screen with the same window size.08:07
wgrantpersia: Probably related to that bug, then08:08
kb9vqf_mwhudson: Is this better? https://code.launchpad.net/~kb9vqf/trinity-desktop/kdelibs08:08
kb9vqf_Obviously I would repeat for all the rest of the modules08:09
persiawgrant: Hrm.  OK.  Strange that the reporter said it disappeared with it not maximised.08:09
persiaAh.  It is the same bug.  The barrier has just moved from 1640px to somewhere around 650px.08:15
wgrantpersia: Not exactly. It's fine for me at 1440px08:19
persiaVery odd.  It defiintely looks fine for me if I squash it enough, but at that point, it's very vertical (and less than 50% of my screen).08:20
mwhudsonkb9vqf_: yes08:29
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kb9vqf_I have a few more imports for review:09:01
kb9vqf_and https://code.launchpad.net/~kb9vqf/trinity-desktop/kdegraphics09:02
kb9vqf_Thanks! :)09:02
thumperkb9vqf_: hi09:11
thumperkb9vqf_: there are several things about these imports09:11
thumperkb9vqf_: firstly we are about to deploy bzr-svn which will make these much more likely to succeed09:11
kb9vqf_It can wait then09:12
thumperkb9vqf_: secondly they don't follow the normal "one codebase per project" rule09:12
thumperkb9vqf_: thirdly - they aren't of trunk - which we'll be relaxing when we have bzr-svn09:12
kb9vqf_It can definitely wait then until bzr-svn09:12
kb9vqf_Thanks for the heads-up!09:12
thumperI'll think about the codebase issue09:13
kb9vqf_I'll set up a straight svn to ppa autobuild script for now if needed09:13
kb9vqf_I'm not really sure how to deal with that; the Trinity project is obviously massive09:13
wgrantThis seems like the perfect application of a project group.09:13
kb9vqf_that is, the codebase issue09:13
kb9vqf_Sounds reasonable09:14
* kb9vqf_ will look into that further as he has time09:14
thumperit seems to me that you have different versions of major projects09:16
thumperkb9vqf_: so kdebase should have a 3.x series and a 4.x series09:16
thumperkb9vqf_: and you have an import for kdebase09:16
thumperthe interesting thing is how to group your branches09:17
thumperperhaps have them owned by trinity-devs team or something09:17
kb9vqf_There shouldn't be a 4.x major series of Trinity...not for quite a while anyway09:18
kb9vqf_upstream KDE wants nothing to do with Trinity outside of hosting it in SVN :)09:19
kb9vqf_It is really a separate project from KDE at this point09:19
thumperkb9vqf_: are you looking to host it on LP?09:20
kb9vqf_I am thinking about it09:20
kb9vqf_Definitely a PPA, maybe code as well09:20
kb9vqf_The trinity-devs team is a good idea09:20
thumperyou may want an umbrella project-group09:21
thumperand have your projects associated with that09:21
kb9vqf_I am not as familiar with Launchpad/bzr/etc as I am with plain ol' SVN, but I want to keep my options open in case KDE says they want Trinity removed from their SVN in the future09:21
kb9vqf_Hence my sudden interest in Launchpad :)09:21
thumperkb9vqf_: lets wait for the next rollout and bzr-svn09:22
kb9vqf_Sure thing09:22
thumperkb9vqf_: once we have the branches imported09:22
thumperkb9vqf_: we can move them around09:22
kb9vqf_That should be in time for Lucid, correct?09:22
thumperkb9vqf_: the next rollout is in 2 days09:22
kb9vqf_Hehe, yes then :)09:22
kb9vqf_I'll check back in in a couple days then; hopefully my main project server will be repaired at that time as well09:23
=== intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad: http://launchpad.net | Read https://help.launchpad.net for help | Help contact: intellectronica | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev
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jussi01hey, can you turn off the [$listname] in the subject line of Launchpad mailing lists?10:38
wgrantjussi01: No, sadly.10:38
jussi01wgrant: is there a bug? or do I need to file one?10:38
wgrantjussi01: Bug #39688810:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 396888 in launchpad-registry "prefixing subjects in mailing list posts considered harmful" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39688810:40
jussi01wgrant: thanks a lot.10:43
jelmerjml: Hi10:44
jelmerjml: IIRC you had a trivial boilerplate for a launchpad API script somewhere, where was that?10:44
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jmljelmer, lp:~jml/+junk/bugstats11:17
jelmerjml: Thanks!11:18
RovanionI'm translating linux mint, encountering this english line: %(applications)d applications listed. Exactly what does the 'd' mean in this string?11:32
RovanionCan't decide if it's a part of the %(applications) variable or an addon letter.11:33
moradanhello, is there a way to delete a proposition for the translation of a particular string?11:44
moradanI mean suggestion11:45
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henningemoradan: other than dismissing it?11:51
moradanI see only the option "dismiss all" - and no the option to dismiss only one11:54
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mihammm can somebody remind me how to enter plural forms?13:01
mihammm can somebody remind me how to enter plural forms? or tell me where to ask?13:09
jussi01ahh, leonardr, just the person Im after. :)13:10
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leonardrjussi01: really? ok13:10
jussi01leonardr: could I just get a quick update on bug 385517 - hows it going?13:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385517 in launchpad-foundations "launchpadlib users made to authenticate unnecessarily" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38551713:11
leonardrjussi01: no progress. i'm putting all my time into a versioning system13:12
jussi01oh :(13:12
jussi01leonardr: without wanting to annoy or be rude, can you give me an idea when youll be able to get to it? (days, months, years?)13:13
leonardrjussi01: probably months13:14
jussi01leonardr: ok, thanks for the info.13:14
leonardrjussi01: you might add a short comment saying that you'd like that feature so that we can gauge demand when we next do plannin13:16
jussi01leonardr: yeah, its a bit frustrating because at UDS Mark said "we will get it done" hence the target was put there.13:17
jussi01its been on the table for a very long time, and marked as high, so Im a bit suprised its still there.13:18
leonardrjussi01: i didn't hear about that (it was just before i left on vacation). it's possibly my priorities were drastically changed by mark's comment. i'll need to check13:19
wgrantjussi01: That's not a very long time at all in LP terms.13:19
jussi01leonardr: right, thanks. I appreciate it.13:19
jussi01wgrant: heh...13:19
jussi016 months is a long time for a "high" bug imho, but Im not really familiar with LP and how quickly things get done.13:21
leonardrjussi01: web service things get done in serial because i'm the only person working on the web service13:24
jussi01leonardr: ahh, that makes sense then.13:24
jussi01leonardr: last question, how much time does that bug look like? is it a relatively minor item or is it fairly major? Just wanting to get a feel for the kind of time you will need to complete it.13:27
leonardrjussi01: i think it's in between. it's easy to simply not insist on credentials in certain cases, but because we're changing the security policy we need to be very careful with design and review13:28
leonardrit's also likely i'll have to change the client--not difficult, but it's more work than just flipping a swithc on the server13:28
jussi01leonardr: ok, once again, thanks for checking in on this and taking the time to let me know how things work. its much appreciated13:29
ftathe google bug tracker now has a nice feature, attachments previews with View / Download. It used to be just Download without preview, it sucked for screenshots.13:45
ftalike http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=10949  c 27-2813:45
ftawould be nice to have that in lp13:46
jussi01leonardr: also, if youve a minute you might want to have a look at bug #488394 as well (new bug), its related Im told.13:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 488394 in launchpad-foundations "Export irc_nicknames with "anonymous" requests" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48839413:49
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
Cube``hey guys13:59
=== flacoste_afk is now known as flacoste
leonardrflacoste, do you know about the promises mark made for bug 385517? (see above) how does that affect my schedule?14:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385517 in launchpad-foundations "launchpadlib users made to authenticate unnecessarily" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38551714:07
flacosteleonardr: no, i'm not aware of it, i wasn't at UDS and nobody talked to me about this14:10
leonardrok, i'll bring it up with gary in the stand-up and we may talk to you later14:10
flacosteleonardr: well, i heard feedback that people really wants this, but imho stable api is more important for lucid14:11
flacosteleonardr: ideally, if we can have both for lucid, that'd be excellent14:11
flacosteleonardr: salgado/gary could probably help on that bug14:11
leonardrflacoste: sounds like i should talk to gary about this, i'll let you know what we decide14:12
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=== Meths_ is now known as Meths
sorenAre imports from apache's incubator SVN known to fail? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~soren/libcloud/trunk14:52
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
dnjlhi - is there a problem with the builders? most of them are idling and the queue is growing...15:10
mrevellbigjools, can you help dnjl?15:32
bigjoolsknown issue, we're on it15:32
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
dnjlok, tnx!15:32
mrevelldnjl, ^^^^15:32
mrevellthanks bigjools15:32
bigjoolsBuilders should be building again15:43
Sam-I-Amhmm, seems my PPA build which hung yesterday managed to fix itself15:49
Sam-I-Amor someone else fixed it15:49
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murbankIs someone aware of the spam accounts being set up on launchpad since this morning?16:07
murbanke.g. https://launchpad.net/~vicodin-online-3516:07
beunosinzui, ^16:08
henningemurbank: not of that particular one but of the general situation16:08
henningemurbank: it's tracked in bug 49525016:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 495250 in launchpad-registry "there goes the neighbourhood (launchpad is getting owned by spammers)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49525016:09
sinzuibeuno: murbank: I will ask an admin to deal with it16:12
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ahasenacklaunchpad keeps oopsing on me whenever I try to see the landscape "later" milestone (OOPS-1444H2946)17:04
ahasenackworks about half the time, to be honest17:04
ahasenackit's a big milestone, with lots of private bugs17:04
intellectronicaahasenack: since this is an OOPS, we will try to tackle it as high priority (but i'm not sure if we'll manage it for this release, which is this year's last). do you know if there's already a bug filed for this?17:07
ahasenackintellectronica: I probably have17:07
ahasenackintellectronica: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/44741817:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 447418 in launchpad "Timeout with large milestone with lots of private bugs" [Undecided,New]17:08
intellectronicaahasenack: cheers. we'll make sure to look at it. apologies in advance if there's no fix until early next year17:09
ahasenackintellectronica: thanks17:09
Sam-I-Amwhy would someone spam launchpad?17:14
Sam-I-Amseems kinda pointless17:14
Sam-I-Amviagra packages!17:14
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dazwinHello all - are you aware that bazaar.launchpad.net is unable to connect to the Launchpad server?18:02
intellectronicadazwin: what is exactly the problem you are experiencing?18:11
dazwinI was getting an 'Unable to connect to Launchpad server' for about 20 minutes and instructions to head on over here it the problem persists. However, I just checked and it appears to be back up now - sorry for the intrusion.18:12
beunodazwin, when trying to branch with bzr, or when trying to view a branch via the weui?18:13
dazwinJust viewing an annotation (http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mtrausch/libvfcgi/trunk/annotate/head%3A/libvfcgi/server.vala#L56)18:13
beunodazwin, yes, that's loggerhead, it has a habbit of dying 2 or 3 times a day18:13
beunoeventualyl, we will figure out what breaks it18:14
dazwinOk, np :) You want me to tell you if it happens again, or will it just restart itself?18:14
beunoin the mean time, just wait and reload18:14
beunodazwin, it gets restarted regularly, we have nagios checks on it18:14
dazwink. thx18:14
ad-530hi all18:39
ad-530do svn imports need to be activated manually by someone?18:40
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intellectronicaad-530: not really, but i do need to review them anyway. are you having a problem with an import?18:56
ad-530not really a problem but it's pending for 2+ days18:57
intellectronicaad-530: which import is it?19:00
intellectronicaad-530: approved19:03
ad-530thank you very much19:04
RenatoSilvaLP problem: official bug tags does not work after the bugs are fixed released. You can't list or edit them, it's just like you have no official tags. However, they show when you are editing the tags of some bug.19:26
RenatoSilva*do not work, *fix released19:27
ad-530intellectronica, the import was started but failed with this log: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/36785927/dftd-daily-trunk-log.txt19:50
ad-530intellectronica, maybe i should change the svn url from https://dangerdeep.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/dangerdeep/trunk to https://dangerdeep.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/dangerdeep ?19:50
intellectronicaad-530: is there no insecure svn connection for anonymous access?19:51
ad-530intellectronica, afaik there's only https on sf.net19:53
intellectronicaad-530: hmmm .... i wonder how it's usually done. let me go fish for some other sf imports so that we can compare19:54
ad-530intellectronica, ok. thx19:54
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
intellectronicaad-530: see https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/filezilla/trunk for example. you should be able to use an insecure connection19:57
ad-530intellectronica, ok but looks like there's no option to alter the import url. shall i delete the branch and create a new one or is it possible that you alter the url19:59
intellectronicaad-530: let me try. i should be able to change it20:00
ad-530intellectronica, great20:01
intellectronicaad-530: i've updated the url and triggered a new import. let's see how this works out20:02
ad-530intellectronica, with http instead of https the script now was able to find the root dir but after 18 minutes there was a connection reset: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/36787351/dftd-daily-trunk-log.txt20:23
ad-530intellectronica, is it secure to restart the import?20:23
intellectronicaad-530: nothing much can be done in that case, unfortunately, other than trying again20:23
intellectronicasure, there's no problem with restarting20:24
ad-530intellectronica, ok. i'll give it another try ^^20:24
wgrantIf it doesn't work now, it might work better to recreate it in 48 hours when the svn import are replaced with bzr-svn.20:26
ad-530ah, good to know20:27
ad-530btw, is there a hook after a successful import on launchpad?20:28
ad-530for example to update a source package in a ppa20:28
wgrantYou can subscribe to email notifications, but that's it at the moment.20:28
ad-530ok, thx20:33
pmjdebruijnPPA is rejecting an upload, with the reason that either the .orig.tar.gz is mismatching, or the dsc is broken20:56
pmjdebruijnbut I got the .orig.tar.gz from my own PPA, so it can't mismatch20:56
pmjdebruijnand I uploaded another package this afternoon20:57
geserdid you use the same .orig.tar.gz as you used in the first upload?20:57
pmjdebruijngeser: I downloaded the .orig.tar.gz from my own PPA20:57
pmjdebruijngeser: so it has to be20:57
wgrantCan you pastebin the whole error email?20:58
RoAkSoAxHi guys... using launchpadlib, Is it possible to obtain the build record of an specific arch using an specific source package?21:00
wgrantpmjdebruijn: Check the hash of the orig.tar.gz. I think it must be different.21:00
geserRoAkSoAx: yes21:00
RoAkSoAxgeser, how? :)21:01
pmjdebruijnwgrant: huh it is21:01
pmjdebruijnbut I'm downloading the file from my own PPA21:01
wgrantpmjdebruijn: Download it again and see if it matches, I guess.21:03
pmjdebruijnI already did, a couple of times21:03
geserRoAkSoAx: SPPH.getBuilds() to get a collection of all build records and then look at build.arch_tag21:03
wgrantpmjdebruijn: Does the one that you download match?21:04
geserRoAkSoAx: you can also look how ubuntu-build (from u-d-t) does the give-backs21:04
RoAkSoAxgeser, awesome. thanks :)21:05
geseryou can't request a specific architecture build record, but as the architecture list is short the collection is short too and easy to iterate over21:07
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
wgrantpmjdebruijn: Uhoh, I think something Seriously Bad is going on here.21:07
pmjdebruijnwgrant: or I'm being a complete and utter idiot21:08
wgrantpmjdebruijn: I just downloaded the file, and it matches the one you uploaded.21:08
MTecknologyHow can I see my actual OpenID string?21:09
pmjdebruijnthe silly thing is, tar zvzf works, so the file must be intact?21:09
pmjdebruijn821ae803c90bd5169c2c72200acb257451e9fa9e that's the sha1sum I get21:09
wgrantpmjdebruijn: That's right.21:09
wgrantpmjdebruijn: But the md5 in the DB seems to differ.21:10
pmjdebruijnthat sais something different21:10
wgrantAnd the archive indices do too.21:10
wgrantThere is librarian corruption somewhere.21:10
pmjdebruijnso I'm not being an idiot :)21:11
pmjdebruijnwhich was entirely possible :)21:11
pmjdebruijnI haven updated the package in a while21:11
pmjdebruijnwgrant: can it be easily fixed?21:11
pmjdebruijnshould I file a support ticket?21:11
wgrantpmjdebruijn: The correct file is at http://ppa.launchpad.net/pmjdebruijn/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/l/lensfun/lensfun_0.2.4.orig.tar.gz21:12
wgrantIt might let you upload that, but I'm not sure. I wouldn't try just now.21:12
pmjdebruijnoh wait21:12
pmjdebruijnthat one is equal to debian upstream21:14
pmjdebruijnso how did the other tarball get modified?21:14
wgrantWhich one is equal to Debian?21:14
pmjdebruijnthe last one21:15
pmjdebruijnthe link you just pasted21:15
pmjdebruijnDebian upstream21:15
pmjdebruijnthat's the correct one21:16
pmjdebruijnso what about the other file21:16
pmjdebruijnwhere did that come from?21:17
wgrantI don't know.21:19
wgrantBut something is wrong, since the file on disk in your PPA and the file in the librarian exist.21:19
wgrantEr. Differ.21:19
pmjdebruijnwhich in theory is not possible, right?21:19
wgrantBut I wonder if it's just linking to the wrong file in the web UI.21:19
pmjdebruijnI just got the accepted message21:20
wgrantpmjdebruijn: With the orig.tar.gz retrieved from ppa.lp.n?21:26
wgrantpmjdebruijn: Ah, got it.21:32
wgrantpmjdebruijn: Your 0.2.4-0pmjdebruijn1~karmic has the 821ae803c90bd5169c2c72200acb257451e9fa9e tarball.21:32
pmjdebruijnok, what was the problem?21:32
wgrantpmjdebruijn: The question now is why you were ever permitted to later upload the 61ae61db0ce8f52ab5a937c005ca5149cb57804f one.21:33
wgrantThat would appear to be a bug.21:33
pmjdebruijnwgrant: thanks for the assitance21:35
pmjdebruijnassistance even :)21:35
wgrantpmjdebruijn: Ah, it looks like you deliberately changed the orig.tar.gz21:35
wgrantBut that should have been forbidden.21:35
pmjdebruijnwgrant: I did not!21:35
pmjdebruijnthough it could have been an error on my part21:35
wgrantYou deleted the old ones with "Upstream tarball in Debian is different from mine, need a clean slate, to prevent broken deps"21:36
pmjdebruijnoh yes21:36
pmjdebruijnthat's right21:36
pmjdebruijnI upload a self made tarball, because it took the debian folks a while21:36
pmjdebruijnwgrant: but shouldn't that file have gotten deleted as well21:36
wgrantpmjdebruijn: Source files are never deleted.21:38
wgrantpmjdebruijn: They're just unpublished.21:38
pmjdebruijnwgrant: but even then, I should have gotten the "new"/"good" tarball from the link in PPA21:38
wgrantpmjdebruijn: Well, sort of.21:39
pmjdebruijnhehe :)21:39
wgrantThe UI is confused, because your archive is in an illegal state.21:39
bigjoolswgrant: never say never ;)21:39
bigjoolsunpublished files get blown away in the librarian after 7 days21:39
wgrantbigjools: Even sources?21:39
pmjdebruijnbut I didn't upload anything for a month or two21:40
wgrantThat wasn't announced anywhere.21:40
bigjoolsyes it was21:40
pmjdebruijnoh anyway21:41
pmjdebruijnI'm happy now :)21:41
bigjoolsgood to hear!21:41
pmjdebruijnmy AMD64 package already got built :)21:41
RoAkSoAxgeser, what kind of object can call SPPH.getBuilds() ?21:42
pmjdebruijnwgrant, bigjools: thanks for your help!21:42
geserRoAkSoAx: SPPH = Source Package Publishing History21:42
RoAkSoAxgeser, yeah but what kind of object can call that SPPH?21:43
geserthe results from archive.getPublishedSources() are SPPHs (if I understand your question correctly)21:44
wgrantbigjools: Hm, I see the data retention policy change does say that, although not explicitly. But I still have old sources sitting around.21:44
RoAkSoAxgeser, oh ok archives then :) thanks :)21:44
wgrantbigjools: Any idea how that PPA managed to get two conflicting orig.tar.gzs?21:49
bigjoolswgrant: sorry I wasn't following the story, I was fixing the buildd-manager21:50
wgrantbigjools: Ah, yes, sorry.21:51
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shakaran1Hi, I develop a app for watch streaming channels of TV and radio called Tivion and I need many translators for contribute (any language is good). If you can help me, please visit https://translations.launchpad.net/tivion23:20
poolieis it just me or has the ajax suggestion widget for bug tags gone away?23:36
pooliein +filebug23:37
maxbIt's not just you23:39
maxbThough I can't swear it was ever on the new-bug page23:40
mwhudsonit was never on +filebug23:40

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