
cwillu_at_workthought:  making it easier to test packages from proposed releases is a good thing.  ppa's may be useful for this, but I don't think they're the answer of themselves00:00
cwillu_at_workperhaps something like making use of popularity contest, such that people who have particular packages installed get prompted that "a proposed update is available, did you want to help test it?"00:01
cwillu_at_workthat way the more obscure packages still get exposure, and the users testing them are more aware of their place in the grand scheme of things00:01
cwillu_at_worka more automated backports system could therefore be useful, although it can only help so much with version dependencies that can't be satisfied without a bunch of other updates00:05
* cwillu_at_work continues whittling away on this computer case00:08
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
* cwillu_at_work wonders how much of that BUGabundo got00:10
BUGabundoup to the computer case00:10
BUGabundoI'm always listening to you, my friend00:11
BUGabundoeven when not on IRC :)00:11
* cwillu_at_work is creeped :p00:11
* cwillu_at_work BUGabundo what's your schedule like over the next week?00:22
cwillu_at_worksee, that's what happens when you type /me instead of /m :p00:22
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
=== Bunta is now known as Trunkz
emmaIn Lucid, in 'the ubuntu software center' under programming, there's an ap there called "DrPython" that is obviously based on DrScheme, but DrScheme is not in the Ubuntu Software Center, why not? Is that a bug?03:46
cwillu_at_workemma, why is it obvious that it's based on drscheme?04:01
cwillu_at_work"""DrPython is a highly customizable text editor geared towards writing programs in Python quickly and easily. It is written in Python using the wxPython toolkit (which makes use of the Scintilla text control internally)."""04:01
emmacwillu_at_work: the logo for DrPython is the logo for DrScheme except they have drawn a crude python over the top of it.04:02
cwillu_at_workcopying a logo doesn't mean the application is at all related04:02
cwillu_at_workother than inspiration or whatever04:02
emmaI think DrScheme should be in there as well.04:03
cwillu_at_workoh, I see what you mean now;  still not convinced that drpython's inclusion implies that drscheme needs to be included, but it's suggestive04:04
cwillu_at_workcan't hurt to file a bug against the drscheme package04:05
emmacwillu_at_work: I'm not against python but when I am looking for DrScheme and it has DrPython that feels like a bigger loss than if you just didn't have DrScheme.04:10
* cwillu_at_work notes for the record that drscheme is in synaptic04:25
cwillu_at_workso it's not a loss so much as a 'it didn't show up where it was expected'04:25
i_is_broke< should get a book on python...and learn:D04:26
cwillu_at_worki_is_broke, http://tinyurl.com/thinkcspy04:29
cwillu_at_workthe above is strongly recommended by the #python folks;  you can get it in dead-tree format if you need, but the full text is also available as html and pdf04:30
i_is_brokecwillu_at_work, ah thanks ill look into it..04:31
cwillu_at_work#python in general is full of very good advice04:31
i_is_brokei havent taken a computer course since high school, and thats been over 25 years ago.:(04:32
cwillu_at_workthat's good intro programming material in general; there's also stuff if you're familiar with other languages, but if it's been a long while, probably best to start with the above :)04:33
i_is_brokeyeah the last ive seen in programming was apple 2e and dos. :(04:33
cwillu_at_worki_is_broke, I'd also strongly recommend that your first couple projects should be modifying existing programs;  you'll gain a better sense of style that way, rather than learning a bunch of bad habits04:35
i_is_brokecwillu_at_work, i already found that out, when i first came to linux with dos.04:36
i_is_brokemy middle daughter is taking java in college and she is suppose to teach me when she gets threw the course..so im cheating there..lol04:37
cwillu_at_workwell, in all honesty, they don't tend to teach great habits in college :p04:37
i_is_brokewell, one of these days i would love to go back to school and get the degree i should have..been a tech now for over 15 years working with my dad, but mostly on window based computers. so linux and imacs are still new to me.04:39
cwillu_at_workthere's a lot of thing you don't learn without dealing with large code bases, and I don't know how big a project would get;  dealing with an existing project gets you a bunch of free stuff that isn't necessarily part of a comp sci degree: version control, communications, ui design, coding standards, etc04:39
i_is_brokeim not to worried about a title, just the idea, that i went to school took there test and got a piece of paper saying i did it.04:40
i_is_brokeive learned more by hacking around with these upgrades here lately then my daughter has in a year of school.04:41
cwillu_at_workwell, you _are_ dealing with different topics04:42
cwillu_at_workcomputer science isn't about computers04:43
i_is_brokeyeah its weird, you would think it would.04:43
i_is_brokei get a book from the local c.c. here in town..and have seen that.04:44
i_is_brokebut anyways, this is a little offtopic. sorry.04:44
i_is_brokeok, where do i look for post on bug reports people are having for lucid?04:44
RAOF_Famous quote: computer science isn't about computers in the same way astronomy isn't about telescopes.04:44
RAOF_i_is_broke: Yup.  Preferably using apport, because that'll fill in a bunch of useful stuff for you.04:45
i_is_brokewell i want to see if anyone else is having the same issue as i am?04:45
RAOF_Search lauchpad, yes.04:46
RAOF_That's the Ubuntu bugtracker, so... :)04:46
i_is_brokeand i really need to know how to debug stuff better, so i could be more helpful.04:46
cwillu_at_worki_is_broke, I usually just ubuntu-bug <package>, and go through the steps;  one of them includes an automatic search for similar bugs which works better than the default launchpad search in my experience :)04:46
RAOF_You might also want to have a browse of the lucid development forum ( http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=377 ), but that's (a) not a bug tracker, and (b) isn't a developers hangout.04:47
i_is_brokecwillu_at_work, well im not sure whats doing it? im having an issue with memory usage when booting the computer sometimes. and i cant figure out whats using it, i have even installed atop and it just shows very little memory being used.04:47
cwillu_at_workhow do you know it's an issue with memory usage?04:48
i_is_brokebut gkrellm shows its using almost all of it but 150 meg and it acts like its sluggish.04:48
i_is_brokehold on ill get on the lucid box and see if i can make it do it again.04:49
cwillu_at_workyou understand the difference between resident/vm/allocated?04:49
cwillu_at_workand the effects of shared memory?04:49
i_is_broketo some extent..i know what allocated and vm are and shared memory is like if i was using onboard video.04:50
RAOF_And the effects of disc cache, which will generally take up whatever memory is not used by applications.04:50
cwillu_at_workre: shared, that's not what I meant04:50
i_is_brokeok then please explain?04:50
cwillu_at_workshared is actually memory is counted against a process's usage, but is actually being shared across multiple processes (i.e, their memory usages will add up to more than your available memory)04:50
i_is_brokethat i understand, but what is resident?04:51
cwillu_at_workin memory04:51
cwillu_at_workas opposed to on disk or allocated but untouched (and therefore not really allocated :p)04:52
i_is_broke? on disk, wouldnt that be swap? and untouched wouldnt that be free?04:52
i_is_brokethis is my issue, i have a dual p3 866 with 512 ram, and sometimes when i boot i get 150 meg of free ram. which makes the computer really doggish..but if i reboot i usually get 390 megs of free ram. (i use lxde or xfce).04:54
i_is_brokebut it does the same in kde and gnome as well.04:55
i_is_brokeive checked them all.04:55
cwillu_at_works/which makes the/and the/04:55
cwillu_at_workwhen its doggish, check in top if anything is using >95% cpu, and/or the system reports a significant percentage of %wa (time stuck doing io)04:56
cwillu_at_worknot sure if atop shows that data, might have to use plain top04:57
i_is_brokeok will check if i can get it to do it again..it dont do it all the time..04:57
cwillu_at_workdo you have multiple partitions on the drive?04:57
RAOF_Having a different amount of ram free isn't going to make your system faster or slower; it's only going to be a problem if you run out of ram and start hitting the swap.  Then it'll thrash, and the system will basically die.04:57
i_is_brokeyeah i just rebooted it and it came back up with 358 meg of free memory.04:57
i_is_brokeit starts into the swap, so i reboot usually.04:58
cwillu_at_workif you did, it could be as simple as a fsck running on a non-root partition04:58
cwillu_at_workusing swap isn't a bad thing04:58
cwillu_at_workand having truly free memory _is_ a bad thing04:58
RAOF_If it's swapping out stuff that isn't being used, yeah, there's no problem with that.04:58
i_is_brokewell i know that. just that its so slow i cant get it to be more then aggravating.04:58
cwillu_at_workokay, but you're not getting to the root causes :)04:59
i_is_brokei know, thats what im trying to figure out how to do.04:59
RAOF_Unless the system is thrashing to a halt the slowness is likely to be due to something else.04:59
i_is_brokewell im game to find out what it is and change it thats for sure.05:00
cwillu_at_workyou know how to log into it via ssh?05:00
i_is_brokeum learning05:01
i_is_brokeah it just came back up.05:01
cwillu_at_workrather than rebooting it when it start getting slow, log into it via ssh (lower resource requirements than a full x session, meaning it should stay somewhat more responsive than the x session)05:01
i_is_brokewell i can do the tsc but im still not figuring out ssh yet...so im still reading and learning about that.05:02
oldude67this is me i_is_broke05:06
oldude67and right now top says that xorg in root is using the  most memory and cpu usage, but when i get the wild config going on it bounces everywhere.05:07
oldude67im going to try and see if i have any updates, that usually makes it act stupid.05:08
oldude67ok reboot05:11
oldude67ok i got it to do it again...it says i have 91meg of ram free.05:40
oldude67let me see if i can pastebin top05:41
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic05:41
oldude67thats the url for top. anything else you want to look at as its doing this now?05:42
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oldude67ok rebooting now...going way to slow...06:00
angelushi, is there a way i can a) get Lucid from a .torrent or b) update Karmic to Lucid w/o a .iso ???06:20
oldude67angelus, did you do sudo aptitude update-manager -d?06:21
oldude67or is it dist-upgrade?06:21
oldude67i dont remember, for sure as i started mine from changing the source.list in apt to get the lucid instead of karmic.06:23
sal_angelus: no torrents i'm aware of, and i dont think .iso will update, more like a new install06:23
sal_like oldude67, change the source.list references from karmic to lucid06:24
sal_and run your updates/upgrades from there06:24
sal_check the forums06:24
angeluskool thanks ....06:24
i_is_brokeYEAH i just learned how to ssh into my lucid box...:D im so proud of myself. now when it messes up i can see if i can do something with it.06:48
DanaGargh, trying to fix grub from within a chroot...06:58
DanaGgrub-setup just segfaults06:58
RAOF_DanaG: Yeah.  You need to bind mount at least proc & dev.06:58
DanaGI did.06:59
DanaGAnd sys, too.06:59
DanaGand /dev/pts, too.06:59
RAOF_Hm.  I _eventually_ managed to get update-grub to not die in my chroot.  I wonder what's wrong for you?06:59
DanaGhmm, perhaps dev didn't really bind...06:59
RAOF_Oh - is there any lvm/dmraid/mdadm happening?06:59
DanaGnope.  just plain disk.07:00
DanaGhmm, rbind instead of bind, for dev, worked.07:00
DanaGah, worked.07:01
DanaGooh, spinfinity looks nifty.07:01
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
DanaGoh yeah, HP screwed up firewire on my laptop model:07:02
DanaGGUID is 556677881122334407:02
DanaGTotally not valid.07:02
DanaGugh, for some reason, bootchart keeps eating RAM like crazy.07:08
DanaGugh, stupid thing... is via rhine ethernet just horrible?07:11
DanaGCONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT not enabled in kernel, cannot determine SWAPIN and IO %07:13
DanaGcorrect on which?07:14
RAOFCONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT not enabled in kernel.07:14
RAOFBecause there's a performance penalty, and only iotop cares.07:16
DanaGugh, pavucontrol trashes pulseaudio.07:16
DanaGmakes it hammer the cpu.07:16
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Rods_Tigerwill rails be easier to install in the next version of ubuntu?08:16
Rods_TigerIdeally, I'd like to just select 'rails' and it pulls in ruby, sqlite3, and all the little nonsense that's necessary, without my having to go round searching for weeks online as to why it still isn't working properly yet.08:17
Rods_TigerFor learning rails, ubuntu is definitely not recommended - it's far too hard to get working08:18
Rods_Tigeralso, will the next version of ubuntu be able to sort out whether it's being booted on a netbook or a big computer, and go into UNR or normal ubuntu, accordingly?08:36
DanaGhmm, playing audio over bluetooth, from one computer to another.08:47
DanaGhmm, removed .asoundrc...08:53
DanaGthis is one with the wonky volume control.08:53
indusis alpha one any good08:59
DanaGugh, bootchart is devouring all my memory.09:12
DanaGer, 60% of it, rather.09:12
DanaGgrr, bootchart has been sitting there for like 15 minutes, eating RAM and hammering the hard drive.09:38
DanaGugh, no wonder... look how huge-mongous that image is!09:46
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coz_hey guys  just tried  nvclock_gtk and am getting segmentation fault   ...anyone else tried this?12:47
Organizedhey guys13:25
Organizedwhat command to update kubuntu 9.10 to 10.04a1?13:25
jpdsdo-release-upgrade -d13:29
=== elky is now known as Guest4966
BluesKajHowdy all15:19
BUGabundo_workhey BluesKaj15:23
BUGabundo_worklong time no see :)15:23
BluesKajhi BUGabundo_work , yeah where ya been ?15:26
BUGabundo_worki'm here everyday15:29
BluesKajthis room was just ressurected a few days ago , afaik :)15:31
BluesKajerr resurrected15:31
BluesKajdidn't bother coming around til alpha was rekeased15:32
BUGabundo_workhye maco15:33
=== astechgeek is now known as techgeek
oldude67ok, can i run desktop settings from terminal, so that i can run it with sudo? every time i reboot i have to reset all the settings including the wallpaper.18:15
oldude67or is this a bug?18:15
i_is_brokeand can you move files or folders from one computer to the next with ssh?18:17
i_is_brokeif so how?18:17
Picii_is_broke: take a look at scp18:18
i_is_brokePici, ty18:18
i_is_brokeill look into it.18:18
DanaGweird compiz...18:19
i_is_brokeman scp is very vague on its description on how it works, ill have to google to learn more.18:25
=== astechgeek is now known as techgeek
i_is_brokebe back in a min, need to reboot.18:26
CosmiChaosi have a crazy thing on my notify-osd, a orange grid and blue backgrounded title: "low -report incorrect urgency?" what is that? any idea how to get rid of it?18:37
KetsubanCosmiChaos: you need to edit a config file to disable debug mode in notify-osd. Unfortunately I can't find where I wrote down where that file is.18:43
KetsubanCosmiChaos: Found it! Edit /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service and change "DEBUG=1" to "DEBUG=0".18:48
KetsubanWait, hang on. This isn't the file I edited.18:49
CosmiChaossemms to be right doesnt it18:51
CosmiChaosshould i try a reboot?18:51
KetsubanNo, if that change was possible then all you need to do is kill notify-osd and launch it again.18:52
CosmiChaoshmm where is notify-osd located?18:54
DanaGhmm, is that slower than normal?18:54
CosmiChaosKetsuban, how to relaunch it? O.o18:55
KetsubanIt's in /usr/lib/notify-osd.18:55
CosmiChaosbtw i killed it but it still works18:55
DanaGyeah, it comes back; that's what the dbus service file does: makes it come back.18:56
CosmiChaosseems like its auto relaunching itself18:56
CosmiChaosso it still in debugging mode :(18:56
DanaGoh, I see... it probably didn't reload the service definition.18:56
DanaGTry logging out and then back in?18:57
DanaG(shouldn't need a full reboot.)18:57
CosmiChaoscurrently i not able to18:57
CosmiChaosrunning critical task that needs 80 minutes18:57
DanaGah, then manually launch it: killall notify-osd && /usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osd18:57
DanaGHandy thing for non-X-based tasks: run them in 'screen'.18:58
CosmiChaosnotify-osd: no process found18:58
CosmiChaosstill uply notfier18:58
DanaGoh, and ctrl-z then 'bg' to background the new notify-osd.19:00
CosmiChaoscosmichaos@cosmichaos-desktop:~$ killall notify-osdcosmichaos@cosmichaos-desktop:~$ /usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osd19:00
CosmiChaosthat works seperated19:00
CosmiChaoswhat is bg?19:00
CosmiChaosbut than i stoped the terminal and the old ugly one came back19:01
DanaGokay, open a console again, and try:19:01
DanaGkillall notify-osd && /usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osd &19:01
DanaGthen 'disown'19:01
DanaGAnd then you can close the console.19:01
CosmiChaosyes i did it with ALT+F219:02
CosmiChaoshope it will stay permanent up to next boot19:02
DanaG'bg' makes the thing you stopped (with ctrl-z) resume running, but in the background (not attached to console input).19:02
DanaG'disown' detaches it from the console, so the app won't quit when the window closes.19:03
CosmiChaosi have no key bg19:03
DanaG'b' 'g'19:03
DanaGsorry, maybe a bit unclear there. =þ19:03
CosmiChaospressing b and g does not work either, sop confusing me im done19:04
DanaGbg is a command.  anyway, whatever.19:04
DanaGthe term for that is "job control", if you're ever curious.19:05
CosmiChaosbash: bg: current: Kein solche Job.19:05
DanaGah, it's a new console, so that's why.19:05
=== seren is now known as seren__
funkyHatI'm getting really poor 3d (compiz is mostly what I've tested) performance since a recent update. I have a radeon x1650, using the open source drivers20:07
funkyHatAnyone got any suggestions for things to try, is it a known issue?20:07
mrmcq2uIs hal being dropped completely for lucid?20:15
funkyHatI think that is the plan, mrmcq2u20:17
mrmcq2ugabaug is shocked :)20:18
funkyHatwat. Why are the indicator applets replaced by text that just says "no indicators"?20:25
Brianhow stable is linx at this point20:25
Brianis it good to test20:25
funkyHatDepends on your hardware20:26
Brianacer netbook20:26
funkyHatBear in mide that it is likely to get more broken from now, not less broken20:26
Brianhow so20:27
funkyHatOf course it will get less broken again after that, but if you're thinking about upgrading this possibly isn't a good time20:27
funkyHatAs more packages are updated, new version of Gnome gets pulled in etc. stuff is bound to break20:27
Brianmaybe you guys can help me , i went from karmic to opensuse useing my usb to install the distro, always before i could reboot plug in the usb drive hit f12 and pick boot from usb, but after running opensuse i want to go back to check out ubuntu more but all of a sudden when i plug in my usb drive and hit f12 the usb isnt in the boot menu, it always worked before but now , out of nowhere its not in the menu20:30
i_is_brokeBrian, check the bios on the computer and make sure that its set to boot from usb.20:31
Brianit is i just checked last time20:31
Brianit only shows hdd and my harddrive20:31
i_is_brokewhat does sudo fdisk -l show is it showing the pendrive?20:33
mrmcq2uis anyone here using the client side window patch?20:34
webbb82that is what fdisk -l gets20:37
IdleOneHow is Xorg doing today?20:37
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webbb82wait http://pastebin.com/m6bf94a79   this is what it says sorry20:38
webbb82so yes it can see my usb drive20:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 475259 in linux "KMS doesn't play nice with vesa X driver" [Medium,Triaged]20:41
JontheEchidnaoh, that's why everything is funky with vesa then20:44
nvmedoes lynx boot in 10 seconds yet ?20:45
DanaGNot  for me.20:45
nvmedo you measure to the end of usplash ?20:48
DanaGIt's supposed to be measuring until gnome-panel finishes loading.20:49
IdleOnelucid boots in about 15 seconds here20:50
nvmewhere in this page is gnoe20:50
funkyHatIdleOne: I'm having graphics problems. I don't know if it's the fault of Xorg or some other component though20:51
IdleOnefunkyHat: I ran the updates but going to wait to reboot till later tonight20:52
IdleOnemy ISP is really making me want to find a new ISP20:53
DanaGLatest boot: http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/bootcharts/GLaDOS-lucid-20091214-5.png20:53
nvmeIdleOne, is that with an SSD ?20:53
nvmesolid state disk (your 15 seconds boot)20:54
IdleOneheh have no clue20:55
DanaGnew boot.21:01
DanaGabout the same time.  Le suck.21:01
nvmehow does that person get 16 ... its a friggin 1.83 single core no ssd21:02
yofelhere my last (SSD) http://yofel.dyndns.org/ext/yofel-eee-lucid-20091214-1.png21:04
DanaGit's about the same as my non-ssd.21:05
DanaGwhole lotta' sleeping going on there.21:05
DanaGcouchdb... is that like a database of furniture?21:06
yofelwell, I have auto-login disabled and got distracted for a moment21:06
yofelDanaG: it's used by ubuntuone-client21:06
DanaGI want to know how the heck that person got 15 seconds.21:06
nvmehttp://img268.imageshack.us/img268/1071/cowlucid2009121410.png this guy sez its a 7200rpm21:07
DanaGSo is mine.21:07
DanaGEven "resume" takes time.21:08
DanaGand uredahead is slow.21:08
IdleOneok so how do I use bootchart?21:09
yofelwhat annoys me is that cache get's swapped out on resume here21:09
nvmeIdleOne, http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=37721:09
* IdleOne reads21:09
yofelIdleOne: install bootchart and pybootchartgui and reboot21:09
DanaGOh, and I'm not even resuming, at all... I'm just plain booting.21:09
ubottubootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot21:09
IdleOneahh so it just runs after install21:10
IdleOneno commands to run21:10
IdleOneok well here goes nothing21:10
yofelnope, but don't be suprized if you have 100% cpu usage on login ;)21:10
DanaGFor me, it also ate like 60% of my RAM for 15 minutes, one time/21:11
yofelyeah, it needs more RAM the longer the boot takes (the longer the chart gets)21:12
DanaGhuge one.21:14
DanaGThat one didn't know where to stop.21:15
tormodDanaG, ureadahead did not do its job there21:15
DanaGI think that was first Lucid boot.21:15
DanaGBut look at where it stops!21:16
DanaGIt stops where I'm running my own stuff, manually... including Wine.21:16
nvmewhat exactly is there to "purge" in HAL ?21:16
DanaGIt just didn't know to stop.21:16
DanaGsecond lucid boot: http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/bootcharts/GLaDOS-lucid-20091214-2.png21:16
DanaGAnd what's with the "sleep" in resume?21:16
yofellast bootchart from my notebook (kdm was still broken there) 5200RPM HDD http://yofel.dyndns.org/pics/yofel-thinkpad-lucid-20091209-1.png21:16
IdleOneok so that says 55 seconds21:17
nvmeIdleOne, thats weird your disk is realllly slow in the start21:17
tormodDanaG, agpmode=0 ? shouldn't it be -1 ?21:18
nvmemost of the people with the <20s times have their disks working at 40+ in those first 20 seconds21:18
DanaGI was testing agpmode parameter essentially removed, but wanted to remind myself to set it again if need be.21:18
DanaGI moved stuff from an nforce2 board (got null pointer dereference in radeon_agp_init) to a VIA board (works fine).21:18
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tormodDanaG, why is scim dark gray for so long?21:19
DanaGBeats me.  What does dark grey even mean?21:20
IdleOneI seem to have lost my user switcher button21:20
IdleOnesays No Indicators instead21:20
DanaGI always have had troubles with slow boot.21:21
yofelIdleOne: sounds like the same issue funkyHat had21:21
funkyHatyofel: IdleOne: yes.21:23
funkyHatThat was one of my issues, anyway ;P21:23
=== Guest4966 is now known as elky
DanaGweird... my other computer does not have ANY bootcharts for since I upgraded it to lucid.21:24
yofelDanaG: you did replace bootchart-java with pybootchart?21:26
DanaGI'm trying something: purging and then reinstalling bootchart and pybootchartgui.21:26
DanaGhmm, got it a little bit shorter: http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/bootcharts/GLaDOS-lucid-20091214-7.png21:27
DanaGnow to reboot EliteBook.21:27
DanaGhmm, a whole lotta' "ureadahead-other terminated with status 4"21:29
tormodDanaG, your thing boots up fast, then your desktop session seems to take forever21:32
DanaGoh, and on the EliteBook, Plymouth actively refuses to display a splash.21:32
DanaG /home is a separate partition... apparently readahead can't handle it.21:32
DanaGer, sreadahead.21:32
DanaGOld readahead did just fine.21:32
tormoder ureadahead21:33
DanaGNew readahead sucks.21:33
tormoddoes plymouth work fine with radeon kms? I haven't had it pulled in yet21:35
DanaGoh, and something weird on "GLaDOS": it won't reboot... it just hangs at plymouth shutdown thingy.'21:37
DanaGoh, and plymouth refuses to run if it sees console= on kernel command line.21:37
DanaGoh, and spinfinity theme is nifty.21:38
DanaGgrr, kdm is ignoring auto-login setting.21:39
DanaGand plasma-desktop is not auto-starting with kde.21:40
yofelDanaG: plasma-desktop does here, but knetworkmanager not21:41
mrmcq2uhttp://blogs.gnome.org/halfline/2009/11/28/plymouth-⟶-x-transition/ <-> Whats the point of xsplash + plymouth with this advancement?21:43
natewiebe13why is nvidia-glx-* conflicting with ubuntu-desktop and xorg?21:44
natewiebe13anyone using nvidia?21:47
yofelnatewiebe13: I switched to the 195.22 beta driver from a ppa21:48
natewiebe13the 195.22 driver works in lucid?21:48
yofelbut I thought the official drivers were updated for the new Xorg21:48
yofelseems they weren't yet21:48
natewiebe13im trying the 190.42 drivers from the libvdpau ppa21:48
yofelnatewiebe13: https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/nvidia this one works for me21:49
natewiebe13yofel: awesome.. thanks21:49
DanaGaah, different computer.21:49
DanaGMuch, much nicer.21:49
DanaGBut, still nowhere near 15 seconds.21:50
natewiebe13yofel: just thinking about it, wasnt the new xorg released with alpha one?21:53
yofelnatewiebe13: yes, xorg 7.5 with server 1.721:53
yofellike I said, maybe the drivers weren't updated yet21:53
natewiebe13why was the ppa updated to include lucid if the drivers werent updated?21:54
natewiebe13seems strange to me21:54
DanaGhmm... any way I can speed up my boot?21:55
natewiebe13yofel: and the 195 drivers work.. thanks21:55
yofelnatewiebe13: the drivers were uploaded for lucid while lucid still had xorg 7.421:56
natewiebe13okay.. that makes sense21:56
yofelxorg 7.5 got into lucid 1-2 weeks ago21:56
DanaGhmm, I also have weird volume control behavior with pulseaudio and ALC658D.21:57
natewiebe13anyone else getting "no indicators" for where the user switcher was?21:58
yofelnatewiebe13: yep IdleOne and funkyHat21:59
IdleOneyofel: The official keeper of " OMG! what happened to my user switch " bug :)22:00
IdleOnenatewiebe13: seems like a little bug yup22:00
natewiebe13haha.. nice, seems to happen at least once every release :P22:01
natewiebe13is there a bug report for it yet?22:02
ubottuFreedesktop bug 22239 in plymouth general "improve console= handling" [Normal,New]22:03
DanaGfor me, plymouth refuses to run.'22:03
natewiebe13yofel: is there a bug report for indicator applet?22:04
yofelno idea22:04
natewiebe13(unless its something else)22:04
DanaG -- also big.http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/bootcharts/EliteBook-lucid-20091214-4.png22:07
mrmcq2uDanaG - ati kms was switched off in an update recently in case that might be the issue22:08
DanaGnope, different issue.22:08
DanaGI actually have pinned the Karmic X server, and am using fglrx.22:08
DanaGI need the power savings features.22:08
DanaGSo, I have it use uvesafb.22:09
DanaGIt just actively refuses to show splash if it sees "console=anything"22:09
mrmcq2uit worked for a charm for me on fedora for the past two releases with ati22:11
mrmcq2ubut fedora's not debian based :)22:11
mrmcq2uoh how I loath yum22:11
DanaGyum?  more like yuck.22:12
natewiebe13funkyHat, IdleOne: bug #49673122:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496731 in indicator-applet "indicator-applet shows "no indicators" in lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49673122:12
DanaGread the bug link I posted.22:13
BUGabundoguys sorry for the spam but been laughing so hard with this site, I had to share http://akinator.com/22:16
yofelbtw, looking through my unread feeds I found this nice explenation about 'Partial upgrades'22:18
DanaGthat's a bit better.22:20
DanaGStill won't auto-login.22:20
DanaGbug 41606722:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416067 in update-manager "battery warning causes update-manager to loose unfocus" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41606722:31
rr73is there a known issue about alpha-1 flickering on laptops?22:32
DanaGbug 49051222:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 490512 in nautilus "Disable Trash/Delete bindings when appropriate" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49051222:32
rr73so bad that I can't even run live cd or let alone install22:35
natewiebe13hmm.. after an update i no longer get x at all22:36
natewiebe13thought it may have to do with installing the nvidia glx driver, i uninstall it and still no x22:36
rr73natewiebe13~ my screen flickers like mad on my laptop, it is like it keeps switching virtual terms or something22:37
natewiebe13when mine starts up you see terms instead of plymouth, then the background changes from black to green and then it brings up the login from terminal but no x22:38
rr73this is why it is alpha lol22:39
natewiebe13rr73 yup.. im also getting usplash terminated with status 2, but it has been removed 2 updates ago22:41
rr73so a daily/current *should* solve my issue? even though it is xubuntu right?22:42
natewiebe13rr73: got x running.. had to login and "sudo start gdm"22:42
natewiebe13rr73: shouldnt that be done by default?22:42
rr73what by defualy22:43
natewiebe13start gdm22:43
rr73what is the difference between /daily/ and /daily-live/ during the develepment process?22:51
MatBoyah I just heard knowledge is here again :) nice people that actually know what they are doing :)22:53
MatBoywhen you encrypt your /home partition during the install there is displayed the encryption key after the first login... this is done by a command which I can't find anymore22:54
BUGabundorr73: daily is the alternate, Live is the Desktop22:56
bjsniderbeat me to it22:56
bjsnideryou bugabundo you22:56
rr73BUGabundo~ just realized that lol22:56
rr73and the alternate is updated more frequently?22:56
BUGabundobjsnider: and I'm not even paying attention22:56
BUGabundoI was playing http://akinator.com/22:56
BUGabundocan't stop... I'm hooked on the site22:56
BUGabundorr73: same22:57
BUGabundoDVDs are every 3-5 days22:57
rr73BUGabundo~ for xubuntu the alternate is from 14 and desktop is from 09, both of December22:58
BUGabundounless its failing to build due to the X bug22:59
rr73:-D lol ok thankyou22:59
rr73so in an ideal world they are the same, but in some instances of bugs they are not, right BUGabundo ?23:00
rr73thank you so much for the assistance BUGabundo23:00
BUGabundosomething like that23:01
bjsnidernow people are sending me bug reports about how badly mplayer works when they've removed pulseaudio from their systems23:05
bjsniderwhat do i tell them, BUGabundo?23:05
BUGabundobjsnider: ahahaha23:05
BUGabundoI laugh in their FACES ahahaahaha23:05
BUGabundoask them to re install PA23:06
bjsniderhe says he removed it because he was not able to get surround sound to work with it (pulse that is)23:07
bjsniderugh, how distasteful23:07
MatBoymhh I wonder why I can't find this command to disply my encryption key23:07
BUGabundohe should have installed PAMAN23:08
BUGabundoand selected the 5 channerls23:08
BUGabundoif only stereo head phones worked :(23:09
BUGabundobut I've been trying and can't collect enough debug data :(23:09
bjsnideri thought surround sound was one of the profiles available23:09
BUGabundonor I find a good bug on LP for it23:09
MatBoymhh, no-one knows the command ?23:10
BUGabundoMatBoy: ?23:10
BUGabundoohh GPG23:10
bjsnideri should send him to dtchen23:10
BUGabundokeyserver something23:10
BUGabundobjsnider: #ubuntu-audio-help23:11
MatBoyBUGabundo: when you encrypt your home partition the first time you get your key after enetering your sudo passwd23:11
bjsniderthere you go. thakn you23:11
BUGabundowith all ubuntu-desktop packages installed23:11
BUGabundoand a good bug report from apport23:11
BUGabundoMatBoy: you do? I never do it like that23:11
BUGabundoI use encfs23:11
MatBoyBUGabundo: it worked kinda well23:11
MatBoybut I need to know if I need to recover :)23:12
MatBoyI also need to know how you can recover a ext4 partition when you converted it or whatever... not much info about it yet :)23:13
MatBoyI always want to now in front :)23:13
BUGabundoMatBoy: no recoveral method should be available23:14
BUGabundobut talk to the guy that made it23:14
BUGabundoyou can find him in #ubuntu-devel23:14
MatBoynot yet for ext4 ?23:14
MatBoyso better use ext3 so far ?23:14
BUGabundohumm his nick is......23:14
BUGabundodarn... can't remember23:14
MatBoyBUGabundo: I just reocered a converted ext4 parition encrypted also using testdisk :) only converted, nothing more :D23:19
BUGabundoohh strange dude :)23:19
MatBoyBUGabundo: Iḿ kinda freak... but woman seem to like me tho :P23:19
* BUGabundo steps back23:20
BUGabundohye coool.... kmail fixed :)23:20
MatBoydamn I need to reinstall my eeepc with flashdisk to upgrade to 9.10 :S23:21
BUGabundo  p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  KMail encountered a fatal error and will terminate now. The error was: Message could not be added to the folder, possibly disk space is low23:43
BUGabundoand i have >100GiB free23:44
BUGabundostupid app23:44
BUGabundoI'm movign to TB323:44
BUGabundodamn it23:44
MatBoymhh what is the most nice way to encrypt your partition now ?23:45
nvme11 second boot ? what ? http://tr.im/HDhy23:48
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