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nshareregister m2nk3y!01:38
mattiOh dear.01:38
nsharemaybe :P01:39
hggdher, what?01:41
* greg-g doesn't understand the scrollback sometimes :)02:26
DrManhattanwhat's the deal with the intel video driver? The performance is horrible compared to fedora 1205:10
dtchencan you be more specific?05:14
* micahg loves the new intel driver in Karmic05:14
DrManhattan3d performance is really slow, 3d screensavers are slow and choppy, glxgears gives 1/6 the framerate it does in fecora 1205:17
DrManhattanfedora I mean05:17
DrManhattanits a gmax310005:18
micahgDrManhattan: are you running karmic with 2.6.31?05:18
DrManhattani was05:19
DrManhattanit was whatever the latest kernel was available through the standard updates.05:20
dtchenwell, for starters, it looks like F12 shipped with xserver-xorg-intel 2.9.105:24
micahgDrManhattan: idk, there haven't been any updates since release05:24
dtchenKarmic shipped with 2.9.005:24
dtchen(crikey, http://cvs.fedoraproject.org/viewvc/F-12 is massive)05:24
DrManhattanthere most certainly has. The kernel that 9.10 shipped with gets updated.05:24
micahgDrManhattan: you can get 2.9.1 from the xorg ppa, https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/drivers-only05:26
DrManhattanim having issues figuring out how to download fron that site05:30
DrManhattannever mind, sorry05:32
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DrManhattanHow can I install the gl screensavers from xscreensaver into the regular gnome screensaver package?06:51
DrManhattanfedora has xscreensaver-gl-extras-gss - whats the ubuntu equivalent06:57
persiaDrManhattan: Perhaps xscreensaver-gl-extra?  You might fiddle with apt-file and the files included in the fedora package.07:12
DrManhattanum, nope. I just use xscreensaver instand of gnome-screensaver as my system screensaver07:13
DrManhattanthanks though07:13
persiaDrManhattan: well, the default if gnome-screensaver.  If there's some bug that exists that is fixed in Fedora's xscreensaver-gl-extras-gss, it's worth using apt-file to figure out where is goes.07:15
DrManhattanThank you.07:17
thekorngood morning bugsquad07:26
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mrandboo who?15:36
bddebianDon't cry :)15:39
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planktum_please need some advice on how to deal with this bug that got me stuck:19:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 453476 in live-initramfs "package live-initramfs (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/initramfs-tools/conf.d/compcache', which is also in package casper 0:1.204" [Undecided,New]19:11
* planktum_ guessing there will be no help here as in #ubuntu19:13
nperryWhere are openoffice crash logs19:55
hggdhif they were created (which is to say, apport is active), they will be under /var/crash20:06
nperryNo there isnt20:07
hggdhso apport is inactive...20:07
nperrysudo service apport start force_start=1 will do?20:08
micahgnperry: only is -proposed is enabled in karmic at the moment20:09
nperryOdd, its not reporting a crash20:11
nperrybug 49624520:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 496245 in openoffice.org "openoffice 3.1.1 linux crashes after copy/paste of text from googlemail including the from-line" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49624520:11
nperryI've posted upstream, just i reckon require a log before can be triaged.20:12
hggdhmicahg: what do you think of bug 233990 ?20:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 233990 in thunderbird "Thunderbird's mdn (receipt) message may contain 822bis-violating bare lf which is rejected by Qmail" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23399020:21
micahghggdh: ugh, needs a more in depth look than I can do right now20:21
micahghggdh: ping me in 6 hours or so :)20:22
hggdhthis guy is as rude as Bernstein usually is, but lacks DJ's knowledge...20:22
hggdhwill do, micahg20:22
nperryhggdh: I agree rude!20:34
nperryI would have left it, by his 4th comment20:34
nigel_nbhggdh: hey :)20:40
nigel_nbthat qmail guy got even more ruder, wow20:40
awardleIf there is a bug mentioning a translation error and the correct translation is as a suggestion in the translation section, what should you set the status to?21:00
awardle If there is a bug mentioning a translation error and the correct translation is as a suggestion in the translation section, what should you set the status to?21:16
hggdhnigel_nb: par for the game, I was looking at other bugs from him, usually the same behaviour21:36
nigel_nbhggdh: its insulting :(21:36
hggdhyes, it is. You just keep on... which I have been trying, but...21:37
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