
mdeslaurasac: I've added a patch to fix bug #49620600:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496206 in modemmanager "Analog USB modem isn't closed when probing fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49620600:01
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CThopitti: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sudo/+bug/194472/comments/28 it was renamed from "pwstars" to "pwfeedback"04:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 194472 in sudo "Entering password in Terminal gives no visual feedback" [Unknown,Fix released]04:28
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pittiGood morning07:24
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti07:24
pittididrocks: gconf sponsoring>  seems done now?07:24
pittibonjour didrocks07:25
didrockspitti: yeah, now bug #496301 needs love :)07:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496301 in ubuntu-netbook-remix-default-settings "Add Ubuntu Netbook Edition session" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49630107:25
pittididrocks: need those sponsored?07:29
didrockspitti: when you have some time, yes. no hurry though :)07:29
didrockstrying to grab some coffee, bbl07:29
pittididrocks: followed up, first two debdiffs are incomplete08:14
pittididrocks: unr-d-s isn't in bzr?08:15
didrockspitti: there is no svn-bzr tag in control file08:15
didrockspitti: you are talking about autostart desktop file? You want to handle them in /usr instead avec /etc (as others in etc/xdg/autostart?)08:16
pittididrocks: well, I suggested considering it08:17
pittididrocks: for this we'll need maintainer scripts either way, since they are currently in /etc08:17
pittiand need to be moved away from there08:17
didrockspitti: I guess we can declare those file as not being conffiles (it make little sense for autostart desktop file to be conffiles)08:18
pittididrocks: that was my question; can we put them into /usr/share/autostart/ from now on?08:18
pitti(or the equivalent UNE-only subpath)08:18
pittiunr-d-s sponsored08:19
didrockspitti: we can, I need to change my patch in gconf and we can tell that they are there. (but what about existing files in /etc/xdg/autostart, we kept them there?)08:19
didrockspitti: thanks08:19
didrockspitti: so, using http://standards.freedesktop.org/autostart-spec/autostart-spec-latest.html, we can try to tweak everytime XDG_CONFIG_DIR to include a new /usr/share/xdg/autostart path and move every .desktop file there? (it would require a lot of changes in gnome-session-properties too)08:24
pittithat woudl be weird08:25
pittididrocks: /usr/share/autostart/ should already be supported (and has been for a long time)08:25
didrockspitti: or we can add a new cdbs/dh tool to automatically tell that desktop autostart file in /etc/xdg/autostart and /etc/xdg/xdg-session aren't conffiles?08:25
pittiif that's deprecated, then ignore me08:25
pittino, files in /etc shipped in a .deb are conffiles08:25
didrocksbut we can still say "this file in /etc/...." isn't a conffile, right?08:26
pittino, we shouldn't (and I don't think we can)08:26
didrocksoh right, bad memory so :)08:29
didrockspitti: ok, I'm adding the code this evening for the conffile move. For the moment, I just propose to keep them in /etc/xdg/xdg-session/autostart if you agree (to not add another rule different from thoses in /etc/xdg/autostart). I've some ideas on lucid+1 for better session management, we can maybe discuss again about that at next UDS. Do you agree?08:30
fagankenvandine: you around?08:30
pittididrocks: sounds fine08:32
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:39
didrocksgood morning chrisccoulson, baptistemm08:40
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks08:40
chrisccoulsonhow are you?08:40
didrocksfine thanks, and you? You was able to get some sleep this week-end? ;)08:41
chrisccoulsondidrocks - yeah, i slept a little :)08:41
chrisccoulsonand i even managed to do a couple of merges last night ;)08:42
pittihey chrisccoulson08:44
chrisccoulsonhey pitti, how are you?08:44
seb128good morning desktopland08:49
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you?08:50
seb128hello chrisccoulson, good, thank you08:50
seb128what about you?08:50
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, good thanks. we had some visitors all weekend08:52
seb128so your plan to get some sleep failed this weekend?08:53
chrisccoulsoni got a reasonable amount of sleep ;)08:53
chrisccoulsonpitti - any chance we could have liboobs and gnome-system-tools in the desktop package set?08:55
didrockslut seb128 :)08:56
seb128'lu didrocks08:56
seb128ca va?08:56
didrocksseb128: ça va bien, dernière semaine à DS \o/ et toi?08:57
pittichrisccoulson: I don't think we can define them individually; I guess they are also used in xubuntu and other places08:57
pittibonjour seb12808:57
seb128ca va bien, dernière semaine à Canonical pour 2009 ;-)08:57
chrisccoulsonpitti - oh, ok. i wasn't aware of that08:57
seb128hey pitti08:57
seb128didrocks, pitti: how are you?08:58
* seb128 clean his inbox and curses the spammers08:58
pittiseb128: pretty good, had a relaxing weekend (big family event, 50th bday of my mother-in-law)09:00
seb128nice! ;-)09:00
seb128pitti, bug #496025 is probably for you09:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496025 in cheese "Web cam not detected by cheese on Dell Mini 10v" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49602509:15
seb128pitti, oh, it's fixed in git09:16
seb128it has been ported to gudev09:16
pittiseb128: right, I saw the bug09:17
pittioh, nice!09:17
* seb128 comment on the bug09:17
pittiit seems to miss a dependency right now09:17
seb128do you want me to do a git snapshot rather?09:17
tjaaltonpitti: could you sync xserver-xorg-input-evdev from experimental, thanks. new upstream version, should fix some crashes09:17
pittitjaalton: done09:19
seb128didrocks, yet another gconf path? :-(09:20
seb128and additional Xsession.d file?09:21
didrocksseb128: yes, for une session as we discussed before (populating ENV_MANDATORY_PATH)09:21
tjaaltonpitti: great, thx09:21
seb128didrocks, alright...09:22
seb128I'm trying to reduce the number of things to Xsession.d09:22
seb128not to add new ones, but I guess it will not impact on speed a lot09:22
didrocksseb128: I understand, but I guess it was better than patching gconf code to behave depending on GDMSESSION variable, isn't?09:23
seb128yes probably09:23
seb128though I'm not even sure having the variable depending on the session is correct09:23
seb128there is no real reason GNOME should behave differently if started with gdm or not09:23
didrocksseb128: the idea is more "you want the "Y" session with those autostart files and those gconf settings"09:24
seb128well I'm not convinced that GNOME should have different settings depending on how it's started09:25
seb128out of UNE which is not a GNOME session09:25
didrocksthat can be used in gnome-stracciatella too (instead of patching applications to tell "start only if you have this GDMSESSION variable")09:26
seb128I guess not too many users will fiddle with that09:29
seb128still can be pretty confusing to have GNOME configuration changing under your feet for no apparent reason just because you started it differently09:30
didrocksI totally agree with that, it will be very little used. Not a lot of users will use that09:30
asacpitti: we added two packages to the desktop seed for armel on friday ... what are the steps to do now? upload meta package and then promotion or v.v.11:16
* asac thought that the meta package gets automatically uploaded when seed changes11:16
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seb128yeah, I'm done with weekend email backlog before lunch11:33
chrisccoulsonseb128 - \o/11:34
pittiasac: no, you need to do that manually11:47
pittiasac: download, ./update, edit changelog, upload11:48
asacok. guess we have to wait for promotion first.11:58
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seb128mvo, hey, is software-center known to not start on alpha1?13:59
mvoseb128: no, I uploaded some changes today, it might be failing because of that?14:01
mvoseb128: what is the error?14:01
seb128mvo, no, that's a stock alpha1 install14:01
seb128no upgrade yet14:01
seb128mvo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/341180/14:02
mvoseb128: right, silly mistake, but fixed14:02
seb128ok thanks14:02
seb128I just reinstalled the mini with fresh alpha and I wanted to use software-center to install bootchart14:03
mvoseb128: let me know if you still have issues after a update14:03
seb128but that's a fail there ;-)14:03
seb128mvo, ok, upgrading now14:03
* mvo nods14:03
seb128mvo, works now, thanks14:04
mptmvo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/341199/14:28
mvompt: did you update to the latest aptdaemon in lucid?14:28
mptmvo, no, this is on 9.1014:29
mptmvo, "trunk won't work on 9.10 from now on" is quite acceptable as an answer :-)14:29
mvompt: oh, ok - hm, then I think I need to upload a atdaemon for karmic into the software-center ppa14:29
mptI can install alpha 1 on my other partition14:29
mvompt: I uploaded it to ppa:software-store-developers/ppa14:33
mvompt: I let you know when it build14:33
mptthanks mvo14:33
mvompt: in a few minutes "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:software-store-developers/ppa; sudo apt-get update" should work14:35
* mvo is still waiting for the "accepted" mail14:35
faganmvo: the software store ppa doesnt have an amd64 build in lucid14:40
seb128pitti, kenvandine can't upload new sources14:40
seb128pitti, ie the indicator needs sponsoring14:40
seb128(I can do it if you want)14:40
kenvandinedid you guys finish reviewing the changes?14:41
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seb128I just read a reply from pitti on the ubuntu-archive list14:41
seb128saying to upload14:41
kenvandineah... ok... damn evolution message threading :)14:41
kenvandineseb128, sponsoring would be great :)14:42
faganoh kenvandine is the rgba stuff from the desktop teams ppa causing some stuff to crash in lucid?14:42
kenvandinethe same error you sent to the list14:42
faganOh cool14:42
kenvandinefagan, thx for testing14:42
kenvandinehopefully we will get a fix this week14:42
* kenvandine glares at bratsche14:43
kenvandinewho isn't around :)14:43
seb128note that I'm on vac after this week14:43
faganmail the list and ill test it when you have it uploaded14:43
seb128so it's probably this week or next year14:43
seb128upload to lucid I mean14:43
seb128kenvandine, the new indicator-session failed to build btw14:46
seb128basically none of the thing you updated made it to lucid yet14:46
seb128do you need some help to sort that?14:47
mvofagan: thanks, I think jcastro might have a idea why14:49
kenvandineseb128, yeah... well it is weird14:50
kenvandineit can't install libindicator014:50
kenvandinewhich is available in lucid14:50
seb128right the binary went to universe14:50
seb128I've promoted it now14:50
kenvandinethat will fix it :)14:50
seb128I will retry builds after next publisher run14:50
seb128kenvandine, when you get new binaries please tell us what should go to main now that you upload14:51
seb128that will smooth such issues14:51
seb128I used to tweak those while doing the sponsoring14:51
kenvandineok, i had mentioned it because it went into NEW14:51
seb128ok, I didn't read about it14:51
kenvandinehey rickspencer3!14:51
seb128next time feel free to ping me about it14:51
seb128hello rickspencer314:51
seb128I will retry indicator-messages and indicator-session14:52
rickspencer3good morning14:52
seb128will that be enough for lucid to upgrade?14:52
faganmorning rickspencer314:52
seb128or do we need the new source too?14:52
kenvandinedo we manually need to retry those builds?14:52
kenvandinethey will work14:52
rickspencer3hi fagan14:52
kenvandinethey built file in pbuilder and for karmic in the ppa14:52
seb128kenvandine, the system depwait when a build depends is not available14:52
seb128but in this case the -dev was, but the lib was in universe14:52
kenvandineseb128, yeah i got a bunch of the FTBS emails over the weekend14:53
seb128and main builders can't use universe14:53
kenvandinesomeone must have been retrying them over the weekend14:53
seb128it's possible14:53
seb128some of the buildd admins kick rebuild for installability issues14:53
didrockshey rickspencer314:54
pittihey rickspencer3, good morning kenvandine14:54
pittikenvandine, seb128: I retried them this morning upon geser's request; I didn't check14:55
seb128I've promoted the binary now14:55
seb128will retry after next publisher14:55
rickspencer3hi didrocks14:55
geserpitti, seb128: sorry for any trouble, I did check them in my builder if they build but didn't check the compontents15:00
seb128geser, don't worry that's minor trouble15:00
seb128pitti, is the guest session working in lucid for you?15:03
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pittiseb128: no, the X server crashes16:00
pittiI guess for you too?16:00
seb128pitti, yes16:00
seb128pitti, I just wanted to check if somebody else had the issue too, thanks16:00
mptmvo, the PPA version of aptdaemon Breaks the Karmic version of software-center, and the PPA doesn't include a new version of software-center itself16:13
mptmvo, so it's probably just easier for me to install Lucid :-)16:13
mvompt: hm, ok16:20
mvompt: I uploaded a software-center snapshot there now too :)16:20
mptthanks mvo!16:20
mvompt: its still a good idea to run lucid, but at least you should be able to test it under both systems (and I'm sure other will use the ppa too :)16:21
seb128kenvandine, new indicator-messages and session built now16:32
seb128on i386 at least16:32
kenvandineseb128, excellent, thx!16:32
seb128they will be in the next publisher run16:32
baptistemmhi there16:39
seb128hey baptistemm16:40
baptistemmhow safe it is to switch to lucid? no big breakage ?16:40
baptistemmsalut seb12816:40
baptistemmI didn't had time to work on nautilus SRU16:40
seb128don't bother with that one, I'm not even sure there is changes worth a sru there16:40
seb128I did the lucid update16:40
seb128lucid, still early unstable, works fine now but there is rough edges and things might break on the way16:41
baptistemmseb128, okay as usual for a dev version16:41
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and471could someone take a screenshot of a new mail notification from evolution? (with notify-osd installed)17:01
seb128can't you do that?17:02
mvohey and471!17:02
and471mvo, hullo17:02
and471seb128, I have been trying to configure evolution but it is annoying me17:02
and471mvo: once my exams are over, I have some interesting changes for the css / html we are using :-)17:03
mac_vand471: the new mail notification? in lucid or larmic?17:04
and471mac_v, I prefer in larmic please :-)17:04
and471mac_v, it doesn't really matter I am joking17:04
mac_vand471: all it will say is "N new mail"17:05
and471just need to know what it looks like so I can nick the layout for thunderbird :-)17:05
and471mac_v, no summary of the message or subject?17:05
and471mac_v, oh :-)17:05
and471mac_v, well that was easy :-)17:05
mac_vand471: also N will most probably be wrong when mails arrives in several folders17:05
and471back to revision :-)17:06
rickspencer3seb128, when a user does a fresh install, and tries to play an mp3 in rhythm box, does rhythm box prompt to install codecs? and if so, what package does it suggest?17:16
seb128rickspencer3, it should yes, right now I think all the availables choices17:18
seb128ie typically gst-plugins-ugly and gst-ffmpeg17:18
rickspencer3seb128, what about *-restricted-extras?17:23
seb128how is that used by gstreamer to play anything?17:23
rickspencer3I dunno17:23
rickspencer3I assumed it had codecs that gstreamer needed17:23
seb128well the depends system will pull in libraries used by the codecs17:23
rickspencer3at least, when I install it, I can play mp3s in rhythm box17:24
seb128it's not so crude17:24
seb128gstreamer reports what elements are missing exactly17:24
seb128and we install the packages which provide those17:24
seb128that's not specific to mp3 or mpeg or anything17:25
seb128it should work with any format or codec17:25
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faganmvo: is there any plans to sort programs in the installed programs section of the software center by when they were installed?17:45
faganI think it would be useful17:45
mvofagan: not currently, but I'm sure mpt is interessted in this isea17:46
mvofagan: we currently have not very good support for the notion of when it got installed though17:46
mvobut we are working on it17:46
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pittigood night everyone!18:30
chrisccoulson'night pitti18:30
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gabaugKeybuk: is HAL going to be completely removed for Lucid?20:16
Keybukit's already removed from the CD20:17
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chrisccoulsonhey seb12821:07
seb128hi chrisccoulson21:07
seb128how are you?21:07
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, not too bad thanks, but it's been a long day today21:08
chrisccoulsonhow are you?21:08
seb128good thanks21:08
seb128the day has been busy too there21:08
seb128I'm just back from sport and dinner21:08
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geserseb128: could you please also give-back indicator-applet as you(?) promoted the missing lib to main. thanks21:22
seb128geser, will do21:22
seb128geser, done now21:28
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i will have a couple of packages ready for sponsoring shortly (if you have time)21:29
seb128chrisccoulson, which ones?21:30
chrisccoulsonseb128 - liboobs and gnome-system-tools21:30
seb128you can't upload those?21:30
chrisccoulsonseb128 - it doesn't look like it (http://paste.ubuntu.com/341448/)21:32
seb128could you try asking to cjwatson on #ubuntu-devel?21:32
seb128if he knows why you can't upload those21:32
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seb128chrisccoulson, ?21:38
seb128kenvandine, do you know if pitti did the new indicator-application sponsoring?21:41
kenvandineseb128, i don't think he did21:41
seb128hum k21:41
seb128let me look at that now21:41
kenvandineseb128, i thought you were :)21:41
seb128I asked pitti if he was going to do it or if I should21:42
seb128and he didn't reply21:42
seb128and I forgot about it21:42
chrisccoulsonseb128 - sorry, i had to disappear quickly there;)21:43
seb128chrisccoulson, oh no problem don't worry21:43
seb128I was just not sure you did read my lines since I didn't highlight you21:43
chrisccoulsonyeah, i just read them now21:43
seb128I tend to miss things people write due to that sometime ;-)21:44
chrisccoulsonyeah, i sometimes miss things too ;)21:46
seb128kenvandine, is indicator-application of any use right now in lucid?21:56
seb128like anything using it or activating it in the default install?21:56
kenvandineyeah, rhythmbox21:56
seb128well the ppa version, not the lucid one21:56
chrisccoulsonanother indicator?21:56
kenvandinei will upload the patch after indicator-application lands21:56
seb128it will autoactivate?21:56
seb128I'm pondering doing the newing now or waiting for pitti to do it tomorrow21:57
kenvandinei didn't want yet another thing to be in depwait :)21:57
kenvandinetomorrow is fine21:57
seb128pitti did review the updated bzr right?21:57
kenvandinei just have to get rb uploaded by wed21:57
seb128ok, let me new that now21:57
seb128did pitti said anything about mir?21:57
seb128like should it be sent to universe, mired, etc21:58
seb128or should we send it direct to main and do paper work later?21:58
seb128robert_ancell, hey21:59
robert_ancellseb128, hey21:59
kenvandineseb128, he didn't actually22:01
kenvandinesend it to universe22:01
seb128we can as well wait tomorrow morning european time22:01
kenvandinei'll address the mir tomorrow22:01
seb128feel free to upload rhythmbox22:01
seb128we will get things sorted before you are up tomorrow22:01
kenvandinewell that would depend on stuff in universe then :)22:02
seb128I guess it can build without it22:02
kenvandinewill do22:02
kenvandineno, it adds the build-depends22:02
seb128ok good22:02
kenvandinebut atleast it will be uploaded :)22:02
seb128right and if it will build as soon as we sort the newing, etc22:03
seb128I will suggest to pitti to promote directly and do the paper work later22:04
seb128is anybody wanting to do the evolution-data-server, evolution, evolution-exchange updates?22:04
seb128bonus for rebasing on debian, evolution-data-server should be trivial to rebase22:04
seb128evolution-exchange too22:04
seb128robert_ancell, ^? ;-)22:04
seb128chrisccoulson, when do you think that your updates will be ready for upload?22:05
chrisccoulsonseb128 - liboobs is in bzr and ready to go22:06
kenvandineseb128, uploaded rhythmbox22:06
seb128kenvandine, thanks22:06
* kenvandine heads down to spend some time with the family, good night folks!22:06
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, sponsoring that now22:06
chrisccoulsong-s-t is in bzr too, but i'm just checking the build log here22:06
seb128kenvandine, have fun, see you tomorrow22:06
seb128chrisccoulson, ok22:06
robert_ancellseb128, what am I looking at?22:08
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seb128robert_ancell, a screen?22:08
robert_ancellseb128, my screen starts at "kenvandine, is indicator-application of any use right now in lucid?"22:08
seb128robert_ancell, oh, the lines just before22:09
seb128the "is there anybody wanting to rebase and update evo"22:09
seb128in case you would be interested ;-)22:09
robert_ancell*cough* hell no22:09
seb128ok, was worth a try ;-)22:09
robert_ancellI'm sorry, I'm in OEM this cycle22:09
seb128yeah sure22:09
seb128doesn't hurt to ask22:10
seb128you did some complicates ones recently22:10
seb128so I was not sure how you were balancing your load22:10
seb128and using you 20% desktop too22:10
seb128but fair enough ;-)22:10
chrisccoulsonis evo a big task then?22:10
robert_ancellI'm trying to do more OEM and less desktop.22:10
seb128no, e-d-s is probably half an hour work22:11
seb128evolution-exchange like a few minutes I would say22:11
robert_ancellseb128, I was looking at gnome-panel yesterday.  there's some odd blocking that goes on22:11
seb128evo is probably easy to update but might be harder to rebase22:11
seb128it's just that I'm trying to finish lot of things before end of year22:11
seb128and I still want to look at nautilus start this week22:12
seb128so I was trying to figure if somebody was interested by those22:12
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i think g-s-t is ready to go now as well22:13
seb128chrisccoulson, ok cool22:13
chrisccoulsonthat ones a bit more complicated :)22:14
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chrisccoulsonthe indicator applets showing "No indicators" is expected at the moment is it?23:07
seb128which one?23:10
seb128tedg, ^23:10
chrisccoulsonseb128 - both of them show that at the moment23:10
Sarvattohh *thats* why I have that extra panel space all of the sudden :D23:11
chrisccoulsonSarvatt - extra panel space?23:11
chrisccoulsonthe text takes up more space here ;)23:11
tedgseb128: chrisccoulson: Hmm, that'd be a surprise.23:12
chrisccoulsoni'm confused by all this indicator stuff23:12
chrisccoulsonthe package names are all too similar ;)23:13
tedgYou could look at /usr/lib/indicators/3/ and see if there is any *.so in there.23:13
chrisccoulsontedg - yeah, there are 2 so files in there23:13
tedgHmm, that's odd.23:14
chrisccoulsonlibmessaging.so and libsession.so23:14
chrisccoulsonslangasek is seeing the same issue too23:14
tedgchrisccoulson: What is the version on teh about dialog of indicator-applet?23:14
Sarvattthe "no indicators" words are the same color as my panel, just looked blank23:14
chrisccoulsontedg - 0.123:15
tedgchrisccoulson: Hmm, that's the problem.  It should be 0.3.0 :)23:15
tedgI wonder if that didn't get into Lucid.23:15
seb128tedg, you screwed the packaging there...23:15
tedgseb128: ?23:16
seb128tedg, it did but things build in order and I just kicked this back some hours ago23:16
chrisccoulsoni might be using an out-of-date mirror perhaps23:16
seb128tedg, if some component update breaks the indicator it should have Breaks23:16
seb128use Breaks: indicator-applet (<< 0.3)23:16
seb128otherwise you get what you have now23:17
tedgseb128: Oh, okay.  I didn't know about Breaks23:17
tedgThat actually solves a bunch of problems.23:17
seb128you can use Conflicts too23:17
seb128but Breaks is the correct on there23:17
Sarvattis fsck on boot causing a failsafe x start 100% of the time for anyone else?23:18
seb128kenvandine, ^ the Breaks comment might be useful for you too23:18
seb128Sarvatt, dunno I don't have fsck running that often23:21
seb128never got xorg failing due to it though23:21
Sarvattsudo tune2fs -C 100 /dev/sda1 then reboot puts me in failsafe 100% of the time here23:23
Sarvattand failsafe is using vesa which doesnt work with KMS for me23:23
seb128I think #ubuntu-x was discussing vesa and kms before23:24
seb128oh I see you discussed that there23:24
Sarvattyeah we're talking about it in there, i switched it to fbdev which works with KMS but fbdev doesnt work for some people, just seems like a gdm init problem outside of the whole vesa thing so I was asking in here23:26
seb128not idea about that right now, it would require some debugging23:26
SarvattI get this from the gdm log when it starts after the fsck http://paste.ubuntu.com/341495/23:26

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