
wilberfanlet me copy over the .lircrc file...i don't have one of those yet!!00:03
wilberfandamn.  that didn't work...00:08
Zinnwilberfan: Please watch your language.00:08
wilberfansorry, mr zinn!!00:08
wilberfankrap, that didn't work?00:08
wilberfanare lirc-modules included in Ubuntu 9.10...??00:15
bepif i have a backend and combined frontend machine and a recording is scheduled and the machine is suspended will it wake up to record?00:47
mechcozmohello, i'm looking for recommendations on for a TV tuner to use01:39
mechcozmorequirements are: hardware MPEG-2 encoding01:40
mechcozmoalso, either half-height PCI or USB01:40
mechcozmoother than that... i'm open to suggestions01:40
darthanubisdo you want a list to sort through and find for yourself or do you want people to give you their person opinions from what they have or use personally?01:46
bllzmechozmo:  I've been very happy with my pvr150, but that's not half-height01:47
mechcozmoi don't mind looking through a list if there's one available, but if you have a personal recommendation then i'd take it01:47
bllzby any extent of the meaning of the word lol01:47
bllzmechozmo:  it would also help if we knew whether you were planning on recording HDTV or even digital tv01:48
mechcozmobllz: sorry, regular cable... no HD, no digital01:48
bllzmechcozmo:  lol you've done nothing wrong =)01:48
bllzI'd *really* recommend a pvr15001:49
mechcozmobllz: I ha01:49
bllzbut it's full size01:49
bllzi don't know how adament you are in your desire for a small form factor card...01:49
bllzbut the reason I'd recommend it is that it's completely supported out of the box01:49
bllzhardware mpeg2 encoder01:49
mechcozmobllz: i have a PVR-500 in a backend right now, but i'm realizing i could simplify the project greatly if i put the big hard drive into the frontend case as well as the tuner01:49
bllzand probably the cheapest one you'll find01:49
mechcozmoi don't see much expansion until we go HD, which won't be for a bit01:50
mechcozmoand will require a redo of everything01:50
bllzwell, if you don't mind my asking, why not repurpose your backend as a combined frontend-backend?01:50
mechcozmobllz: because it's really loud, whereas the frontend isn't01:51
bllzif it's harddrive noise you're concerned about you could use hdparm to set the AAM to quiet01:51
bllzor is it fan noise?01:51
mechcozmoalso, size01:51
mechcozmothe frontend is a MII10000 with a 4GB microdrive01:51
* bllz wants a quiet frontend.... or a new harddrive that's not a goddamn seagate01:52
mechcozmohence, USB2 or half-height PCI tuner01:52
* bllz also wants a new tv and a pony01:52
bllzmechcozmo:  makes perfect sense... have you looked at newegg?01:53
bllzthe power search might help you find a few models01:53
bllzand you could then look up their compatibility01:53
mechcozmotrue, but generally real-live-people (or well-scripted IRC bots) give good advice01:53
bllzhaha very true01:56
bllzi think we might have better advice if you can narrow it down to 2 or 3 models though01:56
mechcozmobllz: none that have good reviews01:57
mechcozmohttp://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Hauppauge_WinTV-PVR-USB2 looks like it would work nicely, despite being about 1/2 as being as the computer itself01:59
quintenso i just tried using flash for the first time. no sound is going out, although sound works fine in mythtv using hdmi audio out02:01
quintenanyone happen to know where i configure which audio device is used by flash?02:01
bllzquinten:  i don't know, but you might have more luck in #ubuntu02:03
bllzeven though you're running mythbuntu, I presume?02:03
quintenokay, i may try that, thanks02:04
bllzgood luck!02:05
bllzCan somebody check my logic real quick?  I have a DTA and a STB and I'd ideally like to use the DTA with my capture card.  There's a working LIRC config for the STB but not for the DTA, however, I've noticed that the stock comcast remote works with either of these two devices.  This surely means they use the same IR codes, so the config for the STB shoudl work with the DTA, right?02:08
mechcozmowould anything bad happen if you tried it and it didn't work?02:08
bllzmechcozmo:  nothing except if there's an obvious flaw in my logic, i'd rather not go through the hassle02:09
bllzbut yeah, i'm probably going to end up trying it anyway02:09
mechcozmoseems like it all makes sense02:09
bllzyeah to me too02:10
bllzhopefully it will02:10
bllzthe dta has an external IR adapter, so I'm hoping I can just skip the IR bullshit altogether and wire the two ports02:10
bllzI guess I may as well get started02:13
mechcozmobllz: heard of an "ASUS Combo-210"?02:15
mechcozmothere are quite a few on eBay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ASUS-Combo-210-ATSC-NTSC-TV-Tuner-Low-Profile-PCI-Card_W0QQitemZ390130321585QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item5ad59448b1#ht_744wt_94102:15
bllzhuh, never02:15
mechcozmooh, nevermind... looks like it's actually PCIe02:16
mechcozmowait a sec02:16
mechcozmoreview picture + ebay picture do not match02:16
wilberfananyone in the mood to help me diagnose a 'remote-isn't-working' situation?02:44
wilberfanthe remote commands aren't getting to mythtv...02:44
wilberfan LIRC, Error: Failed to connect to Unix socket '/var/run/lirc/lircd'02:45
wilberfan<wilberfan>    eno: Connection refused (111)02:45
bllzI'm looking at a lircd config file that works with my set top box except that the ZERO code doesn't work.  A the bottom of the tutorial is an alternate lirc config file that supposedly works, but it's missing some of the functionality on some MCE remote buttons.  Is there a way to include the IR code for 0 in the alternate config (which is in raw format) and include it in the working config?03:14
bllzLink:  I'm looking at a lircd config file that works with my set top box except that the ZERO code doesn't work.  A the bottom of the tutorial is an alternate lirc config file that supposedly works, but it's missing some of the functionality on some MCE remote buttons.  Is there a way to include the IR code for 0 in the alternate config (which is in raw format) and include it in the working config?03:14
bllzsorry... here's the link:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Motorola_DCT700_Channel_Change_Script03:14
MythbuntuGuest39I installed 9.10 an I am trying to watch live my ISP provider udp streams. I configured backend a all how to recomands, I downloaded m3U list from http://www.rula.net/t2/t2tv.m3u, but I was almost unable to load chanel with optiona, load chanels from source. After aprox. 10min of configuring, I was actually able to load m3u list. Reproducable - Always. When I tried the other option scan for channels nothing happen. I t04:24
MythbuntuGuest39Sorry for my spelling errors, It's a bit late here, Regards04:31
=== jose is now known as Shadow__X
orificiumIs there a way to modify the vnc server config so that when I connect remotely it uses the second virtual desktop (the one not occupied by Mythbuntu)?06:36
superm1you can spawn another vnc server on command line06:37
superm1apt-get install vnc4server06:37
superm1and look at it06:37
orificiumhow does the vnc srever start on the mythbuntu distro?  the one configured by MCC.  I'm used to seeing things in /etc/init.d06:38
bllzAnybody here:  I follwed the directions on this website (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Motorola_DCT700_Channel_Change_Script) and now my MCE remote doesn't work anymore06:40
bllzand livetv doesnt work06:40
superm1orificium, it is started by /usr/share/mythbuntu/session.sh06:40
superm1bllz, well if you followed that to the word, you overwrote /etc/lirc/lircd.conf i expect06:40
bllzsuperm1: actually, i added them at the end I think06:41
bllzlet me double check06:41
superm1what you need to do is take any conf file it was telling you to overwrite with, and place it in it's own file in /etc/lirc/06:41
superm1and then in /etc/lirc/lircd.conf add an include directive for that file06:41
superm1similar to the one that's already there for mceusb normally06:41
superm1if you did blow away your old conf file, you can get back to the old one by running dpkg-reconfigure lirc (or disabling/re-enabling the remote in MCC)06:42
bllzhmm yeah looks like I did accidentally overwite all those06:42
superm1bllz, ^06:42
superm1then that explains the broken mceusb at least06:43
bllzso now all i have is the configuraton06:43
bllzdo you happen to know what lines i need for windows mediac enter remote and blaster?06:43
superm1once you fix things, can you please update that wiki page with the correct "current" content so that other people won't fall victim to the same type of problem06:43
superm1jsut run that command like i said06:43
superm1it will rebuild the lircd.conf06:43
bllzyeah i'll be sure to do that06:44
superm1good luck06:44
bllzsuperm1:  what do I do about this error message?06:49
bllzlircd: there seems to already be a lircd process with pid 282306:49
bllzlircd: otherwise delete stale lockfile /var/run/lirc/lircd1.pid06:49
bllzI just did dpkg-reconfigure06:49
superm1check if there is really a stale process06:49
superm1ps aux | grep lirc06:49
superm1and if so, kill it and remove the pid file(s)06:49
bllzroot      2817  0.0  0.0  20108   704 ?        S<s  01:48   0:00 /usr/sbin/lircd --output=/var/run/lirc/lircd --device=/dev/lirc0 --listen06:49
bllzroot      2823  0.0  0.0  22208   812 ?        S<s  01:48   0:00 /usr/sbin/lircd --output=/var/run/lirc/lircd1 --device=/dev/lirc1 --connect=localhost 8765 --pidfile=/var/run/lirc/lircd1.pid06:50
bllzlouist    2838  0.0  0.0   7336   888 pts/2    S+   01:49   0:00 grep --color=auto lirc06:50
orificium-depth, -name? one of those maybe06:50
bllzi assume those are stale processes?06:50
bllzkillall lirc?06:50
bllzsuperm1:  do i have a stale process?  I'm not sure how to tell06:51
superm1bllz, sudo killall lircd should be sufficient06:52
superm1and then rm those pid files and start lirc init script again06:52
bllzok started cleanly06:54
bllzsuperm1:  i still have that same faulty config file, even after the dpkg-reconfigure06:55
superm1oh i should have clarified, you have to actually set it to "None" and then run it again and pick a remote06:55
superm1it doesnt touch the config if nothing changed06:55
superm1(in what you picked)06:55
bllzaah okay06:56
bllzmakes sense06:56
bllzsuperm1:  I just got a new message I've never seen before...06:57
bllzi'm going to pastebin06:57
bllzsuperm1:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/340988/06:58
bllzI have a USB device... so i'm not sure why this is showing up06:58
superm1maybe what you picked necessitated it06:58
bllzi doubt it, i've never seen it before...06:59
bllzmaybe i picked the worng option?06:59
superm1you probably picked the serial remote06:59
bllzgo figure06:59
superm1or serial transmitter06:59
bllzthat's what happened lol06:59
bllzsorry about that06:59
bllzgood. i have the include lines now07:00
bllzso you said I should make a whole new file and then just add an include line for it?07:00
bllzsuperm1, is that right?   I make a whole new file with the codes for the blaster?07:01
superm1bllz, that's the cleanest way to do it yeah07:04
superm1that way if there is a problem, you can comment out that one line and make sure everything else is working07:04
superm1or isolate the problem07:04
bllzmaeks sense07:04
bllzi'm going to test it real quick at the terminal07:05
bllzcrap it's not recognizing my remote when i irsend now...07:05
bllzsuperm1:  should I pastebin both files?07:06
bllzoh maybe it's because I didn't restart lirc...07:06
superm1it wont recognize a remote when you irsend07:06
superm1that's what irw and ircat are for07:06
superm1irsend sends commands via the blaster07:06
bllzyeah it's because I'm a perman00b and I didn't do /etc/init.d/lirc restart07:07
bllzok so irsend works07:07
bllzsuperm1:  my channel changing script works, but only as root... that's going to be a problem, right?07:08
superm1bllz, generally that would be a problem, yes07:09
superm1why does it need root?07:09
superm1i think you just need to add an argument for the device maybe07:09
bllzi don't think so07:10
bllzthe device is included in the script07:10
bllzso sudo /usr/bin/change-channel.sh 11 works07:10
bllzbut it doesn't work without the sudo...07:10
bllzeven though i did chmod 77007:10
bllzsuperm1:  I get /bin/sh: can't open /usr/bin/change-channel.sh07:11
superm1well for starters, don't store it in /usr/bin07:11
superm1put it in /usr/local/bin07:11
superm1/usr/bin is for packaged stuff07:12
bllzsuperm1:  the wiki told me I should put it in /usr/bin07:12
superm1/usr/local/bin is for stuff you add yourself07:12
superm1(then the wiki is wrong ;))07:12
superm1it will work in /usr/bin, but that's just a really bad habit to get into07:12
bllzwouldn't be the first time =)07:12
bllzbut it'll definitely work in /usr/local/bin too?07:12
bllzso shall I just sudo cp it?07:12
superm1i saw a python script on that page, are you sure this is supposed to be a shell script not a python?07:13
bllzyes, the python script is full of fail07:13
bllzi'm using the corrected lirc config that fires off zeros correctly07:13
bllzso i just need a basic channel change script07:13
bllzand this one seems to work07:13
superm1okay well make sure that there is a shebang at the top of it07:13
bllzaah right... i think it's there...07:13
bllzdoes it matter which one?07:14
superm1well if it only works with bash, it has to be the second one07:14
bllzit's got the first one07:14
superm1if it works with dash (the default sh), then the first is fine07:14
bllzwill the second one work in both condiditons?07:14
bllzbecause if so, i'll just add that07:14
superm1so you do realize what chmod 770 did right?07:14
superm1only root:root can read, write or execute the file07:15
bllzuser, group, others, right?07:15
superm1you wanted 77507:15
bllztaht's the problem07:15
bllzi just want my user and my user's group to run it07:15
superm1then you can 770 it, but dont forget to chown it07:16
superm1keep in mind it's usually the backend that runs it07:16
bllzright right, duh okay07:16
bllzso you think 775 is best?07:16
bllz5 is read but no write?07:16
superm15 is read and execute07:16
bllzaah okay07:16
bllzso irsend works07:17
bllzscript works07:17
superm1http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_system_permissions explains it more in depth07:17
bllzaah thanks, i'll be sure to read that07:17
bllzso i guess it's backend time07:17
bllzsuperm1:  just to be clear (because I think the wiki has this wrong too) the script goes under Input connections?07:19
superm1i'm not sure if the location has moved in current versions07:19
bllzalso, do i need the full path to the script? /usr/bin/change-channel.sh07:19
superm1/usr/local/bin should be in your $PATH, so i dont believe so07:20
bllzokay, but it's the "external channel change command" right?07:20
superm1yeah that's right07:20
bllzwhat do you mean by /usr/local/bin should be in my $path?07:20
bllzalso it's still in /usr/bin/07:20
bllzsuperm1:  if I put the full path, that shouldn't hurt anything though, right?07:21
superm1no reason it should07:22
bllzok i'll just do that then07:22
bllzsuperm1:  out of curiosity, if I were to do a sudo cp command to copy that script into /usr/local/bin ... would the file permissions carry as well? I would think so...07:23
superm1they should07:24
bllzsuperm1:  okay the remote still isn't working...07:25
superm1in irw?07:25
=== jose is now known as Shadow__X
bllzsuperm1:  right... i'll check now.  in the meantime the channels are changin (vnc + keyboard), so I'll consider this a hell of a win =)07:26
Zinnbllz: Please watch your language.07:26
bllzlet's try irw07:26
bllzlolumad, Zinn?07:26
bllzworking in irw07:27
bllzsuperm1:  what could be the problem, then?  bad lircd.conf?07:28
superm1if it works in irw, then your conf files for your user probably just need to be regenerated07:28
superm1mythbuntu-lirc-generator on command line, or there is a check box in mcc07:28
bllzhow do I do that?07:28
bllzsuperm1:  generate dynamic buttons?07:29
bllzsuperm1:  okay. restart lirc?07:29
superm1after it's done, just restart your mythfrontend process07:29
bllzsuperm1... I love ou07:30
superm1sweet. now just show the love and update the wiki page :)07:30
bllzsuperm1:  i certainly will.07:31
bllzjust one more thing07:31
bllzIs it possible to change the output from my remote?07:31
bllzbecause i"d like to be able to control my tv's volume07:31
superm1oh like remapping the volume button on the remote07:31
bllzit's a phillips mce remote07:31
superm1some mceusb2 remotes support that, you have to look in the manual07:31
bllzwell actually07:32
bllznow that I think of it07:32
superm1i've got 4 mceusb2's myself, but only 2 support it07:32
bllzthe volume function in myth seems to do nothing07:32
superm1you can also map the tv power button on the remote too07:32
bllzlike i see the volume slider go down... but no change in volume07:32
superm1if you're using SP/DIF or optical audio, that's normal07:32
bllzaah i'm using composite/headphone-jack-looking-plug07:33
bllzthe composite end of the cable goes into the tv07:33
bllzand the headphone-jack-looking-end goes into my sound card07:33
superm1well those types of jacks are analog audio generally07:34
superm1so you might just need to adjust which mixer in general settings the volume button controls07:34
bllzwhere is all that?07:35
superm1general settings07:35
superm1settings->general i think07:35
bllzhmm i don't see that07:36
bllzwhen i go to multimedia>mixer i get an error "gstreamer was unable to detect any sound devices"07:37
superm1in mythfrontend07:38
superm1followed by Setup07:38
superm1followed by General07:38
bllzooh of course07:38
bllzsuperm1:  it's on alsa:default right now07:39
bllzpassthrough output device: default07:39
superm1there is actually a drop down option on the next page07:39
superm1for which mixer it controls07:39
bllzmixer device and mxer controls?07:39
bllzsuperm1:  i'm not sure which one to cahnge07:42
bllz*change, even07:43
superm1mixer controls07:43
bllzsuperm1:  I changed it to master, but still nothing07:43
superm1well your sound card might have a non standard title for the mixer that it needs to change07:44
superm1in which case i'd recommend if you can map that remote's button directly to the tv vol+/-, that's the way to go07:44
bllzit's integrated audio actually07:44
bllzsuperm1:  also, how can i tell if my remote is reprogrammable?07:45
superm1look in the manual for it07:45
bllzah, i don't think i have it anymore07:45
bllzsomthing tells me it's not anyway07:45
superm1well try it anyway http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/MCE_Remote#Programmable_Buttons07:46
bllzsuperm1:  could the audio output device be JACK:output?07:47
bllzso it's definitely mixer device or mixer controls?07:47
superm1its mixer controls07:47
bllzoh.  i tried both pcm and master07:47
superm1you can try opening up alsamixer and messing with the other mixers there to find the one it is07:47
superm1but if it's not PCM or master, myth doesnt support it being the mixer it can change07:48
Zinnbllz: Please watch your language.07:48
bllzsuperm1:  well i don't think my remote is programmable...07:51
bllzwhich is a pain...07:52
superm1can always pick up a universal remote and use that07:53
MistStlkrhello all.  I have a theming question if anyone has any experience with it.  I am tinkering with the Muthbuntu theme in Karmic.  I decided to start with the video info popup and figured out almost all of it,. but I can't seem to change the text colors.  I tried changing it both inline the video-ui file  and by making a new "base type" by copy/pasting the basetextarea and using basesmallpurple as the font rather than basesmall07:53
bllzsuperm1:  one last question... how do i select a show to watch in the guide?  I can only seem to bring up the record menu07:54
superm1there's an option somewhere in the menus to change that behavior07:54
superm1probably somewhere under program guide07:55
superm1it actually might have been renamed in 0.2207:57
superm1look for "browse/change channels from channel group"07:57
superm1i think that's what changes it07:57
bllzsuperm1:  another question... what happened to all the 4:3 themes/08:02
superm1there's still some available, they might not be installed or activated by default though08:03
superm1most TVs and laptops are moving to 16:908:03
bllzsupem1:  how can I install/activate them?08:03
bllzsuperm1:  yeah i realize that, but i'm still stuck with a 4:308:03
superm1look in mcc to see if all the themes are checked08:04
bllzthey are08:04
superm1once they are all checked look in mythfrontend's appearance section08:04
bllzthere's only one 4:3 theme and it's horrid08:04
superm1well get cracking on a new 4:3 theme then ;)08:04
superm1a lot of the old themes, the original developers didnt port them to 0.2208:05
bllzsuperm1:  oh,t hat's a shame.  there's no extra package i can install or anything?08:05
superm1everything upstream supports is in mcc08:06
superm1if you want to run an old theme, you have to go fetch it from svn and save it to ~/.mythtv manually08:06
superm1and it may break in a lot of areas08:06
bllzyeah forget it then08:06
bllzi'll live with the mild distortion08:06
superm1really the mythbuntu theme doesn't look horrible at 4:308:07
superm1i've ran it in VMs for test env's08:07
MistStlkrmetallurgy looks decent in 4:3, if a bit small08:07
MistStlkr30" old-school tv the images in the gallery are pretty small, other than that it works well enough08:08
bllzyeah it's acceptable, it just kind of sucks for pictures08:08
MistStlkrhaven't gotten around to playing with the photo side of things.. didn't know that08:08
superm1sounds like it's time to go buy a new TV if you ask me ;)08:08
MistStlkrsure.. YOU try to tell that to the wife :-p :-P08:09
superm1sometimes it's nice being a single guy.  SO much more disposable income than while attached ;)08:09
MistStlkrLOL she makes more than I do... LOL  just means she gets more control over it LOL LOL08:10
MistStlkrbut yeah.. I keep getting the "there's nothing wrong with the old one" line lOL08:12
MistStlkrso i get to live with the black bars above and below the movies, but it's not unbearable08:13
superm1well what you need to do is just go buy a new one, and while she's out set it up08:13
superm1and then when she starts raising a storm, insist that she sits down and watches one movie on it08:13
superm1then see whether she wants to take it back still08:14
MistStlkrLOL.  mayhap I will :-D08:14
MistStlkrboxing day is sure creeping up on us LOL08:14
superm1then the next thing you gotta do is the same thing with the bluray player08:14
superm1go buy a movie that comes with a 2  disc bonus (one bluray, one dvd) and show her the difference08:14
bllzsuperm1:  i have comcast, is there any way to controll that with my irblaster?08:15
superm1control what?08:16
bllzoh sorry lol08:17
bllzi omitted the most important part08:17
bllzi can get to the menu via channel 008:17
superm1easily, probably not08:18
bllzsuperm1:  does the new video manager distinguish between TV shows and movies?08:22
bllzin other words, is there a way to separate the two when I"m browsing?08:22
bllzor does that script to include downloaded shows as recordings still work?08:23
superm1as much as i'd like to say i'm an endless source of information, i'm not sure on a lot of these details08:23
superm1you're probably better off in #mythtv-users for the non ubuntu specific pieces08:23
bllzaah okay08:24
bllzthanks so much for your help08:24
MistStlkrI don't suppose you know of a chan dedicated to themers??08:24
bllzMistStlkr:  if only...08:25
bllzi'd just be happy if the default theme got ported to 4:308:25
superm1MistStlkr, there is actually08:26
superm1#mythtv-theming i think08:26
superm1bllz, good luck08:27
MistStlkrindeed there is such a chan.  Outstanding!  thanks08:28
MistStlkrit would have been terribly hard to guess LOL08:28
MistStlkrany idea why some TV shows in the video gallery show the episode name while others only show the series name, despite identical filename formatting?09:05
henrik__I have a problem with the screen, I'm on a LCD 1080P screen, ubuntu is configured for 1080P in the background, and when checking the resolution on the tv it states 1080P 60Hz stereo. But the mythtv front-end application is moving a bit all the time. all of the suddenly I can not se the time in the bottom or parts om the movie is cut away. I then in settings choose screen and reconfigured my screen however this has resulted in that I hav11:08
henrik__e about 4 inch part of my screen to the right that is completely black (unused). It seem like mythtv thinks my screen is smaller then it realy is. How do I reconfigure mythtv to use my whole screen? Btw this was not a problem in .21.11:08
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].13:47
ZinnI am alive.13:48
pol299Does anyone know how can I contact with developers Mythuntu?13:50
wilberfanI get the following error whether my LIRC daemon socket is "/dev/lircd" or "/var/run/lirc/lircd":16:42
wilberfanLIRC, Error: Failed to connect to Unix socket '/dev/lircd'16:42
wilberfaneno: No such file or directory16:42
chris|I remember reading somewhere that there is a common problem when the frontend doesn't start up on login after an update17:38
chris|is there a solition to that jet?17:39
rhpot1991!autologin | chris|18:19
Zinnchris|: If 9.10 upgrade broke auto-login for you, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/46331418:19
chris|rhpot1991, that's not it, autologin works fine, it's the myth frontend that won't start automaticly18:33
javatexanthis is hilarious!!!! I hate support from company run open source projects18:47
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javatexanI am trying to help the chrome guys and they are getting defensive instead of doing their job....sheeeessh.  I guess they want me to find the lines of code for them and say THIS no worky.....LOL18:49
javatexanall I can tell as a user is behavior and symptoms...18:50
javatexanyou know...."when I do this it hurts"18:50
superm1chris|, check ~/.xsession-errors for problems about it and /var/log/mythtv/mythfrontend.log18:52
superm1and of course make sure that it's mentioned in ~./config/autostart18:52
henrik__ superm1 did you se my question above?19:27
henrik__8h ago.. I19:28
henrik__<henrik__> I have a problem with the screen, I'm on a LCD 1080P screen, ubuntu is configured for 1080P in the background, and when checking the resolution on the tv it states 1080P 60Hz stereo. But the mythtv front-end application is moving a bit all the time. all of the suddenly I can not se the time in the bottom or parts om the movie is cut away. I then in settings choose screen and reconfigured my screen however this has resulted in19:28
henrik__ that I hav19:28
henrik__<henrik__> e about 4 inch part of my screen to the right that is completely black (unused). It seem like mythtv thinks my screen is smaller then it realy is. How do I reconfigure mythtv to use my whole screen? Btw this was not a problem in .21.19:28
superm1it sounds like overscan19:29
superm1go into your tv settings menu and look for a section bout aspect ratio19:30
superm1and you should be able to set it to "exact"19:30
superm1rather than 16/919:30
superm1but if it's really only happening in myth, then you have some bad setting in your appearance section that you'll have to find19:31
superm1it sounds like something that should happen to the entire system19:31
henrik__it is only happening to myth, and it is happening in the whole program19:31
henrik__all applications in myth19:31
superm1then you might not have enough vram19:31
superm1turn it back to QT rather than opengl19:31
superm1see if it goes away19:31
henrik__how much is required?19:32
superm1that depends on what other applications are using vram and a variety of other circumstances19:32
superm1there is no exact number19:32
henrik__I've got a Nvidia 210 I think it's called with 256 mb ram but i think I can add reqular ram19:32
henrik__but after a reboot it continues19:33
henrik__to have the same problem19:33
superm1well did switching to QT help?19:33
henrik__No, but I found something else intresting, in appearance section it a screen size setting that was not correct19:38
henrik__But if I change it to 1920x1080 should not work either cause it is set on over scan right?19:39
henrik__so that I wont se the top menu..19:39
henrik__do you know what I shoud set the screen size to?19:39
superm1i really dunno19:46
superm1i've never had a problem like this happen to me19:46
henrik__okej. thx!19:47
henrik__got it! by setting the screen size in appearance to 1842x1032 and horizontal positioning 38, vertical positioning 26 did it!19:55
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=== EssobiDontCare is now known as Essobi
cba123Did anyone else's mplayer vdpau break after a recent update?23:06

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