
dholbachgood morning07:37
czajkowskiAlanBell: great email re paper jams09:34
czajkowskiit's rather a good idea and the paper jams don't necessarily affect NGOs09:46
czajkowskiso they are across the board09:47
czajkowskihence why Ivanka is gonna help us09:47
jussi01Hrm. could someone turn off the [ubuntu-NGO] thing on the ML? no other ubuntu ML that I know of has it, and its easy enough in most of the popular mail clients and other mail services to sort by mailing list.10:25
czajkowskiI'm not sure what you're referring to?10:27
czajkowskijussi01: ^^10:33
jussi01czajkowski: from what Ive seen, there seems to be [ubuntu-ngo] in the subject line. but maybe thats just someones naming system when theyve replied.10:34
czajkowskinot sure tbh10:35
dholbachjussi01: that's what all launchpad mailing lists do10:35
jussi01czajkowski: I will be talking to my consultant friend on wednesday btw.10:35
jussi01dholbach: oh? :/10:35
dholbachjussi01: I don't think you can turn it off10:35
ebelAh mailing list formats... no end of differences.10:35
jussi01all the old ones dont.10:36
czajkowskijussi01: oh good10:36
jussi01dholbach: are you certain? Id be suprised.10:36
dholbachlists.launchpad.net vs lists.ubuntu.com10:36
czajkowskiI' just logged in and there are no settings to change so I'd assume it cannot be changed.10:36
jussi01Im going to go ask in #launchpad, brb10:37
ebeland some people have stupid mail clients and they can only filter on Subject line.10:37
jussi01[12:38:08] <jussi01> hey, can you turn off the [$listname] in the subject line of Launchpad mailing lists?10:38
jussi01[12:38:17] <wgrant> jussi01: No, sadly.10:38
czajkowskijussi01: so you didn't believe dholbach10:39
czajkowskibold jussi01 :p10:39
dholbachczajkowski: it's not like I always know what I'm doing :)10:40
jussi01and if I ask there then I get double confirm plus whether I need to file a bug or not. everyone wins10:40
jussi01Bug #39688810:41
jussi01oh... no bot here?10:41
czajkowskidholbach: more often than not though :)10:41
czajkowskijussi01: only logging bot in here10:41
czajkowski ubuntulog:10:41
dholbachczajkowski: you're very kind :)10:41
jussi01is there a reason we dont have a factoid/bugbot?10:41
czajkowskijussi01: we only got ubuntulog in there recently just to have, didn't really factor in the others to be honest10:42
jussi01Bug #39688810:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 396888 in launchpad-registry "prefixing subjects in mailing list posts considered harmful" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39688810:42
jussi01Ill probably substitute her soon, but Im impatient :)10:42
czajkowskiso we now have ubottu in here10:50
czajkowskiand I didn't have to log into evil RT :D10:50
czajkowskiso what do folks think of the paper jam idea?10:50
jussi01ubottu: part10:54
jussi01JanC: just arrived10:54
jussi01czajkowski: I subsituted her for a clone.10:56
ubot4yes, I'm alive.10:56
czajkowskiah ok your bots are hers :)10:57
czajkowskiwhoo life on the NGO mailing list13:47
czajkowskiPendulum: see ngo list, lots of activity15:00
czajkowskiPendulum: jussi01 has some suggestions on how to make the wiki more informative15:00
Pendulumczajkowski: will look when i have a moment :)15:02
Pendulum(am playing catch-up from friday :) )15:02
czajkowskiPendulum: no bother15:04
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