
macoFlannel: remember that person who would say "orgy" in #ubuntu?03:02
Flannelmaco: Yep03:02
macowell, Muddleworth just PM'd me "orgy"03:02
FlannelDoesn't seem to be in any channels.03:02
macooh disconnected already03:03
macogrr. that day they were doing that and theyd say it in PM with all different nicks? theyd say it and disconnect immediately03:03
macoso i cant get a /whois on them03:03
FlannelYou can get a whowas though03:04
maco* [Whowas] Muddleworth was n=Muddlewo@75-119-247-25.dsl.teksavvy.com (Markypants)03:04
macoif they continue from the same host, is it something to bug freenode staff about, since theyre not in any ubuntu channels?03:05
macoor just ignore it03:05
Flanneljust ignore it03:06
cheekosqu1d: u suck04:51
macowell that's not very nice04:51
squ1dYea cheeko04:53
squ1dNOT NICE04:53
RoastedDear friends. I am banned in Kubuntu. I am extremely sorry I was an asshole. I would like my ban lifted if at all possible.04:53
cheekoi know04:53
squ1dNooo, You will remain banned...for it is the way of the comanche04:55
RoastedBut, please. :(04:55
RoastedI'll be good. I swear.04:55
squ1dI'm just a regular jackoff04:55
cheekou have been very naughty cheeko04:55
squ1dcheeko I might have to spank you04:56
cheekoawww that hurts04:56
cheekoplease stop04:56
squ1dcheeko are you a guy04:56
cheekocheeko means guy04:57
cheekoin spanish04:57
Roastedtsimpson - please unban me. I'll be good.04:57
macoRoasted: do you know who placed your ban?04:57
Roastedhow so04:57
macocheeko, squ1d: do you have a purpose here?04:57
squ1dNot really;04:58
squ1dI was being nice until cheeko came in04:58
* maco points to /topic04:58
cheekoeven im being nice squ1d04:58
Roastedmaco what can I do about my ban in Kubuntu?04:58
macoRoasted: wait for tsimpson to come back04:59
macoRoasted: then discuss it with him04:59
squ1dmaco whats your purpose here?04:59
macosqu1d: i'm on the ops team :P04:59
squ1doh okay as you are;05:00
squ1dHow can one join this 'ops' team you speak of05:00
macoone day i was told "hey guess what? you're an op in $channel"05:01
squ1dand actually I do have a grievance, other then being a jerkoff05:01
macowith whom?05:01
squ1dsomeone needs to deal with _brady in offtopic05:01
maconot one of the channels i have ops in. lets see who's around05:02
squ1dhe was being well a troll ealier05:02
cheekoeven atomicspark05:02
macoFlannel: you around?05:02
Flannelmaco: what's up?05:02
squ1datom is okay05:02
Roastedsomeone wake up tsimpson :(05:03
macoFlannel: are you watching -ot?05:03
FlannelNo, I'm in a LoCo meeting05:03
Roasteddo you guys get paid05:03
macoRoasted: no, we're volunteers05:03
cheekoeven i want to be a volunterr05:03
squ1dthey volunteer so cranvical doesn't have to pay people05:03
macohrmm who else watches that channel...05:04
macogord: ?05:04
squ1dmaco whats your channel?05:04
macosqu1d: kubuntu05:05
squ1dcan I troll it for you?05:05
macono thanks05:05
macoAmaranth: ping05:06
squ1dmaco does that mean you take KDE over gnome05:06
cheekohey maco even i want to be a volunteer05:06
Roasted<3 KDE05:07
Roasted<3 Kubuntu05:07
Roastedjust wish I could get into kubuntu :(05:07
squ1dCheeko; no volunteering for you05:07
macocheeko: i cant make people ops, and it requires having been around a while. i was here 3yr before i was poked05:07
squ1dmaco; Can I join a different loco team if the one around here does nothing05:08
Roastedmaco can you make people unbanned?05:08
cheekohey Roasted ill send all the happenin thins as an log05:09
cheekoin kubuntu05:09
Roastedwhy, I cant get in kubuntu05:09
Amaranthmaco: pong05:09
cheekobut u said u cant get in kubuntu05:09
RoastedI'm confused?05:10
Amaranthcheeko, squ1d: Can I help you with something?05:10
macoAmaranth: is brady_ seeming disruptive to you?05:10
macoRoasted: we dont remove other ops bans05:10
macoRoasted: so you need to talk to tsimpson05:11
Roastedmaco - understandable05:11
Roastedmaco - can you at least see the status of my ban? In terms of how long it is or anything.05:11
squ1dSo you cant site idly in ops?05:11
macosqu1d: right05:12
macoRoasted: i dont have bantracker access. Amaranth?05:12
cheekotoo bad maco05:12
ubottuThe operation succeeded.05:12
squ1dWell I'm idle because I'm making my bed; can someone kick me from ops?05:13
AmaranthRoasted: Checking now to see if there are any notes05:14
Roastedthanks bro05:14
AmaranthRoasted: Hmm, I see a large number of kicks and bans from several channels along with notes on how uncooperative you were when discussing the issue originall05:15
AmaranthBut no notes on a timespan so I guess that is still up to tsimpson05:15
RoastedI was only uncooperative due to the nature in which I got banned.05:15
Amaranth(note: those kicks and bans go back over the last year)05:16
RoastedTalking about Kubuntu in Kubuntu and being told I'm off topic sounds clear to me that somebody is using their ban priviledges beyond what a moderator should be using them.05:16
RoastedAs a result, I make them aware of it.05:16
AmaranthWere you asking for help with Kubuntu or helping someone with Kubuntu?05:17
RoastedI was helping somebody with Kubuntu.05:17
RoastedThey asked me a question about something else, still within Kubuntu, and I was told I was being off topic.05:17
RoastedIt was pretty obvious that somebody wasn't thinking clearly when they said that, because several others were like, uh really?05:17
AmaranthRoasted: No, you weren't helping someone05:17
AmaranthYou were ranting about gnome-shell05:18
RoastedAmaranth - I've ranted about gnome-shell, yes. But when I got banned from Kubuntu I was talking about Kubuntu.05:18
RoastedUnless I'm getting conversations mixed up?05:18
AmaranthRoasted: I'm looking at a log05:18
squ1dSomeone kick me  I can not leave for some reason.05:18
Roastedsqu1d - the X int he corner doesnt work bro? :P05:18
macosqu1d: /part05:18
AmaranthRoasted: You weren't helping someone, you were being sarcastic about the rules by directing someone with a question about using samba with (k)ubuntu to a samba channel05:19
RoastedAmaranth - Yeah, that was another story in itself, with a mod telling me to go to the samba channel with nobody in it to ask for help.05:20
RoastedPretty comical, if you ask me.05:20
AmaranthRoasted: If no one is answering a question about samba or something like that we tend to point them to a project specific channel05:20
Roastedand that's completely understandable.05:21
AmaranthBut that isn't what you were doing05:21
AmaranthBut I'll let you discuss all of this with tsimpson, it is up to him to decide what to do05:21
RoastedBut when I'm told deliberately that I'm off topic for asking about SAMBA in an UBUNTU chat (as if they have nothing whatsoever in common) and told to leave while on topic of Samba, that just screams I'm abusing my powers.05:21
RoastedI wonder where he's hiding at. :(05:22
AmaranthSleeping, I suspect05:22
RoastedKind of sucks, cause I have a Kubuntu question I'd like to ask right about - now.05:23
macoit's ok to ask a kubuntu question in #ubuntu05:23
AmaranthIf it's KDE specific you'll probably just get pointed to #kubuntu, honestly05:24
macoi mean, might not be as many people who know how to answer05:24
macobut its acceptable05:24
Roastedmaco - lol? Is that a serious comment?05:25
Roastedmaco - you might want to check the rules there, cause that was another thing I got yelled at for the other day. Asked a question in ubuntu about kubuntu since I was banned.05:25
macoive seen xubuntu and kubuntu questions get answered in #ubuntu before05:25
RoastedI've also been told to ask in other channels before.05:25
RoastedPart of the whole "off topic to ubuntu" thing.05:25
macoAmaranth: really?05:26
Roasted...love it05:26
macoAmaranth: is there a rule against asking about other official versions? i know mint and such aren't allowed...05:26
Amaranthmaco: If someone knows the answer they'll answer, I suppose05:26
AmaranthBut some people (not ops) just ignore you until you're in the right channel :/05:27
Roastedgotta love it05:27
macoAmaranth: thats how i thought it worked05:27
AmaranthThat's not our doing, it's a 1500 user channel trying to police itself05:27
macothough i have yanked people over to #kubuntu just because #ubuntu was scrolling too fast05:28
RoastedHey man, it's understandable.05:28
RoastedBut look at it from my standpoint05:28
maco(when they're using kde, i mean)05:28
AmaranthI tend to answer the question then point them to the right place to ask further questions05:28
Roasted2 nights ago I get yelled at for asking a kubuntu question in ubuntu05:28
Roastedyet now mods are telling me it's okay05:28
macoRoasted: by an op?05:29
AmaranthPeople get ideas of what the 'rules' are and try to enforce them but we don't have rules, we have some basic guidelines05:29
Roastedmaco - I assume so. I mean, can typical users "squealch" you?05:29
Roastedor whatever?05:29
Roastedkeep you silent for 10 minutes or whatever that thing is05:29
RoastedI was told that's what would happen if I asked more kubuntu related things in there05:30
AmaranthOh, that was FloodBot1 muting you05:30
macoquiet. no they cant05:30
Amaranthiirc it does that if 4 regular users try to give you a warning05:30
macoreally? didnt know that!05:30
RoastedI didnt get muted though.05:30
RoastedI was just told to leave or I'd get silenced.05:30
macoby whom?05:30
AmaranthThat may have been just a normal user then05:31
RoastedGosh I wish I knew the name.05:31
Amaranthmaco: I've seen the bot do something like that before05:31
RoastedIt's not like you guys have distinctive "maco-OP" names so its hard to tell.05:31
macoRoasted: irclogs.ubuntu.com may help?\05:31
Amaranthmaco: But it may have been all floodbot warnings05:31
AmaranthRoasted: That's intentional, actually05:31
Roastedand that's understandable05:31
macoAmaranth: ive only ever seen the floodbot do stuff if you hit enter too much05:31
Roastedbut in this situation, because there wasn't a direct tag on the name, I had no clue if it was an OP05:31
Roastedthat's all I meant by that05:32
macoyou can ask :)05:32
RoastedI probably should have.05:32
Amaranth1) I'm in about 30 channels and I'm not an op in all of them and 2) at least in Ubuntu if you stay op'ed too long _everyone_ asks you questions specifically instead of asking the channel in general05:32
macoand then you get told you left your hat on or get asked about your cinnamon bun :P05:33
Roastedmaco - you said youre a kubuntu user?05:33
Roastedcan I ask you a question quick or would you prefer I direct it to a separate dialog box so its not in the chat?05:33
macoyou can pm05:33
Roastedcan you shoot me one? I cant seem to figure out how to initiate one in quassel - its still new to me05:33
macodouble click my name in the nicks list05:34
Roastedlol - easy enough.05:34
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist full)07:01
ubottumaco called the ops in #ubuntu (Neola)07:02
FlannelWe banned 30 people in a day?07:07
FlannelOh, DCC spam yesterday probably07:07
macoFlannel: i think eddiegentry is pulling mine & indus's leg, but im not 100% sure07:08
macosaid ubuntu was showing gross images in windows. i asked what kind of window. he said not browser. indus asked for screenshot, and its a bunch of adult images, and theyre not open in any application, theyre just plain on the desktop wallpaper...07:10
macoi wonder if eddie just wanted to link adult images in #ubuntu07:10
Flannelmaco: I'm actually running off to catch the meteorshowers, but I'll be back in a few hours :)07:12
jussi01maco: just confirm he downloaded it from a good source07:12
macodownloaded what?07:13
jussi01his ubuntu image07:13
jussi01or is it not a new install...07:13
* jussi01 is tired and should really read scroll back before saying stuff.07:13
macohis friend installed for him07:14
macohe says07:14
maconow we're thinking his friend is a prankster07:15
macowell i'm still a bit suspicious....07:15
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist full)07:22
ubottumaco called the ops in #ubuntu (tyulohj)07:22
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist full)07:23
ubottugeirha called the ops in #ubuntu ()07:23
jussi01!ops | banlist is FULL!!07:23
ubottubanlist is FULL!!: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!07:23
ubottujussi01 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (banlist is FULL!!)07:23
macojussi01: ever notice how that autoban alias just ops and deops without ban/removing when the channel's too busy?07:24
jussi01seriously, go check your bans please everyone07:24
jussi01maco: the banlist was full07:25
tonyyarussogood lord07:25
macojussi01: oh that causes that? ive had it happen to me before without that being it. just had to try again07:25
jussi01could someone with ubuntu access go throught the FB bans - seems an awful lot of them, and those read-topic forwards on random nicks can probably go Id say07:26
* jussi01 needs to head back to work, sorry07:26
macook i cleaned up my #kubuntu and #ubuntu-women bans. dunno if htat has any effect, but hey, it was a reminder07:29
dholbachgood morning07:37
=== KB1JWQ_ is now known as KB1JWQ
tonyyarussojussi01: The bantracker appears to have some inconsistencies with the real ban list that will need to be manually adjusted when you have time.08:04
jussi01tonyyarusso: ok, have you any details?08:04
jussi01(its probably because of the splits)08:04
tonyyarussojussi01: The majority of ones from 2008 for #ubuntu08:05
tonyyarussoWhat's the banlist size limit again?  400?08:05
tonyyarussomaco: uh, look at your #ubuntu log - did you see me do anything odd just now?08:14
macodid you just unban 2 people in one command?08:14
tonyyarussoyeah, that's intentional08:15
macoi didnt know that was possible08:15
macois that what you were talking about?08:15
macowhat was i supposed to have seen odd?08:16
tonyyarussosomehow I managed to trigger a list of the exceptions printing to my screen, and I have no idea why08:16
tonyyarussoHopefully nothing :)08:16
macono idea08:16
tonyyarusso'k, thanks08:16
jussi01tonyyarusso: hehe, nothing come here.08:16
naliothmaco: you can unban lots of folks with one command08:19
tonyyarussoOkay, that's enough.  Ban list is down to 252.08:20
tonyyarussomaco: (up to four at a time, unless Freenode changed since I last checked)08:20
naliothonly 252?08:20
naliothtonyyarusso: no sir.08:20
tonyyarussonalioth: There were a *lot* of *old*, unmarked things.  We've had it fill up too often lately, so I took a chance and purged a bit.  *crosses fingers*08:21
naliothtonyyarusso: yo ucan unban as many as you like, chanserv just echoes tehm 4 per line08:21
tonyyarussonalioth: ooooooh, cool!08:21
jussi01nalioth: what is the limit?08:21
* jussi01 has forgotten08:22
naliothjussi01: limit on what?08:22
jussi01How many bans can we have?08:23
naliothi have no idea, but 252 is ridiculous08:23
naliothbans are not "fire and forget"08:23
jussi01tonyyarusso: thanks for the purge, if someone comes in and is disruptive, Im sure we can sort it.08:24
jussi01nalioth: Huge +1 to that.08:24
tonyyarussojussi01: usually true, yeah :)08:24
naliothi realize we have floodbots in the mix now.  perhaps they can be coded to remove their own bans after a certain period of time?08:24
tonyyarussoI did leave a few choice ones where I still recognize the nick.08:24
jussi01nalioth: they are supposed to...08:24
jussi01tonyyarusso: 252 still seems a crazy amount though.08:25
tonyyarussojussi01: Then I guess it's a good thing I didn't check the number before I started ;)08:26
Flannelikonia: You certainly scared him off10:31
ikoniawho ?10:31
ikoniadidn't notice him10:31
ikoniajust clearing down old ompaul bans10:31
jussi01ooh, gnine, I remember him, haven seen for ages. funny like that, some names you remember...10:33
ikoniayup, some long term guys10:34
ikoniabut they are taking up space and I've not seen them online (nor has nickserv) for a long time so it's worth removing10:34
jussi01yup, exactly10:35
ikoniai've left the ones I put back in place at Seveas request10:37
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rashed2020 said: !no, links is DON'T POST LINKS!  Lynx isn't out until it's announced, and indicating anything otherwise causes the servers to get more load, thus making the release LATER.  Is that what you want?13:42
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rashed2020 said: !no, !links is DON'T POST LINKS!  Lynx isn't out until it's announced, and indicating anything otherwise causes the servers to get more load, thus making the release LATER.  Is that what you want?13:43
tsimpson!forget links13:44
ubottuI'll forget that, tsimpson13:44
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)14:20
=== elky is now known as Guest4966
=== Gary_ is now known as Gary
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)16:16
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)16:16
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)16:16
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)18:50
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)18:50
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)18:50
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)18:50
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (fungeirl)19:05
ubottuBluesKaj called the ops in #ubuntu ()19:13
* Pici sighs19:14
naliothso now we can't remove bans?  sheesh19:15
PiciPricey: thats a lot of stale bans....19:17
PriceyPici: +L gives us a lot of room.19:18
PriceyNot quite close enough for us to request -L, but good enough for now.19:32
PriceyThose of you with bans still active, please reconsider them.19:32
FallynThanks for unbanning me19:37
PriceyFallyn: Not sure when it happenned, but cool.19:39
PriceyFallyn: Could I ask that you keep #ubuntu free for support though?19:39
FallynOf course19:39
PriceyFallyn: We've #ubuntu-offtopic if you want some random chat :-)19:39
PriceyFallyn: appreciated19:40
FallynPricey.. this is fallen19:40
Fallyn4 month ban19:40
PriceyFallyn: Well I hope its all behind us now then.19:42
PriceyGood stuff.19:42
=== Fallyn is now known as Valkyrie
PiciValkyrie: Is there anything else we can help you with?19:44
PiciThat was interesting.19:45
PriceyI don't see a matching ban?19:46
Picime either.19:47
PriceyYay noone can blame me if he does something silly then.19:50
=== elky is now known as Guest4966
=== Guest4966 is now known as elky
ubottuActionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu (b0xxy)23:01
ubottulstarnes called the ops in #ubuntu (b0xxy)23:01
ubottuchris231989_ called the ops in #ubuntu (b0xxy)23:02
ikonia@mark #ubuntu rockmonster appeared to want to be an issue, was commenting on a conversation I had when he wasn't in the channel, more than meets the eye on his pushing the issue23:34
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:34
Flannelikonia: rockmasterb, not rockmonster, unless there's someone else23:35
ikoniaFlannel: nice catch !23:35
ikonia@mark #ubuntu rockmasterb, appeared to want to be an issue, was commenting on a conversation I had when he wasn't in the channel, more than meets the eye on his pushing the issue23:35
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:35

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