
BedPosthey so I'm having some real weird problems with either compiz or x, anyone got a minute to help?01:23
Sarvatt_the failure to start and kicking me to a garbled failsafe login is even happening with edgers now on all the kernels, every time i have to fsck it happens02:23
=== Sarvatt_ is now known as Sarvatt
Sarvattgdm exit status 1 message then failsafe starts02:24
=== Sarvatt_ is now known as Sarvatt
RAOF_Sarvatt: What would you think of getting xorg-edgers mesa trunk to build a gallium package that dpkg-divert'ed the necessary bits?06:33
RAOF_Because nv40 gallium is sufficient to run compiz at (annoyingly) better than i915-speeds, with only minor visual glitches :)06:35
tjaaltonwhat bits need to be diverted?06:44
RAOF_As I understand it, libgl mostly.06:47
RAOF_I'm moderately sure that the gallium libgl is incompatible with the normal mesa variant.  However, Sarvatt is the one who'se looked into it most closely.06:49
RAOF_Mmmmmm.  Wobbly windows is an excellent example of where nouveau doesn't quite work :)06:51
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
metelliustseliot: you are certain that there is no specific driver package for the drm package that can be compiled?10:32
metelliusdrm driver10:32
tseliotmetellius: I wish there was one :-/10:32
tjaaltonit comes with the kernel10:32
* tseliot nods10:33
metelliusI see10:33
metelliusI guess I'll have to continue the kernel compilation process then... I paused halfway, thinking there might be another way10:33
* tseliot 's attemps to make a DKMS package to update drm failed miserably10:33
metelliusis it (relatively) easy to do the whole kernel compile on another (also 32bit) karmic pc and copy the result over to my laptop?10:35
tjaaltoncheck https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile10:36
arabryce, hi12:11
tseliotara: I think he's still asleep ( ~4 AM there)12:13
aratseliot, ok, it was regarding my bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/49649712:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 496497 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "[nvidia] After upgrading to Lucid from Karmic, X crashed " [Undecided,New]12:13
aratseliot, I enabled nvidia 185 and it removed xorg-xserver package12:14
tseliotara: that's because we don't have an nvidia driver that works with lucid's X yet12:14
tseliotara: I'm working on it. I've been busy with oem stuff12:14
tseliotI'll upload new drivers this week12:15
aratseliot, nice :)12:15
tjaaltontseliot: are you renaming it as well?12:15
aratseliot, can you tell me when you're done, please?12:16
tseliotara: sure12:16
tseliottjaalton: we didn't come to an agreement about the new names, did we?12:16
tseliotsee pitti's objections in the blueprint12:16
tseliottjaalton: the blueprint is here: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-xorg-proprietary-drivers12:18
tjaaltonthanks, reading12:18
* tseliot -> lunch12:18
tjaaltontseliot: well, superm1 has a point, it can be done12:21
tjaaltonhmm wait, I need to think this over :)12:21
tjaaltonyeah, I don't think simple package relationships are enough to make it work correctly12:42
tjaaltonand relying on update-manager isn't enough12:42
tjaaltonhere's an idea; ignore all crash bugs from the blobs, where the stacktrace points to libGL or the driver12:54
tseliottjaalton: right we'll still need something like nvidia-common in some cases13:04
tseliottjaalton: what's the purpose of your idea?13:04
tjaaltontseliot: we can't do anything about the crashes13:09
tjaaltonthey just clutter up the buglist13:09
tseliottjaalton: aah, so it wasn't related name schemes in any way13:10
tjaaltonno :)13:10
tseliotok, I think it's a good idea then ;)13:11
tjaaltonbryce_: your totals graph doesn't include private bugs, which means ~150 bugs more :)14:23
tjaaltonthose won't show up on searches either, so they just need to be made public in order to be visible14:24
SarvattRAOF: nice, you can run compiz on nv40? it just freezes here on nv50 :(16:01
Sarvattwhere is the "Dropping master" message that writes over top of the plymouth splash right before X starts coming from?16:38
Sarvatthmm havent seen debian/patches/02_silent_master.diff in libdrm before16:39
tseliotSarvatt: you might want to ask Keybuk about that16:44
Sarvattthanks, found it though, its libdrm and that patch thats not in git removes it16:57
Sarvatti pushed the 2.4.14-1ubuntu2 release changes to libdrm git16:58
Sarvattbtw, noticed we're building r600 with mesa now, does that even work with libdrm 2.4.14?17:33
Sarvattah i was remembering the versions wrong, whole bunch of libdrm releases when I wasn't around17:37
tseliotheh, right17:38
Sarvattthought 2.4.14 was 2.4.1217:38
tseliotSarvatt: 2.4.14 lacks the 3D ioctl support for r6xx/r7xx gpus but otherwise it should work17:40
tseliotwait, I'm confusing it with the kernel drm17:41
tseliotmorning bryce17:44
Sarvattwish they didnt sneak in a bunch of buggy intel libdrm changes right before 2.4.16 released :D17:45
Sarvattmorning bryce!17:45
Sarvatthmm control+alt+fx keys arent working from a vt to switch back to X, evdev getting suspended on vt switch with the udev change maybe?17:59
Sarvattchvt 7 works fine if i log in18:00
tjaaltonhave you upgraded to 2.3.2?18:02
Sarvattyeah but i havent restarted x since then, will try now18:02
tjaaltonit fixed my booting problems18:03
Sarvattcontrol+alt+f7 still doesn't work from a VT18:09
Sarvatti get [   78.329930] (II) "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard": Device reopened after 1 attempts. after i chvt 7 to get back is why i was thinking of the udev stuff18:10
bryceoddly, on my -ati system running Karmic, monitor power savings had started working perfectly the last couple months of Karmic, but in the last week or two has not been powering off the monitors anymore18:21
brycewonder what'll happen when I go to lucid ;-)18:21
bryceyeah most likely18:26
Sarvattthey are making it so we have to have libdrm headers actually get installed now, intel won't build against linux-libc-dev headers unless they come from a 2.6.33 kernel.. ugh18:47
tjaaltonedgers, bah :)18:48
Sarvatti stopped using it because intel's been so unstable for the past 1.5 months18:48
Sarvattbut if we pull in 2.10 later...18:49
tjaaltonthere probably will be a 32.x18:49
Sarvattits too big to go to stable i believe and its a new feature not a fix :(18:50
Sarvatt(KMS overlay support)18:50
tjaaltonthen the kernel team will pull it18:51
Sarvattwonder what debian is going to do, they cant pull in 2.10rc2 into experimental 18:53
Sarvattoh they're on a 2.9.1 still, thought they had already18:54
Sarvatthyperair: i think its because of the pm-utils 1.30rc1 dropping hal quirks18:56
Sarvatt98smart-kernel-video is gone, im not sure how it does things now19:00
Sarvattit had add_parameters --quirk-no-chvt in there before though19:00
Sarvatti dont get a vt switch suspending though19:01
Sarvattah its in 98-video-quirk-db-handler now, i'm not sure but it looks like it checks the vendor and device id's now though to figure out quirks?19:02
hyperairSarvatt: the intel-gfx people said that the kernel chvts anyway19:04
Sarvatthyperair: try pm-sleep --quirk-no-chvt manually?19:04
hyperairSarvatt: i checked, pm-utils is't the cause of the chvt19:04
Sarvattah ok19:05
hyperairSarvatt: when i did echo mem > /sys/power/state, it chvt'd as well19:05
Sarvattif i get a chvt i dont even notice it, screen goes off the second the fan and power light go off19:06
hyperairyeah that's how it is for me when i'm on single-head19:26
Sarvattahh gotcha, i've never run multihead on this thing19:27
superm1bryce, would you mind committing this to git?  i can't seem to get to debian git from where i'm at right now behind some proxies.  i'm going to upload it shortly to lucid20:29
brycesuperm1, sure20:30
tjaaltonfailsafe fails when kms is already in use20:36
tjaaltonat least on my intel20:36
brycefails in what manner?20:36
Sarvattsame here20:36
tjaaltonno picture20:36
Sarvattgarbled screen20:36
bryceis it because vesa is being loaded?20:37
tjaaltonI can change the vt to a virtual console, but still nothing on screen. when changing back to the vt where X should be running, I see what the previous vt had20:37
tjaaltondunno if fbdev would work better20:38
brycecould we detect kms in some fashion, and make it not force vesa in that case?20:39
brycebtw, why did it go into failsafe mode to begin with?20:39
brycetjaalton, I'd tried fbdev early on but found it didn't work right on some cards20:46
tjaaltonbryce: evdev crashed for some reason, the new version seems to work20:49
tjaaltonwell, intel/ati/nv should not use vesa then :)20:49
tjaaltonsorry, nouveau20:50
brycetjaalton, could you file a bug against xorg (and marked wishlist) to make failsafe-x use fbdev in these cases, and assign to me so I don't forget?20:52
tjaaltonI need to test fbdev first :)20:54
tjaaltonotherwise I'd just let the server pick, if fbdev doesn't work20:55
Sarvattwhen i change to a vt it goes black, and i cant change from vt to x no matter what here without doing it manually. as for why it goes failsafe at all the only thing i've been able to figure out is it happens when i need to fsck on  my own kernels. but with the ubuntu 2.6.32-7 kernel i get failsafe 50% of the time pretty much consistently for no apparent reason..21:02
Sarvattcan i just edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe to use fbdev to see if it works any better, or is that set somewhere else?21:05
Sarvattdont know if i just have old stale files lying around21:05
bryceSarvatt, yeah edit it there (or leave Driver blank)21:06
Sarvattoh yeah i get a gdm stopped with exit status 1 message before the garbled failsafe starts21:06
brycethe places to look for error messages are the Xorg.0.log[.old], dmesg, and /var/log/gdm/21:06
bryceyeah failsafe-x shuts down gdm when it starts up21:07
Sarvatti dont get any logs there during failsafe, looked everywhere i could21:07
bryce(in the past, if it didn't, gdm would just try to respawn X; dunno if it'd still do that or not)21:07
Sarvattits only got the good boots21:07
brycehmm weird21:07
bryceI wonder if gdm has a verbose or debug mode21:08
Sarvatthmm wonder why i dont have one21:09
Sarvattserverargs="${serverargs} -br -once -config $xorg_conf_failsafe -logfile /var/log/Xorg.failsafe.log" oh ok theres the xorg log21:10
Sarvattthis ones using edgers but i got the same problem on both  http://paste.ubuntu.com/341434/21:15
Sarvattgoing to try out fbdev, i'm not using edgers anymore21:15
Sarvattthats odd, switching it to fbdev made it load intel with swrast?22:12
Sarvattsudo tune2fs -C 34 /dev/sda1 then reboot gives me failsafe 100% of the time on any kernel btw, max mount count before checking for that partition is 3422:13
bryceSarvatt, hmm, and no error messages as to why?22:14
brycetjaalton, what's the status on xf86-input-wacom?  Does it just need a MIR or is there more to be done?22:14
Sarvatti dont see anything at all, plymouth shows the graphic and theres no feedback that a fsck is even happening outside of the hdd light going. i'll try without a splash22:16
Sarvattit faded to white for a second then came up with the failsafe X menu though, I picked use low resolution mode for this session and it started up and the logs look normal outside of it using swrast22:18
Sarvattwell I guess it used xorg.conf for some reason instead of xorg.conf.failsafe, Xorg.0.log says it did at least [    0.021742] (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"22:20
Sarvattah old log even though the timestamp is current.. what the heck22:21
bryce(EE) FBDEV(0): FBIOPUTCMAP: Invalid argument22:23
bryce  weird22:23
brycemaybe an abi mismatch?22:24
SarvattProvides: xserver-xorg-video-622:25
Sarvattits working great22:25
Sarvattway better than vesa ever did and at native resolution22:25
RAOFHm.  If tselliot comes back in, point him at nouveau-kernel-source as a template for using dkms to do drm updates.22:28
bryceRAOF, maybe drop him an email?22:30
RAOFLet's see if I can find his email address...22:31
Sarvattswitching to vt8 to check on the error messages when your control+alt+f-keys dont work from a vt = bad idea :D22:33
Sarvattthats the 8th reboot in a row i've gotten failsafe though forcing a fsck, pretty safe to say its always gonna happen22:33
RAOFThanks.  Thta's easier :)22:34
bryceSarvatt, hmm so the fsck is stealing the vt, and gdm is probably crapping that it can't take it to start up X, or some such22:36
brycehowever I would think the gdm logs would mention something about that if this is the case22:36
Sarvattis failsafe x supposed to start on vt2?22:40
bryceit shouldn't care what vt its on22:40
bryce[    0.000000] (WW) xf86CloseConsole: KDSETMODE failed: Bad file descriptor22:41
bryce[    0.000049] (WW) xf86CloseConsole: VT_GETMODE failed: Bad file descriptor22:41
bryce[    0.000073] (WW) xf86OpenConsole: VT_GETSTATE failed: Bad file descriptor22:41
SarvattFatal server error:22:41
SarvattServer is already active for display 022:41
Sarvattah yeah same log i was looking at22:41
bryceyeah this is looking like gdm is trying to fire up X on a specific vt and getting a 'bad fd' error22:41
bryceand crapping itself22:41
brycefailsafe-x is less fussy about what vt to use, so just picked the first unused one I guess (vt2)22:42
bryceperhaps the gdm upstart job needs to be given smarts to detect if a fsck is going on, and block on that22:42
Sarvatti think there was just a change in the fsck routine at boot in the past few days because i saw Keybuck talking about it in another channel, something about running alot of things in parallel during a fsck and letting the kernel scheduler sort it out and booting faster22:45
Sarvatti have no clue though, lemme see if it still happens without plymouth22:46
Sarvattnevermind I know it does, didnt have it installed yesterday when i first noticed it22:47
Ngooh brief visual corruption there22:59
Sarvattoh the failsafe x archive log option doesnt add Xorg.failsafe.log to the tar23:01
Ngbryce: does upstart have sufficient clue to say "/home is available" whether it's a separate mount or not? If not shouldn't it be waiting for all local filesystems to be mounted?23:01
Ngin fact shouldn't gdm always start after local mounts are done?23:04
jcristauwhy local? nfs /home should be there, too, no?23:11
Nga fair point, I was only thinking about the fsck case23:13
bryceSarvatt, right there should be no point - that's just the log for the failsafe session itself, which by definition is fine if the user was able to get in and generate the tar in the first place ;-)23:15
Sarvattah good point, i was just going to file a bug using the files in there and was thinking of it that way :D23:16
bryceNg: beyond my upstart-fu...  I assume it ought to be able to either detect if the mounts are there, or test if vt7 can be used, but I really have no clue23:16
bryceI'd suggest filing a bug report but probably keybuk would just close it as wontfix23:16
Ngshould xinput stuff be working atm in lucid?23:19
Ngmy trackpoint isn't showing up23:20
Ngit works though23:20
NgI just can't poke at its properties23:20
brycexinput should be working afaik23:21
Ngaha, got it, the trackpoint's properties are on PS/2 Generic Mouse and I just need to include " in some of the names23:25
Ngno more trackpad \o/23:25
Sarvattbryce: should I file a bug against xorg or gdm or something else even about the fsck thing?23:30
* Sarvatt doesnt know what the problem is even23:30
bryceSarvatt, mm23:33
bryceSarvatt, probably the change needs to go to gdm's upstart script23:34
bryceSarvatt, oh you know what, this reminds me of a bug I ran across23:36
bryceSarvatt, try commenting out the line in gdm.upstart that refers to tty723:36
bryce  and tty-device-added KERNEL=tty723:36
Sarvattmaybe you could check if KMS is in use the same way pm-utils does before picking the fallback_driver in /etc/gdm/failsafeXServer? 23:37
bryceor if it is missing try adding it23:37
brycehow does pm-utils do it?23:37
Sarvattusing_kms() { grep -q -E '(nouveau|drm)fb' /proc/fb; }23:37
bryceSarvatt, would you mind filing a bug against xorg assigned to me, suggesting that?  Sounds like it should be straightforward but probably I won't get to it until after the holidays23:38
Sarvattcat /proc/fb23:38
Sarvatt0 inteldrmfb23:38
Sarvattgrep -q -E '(nouveau|drm)fb' /proc/fb && echo "yes"23:43
Sarvattyes   is what I meant to paste there23:43
bryceSarvatt, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/49116223:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 491162 in gdm "gdm does not start X unless remove "tty-device-added KERNEL=tty7" from upstart gdm.conf" [High,Fix released]23:52
Sarvatti heard about that bug but didnt read it, guess it should be worked around when the new mountall is uploaded23:58

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