
toninoplease, i have burned the DVDs of ubuntu repositories and now i need bring them on my work and rebuild the originals repository in apache server, how can I do?00:00
james-coloradoDaZ: I found it, you were right. Just google what I used to encrypt it.00:00
Exetubini need help in creating an xorg.conf file for my 9.10 XUbuntu00:00
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org00:01
ExetubinDaz... can you help?00:01
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub200:01
DaZExetubin: i think you can just paste the sections you want to00:01
SBDUBI'm not finding any solutions on the grub2 page00:02
Exetubinwell... ok... i created an xorg.conf file with just the lines needed to make my touchpad work (see http://www.opcommando.com/?p=54), but, the system booted only to the command line00:02
Exetubini ended up deleting the xorg.conf file to get back inside XUbuntu00:03
Exetubinnot sure what I did wrong...00:03
arooni-mobile___question.... i have ubuntu installed in a raid1 format across drives /dev/sda and /dev/sdc ... (/ is located on /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdc1 and /home is located on /dev/sda6 and i managed to blow it away on /dev/sdc6) i want to go back to using no raid, so what i was THINKING of doing is formatting /dev/sda1, /dev/sdc1, and /dev/sdc6 ... and reinstalling ubuntu to /dev/sda1 and using /dev/sda6 as /home.  does this work? would00:03
arooni-mobile___i need to mess with grub separately?00:03
cruztonmy cups broke for network printing when i upgraded to karmic... i nuked my /etc/cups dir, but i cant seem to make dpkg regenerate the config files00:04
zebrafusionyo yo yo00:04
zebrafusionhow do I watch drm'd DVDs00:04
cruztonhow do i make dpkg or whatever regenerate /etc/cups/cupsd.conf etc?00:04
zcat[1]!dvd | Zebr00:04
ubottuZebr: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:04
ExetubinDaz, note that I initially did NOT have a xorg.conf file00:04
sebsebseb!medibuntu |  zebrafusion00:04
ubottuzebrafusion: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org00:04
zcat[1]damn where did my autocomplete go?00:04
DaZExetubin: i know, ubuntu sucks [;00:04
zebrafusionubottu: you're always there for me00:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:04
zebrafusionubottu: intelligent? Fine, but your memory sure beats us humans!00:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:05
mdeontewhere can i get gnome-keyring-100:05
Exetubindang! i just want this touchpad to work....00:05
NineTeen67CometDoes anyone in here have a familiarity with the Dell Mini 9? Mine will not hold wireless. It connects (47dB) for about half a second, blinks and goes to 0dB and disconnects .. I tried wicd, b43-fwcutter and still same ..00:06
zcat[1]ubuntu sucks, but every time I stry to switch to debian I end up realising that ubuntu still sucks ever so slightly less than the alternatives.00:06
ankucan anyone help me set up a game to work like Aion?00:06
sebsebsebzcat[1]: Mandriva is nice :)00:06
zebrafusionwhere does wine store the C: files00:06
=== infogulch1 is now known as infogulch
DaZExetubin: /var/log/Xorg.log should say why it didn't start00:07
zcat[1]yeah, I should give mandriva a try. mint isn't too bad either00:07
NineTeen67Cometzebrafusion: ~/.wine ..00:07
ExetubinDaz.... thanks... let me see00:07
LITesterBzebrafusion ~/.wine/drive_c/00:07
zebrafusionNineTeen67Comet: LITesterB thanks dudes00:07
ScriptKiddyanyone alive to help with semi noob question?00:08
sebsebsebzcat[1]: PC Linux OS maybe as well then00:08
SBDUBis there anyway to reinstall grub while not on the actual linux partition?00:08
SBDUBi'm on a boot CD00:08
sebsebseb!ask |  ScriptKiddy00:08
ubottuScriptKiddy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:08
ankuCan anyone help me to Get Aion to work in Ubuntu00:08
zcat[1]pclos it too much like windows ;)00:08
sebsebsebzcat[1]: Fedora?00:09
ScriptKiddyWell, when im doing a setting with VI how would i contiue a line if my setting expands past 1 line like a contiunion in vb .net ;00:09
LITesterBSBDUB google 'install grub live cd'00:09
zcat[1]actually I haven't looked at fedora since .. ever. I should give it a spin on a spare machine sometime00:09
jthingThey tried a dcc flood00:10
jribScriptKiddy: what?00:10
JeruvyScriptKiddy: normally you use a \00:10
jthingplease turn your dcc sript to off00:10
sebsebsebzcat[1]: http://www.distrowatch.com00:11
ScriptKiddythank u jeruvy00:11
jthingunlesss you are expecting someone00:11
ScriptKiddywould u do it after the line or b4 the next line?00:11
JeruvyScriptKiddy: it would be the last char in any line00:11
JeruvyScriptKiddy: that continues.00:12
ScriptKiddyso as example00:12
ScriptKiddysmtpd_helo_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, warn_if_reject reject_non_fqdn_hostname,00:12
ScriptKiddyreject_invalid_hostname, permit\00:12
jribScriptKiddy: you need to give the context for your question.  What are you editing?00:13
ScriptKiddya settings file00:14
JeruvyScriptKiddy: http://pastebin.ca/171379800:14
jribScriptKiddy: there is no such thing as a general "settings file"00:14
ScriptKiddya .cf file thxs jeru00:14
wolfgangis it possible to use an anti virus program on ubuntu to scan an infected indows hard drive?00:14
loshawolfgang: yes, clamav does exactly that...00:15
wolfgangsweet thanks00:15
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus00:15
hyperstreamhow do i make it so my harddrive's second partition is mounted auto upon starting up, instead of having to enter in the account password to view it ?00:15
jribScriptKiddy: it's completely up to the app that reads the file on how to interpret it.  You need to see how to do what you want for postfix specifically00:15
wolfganggot a virus o my eeepc only 3 weeks after chaning it back to windows00:15
blakkheimhyperstream: /etc/fstab00:16
hyperstreamblakkheim, any ubuntu recommended guides?00:16
jrib!fstab | hyperstream00:16
ubottuhyperstream: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions00:16
hyperstreamthanks jrib00:16
hyperstreamand thanks blakkheim00:16
=== joe75_ is now known as joe75
Dragoon_JettCould someone help me install the ATI Proprietary Linux Driver00:19
jrib!ati | Dragoon_Jett00:19
ubottuDragoon_Jett: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:19
davephow can i suspend to ram from the console? (no desktop environment is installed)00:21
eigmais it possible to set the connection timeout for "apt-get update"?00:21
minehow can we get the disk's UUID00:22
NineTeen67CometAny ideas on why this Dell Mini 9 (Broadcom) wireless connects then disconnects with in a second ..00:22
ScriptKiddyanyone formular with postfix smtp server formular with main.cf having trouble with restrictions mutliline00:22
NineTeen67CometI've installed wicd (helped get it working'ish) ..00:22
ScriptKiddynm figured it outt hxs for help its just , hehe00:23
user__I have a scsi scanner.  If I boot my computer with the scanner turned off, my pc does not recognize it.  How can I get the computer to recognize the scanner with out rebooting?00:24
ankuIs there anyone that could help me get Aion running???00:25
ActionParsnipanku: http://www.aionsource.com/forum/technical-discussion/13942-aion-linux-wine.html00:28
ankui tryed doing it but i get errors00:29
Boggstill there?00:29
ankuill give it a shot00:29
ActionParsnipanku: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=954100:29
flosch0815davep: what about /etc/acpi/power.sh? it refers to pm-powersave.. not tested, seem to be what you want00:30
ankui went to the appdb and checked how to do it but it wont run00:30
ActionParsnipanku: yep looks like its not gonna fly00:30
wolfgangdoes clamav also get spyware?00:30
ActionParsnipwolfgang: no, only viruses00:30
=== Exaltia_ is now known as Exaltia
flosch0815davep: pm-suspend & pm-hibernate may be more suitable, of course..00:31
hyperstreamhmm, ive shared a folder in a drive, on my second ubuntu box (movies folder) when i try to access it from this box,  i get unable to mount share, in the log of the secondry machine it has permission denied, ive added the account of this box on the second box, still no luck00:31
hyperstreamany idea's00:34
PhuzionHello looking for a lil help with a java problem running Ubuntu 8.10 Firefox 3.0.15 having non-responsive windows running Java... more specifically using Yahoo Games00:34
=== TheTosh is now known as Guest1759
rstob911wolfgang: to date there has never been any spyware or malware or really any virus maybe a rootkit once in a while00:35
hyperstreamwhat group should the samba share be under?00:35
wolfgangyeah im talking about scanning a windows hard drive from an ubuntu machine00:35
=== Guest1759 is now known as TheTOsh
arooni-mobile___i'm about to install ubuntu 9.10 to a / partition.  should i use ext3 or ext4?.  i already have a /home partition on the same drive that is ext300:35
joaopintorstob911, actually there was a trojan horse deployed this week00:35
=== TheTOsh is now known as TheTosh
rstob911wolfgang: ahh ok00:36
wolfgangubuntu powerpc to be precise... theres a ubuntu ppc channel right?00:36
Dragoon_JettSo I went here - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#Instructions%20for%20Ubuntu%209.04%20(Jaunty) - And then I find out I need to downgrade and that link - http://tan-com.com/posts/technology/fix-ubuntu-904-ati-driver-issue - is broken00:36
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ00:37
joaopintoDragoon_Jett, that procedure does not work for 9.1000:37
ActionParsnipwolfgang: its supported here00:37
Dragoon_JettI am using 9.0400:37
PhuzionHello looking for a lil help with a java problem running Ubuntu 8.10 Firefox 3.0.15 having non-responsive windows running Java... more specifically using Yahoo Games00:37
=== lippy is now known as Guest35727
hyperstreamwhy cant i access this network share guys ?00:38
ActionParsnipPhuzion: how did you install java?00:38
Phuzionactionparsnip I installed it by *sudo-apt'ing00:39
=== Guest35727 is now known as mokabojoe
ActionParsnipPhuzion: could try uninstalling it then reinstalling it. I always use the bin file at java.com00:40
slimhey i hope you can help is there a way to download torrents on ubuntu like limewire on windows?00:40
joaopintoActionParsnip, the recommended install process is using the repository version, not the one from sun site00:40
Dragoon_Jettslim, a bittorrent downloader comes with ubuntu00:40
ActionParsnipjoaopinto: i never advised to use it if you read my text00:40
ActionParsnipjoaopinto: all i said was how I do it, i never instructed to do similar did I?00:41
joaopintoActionParsnip, but you forgot to mention "I do this" - but is not supported00:41
ActionParsnipjoaopinto: i still didnt instruct it00:41
Phuzionactionparsnip if I'm not mistaken you and I tried working on this previously, at the time I had multiple installations conflicting with one another... we completely removed them all and reinstalled... however the problem seems to mainly occur with Yahoo games being how some other sites I visit use Java... and there doesn't seem to be issues w/ them?00:41
jacquesdupontdhi guys00:41
slimok then but i havent got it to work where can i get info on it00:41
joaopintoActionParsnip, you gave him an hint which is not related to it's problem00:41
jacquesdupontdi'm trying to find a way to be able to disable some cpus to save some battery life, maybe it's directly possible from the grub entry no ?00:42
jacquesdupontdor if it's not i'm ok with installing something in Kubuntu00:42
joaopintoanyway, let's get on topic :)00:42
jacquesdupontdi'm sure it's possible00:42
LioN__How can I syn my iPhone on Karmic Ubuntu?00:42
LioN__How can I sync my iPhone on Karmic Ubuntu?00:42
ActionParsnipjoaopinto: i was showing i have no idea how the repo way handles java as I never use it as I like 64bit java on my 64bit system which the repo doesnt do00:42
ActionParsnipjoaopinto: seems to like installing 32bit and using nspluginwrapper which is dumb as there is a perfectly working 64bit plugin00:43
LioN__How can I sync my iPhone on Karmic Ubuntu?00:44
ActionParsnipLioN__: try gtkpod00:44
LioN__ActionParsnip: I tried00:44
joaopintoActionParsnip, my last line about this subject, since you are debating for no reason,your demonstration of the lack  lack of know-how with the java package does not help him in anyway00:45
djanatynAnybody here with wubi experience?00:45
LioN__ActionParsnip: nothing happens00:45
joaopintoand now, bed time :P00:45
Phuzionactionparsnip if I'm not mistaken you and I tried working on this previously, at the time I had multiple installations conflicting with one another... we completely removed them all and reinstalled... however the problem seems to mainly occur with Yahoo games being how some other sites I visit use Java... and there doesn't seem to be issues w/ them?00:45
LioN__ActionParsnip: just an error00:45
djanatynOn my Acer Aspire One, Ubuntu now boots into the GRUB prompt >_>00:45
jacquesdupontdi'm trying to find a way to be able to disable some cpus to save some battery life, maybe it's directly possible from the grub entry no ?00:45
LioN__ActionParsnip: problem creating ipod directory00:47
Lazydragoonhey guy what is the channel for compiz ?00:47
ctmjrLazydragoon: #compiz00:47
Lazydragoonok thanks00:47
felichasHi, how can I format a USB-pendrive?00:48
ActionParsnipLioN__: could try banshee or amarok00:48
felichasit has a weird format00:48
felichas[19968.872059] usb 1-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 1000:48
felichas[19969.076894] usb 1-3: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice00:48
felichas[19969.121731] scsi8 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices00:48
felichas[19969.141220] usb-storage: device found at 1000:48
felichas[19969.141224] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning00:48
FloodBot1felichas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:48
LioN__ActionParsnip: I've amarok installed here00:48
FiReSTaRTdoes anyone know if back-in-time servers are temporarily down or the whole project went to the crapper?00:48
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LioN__ActionParsnip: how I can sync? Do you know?00:49
sweetprincei can't get the sound to work on my computer, can anyone help me?00:49
ActionParsnipLioN__: no as I use more open MP3 players than apples closed mindedness00:49
blakkheimLioN__: it is a proprietary device and may not work at all00:49
ActionParsnip!ipod | LioN__00:49
ubottuLioN__: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod00:49
sweetprincei don't have an ipod...00:50
sebsebsebsweetprince: soud isn't really my area, but maybe I can help a little bit00:50
LioN__ubottu: I'll see it00:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:50
sweetprincei can't get the sound to come out of my speakers. the system says the sound is on. can't figure out what else to do.00:50
LioN__ubottu: Thanks00:50
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)00:50
sebsebsebsweetprince: Which version of Ubuntu?00:50
blakkheimsweetprince: check alsamixer00:50
sweetprincexubuntu 9.1000:51
sebsebseb!sound |  sweetprince00:51
ubottusweetprince: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:51
arooni-mobile___the installer needs to remove operating system files from the install target but was unable to do so the installation cannot continue00:51
sebsebsebsweetprince: xubuntu hmm, did you ever have a previous version on there?  it's a lap top as well?00:51
arooni-mobile___help!  i'm getting this:  the installer needs to remove operating system files from the install target but was unable to do so the installation cannot continue... any ideas on how to fix?00:51
sweetprinceaccording to alsamixer, the sound is all turned up, nothing's muted. i had linux mint on here very briefly, for like a day. before that i had windows xp. it's a pc.00:52
ActionParsniparooni-mobile___: sounds dangerous to me dude. if you are REALLY sure then run the app with sudo00:52
Dragoon_JettHow do I downgrade Xorg00:53
sebsebsebarooni-mobile___: is that when you try and install Ubuntu?00:53
sebsebsebDragoon_Jett: why?00:53
LioN__ubottu: do you know how i can see the IP I've "selected" for my iPhone?00:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:54
Lazydragoonsomeone can help me to configure compiz ?00:54
ardchoilleHow do we theme the gdm screen?00:54
ActionParsnip1LioN__: iphone support isnt here00:54
Lazydragoonin the chan no one answer :(00:54
sebsebsebardchoille: the GDM in 9.10 can't be themed like the old one00:54
LioN__ActionParsnip: Yep...00:54
ActionParsnip1ardchoille: in karmic you can't. Apparently an app named epidermis can do it but ive not used it00:55
sebsebsebardchoille: apparantly those features will come latero n00:55
ardchoillesebsebseb: Ah, ok00:55
xae8kooCan wireshark show me packages sent to other computers?00:55
ardchoilleActionParsnip1: ok00:55
sebsebsebardchoille: you could use KDM instead that's in the repo,  or slim which  I haven't tried yet, but according to ActionParsnip1  and someone else, is good,  that's not in the repo00:55
felichasHi, I have a strange USB pen drive I cannot fully format00:56
ardchoillesebsebseb: ok, thaks for the ideas. I'll also look into epidermis00:56
felichasit has 2 drives ?? in it00:56
felichasa cd-rom image00:56
felichasand a standard /dev/sdb1 fat partition00:56
felichasI want to get rid of the cd-rom image00:57
jacquesdupontdi'm trying to find a way to be able to disable some cpus to save some battery life, maybe it's directly possible from the grub entry no ?00:57
felichasand format it to start from scratch with the pen drive00:57
ActionParsnip1felichas: ok looks like the partition is sdb1 and is 2Gb00:57
felichasbut it also has the other part00:58
felichasthe cd-rom00:58
felichasit automounts as well00:58
felichaswhenever you plug it in00:58
ActionParsnip1felichas: the cd drive will not ange how you mount or format the usb stick00:58
felichasnamed "autorun"00:58
felichasit has some windows files00:58
ActionParsnip1felichas: ease up on the enter key dude, you can type multiple things on one line like tis so you do not scroll the channel so much00:59
ActionParsnip1felichas: so you want to format the USB stick and detroy all the data on it?00:59
felichasyes, that's what I want. The usb unit also has a ISO9660 image built in that it mounts as a CD-rom whenever I plug the USB unit in. I don't want it01:01
sebsebsebActionParsnip1: found it, and interesting I guess, so thanks01:01
ActionParsnip1felichas: sudo umount /dev/sdb1; sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb101:01
ActionParsnip1felichas: will format it fat3201:02
zsquareplusci do not see a text console while X is running (just black screen) but i see it shortly on startup/shutdown. any way to get that fixed? (nvidia proprietary driver, karmic)01:02
Bakuninconfigurar xorg01:03
Bakuninscreen wxga01:03
Bakuninalguien me puede ayudar con01:04
losha!es | Bakunin01:04
ubottuBakunin: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:04
Bakuninok gracias01:05
ActionParsnip1zsquareplusc: boot to recovery root console and run: apt-get --purge remove nvidia*;  apt-get --purge autoremove; shutdown -r now01:05
rod_howdy! How does one evaluate whether an SD port is working with Ubuntu? I have two SD cards that I verified work in other computers, so I worry the port I'm using is dead. Anyway to quickly check?01:06
ActionParsnip1zsquareplusc: you will then get an x server, you can then reinstall the driver. You can also use: sudo nvidia-xconfig01:06
ActionParsnip1rod_: when you insert on, run: dmesg | tail01:06
=== starcraft is now known as starcraftman
rod_"integrated sync not supported"01:07
rod_ActionParsnip1: "integrated sync not supported"01:08
kingleoHi , My ubuntu machine is running very slow ..any idea what could be the reason ..it was working fine01:08
rod_ActionParsnip1: any idea?01:08
felichasActionParsnip1: that took care of the /dev/db1 unit (btw, size is now only 677M big, http://paste.ubuntu.com/340869/)01:08
felichasbut did not take care of the /dev/sr0 unit01:08
ActionParsnip1felichas: fsck it01:08
ActionParsnip1rod_: no idea, try a websearch or too01:08
ZiberWhats the easiest way to have a network-shared folder on my ubuntu server, that's accessible from my win7 laptop?01:09
jrib!samba | Ziber01:09
ubottuZiber: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:09
rod_ActionParsip1: that's what brought me here :-D01:09
jrib!samba =~ s/9.04/9.10/01:10
ubottuI'll remember that jrib01:10
krishnaHi Eveybody ,I am new to Ubuntu ,I just installed Ubuntu on my system,I was unable to access internet ,The Firefox is always saying it is already opened01:10
zsquarepluscActionParsnip1: hm. i'd rather not remove the driver as "nv" has issues with my 2 screen setup.  i'll try nvidia-xconfig later (as restarting X would throw me out here)01:10
Eru1Hi everybody n.n01:11
ActionParsnip1zsquareplusc: then remove the nv driver and you will use vesa01:11
jacquesdupontdi'm trying to find a way to be able to disable some cpus to save some battery life, maybe it's directly possible from the grub entry no ?01:11
jacquesdupontdi'm asking since 10 minutes and i'm always helping people when i can and i think the answer is very simple01:11
Exaltiajacquesdupontd, i dunno01:12
ZiberI want to make the network share folder on ubuntu tho, and make a network drive for it on my win7. samba does the reverse.01:12
ZzTopHow do I copy a directoy to another directory ? with EVERYTHINg in it ?01:12
Dragoon_JettCtrl C01:12
ZiberZzTop: cp -r foo/ bar/01:12
Dragoon_JettCtrl V01:12
Dragoon_Jettor that01:12
Eru1dammit people, first should to say "hello" before ask for help!! ¬¬01:12
Exaltiajacquesdupontd, i think, at "cold" that the best way to save power is to use hlt01:12
Ziber!hello |01:12
ubottu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!01:12
=== jesse is now known as Guest84756
kingleoI have a question about yum server ...how to  install yum server on ubuntu01:13
macoEru1: no wearing01:13
ZzTopthanks Ziber01:13
macoEru1: *swearing01:13
macokingleo: yum server?01:13
ZiberSo, can anyone help me setup a network share folder on ubuntu that I can access from windows?01:13
n8tuserkingleo-> i dont know, but you can install a fedora within ubuntu, either via chroot or vm01:13
macokingleo: yum is the package manager uesd in fedora01:13
ZzTopis foo/bar the new location ? or is that teh directory to be copied ?01:13
ZiberZzTop: foo/ is the directory you want to copy, bar/ is where you want to copy it to01:14
obf213yo, so I'm at home now and my internet is crazy slow. I had this problem like a year ago or so, I had to change some file to inlcude some namespace line at the top anyone now what I am talking about01:14
Guest84756Hello. I have 9.10 at home, and System/Administration has "Add/Remove Programs," but on two other installations I've done, I cannot find Add/Remove, and don't know where to look01:14
krishnaI just installed Ubuntu on my system,I was unable to access internet ,The Firefox is always saying it is already opened ,01:14
SphinxCan someone compile me a copy of PsyBNC and upload it for me please GCC won't work on my shell until tomorrow, Thanks!01:14
Eru1umm... somebody knows why wvery sound my  ubuntu plays sounds faster than normal?... In Rythimbox, movie player, ....01:14
n8tuserZzTop-> also kindly look around the manual, man  cp01:14
jacquesdupontdExaltia, what do you mean by cold ? i just remember an applet or a application that was easy to manage cpu and i would like to remember the name i'm running kubuntu, thx01:14
Eru1Ubuntu 9.04 (9.10 have bug with my wireless card u.u)01:14
Exaltiajacquesdupontd, just meant it's me that was cold about your needs :)01:15
kingleomaco : so we cannot install yum server on ubuntu right01:15
jacquesdupontdExaltia, cause running 8 cores is costing a lot of battery life i'm sure ubuntu would run well with only 1 enable01:15
ActionParsnipSphinx: https://launchpad.net/~rzr-team/+archive/ppa01:15
symptom!samba | Ziber01:15
ubottuZiber: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:15
jacquesdupontdExaltia, sorry ok and thx anyway01:15
mdganyone know how to add another chat in ayttm?01:15
PytlaskHey guys. I just upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10, and my computer is now unable to connect to my wireless network. Any ideas about how to go about diagnosing the problem/fixing it?01:16
Eru1broadcast : somebody knows why my ubuntu 9.04 plays sounds faster than normal? :/01:16
Zibersymptom: no, i want the reverse of that. that makes the share on windows, and accesses it from ubuntu. i want the share folder on ubuntu01:16
ActionParsnipPytlask: sudo lshw -C network      websearch for your device for guides01:16
mdgPytlask  what kind of card do you have?01:16
macokingleo: i doubt the packages for it exist. you could compile them I suppose...01:16
macokingleo: why not use a fedora machine to host a fedora repository?01:17
SphinxActionParsnip, What is https://launchpad.net/~rzr-team/+archive/ppa ?01:17
Exaltiajacquesdupontd, : echo 0 >> /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online ; source : http://mailman.lug.org.uk/pipermail/nottingham/2008-March/010937.html01:17
nytek_how do you change the password of su?01:17
Eru1i think nobody knows... ok, thank you all01:17
jrib!root | nytek_01:17
ubottunytek_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:17
jacquesdupontdExaltia, thx gonna check that01:17
Pytlaskmdg: D-link Usb device01:17
kingleomaco : ok then i will install fedora01:17
ActionParsnipSphinx: its a PPA with psyBNC on01:17
mdgPytlask Try sudo lshw -C network as suggested by ActionParsnip first and see what you get01:18
ActionParsnipPytlask: you need the cip name, lsusb      will identify the chip too01:18
jacquesdupontdExaltia, not working at all it says me permission denied and yes i've tried a sudo01:19
symptomZiber, Samba runs on ubuntu and you can access the share from Windows01:19
skinnymg1hey can i manage my lg envy touch on Ubuntu?01:19
mdgskinnymg1 you mean via bluetooth or via a cable?01:21
ZzTophey folks.. anyone here ever used Intellij ?01:21
skinnymg1mdg, ^01:21
Pytlaskmdg/ActionParsnip: What info from that output is relevent? Interesting things I see are "*-network unclaimed" and "product: Atheros AR5001X+ Wireless Network Adapter"01:21
superlou(hi folks) Is there a way to use a windows .inf/.sys for a USB stick?  similar to in windows where you would do "update driver"?01:21
mdgskinnymg1 - get bitpim01:21
Exaltiajacquesdupontd, : I was able to use maxcores= in the grub.conf, but how can I disable and enable while running an app? There is some sort of cpu hotplug, but I'm running 2.4 which cpu hotplug doesn't support. Also, i don't think i can enable this in the kernel since I installed the rpm for the kernel I am running., source : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-server-73/disable-cpu-cores-in-rhel3-631816/ (and sorry to not be able to01:21
Exaltia give a real answers, i didn't know anything about this)01:21
FloodBot1Exaltia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:22
jacquesdupontdExaltia, that showed me the way thx, this is better http://mailman.lug.org.uk/pipermail/nottingham/2008-March/010936.html01:22
mdgPytlask  Atheros is a good start01:22
PytlaskSorry typing takes a while. Having to use IRC from my phone ><01:22
jacquesdupontdExaltia, haha exactly what i past you :)01:22
ActionParsnipPytlask:  sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-wireless-karmic-generic linux-backports-modules-karmic-generic linux-backports-modules-2.6.31-16-generic01:22
mdgPytlask  what kind of phone?01:22
Pytlaskmdg: Droid01:22
ActionParsnipPytlask: i have the same chip, makes mine work nice, you will need to modprobe ath5k01:22
mdgPytlask nice!01:23
GodfatherofEireGuys, exactly how can I get Ubuntu to recognize that its not outdated (for updates anyway)? I've updated it, and installed the updates and it keeps telling me that my system was checked 11 days ago01:23
mdgGodfatherofEire what version of ubuntu are you using?01:24
GodfatherofEiremdg: 9.1001:24
PytlaskActionParsnip: Any way to get that package without an internet connection?01:24
DartenHello everyone...01:25
PytlaskActionParsnip: Or know of a place to download the .deb to my phone to transfer it? ><01:25
mdgActionParsnip  is that module blacklisted? ath5k?01:25
ActionParsnip!offline | Pytlask01:25
ubottuPytlask: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD01:25
FlannelPytlask: packages.ubuntu.com is an easy way to01:25
ActionParsnipPytlask: use a wired connectionfor now, much easier01:26
obf213does anybody remember which file it is that you can modify the namespace for internet?01:26
ActionParsnipmdg: check the files in /etc/modprobe.d01:26
ActionParsnipPytlask: you can use http://packages.ubuntu.com01:26
DartenHow do I make the Ubuntu Netbook Remix usbstick from Debian? I installed usb-creator from source, but it does not recognize the destination (the list of possible dest. stays empty)?01:26
jacquesdupontdExaltia, thx a lot i'm rebooting to test01:27
mdgActionParsnip1 thanks!01:27
jesse2hello.  im using ubuntu with both gnome and kde (currently in KDE).  for some reason i dont have sound when i try to watch movies on youtube (although i have sound with amarok and i can hear the chime when i log into kde/gnome)01:27
felichasI'm still trying to fix my USB pen unit. I formatted it, but only /dev/sdb1 gets formated, as expected. I fsck, and everything ok. I deleted /dev/db1 partition. fdisk does not let me work with /dev/sr or /dev/sr0 (the cd-rom image). Now when I plug the unit in only the cd-rom unit gets mounted. I want to get rid of it01:27
jesse2does anyone know what the dillio is? :)01:27
Darten...I also tried Windows, with the same effect: my media is not recognized by usb-creator.exe?01:27
Matthew11Hello! Is there any chance to unload a dead module without restarting the computer?01:27
Kage_JittaiMatthew11: modprobe -r doesn't work?01:28
DartenIs a usb-sd-card-reader fine as a usb media for usb-creator.exe?01:28
Matthew11Kage_Jittai: Not at all, the modprobe freeze01:29
corkyhow can i get this ubuntu 9.10 that i downloaded and burn to a cd to boot01:29
iflemaMatthew11: rmmod01:30
ae86-drifterhey, i just got a new laptop running karmic, when i am connected to a wireless network it is dropping out between 5-10 times every hour, this happens at work and at home, so it eliminates it being a router issue, the laptop come with built in atheros wireless chipset, hope somebody could help please, thanks01:30
Cantohello i need some help regarding ubuntu01:31
Matthew11iflema: rmmod also get freeze, but even it can't be terminated/killed01:31
ae86-drifterCanto, ask your question01:31
TuxthePenguinCanto whats wrong?01:31
Cantoi booted and now i get a grub rescue> prompt01:31
Matthew11The affected module is dvb-usb-af9015, but the whole usb subsystem is hanged up now.01:31
Cantoi did ls, tried set on all of them and it always gives me an error01:31
Dartenis there a command-line equivalent for usb-creator(.exe or not)01:32
iflemaMatthew11: i got one o them01:32
ae86-drifterDarten, what is a .exe file??01:32
Cantowhen i try ls /boot it says biosdisk read error01:32
iflemaMatthew11: whats ya kernel version 'uname -r'01:32
ae86-driftercanto, fschk /boot01:33
Cantoae86, it says unknown command fsck when i try that01:33
Dartenae86-drifter: smartass, I uses linux for 13 years now exclusively.01:33
Cantobtw ae86 are fucking awesome01:33
ae86-drifterDarten, please do not use that languge u dick01:33
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
ae86-drifterDarten, nobody cares how long you have used it for01:34
Dartenae86-drifter: so why do you step on my tie then?01:35
DacvakI'm having trouble installing Ubuntu via USB01:35
DacvakCould anyone here help me?01:35
jesse2yeah! stop stepping on his tie! (just kidding.  im very unfamiliar with this expression)01:35
=== tato is now known as gatekeeper
ae86-drifterDarten, well theres no real CLI equivalent for anything, usb-creator01:35
ae86-drifterjust a GUI front end01:36
iflemaMatthew11: why do yoiu need to kill it?01:36
Dartenae86-drifter: Do you know how to convice the windows or the linux version of that tool to accept any destination (e.g. /dev/sdb(1))?01:36
ae86-drifterif its an exe file, this is probs the wrong place to ask, thats all01:36
Matthew11Some additional information: I use an USB hub, the dvb tuner was connected to it. I was watching an a TV show, when i disconnected the hub. After the disconnection every device/process that trying to access to any usb device get freeze.01:37
corkyi down loaded 9.10 and burn it to a cd, but it will not boot. can anyone help01:37
Dartenae86-drifter: the usb-creator.exe is the official way to make a UNR stick, isn’t it?01:37
ae86-drifterusb bootable linux01:37
gatekeeperwhere is the trash can01:37
Cantocorky, when you start your computer, go into the bios (it will say on the screen what button to press) and you have to put your first boot as cd drive then save and restart01:38
Dartenyes, usb bootable linux UNR01:38
ae86-drifteru can use the slax USB installer01:38
matthew_can some one help me with some thing01:38
corkyi did that it just doesn't seem to reconize it01:38
nytek_matthew_: post your problem01:38
iflemagatekeeper: open nautilus (file browser) left hand pane...01:39
ae86-drifterDarten, it will convert an iso for booting from a usb stick for you01:39
gatekeeperi can't find where my del files r goin01:39
matthew_how can i change my log in screen to look like mac?01:39
ae86-drifterif thats what your after01:39
minehow to get the disk's UUID01:39
Matthew11nytek_: To the launchpad?01:39
jesse2Does anyone know a good link to a how-to or something to get sound working? i can get sond to work with amarok (and the opening chimes for kde/gnome) but not for other apps, such as youtube01:39
DacvakI'm also trying to boot from a USB disk01:39
goosehow can I set up ssh shortcuts? so instead of typing "ssh user@host", I can just type "ssh blah", and Ubuntu will know "blah" mean "user@host"?01:39
gatekeeperok thanks i'll get in there01:39
wilberfananyone happen to know what the lirc-module is called  for Ubuntu 9.10?  I'm trying to get my remote working with my new mythtv install...01:40
ae86-driftergoose, it will default to use the current local user only if you dont specify $blah@blah01:40
syn-ackgoose, Thats more of a resolution thing you can solve by editing your etc/hosts file01:40
Dartenae86-drifter: I don’t know if that is what I’m after. But it will suffice, if it can make something usefull out of the iso image...01:40
jacquesdupontdExaltia, i'm embarassed cause it seems maxcores= option is not working on grub 2 , grub.cfg, do you know where i could find the possible options of grub 2 entries i've searched on google with no good results, thx01:41
iflemagatekeeper: ya can add shortcut to taskbar, theres a desktop shortcut option as well01:41
mizeryWhat command line application can I use to test sound?  mplayer and mpg321 aren't working.  mplayer doesn't play for some reason.  It stops as soon as the audio file is loaded.    It stops at "A:   0.0 (00.0) of 1.4 (01.4) ??,?%"01:41
mizeryEven if I use -ao alsa01:41
ae86-drifterDarten, search for slax usb creator i think it is called, i have used it in the past, it is pretty good, and its an exe file....01:41
LlamaZorzWhen I try and copy a directory(either through nautilus or using cp -r) from a ext3 to a ntfs drive, I keep getting a "operation not permitted" error.  I have ntfs-3g and ntfsprogs installed and have chowned and chmodded both drives01:41
DacvakShould the Ubuntu USB loader theoretically work with any 2GB USB Stick?01:42
ae86-drifterdac, it should be fine no matter how big it is, unless bios limitations01:42
loshagoose: why not just define some aliases in bash?01:42
Dacvakae86-drifter, what'01:42
PytlaskActionParsnip: Anything I should have to do after installing that package?01:42
mizeryIs it better to use pulse instead of alsa directly?01:42
Dartenae86-drifter: I actually used the Windows machine of a friend yesterday, because I thought it would be faster to install UNR there than to fix the usb-creator for Debian...01:42
Matthew11Ok, i will post my problem, anyway thank you guys,01:42
corkyhow can i update 5.10 to 9.10 ubuntu01:42
Dacvakwhat's the best guide to follow for creating a usb boot stick?01:42
gooselosha: sounds like a brilliant idea, but how do I do that? :p01:42
LuisGMarinecorky, best bet is to do a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.1001:43
LuisGMarinecorky, if not you will have to upgrade to every version in between 5.10 and 9.1001:43
Cantoi still need help with grub rescue> prompt01:43
git__what will ubuntu 13.01 be like?01:43
ae86-drifterDarten, the slax usb creator is pretty versatile, im pretty sure it will convert any bootable ISOP to usb usage01:43
Helsinkiiihi. does anyone know how I can make Ubuntu look a lot...SHARPER and have cleaner edges, and look more high tech01:44
rod_git__: similar, but better. CS Lewis's version of Ubuntu heaven01:44
LuisGMarineanyone can help me out with a command to search a folder and subfolder and output all the files with .mp4 extension?01:44
rod_Helsinkiii -- enable compiz effects01:44
gooseHelsinkiii: compiz01:44
lstarnesgit__: .01 is not used in versions.  It's usually .04 (April) or .10 (October)01:44
Helsinkiiithe default stuff makes it look a bit like a children's toy01:44
Pytlaskmdg: Any idea what I should do after installing that package? Still not working :(01:44
jacquesdupontdExaltia, i'm stupid i guess it's nothing in match with grub version it has to do with the kernel version01:44
Helsinkiiigoose-i downloaded it01:44
Untouchab1eI have a minor issue with Ubuntu 9.10.. it occasionally disconnects from the wifi network.. not a problem in itself, but it doesnt automatically reconnect01:44
lstarnesgit__: and the most distant planned release is 10.0401:44
Helsinkiiigoose-but i mean, more high tech icons, sharper edges.....less of the brown and bubbly01:44
bradywhats up everyone01:44
bradyI need some help01:45
Untouchab1eand since I usually dont access the machine physically, but over SSH, its impossible when it keeps disconnecting from Wifi and not reconnecting again01:45
jelly-beani just installed Ubuntu 9.10 and told it to erase the whole drive and auto partition for me... install succeeded but it boots to just the word "GRUB". The LiveCD portion works tho as I am using it to chat here now. Any ideas?01:45
loshagoose: alias foo='ssh foo@baz.com'    Put it in your .bashrc file. Now every time you type foo it will be as though you typed ssh foo@baz01:45
Untouchab1eso anyone have any idea? maybe a setting or something that instructs Ubuntu to automatically reconnect to the network?01:45
gooselosha: thank you thank you thank you thank you you rock01:45
Dartenae86-drifter: now I remember again; while on Debian, it didn’t recognize the destination I wanted to use, but on Windows, it didn’t even eat the source file!01:46
bradyReboot ISO and set the mount pint manually, set it to dos not windows.  I used it to correct a similar issue.01:46
PytlaskHey guys. I just upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10, and my computer is now unable to connect to my wireless network. Any ideas about how to go about diagnosing the problem/fixing it?01:46
LuisGMarineanyone know a command out search a folder and its subfolder to output everything in .mp4 extention?01:46
Helsinkiiigoose:any specific tips?01:47
DartenLuisGMarine: find -iname '*.mp4' /path/to/root-folder/01:47
b0wanyone know how to fix this on aptitude?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/340205/01:47
bradyHow do I install non-supported executible files in Ubunto 901:47
bradyI suck at spelling01:47
git__how cheap is the cheapest tablet pc?01:47
gooselosha: do you know if I can do a two word alias? i.e.: alias ssh ircd='ssh ircd@mynetwork.org'01:47
Helsinkiiigit__:probably no less than $100001:47
quantumEdwhen I press F10 it mutes the volume, but is it possible to make the F-keys work as F-keys rather than these kind of macros?01:48
bradyanyone out there?01:48
quantumEdhi braddy01:48
bradywhats up?01:48
git__is that good for ubuntu 9.10?01:48
bradyhow do you launch exe files?01:48
felichaslosha: I don't think you can do that, but you can always alias ssh_ircd01:48
blakkheimbrady: wine01:48
bradyI tried, no bueno01:49
loshagoose: no, but you can call the alias something like ssh-ircd e.g. alias ssh-ircd=ssh ircd@mynetwork.org' which is *almost* as good...01:49
felichaslosha: double tab will work fine01:49
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blakkheimbrady: then use a virtual machine or dualboot01:49
goosethank you losha :)01:49
bradydo i use the vista or xp config?01:49
loshagoose: felichas beat me to it :-)01:49
b0wHellHello!!! i got an error when trying to update! BUS Error on building the dependency tree! anyone can help?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/340205/01:49
Cantobrady, .exe is not a microsoft/os/2 executable program. if it does not work with wine it is not made to execute in linux01:49
grafixbadnowhi room. i'm trying to restore a backed-up evolution file. evolution keeps giving an error of "invalid evolution backup file"01:49
ae86-drifterhas anyone had experience with atheros wireless chipsets dropping out every 10 mins or so under karmic?01:49
ae86-drifterhappens at two differnt access points so its not a router issue01:50
bradywhat i the best x64 browser for linux so I can utilize flash player x64?01:50
LuisGMarineDarten, didn't work01:50
grafixbadnowthe file is named evolution-backup.tar.gz, which looks correct according to google01:50
LuisGMarinebrady, chrome01:50
blakkheimbrady: firefox or chromium01:50
LuisGMarinebrady, I got flash working on firefox just fine, but I find chrome is just smoother right now than Firefox is01:50
bradyyou probably have the power saver feature on, check under properties, wireless01:51
jacquesdupontdExaltia, just for you to know if one time you need the info and for others you have to add the line maxcpus=N instead of maxcores=N01:51
jacquesdupontdExaltia, and it woks01:51
git__chrome is the firefox team01:51
bradyI couldnt find the firefox x64 download01:51
blakkheimbrady: aptitude install firefox..? :/01:51
git__one day, Google will kill the firefox project, and make everyone use Chrome01:51
Cantoone can only hope git01:51
bradycome again01:51
LuisGMarinebrady, the flash plugin or a 64 bit version of firefox?01:51
git__it's part of Google convergence strategy01:51
ae86-driftergoogle has already stolen and killed it01:51
Cantodeath to firefox is my motto01:51
bradythe browser01:52
blakkheimbrady: are you using 64bit ubbuntu?01:52
bradyof course01:52
blakkheimthen just aptitude install firefox01:52
LuisGMarinebrady, if you are running 64-bit ubuntu it's already installed ....01:52
bradyon an Asus N80vb notebook01:52
bradyI set up a dual boot config using Ubunto x64 and windows 7 x6401:52
loshagit__: and start charging for gmail, google voice, calendaring and all the rest...01:52
DartenLuisGMarine: How do you know it didn’t work?01:52
bradywhat is aptitude?01:53
blakkheimbrady: man sptitude01:53
blakkheimbrady: it's a tool for managing software in debian/ubuntu01:53
blakkheimsorry, typos01:53
LuisGMarineDarten, you said find -iname '*.mp4' /path/to/folder01:53
bradyahhhh, I see,01:53
Cantoor applications>software manager01:53
bradyI get the drift01:53
bradythanks my man01:53
blakkheimbrady: things like synaptic are just graphical front-ends for aptitude and/or apt-get01:53
LlamaZorzWhen I try and copy a directory(either through nautilus or using cp -r) from a ext3 to a ntfs drive, I keep getting a "operation not permitted" error.  I have ntfs-3g and ntfsprogs installed and have chowned and chmodded both drives.  any ideas?01:54
gerzelHey anyone have any recomendations for windowmanagers for use with a two-screen setup?01:54
gerzelThinking of taking a trip off of gnome for a while01:54
LlamaZorzgnome is always good01:54
bradytakeownership of the driver you wish to copy01:54
blakkheimgerzel: openbox, awesome, xmonad are all good choices01:54
gerzelI'll try em out for a whirl.01:55
jelly-beanis there an easy way to fix my grub install while i am booted in ubuntu 9.10 livecd? ubuntu 9.10 is already installed on /dev/sdb all by itself -- no other OS or partitions on the drive. should be easy?01:55
ae86-drifterhow would i turn the wireless power save feature off :S??01:55
blakkheimjelly-bean: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:56
bradydo you dualboot linux and windows?01:56
LlamaZorzbrady:  I already have ownership01:56
DartenLuisGMarine: I know what I said, but I asked: why do you think it didn’t work?01:56
Untouchab1equick question.. the "reboot" command.. how can I specify that it should reboot in like.. 100 seconds?01:56
LuisGMarineDarten, find: paths must precede expression: /home/luis/Music/01:56
LuisGMarineUsage: find [-H] [-L] [-P] [-Olevel] [-D help|tree|search|stat|rates|opt|exec] [path...] [expression]01:56
ae86-drifterbrady, i have quad boot :D01:57
Untouchab1esudo reboot 100?01:57
ae86-driftersudo reboot now01:57
Untouchab1ethat would be now01:57
Untouchab1enot in 100 seconds >.<01:57
loshajelly-bean:it should be easy enough to just reinstall grub, but to 'fix' it would depend on why it's broken in the first place....01:57
ae86-drifteri didnt read properly01:57
Untouchab1egot any idea though?01:57
ae86-drifterreboot --help01:57
jelly-beanwhat does it mean when pc boots to just the word "GRUB" and sits there? all you can do is CTRL+ALT+DEL... its not the grub> terminal and there are no errors displayed01:57
DartenLuisGMarine: try:   find /path/to/folder -iname '*.mp4'01:58
felichasshutdown [OPTION]... TIME [MESSAGE]01:58
loshaUntouchab1e: use the shutdown command. See man shutdown...01:58
bradytight, boot into windows, then go to device manager, under the network adapter subheading double click on your wireless adapter.  then click properties, click the last tab and unclick power save feature01:58
loshadang. felichas beat me to it again!01:58
felichasOPTIONS        -r     Requests that the system be rebooted after it has been brought down.01:58
bradythat may not be exact but should help01:58
LuisGMarineDarten, that worked01:58
bradyboot using -v to see errors01:58
LuisGMarineDarten, but still not what I"m looking for, arghghg01:58
Untouchab1efelichas: yeah, -r for rebooting, but how to set the time?01:59
DartenLuisGMarine: you said: all *.mp4 in a folder?01:59
LuisGMarineDarten, well yeah01:59
edgarsvsshow can i install ubuntu in kubuntu using the ubuntu cd?01:59
felichasman time.....   TIME  may  have different formats, the most common is simply the word ’now’ which will bring01:59
felichas       the system down immediately.  Other valid formats are +m, where m is the number  of  minutes01:59
felichas       to wait until shutting down and hh:mm which specifies the time on the 24hr clock01:59
xzachtmxif someone dosent mind helping me I am trying to get karmic koala to load properly again but the gnome display manager dosent start an it gives me the error: failed to locate org.gnome.DisplayManager when I type Audi gdm restart01:59
blakkheimedgarsvss: aptitude install ubuntu-desktop01:59
felichassorry: man shutdown01:59
edgarsvssusing the cd?01:59
blakkheimedgarsvss: oh sorry didn't see that02:00
LuisGMarineDarten, problem is my Songbird Library has about 12 extra songs than my iPod does.  Reason being is that they are a format that my iPod doesn't support, maybe like .mp4 or flac.02:00
LuisGMarineDarten, I'm trying to run a command so that it spits everything in the library that is not .mp302:00
arghh2d2edgarsvss: your just going to install gnome...the underworkings remain the same as kubuntu02:00
edgarsvssi want ubuntu, forsome reason ubuntu wouldnt install from cd02:00
IowanUntouchable: shutdown -r +m (where m is minutes02:01
blakkheimLuisGMarine: ls -R /directory/to/files | grep -i .mp402:01
ZzTophow do I rename a directory ?02:01
edgarsvssso i install kubuntu withou any issues, but i want to install the ubuntu-desktop from kubuntu using the ubuntu cdrom, dont want to download02:01
krishnaI am getting only 1280*800 resolution for my 30" monitor ,can any one help me to change the resolution02:01
arghh2d2edgarsvss: if you have kubuntu running and connected to the internet, then all you have to do is type this command in a terminal: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop  ...you act like we dont understand but i think its you.02:02
trismZzTop: mv old_directory_name new_directory_name02:02
LuisGMarineblakkheim, displays 0, which means there is another format other tahn mp402:02
IowanUntouchable: or shutdown -r hh:mm for time in 24 hour format02:02
ae86-drifteryou could also use this # sleep 10;reboot now where 10 is 10secs02:02
LuisGMarineblakkheim, I'm trying to find everything that is NOT .mp302:03
loshaedgarsvss: you have to tell it to use the cd as a source by editing /etc/apt/sources.list02:03
b0wHello!!! i got an error when trying to update! BUS Error on building the dependency tree! anyone can help?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/340205/02:03
loshaLuisGMarine: ls -R /directory/to/files | grep -v mp402:03
edgarsvssarghh2d2: you didnt understand what i wrote, reread it. losha answer what i want02:03
edgarsvssbut how do i do that losha02:03
LuisGMarinelosha, lol just found that in the man page, thanks02:04
bradythen -mp3=fs?02:04
redonkhey guys im using the encrypted home directory setup, is there away to get vsftpd to allow local users to login to their directories?02:04
bradywould that work?02:04
cobhcf82hey guys, i have a completely noob question02:04
bradyi thought you said boob question02:04
cobhcf82I am new to linux so forgive me02:04
dowhello , was wondering if anyone in here using the lucid have their mouse cursor jump to the upper left corner by itself every 10 seconds02:04
b0wHello!!! i got an error when trying to update! BUS Error on building the dependency tree! anyone can help?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/340205/02:04
arghh2d2edgarsvss: i reread it and still dont understand why you would want the cdrom for a repo...kubuntu cdrom wont have ubunt-desktop anyways.02:04
cobhcf82i am learning about servers and stuff02:05
davidboyWhenever I try to install xorg with either apt-get or aptitude it says "error: Unmet dependencies"  How do I fix this?02:05
bradywipe hardrive and reinstall02:05
cobhcf82so out of curiosity i pinged google.com02:05
loshaedgarsvss: the first line of you /etc/apt/sources.list should say 'deb cdrom...'  You need to make sure this line is uncommented, then run aptitude update, then aptitude install ubuntu-desktop02:05
krishnaI am getting only 1280*800 resolution for my 30" monitor ,can any one help me to change the resolution02:05
LuisGMarinelosha, still displays .mp3s02:05
edgarsvssarghh2d2:  i said i have kubuntu installed, i have the ubuntu cdrom, and i want to install ubuntu from the cdrom in kubuntu, whats the error02:05
LuisGMarinelosha, I'm trying to get it to display everything BUT .mp3's02:05
blakkheimkrishna: check your video card driver02:05
bradyinstall from system boot02:05
loshaLuisGMarine: Sorry, ls -R /directory/to/files | grep -v mp302:06
Helsinkiiihi. does anyone know how I can make Ubuntu look a lot...SHARPER and have cleaner edges, and look more high tech02:06
krishna blakkheim:how to check02:06
bradythen check your eyes02:06
blakkheimHelsinkiii: gnome-look.org02:06
xzachtmxdoes anyone know how to fix the gnome display manager so I don't get a black screen with a cursor on startup02:06
Gorgatronhello guys, I'm editing my openbox menu and I was wondering what command/execute is needed to do those tasks?02:06
blakkheimkrishna: what is your video card?02:06
cobhcf82not a flood ping, but a normal ping. But unlilke windows the ping command doesnt stop after 4 pings in linux. It went on going and before I could stop it, the power went off and the pc shut down. Would the ping still continue. I didnt want to send infinite pings to google and get arrested02:06
felichasLuisGMarine: would this work for you?     find /mediafolder -type f |grep -vi ".mp3"02:06
arghh2d2edgarsvss: do whatever floats your boat...02:06
sonic99trying to install backtrack 4 on vmware and stuc here cp --preserve -R /{bin,sev,home,pentest,root,usr,boot,etc,lib,opt,sbin,var} /mnt/bt/02:06
sonic99get a fault cp: preserving permissions for '/mnt/bt/dev/hdc/': Operation not supported            "any help please thanks"02:06
edgarsvssarghh2d2: next time read, thnk you very much02:06
blakkheimcobhcf82: i wouldn't worry about it02:06
krishna blakkheim: Quadro FX 140002:06
LuisGMarineI'll try it out felichas02:06
redonkcobhcf82: next time just press ctrl+c :)02:07
redonkin the console u have the ping running in heh02:07
DartenLuisGMarine: find /path/to/folder -! -iname '*.mp34'02:07
blakkheimkrishna: do some googling and make sure that card supports higher resolutions than 1280x80002:07
LuisGMarinethe problem is I have around 40,000 songs, so it spits out all the darn folder names =(02:07
felichasDarten: that's better :-)02:07
loshaLuisGMarine: Try felichas' solution02:07
Gorgatrondoes anyone use openbox?02:08
blakkheimGorgatron: yes, i do02:08
Iowancobhcf82: without power, the computer couldn't send pings.02:08
Gorgatronmind helping me with editing my menu?02:08
Gorgatroni just need to add/edit a few things =]02:08
LuisGMarinelosha, I did it works, I"m sifting through everything02:08
MrSiebelProbably the wrong place to ask but does anyone in here work with server side scripts?02:08
blakkheimGorgatron: sure, what do you need help with exactly?02:08
LuisGMarineI'm trying to figure out what format isn't on my iPod02:08
arghh2d2edgarsvss: i read your lame ass question, next time read the online documentation, thank you very much.02:08
felichasLuisGMarine: you can also pipe it to a file and less it afterwards02:08
Gorgatronok for 1, I am trying to add a restart and shutdown command using obmenu, what are the commands needed?02:08
maxinux61Does anyone know if the Thunderbird in the repository is version 2 or 3?02:08
xzachtmxhas anyone had problems with the gdm before or am I screwed02:09
blakkheimGorgatron: gksu reboot / gksu poweroff02:09
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edgarsvssarghh2d2: next time point people to the documentation02:09
dowintel video flicker on lucid? mouse jumps to upper left corner on its own?02:09
felichasLuisGMarine: command >logfile && less logfile02:09
arghh2d2edgarsvss: next time buy the internet with the google package.02:09
The_Rufushelp, of the most urgent nature, is needed02:09
bradyif you think your f'ed you are02:09
Gorgatronblakkheim: that goes in execute correct?02:09
krishnablakkheim:  it supports upto 1920x1200 ( http://h18000.www1.hp.com/products/quickspecs/12093_na/12093_na.HTML )02:09
The_Rufusmy server rebooted now it doesn't boot02:09
blakkheimGorgatron: yes02:09
bradythats my motto02:09
edgarsvssarghh2d2:  next time stick to the question, i didnt ask for suggestions02:09
loshaedgarsvss: arghh2d2: drop it you guys, or take it to #ubuntu-offtopic...02:09
blakkheimkrishna: are you using the proprietary driver or the open source one?02:10
LuisGMarinefelichas, you are a guru02:10
GorgatronOK ty. now I think02:10
cobhcf82thanks Iowan, redonk, blakheim02:10
LuisGMarinefelichas, thanks that worked like a charm, It looks like it's all the .wma's that didn't copy over to my iPod02:10
GorgatronI want to add a few apps to the front end of the menu02:10
frankelyhello there, anyone knows a messenger than allows me log in into msn account and support webcam02:10
The_RufusI get "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/5f5...........095c does not exist. Dropping to a shell!"02:10
blakkheimfrankely: amsn02:10
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Gorgatronlike xchat, kanatest, virtualbox, pcmanfm02:11
xzachtmxlol this chatis so hard, too many users so your question gets thrown out before experts can see it02:11
Gorgatrondo you know the execute commands for those blakkheim?02:11
loshaThe_Rufus: looks like a grin configuration problem to me...02:11
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loshaThe_Rufus: grin -> grub02:11
sonic99get a fault cp: preserving permissions for '/mnt/bt/dev/hdc/': Operation not supported            "any help please thanks"02:11
The_Rufushow can I fix it?02:11
The_Rufusall i have now is (initramfs) _02:11
LuisGMarinefelichas, lol thanks for the help but now songbird wants to copy them over02:11
minefrankely: empathy02:11
blakkheimGorgatron: xchat, never used kanatest, virtualbox might be VirtualBox or just virtualbox, pcmanfm02:11
loshasonic99: what kind of filesystem is on /mnt/b02:11
blakkheimGorgatron: it's usually just the name of the program02:12
maxinux61 wikipedia02:12
Gorgatronlike x-virtualbox? also what is the logout command?02:12
krishnablakkheim: no idea ,is there a way to check02:12
xzachtmxhow can I switch to kde since gnome isn't loading anymore?02:12
panfistis there a guide for a smart/efficient way to carry your packages, configurations, home directory etc with you to use on any ubuntu installation? basically everything except for drivers which would be specific to the physical workstation02:12
linuxman410can someone tell me how to ssh into server from osx02:12
felichasLuisGMarine: wma?? I would get rid of them:  find /mediapath -type f -ipath *.wma -exec rm -y '{}' \;02:12
davidboylinuxman410: ssh username@yourserver02:12
Flannelmaxinux61: Thunderbird 2 is in the repos02:12
felichasLuisGMarine: hahahahaha02:13
andyEnter text here...can anyone help me .....I'm desperate02:13
blakkheimkrishna: i've never had an nvidia card, so i'm not sure. you might want to go to nvidia.com and select their linux driver. there are instructions on how to install it there.02:13
arghh2d2panfist: run a live linux distribution on a usb key02:13
LuisGMarinefelichas, I was going to but then songbird copied them over to my iPod. lol it wasn't doing it before I don't know what suddenly made it copy them02:13
maxinux61Flannel: Thanks, is there a PPA for Thunderbird 3 anywhere?02:13
LuisGMarinefelichas, appriciate the help brother, take it easy02:13
LuisGMarinemaxinux61, yes hold on let me find you the link02:13
panfistarghh2d2 could you do the same with an external spinning hard disk for better performance?02:13
maxinux61linux ppa02:13
Gorgatronblakkheim: do you know the logout command?02:13
minekrishna :you can get it02:13
Flannelmaxinux61: Last I heard, the mozilla team had a TB3 build that was a few weeks/months old, but they'd be the ones to know, #ubuntu-mozillateam02:13
losha!ask | andy02:14
dem0buntuhi there guys, any help about kernel panics in wubi? all updated kernels at some point break, only workins is the default one02:14
ubottuandy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:14
PoisonSerpent_linuxman410: Use the keyboard shortcut "Command + Space"  - type "Terminal" - Type "ssh username@yourserver"02:14
blakkheimGorgatron: openbox --exit02:14
maxinux61Flannel: Many thanks!02:14
sonic99root@bt:~# mkreiserfs /dev/sda302:14
PoisonSerpent_linuxman410: Type "Terminal" and hit enter - type "ssh username@yourserver"02:14
LuisGMarinemaxinux61, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135044302:14
GorgatronOK Thanks blakkheim, I'm going to finish this up and test it out =], I just setup feh with conky and pypanel02:14
sonic99running vmware workstation 702:14
JackVermicelliHiyas. Embedded flash videos are white for me tonight. I remember some error about flash when running apt-get earlier. Coudl someone point me in the right direction to get this fixed? Thanks.02:14
loshadem0buntu: unfortunately, wubi isn't well supported. Is there some reason you can't stick with the default working kernel?02:14
arghh2d2panfist: not really, flash drives are faster than spinning drives, perform better02:14
LuisGMarinemaxinux61, follow that thread also has solutions for some problems that people were running into02:15
PoisonSerpent_linuxman410: was correcting a typo.02:15
krishnablakkheim : ok ,will try that ,also I have one more question ,My Firefox alwasy says  it's already running and it's asking me to close the other instance before starting a new one ,I could find any process for Firefox02:15
The_Rufusplease? anyone?02:15
sonic99vmworkstation v7 on win702:15
blakkheimkrishna: try killall -9 firefox02:15
xzachtmxhow can I chNge to GDR from the terminal because gnome displaymanager stopped loading02:15
dem0buntuactually no, but Im afraid that if I work with it at some point it will break too, I want like a back up kernel02:15
boss_mcJackVermicelli: sudo aptitude reinstall flashplugin-installer02:15
arghh2d2krishna: try killall -9 firefox-bin if that dont work02:15
JackVermicelliarghh2d2, Not necessarily. I have a netbook with an SSD, and the SSD is crap.02:16
LuisGMarineJackVermicelli, 32 or 64 bit?02:16
dem0buntuso, I better stick with default kernell?02:16
maxinux61LuisGMarine: Thanks.02:16
JackVermicelliLuisGMarine, 32.02:16
zougJackVermicelli: i had problems too. then i got anything "flash" on my apt and installed flash from adobes website. it works pretty good then02:16
JackVermicelliLuisGMarine, I lied. 64.02:16
xzachtmxhow can I fix the gnome display manager :s02:16
loshadem0buntu: doesn't look like you have much choice. You could always try google....02:16
LuisGMarineJackVermicelli, lmao, hold on one sec ...02:17
krishnablakkheim & arghh2d2: already tried  killall -9 firefox ,didn't work ,will try  killall -9 firefox-bin02:17
blakkheimkrishna: ps aux | grep -i firefox02:17
arghh2d2JackVermicelli: well in theory...02:17
LuisGMarineJackVermicelli, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135261702:17
loshakrishna: it may have left a lock file behind. Look for it under .mozilla...02:17
LuisGMarineJackVermicelli, try that thread out, it's got a video download link that I made02:17
JackVermicelliLuisGMarine, Thanks!02:17
sonic99trying to install backtrack 4 on vmware and stuc here cp --preserve -R /{bin,sev,home,pentest,root,usr,boot,etc,lib,opt,sbin,var} /mnt/bt/02:17
sonic99root@bt:~# mkreiserfs /dev/sda302:18
dem0buntuhave had no luck, I have tried anything, I wish it was a way of cleaning the cache of the kernels, if such thing exists so I can install it like fresh02:18
krishnablakkheim:ps aux | grep -i firefox  it is not showing any process for Firefox02:18
dem0buntubut reinstalling from synaptic doesnt do the trick anymore02:18
JackVermicelliboss_mc, that worked. Much appreciated!02:18
LuisGMarineanyone I'm off to kick some little kids ass on NHL 10 online02:18
b0wHello!!! i got an error when trying to update! BUS Error on building the dependency tree! anyone can help?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/340205/02:18
zougkrishna: just came by. you want to kill firefox?02:18
blakkheimkrishna: then it's not running, you could try temporarily moving ~/.mozilla somewhere and then opening firefox, (it will create a new directory of the same name)02:18
loshadem0buntu: sorry, I dunno enough about wubi to advise you. If you really need a reliable ubuntu, consider a proper dual-boot, or vmware/virtualbox....02:19
dem0buntuif vmware supported nvidia I would :P02:20
krishnablakkheim & zoug & Losha : I dont want to create a profile ,I have lot of book marks and shortcuts which I will loose02:20
ae86-driftercan anyone tell me where i disable wireless powersaving02:20
blakkheimkrishna: you won't lose them, they will just be stored elsewhere for a moment while we troubleshoot02:20
zougkrishna: backup firefox?02:20
dem0buntuyou think with full install the kernel panics will stop?02:20
krishnazoug : How to take back up firefox02:20
arghh2d2krishna: mv .mozilla .mozilla.backup02:20
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loshakrishna: I repeat, it may have left a lock file behind. Look for it under .mozilla...  find ~/.mozilla -name lock02:21
b0wHello!!! i got an error when trying to update! BUS Error on building the dependency tree! anyone can help?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/340205/02:21
Dartenae86-drifter: iwconfig ... power off02:21
xzachtmxis there a channel here specializing in gnome?  I'm kinda desperate02:21
ae86-drifteri am getting wireless drop outs every 15 mins or so on ubuntu, but not linux? what could it be?02:21
dem0buntuis there a way to take karmic to a full install?02:21
The_RufusI have 3 kernels in my GRUB menu. The oldest one works and boots into ubuntu with no problems. The 2 more recent ones cannot see my hard drive. I'm running a RAID1 array. It's probably not seeing the drive due to lack of drivers (though it was working yesterday). Can someone please help me?02:21
krishnalosha : I see some thing like .parentlock file02:21
blakkheimxzachtmx: #gnome02:21
ae86-drifterwhat i meant to say: i am getting wireless drop outs every 15 mins or so on ubuntu, but not windows? what could it be?. brand new laptop02:22
zougkrishna: ~/.mozilla/?02:22
loshadem0buntu: I can't guarantee it, but I can tell you 8.04 is rock solid, and 9.10 isn't too bad. So unless there's something peculiar about your hardware....02:22
krishnazoug : yes02:22
The_RufusI have 3 kernels in my GRUB menu. The oldest one works and boots into ubuntu with no problems. The 2 more recent ones cannot see my hard drive. I'm running a RAID1 array. It's probably not seeing the drive due to lack of drivers (though it was working yesterday). Can someone please help me?02:22
loshakrishna: full pathname to the .parentlock file please...02:23
dem0buntuwell no, it works out of the box, im using a hp laptop dv3000 series02:23
jed_is there a way to change the resolution of the screen during the installer?  half of the installer is off-screen, and "Safe Graphics Mode" just drops me to a flickering framebuffer console when I run the installer with it -- is there any kind of magic (on another VT perhaps) to force the installer to a not autodetect the resolution?02:23
jed_this is the karmic installer02:23
dem0buntuon karmic02:23
zougkrishna: there is one xxxxxx.default file i guess, thats the profile folder that you want to back up. and eventually there is also a add-on that can do that for you..02:23
panfistarghh2d2 that is compeltely false. the only thing usb thumb drives have on conventional spinning disks is small amounts of random seeking...in terms of r/w speed, they're lower, and random iops, much lower02:23
krishnalosha :  ~/.mozilla/firefox/*default/.parentlock02:23
Mike_lifeguardWhat is the karmic kernel by default?02:23
dem0buntuand working like a champ.....besides the kernel panic :P02:23
panfistarghh2d2 http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001127.html02:23
loshakrishna: nothing to lose at this point, try rm-ing the .parenlock file & see if that fixes it...02:24
dem0buntuhow many partitions can a hard drive have? cause I already have 4 :P02:24
loshadem0buntu: my impression from reading this channel is that wubi is prone to problems....02:25
blakkheimdem0buntu: 4 if not using the GUID GPT02:25
danobookyes it is02:25
ae86-drifterwubi sux02:25
danobooksomeone else get a Wubi GRUB failure?02:25
dem0buntukernel panic02:25
zougdem0buntu: 4. 3primary, 1 ext02:25
ae86-driftergrub was never intended for wubi02:25
arghh2d2ok panfist, i may have been wrong.  i always thought flash drives were supposed to be faster than spinning drives... good job doing research there pal.02:25
dem0buntui have 4 pri :P02:25
zougdem0buntu: dont think so02:25
dem0buntuis there a way to avoid grub and install another boot loader to fix the issue?02:26
loshaMike_lifeguard: weird question: 2.6.31-16-generic-pae currently...02:26
Mike_lifeguardlosha: Why is it weird? (thanks anyways)02:26
dem0buntuand that could solve the kernel panic thing?02:26
Guest578This is my forum, new members welcome and so is talk about ubuntu. http://www.ugotit.ca02:26
loshadem0buntu: Maybe lilo, but it's wubi, so totally no guarantees....02:26
ae86-drifterdem0buntu, download "super grub disk" boot into it, it will automatically fix grub02:26
ae86-driftersuper easy to use02:27
The_RufusI have 3 kernels in my GRUB menu. The oldest one works and boots into ubuntu with no problems. The 2 more recent ones cannot see my hard drive. I'm running a RAID1 array. It's probably not seeing the drive due to lack of drivers (though it was working yesterday). Can someone please help me? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!02:27
b0wHello!!! i got an error when trying to update! BUS Error on building the dependency tree! anyone can help?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/340205/02:27
xae8kooMy hdmi dosnt work...02:27
dem0buntusuper grub disk? for wubi?02:27
loshaMike_lifeguard: because new kernels come out periodically, so when you update, you get the latest, so it's always changing, and rarely matters what the precise version is...02:27
dem0buntuit will see it?02:27
ae86-drifterdem0buntu, it should02:28
dem0buntuok, im downloading to see what happens02:28
loshadem0buntu: uncharted territory, I think. But I agree with ae86-drifter. It *should*...02:28
panfistarghh2d2 i can't tell if you sound sarcastic or not. anyway glad i could help02:28
ae86-drifterdem0buntu, whenever i have had any grub issues, i always run that CD and 1 minute later its working perfectly02:29
ae86-drifterdem0buntu, i have not tried it with wubi, sorry02:29
dem0buntuok, because now im getting the "load kernel first" error and sometimes kernel panic :P02:29
krishnalosha : ,I am able to open the Firefox after removing .parentlock file  ,but I dont see my bookmarks ,how to get them back02:30
ae86-drifterdem0buntu, have you recently messed with partitions etc?02:30
dem0buntudefault kernel working like a champ, I dont know why newer ones break02:30
loshakrishna: look in .mozilla/irefox/*default/bookmarkbackups or bookmarks.bak and pray....02:31
dem0buntuI do noticed than they break when some package alter the initramfs or something like that02:31
foul_owlupgraded to karmic from jaunty. mic used to work, now doesnt. selected 7.1 + analog stereo input. no luck. tried all 6 of the other xyz + analog input. tried all 5 of the input options. mic, line, etc. no luck. any ideas?02:31
dem0buntubecause I always monitor the synaptic updates on console, and this last one it broke when some packaged modified that02:31
ae86-drifterdem0buntu, can you pastebin you bootloader config file02:31
loshadem0buntu: might wanna check launchpad. It's might even be a known bug with a fix on the way...02:32
ae86-drifterim not sure if wubi uses that...02:32
dem0buntuim on grub202:32
dem0buntuuses grub.cfg02:32
ae86-drifterok well pastebin the contents of menu.1st then02:32
ae86-drifteroh, grub.cfg02:32
ae86-drifterim using 1.5 here02:32
dem0buntuok, going to02:32
danobookdem0buntu, the wubi failure is fun02:32
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dem0buntunow is fun, but 2 installs a go wasnt :P02:32
danobookit's apparantly due to ext4 + a beta GRUB that doesn't know ext402:32
The_RufusI have 3 kernels in my GRUB menu. The oldest one works and boots into ubuntu with no problems. The 2 more recent ones cannot see my hard drive. I'm running a RAID1 array. It's probably not seeing the drive due to lack of drivers (though it was working yesterday). Can someone please help me? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!02:32
Phuzionlooking for a lil help regarding a possible java problem I'm having... running 8.10 with firefox 3.0.15 and I get spurratic freezing while playing Yahoo Games... I've gone through all their troubleshooting tips to no avail... anyone able to offer some suggestions?02:33
danobookdem0buntu, from what i've read, all modified files become unreadable by GRUB02:33
danobookdem0buntu, 64-bit?02:33
eternaljoywhen did 9.10 come out?02:34
danobookcouple months ago02:34
dem0buntuyes, I tried to read it from console and all I got was gibberish02:34
dem0buntuyup 64 bit02:34
Mike_lifeguardThe_Rufus: I doubt newer kernels have regression for RAID1!!02:34
eternaljoydanobook, the latest version 9.10 is 2 months old??  u joking?02:34
danobooketernaljoy, it was released in 9/10/0902:34
danobooktwo months ago or so02:34
The_RufusMike_lifeguard: but it was working fine yesterday and nothing has changed02:34
Mike_lifeguardThe_Rufus: You should check that they are trying to boot using the right uuid02:34
loshaeternaljoy: why would you think it was a joke?02:35
danobookdem0buntu, i think it's caused by 64-bit02:35
danobookdem0buntu, did you pick 30GB disk size?02:35
eternaljoylosha, i thought it was just released02:35
dem0buntuwell i have read lots of forums and supposed it affects all systems02:35
Mike_lifeguardThe_Rufus: That definitely points to it *not* being a magical regression in RAID1 kernel support O_o02:35
eternaljoylosha, by friend was just promoted to upgrade to 9.10 yesyerday02:35
dem0buntuno, I have 1502:35
Phuzionlooking for a lil help regarding a possible java problem I'm having... running 8.10 with firefox 3.0.15 and I get spurratic freezing while playing Yahoo Games... I've gone through all their troubleshooting tips to no avail... anyone able to offer some suggestions?02:35
ae86-drifterdem0buntu, :P, rewrite the config file if you know how to, or run SGD!02:35
danobookdem0buntu, i read one person who said it only happens to him on 64-bit with a 30GB disk02:35
eternaljoylosha, why only yesterday if its 2 months old?02:35
danobookae86-drifter, SGD doesn't help with wubi much02:36
danobookit's a loopback02:36
dem0buntuim on 64 bit on 15 gb02:36
ae86-drifterdanobook, oh really? i havent tried it myself, i hate wubi02:36
MikeChelenPhuzion: have you installed sun java?02:36
eternaljoy!release date for 9.1002:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:36
loshaeternaljoy: well, you obviously don't keep up on these things. All us old-timers have been running it for 2 months. As for your pal, dunno. Maybe he's on dial-up....:-)02:36
danobooki have a sticky note on my laptop right now with the 3 commands required to boot it02:36
Phuzionmikechelen yes of course02:36
dem0buntuhere http://pastebin.com/m1e11d93502:36
moymoyanyone notice that "touch /forcefsck" doesn't schedule a fsck on reboot anymore?02:37
eternaljoylosha, :P02:37
MikeChelenPhuzion: 32 or 64 bit?02:37
Mike_lifeguardeternaljoy: it was released (as the version number implies) in October.02:37
Phuzionmikechelen that's why I said it's spurratic... sometimes it freezes.... sometimes it doesn't02:37
ae86-driftereternaljoy, lmao02:37
danobookdem0buntu, i have a sticky note on my laptop right now with the 3 commands required to boot it02:37
eternaljoyOctober 29th, 2009 - Final release of Ubuntu 9.1002:37
eternaljoy  <-- Is this true?02:37
Mike_lifeguardmoymoy: I did notice that, I figured I had done it wrong02:37
iflemaeternaljoy: its never really every going to be ready for release.. things always change.... this is where its at.02:37
Phuzionmikechelen I really don't know?02:37
MikeCheleneternaljoy: sounds right02:37
ae86-driftereternaljoy, yes02:37
dem0buntui can boot it, default kernel is working fine, newer ones break02:37
danobookdem0buntu, modifying the GRUB menu apparantly causes it to be unable to read it due to teh ext4/beta grub issues02:37
danobookdem0buntu, and then the new kernels are unreadable too02:38
MikeChelenPhuzion: type "java -version" in console02:38
eternaljoywhere can I download 9.10 ALTERNATIVE pls?02:38
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Karmic, and help keeping the servers' load low!02:38
dem0buntuso, im stuck02:38
loshaeternaljoy: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download02:38
danobookdem0buntu, i don't know abuot you but when i get the backups off this HDD i'm giong pure ubuntu02:38
eternaljoylosha, its not there. I looked.. it only gives me ability to download Deskstop02:39
danobooketernaljoy, it's there02:39
PhuzionMikechelen java version "1.6.0_14"02:39
PhuzionJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_14-b08)02:39
PhuzionJava HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)02:39
eternaljoydanobook, where? I can only see Desktop02:39
dem0buntuwell, thing is I do use winBlows for some task at work, is mandatory, and I have another 2 partitions with 3 slack-based distros, I dont know if I can add another fur ubuntu02:39
danobooketernaljoy, click the link that mentions torrents and such02:39
danobookAlternative download options, including Ubuntu installer for Windows02:40
MikeChelenPhuzion: that all looks right, maybe try reinstalling the java firefox plugin?02:40
loshaeternaljoy: sorry, http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/02:40
danobookit's somewhere in there02:40
eternaljoydanobook, I dont want the torrent... I dont have a torrent cllient.. where is ALTERNATE 9.10 ISO?02:40
eco_hi all02:40
eco_poland chanell02:41
danobooketernaljoy, in there section where it links to other things (such as torrents) there's Text-based installer »02:41
=== Home_ is now known as matthew12
dem0buntuI still need 2 partitions for ubuntu? one for ext and 1 for swap?02:41
loshadem0buntu: ubuntu will boot from a logical partition, if that helps...02:41
DacvakHey guys, I'm having extreme difficulty installing Ubuntu using a USB stick. Could someone help me?02:41
eternaljoydanobook, only torrent ones.. but no ISO02:41
MikeChelen!download | eternaljoy02:41
ubottueternaljoy: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Karmic, and help keeping the servers' load low!02:41
danobookand you can torrent the alt too02:41
DacvakI keep getting an error like "usb 1-2 reset high speed USB Device using ehci_hcd and address 2"02:41
Phuzionmikechelen I've worked on this w/ several people we at one point completely removed it, re-added it updated it... the odd part is that I'm running a dual boot system.... so I run win and Ubuntu on same Drive just partitioned and I'm having freeze problems in Windows too02:41
danobookThe text based alternate installer can be downloaded from the complete list of download locations below.02:41
danobookdid you clic k that?02:41
matthew12so it appears my cd drive is jacked up...can I install ubuntu from an external hard drive?02:41
danobookdem0buntu, yes, well you dont' *need* swap02:42
loshaeternaljoy: see my url above02:42
eternaljoyI think I found it....  http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/ubuntu-9.10-alternate-i386.iso02:42
danobookdem0buntu, but most linux users use it02:42
eternaljoylosha, yes thanks to you\02:42
MikeChelenPhuzion: it may be a system problem then, such as memory or power supply errors02:42
eternaljoyI want the Alternate so I can choose to encrypt the whole file system when installing02:42
dem0buntubut could I use like a loop swap or whatever, forgot the name :P02:42
danobookdem0buntu, or no swap :P02:43
The_Rufushow can I get to the gnome menu using only a keyboard?02:43
MikeChelenmatthew12: yes, as long as your system can boot from USB02:43
dem0buntuwell, i have 4 gigs here so...02:43
loshadem0buntu: depends on how much ram you have. And if you want to suspend or not...02:43
Phuzionmikechelen this computer is only a couple years old... I don't suspect memory being the problem.... however I don't think I follow you on what power would have to do with that?02:43
danobookdem0buntu, so do i02:43
MikeCheleneternaljoy: that looks like the right disk image02:43
airtonixThe_Rufus, keyboard shortcuts app in the menus02:43
loshadem0buntu: what do you do for swap when you boot slack?02:43
eco_i have qiestion, someone know why on new ubuntu 9.10 wifi and rj-45 not works?02:43
matthew12it can...but I also have lots of other files on the external hd...how would I do this?02:43
The_Rufusi don't have a mouse attached02:43
The_Rufushow do I get into the menus?02:43
eco_i have laptop Acer Aspire 5739G02:44
Mike_lifeguardapt-get update is giving me an error: Duplicate sources.list entry http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_ubuntu-boot_ppa_ubuntu_dists_karmic_main_binary-i386_Packages) -- however I don't see that I have any PPA duplicated in sources.list :\02:44
dem0buntuuses some dat file, cant recall, dont use it so often02:44
eternaljoyMikeChelen, yes :)02:44
dem0buntuI call it at boot time02:44
matthew12MikeChelen (sorry didnt tag you at first): it can...but I also have lots of other files on the external hd...how would I do this02:44
eternaljoyhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/ubuntu-9.10-alternate-i386.iso   <-- this is the one I needed :)02:44
MikeChelenPhuzion: if there is a something that uses the cpu alot, and the power supply is faulty, it may not be providing enough current02:44
airtonixThe_Rufus, one sec there are other key combos to get there02:44
_nick_Mike_lifegaurd: go to your source.list and comment out the dupliate02:44
dem0buntufrom menu.lst........mmmhhh, now that I recall, I think I dont use any swap :P02:44
MikeCheleneternaljoy: yuppers :)02:44
danobookThe_Rufus, alt-F102:44
eternaljoyMikeChelen, :-)02:45
airtonixThe_Rufus, Are you using compiz?02:45
eternaljoylokian: ty02:45
danobookThe_Rufus, did alt-f1 work?02:45
The_Rufusahh, thanks danobook02:45
loshadem0buntu: try it without swap. You can always monitor memory use and add a swapfile later if necessary. Worst case, some apps will die on you...02:45
airtonixThe_Machine, ok press : alt + f102:45
Mike_lifeguard_nick_: There is no duplicate, however one of the PPAs doesn't have source - so the deb-src line was wrong. I removed it.02:45
MikeChelenmatthew12: you can set up separate partitions for file storage and boot, but it may be easier to get another USB drive02:45
danobookThe_Rufus, yw02:45
tvaughnany idea why flash games would be slow on ubuntu>02:45
cheesepoopCan anyone recommend a newsreader for usenet?02:45
Phuzionmikechelen.... I suppose that COULD possibly be an issue?  I have noticed that the battery life when not running on ac has become horrible since I reinstalled Ubuntu02:45
dem0buntuI was thinking, can I transform my fat 32 to ext 4 and still boot my slack folders from the winBlows 7 bootloader?02:45
_nick_Mike_lifeguard: oh02:45
randy_any1 know y brutal chess seems slow and kinda has latency on moving your p's?02:46
airtonixThe_Machine, mistell02:46
emanuxhello, how recover a deleted file?02:46
loshacheesepoop: text or binaries, or both. slrn for text, klibido for binaries....02:46
Mike_lifeguard_nick_: Yeah :\ You'd think apt would give a better description of the actual problem02:46
MikeChelenPhuzion: it's only a guess, because if both windows and ubuntu are crashing, it sounds like some hardware problem02:46
emanuxany tool for that matter?02:46
randy_i know it's a 3d game and I have compiz running fine02:46
MikeChelenPhuzion: usual suspects are memory, hard disk, power supply, and motherboard02:46
The_Rufusahhh, i see. New kernel might have issues booting with only 152kb of HDD space02:46
cheesepooplosha: thanks02:46
hdtdihey does anyone know if i can and how can i install super mario on ubuntu ?02:46
airtonix!search undelete | emanux,02:47
ubottuFound: neon, xfce-panels, pastebin, chanserv.py, binarydriver-#ubuntu+1, gpgerr, ff35, girl, panels-#xubuntu, recover02:47
airtonix!info revcover | emanux02:47
ubottuemanux: Package revcover does not exist in karmic02:47
_nick_Mike_lifeguard: lol it's the same w/ most the errors02:47
matthew12MikeChelen: so I get another ext hd and copy the iso over, then boot from usb? will I be good to go or do I need to extract it or something onto the ext hd. (is what I'm asking clear, I'm sorry if it isn't)02:47
losha_nick_: lazy programmers....02:47
airtonix!info magicrescue | emanux02:47
ubottuemanux: magicrescue (source: magicrescue): recovers files by looking for magic bytes. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.6-1 (karmic), package size 72 kB, installed size 332 kB02:47
randy_brutal chess moves weird.... why?02:47
_nick_losha: lol02:47
airtonix!info e2undel | emanux02:48
ubottuemanux: e2undel (source: e2undel): Undelete utility for the ext2 file system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.82-1 (karmic), package size 56 kB, installed size 236 kB02:48
MikeChelenmatthew12: use the "USB Startup Disk Creator"02:48
dustinrsanyone know where to get a "Intel 2D/3D graphics accelerator" driver for display?02:48
danobookrandy_, because it's brutal02:48
emanuxim using ext4 fs02:48
AOChey guys02:48
randy_no it acts all latency and goofy when you try to move02:48
AOCi'm booting into rescue mode to recover my root password02:48
MikeChelenmatthew12: do you want to install ubuntu to the external drive? or only use it for booting to install to an internal disk02:48
AOCwhere can I find my root passwd in cleartext once in rescue boot mode?02:49
AOCi know passwd changed it02:49
=== shubbar_ is now known as shubbar
AOCbut to view it?02:49
blakkheimAOC: it's not stored in cleartext02:49
MikeChelenAOC: passwords are not stored in cleartext02:49
sevenseeker1googling around for several hours, I realize now that I should just ask here… 'how can I copy dvd's to iso format on disk'? Nothing I have read has worked so far02:49
Phuzionmikechelen  I'm running 2 GB of memory... so as I said before that probably isn't the issue, however your theory about the power supply could be right on as well???  I noticed I don't have the power usage utility I had before when I had this system installed02:49
lstarnesAOC: and the format used cannot be converted back to cleartext02:49
AOCIstarnes, is it a hash?02:49
IowanAOC: I doubt anything will show you what it is - but you might be able to change it02:49
Untouchab1eAny idea why this isnt running properly?02:50
AOCi know i can change it, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword02:50
airtonix!info foremost02:50
randy_down load thoggen02:50
ubottuforemost (source: foremost): Forensics application to recover data. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.6-1 (karmic), package size 41 kB, installed size 140 kB02:50
AOCproblem is viewing it02:50
detrixhello everyone.  I have a question about pgp encryption.  I have encrypted a couple of files on my desktop, but when I try to decrypt them on my wifes netbook, I can't.  I have imported my key and still I can't decrypt them.  some guidance is needed.  ;)02:50
_nick_seven: burn it as a file....02:50
MikeChelenPhuzion: the memory may be faulty, regardless of size, you can check it with ubuntu livecd memtest02:50
loshaemanux: is the file still in use by an application? If so, http://www.linux.com/archive/articles/58142. If not, it's gone unless you used nautilus02:50
airtonix!info foremost | emanux02:50
ubottuemanux: foremost (source: foremost): Forensics application to recover data. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.6-1 (karmic), package size 41 kB, installed size 140 kB02:50
matthew12MikeChelen I want to install ubuntu on my laptop from the ext. hd02:50
shubbari upgraded to karmic and video now has a color cast02:50
loshaairtonix: looks like you've been there....02:50
fizk_Synaptic Package Manager is screwing up..........02:50
fizk_  Depends: pidgin-data (<1:2.6.2-z) but 1:2.6.4-1ubuntu3~pidgin1.9.10 is to be installed02:50
MikeChelenmatthew12: okay, use the USB startup disk creator, you can get a USB flash stick for like $1002:51
fizk_ Recommends: pidgin-libnotify but it is not going to be installed02:51
=== ^biabia is now known as [biabia]
airtonixemanux, might not be what you want, since it requires the kernel to be patched prior to your loss of data02:51
emanuxi delete a while ago, cause i thought i will never use it again02:51
dem0buntui like ubuntu, more than kubuntu :D02:51
randy_are there any peer to peer guards for linux?02:51
redonkAOC, did u get all that?02:51
syk!pase | fizk_02:51
blakkheimmatthew12: unetbootin02:51
fizk_I installed Pidgin using their repository, then deleted Pidgin and the repo02:51
airtonix!info moblock | randy_02:51
ubotturandy_: Package moblock does not exist in karmic02:51
MikeChelendem0buntu: gnome is pretty awesome, some people like kde though02:51
fizk_now Pidgin won't install02:51
=== [biabia] is now known as ^biabia
MikeChelenunetbootin does pretty much the same as usb startup disk creator, they are both fine02:52
dem0buntui use kde 3, new one i feel little bit bloated02:52
dustinrsanyone know where to get a "Intel 2D/3D graphics accelerator" driver for ubuntu02:52
randy_is there anything you can  get?02:52
dem0buntukde on slack distros02:52
Phuzionmikechelen I can give that a shot... sounds like my only option at this point?  that or take the shotgun to the laptop? HAHA02:52
matthew12mikechelen: ok right now I have no operating system anywhere...so I can just use the live cd on my friends computer to make the usb startup disk?02:52
emanuxubottu: recover does exist in karmic02:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:52
fizk_Anyone know how to fix this?02:52
rick__can someone help me figure out how to convert avi video to mp4 for my ipod?  I've tried the conversion setting in vlc player but it keeps on popping up with ffmpeg not having support for aac audio installed and I can't figure out how to install that codec.  I'm running karmic.02:52
dem0buntulittle bit win-bloated :P02:52
felichas fizk_: have you restored the repo?02:52
matthew12blakkheim: I'm sorry, what is that02:52
fizk_felichas, I've reloaded it02:52
blakkheimmatthew12: google it02:53
emanuxubottu: is it good tool to recover data loss in ext4 fs?02:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:53
tvaughnrick__: handbrake02:53
airtonixrandy_, yes there is it is called moblock02:53
felichas fizk_: what's the error?02:53
dem0bunturick, download the multimedia package for ubuntu02:53
MikeChelenPhuzion: haha, it's worth running diagnostic problems like that, since it's easier than swapping hardware to find what is broken. look for some similar utilities to monitor power supply voltage, and temperature sensors02:53
rick__tvaughn - handbrake is a program?  is it in synaptic?02:53
blakkheimmatthew12: it will let you install an ubuntu iso on your external drive02:53
airtonixrandy_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MoBlock02:53
tvaughni believe so02:53
randy_how can 1 protect from snoopers when your on the Pirate's ship02:53
fizk_felichas, pidgin-2.6.2 is marked as depending on pidgin-data2.6.402:54
Phuzionmikechelen similar utilities where? and like what?02:54
fizk_felichas, basically, the dependency is not right anymore02:54
rick__handbrake is not pulling up in my synaptic, I'll google it thanks.02:54
DacvakHey. I'm trying to install Ubuntu from a USB Stick. It seems like the process has stopped at "* Starting init crypto disks..."02:54
rick__dem0buntu - what multimedia package are you referring to?02:54
DacvakDoes this usually take a long tiem?02:54
airtonix!bot | emanux02:54
ubottuemanux: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:54
MikeChelenmatthew12: that might work, or install unetbootin on your friend's system, to help make the usb startup disk02:54
dem0buntulet me check02:54
losharick_:  top hit in google: http://handbrake.fr/downloads.php02:55
rick__losha - i actually just googled that site, thank you anyways02:55
AOCsomeone broke into my Ubuntu system :(02:55
AOCchanged my root password02:55
fizk_felichas,  hmmm, aptitude let me downgrade pidgin-dadta02:55
losharick__: it has karmic debs...02:55
matthew12blakkheim, thank you I will look into it...and Mike Chelen, thank you as well. #Ubuntu has always rescued me from my mistakes :).02:55
blakkheimAOC: how?02:55
rick__oh thank god debs, i'm getting sick of tarballs!02:56
fizk_felichas, alrighty, i'm ok02:56
redonkAOC, did u get my messages?02:56
AOCblakkheim, i haven't figured that out yet02:56
AOCredonk, the guy just changed my root password02:56
Mike_lifeguardAOC: can you still sudo?02:56
redonkAOC: there are some 0day kernel exploits going around right now02:56
blakkheimAOC: local break-in? ssh?02:56
losharick__: handbrake is particularly nasty, it downloads and compiles source for every single codec...02:56
AOCmaybe Apache or SHH02:56
AOConly services I have running really02:57
rick__losha - thats nasty in a good way correct?02:57
blakkheimlosha: what's wrong with that?02:57
Phuzionmikechelen similar utilities where? and like what?02:57
redonkAOC: i wouldnt count out Kernel :) expecially if your runing ecrypt module02:57
lstarnesAOC: are you using password authentication for ssh, or have you set it to only allow public key authentication?02:57
dem0buntui think is called non-free-codecs02:57
jstI have the following line added to /etc/crontab, and restarted the cron service: */5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/mythrename.pl ... It is not renaming my recordings, but when I run the script manually it does.  Any ideas?02:57
losharick__: nasty in the sense that it takes *hours* to build and it won't use pre-installed libs...02:57
AOCLstarnes, i have both02:57
MikeChelenPhuzion: there are a bunch, for example try "X Sensors" from the software center02:57
rick__losha in that case i'll let it compile overnight02:58
lstarnesAOC: disable password authentication02:58
AOClstarnes, probably better just to disable passwd auth02:58
lstarnesAOC: or lock root02:58
Phuzionok... I'll look into that?02:58
dem0bunturick, the media is online?02:58
lstarnesAOC: I always use passwd -l root02:58
jribjst: how did you edit that file?  Did you add a final newline?02:58
rick__dem0buntu - no, it's on my harddrive02:58
redonkAOC: just download backtrack 4, load up some rainbow files mount your file system and crack the password he set then login with out internet hooked up to the system and restore the password you want to the account02:58
AOClstarnes, I want to decrypt the /etc/passwd file02:58
=== djuggler_ is now known as djuggler
lstarnesAOC: that cannot be done02:58
rick__can't use an online converter02:58
AOCits just a hash..02:58
loshablakkheim: I got used to really fast install-then-execute that debian distros provide...02:58
lstarnesAOC: hashes are one-way02:59
blakkheimlosha: i run gentoo, so..02:59
redonkAOC: uses backtrack 4 with some rainbow tables ;)02:59
dem0buntuoh, install the codecs then, and search for w32codecs or w64codecs if that is ur case02:59
dem0buntuand non-free-codecs02:59
losharick__: the deb stuff is ready compiled, no problem...02:59
AOCso your saying the the windows SAM file is not able to be decrypted too?02:59
MikeChelenAOC: it has to be brute-forced02:59
dem0buntusudo aptitude install non-free-codecs02:59
necromasterstill having the same freezen problem02:59
lstarnesAOC: it might be possible to bruteforce it02:59
AOCSAM is the file which stores passwds in windows02:59
dem0buntusudo apt-get install w32codecs02:59
AOClstarnes, yes02:59
dem0buntumaybe that could help  you02:59
rick__losha - cool02:59
AOCthat is what I'm thinking02:59
lstarnesAOC: linux and windoes are different02:59
dem0buntuor search for medibuntu repos02:59
AOCwindows hashes and linux hashes are still hashes tho03:00
AOCmaybe jacktheripper03:00
Phuzionughhhh..... my cdrom won't read the disk again... I have to go grab the external cd rom03:00
necromastergot the same problem since the morning03:00
rick__dem0buntu - just ran that and i already have that installed.  oh well.03:00
loshaAOC: so I'm still  wondering how someone broke in and changed your root password (the one you weren't even supposed to have)....03:00
necromasteri made a clean install03:00
redonkAOC: im going to beat you with a retarted stick, i gave u help run with it or not03:00
dem0buntummhh what u want to transform?03:01
AOClosha, you can't login via root on ssh03:01
AOCbut maybe Apache vunerability?03:01
rick__avi to mp4, let me see how this handbrake program works first that losha reccomended03:01
redonklosha, there are alot of 0day exploits out right now03:01
redonklosha; expecially for apache and the linux kernel03:02
dem0buntuhandbrake is good03:02
Phuzionmikechelen LoL my xsensors window is blank... does that sound right?03:02
losharedonk: apache's definitely a weak spot....03:02
mazda01keep getting failed to create initrd image because there's no file located at /etc/modprobe.d/oss-compat.conf file03:02
redonklosha: the kernel is also03:02
redonkright now that is03:02
MikeChelenPhuzion: lol not really, maybe you have to install lm-sensors as well?03:03
mazda01i have upgraded from 8.04 to 9.04 and maybe that's why? so I can't install kernel images past 2.6.28-15-generic. it fails everytime03:03
losharedonk: yes, but they have to get to the kernel first, which shouldn't be so easy if your system's tight...03:03
Phuzionmikechelen it claims it's already installed03:03
redonklosha: heh what are u talking about lol any port thats accessiable remotely has access to the kernel03:04
* redonk beats losha03:04
mazda01i looked for the /etc/modprobe.d/oss-compat.conf but it's a broken symlink. it's looking the target link is "/lib/oss-compat/linux"03:04
usserredonk, eh? what? thats a ridiculous claim03:05
rick__okay handbrake seems to be working.  thank you everyone03:05
airtonixPhuzion, MikeChelen I think hardware sensors need a bit more tldr thatn just apt-get install03:05
losharedonk: well personally, I only leave ssh open and require keys, but if you run apache, that's a whole new ballgame....03:05
gbearDBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.NotFound: The given volume was not found03:05
gbearI'm reaching the point where I start making human sacrifice to the computer gods03:06
mac9416Hello, will I gain any performance by formatting a flash drive as ext4? What are the downsides?03:06
Phuzionairtonix tldr?03:06
loshagbear: if I thought that would work reliably, we'd all be doing it....03:06
Untouchab1eok, I just cant get cron to work under Ubuntu03:06
airtonixPhuzion, MikeChelen sorry i mean tlc : tender loving care03:06
Untouchab1eive added a script that works fine from the commandline, but it just wont run through the cron03:06
Untouchab1enothing happens03:06
gbearanyone able to help me fix a problem with my /boot... when I boot grub gives an "error: unrecognized filesystem" and fails to "grub rescue>" to which the only friggen command which exists seems to be ls03:07
usserUntouchab1e, pastebin the crontab line you're using03:07
loshamac9416: more downs that ups: ext4 is slightly faster, but lots of 3rd party tools don't work with it, so it's murder for troubleshooting....03:07
redonklosha: if any port is forwarded from the firewall to the system that has a vulnerable kernel that has an open port no matter if its apache ftp ntp ssh telnet smtp or what ever, then they can send packets that the kernel will "read" which can cause the kernel to be exploited03:07
Phuzionairtonix I think my computer is just fried in general?  everything seemed to have been running fine before03:07
airtonixPhuzion, MikeChelen you were both talking about lm-sensors : does this help ->> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto03:07
mac9416losha, what kind of tools?03:07
losharedonk: got a citation for that?03:07
usserredonk, thats just load of bollocks man03:08
usserredonk, you gotta stop saying stuff like that03:08
rick__here's another question, how do i switch the default auto open program from banshee to gtkpod when I plug in my ipod to my laptop?03:08
airtonixrick__, i suspect this option is in the gconf03:08
Untouchab1eusser: http://pastebin.com/m239b919803:08
loshamac9416: oh, super grub disk, testdisk, other linuxes, 3rd party bootloader, 3rd party partitioners, etc...03:08
Phuzionairtonix I think mike is gone? I'll look into this though? maybe if I can get it to install... then I'll see if it solves my problem03:08
usserredonk, kernel has nothing to do with open ports, software that listens on the port can has a vulnerability and can be exploited, kernel vulnerabilities is something else entirely03:09
rick__airtonix, what is gconf???03:09
airtonixPhuzion, it's something i need to do too, but not high in my list of priorities03:09
mac9416losha, OK, I see what you're saying. Should I go with FAT32 or NTFS then?03:09
StaticShockhow can i tell gnome-do to run a program with sudo03:09
opticonin log files for ubuntu where can you find more details about kernal panics during startup?03:09
airtonixrick__, press alt+f2 : then type : gconf-editor03:09
rick__staticshock - use gksu command03:09
usserUntouchab1e, ok, pastebin the script itself, are you sure its executable03:09
airtonixrick__, it is similar in function to the windows registry03:09
Untouchab1ethe script runs fine from the terminal03:10
Phuzionairtonix I hear you... I'm just trying to get my system running smoothly... this is the last bit of problems I've been working on03:10
xae8kooI want to integrate facebookchat with my gnome desktop, any easy solution?03:10
loshamac9416: my first choice would be ext3. Stable as a rock, and even windows can read it if it has to...03:10
Untouchab1eusser: http://pastebin.com/mbb5387103:10
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Nytek_xae8koo, use pidgin plugin or digsb03:10
xae8koolosha: Windows can read ext3?03:10
StaticShockrick__: thanks03:10
airtonixrick__, if you follow the tree path : apps > nautilus03:10
gbearxae8koo: facebook-plugin with pidgin03:10
Nytek_xae8koo, digsby03:10
git__anyone here use netcat?03:10
mac9416xae8koo, with 3rd-party tools.03:10
xae8koogbear: Cant get it to work...03:10
usserUntouchab1e, how do you know it doesnt run from cron, make the script create a log file with timestamps, maybe it runs, just doesnt do what its supposed to03:10
loshaxae8koo: there's an ext2 driver for windows. It's a bit temperamental, but it exists....03:11
xae8kooNytek_: Apt-gettable?03:11
Untouchab1eusser: I added an "echo done" at the end03:11
Nytek_xae8koo, i believe, if not, google digsby03:11
rick__airtonix, got that far, got any clue which value it is?03:11
Untouchab1eand when I run it from the terminal, it outputs "done" to the terminal as wel03:11
mac9416losha, OK, thanks. If I want to have a smaller partition for handy access on any Windoze machine, would I want FAT32 or NTFS?03:11
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loshamac9416: almost certainly ntfs. fat32 doesn't do unix permissions very well....03:12
usserUntouchab1e, echo "done" /var/log/wireless.log, did you add this script to root's crontab? or user crontab?03:12
Untouchab1eusser: both03:12
PhuzionI give up.... this computer is just fried03:12
mac9416losha, roger that. Thanks very much for the advice.03:12
losharedonk: I hope you're off finding me a reference for your claim.....03:12
xae8kooNytek_: It tells me to leave an email, because it isnt ready for Linux yey03:12
usserUntouchab1e, remove it from user crontab and leave it in sudo crontab -e03:12
Untouchab1eusser: tried that too :/03:12
redonkno actually i was helping someone in private chat03:12
redonku want a proof of concept exploit for the kernel?03:13
redonkis that what your asking for?03:13
movelahi. is there a new release of jaunty? w/all or most new updates? thank you03:13
losharedonk: no, just a web page where I can read up on it...03:13
movelaiso image03:13
Mike_lifeguardmovela: well, there is Karmic now03:13
airtonixrick__, actually gconf-editor is not needed : open nautilus to your home folder03:13
redonkwww.securityfocus.com www.packetstormsecurity.nl03:13
Mike_lifeguardmovela: if you didn't want to upgrade to the newest release, then do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade03:13
movelaMike_lifeguard: i want jaunty.. karmic cannot load on my eeepc..03:13
redonkeither or03:13
rick__airtonix, okay.....03:13
sebsebsebmovela: no03:13
movelahardy had 2 or 3 releases before03:14
sebsebsebmovela: also the updates are only security updates03:14
airtonixrick__, 1) open the edit menu from the toolbar 2) preferences 3) medai tab03:14
Zimm3ris there a reason that ubuntu 9.04 ran fine on my machine but Xubuntu  9 10 does not even have working drivers? Sorry if this is a oblivious question I'm new to this whole Linux thing.03:14
sebsebsebmovela: LTS is done a bit differnetly03:14
sebsebsebmovela: jaunty is not LTS03:14
rick__airtonix, found it!!  thank you!!!03:14
movelathe thing is i cannot run sudo apt-get update/upgrade b/c of network issues03:14
xae8kooNytek_: It is only windows :(03:15
movelai cannot connect wifi or wired03:15
Nytek_xae8koo, really?03:15
Nytek_xae8koo, im sorry, i saw the icon and never clicked it!03:15
xae8kooNytek_: It says so :P03:15
redonkhere is also a ubuntu warning about kernels effected: but it doesnt have the latest advisories http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-819-103:16
xae8kooNytek_: Thats allrigth, maybe I will get it for my windows box.03:16
Nytek_xae8koo, i use more windows application currently, so i cant run Linux too much :(03:16
usserUntouchab1e, i dont know what root command does, but the script looks a little weird, from what i understand you want to restart your network if the pings dont go through?03:16
Untouchab1eusser: correct03:16
xae8kooNytek_: I am going all linux soon!03:16
puffWhat's a good GUI sftp client?03:17
Nytek_xae8koo, good luck! try out some different WM's03:17
redonklosha: but my system was exploited using 2.6.31-14-generic-pae   just not but 3 weeks ago, when i contacted the NSA about some credit card fraud that was happening03:17
xae8kooNytek_: wm?03:17
usserUntouchab1e, why not try rewriting it a little http://pastebin.com/f607d92ce03:17
Nytek_xae8koo, window managers03:17
Nytek_xae8koo, gnome, kde, xfce, fluxbox, openbox,etc..03:17
losharedonk: do you know what happened?03:18
usserUntouchab1e, that should be
xae8kooNytek_: I used to prefer KDE, but now, with my new laptop it is only gnome for me. I love 4 gb ram!03:18
Untouchab1eusser: thank you, I will give it a go.. the problem is that ubuntu disconnects from the wifi network occasionally and doesnt reconnect03:18
mazda01keep getting failed to create initrd image because there's no file located at /etc/modprobe.d/oss-compat.conf file03:18
mazda01i looked for the /etc/modprobe.d/oss-compat.conf but it's a broken symlink. it's looking the target link is "/lib/oss-compat/linux"03:18
Untouchab1ethats what I am trying to fix..03:18
Untouchab1eusser: will give your version a go03:18
redonklosha: do i know what happened with what?03:18
Nytek_xae8koo, lol, lucky. I have 2.5 and i actually havent used ubuntu directly in a while now03:18
Nytek_xae8koo, i kind of miss it03:18
AOCredonk, i did investigation of the /etc/passwd file03:18
losharedonk: how was your system exploited?03:18
redonklosha through a crypt lib via kernel attack03:19
usserUntouchab1e, yea i hear you wifi sucks for me too, also instead of ifconfig up/down you should be able to run service networking restart command03:19
redonkcrypt module built into the standard kernel03:19
AOCi found a backup of my old passwd file 1 week ago in the same dir03:19
moymoyMike_lifeguard: nope.. it's just plain not working.. i thought i was doing it wrong too03:19
AOCexcept i never did a copy of my passwd file lol03:19
Untouchab1eusser: service networking restart only restarts eth003:19
ae86-drifterits a hijacked kernel attack03:19
Untouchab1eusser: but not eth103:19
usserUntouchab1e, hm03:20
AOClosha, i used diff on the 2 passwd files and found a new group added03:20
AOCa mail group, that the attacker added03:20
xae8kooNytek_: It is pure awesomeness. I get my text directly on screen, and I can reply. If I get fb chat working I will be completly satisfied.03:20
losharedonk: so what do I need to look at so I can evaluate my (and other people's) risk?03:21
mazda01what the heck! my ubuntu machine can't access the share list of my windows 7 machine03:21
mazda01anyone help please?03:21
lazydragooni got a problem i try to do a audio chat in amsn but i install farsight2 and still tell me its not install someone got a answer ?03:22
mazda01smbtree fails and nautilus fails to retrieve share list. i have enabled sharing on win 7 for the public folders as well as the Users/Daniel/MyVideos folder but nothing on ubuntu side03:22
minewhen update ,where are  the deb package downloaded03:23
redonklosha: i ended up taking the latest kernel from kernel.org and compiling it with out the encrypted file system module03:23
Untouchab1eusser: your script is running at least.. I made it write out some stuff to a txt file at the end, and it does03:23
usserUntouchab1e, through cron?03:24
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usserUntouchab1e, through the root crontab right?03:24
usserUntouchab1e, cause mine wouldnt work on user's crontab03:24
usserUntouchab1e, and it actually does nothing if pings go through.03:25
usserUntouchab1e, try putting an else statement, with echo "internet is working" > /var/log/wireless.log03:25
xae8kooEmpathy says network error every time I try to connect to fb connect!03:25
losharedonk: I don't seem able to find anything matching your description on http://securityreason.com/exploit_alert....03:25
opticonfrom grub when i choose to boot Linux version 2.6.31-16-generic a few seconds later get kernal panic not syncing vfs something about it cant mount root03:25
Untouchab1eusser: I dont know if it actually works yet, I just know it runs03:25
opticonwhen i choose Linux version 2.6.31-14-generic system boots up03:26
Untouchab1eusser: going to test it now.. hold on03:26
opticoni only got this after i run the updates that where pushed out03:27
opticonand i installed ubuntu 9.10 with wubi03:28
Untouchab1eusser: dont think the script works :/03:28
loshaUntouchab1e: the script looks ok. Personally I'd wrap it in a while loop and add a sleep 5 at the bottom. It'll have to be run as root of course....03:28
cheekoguys i installed ubuntu 8.10 it seems to work fine03:28
usserUntouchab1e, cool, modify it just a bit, here something like that http://pastebin.com/f3c15fca503:28
LizardK|ngmy state is going to be legalizing medical marijuana03:29
cheekobut the later releases dont seem to work03:29
ZombieWillweird question but, anyway to set ubuntu to run in low graphics mode permanently?03:29
redonklosha, doesnt mean that the hole isnt their03:29
ae86-drifterZombieWill, apt-get remove nvidia*03:29
usserUntouchab1e, see what gets outputted to /var/log/wireless.log when its run03:29
Untouchab1eusser: thanks.. Il give it a go, and it has to be on sudo crontab..03:29
usserUntouchab1e, yes, otherwise it just wont work03:30
Untouchab1eusser: what if its on both?03:30
Untouchab1eboth user and root?03:30
Untouchab1eI think that is what it was now03:30
xzachtmxI have been having problems with gdm 2.28 in ubuntu 9.10 (gnome stopped booting for some reason) so I downgraded to 2.20 but now the cursor dosent even show!!! how can I fix this or at least get 2.28 again and go from there03:30
loshaUntouchab1e: a regular user doesn't have permission to run ifconfig up/down, so that part just won't have any effect for a user...03:31
usserUntouchab1e, user's crontab is just going to fail, since it doesnt have permissions to do ifconfig03:31
ZombieWillae86: thanks03:31
opticonxzachtmx you install ubuntu with wubi?03:31
xzachtmxno just from DVD03:31
biabiahow do i upgrade from 8.10 to 9.1003:31
LizardK|ngwubi is a great way to dualboot03:32
usserbiabia, you gotta go through 9.0403:32
ae86-drifterLizardK|ng, i strongly disagree03:32
biabiausser hmm how do i do that03:32
loshaLizardK|ng: actually, it's an *easy* way to dual-boot, but it tends to be buggy.....03:32
opticonit was but seems updates for kernal makes ubuntu fail to boot03:32
usserbiabia, sudo update-manager -d i think03:32
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading03:32
LizardK|ngae86-drifter: the disadvantages are that disk i/o is a bit slower, and you can't hibernate, but there is no chance of screwing up your windows install03:33
opticonthats problem ive ran into so far with wubi03:33
Untouchab1eusser: ok, new script up and running on the sudo crontab..03:33
biabiausser: thankie03:33
Untouchab1ewill check the log in a min03:33
xzachtmxI'm not dual booting gnome just stopped working03:33
opticonwubi is much faster than vm tho03:33
LizardK|ngi have wubi on a laptop and a desktop with no issues at all03:33
ae86-drifterLizardK|ng, if you know what your diong, you wont stuff it up, better, you wouldn't use windows03:33
usserUntouchab1e, alright03:33
Untouchab1eok, its obviously running03:33
Untouchab1esince the log file is up03:33
BitEncrypthow do I completely remove kde wallet service03:33
Untouchab1eusser: I guess I should try to put down eth1 and see if it comes back up again03:34
loshaxzachtmx: try purging and then reinstalling the latest gdm. If it still doesn't work, we can try troubleshooting it...03:34
LizardK|ngae86-drifter: it's damn easy to f up creating partitions and you know it03:34
xzachtmxhow do I do that from terminal?03:34
laeghow do i issue two commands on one line? i'd like something like screen -dR + gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Irssi03:34
usserUntouchab1e, now that i think about ifconfig down/up doesnt have any effect on my system ie the network interface is not restarted03:35
unoplaeg, separate them with a  ;03:35
ae86-drifterLizardK|ng, no, its not easy, like i said, if you know what your doing03:35
Untouchab1eusser: :/03:35
loshaxzachtmx: try: sudo apt-get purge gdm; sudo apt-get install gdm03:35
usserlaeg, or &&03:35
xzachtmxok Ty Lisha03:35
LizardK|nglosha, i had some issues on my desktop when i forgot to remove the cd before rebooting, but once it was set up, i've had no issues with wubi03:35
itaihi, is there a software that can help me edit a track out of an mp3 , like take the bass line out or the drums ?03:35
xzachtmxLosha lol03:35
ae86-drifterLizardK|ng, it maybe easy for a n00b to f up partition03:36
lazydragooni got a problem i try to do a audio chat in amsn but i install farsight2 and still tell me its not install someone got a answer ?03:36
usserlaeg, the difference is ; executes next command regardless && only if the previous command succeeds03:36
ae86-drifterbut its quite straight forward03:36
Untouchab1eusser: I thought about something like this: http://pastebin.com/m7339049503:36
laegunop: ty03:36
LizardK|ngae86-drifter: i know what i'm doing but i still prefer to not have to if that is an option03:36
Untouchab1ebut again, it doesnt affect eth1, only eth003:36
Untouchab1eand you're right.. the current script doesnt work03:36
laegusser: ty, i found ; on google but it didn't tell me about && and certainly not the difference :)03:36
ae86-drifterLizardK|ng, each to his own :P i wont compromise anything, i love performance :P03:36
BitEncrypthow do i completely remove kde wallet03:37
unoplaeg, the bash manpage would tell you better than google03:37
LizardK|ngae86-drifter: i'm using wubi on a desktop that's acting as a file server.  no performance issues03:37
loshaxzachtmx: I was serious...03:37
ae86-drifterLizardK|ng, whatever dude03:37
usserUntouchab1e, hm although i never used it myself you can probably try NetworkManager, i think it has some commandline options to restart interfaces03:38
LizardK|ngrather than not use wubi, you'll get more performance by disabling compiz03:38
xzachtmxhuh? I was saying Ty for responding03:38
arghh2d2what is wubi?03:38
ae86-drifterLizardK|ng, ITS IS SLOWER full stop.03:38
usserUntouchab1e, are you using network manager at all?03:38
usserUntouchab1e, or is it like a server setup?03:38
demonspork!wubi arghh2d203:38
Untouchab1eusser: I am running a default ubuntu 9.04 installation, so i think I am03:38
demonspork!wubi | arghh2d203:38
ubottuarghh2d2: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.03:38
Untouchab1eLizardK|ng: last time I checked, Wubi doesnt even support hibernation..?03:39
arghh2d2ahhh, wubi sounds girly03:39
BitEncryptubottu: how do I completely remove kde wallet03:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:39
xzachtmxok losha I have typed that in and a blue screen pops up asking to configure gdm2.20 and when I select gdm as the default display manager it exits with the error:  syntax error: "(" expected03:40
loshaitai: not really. The separate tracks no longer exist in an mp3, they're all smushed together. The best you can manage would be to filter parts of the spectrum. It's not very effective. You could try Audacity  but imo, nothing beats adobe audition which is windows only...03:40
xzachtmxit dosent seem to remove it :s03:40
loshaxzachtmx: which release version is this?03:40
LizardK|ngUntouchab1e: i never hibernate, and thats the only thing you'll be missing03:40
laegscreen -dR; gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Irssi or && instead of ; doesn't work - where am i going wrong and also, do i need to tell it to execute the second command inside screen rather than another term?03:40
cheekoBitEncrypt: u can come to #kubuntu03:40
Untouchab1eLizardK|ng: well, that and performance..03:40
i_is_brokeBitEncrypt, have you checked to see if you could remove it in synaptics? under manager03:41
ae86-drifterLizardK|ng, if i switched to wubi i would miss my data transfer rate among many other things03:41
itailosha, if i find the CD version would i be able to use audacity ? is adobe audition free?03:41
Untouchab1eusser: any ideas? :/03:41
LizardK|ngUntouchab1e: performance hit is minimal03:41
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ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.03:41
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic03:41
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox03:41
LizardK|ngae86-drifter: what data transfer rate would that be?03:41
xzachtmxubuntu 9.10 gdm 2.20 downgraded from 2.2803:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:41
usserUntouchab1e, hang on03:42
ae86-drifterLizardK|ng, i don't know it doesnt really matter, bottom line is Wubi has NO advantages other than ease of setup for new users03:42
Untouchab1eusser: thanks for your help so far mate.. really appreciate it03:42
faryshtaHi, how can I configure lastfm on exaile music player?03:42
BitEncrypti removed it using ubuntu software center03:42
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox03:42
loshaitai: adobe audition costs big bucks. Audacity is free. Same problem with the CD version, the individual track information is long gone, all you get is the mix...03:42
laegscreen -dR; gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Irssi or && instead of ; doesn't work - where am i going wrong and also, do i need to tell it to execute the second command inside screen rather than another term?03:42
BitEncryptand it still comes up when i run bilbo03:42
FloodBot1laeg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:42
i_is_brokeBitEncrypt, just as good.03:42
i_is_brokeBitEncrypt, maybe not, try removing it with synaptics then..just type in kdewallet.03:43
LizardK|ngae86-drifter: and someone who wants to use ubuntu right NOW and doesn't want to spend a day backing up and cussing at his computer03:43
faryshtaAnyone here use exaile?03:43
xzachtmxLosha: ubuntu 9.10 and gdm 2.20 downgraded from 2.28(if that is what you needed)03:43
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usserUntouchab1e, try service network-manager restart03:43
ae86-drifteri resized my vista partition on a new laptop and installed karmic in less than an hour yesterday03:43
LizardK|ngi could recommend portable-ubuntu, but i wont03:43
loshaxzachtmx: I just checked. I'm running 9.10 with gdm 2.28.1-0ubuntu1 and of course, I don'03:44
loshaxzachtmx: I just checked. I'm running 9.10 with gdm 2.28.1-0ubuntu1 and of course, I don't see the problem you report....03:44
laegscreen -dR; gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Irssi or && instead of ; doesn't work - where am i going wrong and also, do i need to tell it to execute the second command inside screen rather than another term?03:44
usserUntouchab1e, instead of ifconfig down/up03:44
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Untouchab1eusser: that might actually work :D03:44
Untouchab1elet me try03:44
xzachtmxI know it was working fine until now03:44
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BitEncryptnothin came up03:44
Untouchab1ebtw, how do I abort a shutdown? shutdown -a?03:44
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loshaxzachtmx: did you change something ? A reinstall is supposed to overwrite all the gdm files....03:45
laeg !ssh03:46
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)03:46
xzachtmxevery time I try to remove gdm-2.20 it asks me to configure it and no matter what I do it mercer finishes the removal03:46
BitEncryptwhen i run bilbo blogger kde still comes up03:46
ae86-drifteri have Webmin running fine on 9.04 server03:46
itailosha, really ? so if even in  a CD i would not be able to separate the a bass line from the rest of the music ? hwo do people do it then?03:46
xzachtmxno losha I was installing sdl libraries R the time03:46
laegunop: usser: screen -dR; gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Irssi or && instead of ; doesn't work - where am i going wrong and also, do i need to tell it to execute the second command inside screen rather than another term?03:48
loshaitai: well people don't. At the studio, these things are kept on separate tracks, but for the final cut, the tracks are all mixed together and all you get is the final mix....03:48
faryshtaCan you recommend me a music player with lastfm synchronization?03:48
blakkheimfaryshta: mpd + mpdscribble03:48
itailosha - thanks for the info, i guess i'm just too old.....03:48
loshaitai: dude, it's been this way since vinyl....03:49
j9xincahey anyone here got a min? im wondering about what linux to use. Ive been using ubuntu for a while03:49
arghh2d2rythmbox plays well with lastfm too03:49
LizardK|nglaeg: run screen, then start your application.  you won;t be starting screen that way very often, as you'll usually just be reconnecting to your existing screen03:49
faryshtablakkheim, what is it?03:49
blakkheimj9xinca: depends on your needs03:49
lazydragoonsomeone know why i got this error ./configure: line 3650: /usr/lib/tkConfig.sh: No such file or directory03:49
ae86-drifterj9xinca, use mandriva, its much better than ubuntu03:49
blakkheimfaryshta: mpd is a daemon for music playing, mpdscribble is an add-on to it that supports lastfm03:49
loshaxzachtmx: so you're saying you can neither remove it or upgrade it?03:49
coreymanHow do I set pam to lock out an IP after 3 failed attempts?03:49
xzachtmxagh I'm just going to fresh install the darn thing won't purge03:49
fbdystangHi all! How do I get ubuntu server to see my HP printer?03:49
itailosha, maybe just misinformed...03:49
nownotwhats the command line app that will let you view all the network traffic on a specific port?03:49
i_is_brokeBitEncrypt, try opening a terminal and typing in sudo aptitude purge kdewalletmanager03:49
coreymanor username03:50
dem0buntuwhen is new debian comming out?03:50
ae86-drifterfbdystang, install it03:50
LizardK|ngj9xinca: use slackware!03:50
arghh2d2ae86-drifter: does mandriva use a rolling release?03:50
xzachtmxhow would I move it losha? because it isn't removing03:50
ussercoreyman, you can use fail2ban03:50
loshaitai: I've tried a similar thing trying to emphasize voice again a background of music to improve comprehensibility. It really doesn't work nearly as well as you'd suppose...03:50
usser!info fail2ban03:50
ubottufail2ban (source: fail2ban): bans IPs that cause multiple authentication errors. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.3-6ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 90 kB, installed size 648 kB03:50
laegLizardK|ng: i will be starting it that way very often, whenever i boot my computer up so - that when when i'm not here i can ssh into the same irssi session03:50
j9xincais slackware use Gnome or KDE?03:50
ae86-drifterarghh2d2, mandriva DOES have constant update, however they still maintain a half yearly version release03:51
dem0buntubut there is a gslackware03:51
fbdystangae86-drifter: I am used to gnome, how do I install a printer(maybe driver) from the command line?03:51
usserdem0buntu, debian will be released when its ready03:51
coreymanusser do you have a link to documentation on that03:51
j9xincaim looking to get more into security penetration and more programming. I tried out Backtrack, i like the packages that came preinstalled but it has no community at least that shows, and isnt very supportive03:51
macocoreyman: debian releases when they run out of release critical bugs, and no sooner03:51
arghh2d2ae86-drifter: so what about pclinuxos?  is pclos to mandriva what ubuntu is to debian?03:51
ussercoreyman, this page looks good http://debianclusters.cs.uni.edu/index.php/Fail2Ban:_Preventing_Brute_Force_SSH03:52
loshaxzachtmx: well, depending on how adventurous you want to get, you could edit /var/lib/dpkg/status and remove the paragraph for gdm. Then dpkg will forget all about it, and you can reinstall. Make a copy of the file before you edit it...03:52
coreymanmaco i think that was directed to another person03:52
Thesharkj9xinca have you worked with linksys routers with that?03:52
Untouchab1eusser: this should work, right? http://pastebin.com/m20b0654d03:52
macocoreyman: i thought you were asking usser for clarification on that, sorry03:52
xzachtmxok losha03:52
usserUntouchab1e, yea should in theory03:52
ae86-drifterarghh2d2, no03:52
Untouchab1eok, will try03:52
arghh2d2j9xinca: nobodies gonna hold your hand through a how to hack course like ubuntu03:52
loshaitai: I used to repair vinyl recording for transfer to CD as a hobby...03:52
coreymanmaco np03:53
bradyI am about to loose my mind trying to launch an executable program in Ubuntu x64!!!03:53
blakkheimbrady: if it doesn't work in wine, either use a virtual machine or dual boot with windows.03:53
ae86-driftermandriva is based on MANDRAKE03:53
bradyI just want to download a 64 bit browser03:53
brady!! ahh03:53
arghh2d2not that ubuntu is teaching how to hack, but they definitely hold newbies hands03:53
macoae86-drifter: mandriva *IS* mandrake. renamed.03:53
blakkheimbrady: aptitude install firefox03:53
ae86-drifterwhich is based on RED HAT03:54
usserblakkheim, thats will give a 32 bit browser03:54
bradywhat does that mean "aptitude"03:54
bradyjust started linux yesterday03:54
arghh2d2ae86-drifter: ok, and pclos is based on mandriva, amiright?03:54
blakkheimusser: not if he's on 64bit ubuntu03:54
usserblakkheim, or wait nvm it wont03:54
HaskellLovewhy when i scrolled in ubuntu i lost everything opened? i have two workspaces and they both emptied?03:54
usserblakkheim, yea you're right03:54
baddogbrady: aptitude is a program used to get other programs03:54
fbdystangHow do I install an HP printer to a ubuntu server using the command line?03:54
blakkheimbrady: open terminal, type "sudo aptitude install firefox"03:54
blakkheimbrady: you will then have the 64bit version of firefox03:54
bradythank you, hold on on sec03:54
i_is_brokeHaskellLove, keep scrolling you just switched desktops.03:54
j9xincanot asking for anyone to hold my hand and not asking how to hack, hacking is not an overnight thing i perfectly understand that. Im looking install the best Linux to learn on for programming, securty penetration etc.  I want to become a security administrator or a white hat hacker. It interests me but im dont wanna do illegal things03:55
itailosha thank you for the info, i will look into the adobe software03:55
laegunop: usser: screen -dR; gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Irssi or && instead of ; doesn't work - where am i going wrong and also, do i need to tell it to execute the second command inside screen rather than another term?03:55
blakkheimj9xinca: if you want to learn the most, gentoo or linux from scratch03:55
LizardK|ngj9xinca: slackware03:55
usserfbdystang, you gotta install cups, and do a little configuration of cups since by default you can only access cups from localhost:631 in your browser, you gotta tell it to accept connections from other computers too03:55
ae86-drifterarghh2d2, i dont know much about PClos, i tend to stay away03:55
gueroanyone ever gotten ssl cert to reflect your host name?03:55
coreyman j9xinca you dont need linux for that though.03:55
usserlaeg, never used screen, but i think thats whats messing stuff up03:56
loshaitai: as you like, but as I say, I have always been fairly disappointed with the results of editing audio....03:56
HaskellLovei_is_broke man there is nothing it closed, i have two workspaces, nothing in both03:56
fbdystangusser: cups is installed, however I do not know how to config it since I don't get gnome on the server. How from command line?03:56
Newbie-Widgetanyone here have experience install ubuntu from multiple methods ??03:56
arghh2d2j9xinca: slackware is the purist unix like do it yourself distro.03:56
itailosha , in that case , i might just give up :-) .....03:56
j9xincabut i hate windows. lol ive always used ubuntu, and before i used to use Fedora. I just want to go into a new approach now, less point click interface, more typing03:56
macoarghh2d2: core linux03:56
Newbie-Widgeti need some assistance03:56
usserfbdystang, sudo nano /etc/cups/cupsd.conf03:56
macoarghh2d2: its more DIY than even LFS03:57
loshaitai: tell me again what you want to do. Maybe there's another solution...03:57
LizardK|nglaeg: i answered you; did you read it?03:57
laegusser: you mean that it's screen? i know what i'm asking is possible because i used to do it before reinstallation, i just don't know the command03:57
laegLizardK|ng: yes, didn't you read my reply?03:57
usserfbdystang, change listen localhost:631 to ip:63103:57
LizardK|nglaeg: i think you replied when my internet connection was down03:57
usserfbdystang, where ip is the ip of your laptop or any other computer on the network that has a web browser03:57
laegLizardK|ng: i will be starting it that way very often, whenever i boot my computer up so - that when when i'm not here i can ssh into the same irssi session03:57
usserfbdystang, once thats done sudo service cups restart03:57
j9xincaslackware and gentoo both popped up on the lists for linuxes that fit me, is it true slack takes days to config/install?03:57
arghh2d2maco: ok, yeah, i'm just talking out my ass but making suggestions03:58
laegLizardK|ng: also, so when i come home from work i can resume an irssi session i started on my home box remotely03:58
blakkheimj9xinca: no, slackware is very easy to install03:58
usserfbdystang, after that open a browser on another machine and point it to ip_of_your_server:63103:58
arghh2d2j9xinca: no thats gentoo03:58
Newbie-Widgeti'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows but have a few questions03:58
j9xincagui installer, or verbose mode?03:58
itailosha- specifically i want to take a sax track and leave just the rhythm and bass line03:58
LizardK|nglaeg: why not just leave your computer on all the time?03:58
LizardK|nglike most people do03:58
Untouchab1eusser: dont think it works :(03:58
itailosha,  i mean take the sax out, leave drums and bass03:58
fbdystangusser: ok, let me try these steps and get back, I appreciate the help :)03:58
usserUntouchab1e, ok one more thing i can think of, reinsert module for your wireless card03:59
loshaj9xinca: slackware and/or gentoo aren't good distros for a beginner. Ubuntu is good, Mint is even better. What are your requirements?03:59
usserUntouchab1e, ie for me it would be modprobe -r iwl3945 && modprobe iwl394503:59
usserUntouchab1e, but that depends on what kind of wifi card you have03:59
Untouchab1eok, il do a lspci and find out I guess?03:59
usserUntouchab1e, yep04:00
arghh2d2losha: he wants to be a "white hat hacker"04:00
Untouchab1eIntel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection (rev 05)04:00
bradyman, is it normal to have so many uninstalled packages?04:00
gueroI have a ubuntu server with apache2 + SSL anyone know how to get the ssl cert to reflect the host name04:00
loshaitai: do a search for audio plugins and see what's available. Windows has the best audio editing gear (just my opinion) but it costs nothing to experiment with audacity, so why not start there?04:00
hadeeesis there anyway to browse a repo like http://apt.boxee.tv to get the links to directly download files in it?04:01
usserUntouchab1e, its probably iwl something too, or ipw04:01
LizardK|nglaeg: there are probably commands you can add to .screenrc so it runs them automatically every time you start screen04:01
usserUntouchab1e, run lsmod | grep iwl04:01
Untouchab1eusser: nothing04:01
usserUntouchab1e, lsmod | grep ipw if previous doesnt return anything04:01
j9xincaI want to run a linux that doesnt have a package management system. I know that sounds hella dumb, but i enjoy compiling my programs via command line. Does slackware run like this? or does it use a packagin systeM?04:01
Untouchab1ethat second one returned a few things04:01
usserj9xinca, gentoo or freeBSD04:01
usserj9xinca, they both make compiling software easy04:02
arghh2d2j9xinca:  best bet would be to just run backtrack and figure those programs out one at a time.  a "white hat" community isnt going to be any easier to find than a black hat community04:02
LizardK|ngj9xinca: you could do that with ubuntu; no one is forcing you to use the package manager04:02
loshaj9xinca: everything you do in a ubuntu gui can be done on the command line. No need to change distros. but feel free to do so if you want....04:02
usserUntouchab1e, yep so modprobe -r ipw2200 and next line modprobe ipw220004:02
Newbie-WidgetI have a Laptop tope, 1) can't boot from USB, 2) can boot from CD but wont read data 3) dont have floppy. i was thinking if it were possible to copy the install files needed to Laptop hDD, then put hDD back into laptop and do installation that way04:02
arghh2d2j9xinca: slackware uses a package manager but has no dependency checking04:02
Newbie-Widgetjust a04:02
laegLizardK|ng: i don't want it run everytime, just the time that i use the command which is a launcher in my applications menu04:02
Newbie-Widgetignoe the "tope" part.. dunno wat that is =p04:02
LizardK|ngslackware's packages used to be tarballs.  are they still?04:03
redonkj9xinca: go with gentoo, thats your best bet for what i think your looking for04:03
usserNewbie-Widget, why not just install to that hdd on another computer and pop it back into lappy04:03
Untouchab1eusser: somehting like this? http://pastebin.com/d72118f7104:03
j9xincaabout half of the packages i get i try to command line install on ubuntu and it fails, idk if im just not using specific args or what. So im getting the vibe gentoo or slackware would be best for what im looking for04:03
LizardK|ngi used to compile everything in slackware on a 86.  X took days04:03
j9xincathanks you all04:03
LizardK|ngerr 48604:03
usserUntouchab1e, dont have to restart network-manager if you're going to be messing with modules04:03
Newbie-Widgetusser: I did that once, but some hardware didnt work. someone said when it was installed, it installed with the PC hardware and didnt install laptop hardware04:03
loshaj9xinca: you can fetch the source to almost any ubuntu application and compile and install it. Actually, you might want to read (and maybe execute) linux from scratch. Their docs are amazing..04:03
brady_what are some good tips for someone who just installed ubuntu x64?04:03
Newbie-Widgetespecially the Touchpad04:03
Untouchab1eusser: thought I would just be on the safe side >.<04:03
Untouchab1ebut if it should work without it, then I guess its not neccesary04:04
blakkheimbrady_: what kind of tips?04:04
usserNewbie-Widget, thats strange ubuntu doesnt do install-time hardware detection like windows, all hardware is detected on each startup04:04
LizardK|ngactually, i think i gave up trying to compile X and used binaries04:04
j9xincalinuxfromscratch, that distro is just a minimal package, where you get to code and pick your apps out then bundle right?04:04
brady_I want to unlock compatibility problems04:04
blakkheimbrady_: such as?04:04
Newbie-Widgetusser: hmm.. ic.. i might give it another shot then just incase i did something wronge during install04:05
brady_exe install04:05
redonkj9xinca: gentoo is basically linux from scratch go read up on gentoo04:05
Untouchab1eusser: testing it now.. thanks so much04:05
blakkheimbrady_: i have answered your question 2 times today, why do you keep asking?04:05
brady_bc it hasnt worked04:05
brady_why do you keep blowing me off04:05
j9xincaty i will04:05
blakkheimbrady_: if it does not work in wine, your ONLY options are a virtual machine or using windows natively.04:06
Untouchab1eusser: can a problem be that to test it, I do a sudo ifconfig eth1 down?04:06
usserNewbie-Widget, i mean i once did installation via dd since i didnt have any cds to burn, installed into virtualbox dd'ed the virtual machine harddrive to my samba server, booted with gparted cd on a real machine and dd'ed that image to real hardware04:06
usserUntouchab1e, no, it shouldnt04:06
loshaj9xinca: they basically compile and configure virtually the entire distro from scratch. It costs nothing (except time) to browse the docs and see if that's what you want...04:06
redonkbrady: if your having a problem with wine... see what error it toss's when running it from commandline04:06
brady_Linux is all about writing new solutions and inventing new ways, right?04:06
usserUntouchab1e, anything that runs from root's crontab has root permissions, no need for sudo04:06
fbdystangusser: OK I tried this and can get an "it works" message from ubuntu on servers IP, but when I add ":631" it can't establish the connection to server :(04:07
ae86-driftercould someone share with me some good programming repositories04:07
redonk$wine ~/.wine/c:\Program Files\ blah\blah.exe04:07
redonksee if you can correct the errors04:07
Untouchab1eusser: yeah I know, but when I put the eth1 down, I am logged in as a regular user04:07
GodfatherofEire1Is there any command line way to scale the CPU freq?04:07
Untouchab1eusser: baah, still doesnt work :S04:07
Untouchab1ethe script runs, as I see entries in the log file..04:07
LizardK|ngusser: you lost my with your dd/vm magic :D04:07
Newbie-Widgetusser:... no idea what you just said lol .. seems difficult for my mind :p .. might try the install again :)04:07
bastidrazorGodfatherofEire1: cpufreq-utils is the package you need, i think04:08
GodfatherofEire1bastidrazor, I know, but is there a cli tool in there?04:08
leaf-sheepI would like to add a group for a user to read/write a folder in my folder.  What is the correct way to do this?04:08
Churchugh. good thing i had my backup of preubuntu install. wasn't expecting /tmp cleanup on by default. :)04:08
fretsteranyone in here running pidgin 2.6.4 in karmic?04:08
brady_can one boot OS X 10.5.4 retail dvd using linux bootloader?04:08
GodfatherofEire1bastidrazor, never mind04:09
loshabrady_: that's just the PR glossy. Sometimes linux is about getting something/anything working at all. Windows apps are particularly problematic. Sorry, that's just how it is...04:09
fretsterif anyone is running it karmic, can u let me know what the ppa. list location is?04:09
usserfbdystang, oops sorry my bad04:09
fretsterneed to change mine :)04:09
don35could connect to windows shares with 8.04 but cannot with 9.10, is there a known fix for this ?04:09
usserfbdystang, right change that listen line back to localhost:63104:09
GodfatherofEire1Also, how can i get rhythmbox to stop booting up in quiet mode?04:10
LizardK|ngusser: you dd'ed a vm's hardisk, then wrote it out to a real hard disk?04:10
git__VM rules the world04:10
brady_I am learning that lesson.  I am going to grad school in Jan so I am thirsty for cpu knowledge, dude04:10
usserfbdystang, now find <Location />Order allow,deny</Location> Allow From ip after Order allow,deny and before </Location>04:10
LizardK|ngwouldn't you end up with drivers for the virtual hardware, not the real hardware?04:10
usserLizardK|ng, yep04:10
fretsteranyone have pdigin 2.6.4 running?04:11
RussianHere there are bad girls? I want Fuck pussy American girl sex04:11
LizardK|ngfretster: i got 2.5.5 here04:11
usserLizardK|ng, no drivers are installed during installation, all hardware is probed on OS startup and neccessary modules are loaded04:11
elkyRussian, that's not appropriate here.04:11
laegunop: usser: screen -dR; gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Irssi or && instead of ; doesn't work - where am i going wrong and also, do i need to tell it to execute the second command inside screen rather than another term?04:11
xzachtmxthanks for your help losha I got the right version of gdm again! now I am back at my original problem where I have just a loading cursor and black screen after the splash screen ;(04:11
LizardK|nglaeg, man screen04:11
fretsteranyone have pdigin 2.6.4 running?04:11
usserfbdystang, you here?04:11
fretsterLizardK|ng: u got it on karmic?04:11
quantumEdUbuntu: Here there are bad girls04:11
laegLizardK|ng: it's not in the man, i've read it04:11
quantumEdthis is a new slogan04:12
LizardK|ngfretster: no, jaunty04:12
tritiumquantumEd: enough04:12
fbdystangusser: yea I am just changing it04:12
fretsterLizardK|ng:  oh ok thanks04:12
usserfbdystang, pastebin your cupsd.conf after you done just to make sure04:12
fbdystangOK :)04:12
usserfbdystang, cause i dont even trust myself anymore04:12
=== nick_ is now known as lazydragoon
LizardK|nglaeg: no you didn't.  -d -r will reattach your screen, which is presumably already running your application04:13
loshaxzachtmx: can you do ctrl-alt-f2 and get to a login prompt?04:13
GodfatherofEire1How can i get rhythmbox to stop booting up in quiet mode (where it starts but only has the systray icon as opposed to the window)?04:13
lazydragoonsmeone know how to install farsight2 ?04:13
loshausser: you sound like an experienced user to me...04:14
usserlosha, well thats not what they thought at my last job interview :(04:14
loshausser: I got phone screened twice by google, then turned down....04:14
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
LizardK|nglaeg: screen -c file (where file contains your commands to run)04:15
usserlosha, yea they do that, trying to sell you on the job then turn you down. but thats offtopic04:15
brady_is there a camfrog ver for linux?04:15
webbb82when i enter expo with the hot corner to show the 4 desktops i have how do i make it two rows insted of one with 4 going across04:15
usserbrady_, what is camfrog?04:15
brady_only the coolest chat platform ever concieved04:15
fretsterwebbb82 right click, select properties change to however u want04:15
usserbrady_, you kids...04:16
brady_actually im 2704:16
loshabrady_: google says there is.  Left as an exercise for the reader....04:16
usserpardon me04:16
brady_but yeah I am04:16
laegLizardK|ng: excuse me? are you telling me i don't know what -dR does? i have explained this to you twice now - it's to detach it if necessary and then re-attach - irssi may or may not be running in an invisible screen, the concept is not all that complicated.04:16
fretsterright click on the multi desktop enviro tab in systray04:16
webbb82i did but i cant find the part where i can choose two rows insted of one  kinda like it looks in gnome-shell04:16
lazydragoonno one can help me04:17
brady_can one format a hfs+ partition in linux?04:17
fretsterone is rows and the other is columns, should be able to select 204:17
fretsteryes brady04:17
brady_por que?04:18
fbdystangusser: I can find that location / part of cups, but I don't know what to type in. please help04:18
loshabrady_: do you mean 'como'?04:18
brady_my bad04:19
webbb82whats a mipmap04:19
loshabrady_: stick to your native language. Speaking the wrong spanish isn't helping. If you're bored, go to #ubuntu-offtopic04:19
usserfbdystang, after   Order allow,deny add this line Allow From ip04:19
usserfbdystang, where ip is ip of a computer on the same network with a web browser04:19
loshawebbb82: top entry in google, you lazy thing...04:19
webbb82lol i fouind that but i still cant find out who to get two colums on 2 rows in expo04:20
=== paulofreitas is now known as PauloRicardo
meedoHello. I have just installed ubuntu on my HP laptop, and was wondering why web pages take so long to load? there is no connection error, and it was not doing that when I had older ubuntu (9.04), but now it's doing that with 9.10. I tried to go through and update all the drivers but it is still doing the same thing, pages just take forever to load for no reason04:20
LizardK|nglaeg: i am telling you how your application will get executed within the screen you create as opposed to in a new terminal.  if it's not what you want to do, you need to redefine what you want do to04:20
loshawebbb82: sorry, I can't help, I don't use expo...04:21
loshabrady_: the best partitioner is gparted....04:21
cheekohola como estas04:21
losha!es | cheeko04:21
ubottucheeko: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:21
webbb82has anyone seen the expo in gnome-shell 3.0 prevoew04:22
fbdystangusser: OK I changed it, however inputting :631 at end still doesn't work in browser. I can't pastebin it because the server doesn't have gnome and I am on different computer :(04:23
laegLizardK|ng: i want it created in the screen, not a new terminal.04:23
git__how long does a USB flash drive last?04:23
usserfbdystang, did you change your Listen line back to Listen localhost:631 ?04:23
usserfbdystang, did you restart cups after all the changes that we made?04:24
git__i want to know when to replace my 512MB drive04:24
usserfbdystang, you can pastebin from command line using pastebinit program04:24
usser!info pastebinit | fbdystang04:24
ubottufbdystang: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-1 (karmic), package size 22 kB, installed size 344 kB04:24
loshagit__: aren't they usually rated in terms of the number of writes? Try looking up the model number in google?04:24
meedohello did anyone get what i wrote earlier/04:24
git__after the writes are done, it becomes read-only04:25
git__i'm not worry about it being read-only04:25
git__i worry more about the device not working04:25
fbdystangusser: no let me restart and read that pastebin doc04:25
i_is_brokemeedo, what browser are you using?04:25
loshagit__: dunno, try ##hardware ?04:25
usserfbdystang, sudo service cups restart04:25
git__i've had my 512MB USB drive for about 6 years04:25
tvaughndo i need to install something to play dvds?04:25
arghh2d2meedo: sometimes the lag is caused by your isp04:26
losha!medibuntu | tvaughn04:26
ubottutvaughn: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:26
loshatvaughn: I think you want the medibuntu stuff installed, then use vlc04:26
arghh2d2medibuntu cant be included in ubuntu for idealistic reasons i thought, not legal reasons04:27
git__"While everything has a measured MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures), a flash drive, if not destroyed has an MTBF of about 100,000 years. An HD has an MTBF of about 50,000 Hours. So the flash drive will last longer than the HD."04:27
meedoi understand but in this case it is not because I have tried to use the same connection on my same pc but booting into windows and it works just fine04:27
fbdystangusser: so I assume sudo apt-get install pastebinit?04:27
LizardK|nglaelaeg, and i am telling you how to create it in the screen, not ion a terminal04:28
usserfbdystang, yep04:28
meedoalso tried a different computer and that works fine too04:28
LizardK|ngwhoops, just one "laeg"04:28
loshaarghh2d2: I think it depends on which jurisdiction they end up in. In some places, it's litigable (is that a word?)04:28
arghh2d2word or not i get the jist of what your saying, i think04:29
loshahey, it *is* a word04:29
mazda01smbtree fails and nautilus fails to retrieve share list. i have enabled sharing on win 7 for the public folders as well as the Users/Daniel/MyVideos folder but nothing on ubuntu side04:29
_nick_litigable wtf lol04:29
mazda01nevermind, figured out that I need to add hosts before wins and dns in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file04:29
i_is_brokemeedo, as i asked what browser are you using?04:30
mazda01i looked for the /etc/modprobe.d/oss-compat.conf but it's a broken symlink. it's looking the target link is "/lib/oss-compat/linux"04:30
mazda01keep getting failed to create initrd image because there's no file located at /etc/modprobe.d/oss-compat.conf file04:30
arghh2d2losha: so they keep it pure so they can legaly distribute in any country?04:30
kb3ien-2anyone else unable to use googledocs with firefox on karmic.04:30
Roastedhey guys - if I install ubuntu to my flash drive by going through the regular installer and just pointing my flash drive to be root, could I essentially install a working version of ubuntu on my flash drive and use it in any computer that suppotrs usb boot?04:30
loshaarghh2d2: more to the point, if they keep it pure, they can distribute it from a country where a patent holder might sue them over the technology....04:31
fbdystangusser: ok i am not finding any docs on pastebinit. How do I use it?04:31
arghh2d2losha: i gotcha04:31
airtonixfbdystang, command | pastebinit04:31
usserfbdystang, cat /etc/cups/cupsd.conf | pastebinit04:31
airtonixfbdystang, also can use this in irc : /exec -o echo "lol" | pastebinit04:32
loshaarghh2d2: e.g. mp3 is patented and you're supposed to pay a license fee to distribute it, except that some countries don't recognise UK patents. What are you donna do, sue China?04:32
lzrdkingroasted, quite possibly, try it :)04:32
loshaoops: Uk -> USA04:32
scuniziRoasted: sortof.. there is a usb creation utility.. not sure if it shows up only after install or will also show on a live cd.. if it shows on the live cd.. then use that.. it should be in the menu someplace.. that's the easiest way.. otherwise I believe you have ot use unetbootin or similar04:32
SidewinderXhey all04:32
airtonixfbdystang, so thats : /exec -o command | pastebinit04:33
SidewinderXis anyone else having trouble accessing packages.ubuntu.com?04:33
lazydragoonsmeone know how to install farsight2 ? ???04:33
SidewinderXit's timing out for me04:33
_nick_Roasted: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick04:33
lzrdkingscunizi: i found the usb creation utility to be a bit buggy, it booted until i changed a setting that was written to the drive and then it refused to boot04:33
Roastedscunizi - well currently Im trying this with kubuntu (sorry, kde fan here) and I have the usb flash drive and kubuntu karmic CD in my spare rig. I unhooked the hard drive and just have the flash drive plugged in. I just wasnt sure if it would be easiy bootable on other machines04:33
preymondSidewinderX: for me too, it's been a few days now04:33
lzrdkingRoasted: i say try it and let us know if it worked04:34
tvaughnhow can i get the default keyring to not prompt me to enter password before it connects to wifi04:34
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loshaSidewinderX: I can't reach it either....04:34
laeglzrdking: i want it as a command a launcher in my applications menu can launch, listen i'll get help on the forums or in here tomorrow, thanks anyway.04:34
scuniziRoasted: funny you should mention kubuntu.. my usb stick was created by a running vm of the latest kubuntu :)04:34
Roastedlzrdking - installing now. I just wanted to get a leg up and ask here while I was experimenting to see if any others had good/bad stories about it :P04:34
SidewinderXwell, anyone have any other idea where I can try and ge tthe libstdc++ libraries?04:34
fbdystangusser: OK, http://pastebin.com/f3dd77db804:34
LizardK|nglaeg: i told you how to do it.  educate yourself a little04:34
loshaSidewinderX: check google for mirrors?04:34
Roastedscunizi - lol, yeah. I <3 gnome, but gnome 3.0 is looking pretty bad. Checked out KDE and blam - I'm hooked. But I cant seem to get in the Kubuntu IRC channel so I figured Id ask here since its still *buntu04:34
usserfbdystang, yea that looks right04:35
Sagacihow do I get ubuntu to auto mount my ntfs drive without asking for passwd04:35
webbb82for the life of me i cant get my expo to show as 4 desktops 2 on top and 2 on bottom insted of just one row 4 across04:35
not_guestI've been trying to install ubuntu netbook remix from my usb stick. it boots, but as soon as I choose run, I get the logo for a little bit, then the screen goes blank. Is there a way around this?04:35
meedoi just did some research and it said to disable ipv6 in firefox, is that bad?04:35
scuniziRoasted: that was a safe bet.. I'll try to get into that channel now..04:35
usserfbdystang, restart cups with sudo service cups restart04:35
SidewinderXlosha:I'm a ubuntu noob, just google for ubuntu package mirrors?04:35
scuniziRoasted: no problem with #kubuntu.. 238 nick logged in..04:36
fbdystangusser: done04:36
Roastedscunizi - hmm, wonder whats going on there then. I hit connect and I dont get any errors - but it just doesnt do anything04:36
scuniziRoasted: what client?04:36
usserfbdystang, try opening the page04:36
bastidrazor!ntfs | Sagaci04:37
ubottuSagaci: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE04:37
mazda01keep getting failed to create initrd image because there's no file located at /etc/modprobe.d/oss-compat.conf file04:37
mazda01i looked for the /etc/modprobe.d/oss-compat.conf but it's a broken symlink. it's looking the target link is "/lib/oss-compat/linux"04:37
scuniziRoasted: highlight the nickserv channel and type /j #kubuntu .. that should do it04:37
loshaSidewinderX: I think so. I've never tried it myself...04:37
macoscunizi:  doesnt mtter what channel you're in when you type it04:37
fbdystangusser: OK, it doesn't work
Roastedscunizi - Im hitting "join" at the top and typing #kubuntu and nadda happens04:37
scunizimaco: you're right..04:38
loshaSidewinderX: check out https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors. Then you'll have to tell synaptic to use a mirror instead...04:38
SidewinderXlosha: it seems like the mirrors are just http folders, no search function... no idea how to find my package without search04:38
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scuniziRoasted: don't hit join.. where you're typing to me now..just try .. /j #kubuntu04:38
Roastedscunizi - nothing happens when I type that04:38
meedois anyone getting what i'm typing?04:39
johnson_bwhat you all think of fluxbox or any of you  use it04:39
scuniziRoasted: weird.. of course.. I'm in irssi. it's one of my favorits.. but quassel has worked fine for me..04:39
loshaSidewinderX: I thought you can configure a mirror in synaptic, then hit the reload button, then search as usual...04:39
_nick_irssi FTW!04:39
trece8Hi, my windows partition has the " NTLDR is missing "  error, I typed fixboot and then I can't even boot on ubuntu. How do I solve the NTLDR problem using the ubuntu live cd?04:39
SidewinderXlosha: ah, ok, I'll give it a shot. synaptic doesn't seem to want to start for me atm :/04:40
laegLizardK|ng: you should try understanding people's questions before you refer them away from the channel or try to fob them off saying their needs are unnessary before giving an answer which is not even what they asked in the first place.04:40
fbdystangusser: usser U there?04:40
Roastedscunizi - gonna try xchat quick04:40
loshameedo: yes, loud and clear. I don't know the answer to your problem though...04:40
scuniziRoasted: k04:40
Roastedscunizi - it appears as though I'm banned. :(04:40
mizery`echo hi|festival --tts` returns Linux: can't open /dev/dsp and `lsof|grep dsp` indicates pulseaudio is using it.  Is there a way to use festival and send it to pulseaudio instead of /dev/dsp?04:40
scuniziRoasted: wonder why?04:40
loshaSidewinderX: I wonder if it's hung trying to access the down servers?04:41
meedook what will happen if i disable ipv6 on firefox?04:41
SidewinderXlosha: ya, idk04:41
scuniziRoasted: you been a bad boy over there?04:41
Roastedscunizi - oh, you know how it goes. anal *buntu mods, me with a mouth and the inability to step down when people are jerks, etc04:41
Roastedscunizi - no I know what its about04:41
SidewinderXlosha: lettme just reboot my ubuntu... benefits of running it on a VM04:41
Roastedscunizi - I got banned like 2 weeks ago. I was talking to someone about kubuntu, but because it wans't about "support for kubuntu" and it was just about "kubuntu" I was told to go to an off topic channel04:41
scuniziRoasted: think you can do a mea culpa, bow and promise to be good?04:41
Roastedscunizi - one thing lead to another and I got zapped04:42
Roastedscunizi - I am good, I just dont like it when mods abuse power. And I let them know that.04:42
tvaughni ran the commands specified on the mediabuntu page and the dvd still wont play04:42
scuniziRoasted: you can always talk to them in #ubuntu-ops04:42
Roastedscunizi - tried that.04:42
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quietoneHow do I find out the capabilities of my cd drive, size disk it can burn, what types etc?04:42
Roastedscunizi - at the end of the day, theres just some people in charge who dont need to be. Some people just loooove that ban hammer.04:43
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scuniziRoasted: not sure how long a ban lasts.. but there should be a minimum time period or at least an appeals process.04:43
IdleOneRoasted: you will probably be warned in here also about offtopic04:43
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Roastedidleone - wouldnt be anything new.04:44
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Roastedscunizi - yeah, I dont know. Its been like 2 weeks. *shrug*04:44
FedNewbieevening all, what is the command line to configure my nvidia card04:44
scuniziIdleOne: should this be an offtopic channel conversation?04:44
achandrahey guys trying to help out a friend here...on 9.10 we installed the prop. drivers for ati -- hd 4850..and both times renedered X broken. Whats the work around if there is one to get proper acceleration on these cards?04:44
IdleOnescunizi: yes04:44
Roastedscunizi - Kinda bummed to see quassel doesnt say Im banned, but xchat does04:44
Roastedidleone - are you a mod too?04:44
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scuniziIdleOne: k..... Roasted move to #ubuntu-offtopic04:44
IdleOneRoasted: I'm not04:44
Roastedscunizi - see thats what pisses me off04:45
Roastedscunizi - is when people who arent mods tell me I need to go to another channel04:45
bastidrazorquietone: in a terminal type: sudo lshw -c disk04:45
SidewinderXlosha: just rebooted, now nothing will start when I try (like synaptic)04:45
SidewinderXany ideas?04:45
achandraanybody got the info with regards to getting hardware acceleration on the radeon hd 4850?04:46
Roastedscunizi - but hey, kindergarten ruleset here. Guess I'll be quiet and behave.04:46
IdleOneRoasted: I have been in this channel long enough to know what is on/off topic and how the ops will act when pushed.04:46
scuniziRoasted: there is a CoC.. the channels are moderated to maintain them. #ubuntu-offtopic is for the "rest of the stuff".. mod or not it's driven by the CoC04:46
loshaSidewinderX: I just discovered http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com04:46
scuniziRoasted: bbl04:46
Roastedidleone - I've also been in this channel long enough to know that even when I'm on topic I can still be on topic04:46
scott_ino2achandra, try here http://www.x.org/wiki/radeon or try the radeonhd irc04:46
Roastedidleone - got a question about samba? ask in samba. Question about wireless? ask in networking. All things Ive heard from ops, yet I'm still using *buntu as my OS - hence why I ask here.04:47
bastidrazorlosha: interstingly useful site04:47
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Roastedidleone - all things I've heard from ops. *sigh*04:47
loshabastidrazor: so obvious when you think of it, brilliant...04:47
webbb82ok i need some help i was running ubuntu forever but switched to opensuse to see what its like, but when i went to install ubuntu again when i load it to usb then re boot  i cant see my hdd form the boot menu04:47
SidewinderXlosha: seems it's down for everyone04:47
Roastedlizardking - you still here?04:47
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achandrascott_ino2, either one of those is not necessarily ubuntu specific though..and likely NOT going to help04:47
webbb82before i just hit f12 and picked boot from usb but now it cant pick boot from usb04:48
workstationwow, can someone help me with deleting a file!? I am root, and cant chown or chmod the file whatsoever, do Not have permission to do anything? What is going on?04:48
DacvakI really need some help installing Ubuntu on my netbook. I've been trying for the past 12 hours with no avail and no one here has been able (willing) to help me out. Can I get someone here who could offer some advice?04:48
IdleOneRoasted: support related questions are on topic here. Sometimes there are certain question which just can't be answered so people get referred to more specific channels04:48
loshaSidewinderX: so is it just synaptic that won't start for you? You said "nothing" will start...04:48
SidewinderXlosha: not even the file browser04:48
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SidewinderXlosha: rebooted again04:48
scott_ino2achandra, well the instructions for enabling should work with a few minor tweaks, I'd try the radeon irc, they've been pretty helpful with me in the past04:48
loshaworkstation: what does ls -l <file> say (that's lower case L)04:48
Roastedidleone - simple point being. I had a question about samba on ubuntu. Ever go to samba? Nobody was in there. Yet I was told to go there. Yet samba is on ubuntu. And I'm in ubuntu. Yet my question was off topic. lol?04:49
quietonebastidrazor: thanks. I couldn't remember the cmd. But is doesn't show the size of disk it reads or burns. anything I can do to find that out?04:49
workstationlosha, -r--r--r-- 1 root root 12800 2009-12-13 14:07 extlinux.sys04:49
scott_ino2Roasted, sounds like they're out to get you ;) I've never had that problem even with when off-topic04:49
loshaworkstation: and also, ls -ld .04:49
fbdystangAnyone know how to get a ubuntu print server to install an HP printer?04:49
FedNewbieevening all, what is the command to configure my nvidia card04:49
bastidrazorquietone: uh, dvd's are 4.3GB and dual layer would be 9GB.. CD's are 800MB.. what else is there?04:49
loshaworkstation: and also, ls -ld .  <---- note trailing dot04:50
workstationlosha, exact same thing04:50
blakkheimCD = 700mb04:50
Roastedscott_ino2 - my problem is I dont shut up when someone tells me something ridiculous like that. Couple that with ban-happy mods and I get axed. No other problems in other channels, just in the *buntus04:50
loshaworkstation: the containing directory has to be wx by root I think04:50
preymondSeeing that packages.ubuntu.com is down anyone knows if the vlc version on 9.10 is 1.0 yet?04:50
workstationlosha, drwxr-xr-x 3 root root  4096 2009-12-13 20:40 .     -r--r--r-- 1 root root 12800 2009-12-13 14:07 extlinux.sys04:50
SidewinderXlosha: terminal will start, but that seems to be it, nothing pops up when I try and open the file broser (i.e., "Places -> Home")04:50
workstationah i see04:50
IdleOneRoasted: in any case discussing a ban in this channel is not on topic. #ubuntu-ops is the proper place to bring it up04:50
bastidrazorlosha: ironically, that site claims my webserver is down when it cleary isn't.04:50
preymondwould make me upgrade if it was.04:50
scott_ino2Roasted, comes with the territory, the rooms are too large to let things go I suppose,04:51
loshabastidrazor: I assume it makes a simple http request. Do you see a query in your site log?04:51
DacvakCould someone please help me out? I have an EEE PC and I'm desperately trying to install Ubuntu on it. It's simply not working, though. I've tried almost everything, and I thought I got it this most recent installation, but it gives me an error when it boots from hard drive.04:51
loshaworkstation: did that do it?04:51
Roastedscott_ino2 - considering there wasnt any traffic in the kubuntu chat when I got banned at the time, except me + 1 other guy, that excuse is not valid for them to use.04:51
scott_ino2Roasted, i feel for you man, nothing you can do for right now though04:51
FedNewbieis there network activity if in level 3?04:52
Roastedscott_ino2 - I hear that bro. I just hope the ban wears off sometime soon. I'd actually like to be back into that channel now that Im diving into KDE land more and more.04:52
workstationlosha, well I  chmod -wx to the directory it is contained in, but did not help to delete the file within04:52
quietonebastidrazor: Hmmm But can my drive burn a dual layer? Do I buy one and try it? As inexpensive as they are I can't spend any money now.04:52
workstationlosha, I believe it was   wx before, now all the permission are completely different04:52
IdleOneRoasted: I suggest you drop the offtopic in here if you wish to get that ban removed.04:52
loshaRoasted: you can't really win against the ops. You can go to #ubuntu-ops and ask very nicely to have the ban lifted...04:53
bastidrazorquietone: google your model for its specs.04:53
Roastedlosha - I know that one all too well04:53
scott_ino2quietone, take the drive out if need be :)04:53
Roastedidleone - whatever04:53
scott_ino2and look at it04:53
IdleOneRoasted: you have a poor attitude. I see why you got banned.04:53
DacvakMan, isn't anyone here able to help me out?04:53
loshaworkstation: that's weird. Is there something you haven't told me about this filesystem?04:53
quietonebastidrazor;; of course - I do need more sleep....04:53
webbb82i need some help  before when i install linunx to usb and restart i could pick boot from usb but after installing  boot from usb isnt in the boot menu anymore04:53
DacvakI'm having serious problems installing Ubuntu and I want to use it so badly.04:53
Roastedidleone - I just have a poor attitude with people who make mountains out of molehills. You're beginning to do the same.04:54
git__how come SSD drives have a lot of fluctuation in price?04:54
SidewinderXlosha: suddenly my ubuntu seems broken. Firefox will start but not get an internet connection, the file broswer won't start, my desktop is suddenly empty  (even tho navigating to the desktop folder via terminal still shows my files)04:54
FedNewbieevening all, what is the command to configure my nvidia card04:54
IdleOneRoasted: twice already I have given you friendly advice about dropping the offtopic discussion and you brought it up with two other people.04:54
scott_ino2git__, because there are two types, in addition to size04:54
RoastedHas anybody successfully installed an ACTUAL install of *buntu on a flash drive? Not just a LiveCD bootable image but an actual functional install?04:54
Roastedidleone - drop it already dude, I stopped caring long ago04:55
workstationlosha, well.... its a mounted partition on a USB Drive that is formated to fat32. I used Unetbootin to install a MintLinux distro to it. But now I want to delete all the contents of the partition, which I have, except this file.04:55
bastidrazorlosha: i do not see any thing in the logs. just me double checking to see if it had gone down.04:55
workstationRoasted, try Unetbootin04:55
Roastedworkstation - is that in the repos?04:55
loshaSidewinderX: very odd. Sounds like a filesystem problem. What version is it?04:55
workstationRoasted, yes it is04:56
SidewinderXlosha: 9.1004:56
loshabastidrazor: sounds like a bug on their part, actually....04:56
Roasteddumb question but are kubuntu and ubuntu repos the same?04:56
IdleOneRoasted: yes04:56
preymondDacvak: I couldn't help you, but I think you might get some attention if you get more sepcific with your errors.04:56
mazda01simple as installing the oss-compat package. how'd that get removed I wonder.04:56
sebsebsebRoasted: yes04:56
loshaSidewinderX: anything unusual about it? wubi, ext4, weird hardware?04:56
not_guestis there a verbose mode for the the installation media?04:56
SidewinderXlosha: well, it's a virtual machine on VirtualBox04:56
Roastedworkstation - now wait I got a little confused for a second. Does unetbootin handle putting a LIVE-CD type image on a flash drive or does it do a live workable install?04:57
loshaSidewinderX: sounds like you get to do a reinstall....04:57
LizardK|ngRoasted: did your usb install work?04:57
bastidrazorlosha: i have a non-standard port of 9999 instead of 80.. it does say the redirect i use is up but not when i type my actual domain:999904:57
SidewinderXlosha: bah, don't even joke about that04:57
SidewinderXoh well04:57
SidewinderXI think I'm going to be04:57
felixncould someone help me remove a package?  I'm getting this error: http://pastebin.com/d241f7d4804:58
SidewinderXI'll see what it does tomorrow04:58
workstationRoasted, it installs the linux distro to the USB flash drive.04:58
loshaSidewinderX: Uh, I wasn't joking. Your system sounds seriously dented, for no apparent reason....04:58
felixnI kind of just let it alone, but now I can't install a new package without first removing that04:58
Roastedlizardking - no, it backfired. I got an error, something about when copying files... the error suggested I had a problem with the integrity of the content on the CD - so I checked it for defects - no errors. Other users here are recommending I try out "UNetBootin" from the repos - working on that righ tnow.04:58
bastidrazorfelixn: did you manually remove the file before trying to get apt-get to remove it?04:58
loshafelixn: so is /boot/System.map-2.6.27-14-generic there or not?04:59
felixnno there isn't04:59
workstationlosha, any other suggestions?04:59
felixnis there a way to manually remove a package?05:00
quietonebastidrazor: thanks for the obvious. That confirms my experience. Discs ok for drive, works in Vista. Ubuntu apps are unreliable for me.05:00
loshaworkstation: since you're wiping the partition anyway, why not just reformat it....?05:00
sosborn_I'm installing 9.04 on a PPC mac and I'm running into an issue, maybe someone can help.05:00
sosborn_After I install the user account/password always fails05:00
workstationlosha, yea I gess I can do that05:00
loshafelixn: what about other 2.6.27-14-generic files in /boot. Are there any?05:00
sosborn_and if I boot the live CD the 'automatic login' fails  so I can't login05:01
bastidrazorquietone: best of luck, not everyone has a favorable experience.05:01
LizardK|ngi'm gonna work on not running ubuntu under wubi, see if it improves performance significantly.  is there a site that details how to do the transfer?05:01
felixnjust the latest, System.map-2.6.31-16-generic, I was trying to clean up all the old kernels by using autoremove and it blew up05:01
bastidrazorquietone: possibly try k3b if you're trying to burn things.. k3b will install a fair amount of packages since it pulls in some kde-base dependencies but in my opinion it is well worth the extra baggage.05:02
loshafelixn: ok, you can edit /var/lib/dpkg/status and remove the paragraph talking about 2.6.27-14-generic. Make a copy of the file *first*. THat should make dpkg forget all about it....05:02
LizardK|ngfelixn: try doing "sudo touch /boot/System.map-2.6.27-14-generic"05:03
LizardK|ngthen remocing the package again05:03
LizardK|ngok, too many typos, i'm going to sleep05:04
loshaLizardK|ng: ingenious, but I bet it will simply choke on another of the files from that package which will also be missing...05:04
LizardK|nglosha, touch them all then :)05:04
felixnLizardK|ng, woo that worked, thanks05:04
LizardK|nglosha: i guess not :P05:05
loshafelixn: heh, waddaya know?05:05
leaf-sheepAnybody here using default Ubuntu install, could you please tell me what's the command for "Users/Groups" located in Admin?05:05
scunizileaf-sheep: the command? what do you mean05:06
LizardK|ngthis is why i'm looking for help desk positions05:06
bastidrazorusers-admin  leaf-sheep05:06
leaf-sheepscunizi: gedit for GTK Text Edit.05:06
felixndang now that I can update there's already a new kernel05:06
leaf-sheepbastidrazor: Thanks. That was it. (embedded in gnome-system-tools) :)05:07
scunizileaf-sheep: if you know the file then you most likely need root access.. use gksudo gedit <file>05:07
bastidrazorleaf-sheep: :)05:07
scuniziI missunderstood the question.. sorry leaf-sheep05:07
dylan__im having trouble with my wired connection05:07
leaf-sheepscunizi: It is okay. We all do that. I'm glad you showed some characters of helping people. :) me05:07
loshaworkstation: did that work?05:08
dylan__it's saying i have ip address and everything, but i have no internet05:08
dylan__and i have no idea how it's letting me talk on this?05:08
workstationlosha, yes, Thank you for the help05:08
_nick_dylan restart =] lol05:08
loshadylan__: if you're chatting on irc from that machine you definitely have internet access. Why do you say you 'have no internet'?05:09
_nick_dylan__: you have wrong proxy settings in browser?05:09
Samual-UbuntuHey i'm using 3 monitors with Xinerama without twinview, is there a way to set the primary display to be my center monitor? At the moment it's the leftmost, and I don't like that.05:10
losha_nick_: it's going to be something like that, isn't it?05:10
Samual-UbuntuAnd it seems that it is always my leftmost monitor, no matter what.05:10
_nick_losha: idk im not the smartest05:10
losha_nick_: I dunno, the  proxy setting things is a smart diagnosis...05:11
Samual-UbuntuNo takers?... :X05:11
zcat[1]dylan__:  offline mode? or restart the browser05:11
quietonebastidrazor: I tried k3b but it also didn't do the trick. it was no better than brasio/gnomebaker/xfburn05:11
loshaquietone: what's the model number of the drive?05:11
_nick_dylan__: edit about:config and check about network.dns.disableipv6 is set to :)05:12
bastidrazorquietone: what are you trying to do?05:12
leaf-sheepTo those who use (reverse-i-search) in terminal, is there a keyboard button that will display the next used command?05:12
quietone losha: TSST Corp:  DVD+-RW TS-L632H05:12
quietonebastidrazor: Burn video for dvd player. i have .iso and .vob sets. I have tried so many ways it is all confusing now. And now all my available +RW aren't recognized by ubuntu05:14
loshaquietone: http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/storage/P141314/en/spec.htm   It *is* a dual layer device.05:14
brady_im in osx chat witeshark05:14
loshaquietone: I would start by shutting down, letting it cool for a few minutes, then rebooting....05:16
quietoneLosha, thanks for confirming that. So, I assume it is safe to say the sw understands that.05:16
loshaquietone: dual layer can be tricky actually, because of the layer break. Are you trying to burn dual layers? For regular dvd players, single layer dvd-r is best05:17
quietoneLosha, really? I am surprised that heat could be such a problem05:17
quietoneLosha, no haven't tried dual layer. But will when I can get some disks05:17
loshaquietone: it probably isn't, but power-cycling cures more things than penicillin...05:17
scuniziis there a way to track the battery level on a laptop via cli?05:19
quietoneLosha, considering I have been having this problem for over 3-4 months I am sceptical. Plus it is only spring so I am sure I have tried it when my machine is cold.05:20
loshaquietone: just power cycle the thing and we can start debugging...05:21
quietoneLosha: Still I will pay attention to temp and try again on a fresh boot.05:21
tulurI am a noob and i confused that which distro should i install , ubuntu 9.10 or fedora12 please help me05:21
macotulur: not exactly an unbiased channel ;)05:22
quietoneLosha, be back in a bit05:22
tulurbut i am asking for suggestion05:22
macotulur: i think ubuntu's installer is a bit simpler...only 7 questions05:22
loshatulur: I think ubuntu 9.10 is better for a beginner. Mint is also a good beginner distro. what hardware do you have?05:22
Samual-UbuntuAnyone know how to force a display to be primary in some way while using Xinerama?05:23
tulurAMD sempron 3200, 2.5 gb ddr2 ram05:23
Samual-UbuntuI'm not using Twinview, so that doesn't work :)05:23
loshaSamual-Ubuntu: can't you just move the left monitor to the middle?05:23
Samual-UbuntuNo, then the movement order is incorrect and moving my mouse across would be incorrect05:24
Samual-UbuntuTo compensate, I would have to change the screen order05:24
Samual-UbuntuWhich in turn, makes the left monitor primary anyway05:24
Samual-UbuntuXinerama is a bitch btw05:24
wildboy211hi, i have a problem with ubuntu...05:24
loshaSamual-Ubuntu: agreed on all counts...05:24
Samual-UbuntuI'm using it with xserver-xgl to have Compiz and all that fun stuff working with 3 monitors05:24
Samual-UbuntuAnd well, I want my center display to be primary :X05:25
chris_Hello everyone. I am trying to install onto a RAID 1. Its a fresh RAID 1  but shows there is no free space.. not sure what to do now. I have never setup a RAID befor05:25
loshatulur: I recommend you start with Mint http://www.linuxmint.com/, at the risk of sounding heretic...05:25
soreau! raid | chris_05:26
ubottuchris_: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto05:26
Samual-Ubuntulosha, so, no ideas then? :(05:26
loshaSamual-Ubuntu: sorry, I've never used twinview in my life. And I'm dreading the day I have to start...05:27
tulurlosha what about support , do they have huge support and hardware driver option like ubuntu05:27
Samual-UbuntuWell I don't use Twinview05:27
dylan__I cannot ping any website, but im able to talk in xchat, does anyone think they know what's wrong?05:27
Samual-UbuntuTwinview simply messes up with Xinerama and 3 monitors, and requires you to use "fake xinerama"05:27
wildboy211i had ubuntu installed with windows xp...and i ran this command (mount -t ntfs /dev/sda2 /mnt/windows -o "umask=022") so i can access my windows files...but now i cant reinstall ubuntu 9.1 on my system...after install and reboot, i get a partition error...how can i fix this?05:28
loshatulur: not as much support, on the other hand, it works straight out of the box, whereas ubuntu 9.10 and fedora 12 are notorious for sound problems (and other stuff) that's annoying for a beginner...05:28
xae8koodylan__: DNS error?05:28
dylan__how would i know if it's a DNS error?05:29
dylan__and how would i go about fixing it?05:29
loshatulur: no reason you can't try both using the live cds and see which works better with your hardware...05:30
wildboy211i had ubuntu installed with windows xp...and i ran this command (mount -t ntfs /dev/sda2 /mnt/windows -o "umask=022") so i can access my windows files...but now i cant reinstall ubuntu 9.1 on my system...after install and reboot, i get a partition error...how can i fix this?05:31
tulurbut for absolute noob like me, mint would be good ?05:31
chris_tular: what do you want out of linux?05:31
quietoneLosha: I am ready. what would you like me to do?05:31
loshatulur: in my opinion, yes. Second choice would be ubuntu 8.0405:31
loshaquietone: first, tell me about your blank disks. What kind, what brand, what size...05:32
tulurok , first i will warmup with Mint and then i will move to ubuntu but what about fedora, i heard that it is also good ?05:32
scottandmoniqueha ha05:32
scottandmoniquebut twinview is not the program u need05:32
scottandmoniqueuse it is05:32
scottandmoniquedamoen xine05:32
FloodBot1scottandmonique: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:33
scottandmoniquecan u actually 3 head ur card i am using two video cards in sli mode05:33
scottandmonique88oogt can only support 2 monitors at once05:33
quietoneLosha: 4x DVD+RW 4.7GB Disk Smith   is what I have been playing with05:33
loshatulur: I had sound problems with fedora 12 when I tried it recently....05:33
chris_tular: try all the distros. find the one that works for you05:34
loshaquietone: do you have any dvd-r? They work best in dvd-players....05:34
dylan__how do i fix my resolution, my configuration settings only display in low resolution atm, and im running a 9800 GTX+ graphics card.05:34
quietoneLosha, yes I will get one. What makes them so dvd friendly?05:35
loshatulur: mint is famous for ease of installation. THat's why I recommend it for beginners05:35
chris_dylan_: did you install the drivers?05:36
webbb82i installed gnome-shell to checkout the 3.0 preview but when i run it my desktop get so slow i cant use it ,, what would cause this  desktop effects?05:36
dylan__i currently have an issue with my eth0 and eth1, and it prevents me from going to any website.05:36
loshaquietone: commercial dvd players were basically build to play commercially pressed dvds. dvd-r are closest to that....05:36
quietoneLosha: It is a new Imation CD-R 1x-52x 700mb  for data/music/photos   Hmm. A bit small for video05:37
O__ohi guys, have anyone try the google chrome?05:37
loshaquietone: if all you have is dvd+rw then we can try it, but if you've been having trouble for months, one of the first suspects is the brand and type of blank...05:38
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O__owhy everything seem open so fast in google chrome then in firefox?05:38
rjpattonHi, am I in the right place for help with audio on a new install?05:38
quietoneLosha: Let me look about (and I have to check on the evening meal)05:38
loshaquietone: ok, no problem. I'll listen out for you...05:39
Fudgewhere do i download .img file for ubuntu netbook remix05:39
rjpattonI have no audio. Anyone able to help out?05:40
dylan__how do i install a .run, my nvidia graphics driver?05:41
TheGeek1024[NB]sudo ./nameoffile.run05:41
scunizidylan__: sudo apt-get install build-essential then .. sudo sh ./<name of driver>05:42
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cobhcf82what happens when I am running a process and close the terminal UI? Does the process die with the terminal? If it does, is there any way to keep it alive when the terminal is closed?05:44
RoastedHey guys - question - I have a live usb flash drive with the kubuntu iso on it. I booted to it. Then I got curious and unplugged the flash drive, yet kubuntu was still functional. Does it load the ISO to RAM or something? I dont see why the system didnt crash.05:44
scunizicobhcf82: yes to the first and yes to the second question.. use "screen"05:44
O__ois there google chrome channel here?05:44
looterI just downloaded Frets on Fire (great game btw) and extracted all the files to my desktop.....now the only way i have figured out to get the game to run is by typing ./FretsonFire.py                  how would i go aobut making a launcher or something in my app menu for that?05:44
lstarnescobhcf82: you could put an & after the process name or "& disown" without the quotes05:44
dylan__how do i exit out of xserver?05:44
cobhcf82thanks scunizi and lstarnes05:44
rjpattonCan't get sound on new ubuntu install. ??05:45
switch10_dylan__: alt+f205:45
quietoneLosha: I have 1 new Imation DVD-RW 4x2hr and several used once imation DVD-RW 4.7GB disks05:45
switch10_dylan__: or ctrl alt f205:46
scunizidylan__: did you get my response on pm?05:46
_nick_scunizi: he fixed it05:47
_nick_he had too many net cables plugged in05:47
_nick_he unplugged 1 and it worked lol05:47
switch10_is there a way to rename a drive in /media ?05:48
scunizi_nick_: who we talking about?05:48
_nick_scunizi dylan05:48
dman777when createing a CA certificate, what is the diff between PEM pas phrase and Enter pass phrase for ./demoCA/private/cakey.pem?05:48
scunizi_nick_: what did net cable (lan cables?) have to do with shutting down gdm?05:49
Samual-UbuntuEr well05:49
Samual-UbuntuHeh he left05:49
_nick_oh haha, i thought you were referring to his network issue. i shouldn't have assumed =]05:49
scunizi_nick_: :) np05:49
_nick_ya its k, i know im dumb.05:49
Samual-UbuntuBut, he doesn't believe i'm a Nexuiz dev? That's.. rude.... I'm even in the credits....05:49
_nick_and a little drunk.05:49
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not_guestwhy would my ubuntu startup usb blackscreen after I select install?05:55
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loshaquietone: are you there?06:04
xae8koo I need SVN! How do I install it?06:04
lstarnesxae8koo: it's in the package for subversion06:05
quietoneLosha: yes, been trying to learn how to use irc - it is hard for me to follow our conversation06:05
HardDisksudo apt-get install subversion06:05
loshaquietone: did you install k3b?06:05
assadi did a bzr  branch lp:~ but after doing the the fetching part it is not able to copy. how can i make it copy the fetched data i.e. complete the bzr process!06:05
HardDiskwhy not follow the instructions on the site from what you're trying to install?06:06
quietoneLosha, yes I did and then removed it as it was .. not helping .. I'll start the install06:06
loshaquietone: should go quickly, as the files will still be in your cache06:06
xae8kooPackage gstreamer-base-0.10 was not found in the pkg-config search path.06:09
xae8kooWhat does that mean?06:09
xae8kooI get it when I try to compile06:09
GuiriIs anyone willing to look at a curl script I made that's not working?06:09
oisin12I'm currently running windows xp and trying to install Ubuntu 7.04 from a disk I was mailed.  When I boot from the disk I run the option Start or Install Ubuntu but it doesn't install.  Instead it tells me that a graphical interface could not be started and just starts a command line terminal.  Is this because there's some other Ubuntu on my system from a way back(I don't believe there is)?06:10
xae8kooWhat do I need to compile stuff?!06:10
lstarnesxae8koo: is build-essential installed?06:10
_nick_xae8koo: a shovel06:11
macoxae8koo:  build-essential06:11
HardDiska motive.06:11
lstarnesxae8koo: you will also want the development packages for gstreamer06:11
_nick_gordon's vodka in plastic bottle = some good stuff =)06:11
GuiriAnyone familiar with libcurl?06:11
geirhaoisin12: It means it is unable to properly detect your video card or monitor. 7.04 is no longer supported though, you should download or order 8.04 or 9.10 from www.ubuntu.com06:12
lstarnesxae8koo: try gstreamer0.10-dev06:12
switch10_oisin12: no it has nothing to do with an old ubuntu install.  try a newer disk..  Maybe 8.04 or 9.1006:12
switch10_what geirha said06:13
bastidrazorquietone: i've never had any luck with +RW's.. i always use -RW's .. most dvd players out there will not read +RW06:13
geirhaoisin12: Ordering a CD is completely free btw, Canonical pays the shipping fee.06:13
xae8kooIt is making!06:13
oisin12geirha: Oh I know - it's just a time thing.  Thanks to both of you though, you saved me anymore rebooting headaches.06:14
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switch10_anyone know how to change the name of an external drive in /media???06:15
quietoneLosha, k3b is up and running06:15
switch10_9.10 renamed one of mine for some reason06:15
ardchoillegeirha: from what I understand, that is chaning (shipit), only loco's will get free cd's now. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.06:16
loshaquietone: select new video project06:16
quietonebastidrazor: maybe that is part of the problem I have used both with `some` success and attributed trouble to my inexperience06:16
switch10_ardchoille: unless they just just changed it.  I put in a bulk order about 5 days ago06:17
quietonelosha: I chose video dvd and no video Cd06:17
loshaquietone: for stuff destined commercial dvd players, I only use dvd-r and only verbatim or taiyo yuden brands...06:17
flourishhello, quick question about mail. sometime i see mail account with "+", such as ubuntu+9.10@gmail.com, the mail to this address should be deliveied to mailbox 9.10. What's the terminology of this feature06:17
knoppixI have a slight problem with my screen on the linux I just installed, can someone help?06:17
ardchoilleswitch10_: i heard that will change very soon06:17
ardchoilleswitch10_: can't remember the date06:17
zroyschcould someone please tell me how to find out why a program is continuously crashing06:17
loshaquietone: now navigate to the directory with your vob files in the upper window06:17
switch10_ardchoille: good thing I just put an order in :)06:18
ardchoillezroysch: try running the app from a terminal and see if there's any output06:18
quietoneLosha; I will look for verbatim. I don't recall it as a choice last time I was in a shop thought. Never heard of the other one.06:18
ardchoilleswitch10_: indeed06:18
switch10_i hope I get em06:18
zroyschardchoille: i always run it from terminal06:18
ardchoillezroysch: mo error output?06:18
switch10_zroysch: what program>06:19
loshaquietone: taiyo yuden are a japanese brand. Top of the line. I mail order them, but I'm in the USA. Dunno if you can get them for a reasonable price in NZ06:19
zroyschswitch10_: rtorrent through screen. its on a monitorless server. i ssh to it and dont see anything in the terminal regarding its disappearance06:19
loshazroysch: what version of rtorrent?06:20
[SilverFox]Anyone here have a 4890?06:20
knoppixcan someone help with a screen problem?06:20
zroyschlosha: rTorrent 0.8.5/0.12.506:20
mikerui've got a blu-ray player that can playback AVCHD. is there anyway I can encode videos to AVCHD with ffmpeg ?06:20
AOC[SilverFox] not in Ubuntu lol06:20
switch10_zroysch: try deleting all of the .torrent files that are loading..06:20
[SilverFox]AOC why not in Ubuntu?06:21
zroyschswitch10_: why?06:21
AOCSilverFox, because I put it in my Windows machine for GPU intensive work06:21
loshazroysch: I run 0.8.0/0.12.0 and it's very stable. I had crashes with earlier version though, depending on the config file.06:21
[SilverFox]I wanted to know if anyone got it working in ubuntu06:21
AOCI don't have money to blow it on a Ubuntu setup06:21
switch10_zroysch: i've had a torrent program crash randomly without explanation06:22
Samual-UbuntuAre there any options like DISPLAY=:* which can force a window to a certain position?06:22
GuiriAnyone familiar with cURL?06:22
AOCnot that Ubuntu isn't good. But just the fact that Linux isn't really a gaming machine06:22
loshazroysch: in particular, when I config-ed it to move completed torrents to a 'done' directory, it would crash whenever it completed a torrent...06:22
zroyschlosha: this is not that common. it just crashes randomly.06:22
switch10_zroysch: delete them the config file maybe as well..06:23
Samual-UbuntuBetter yet, what is DISPLAY=:*, and is there a man page documenting it?06:23
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loshaSamual-Ubuntu: well, if it honors the -geometry switch you can place it anywhere on the screen06:23
Samual-UbuntuIt does not :)06:23
Samual-UbuntuI would know, i'm a programmer for the engine :X06:24
xae8kooI want spotify on ubuntu!06:25
mikeruxae8koo: wine (:06:25
Samual-UbuntuI may be able to avoid this whole problem entirely06:25
xae8koomikeru: It freezes after a few seconds06:25
xae8kooSamual-Ubuntu: NO! Dont leave us!06:25
Samual-UbuntuI'm sure 1243 people at least don't care06:26
Samual-UbuntuWell, more like 1220... A good majority of the clients here are bots or clones :P06:26
NicolasRaoulI just installed Ubuntu 2009.04 (because od a bug in Karmic). Just after the install, I rebooted, logged in, but Gnome logs out (crashes?) immediately. Any idea? Is there a Gnome log somewhere? I am running on Parallels on MacMini06:26
kfizzI'm having some trouble with my laptop dimming my LCD. When I press the laptop brightness keys on my keyboard the notification area says the brightness changes (as does /proc/acpi/video/OVGA/DD03/brightness, current: XX) but the brightness doesn't actually change, any ideas?06:26
palomera good majority of 1243 is not 2306:28
quietoneLosha: as luck would have it I don't have a Video_TS directory prepared. But I have a video .iso that will fit.06:28
plagueanyone knows of some lightweight audio editing software?06:28
Nperilhave a question about wine. i installed vlc for windows, i can open it but i cant play any thing, what is wrong06:28
plaguewhy did u isntall vlc under wine?06:28
xae8kooNperil: Why not install vlc for ubuntu?06:29
loshaquietone: in that case, select tools->Burn image in k3b06:29
switch10_Nperil: vlc runs perfectly natively06:29
sal_palomer: another bot here06:29
Nperili dont have net06:29
agusjhelp me, can anyone show me how to install pc station/pc net/thin client on ubuntu06:29
knoppixI have a problem, my desktop won't fill the entire screen, my mouse pointer can go beyond the desktop, but windows and the task bar won't. any ideas?06:29
switch10_Nperil: ur on it now right?06:29
xae8kooknoppix: get a smaler screen06:30
Nperilno, on a windows sys06:30
loshaknoppix: try resizing it with xrandr -size heightxwidth06:30
switch10_Nperil: download the .deb to your windows sys then burn to a cd or something06:30
knoppixlosha, thanks dude I'll give it a try06:31
Nperilthats it, seriously06:31
switch10_Nperil: ya06:31
mixmatch3I have a serious problem with file-roller as it was adding to the archive it reported an error but the file has been deleted by the program automatically when it was updating it. To be specific the program naturally takes the archive and when finished it replaces it with the updated one except there was an error and the original is gone. Any way to retrieve my very important missing data?06:32
Nperilcool thanks switch1006:32
n9xphplague I would recommend Audacity for audio editing06:32
switch10_Nperil: no worries06:32
switch10_n9xph: ardour all the way..06:32
xae8kooI set my computers time to 2012 and it died!06:32
switch10_the best06:32
i_is_brokehey dont do that.06:33
mixmatch3Are there any programs to retrieve the data? Does file-roller place the original in a temp directory?06:33
switch10_xae8koo: it was based on the mayan calander06:34
jtabyhey, i'm trying to count the number of lines in all my javascript files. I got find ./ -name "*.js" | cat | wc -l06:34
switch10_seriously why would that happen though?06:34
switch10_it died??06:34
jtabybut thats' not working, since cat isn't doing what I thought it should do06:34
i_is_brokeidk, but all he would have to do is reset the bios and see if it will boot.06:35
mixmatch3Does anyone know how to recover deleted data?06:35
switch10_i_is_broke: oh yea06:36
switch10_i_is_broke: that would work06:36
geirhajtaby: find ./ -name "*.js" -exec wc -l {} +06:36
i_is_brokemixmatch3, i know there is one or two programs for that, but i dont remember what they are or how good they are.06:36
i_is_brokemixmatch3, have you asked google yet?06:36
slimto down load a torrent it says "not it pool yet" what does that mean??06:36
nastasdoes anyone knows why i cant see my trash? any time i try, desktop icons disappear06:37
switch10_whats that program for finding duplicate files?  is it dupfinder??06:37
quietoneLosha: <Found DVD-RW Restricted Overwrite medium in TSSTcorp - DVD+-RW TS-L632H. Should it be overwritten?> That's new and I said yes06:37
mixmatch3i_is_broke: I am not familier with much of the command line stuff google brings up. I was hoping for a gui.06:37
jtabygeirha: thanks06:37
loshajtaby: find ./ -name "*.js" -exec cat '{}'; | wc -l06:37
i_is_brokemixmatch3, im not sure then...06:37
NicolasRaoulWhen I log in, Gnome crashes immediately after the mouse appears, before the desktop is shown. Fresh Jaunty install. Any idea? Is there a Gnome log somewhere?06:38
loshaquietone: then set the appropriate options in the burn image menu. I would burn at the slowest speed available (for testing) and choose verify, then let it rip...06:38
airtonixmixmatch3, there isn't one, but you have at least 5 options for command line approach06:39
mixmatch3airtonix: lets hear it.06:39
airtonix!search undelete06:39
ubottuFound: undelete, recover06:39
BardologyI just noticed that /etc/apache2/httpd.conf is empty... is that normal for a new install?06:40
mixmatch3airtonix: remember file-roller did it automatically I was not the one to delete it.06:40
airtonixmixmatch3, you can see about 4 of them right now if you open synaptics and search for undelete06:40
darksectorBardology: nope06:40
jtabyBardology: i think so, it's in apache2.conf06:40
darksectorBardology: reinstall apache06:40
jtabyBardology: mine is empty, no problems06:40
BardologyI was just going to uncomment the LoadModule line for mod_rewrite and there's nothing to uncomment  ;)06:40
darksectorBardology: o crap, yeah its ok06:41
darksectorBardology: its apache2.conf06:41
knoppixI'm having screen problems, the task bar and desktop won't stretch to fight the entire screen, there is a black bar on the right side, but my mouse can go past it, I tried xrandr but no luck any ideas?06:41
darksectorBardology: sorry06:41
airtonixmixmatch3, there is results for my apt-cache search : http://pastebin.com/f726502a706:41
BardologyNo worries, darksector :)06:41
airtonixmixmatch3, you also have this option : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113229906:42
geirha!undelete | mixmatch306:42
ubottumixmatch3: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel06:42
darksectorairtonix: what is it exactly that you are looking for ?06:42
quietoneLosha: Same result.06:42
i_is_brokeairtonix, will that work on other fs besideds ext2?06:42
airtonixdarksector, not me refer to whom i am talking to06:42
Samual-Ubuntulosha, how can I use the geometry option? Can't seem to figure out the syntax, or if it works at all :)06:42
darksectormixmatch3: oh you're looking for undelete then06:43
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mixmatch3darksector: It was on a truecrypt volume and it said it is an msdos type filesystem.06:44
airtonixmixmatch3, that whole thread i just posted you should be useful06:44
quietoneLosha: Can I put the name I want in the Volume ID when using any tool to burn dvds. When I have been successful the names have been unrelated to the content06:44
nigtvHello, I am having some very bad wifi connection problems. I am currently on 9.10 and have tried both iwconfig and nm-applet (the latter works better). In irssi, when I connect to my usual chat server, it's miserably slow, constant time outs, and I think it may be due to adding an autoconnect (and in turn, maybe two connections?)06:44
loshaquietone: the volume id shouldn't make any difference. So what exactly happened?06:45
nigtvI'm not sure where to start, try getting or making a better antenna or trying to do stuff with the chat server to make it better06:45
nigtvits not my server, so06:45
gaydenkomicahg: ping06:46
nigtvIt's all working just fine right now, the irc connection, as you can see. Although, with the connection to my usual chat server is open, everything is horribly slow, and sometimes even when its not open. I just dont know where to start trying to fix, or where is best, I realize its hard to diagnose in a chatroom though06:46
nigtvremoving autoconnect and autojoin in irssi didn't really have any effect, which is strange, because I think it started when I did that, around 12 hours after06:47
Alan502_is this the same channel at freenode?06:47
keith_hello all06:47
quietoneLosha: Burning at the slowest speed failed. I got miffed and started to format the disk.   The Volume ID is just for my sanity when I insert the disk into a computer. It would be useful for the name to make sense.06:47
leaf-sheepAlan502_: Yes.06:47
Samual-Ubuntulosha, I guess you don't know, then :X06:47
loshaSamual-Ubuntu: I thought you said the -geometry option wasn't even accepted?06:48
Samual-UbuntuShould it not work like the -display option from commandline?06:49
loshaSamual-Ubuntu: do 'man X' and look for the geometry section....06:49
nigtvI think that the connection problem with irc wouldnt be hardware because the connection overall is about as fast as ever, could be software, but I've never had this problem before with irssi/nm-applet, and I don't know what to ask the admins on the other server about fixing it or getting more information06:50
Samual-UbuntuThat page doesn't exist06:50
keith_was looking to see if there is a utility to check signal strength on a usb modem in ubuntu 9.10 server06:50
nigtvkeith_: is it wifi?06:50
Samual-UbuntuBut well, xserver does, so.06:50
* nigtv is really tired, sorry that didnt make sense06:50
keith_verizon usb72006:50
nigtvi mean to say if it is hardwired and not wireless, strength wouldnt mean anything06:51
loshaSamual-Ubuntu: in 9.10, man X is in package xorgs-docs-core06:51
nigtvbut thats probably not the situation keith_ ?06:51
keith_cabled to my ubuntu server06:52
Samual-UbuntuHeh well, i'm on 9.04 -- I don't particularly like 9.1006:52
Nperilok i need to know where fo find the .deb file for vlc06:52
nigtvkeith_: so why would strength matter06:52
nigtvNperil: try sourceforge?06:53
keith_the windows app manager shows signal strenth, and if low i can move it to get better transfer speeds06:53
Bardologyjtaby: does your apache2.conf contain any LoadModule commands or <Directory> settings?06:53
loshaSamual-Ubuntu: you do a lot of whining for a developer06:53
nigtvso it is wireless keith_ ?06:53
Nperilnot yet, just softpedia and ubuntu forums, but ill check it out06:53
Samual-UbuntuWhining? Constructive criticism :)06:54
Samual-UbuntuI would explain why I don't like 9.10, but that's useless :P06:54
loshaSamual-Ubuntu: stop wasting my time and go and read the man page06:54
Samual-UbuntuI am, in a VM, sorry and thanks.06:54
keith_well it's a cdma wireless modem06:55
loshaNperil: why do you need the .deb file?06:55
siavash_Hello .Can anyone tell me how to compile a source files in Linux ?06:56
slimim haveing problems downloading music can ne1 help?06:56
jozefkanybody here using ClamAV on Ubuntu? my question is if it is good enough for cleaning windows viruses from files and folders?06:56
loshaSamual-Ubuntu: I'm sorry, it's late, I'm tired. I've been (trying to) answer questions all evening. It never ends...06:56
surmandalhellow, I am unable to ping the yahoo.com but I can ping the ip address of yahoo06:56
nigtvKeiya: keith_ did you happen to catch the name of the person who requested the deb for vlc?06:57
nigtvi timed out and closed window before i remembered to06:57
BardologyOh, sites-enabled...06:57
keith_hold on a sec06:57
Samual-Ubuntulosha, I used to do that here a bit ago... Coffee was my best friend, but without it --- Eh, no worries mate :)06:57
surmandalI even can dig yahoo.com but when i ping yahoo.com it says unknown host06:57
nigtvlast 2 minutes or so i think06:57
nigtvjozefk: yet06:57
chrisin(noob getting his feet wet) how do I get a .img file for 9.10? why not just have a dowload available on the site?06:57
jozefki mean windows viruses on ubuntu ext4 partition06:57
loshanigtv: it was Nperil06:57
nigtvNperil: http://www.videohelp.com/forum/archive/vlc-0-9-2-deb-for-ubuntu-t357107.html06:57
MikeChelenchrisin: why .img, what's wrong with .iso?06:58
Phil___question: why does ubuntu not look like this?  http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs31/i/2008/215/0/b/Interpid_Ibex_Mockup_Part_2_by_willwill100.png06:58
leaf-sheepPhil___: That is a mock up.06:58
airtonixsiavash_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo06:58
nigtvPhil___: youre not using compiz?06:58
jozefkok thank you nigtv. maybe sometimes I'll put some virus there and test it :)06:58
chrisinbecause as the instructions on the ubuntu site state, I need a .img file to put the bootable CD on a USB flash drive06:58
Phil___leaf-sheep: right, but what stops it from being a reality?06:58
loshaPhil___: because it's fugly....06:59
Phil___looks better than the current theme imo :P06:59
leaf-sheepPhil___: I don't like to stare at the wood floor. :|06:59
koshariPhil___ its just gnome with avent and go06:59
airtonixPhil___, nothing, ou can make it look like that now06:59
quietoneLosha: I got the same error each time. (auto speed/slowest speed/after a format of disk) <Unable to open a new session. Probably a problem with the medium>06:59
indusPhil___: you can use that theme i believe07:00
geirha!usb | chrisin07:00
airtonixPhil___, system menu up top left is merely a gtk theme, the bar down bottom is just docky or awn, the stuff on the right is just screenlets or goggle-gagdets07:00
ubottuchrisin: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:00
geirhachrisin: You are probably looking at the instructions for the Ubuntu Netbook Remix which comes as a .img file07:00
loshaquietone: I'm not sure, to be honest. I haven't used RWs in years. Maybe bastidrazor will know when he comes back online...07:00
airtonixPhil___, the thing in the middle however you won't be able to theme like that i dont believe07:00
siavash_Thanks airtonix07:00
airtonixPhil___, unless of course gnome-do theme has changed recently07:01
chrisinoh "Note: this procedure requires an .img file; it will not work with an .iso file" is this just for netbooks?07:01
NeolaTransmitting virus...07:01
Neola[Wv5r/9%\?8,>N$_7BLUX7JӞnJNLDkpy0xZ%Ipx,m̴qnOlpܴvc C[I,&Dl&R_'[A?o.L%Ut6uY3S)<=Et2d/i``W07:01
FloodBot1Neola: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:01
chrisini'm under OS X by the way07:01
maco!ops | Neola07:01
ubottuNeola: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!07:02
macoDBO: you're quick07:02
geirhachrisin: Could you post the url you are looking at?07:02
surmandalhellow, I am unable to ping the yahoo.com but I can ping the ip address of yahoo,I even can dig yahoo.com but when i ping yahoo.com it says unknown host07:02
induswho is DBO07:02
indusdont see him in op list07:02
DBOmaco, god gave me these reflexes for that very reason07:02
eddiegentryI'd been using http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/'s LiveCD feature at work to migrate Windows profiles. Unlike Windows, which never properly migrates user directories no matter how you coax it, Ubuntu's simple drag-and-drop replacement from network backup makes user migration a piece of cake.07:02
airtonixi only get discounts07:02
DBOindus, a very very old op... I been around for about 3 or 4 years now...07:02
macoindus: he already de-opped07:02
q0_0pim confused about ubuntu minimal cd install; to install i need to have an internet connection?07:03
eddiegentry^^dont undersand07:03
koshariairtonix: go themes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkBct_SInKo07:03
q0_0pThe Minimal CD downloads packages from online archives at installation time instead of providing them on the install CD itself.07:03
chrisinubottu: i'm looking at the first link you gave me07:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:03
airtonixkoshari, why would i want to go there ?07:03
indusDBO: ok good , we need people like you i guess07:03
agusjhow to mount hard drive without password in ubuntu 9.1007:03
surmandalhellow, I am unable to ping the yahoo.com but I can ping the ip address of yahoo,I even can dig yahoo.com but when i ping yahoo.com it says unknown host07:03
quietoneLosha: Thanks for your patience. I will get some -Rs when I can.07:04
airtonixagusj, it should just show up on your desktop or computer:// in nautilus07:04
fr3em1ndhi anyone who can help me with my printer ? T_T07:04
eddiegentryhi ubuntu is showing me weird pictures07:04
surmandalhellow, I am unable to ping the yahoo.com but I can ping the ip address of yahoo,I even can dig yahoo.com but when i ping yahoo.com it says unknown host, any suggestion ..?07:04
airtonixeddiegentry, you are having screenshots ?07:04
HellowKindly stop pinging me, please.07:04
fr3em1ndput www.07:04
eddiegentryno it keeps shoing me pics07:05
eddiegentryweird pics07:05
eddiegentrylike, gross ones07:05
eddiegentryit brings it upin a window07:05
EastDallassurmandal: can you open yahoo.com in a browser?07:05
eddiegentrybut ic ant find what process it is07:05
FloodBot1eddiegentry: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:05
macoeddiegentry: like you ahve popups in your web browser?07:05
induseddiegentry: wine ?07:05
geirhachrisin: Ah, never looked at the OSX instructions before. Hm.07:05
eddiegentryno just on the desktop07:05
eddiegentryno browser07:05
agusjevery mount my hard drive by double click icon I must enter password07:05
surmandalEastDallas, well, this is just a GW server,07:05
induseddiegentry: hmm take a screenshot07:05
macoeddiegentry: what kind of window?07:05
eddiegentryok ill do imageshack07:06
surmandalEastDallas, so there is no browser, anyway i can try fron links07:06
macoeddiegentry: title bar say anything. help -> about have anything?07:06
fr3em1nd0_o its pretty busyy here07:06
q0_0psurmandal, maybe iptables rule set is blocking it07:06
macoindus: i am SO not clicking this.07:06
macoindus: you look07:06
indusmaco: me too :D07:06
EastDallassurmandal: have you tried changing your DNS servers?07:06
surmandalq0_0p, EastDallas but I am able to pin yahoo.com by adding the IP address manually in host file07:06
indusmaco: iam at work :)07:06
indusmaybe someone else might look at it07:07
aboeinghi, i am trying to compile a linux driver, and i am having a lot of trouble. I tried to install the linux source, but it doesn't seem to be in /usr/src07:07
macoindus: quassel gave preview. i saw lots of flesh colour and faces. guessing adult images07:07
aboeingi am using ubuntu, does anyone know where the linux source is?07:07
eddiegentryi dont understand how this is happening07:07
q0_0psurmandal, what host file?07:07
macoeddiegentry: what kind of windows are they?07:07
eddiegentrydesktop windows07:07
eddiegentryfrom the fileman07:08
macoeddiegentry: they didnt appear to have borders...looks more like someone gimped your wallpaper as a joke07:08
geirhachrisin: There's apparently no app for Mac OS X that can make a bootable usb drive from a livecd iso.07:08
eddiegentryi dont have gimp installed07:08
macoeddiegentry: gimp is installed by default07:08
chrisingeirha: no! : (07:08
jogasmall question... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu says that jaunty has multiverse enabled by default, but I tried to boot 9.10 and at least when running live, it lacks multiverse. has this been changed in karmic?07:08
fr3em1ndtype sudo apt-get install gimp07:08
indusgimp is installed by DefaulT07:08
surmandalq0_0p, /etc/hosts07:08
indusget it folks?07:09
EastDallassurmandal: have you tried changing your DNS servers?07:09
aboeingdoes anyone know how to install the linux source in ubuntu, and where it is?07:09
eddiegentrybut that pic just opens randomly and then disappears07:09
airtonixeddiegentry, that artcile you linked before is fake. it never happened and i question whether you are bing genuine right now07:09
surmandalEastDallas, yes, but no luck07:09
chrisinUbuntu wont install from my external USB optical drive using REFit (macbook pro)07:09
eddiegentry\altronix, its the closest i could find to whats happening to me07:09
induseddiegentry: is this a wqallpaper? or opens in some application07:09
geirhajoga: It's not enabled in the live session, but the installed system will have it enabled by default.07:09
wrb123is there a config file i can update to have the phpmyadmin login at a page other than /phpmyadmin ?07:09
eddiegentrya window opens this pic, then close after like two seonds07:09
fbdystangHi all, How do I connect CUPS to a shared windows printer?07:09
EastDallassurmandal: have you tried clearing the DNS Cache?07:10
indussurmandal: yes , check the DNS addresses07:10
jogageirha: ok, thanks for the clarification. I'm just creating a little script that needs things from multiverse and was testing it with a HD install07:10
fr3em1nd<wrb123> view readme.txt07:10
leaf-sheepeddiegentry: SSH toggled on?07:10
indussurmandal: ask your isp they will help you out with this problem07:10
jogaaboeing: install package "linux-source"07:10
geirhachrisin: Are you able to boot an ubuntu CD though? If you can boot it, you can put it on a usb-drive from the live session07:10
leaf-sheepeddiegentry: You install the computer yourself or somebody did it for you?  A friend, maybe?07:10
airtonixeddiegentry, well considering that the article you linked is a complete fabrication i find it hard to believe that you infact being genuiune07:11
eddiegentrysomeone install for me07:11
induswhat article07:11
eddiegentrymy friend did07:11
eddiegentryhes a computer genius07:11
airtonixeddiegentry, not only that but you seem to be hesitant on giving actual information.07:11
leaf-sheepairtonix: I could say the same. Not sure if he is real or jestering around.07:11
macoeddiegentry: sounds like your friend is playing a joke with an animated gif wallpaper07:11
leaf-sheepeddiegentry: It is likely that your friend pulled a prank on you.07:11
eddiegentryairtronix what do you want to know07:11
fr3em1ndgo here /etc/phpmyadmin07:11
fbdystangAnyone with CUPS experience?07:11
eddiegentryThe file /etc/phpmyadmin does not exist.07:12
macoeddiegentry: fr3em1nd wasnt talking to you i dont think07:12
indusi agree with maco here, without ascertaining something about someone being truthful ,its not nice to pass a comment07:12
eddiegentryoh im comfused07:12
indusanimated gif heehiiihooo07:12
leaf-sheepeddiegentry: When is the last time it occur?07:12
EastDallassurmandal: 'sudo apt-get install nscd' 'sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart' to flush DNS cache07:12
surmandalEastDallas, let me flush the DNS,  installing ...nscd07:13
eddiegentryevery 45 seconds or so07:13
=== kb is now known as Guest22313
indusaaah ok wallpaper tray07:13
airtonixeddiegentry, for a start, do you know how to provide a display of running processes as admin? and do you know how to make vlc record your desktop ?07:13
indusno big deal07:13
eddiegentryi can run top07:13
Hilikus_hey guys07:13
eddiegentrybut noting shows up07:13
aboeingjoga: thasnk, I typed 'sudo apt-get install linux-source' and that worked, but i still don't know where the source is, and the driver still says "can't find /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h"07:13
indusiam pretty sure its a bunch of prono wallpapers07:13
surmandalEastDallas, No, not working :(07:13
eddiegentrylike,  wait for the pic, but top dont show anything new or using cpu07:13
airtonixeddiegentry, its because you need to make top show threaded applications i suspect07:13
macoeddiegentry: did you try right clicking your desktop and checking your wallpaper settings?07:13
fr3em1ndcan you try going to http://localhost if apache is running?07:14
leaf-sheepeddiegentry: Run "crontab -e" Do you see any commands?07:14
ScriptKiddydoes ubuntu have issues with ntfs?07:14
eddiegentrymaco its just some orange wallpaper07:14
eddiegentryfrom default07:14
songer_hi. who knows why videos  of youtube do not work on firefox ubuntu tudio07:14
jogaaboeing: I think you may need to extract it yourself...check /usr/src07:14
macoScriptKiddy: xp's version, no. vista & 7 have a new format though that ubuntu can read but i dont think it can write07:14
randerzanderanybody use morseall?07:14
eddiegentrycrontab: no crontab for eddieg - using an empty one07:14
Hilikus_i have a windows partition on my disk that i just shrunk successfully, i have this extended partition with / and swap inside it and now i want to take the new freed space for linux but gparted doesnt let me resize to the left. any ideas how to do ths07:14
eddiegentry"/tmp/crontab.AVCwnOouxm" 0L, 0C07:14
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ScriptKiddymacro: im having issues actualy im useing virtual machine but trying to tranfer and install as sole OS on my xp machine but keep throwing me errors even when boot from cd says cannot find directory =\07:15
indusHilikus_: can you take a  screenshot of that and post here07:15
macoScriptKiddy: i dont think you can move it from a VM to hardware07:16
macoScriptKiddy: do you just mean youre trying to do a clean install?07:16
leaf-sheepeddiegentry: Okay. Run "w" in the terminal.07:16
ScriptKiddyi dont want 2 move it over, i want to format my system and install ubu as sole OS07:16
aboeingjoga: aaaahh! yes your right, i'm extracting it now07:16
ScriptKiddyyep maco, i want it as ubuntu only for my pop server07:16
eddiegentryit ays console, and s00007:16
eddiegentryand times i logged in07:16
leaf-sheepeddiegentry: Can you paste that?07:16
ScriptKiddywould converting it to fat32 probly solve th issues?07:17
eddiegentryeddieg s000     -                 2:16       - w07:17
eddiegentryeddieg console  -                 1:12    1:03 -07:17
randerzanderhow can I get morseall to work without gnome?07:17
=== SolarisBoy is now known as zero_cool
leaf-sheep!paste | eddiegentry07:17
ubottueddiegentry: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic07:17
EastDallassurmandal: It's just the one domain?07:18
fr3em1ndScriptKiddy: linux works best with fat32 format :)07:18
indusHilikus_: thanks let me see07:18
eddiegentryum are yo guys trolling me07:18
surmandalEastDallas, no all the domain07:18
leaf-sheepeddiegentry: We are not. Tell your friend to knock it off and you'll be okay.07:18
ScriptKiddyhehe i know that :P im just wondering if NTFS is know to cause loading errors?07:18
Phil___has anyone written an iTunes port or similar app for ubuntu?07:18
eddiegentrymy friend?07:18
eddiegentryhe dropped it off hours ago and hes gone07:18
surmandalEastDallas, as you know I have insert the IP=host manuall in /etc/host file, then it works07:18
randerzanderPhill: amarok07:19
ScriptKiddylet me reload it in dos so i can type errors in since its diffrent machine07:19
EastDallassurmandal:  Oh, I thought you were saying it was isolated to yahoo.com07:19
hybhow to update grub?07:19
macoScriptKiddy: by "no" i mean it works fine with xp's ntfs07:19
aboeingjoga: i extracted the source, but there is still no "/usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h"07:20
macoScriptKiddy: and whats currently on the disk shouldnt affect install anyway07:20
indusHilikus_: can u explain again the problem07:20
Hilikus_i want to grow the extended partition to the left07:20
Hilikus_using that unallocated space07:20
EastDallassurmandal: did it ever work?07:20
Phil___hmm, surprised nobody's made a clone07:20
sri_how to configure the MMC storage?07:20
researcher1whats the best install for virtualization? i want to test my  server/client network on my desktop07:20
surmandalEastDallas, yes Yesterday It was working, and I guess I haven't made any changes after that07:21
aboeingjoga: but i do have one in linux-headers-2.6.31-14-generic-pae/include/linux/version.h ... is there some reason the source doesn't include the headers? is there some way to "merge" the source and headers?07:21
ScriptKiddylol the disk contains an unclea file system(0,1) the file system wasnt sagely closed on windows07:21
indusHilikus_: can you delete that entry called unallocated?07:21
tyulohjlinux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux07:21
tyulohjsucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks07:21
tyulohjlinux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux07:21
FloodBot1tyulohj: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:21
tyulohjsucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks07:22
macoScriptKiddy: if youre trying to mount it, thatd matter. if youre just trying to delete the partition, shouldnt matter07:22
surmandalEastDallas, this is the GW for 50 machines, and this server is proxy for those 50 machines07:22
tyulohjlinux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux07:22
maco!ops | tyulohj07:22
ubottutyulohj: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!07:22
tyulohjsucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks07:22
industyulohj: we know07:22
AnAntHello, is there a gconf key to disable compiz ?07:22
tyulohjlinux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks07:22
* ScriptKiddy slaps tyulohj around a bit with a large trout07:22
tyulohjlinux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux07:22
tyulohjsucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks07:22
sri_when i insert the mmc storage modem it is mounted as CDROM07:22
tyulohjlinux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux07:22
induswhat is that trout message really07:22
tyulohjsucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks07:22
sri_i would like to use as usb modem07:22
tyulohjlinux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux07:22
sri_pls help me07:22
indusops wake up07:22
macojussi01: fail07:22
tyulohjsucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks07:22
tyulohjlinux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux07:22
tyulohjsucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks07:22
indusgood one07:22
tyulohjlinux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux07:22
indusbeat the ops to it07:22
tyulohjsucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks07:23
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!07:23
AnAntsri_: mmc storage *modem* ??!07:23
tyulohjlinux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux07:23
tyulohjsucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks07:23
tyulohjlinux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux07:23
darkshadowthats what they all say lol07:23
tyulohjsucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks07:23
tyulohjlinux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux07:23
tyulohjsucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks07:23
fr3em1ndoh... what a noob07:23
leaf-sheeptyulohj suck linux?07:23
tyulohjlinux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux07:23
sri_i have haier mmc storage... i would like to connect to internet using this...07:23
researcher1please stop this. let genuine users draw help from experts. PLEASE07:23
coz_Typh,   are you saying you have an issue with linux?  lol07:23
fr3em1ndi bet he's from microsoft07:23
sri_but i tried usb_modeswitch option07:23
coz_Typh,   sorry07:23
indusiam still watching07:23
sri_it doest not working07:23
EastDallassurmandal: bind9?07:24
ScriptKiddyi never knew open source stuff sucks? hrm i would think a community is far more advanced then closed source07:24
fbdystangAnyone with CUPS experience?07:24
AnAntHello, is there a gconf key to disable compiz ?07:24
mrbearwell im running 8.04 and am for the most part really happy with Linux07:24
coz_AnAnt,  are you on gnome?07:24
surmandalEastDallas, bind..?07:25
sri_my usb modem is mounted as CDrom how to switch to USB???07:25
AnAntcoz_: nope, console07:25
surmandalEastDallas, do i need to install bind07:25
indusHilikus_: hi what is th error you are getting07:25
coz_AnAnt,   ok and you have no desktop environment or you are in console doing what?07:25
AnAntcoz_: compiz (which is enabled by default) causes system to crash, that's why I want it disabled by default for any user who logs in07:25
EastDallassurmandal: bind9 is the name of a DNS server package.  Is that what you are using?07:26
coz_AnAnt,  I see  so you cant get into the Desktop right now correct?07:26
AnAntcoz_: yup07:26
leaf-sheepAnAnt: You tried "metacity --replace &" ?07:26
damaguHey all, I don't recall doing this but apparently I created a partition called my_files separate from my /home when I installed KK. Can someone tell me how to access it or remove it and expand my /home to use the freed space?07:26
sri_no driver found07:26
coz_AnAnt,  you can probably just install compiz  from console07:26
surmandalEastDallas, I know bind, butthat is used for server purposr only right..?07:26
Dwade09hello all, i was wondering if the free the fish was gnome only? or if someone sends it to me if i could use it?07:26
coz_AnAnt,  however  I am curious as to the video card you have on that system07:27
EastDallassurmandal: isn't this a gateway server?07:27
hybhow to update grub-0.97beta4 to grub-0.9707:27
coz_AnAnt,  a crash generally means the video driver is either not installed properly or the wrong one07:27
EastDallassurmandal: are you running DNS on this server?07:27
surmandalEastDallas, yes but No DNS running07:27
Phil___does xubuntu use less power than ubuntu?07:28
EastDallassurmandal:  I see, i think I misunderstood your problem07:28
airtonixPhil___, not really.07:28
AnAntcoz_: some Intel card07:28
leaf-sheepPhil___: Not rly. It depends on processes you're running when you boot up.07:28
coz_Phil___,   xubuntu is a lightweight  DE  so it will use less resources07:28
sri_pls helpme my usb modem mounted as /dev/sr1 ...  how to mount as USB07:28
damaguHey all, how do you delete a partition and assign the freed space to another partition? I tried using the disk utility in KK but when I try to delete the partition it tells my the device is busy.07:28
coz_AnAnt,  I see ... ok so x crashes when you log into the desktop correct?07:28
Phil___so why's it better for laptops, just because it uses less ram?07:28
Dwade09anyone tell me if free the fish is an app and can be sent to me to use on my comp?07:29
AnAntcoz_: freezes07:29
coz_Phil___,  it really depends on how much memory   cpu power and video you have07:29
coz_AnAnt,  oh ok   mm hold on07:29
AnAntcoz_: yet I was able to access the system via SSH07:30
leaf-sheepPhil___: It is a preference. People use XFCE or LXDE because in theory, it should be less bloated than GNOME and KDE.07:30
AnAntcoz_: so it is not a complete system freeze07:30
coz_AnAnt,  ok can you get into  system/preferences/appearance that way?07:30
leaf-sheepDwade09: What is Free-The-Fish?07:30
AnAntcoz_: via SSH ?07:30
damaguCan someone help me with changing my partitions?07:30
i_is_brokedamagu, you have to unmount the drive, so best be is to use a livecd and use gparted.07:30
Dwade09leaf-sheep:  open the run command07:30
Dwade09leaf-sheep:  type in free the fish07:31
SandGorgonare there any tools to monitor my harddrive health - similar to Seagate diagnostics - basically a UI based solution rather than smartctl ?07:31
damaguCan I unmount it without the livecd?07:31
Fudgeif ssh is installed do you need to specify it in initd.conf?07:31
Fudgeor inetd.conf w/e07:31
AnAntisn't there a Gconf key ?07:31
i_is_brokedamagu, well depends is your linux / partition on that drive?07:31
AnAntthere are several users on that machine07:31
sri_can u help me my USB modem mounted as /dev/sr1... how to mount as ttyUS0??07:31
leaf-sheepDwade09: I don't get it.07:31
bashHey guys07:31
surmandalEastDallas, so any idea07:32
nigtvAnAnt: sym /isk+?07:32
bashDo you know how to watch shoutcast TV on VLC 1.02?07:32
surmandalEastDallas, :)07:32
AnAntthat's why I want to do it via gconf07:32
leaf-sheepAnAnt: Did you try sshing in and "metacity --replace &" ?07:32
EastDallassurmandal: researching07:32
AnAntnigtv: huh ?07:32
coz_AnAnt,  let me check   I believe so07:32
bashthe additional sources button is not there.07:32
Dwade09leaf-sheep: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkqYtT5JGfI07:32
guesthi... i'm a newbie, just install ubuntu 9.1 on a new compaq netbook and almost got everything i need running. just 1 hiccup, the mic won't work for the webcam. can someone offer some suggestions?07:32
AnAntleaf-sheep: nope07:32
iflemaAnAnt: gconf-editor07:32
Dwade09leaf-sheep: http://www.eeggs.com/items/50088.html07:32
researcher1what do i need to install?im on ubuntu 9.10? Wanna test my LAN of 32 machines07:33
AnAntiflema: and ?07:33
sri_can u help me my USB modem mounted as /dev/sr1... how to mount as ttyUS0??07:33
sri_can u help me my USB modem mounted as /dev/sr1... how to mount as ttyUS0??07:33
iflemaAnAnt: key = terminal 'gconf-editor'07:33
EastDallassurmandal: have you tried bypassing the gw with another machine to see if it will resolve?07:33
nigtvPricey: one second07:33
AnAntiflema: funny07:33
coz_AnAnt,   try   nano ~/.gconf/desktop/gnome/session/required_components/%gconf.xml  and change the word "compiz"  to "metacity"07:33
sri_can u help me my USB modem mounted as /dev/sr1... how to mount as ttyUS0??07:33
Hilikus_is it possible to grow an extended partition to the left?07:33
damagui_is_broke: on a 500GB hard drive I have mac os x (250GB), / (8GB),  /home (20GB), /my_files (220GB) and swap (2GB). I want to remove my_files and give the freed 220GB to /home.07:33
AnAntcoz_: thanks07:34
nigtvhave you tried the mount command07:34
coz_AnAnt,  i would also run a memory test  to be sure  your system memory  is not quirky07:34
* nigtv lightbulb 07:34
damaguunintention smilies07:34
nigtvthat was for me not for you btw im not insulting07:34
surmandalEastDallas, all the computers are working fine which are behind this server07:34
i_is_brokedamagu, you can download gparted unmout it with it.07:34
AnAntcoz_: I don't think it is memory issue, it happened after update to karmic07:34
surmandalEastDallas, only this machine is having this issue07:34
sri_i am using Jaunty07:35
aboeingdoes anyone here know much about compiling drivers? i am trying to compile one, but it keeps complaining that it cannot find "/usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h". i am using ubuntu07:35
sri_can u help me my USB modem mounted as /dev/sr1... how to mount as ttyUS0??07:35
coz_AnAnt, oh!   did you  do sudo apt-get update then  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?  that may resolve a few issues07:35
damagui_is_broke: so I can't use the disk utility that comes with KK?07:35
AnAntcoz_: besides, we got 2 similar machines, both have same issue, so it is probably some driver issue07:35
i_is_brokedamagu, make sure you back up anything you dont want to lose..cause with any partition resizing you are taking a chance of losing stuff.07:35
AnAntcoz_: I always do upgrade, last time yesterday07:36
i_is_brokedamagu, i dont know what kk is so i dont know.07:36
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
coz_AnAnt,  with    dist-upgrade?07:36
damagui_is_broke: karmic koala07:36
EastDallassurmandal: are you getting the error "unknown host"?07:36
DacvakQuestion: I'm running i386 9.04 on my Netbook and I want to install certain programs (like Xchat) on it, but it says it's not compatible with i386. Any way to install those programs?07:36
AnAntcoz_: I think last time was just upgrade !07:36
AnAntcoz_: that's why I didn't upgrade to the -17 kernel07:36
coz_AnAnt,  mmm07:36
guestcan someone help me get my mic working on my netbook?07:36
surmandalEastDallas, exactly07:37
AnAntcoz_: but I didn't imagine that it would be solved in -1707:37
damagui_is_broke: the utility is called Palimpsest Disk Utility07:37
i_is_brokedamagu, oh ok, well i dont know if you can with it, but gparted is a sure thing most of the time. just get it from synaptics or apt-get install gparted.07:37
coz_AnAnt,   this is one of the times  a "house call"  would come in handy :)07:37
AnAntwon't harm to try07:37
AnAnthouse call ?07:37
shinhwawhere are you from?07:37
coz_AnAnt,  yeah   a "house call" means someone comes to your home and does the work from there :)07:37
damagui_is_broke: When I try to unmount using the Disk Utility I get an error because I'm not root.07:37
AnAntcoz_: I think that I should file a bug07:37
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : are you still here for yesterday?07:37
damagui_is_broke: You'd think it'd ask for the password.07:37
i_is_brokedo sudo first07:37
DacvakQuestion: I'm running i386 9.04 on my Netbook and I want to install certain programs (like Xchat) on it, but it says it's not compatible with i386. Any way to install those programs?07:37
damagui_is_broke: it's a gui utility07:38
mokkanam i supposed to be able to click on the messages that indicator applet pops up?07:38
nigtvsri_:im sorry my internet connection is nnot great right now, did you get your answer?07:38
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coz_AnAnt,  that might not be a bad idea... I would also try everything you can to troubleshoot this as well07:38
i_is_brokedamagu, run it from terrminal with sudo first then the app name07:38
=== testi is now known as thechef
i_is_brokeit will come up as superuser07:38
damagui_is_broke: ah okay07:38
xorwhyWhen I install openarena from apt, it works fine. When I use it from no install required directory I extracted the game files to, it works fine except it downloads maps very slowly07:38
damagui_is_broke: I'll give it a shot07:38
papulhi guys :)07:38
coz_AnAnt,  did that gconf thing work?07:38
DacvakAnyone able to help me with my question?07:39
DacvakOnce more:07:39
DacvakI'm running i386 9.04 on my Netbook and I want to install certain programs (like Xchat) on it, but it says it's not compatible with i386. Any way to install those programs?07:39
xorwhyVERY slowly, I wouldn't be surprised if my gameplay is also affected, though latency seems normal07:39
AnAntcoz_: I'll try it when I get back to work07:39
coz_Dacvak,  not sure I didnt see your post ....I cant say I can help but would you please repeat it ?07:39
i_is_brokeDacvak, how are you trying to install it?07:39
coz_AnAnt,  ok let me know if that succeeds07:39
papul!repeat | Dacvak07:40
ubottuDacvak: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.07:40
DacvakThrough Add/Remove07:40
i_is_brokeDacvak,  does it have synaptics? or have you tried apt-get install xchat?07:40
damagui_is_broke: Of course I can't resize /home without unmounting it and I can't unmount it while I'm logged in right?07:40
DacvakI'll try apt-get real quick.07:40
papulDacvak, did u install ubuntu urself?07:40
i_is_brokedamagu, thats right, thats why i said to use the live cd.07:40
DacvakIt's a netbook version called Easy Peasy. It's 9.0407:41
mokkanam i supposed to be able to click on the messages that indicator applet pops up?07:41
EastDallassurmandal: Have you tried restarting the network service? "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"07:41
shinhwawho is using BT4?07:41
damagui_is_broke: :) Sorry for being a pain. If I have the live cd how do I get to gparted?07:41
Dacvakapt-get doesn't work. =/07:41
surmandalEastDallas, yes already twice07:41
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.07:41
papulDacvak, do sudo apt-get install xchat07:41
DacvakThat's what I did.07:41
i_is_brokedamagu, start the live desktop and apt-get install gparted it will download it for you.07:41
papulDacvak, whats the error on apt-get07:41
Dacvak"Couldn't find package xchat"07:41
macoDacvak: new install?07:42
Goliathdoes firefox work well with ms silverlight as well as ie does?07:42
EastDallassurmandal: dig and nslookup work?07:42
DacvakBrand new07:42
papulDacvak, do sudo apt-get update07:42
damagui_is_broke: okay. Thanks for your help07:42
macoDacvak: try running "sudo apt-get update" first07:42
i_is_brokedamagu, np07:42
papulthen try installing xchat07:42
Dacvak"Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/Release"07:42
EsatYuceLizardK|ng : there?07:43
indusDacvak: internet down?07:43
EastDallasGoliath: in windows, yes.  In linux you need to install Moonlight, and it does not work perfectly.07:43
DacvakSame error, can't find xchat.07:43
macoDacvak: can you ping us.archive.ubuntu.com ?07:43
i_is_brokeDacvak, can you ping yahoo?07:43
surmandalEastDallas, yes07:43
macoDacvak: if the apt-get update fails, the install will too07:43
DacvakDo I just type in "ping us.archive.ubuntu.com"?07:43
macoDacvak: yep07:43
AnAntcoz_: ok07:43
papulDacvak, are u using irc thru ur netbook or from any other computer07:43
DacvakYeah, I can ping it.07:44
DacvakI'm using a different computer07:44
EastDallassurmandal:  look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56879707:44
q0_0pi'm confused about minimal iso07:44
surmandalEastDallas, host, nslookup, dig it works, when ping07:44
DacvakMy netbook works fine online, though.07:44
q0_0pThe Minimal CD downloads packages from online archives at installation time instead of providing them on the install CD itself.07:44
papulDacvak, ping thru netbook07:44
DacvakI did.07:44
DacvakIt worked fine.07:44
q0_0pi need internet while installing?07:44
DacvakAverage ping time of around 100ms07:44
papulq0_0p, yes07:44
q0_0ppapul, that sucks07:45
papulq0_0p, why?07:45
leaf-sheepq0_0p: What are you trying to accomplish (with minimal ISO)?07:45
q0_0pleaf-sheep, old laptop07:45
papulq0_0p, u cant use live cd?07:45
q0_0pleaf-sheep, i should go server then fluxbox it?07:45
nigtvsri_: just one more time, sorry, what where the two locations involved?07:45
papulq0_0p, then use alternate installation disc07:45
DacvakHmmm. I don't know why it's not working.07:46
EastDallassurmandal:  I'm running out of suggestions...Maybe someone else here can help?07:46
papulDacvak, when u type sudo then command does it ask for password?07:46
surmandalEastDallas, thank :D he he07:46
nigtvactually thats just about 1000 lines up07:46
sri_usb mounted as CDrom... /dev/sr1... i would like to connect as /dev/ttyUSB)07:46
q0_0ppapul, what's the difference with the alternate installation disk?07:46
papulDacvak, and r u able to correctly insert it?07:46
DacvakIs it because I'm running i386?07:46
leaf-sheepq0_0p: Do a minimal install.  Decide which packages you want to install and go from there.  Maybe you want to try lubuntu-desktop or something thin?07:46
EastDallassurmandal:  did you look at that link?  It sounds like a similar problem.07:46
DacvakLol, yeah07:47
kickarhey guys can someone tell me a nvu alternative ?07:47
leaf-sheepq0_0p: Also, check if there are lubuntu ISO.07:47
papulq0_0p, it is text based07:47
q0_0ppapul, cool07:47
surmandalEastDallas, checking, but no luck yet07:47
papulq0_0p, q0_0p old method of installation for old computers ;)07:47
q0_0ppapul, :)07:47
q0_0ppapul, lubuntu is installing through terminal commands?07:48
q0_0ppapul, kind of like gentoo?07:48
papulq0_0p, u installed arch ever?07:48
q0_0ppapul, na never tried07:48
q0_0ppapul, learning gentoo at the moment07:48
q0_0ppapul, but it take too long to compile apps07:48
q0_0ppapul, take forever07:48
q0_0ppapul, but a good learning experience07:49
papulq0_0p, gentoo must be installed on a good computer since it compiles every thing07:49
q0_0ppapul, i put it on a crap laptop07:49
q0_0ppapul, how good?07:50
DacvakWhen I try to install certain apps, it says it can't because the application isn't supported on i386.07:50
guesthi... newbie needs help... any takers?07:50
papulq0_0p, lol u should try arch then07:50
DacvakSo... =/07:50
q0_0ppapul, what's it like07:50
papulq0_0p, go to archlinux.org07:50
papulq0_0p, see the screenshots07:50
guestcan't get my mic to work on my netbook... can anyone offer some suggestions?07:50
mokkani have an asus eee 1005, and the button to disable the touchpad doesn't work... any ideas?07:51
q0_0ppapul, i see one right here http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Arch_linux-beryl-sshot.png&imgrefurl=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Arch_linux-beryl-sshot.png&usg=__skMYM6iOmTqoIDrX_LzLVwqXYis=&h=768&w=1024&sz=735&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=qD1gaep7JbgGlM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Darchlinux%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:unofficial%26sa%3D07:51
q0_0ppapul, sorry about that07:51
nigtvwow long link07:51
xorwhyOpenarena networking is slow when played out of a installationless directory, but it works fine if installed via apt.07:51
q0_0ppapul, http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Arch_linux-beryl-sshot.png07:51
EastDallassurmandal: http://opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=40739607:51
=== Fudgey is now known as Fudge
papulquest, please change ur nick07:51
q0_0ppapul, what's good about arch07:51
xorwhyits outright enfuriorating minus most the fury, could someone please help?07:52
papulq0_0p, u can customize arch according to ur wishes07:52
q0_0ppapul, how so07:52
surmandalEastDallas, thanks :D07:52
papulq0_0p, better to talk about arch in #archlinux07:52
kickarhey nvu is not in the repo ?07:52
xorwhyI believe you customize arch according to your "wishes" by putting fourth the effort to learn how, RTFM, diy, whatever you want to call it.07:52
tonyyarusso!nvu | kickar07:53
ubottukickar: kompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project.  It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy and later releases.  Note that there is a GTK incompatibility in !Intrepid and !Jaunty, so users of those releases should use the !PPA at https://launchpad.net/~giuseppe-iuculano/+archive/ppa instead.07:53
guestnice... guess i'll come back later. peace...07:53
xorwhyis there a gtk alternative to Kompozer07:53
sri_my usb modem mounted as /dev/sr1 how to connect as /dev/ttyUSB07:54
tonyyarussoxorwhy: um, what?07:54
xorwhytonyyarusso: to which?07:54
tonyyarussoxorwhy: your last question07:54
cyberjorgehi, how to install a portable browser in ubuntu server? I just need to validate in my ISP's portal page07:54
sri_tonyyarusso: my usb modem mounted as /dev/sr1 how to connect as /dev/ttyUSB07:55
xorwhyYou know, a comparable-in-functionality Kompozer-like program not afflicted with qt07:55
tonyyarussoxorwhy: kompozer is GTK....07:55
hareldvdwhat's the name of the default login screen on 9.10? Can I install it on 9.04?07:55
tarelerulzI am on xp sp 3 network and I am trying to see the network shares ,but Ubuntu 9.10 don't see anything . What could I do07:55
xorwhytonyyarusso: hook line and sinker you are07:56
krishnaHi ,I would like to change my default shell to bash ,can any one help me how to do that07:57
macokrishna: that is usually the default...07:57
xorwhyPerhaps by not changing it from its default, that being bash.07:58
macokrishna: you mean your login shell right?07:58
macokrishna: or do you mean to change the meaning of "sh"?07:58
xorwhyalias sh=bash07:58
xorwhyI think07:58
macoheh well thats one way i guess...07:58
macoi think update-alternatives is the "proper" way07:58
tonyyarussoJust making an alias won't do anything for scripts that have a proper crunchbang, which is just about all of them.07:59
macotonyyarusso: right itd just affect typing "sh foo.sh"07:59
=== papul_ is now known as appul
xorwhyI don't really understand that, but don't waste your time explaining it to me08:00
=== appul is now known as papul
DacvakGuys, this is basically my problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-592031.html08:00
EsatYucei have 2 wirelesses AP in Ubuntu 9.10. i can connect to Internet with UNpassword, but i cant connect with password. WHY???08:00
linuxmani am trying to change an .rpm file into a .deb file, but when I try to execute the cmd,  "alien -k name-of-rpm-file.rpm" it gives me this error message08:00
linuxmanerror: incorrect format: unknown tag08:00
linuxmanWarning: Skipping conversion of scripts in package jre: postinst postrm prerm08:00
linuxmanWarning: Use the --scripts parameter to include the scripts.08:00
linuxmanchown: cannot access `jre-1.6.0_17//usr/java/jre1.6.0_17/lib/charsets.jar': No such file or directory08:00
FloodBot1linuxman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:00
linuxmanfailed chowning /usr/java/jre1.6.0_17/lib/charsets.jar to 0:0: Illegal seek at /usr/share/perl5/Alien/Package/Rpm.pm line 265, <GETPERMS> line 38.08:00
macoxorwhy: if you run "sh foo.sh" yes, what you're propsoing would work. but "./foo.sh" if foo.sh's first line is #! /bin/sh will still run in sh not bash08:00
DacvakBut since I'm using Netbook Remix, I can't find the Preferences tab in Add/Remove08:00
macolinuxman: not all rpms can be converted08:01
lwizardlis there a way in openoffice.org version 3 to create dropdown and text boxes that are usable when exporting as pdf files ?08:01
xorwhyoh yeah that makes sense, so update-alternatives sets special characters?08:01
EsatYucei have 2 wirelesses AP in Ubuntu 9.10. i can connect to Internet with UNpassword, but i cant connect with password. WHY???08:02
mokkani have an asus eee 1005, and the button to disable the touchpad doesn't work... any ideas?08:02
linuxmani am trying to change an .rpm file into a .deb file, but when I try to execute the cmd,  "alien -k name-of-rpm-file.rpm" it gives me this error message   error: incorrect format: unknown tag Warning: Skipping conversion of scripts in package jre: postinst postrm prerm Warning: Use the --scripts parameter to include the scripts. chown: cannot access `jre-1.6.0_17//usr/java/jre1.6.0_17/lib/charsets.jar': No such file or directory failed chowning /usr/java/jre1.608:02
xorwhy- k -d08:02
macolinuxman: really, you might just need a native deb08:02
xorwhy-k -d08:02
xorwhyk just keeps version, you want -d for deb08:03
macoxorwhy: default is to make a deb08:03
xorwhyoh my bad08:03
linuxmanjust tried that aswell , i have actually tried all the ways posted on the ubuntu and linux forums08:03
macolinuxman: basic rpms can be converted. if they do anything complex though...08:03
xorwhyI don't believe it was that way when I used it, but it may have been. it was some time ago, way back when purity didn't matter and alien worked08:03
linuxmani am actually trying to install java08:03
macolinuxman: there is NO guarantee that alien can do it08:03
macolinuxman: why are you converting an rpm instead of using java from the repositories?08:04
linuxmangot it08:04
rawr_neat i just figured out you can use empathy to log on to irc08:04
xorwhy the "clever" ones restrict you to their domain for pride-sake08:04
papullinuxman, apt-get install jre i guess08:04
linuxmani am new to linux and unix, therefore i have not tried any of that08:04
macolinuxman: sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre08:04
=== kb is now known as Guest13537
linuxman\one thing is that I have enabled the root user on the ubuntu os and i am logged as the root , so therefore i am not using the "sudo"08:05
* maco headdesk08:05
macowhy are you logged in as root?08:06
sri_maco: my usb modem mounted as /dev/sr1 ... how to connect as /dev/ttyUSB008:06
lolmausIs there an EASY way to install a pious php-gd library? I've made one from source, created a package, installed it and locked with aptitude. But now it's gone and orthodox php-gd is back! :(08:06
macosri_: no idea. cant your modem do ethernet like a normal modem?08:06
lisa1Is anyone aware of an email client/server that will forward all my POP email to a different email?08:06
ubuntutrepxewhats the difference between aptitude and apt-get?08:06
macolisa1: gmail can do that...08:06
ubuntutrepxelisa1, fetchmail08:06
macoubuntutrepxe: "sudo aptitude" by itself can open a tui. they have slightly different commands as well08:07
kickarhey what do i need to edit corew draw drawing files?08:07
lstarnesubuntutrepxe: they have slightly different commands and handle some things differently08:07
macokickar: open office draw and maybe inkscape08:07
linuxmanwell trying to experiment without the sudo,.......i am aware that the ubuntu guys do not recommend it, but anyway I am using a vertual machine so08:07
sri_it acts like a cdrom... only.. how can i convert to usb modme08:07
macokickar: im almost positive draw can open them. pretty sure inkscape can too.08:07
mokkani have an asus eee 1005, and the button to disable the touchpad doesn't work... any ideas?08:07
lisa1ok i'll try that. thanks08:07
papultonyyarusso, what are u doing? removing bans?08:07
kickarmaco,  draw didnt now installing ink ... thanks08:08
tonyyarussopapul: yup08:08
macopapul: the banlist is full. cant ban any more people til some space is cleared08:08
papulmaco, yes08:08
linuxmanwill try to fins help somewhere else , thanks anyway :)08:09
papulif there are any 117.* or 59.* ip is there please unban it coz they are dynamic ips08:10
Goliathwhats lost&found for linux08:10
Goliathdoes it have a special use08:10
inderhey anybody knows how to implement SNMP simulator on ubuntu ..plz08:10
macoGoliath: when you have a bad shut down, any data known to exist but whose filename is lost goes into the Lost+Found for that partition08:10
Goliathmaco: wine put some stuff in that folder08:11
DacvakAll I want to do is be able to install some applications...08:11
macoGoliath: in /home/Lost+Found ??08:11
DacvakI really wish someone could help me.08:11
demonsporkDacvak, what applications do you want to install?08:11
macoDacvak: that machine is online, not stuck behind a proxy or anything, and able to reach the mirror?08:11
mokkani have an asus eee 1005, and the button to disable the touchpad doesn't work... any ideas?08:11
macoDacvak: maybe try a different mirror?08:11
Goliathmaco: actually in my kde launcher menu->applications->lost&found-> my wine apps08:11
indusDacvak: use the main mirror08:12
renatoif I have an ubuntu system that act as my DNS, static definitions, defined  on hosts file of that server, should be visible from systems using that DNS, right?08:12
DacvakHow do I edit that stuff?08:12
macoGoliath: ooooooooh!08:12
DacvakI'm just desperately trying to install anything... gimp, mtpaint, xchat, anything.08:12
industonyyarusso: hi why is my name in the ban list08:12
industonyyarusso: just curious :)08:12
macoGoliath: kickoff jsut puts things there that it doesnt know how to categorize, i think08:12
macoDacvak: system -> administration -> software sources08:12
Goliathmaco: oh ok08:13
Dacvakmaco, I don't know how to get to that on Ubuntu Netbook Remix.08:13
tonyyarussoindus: looks like it was bot-added for flooding08:13
macoDacvak: oh. neither do i.08:13
tarzeauany tips for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bug/485709 ?08:13
industonyyarusso: yeah probably, i think it temp banned all users due to some guy spamming here08:13
* indus goes to lunch08:13
papulhow do i install stuff from a local deb file?08:14
lolmausIs there an EASY way to install a pious php5-gd library? To do that, i've made one from source, created a package, installed it and locked with aptitude. But now it's gone and orthodox php5-gd is back! :(08:14
macopapul: sudo dpkg -i *.deb08:14
DrMrHorsehow to i report bugs related to a kernel update?08:22
leaf-sheep!bugs | DrMrHorse08:23
ubottuDrMrHorse: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots08:23
DrMrHorsei should file with ubuntu?08:23
c0l2epocket projector.. is it working with ubuntu??08:24
leaf-sheepDrMrHorse: What issues are you having?08:24
DrMrHorsewhen my jaunty updated from 2.6.28-16-generic to 2.6.28-17-generic it made my dvd drive unable to burn properly.08:24
DrMrHorsesome looking into suggested that it was an issue related to the kernel and an hdparm setting08:24
DrMrHorseor somesuch08:25
papulDrMrHorse, upgrade to 9.1008:25
DrMrHorse9.10 had no sound and complained that my disc was broken08:25
DrMrHorsemy hdd that is08:25
leaf-sheepDrMrHorse: When you tried Karmic, did you came here for support? Sometimes things are backward and need to be configuration (sounds and such).08:26
EsatYucehow can i remove an application in Ubuntu?08:26
DrMrHorseno, like many i am staying with jaunty until lucid08:26
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: Ubuntu Software Center.08:26
EsatYuceok leaf_ thanks08:26
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: (I think). There are also Synpathic(sp)? under Administration.08:27
c0l2ethis type08:27
c0l2ewill it work on ubuntu?08:27
EsatYuceleaf: yes08:28
EsatYucehow can i remove VirtualBox from my computer??08:28
c0l2eremove via apt-get or synaptic08:29
aboeingHi, I am trying to build a driver, and the instructions say I need: a /lib/modules/'uname -r'/build/include/linux/modversions.h file. On my system the file is located at : /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.31-14-generic-pae/include/config/modversions.h I read online that I need to run 'make menuconfig' for my kernel, does anyone know how I can do this? Thanks.08:29
EsatYuceleaf-sheep: VirtulaBox is not inside Ubuntu Software Manager08:29
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: I don't use Ubuntu Software Center so I'm not sure. I know it is in Synpathic or there are easy way -- the terminal.08:30
EsatYuceleaf-sheep: how can i remove it to use Terminal?08:31
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: "sudo aptitude install virtualbox-ose" will install VirtualBox OSE (open source, not the PUEL).08:31
EsatYuceleaf-sheep:  i want to remove it, not install08:31
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: Run "aptitude search virtualbox"  -- On left column, what package have 'i' for installed?08:31
EsatYucei m not sure which package it is08:32
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: Open a terminal and follow the above command.08:32
EsatYuceok, 3.0 version08:32
EsatYucethere are 8 results when i typed above command08:33
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: Please paste it for me @ virtualbox-ose08:33
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ <---08:33
EsatYuceleaf-sheep, : http://paste.ubuntu.com/341013/08:34
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: Okay, to purge everything -- Do "sudo aptitude purge virtualbox-3.0"08:35
EsatYuceleaf-sheep, : ok08:36
coz_hey guys  how to change application language via terminal   I had the command but lost the darn thing08:36
coz_rather how to open an application in another language08:37
EsatYuceleaf-sheep, : Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock08:37
BlackBishopany way I can make ntpdate sync to my timezone ? :| ( GMT+2 )08:37
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: Close Synpathic.08:37
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: Only one package manager can be running at a time.08:38
rukii was updating 9.10 and i  am getting this window about "grub pc"  what would you like to do about grub? what should i select?08:38
EsatYuceleaf: i m downloading update application08:38
EsatYucei want to wait it to install once08:38
BlackBishopit seems to only sync to GMT-6 :|08:38
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: Okay. Wait then. :)08:38
EsatYuceleaf-sheep, : ok08:38
Kenginewhat is the best software for video chat in Ubuntu ? I am using 9.0408:39
EsatYuceleaf-sheep, : i will turn to you when it finish08:39
BlackBishop( it's 10:38 .. and if I do /usr/sbin/ntpdate  0.ro.pool.ntp.org  1.ro.pool.ntp.org  2.ro.pool.ntp.org it sets it to 02:38 )08:39
coz_nevermind I found the command to open an application via terminal in a different language08:40
rawr_can anyone recommend an IDE?  mostly doing c/c++ but would be nice to have python/lua/perl support as well08:41
leaf-sheepKengine: There are ekiga, skype, and possibly others that I don't know of.08:41
rukirawr_: eclipse08:41
rawr_ruki, thanks08:41
dcaHi Please help.. I am not able to connect to wireless network08:42
Kengineleaf-sheep: I didnt know skype had video chat08:42
BlackBishopnevermind, I found the time zone selection tool in administration08:42
KengineI have skype08:42
Kenginethanks leaf-sheep08:42
rukii was updating 9.10 and i  am getting this window about "grub pc"  "what would you like to do about grub?" ------------------ what should i select?08:43
rawr_dunno if it's the right thing, but i always select keep installed version and update my grub config if i need to08:46
cancelerxhey i want to access a remote ubuntu folder on another ubuntu computer across the network.. i need directions on the commands to use08:46
dcahi , i am not able to connect to wireless netwrk08:46
dcaplease help08:46
leaf-sheep!wireless | dca08:47
ubottudca: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:47
ianyikosi accidentally unplugged the network cord when i was installing a program, but it was after the program was downloaded.  The problem is that the graphics on my computer look horrible now.  is there any way i could have caused it by unplugging the network cord?08:47
Kage_Jittaicancelerx: there are a lot of ways to do that, I prefer sshfs08:48
dcayesterday it worked fine when i configured it for the first time, but today it is not working.. dont know how to Debug08:48
rawr_ianyikos, what do you mean exactly when you say graphics look terrible?  distorted?  if so how?  low resoultion maybe?08:48
leaf-sheepianyikos: What packages? If it get unplugged, then you should not obtain a complete package. It'd halt.08:49
ianyikosthey don't look as aesthetically pleasing.  it's not that they look bad i guess, just not as good.  lol.08:49
Kage_Jittaileaf-sheep: he said after it was done downloading though08:49
leaf-sheepKage_Jittai: I know. I wanted to know what package he tried to install. :)08:49
cancelerxKage_Jittai : i was looking more at a solution that is samba based i guess08:50
ianyikosit was pidgin internet messenger.08:50
rawr_ianyikos, well if your graphics are still working and are not distorted, then logic tells me it's not a hardware issue.  what package out of curiousity08:50
Kage_Jittaicancelerx: samba has always been a living hell for me personally08:50
Kage_Jittaicancelerx: samba has always been a living hell for me personally08:51
leaf-sheepcancelerx: There are SAMBA, SSH (SSHFS, DIRECT SSH/SCP, SFTP, RSYNC, NTP), etc.  Also, Nautilus (Your file manager) are capable of accessing other computers.08:51
Kage_Jittaicancelerx: also NFS08:52
leaf-sheepianyikos: It is not related. I'm guessing something else happened.  Screenshot? :o08:52
ianyikosit might have been downloading dependencies or something when i unplugged it i guess, i don't know.  it just really annoys me.  lol.08:52
cancelerxi knu of the Nautilus just wanted a command line equivalent.. well i will do some more google search08:52
rawr_ianyikos, best suggestion i can give at your junction is to try reinstalling the package.  this time without unplugging your network cable ;)08:53
ianyikoswell i don't know, it's happened before with a different program too, and when i reinstalled it there was no difference.  it looks fine when i boot off of the cd though.08:55
marlunAnyone know of a ppa for ubuntu with the latest php version (5.2.11) in it?08:55
moymoyI just tried a Fedora LiveCD, and the console font was absolutely beautiful.. is that something only enabled using KMS?08:55
rawr_ianyikos, stop randomly unplugging your network cable heh :D08:56
ianyikosit's broken.  lol.08:56
Quan-Timetry /quit08:56
indushi agains08:58
ianyikosi mean the program i installed has nothing to do with the graphics driver, so that just totally seems illogical to me, yet it happened.  lol.08:58
mutextIs there ported Ubuntu Remix for PPC?08:59
rawr_ianyikos, indeed does seem strange.  i've never tried randomly unplugging my network cable though, so i have no idea what you did to it08:59
leaf-sheep!ppc | mutext08:59
ubottumutext: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ08:59
leaf-sheepmutext: You can install ubuntu-netbook-remix08:59
c0l2eOptoma Pico PK101 will this work with ubuntu ??09:00
mutextcouldn't find a link to download .iso ...currently running 9.1 PPC09:00
c0l2eand with VGA to RCA adapter ??09:00
rawr_ianyikos, perhaps try checking your display settings and insuring the resolution is correct.  if that's good, perhaps check out your compiz/emerald settings09:00
c0l2eOptoma Pico PK101 + VGA to RCA adapter to an Ubuntu laptop09:01
c0l2ewill it work?09:01
mutextleaf-sheep: happen to have a link where I can download the remix ported to PPC?09:01
ianyikoswhat is compiz/emerald?09:01
Trotawindows FTW09:01
Trotakill those penguins...09:02
rawr_ianyikos, essentially it's your window manager that determines fancy extra graphic stuff09:02
rawr_!hi | darkshadow09:03
ubottudarkshadow: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!09:03
jamiewan_mutext: http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download-netbook09:03
ianyikosi don't know how to adjust settings for that i don't think, at least i haven't seen any.09:03
mutextjamiewan: it's for Intel chip09:04
jamiewan_i put that onto an asus eeepc today, works great09:04
ssammutext, i think you will have to add the netbook remix packages to your existing install09:05
rawr_ianyikos, hrm well perhaps you don't have it installed.  in that case then i have no idea what you mean when you say it doesn't look as good09:05
leaf-sheepmutext: You say you're using PPC right now?09:06
l1nUx1z3rcan someone help me with thunderbird 3, i want to be able to minimize it to the tray09:06
ianyikosthe windows don't appear 3-dimensional anymore, they're just totally flat-looking.09:06
mutextssam...Agree, that's possible to install the remix packages09:06
ssammutext, see the the "Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid) UNR Package Installation" section on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR/Installation/Hard (skip the adding an extra repository bit)09:06
mutextyes...I'm running 9.10 on G3 ibook09:06
rawr_ianyikos, perhaps change your theme in System->Preferences->Appearance09:07
l1nUx1z3rianyikos, are you using compiz??09:07
rawr_no he's not09:07
ssammutext, all the different ubuntu version (kubuntu, netbook, xubuntu), and basically the same, but have different packages installed by default09:07
ianyikosit says that i have that installed.09:07
ianyikosshould i reinstall it?09:07
IdleOne!ccsm | ianyikos09:08
ubottuianyikos: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz09:08
l1nUx1z3rianyikos, do you see compiz settings manager?09:08
mutextssam:  agreed....I was just hoping that there's ppc ported netmix .iso :)09:08
marlunIs it possible to downgrade a package like PHP using apt-get?09:08
l1nUx1z3rif not, install that then run it and enable 3-D desktop09:08
leaf-sheep!pinning | marlun09:08
ubottumarlun: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto09:08
frogzoomarlun: can be done by uninstalling, then pinning the install09:09
=== Mud is now known as Guest85981
marlunThanks, will check09:09
=== Guest85981 is now known as Mud
kickarhey how do i add language layout for the keyboard ?09:10
EsatYuceleaf-sheep, : i finished to undates09:14
induskickar: go to system>admin>language support09:15
kickarindus,  thanks09:16
EsatYuceindus, : do you remember me?*09:16
indusEsatYuce: :)09:16
indusdo you remember me EsatYuce?09:16
EsatYuceindus, : i have a problem09:16
EsatYuceindus, : yes from India09:16
jacob_Runing Ubuntu 9.10 with an TI HD 5750 and geting an unsupported hardware water mark with the flgrx driver from hardware drivers09:16
induswhat is the problem09:16
EsatYuceindus, : i want to remove virtualBox to use terminal09:17
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: sudo aptitude purge virtualbox-3.009:17
indusjacob_: you need the catalyst 9.11 drivers09:17
EsatYuceindus, : ok leaf-sheep  will help me09:17
indusjacob_: btw, is this card faster than the 4850?09:17
jacob_<indus:  where can i get them.  Dont know if its faster than a 4850 think so it cost more and its part of the 5xxx range09:18
minewhere to download  Konsole09:19
EsatYuceleaf-sheep,  what was the link which i can send you long message from it?09:19
indusjacob_: http://support.amd.com/us/Pages/AMDSupportHub.aspx09:19
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: http://paste.ubuntu.com/09:19
indusjacob_: good luck09:19
indusjacob_: let me see if there is an easier way09:19
EsatYuceleaf: ok, it finished to remove VirtualBox09:19
EsatYuceleaf-sheep,  ok09:20
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: Run "aptitude search virtualbox"  --- If you see all 'p' on left column, you're done. :)09:20
madsjwill texlive be upgraded to 2009 at some point in ubuntu ?09:21
EsatYuceleaf-sheep,  there are 5 p in Terminal09:22
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: No 'i' -- Right?  Your system are free of VirtualBox.09:22
EsatYuceeven i have 3 times09:22
EsatYucethere are 3 "i"09:22
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: Which packages? Paste it, please.09:23
elliehi. can my iPod touch work on jaunty?09:23
leaf-sheep!ipod | ellie09:23
ubottuellie: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod09:23
EsatYuceleaf-sheep, : ok09:23
EsatYuceleaf-sheep, : http://paste.ubuntu.com/341032/09:24
ellieleaf-sheep: !ipod?09:24
leaf-sheepellie: That was a bot trigger for ubottu to send you information regarding 'ipod'09:24
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: Meh. "sudo aptitude purge virtualbox-ose-guest-source virtualbox-ose-guest-x11"09:25
ellieoic. thanks! leaf-sheep ubottu09:25
indusjacob_: you understand?09:25
EsatYuceleaf-sheep,  removing all DKMS Modules09:25
indusjacob_: install envyng-gtk and install it but iam not sure it downloads the latest driver09:25
ubottuEnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver09:25
indusjacob_: yeah works09:26
EsatYuceleaf-sheep, : i think it finished09:26
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: Good.09:26
indusnow you can dance :)09:26
EsatYuceindus, : hehehe09:26
indusand take leaf-sheep along with you09:27
EsatYuceleaf-sheep, : how can i check if it is removed or not?09:27
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: Run this ---->  aptitude search virtualbox && echo ">:}~"09:28
EsatYuceleaf-sheep, : there are many "p" in Terminal09:28
ianyikosshould lib-g be enabled?09:29
jacob_indus thanks09:29
leaf-sheepEsatYuce: p --> purge (not installed).  i --> installed09:29
EsatYuceleaf-sheep, : hehehe09:29
EsatYuceleaf-sheep,  and indus  thank all of you09:29
indusEsatYuce: i didnt do anything09:30
EsatYuceleaf-sheep, : i will disturb you again soon09:30
EsatYuceindus, : even you didnt do anything, i want to thank you too09:30
leaf-sheep!cookie | indus09:30
ubottuindus: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!09:30
* indus munches on the cookie and shares a piece with leaf-sheep and EsatYuce09:31
indusok i have a question now09:31
* EsatYuce muches also indus 09:31
indusis there a ppa for the ATI proprietary driver?09:31
indusis there09:33
indusis there a ppa for the ATI proprietary driver?09:33
leaf-sheepindus: Nothing came up in search engine.  Use Envy?09:33
indusyeah other than envy i was wondering09:33
indusin a deb package etc09:34
mabusI have a linux computer with no mouse that has a svideo cable to the tv. i want to play movies on it and watch the tv. what service can I use to play a movie on my tv using a remote computer? if I vnc in, the tv won't play it obviously09:34
indusi recently got an ATI 4850 , the drivers work great btw for all those who say they dont09:34
indusbut i have some flicker which is solved in the latest 9.11 cataclysmic driver09:35
shaiHi :) On a fresh Ubuntu installation, when I open a Gnome Terminal and left click with the mouse on a line where text doesn't appear (to the right of the text or on places where text just doesn't exist), the entire line, from very right of the text to the EOL, gets highlighted (ie. copied to the clipboard). How can I avoid this from happening?09:35
indusnvidia has ppa how come ATI dont09:37
slimany idea??> When i go to play a video .AVI file it opens the video player then closes09:37
indusslim: use vlc to play09:37
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slim?? please explain im still new lol09:38
indusslim: install the video player called vlc09:38
indusslim: then play09:38
slimok thanks09:38
indusslim: open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install vlc09:38
osirisx11[Encryption] does anyone know of a way to have boot-time full-disk encryption with plausible deniability?09:40
holmserI just read a tutorial on a setup like that09:41
jas72zindus thanks letting me 9.11 ati driver was out downloading now for my ati 3850 card09:41
osirisx11holmser: pretty please find that :)09:41
holmserit booted a different OS based on which flash drive you had plugged in at boot time09:41
holmserI think I was googling "USB key full disk encryption"09:42
cubiculardoes anyone know how to open a rbw file?09:42
indusjas72z: welcome09:42
indusjas72z: for 3850? hmm you said 575009:42
indusworks for all anyways09:43
indusflicker free driver now with hardware gpu decode with flash 10.1 etc09:43
jas72zdid i sory its 385009:43
indusjas72z: old card then09:44
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages09:44
indusjas72z: you are jacob?09:44
jas72zagp card sapphire made it 512mb good card can play most games09:44
jas72zno jacob is not me09:45
indusjas72z: oh09:45
indusjas72z: i dont remember helping you09:45
indusjas72z: but anyways, you probably read my reply to him09:45
cubiculardoes anyone know how to open a rbw file?09:45
sanderj_Whats the latest kernel version in edgy?09:45
indusjas72z: use envyng-gtk to install the driver09:45
indusjas72z: easier09:45
osirisx11holmser: i need plausible deniability09:46
jas72zthats because you didnt lol09:46
cubicularcan anyone please tell me how to open a .rbw file?09:46
induscubicular: hmm rbw? where did u download it from09:46
cubicularits a program called xdcc-fetch. here it is: http://xdccfetch.sourceforge.net/#download09:47
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jas72zi do it terminal09:47
Zosimosi enabled the airplane effect from ccsm, but i dont know how to activate it, there are no key bindings listed09:48
jas72zalreay half way through09:48
indusjas72z: let me know how it goes, i will try it later too :)09:48
jas72zjust going to do restart back in a few mins09:49
induscubicular: hi wait09:50
Zosimosi enabled the airplane effect from ccsm, but i dont know how to activate it, there are no key bindings listed09:51
induscubicular: tell me more about this file09:51
cubicularit came with a bunch of folders and files. try downloading it09:52
cubicularindus: it came with a bunch of folders and files. try downloading it09:52
cubicularsite said it programed in ruby09:52
induscubicular: aah i think this is a ruby file09:52
induscubicular: do you have ruby installed09:52
cubicularindus: how do i check09:53
induscubicular: why are you downloading this thing i need to know first09:53
cubicularto download files from irc09:53
aaaoooaaahi guys09:54
induscubicular: well,open a terminal and type ruby09:54
aaaoooaaatesting 123 can anyone hear me?09:54
induscubicular: its installed default generally09:54
indusaaaoooaaa: yeahhh09:54
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: We don't hear you.  We read you.09:55
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: copy that :)09:55
aaaoooaaaI have installed karmic on a dell inspiron 1525 laptop and wireless isnt working, what should I do?09:55
osirisx11aaaoooaaa: dumb question that i am guilty of myself more times than i'd like to admit: is there a hardware wireless switch or FN-key combo you have to do to toggle it?09:56
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: Check Hardware Drivers under Admin/Preferences.09:56
induscubicular: its installed ,open terminal and type irb1.8 or something09:56
aaaoooaaaosirisx11: yeah tried that, the wifi LED doesnt blink09:56
indusinteractive ruby prompt09:56
cancelerxaaaoooaaa: try running the Hardware Drivers app from system->admin->Hardware drivers. check if it detects ur wireless h/w09:56
jas72zindus turned compiz setting back on cube snow leafs etc works perfectly09:57
indusjas72z: so how to install it?09:57
cubicularindus: ok i installed ruby. its still not running09:57
induscubicular: ruby is installed anyway09:57
aaaoooaaacancelerx: hardware drivers show "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system"09:57
sanderj_Anyone know if vmsplice is enabled by default in ubuntu kernels?09:58
induscubicular: did you follow instructions to run it09:58
cubicularindus: no it wasnt installed09:58
induscubicular: ok09:58
cubicularwhat instructions?09:58
jas72zi did sudo bash in terminal then copied and pasted driver09:58
sanderj_i'm worried about the vmsplace local root exploit09:58
cubicularindus: what instructions?09:58
induscubicular: open terminal and type irb1.8 to check if ruby installed ok09:58
Ipeeris it someway to reject emty directorys ?09:58
jas72zall very easy after that09:58
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: Err, do you see something that could be activated or just nothing?09:58
indusjas72z: just copy and paste and run thats all?09:58
macosanderj_: the one from 2 years ago?09:58
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: what do you mean?09:59
Ipeertry to read the dcoumantation twice and search for 2h but dosent find so mutch09:59
cubicularindus: it's not installed09:59
sanderj_maco, something like that09:59
induscubicular: where did you install it from09:59
macosanderj_: there was a patch released like the next day09:59
cubicularindus: apt-get install09:59
jas72zmake sure you set privliges but yes very easy follow instructions that come up09:59
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: Something like this?  http://tinyurl.com/yzsoa6l09:59
cubicularindus: what about it?10:00
osirisx11anyone know how i can get the latest nvidia binary? 195.22 i think?10:00
sanderj_maco, yes, but is that applied to 2.6.17-11-server ?10:00
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induscubicular: which version of ruby?10:00
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: nothing, empty, blank10:00
cubicularindus: how do I find out?10:00
Ipeerno one?10:00
induscubicular: sudo apt-get install ruby1.910:01
macosanderj_: 2.6.17? thats edgy. umm edgy was still supported at the time, so probably. but it hasnt had a security update in 18 months10:01
macosanderj_: why are you running an end of life distro?10:01
induscubicular: then type in terminal irb1.9 and it will open the ruby prompt10:01
sanderj_maco, because its a production server we want to touch as little as possible10:01
indusjas72z: is it a gui installer?10:02
macosanderj_: so why did you install a only-supported-18-months release instead of an LTS? dapper has support til 201110:02
macosanderj_: edgy's had no updates since april of 200810:02
indusmaco: only for server10:02
macoindus: sanderj_ is talking about a server10:03
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: well?10:03
macosanderj_: you're gonna get owned10:03
jas72zindus yes gui come up very easy10:03
indusjas72z: ok iam installing it tonight then10:03
indusjas72z: but does it break with newer kernel updates i think10:03
macosanderj_: i highly suggest going to 8.04. its an lts, has been out over a year so very stable. has support til 2013 so no worries about havig to switch again any time soon10:04
jas72zI have had no problems so I think you will be ok10:04
indusjas72z: ok10:04
indusjas72z: happy gaming10:04
cubicularok indus what next?10:05
fr3em1nd hi anyone here has a deep experience on CPS ?10:05
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: Sorry, I had my laptop enforcing typing breaks every hour. :O10:05
induscubicular: give me that link again10:05
slchenHello,  does the locale setting affect the font loaded by Xorg?10:05
leaf-sheep!wireless | aaaoooaaa10:06
ubottuaaaoooaaa: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:06
cubicularindus: http://xdccfetch.sourceforge.net/#download10:06
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: What model/make? I'll try finding something in search engines.10:06
slchenI have a program which can run under en_US.UTF-8 but zh_TW.UTF-810:06
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: it says event not found10:06
fr3em1ndi have problems install J3500 HP printer10:06
induscubicular: is this a ruby gems download?10:06
induscubicular: which one did you download?10:07
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: Huh? What are you talking about?10:07
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: dell inspiron 152510:07
induscubicular: if so, then run gem install <<filename>>10:07
cubicularindus: i dont know what you're talking about10:07
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: oh lol, ok i thought !wireless was a cli cmd10:07
induscubicular: it says double click to run it10:08
induscubicular: so do that then10:08
cubicularindus: i've tried that10:08
indusfxruby also required it says10:08
cubicularindus: no such package10:09
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: How are you getting wireless? It's not built in, is it?10:09
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep:  it is10:09
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: Ya. I had Match case on so "wireless" didn't came up but "Wireless" did.10:10
induscubicular: here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48248110:10
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: What issues are you having though? It didn't work?  You have wireless router, right? (I had to check).10:10
indusiam not a paid volunteer10:11
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: nothing works10:11
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: as far as wifi goes that is10:11
slimwhy would a video player open then close  when trying to play a vid?10:11
indusslim: hi you still stuck?10:12
indusslim: did you install vlc?10:12
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: im on a diff setup right now,, i have the problematic laptoop next to me10:12
slimsame issue as b410:12
indusslim: in vlc, check under tools>messages10:12
om26er!who | slim10:12
ubottuslim: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:12
indusslim: it will tell you what problem the file has , do all files exit like this?10:13
slimindus: yeah10:13
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: modprobe iwlagn10:13
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: Try that in the terminal.10:13
slimindus: no messages10:13
indusslim: the file is bad probably?10:14
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: "ifconfig wlan0" -- You get information about your wireless card?10:14
indusslim: otherwise it should not happen10:14
srkhi all10:14
srkcan anybody tell me about ubuntu10:14
indussrk: shah rukh khan10:14
slimindus: the files are .avi would that matter10:14
indusslim: no , avi should play fine10:14
leaf-sheepslim: VLC can play *ANYTHING*10:15
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: im copying all of the o/p and will send a pastebin link in a minute10:15
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync10:15
srkits my name10:15
indussrk: ya right10:15
slimleaf-sheep: except my files10:15
indussrk has an ubuntu question :) cool10:15
=== TheTosh is now known as Guest36639
leaf-sheepslim: Corrupted files?10:15
cubicularcould anyone tell me what the newest version of the fox-toolkit (libfox) is?10:15
indus!info fox10:15
ubottuPackage fox does not exist in karmic10:15
srkindus is it your name10:16
slimleaf-sheep: i dont believe so, downloaded torrent file10:16
indus!info libfox10:16
ubottuPackage libfox does not exist in karmic10:16
indus!info libfox1.610:16
ubottuPackage libfox1.6 does not exist in karmic10:16
indus!info libfox-1.610:16
bakaratif i set a system wide proxy in ubuntu, where does it actually get set?10:16
ubottuPackage libfox-1.6 does not exist in karmic10:16
nibblercan i install ubuntu unr with encrypted /?10:16
leaf-sheepcubicular: libfox-1.6-0 (karmic/lucid)10:16
bakarati mean, how does firefox pick it up for instance?10:17
srkI am unable to create ubuntu boot disk can any body help me?10:17
nibblerbakarat, its set via enviroment variables10:17
cubicularwhat leaf-sheep ?10:17
indusleaf-sheep: hmm you know this one10:17
induscubicular: he said its 1.610:17
leaf-sheepslim: Well, force recheck on the torrent file.  See if that is actually completed.10:17
cubicularoh ok10:17
induscubicular: so install from synaptic anyway10:17
bakaratnibbler, i would imagine "http_proxy"? if so, why can't i "echo $http_proxy" once its set?10:17
slimleaf-sheep: k thanks10:17
induscubicular: that link i hgave you is from 2007 so a little changed iam sure10:17
nibblerbakarat, $HTTP_PROXY maybe..10:18
leaf-sheepbakarat: Somewhere in /etc/ or /usr/ -- I'd imagine. I'll check.10:18
nibblerbakarat, and you have to relogin anyway to "apply" it10:18
=== Greed is now known as NIGG
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: http://pastebin.com/m7b7c6e0510:19
bakaratnibbler, the proxy settings are activated on the fly, problem is, i'm switching to kde and it doesn't work well with anything non-kde :P10:19
bakaratso i was wondering how the proxy got set in ubuntu so that i may emulate it in kde10:19
leaf-sheepbakarat: Perhaps in /usr/lib/mozilla/10:20
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: whatdya think?10:21
bakaratleaf-sheep, having a look, thanks10:21
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: You did ran "sudo modprobe iwlagn"?10:21
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: http://pastebin.com/m7b7c6e05 all the way at the end10:22
cubicularindus, leaf-sheep: how do i fix this?:10:23
cubicular:~$ sudo gem install xdcc-fetch10:23
cubicularerror404notfound:  could not find gem xdcc-fetch locally or in a repository10:23
FloodBot1cubicular: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:23
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: Is this a Karmic install?10:23
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: yeah10:24
oCean_bakarat: in gnome there's /usr/bin/gnome-network-properties to config network/proxy settings10:25
oCean_bakarat: that will create/edit ~/.gconf/system/http_proxy/%gconf.xml10:26
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: Run lsmod, please10:26
bakaratoCean_, and how is firefox tied into this? is it a custom ubuntu/gnome plugin?10:27
cubicularindus: you still here?10:27
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: gime a sec10:27
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: Is this a fresh installation?10:27
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: Okay.10:28
oCean_bakarat: hmm.. i remember firefox having a plugin to use local/system settings. Not sure if that's what you're after?10:28
chriswHi all, I did   aptitude remove mysql-server  on one server and it asked me for confirmation, on aother it didn't and just went ahead and removed it. What config options could cause that difference in behaviour?10:29
forceflowbakarat: I think it's firefox-gnome you're looking for10:29
forceflowor something similar10:29
Trotayour moma causes config problems10:29
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: http://pastebin.com/m2c339273 all the way at the end10:29
Trotashe really does10:30
forceflowgot it10:30
oCean_Trota: plesase behave10:30
forceflowbakarat: it's firefox-gnome-support10:30
bakaratoCean_, ah could be :)10:30
bakaratforceflow, ah thanks :>10:30
leaf-sheepchrisw: Confirmation as in... password?10:30
cubicularindus, leaf-sheep: how do i fix this?:10:30
Trota i needed that mom joke today10:30
cubicular:~$ sudo gem install xdcc-fetch10:30
cubicularerror404notfound:  could not find gem xdcc-fetch locally or in a repository10:30
FloodBot1cubicular: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:30
chriswleaf-sheep: no, confirmation, as in aptitude's normal "are you sure you want to do this? Y/n"10:31
leaf-sheepchrisw: Not a big deal. But if you used paramater (sudo aptitude remove -y lolcat), that'll be automatically yes to all questions.10:32
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: You want to try linux-backports?10:32
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: whats that?10:32
=== Bdfoster89 is now known as bdfoster_iPhone
darti need one key for wine 1.1.3410:32
chriswleaf-sheep: I didn't, that's why I'm wondering...10:33
cubicularwhy is "sudo gem install xdcc-fetch" not working for me?!?!10:33
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: You know how to install packages. Ensure the backports are toggled in Software Sources and do "aptitude search linux-backports"10:33
chriswleaf-sheep: must be something in a config somehwere, btu I've lookde and /etc/apt is identical on both machines...10:33
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: but i cant connect to the internet on that machine...10:34
Ohanhi there people10:34
leaf-sheepaaaoooaaa: Ethernet for now?10:34
Ohanis there a quick and easy way to fix those ugly anti-aliased/blurred/whatever fonts in ubuntu?10:34
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: dont have ethernet where im at10:34
forceflowOhan: check appearance -> fonts10:34
forceflowand then use subpixel smoothing or something10:34
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: im at school and all we have is proxified school wifi internet10:34
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: and thats my only internet option10:35
Ohanforceflow, i just fell in love of you :D10:35
aaaoooaaaleaf-sheep: i can download the packages manually and install them10:35
cubicularaaaoooaaa: what do you mean proxified?10:35
forceflowOhan: let's keep a long-distance relationship then, glad I could help10:35
cubicularwhy is "sudo gem install xdcc-fetch" not working for me?!?!10:35
aaaoooaaacubicular: i mean behind a proxy10:35
Ohanforceflow, ok let's do that ;)10:35
Ohanit's still better than "i think we should stay friends... it's not you, it's me" ;)10:36
Ohanman, at last, the fonts are readable...10:36
nic3Hello all..my 9.10 goes to tty1 after a minute..any idea why?10:36
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Spixxnic3: sure it doesnt go to you belong base?10:36
nic3belong base meaning?10:37
Ohanthanks a ton forceflow ;)10:37
Spixxnic3: kidding do you have any error msg at all?10:37
kinja-sheepaaaoooaaa: Xorg freezed out on me. :(10:37
Spixxtry and check var/log and whatever file X11 is creating ?10:37
nic3how do i need to check log of ubuntu?10:37
nic3meaning xorg.conf it's creating?10:38
kinja-sheepaaaoooaaa: Try and "aptitude search backports" -- See if anything turns up, then you'll know what packages to get manually from us.archive.com site.10:38
macono /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:38
aaaoooaaakinja-sheep: huh?10:38
NigelShey ppls :)10:38
Spixxmy way? nano /var/log/Xorg*10:38
NigelSquestion for you.... i'm logged in as a username which i'm sure has administrator rights10:39
Spixxput that in a pastebin and post the url here nic310:39
rahilmhow to find zombie processes in top?10:39
NigelSbut i cant move anything from that login to a windows network share.. how could i be able to move my files?10:40
cubicularwhy is "sudo gem install xdcc-fetch" not working for me?!?!10:40
kinja-sheepchrisw: Check /home/$USER/.aptitude/config -- Really, that should be a blank page if you didn't change anything.10:40
aaaoooaaakinja-sheep: i found these10:40
Spixxcubicular: what errors?10:40
aaaoooaaakinja-sheep: linux-backports-modules-wireless-karmic-generic10:40
aaaoooaaakinja-sheep: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-backports-modules-wireless-karmic-generic10:41
cubicularSpixx: ERROR:  could not find gem xdcc-fetch locally or in a repository10:41
kinja-sheepaaaoooaaa: Hmmm. You'll be likely to need a specific kernel (version) too.10:41
Spixxwhat is this gem you speak of? is aptitude not good enough?10:41
kinja-sheepaaaoooaaa: Also, check this out --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam --> (Look for your make/model). Your hardwares should work fine out of the box.10:43
aaaoooaaakinja-sheep: yeah mine's 2.6.31-14-generic10:43
cubicularSpixx: if you don't know what gem is, why did you ask me about it?10:43
kinja-sheepaaaoooaaa: Fresh installation? We're at *.16 now :o10:43
Spixxbecause the error gives me the idea of the package missing from rep? I've never used gem so I don't know how to use it but perhaps check what reps you are using is a good idea?10:44
Spixxcubicular: and it is hard to not know what error you are getting10:44
NigelSi know you guys are all busy but when someone is free could you please give me a hand? :)10:44
erUSUL!ask | NigelS10:45
ubottuNigelS: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:45
NigelSerr i did10:45
NigelSoppps ok10:45
kane77cubicular, what problem you have?10:45
cubicular:~$ sudo gem install xdcc-fetch10:45
cubicularerror404notfound:  could not find gem xdcc-fetch locally or in a repository10:45
FloodBot1cubicular: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:45
NigelSquestion for you.... i'm logged in as a username which i'm sure has administrator rights, but i cant move anything from that login to a windows network share.. how could i be able to move my files?10:45
cubicularthats my problem kane7710:45
kane77cubicular, are you sure that there is such gem?10:46
sri_How to mount the smb fs permanently????10:46
cubicularwell not positive10:46
erUSUL!samba | sri_ NigelS10:46
ubottusri_ NigelS: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.10:46
aaaoooaaakinja-sheep: fresh from the cd yeah10:46
cubiculari know that it existed 2 years ago10:46
oCean_cubicular: maybe you should ask in #ruby channel?10:46
kickarhey is there a print preview on open office draw?10:46
kinja-sheepNigelS: Windows Share (Samba) is on read-only permission, perhaps?10:46
induscubicular: hi10:46
induscubicular: whatsup10:46
cubicularhi indus10:46
NigelSerr my level is beginner guys and how do i find out about the read only or not10:47
kane77cubicular, that is what you get if you there's no such gem..10:47
cubicularhow do i get a repository for xdcc-fetch10:47
induscubicular: you probably didnt download it as a  gem10:47
nilghi, do you know how to enable file visualization in nautilus for video files? it was working for ubuntu 9.04 but not working for 9.10. Thanks!10:47
siropiowho knows which edition of UNIX NETWORK PROGRAMMING Volume 1 is better?2nd or 3d which is updated by others?10:48
cubicularindus: no i didnt that's right10:48
kinja-sheepkickar: No. You get the idea (outline paper on drawing).10:48
siropiosorry for the offtopic10:48
induscubicular: try that way then10:48
induscubicular: also, ask in #ruby10:48
cubicularindus: try what way?10:48
Ddordahow do i completly erase with the eraser on gimp?10:48
oCean_siropio: then don't ask such questions here. Take that to #ubuntu-offtopic.10:48
induscubicular: try ask in ruby channel i suggest10:49
induscubicular: my knowledge is limited here10:49
siropiooCean_ ok10:49
induscubicular: right now where are you stuck10:49
kane77cubicular, you can try to manually download the gem from rubyforge and install it using sudo gem install -l gemname.gem (that is lowercase -L parameter)10:49
aaaoooaaakinja-sheep: so whatdya think I should be doing here10:50
cubiculari want to get a repository so that xdcc fetch can be more automatically installed10:50
induscubicular: is it in synaptic ?10:50
cubicularindus: no10:50
kane77cubicular, are you by any chance running something other than 32-bit ubuntu?10:50
erUSULcubicular: gem like cpan is not hdnled by the ubuntu repos10:51
kinja-sheepaaaoooaaa: Get the generic one and 2.6.31-16-generic.10:51
cubicularim incredibly confused10:51
kinja-sheepaaaoooaaa: Really, you should only need the "*-2.6.31-16-generic" part.10:51
kane77cubicular, from what I see in rubyforge there is only i386 version of the gem..10:52
oCean_cubicular: why. The gem repositories are *not* the same as ubuntu repositories10:52
aaaoooaaakinja-sheep: you mean the 2 files here : http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-backports-modules-wireless-karmic-generic10:52
rukiubuntu one is showing capabilities mismatch!! what can i do to connect it?10:53
oCean_cubicular: so the people you should ask how to add your desired repository, are not the people in #ubuntu channel. That's way it is suggested to ask in #ruby10:54
=== frogzoo1 is now known as frogzoo
oCean_!details | ruki10:55
ubotturuki: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:55
kinja-sheepaaaoooaaa: Get "linux-backports-modules-wireless-karmic-generic" and "linux-backports-modules-2.6.31-16-generic"10:55
LiL_mr-tare logs kept of an applications activity in /var/log somewhere?10:55
kinja-sheepaaaoooaaa: Also, "linux-image-2.6.31-16-generic"10:55
kinja-sheepaaaoooaaa: Some debs are (just in case).10:56
NigelSproblem sorted.. thanks10:56
oCean_LiL_mr-t: sometimes yes, sometimes no.  Can you be more specific?10:56
rukioCean_: when i click on the connect i get the following message:  capabilities mismatch -- you may have installed a newer version of the client for which the the server does not yet provide support10:57
cubicularhow do i get gem to work10:57
cubicularno one is responding in #ruby10:57
oCean_cubicular: that is no reason to keep repeating your question here.10:58
aaaoooaaakinja-sheep: ok thanks10:58
induscubicular: hi again10:58
cubicularoCean_: u wasnt talking to you10:58
melik_can soeone highlight me quick?10:58
cubicularindus: hi.10:59
cubicularindus: how do I get gem to work10:59
cubicularis it a package you have to install10:59
induscubicular: tell me, why do u say gem is not working10:59
induscubicular: well, its called ruby-gems10:59
induscubicular: sudo apt-get install ruby-gems11:00
induscubicular: sudo apt-get install rubygems11:00
induscubicular: then whatever gem you downloaded , you install with gem install name of paclage11:00
cubicularindus: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 15 not upgraded.11:01
NV`heyias, what is the difference between a ubuntu server minimum install and a virtualised minimum install?11:01
indusso its installed11:01
GambaroniWhen running sudo rsync -pltv --delete /var/svn/* martin@ I get rsync: --delete does not work without -r or -d. What would be a solution to that?11:01
NV`i just installed a virtualised one within vmware, but noticed its running a -generic kernel, id have imagined the virtualised one would have selected a tuned kernel for virtualisation (low tickrate, etc)11:02
induscubicular: where is this file you downloaded?11:02
NV`Gambaroni: you probably want to add the -r flag, which makes it recurse into sub directories11:02
GambaroniNV` I JUST want the files11:03
chriswkinja-sheep: /root/.aptitude/config is empty on both machines, and we do all aptitude stuff as root...11:03
oCean_ruki: quick search of launchpad shows some capabilities mismatch entries. Are you on fresh install 9.10? According to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/463093 and related bugs, it seems that some updates (should) have fixed this..?11:03
NV`Gambaroni: then add the -d flag which makes it not recurse into sub directories then?11:03
GambaroniNV` I don't want the dirs at all :)11:03
cubicularindus: i finally installed it as a gem11:03
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:03
fokaHello!  I'm trying to upgrade a Ubuntu 9.04 machine to 9.10 using "update-manager -d", but now it seems to want to upgrade me directly to 10.04 (alpha 1).  Is there anyway to upgrade to 9.10 instead?  Thank you!11:03
cubicularindus: it was case-sensitive11:03
induscubicular: great how ?11:03
induscubicular: ok cool11:03
induscubicular: now it will run i guess11:04
erUSULGambaroni: add -r or -d to the options ?11:04
cubicularif I can find it11:04
cubicularindus: if I can find it11:04
gnomefreakfoka: dont use -d that is for devel release11:04
GambaronierUSUL I don't want the dirs11:04
=== Guest79625 is now known as Mud
induscubicular: ruby -rubygems my_program_that_uses_gems11:04
[SilverFox]Has anyone ever had issues with ati drivers maybe nvidia or anything had this. Where KDE runs 3d games work great and opengl is fine but the desktp has choppyness when you scroll in a web page or move a window. and I mean more choppyness then when I had no video drivers installed in KDE was way smoother.11:04
induscubicular: can run it like that11:04
rukimy monitor dims after a few seconds of inactivity. how can i control the brightness not to dim?11:05
cubicularindus: what?11:05
induscubicular: no ignore that11:05
NV`[SilverFox]: your first problem is ATi11:05
forceflowruki: check power saving options11:05
kinja-sheepruki: Power Management/Options under Preferences/Administration.11:05
forceflowruki: there's a checkbox for 'dim screen when idle'11:05
indus[SilverFox]: hi i have ati11:05
kinja-sheepruki: Or Screensaver --> Power Settings11:05
TangoTooLI am in the need for assistance11:06
[SilverFox]indus ever heard of a such issue before?11:06
indus[SilverFox]: its a flash issue or maybe a 2d driver issue11:06
indus[SilverFox]: install latest driver 9.1111:06
[SilverFox]I just did11:06
[SilverFox]in fact I formated11:06
[SilverFox]and redid it with 9.1111:06
[SilverFox]on 9.1011:07
indus[SilverFox]: choppiness with firefox?11:07
TangoTooLIm looking for something like a virtual webcam where I can litterally use my desktop as a webcam device to broadcast on tinychat and other streaming video sites11:07
[SilverFox]all of it11:07
[SilverFox]all the windowd choppy11:07
fokagnomefreak: Thank you!11:07
soreau[SilverFox]: Which model card do you have?11:07
[SilverFox]indus: right now moving this Quassel window around I see like choppy trails hehe11:07
TangoTooL<- not new to ubuntu or linux, just looking for any help11:07
indus[SilverFox]: is compiz enabled?11:08
indusTangoTooL: yes its possible11:08
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:08
[SilverFox]indus: no not that I know of11:08
TangoTooLOk, guess I didn't word that correct.11:08
indusTangoTooL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/webcamstudio/develop11:09
indus[SilverFox]: well i dont have any such issues11:09
indus[SilverFox]: can you rephrase again11:09
TangoTooLI don't have a webcam and I already have that, just got it. Is that what I will be needing?11:09
[SilverFox]indus:  my issue?11:10
[SilverFox]indus: how about a url with a bunch of people with the same issue :011:10
LiL_mr-toCean_: i just wondered if irssi, the irc app, keeps an logs of its activity?11:10
[SilverFox]indus: here is my post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135460411:10
TangoTooLare you talking about ati+ubuntu issues silver?11:10
[SilverFox]TangoTooL: yes11:10
indus[SilverFox]: aah kde11:11
[SilverFox]indus: here is a thread with many people http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130736811:11
[SilverFox]indus: happen with gnome too11:11
indus[SilverFox]: not sure what to do about that11:11
TangoTooLGood luck with that issue.11:11
[SilverFox]TangoTooL: hehe thanks :)11:11
TangoTooLI have used many many different cards for ati+ubuntu11:11
indus[SilverFox]: i have the 4850 just bought a week ago11:11
TangoTooLnot a very good thing to have :P11:11
indus[SilverFox]: works fantastically11:11
soreau[SilverFox]: The problem is the proprietary driver. Before you installed, you were using the open radon driver, which now has 3D support for your card if you use latest kernel and components from the xorg-edgers repo. You can only use the open driver if fglrx is completely removed from the system11:12
indus[SilverFox]: i was scared after reading ati issues for 3 years but heh i dont face any11:12
oCean_LiL_mr-t: well, it is possible. I haven't use irssi in a long time, but using "/set autolog on" should work I think11:12
induswhat good is 3d anyways if theere are no applications which use it11:12
indus2d is good enough for linux11:12
[SilverFox]soreau: a friend did it for me im new to linux he wanted me to use it I want to use it. He did install it but I was getting bad Frames and the 2d glitch still was effecting the desktop11:12
[SilverFox]right when I change to any driver11:12
[SilverFox]my desktop slugs11:13
[SilverFox]we tried like 5 drivers11:13
frogzoo3d is really experimental, despite what the packagers say11:13
indus[SilverFox]:set settings in driver to default11:13
soreau[SilverFox]: Without latest components from xorg-edgers repo and latest kernel, you will only have 2D with that card11:13
oCean_LiL_mr-t: not sure what default logging path is, but command like "/set autolog_path /path/to/mylog" is worth a shot :) - also there might be a config file where you could add these to make them permanent11:13
frogzooone of these days they'll find something useful to use it for11:13
[SilverFox]soreau: problem was 3d works amazing 2d blows11:13
indussoreau: can you point me to that ppa ? i want the latest11:14
LiL_mr-toCean_: ah, thanks. so by default no record of activity but by specifying as you mention i can obtain logs? thanks.11:14
soreauindus: It is called xorg-edgers11:14
indus[SilverFox]: 2d sucks with nvidia also11:14
indus[SilverFox]: why do you need 3d anyway.11:14
indus[SilverFox]: nothing in 3d ever comes for linux :D11:14
[SilverFox]not on my other pc it has a 9800GX2 older this 4890 of course has good fps in opengl games and 2d rocks.11:14
[SilverFox]indus: I'm building a game a mmorpg :P so its sort of needed11:15
frogzoo2d mmorpgs ftw11:15
indus[SilverFox]: the most awesome native 3d application on linux came 3 years ago quake 4, and i get super performance with it11:15
frogzoobut ascii for choice11:15
[SilverFox]indus: lol what about quake wars?11:16
indus[SilverFox]: other than that, i dont know why people complain about 3d anyway :) to run compiz yeah right11:16
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indus[SilverFox]: ya ya 2 years later11:16
indus[SilverFox]: id stuff i mean11:16
[SilverFox]indus: well i don't care about 3d as much im happy with mine I will live with it not as good windows but good enough just the 2d ruining me11:16
[SilverFox]indus: after moving around for an hour I feel sick from the glitchy windows :S11:16
indusubuntu users stop complaining about driver problems in 3d when there is no application in 3d for linux :)11:17
indus[SilverFox]: could you check the bug wiki for ATI?11:17
lowlycoderwhat's a good tablet/slate laptop for ubuntu?11:17
indus[SilverFox]: wait i give u link11:17
[SilverFox]I looked I think11:17
[SilverFox]the unoffical ati wiki11:18
[SilverFox]36724 frames in 5.0 seconds11:18
indusyea and?11:18
[SilverFox]send again i was in windows when I was reading hehe11:18
UlmanyarAfter downgrading GDM in Karmic (that is: installing the legacy package gdm-2.20) I get some issues with x-servers "already running on display :0" etc. Anyone know how to fix this?11:18
indus[SilverFox]: http://ati.amd.com/support/faq/linux.html11:18
ZzTophow do I chmod als file so that I can run it..11:18
indusnot opening :D11:19
indus[SilverFox]: iam waiting for overdrive gui ,right now its command line, also a prettier looking ccc11:19
soreau[SilverFox]: The open driver is going to e a lot better in the long run. It has always been the default in ubuntu but now it even has 3D support for your card too. It is so new, that it did not quite make it into jaunty which is why you would have to use xorg-edgers repo driver components and latest kernel11:19
MohsenTHi . how i find my chipset model ?11:19
soreau[SilverFox]: But the open driver cannot work while fglrx is installed11:20
indussoreau: the open driver cant run quake 4 or doom311:20
indussoreau: more details on request :)11:20
[SilverFox]soreau I'm really new to this if I don't follow a detailed instruction I fail11:20
indussoreau: its not the driver which is the issue, its the application11:20
Cube``hey! does anybody know a (rather small) project that needs somebody to write a manual/documentation/help??11:21
soreau[SilverFox]: Well just know you do not need to install a driver. It will work OOTB, even with 3D in Lucid11:21
indussoreau: if an application uses a feature which is closed, the open driver will never run it without reverseengin etc11:21
lowlycoderwhere is my /boot/grub/menu.lst ? I no longer see it11:21
soreauindus: Im not here to argue, but you really have no idea what youre talking about11:21
bullgard[Karmic] Totem reproduces from a DVD the video, but not the sound. PulseAudio Applet > Volume Control (> Volume Control) > Totem Movie Player Playback Stream shows the loudspeaker symbol with the emblem 'Muted'. How to enable sound reproduction?11:21
[SilverFox]well my friend said he tried the open driver11:21
[SilverFox]it was the same lag on the desktop then11:21
indussoreau: can i run s3tc with the open driver then?11:21
indussoreau: or did you try running quake 4 wih it?11:22
soreauindus: Eventually with the gallium driver, yes11:22
indussoreau: eventually yeah11:22
[SilverFox]maybe Im trapped on windows forever hehe11:22
indussoreau: doesnt run now though unless i use some hack in driconf11:22
soreau[SilverFox]: For now, you can try turning off desktop visual effects to see if that helps11:23
[SilverFox]soreau: I just tired that they were already disabled11:24
[SilverFox]soreau: was like my desktop knew it sucked11:24
soreau[SilverFox]: What is the output of fglrxinfo?11:24
[SilverFox]OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series11:24
[SilverFox]OpenGL version string: 2.1.911611:24
The_EvanHello world!11:25
soreauHuh. I guess the proprietary drivers sucks worse than I previously knew11:25
shaiHi :) On a fresh Ubuntu installation, when I open a Gnome Terminal and left click with the mouse on a line where text doesn't appear (to the right of the text or on places where text just doesn't exist), the entire line, from very right of the text to the EOL, gets highlighted (ie. copied to the clipboard). How can I avoid this from happening?11:25
indusworks fine in my system11:25
indusits standard issue amd11:25
soreau[SilverFox]: The only other thing I could think of is to adjust settings in amdcccle and see if any help11:26
Cube``hey, does anybody know a (rather small) project that needs somebody to write a manual/documentation/help??11:26
[SilverFox]soreau: amdcccle? never heard of it11:26
soreau! info amdcccle11:27
[SilverFox]!info amdcccle11:28
ubottuPackage amdcccle does not exist in karmic11:28
MohsenThow i find my chipset model ?11:28
soreau! info fglrx-amdcccle11:28
indus[SilverFox]: its the catalyst center11:28
indus[SilverFox]: just go to other in menu11:28
[SilverFox]im playing with that now11:28
indus[SilverFox]: :)11:28
indus[SilverFox]: set things to default and check11:28
[SilverFox]I turned on and off some stuff going to reset11:28
[SilverFox]they were on default :P11:28
soreau!info fglrx-amdcccle11:28
ubottufglrx-amdcccle (source: fglrx-installer): Catalyst Control Center for the ATI graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is optional. Version 2:8.660-0ubuntu4 (karmic), package size 7570 kB, installed size 15056 kB (Only available for amd64 i386)11:28
soreauDamn that bot11:29
The_EvanHelp: Please: I'm REAL new to Linux and even newer to Ubuntu. Got Karmic, wondering if there's anywhere you can leave messages for developers/writers in the way of suggestions? I've not been able to find anywhere appropriate in ubuntuforums.11:29
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[SilverFox]be back soon11:29
[SilverFox]do I need to reset the whole system?11:29
indusThe_Evan: its called launchpad where you can file bugs, wishlists eetc11:29
[SilverFox]or there way reset just part of it for video changes11:29
indus[SilverFox]: probably if it says so11:29
[SilverFox]ok :)11:29
indus[SilverFox]: restart X11:30
The_Evanindus: Cheers mate. Will check it out.11:30
indusThe_Evan: also11:30
indusThe_Evan: check irc for help too11:30
MohsenThow i find my chipset model ?11:30
MohsenThow i find my chipset model ?11:30
MohsenThow i find my chipset model ?11:30
MohsenThow i find my chipset model ?11:30
FloodBot1MohsenT: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:30
indusThe_Evan: there is #ubuntu-bugs11:30
kinja-sheepFloodBot1: You're alright in my book.11:31
The_Evanindus: It's more like "I bought a TV Tuner for use with Karmix, turns out it's not supported, stuck with Windoze til then *cry*11:31
indusThe_Evan: WHICH tv tuner is it11:31
The_EvanULead Winfast 2000H Plus (rev. J)11:31
indusThe_Evan: check lspci to identify the manufacturer11:32
legend2440is that something new where Floodbot kicks people? i dont think i've seen that before11:32
=== Yos_ is now known as Yos
The_EvanThe local nerd-shop got me the latest version *raises fist* Damn him for being so awesome!11:32
indusThe_Evan: also dmesg gives detailed info on the tuner11:32
indusThe_Evan: and, how do you know it doesnt work? check it with tvtime11:32
indus!info tvtime11:33
ubottutvtime (source: tvtime): television display application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-3ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 690 kB, installed size 1956 kB11:33
The_EvanHmmmm... maybe I should get out of Windoze if I'm gonna ask for help here haha11:33
indusThe_Evan: obvious11:33
The_Evanindus: Cheeky11:33
The_Evan*salute* back soon11:33
indusdoes crysis run in ubuntu11:34
iceroot!appdb | indus11:35
ubottuindus: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help11:35
indussoreau: so hello then,11:35
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents11:35
indusyeah so its garbage iceroot11:37
airtonixindus, it runs11:37
indusairtonix: does? appdb says its garbage11:37
indusairtonix: i was trying nfs shift yesterday11:37
indusnvm ill play on windows11:37
airtonixindus, i have the demo running, but it has limitations with visuals11:37
indusairtonix: what limitations11:37
indussoreau: are you a dev on the gallium or nouveau11:40
evan_indus: WOA... That you here too?11:40
indusevan_: ?11:40
evan_<- The_Evan11:41
vsMSHi! I'm currently trying to understand udev. Is it possible to use the sysfs values $idProduct $idVendor as parameter for RUN ?11:41
evan_Never opened XChat before. Haven't used IRC for yonks. Lost the other server addy. Came here instead.11:41
=== pbx_ is now known as hetii
Cube``hey, i'd like to write a paper about usability or something similar concerning ubuntu or parts of it11:44
ravinduhi what is the program that we can compile source automatically download dependenccies it is GUI tool11:45
erUSULvsMS: man udev describes some string substitutions. dunno if there is one that matches $idProduct11:46
pjravindu: I don't know of any such prgram, but you can download the build dependancies for any package with: apt-get build-dep packagename11:47
ravinduI used such GUI tool but not remember the name11:48
evan_indus: Were you the one I was asking about the tuner card on the other chat  server?11:48
indusevan_: yes11:48
indusevan_: so if u type lspci at terminal, wat do you see11:48
evan_What sorta flood protection is there here?11:49
oCean_!pastebin | evan_11:49
ubottuevan_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic11:49
indusevan_: just past e the line from your tv card11:49
bradpittgood evening.. i get an error msg when i'm login. sth like " failed to start intel ac97, falling back to pulse audio. how can i fix it?11:49
nomic1I have a dual monitor setup - I tried 9.10 when it came out and upon the setup dual monitors were freezing when detected - dual monitors weren't working anymore it works on 9.04 - is this fixed yet?  seems like an obvious issue - if i download 9.10 off the site now will it be the same copy as I got upon the launch?  a standard dell optiplex11:50
evan_indus: There's a couple that kinda look like they're it... here11:50
evan_Multimedia controller: Conexant Systems, Inc. CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder [MPEG Port] (rev 05)11:51
evan_But it's a ULead one11:51
indusevan_: yeah so its a conexant 238811:51
evan_Multimedia video controller: Conexant Systems, Inc. CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder (rev 05)11:51
indusevan_: works i believe , install tvtime11:51
indusevan_: sudo apt-get install tvtime11:51
evan_MythTV didn't like it11:52
evan_All the wikis said it won't work11:52
indusevan_: now go to paste.ubuntu.com and paste dmesg output11:52
evan_TVTime, here I cometh11:52
indusevan_: wikis said so?11:52
evan_indus: How much of dmesg do you want? :S11:53
indusevan_: all of it11:54
evan_Righto *salute*11:54
indusevan_: dmesg > dmesg.txt11:54
evan_You're a champ11:54
=== mahmoud is now known as Guest34780
Cube``hey, i'd like to write a paper about usability or something similar concerning ubuntu or parts of it11:55
indusCube``: yes and?11:55
indusevan_: did u install tvtime?11:56
legend2440Cube``: ok go ahead  have it on my desk by tomorrow morning11:56
induslegend2440: hehe11:57
Cube``anybody has an idea what might be interesting?11:57
indusCube``: you can look at the ubuntu website for some good things, also read testimonials section from ubuntuforums.org11:57
zakinalguien que hable español?11:57
evan_Not yet, indus. Trying to understand pastebin11:57
indusCube``: what do you mean usability?11:58
evan_So I've pasted dmesg there, now what?11:58
zaggynl!es | zakin11:58
ubottuzakin: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:58
zaggynlthere we go11:58
indusevan_: give me url after click on send11:58
evan_*Forehead slap*11:58
indusor how will i know :)11:58
evan_That's what I was thinking!11:58
om26eris rsync (syncing) resumable?11:58
evan_"I didn't say who to send to"11:58
evan_Anyways... apt-get install tvtime?11:59
evan_~50MB... through 3G modem... anyone for coffee?12:00
hulkhi all12:02
hulkis any buddy here12:02
hulkany sexy girl here12:03
lupine_85hulk: 13/f/cali, u?12:03
hulkhi lupine12:04
oCean_!offtopic | hulk lupine_8512:04
ubottuhulk lupine_85: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:04
[SilverFox]My problem is solved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!112:04
lupine_85yep, yep, I know :)12:04
oCean_!yay | [SilverFox]12:04
ubottu[SilverFox]: Glad you made it! :-)12:04
TrezkerYay \o/12:04
bullgard[Karmic] Totem reproduces from a DVD the video, but not the sound. PulseAudio Applet > Volume Control (> Volume Control) > Totem Movie Player Playback Stream shows the loudspeaker symbol with the emblem 'Muted'. How to enable sound reproduction?12:04
[SilverFox]but not sure how...12:04
[SilverFox]I turned on all desktop effects including the compositing12:04
hulkso u r from california12:04
d0wnIs there a way to find out which /dev/* file to mount for my sidekick's flash drive?12:04
[SilverFox]and it made it perfect12:04
lupine_85ok - so I have an 8.10 machine running ufw. great fun12:04
armiyacan help me setting tvtime i not understand12:04
hulkhello any girl here12:05
indus[SilverFox]: lols good12:05
DJones!ot > hulk12:05
ubottuhulk, please see my private message12:05
oCean_hulk: Stop that ! this is ubuntu support channel.12:05
bazhanghulk, please stop12:05
[SilverFox]what browser do you guys all suggest?12:06
[SilverFox]I'm guessing FF?12:06
[SilverFox]this conqueror or w/e crashed like 5 times lol12:06
indus[SilverFox]: try google chrome12:06
[SilverFox]indus: is that what you use?12:06
indus[SilverFox]: www.google.com/chrome12:06
bazhanghulk, this is ubuntu support only.12:06
gnomefreakhulk: this is a support only channel if you would like to not talk support please join #ubuntu-offtopic12:06
indus[SilverFox]: yes now i use that ever since it came out dec 9th12:07
[SilverFox]thanks will try it out12:07
indus[SilverFox]: its really fast12:07
[SilverFox]I'm so happy <3 <3 no more WINDOWS!!!!!!!!!12:07
lupine_85so, does ufw require any custom kernel gubbins, or is it all userspace on top of iptables?12:08
indus[SilverFox]: it was probably a restart issue12:08
[SilverFox]nah we formated 3 times tried diff distros and reset like 100 times12:08
[SilverFox]we just never enabled the desktop settings again12:08
[SilverFox]since we clearly thought that cause more good then harm12:08
[SilverFox]err more harm then good :P12:09
indus[SilverFox]: i think it was the reset to defaults12:09
RealAlmightyUbotDoes anyone got 1-2 spotify invites for me?12:10
vsMSerUSUL: That's what I red. But either I missunderstand it or it it's wrong12:10
airtonix!ot | RealAlmightyUbot12:10
ubottuRealAlmightyUbot: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:10
SubbyHi, every time, some milliseconds before a sound is played, the speaker are making a cracking noise. how do I stop that? i think ubuntu switches somthing on and of between every sound12:11
airtonixSubby, this is my assumption too. I'm having same issues with sound since moving from 8.10 to 9.1012:11
Quan-Timeis it that the speaker is "charging up" its coil ?12:12
Quan-Timesounds like a weird problem..12:12
airtonixQuan-Time, no i think its pulse audio12:12
SubbyQuan-Time: its liks when i press the power button of my speaker...12:12
Quan-Timeoh ok..12:12
Subbybut in windows they dont do that before playing a sound, so its not the speaker12:13
airtonixQuan-Time, Subby a large pop or crack12:13
frogzooSubby: reduce your pcm volume to 95%12:13
Subbyairtonix: a crack12:13
Quan-Timeumm... not sure.. i have a laptop.. and my audio is fine.. but im hearing HEAPS of problems about audio in here from people. so you guys and gals aint alone12:13
airtonixfrogzoo, there is no 'pcm' silder on the sound controller app12:13
Subbyeven when I change the volume it cracks12:14
Quan-Timealsa master controls ?12:14
Subbyfrogzoo: it is at 94%12:14
airtonixQuan-Time, also isn't running the sound anymore12:14
airtonixQuan-Time, alsa*12:14
SubbyIt is so anoying, every time i get an im it cracks and the plays the sound12:14
Quan-Timeoh ok12:15
Quan-Timedo you have another jack to try using headphones on ?12:15
Quan-Timeim taking the guess that the speakers are powered.. and headphones are unpowered...12:15
Quan-Timeyer Subby12:16
Subbythe speaker have their own powersuply12:16
Quan-Timeok.. try with headphones if you can just to eliminate any hardware problems.. im 90% convinced its software related.. btu you never know12:16
Subbyoh and its not the same if when i switch on/off the speaker: switch on: no sound   switch off: large pop     play sound: short crack12:17
Subbyokay ill try that12:17
kinja-sheepindus: When you came in, I want to thank you for sharing the cookie with me. I'm going to sleep now. Have a good $PERIOD_OF_TIME. ;-)12:17
SubbyHmm, damn, only got an usb headset12:17
Quan-Timeah.. oh well. still, i think its some driver issue.. as MANY are experiencing it12:18
induskinja-sheep: which cookie12:18
induskinja-sheep: are u leaf-sheep?12:18
induskinja-sheep: ok buddy good night12:18
induskinja-sheep: ill keep some more cookies for next time12:19
kinja-sheepindus: Yes. The oatmeal cookie with chocolate Herseys drops.12:19
kinja-sheepindus: Night.12:19
drclueHowdy all, I have a slight problem performing updates and installs where I get complaints related to checkbox-gtk not being configured , which says that check is not configured. I tried using dpkg at the shell to kick check in the pants , but I get this http://pastebin.com/m6212608812:20
[SilverFox]hehe played around to much broke my desktop how do i bring up terminal?12:20
[SilverFox]short cut key12:20
[SilverFox]and how do u reset kde lol ty12:20
Quan-Time[SilverFox]: you mean end sessions ?12:20
[SilverFox]restart it12:21
[SilverFox]like when u break it :)12:21
Quan-Timectrl shift backspace isnt it ?12:21
larsaa[SilverFox]: maybe a dumb idea, but create a new profile?12:21
[SilverFox]no its not perm broken12:21
[SilverFox]i just want to reset the xwindows or w/e12:21
wilhartis there a way to lower bass and higher treble?12:21
wilhartany programs for this?12:21
theadminhelp with openoffice a bit. Uh... why do formula "codes" (those thingies in the bottom box) get messed up after saving in .doc format?12:22
airtonixwilhart, not unless your media player provides an equaliser12:22
wilhartairtonix: hmm...12:22
iceroottheadmin: #openoffice12:22
wilhartairtonix: i listen to spotify12:23
wilhartany way ?12:23
airtonixwilhart, listen does12:23
theadminty @ iceroot12:23
drclueHow do I configure "check" so that "check-gtk" will be happy and my installs,updates etc will stop complaing12:23
airtonix!info listen | wilhart12:23
ubottuwilhart: listen (source: listen): music player and manager for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.2-1ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 524 kB, installed size 2736 kB12:23
wilhartairtonix: i have kde12:23
UbuntuUserhi all12:23
dheerajmy sound not working in ubuntu 9.10...please help12:23
airtonixwilhart, how do you use 'spotify' ?12:23
baka"Opera" jsi hloup?. Talent nen? v?echno!12:24
bakaTo se t? milovat Ne prohl??e? vtipn? t?n12:24
baka"firefox" Make u?e?12:24
bakaPod?v?te-li se na vlastn? bezmocnosti to hned uvid?te, bl?zne!12:24
bakaTak?e ty "http://opera_bokin.ouen.co.jp" naleznete na12:24
bakaNev?m lokalit v Japonsku12:24
FloodBot1baka: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:24
airtonixwilhart, have you considered using songbird to access spotify ?12:24
bakaNapsal velmi dobrou v?c12:24
bakaCena je "1000000000 origin?l" je Dasou.12:24
bakaNebo "" japonsk? "" I! !12:24
baka"Opera" jsi hloup?. Talent nen? v?echno!12:24
bakaTo se t? milovat Ne prohl??e? vtipn? t?n12:24
FloodBot1baka: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:24
baka"firefox" Make u?e?12:24
wilhartairtonix: hmm dunno about that12:25
wilhartairtonix: i use wine12:25
wilhartairtonix: what is songbird ?12:25
dheerajany one can help me in resolving my sound problem???please...12:25
bullgard[Karmic] Totem reproduces from a DVD the video, but not the sound. PulseAudio Applet > Volume Control (> Volume Control) > Totem Movie Player Playback Stream shows the loudspeaker symbol with the emblem 'Muted'. How to enable sound reproduction?12:25
airtonixwilhart, i don't even know what spotify is (and if you have to use wine to access i'm not really keen on finding out )12:25
wilhartairtonix: spotify is a software that plays mp3s albums12:26
airtonixwilhart, i just know that songbird has ways of dealing with it12:26
airtonixwilhart, you have many other options for playing music on ubuntu12:26
wilhartairtonix: is there a repo for that12:26
kbpI need to watch a mms streaming video through proxy, does anyone know which software can do it?12:27
wilhartRealtek ALC88812:28
wilhartis there any software or drivers for this in ubuntu?12:28
=== sniper is now known as Sniper_31
henriquelmHello there12:32
henriquelmCan anyone help me with this problem? http://paste.ubuntu.com/341121/12:33
gnomefreakhenriquelm: whiting for browser12:33
regexif i already have ubuntu installed, can i install fedora while keeping ubuntu intact?12:34
airtonixwilhart, how come you don't make use of last.fm instead of spotify ?12:34
gnomefreakhenriquelm: not sure never ran squid12:34
mehdiI chearch a man speak french please12:34
airtonixregex, yes if you split your home folder onto a separate partition12:34
gnomefreakregex: yes just use a separate partition12:34
regexcan i get a good link on "how to"?12:35
iceroot!fr | mehdi12:35
ubottumehdi: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr12:35
mehdiok tanks12:35
icerootregex: sure, just install fedora, also see #fedora12:35
airtonixhenriquelm, why are you doing it as root ?12:35
Dr_Willisregex:  you will prioberly have to learn some  grub configuration skills.     You may just want to run one of the disrtos inside virtualbox if you are going to just try it out.12:35
xorwhyI cannot get my webcam to work. When I plug it in, nothing happens, I have tried many applications and none seem to work12:36
xorwhyIt seems like the camera is not recognized by the system. The model is Intel CS63012:36
regexDr_Willis, how do i run it out of a virtual box?12:36
Dr_Willisxorwhy:  not all webcams are supported in linux. Theres too many of them  out.12:36
wilharttrying to install a audio hdef driver12:36
Dr_Willisregex:  install viortualbox.. install the os in virtualbox.. run it.12:36
xorwhyI just did lsusb and got this Bus 003 Device 010: ID 8086:0630 Intel Corp. Pocket PC Camera12:36
xorwhyDoes that mean its supported, or just that its device name was recognized12:36
henriquelmairtonix, because i'm using the server through ssl12:36
AminFEDwhen i install packages from add/remove (gpk-application) i can't see the list of dependecies to be installed too , how to bring back this option please12:37
icerootxorwhy: recognized12:37
dheerajcan some one figure out my problem with my sound card??? http://pastebin.com/m22eead9712:37
Adam-855hi all12:37
Dr_Willisxorwhy:  thats is just what the usb device is identifying itslef as.12:37
regexDr_Willis, thanks12:37
nigtvxorwhy: are you trying to get data off of it or put it on?12:37
xorwhyTurn it on.12:38
nigtvnot which of those, a y/n to the whole ?12:38
xorwhyuhh, what?12:38
Adam-855I have Ubuntu 9.04 and HP Desktop Slim but my sound does not work12:38
airtonixAminFED, you need to install the old add/remove12:38
nigtvit just means its been recognized12:38
regexDr_Willis, can i run windows in virtualbox as well?12:39
regexnvm sorry ill check google :P12:39
Dr_Willisregex:  yes..12:39
xorwhyyes or no to all, yes12:39
nigtvsorry i bet that was confusing12:39
nigtvi have a bad connection here12:39
Adam-855I have problem with my sound at Ubuntu 9.04 and HP desktop Slim12:40
xorwhySome programs report that the device is in use, and cannot be started for that reason12:40
nigtvxorwhy: if you just want to get data off of it, or onto it, you can just mount it,12:40
xorwhyhow do I mount it?12:40
xorwhymount /dev/foo /foo?12:40
nigtvi usually open a terminal and type in  "ls /dev/sd" and hhit tab twice12:41
nigtvthen plug it in, and do the same, to see if new ones showed up12:41
nigtvim not sure that it would show up there though, but thats where stuff usually goes for me12:41
AminFEDempathy can't run through proxy, i can't understand why they make it default im client ?12:41
Dr_WillisAminFED:  install a diffrent one then.12:42
nigtvanyways, you probably have a few sda's in there, you probably want to lokok for sdb or sdb112:42
nigtvdo you see one?12:42
xorwhythere's no device other than the hard drive for storage12:43
nigtvxorwhy: sorry if im confusing you btw, im very tired atm12:44
nigtvfinals just ended ><<12:44
xorwhyIt's odd, the device appears to be recognized, but there is no /dev/video dir created, nor does automount notice anything. Yet, programs that appear to support it complain that it is in use12:45
slimdoes any one have experience with video problems ?12:45
nigtvxorwhy: it usually goes to /dev/video?12:46
* evan_ bows12:46
nigtvactually, im going to bed12:47
xorwhynigtv: no /dev/video path is created, whether I plug it in, or boot with it plugged in12:47
xorwhylol, darn12:47
dheeraj_soundcard not detected in my laptop...can anyone help???12:48
shellclearbom dia, meu servidor foi atacado com um script em perl que permitiu acesso a um shell em meu servidor para envio de spam, foi usado um script em perl dc.txt12:50
shellclearGood morning, my server was attacked with a perl script that allowed access to a shell on my server for spamming, we used a perl script dc.txt12:50
shellclearthis flaw was exploited in apache212:51
Sachoand your question is?12:52
xorwhyHmm, I got it to work with killall gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor12:52
shellclearcould someone help?12:52
wilhartyea, right. i need bass/treble on spotify12:53
lcbhi. how to mount a linux LVM partition when the system warns "unknown filesystem type LVM2_member? i already did a sudo apt-get install lvm2. (that is a partition from a disk of an old ubuntu installation where i have some data i would like to get)12:54
ikonialcb: show me the command you're using12:54
lcbikonia, sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt12:55
ikonialcb: that's nothing to do with lvm12:56
ikonialcb: that's just a raw disk12:56
airtonixany idea how i can get more search parameters in the nautilus search feature : http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/34258/screenshot_005_IexrEz.png12:56
ikonialcb: what makes you think this disk is in lvm control ?12:56
lcbikonia, it says so when i do a  fdisk -l12:56
ikonialcb: that's just a partition type, can you show me (in a pastebin) the output of the following commands "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc" and "sudo vgdisplay -v" there will be a lot of output so make sure you use a pastebin12:57
lcbikonia, btw i would like to change this already installation for LVM, afterwards12:57
lcbikonia, sure.12:58
boubbin_how to print dvd covers ?13:01
boubbin_make them to be right as size and add images to the covers then print13:01
boubbin_any apps for that13:01
Pici!info glabels | boubbin_13:02
ubottuboubbin_: glabels (source: glabels): label, business card and media cover creation program for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.5-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 357 kB, installed size 1068 kB13:02
Piciboubbin_: I've heard good things about that package.13:02
GambaroniWhen running sudo rsync -pltv --delete /var/svn/* martin@ I get rsync: --delete does not work without -r or -d. What would be a solution to that?13:03
csabahow can I store the certificate from a https site so that wget would use it?13:03
always_smilehello.hope everyone's doing alright13:03
always_smilewhere can I find the grub menu,any idea.thank you!13:03
csabain /boot/grub/menu.lst13:03
indusalways_smile: fine thank yu13:04
Subbyups sry13:04
lcbikonia, sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc is not giving any output :o13:05
ikonialcb: show me ls -la /dev/sdc13:06
unopGambaroni,  errm,  use -r or -d?  rsync is complaining because you aren't descending into directories - and it needs to do that in order to make use of --delete13:07
lcbikonia, going to install xchat on that system and doing everything from there. just a couple seconds please13:07
always_smilewhere can I find grub menu,any idea?13:08
airtonixlcb, install pastebinit too13:08
dailystrugglehello are the ubuntu mailing lists down?13:08
lcbairtonix, thanks :)13:08
always_smilehow can I remove firefox pulgin?13:09
airtonixalways_smile, your questions are rather vague13:10
Picidailystruggle: hrm. looks to be having an issue from here.  Let me see if I can poke someone about it.13:10
always_smilemaybe airtonix but they're still important to me13:11
Picidailystruggle: Ah, looks like the Canonical folks are already aware.13:11
dailystrugglethanks I was trying to read a couple new threads13:11
airtonixalways_smile, my point is that if you put more description in the questions people will be more inclined to help you instead of having a brain melt down over trying to decipher what you mean13:12
Picidailystruggle: Looks like they're down for maintenance. Although it seems to be taking longer than they expected.13:12
airtonixalways_smile, or spend the next 5 minutes clarifying with you what you mean13:12
vantinh90hello mrtux13:13
ikoniavantinh90: there is no-one in here called mrtux13:13
dailystrugglethanks Pici13:15
always_smileairtonix: I was trying to ask how I can remove realplayer plugin from firefox and keep only VLC plugin and remove the rest?13:16
lcb_ikonia, http://paste.ubuntu.com/341150/13:16
rk217hello,i trying to setup ldapserver on ubuntu.so following this link:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer.But my problem is there is not documentation regarding how to setup password policy?13:16
lanclinHi. Western Digital Hard drive is not detecting up in 9.1013:17
airtonixalways_smile, first thing you do to determine this is do dpkg -l | grep firefox '13:17
airtonixalways_smile, but i dont htink you actually can remove real player portion of the media plugin for firefox13:17
ikonialcb_: ok from that I can see that /dev/sdc1 is under lvm control with multiple volumes hanging off it13:17
airtonixalways_smile, sudo apt-get remove mozilla-helix-player13:18
airtonixalways_smile, sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-vlc13:18
lcb_ikonia, sorry i did the command with sdc1 but either way there is no output13:19
wilhartis there a way to adjust bass/treble with Realtek ALC888 motherboard audio card ?13:20
always_smilenow,do i need to restart firefox airtonix?13:20
airtonixalways_smile, yes13:20
airtonixalways_smile, i also assume you need to have vlc installed too13:20
always_smileis it posible to remove realplayer plugin anually then airtonix?13:21
always_smileit's already installed airtonix13:21
ikonialcb_: re-read what I've just typed to you13:21
airtonixalways_smile, the real player plugin is called helix-player13:21
always_smileok airtonix I wan't to makes sure I just got VLC plugin left,and remove all the others?13:22
rk217I am using openldap on ubuntu server . i want to apply password policy for user's to set password length , expire date , ......etc.can anybody guide me to configure this13:22
wilhartwho was talking about songbird ? or what was it13:22
airtonixalways_smile, what others do you have ?13:22
lcb_ikonia, so i need to mount the volumes13:23
always_smileI've got media player plugin airtonix13:23
airtonixalways_smile, mozilla-mplayer ?13:23
airtonix!info mozilla-mplayer13:23
ubottumozilla-mplayer (source: mplayerplug-in): mplayerplug-in is a Mozilla browser plugin to allow playing embedded. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.55-2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 512 kB, installed size 1876 kB13:23
always_smileyes airtonix13:24
=== starcraft is now known as starcaftman
airtonixalways_smile, remove it13:24
=== starcaftman is now known as starcraftman
Armoni have a system with vnc access and ssh account (with sudo). how can i load prograsm via command line? (dont know the root password that is being asked in gnome)13:25
always_smilehow to do so airtonix?13:25
laeg"Permission denied (publickey)."? - http://ubuntuforums.org/newthread.php?do=postthread&f=33613:25
airtonixalways_smile, sudo apt-get remove mozilla-mplayer13:25
always_smileairtonix: the helix plugin is still there ,firefox still is using it to play audio files over the net13:25
frogzoowhere does Transmission store its files?13:26
airtonixalways_smile, i assume you restarted firefox after removing helix-player ?13:26
lcb_ikonia, thanks13:26
airtonixfrogzoo, the configuration files or the downloads?13:27
always_smilesure i did airtonix13:27
keffoooHey, I'm trying to setup a HA-cluster using heartbeat and ldirector. I have an issue with the response from webservers back to firewall. Anyone interesting in helping me please?13:27
always_smilehow can I make a screenshot of the player firefox using airtonix?13:27
lanclinHi. Western Digital Hard drive is not detecting up in 9.1013:27
airtonix!shutter | always_smile13:27
sri_my usb modem mounted as /dev/sr1 (Cdrom)... how to connect as /dev/ttyUSB013:27
airtonix!info shutter | always_smile13:27
ubottualways_smile: shutter (source: shutter): feature-rich screenshot program. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.80.1-1 (karmic), package size 1865 kB, installed size 10948 kB13:27
sri_hi lanclin13:28
frogzooairtonix: the downloads?13:28
airtonixfrogzoo, so you want to know where transmission stores the files you are downloading ?13:28
sri_my usb modem mounted as /dev/sr1 (Cdrom)... how to connect as /dev/ttyUSB013:28
airtonixfrogzoo, (because that option is the preferences )13:29
airtonixfrogzoo, http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/34260/screenshot_006_K2twC3.png13:29
keffoooNoone that can help?13:29
prolightÐóññêèå åñòü?13:30
always_smileis it possible to get shutter in the synaptic ubottu?13:30
airtonixalways_smile, sudo apt-get install shutter13:30
ikoniakeffooo: routing would be the first obvious check13:30
sri_airtonix: #ubuntu13:30
sri_ sant0 (n=chatzill@187-26-118-237.3g.claro.net.br)13:30
sri_airtonix: My usb modem mounted as /dev/sr1 how to connect as /dev/ttyUSB013:31
always_smilehow do I open bin files with ubutu airtonix?13:31
airtonixalways_smile, depends on what it is13:31
airtonixsri_, no idea13:31
laeg"Permission denied (publickey)."? - http://ubuntuforums.org/newthread.php?do=postthread&f=33613:32
always_smileis it possible to install programs here from CD's airtonix?13:32
airtonixalways_smile, yes, but again : depends on the installer file13:32
=== b0w is now known as zz_b0w
keffoooOk, so here is the deal then.  Basically my traffic goes fw -> webserver and then back to fw.  The response from the webservers does not go back to the client correctly.  I have added a LOT of logging in iptables on the firewall, but the response is not caught there. _However_ I can see the response on the firewall, using tcpdump. So the response actually reaches my firewall.13:33
always_smilewhat files does ubutu supports airtonix?13:33
sri_May i know which one is good ubuntu 9.10 or mint 8????13:33
keffoooIn short, tcpdump on firewall can see the response from the webserver, but iptables can't catch it. (thus cannot send it back to client)13:33
indussri_: i dont think that can be answered clearly here13:34
indussri_: try both and use what you like13:34
sri_any differnece between them?13:34
airtonixalways_smile, deb (other types require extra software to handle it , some require you to just unpack it with an archive manager, and others are really source code which require you to compile it before you install it )13:34
freakynlhi, is there a php version < 5.2.0 available on 8.0.4 server?13:35
lanclinIs there way i can use the western digital hard drive in ubuntu13:35
indussri_: well. mint comes with codecs installdd default i believe13:35
induslanclin: hi13:35
always_smilehow to do compiling airtonix to open such files?13:35
induslanclin: what is the problem,13:35
induslanclin: usb hard disk?13:36
lanclinI couldn't use that one13:36
induslanclin: type lsusb and see if its detected13:36
lanclinIt is not detecting13:36
induslanclin: type lsusb in terminal13:36
airtonixalways_smile, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo13:36
lanclinI tried already ..13:36
=== Awayxlatia is now known as Exaltia
keffoooIs there anyone out there that is _really_ good with iptables and can explain the issue I wrote earlier?13:37
lanclinI tried now. do u want the results13:37
induslanclin: can i see13:37
sri_can i install ubuntu 9.10 packages in mint8?? is it support?13:37
induslanclin: yeah13:37
lanclinBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub13:37
lanclinBus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub13:37
lanclinBus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub13:37
lanclinBus 001 Device 039: ID 13fd:160e Initio Corporation13:37
lanclinBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub13:37
lanclinBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub13:37
FloodBot1lanclin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:37
indussri_: no please dont13:37
always_smileso with compiling,i'd be able to install any kind of files airtonix?13:37
induslanclin: paste it to paste.ubuntu.com13:37
lanclinI am sorry13:38
lanclinI will do13:38
airtonixalways_smile, only source code and you would need to make sure you haev required dependancies installed before hand too13:38
sri_but mint has ubuntu repositories??13:38
DJones!mint | sri_13:38
ubottusri_: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #remote-exploit)13:38
* airtonix wishes pastebinit was installed by default13:38
indussri_:has its own13:38
always_smileairtonix: what do you mean by source code?13:39
airtonixalways_smile, uncompiled bytecode13:39
sri_i dont know abt mint... but i read that mint is using ubuntu repos13:39
airtonixalways_smile, human readable computer language13:39
lanclinI pasted the information13:39
induslanclin: give me the url13:39
induslanclin: hmm try another usb port13:40
induslanclin: what is that initio thing?13:40
lanclinI connected in different usb13:40
induslanclin: whats the output of dmesg | tail13:41
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induslanclin: is power on?13:41
induslanclin: unplug it , then plug it inagain and in a terminal tpye dmesg | tail13:42
lanclinHere is the output13:42
always_smileairtonix: linux  as OS gives u more freedom n is more flexible,how can i benifit from this funcunality?13:42
indusworks fine it seems13:43
Organizedhow can i view the fps in wine?13:43
Copteralways_smile: Linux - Because some people, dont deserve windows.13:43
CopterFor example, the iranians13:43
airtonixalways_smile, the answer to that is more like a two hour discussion13:43
lanclinreconnected. http://paste.ubuntu.com/341163/13:43
indusCopter: please avoid such comments13:43
airtonixalways_smile, it's also bordering offtopic here13:43
airtonixalways_smile, short-answer is that you won't suffer vendor locking to the degree you would with apple or windows software13:44
airtonixvendor lock-in*13:44
isolat3dsh33palways_smile: go to wikipedia :)13:44
always_smilemaybe u can give me some link to help with it airtonix,but now shutter download is coplete,where can I find it13:44
Organizedhow can i view the fps in wine?13:44
airtonixalways_smile, applications > accessories > shutter13:44
airtonixalways_smile, when you run it for the first time it'll appear in the system tray too. (which you can right click to quckly get the types of screen shots you want to take )13:45
ConfuziusOrganized, depends what the program you're running is, I dont think wine has it's own fps meter13:45
Organizedi want to run non-steam cs1.6 but i cant click on "ok" when i started a server13:45
induslanclin: IS this your post ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134286613:46
airtonixalways_smile, the other goo thing about shutter is that you can quickly upload the file to a image hoster and have it give you the url of the image for pasting here13:46
always_smileok airtonix im going to give it a try nope,let's see if it works :)13:46
Organizedhow is the partition program called on KDE?13:46
lanclinNo ... That's not mine13:46
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sri_any network monitoring tools for linux??13:48
induslanclin: does it detect in bios?13:48
airtonixsri_, yes plenty : you need to be more specific though13:49
oCean_!info snort13:49
ubottusnort (source: snort): flexible Network Intrusion Detection System. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 546 kB, installed size 6844 kB13:49
jas72zindus he could try update-usbids worked for webcam i have13:49
sri_may i know that tools pls?13:49
airtonixsri_, for example you have : jnettop ( a top like traffic monitor )13:49
indusjas72z: yes hmm13:49
induslanclin: type update-usbids13:49
airtonix!info jnettop | sri_13:50
ubottusri_: jnettop (source: jnettop): View hosts/ports taking up the most network traffic. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.12.0-4 (karmic), package size 35 kB, installed size 140 kB13:50
indusjas72z: yeah that step works sometimes13:50
jas72zlucky when i did i guess13:50
airtonixsri_, open synaptics and look at the network section13:50
induslanclin: now try lsusb13:50
sri_i need gui oriented13:50
laegI've configured an openssh-server and created the RSA keys before using ssh-copy-id laeg@host13:50
indusi gtg13:51
indusiam sick13:51
FloodBot1indus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:51
indussorry bout that13:51
induslanclin: maybe jas72z could help13:51
lanclini am doing it13:52
zambais it just me, or does linux/ubuntu have terrible desktop performance compared to windows?13:52
jas72zlanclin let me know if it works13:53
jas72zzamba its you13:53
zambafull screen youtube is laggy as hell13:53
airtonix!troll | zamba13:53
ubottuzamba: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel13:53
ZiberHow would I make a network share folder on Ubuntu-server (9.10), so I could access it on my home LAN on my Windows machine?13:53
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lanclinI have reconnected13:54
airtonixZiber, several options available to you there13:54
zambaairtonix: sorry about that..13:54
laegI've configured an openssh-server and created the RSA keys before using: ssh-copy-id laeg@host && chmod 644 .ssh/authorized_keys && chmod go-w ~/ && chmod 700 ~/.ssh && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys but when trying to ssh to my box from my box i still receive the error: Permission denied (publickey)?13:54
lanclinit is not working still13:54
jrib!samba | Ziber13:54
ubottuZiber: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:54
zambabut still.. why doesn't full screen youtube work for me?13:54
airtonixZiber, most obvious though would be to setup samb file server13:54
Ziberairtonix: Well, I've been told about samba, and I began to set it up last night... One sec, I'll paste by exports13:54
Ziber*my exports13:54
jas72zwhat is your output for lsusb13:55
sri_pidgin not supported for audio & video support... any way to support it?13:55
airtonixzamba, several reaons : 1) because you don't have the proper drivers for your video card or, 2) your video card isn't supported as well as it is in windows, or 3) you don;t have the right flash plugin installed13:55
airtonixsri_, not yet no13:55
zambaairtonix: how do i debug the different reasons?13:55
Ziberairtonix: http://zpaste.org/5033 <-- my /etc/exports13:56
sri_is it possible?13:56
airtonixZiber, can you read through this page first to see if you missed anything : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba13:56
airtonixZiber, /etc/exports is for NFS not samba13:56
zambaairtonix: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)13:57
airtonixsri_, it is with empath apparently13:57
zambaairtonix: that's the VGA card13:57
airtonixsri_, empathy*13:57
always_smileairtonix: i did the screenshot,but how can I find its URL so i can paste it to yu?13:57
DASPRiDhow to find out when ubuntu 9.10 will upgrade the subversion package from 1.6.5 to 1.6.6?13:57
DaZwhen it's done :F13:58
airtonixalways_smile, it should have showed you the shutter window again after taking the screen shot, right click it and select upload/export13:58
DASPRiDDaZ, 1.6.6 was released 22 Oct 2009, how much more time to they need?13:58
airtonixalways_smile, then choose one of the three options there (doesn't matter which one )13:59
DaZDASPRiD: who knows13:59
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DASPRiDDaZ, hey, that's my question :P13:59
DaZDASPRiD: maybe  they won't update it at all :f13:59
airtonixalways_smile, then after it has uploaded then you'll get a window with some possible links to copy & paste, the one you want for irc here is the "direct link"13:59
DASPRiDDaZ, 1.6.5 has a serious bug, they should13:59
zambaairtonix: and i also have the correct version of flash installed14:00
zambaairtonix: according to http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/155/tn_15507.html14:00
DaZDASPRiD: 1.6.6 is in lucid ;14:00
airtonixzamba, then that only leaves one other option : your video card isn;t supported to the degree that it is in windows. is it an onboard chip ? ( i assume you are on a laptop )14:01
DASPRiDDaZ, wonderful ;), well i will just switch to svn's official ppa14:01
zambaairtonix: not on a laptop, no14:01
isolat3dsh33panyone knows csl? a broadband modem or something.14:01
legend2440DASPRiD: you could download and try to install  from here  http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/subversion14:01
iceroot!anyone | isolat3dsh33p14:02
ubottuisolat3dsh33p: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:02
regexis there anywhere i can get an older version of gtk for a certain software to work?14:02
airtonixzamba, but it's not a dedicated video card is it. you'll have much better experience if you get a proper video card with its own bank of memory14:02
DASPRiDlegend2440, no need, there's an officla ppa for svn: https://launchpad.net/~svn/+archive/ppa14:02
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:02
airtonixzamba, are you running compiz ?14:03
zambaairtonix: nope14:03
Helsinkiiihi. how do i make my Gnome settings load faster at startup14:03
airtonixzamba, what is your screen resolution ?14:04
isolat3dsh33piceroot: no thanks ;)14:04
zambaairtonix: 1280:102414:04
Helsinkiiimy toolbars are transparent, and they always appear as white at startup, then 5 seconds later become transparent. how can i change this and make it automatic?14:04
zambaairtonix: it's not a dedicated video card, no14:04
Armonhas anyone had problems with VNC locking up after installing nvidia drivers?14:04
zambaairtonix: but still.. it should really be able to run youtube in full screen14:04
airtonixzamba, have you tried using google chrome instead of firefox ?14:04
zambaairtonix: nope14:05
airtonixzamba, try that first14:05
zambai'm looking at that now14:05
zambacompiling the driver for it14:05
ZzTopI have a local directory on my laptop and I have created an svn on a server... do I (with turtoise) .. from my laptop run... checkout on the project I to transmit to the svn server? ( Doing that .. it says.. checking out FROM svn:/... repo...14:06
airtonixzamba, head over to : https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa and follow instructions found under " Adding this PPA to your system "14:06
ZzTopwhat I want to do.. is transmit the project from my laptop and start being able to commit to it ... what do I need to do intially?14:06
iceroot!anyone | Armon14:06
ubottuArmon: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:06
always_smileairtonix: do you mean this: static,session ,current prefrences,but I can find no URL to copy14:07
wilhartno sound in songbird14:07
raul_is there easyphp for linux? I just find for windows...14:07
zambaairtonix: i think the problem is related to the drivers14:07
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:07
lanclinJas72z: Is there any update14:08
airtonixalways_smile, did you right click on the screenshot image in the shutter application window ?14:08
jas72zlanclin what is your lsusb output now14:08
rubbsZzTop: I'm not quite understanding your question. Are you just trying to work on your project?14:08
wilhartis there a way to adjust bass/treble with Realtek ALC888 motherboard audio card ?14:09
ctmjrclownmatto: you think if you try list enough it might just start working14:09
wilhartwith pulse or alsa or something14:09
lanclinlet me try again14:09
always_smilei did airtonix,it gives some options,but url isn't included?14:09
wilharthd audio14:09
airtonixalways_smile, upload/export from the right click menu14:10
Adam-855hi again14:10
airtonixalways_smile, then click the drop down menu labeled "choose account"14:10
ZzToprubbs: I have a project on my laptop and I want to be able to commit to an svn... I have created an svn repo on a server.. and I just need to export to it .. and then be able to start commiting to the repo... what is the initial command from my laptop?14:11
lanclinHere is the latest output :http://paste.ubuntu.com/341186/14:11
Adam-855I'm with Ubuntu and have problem with Audio ( Intel ICH7 High Definition Audio )14:11
Adam-855can anyone be with me to fix this problem14:11
jas72zlanclin go to partion editor see if you can see it14:12
always_smilenext airtonix,what to do?14:12
isolat3dsh33pAdam-855: Specify your problem so people can help14:12
Adam-855isolat3dsh33p:  ok14:12
airtonixalways_smile, choose one then click upload14:12
always_smileshall i choose ubutu one?14:12
Adam-855My problem with my audio device and i cann't hear any sound at my PC14:13
rubbsZzTop: I believe what you need is svn import: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.0/re12.html14:13
Gambaroniunop I don't want to sync directories..14:13
Adam-855My Ubuntu is 9.0414:13
Adam-855is it clear isolat3dsh33p14:13
lanclinGparted is not detected either14:13
isolat3dsh33pAdam-855: Yeah2, that's it14:14
jas72znothing in gparted at all? I have had this problem before fixed it my formatting disk14:14
isolat3dsh33pAdam-855: Check your sound preferences, not muted?14:14
laegis it normal for ubuntu never to ask you for your RSA key a second time?14:15
jas72zwhat size is the disk14:15
ranjan_i am having some issue in using ogmrip can any body on this network can help me out in solving the problem i am having ubuntu 9.10 as the base14:15
Adam-855isolat3dsh33p:  I did14:16
Adam-855it's ok and in its normal huhuh14:16
lanclinYes. Nothing14:16
Adam-855I downloaded alsa driver and utilities files14:16
lanclin500 GB14:16
isolat3dsh33pAdam-855: Still have problem?14:17
jas72zlanclin give me a few mins will be back14:17
Adam-855isolat3dsh33p:  Yeah14:17
CHESLYNlanclin: is it mounted14:17
jas72zlanclin do you have a live cd of ubuntu?14:18
isolat3dsh33pAdam-855: I'm really sure, but is there any output for "lspci | grep Audio"?14:18
lanclinsorry 8.0414:19
always_smileairtonix: so which thumbnail shall I give to you,the direct link maybe?14:19
Adam-855isolat3dsh33p:  yeah "00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)14:19
airtonixalways_smile, yes14:19
QaDeS|workhiyas. what's the matter with the ruby packages, specially in karmic? all the paths are messed up :(14:19
rubbsZzTop: did that work for you?14:21
rubbsZzTop: you might also want to check out bazaar. I'm active on #bzr and can help you out with that as your version control too.14:21
[[thufir]]QaDeS|work: the gem paths don't work for me, either.14:21
[[thufir]]QaDeS|work: I think you have to add the binary to the path, FWIW14:22
=== keffoooo is now known as keffooo
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.14:23
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.14:23
ranjan_i am having some issue in using ogmrip can any body on this network can help me out in solving the problem i am having ubuntu 9.10 as the base14:23
isolat3dsh33pwhat just happen?14:23
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:24
ubuntudamn it, how to install flash plugin in my 64 bit karmic ? (sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree doesn't works)14:24
iceroot!details | ranjan_14:24
ubotturanjan_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:24
isolat3dsh33pThanks Pici :D14:24
lanclinjas72u: I am having the live cd of 8.0414:25
jas72zlanclin lost my connection sorry14:25
lanclinNo probs14:25
isolat3dsh33pubuntu: I thought it's included during the install. :/14:25
=== ubuntu is now known as shivek
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tulurHow can i configure ubuntu bootloader after logging in ?14:25
jas72zthats ok try the live cd then let me know14:25
[[thufir]]how do I add /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin to the path for all users?14:25
wilhartwhat a      good player with equalizator for kde ?14:26
rsukumarhey guyz I've a weird problem with alsa in Ubuntu9.1014:26
wilhartdoes amarok have it?14:26
shivekisolat3dsh33p: I'm running on a live cd without a hard disk.14:26
rsukumarI need your help to resolve this issue, can you plz help me?14:26
lanclinwhat do i try using the live cd14:26
ranjan_iceroot :: when i tried to rip an dvd using ogm i am geting an error msg as "Please, check http://ogmrip.sf.net to see if this is a known issue. "  but i not able to find out any  proper resion of the problem14:27
icerootwilhart: amarok114:27
erika2009 disk has many bad sectors ubuntu14:27
Armondoes anyone know of a good desktop traffic counter for karmic?14:28
djura-sanhello. I have one q: how to check my dhcp resolver? Im kinda sstuck becuse my net is slow today and im not sure how to check if my pc has some error (before i call tech support).14:28
QaDeS|workwhat's the preferred application for video editing now that kino is gone?14:28
isolat3dsh33pshivek: What error exactly did you get?14:28
lanclinI have inserted the 8.04 cd14:28
djura-sanQaDeS|work, use lives.14:28
erika2009anyone experince error of disk has many bad sectors14:28
jas72lanclin boot with live cd in place if drive is detected use gparted to format to ext3 and then reboot14:28
brummbaerQaDes: lives, avidemux, etc.14:28
WiebePulseAudio is confusing.. cant figure out how to play the Line In over my Speakers..14:28
jas72then come back here14:29
lanclindo u want me to format the entire disk14:29
lanclinI want to use the data14:29
erika2009lanclin is there a command to fix the problem14:29
jas72ok i thought it was new still use live cd to see if its detected14:29
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lanclinIt was working in windows14:30
ranjan_iceroot :: when i tried to rip an dvd using ogm i am geting an error msg as "Please, check http://ogmrip.sf.net to see if this is a known issue. "  but i not able to find out any  proper resion of the problem  i am using paste bin to share my log file that has benn created  it is on " http://pastebin.com/f50a28100 " please have an look and sugest me an appripote solution14:30
erika2009disk has many bad sectors I get this message...14:30
jas72try that and get back to me going to hunt aroubd see what else i can find to help14:31
always_smileit's http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/34267/screenshot_001_j6e5P1.png airtonix sorry my pc froze14:31
Infin1tywhat's wrong with canonical's servers?14:31
erika2009disk has many bad sectors, what do I do!? help14:32
lanclinerika2009: what are you suggesting me14:32
=== DLange_ is now known as DLange
erika2009lanclin is their a command I put in ternimal?14:32
brummbaererika, you can have a scandisk run at boot, which should block off the bad sectors, but it sounds like HDD may be failing.14:32
RickJonesThe 64 bit build of 9.04 specifies certain processors. but, will it work on any processor that's built around the 64 bit architecture ?14:33
erika2009ok thx brummbaer14:33
lanclinI am not the right guy14:33
always_smilewhat is that plugin,isn't helix plugin? http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/34267/screenshot_001_j6e5P1.png14:33
erika2009how do I run scandisk?14:33
RickJonesand does any one know if there is a 64 bit build of 9.10 coming soon ?14:33
jas72lanclin when you looked in gparted did you click on drop box on right?14:34
Infin1tyhmm, am i the only one that can't access launchpad ubuntuforums and canonical mirrors right now? it worked a few minutes ago14:34
jribRickJones: it's existed since release...14:34
lanclinYes. nothing was there14:34
=== factorx__ is now known as Tommy_DO
brummbaererika: http://en.laluvirtual.web.id/linux/scandisk-or-chkdisk-under-linux.html14:34
lanclincan I reboot the system.14:34
RickJonesjrib, for server yes, will that, with the install of a GUI, work as a normal ubuntu release ?14:35
jas72lanclin yes go for reboot14:35
jribRickJones: no, not just for server14:35
erika2009brummbaer thx :)14:35
lanclinok . I will be back in 5 minutes14:35
jribRickJones: where are you looking exactly?14:35
djura-sanhow to check my dhcp resolver? Im kinda stuck because my net is slow today and im not sure how to check if my pc has some error(s) (before i call tech support). I tried to do something in wireshark but no luck :|14:35
JamedInfin1ty: launchpad works here, but its slow14:35
jas72lanclin i will still be here14:35
smcI dismounted my USB stick yesterday, after moving files from one folder to another, within the stick. Now all my files are gone just the folders are there. When I run dosfsck I get "Got 50 bytes instead of 512 at 0" error14:35
ActionParsnipyo yo yo14:36
RickJonesjrib http://www.ubutnu.com/GetUbuntu/download14:36
Infin1tyJamed, i can't even access it, also i can apt-get update14:36
always_smilewhat's this plugin http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/34267/screenshot_001_j6e5P1.png14:36
smcIn the .trash folder I have three directroies /expuge /files /info all of which are empty14:36
Infin1tyJamed, everything works except those, all canonical's related mirrors14:36
jribRickJones: "alternative download options" 64bit14:36
JamedInfin1ty: using a proxy?14:37
Infin1tyJamed, nope14:37
isolat3dsh33pActionParsnip: Yoyoyo14:37
=== sniper is now known as Sniper_31
RickJonesjrib: The 64 bit build of 9.04 specifies certain processors. but, will it work on any processor that's built around the 64 bit architecture ?14:37
RickJonessorry, i mean 9.1014:37
airtonixalways_smile, i assume so yes. but i don't use it. 1) you've remove mozilla-helix-player 2) restarted firefox 3) logged out and back in for good measure ?14:37
brummbaererika: now would be a REALLY good time to back up any important data, btw.14:37
jribRickJones: where does it specify certain processors?14:37
[[thufir]]once I edit /etc/profile, how do I "reload" (run) that script/file without logging out?14:37
jas72my helix player wont start any ideas?14:37
jribjas72: use mplayer instead?14:38
=== Gary_ is now known as Gary
RickJonesjrib, well, i assumed since all the previous builds of 64 have specified certain processors.... maybe i should read first, eh ?14:38
jas72I have mplayer just would have liked the option14:38
jribRickJones: what processor do you have?14:38
ZiberAlright, so I have a VPN between two Ubuntu servers (one running 8.10, the other running 9.04). I have attempted to setup samba. What is the proper syntax to mount one share folder on the other?14:38
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: i only have /etc/profile.d   not /etc/profile14:39
RickJonesjrib, no laughing, celeron on a laptop14:39
jribRickJones: should be fine if it is 64bit14:39
=== Yos_ is now known as Yos
[[thufir]]ActionParsnip: do you create foo.sh in /etc/profile.d/ directory?   and then that script is added to a profile's (ie, path) upon login?14:40
tulurI just installed bootmanager from software manager and it is appearing in administration menu but it isnt launching, i want to reset the wait time of GRUB14:40
always_smileairtonix: I did it many times but  it keeps playing with sam e player and nothing changed at all14:40
RickJonesjrib, ok, i just wanted to ask first before i invest the effort in downloading and attemopting to dual boot. Thanks14:40
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: no idea, I add that stuff in ~/.config/autostart   or ~/.kde/Autorun in kde14:40
Infin1tyJamed, well, they are back online now, weird14:40
ActionParsnipZiber: http://rockpenguin.wordpress.com/2008/05/21/ubuntu-and-mountcifs/14:40
airtonixalways_smile, only other thing i can think of is if you have the standalone helix player installed? maybe try removing that too14:41
JamedInfin1ty: yeah wierd14:41
Infin1tyjamed, if i recall it's not the first time it happens (to me atleast) sometimes retrieving keys from the keyserver times out and then i can see nothing that relates to canonical works14:41
ActionParsnipZiber: if the server has been onnected to via vpn you will be able to use its local IP address, you can also add an entry in /etc/hosts to be able to use its name14:41
[[thufir]]ActionParsnip: huh, ok.  you're on ubuntu 9.10, but using kde?14:41
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: no, 9.10 using lxde14:42
zambaairtonix: i have no xorg.conf file.. could that be part of the problem?14:42
maurice_sombody use tighvnc14:42
JamedInfin1ty: i've never had any problems with any of their web-services14:42
ActionParsnip!anyone | maurice_14:42
ubottumaurice_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:42
zambaairtonix: with my X server and performance?14:42
eerikuhi ppl14:43
eeriku1 quick question14:43
airtonixzamba, it might have been if you were using anything but karmic or jaunty. but then you wouldn't have an X session14:43
eerikuerror while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.0.9.7: cannot open shar14:43
Sasuke\what channel that i can download mp3's?14:43
eerikubut i have libssl0.9.8 - SSL shared libraries14:43
airtonix!ot | Sasuke\14:43
ubottuSasuke\: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:43
zambaairtonix: how can i auto create an xorg.conf file?14:44
zambaairtonix: that tries to automatically detect different stuff?14:44
zambalooks like it's able to detect the correct resolution to use, at least14:44
coz_zamba,   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh  xserver-xorg   maybe14:44
airtonixzamba, ^^^14:44
ANTRat!piracy | Sasuke\14:45
ubottuSasuke\: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o14:45
airtonixzamba, logout of your current session before doing that and do it in a terminal (ctrl alt + f2 )14:45
coz_zamba,   which video card do you have  out of curiosity14:45
zambacoz_: that created a very general xorg.conf-file14:45
zambacoz_: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)14:45
zambacoz_: that's what lspci said14:45
coz_zamba,  ok14:46
Jamedzamba: try xorg -configure as root14:46
[[thufir]]is /etc/profile not "cross environment"?14:46
EnissayHi guys, i get an error when trying to install wine  http://enissay.pastebin.com/d14e8a59b14:46
shekihi i am intersted in starting some basic bug fixing in Ubuntu14:46
[[thufir]]ActionParsnip: I liked lxde, I should go back maybe :)14:46
jrib[[thufir]]: what do you mean by that exactly?14:46
shekiany pointers?14:46
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: you can use the autorun in gnome too, it will e used14:47
lanclinjas72u: reboot doesn't take effect14:47
jrib!develop | sheki14:47
ubottusheki: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment14:47
ActionParsnipsheki: go read some bugs and see if you can resolve them14:47
jribsheki: join #ubuntu-bugs and go through the bug triaging section in ubottu's link14:47
[[thufir]]jrib: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2008-September/004646.html  says it's not good policy to put stuff there related to path.14:47
jas72lanclin did you boot into live mode14:47
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: never played with /etc/profile tbh14:48
lanclini haven't try .. let me try then .. sorry14:48
jas72ok no problem14:48
zambaJamed: tried that.. used that configuration file.. still laggy youtube fullscreen and i also have that "drag" effect14:49
jrib[[thufir]]: ok, but your question is?14:49
mharkinhate on gentoo so much...14:49
Jamedzamba: what cpu do you have?14:49
ActionParsnipzamba: try this xorg.conf file: http://pastebin.com/m1686a02814:49
zambabut it chose the intel driver, at least14:49
zambaJamed: P4 @ 2.8 GHz14:50
zambaJamed: looks to be dual core14:50
ActionParsnipzamba: if that doesnt work try this one: http://pastebin.com/d354096f514:50
ZiberWould anyone be able to help me set up a network fileshare mount between two VPN'd servers?14:50
ActionParsnipmharkin: its offtopic here14:51
Jamedzamba: i have a weaker cpu and also an intel integrated card and it works just fine, don't know why i doesn't work for you14:51
ActionParsnipZiber: you can use smbmount to mount sambe, you will need to use the IP of the server sharing the files14:51
mharkinActionParsnip: good point ;)14:51
orattueis there a limit on the number of process's linux can run. I am using cronolog to rotate my log files, and every new vhost spawns two new cronolog process's. Although they use a tiny amount of memory I wonder whether this could potentially cause problems?14:51
zambaJamed: i'm used to that.. it's called murphy's law14:52
zambastuff that *should* work, generally never does for me14:52
fission6how can i tell what processor i have?14:52
ActionParsnipzamba: murphys law is: if it can go wrong, it will and at the worst time14:52
ZiberActionParsnip: Well, I've been playing around with samba for a day or so...14:52
Jamedzamba: lol14:52
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ActionParsnipzamba: doesnt apply14:52
snowrichardi'm updating my nephews laptop. he's way behind. upgrading to 9.04 then 9.1014:53
Organizedwhat can be the reason that games under wine (cs 1.6) have a extremely bad performance?14:53
ActionParsnipZiber: can you ping the server?14:53
przemo_onezamba whots wrong?14:53
alankilaorattue: the limit goes in the thousands and is set in /proc, but the other kind of limits like running out of memory or having too little cpu left to do anything are more common. Running out of memory can be a very serious problem.14:53
zambaprzemo_one: full screen youtube is very sucky :p14:53
ActionParsnip!appdb | Organized14:53
ubottuOrganized: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:53
zambaActionParsnip: i have my own version of murphy's law14:53
ZiberActionParsnip: Yes, I can. I have a working VPN between them. http://zpaste.org/5034 <-- /etc/exports on the first server.14:53
przemo_onezamba what is your hardware and distro?14:53
cobra-the-jokerhey there guys .... does ubuntu supports dial-up modems ?14:54
ActionParsnipzamba: then its not murphys law is it, its zamba's law14:54
OrganizedActionParsnip: theres halflife listed14:54
ActionParsnipZiber: i suggest on the server you run: sudo smbpasswd -a someusernamehere14:55
alankilamurphy's original law is actually: "if there is some way to do things that results in an absolute disaster, someone will do it".14:55
zambaairtonix: neither worked.. your pastebin configs, that is14:55
ZiberActionParsnip: whats that do?14:55
zambaprzemo_one: 1 GB ram.. P4 @ 2.814:55
ActionParsnipOrganized: read this? : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CounterStrike14:55
UbuntuUsermy firefox becomes crazy under my ubuntu 9.10. the scroll bar is at left not at right, moreover after short period of time i can't close tabs (no matter which method i'd like to use to do taht: shortcut ctrl+w and/or mouse clicks)14:55
airtonixzamba, my what ?14:55
przemo_onezamba and vga and linux distribution?14:55
zambaairtonix: that is, both worked, but still lousy performance in full screen youtube14:55
UbuntuUserit's my debug14:55
UbuntuUserSessionStore: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0xc1f30001 (NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED) [nsIPrefBranch.getIntPref]"  nsresult: "0xc1f30001 (NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED)"  location: "JS frame :: file:///usr/lib/firefox-3.5.5/components/nsSessionStore.js :: sss_serializeHistoryEntry :: line 1191"  data: no]14:55
zambaairtonix: sorry.. i meant ActionParsnip14:55
zambaActionParsnip: neither config worked14:56
ActionParsnipZiber: adds authentication to the service. Not only will it let you know yo uare hitting the socket but you can also control to what folder certain users ave access14:56
OrganizedActionParsnip: I got the non-steam version14:56
HrishikeshHi, I am trying out Chromium OS on Virtualbox 3.1 on Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala. Previously I was having the "Network not connected and offline login fail" error, but that was corrected when I changed my virtual adapter to bridged mode. But now, when I try to login, the VM hangs. There is no blank screen or anything, it just hangs! My virtual adapter is in bridged mode, and it is able to access the internet, no doubt in that. Any suggestions? Has anyon14:56
Hrishikeshe got the same problem?14:56
zambaprzemo_one: jaunty14:56
brummbaertulur, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst as root, find the field for timeout and change to desired value14:56
przemo_onezamba 904?14:56
ActionParsnipOrganized: i suggest you ask in #winehq14:56
OrganizedActionParsnip: It actually works but bad performance (~1fps)14:56
zambaprzemo_one: yup14:56
brummbaerwow, that was a while ago... woops14:56
Organizedokay thx14:56
ActionParsnipOrganized: play around with winecfg then14:56
ActionParsnipOrganized: you may need some native dlls14:56
przemo_onezamba is it 64 or 32 bit? please give me some info man (or girl perhaps)14:57
ZiberActionParsnip: alright, i did that. Getting an error when I try http://zpaste.org/503514:57
zambaprzemo_one: /goto 15:45 and what i wrote to Jamed about the VGA (i'm in console now, so it's hard to copy/paste)14:57
rahul_ new to ubuntu and just curious what  do the stages traiged and confirmed mean on launchpad14:57
zambaprzemo_one: 32-bit14:57
przemo_onezamba and vga? graphic card14:57
zambaprzemo_one: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)14:58
ActionParsnipZiber: if its a samba share you can try: -t smbfs   instead14:58
ActionParsnipzamba: did the xorg.conf files I gave you work??14:59
zambaActionParsnip: nope14:59
zambaActionParsnip: same problem with fullscreen youtube14:59
rahul_is there a channel where bugs and stages are discussed ?14:59
ActionParsnipzamba: did you restart x after updating the file?14:59
zambaActionParsnip: sure.. did /etc/init.d/gdm restart14:59
HrishikeshHi, I am trying out Chromium OS on Virtualbox 3.1 on Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala. Previously I was having the "Network not connected and offline login fail" error, but that was corrected when I changed my virtual adapter to bridged mode. But now, when I try to login, the VM hangs. There is no blank screen or anything, it just hangs! My virtual adapter is in bridged mode, and it is able to access the internet, no doubt in that. Any suggestions? Has anyon14:59
Hrishikeshe got the same problem?14:59
ActionParsnipzamba: ok lets be a little more specific (I hate intel vga so bad)14:59
zambaActionParsnip: so do i - from now on :p15:00
zambabut i had exactly the same problem with nvidia a couple of weeks ago15:00
przemo_onezamba here's your problem. you have some integrated graphic card. it's poor. what you need to do is check your bios settings for how much memory it have. give moreand then give a try. get better vga, because flash takes loads of vga and cpu power, so you're not the only one with this problem.15:00
ActionParsnipzamba: http://pastebin.com/d2873679f    try that, specifies 1024x768 res15:01
zambaActionParsnip: well.. the monitor should be able to handle 1280x102415:01
ZiberActionParsnip: "bad superblock". same error15:01
przemo_onezamba there is temp solution. every file which is playd by flash is in /tmp. you can go on youtube, pouse, and open the file with totem. i do that with hd streams.15:01
ActionParsnipHrishikesh: i'd ask in #vbox  for virtualbox help15:02
ActionParsnipzamba: then change it when you paste it....15:02
przemo_onezamba pause* :)15:02
zambaprzemo_one: ok. i'll try that as well15:02
HrishikeshActionParsnip: yeah ok, thanks. I was just thinking of doing that15:02
ActionParsnipHrishikesh: if the OS doesnt show its face at all hen its the virtualisation at fault15:03
boomernangHi, i'm using ubuntu 9.10 64bit with nvidia drivers 185.18.36. I've got 2 monitors set up with twin view(worked flawlessly with default settings) except I can't save it to the X config. This means that I have to enable twin view everytime i boot ubuntu. When I click 'Save to X configuration file' in the Nvidia X Server Settings it says, 'Failure to parse existing X config file /etc/X11/xorg.conf'. It's not that much of an issue,15:03
boomernangbut any idea how I can save the setup?15:03
ActionParsnipboomernang: run: gksudo nvidia-settings    you now can15:03
ActionParsnipboomernang: you will need to run: sudo nvidia-xconfig first15:04
zambaActionParsnip: nope.. same problem15:04
zamba.. giving up for now15:04
zambathanks for trying15:04
HrishikeshActionParsnip: Yeah, I guess  that is the logical reason :)15:04
joodoooHi has anyone encountered a problem with skype? I hear others perfectly but they hear my voice as "robotic" and "scratching" ? I tried the test call and my voice sounds really bad.  ps: im using jaunty, and skype _used_ to work fine15:04
ZiberActionParsnip: "bad superblock". same error15:05
ActionParsnipZiber: can you browse to it using nautilus?15:05
abhihello all15:05
abhianybody here?15:05
ZiberActionParsnip: this is all CLI. Isnt nautilus a GUI program?15:05
boomernangActionParsnip, cheers :)15:05
ActionParsnipZiber: yeah, no problem. If you run: sudo smbtree ip.address.of.server    does it show the share?15:06
Hrishikeshjoodooo: well, did you do a update or something? Maybe your microphone driver might not be working fine after an update. Just a guess15:06
abhiis there any GUI usb format tool for ubuntu?15:06
ActionParsnipabhi: gksudo gparted15:06
przemo_onehey everyone. i've found something interesting: "Adobe® Flash® Player 10.1 is the first runtime release of the Open Screen Project that..."15:06
joodoooHrishikesh: nope15:06
ActionParsnipprzemo_one: thats old news dude15:07
TyphWhat process would I kill to unlock a frozen "resize window" rectangle15:07
ActionParsnipprzemo_one: and no 64bit15:07
abhii know this, but i want to know is there something like right click--->format (like windows)15:07
joodoooMy voice just recently started to be really bad to others.. on windows its working fine15:07
ActionParsnipprzemo_one: yet ;)15:07
ZiberActionParsnip: http://zpaste.org/503615:07
przemo_oneActionPatsnip i thought that is says open source project :)15:07
joodoooit all came suddenly15:07
ZiberDoesnt show the share folder that I made tho15:07
abhii mean in nautilus15:07
przemo_oneActionPatsnip flash pre 64 is out :)15:08
abhiany action like windows's right click----->format15:08
ActionParsnipabhi: cant happen as you are running as a user, users cannot format block devices15:08
jtabyhey, in the process of setting up gitosis (using the scie.nti.st tutorial), I created a new user called git. Except, I never set a password for the user, and I can't `su git` right now, cause I can't figure out the password15:08
jtabyany tips?15:08
ActionParsnipprzemo_one: oh lots, i use it on all my 64bit system (only one ;))15:08
jorikjtaby: first su as root, then su git15:09
ActionParsnipZiber: they arent sharing any folders except the default stuff15:09
macoActionParsnip: well, theoretically it could be written with policykit15:09
joodooodoes anyone have suggestions for my skype problem? (my voice is "robotic" but I hear others fine)15:09
ZiberActionParsnip: yeah, why is that?15:09
ActionParsnipmaco: bit messy, but yes15:09
ActionParsnipZiber: you havent cofigured any shares15:09
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nastasHi all. i would like to make my laptop's card reader to work. anyone has any idea about this?15:09
macoActionParsnip: bet we figure out how to do it in kde before gnome does :P15:09
jtabyjorik, to su as root, I do `su root`?15:09
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ActionParsnipmaco: go for it15:10
ActionParsnipjtaby: use: sudo -s15:10
abhiactionparsnip: i see, can i use chmod command to format block device?15:10
abhito make it formattable15:11
ZiberActionParsnip: I have "/network/alpha.ziber.org *(rw)" in /etc/exports on the first server...15:11
ActionParsnipabhi: not sure, just use gparted, its easier and I'm sure you wont do a whole tonne of formatting so its not worth it15:11
sektorNBAanyone good on lighttp around ?15:11
Jamed!anyone | sektorNBA15:12
ubottusektorNBA: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:12
ActionParsnipZiber: http://pastebin.com/f3d436b72   thats my smb.conf, it defines 2 shares, CD and DOWNLOADS   you will have something similar on th server side15:12
joodoooso does anyone know why my voice sounds really bad in skype? I can hear other people fine15:12
sektorNBAi use lighttp to redirect connections to my DMZ ( windows ). I need to redirect https too. can anyone know the sintaxe? i am using $HTTP["host"] =~ "sag\.domain\.com\.br" { proxy.server = ( "" => ( ( "host" => "", "port" => 80 ) ) ) }15:12
ActionParsnipZiber: you have 2 systems, bravo and alpha which have no shares defines15:12
rsukumarhey guyz I've some alsa problem15:12
abhiactionparsnip: hmm....gparted is good, but i encounter a problem, when i format any usb drive using gparted my computer show double entry for each hard disk partiton (ntfs)15:13
abhisuch as- C: drive has two entry, one is mounted & another is unmounted!15:14
abhihow it possible?15:14
marc_Is it possible to hide partition with GRUB2 ? I can't find info about a hide command, was it removed in grub2 or what? My WindowsXP is really slow at boot time when ext4 partition are visible (unknown to window)15:14
ZiberActionParsnip: Ah ha, it shows up in smbtree now15:15
abhii hav only one C: drive (ntfs) which is automount upon each boot using ntfs-config15:15
abhiwhat about the unmounted partiton?15:15
ionuthi all. can anyone tell me an application (eg for windows Adobe Flash or Macromedia) that can help me to manipulate flash and other things ?15:15
ionutfor ubuntu 8.0415:16
abhisame thing happening for other ntfs partitions also15:16
ZiberActionParsnip: But now... When I try to do the mount, I type in the two "\\" before Alpha, but in the error it returns, there's only one.15:16
abhibut after reboot everything go normal15:16
abhiit happening just after format any usb drive using gparted15:17
abhiany help?15:17
boomernangActionParsnip, im sorry to target you but just continuing from my last question about twin view - When I open up warsow from terminal, it opens up on my Second screen, not my primary screen. Any way to change this?15:17
abhiionut: flashplugin-nonfree15:18
nastasHi all. i would like to make my laptop's card reader to work. anyone has any idea about this?15:18
ActionParsnipboomernang: ive never used dual monitprs dude. I have 1 monitor for 4 systems15:18
abhiits from adobe15:18
boomernangActionParsnip, all good man it was worth an ask15:19
BluesKajHowdy all15:19
ZiberActionParsnip: Still says bad superblock when I try mounting it...15:19
abhiblueskaj: nice, u?15:19
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sherrisup room15:19
rsukumarhey guyz I've some alsa problem15:20
ActionParsnipZiber: you will need to look at the smb.conf on the server side to check you are correctly sharing folders, you can't mount a server, you mount the share. You have not shared any folders (as you saw with smbtree) so any mount attemot will fail15:20
ZiberActionParsnip: I'm trying to mount \\\\share15:21
ActionParsnipZiber: you need to share folders by edittng /etc/samba/smb.conf so it has an entry like mine for the folder you want to share, then restart the samba service15:21
DiverdudeHow do i install adobe acrobat reader?15:22
ActionParsnipZiber: there was no folder shared as "share" in your smbtree wich means its not shared properly (or maybe at all)15:22
abhidiverdude: it has no linux version15:22
savidHelp! trying to install apache, got this error when running apt-get install apache:  http://dpaste.com/133205/15:22
ZiberActionParsnip: I added it, and restarted and now smbtree shows it15:22
abhiu can try with wine15:22
ActionParsnipabhi: sure it does15:22
Diverdudeabhi, hmm i dont believe that since they here offer a linux version: http://get.adobe.com/reader/thankyou/?installer=Reader_9.2_English_for_Linux_%28.bin%2915:23
sektorNBAcan anyone help me to redirect https connections with lightt?15:23
ZiberActionParsnip: http://zpaste.org/503815:23
ActionParsnipDiverdude: http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/unix/9.x/9.2/enu/AdbeRdr9.2-1_i386linux_enu.deb15:23
ActionParsnipDiverdude: if you use 32bit install ia32bit-libs and then force install the app15:23
rsukumarFloodBot1: Anybody can help me in resolving alsa problem here?15:24
abhidiverdude: ohhh sorry, i forget about it :) actually i use evince in ubuntu to read pdf files15:24
Diverdudeabhi, yes, but sometimes evince does not work :(15:24
ZiberActionParsnip: How did you mount your share?15:24
ActionParsnipDiverdude: sorry if you use 64bit15:25
DiverdudeActionParsnip, thanx :)15:25
savidoh nm,  it was supposed to be apache2 not apache15:25
DiverdudeActionParsnip, i dont15:25
ActionParsnipDiverdude: then you can striaght instll the deb and you will have adobe's reader15:25
bbitmasterCan someone tell me if ATI cards should still be avoided like the plague, or if driver support really has gotten decent? (It's been a couple years since I've used ATI, and may be getting one soon)15:25
DiverdudeActionParsnip, yep already did it :) thx15:26
abhidiverdude: my system is 32bit intel & i never face problem with evince at all :D15:26
ionutso there isn't an application (free or payed) to manipulate flash on linux (for eg like Macromedia flash )????15:26
sektorNBAI use lighttp to redirect connections to my dmz servers. Http connection is working fine. How do i redirect https connections using mod_proxy of lighttp? I using $HTTP["host"] =~ "uca\.domain\.com\.br" { proxy.server = ( "" => ( ( "host" => "", "port" => 80 ) ) ) }15:26
ZiberActionParsnip: How did you mount your share?15:27
ActionParsnipZiber: i use: //fileserver/DOWNLOADS /media/fileserver smbfs credentials=/home/andy/.smbpasswd 0 015:27
JPSman hey guys15:27
ActionParsnipZiber: as my smb.conf has a share named DOWNLOADS15:27
abhiionut: not sure about linux apps, u can try windows apps for this purpose via wine15:28
ActionParsnipZiber: if I run: smbtree I can see my server sharing the folder using the same name15:28
forceflowanybody succesfully compiled scanalyzer on Ubuntu 9.10?15:28
forceflowI need it for a school project15:28
ActionParsnipZiber: yours doesnt so you will not be able to access the shares15:28
ZiberActionParsnip: alright. and thats in /etc/fstab?15:28
abhitry some googling15:28
JPSmanMy sound volume is acting weird.  Previously I have used my keyboards volume control to change it, and now it does steps of 3 instead of steps of 10 or so.  Any idea how I can change this?15:28
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ZiberActionParsnip: it does, here, i'll show you: http://zpaste.org/503815:28
Segajahow can i get the dialog of gnomes Alt-F2 combo from the command line?15:28
ActionParsnipZiber: yes, but even if you use that it wont work as the server isnt sharing anything15:28
Diverdudeabhi, well here i had a printing problem...Evince printed total garbage from the pdf, and adobe printed perfectly15:28
ZiberActionParsnip: see the paste. it is sharing it now15:28
ActionParsnipZiber: on alpha?15:28
ionutabhi: and how can i install wine ?15:29
lluaAnyone good with file Archiving?15:29
abhiionut: sudo apt-get install wine15:29
abhifrom terminal15:29
ionutabhi: thx15:29
ZiberActionParsnip: the share folder is on alpha.15:29
ActionParsnipZiber: cool, then change the share name from  //fileserver/DOWNLOADS to //ALPHA/Share15:29
Ziberfrom bravo, smbtree shows it on alpha15:29
abhiionut: u r welcome15:29
ZiberActionParsnip: whats in the .credentials file?15:29
xzachtmxdoes anyone know why my open source ati driver no longer works i followed all the steps here :  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver and it even says OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org but no 3d acceleration, i had it working before i edited /etx/X11/xorg.conf15:29
abhidiverdude: i see15:30
eerikucan somone help me with thah libssl problem15:30
ActionParsnipZiber: This is what I used15:30
ionutabhi: i have ubuntu 8.04 that isn't bad no?15:30
ActionParsnipZiber: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=255872&highlight=mounting+shares15:30
abhiionut: its a LTS edition15:30
abhiu can use it15:30
ActionParsnipZiber: simple text file with my username and password in15:30
dj_hey guys how can i remove watermark from an image15:30
abhior upgrade to latest 9.10 karmic koala if u want15:31
devDhow to open ebook have .chm format15:31
lluaAnyone good with file Archiving? i got a 358mb zip file that holds a 4.4gig iso. but whenever i try to archive a 4gig folder its 3.7gigs15:31
ZiberActionParsnip: what user name tho?15:31
Segajaanybody any idea?15:31
ionutabhi: and i can use for example Photoshop CS4 ?15:31
ActionParsnipZiber: the one you add with: sudo smbpasswd -a set_the_username_here_buddy15:31
ActionParsnipZiber: have you  researched this any?15:32
abhiionut: wine support a lot of windows apps, so u can use CS4 as well15:32
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib
abhiu can also run some windows games also via wine.......its cool!15:32
JameddevD: install FBReader, it's an ebook reader15:32
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ZiberActionParsnip: alright, set that in fstab. how do i make that take effect?15:32
devDJamed, ok15:32
abhiJamed: is it in repo.?15:33
ionutabhi: ok , now i'm installing it,later i will give a try to photoshop and flash15:33
abhiionut: okk15:33
Jamedabhi: yes, it was preinstalled on 9.04's netbook remix15:33
abhiJamed: is it support pdf format e-books also?15:34
Jamedabhi: as i recall, no15:34
abhiionut: don't forget to take a look in wine apps DB, u will get a lot of info. there about how much well flash & CS4 works via Wine15:35
Jamedabhi: their website says its not supportet yet, but they plan to add it15:36
abhiJamed: it will be great if they add pdf support also15:37
Jamedabhi: yeah, i never used it, because all my ebooks are pdfs. if they add pdf support it'll be a nice reader15:37
abhiJamed: same for me :) all my e-books r pdf15:38
abhiionut: visit here----> http://appdb.winehq.org/15:39
=== luist is now known as ltcabral
abhiJamed: do u hav ubuntu netbook remix?15:40
abhiwhat about it?15:40
abhii actually don't know how it differes from ubuntu main edition15:40
abhican u give me some info.?15:41
Jamedabhi: not anymore, in 9.10 you can't select the default ubuntu desktop and i don't like the netbook desktop15:41
=== ulti|AfK is now known as ultiprosan
Jamedabhi: the different desktop seems to be the only difference in 9.10. in 9.04 it had some other programms preinstalled15:42
Vooloomy sound stops working for some reason, is there a way to see what process is locking it up so I can kill it?15:42
csabaVooloo: ps ax|grep pulse ?15:42
Vooloocsaba: only lists pulseaudio... should I kill it?15:43
csabano, if pulseaudio is running then it means your sound should be ok :/15:43
Vooloowhen I hit play in any player the pointer does not move15:44
csabawhat if you right-click your volume control, click Sound preferences, and then select the Hardware tab?15:44
VoolooHDA intel (Alsa mixer)15:45
csabaok and Applications?15:45
dj_hey guys how can i remove watermark from an image15:46
csabadj_: you can't, that's why it was put there15:46
Vooloocsaba: where?15:46
csabaVooloo: sorry? Did you check what's in your Applications tab?15:46
Vooloocsaba: the "Sound" test buttons does not work either... I have to reboot15:46
xckpd7question: how would I download a .wvx stream in Linux?15:46
Vooloocsaba: I dont have one15:47
jribxckpd7: can mplayer play it?15:47
csabayeah then better reboot15:47
Vooloobut I already rebooted lol :<15:47
Vooloo30 mins and it stoppes working15:47
jribtftech: /quit15:47
csabawell then I've exhausted my knowledge... you should maybe try killing pulseaudio and then restart it15:47
dj_how can i install google chrome on ubuntu15:48
Vooloocsaba: how do I start it again, best way?15:48
Travis-42would there be any way to display a second clock in the gnome panel with a different time zone?15:48
csabapulseaudio -d I think, or -D15:48
csabato start as daemon15:48
rsukumarguyz what is alsactl is exactly for?15:48
macocsaba: -D i think15:48
macorsukumar: saving/restoring asound.state15:49
Vooloocsaba: no sound :(15:49
Voolooits weird can i can load up Wine and play sound15:49
csabamaybe the player is wrong15:50
ks3dj_: You can add the chromium daily build PPA to your repositories - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/ppa15:50
rsukumarwhy this channel is not active?15:50
macorsukumar: it's quite active...15:50
dj_ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/ppa15:50
dj_sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found15:50
lluaits the morning15:50
csabait's pretty dark here15:51
grawitydj_: Try apt-add-repository15:51
laughzillahi :) can anyone recommend an app / utility in ubuntu that saves a photo from my webcam every second, and possibly uploads them in batches every hour to my site's photo gallery or facebook?15:51
pj228hmm.. is this the right channel for grub2 queries? or is there one I should go to15:52
ks3dj_: May be new in Karmic... add "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/chromium-daily/ppa/ubuntu karmic main" to your repositories and then install chromium-browser15:52
rsukumarwhy this channel is not active?15:53
rsukumarwhy this channel is not active?15:53
rsukumarwhy this channel is not active?15:53
rsukumarwhy this channel is not active?15:53
rsukumarwhy this channel is not active?15:53
rsukumarwhy this channel is not active?15:53
rsukumarcaraconan: again sound turned off15:53
pj228it is active you silly sausage15:53
rsukumarcaraconan: again sound turned off15:53
jribrsukumar: stop that plaese...15:53
rsukumarcaraconan: again sound turned off15:53
DJonesrsukumar: Please don't do that15:53
csabaVooloo: in your console, go to a directory where you have an mp3 or wav file, and do cat file.mp3 > /dev/dsp15:53
macorsukumar: stop that15:53
csabaif you hear something, then it works15:53
forceflow!spam | rsukumar15:53
Vooloocsaba: I went into Pref -> Sounds and changed "Autodetect" to ALSA on all, now it works :D15:53
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mheldhey y'all15:54
mheldI'm running LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libdlfaker.so:/usr/lib/librrfaker.so:/usr/lib/turbojpeg.so ./dmtcp/bin/dmtcp_checkpoint vglrun glxgears, and the LD_PRELOAD does preload the libraries but they get closed before dmtcp_checkpoint actually runs. Anybody know how I can convince the loader to leave the preloaded libraries in memory?15:54
papul!repeat | rsukumar15:54
ubottursukumar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:54
pj228so anyhoo, I installed XP after installing karmic, and following the same guide I followed before (which worked) after installing 7 previously, now it complains when I try to chroot into my /mnt15:54
DJoneslaughzilla: I used to use an app called "motion" which would take a picture everytime the image in front of a webcam changed & would save it to disk, I don't know whether it would be possible to automatically upload to a website direct from motion, but presumably you could do that another way15:54
macoVooloo: normal users dont have access to /dev/dsp, only pulseaudio does. unless you start with kubuntu or xubuntu since they dont use pulse15:54
VoolooIm on hardy15:54
laughzilladjones - thanks :)  i'll look at "motion". i can't seem to find any webcam apps for ubuntu that automatically take a photo. is there a command line i can run to do it that i can stick in a .sh file and activate every second in crontab?15:55
macoVooloo: ahh ok15:55
Vooloochanging to ALSA on everything works now15:55
DJoneslaughzilla: From memory, it was just a command line app15:55
laughzilladjones thanks :)15:55
DJones!info motion15:55
ubottumotion (source: motion): V4L capture program supporting motion detection. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.11-2build1 (karmic), package size 286 kB, installed size 876 kB15:55
fr3em1nd!info motion15:57
ubottumotion (source: motion): V4L capture program supporting motion detection. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.11-2build1 (karmic), package size 286 kB, installed size 876 kB15:57
papul!info plasma15:57
ubottuPackage plasma does not exist in karmic15:57
lahmeHi, when running compiz-fusion on asus eee my pc laggs so much I have to kill the whole session CTRL + ALT + F1 then CTRL+C15:57
lahmeWhy is this?15:57
papul!info xmonad15:57
ubottuxmonad (source: xmonad): A lightweight X11 window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1-5 (karmic), package size 440 kB, installed size 1560 kB15:57
fr3em1ndanyone can help me with CUPS ?15:58
mmkdehow do i start a program on a certain desktop#?15:58
fr3em1ndi need to install HP printer15:58
papulany used xmonad?15:58
bullgard[Karmic] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 recommends: '~$ mkdir ~/pulse-backup && cp -r ~/.pulse ~/.asound* /etc/asound.conf /etc/pulse -t ~/pulse-backup/' but I obtain: "cp: cannot stat `/home/detlef/.asound*': No such file or directory; cp: cannot stat `/etc/asound.conf': No such file or directory' How to proceed?15:58
pj228this here's the error I'm getting when trying to chroot to install grub chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error15:58
lahmeHow can I use compis fusion on asus eee without massive lagg15:58
pj228using this guide http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html15:58
bittyxi am in my terminal, in /home/username/ trying to run a program, let's call it "program". if i type, without quotemarks "/home/username/program", it runs, but if i just type "program", it doesn't. what's the deal with this?15:59
lahmeI know how to recover grub simply15:59
lahmebut cant speak in here to much spam15:59
pj228mm, this guide worked when I installed win7 after ubuntu, but then I removed 7 and installed XP in its place, and now the guide doesn't seem to work16:00
Y8uTubehi everyone16:00
boomernangbittyx, try ./program16:00
pj228for reinstalling grub2 from the karmix livecd16:00
papulanyone used xmonad?16:00
pj228er, karmic16:00
zomGregbitty, your path probably doesn't include /home/username16:00
macopapul: yes16:01
xckpd7how would I go about opening a .wvx file?16:01
papulmaco, how is it?16:01
mmkdeHow do i start a program (as pidgin, for example) on desktop #2 under ubuntu 9.10?16:01
zomGregeither add your home directory to your path or make that program executable (chmod +x) and copy it to /usr/local/bin16:01
macopapul: im still using it a year later16:01
papulmaco, how is it?16:01
bittyxboomernang: yeah, that works. i realize this is just a bad habit from win/dos environments where you can run whatever if you're currently in the parent directory.16:01
macopapul: would i still be using it if i didnt like it? :P16:01
jribpapul: xmonad is great, just try it16:01
Y8uTubeouais mais arrête de zraven en fait16:02
bittyxzomGreg: ah, figured out the part about making it executable, didn't know i should copy to /usr/local/bin16:02
bittyxthanks a lot everyone!16:02
papulshall it appear in gdm?16:02
macopapul: follow the directions on xmonad.org16:02
macopapul: they tell how to set it up to work with gnome or kde16:02
Y8uTubei have an issue the sound comes from speakers and headphones at the same time!16:02
macoY8uTube: bad driver. file a bug against the linux package16:03
Y8uTubewhat the problem ?16:03
papullol so many sound issues16:03
SoulBladehi guys - kcachegrind is crashing for me on startup when processing output from valgrind (it works fine w/o any input) - the error lines i see are sock_file=/home/user/.kde/socket-pc-name/kdeinit4__0 followed by connect() failed: No such file or directory16:03
boomernangbittyx, easy :) ./ means execute - nothing to do with directory. also google how to add your /home/username to your shell path... so you can actually type program from /etc for example16:03
wvdSo, two days ago I installed Unbuntu, yesterday I tried getting my internet to work for like 7 hours.. but I failed. That's why I'll give you guys all information now: I'm using a siemens gigaset usb adapter 108, my router is a KPN experia box. The adapter is USB. It seems that the device is installed but fine, but the rest isn't. ndiswrapper -l shows this: http://codepad.org/waGbQDZY - iwconfig: http://codepad.org/5FsQaWxj - ifconfig: http://codepad.org/zv16:03
SoulBladethen KCrash cannot reach kdeinit, launching directly - and it pops up the dialog which says kcachegrind seg faulted16:03
xckpd7can anyone  help me? how would I download a .wmx file?16:04
pcgeniushey xckpd716:04
Homely_GirlI am having trouble setting up a Three mobile b/band dongle on Koala16:04
bittyxboomernang: yay, thanks, really. i know how boring answering basic questions can be. you deserve a cookie.16:05
dsdeizhey! so what do you guys prefer? chromium-browser or google chrome? :-/16:06
xckpd7pcgenius: hey..... do I know you?16:06
forceflowdsdeiz: google chrome ...16:06
pj228srware iron :316:06
pcgeniusi think no16:06
forceflowdsdeiz: it just runs a lot snappier than firefox or chromium-browser on my netbook ...16:06
VirusTBHow do I tell if I have KDE installed on my Ubuntu Gnome?16:06
Homely_GirlDoes anyone here know how to set up a mobile b/band dongle on Koala? Can anyone help me plse??16:06
forceflowVirusTB: Check your aptitude for the package kubuntu-desktop16:07
VirusTBMy Update manager seems to have al lt of KDE stuff to update/install??16:07
pcgeniusxkpd7:anyways so you are trying to download a file?16:07
papulmaco, can u show me your screenshot?16:07
dsdeizforceflow: interesting.. ok, thanks16:07
VirusTBforceflow, is there a comand line way to do that :P I wanna become a pro. click click isnt for me16:07
=== lukasz is now known as Lukasz
xckpd7pcgenius: yeah, .wmx16:07
=== Lukasz is now known as LukaszT
forceflowsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop :)16:07
macopapul: its just windows...tiled...with a kde panel at the top16:07
LukaszThi people16:07
papulok lol16:08
LukaszTHow can I edit menu.lst in Ubuntu 9.1016:08
snowrichardsilly cat walked on keyboard16:08
VirusTBforceflow,  no not to install it, i want to see if it is installed?16:08
rubbs!hi LukaszT16:08
forceflowVirusTB: if it's already installed, that command will tell you that16:08
VirusTBLukaszT, | !grub16:08
forceflowVirusTB: if it is not installed, you can still cancel :)16:08
rubbs!grub | LukaszT16:08
ubottuLukaszT: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:08
bullgardLukaszT: Use an editor program, for example gedit.16:08
forceflowI know it's not the best way to do it :)16:08
DJones!grub2 | LukaszT16:09
ubottuLukaszT: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub216:09
sykVirusTB, apt-cache search package16:09
bullgard[Karmic] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 empfiehlt: '~$ mkdir ~/pulse-backup && cp -r ~/.pulse ~/.asound* /etc/asound.conf /etc/pulse -t ~/pulse-backup/' but I obtain: "cp: cannot stat `/home/detlef/.asound*': No such file or directory; cp: cannot stat `/etc/asound.conf': No such file or directory.' Was bedeutet "Cannot stat"?16:09
ranjani am having an quite an strange problem with me on my system it is giving an warning maseg regarding you are left with 789 mb of free space wile using hand brake in order to rip an dvd .. whaere as when open system moniter  observed the free space for root directory it is showing me some different valuse it is showing me 6.9 gb of free space is avilable .. so can any body on this network know's what is the problem that is giving this short of msg any help'16:09
ranjanll be of great help to me  thanks in advance ..16:09
VirusTBforceflow,  ohh,  i remember installing some programs from.. "ubuntu software center : tha required some KDE stuff. maybe thats where they came from16:09
Homely_GirlDoes anyone here know how to set up a mobile b/band dongle on Karmic? Can anyone help me plse??16:09
forceflowVirusTB: some programs use KDE libraries, yes16:09
VirusTBsyk,  what does that command do?16:10
bullgard[Karmic] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 recommends: '~$ mkdir ~/pulse-backup && cp -r ~/.pulse ~/.asound* /etc/asound.conf /etc/pulse -t ~/pulse-backup/' but I obtain: "cp: cannot stat `/home/detlef/.asound*': No such file or directory; cp: cannot stat `/etc/asound.conf': No such file or directory' How to proceed?16:10
VirusTBapt-cache search package16:10
forceflowbut that doesn't mean the whole KDE desktop is installed16:10
rubbsranjan: do you have any other partitions? other than just a root partition?16:10
VirusTBforceflow, ohhh! well i had like 8 KDE thingy's that were in my update manager16:10
LukaszTI can't find menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst16:11
ranjanrubbs :: ya i am having16:11
VirusTB is there a site where i can check ck like al packages and that they are used for? forceflow16:11
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rubbsLukaszT: what version of ubuntu are you running16:11
forceflowVirusTB: yep, ubuntu package search16:11
wvdSo, two days ago I installed Unbuntu, yesterday I tried getting my internet to work for like 7 hours.. but I failed. That's why I'll give you guys all information now: I'm using a siemens gigaset usb adapter 108, my router is a KPN experia box. The adapter is USB. It seems that the device is installed but fine, but the rest isn't. ndiswrapper -l shows this: http://codepad.org/waGbQDZY - iwconfig: http://codepad.org/5FsQaWxj - ifconfig: http://codepad.org/zv16:11
DJonesLukaszT: If you're using Ubuntu Karmic (9.10) there's a good chance you've got grub2 and not grub16:11
LukaszTI am using 9.10 Desktop edititon rubbs16:11
rubbsranjan: is there a tmp filesystem?16:11
airtonixVirusTB, list installed packages with dpkg -l, so you can check for example if pastebinit is installed by using : dpkg -l | grep pastebinit16:11
rubbsLukaszT: try grub2 documentation.16:11
rubbs!grub2 | LukaszT16:11
ubottuLukaszT: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub216:11
GlowballI noticed my Windows partition isn't recognized automatically anymore. I can mount it manually from terminal, but it isn't shown in /media16:12
LukaszTI got grub beta 416:12
SubbyHi I can take pictures with my webcam using the program cheese, but is there a way (any other tool) that can take a picture with command line execution?16:12
ranjanrubbs :: ya in root directory16:12
forceflowSubby: try VLC16:12
nacitaris there a command line i can use to run something without it being attached to my terminal?  that way I don't have to alt-f2 and run it there?16:12
nacitargnome-<something> I imagine.16:12
mcpySubby may sure that the moudule is up16:13
VirusTBSubby,  does Cheese record Video also? forceflow16:13
airtonixnacitar, to achieve what ?16:13
dAlfa89_nacitar, put "& disown" on the end of the command, I think (Minus quotemarks)16:13
forceflowdoes the ownership go to parent process then?16:14
grawitynacitar: what dAlfa89_ suggested - OR wrap the entire command in ( )'s16:14
nacitarairtonix: nothing currently, just a curious thought I had.16:14
Huckhi guys, im tryng to install ubuntu 9.10 but when i restart my pc and installation begin said me this error: stdinerror busybox 1.13.1 built in the shell16:14
SubbyVirusTB: yes it does16:14
nacitarthanks guys.16:14
Hucksomeone can help me?16:14
Subbymcpy: what do you mean?16:14
grawitynacitar: double ()'s, I mean16:14
rubbs!ask | Huck16:14
ubottuHuck: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:14
grawityforceflow: I think it's claimed by init[1]16:14
lanclinjas72u: I couldn't make it16:14
airtonixnacitar, keep that disown method in mind though its handy for process on remote servers too16:14
Subbyforceflow: what packet is that? vlc-nox?16:14
LukaszTWell I can't find the grub beta 4 menu.lst still16:14
forceflowSubby: just vlc will do, probably16:15
forceflowit's a media player16:15
papulHuck, there are 1341 users on this channel to help u16:15
forceflowbut with command-line options you can go far16:15
rubbsranjan: can you pastebin the output of this command "cat /etc/fstab"16:15
rubbspastebin! | ranjan16:15
forceflowI think there also was a snapshot tool, but google for it16:15
Huckwell how can i solve my problem?16:15
rubbs!pastebin | ranjan16:15
ubotturanjan: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic16:15
lanclinI tried using the live cd. but i got an error " I/O Error in booting"16:15
Subbyforceflow: maybe mplayer does that too? i dont want to install too moch players16:15
forceflowSubby: probably16:15
rubbsHuck: what is your problem16:16
forceflowbut you'll have to dive into the mplayer command line then :)16:16
Hucki wrote...16:16
Huckhi guys, im tryng to install ubuntu 9.10 but when i restart my pc and installation begin said me this error: stdinerror busybox 1.13.1 built in the shell16:16
VirusTBairtonix,  thanks for the dpgk -l  trick.. but is there a way i can check  whats " xserver-xorg  or  w3m  or onboard   or" ? and what its neeeded for?16:16
airtonixVirusTB, sorry i don;t understand your question16:16
wvdSo, two days ago I installed Unbuntu, yesterday I tried getting my internet to work for like 7 hours.. but I failed. That's why I'll give you guys all information now: I'm using a siemens gigaset usb adapter 108, my router is a KPN experia box. The adapter is USB. It seems that the device is installed but fine, but the rest isn't. ndiswrapper -l shows this: http://codepad.org/waGbQDZY - iwconfig: http://codepad.org/5FsQaWxj16:17
wvd- ifconfig: http://codepad.org/zvxSsc6V - dmesg: http://codepad.org/GUMuI5b0 - Anyone could please take a look and might help? Thank you very much for reading.16:17
rubbsHuck: Did you just burn a CD then? My guess is the CD has an error and a re-burn might help16:17
VirusTBairtonix,   ok ill rephrase in a bit16:17
wvdHuck: Don't burn faster then 4x.16:17
wvdHuck: Check the CD for errors.16:17
rubbsHuck: It usually a good idea to check the CD for errors before installing too.16:18
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.16:18
VirusTBairtonix,  but how do i get the terminal to show me all the contents after runninf command " dpkg -l "  ??  My list starts from M and goes to Z  (im sure it was to numerous to mention so it was cut off, i cant scrool up any further)16:18
Huckhow can i see cd error?16:18
forceflowVirusTB: check packages.ubuntu.com16:18
wvdHuck: You can just reboot and select the option for checking cd.16:18
rubbswvd: Huck: I'm not sure he can even get to that point16:19
Flare183VirusTB: type in dpkg -l | less16:19
airtonixVirusTB, you want to show only installed packages for a certain piece of software correct ? (or do you want a list of various ones )16:19
Huckah ok ty so much16:19
wvdrubbs: oh.16:19
Hucknow i understood16:19
hareshhello need some help16:19
wvdHuck: How fast you burned?16:19
Flare183VirusTB: and press the press space to scroll up and dow16:19
Hucki burned at 4x16:19
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.16:19
wvdHuck: Oh weird..16:19
airtonixVirusTB, ah yes after greping you put | less16:19
hareshwhen i do a upgrade of wine i am getting this  The following packages have unmet dependencies:16:19
haresh  wine: Depends: libasound2 (> 1.0.17) but 1.0.15-3ubuntu4 is to be installed16:19
haresh        Depends: libopenal1 (>= 1:1.3.253) but it is not installable16:19
rubbsHuck: if you can get to the boot menu then do what wvd said, otherwise try reburing the disk at a slow speed16:19
wvdCheck md5sum maybe?16:20
Huckim tryng to download again the image16:20
airtonixVirusTB, so my previous example would be : dpkg -l | grep pastebinit | less16:20
airtonixVirusTB, this is what you want? to only see a screenful of information at a time and take your time to page through it ?16:20
pyro2927can someone here help me with rEFIt and syncing partition tables on a Macbook Pro?16:20
VirusTBairtonix,  yes  '  | less  | is what i was loking for :P16:21
airtonixVirusTB, the other option you have is to pipe it to a text file so you can use a text editor of your choosing to read it16:21
xzachtmxis there some problem with the ati open source drivers on 8.04 because on 9.04 (before i had to reinstall ubntu) it worked fine16:21
Flare183VirusTB, airtonix: I got it :)16:21
VirusTBairtonix,  also pastebin feature hmmm...  how do i install that?  (say i run a command  and the reply goes straight to pastebin.com and makes a url for me) ?16:21
airtonixVirusTB, so my previous example would be : dpkg -l | grep pastebinit > package-list-output.txt16:21
dAlfa89_VirusTB, sudo apt-get install pastebinit16:22
VirusTBairtonix,  huh, still a bit unclear to me isnt there a package "pastebinit"16:22
ranjanrubbs :: any idea16:22
ranjanrubbs :: any idea16:22
airtonixVirusTB, yes also xchat will let you run commands from the edit box here : /exec -o lsb-release | pastebinit16:22
airtonixsh: lsb-release: not found16:23
airtonixYou are trying to send an empty document, exiting.16:23
ranjanrubbs :: any idea what is the problem16:23
airtonixah well16:23
rubbsranjan: I am not sure, but I think something is causing your tmp folder to become full.16:23
ubottuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!16:23
rubbswhat is the output of cat /etc/fstab16:23
VirusTBairtonix,  hun.. I can use xchat to get information as if it was terminal?16:23
jrib!traffic =~ s/ubuntu-nl.org/ubuntu.com/16:23
ubottuI'll remember that jrib16:23
VirusTBsh: lsb-release: not found16:23
VirusTBsh: pastebinit: not found16:23
airtonixVirusTB, yes16:24
VirusTB:O .. airtonix  teach me oh great master16:24
DrMrHorsecan i make rhythmbox not remove files from a playlist when they are played?16:24
researcher1 im using virtualbox.How can I transfer whole setting to my office pc?16:24
hareshwhen i do a upgrade of wine i am getting this  The following packages have unmet dependencies:16:24
rubbsresearcher1: seetings for what? virtualbox?16:24
xckpd7question: what is mencoder, and how do I install it?16:24
Flare183!info mencoder | xckpd716:25
ubottuxckpd7: mencoder (source: mplayer): MPlayer's Movie Encoder. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc3+svn20090426-1ubuntu10 (karmic), package size 1617 kB, installed size 3600 kB16:25
ranjanrubbs :: should i go ahead and creat an trread in ubuntu form ...in order to get an solution16:25
VirusTBairtonix,  installin 'pastbinit"16:25
rubbsranjan: that's probably the best solution. People who know more than me will be able to help you out.16:25
VirusTBairtonix,  now run command  " /exec -o lsb-release | pastebinit " within xchat?16:25
isolat3dsh33pDrMrHorse: I don't get you?16:25
papulwhen ever i install something in ubuntu it says reading database. wth is this database?16:25
researcher1 im using virtualbox.How can I transfer whole setting of virtualbox to my office pc?16:25
xckpd7Flare183: I don't get it: does it just come with MPlayer?16:25
bastid_raZorVirusTB: lsb_release -a  .. note the _ instead of -16:25
airtonixVirusTB, try using lspci instead16:25
VirusTBsh: lsb-release: not found16:26
VirusTBYou are trying to send an empty document, exiting.16:26
Flare183xckpd7: Its a dependency of Mplayer16:26
javatexananyone know if there is a chat for google chrome/chromium?16:26
ranjanrubbs :: thank you rubbs16:26
xckpd7Flare183: k thanks16:26
DrMrHorseisolat3dsh33p: im setting up a playlist to burn, i want to just listen to them real quick before burning, but when i play them, they are removed from the playlist16:26
VirusTBbastid_raZor,  it says " You are trying to send an empty document, exiting."16:26
Flare183xckpd7: np16:26
airtonixjavatexan, an irc channel you mean ?16:26
javatexanairtonix: yes a channel...sorry'16:26
DrMrHorse"like winamp"16:26
rubbsresearcher1: your settings of virtualbox are stored in the .virtualbox I think16:26
rubbsranjan: np sorry I couldn't help more16:26
isolat3dsh33pDrMrHorse: Did you save the playlist?16:27
bastid_raZorVirusTB: lsb_release -a does not need to be pastebin'ed .. just copy the output in channel it should be 1 line16:27
onetbI am seeing that a lot of people are having trouble getting 9.10 to work on a USB drive.  I have used Unetbootin to make a bootable USB but then no OS is recongized when I try to use it.  Ideas?16:27
airtonixVirusTB, it was my original type it's meant to be lsb_release not lsb-release...it was just an example however16:27
bastid_raZorVirusTB: actually just give the name or version number.16:27
ranjanrubbs :: ok16:27
LewisDre4mHello, can someone please help before I kill my self. All I want to do in Ubuntu is share my optical drive. (Being new at this I thought I would right click and see an option for sharing, just as I do when I share a folder. However there seems to be no such option. Please help me! Thank you inadvanced.16:27
Flare183bastid_raZor: It won't be one line tho, its going to be more like 4 lines16:27
wvdSo, two days ago I installed Unbuntu, yesterday I tried getting my internet to work for like 7 hours.. but I failed. That's why I'll give you guys all information now: I'm using a siemens gigaset usb adapter 108, my router is a KPN experia box. The adapter is USB. It seems that the device is installed but fine, but the rest isn't. ndiswrapper -l shows this: http://codepad.org/waGbQDZY - iwconfig: http://codepad.org/5FsQaWxj16:27
wvd - ifconfig: http://codepad.org/zvxSsc6V - dmesg: http://codepad.org/GUMuI5b0 - Anyone could please take a look and might help? Thank you very much for reading.16:27
VirusTBlsb_release -a16:27
bastid_raZorFlare183: yes, i remember that after i said it.16:27
bastid_raZorFlare183: for some reason i was thing of uname's output16:27
ranjanrubbs ::  not an problem .. i am well awear of this fact that no one is perfect on this planet ..:)16:28
Flare183bastid_raZor: Its understandable they are similar so its ok :)16:28
VirusTBbastid_raZor,  :S16:28
DrMrHorseisolat3dsh33p: yes16:28
LewisDre4mHello, can someone please help before I kill my self. All I want to do in Ubuntu is share my optical drive. (Being new at this I thought I would right click and see an option for sharing, just as I do when I share a folder. However there seems to be no such option. Please help me! Thank you in advanced.16:28
Flare183!repeat | LewisDre4m16:28
ubottuLewisDre4m: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.16:28
ubuntuhi, can anyone help me with grub2 reinstallation? I reinstalled it with this howto https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%202 but all I get is grub prompt and no menu16:28
VirusTBbastid_raZor,  oh wait i need to have gnome-terminal  output sometihng into "pastebinit" first right? an then lsb_release -a ??16:28
bastid_raZorVirusTB: type in terminal lsb_release -a ..  and tell what the Codename says.16:29
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LewisDre4mNo one here knows how to share an optical drive in ubuntu? Christ.16:29
Flare183LewisDre4m: you can't.16:29
LewisDre4mback to windows I go lol. Thanks anyway guys.16:29
bastid_raZorVirusTB: no, be in gnome-terminal and type the lsb_release -a command.16:29
macoLewisDre4m: what doe share an optical drive even mean?16:29
Flare183LewisDre4m: but you can share the mounted folder16:29
hareshwhen i do a upgrade of wine i am getting this  The following packages have unmet dependencies:16:29
bastid_raZorVirusTB: others will have to help, my breakfast time.16:29
macoLewisDre4m: all users on the system should have access to the cd16:29
mickster04how do i fix the second screen on my ubuntu set up, nvisia graphics card won't let me set the resolution to 1280x102416:30
VirusTBbastid_raZor,   ohh Ubutnu 9.10 , karmic16:30
isolat3dsh33pDrMrHorse: I'm not sure what's your problem, but you need to check if it is listed in your side bar under the playlist category in rythmbox. And if the music files are in different partition, make sure it is mounted.16:30
Flare183!dualhead | mickster04 (i think this is what you want)16:30
ubottumickster04 (i think this is what you want): Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama16:30
LewisDre4mOk sorry if my thinking is windows like. I have set no network up or anything. My sister is connected to me on her xp machine. If I share a folder she can see it. I want to share my DVD drive so she can use it.16:30
macoLewisDre4m: share the folder where the dvd is mounted then16:31
DrMrHorsei want to play a song in the playlist in rhythmbox and have it stay on the playlist, not remove when played16:31
LewisDre4mIn windows I can right click and share my optical drive in "MY COMPUTER" when I right click in "COMPUTER" in ubuntu I do not have such an option16:31
Flare183LewisDre4m: Follow what maco said, it should be mounted in /media/cdrom0 or /media/cdrom116:31
LewisDre4mFlare183, what do you mean?16:32
LewisDre4mI can see my optical drive in "COMPUTER" how do I share it?16:32
Flare183LewisDre4m: found out where the drive is mounted at.16:32
macoLewisDre4m: when a dvd is in, its contents should show in /media/cdrom0 or thereabouts16:32
macoLewisDre4m: share that to share its contents16:33
LewisDre4mwhere do I locate its folder?16:33
Flare183maco, LewisDre4m: Exactly16:33
LewisDre4msorry guys im obviously thick as s**t Im so confused.16:33
GlowballI noticed my Windows partition isn't recognized automatically anymore. I can mount it manually from terminal, but it isn't shown in /media..16:33
Flare183LewisDre4m: Press Alt+f2 and type in /media/16:33
macoLewisDre4m: you can type "mount" in a terminal, but really it should always be somewhere under /media16:33
brummbaerglowball, do you have an entry for the partition in your fstab?16:34
flavetiushello to all!16:34
javatexanits #chromium-support16:34
Glowballbrummbaer: I guess not? :P16:34
LewisDre4moh yes16:34
LewisDre4mI see the folder with the dvd contents16:34
LewisDre4mnow I can share that16:34
Glowballbrummbaer: In 9.04, it was detected automatically...16:34
LewisDre4mI understand. Where is that located if I wanted to manually navigate to that in future with the mouse?16:34
flavetiusa question for all! I have installed ubuntu 9.10 and my wireless say me tha it's disabled16:35
brummbaerglowball, there's a nifty gui for adding entries to your fstab called pysdm (?pretty sure that's it)16:35
papulok bye guys :D16:35
Flare183!wifi | flavetius16:35
ubottuflavetius: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:35
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wvdSo, two days ago I installed Unbuntu, yesterday I tried getting my internet to work for like 7 hours.. but I failed. That's why I'll give you guys all information now: I'm using a siemens gigaset usb adapter 108, my router is a KPN experia box. The adapter is USB. It seems that the device is installed but fine, but the rest isn't. ndiswrapper -l shows this: http://codepad.org/waGbQDZY - iwconfig: http://codepad.org/5FsQaWxj16:35
wvd - ifconfig: http://codepad.org/zvxSsc6V - dmesg: http://codepad.org/GUMuI5b0 - Anyone could please take a look and might help? Thank you very much for reading.16:35
wvdSorry for repeating.16:35
wvdJust can't stand windows anymore :-(16:35
Glowballbrummbaer: I had a look, seems like it isn't in there indeed. I'll have a look at that GUI, thanks ;)16:35
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Leoneof`any good gui firewall? need to block some software to access internet.16:36
Flare183!ufw | Leoneof`16:36
ubottuLeoneof`: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist16:36
gizzmoekönnte mir vielleicht jemand bei einpaar problemen helfen???16:36
gabriel_anybody know why ubuntu might falsely think that my disk is full when it is not?16:36
LewisDre4mMacro: I understand now16:36
Huckim tryng to install ubuntu 9.10 but i get this error: busybox built in the shell stdin error , is possible the problem is cause i have dual boot ?16:36
wvdHuck: Shouldn't be.16:37
Flare183!english | gizzmoe16:37
ubottugizzmoe: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat16:37
gizzmoemay someone can help me...16:37
wvdHuck: Did you let the installer make your partitions?16:37
LewisDre4mFlare183: I understand now16:37
LewisDre4mThank you16:37
Huckok ty wvd16:37
Flare183LewisDre4m: Awesome :)16:37
wvdHuck: Did you check the CD on any errors?16:37
gizzmoeimy english isnt so good, but i think its enough16:37
LewisDre4mFlare183:  So you think my sister will be able to play that via her xp machine now? (the dvd I mean)16:37
Hucknot yet im still downloading new image...i ask only for information16:37
wvdHuck: It might be because of that wrong CD.16:38
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Flare183LewisDre4m: She should be able to yes.16:38
gizzmoepleeeeaaaseeee... heeelp meeee16:38
Huckty so much16:38
LewisDre4mFlare183: you are a legend16:38
LewisDre4mthank you16:38
LukaszT1I have founnd it /boot/grub/grub.cfg16:38
lb__hi! is there a chance to set up ubuntu on a machine that I can't connect a screen to? (It only has an empty HD at the moment)16:38
LukaszT1Now the problem is it doesn't want to save it16:38
oCean_gizzmoe: just state your question/issue in the channel...16:38
LukaszT1How do I save grub.cfg16:39
gizzmoeoh... okay... thx16:39
Flare183LukaszT1: Use gksudo gedit and edit it16:39
LukaszT1I tried that16:39
rubbs!de | gizzmoe16:39
ubottugizzmoe: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:39
LukaszT1I will again16:39
Jamedwvd: eth0 is your LAN, right?16:39
gabriel_gparted reports my disk being full and so I can't log in, but when I boot with a livecd, the disk usage analyzer shows 70GB free.16:39
gabriel_any ideas as to what is going on?16:40
gizzmoemy question is... when i want to watch a movie (rmvb and so on) on every player my screen is blue and so on, but not in the right colours... what can i do??16:40
LukaszT1It says it is read only?16:40
bastid_raZorgabriel_: that could be reserved space in /tmp or /var .. or some partition that the OS needs and uses other than /16:40
Whitor_lb__, it will be very difficult16:40
Flare183LukaszT1: You might have to edit it via the live CD16:40
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LukaszT1ok I will try tha thanks16:41
Flare183!livecd | LukaszT116:41
ubottuLukaszT1: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.16:41
LukaszT1thanks Flare18316:41
wvdJamed: I got a wireless connection normally.16:41
wvdJamed: So, I think I'm somehow missing wlan0..16:41
Flare183LukaszT1: No problem.16:41
blue112Hello there.16:41
lb__Whitor_: I figured... I just don't have any vga or dmi socket yet. keyboard and optical drive wouldn't be a problem16:41
emancan i upgrade to ubuntu 9.10 without reformatting?16:42
Flare183eman: yes16:42
Flare183!upgrade | eman16:42
ubottueman: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:42
bastid_raZoreman: if you're on 9.04 yes16:42
jtapioI have U910.16:42
hareshhow to instal;l the leatest wine ?16:42
jtapiomy suspend is not working ??16:42
Jamedwvd: yeah, ifconfig looks like that. since there is not wlan0 or eth1 (both possible for wlan), i'd say something is wrong with the driver. unfortunately i'm not familiar with ndiswrapper16:42
DaZharesh: add wine repository16:42
DaZthey have one iirc16:43
Flare183!wine | haresh16:43
ubottuharesh: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu16:43
dareanybody else notice pulseaudio crashes a lot when using vlc?16:43
dj_can i install photoshop on ubuntu/16:43
wvdJamed: I downloaded it form their official site. I tried also this: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ndiswrapper/index.php?title=Siemens_Gigaset_USB_108 but it doesn't say 'Device installed' @ those ndiswrapper -l then.16:43
oCean_lb__: maybe have a look here: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1321466 on headless PXE installs16:43
jtapioI have an install of U910 !! My suspend is not working, i dont know why ??16:43
Flare183!gimp | dj_16:43
ubottudj_: gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.16:43
lb__thanks, oCean16:43
Flare183dj_: GIMP = Photoshop16:43
ubuntu_fresherI have windows OS on raid 0 having 2 320 GB HDDs. I have new 500 GB HDD on which I want to install Ubuntu 9.10 with the boot loader(GRUB). I want to know if I disconnect those two HDDs having RAID 0 and plug that back in, will it be recognized?16:43
dj_flare183: i want to remove watermark from an image i can not do that on gimp16:44
daresurely somebody here uses vlc on a regular basis?16:44
wvdJamed: Though, before it said 'wlan0 cannot be found or something', and now it says 'wlan0 is not configured'16:44
Jamedwvd: did you check ifconfig with the other driver? when the device is listed there, it should work16:44
Flare183dj_: Yes you can. you just have to know how16:44
emanwhich ones better 9.04 or 9.10?16:45
wvdJamed: Ah, didn't try, but with those other drivers ndiswrapper -l didn't say anything related to 'hardware present' or 'device installed'.16:45
no-namehi im trying to add a package using deb  and get a deb: command not found can someone help?16:45
jtapioHello! I need a little help with U910.16:45
dj_flare183: i found 100 tutorials for photoshop watermark removal not for gimp16:45
djk1anyone know when VLC will be updated to include this fix for SiriusXM?16:45
Jamedwvd: as i said, i'm not familiar with ndiswrapper, i've never used it16:45
wvdJamed: it's worth a try, going to reboot and try it. thanks :-)16:46
LewisDre4mHello please help. I just had some help sharing my DVD drive in /media so my sister can use it via her xp machine. However I go into sharing options and tick share this folder but then it says "'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot share path /media/cdrom0 as we are restricted to only sharing directories we own.16:46
LewisDre4mAsk the administrator to add the line "usershare owner only = false"16:46
LewisDre4mto the [global] section of the smb.conf to allow this." What the hell does that mean and how do i share this folder?16:46
jtapioHello! I need a little help with U910.16:46
TopKatzhello -  I using a hardware raid card.  I'm wondering how I'm suposed to handle a kernel/eader upgrade with the cards drivers.  Right now I reboot the system after update, and have to reinstall the drivers, using make install.  I feel Im doing this wrong, as the raid has to come up with no drivers first.  Can I jsut do the make install before reboot, but after header update.  Should the make install build against the new header16:47
TopKatz before reboot?16:47
macoLewisDre4m: system -> administration -> authorizations16:47
macoLewisDre4m: it wants you to give permissions to do that16:47
gabriel_bastid_raZor: Like I said, Gparted and System Monitor report the disk being full (5MiB free, 0MiB avail), so it would seem that on a block level, the disk thinks it is full (~107GiB), but when Disk Usage Analyzer looks at the actual files present, it only comes up with ~30GiB. As far as I know, no required directories are located on separate partitions, but is it possible for space to be reserved without it show16:47
gabriel_ing up as a file or as "Free but Unavailable" space in the System Monitor? BTW, thanks for the help16:47
LewisDre4mok . . .16:47
no-namehi im trying to add a package using deb  and get a deb: command not found can someone help?16:47
macoLewisDre4m: to be able to share systemwide things like the optical drive instead of only sharing your own folders16:48
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macoLewisDre4m: er....ohhh wait16:48
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LewisDre4mI'm in SYSTEM / ADMINISTRATION . . . I cant see authorisation?16:48
gabriel_no-name: are you trying to install from a DEB you downloaded from the web, or installing a package from the Ubuntu repositories?16:48
macoLewisDre4m: sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf16:49
LewisDre4mMaco: 'm in SYSTEM / ADMINISTRATION . . . I cant see authorisation?16:49
LewisDre4mhow can I do it with out using commands?16:49
no-namegabriel_  in trying to install from the web (tor)16:49
macoLewisDre4m: and like it says add the line "usershare owner only = false" to the [global] section, then you hit ctrl+o ctrl+x16:49
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macoLewisDre4m: um alt+f2 gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf ?16:50
gabriel_so have you downloaded a .deb file to your computer?16:50
LewisDre4mMaco: is there no way to do it visually?16:50
macoLewisDre4m: if you want to use a normal text editor16:50
macoLewisDre4m: gedit is a normal text editor16:50
macoLewisDre4m: nano is also a text editor, its just inside a terminal16:50
gabriel_no-name: so have you downloaded a .deb file to your computer?16:50
ardian_Hi, when i want to start hamachi it gives me this msg "14 17:48:55.883 [   0] [ 3142] tap: connect() failed 2 (No such file or directory)16:50
macoLewisDre4m: so gedit should remind you of notepad (but with actual features)16:51
LewisDre4mmaco: can I not do it using the mouse etc?16:51
macoLewisDre4m: cant get a root gedit with just mouse, no16:51
ardian_Anu Hamachi users here ?16:51
no-namegabriel_ can i post what im trying to do here or ?16:51
macoLewisDre4m: gksudo or sudo is like "runas" in windows, to run a program as an administrator16:51
ardian_Any hamachi users here ?16:52
gabriel_no-name: sure, as long as its not too long16:52
Dr_Willisardian_:  i doubt if any have joined in the last 10 sec since you last asked that..16:52
nacitarIs there a solution to the problem where you have to restart firefox to get flash to work, yet?16:52
gabriel_no-name: if its more than a few lines, use pastebin.ubuntu.com16:52
ardian_so Dr_Willis ?16:52
no-namedeb     http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org jaunty main16:52
Dr_Willisardian_:  so stop spamming the same question every 10 sec.16:52
rethusquestion: i have 2 devices (hdd) one 80 gb one 300 GB.16:53
LewisDre4mmaco: what do I do with this usershare owner only = false"16:53
urthmoverHow do I remove or change the gnome icon I have to the left of Applications in the upper pannel on my main gnome desktop?16:53
LewisDre4mmaco: where do I put that command16:53
macoLewisDre4m: copy and paste it into that file16:53
macoLewisDre4m: its not a command, its a setting you're putting in a configuration file16:53
rethushow can i check which device is 300 and wich is 80 GB if they are partitioned and unmounted?16:53
LewisDre4mwhat file and where do I find it?16:53
Dr_Willisrethus:  sudo fdisk -l     and look at teh output16:53
gabriel_no-name: so, that isn't a single deb file - that is a repository. what is it that you're trying to accomplish?16:54
rethusDr_Willis. thx16:54
giuseppe__ciao a tutti16:54
no-namegabriel_ im trying to grab it to install it16:54
LjL!it | giuseppe__16:54
ubottugiuseppe__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:54
Dr_Willisurthmover:  theres some  FILENAME.svg that you edit. used to be a .png but i think its a svg file now. Saw how to edit that mentioned once in some forum/tutorial sites.16:54
LewisDre4mmaco: where do I find  smb.conf?16:54
macoLewisDre4m: /etc/samba/smb.conf16:54
macoLewisDre4m: i was trying to tell you how to edit it. "gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf"16:55
urthmoverok I'll look into that further  thanks Dr_Willis16:55
mickster04hey i am trying to get twin view working using the nvidia config tool ,but its not saving the settings16:55
macoLewisDre4m: it might ask for your password, then itll open that file in a text editor16:55
gabriel_no-name: ok, i understand what's up. What you need to do is go into System>Administration>Software Sources16:55
LewisDre4mmaco: I must be driving you nuts.16:55
Dr_Willisurthmover:  i might have it bookmarked at --> http://delicious.com/dr_willis/ubuntu16:55
macoLewisDre4m: its ok :)16:55
LewisDre4mim going to copy this . . . gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf in to terminal ok?16:55
rethusso i want to copy the small one (80gB) to the bigone (300GB) so i do dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda ?16:55
macoLewisDre4m: yep!16:55
LewisDre4mkk 1 sec16:55
urthmoverDr_Willis: ok I'll check on there  thanks16:55
=== lukaszT is now known as LukaszT1
conb123Why is this configure script telling me that xmms is not installed when i have installed everything it could possibly want look http://pastebin.com/m1f67b548 ?16:56
LukaszT1Hi I had to chkmod it to +writable16:56
Dr_Willismickster04:  i had to make a xorg.conf beforhand. then let the file save to the premade xorg.conf.. OR save  the config somewhere else first.. then copy it by hand to /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:56
LukaszT1chmod it*16:56
LukaszT1Then I made it readble again16:56
gabriel_no-name: go to the "Third-Party Software" tab, hit the "Add" button and paste it in there16:56
rethusconb123: maybe need a envirement-var which is not set16:56
LukaszT1It worked like magic :D16:56
mickster04Dr_Willis, well i have an xorg.conf16:56
nacitarconb123: Isn't xmms replaced by something else now, anyway?16:57
LukaszT1I did some research on google :D16:57
LewisDre4mmaco: I have the samba crap open on the screen in a notepad kinda thing. I have scrolled down nd see something called global settings . . . I have that command copied to clipboard now what ? where I paste it?16:57
gabriel_no-name: then, you're going to want to do something like "apt-get install tor"16:57
conb123nacitar: Well i don't think it's that, here is what the script said http://pastebin.com/m3938ef16:57
macoLewisDre4m: just paste it after where it says [global] on its own line16:57
macoLewisDre4m: then save it16:57
Dr_Willismickster04:  if some sections in it are mising it can confuse that nvidia tool. That tool is a little outdated.. ill pastebin my xorg.conf for you to try16:57
LukaszT1Ubuntu 9.10 is great :D16:58
wvdSo, two days ago I installed Unbuntu, yesterday I tried getting my internet to work for like 7 hours.. but I failed. That's why I'll give you guys all information now: I'm using a siemens gigaset usb adapter 108, my router is a KPN experia box. The adapter is USB. It seems that the device is installed but fine, but the rest isn't. wlan0 isn't installed. ndiswrapper -l shows this: http://codepad.org/waGbQDZY - iwconfig: http://codepad.org/5FsQaWxj -16:58
wvdifconfig: http://codepad.org/zvxSsc6V - dmesg: http://codepad.org/GUMuI5b0 - Anyone could please take a look and might help? I also tried downloading the drivers from http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ndiswrapper/index.php?title=Siemens_Gigaset_USB_108 but then it doesn't show that any device/hardware is installed @ ndiswrapper + it gives error at dmesg, and wlan0 is still not there. Thank you very much.16:58
gabriel_no-name: where did you get that first line from? it should tell you what to do next there16:58
LewisDre4mso it says16:58
Dr_Willismickster04:  pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:58
LewisDre4musershare owner only = false"16:58
LewisDre4mand I do that?16:58
Dr_Willismickster04:  you can backup your xorg.conf if you want. try copying that one over.. then letting the nvidia config tool to its tweaks to it.16:58
cmcx_linuxgood day, I have some trouble with apparmor on a jaunty box, the thing is that id does not load the module at startup, and I can't find any useful info in the logs to why is behaving like that. Can someone point me to some help? Thank you.16:58
gabriel_bastid_raZor: no ideas, eh?16:58
mickster04Dr_Willis, cheers bud16:59
LewisDre4mmaco: that ok? just underneeth?16:59
conb123nacitar: Should i perhaps set this /home/connor/.config/xmms2 as $XMMS_CONFIG in .bashrc ?16:59
macoLewisDre4m: yep16:59
Dr_Willismickster04:  that tool is really an annoyance. :) i keep my xorg.conf's archived/backed up on my UbuntOne account now. :)16:59
trismconb123: xmms isn't included in ubuntu/debian anymore, the libraries you have are xmms2, which is different (it is asking for the original xmms)16:59
emandoes the ubuntu 9.10 disc have a live setup?16:59
LewisDre4mITS SHARED16:59
Dr_Williseman:  what do you mean by live setup? its a live cd..16:59
conb123trism: Ahhh well it does say 1.2.10+16:59
LewisDre4mmaco: I am going to marry you. I hope you don't mind.17:00
emanya the live cd to test it out17:00
conb123trism: Should i perhaps remove any xmms related packages and then install the old version from the source package on the site?17:00
Dr_Williseman:  the desktop cd is a live cd.17:00
emansorry thats what i meant to day17:00
LewisDre4mmaco: thank you so much. people like you make such a difference nd stop us having to go back to windows!. Thank you.17:01
ubuntu_i have 80GB on sdb and 300 GB on sda... all data of 80gb should copied to 300gb... can i use dd ?17:01
emanthank u17:01
macoLewisDre4m: haha17:01
Dr_Willisconb123:  xmms and xmms2 are 2 very different programs.17:01
=== Exaltia_ is now known as Exaltia
macoLewisDre4m: no problem!17:01
trismconb123: can't really say, I'm not sure what you're trying to build17:01
ubuntu_dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda ?17:01
Jamedwvd: after i read17:01
LewisDre4mmaco: i will go see if she can play dvd via comp now17:01
conb123Dr_willis: But they are just different versions aren't they?17:01
Dr_Willisconb123:  Nope.. they are RADICALLY DIFFERNT programs17:01
Leoneof`i need simple firewall to control all applications, like Kaspersky or Norton when they notify me about software is trying to access internet17:02
ubuntu_how can i disable all thees in and out messages on xchat ?17:02
edbianHow does openoffice make any money?17:02
npopeLeoneof`: iptables17:02
conb123Dr_Willis: ah ok well that's a little confusing, i shall grab it from the site the script gave me17:02
wvdJamed: What?17:02
Dr_Willisconb123:  xmms is really not worth messing with these days. theres better players out there.17:02
Leoneof`npope: need GUI, not text terminal17:02
aaron11Hi Im having a problem on xtightvncviewer. I want to connect to my windows machine that has TightVNC Server. The password I entered was ok but at the end it said this: vncviewer: VNC server closed connection17:02
aaron11. And one time it said this: vncviewer: read: Connection reset by peer17:02
aaron11. This windows computer is on my local host and I can VNC to my Ubuntu on windows. This is a problem that took place in Ubuntu Karmic Koala.17:02
cmcx_linuxubuntu, it will copy all hard drive info, including parition layout and after that, your 300gb hard drive will look as an 80 gigs one. try to make the same layout on the 300gb one with fdisk ( partition wise) and after dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/dev/sda1 for each partition on the disk17:03
npopeLeoneof`: their is a gui front end to it called fire something17:03
Jamedwvd: i cant paste the link, but ive read the sourceforge stuff and it sais you have to install athfmwdl too. the output of ndiswrapper -l only shows net5523. did you install hte other one?17:03
conb123Dr_Willis: Oh no i'm only installing it as a a dependency for something else, i am attempting to install the currenttrack plugin for pidgin17:03
geoaxishello people, I have a strange problem, on a laptop I have installed windows 7, now i want to install ubuntu, fdisk can see windows partitions, but ubuntu installer cannot17:03
no-namegabriel_ yeah i misread i had to add it to /etc/apt/sources.list17:03
Dr_Willisconb123:  most programs ive seen that use 'xmms'  can use audacious  instead.17:03
Leoneof`npope: Firestarter is for blocking IP not application17:03
wvdJamed: That are still old pastebins, I installed them both, and it gave me some errors @ dmesg and iwconfig still only showed eth/lo17:03
geoaxisalso it says that Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundry17:03
wvdJamed: Those pastebins where with the working device17:04
aaron11geoaxis: Did you look at Gparted17:04
ubuntu_is this right to copy from sdb to sda ???   dd if=/dev/sdb of /dev/sda17:04
npopeLeoneof`: if you want to block application look into SElinux or similar17:04
Jamedwvd: i have no more ideas then17:04
geoaxisaaron11: yes, it says the same, fdisk looks like this http://pastebin.ca/171457417:04
Dr_Willisconb123:   there some 'streamtuner/streamriper/tunapie' programs in the repos i recall that are silly still using 'xmms' as their default for some tasks.. i just changed them to use audacious in their settings and they worked.17:04
wvdJamed: Sadly you're not the only one :-(17:05
ubuntu_is this right to copy from sdb to sda ???   dd if=/dev/sdb of /dev/sda17:05
geoaxisaaron11: Gparted also says that its all empty17:05
brummbaerLeoneof: ubuntu has apparmor, you could write a profile for the app. you can also just write iptables rules to block outbound comm on the apps port...17:05
aaron11geoaxis: Are the hard drive/s monted17:05
aaron11geoaxis: mounted17:05
edbianHow does openoffice make any money?17:05
=== david_d_w is now known as david-d-wang
aaron11!ot | edbian17:06
ubottuedbian: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:06
=== david-d-wang is now known as david-d-w
aaron11!ot | edbian17:06
MindVirusHi. Can someone tell me exactly what ecryptfs-utils does?17:06
LewisDre4mmaco: It turns out she can't see anything I share on this computer rofl.17:06
MindVirusCan I prune it?17:06
epinkyubuntu_: no it's not, the copy command is "cp" , read cmcx_linux's post17:06
aaron11Hi Im having a problem on xtightvncviewer. I want to connect to my windows machine that has TightVNC Server. The password I entered was ok but at the end it said this: vncviewer: VNC server closed connection17:06
geoaxisaaron11: no, http://pastebin.ca/171457717:07
macoLewisDre4m: oh dear. i dont know that much about samba, sorry17:07
geoaxisaaron11: except for sdb2 which is the install media USB disk17:07
geoaxisaaron11: it was the same with CD17:07
LewisDre4mI can see their computers and files that are shared but they don't seem to be able to see any stuff I share?17:07
wvdSo, two days ago I installed Unbuntu, yesterday I tried getting my internet to work for like 7 hours.. but I failed. That's why I'll give you guys all information now: I'm using a siemens gigaset usb adapter 108, my router is a KPN experia box. The adapter is USB. It seems that the device is installed but fine, but the rest isn't. wlan0 isn't installed. ndiswrapper -l shows this: http://codepad.org/waGbQDZY - iwconfig: http://codepad.org/5FsQaWxj -17:07
aaron11geoaxis: Im not a hdwr specialist you know. Keep asking17:07
wvdifconfig: http://codepad.org/zvxSsc6V - dmesg: http://codepad.org/GUMuI5b0 - Anyone could please take a look and might help? I also tried downloading the drivers from http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ndiswrapper/index.php?title=Siemens_Gigaset_USB_108 but then it doesn't show that any device/hardware is installed @ ndiswrapper + it gives error at dmesg, and wlan0 is still not there. Thank you very much.17:08
aaron11Hi Im having a problem on xtightvncviewer. I want to connect to my windows machine that has TightVNC Server. The password I entered was ok but at the end it said this: vncviewer: VNC server closed connection17:08
MindVirusAnyone know what ecryptfs-utils does?17:08
aaron11. And one time it said this: vncviewer: read: Connection reset by peer17:08
macoLewisDre4m: possibly #samba might be more helpful if nobody in here knows how17:08
=== david_d_w is now known as david-d-w
aaron11. This windows computer is on my local host and I can VNC to my Ubuntu on windows. This is a problem that took place in Ubuntu Karmic Koala.17:08
AJC_Z0While I can change my pointer in the GTK theme, my pointer against the background seems to always be oxy black. How can I change this?17:09
aaron11LITesterB: Are you from canada17:09
medioni dont have sound when i play flash and i have the newest flashplayer17:10
aaron11medion: Try this one instead sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree17:10
bdeskShould I install gitosis using apt-get or using easy_install or using source?17:11
Sephohi everybody!!17:11
npopebdesk: apt-get17:11
Nytek_bdesk, apt-get ftw17:11
aaron11!hi | Sepho17:11
ubottuSepho: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:11
=== ultiprosan is now known as ulti|AfK
SephoAnyone knows where are the menu.lst in the lastest version of Ubuntu? I can't find it under /boot/grub/menu.lst and I want to add another kernel image17:11
bdeskThe reason I ask is because apt-get was broken on Jaunty (I have Karmic) and I failed to google install instructions for the apt-get version.17:11
aaron11 Hi Im having a problem on xtightvncviewer. I want to connect to my windows machine that has TightVNC Server. The password I entered was ok but at the end it said this: vncviewer: VNC server closed connection . And one time it said this: vncviewer: read: Connection reset by peer . This windows computer is on my local host and I can VNC to my Ubuntu on windows. This is a problem that took place in Ubuntu Karmic Koala.17:11
medionaaron11:  hahaha this might work thanks dude17:12
aaron11medion: Restart ok17:12
bdeskI mean the apt-get version of gitosis was broken for Jaunty.17:12
Nytek_bdesk, then sources might be the way to go :)17:12
bastid_raZor!grub2 | Sepho look at this website for more info on grub2, which is what 9.10 uses17:12
ubottuSepho look at this website for more info on grub2, which is what 9.10 uses: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:12
Nytek_bdesk, update your etc/apt/sources.list file17:12
bdeskHas anyone here actually installed gitosis using apt-get on Karmic?17:13
aaron11Can someone help me please!17:13
wvdSo, two days ago I installed Unbuntu, yesterday I tried getting my internet to work for like 7 hours.. but I failed. That's why I'll give you guys all information now: I'm using a siemens gigaset usb adapter 108, my router is a KPN experia box. The adapter is USB. It seems that the device is installed but fine, but the rest isn't. wlan0 isn't installed. ndiswrapper -l shows this: http://codepad.org/waGbQDZY - iwconfig: http://codepad.org/5FsQaWxj -17:13
wvdifconfig: http://codepad.org/zvxSsc6V - dmesg: http://codepad.org/GUMuI5b0 - Anyone could please take a look and might help? I also tried downloading the drivers from http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ndiswrapper/index.php?title=Siemens_Gigaset_USB_108 but then it doesn't show that any device/hardware is installed @ ndiswrapper + it gives error at dmesg, and wlan0 is still not there. Thank you very much.17:13
benkong2hello all17:14
bishopaaron11  take your time and state the problem on one line17:14
aaron11bishop: 0_o17:14
=== zz_b0w is now known as kiwifunk
aaron11bishop: I just did!17:14
benkong2I have a new Gateway E810 11.6 notebook with karmic dual booting with windows vista17:14
aaron11 Hi Im having a problem on xtightvncviewer. I want to connect to my windows machine that has TightVNC Server. The password I entered was ok but at the end it said this: vncviewer: VNC server closed connection . And one time it said this: vncviewer: read: Connection reset by peer . This windows computer is on my local host and I can VNC to my Ubuntu on windows. This is a problem that took place in Ubuntu Karmic Koala.17:14
benkong2all works well except it takes 2 - 3 minutes to boot17:15
=== kiwifunk is now known as b0w
medionaaron11:  didnt worked but i will restart just be sure17:15
benkong2when I press esc while booting I get the press control D or give root passwd17:15
=== egertonm20 is now known as citypop
bishopi am not seeing it17:15
benkong2what or how can I diagnoise slow boot times17:15
aaron11Please this is very important17:16
LewisDre4mDoes anyone here know why I can view everyones files on their xp machines they have shared etc but they can't seem to see anything I have shared on  my ubuntu machine (please bare in mind I have set nothing up its a fresh install of ubuntu"17:16
aaron11LewisDre4m: Did you setup samba17:17
LewisDre4mno what is is that?17:17
aaron11!samba | LewisDre4m17:17
ubottuLewisDre4m: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:17
LewisDre4moh i'll install it now17:17
BlueXare you guys aware of atheros card porblems?17:17
aaron11 Hi Im having a problem on xtightvncviewer. I want to connect to my windows machine that has TightVNC Server. The password I entered was ok but at the end it said this: vncviewer: VNC server closed connection . And one time it said this: vncviewer: read: Connection reset by peer . This windows computer is on my local host and I can VNC to my Ubuntu on windows. This is a problem that took place in Ubuntu Karmic Koala.17:17
aaron11Can someone please help me17:18
LewisDre4minstalling samba now17:18
LewisDre4mAfter installing SAMBA they will be able to see files I have shared correct?17:18
jribaaron11: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)17:18
aaron11jrib: What do you mean? I just gave all my details17:19
LewisDre4mjrib don't be sarcastic to him he has been very helpful and is looking for help himself.17:19
jribaaron11: I mean please don't follow your question with pleas for help17:19
jribLewisDre4m: I'm not being sarcastic17:19
khelvanHi, I had to replace a dead motherboard (ASUS P6T Deluxe V2) with a new one (ASUS P6X58D) - when I boot for the first time, is Ubuntu 64 going to give me any problems?17:19
LewisDre4maaron11: Just ignore it.17:20
aaron11jrib: Well I hardely have time. Forget that do you know the answer?17:20
jribaaron11: everyone's question is important.  Following your question with "please help me", "I really need this", and similar isn't productive.  It just contributes noise to the channel17:22
BlueXdoes ubuntu 9.10 have more problems than 9.04?17:22
LewisDre4mjrib: for christ sake give it a rest.17:22
jribaaron11: if I know the answer to your question, I will try to help you17:22
bishopaaron  i do not know but others might. give them a chance17:22
jribLewisDre4m: I'm just trying to keep this channel semi-sane17:22
aaron11sure i am just writing into the fourm17:23
bishopi know about computer problems... hard to be patient...17:23
LewisDre4mjrib: ok17:23
jribaaron11: check for firewall issues17:25
wvdSo, two days ago I installed Unbuntu, yesterday I tried getting my internet to work for like 7 hours.. but I failed. That's why I'll give you guys all information now: I'm using a siemens gigaset usb adapter 108, my router is a KPN experia box. The adapter is USB. It seems that the device is installed but fine, but the rest isn't. wlan0 isn't installed. ndiswrapper -l shows this: http://codepad.org/waGbQDZY - iwconfig: http://codepad.org/5FsQaWxj -17:25
wvdifconfig: http://codepad.org/zvxSsc6V - dmesg: http://codepad.org/GUMuI5b0 - Anyone could please take a look and might help? I also tried downloading the drivers from http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ndiswrapper/index.php?title=Siemens_Gigaset_USB_108 but then it doesn't show that any device/hardware is installed @ ndiswrapper + it gives error at dmesg, and wlan0 is still not there. Thank you very much.17:25
aaron11jrib: On Ubuntu its off17:25
jribaaron11: on the server?17:25
aaron11jrib: BTW is there gona be hackers tring to get through my system on Ubuntu17:26
blakkheimchanging your operating system doesn't magically make hackers go away.17:26
LewisDre4maaron11:  I shared stuff in samba but still not coming up in her network places on her pc.17:27
jribaaron11: maybe though it's not really something you have to worry about unless you start exposing services to the outside world (by default ubuntu does not run any services exposed to the outside world).  Otherwise, just stick to software from trusted repositories and you will be fine17:27
aaron11LewisDre4m: Try going to ssh17:27
=== nick_ is now known as lazydragoon
LewisDre4mAaron11: ssh?17:27
aaron11LewisDre4m: This is the last stand17:27
RievaxHello everyone!17:27
aaron11LewisDre4m: go to places17:28
lazydragoonhey guy i got problem to install farsight for amsn i really need help17:28
philipp_is there a command line command like "press button a"17:28
aaron11LewisDre4m: Can we talk in private17:28
RievaxAnybody with Bind9 knowledge with secondary zones?17:28
philipp_is there a command line command like "press button a"17:29
coz_philipp_,  what are you trying to do?17:29
blakkheimLewisDre4m: are you trying to share files between windows and linux?17:29
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=== rainbow is now known as Guest87229
jribphilipp_: yes, but please don't repeat so fast... check out xvkbd17:29
LewisDre4mblakkheim: yes, I can see all pcs on network and their files but they cant see my ubuntu machine17:30
jribLewisDre4m: can you see the share on the ubuntu machine itself?17:30
khelvanLewisDre4m - You can't see a SAMBA share from Windows, or from linux?17:30
blakkheimLewisDre4m: have you tried setting up an NFS server on ubuntu?17:30
lazydragoonsomeone can help me with my farsight ?17:31
philipp_coz_ that i press a specal key on my keyboard and the command presses multpe keys17:31
LewisDre4mjesus no. I have a fresh ubuntu install. im conected to internet and I can see all other xp machines and their shared files but they cant see mine. why is this?17:31
lazydragoonwell farsight217:31
coz_philipp_,  ah ok     I dont think I can help with this one17:31
LewisDre4mCan you help?17:32
migi_hey everyone, is there an easy way to add a passwordless "guest" user to the karmic login menu (for my family)?17:32
aaron11LewisDre4m: Please answer17:32
khelvanLewisDre4m - Sorry, I always have problems the other way around. Ubuntu sometimes has a hard time seeing SAMBA shares. Maybe the solution there will help? Try installing winbind on your Ubuntu machine.17:32
bishopbbak soon17:33
jribLewisDre4m: three people asked you a question and you didn't answer a single one.  Pick someone, address them, and give them information so they can troubleshoot17:33
=== kb is now known as Guest18462
LewisDre4mI can see everysingle computer in my network and access their files however they cannot see mine17:33
migi_hey everyone, is there an easy way to add a passwordless "guest" user to the karmic login menu (for my family)?17:33
wvdSo, two days ago I installed Unbuntu, yesterday I tried getting my internet to work for like 7 hours.. but I failed. That's why I'll give you guys all information now: I'm using a siemens gigaset usb adapter 108, my router is a KPN experia box. The adapter is USB. It seems that the device is installed but fine, but the rest isn't. wlan0 isn't installed. ndiswrapper -l shows this: http://codepad.org/waGbQDZY - iwconfig: http://codepad.org/5FsQaWxj -17:34
wvdifconfig: http://codepad.org/zvxSsc6V - dmesg: http://codepad.org/GUMuI5b0 - Anyone could please take a look and might help? I also tried downloading the drivers from http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ndiswrapper/index.php?title=Siemens_Gigaset_USB_108 but then it doesn't show that any device/hardware is installed @ ndiswrapper + it gives error at dmesg, and wlan0 is still not there. Thank you very much.17:34
mickster04how do i get 5.1 speakers working?17:34
philipp_<jrib> sry but the man realy sucks.... whats the command that i have to enter to press the button "a"17:34
=== Mud|afk is now known as Mud|shower
migi_hey everyone, is there an easy way to add a passwordless "guest" user to the karmic login menu (for my family)?17:35
indian_munndacan anyone tell me how do i know that which graphics card my motherboard supports whether PCI or AGP???17:35
philipp_<jrib> sry but the man realy sucks.... whats the command that i have to enter to press the button "a"17:35
lazydragoonplease my amsn said he can't not detect my farsight install and i don't know why17:35
blakkheimindian_munnda: you need to look at the motherboard17:36
LjLphilipp_, we heard you the first time. there's no need to repeat like that.17:36
indian_munndablakkhein: but what i have to look for?17:36
mickster04migi_, system>admin>users and groups?17:36
JoelitoHi all, a question about using ubuntu CD alternate...17:36
nacitarindian_munnda: open the case, look at the board.17:37
blakkheimindian_munnda: either a PCI/e slot or an AGP slot, you can find pictures of both of them on wikipedia or google.17:37
migi_mickster04, it says I have to give it a password17:37
Joelitois it possible to use any alternate CD version as like debian's netinstall?17:37
khelvanLewisDre4m, jrib asked  you if you can see your Ubuntu share on the Ubuntu machine itself. blakkheim asked you if you tried setting up an NFS server on Ubuntu. I think you answered my question, but you did not use my name in your response. On IRC you should address the person who you are responding to so that their name is highlighted and they are alerted as to your response.17:37
mickster04migi_, in which case use "guest" then leave a post it?17:37
indian_munndablakkheimok thanks man17:37
migi_mickster04, dude what age are we?17:38
mickster04migi_, 22?17:38
kantxxwhats the diff from ubuntu desktop & server isos?17:38
philipp_<LjL> so he dont answers what now?17:38
blakkheimkantxx: one is for desktop use, one is for server use, but they can both be altered to do the opposite.17:38
migi_mickster04, lol, no, I meant a post-it with a password is stone age technology :)17:38
migi_age as in year17:39
mickster04migi_, oh, well its the easiest thing so u dont have to tell everyone17:39
LewisDre4mIf I go into PLACES / NETWORK I have a folder that says WINDOWS NETWORK and it has all the computers on my network and I can view their files. HOWEVER if I share files on this ubuntu machine they cannot see them or anything.17:39
kantxxblakkheim: does server just cut out the crap?(ie bluetooth n stuff)17:39
mickster04LewisDre4m, have u installed samba properly?17:39
blakkheimkantxx: the server iso is still almost 700mb, i would just use the minimal iso if you need a "cut down" version17:39
LewisDre4mmickster04: I installed Samba a min ago yes17:39
indian_munndablakkheim both the slots looks to be same....:(17:39
migi_mickster04, no, but are you serious that a 2009 operating system is incapable of a simple guest account without a password?17:39
kantxxblakkheim: hmm i just want simple X.. mainly  console17:39
Joelitohow can I use the ubuntu CD alternate to install only system base and not GUI?17:40
blakkheimkantxx: i would just use the minimal iso and then install X and the apps you need17:40
mickster04migi_, sudo adduser ?17:40
LewisDre4mIf I go into PLACES / NETWORK I have a folder that says WINDOWS NETWORK and it has all the computers on my network and I can view their files. HOWEVER if I share files on this ubuntu machine they cannot see them or anything.  THAT is what i'm having the problem with17:40
blakkheimJoelito: use the minimal iso like i am explainint17:40
blakkheimindian_munnda: there is a difference. how old is your motherboard?17:40
migi_mickster04, I'll try that, thx17:40
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khelvanLewisDre4m, try this video, it should help you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deb2jRm3c7g17:40
mavericksuddenly my resolution has decreased terribly from 1360x768 to 800x600 after reboot, and it wont go back!!... my monitor isnt getting dectected in display tab17:40
blakkheimmaverick: check your video driver17:41
indian_munndablakkheim its Intel 845 Family chipset..17:41
LewisDre4mkhelvan: thank you. I cant belive no one knows how to make files visable on a ubuntu machine from a xp machine17:41
blakkheimindian_munnda: run "lspci" and pastebin the outpupt17:41
philipp_<jrib> sry but the man realy sucks.... whats the command that i have to enter to press the button "a"17:41
Joelitoblakkheim Sorry, didn't see your comment, but can't we just use the alternate CD or passing some extra params to the boot line?17:41
Dr_WillisLewisDre4m:  i always make identically named users on the linxu and window box's i also give each linux user a 'samba password' (via  sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME)   be sure the workgroups are the same in /etc/samba/smb.conf also.17:41
mickster04LewisDre4m, it may need a restart? check the samba config at /etc/samba/smb.conf17:41
khelvanLewisDre4m, also, PLEASE include the full name of the person you are addressing in your response. You can do that by typing just the first few letters of their name and hitting TAB.17:41
maverickblakkheim: but there was no video driver before, it accepted it and gave me the optimal resolution automatically17:41
blakkheimJoelito: the alternate install is still on the bloated side, if you want a minimal console environment you should use the minimal iso17:41
indian_munndablakkheim i m on windows right wait i m switching to ubuntu dont go...17:41
Dr_WillisLewisDre4m:  an alternative way to get files back and forth from a windows to linux box. is install  the ssh server. and just use 'winscp'17:41
blakkheimindian_munnda: oh my bad sorry17:41
khelvanLewisDre4m, plenty of people know that, but you haven't answered their specific questions here. People ask specific questions because you need specific assistance. You can't just give a vague description of the problem and expect someone to provide a solution for you.17:42
Dr_WillisShall i point out that there are severl html  'books' on using samba in the repiositories. In the 'samba-doc' package :)17:42
philipp_can someone PLEASE say me how i can press a button with a console command?17:42
Dr_Willis!info samba-doc17:42
ubottusamba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.1 (karmic), package size 7813 kB, installed size 16080 kB17:43
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khelvanDr_Willis, he left. How does he expect help if he asks for it, people try to help him, and he ignores their responses?17:43
Dr_Willisphilipp_:   depends on the details. Ive never seen it done in a simple way17:43
Poltaphilipp_, windows key and T for terminal..17:43
Dr_Willisphilipp_:  what are you trying do do exactly?17:43
mickster04philipp_, how can u use the console if u havent got a keyboard?17:43
Poltayou can also use alt and the F keys @ philip17:44
bepI did a fresh minimal install and installed xorg and when I try to launch a session I get "X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting."17:44
jribphilipp_: xvkbd -xsendevent -tex ...   but you should answer Dr_Willis's question17:44
bepis there a group i need to be added to?17:44
jribphilipp_: s/tex/text17:44
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mwhello everybody17:44
blakkheimbep: did you create ~/.xinitrc?17:44
Poltahello mw17:44
bepblakkheim: how do i do that?17:44
khelvanHi, I had to replace a dead motherboard (ASUS P6T Deluxe V2) with a new one (ASUS P6X58D) - when I boot for the first time, is Ubuntu 64 going to give me any problems?17:45
philipp_ Dr_Willis to make a macro to press several keys by pressing one (useing xbindkey)17:45
cdahmedehhello, i want to make a folder that is always 'synced' on another.. basically.. so for example, if i create or change a file on one, a copy of this same file is created else automatically17:45
blakkheimbep: you don't need it if you are using something like GDM, but if you're starting X through "startx" you need an .xinitrc to choose what DE/WM you want to use17:45
jribcdahmedeh: why?17:45
ubuntu_how can i migrate my filesystem from ext3 to ext4?17:45
philipp_jrlb so what i have to enter to press button a?17:45
cdahmedehi want to make backups of documents on another media17:45
bepblakkheim: well I am using xbmc standalone and xinit /usr/bin/xbmc-standalone produces that error but sudo xinit /usr/bin/xbmc-standalone does not17:45
jribphilipp_: 'a'17:46
jribphilipp_: you pass 'a' as an argument to -text17:46
coz_cdahmedeh,  you can install dropbox  for 2 gigs free if you like17:46
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blakkheimbep: never used that, sorry. i just use startx17:46
Dr_Willisphilipp_:  i was almost thinking he was asking how to hit the 'ok' button in the console. :)  people diont think to hit tab and enter..17:46
cdahmedehjrib : i don't always have an internet connection.. i just want it to be copied onto a usb stick17:46
bepblakkheim: i get the same error with startx17:46
ubuntu_how can i migrate my filesystem from ext3 to ext4?17:46
cdahmedehjrib : automatically that is17:46
Poltaubuntu slave a secondary IDE use gparted to format it to ext4 then simply copy all the files from the Master to the Slave and when your finished swap the disks over.17:46
jribcdahmedeh: i see17:47
blakkheimbep: what DE/WM are you trying to use? are you starting X as your user or as root?17:47
=== aman is now known as indian_munnda
mickster04how do i get 5.1 surround sound working plz? i have the appropriate plug holes inbuilt into the mobo...17:47
bepblakkheim: trying to as my user. i dont have a wm installed right now, but like i said xbmc-standalone starts up fine with sudo17:47
ubuntu_<Polta> isnt there a easyer way as copy the hole disk?17:47
Ploujhow would I go about installing a newer version (1.5) of encfs in Ubuntu Hardy (LTS)?17:47
Poltamickster04 alsamixer, after you plug it in17:47
blakkheimbep: if you don't have a WM what does xbmc put you in?17:48
Poltaubuntu, there maybe I just suggested that as it was the first thing that popped into my mind17:48
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic17:48
philipp_no good17:48
mwi have the follwing problem: using (k)ubuntu 9.10 on a hp notebook, i can activate the integrated wireless lan card (lspci: 02:04.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)) with the bc43 kernel module. i can connect to the network, even the wlan hotkey and the led work nicely. problem now: after about 10 or 20 mb of data downloaded, the connection getsy slower and slower, though17:48
mw not breaking off completely. after about 20 mb, the connection speed goes down to 200 bytes/sec (it actually works, the data received is correct, but way too slow). after trying w/ winxp, i can say that the problem is NOT the wireless device itself, but must be something with the driver.  i would appreciate any ideas.17:48
bepblakkheim: i think its own minimal one? im not sure, literally the only thing i installed was xbmc-standalone xorg x11-utils17:48
indian_munndablakkheim, dude check this http://paste.ubuntu.com/341325/17:48
conb123Does ubuntu have a basic video editor included by default?17:49
duffydacki updated my phones firmware and now its not detected as memory stick in karmic...its detected by lsusb17:49
emancan someone help me decide if i should upgrade to 9.10?17:50
blakkheimindian_munnda: looks like you have a pci slot17:50
blakkheimbep: try installing a window manager17:50
jribeman: if you don't have a reason to then don't17:50
indian_munndablakkheim, oh really thanks man17:50
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ubuntu_eman: never touch a running system ;)17:50
medioni need help i dont have sound on flash videos17:50
mickster04polta, its already plugged in and alsa doesnt see them17:50
bepblakkheim: thats what im trying to avoid by using xbmc-standalone. this is primarily a small server machine, but with xbmc thrown on top17:50
_taloni have found recordmydesktop for making tutorials, but how can I add comments to the videos I produce?17:50
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Poltaeman, I upgraded from 9.01 to 9.10 and regretted it afterward, it is not a painless upgrade17:51
emani wont bother then thanks!!!!!!!!!!!17:51
blakkheimbep: oh ok. you could go with a very minimal WM like openbox/dwm just for testing. if it's a server, why do you need X?17:51
bepblakkheim: well i figured i could eliminate one 24/7 machine by just adding a mediacenter app to the server17:51
ubuntu_someone here has migrate suse ot kubuntu ?17:52
blakkheimbep: well, you could ssh -X into the server and run the app that way maybe?17:52
blakkheimbep: or does it have to be attached to the server?17:52
Poltamickster04, are you sure its in the right plug socket? if a pair of speakers has worked on there before they should have no probs with 5.1 surrond17:52
jas72zwhats the best way to remove kde desktop ubuntu 9.0417:52
bepblakkheim: well its a small more of a nas than server that is in a small htpc style case so im running it right on the machine17:53
mickster04polta, it works straight up in windows, i dual boot17:53
ubuntu_jas72z:; i have seen a howto in wiki some time ago17:53
indian_munndablakkheim, can u suggest me a graphics card with that configuration?17:53
mickster04Polta, a pair of the speakers work the rest doont17:53
jas72zok thanks will have look17:53
blakkheimbep: does it have a monitor or is it headless? if it's headless, i would just SSH to it and run it that way. if it's got a monitor we will try something else.17:53
DJonesjas72z: Do you want gnome instead of kubuntu?17:53
blakkheimindian_munnda: depends on your needs and if the PCI slot is a PCIe or not17:54
bepblakkheim: hooked up to lcd in bedroom17:54
jas72zI have both but never use kde17:54
pmjdebruijnin a few days GNOME 2.28.2 will be released, does anybody here know, whether those minor changes/bugfixes will be integrated into Karmic?17:54
blakkheimbep: and it's just one application that you need on it?17:54
_talonpmjdebruijn: unlikely17:54
ubuntu_jas72z: i don't remember exactly, but was something like remove kde-desktop17:54
bepblakkheim: besides the server type apps yes17:54
ubuntu_it wasn't much work17:54
indian_munndablakkheim, now how to check that...:)17:54
DJones!puregnome | jas72z This will remove all kde & install gnome,17:54
ubottujas72z This will remove all kde & install gnome,: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal17:54
blakkheimpmjdebruijn: ubuntu isn't exactly bleeding edge so i doubt it will make it17:54
jas72zok thankyou17:55
_talonpmjdebruijn: debian sid if you want that17:55
blakkheimindian_munnda: if you could find the model of your motherboard that would help17:55
_talonpmjdebruijn: but other things will breeak17:55
pmjdebruijn_talon, blakkheim .1 already made it into the release, and 2.28.2 is just a minor bugfix release17:55
pmjdebruijn_talon: I'm not talking about 2.29.x17:55
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blakkheimbep: i would install a very small WM then like DWM and just run the one app pwith it17:55
indian_munndablakkheim, u mean picture of motherboard?17:55
FelipeShey guys. about to load ubuntu-netbook-remix on a flash drive. It mentions using .img files as opposed to .iso files. It seems only .iso files can be downloaded. Is there really any difference between them?17:55
blakkheimindian_munnda: no i mean the model number17:55
ubuntu_ !purekde | ubuntu_17:55
ubottuubuntu_, please see my private message17:55
indian_munndablakkheim, isn't it in the lspci output?17:56
blakkheimindian_munnda: like if you built your computer, you would know what motherboard you used. if you bought a prebuilt then you can find the model of it and maybe we can find out that way.17:56
blakkheimindian_munnda: i don't see anything about it in your lspci output17:56
indian_munndablakkheim, i bought it prebuilt17:57
blakkheimindian_munnda: do you know the model of the computer then?17:57
duffydackdoh!  i choose phone mode (used for using as a modem etc, not memory stick) it connects as auto usb0 and is available for both modes!!  god bless ubuntu17:57
indian_munndablakkheim, its a intel 845 family chipset17:57
bepblakkheim: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure x11-common" says that "User allowed to start x session" is Console Users Only. Other options are anybody (wouldnt that be security issue) and root only17:58
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benkong2anyone know how I can contact the laptop testing developers?17:58
benkong2Got boot concerns?17:58
blakkheimindian_munnda: that's the chipset, multiple motherboards have it. http://www.intel.com/support/chipsets/sb/cs-009236.htm17:58
wkinneymy first time with irc: my system will not dual boot after installing ubuntu adjacent to windows7...ideas?17:59
blakkheimbep: i did a minimal install yesterday, installed xorg and openbox, did startx as user and it worked just fine. i didn't need to add the user to any extra groups.17:59
mbzHi, I want to buy about 40 amount of Share the spirit kit17:59
thiebaudewkinney, did you choose the side by side option?18:01
wkinneythiebaude: yes, side by side18:01
xanderhello, i have a problem, i run ubuntu 8.04 and my question is, how can i install a new theme to my ubuntu?18:03
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:03
neur0ticcan someone please help me out with setting up my ubuntu network ?18:03
mickster04how do i get 5.1 surround sound working plz? i have the appropriate plug holes inbuilt into the mobo...18:03
lazydragoonsomeone know what is that error ? ./configure: line 3650: /usr/lib/tkConfig.sh: No such file or directory18:04
Hiatusis sshd something you configure or install? Because I am not sure if I need it if Its something I install18:05
blakkheimHiatus: sudo aptitude install openssh-server18:06
ffffffhey dudes how do i get better performance playing games on ubuntu?18:06
Hiatusyeah, ok, I installed the server, So its something you configure after you install the server?18:06
mwHello, can anyone help me with my BCM4318 wireless card? network gets slower after short time, while workling nice in the first 10 minutes it gets slower and slower until about 200 bytes/sec. any ideas?18:06
blakkheimHiatus: /etc/ssh/sshd_config18:07
lazydragoonffffff:  cedega18:07
neur0ticcan someone please help me out with setting up my ubuntu network ?18:07
neur0ticcan someone please help me out with setting up my ubuntu network ?18:09
mwHello, can anyone help me with my BCM4318 wireless card? network gets slower after short time, while workling nice in the first 10 minutes it gets slower and slower until about 200 bytes/sec. any ideas?18:10
jas72zneur0tic what are you trying to do?18:10
neur0ticthe network manager dosent remember my settings18:10
indian_munndablakkheim, is there any package available through i can generate system summary.18:10
blakkheimindian_munnda: you could try sysinfo18:10
blakkheimindian_munnda: or lshw18:10
jas72zmw you may be getting interference access router page and change channel18:11
tobylanecan i download ubuntu with torrent and web browser to the same file at the same time?18:11
Dr_Willistobylane:  not really going to gain anything doing that.18:12
gegio66 /msg [mvs]-fast-61 XDCC SEND #1418:12
indian_munndablakkheim, will any of these help us finding the slot whether its PCI or PCIe???18:12
blakkheimindian_munnda: yes18:12
tobylanek, which is better18:12
mwjas72z: that might be because i have 23 (!) wireless lans around here. but, the problem does not occur when trying with win xp. try anyway?18:12
indian_munndablakkheim, ok then i m pastebining it...18:12
Dr_Willistobylane:  try the torrents. see how fast they are..   during the few weeks after release the torrents were 100x faster for me then the fileservers18:12
Dr_Willistobylane:  it just depends.18:12
tobylaneoh sorry didnt say, its lynx alpha 118:12
blakkheimif you use lshw it needs to be run as root, sysinfo can be normal user18:12
jas72zmw may be worth a shot try it see what happens18:12
Dr_Willistobylane:  I dont reccomend using the alpha at all at this time.18:13
tobylaneand is there an easy way to download the differences between alphas?18:13
tobylaneoh ok18:13
Leoneof`i've dual boot, Vista and Ubuntu, and now it can't show me boot menu for Vista and Ubuntu.... it is say Grub error , or something like that, how to fix it? :(18:13
neur0ticany idea why network manager applet wont remember my connection settings ?18:13
Dr_Willistobylane:  the questions you are asking.. show you prioberly are not going to be able to handle the probklems that will come with using the 'alpha'18:13
tobylanehehe ok18:13
indian_munndablakkheim, see this is the output of "lshw" http://paste.ubuntu.com/341335/18:13
tobylanewhen will shipit reopen to old users18:13
Dr_WillisI got 9.10 shipit cd's allready :)18:14
Leoneof`please help :(18:14
Leoneof`i use live cd now18:14
tobylaneleone you need to edit grub i believe, it's e when you should see grub, ie ~5 seconds into boot18:14
FirstSgtone of my users is over quota, but his /home only has 300 mb... How can i find all files owned by foobar ?18:15
Dr_WillisLeoneof`:  you need to check out the various restore-grub/fix grub wiki pages and try to do what they suggest.  give more detailas as to the exact error message also.18:15
q0sshortly after login my gnome desktop gets freezed. opened windows stay responsive ... but i cannot open new windows or even click on panels. does somebody know whats going on there?18:15
tobylaneand that will let you reboot, or you could edit grub.conf from the livecd18:15
Leoneof`tobylane,  there's no 5 sec ,nor menu18:15
Dr_WillisFirstSgt:  the 'find' command can do that with the proper options  i belive18:15
blakkheimindian_munnda: how old is this computer?18:15
Hiatussounds like leoneof did a bad install18:15
FirstSgtDr_Willis: Okay, I just though there would be an easier way than grinding my whole 3 TB server for it.18:15
indian_munndablakkheim, its around 4 years old18:15
newbiejonrob287can someone help me install ubunto 9.10 on my computer...im running off a usb drive right now18:16
Leoneof`Hiatus: i installed Ubuntu since one week >_>18:16
mwjas72z: ok, will try now. brb.18:16
jas72zmw ok let me know18:16
neur0ticcan someone please help me out with setting up my ubuntu network ?18:16
blakkheimindian_munnda: because i'm not seeing anything about PCIe, so you might be stuck with just a regular PCI slot. you aren't going to get anything even remotely powerful for that18:16
Dr_WillisFirstSgt:  in theory the user can only write to his home, and perhaps /tmp/   unless you got other places  set up. Ive never used quotas so no idwea how they work of if they keep track of stuff in /tmp or not18:16
newbiejonrob287need help my install keeps messing up18:17
Dr_Willisneur0tic:  if the problem is 'network manager does not rember your settings' then you should be asking that question.. Not the more broad' can some one help me'   one.18:17
tobylanenewbiejonrob287, we need more information18:17
dheerajsoundcard not detected in ubuntu 9.10...can anyone help me???18:17
newbiejonrob287what do you need to know?18:17
tobylanedheeraj, what is the soundcard called, and have you looked in restricted18:17
FirstSgtDr_Willis: I already looked in /tmp.18:17
neur0tic@Dr_Willis, i did that , did i not ?18:17
indian_munndablakkheim, i have install sysinfo too18:17
Dr_Willisneur0tic:  and then you started asking the more vague question.. which is pointless to ask.18:17
indian_munndablakkheim, its also showing some info18:17
blakkheimindian_munnda: ok, go to file -> save and pastebin that18:18
newbiejonrob287im stuck at the partition stage in the install18:18
Dr_Willisneur0tic:  i would suggest checking the forums also. I seem to recall someone else a few weeks back having a similer issue.. but thats all i rember on the topic18:18
FirstSgtDr_Willis: im afraid it might have been exploited, but they aren't able to do priv escalation yet.  the owner of the account is an idoit18:18
neur0ticDr_Willis, my humble apologies18:18
Dr_WillisFirstSgt:  Ive never had to deal with  that personally. so not sure what all to check.18:18
Dr_Willisneur0tic:  is it the wireless not rembering? or the wired network settings also. that would be a good bit of info to include.18:19
jas72znewbiejonrob287 if you want ubuntu as the only os then choose entire disk18:19
indian_munndablakkheim, check this http://paste.ubuntu.com/341343/18:19
newbiejonrob287i did but it dont work i will run it again and tell you the errors18:19
neur0ticDr_Willis, nothing, everytime i boot up, it shows me 'auto eth' and sometimes, NO network.18:20
dheerajsoundcard not detected...18:20
jas72znewbiejonrob287 use live cd if you have it then reformat drive and then try18:20
q0sshortly after login my gnome desktop gets freezed. opened windows stay responsive ... but i cannot open new windows or even click on panels. does somebody know whats going on there?18:20
neur0ticDr_Willis, i always need to do, ifconfig eth3 ... ... up and set up the route add default gw ... ...18:21
newbiejonrob287i only have the the bootable usb i dont have a cd burner to burn the iso to a cd18:21
Dr_Willisneur0tic:  last time i had a network be up, then down,  the network cable had been chewed on by the dog.18:21
mickster04how do i get 5.1 surround sound working plz? i have the appropriate plug holes inbuilt into the mobo...18:21
jas72znewbiejonrob287 tell me the errors then18:21
neur0ticDr_Willis, i always need to do, ifconfig eth3 ... ... up and set up the route add default gw ... ...18:22
Dr_Willismickster04:  you got an actual file that has 5.1 sound?18:22
blakkheimindian_munnda: i'm researching, but also busy, i'll try to find you an answer in a moment18:22
Hilikusmickster04: http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&ved=0CAcQFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.ubuntu.com%2Fcommunity%2FSurroundSound&ei=SIImS63dMY-n8Aac1tnQCA&usg=AFQjCNGMwFdX0TvyZ6wz4FkZ3Z5JFIMKSg&sig2=c5ShTbYhqKb3XPRJlir16A18:22
neur0ticDr_Willis, no its not a prob with the wire18:22
Hiatusq0s: did you increase the visual effects at all. I know that happens sometimes when people try to run the cube on computers that can't handle it18:22
dheerajhttp://pastebin.com/m504fa574.....please check this msg and help me....18:22
indian_munndablakkheim, yup i m waiting....:)18:22
newbiejonrob287k it is loading the partitioner18:22
mickster04oh wow18:22
Hilikusmickster04: i followed that guide, then just go to alsamixer and change the number of channels to 618:23
mickster04ive been lookin for that for ages!18:23
Dr_Willismickster04:  sort of hard to test 5.1 sound if You dont have any thing that actually uses 5.1 surround sound.18:23
FirstSgtDr_Willis: well, it will take a while but i did find / -user foobar18:23
q0sHiatus, i didn't change anything, execpt installing the regular updates. but my computer runs compiz fine for years, so i guess thats not the problem.18:23
FirstSgtoh, and sent stdout to file in /tmp18:23
blakkheimindian_munnda: you've got integrated graphics, and since i really am not seeing anything about PCIe i would say you probably aren't going to be doing any graphics upgrades on that board18:23
HilikusDr_Willis: there's a builtin test for 5.118:23
thevishywhat is the feature that defines the color of text when you highlight it ? it looks ugly blue in browser18:23
mickster04Dr_Willis, well music should come out of all no?18:23
Dr_Willismickster04:  No.18:23
Hilikusmickster04: i depends on your player18:23
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Hilikusi think amarok does not18:24
Dr_Willismickster04:  its stero = 2 channels.. well 2.1 proberly18:24
indian_munndablakkheim, you mean i can't use any graphics card on this board??18:24
mickster04Dr_Willis, Hilikus i dont suppose i could change that....18:24
Dr_Willismickster04:  there are some players taht  have 'filters/plugins' to upconvert stero tio 5.118:24
TopKatzafter you update a systems headers, if I rebuild a driver, and make install it, before I have rebooted the system.  Will the driver be built agains the new headers?18:24
blakkheimindian_munnda: i mean that any graphics card you could buy for a regular PCI slot (not AGP or PCIe) isn't going to be any good18:24
Hilikusmickster04: i read i a guide that you could but it must have been for an older version, cause i didn't work in the latest18:24
dheerajany one good in sound problems???18:24
Dr_Willismickster04:  or on my old systmes/mixer contriolls i could just mirror the front to the rear. in some players18:24
mickster04Dr_Willis, that would be gr8.....18:25
Hilikusmickster04: just follow the guide i sent you, there's a channel by channel test in there18:25
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Hilikusand then deal with making the player replicate the channels18:25
indian_munndablakkheim, u mean i can use the PCI slot graphics card?18:25
robfusiondoes anyone know how to configure firestarter to not block internal lan traffic my slingbox is not working18:25
darkweaseldheeraj: just ask your question, if someone can help you with your sound problem, they'll answer18:26
Hilikusanyone here uses FLAC?18:26
blakkheimindian_munnda: you have integrated graphics already. they are not very powerful and neither is any dedicated graphics card you could buy for that board.18:26
blakkheimindian_munnda: it's basically too old and wasn't designed to be upgraded very much18:26
indian_munndablakkheim, so finally i can't upgrade my graphics performaces18:27
dheerajsound card module cannot be loaded to kernel....any one help...18:27
blakkheimindian_munnda: you could get a very old PCI graphics card but it wouldn't give you hardly any boost in performance. you'd need a whole new motherboard to use any serious gpu.18:27
tobylanedheeraj, have you got anything from restricted, like a driver?18:27
neur0ticis posting links allowed here ?18:27
erUSULneur0tic: no18:28
indian_munndablakkheim, shall i buy azsus motherboard?18:28
dheerajno..i tried to load only from ALSA18:28
blakkheimindian_munnda: asus is a good company to get motherboards from. but this is if you're comfortable building a whole new computer by yourself.18:28
tobylanethats not a driver, just a cover i think18:28
neur0ticerUSUL: then how do  i show u my screenshots/18:28
tobylanesearch in synaptic or google/manufacturer website18:29
blakkheimindian_munnda: if you've never built a computer you might be better off just buying a more powerful prebuilt one18:29
dheerajit has the driver for my soundcard but iam not able to load it to the kernel...18:29
indian_munndablakkheim, but other devices can be same and be used with the new motherboard?18:29
blakkheimindian_munnda: not all of them. your cpu would probably have to be replaced since it's an older socket18:29
erUSULneur0tic: pasting and screenshots to show problems are allowed18:29
indian_munndablakkheim, i can assemble a PC but i need a little guidance18:30
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic18:30
dheerajtobylane:ok..i will try....18:30
neur0ticerUSUL, i didnt upload them to imagebin, but to imageshack18:30
indian_munndablakkheim, u mean the cabinet?18:30
erUSULneur0tic: it is the same. you can post the url.18:30
neur0ticerUSUL, thanks18:31
blakkheimindian_munnda: the processor.18:31
indian_munndablakkheim, oh so i can't use p4 with azsus?18:31
Iceman1hey everyone18:32
arghh2d2indian_munnda: your better off buying a motherboard with a cpu already seated18:32
Iceman1i have a problem18:32
indian_munndaarghh2d2, ok thanks man18:32
blakkheimindian_munnda: your pentium4 is socket 478, that doesn't support PCIe. you want a PCIe slot on the board if you want a fast video card.18:32
Iceman1when i try to update my repository,it says "could not download all repository indexes"18:32
blakkheimindian_munnda: so you want either socket 775,1156 or 1366 - depending on how much power you need18:33
Iceman1thats the message i get18:33
erUSUL!paste | Iceman118:33
ubottuIceman1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic18:33
indian_munndablakkheim, ohh anyways thanks man u gave me much of your precious time. Thanks again. Its gonna be a big expenditure this time....:)18:33
Iceman1what should i paste18:33
blakkheimindian_munnda: no prob18:33
Iceman1how do i paste erUSUL18:33
indian_munndablakkheim, bbye and good night..:)18:34
erUSULIceman1: you should paste the error you get.18:34
erUSULIceman1: but most likely your mirror is having problems. you can try to change the mirror you use18:34
Iceman1erUSUL the error i get is a error window from update manager18:34
erUSULIceman1: System>dmin>Software Soureces first tab18:34
Iceman1erUSUL but it used to work18:34
resnodoes using squid for proxy and site caching make an noticeable difference in speed?18:34
q0sHiatus, i didn't change anything, execpt installing the regular updates. but my computer runs compiz fine for years, so i guess thats not the problem.18:35
tobylanenot first time, maybe a bit later on18:35
mwjas72z: ok, i tried multiple channels. i cannot even connect to channels lower then 6 and channel 13 (german wireless channels btw, is that a problem?). i can connect to the other channels, channel 12 seems to be the best - it dies after about 10 mb of data. is there a way to tell the bc43 module that i use german wireles channels? is that a problem anyway?18:35
_USUrPeR_hey all.18:36
hlfshellso I use my wacom tablet on my ubuntu laptop, but when i go dual screen, the wacom tablet area becomes shared amongst the two screens - making it much harder to write on it. does anyone know a fix to force it to the screen in focus?18:36
Iceman1erUSUL ubuntu software or other software18:36
roberthlHello, When running the nonfree flash plugin on Ubuntu 9.10 with firefox, after an hour so of running firefox no more flash objects load and just appear white. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?18:37
_USUrPeR_Can anybody point me towards how to use an xorg.conf in 9.10?18:37
_USUrPeR_Yes, it's a horrible digression, but it's required for myself...18:37
tobylanefirefox is shit, please dont use it, everyone. Opera ftw. And sorry, I'll want to come back18:37
_USUrPeR_haha oh wow.18:37
_USUrPeR_what did I just walk in to? :)18:38
gehzumteufelI can't get my wmp300n wifi adapter to detect any networks. Anyone have any ideas?18:38
gehzumteufelThe card is installed, driver loaded, all configured, etc., but nothing seems to help18:38
erUSULIceman1: in the first tab --> Download from: and choose another location18:38
gehzumteufelno scan results with iwlist18:39
Thylithcould anyone hint me in the right direction of which version i should download and install for my laptop? it's an Intel Core 2 Duo proc, so should it be the "Intel x86"-version?18:39
mickster04gehzumteufel, i don't suppose u have another device there that can detect wireless?18:39
erUSULThylith: both 32 bit (Intel x86) and 64 bit (amd64) will work in your hardware18:40
gehzumteufelmickster04: I was working on this last week. I had 2 other machines that were totally different machines (macbook pro and a windows machine) that detected and hopped on no big deal18:40
ThylitherUSUL, hmm, and for a not so ubuntu-used user, is there any recommendation?18:40
resnodoes using squid for proxy and site caching make an noticeable difference in speed?18:40
arghh2d2Thylith: depends on how if you have any hardware thats only supported in 9.10, otherwise i'd use 9.04 if i wer you18:40
Iceman1erUSUL it says it could not resolve my old proxy server18:40
Thylitharghh2d2, yeah, i'm going for 9.04, just didn't know intel x86 or amd64 version18:41
erUSULIceman1: so is a proxy problem ? do firefox work ?18:41
Iceman1its my old proxy server,how do i change it,ive moved isps18:41
rsukumarwhen I restart the alsa service sound is reproducing momentarily for 1 sec..18:42
lukaszT1Hi people I installed Exaile and get no sound18:42
rsukumarany help is much appreciated18:42
rsukumarDon't know whats the problem18:42
Iceman1erUSUL its my old proxy server,how do i change it,ive moved isps since then18:42
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erUSULIceman1: go to System>Admin...>...Synaptic18:43
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erUSULIceman1: there go to Configuration>Preferences || in the network tab18:44
neur0ticerUSUL, could you tell me where is the ubuntu bugzilla?18:44
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:44
sburwoodI have 8.10 along side 9.10 on my 1005HA.  Can I remove 8.10 without making the computer instable?18:44
Hilikusdoes anyone know the compression rate of FLAC vs ogg q6 ?18:44
erUSULneur0tic: ubuntu uses launchpad.net18:44
joaopintosburwood, what do you mean by along side ? a different partition ?18:45
jMylesIs there a way to synchronize music / audio between different computers on the same LAN?18:45
dethaddrhey room.18:45
erUSULHilikus: flac is lossless so it is much higher18:45
mwjas72z: ok, i tried multiple channels. i cannot even connect to channels lower then 6 and channel 13 (german wireless channels btw, is that a problem?). i can connect to the other channels, channel 12 seems to be the best - it dies after about 10 mb of data. is there a way to tell the bc43 module that i use german wireles channels? is that a problem anyway?18:45
HilikuserUSUL: i know, i need to know how much higher18:45
neur0ticerUSUL , ubuntu uses launchpad? and what exactly is that supposed to mean?18:45
lukaszT1I have no sound coming from exaile and my version is Ubuntu Karmic 9.1018:45
sburwoodjoaopinto yes18:45
thevishyhas anyone tried xubuntu on ubuntu ?18:45
thevishyi mean xubuntu-desktop18:45
gehzumteufelHilikus: It vaires18:46
erUSULneur0tic: it does not use bugzilla for bug tracking18:46
joaopintosburwood, changing one partition will not affect the other, assuming you have installed GRUB into the MBR18:46
sburwood9.1O was unstable when I started18:46
gehzumteufelHilikus: Which compression level do you use? 8?18:46
neur0ticerUSUL .. ok so where can i find the reported bug repository?18:46
Hilikusgehzumteufel: for ogg? 618:46
erUSULHilikus: i have an album here that has ~800kbps18:46
gehzumteufelFor FLAC18:46
DiverdudeHow do i see the latex errors in emacs?18:46
erUSULneur0tic: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs <<< has all the details18:46
mahen23was TopKatz here?18:46
sburwoodhow do I see if GRUB is on MBR?18:47
neur0ticerUSUL: thanks18:47
Hilikusfor FLAC i don't have anything yet, i think i'm gonna use the default (5 i think). i just need to know how much space i would need to have all my OGG collection in FLAC to see if i have enough space18:47
mahen23sburwood: boot it lol18:47
gehzumteufelUse level 818:47
NallemanHi, I would like to have my "dropbox" folder under the "Places" menu. Is this possible?18:47
TopKatzIm here18:47
Emanonme too18:47
darkweaselme not!18:47
erUSULHilikus: it makes no sense to convert from ogg to flac or are you going to reencode frm cdaudio?18:48
gehzumteufelAlso, the rate of compression at level 8 is between 25% and 50% smaller, but there is no way to nail that down, since it varies.18:48
HilikuserUSUL: from cd18:48
Hilikusbut that is if i find i have enough space, thus my question18:48
erUSULHilikus: ok; i have only a few flac albums as i said ~800-900kbps18:48
EmanonIsn't flac in general about the same size as wav?18:49
erUSULIceman1: did you managed to change proxy settings ?18:49
HilikusEmanon: no, 50% smalle from what i've read18:49
EmanonWow that is considerable.18:49
=== Guest60350 is now known as Orion737
gehzumteufelUP TO 50% smaller18:49
sburwoodIn 8.10, I had several users.  I tried to add the users in 9.10, but it says that I can't.  Do I remove the directories of the users or what?18:49
erUSULEmanon: no around 50% smaller. if it where the same size there is no point in using it18:49
Iceman1erUSUL thank you very much its updating18:49
Orion737anyone, is i686 the same as x86?18:49
erUSULIceman1: no problem18:50
Hilikusi know, they are all estimates, but thats not the point. i'm not trying to find the perfect answer18:50
Hilikusi just need to know if my HDD is big enough18:50
erUSULOrion737: yes 32 bit pentiumpro compatible arch18:50
daredoes anybody have a gw6c.conf file for gw6c package?18:51
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.18:51
Hilikusi have 9.2GB in ogg q618:51
sburwoodhow can I fix a problem of users?  I had users in 8.10, but 9.10 won't let me add the users because of the directories of /home/....18:51
Hilikusand i need to know how much space i would need using flac18:52
gehzumteufelHilikus: so you can probably double that and figure that is approximately how much FLAC will use18:52
sburwoodsince 8.1O and 9.1O cohabite on the same computer18:52
Hilikusgehzumteufel: oh really? cool, thanks18:52
sburwoodthx for the other help, joaopinto18:53
gehzumteufelIt may take up less, but I am being conservative18:53
Hilikusgehzumteufel: so ogg q4 is around 1:4?18:53
Hilikussorry, q618:53
gehzumteufelQ6 is the highest iirc?18:53
Hilikus1:4 to uncompressed18:53
Hilikusno, its not18:53
Hilikusthe highest is q1018:53
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.18:53
sburwoodhow can I fix a problem of users?  I had users in 8.10, but 9.10 won't let me add the users because of the directories of /home/....18:54
dethaddrso when i boot my pc its asking me for my login and password, but its still at the boot screen like when grub starts up.18:54
gehzumteufelIt may be then that it could be 3x the size. I don't know for sure18:54
HppXerHow can I change the password in SSH server so it will be different of the root password?18:54
abyscan somebody tell give me some good books for learning perl?18:54
DiverdudeHow do i see the latex errors in emacs?18:54
darkweaselsburwood: you could move the /home/ directories somewhere else, create the users, and move them back18:54
erUSULHppXer: ubuntu does not have root password18:55
dethaddri think i need help with the xserver.18:55
hacked_kernelI need ext data recovery tool, any help?18:55
sburwoodthx, darkweasel18:55
MASARUwotadethaddr: you dont have a display manager, like GDM, set up.18:55
Hilikusi guess i'll have to do it to know18:55
Hilikusthanks anyway gehzumteufel18:56
Emanonhacked_kernel what you trying to recover?18:56
HppXerHow can I change the password in SSH server so it will be different of the root password?18:56
gehzumteufelHilikus: Looking online, I found that OGG Q10 is approximately 30% the size of a FLAC18:56
grubihi, i have coppy some partitions with gparted. now i want to make the device able to boot. so i wan't use grub-install /dev/sda1, but i got some error18:56
dethaddrMASARUwota: how would i do that?18:56
hacked_kerneldifferent types of files18:56
blackgrave_1guys give me a good irc so i can use other then x chat18:56
hacked_kernelEmanon, different types of files18:56
gehzumteufelHilikus: So, since you are at Q6, I would say 3-4x the size of the OGG sizes18:56
grubidoes the device must be mounted?18:56
Emanonright like what format? pdf mp3 avi what?18:56
MASARUwotadethaddr: since when did you have that problem?18:56
Emanoncause different tools will recover different files18:57
Emanoni like foremost for recovering most things but i assume there are better ones as well18:57
hacked_kernelEmanon, yes pdf, jpeg, avi18:57
blackgrave_1guys  some one give me a good irc to use plz18:57
Emanonbummer no foremost info from ubottu18:57
Emanonblackgrave i like pidgin for most communication18:57
grubiif i do: sudo grub-install /dev/sda1, i got cannot find a device for /boot/grub.18:58
IdleOne!info foremost | Emanon18:58
ubottuEmanon: foremost (source: foremost): Forensics application to recover data. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.6-1 (karmic), package size 41 kB, installed size 140 kB18:58
grubican anybody help please18:58
Emanonahh i just did !foremost18:58
ManDayHow in the freaking world do I report a bug? Everything I click "report a bug" at LP im taken to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs ?!?18:58
dethaddrMASARUwota:my retarded gf decided she wanted to play the sims 3. so she tryed to install (im gonna assume) the newest ati radeon driver.18:58
thevishyif I install xfce on ubuntu would it remove gnome ? or can I retain ?18:58
LjLManDay: well, that page explains how to, doesn't it?18:59
Hiatusyou will still have gnome thevishy18:59
planktum_need help with this ubuntu bug:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/live-initramfs/+bug/45347618:59
thevishythanks hiatus it says lots of things being removed etc18:59
tsfrankeyou can install as many desktop managers as you wish, and choose between them on the login screen18:59
planktum_how can i install casper?18:59
Emanonyea there will be a desktop environment option in login menu18:59
IdleOneEmanon: not all packages have factoids defined but ubottu does "know" about all packages in the repos.18:59
ManDaythanks LjL, i forgo your "advice"18:59
ManDayit says "go to launchpad" there18:59
=== Iceman1 is now known as Berklib
Emanonyea i just issued wrong ! command18:59
LjLManDay: uhm no it doesn't.18:59
Emanonthanks IdleOne18:59
LjLManDay: it says to try the menu first.18:59
grubihi, i have coppy some partitions with gparted. now i want to make the device able to boot. so i wan't use grub-install /dev/sda1, but i got some error if i do: sudo grub-install /dev/sda1, i got cannot find a device for /boot/grub.18:59
SachoManDay: actually, it says a truckload of things19:00
ManDayLjL, let me quote for those unable of reading: If for some reason you cannot file a bug through the Apport tool you can file one via Launchpad.19:00
dethaddrMASARUwota: im at a remote desktop with laptop beside me19:00
HppXer Hi. How can I change the password in SSH server so it will be different of the root password?19:00
thevishyubuntu is good but u need a powerful computer as compared to windows on the same hardware19:00
LjLManDay: you seem to be incapable of reading the part that follows that.19:00
tsimpsonManDay: it gives you the link to follow to manually report a bug19:00
darekarmic's gw6c package comes with no config!19:00
darewhat am I supposed to do with it? lol..19:01
grubihi, i have coppy some partitions with gparted. now i want to make the device able to boot. so i wan't use grub-install /dev/sda1, but i got some error19:01
tsfrankeHppXer: don't use root for ssh. use another acount, and sudo yurself if you need root19:01
blakkheimthevishy: what do you mean?19:01
arghh2d2thevishy: your trying to be funny right?19:01
ManDayok . thanks19:01
tsfrankeHppXer: it's quite a vulnerability to leave root shh enabled19:01
* dare goes and compiles it from source.. cannot rely on the clumsy package maintainers.19:01
ManDay@ LjL tsimpson19:01
Emanonits not april i dont understant thevishly19:01
thevishynot for flamewar :-) if I freshly install Win XP it is really fast than a freshly installed ubuntu19:01
mickster04Dr_Willis, well i give up, i have followed several threads that all end up saying the same thing, i have edited the daemon.conf for pulse and it hasnt worked:/ i will try installing this pci card i have lying around then see if that works19:01
planktum_what to do with this kind of ubuntu error:19:01
planktum_ErrorMessage: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/initramfs-tools/conf.d/compcache', which is also in package casper 0:1.20419:01
grubi if i do: sudo grub-install /dev/sda1, i got cannot find a device for /boot/grub.19:01
gehzumteufelShould iwlist list all APs when connected to a wired connection?19:01
blakkheimthevishy: use an ubuntu minimal install without gnome and all the other crap in the default installation19:02
mickster04thevishy, its older thats why19:02
grubiso break my system :(19:02
Emanonyea some of the larger desktop environments can be somewhat hardware intensive19:02
Sacholol wut?19:02
thevishyyeah that could be a reason19:02
Sachothevishy: my vista loads for about 1:30 mins19:02
Emanoni know that even UNR seems slow if i dont install my prop graphics driver hehe19:02
Sachoubuntu with compiz and shiz loads < 1min19:03
grubisomeone here whos familar with grub?19:03
dareI doubt a piece of code runs at a hugely different speed whether it's using windows or linux19:03
grubineed help19:03
grubidon't get my system up19:03
dareboth have ridiculous overheads..19:03
gehzumteufelKubuntu loads pretty quick here on a FX-57 & 2gb of ram19:03
grubiafter copy partitions19:03
arghh2d2thevishy: maybe seems that way for awhile. after a couple of months of actually using the xp box it will slow down and do weird crap, random freezes, and sh!t19:03
thevishyVista is really a crap OS19:03
=== erUSUL_ is now known as erUSUL
grubineed a grub-expert19:03
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:03
grubito reinstall grub in my partition19:04
gehzumteufelShould iwlist list all APs when connected to a wired connection?19:04
Alan502Is there any windows manager that can help me automatically set a window as "all desktops"?19:04
grubii've tryed grub-install, but got error19:04
gehzumteufelgrubi: Do you need to reinstall grub?19:04
arghh2d2gehzumteufel: iwlist scan19:04
gehzumteufelwhat is the error?19:04
blakkheimAlan502: openbox19:04
LjLarghh2d2: i suggest just avoiding language that you feel the need to mangle...19:04
thevishyyes , windows does tend to get slower with time19:04
gehzumteufelarghh2d2: Done that, but get no scan results. Hence my question19:04
grubisomeone here who can help me19:04
Emanonanyone wanna help grubi?19:04
darethevishy: stop using these modern fat operating systems.. go use dos!19:04
FloodBot1fungeirl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:04
FloodBot4fungeirl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:04
Alan502blakkheim, do you know if open box can help me set a window as "all desktops" but only when it is placed on my second monitor?19:04
ManDayWhenever I try to click "Continue" at LP +filebug I get taken to an error page19:05
arghh2d2gehzumteufel: iwlist scan should show you all AP's that are broadcasting, yes19:05
blakkheimAlan502: not sure, only have one monitor here19:05
gehzumteufelarghh2d2: even while connected to a wired connection?19:05
Emanoni know nothing but we're arguing about irrelevant stuff while s/he needs help19:05
LjL!ops | fungeirl19:05
Alan502blakkheim, ok19:05
dareooo wow, executables in an ubuntu-user channel...19:05
arghh2d2gehzumteufel: no, you need wireless device19:05
Alan502blakkheim, thanks19:05
grubiwonder why i got allways errormsg if i try to install grub19:05
ubottufungeirl: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!19:05
gehzumteufelarghh2d2: I have one19:05
grubineed a little hint19:05
arghh2d2gehzumteufel: connect to the wireless and disconnect from the wired19:06
arghh2d2and try it19:06
thevishyIf I do a ctrl c during apt-get install , it resumes from where it last downloaded , is this feature really secure ? i mean like the download manager software ?19:06
gehzumteufelgod fuck19:06
grubihave start Live-cd, and try grub-install /dev/sda119:06
LjL!language | gehzumteufel19:06
ubottugehzumteufel: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:06
grubigot error19:06
dareomg, ubottu has declared a channel emergency! /me panics19:06
grubino working grub for me19:06
grubiand my system is broken19:06
gehzumteufelarghh2d2: You obviously haven't understood my question19:06
grubicant restart ist19:06
newbiejonrob287hey guys im back install worked for sum odd reason no problems19:06
arghh2d2gehzumteufel: obviously19:06
JediMasterhow do you redirect all traffic from one IP address to another on your local machine (in this case I want to redirect to for traffic on the local machine)19:07
gehzumteufelShould iwlist list all APs while connected to a wired connection?19:07
grubican anybody give me a little gub tipp19:07
grubihow to get my system booting19:07
Emanonsorry grubi seems no one knows how to help you right now19:07
erUSULgrubi: grub2 ?19:07
Emanonoh there we go19:07
tsfrankegehzumteufel: if you're connected via a wired connection, and have a wireless card installed as well, you can scan using iwlist.  iwlist [interface] scan19:07
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grubierUSUL: how can i find out the version?19:07
newbiejonrob287how do you message some one privately?19:08
tsfrankeif you have no wireless card installed, iwlist will do nothing for you19:08
arghh2d2gehzumteufel: ahh, no i dont think so... the w in iwlist stands for wireless i believe19:08
erUSULgrubi: what version of ubuntu do you have installed? and is a fresh install?19:08
BluesKajgrubi, in the terminal: sudo update-grub19:08
gehzumteufeltsfranke: done, but get no scan results. As per my question, do I need to disconnect from the wired to scan properly?19:08
reign2is it just me or does f-spot do the same thing as image viewer?19:08
darenewbiejonrob287: /quote privmsg nick :hello19:08
arghh2d2gehzumteufel: maybe ifconfig19:08
tsfrankegehzumteufel: you should not need to19:08
fixxxermetHow can I setup NIC bonding in ubuntu 9.10?  I've followed a few tutorials but the /etc/modprobe.d/arch/i386 file is not there19:08
glen__Hi, I have removed the volume control from the panel at the top of the screen (ubuntu 9.10) and was wondering how to get it back. When I tight click on a panel and go 'Add To Panel', volume control is not in the list. Thanks19:08
gehzumteufelAll right. So the card is either bad or it is the driver or something19:09
grubigrub 1.519:09
Emanongrubi can't login BluesKaj that doesn't help him hehe19:09
BluesKajok, no tty grubi ?19:09
tsfrankegehzumteufel: likely driver.  especially if it's a broadcom chipset19:09
ManDayWhenever I try to click "Continue" at LP +filebug I get taken to an error page (Timeout) When I press "disable redirects" it doesnt disable the redirect19:09
grubiBluesKaj have started live-cd19:09
gehzumteufelIt is a broadcom chipset19:09
gehzumteufelI guess I am screwed then with this wireless card19:10
reign2can I safely remove f-spot or does it do something that image viewer cant?19:10
erUSULfixxxermet: http://wiki.debian.org/Bonding19:10
BluesKajgrubi, are you getting an error ?19:10
tsfrankegehzumteufel: if you're running a gui, use synaptic or apt-get and install the b43-fwcutter package.  let it download and unpack all the firmwares as well19:10
erUSULfixxxermet: in later versions you do not need to pass options tweaking modprobe19:10
gehzumteufeltsfranke: I have done that19:10
EmanonDoes anyone know how to shut off the drum sound on the ubuntu login screen?19:10
gehzumteufeltsfranke: what do I do after?19:10
adamb_ So I have a server with 16GB of ram and, free reports that its using 15GB, and its all in "buffers" thats like 95% used as cache/buffers my other servers with less ram only use about 60-70* as buffers/cache. Could anyone explain? do I have a problem?19:10
Emanonit annoys me to no end hehe19:11
tsfrankegehzumteufel: either modprobe your wireless card, or just reboot, and it'll come up on next boot19:11
grubiBluesKaj: yes, i got cannot find a device for /boot/grub.19:11
gehzumteufelI have rebooted many times, to no avail19:11
grubiBluesKaj: i have mounted the /dev/sda1 to /media19:12
tsfrankevery well could be a bad card then19:12
=== Neseth is now known as Guest56074
joyyeehey hey19:12
joyyeeconnet me19:12
Emanonpardon my 13375p34k but wtf is going on with the channel?19:12
gehzumteufelAnd I don't know, because I never installed Windows on this machine. I would rather not have to19:12
joyyeeidont have sound19:12
PriceyEmanon: I'm removing some old bans.19:12
rbehrI am using evolution mail with Exchange 2003 ad I am having difficulty getting the global address list and my local contacts. Any suggestions??19:12
tsfrankegehzumteufel: good choice19:13
Emanonahh ok19:13
Emanonthanks Pricey19:13
nacitarIs there a solution to the problem where you have to restart firefox to get flash to work, yet?19:13
BluesKajPriceChild, enuff already!19:13
blakkheimnacitar: the solution is.. to restart firefox19:13
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!19:13
gehzumteufeltsfranke: Yeah I agree, but this is a work machine, and I am currently stealing the ethernet cable for my boss' VOIP phone. lol19:13
PriceyBluesKaj: Yep, this is all me.19:13
PiciBluesKaj: stop19:13
nacitarblakkheim: workaround != solution =P  guessing it's still not resolved then.19:13
ubottuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu.com for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!19:13
adamb_ So I have a server with 16GB of ram and, free reports that its using 15GB, and its all in "buffers" thats like 95% used as cache/buffers my other servers with less ram only use about 60-70* as buffers/cache. Could anyone explain? do I have a problem?19:13
EmanonDoes anyone know how to shut off the drum sound on the ubuntu login screen?19:14
grubiBluesKaj: yes, i got cannot find a device for /boot/grub.19:14
dareadamb_: no, that's normal19:14
erUSULadamb_: dunno; maybe is the different workload? is a fileserver?19:14
adamb_why is that normal?19:14
adamb_its idle, doing nothing.19:14
nacitaradamb_: the kernel uses unused ram for cache, you can assume that space is free as far as you're concerned.19:14
dareadamb_: cached means it has been reserved for future use19:14
tsfrankegehzumteufel: try doing "sudo modprobe -r b43 && modprobe b43"19:14
Subbyis there an easy way, to go over ssh and start a programm (e.g. mplayer) so that it shows up on a logged in xsession of he host?19:14
rbehrI am using evolution mail with Exchange 2003 ad I am having difficulty getting the global address list and my local contacts. Any suggestions??:-D19:15
nacitaradamb_: in fact, it generally slowly uses up all your free ram as cache, then releases it and does it again.... it's not really "used"... the kernel releases the cached ram to programs if it needs to19:15
tsfrankegehzumteufel: if that doesn't do it, i'd point to bad card19:15
nacitaradamb_: it's part of kernel design; as far as you care about it, add the buffers/cache value to "free".19:15
lukaszT1Hi people I just solved my sound problem :D19:15
grubipuh, that grub prob kills me19:15
EmanonSubby might consider su'ing in as the user and starting the program then19:15
BluesKajgrubi, if you moved / , then I can't help ..sorry19:15
kantlivelongim having an odd problem w/ 9.10 installer.. it doesnt see my HDD on the paritioner but it does when browsing the FS...19:15
chiccohello world19:15
Emanonthat might start it in their session19:15
adamb_I never saw a server use up 95% of memory into cache.19:16
BluesKajoh well , i'm outta here , this too annoying19:16
darenacitar: do other major operating systems do this too?19:16
P_KableHi, I have a space problem on a server, how can I know wich files are taking space please ?19:16
lukaszT1This helped me http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/525-resolve-nosound-problem-on-ubuntu910-karmic-koala ;)19:16
grubiBluesKai: what u mean "if you moved /" ?19:16
nacitaradamb_: if you keep watching it, it will likely use up almost none in cache then slowly get back up to 95%19:16
adamb_I know its in cache, i said it was, and the amount thats in cache  seems fishy, I have php script dying for no reason as well.19:16
nacitaradamb_: and if you start programs eating up ram, you'll notice cache lessens as it gives it up.19:16
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:16
adamb_no I have server up for months and never use all memory as cache  =)19:16
grubiwhat have i to do to reinstall grub?19:16
lazydragoonsomeone know a good widget app for linux i need weather app19:16
JediMasterP_Kable, if it's a directory you're looking for, try: df -h /path/to/files/19:16
JaneDoeis there somebody knowledgeable with distros here?19:16
nacitardare: I have no idea; I investigated this once after trying to figure out why an application was eating up memory only to find out it wasn't.. =P19:16
erUSULadamb_: the oom killer? if that's the case then maybe there is a real problem19:16
adamb_oom killer ?19:17
darenacitar: ic19:17
erUSULadamb_: the kernel kills processes in Out Of Memory situations19:17
rbehrI am using evolution mail with Exchange 2003 ad I am having difficulty getting the global address list and my local contacts. Any suggestions?? ANYONE??19:17
PiciJaneDoe: General Linux distro questions are better asked in ##linux, if you have an Ubuntu question, then by all means ask here.19:17
erUSULadamb_: so maybe the php script is killed by the kernel?19:17
nacitardare: I was like "wtf.. it eats up all my memory then releases it?  what in the world would cause that?" and then some kernel expert explained what I just paraphrased.19:17
grubithis pricechild sucks19:18
erUSULadamb_: check the dmesg and /var/log/messages19:18
ManDayWhenever I try to click "Continue" at LP +filebug I get taken to an error page (Timeout) When I press "disable redirects" it doesnt disable the redirect19:18
* blackgrave_1 male here 19:18
grubiwhat thats for a PriveChild Spam here?19:18
JaneDoePico: it is not ubuntu specific but i thought someone might know19:18
trismSubby: yes, a bit of a pain in karmic though with the new location of Xauthority, either echo $XAUTHORITY on the host and export that variable in the ssh session, or extract it back to .Xauthority on the host with xauth extract $HOME/.Xauthority $DISPLAY; then through ssh you can do a DISPLAY=:0.0 mplayer; or whatever you want (make sure you have the same $DISPLAY as on the host, it is probably :0.0 though)19:18
Picigrubi: Hes an operator and hes doing some spring cleaning.19:18
SubbyEmanon: I'am the same user on that host, but if i start something that needs x: display cannot be open19:18
Emanonhmm idk then Subby just thought that might do it19:18
nacitarSubby: are you on a terminal on the machine, or are you ssh'd?19:19
debitI have an older dell optiplex gx280. Ubuntu 9.10 install disk won't format the drive? Anyone here of this and have the fix? I suspect it's a boot kernel option?19:19
grubiPici: it breaks all the talkings here19:19
Subbynacitar: I will ssh to that machine where a user is logged in in gnome and I want to start a programm that shows up in this gnome session19:20
P_KableJediMaster, I need more than df -h /path/...19:20
Subbytrism: i will try it ;)19:20
glen__Hi, I have removed the volume control from the panel at the top of the screen (ubuntu 9.10) and was wondering how to get it back. When I right click on a panel and go 'Add To Panel', volume control is not in the list. Thanks19:20
grubiso can someone help me to reinstall grub on my system19:20
nacitarSubby: use "screen" and also run: export DISPLAY=0.019:21
nacitarSubby: then try it.19:21
blakkheimgrubi: boot from a livecd, open terminal, type sudo grub19:21
Jamedgrubi: which version of ubuntu are you using?19:21
trismSubby: if you are planning on doing it alot, you can add xterm -e bash -c "xauth extract $HOME/.Xauthority $DISPLAY"; to your Startup Applications, and then every time you log in, Xauthority will be copied back to .Xauthority and you can just use DISPLAY=:0.0 command; to run commands through ssh (that's what I did anyway)19:22
nacitarSubby: I couldn't get it to work with just setting $DISPLAY via ssh, in the past... screening fixed it.... the other guys might have a more elegant solution though. :)19:22
Subbytrism: locally I can see the XAUTH var. but over ssh I dont get it19:22
grubiblakkheim: sudo grub command not found19:22
blakkheimare you using grub legacy or grub2?19:22
=== VisualSt1tion is now known as Visual
=== Visual is now known as Visual`
grubii'm not shure... must be Version 1.519:23
trismSubby: yes, you need to get the variable on the host (if you could get it through ssh having the authorization would be kind of pointless)19:23
blakkheimgrubi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:23
blakkheimgrubi: or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:23
grubigrub-install (GNU GRUB 1.97~beta4)19:23
=== Visual` is now known as VisualStation
grubihave mount /dev/sda1 to /media19:24
trismSubby: although it really just points to a directory that looks like /var/run/gdm/*-$USER-*/database, so you could just look there and export that path as XAUTHORITY19:24
=== VisualStation is now known as Visual`
Jamed!grub2 | grubi19:24
ubottugrubi: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub219:24
grubitryed grub-install /dev/sda1, but always get an eror19:24
grubi cannot find a device for /boot/grub.19:24
ManDayWhenever I try to click "Continue" at LP +filebug I get taken to an error page (Timeout) When I press "disable redirects" it doesnt disable the redirect19:24
Subbytrism: thanks i will try these things :)19:25
grubiblakkheim: can i tell him, that my boot-partition ist on /media/ mounted ???19:26
grubii've started a live-cd and now i try to reinstall grub19:27
grubidoesn't work19:27
=== Visual` is now known as V`Station
debitI'm trying to install 9.10 onto a dell optiplex GX280. I bombs out at the format. It won't formant. It gets some kind of kernel error. Anyone heard of the problem? I suspect I need some boot kernel option?19:27
=== V`Station is now known as Visual`
mlacihi guys! i've just installed karmic and i'm curious whether it's worth using the binary ati driver instead of the open source one19:27
grubiseems noone can help... trying to get help more than 45 minutes19:27
_nick__debit: did you do a disc check before you installed?19:27
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wolf89can any1 tell me how to install ubuntu on mac?19:28
tsfrankemlaci: I always install the binary drivers.  compiz and flash get better performance, in my observations19:28
debit_nick__ yes, did a disc check on the cd?19:28
Emanonmlaci i know i havnt had as much luck with the open source nvidia driver as with the proprietary19:28
grubionly some fast (wiki-links) but no realy help19:28
Emanonnot sure if thats the same with ati just my experience19:28
tsfrankewolf89: if it's an intel mac, just let the standard i386 installer do it's thing.  if it's powerpc, go get the powerpc community edition19:29
ukevhow can i convert a GPT to an MBR?19:29
ssamukev, have to completely reformat the disk19:29
ssamukev, why do you want to go back to mbr?19:30
krispyjalahi does anybody know how to gzip an entire folder of multiple files while keeping the original?  I know -c does but that outputs to stdout so you need to redirect for each file.19:30
mlacitsfranke, Emanon: thanks guys! is there a specific proprietary ati module to install in the repos?19:30
digital-rougehey guys got a cdrom that wont read blank cd's19:30
digital-rougeplease helpm me19:30
Subbytrism: it works very well. do you know if there is sth like signals or anything you can send to a program to minimize it or else? or is this too complicated?19:30
EmanonI imagine so mlaci depends on the model i assume19:31
Emanonuse the hardware driver search program System>Administration>Hardware Drivers19:31
=== EastDallas is now known as EastDallasMatt
wvdWhat's -d?19:31
Emanonthat should find anything available for your system if not then might check ati's site for a manual install19:31
Priceywvd: realname19:31
ukevssam, the partition is not recognized by other systems (e.g. gentoo) so I have to go back to mbr.19:32
wvdPricey: Oh19:32
Priceywvd: if you /whois pricey, the 'pricechilde' bit19:32
spcBNCboot got wired?19:32
Emanoncan't you do -d enmasse? like -ddddd name name name name name ?19:32
planktum_what to do with this kind of ubuntu error:19:32
planktum_ErrorMessage: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/initramfs-tools/conf.d/compcache', which is also in package casper 0:1.20419:32
digital-rougewho will help me?19:33
PriceyEmanon: Yep, but I failed, sorry.19:33
arghh2d2planktum_: ignore it19:33
Emanonmeh it happens19:33
blackgrave_1guys i have a wuestion19:33
planktum_arghh2d2, but casper doesnt install19:33
blackgrave_1plz any one there19:33
Emanoni dropped a glass in the kitchen the other day it broke and i tried to ctrl+z19:33
arghh2d2planktum_: maybe you have a bad cd19:34
ssamukev, thats odd gpt has been around for ages19:34
Emanonwhat do you need blackgrave_119:34
planktum_arghh2d2, i can ignore it as soon as i get casper onboard19:34
pirxhi! how can i see which raid/scsi card i have in a server, and which driver my ubuntu (8.04) is using for it? i am suspecting that there might be some problems with the setup19:34
arghh2d2digital-rouge: theres nothing to read on a blank cd19:34
phaheya :) since the httpd.conf is no longer there - how would one go about adding a line that is supposed to be added in there for a specific program to work?19:34
erUSULpirx: lspci and lshw19:34
knoppixI have a problem, I can't seem to get flash installed on ubuntu, any ideas? I've followed alot of instructions but to no avail.19:34
Caliarihola gentes alguien habla castellano??19:34
ukevssam, and why does my 2.6.32 kernel says "unknown partition table" ?19:35
blackgrave_1man my msn dont work19:35
erUSUL!es | Caliari19:35
ubottuCaliari: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:35
ssamukev, http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Apple_Macbook19:35
Caliariahh gracias19:35
Emanongood language recognition erUSUL19:35
planktum_arghh2d2,  basically im doing apt-get install casper19:35
erUSULEmanon: i'm spanish myself so not that impressive ;)19:35
Emanonlike omg thats spanish i can help19:35
Emanonwas being an @$$19:36
diverse_izzuehi all. i want to migrate my karmic installation from one harddrive to another. can somebody give me tipps (e.g. how to ensure the MBR is fine and grub not confused), or is there a guide somewhere on the net?19:36
Emanonalthough it would be impressive if i remembered to do it19:36
FallynHoly crap!19:36
braineyou could try a disk imaging software diverse_izzue19:36
Fallynim unbanned19:36
FloodBot4Fallyn: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:36
FallynHow's chu guys been19:36
digital-rougebrasero wont detect black cd help please19:36
diverse_izzuebraine, i plan to copy the partitiion using dd19:37
ukevssam, I have GPT support in my kernel, if you mean that19:37
arghh2d2planktum_: the error message seems like casper is already installed and you cant overwrite a /usr/share/... file because casper uses it...i'm probly wrong but you might wanna check if you already have a version of casper19:37
braineshould work fine as far as i know diverse_izzue19:37
erUSULdiverse_izzue: try to replicate the parition order. then reinstall grub like you would do to recover it after installing windows. you will have to edit /etc/fstab too as all uuid's will change19:37
EmanonApparently im not the only one who calls caps-lock the cruise controll for AWESOME!19:37
knoppixcan someone help me install flash? I can't get it to work19:37
Emanonsure knoppix i assume 32 bit?19:37
HBXanyone running into nautilus crashing in x6419:37
erUSULknoppix: sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree19:37
diverse_izzueerUSUL, can you please go a bit into detail? how do i reinstall grub. also, how do i figure out the uids?19:37
reign2whats the most feature-rich music player at the moment?19:37
planktum_arghh2d2, casper-reconfigure19:37
planktum_/usr/bin/casper-reconfigure: package '' is not installed19:37
Emanonahh beat me to it again19:37
erUSUL!uuid | diverse_izzue from a livecd19:38
ubottudiverse_izzue from a livecd: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)19:38
tarunjoin #sendapatch19:38
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erUSULdiverse_izzue: as of grub if you are using  U 9.10 see the part about recovering it in19:38
ssamukev, i am just sure that getting GPT working in gentoo can't be very hard. i am sure the macbook page will tell you what you need, or you may need to ask in the gentoo forum19:38
HBXanyone good with installing latest nautilus19:38
nesciushow do i set a linked device? what service does it?19:38
erUSUL!grub2 | diverse_izzue19:38
ubottudiverse_izzue: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub219:38
urthmoverDoes anyone have any NX experience on Karmic?19:39
debitI'm trying to install 9.10 onto a dell optiplex GX280. I bombs out at the format. It won't formant. It gets some kind of kernel error. Anyone heard of the problem? I suspect I need some boot kernel option?19:39
Fallyni was banned for 4 months19:39
Fallynr.r.. thats a long time19:39
FloodBot4Fallyn: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:39
Emanonspecially online Fallyn19:39
ukevssam, maybe it's a bug... but the guys in #gentoo-kernel have no remaining idea19:39
nesciusdebit: what kernel error??19:39
Emanonfour months is a lifetime online19:40
nesciusdebit: do you remember what it said?19:40
ssamukev, could it be a kernel compile option?19:40
debitnescius kernel is busy? something like that19:40
Emanoni went offline for 9 months and when i came back it was like a different world hehe19:40
computa_mikeGuys - Any ideas why Ubuntu Customization Kit won't recognise an ISO file?  when I pick an ISO it tells me that it isn't an ISO file... but it is ...19:40
icqnrunning "sudo service samba status" reports that  * nmbd is not running19:40
Emanonis it a ubuntu iso computa_mike19:41
ukevssam, the only thing you need in the kernel to use GPT is CONFIG_EFI_PARTITION=y and I have that one19:41
diverse_izzueerUSUL, thanks, I'll try that!19:41
ssamukev, ubuntu has CONFIG_EFI_PARTITION=y19:41
nesciusdebut: device is busy maybe?19:41
Emanonuck and usb-creator only recognize ubuntu based distros i think19:41
* blackgrave_1_ brb19:41
computa_mikeEmanon: yes - it's a 9.10 desktop iso19:41
Emanonhmm no idea then19:41
planktum_so arghh2d2, im really puzzled, i tried to remove initramfs-tools but it wanted to remove half of my system19:41
Emanongosh my help to no help ratio isn't very good today19:41
ssamukev, strange. dont think i can help any further19:41
ukevssam, the only last remaining point I have is:19:42
debitnescius something like that. It says to reboot to read the changes19:42
ukevparted /dev/sdb print19:42
ukevError: Can't have a partition outside the disk!19:42
nesciusdebut: do you have shell at that point? do fuser /dev/sd<tab>19:42
arghh2d2planktum_: what are  you ultimately trying to accomplish?19:42
ssamukev, if you want to reformat the disk i recommend gparted. that lets you choose partition table type19:42
icqn...so i restart this manually every time, is it a known regression?19:42
nesciusok, without exact information i am afraid i wont be able to help you19:43
debitnescius it just crashes at that piont. It's hard to get the errors.19:43
planktum_arghh2d2, im following a guide to make a liveCD out of my hardrive: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68887219:43
ukevssam, yes but I cannot reformat the disk, because I have no disk where I could store the data in the meantime... :(19:43
planktum_arghh2d2, im already half the way19:43
debitnescius I've tried gparted on the drive. It also crashes19:43
arghh2d2ok planktum_, good luck19:43
nesciusdebit: do you have some system on it already?19:43
ssamukev, that mean you also have no back of that data?19:43
planktum_arghh2d2, uhmm that doesnt sound too promising19:44
debitnescius Not anymore. I've repartitioned and tried to reformat 20 times19:44
mbzI want to buy about 40 amount of Share the spirit kit, ubuntu store :'(19:44
ukevssam, this disk is my backup of the data with the history, I don't want to kill this data until I have to..19:44
nesciusso, you get 'device is busy' when? formating?19:44
nesciuspartitioning? ..booting?19:45
mbzAny idea?19:45
pirxerUSUL: thanks!19:45
erUSULpirx: ?19:45
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debitnescius the problem is formating. It partitions. Doesn't format and then crashes. Disk Utility gives an error about device busy19:46
erUSULpirx: ahh ok; no problem19:46
nesciusdebit: then do the fuser on that disk before you start formating, to find out what is using the disk19:46
_nick_debit: try partitioning w/ gparted maybe it will work?19:47
nesciusdebit: fuser -m /dev/sd<tab>19:47
mbzguys, After 2 weeks, siminar about ubuntu ,13 Dollar to join to (I want to buy gift to members)19:48
debitnescius - like the idea. _nick_ tried gparted19:48
mbzubuntu store make me sad19:48
nesciusdebit: fuser will show you all apps using the disk, thus making it busy - not allowing you formating it19:48
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nesciusdebit: good luck19:49
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kantlivelonganyone know why 9.10 wont list my drive in the partitioner?19:50
Emanonwhat type of drive kantlivelong?19:50
Emanonide pata sata?19:51
kantlivelong250gb sata I . i can see it and mount it when it was NTFS19:51
kantlivelongbut the paritioner lists nothing19:51
kantlivelongive tried 2 diff sata controllers19:51
Emanondid you hotplug it?19:51
Emanonlike when the partitioner was running19:51
kantlivelongEmanon: no19:51
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losha!fr | didiermah19:52
ubottudidiermah: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:52
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kantlivelongEmanon: fdisk/mkfs have no prob19:52
Emanonkantlivelong what does it say when you issue this in terminal    ls /dev/ | grep ^[hs]d[a-z]19:52
kantlivelongEmanon: ^19:53
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loshakantlivelong: then use fdisk/mkfs...19:53
kantlivelonglosha: so how do i skip ubuntus partitioner?19:53
Emanonuse a live disk partition then reboot with ubuntu disk and install on the partitions you made19:53
kantlivelongEmanon: thats the prob.. it lists nothing in the ubuntu partitioner..19:54
glen__Hi, I have removed the volume control from the panel at the top of the screen (ubuntu 9.10) and was wondering how to get it back. When I right click on a panel and go 'Add To Panel', volume control is not in the list. Thanks19:54
loshakantlivelong: hmm. you can partition manually, but If it won't even list the drive, I don't think you can get through the install. Which release is this?19:54
Emanoneven after its formatted?19:54
kantlivelonglosha: 9.1019:54
epinky!resetpanel | glen__19:54
ubottuglen__: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »19:54
loshakantlivelong: um, try 8.04 ?19:55
kantlivelonglosha: i just zero/format the drive manually now. .trying again19:55
pirxhow can i see if stuff like write caching are enabled for my scsi disk?19:55
Emanonand the volume control isnt one of the panel apps in and of itself its part of the system tray try adding that one19:55
glen__ubottu: thank you :)19:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:55
kantlivelongdid it again19:55
kantlivelongwhat a pos19:55
loshapirx: hdparm -I should report it...19:55
epinkypirx: man sdparm19:55
Emanondangit now i have botten anna stuck in my head thanks ubottu19:56
epinkypirx: it's not installed by default19:56
loshaepinky: even better....19:56
epinkylosha: thanks19:56
planktum_arghh2d2, i think i manage using casper_1.206_i386.deb19:57
planktum_arghh2d2, sorry, sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite19:57
loshaEmanon: I youtubed it and now it's stuck in my head too...19:58
Emanonu get the origional version with english subtitles Iosha?19:59
Emanonthe english audio re-release isnt a translation its a different song to the same music19:59
loshaEmanon: no, but that's ok. I definitely heard enough. Some things are better in a language you don't speak....19:59
Emanonits a love song about an irc bot19:59
loshaEmanon: one day the technology will live up to its promise...20:00
RevTheory247can some1 help me please20:01
losha!ask | RevTheory24720:02
ubottuRevTheory247: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:02
FoolishOwlI'm thinking of trying out Eclipse. I'm a student, learning Perl and C++. Is it a good idea?20:02
FirstSgthow does one access archives in wordpress?20:02
b00m_chefFoolishOwl: definetly...it is awsome... I have tried it and have never gone back to anything else20:02
loshaEmanon: :-)20:02
kmaidHi my netbook has a copy of unbuntu netbook remix and after an update the desktop broke. There are no i want to say close bar's or start menu just the desktop and icons. Any ideas what to do?20:03
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b00m_chefFoolishOwl: best part is that the interface works in every* OS20:03
epinkyRevTheory247: ask away20:03
FoolishOwlb00m_chef, do you use the repository version, or a personal install?20:03
brummbaerkmaid: not overly familiar w/ the netbook release... does it use gnome, or what DE?20:04
b00m_chefFoolishOwl: rep20:04
FirstSgthow do i get wordpress to read my archives .php.20:04
epinkyFirstSgt: ;?20:04
kmaidbrummbaer: Yes its based on gnome20:05
b00m_chefFoolishOwl: there is a problem with the repository version though.  You need to make sure to install JDT,20:05
FirstSgtepinky: ?20:05
FoolishOwlOne thing I'd wondered about was some minor display glitches -- when I tried the repository version, there were some blank mouseovers on the welcome screen.20:05
brummbaerkmaid, if you press alt+f2, you should be able to launch gnome-panel20:05
b00m_chefFoolishOwl: otherwise you can't install plug-ins...20:05
epinkyFirstSgt: you mean embed php code?20:05
kmaidbrumbaer: sec just booting it up20:05
FirstSgtepinky: like right after while loop on my home page...20:05
FirstSgtepinky: how would I create a link for "read more" basically?20:06
FoolishOwlb00m_chef, is the JDT itself a plugin?20:06
computa_mikeEmanon: hi - I've looked on the UCK page in launchpad - looks like there is a bug for this, but the developer has marked it as invalid.20:06
TopKatz_if I update my kernel version, should I be able to rebuild a driver (for a raid controler) before I restart the box?20:06
Emanonoh thanks computa20:06
b00m_chefFoolishOwl: no it is in rep20:06
computa_mikeEmanon: i'll try a different iso - aparantly it's some issue with the mime type for 9.10.20:06
dethaddrso i need some major help.20:07
kmaidbrummbaer: Nothing happens when i press alt+f220:07
b00m_chefFoolishOwl: use Synaptic pkg manager and search eclipse. Then, install Eclipse-JDT20:07
epinkyFirstSgt: to embed code on wordpress use some plugin like runPHP if you want to customize Read More, read this: http://codex.wordpress.org/Customizing_the_Read_More20:07
FirstSgtdethaddr: good leadin20:07
dethaddrmy retarded gf decided she wanted to play the sims 3. so she tryed to install (im gonna assume) the newest ati radeon driver.20:07
FoolishOwlb00m_chef, okay. Does it really matter whether I use Sun Java or GNU?20:07
FirstSgtdethaddr: wrong chan20:07
FirstSgtepinky: thanks20:07
dethaddrso when i boot my pc its asking me for my login and password, but its still at the boot screen like when grub starts up.20:07
roffeI need help with FUPPES to reach my xbox20:08
brummbaerkmaid, if you want to drop to cmd line you can do ctrl+alt+f1 to get to cli, then try running gnome-panel, then ctr+alt+f7 to get back to desktop env20:08
RevTheory247_can some1 help me please20:08
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:08
b00m_chefFoolishOwl: in synaptic you need to install PDE, JDT, and CVS under all eclipse-pde, -jdt, -cvs...20:08
devrimhello, I have s3 graphics savage4 but i cant find the drivers in ubuntu 9.10. What sould i do???20:09
b00m_chefFoolishOwl: no matter the Java...20:09
RevTheory247_just installed ubuntu yet i cant load anything, cant load software care or install tarballs or flash or anything20:09
TopKatz_get a new vid card20:09
erUSULdevrim: man savage420:09
erUSULdevrim: man savage20:09
b00m_chefFoolishOwl: especially if your not going to be coding in Java20:09
toreadorhello all :)20:09
RevTheory247_and my wifi wont work20:10
devrimerUSUL: what di you mean whith that :)20:10
epinky!elaborate | RevTheory247_20:10
ubottuRevTheory247_: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)20:10
FoolishOwlb00m_chef, great. Thanks for the help.20:10
RevTheory247_forget it20:10
erUSULdevrim: that the dirver is installed by default and aviable in all ubuntu systems20:10
RevTheory247_ill go back to windows20:10
b00m_chefFoolishOwl: no prob...welcome to eclipse!   also, check out #eclipse if you have any other questions20:10
FoolishOwlRevTheory247_, does your Ubuntu box connect to the Internet at all?20:11
RevTheory247_yeah via mobile broadband20:11
wwalkerI have a server, with no GUI.  What is the correct what to change the timezone?  I tried tzselect; it goes through the motions be doesn't replace /etc/localtime as it should.20:11
dethaddrwhen i boot my pc it says to access official ubuntu documentation , please visit help. ubuntu.com then under that says i have mail20:11
devrimim trying20:11
FoolishOwlRevTheory247_, I'd guess the first thing to work on, then, would be to get the wifi working, so you don't have to rely on mobile.20:12
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: you need to make sure you have the driver installed for your modem20:12
MerlinWwwalker, http://www.wikihow.com/Change-the-Timezone-in-Linux20:13
toreadorguys can i ask a few things plz cause i ve just installed ubuntu and i am new to this :) or there is an other channel for this20:13
kmaidbrummbaer: I tried to run Gnome-Panel but it says "cannot open display"20:13
MerlinWgoogle is ur friend ;)20:13
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: if you are running 7.10 then there is a known problem with the wireless not working (I had the same problem) though the solution depends on what wireless card you have20:13
Emanonask away toreador20:13
RevTheory247_im on the new verison20:13
toreadorhow can i talk with u in private?20:13
Emanonidk what irc client are you useing?20:14
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: im on 9.1020:14
b00m_chefRevTheory247_:  Ubuntu 9.10 - Wireless driver problem - do apt-get update and apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source to get wireless working.20:14
b00m_chefdo it using sudo20:14
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: i cant get terminal open to run apt-get20:14
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: do those commands using sudo, so "sudo apt-get etc."20:15
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: what do you mean?20:15
kn100Anyone had any experience with setting hotkeys like brightness and volume on XFCE20:15
RevTheory247_i cant find terminal to do apt-get20:15
kn100it worked in gnome ubuntu20:15
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: from Gnome?20:15
jonrob287does anyone know how to apply themes to the login screen?20:15
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: just do20:15
RevTheory247_i go into system20:15
RevTheory247_and its not there20:15
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: Applications -> accessories -> terminal20:15
RevTheory247_they moved it from 8 :(20:16
kmaidWhat should i do about Gnome-panel saying "cannot open display" on unbuntu netbook remix?20:16
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: can you still get internet without your wireless?  I.e. can you still access the apt repository via ethernet or something?20:16
epinkykmaid: try "export DISPLAY=:0.0"20:17
RevTheory247_im on mobile broadband20:17
RevTheory247_so yes20:17
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: ok...then just restart into console20:17
toreadorguys does anyone know anything about bash scripting? it will help me alot if i ask him a question20:17
RevTheory247_cant do it20:17
kmaidepiky:same :<20:17
epinkykmaid: sudo xhost +20:18
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: it dont work20:18
FoolishOwltoreador, I know some things.20:18
pjfry1I have version 9.10 and my Gnometris program will not work ... It is displayed as an available game but I can't remove, or run it.20:18
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: one sec20:18
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b00m_chefRevTheory247_: do you have your Ubuntu CD?20:18
kmaidepinky "xhost: unable to open display """20:18
RevTheory247_and tried it20:18
epinkykmaid: echo $DISPLAY20:19
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: go to System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager20:19
brummbaerkmaid: gnome may be a bit messed up.. you could try using an alternate panel like tint2 or maybe reinstall gnome.20:19
MerlinWkn100, .themes/mine/xfwm4/keythemerc20:19
b00m_chefstick your CD in before that though20:19
glen__ahaha i thought there was a person behind ubottu - it is quite intelligent...20:19
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: stick your CD in first though20:19
kn100MerlinW, what's that?20:19
RevTheory247_b00m_chef:  done it20:19
kmaidepinky: it returned a blank line20:19
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: CD in, and synaptic open?\20:19
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: yes it is20:20
MerlinWb00m_chef, i recommending software center for n00bs20:20
MerlinWits easier20:20
kmaidbrummbaer: How would i reinstall the netbook remixes version?20:20
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: search for those apt-get things I mentioned previously20:20
TopKatz_if I update my kernel version, should I be able to rebuild a driver (for a raid controler) before I restart the box?20:20
MerlinWkn100, hotkeys...20:20
TopKatz_I just use make install to build the driver20:20
RevTheory247_b00m_chef:  nothing20:20
b00m_chefRevTheory247_:  bcmwl-kernel-source20:20
epinkykmaid: that' the problem, use: "set $DISPLAY=0:0.0"20:20
epinkykmaid: er, "set $DISPLAY=:0.0"20:21
RevTheory247_b00m_chef:  found it20:21
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: install it20:21
brummbaerkmaid, sorry, not used it myself, i imagine the details on what you need will be in synaptic. may search for netbook or something20:21
RevTheory247_b00m_chef:  how do u install it20:22
epinkykmaid: after that, "sudo export DISPLAY"20:22
kn100MerlinW, file doesnt exist, there isnt even a .themes20:22
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: right click on the checkbox next to the name20:22
RevTheory247_b00m_chef:  dont matter20:22
kn100from ~/ mow20:22
RevTheory247_b00m_chef:  it doesnt work at all20:22
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: what doesnt?20:22
MerlinWkn100, its a hidden directory20:22
kmaidepinky: It says export: command not found20:23
RevTheory247_b00m_chef:  any of it20:23
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: Synaptic?20:23
RevTheory247_b00m_chef:  yep it wants my disc but its in my drive20:23
kn100MerlinW, i know, and it doesnt exist20:23
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: no problem20:23
epinkykmaid: are you typing it clear?, execute  "which export"20:24
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: just click on the RELOAD button in the Synaptic window20:24
eugeniohi ebody20:24
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: And take out your CD20:24
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b00m_chefRevTheory247_: Maybe take your CD out first20:24
kmaidepinky: which export seems to run20:24
eugenioi 've a problem with okular20:24
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BasiumDeJudasmsg NickServ identify 11229320:25
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: disc is out20:25
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: Now click on the RELOAD button in the Synaptic window20:25
epinkykmaid: ok then use that location "/path/to/export DISPLAY"20:25
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: Top left (looks like a recycle symbol)20:25
boxxy_shouldn't Miredo be in the default ubuntu install?20:25
Pelohow do I get the old login window dalog back in gnome ?20:25
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: nope20:26
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: what did it do?20:26
kmaidepinky: it didn't give me a path or anything20:26
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: nothing20:26
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: no error, no nothing?20:26
RevTheory247_b00m_chef:  nope20:26
epinkykmaid: "which export" doesn't give you a path?20:27
MerlinWkn100, maybe try the fnfxd package20:27
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: are you able to browse the internet on that computer right now?  Can you open the web browser and go to google .com ?20:27
MerlinWits for the FN keys20:27
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: yeah im on a web irc20:27
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: ok. Then go under Applications->Ubuntu Software Centre20:28
kmaidepinky: That is correct it didn't return any information after i ran it20:28
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: doesnt work wont open20:28
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: lol20:28
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: Go under synaptic then20:28
epinkykmaid: after you run what?20:28
MerlinWRevTheory247_, u need a reinstall:D20:28
kmaid"which export"20:29
MerlinWsomething wrong there, or with u:D20:29
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: Yeah, it sounds like you might have messed something up during install20:29
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: i did nothing wrong20:29
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: did you follow all the steps and do all the things like setting your time zone and all that?20:29
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: yes20:29
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: try going under Synaptic20:30
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: synaptic is open20:30
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: Settings->Repositories20:30
Brianmaybe you guys can help me , i went from karmic to opensuse useing my usb to install the distro, always before i could reboot plug in the usb drive hit f12 and pick boot from usb, but after running opensuse i want to go back to check out ubuntu more but all of a sudden when i plug in my usb drive and hit f12 the usb isnt in the boot menu, it always worked before but now , out of nowhere its not in the menu20:30
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: done20:30
SubbyHi I have a problem with the remote desktop. I activated it and can connect with vinagre or tightvnc. On the remote machine I can see the mouse movement and I can drag and move windows etc. but un the client there seems to be no sceen update. the screen stays the same all the time20:30
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: Select everything you see on the first 2 tabs20:31
epinkykmaid: are you using bash?20:31
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b00m_chefRevTheory247_: Select = click on the check boxes20:31
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: what?20:31
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: check all the boxes on the first 3 tabs on the Repositories window that opens under Synaptic20:32
neurodamageso when I click cloud on the amazon web page, why is the amazon EC2 the only thing documented there20:32
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: nothin openned20:32
epinkykmaid: echo $SHELL20:32
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: Under the Synaptic window, you went to the Settings menu, and then clicked on Repositories?20:32
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: Are you in the repositories window?20:33
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: NO20:33
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: because it says repositories have changed20:33
RevTheory247_b00m_chef:  all the time20:33
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: thats good20:33
epinkykmaid: ok, then "export DISPLAY" should work20:33
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: and what happens when you click reload?20:33
RevTheory247_b00m_chef:  it reloads20:33
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: Good20:34
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: what happens when you click on the "Mark all Upgrades button" in the Synaptic window?20:34
kmaidepinky: It really doesnt. I type it in and press enter and it just gives me a new linke to enter the a command into20:34
RevTheory247_b00m_chef:  it selects about a thousand20:34
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: what happens when you click "Apply" button under synaptic?20:35
epinkykmaid: ok, that's ok, type "echo $?"20:35
lorphis there a way to get the fancy ubuntu 9.04 screen profile in ubuntu 8.0320:35
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: downloading something20:35
kmaidepinky: just echos out $ on the next line20:36
Subbyis there an alternative to vino? it doesnt work very well20:36
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: when it is done installing all those things, restart your computer, and try going to Synaptic again and searching for bcmwl-kernel-source right click on it, select install, and click the APPLY button20:36
epinkykmaid: "echo $?" with an '?'20:36
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: Unless your wireless works when you restart...could happen20:36
kmaidlol sorry20:36
RevTheory247_b00m_chef:  it will want my cd again20:37
kmaidepinky: 020:37
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: So just wait for it to finish installing20:37
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: stick it in the drive20:37
epinkykmaid: ok, now "echo $DISPLAY"20:37
RediXeTrying to mount /dev/sda3 but I want it to mount as my user "steven" not root.20:37
RevTheory247_b00m_chef:  fine if it dont work ill go back to windows20:37
kmaidepinky: Still a blank line20:37
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: sometimes thats what you gotta do...but it sounds like you may have screwed up your installation somehow20:38
Emanonwatch your language20:38
epinkykmaid: if succesful it should look like ":0.0"20:38
RevTheory247_b00m_chef:  i didnt tho i just did it like i last did install unbuntu20:38
Subbywhat is a good vnc-server?20:38
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: if you are willing to try again, you could download and make a CD of Ubuntu 9.9 or some version before 9.10...everything should work fine right away20:39
wrapsterany first person shooter games available on ubuntu.. thought i could play during my free time from work?20:39
siavash_does any one know , how to config Openvpn to Have a connection with Dyndns.org account20:39
Emanonyes wrapster sec forgot the name20:39
epinkykmaid: try "export DISPLAY=0:0"20:39
kmaidepinky: I run "set $DISPLAY:=0.0" and then "echo $DISPLAY" and it still comes up at a blank line20:39
RevTheory247_b00m_chef:  cant it will take about 48hr to download it20:39
Alan502Whats the "demultiplexer plugin" for playing dvds?20:39
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: Version 9.10 of Ubuntu had a problem with the wireless. I had the same problem.20:39
rawr_wrapster, americas army, very decent game20:40
guntbertkmaid: use export $DISPLAY20:40
loshakmaid: set DISPLAY:=0.0  (lose the $ sign in the set command)20:40
wrapsterrawr_: ok..20:40
kmaid"DISPLAY=0:0" not "$DISPLAY:=0.0"20:40
wrapsterrawr_: anything else?20:40
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: You didn't delete windows did you?  I mean, you have both installed right?20:40
rawr_wrapster, also doom 320:40
b00m_chefRevTheory247_:  windows & Linux?20:40
wrapsteroh. doom 320:40
rawr_wrapster, enemy territory20:40
Emanonwrapster http://linuxappfinder.com/games/firstpersonshooters20:40
wrapsterrawr_: where are the lists of games20:40
rawr_wrapster, tremulous is interesting too20:40
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: nope i couldnt partion my hard disk20:40
abyswrapster ?20:41
kmaidIts still the same20:41
epinkykmaid: "export DISPLAY=0:0"  ?20:41
[SilverFox]I got my video drivers and such installed working okday but I find clicking things sometimes gives me a 1-2 sec delay. I wonder there some type of program that maybe throttling my KDE?20:41
abysi like warsow20:41
kmaidepinky: that worked20:41
AussieBobbygoogle open source games20:41
Pelo#join #gdm20:42
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: i have windows 7 so i can install it again and get my drivers via mobile broadband20:42
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: Anyways...I gotta go... Linux requires patience...and if you are not used to the console...it may be too much for you... You may want to partition your hard-drive properly first, before you install Linux again. So you have Windows still installed, and can go back to it if necessary20:42
kmaidepinky: $echo $DISPLAY now says "0:0" but gnome-panel still says "canot open display"20:42
loshakmaid: oops, it's bash, no 'set' and no :=20:42
RevTheory247_b00m_chef: ive used linux before20:42
epinkykmaid: now:  " xhost +"20:43
RiotingPacifisthow do i add mp3 support to xine?20:43
siavash_Any info on OpenVPN ???20:43
siavash_Any info on OpenVPN ???20:43
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: though, I gave you the solution, you have to fool around with Synaptic a bit and with your repositories...if it doesn't work, just give up and come back when you get sick on windows ;)20:43
zambai'm having huge problems getting decent video performance in X.. running ubuntu and got 0:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)20:43
=== eric__ is now known as crescendo
zambasiavash_: #openvpn, and don't repeatr20:43
Alan502Whats the "demultiplexer plugin" for playing dvds?20:43
loshaRevTheory247_: why not run vmware/virtualbox, so you can stay in windows while you explore linux at your leisure...20:43
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:44
kmaidepinky: unable to open display "0:0"20:44
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: as I say though, if the Synaptic upgrade you are running right now doesn't work just fool around with it20:44
RevTheory247_its installing now20:44
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: if you are able to though, try and try to install the bcmwl-kernel-source driver20:44
Alan502RiotingPacifist, i followed that guide but kaffeine asks for the demultiplexer plugin anyway20:44
epinkykmaid: "export DISPLAY=0:0.0"20:44
epinkykmaid: copy it clear20:45
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: I am pretty sure that should fix your problem...another way to install it is to download the .deb file via the internet browser (firefox), and install it from the file directly20:45
RiotingPacifistAlan502: tbh i have no idea, have you tried  sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh20:45
Alan502RiotingPacifist, forgot that part, thanks20:45
b00m_chefRevTheory247_: Hopefully the Upgrade completes successfully and you can then install the bcmwl-kernel-source file though...good luck!20:45
RiotingPacifisti dont think thats a multiplexer though, i think kaffine needs kubuntu-restricted extras20:46
Alan502RiotingPacifist, i have already installed that package as well20:46
=== AxesDNite is now known as ph33r
kmaidepinky: " xhost +" says "unable to open display "0:0.0"20:48
ubuntusiakhow do i burn cds while running ubuntu live cd?20:48
RiotingPacifistAlan502:  hmm i dunno, if that script doesn't work all i can suggest trying an alternative players20:48
AJF355Im going to be the next hitler, Im going to kill all the jews and 1 clown20:48
Alan502RiotingPacifist, could it be because my movie is copy protected?20:48
centHOGGHi, is there a way with du or another command to get a recursive directory listing of the filenames and their size? Thanks in advance20:48
epinkykmaid: ok, this is very odd, are you using gnome?20:48
RediXeTrying to mount /dev/sda3 but I want it to mount as my user not root.20:48
Alan502RiotingPacifist, i cannot get to play it in windows neither20:48
kmaidAJF353: Why the clown?20:48
ffffffi dont think the next hitler would have nearly as bad sense of humor20:48
EmanonAJF we all know that joke20:49
AJF355balls oh well worth a shot :) byee20:49
tobiaszhi, is there any way of getting audacity to record anything in 9.10?20:49
loshaubuntusiak: if you only have one cd drive, I'm not sure it's possible. There *are* distros that run entirely in memory after boot (I think knoppix does that). One of those would work...20:49
kmaidepinky: i am using the netbook remix which uses gnome im pretty sure :x20:49
Alan502tobiasz, what do you mean?20:50
RiotingPacifistAlan502: decss should fix that, unless its blueray/hddvd20:50
tobiaszAlan502 I mean that audacity does not work in 9.10 due to pulse audio mess :P20:50
Alan502RiotingPacifist, decss? and no it is not blueray or hdd20:50
ubuntusiaklosha: thank you very much.20:50
Alan502tobiasz, does your microphone work in other applications?20:50
RiotingPacifistAlan502: sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh20:50
epinkykmaid: are you on a SSH session?20:50
chasedawg1Does anyone now how to fix LMMS problems?20:50
ph33rhi, could anyone tell me how "Show Desktop" works in compiz ? I just can't get it to work20:51
kmaidepinky: I pressed "ctrl + alt + shift + 1" on the machine itself20:52
Alan502RiotingPacifist, already ran the script, althought it ended with "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place", dont know if that's correct20:52
Alan502Processing triggers for libc-bin ...20:52
Alan502ldconfig deferred processing now taking place20:52
Alan502tobiasz, so the problem is audacity only?20:52
guntbertkmaid: so you are in the virtual terminal - there is no access to X there20:52
epinkykmaid: :D20:53
tobiaszAlan502 only20:53
kmaidguntbert: x? I am sorry i am pretty noob with linux my netbook is my first venture20:53
Alan502hnnn nevermind then i dont have much experience with audacity20:53
RiotingPacifistAlan502: that sounds right, try closing kaffine and trying again20:53
Mike_lifeguardph33r: you hit the key combo and your windows should minimize20:53
Alan502probably reinstalling? did you installed the one on the repositories? tobiasz20:54
ph33rMike_lifeguard: yeah got it, was just wondering if I could do the aero peek thing hehe20:54
Mike_lifeguardph33r: I don't know what that is, can you describe it?20:54
ph33rMike_lifeguard: aero peek ?20:54
Mike_lifeguardph33r: yes20:54
ph33rMike_lifeguard: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/products/features/peek20:55
guntbertkmaid: sorry - xwindow (short x) is the way you can access a GUI in linux - but you switched to the console - if you just want your graphical display back, type <ALT> F720:55
Ash`A coworker and I are having a very annoying problem on 9.10:  randomly all visual effects will just turn off, necessitating going back into the appearance settings and turning them on again.  Anyone else run into this, and more importantly, know how to fix it?20:55
RiotingPacifisthow do i add mp3 support to xine?20:55
zenwrylyIs there a way I can get aptitude (or apt) to tell me which source is generating an "Err" line on update (karmic/main File not found)?20:55
Alan502RiotingPacifist, nope, kaffeine is just like "MATRIX_REALODED_DISC_1" and after less than a second "STOPPED"20:56
=== trucMuche is now known as Guest49362
loshaRiotingPacifist: I think you need the medibuntu stuff...20:56
kmaidguntbert: The problem is gnome-pannel is not loading so i dont have any menus or close/resize bars20:56
Alan502RiotingPacifist, i'll try with vlc20:56
losha!medibuntu | RiotingPacifist20:56
ubottuRiotingPacifist: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:56
flaxflixhi everybody20:56
ph33rMike_lifeguard: got the link ?20:57
RiotingPacifistlosha: i've installed all of that and still no demuxer :(20:57
roffeCould anyone help me with FUPPES20:57
Mike_lifeguardph33r: Yeah, I'm not aware of a comparable feature in compiz. You might submit a feature request though20:57
flaxflixthere is some one ho knows about the virtualbox20:57
Alan502RiotingPacifist, working with VLC! thanks :)20:57
Mike_lifeguard!ask | flaxflix20:57
ubottuflaxflix: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:57
flaxflixok thanks20:57
ph33rMike_lifeguard: it could be possible, if only I could make a launcher for "show desktop" in dockbarx20:58
Ash`and if they don't answer, repost ad infinitum! >:]20:58
guntbertkmaid: if you want a terminal within your desktop press <ALT>F2 and there type gnome-terminal20:58
loshaRiotingPacifist: do some googling on xine-mp3 is all I have left to suggest then...20:58
kmaidguntbert: alt f2 does not work20:58
duffydackph33r, there is a plugin to do it...just cant remember what/how20:58
ph33rduffydack: there is ? for aero peek ?20:59
duffydackph33r,  like fade to desktop or something.20:59
RiotingPacifistlosha:  ok thx20:59
ph33rduffydack: yeah checked them out20:59
duffydackph33r, ive seen it used20:59
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notelofumeshola alguien me puede ayudar en español20:59
Flannel!es | notelofumes20:59
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:59
Ash`Has anyone had their visual effects randomly turn off?  It keeps happening to a coworker and i, and it's getting extremely frustrating.20:59
ubottunotelofumes: please see above20:59
Ash`I shall take that as a no. ;[21:00
guntbertkmaid: next try: if you right click on your desktop, do you get a menu?21:00
tobiaszAlan502 still same, it does not record I cannot choose audacity in "recording" in volume control in pavucontrol21:00
kmaidguntbert: Yes i do21:00
loshaRiotingPacifist: http://ubuntulog.wordpress.com/2007/08/11/xine-mp3-codecs ?21:00
notelofumesyo solo se hablar español veo que esto no es muy abierto al mundo21:00
tobiaszaudacity seems like incompatibile with pulse, so why is it in repos21:00
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guntbertkmaid: select "create launcher"21:01
Emanon!es | notelofumes21:01
ubottunotelofumes: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:01
Spectobiasz: Who would take audacity out of the repositories? o.O21:01
ubuntusiaki am running live cd. how can i save my setting?(persistent) when i didnt choose persistent during boot?21:01
kmaidguntbert: the widows a little fcked but its shown up21:01
trijntjeEmanon, thanks, I was trying to do that21:01
tobiaszSpec audacity doesn't work in 9.10 so why is it in repos21:01
Emanoni know21:01
Spectobiasz: Because you can get it to work most likely and it's an awesome application?21:02
Alan502tobiasz, let me install audacity here to see if i can help you...21:02
Specfurthermore, there are pulse audio wrappers....21:02
kmaidgunbert: ok i have a Gnome-terminal21:02
tobiaszSpec it is awesome, and it doesn't work in 9.10 with pulse audio21:02
guntbertkmaid: as Name choose Terminal, and in command type gnome-terminal, then close the dialog21:02
Ash`How do I prevent my visual effects in 9.10 from turning off?21:03
tobiasz9.04 had much better sound manager21:03
Specpadsp - pulse audio OSS wrapper21:03
=== Rezzoniko is now known as Rezzoniko_AWAY
Rezzoniko_AWAY-=^=-> BuDuScRiPt <-=^=- [ http://digilander.libero.it/udasoft ] X-Chat Plug-in by UDA'Software (V. 3.1.54)21:03
duffydackph33r, tried the opacity ones21:03
guntbertkmaid: nice, thats where I tried to get you to :-)21:03
EmanonAsh` System>Preferences>Appearance21:03
ph33rduffydack: means ?21:03
pjfry1Audacity seems to be working on my system ... I have 9.1021:03
Emanonlast tab click 2nd or third radial buttons21:03
duffydackph33r, like transparency21:03
Ash`Emanon: not my question; they randomly turn off on their own, and it's getting very frustrating.21:04
NeremorI've a problem with replacing a substring in bash. I use this command: echo "${f//[a-zA-Z0-9]\//  }" this should turn "Any Interpret/Any Song.mp3" to "  Any Song.mp3". But It only does this: "Any Interpre  Any Song.mp3"... So it only searches for one character of the type [a-zA-Z0-9], not every char that is there of that type. any idea how to solve that?21:04
loshaSpec: I've had good luck with this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-all-pulseaudio-related-issues.html21:04
duffydackph33r, either way, fade to desktop setup properly should do what you want..21:04
ph33rduffydack: yeah a bit, anything new would be good21:04
Emanonoh idk then sorry21:04
kmaidguntbert: sick gnome-panel ran but u nnussug akkit21:04
tobiaszpjfry1 did you uninstall pulse or something? What do you've got in audacity>edit>preferences>devices21:04
duffydackph33r, check the web for new plugins21:04
kmaidguntbert: gnome panel is running but theres still allot of missing intterface21:05
ph33rduffydack: compiz webby to start with ?21:05
duffydackph33r, quite a lot available that arent part of repo set21:05
tobiaszpjfry1 in pavucontrol audacity does not appear as a recording application21:05
duffydackph33r, browse the compiz site for a start :)21:05
Spectobiasz: You've tried padsp?21:05
tobiaszSpec Alan502 pjfry1 in pavucontrol audacity does not appear as a recording application21:05
guntbertkmaid: sorry, that are things I cannot help you with21:05
ph33rduffydack: yeah, doing that, thank you a lot man :) Mike_lifeguard too :)21:06
trismNeremor: why not just use $(basename ${filename})21:06
kmaidguntbert: You have given me a new "libglade-warning unexpected element" error message to look into thanks21:06
duffydackph33r, ive never needed to see the desktop myself so i dont know.. expo/scale is all i need from compiz.21:06
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
tobiaszSpec padsp?21:07
ph33rduffydack: yeah, I personally don't need them much, it's only to tease my classmates who paid 320 USD and got win7 :D21:07
Spectobiasz: is audacity trying to access sound via OSS?21:07
tobiaszSpec Alsa21:08
Spec!info padsp21:08
ubottuPackage padsp does not exist in karmic21:08
Guesthello, i am an amateur when it comes to foreign software on ubuntu21:08
Guesti have a question regarding the installation of a certain theme using emerald21:08
Spectobiasz: hmm, well, padsp is a pulse audio wrapper for oss, I thought alsa worked transparently with pulse?21:08
subitohi, i have a program that is running, can i stop it, then switch off my computer and continue my computation later?21:08
pjfry1I haven't done much to my system ... it was an upgrade and I notice Audacity still is listed and comes up when I select it.21:08
duffydackph33r, ah well, you have an arsenal of plugins to do that already :)21:08
FreeFullGuest: Hi?21:09
ph33rduffydack: yeah, just need this peek working to piss them off completely :D21:09
RediXeTrying to mount /dev/sda3 but I want it to mount as my user not root. Any idea's?21:09
Bigrobcwhat channel should i join to get help installing a Canon Pixma MX850 on ubuntu via usb21:09
Guestdo i need to be referred?21:09
guntbertsubito: if you suspend/hibernate you computer - yes21:09
Guestor can i simply ask a question...?21:09
loshaNeremor: try ${f//[a-zA-Z0-9]*\//}21:09
guntbert!ask | guest21:09
ubottuguest: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:09
subitoguntbert: no i want to switch it off and restart on windows21:09
duffydackph33r, i think they should already be p'd off with being 320 dollars poorer21:10
ph33rduffydack: unfortunately, they ain't :(21:10
Guesti have a question regarding the installation of a certain theme using emerald21:10
quentusrexAlright, anyone know of an existing bug in Karmic that would require '/etc/init.d/networking restart' after boot up? for proper network to work???21:10
Guestemerald theme manager21:10
Neremorthanks, but that didn't solve it -> now simply everything is matched, because * includes / also...21:10
FreeFullquentusrex: No21:10
guntbertsubito: not that I know - sorry21:10
trijntjeGuest: try to keep your question on one line, and give full details21:10
FreeFullGuest: Just ask21:10
Guesti just did21:11
Guesti think21:11
Guesti will clarify then21:11
quentusrexFreeFull, I'm running a server with nfs mounts(nfs client not server) and kvm virtual servers21:11
loshaquentusrex: not offhand, but you could check in launchpad. What does ifconfig -a look like before & after?21:11
GuestHow do I apply a theme using Emerald Theme21:11
GuestEmerald THeme manager?21:11
quentusrexbut after every reboot I need to manually at the console type: 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart'21:11
FreeFullquentusrex: I never heard of this bug before21:11
loshaquentusrex: if you don't, what do you get?21:12
VCoolioGuest: make sure emerald is your window decorator and not gtk; run "emerald --replace" or use fusion-icon21:12
duffydackph33r, just crcank up your compiz animations with fire and plane, get a nice animated skydome, lots to pee them off with21:12
Emanonanyone have any trouble with a direct Windows Boot after using the windows partition via virtualbox?21:12
quentusrexlosha, no networking is what I get....21:12
Guestvcoolio: i will try that...21:12
quentusrexbox is unresponsive from the outside....21:12
duffydackph33r, peak/fade is a pretty insignificant effect21:12
ph33rduffydack: hehehe, you are realy evil.. like me :D21:12
Ash`I used to have that problem on fedora 10 - networking would die on boot, necessitating a restart of it21:12
Emanonthen just put sudo /etc/init.d/networking start in the startup manager21:12
Emanoneasy fix21:13
loshaquentusrex: no outgoing pings either?21:13
Ash`easy hack*21:13
loshaEmanon: *lazy* fix21:13
ph33rduffydack: I have the fire, rain, wobbly windows, cube, blur windows21:13
Emanonyea and?21:13
Ash`dirty bandaid*21:13
ubuntusiakhow do i save settings and installed apps while running live cd?21:13
ph33rduffydack: and yeah scale!!!21:13
khomfyhello,i have a question: How can i change the smtp port in evolutin mail? can someone  help me?21:13
loshaEmanon: just that personally I like to do a bit of triage before I slap on a band-aid....21:13
GuestI think i just broke my computer21:13
trismNeremor: oops, sorry, you'd need to quote it, echo $(basename "${FILENAME}")21:13
Emanonthen feel free21:13
thevishywhy ?21:13
VCoolioubuntusiak: that's not possible21:14
Ash`same @ losha21:14
duffydackph33r, shift switcher is quite nice too21:14
ph33rduffydack: yeah that too21:14
Guestthank you vcoolio21:14
quentusrexlosha, I don't think so21:14
Guestyour solution worked21:14
Guestvcoolio: how do I switch back?21:14
VCoolioGuest: metacity --replace21:14
Emanoni prefer ring switcher myself21:14
Guestahh, thank yo21:14
Emanonbut thats just a preference thing21:14
loshaquentusrex: Back to basic troubleshooting then: What does ifconfig -a look like before & after?21:14
[SilverFox]kget is not transfering the sites login info from firefox to kget is there a way to login to a download site like Rapidshare via kget?21:14
herukahello, i have some problems with the network-manager in gnome. it keeps showing "wired network disconnected" and then "auto eth2 connection established" every few seconds. does anyone know why that might be?21:15
VCoolioGuest: if you intend to switch often and want to keep settings on a new boot / login, use fusion-icon21:15
duffydackph33r, get a wii remote and use that :)21:15
guntbert!who | Emanon21:15
ubottuEmanon: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:15
quentusrexlosha, I'll check in a moment21:15
VirusTBHOW DO I find the list of kernela i have installed (just upgradead and want to use this command sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.**-**-generic21:15
pjfry1My Gnometris doesn't work ... it is listed but it doesn't run ... I tried to uninstall but couldn't ... any ideas??21:15
ph33rduffydack: rofl21:15
Emanonheruka might be bad cable u try the cable on another system?21:15
VirusTBHOW DO I find the list of kernels i have installed (just upgraded and want to use this command { sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.**-**-generic }21:16
herukaEmanon: it doesnt actually drop the connection21:16
herukaEmanon: i'm continuously connected21:16
Guestvcoolio: your solution did not work21:16
trismVirusTB: dpkg -l linux-image* | grep ii21:16
VCooliodoes anyone happen to know how to compile byobu (the old screen-profiles)? there is no configure file21:16
Emanonheruka ahh just annoying spam about it being connected?21:16
trismVirusTB: that will list the installed kernels21:16
mbanahow do i repopulate the grub menu?21:16
Alan502!es | notelofumes21:16
ubottunotelofumes: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:16
VCoolioGuest: what solution? the metacity one?21:17
herukaEmanon: yes, connection established... then disconnected... then connection established... then disconnected21:17
guntbertVCoolio: its in the repos21:17
Guestvcoolio: no the emerald one21:17
duffydackph33r, dude, there is a plugin called peek21:17
herukaEmanon: constantly flashing windows21:17
herukaEmanon: /notifications21:17
Guestvcoolio: when i close terminal, it stops the window decorator21:17
Guestall of them21:17
ph33rduffydack: what ? I could not find it even experimental plugins!!!21:17
VirusTBtrnak trism21:17
duffydackph33r, http://smspillaz.wordpress.com/compiz-stuff/21:17
Guestvcoolio: how do i keep emerald as my window decorator?21:17
VCoolioguntbert: I know, but I want the newest from their own repo because a bug I filed was fixed21:17
Emanonheruka sec i remember shutting off network notifications on my moms computer gotta remember where21:17
=== Neseth is now known as Guest62747
Guestvcoolio: like permanently until i revert to metacity again21:18
VCoolioGuest: use the alt+f2 box to run "emerald --replace"21:18
opticonmaybe someone can help me figure something out is their away to use webmin without the ssl cert?21:18
Guestvcoolio: okay21:18
ActionParsnipGuest: press alt+f2 and launch the command that way21:18
VCoolioGuest: or do "nohup emerald --replace &" in a terminal, then you can close it without the process being killed21:18
Emanonheruka use gconf-editor (through terminal or run dialogue) expand apps go to nm applet and check the first two boxes21:19
=== elky is now known as Guest4966
ph33rduffydack: ok, there is... now let me read up on how to install that21:19
Guestvcoolio: it works now21:19
Emanonheruka nm-applet sorry21:19
guntbertVCoolio: byobu is (on my system) just a /usr/bin/byobu: POSIX shell script text executable21:19
Guestso the shortcut is alt f221:19
Guestthank you vcoolio21:19
brummbaeropticon, the url you're looking at is like https://localhost:10000 right?21:19
trismVCoolio: doesn't look like you need to compile anything, the byobu command just runs screen -c /usr/share/byobu/profiles/byoburc21:19
Guestvcoolio: i simply use the same alt-f2 to revert back to metacity, correct?21:19
brummbaeropticon, doesn't your browser give you the option to just add the exception?21:19
RediXeHow can I mount /dev/sda3 to /media/Storage where my user has rwx access to it? Everything I try gives root rwx and me r-x and root owns it.21:19
VCoolioGuest: correct21:19
Guestvcoolio: thank you21:20
ActionParsnipRediXe: what file system is it?21:20
opticonnevermind i got it21:20
trismVCoolio: and the source just seems to have shell scripts21:20
opticoncan turn ssl off via webmin21:20
VCooliotrism: guntbert thanks, so what do I do with the source files I downloaded? I can run it from that folder I think;21:20
guntbert!webmin | opticon but21:20
ubottuopticon but: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.21:20
ActionParsnipRediXe: sudo mkdir /media/Storage; sudo mounnt /dev/sda3 /media/Storage -t ext3 -o uid=1000,rw21:20
guntbertVCoolio: thats what I would do21:21
opticonwow really i just got it working like i wanted for basic workgroup21:21
EmanonSctionParsnip misspelled mount21:21
Emanonand i misspelled that name21:21
VirusTBtrism,  how do I remove Memtest+86 from my grub? (remove from system also)21:21
Guestvcoolio: i have a problem21:21
VCoolioGuest: speak21:22
guntbertEmanon: you can <tab> completions with nicks in here too21:22
Guestvcoolio: you stated that if i used the same technique and acitivated metactiy, it would revert to default21:22
Emanonoh thanks guntbert21:22
Guestvcoolio: however, that was not teh case21:22
ActionParsnipEmanon: ironic huh21:22
Emanonthats gonna save some serious time21:22
loshaActionParsnip: I didn't think uid was an option for ext3. It's not in my man page....21:22
VCoolioGuest: what happened?21:22
ActionParsnipguntbert: depends on client21:22
Guestvcoolio: my desktop is now inoperable21:22
EmanonTotally ActionParsnip21:23
trismVirusTB: sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+; sudo update-grub;21:23
Guesti cannot access the awn dock21:23
RediXeActionParsnip, [ 3401.813828] EXT3-fs: Unrecognized mount option "uid=1000" or missing value21:23
VirusTBWOW! I bootd my ubuntu  in 5 seconds!21:23
baddogVirusTB: :o21:23
guntbertEmanon: indeed21:23
Guestvcoolio: and my widgets are now visible21:23
herukaEmanon: didnt work :/21:23
loshaVirusTB: how d'you get such a fast boot?21:23
guntbertActionParsnip: sure? I thought that was a server feature - see !tab21:23
herukaEmanon: or... i tried log out and then log in21:23
ActionParsnipRediXe: 1000 is your first user. I dont think you need it with ext3 due to permissions being stored in ext321:23
VirusTBbaddog,  i know! thats the fastest I ever seen!21:23
herukaEmanon: but it's still flashing21:23
VCoolioGuest: were you using compiz? try "compiz --replace" and checkout fusion-icon, very helpful to switch21:23
ActionParsnipguntbert: doesnt work in pidgin / carrier21:23
=== Guest4966 is now known as elky
opticonis there something else like webmin supported under ubuntu?21:24
VirusTBlosha,  i uninstalled all the stuff on it :P (bag round tastks)21:24
Emanonheruka: sorry then guess someone else is going to have to help you fix it for real instead of just making it shut up21:24
baddogVirusTB: how'd you do it? XD21:24
guntbertActionParsnip: noted :-)21:24
Emanon!webmin | opticon21:24
Guestvcoolio: it works now21:24
ubottuopticon: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.21:24
VirusTBlosha,  and no fancy graphics :P21:24
Guestvcoolio: does that mean my default theme manager is comiz?21:24
Emanon!ebox | opticon21:24
ubottuopticon: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox21:24
trismVirusTB: although if you really wanted to remove it from the system, sudo apt-get purge memtest86+21:25
ActionParsnipRediXe: try without the uuid, just use -o rw21:25
VCoolioGuest: no your window manager is compiz and your window decorator is metacity21:25
ActionParsnipRediXe: instead of -o rw,uid=10021:25
Guestvcoolio: simplify/clarify please, im still an amateur at this stuff21:25
herukaEmanon: switched to wicd now21:25
Emanonheruka:  it help?21:26
herukaEmanon: seems to be working just as well21:26
herukaEmanon: and no flashing!21:26
Emanonheruka: cool21:26
herukaEmanon: yuP!21:26
loshaActionParsnip: I didn't think uid was an option for ext3. It's not in my man page. RediXe: I think you either need to make user the owner of all the files/directories, or put the user into a group and give the filesystem g=rwx and make it all belong to group'21:26
ActionParsniplosha: sounds like a plan21:27
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VCoolioGuest: the window manager manages windows (gdm, compiz, openbox, e17 there are lots); a window decorator rules your theme (gtk, qt for kde etc); emerald only manages your window borders so isn't even really a window decorator21:27
CarlFKWhat happened to the voip client? eukigina or something21:27
VirusTBhow do i install gnome-do on netbook remix???21:27
ActionParsnipCarlFK: you mean ekiga ?21:27
GuestVcoolio: so that means emerald only managers the borders,21:27
ActionParsnipVirusTB: same as any ubuntu desktop21:27
GuestVcoolio: how would i get the default back?21:27
GuestVcoolio: the one that comes with ubuntu as default21:28
VirusTBActionParsnip,  ok lol i mennt have it docked n the tray21:28
CarlFKActionParsnip: yeah - that21:28
VCoolioGuest: yes, the inside is still gtk; the default is metacity but with 'metacity --replace' you also disable compiz;21:28
ActionParsnipVirusTB: https://launchpad.net/~do-core/+archive/ppa21:28
thevishyanyone with xfce ?21:28
erUSULCarlFK: not longer installed by default but still aviable in the repositories21:28
thevishyon ubuntu i.e21:28
ActionParsnipVirusTB: that i don't know21:29
ActionParsnip!anyone | thevishy21:29
ubottuthevishy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:29
GuestVcoolio: so that means ive permanently devoted my computer to the new decorator?21:29
[SilverFox]Anyone here use VMware should I stick to windows xp only or does windows 7 work without lag? for things like compiling and such.21:29
CarlFKerUSUL: any idea why it fell off the default install? (wondering if something else took it's place)21:29
GuestVcoolio:  or is there a way to revert21:29
turtle__does anyone know if life is worth living?21:29
GuestVcoolio: like disable emerald or something...21:29
FreeFullthevishy: I am21:29
jamiejacksonhi folks. i need to set up a local proxy to do upstream authentication. i haven't used proxy software before. is squid my best bet?21:29
hiatus777So, I installed ssh server on my desktop. Now what the heck do I do?21:29
ActionParsnip[SilverFox]: not an ubuntu question is it, ask in #vmware21:29
erUSULCarlFK: empathy has21:29
[SilverFox]did not know there was a vmware thanks ActionParsnip21:30
CarlFKerUSUL: that's what I figured.  thanks21:30
VCoolioGuest did 'compiz --replace' give you the emerald borders? install fusion-icon for heavens sake and use that21:30
GuestVcoolio: yes, using the compiz replace did give the emerald borders21:30
duffydackph33r, sorted it?21:30
VCoolioGuest: it's an icon in your tray bar and on right click let's you switch compiz / metacity / gtk and all21:30
thevishyFreeFull, whats your take on it ? is it faster than gnome21:31
Anorion|eeeI'm using UNR, and I accidentally dragged an application icon and now it shows up under the launcher background. How in the world can I delete it?21:31
ph33rduffydack: yeah, but it is pretty much fade windows21:31
GuestVcoolio: no idea21:31
GuestVcoolio: i dont have a button21:31
FreeFullthevishy: It is faster than Gnome because it doesn't have as much eyecandy21:31
duffydackph33r, well thats all its doing anyway...21:31
GuestVcoolio: should i install it via synaptic or ubuntu software mngr21:31
VCoolioGuest: first install fusion-icon, then alt+f2 to run fusion-icon and use it21:31
VCoolioGuest: yes, possibly21:31
* lenswipe is away: 21:32
* lenswipe is back (gone 00:00:05)21:32
ph33rduffydack: aye, anyways I removed it, I could get the same with fade windows with your help :)21:32
Anorion|eeeI guess I'm asking, where is the menu/desktop structure for the netbook remix launcher stored?21:32
* lenswipe is away: chicken shit21:32
flosch0815jamiejackson: hmm squid would be the right choice, but i decided to use apache instead: better documentation, more module/plugins supported (i.e. for auth-purposes) and easier config (at least for me)21:32
guntbert!away > lenswipe21:32
ubottulenswipe, please see my private message21:32
=== neutr0n- is now known as neutr0n
assmongerHey, how can I configure postfix as an "internet site" directly from the apt-get command, rather than having to go through the interactive menu?21:32
guntbertassmonger: you cannot, installation and configuration are two different steps21:33
hiatus777hm, can anyone help me with ssh?21:33
pharmerhi, this probably sounds like a funny question, but i am having trouble downloading torrents on ubuntu. does anyone have any suggestions?21:33
Flare183hiatus777: PM me I should be able to help you21:34
GuestVcoolio: is there a shortcut for the button?21:34
GuestVcoolio: or do i have to use the alt-f221:34
VirusTBActionParsnip,  i there a way (from terminal) so see what was the last installed packages??? ( i installed a few from Synaptic, but not sure what installed)21:35
assmongerOK. how can i configure postfix as an "Internet Site" with the default options without going through the visual interface?21:35
VCoolioGuest: I don't know, you can make one for the command 'fusion-icon', but better add it to startup applications; it's also in the main menu somewhere21:35
erUSUL!details | pharmer21:35
ubottupharmer: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:35
ActionParsnipVirusTB: you can look in /var/cache/apt/archives    the created dates will show you what has been installed21:35
GuestVcoolio: every time i use the button, it will revert to default?21:36
tobiaszstill dunno how to get Audacity to work21:37
VCoolioGuest: just right click and make your choice; if you start it I think it will only recognize what you're currently using21:37
GuestVcoolio: uhhhh21:37
loshaVirusTB: see also /var/log/dpkg.log. Everything that ever happened to packages on your system since installation, in chronological order...21:37
Huckhi all21:37
GuestVcoolio: i was using emerald and then i pressed the button and it reverted to original21:37
taemanWhen installing applications is space taken from / or from /home? (when installing like sudo apt-get install or synaptic)21:37
erUSULtaeman: from /21:37
erUSULtaeman: mostly in /usr/21:38
VCoolioGuest: ok; well then ok, right? that's what you wanted21:38
erUSUL!fhs | taeman21:38
ubottutaeman: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview21:38
GuestVcoolio: i see...21:38
EmanonGnome-Do keeps shutting down for me is there a way to start it in such a fashion so no user has permission to end the process?21:38
taemanerUSUL: ok thanks. How much is enough for / you think? I got 200gb, if you was me how much of that would you put in / and in /home ?21:38
=== iandan is now known as Guest20178
Hucki would format my pc and re-install again ubuntu 9.10 but i cant...i burned 6 dvd and all dont work...installation start but after i put language and install ok , apper the white ubuntu logo, and after 10 sec STDIN ERROR busy box ver.1.31 built in the shell...21:38
Emanonjust make it so it cannot be shut down once started?21:38
taemanubottu: thanks21:39
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:39
guntbert!md5sum | Huck21:39
ubottuHuck: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:39
rob0917what do bots do?21:39
erUSULtaeman: 15GB is plenty (all depends on how much software you are going to install)21:39
nacitarrob0917: laundry21:39
Mike_lifeguardtaeman: 10GB for /, the rest for /home21:40
loshataeman: 10G should be plenty for /,  add swap if you need it, put the rest in /home21:40
KaiForceis there a real Thunderbird IRC channel?21:40
loshataeman: split the difference, 12G...21:40
taemanMike_lifeguard , erUSUL, losha : thanks21:40
Vbitzjoin #firefox21:40
EmanonGnome-Do keeps shutting down for me is there a way to start it in such a fashion so no user has permission to end the process?21:41
taemanlosha: what do you mean by that? I got 200gb to play with21:41
rob0917Can thunderbird 3.0 be installed on ubuntu 9.10 ?21:41
phixrob0917: If you compile from source, sure21:41
ActionParsniptaeman: i use 5Gb for / due to me liking minimal installs :)21:41
KaiForcerob0917 don't do it if you use Lightning21:41
loshataeman: I just meant that if you couldn't decide between 10G and 15G, settle on 12G...21:41
ActionParsniprob0917: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa   use that ppa21:42
=== guido is now known as Guest23037
rob0917thanks but I'll wait till next release21:42
pjfry1How do I diagnose why21:42
ActionParsniprob0917: you can install the daily build from there21:42
taemanlosha: ah I see =) I have like 100gb or something now but I have run out of space in /home =) and my windows disk is like 200gb. trying vbox now so will install 80gb for win7, 220gb for ubuntu (with vbox and xp as guest os)21:42
loshaKaiForce: google says there is...21:43
pjfry1How do I diagnose why my Gnometris doesn't work?21:43
flosch0815taeman: with some additional apps i come up with 7 GB on /21:43
ActionParsnippjfry1: run it from terminal, websearch for the output21:43
KaiForcelosha:  ok thanks...  I see on cnet that the nightly build of lightning works with TBird 3.0... I'll give it a shot21:44
nwillemsHey, I'm having a problem with connecting a second monitor to my computer. Where can I find detailed error messages, if any exist?21:46
=== lenswipe is now known as ScatteredDream
GuestVcoolio: what about grkemmele21:46
komputesDoes anyone online atm have in depth knowledge of LUKS encryption and its roll in the boot process?21:46
GuestVcoolio: i mean gkrellm21:47
taemanflosch0815: thanks for the information. I will go with 15gb to be sure since I have alot of space I think. Use external usb for storage anyway.21:47
Mike_lifeguardnwillems: /var/log/Xorg.0.log, IIRC21:47
VCoolioGuest: never heard of it21:47
flosch0815makes sense. better too much than too less ;-)21:48
GuestVcoolio: ok thanks anyway21:48
phixkomputes: #crypto21:48
nwillemsMike_lifeguard: But there is no timestamps in there :( More preciesely both my main and second monitor goes blank after connecting, and the wait-cursor stops doing anything but I'm able to move it around across the two screens21:49
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flosch0815nwillems: What do you mean with 'connecting'? After logging in with gdm?21:50
nwillemsPhysical putting the plug into21:51
Mike_lifeguardnwillems: If your two monitors are larger than the framebuffer (sounds possible), you can solve this in two ways:21:51
Mike_lifeguardnwillems: restart X after connecting your monitor (so framebuffer gets resized), or set the framebuffer to be big enough from the get-go (so when you connect the monitor the framebuffer is already large enough)21:52
CaneToadanyone using Ubuntu with an openwrt router?  I find that sometime after turning on the router, iwlist on the linux desktop cannot see the SSID of the network even though windows machines can, even when the linux machine is right next to the router.  Restarting the router makes it available again, but all the while, windows machines have no problem.21:52
ubuntujestu ktoś21:52
Mike_lifeguardnwillems: however, you should be able to find log information in that file, even if it doesn't have timestamps21:52
Mike_lifeguardnwillems: Of course, you can always try #xorg21:52
ubuntumam kilka pytań o ubuntu21:53
nwillemsMike_lifeguard: That sound like an idea, joining the xorg.chan. But since I cannot interact with my box after putting the plug in I guess setting the framebuffer is my solution21:53
ubuntuczy system ubuntu z pendraka może działać w 100% prawidłowo21:54
ActionParsnipCaneToad: souds like your wireless adapter in your system needs attention21:54
ubuntujest tu jakiś polak21:55
CaneToadActionParsnip, but it can see the wireless network from my neighbours just fine.21:56
Ash`Is there any easy way to get/install drivers for the aetheros wifi cards?21:56
ActionParsnipCaneToad: run: sudo lshw -C network | grep product     and websearch for your adapter21:56
ActionParsnipCaneToad: maybe your adapter needs firmware files21:57
CaneToadActionParsnip its Intel... "product: PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection"21:57
rcmaehlHow do I fix a BlackSoD on linux?21:57
CaneToadActionParsnip, the wireless card can see my neighbours networks, so firmware is fine, just not the router right next to it until I restart the router, but windows can see it the whole time (??weird??)21:58
ActionParsnipCaneToad: is it ok under wicd rather than network manager?21:59
Mike_lifeguardrcmaehl: Depends what you mean. What is the actual problem? error messages? what did you do?21:59
ActionParsniprcmaehl: alt + K + printscreen21:59
CaneToadActionParsnip, when the problem occurs, iwlist scan does not show my network21:59
ActionParsnipCaneToad: when it drops, run: dmesg | tail    it will give clues22:00
CaneToadActionParsnip, thanks, I'll keep an eye22:01
gehzumteufelHow do I install the PCRE?22:03
gehzumteufelI can't figure out the package22:03
thevishyany ways to off the monitor ?22:04
erUSUL!find pcre22:04
thevishylaptop i,e22:04
ubottuFound: libpcre3, libpcre3-dbg, libpcre3-dev, libpcrecpp0, postfix-pcre (and 12 others)22:04
thevishylike lock it into off state until u click some key22:04
ActionParsnipgehzumteufel: do you mean: Perl Compatible Regular Expressions?22:05
gehzumteufelActionParsnip: Yes22:05
ActionParsnipgehzumteufel: we can ONLY guess what you can possibly mean22:05
gehzumteufelYeah I realised that, sorry22:05
gehzumteufelerUSUL: Thanks!22:05
erUSULgehzumteufel: ubottu did the hard work ;P22:06
lepine2Hey guys, I'm having trouble with Evolution. I can't send mail. IMAP works, but SMTP never actually gets sent over the wire. I have tested the SMTP server w/ telnet and it works fine.22:06
gehzumteufelhaha yeah but I was unaware of that22:06
lepine2Ubuntu 9.04, so Evolution 2.26.122:06
[SilverFox]Excuse me where can I find a good downloader like flashget in windows that lets me put password in for sites like rapidshare?22:06
thevishyany ways to off the monitor of a laptop ?22:06
gehzumteufelAlthough, I am getting this "checking for PCRE... configure: error: Package requirements (libpcre >= 5.0) were not met:"22:06
XodiacI am doing file sharing with a windows pc and is there anyway i can unlock the files that i recieve im using ubuntu latest22:06
erUSULgehzumteufel: install the -dev version22:07
gehzumteufelahh k22:07
erUSULgehzumteufel: libpcre3-dev in this case22:07
gehzumteufelyeah got that22:07
ActionParsnipgehzumteufel: ftp://ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/programming/pcre/22:07
Xodiacis there anyway to unlock the files i recieve from a windoze pc22:08
=== berry_ is now known as berry_nl
erUSULXodiac: right click go to properties permissions tab22:09
XodiacerUSUL: k22:09
ActionParsnipXodiac: theres an option in smb.conf      create mask to change the chmod on created files recieved22:10
XodiacActionParsnip: how do i do that22:10
vsMSudev is tricky. Someone here who knows how to add idProduct and idVendor to RUN script in a custom udev rule?22:10
ActionParsnipXodiac: gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf22:10
gehzumteufel!find sqlite22:10
ubottuFound: bacula-director-sqlite3, bacula-sd-sqlite3, libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3, libdbd-sqlite3-perl, libmono-sqlite1.0-cil (and 92 others)22:10
gehzumteufel!find sqlite322:11
ubottuFound: bacula-director-sqlite3, bacula-sd-sqlite3, libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3, libdbd-sqlite3-perl, libsqlite3-0 (and 35 others)22:11
XodiacerUSUL: uh i went to the permissions tab and it says im not the owner so i cant change the options22:11
erUSULgehzumteufel: in your machine. « aptitude search libsqlite »22:11
ActionParsnipXodiac: seems to be around the line 257 mark22:11
XodiacActionParsnip: thank you what will the option say and what do i change it oo22:12
erUSULXodiac: then you first have to change the owner ... but for a proper solution follow ActionParsnip advice22:12
minderaserI'm having a very frustrating wireless problem that I'm hoping someone can help me with. At home, my connection is SLOW, but other places it zips along just fine. Other laptops here (Windows) fly, but even when I boot this one to XP it's still a dog. What should I be looking at?22:12
nwillemsrcmaehl: What have you done to get one? :)22:13
Vbitzwill ubuntu 9.10 desktop work ok on virtuabox 3.0.022:13
leeping2007Hi there, when I try to run a command "bar" on the computer "foo" via "ssh foo bar", I get "command not found".  However, the command is clearly inside my PATH environment variable.  What's wrong?  How do I see my environment when I try to run something remotely?22:13
XodiacerUSUL: after i do that option it will automatically unlock the file right22:14
ActionParsnipXodiac: just uncomment the line, read the lines above and you can set suitable access22:14
ActionParsnipVbitz: sure22:14
XodiacActionParsnip: okay thanks22:14
HardDiskVbitz if windows vista works in vbox, sure can ubuntu :)22:14
Vbitzany problems i may run into22:14
Vbitzlike networking22:14
ActionParsnipXodiac: its all in that file, the gui is nice but ultimately if you want advanced options like that its fairly useless22:15
Vbitzit is using a PCnet-Fast III Driver running through nat22:15
ActionParsnipVbitz: thats all down to the config of the virtualbox22:15
XodiacActionParsnip: after i make changes to the samba conf then it will unlock the files right22:16
ActionParsnipVbitz: you can bridge the virtual NIC to make it appear on the LAN, you can keep it to itself on its own virtual LAN22:16
Vbitzwill ubuntu mind if i change that after it is setup22:16
ActionParsnipXodiac: they will have different access so yes, you will need to run: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart    to get the file reread22:16
ActionParsnipVbitz: not at all, it uses DHCP by default and will get what its given22:17
XodiacActionParsnip: okay thanks man22:17
Vbitzhow does it detect what type of computer i am using22:17
porridjhey everyone, curious, is there some kind of media player that finds and removes dupicates?22:18
Vbitzeven through a hypervisor it knows i am using a laptop22:18
simplexi1Vbitz: yes its work, i run buntu in vbox now, and if you change your guest network card after buntu install it will be eth1, assuming that you booted once into system with old "card"22:18
ubuntuThis computer I'm on the person forgot there password - I'm booted to a Ubuntu boot cd - Is there any way to reset the password using a Livecd ? ?22:18
ActionParsnipVbitz: not sure, i'd ask in #vbox22:18
ActionParsnipVbitz: why would it matter?22:18
simplexi1Vbitz: you can rename "new" card to eth0 in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules22:19
ActionParsnipubuntu: you can boot to recovery root console and reset the password there22:19
coz_ubuntu,    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13310222:19
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
ActionParsnipubuntu: the syntax is: passwd username_to_reset22:20
ubuntuActionParsnip: Ah - Would that be from a regular boot to desktop and boot under options Instead of using a Live CD ? ?22:20
Vbitzis the big iron kernal still suported in 9.1022:21
ActionParsnipubuntu: correct22:21
Vbitzjust wondering22:21
TripleDubsHello all. Is there anyone here that would be willing to help me troubleshoot sudoers file? I can't seem to figure out why it won't work.22:21
ActionParsnipTripleDubs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers22:22
ubuntuActionParsnip: Ok Coll - Will give it shot ! Thanks so much - I read what you said about "syntax" Thanks.....22:22
gehzumteufelHow can I check wat version of sqlite3 is installed?22:22
Vbitzlook in synaptic22:23
ActionParsnipgehzumteufel: dpkg -l | grep lite22:23
coz_gehzumteufel,   try   sqlite3 --version in terminal  that might << work22:23
erUSULgehzumteufel: sqlite -version22:23
erUSUL!version > gehzumteufel22:24
ubottugehzumteufel, please see my private message22:24
elMariachihi guys22:24
gehzumteufelI have Kubuntu 9.19022:24
elMariachiim trying to install 9.10 on a raid1, but installation fails at 94% saying grub couldn't be installed22:25
elMariachii cant find help on google..22:25
jendaIs there a way to regulate fan speed? I work at night in the room where another person sleeps, and I'd like to make my fan work at a constant speed rather than keep whirring and toning down - preferably with an indication of the current temperature?22:25
LxndrMy Dell laptop (with ubuntu installed) has decided to stop detecting my wireless network, as of last night. Can anyone help me make it talk to the wireless network again? (My roommate's windows computer detects it effortlessly)22:26
Vbitzis there a piece of softwere that allows me to defer a running prosess to another computer over the new work with memory intact22:26
dhendrixjenda:  there might be a convenient sensor monitor, but for starters you can try setting it manually if the pwm is exposed thru sysfs.22:27
dhendrixjenda:  look in /sys for a PWM setting: find /sys -iname '*pwm*'22:27
nwillemsLxndr: is there a hardware switch you accidentially turned off?22:27
minderaserLxndr: I've done this before, and felt like a dolt: some laptops have an external switch that can be bumped off22:28
Lxndrnwillems: As far as I can tell, no hardware switches have been moved. That's the first thing I checked (that's happened to me before).22:28
LxndrI did set it up at a friend's house for their network. When I got home, it wouldn't talk to mine anymore.22:29
ubuntuActionParsnip: Is that a "Underscore" between "username to reset" or just a space ? ?22:29
kantlivelongis it possible to setup a vnc server? i want to use it as my X session..22:29
cptbloodfor some reason, i cannot ssh to my newly installed ubuntu jaunty pc, i have installed openssh-server, but putty just says "Network error: Software caused connection abort" ... any ideas?22:29
Vbitzjust use apt-cache search vnc22:29
nwillemsLxndr: is it still visible on your laptop?22:30
Lxndrnwillems: it is not.22:30
nwillemsIs it showing up when you are doing ifconfig?22:30
cptbloodkantlivelong: Vbitz replied to you22:31
seonhow can i have the codec infos from command line with ubuntu?22:31
kantlivelongVbitz: i was hoping for a headless multiuser vnc server22:31
Bigrobccan somebody help uninstall wine22:31
soreauBigrobc: What do you need to know?22:32
Vbitztry ssh with x22:32
Vbitzor remote logon22:32
cptbloodBigrobc: sudo apt-get remove wine22:32
Lxndrnwillems: I'm checking now. The computer's a little recalcintrant sometimes (I'm rebooting it now)22:32
kantlivelongVbitz: i know its doable in other distros.. kinda like X hosting22:32
Bigrobcwell i used the package manager to remove it22:32
mostaphaAnyone know an easy guide to explain how to edit files from vi?22:32
Vbitzsort of22:32
Bigrobcbut its still in my applications menu22:32
ActionParsnipmostapha: nano is a bit easier to use22:33
soreau! who | Bigrobc22:33
ubottuBigrobc: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:33
seonno soft to have video informations?22:33
Bigrobci typed that cptblood and it says there's no such package found22:33
ActionParsnipBigrobc: look in ~/.config/menus22:33
cptbloodthen it's removed?22:34
soreauBigrobc: You should be able use alacarte to remove the entry (Sys>Prefs>Main Menu) or check if the entry is still in /usr/share/applications22:34
cptbloodActionParsnip: could u help me with my ssh problem?22:34
opticoni have shared printer on windows how can i make it work on ubuntu22:34
ActionParsnipBigrobc: the extra menu items you see are stored there22:34
ActionParsnipcptblood: sup22:34
Lxndrnwillems: I have no idea what I did, or what you did, but this reboot (compared to all previous ones I've been doing since last night) suddenly worked. It's now detecting.22:34
opticondrivers that are included do not seem to work22:34
cptbloodActionParsnip: for some reason, i cannot ssh to my newly installed ubuntu jaunty pc, i have installed openssh-server, but putty just says "Network error: Software caused connection abort" ... any ideas?22:34
opticonis hp deskjet f34022:34
Alan502Does ububntu loose any stability installing dozens of apps like windows?22:34
ActionParsnipcptblood: can you ping the IP?22:34
trismmostapha: vimtutor is a good place to start22:34
Lxndrnwillems: so, thanks for being magic, and for trying to help!22:34
mostaphaActionParsnip: Ya, I've used nano before but lots of people told me if I'm going to develop on Linux emacs and vi would be the best choices because of the features the have, and I kinda liked vi than emacs. But the problem is that the guids I found just explain it's commands and shortcuts none of them explained how to create and save new files in action.22:34
nwillemsLxndr: well thats always great to have theese magic moments :)22:34
ActionParsnipopticon: www.hplip.com22:35
rodrigo_hi, I need to change my network to the new IPv6 protocol, in the beginning have to do a parallel network with ipv4, works well?22:35
mostaphatrism: I'll check it out, thanks.22:35
cptbloodyep ActionParsnip22:35
jendadhendrix: no hits :(22:35
=== diw9 is now known as Redache
ActionParsnipcptblood: can you telnet to the socket?22:35
dhendrixjenda:  awww. Well, lm-sensors is probably your best bet then.22:35
Bigrobcsoreau: thank you22:35
MatBoyhow do I display my encryption key ?22:36
nwillemsrodrigo_: shouldn't be a problem far as I know :) And since google can respond with both IPv4 and 6 addresses i guess the internet is running in parallel22:36
cptbloodActionParsnip: what telnet port does it run on?22:36
jendadhendrix: thanks, I will try that.22:36
ActionParsnipcptblood: same as always, 22 by default22:36
cptbloodActionParsnip: window just shuts down (putty) when i try to22:36
brummbaeractionparsnip: the answer to any numeric question is ALWAYS 867530922:36
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:37
ActionParsnipbrummbaer: not always22:37
MatBoymhh it is possible to print your encryption key22:37
ActionParsnipcptblood: we arent using putty right now, try telnet to the socket22:37
dhendrixjenda:  You will probably need lm-sensors to expose the low-level sensor stuff in /sys. After that, you ought to be able to manipulate the sensors using sysfs or thru a front-end such as ksensors or xsensors.22:37
ActionParsnipcptblood: if it connects we know putty is bad22:38
cptbloodActionParsnip: putty has a telnet connection type tho22:38
LizardK|ngwho wanted the fan application?  if it's a dell, try i8kutils22:38
cptbloodtelnet isnt included in windows either? @ ActionParsnip22:38
ActionParsnipcptblood: try: start -> run    telnet servername 2222:38
brummbaercptblood: if it's like vista you'll have to turn it on under add/remove windows components22:38
cptbloodbrummbaer: ok22:38
nwillemscptblood: Win7 doesn't include telnet client and server as default, you have to manually add them22:39
chris231989_windows "features" in win722:39
ActionParsnipnwillems: wow, telnet is REALLY handy22:39
MatBoydamn what is the command to show your encryption key ?22:39
cptbloodnwillems: where are they added?22:39
cptbloodActionParsnip: but i cant even open an ftp connection locally on my machine either22:39
ActionParsnipcptblood: ae there any known issues with putty and win7?22:40
cptbloodso i figure there's something bogus stuff going on22:40
cptbloodall my other boxes work22:40
cptbloodActionParsnip, so i dont think so22:40
nwillemsYeah I know, but it is in the "installation-cache" from win7, just Control Panel -> Programs and features -> Windows Components(ish)22:40
jonzbccmight someone suggest an alternative gnome-do?22:40
ActionParsnipcptblood: are you using hostname or IP?22:40
cptbloodActionParsnip: ip22:40
ActionParsnipcptblood: are any of the other systems win7 based22:40
MatBoylol, no-one has secured his data ?22:40
cptbloodno, all debian22:40
cptbloodbut i've had ubuntu before, and it worked @ ActionParsnip22:41
ActionParsnipcptblood: sounds like a win7 issue then. I'd ask in ##windows22:41
jonzbccMatBoy: what was your question?22:41
cptbloodno, it isnt, it's just a problem with this single install of ubuntu 9.04 @ ActionParsnip22:41
MatBoyjonzbcc: I need the command to show my encryption key :)22:41
MatBoythere is a command for it22:41
jendadhendrix: well, I was hoping a foolproof tool existed - Since I don't want to risk messing anything up, I'll rather leave it alone :) Thanks for the help, though.22:41
ActionParsnipcptblood: if all the debian systems can connect ok and win7 cant then its a putty issue or win7 being garbage22:41
cptbloodActionParsnip: i made a livedvd from a diff. install, it might also have this problem, but i never reflected much over it22:41
MatBoyjonzbcc: itś the same as what shows it after the first login22:42
jonzbccMatBoy: you need a command to *show* it? is there a specific one you're tlaking about? maybe you're talking about your rsa private key for ssh?22:42
cptbloodActionParsnip: no no, i mean, my other systems i try to connect to from win7 are debian based22:42
MatBoyjonzbcc: no encrypted home partition22:42
rodrigo_nwillems:I took a course here in Brazil about ipv6 and now I'm taking the courage to implement22:42
cptbloodshould i try removing openssh-server on this troublesome machine, and re-install it? but it's wierd that i cant open an ftp connection locally to it either22:43
jonzbccMatBoy: ooh, encryption of my home directory is something I've never done before. sorry :(22:43
ActionParsnipcptblood: oh i see22:43
MatBoyjonzbcc: ok22:43
nwillemsrodrigo_: good luck. It is going the right way with the internet atm22:43
jonzbccMatBoy: if your'e asking for a way of revealing your password (because you forgot it?), I don't think that'll be posible22:43
ActionParsnipcptblood: try running: sudo apt-get --purge remove openssh-server; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install openssh-server22:43
cartwright118Hello guys, could someone please help me - I'm looking for a good website where i can read and learn about Ubuntu? And basic terminal commands? (Windows user and linux noob) xD Cheers!22:44
MatBoyjonzbcc: I know my password, but you can sudo your encryption key22:44
jonzbcccartwright118: ubuntu.com22:44
ActionParsnipcptblood: pulls it all out as well as config and reinstalls22:45
spiffmanhi all, simple question that google hasn't been able to help me with: can you create a bootable usb from ANY usb flash drive? I tried several ways but no luck with my current one22:45
jonzbccMatBoy: what do you mean "sudo" your encryption key? sudo, if you mean as an act, just means to change your priveleges momentarily, not to take some kind of action on a key22:45
cartwright118Thank you jonzbcc - are their any other good ones? As i've already been looking on there before I came here :)22:45
Redachespiffman: It depends on the Flash drive, some just refuse to work with it, what Flash drive have you got?22:46
rodrigo_nmillems:you, and the use of ipv6 should be encouraged in the world... hehehhe22:46
jonzbcccartwright118: you can also try help.ubuntu.com (awesome site) ... and um, hold on22:46
jmyersok, any balding men out there feel sorry for another balding man who's pulling what LITTLE hair he has left out over his PRINTING ISSUES?! : /22:46
Redachejmyers: What's the problem?22:46
krzysztofrodacy jestescie22:46
jmyersMy HP PSC 1401 All in One is the fscking problem.22:46
cptbloodyay, it works, thx ActionParsnip :)22:46
spiffmanRedache: its a surewest 1 GB flash drive22:46
jonzbcccartwright118: oh, the wiki is awesome too, here's an example "Ubuntu Classroom" https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom22:47
MatBoyjonzbcc: no it's displayed after the first login when you set it22:47
jonzbcccartwright118: you can learn a ton on that wiki22:47
Redachespiffman: It's more than likely something wrong with the drive, some just refuse to work22:47
=== rainofkayos is now known as AIX_boy
jmyersIt will print the test page from the console of the printer, but I can't get it to do anything but print blank pages from all different apps in Gnome22:47
cartwright118Thank you jonzbcc! Appreciate it22:47
jonzbccMatBoy: hm, sorry, I wish I knew :(22:47
ActionParsnipcptblood: np man22:47
pyro2927I just installed ubuntu 9.10 and I get "GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB" and so on during boot22:47
xoverive lost the user list, how do i get it back in IRC22:47
spiffmanRedache: ah ok thanks. I'll see if i can get another22:47
jmyersI have hplip installed.22:48
jmyersIt detects the printer, installs it, etc.22:48
singasongActionParsnip: Hey - Just wanted to say thanks again for help with the password reset - I was logged in before on a Live CD as User: ubuntu - Appreciate it!22:48
spiffmanRedache: there are no specifications i should look for? most should work if they are not corrupted?22:48
cartwright118spiffman: I'm not expert on linux, but I've used unetbootin for creating a bootable USB and it was very easy to do. One button...22:48
spiffmancartwright118: yup thats exactly what I used.. no luck tho22:49
ActionParsnipsingasong: np bro22:49
Redachespiffman: I'd try Unetbootin as cartwright118 suggested, but if that didn't work, then it's more than likley something to do with that certain brand of Flash Drive22:49
* AIX_boy wiggling22:49
RedacheI can't remember why it happens with some and not others, I think age plays a big factor in it22:49
cartwright118spiffman: I have used two different USB drives and didn't have a problem, possibly could be just the USB drive you are using, try it with a friends?22:50
singasongActionParsnip: The user is all jazzed - She hasn't been able to boot in for over a month - :o)22:50
spiffmancool, thanks Redache and cartwright118, i'm off to find another22:50
jonzbccanyone know of a replacement for gnome-do or docky?22:50
ActionParsnipsingasong: yowser22:50
CShadowRunjonzbcc: cairo-dock has scooby-do built in, which is similar22:50
jmyersI believe what I need is a CUPS pimp22:51
ActionParsnipjonzbcc: simdock22:51
jonzbccCShadowRun: thanks :)22:51
ActionParsnipjonzbcc: doesnt require compoziting either so is awesome22:51
jonzbccActionParsnip: ahh, i've never heard of that one, alright.22:51
Redachejmyers: Does it appear when you attempt to print something?22:52
jonzbccanyone have opinion on the lightest one? (the reason I'm ditching gnome-do is some buggy graphics when it pops up)22:52
singasongActionParsnip; For sure - got this one in my trusty notepad as we speak - Now if someone else calls me on this I can impress the heck outta of em'  Heh heh22:52
mrec_hi, does anyone have a clean ubuntu installation? I wonder if following file exists by default: /usr/include/linux/dvb/version.h ?22:52
Roypahy how create 1 xhat channel? please answer me22:52
CShadowRunjonzbcc: why not file a bug report?22:52
ActionParsnipsingasong: well you learnt something today :)22:52
jmyersRedache: Yes, the printer shows in the drop down print dialogue box of all the apps I try printing from (firefox/openoffice/adobe reader/etc.)22:52
ActionParsnipRoypa: just join it, it will be spawned as long as users are in it22:52
jonzbccCShadowRun: because, I don't think its a bug, I think its just me being obsessed with more eye candy..22:53
OldSmokeanyone using ultimate 2.5?22:53
nwillemsI have a problem with my laptop(Lenovo S10e, Intel GMA950). When pluggin in my external monitor(LG L1952TQ) through VGA, both my main laptop screen and the external goes "blank", they stay on and I'm able to see my mouse on screen but the cursor is in frozen with "wait"-icon, I'm not able to restart the X server or switching to a non-GUI terminal. Is this a common problem with netbooks or is it something fixable?22:53
Redachemrec_: Yeah it does22:53
CShadowRunjonzbcc: well, ok :)22:53
Redachejmyers: Does it even attempt to print something? i.e. does it sound like it's starting up?22:53
jonzbccCShadowRun: well, maybe it is a bug, haha.. I didn't think of that, this is a brand new computer, and shouldn't experience the same issues I"ve had before. Good call22:53
mrec_Redache: thanks22:53
ActionParsnip!ultimate | OldSmoke22:53
ubottuOldSmoke: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition22:53
CShadowRunjonzbcc:  :)22:53
jmyersRedache: yes, goes thru all the motions, grabs paper, I can hear the print head running back and forth, the paper feeds thru, and I end up with a blank page.22:54
Redachejmyers: What's the Model No.?22:54
jmyersHP PSC 140122:54
singasongActionParsnip: That's for sure - With me Linux is a constant learning curve But I enjoy the heck out of it - Don't mind a bit - There's usually a work-around to found somewhere!22:54
opticonin terminal what is command to change dir to desktop22:54
opticoncd desktop doesnt seem to do anything22:54
jmyersRedache: woops, sorry forgot to start with your name.  HP PSC 4101 All in One22:54
ortsvorsteheropticon, cd Desktop22:55
ActionParsnipjmyers: got the latest hplip driver?22:55
opticonbash: cd: desktop: No such file or directory22:55
jmyersactionParship: Yessir22:55
lstarnesopticon: cd ~/Desktop22:55
lstarnesopticon: linux is case-sensitive22:55
singasongActionParsnip: Well this belongs in "offtopic" so thanks and c-ya22:55
jmyersbad typing, sorry.22:55
opticonahh i see22:55
ortsvorsteheropticon, yes, true. because desktop does not exist, but Desktop exists. Be case sensitive "cd Desktop"22:55
jmyersActionParship: 3.9.1022:56
joshjtlcan anyone tell me how to downgrade from ubuntu-ppa-staging?22:56
Redachejmyers: It seems like it needs hpijs or hpljs driver?22:56
ae86-driftercould someone *please* help, my wireless keeps dropping out on 9.10 on my new laptop, atheros chipset, i turned power save off.22:56
RedacheHard to read whether it's an i or an l :P22:56
AkiraaIs there a lightweight version of ubuntu that's more or less supported?22:56
jmyersRedache: taking a look now.22:57
RedacheAkiraa: Xubuntu22:57
jmyersRedach: another challenge I have, is I'm running on an AMD 64, and seems like those packages are a PITA to find.22:57
n8tuserae86-drifter-> no guarantee that wifi must be constantly connected22:57
Fudgehi I think two machines on the network have the same mac address, ones and other .14 using d-link. is that possible?22:57
ActionParsnipjmyers: tab complete nicks dude22:57
ActionParsnipjmyers: http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/models/laserjet/hp_laserjet_4100_mfp.html22:57
spiffmanAkiraa: you can try fluxbuntu LTS too22:57
alinuxfanAkiraa, or use the lubuntu-desktop package and use LXDE22:57
ae86-driftern8tuser, what do you mean?22:57
jmyersActionParsnip: nice, I knew that worked in terminal.  Didn't realize it did in Pidgin22:57
RedacheAkiraa: or try Crunchbang, which isn't officialy supported, but is a very lightweight distro22:58
ActionParsnipjmyers: for scanning: http://hplipopensource.com/node/30222:58
jmyersRedache & ActionParsnip: I have both of your links up now.  Will comb them for solutions before any more pestering.  Thanks!22:58
n8tuserae86-drifter-> no guarantee that wifi must be constantly connected  <-- no guarantee22:59
ActionParsnipAkiraa: Lubuntu is on the way,Xubuntu is light, You can install a light DE on ubuntu to make it slicker like LXDE or fluxbox22:59
alinuxfanhey sapper, you in the army?22:59
Redachejmyers: It does seem that it is *possible* to get it to work prefectly, so I hope it does eventually :P22:59
=== ScatteredDream is now known as lenswipe
* b0xxy skull fucks Redache22:59
ae86-driftern8tuser, i still dont know what your trying to say, you just said the SAME thing22:59
jmyersRedache: uugh, don't say that.  I will die 5 times.22:59
n8tuserae86-drifter-> they fade in and out.. but because they are so fast, they seem to be constantly connected22:59
jmyersb0xxy: skull fuck me if my printer wont work. :(23:00
n8tuserae86-drifter-> you dont understand what guarantee means?23:00
ae86-driftermy wireless drops out every 10-15 mins or so, this is with 3 different routers at different places, works fine with my other laptop23:00
mataksis there a program for linux that works like deep freeze?23:00
ae86-driftern8tuser, it does not fade in and out23:00
ActionParsnip!ohmy | b0xxy23:00
ubottub0xxy: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.23:00
* b0xxy rapes ActionParsnip then his family23:00
ActionParsnipb0xxy: keep going, an OP will be called and you will be ejected, your call23:01
b0xxyoi ActionParsnip23:01
ae86-driftern8tuser, im connected to a wireless router, and the connection disconnects even though the strength is strong23:01
b0xxyshut your fucking mouth you little bitch boy23:01
ActionParsnip!ops | b0xxy23:01
ubottub0xxy: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!23:01
lstarnes!ops | b0xxy23:01
* ActionParsnip waves to b0xxy23:01
* b0xxy skull fucks ActionParsnip23:01
chris231989_!ops | b0xxy23:02
ubottub0xxy: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!23:02
b0xxyi win23:02
ae86-drifterActionParsnip, could you please help me with my wireless network connection? i have turned power save off on wlan0 it keeps dropping out, however when booting to windows it works fine23:02
ActionParsnipae86-drifter: when it drops run: dmesg | tail23:03
bsmith1is it broadcom23:03
barnesDoes anyone know how I can tell if sbackup has finished backing up the entire way?23:03
ae86-drifterit will work for 15 mins or so then gets disconnected then auto reconnects23:03
ae86-drifterok thnx doing it now23:03
Fudgeae86-drifter what brand card is it?23:03
spiffmanFudge, (s)he mentioned atheros23:04
ae86-drifterits giving me Failed to wakeup, then unable to reset channel, then unable to set channel, it trys that sequence three times, it is Atheros yes.23:04
* ikonia wakes23:04
Fudgeoops missed it, my dlink seems to do somethign similar but i cant check stats since was in the middle or upgrading orca and swapping to alsa when it started dieing, so was relying on ssh23:04
ae86-drifterits built in to my laptop23:04
ActionParsnipikonia: too late dude, s/he disconnected23:06
ikoniaI saw23:06
ae86-drifterActionParsnip, its giving me Failed to wakeup, then unable to reset channel reset status -5, then unable to set channel, it trys that sequence three times, it is Atheros chipset bultin to my acer laptop23:06
cluelesshey guys / gals ..23:06
=== clueless is now known as Guest62867
jmyershrm.. I was missing the hpijs package.  Installed it.  Gonna reboot and see if that fixes me.  brb23:07
mrx0rI have used ubuntu for 2 weeks or so now and I like it alot. I wondering if there is a way of getting the function "scale" in compiz without using compiz. (Scale is the one where all open windows/apps shows in a grid) because I don't mind flashy effects but I realy want scale since it's productive.23:07
Guest62867explain to me what is the purpose of PS2  ( i have read and reread ... still have no clue what's the PS2 is for ..." can someone explain to me what is  ... and when to use it?23:07
ikoniamrx0r: I believe that is compiz only23:07
spiffmanGuest62867: for playing playstation 2 games :)23:07
ikoniaGuest62867: PS2 - in what context ?23:07
selected_fxcan some  body help me to install neatgear driver un this fucking ubuntu23:08
mrx0rikonia: ok. thanks23:08
selected_fxis it posible23:08
ikoniamr_m[a]n: a normal greeting is "hello"23:08
Seeker`selected_fx: watch your language please23:08
Guest62867Ps2  ...23:08
Redacheselected_fx: What do you mean by netgear driver?23:08
mr_m[a]ni aint no noral geek23:08
selected_fxneatgear driver wireless23:08
spiffmanGuest62867: you might mean the ps2 connection for mouse/keyboard, which was common before they were all usb23:08
mr_m[a]nspam city in here23:08
Redacheselected_fx: Do you know what Chipset it has?>23:08
Guest62867spiffman .... i have a Unix book here..23:08
ikoniaGuest62867: could you give us the context in what your asking23:08
Guest62867it's telling me the difference between the use of PS1 and PS2 ..23:09
ikoniaGuest62867: eg: are you trying to find out how to do something, or the answer to a question23:09
Redacheselected_fx: What's the model no?23:09
ikoniaGuest62867: ahh you mean the prompts23:09
Guest62867like PS1="C:\>"23:09
Guest62867i understand the purpose of PS1 ... but not PS223:09
Guest62867yes  sir!23:09
fasrI try to install a driver for my tft-touch-screen but i become a error:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/341489/ can. someone help me?23:09
selected_fxwhat do you mean mudul nhumber23:09
ikoniaGuest62867: well, that's not really an ubuntu question, more so if you're reading a unix book, try ##unix or ##linux23:09
Sannehi, is fdisk supposed to list unformatted sata devices?23:09
* Guest62867 has been trying to read and understand the world's of Linux/Unix23:09
ikoniaSanne: just lists partitios on a disk23:09
ActionParsnipae86-drifter: browse for the errors and see what you find23:10
Guest62867well .. Ubunto is Linux right?23:10
Redacheselected_fx: the model no. of the wireless dongle?23:10
=== Jon is now known as Guest49011
=== Guest62867 is now known as Clueless
epinkyGuest62867: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/pseries/v5r3/topic/com.ibm.aix.baseadmn/doc/baseadmndita/bourne_shell_variables_used.htm23:10
ikoniaGuest62867: it certainly is yes, this channel deals with ubuntu specific questions, not general unix/linux23:10
Sanneikonia: thanks. I just added an unformatted sata disk to my system, booted from another sata disk, and try to see the new disk. Can I do that somehow?23:10
=== Clueless is now known as Guest52139
ActionParsnipClueless: andits UBUNTU, not ubunto23:10
ae86-drifterActionParsnip, i dont know how to browse for the errors, could you please assist me, this has been happening ever since i got my laptop and i need it for work, i have searched google for days23:10
Guest52139okay guys ..23:10
spiffmanSanne: sudo fdisk -l23:11
ikoniaSanne: you need to partition and format it to be able to mount it23:11
selected_fxNETGEAR WG111 Wireless-G USB 2.0 Adapter23:11
EastDallasMattClueless, what's your issue?23:11
Guest52139each time when I type this in  for example .. age=3223:11
Guest52139echo $age23:11
ActionParsnipae86-drifter: copy some of the text from the terminal, then paste to a web serch engine and see what results you get23:11
Sannespiffman: I did that, it doesn't show the new disk, only my old one (/dev/sda)23:11
ikoniaGuest52139: you may want to try #bash - that's shell scripting, there are also guides explaining how shell works on tldp.org23:11
Guest52139i don't see anything on the screen ..just a blank screen .. it supposed to return the value of 32 right?23:11
Sanneikonia: I don't want to mount it yet, only "see" the device23:11
ikoniaSanne: fdisk -l will show the disk, but of course no partitions23:12
Guest52139ikonia .. so this channel is a bit of inappropriate to ask right b/c it deals more in scripting right?23:12
ikoniaSanne: or gui tools like gparted23:12
ae86-drifteri get DMA failed to stop in 10ms23:12
Sanneikonia: it doesn't show the disk. So something is wrong.23:12
ikoniaSanne: was the disk in when you booted ?23:12
spiffmanSanne: hm... same with gparted? no other disks at all?23:12
spiffmanhi mesutcimeken23:12
mesutcimekenplz i need help23:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:13
mesutcimekenno sound23:13
Sanneikonia: yes, and I saw it in the bios. I needed to change the boot device to the old one, maybe I somehow deactivated the new disk in the proccess. Might that be a possible reason?23:13
mesutcimekenicheck the web site23:13
Sannespiffman: I have yet to test with gparted, thanks for the hint.23:13
ikoniaSanne: I can't see that as a valid reason, can you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" in a pastebin please ?23:13
Sanneikonia: sure, sec23:14
mesutcimekeni am new beginner23:14
mesutcimekencan you tell me again pls23:14
Guest52139okay guys ............ is the channel that I can ask about Unix/Linux commands ..23:14
ikoniaGuest52139: this channel is for ubuntu support23:15
VeGeTa-XI have a ubuntu vmware 9.10 question or issue when I close the lid on the laptop I always get a black screen and the whole computer freezes; but I put the laptop in suspend mode it works fine and goes into suspend mode and also comes back23:15
lstarnesGuest52139: this is for anything related to ubuntu23:15
Guest52139i see23:15
ikoniaGuest52139: type "/topic" to see the channel topic23:15
lstarnesGuest52139: #bash can help with shell scripts and commands too23:15
VeGeTa-Xhas anyone been able to figure out why this happends23:15
ae86-drifterVeGeTa-X, mine does the same thing23:15
opticonhplip-3.9.10.run thats what im installing now why does it take so long...lol23:15
Guest52139lstaness....thanks again.23:15
VeGeTa-Xae86-drifter its a pain the arrrsee23:15
Sanneikonia: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m68f887c723:15
Sanneikonia: sda is my old disk with my os on it#23:16
ikoniaSanne: ah yes, I see onl one disk visible23:16
ae86-drifteri know..23:16
Guest52139thanks guys :-)23:16
Sanneikonia: yup23:16
VeGeTa-Xae86-drifter have you been able to find any answers?23:16
ae86-drifterActionParsnip, I am going to try another kernel, do you think that may fix it?23:16
ActionParsnipopticon: its compiling and setting up, let it bake23:16
VeGeTa-XI have searched on the fourm and the fixes on their do not work23:16
ActionParsnipae86-drifter: possibly23:16
mesutcimekenikonia , hi again23:16
ae86-drifterVeGeTa-X, no not yet, its a brand new laptop... i have other more important issues23:16
rethusanyone know a way to convert a mp3-file on commandline to 8000hz mono ?23:16
opticonit just finished finally23:17
ikoniamesutcimeken: yes?23:17
flosch0815rethus: ever considered lame?23:17
ae86-drifterinstall mp3demux23:17
ae86-drifteri think23:17
jmyersNo luck getting it to work that way.23:17
opticonbut dunno if hp device manager can pickup the printer its shared on windows pc23:17
ikonia!pm > mesutcimeken23:17
ubottumesutcimeken, please see my private message23:17
shakaran1Hi, I develop a app for watch streaming channels of TV and radio called Tivion and I need many translators for contribute (any language is good). If you can help me, please visit https://translations.launchpad.net/tivion23:18
spiffmanany quick way to completely restart network connections? "/etc/init.d/networking restart" sometimes isn't enough, i need to reboot the computer23:18
ikoniashakaran1: please don't advertise in this channel23:18
ae86-drifterifconfig eth0 down; ifconfig eth0 up23:18
ikoniaae86-drifter: that won't restart networking23:18
LizardK|ngxsensors just shows me a blank window; is it supposed to graph something?23:18
mesutcimekeni have a sound problem23:18
jmyersok, I'm reading about foomatic-filters?23:19
shakaran1ikonia: ok, sorry, where I can request help for translate my app?23:19
opticonnope and it doesnt23:19
ae86-drifterok OOOPS23:19
ikoniashakaran1: try relevant communtis23:19
ae86-drifteri tried23:19
EoL{s}Quick question, everyone. My system does not have a menu.lst in my /boot/grub/ directory. If it's not there, where is it?23:19
gigataris there a grub.conf?23:19
ikoniaEoL{s}: grub.cfg for grub 2 in 9.1023:19
shakaran1ikonia: ok thanks23:19
spiffmanae86-drifter: that's good for resetting local ip23:19
ae86-drifterah ok23:19
computerexHello guys. I installed windows on hda1, while having ubuntu on hd5. How do I restore the grub? Windows overwrote the MBR. In /media/disk-1 (ubuntu partition) I can see the boot/grub folder and the stage1/stage2 files, but typing "find /boot/grub/stage1" gives me error 15. How do I restore the thing O.o23:20
ikonia!grub > computerex23:20
ubottucomputerex, please see my private message23:20
mesutcimekenno sound in my computer23:20
flosch0815rethus: sorry, the word 'lame' scould be misleading ;-) is suggest reading http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Audiodateien_umwandeln#Lame23:20
ActionParsnipEoL{s}: you'll need to edit grub using the proper method to make the changes last between kernel updates23:20
computerexikonia - I have followed a bunch of tutorials and only come here as a last resort before reinstalling O.o23:21
ikoniacomputerex: check the tutorial ubottu has just sent you23:21
EoL{s}ActionParsnip: All I want to do is set the timeout of GRUB to 0.23:21
ikoniaEoL{s}: edit /boot/grub/menu.cfg23:21
VeGeTa-X«~{ ae86-drifter }~»  what type of laptop do yu have?23:21
EoL{s}How would I do that?23:21
ae86-drifterVeGeTa-X, its an acer aspire/ AMD athlon x2 6423:22
EoL{s}ikonia: I don't have a menu.cfg.23:22
VeGeTa-X«~{ ae86-drifter }~»  ok mines is dell latitude d50523:22
ikoniaEoL{s}: is this a multiboot system ?23:22
matakshelp please.. im using karmic koala and i want to remove the old kernels on my boot list but i don't know where i can find the grub2.. newbie here23:23
ikoniaVeGeTa-X ae86-drifter if you want to chat about your hardware may be better to take it to #ubuntu-offtopic23:23
ae86-drifterEoL{s}, type locate grub and look for a nonf or cfg file then edit it23:23
epinkyEoL{s}: check on /etc/default/grub23:23
spiffmanae86-drifter, any luck with getting atheros to work well on amd64 yet? i have the same issue, that's why i'm constantly restarting my network connections23:23
ikoniamataks: open the pacakge manager (synaptic) search for linux kernel and remove the uneeded kernels, it will do the rest23:23
mesutcimekenhi folks23:23
mataksikonia,  ok thanks i'll try.23:24
trismEoL{s}: add (or remove the comment from) GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 in /etc/default/grub, then run sudo update-grub;23:24
ae86-drifterspiffman, i am still trying, i just upgraded kernel to backports repo latest one and hasnt dropped out yet... but im waiting23:24
jsharpeI can't get dual monitors working23:24
mesutcimekeni have  sound problem and this page goes too fast for me23:24
ActionParsnipEoL{s}: you set that in /etc/default/grub23:24
computerexCan someone please tell me why the heck "find /boot/grub/stage1" gives me error 15 when I know that grub is installed in hd5?23:24
mesutcimekenis anybody there whocan help me ?23:24
alinuxfanmataks, there is a wiki page for how to edit grub2, i had to make custom menus due to ACPI issues23:24
ActionParsnipae86-drifter: editting the file is pointless, next time update-grub is ran the change will be lost23:25
epinkymesutcimeken: déjà vu23:25
alinuxfanmesutcimeken, say your question all at once and see if someone replies...what kind of sound problem are you having?23:25
jmyersAnyone have an HP All in One printer they've managed to get working in Koala?23:25
EoL{s}ActionParsnip: Yeah, I just found a "grub" file in my /etc/default/23:25
mesutcimekenno sound23:25
mesutcimekenin my laptop23:25
ae86-drifterActionParsnip, sorry, i use grub1.5, it must be diffeernt?23:25
gigatarcomputerex: are you using hd0,4 or hd0,523:26
ActionParsnipae86-drifter: yes grub2 uses scripts and gives extra control and functionality23:26
matakswhat's the command to check what version of linux kernel im using?23:26
gigataruname -r23:26
spiffmanuname -r23:26
spiffman:P beat me to it23:26
mesutcimekensorry ?23:26
jsharpeSo I downloaded Ubuntu, installed it yadda yadda, but i've got a problem. I can't get my 2 monitors to work correctly. I downloaded the nvidia drivers it recomended in a dialog box. and installed some X Server thing. I restarted yadd yadda. Now when I start non of the settings are ever saved. I can't get my other monitor to be used as a secondary monitor. It just does not work23:27
ActionParsnipEoL{s}: read te grub2 docs all will be explained23:27
epinky!elaborate| mesutcimeken23:27
ubottumesutcimeken: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)23:27
ae86-drifterActionParsnip, i just upgraded kernel, it hasnt dropped out as of yet....23:27
ertyhi what is the oem editiopn. how it different to the main edition of ubuntu23:27
alinuxfanmesutcimeken, you can try looking in System --> Administration --> System Testing23:27
ActionParsnipjsharpe: try: sudo nvidia-xconfig; gksudo nvidia-settings23:27
EoL{s}ActionParsnip: Thanks for the help. I think I've found what I need/23:27
mesutcimekenyes i did23:27
flosch0815jsharpe: did you use 'sudo nvidia-settings'? sudo is important!23:27
mesutcimekenyesterday ichecked all sites for this23:28
ActionParsnipflosch0815: gksudo for gui apps duder23:28
ertyhi what is the oem editiopn. how it different to the main edition of ubuntu23:28
flosch0815and then 'save to x config-file' .. or soimiliar23:28
mesutcimekenbut still no sound23:28
gigatarjsharpe: also ensure you write the changes to Xconfig23:28
flosch0815ok, sorry, is used it that way23:28
mesutcimekenthen i decided to come here23:28
ertyi cant find relevent info anywhere to explain this its asap23:28
crc32so how do I configure grub in 9.10?23:28
jsharpeI thought when you quit it updates the file23:28
jsharpethat's what the baloon says23:28
alinuxfanmesutcimeken, when you go to the terminal and type in 'alsa-mixer' are any of the outputs muted?23:28
crc32I see all these weird .mod files in /boot/grub that look like elf binarys.23:29
computerexgigatar - My ubuntu partition is hd523:29
biabia2 days to upgrade duron 750 from 8.04->8.10->9.04->9.10  but it went great.  everything seems in order23:29
Rockmasterbikonia: Why do you refer any questions regarding developing applications or help doing so as "<ikonia> shakaran1: please don't advertise in this channel" ?23:29
mesutcimekenjust a second23:29
crc32I can't disable gdm sysv-rc-conf says gdm is already disabled.23:29
ertyalinuxfan its alsamixer23:29
selected_fxcan any body hellp me to install neatgear usb wireless driver23:29
ActionParsnipbiabia: why not just clean install 9.10. Faster23:29
mesutcimekenno no muted23:29
ikoniaRockmasterb: because this is ubuntu support, not an application translation channel23:29
Rockmasterbikonia: Dont do that.23:29
mesutcimekenall open23:29
Rockmasterbikonia: Dont do that.23:29
gigatarcomputerex:  can you pastebin your grub.conf file23:30
biabiaActionParsnip: i didnt want to chance losing any of my data23:30
ActionParsnipselected_fx: sudo lshw -C network    will get you started, use the product line23:30
ikoniaRockmasterb: that is the channels policy, if you would like to discuss it please join #ubuntu-ops23:30
ActionParsnipbiabia: use you backups23:30
ertyhello any explanatiopns would be of help atm23:30
mesutcimekeni guess the problem is about alsa23:30
ertyprobably simple to you but i need this asap23:30
mrx0rwhen I watch movies I sometimes get a horiziontel line that quickly shows up and then disapers. The video is smooth and the audio is great it's just this annoying line that keeps appering from time to time. If the camera in the video is still this never happends but it happends when alot of stuff is chaning like when the camera in the video is filming from left to right (and vice versa). Any known solution? I am using gnom23:30
flosch0815jsharpe: Balloon? never saw that.. you must explicitly save that in your 'xserver display configuration' submenu23:30
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:30
crc32Hey I just went from 8.04 to 9.10 and nothing is recognizable. How do I disable the gdm login? How do I disable the splash screen? Where is my menu.lst file? Whats with all these ELF binaries I have installed in /boot/grub?23:30
alinuxfanmesutcimeken, did you run the System Testing in System --> Administration?23:30
ikoniaerty: it's for people wanting to instlal as oem vedors https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview23:30
ae86-drifteror you could move everything to /home nad reinstall distro on /23:31
flosch0815at least thats the way it works for me23:31
spiffmancrc32: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275 grub2 is pretty weird, i agree23:31
ActionParsnipcrc32: you can't upgrade fom 8.04 to 9.10, you have to upgrade relese by release23:31
Rockmasterbikonia: Its a very effective way of telling coders that "you" do not want them to be coding for you. So, if you dont know the answer, please dont say anything.23:31
mesutcimekennow i am doing again23:31
mesutcimekenjust a second plz23:32
tailsthefox.j #linuxmint-help23:32
ikoniaRockmasterb: it's the channels policy, if you want to discuss it, please join #ubuntu-ops23:32
alinuxfanmesutcimeken, ok23:32
flosch0815but you have to make sure, the nvidia-settings is run with superuser privileges to be able so save to xorg.conf23:32
Rockmasterbikonia: I just changed the policy.23:32
coniaHey guys, I'm having problems coming out of suspend, and have been reading up what to do. I've been trying the pm_trace method, but when I reboot after a failed resume, my clock is correct. That isn't supposed to be the case after a pm_trace, is it?23:32
tailsthefoxI cannot install skype23:32
IdleOne!skype | tailsthefox23:33
ubottutailsthefox: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga23:33
ActionParsnipcrc32: if you uninstall xsplash and usplash you will remove the splashes23:33
timbojimbohey I installed my brother printer driver the other day, but the printer still won't work. It says it is recieving data and ubuntu says it sent the data, but nothing ever happens. any ideas?23:33
kingdonghi folks23:33
ae86-drifterActionParsnip, ever since i upgraded kernel, i get full strength (5/5 bars) for the wireless connection, where as before i was only getting 1 or 2 / 5, what would this indicate??23:33
kingdongsomeone told me that ubuntu was especially designed for black peoples, is that true ?23:33
IdleOne!ot | kingdong23:33
ubottukingdong: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:33
ActionParsnipae86-drifter: the new kernel has something yuo need23:34
crc32ACtionPArsnip: Ok but where is the menu.lst file?23:34
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:34
coz_ae86-drifter,  get serious23:34
computerexgigatar - http://pastebin.com/m6c29f76a23:34
epinkytimbojimbo: what kind of printer is it?23:34
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning23:34
ActionParsnipcrc32: grub2 doesnt have it, it uses scripts to generate /boot/grub/grub.cfg   to make changes to it you need to edit the config files then run: sudo update-grub23:34
ActionParsnip!grub2 | crc3223:35
ubottucrc32: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:35
timbojimboepinky, brother MFC-240C23:35
ertyi am pritty stuck what is oem instalation compared with main instalation please23:35
karma_policei'm trying to delete entries in my grub bootloader.. i have like 6 different ubuntu entries23:35
ae86-driftertimbojimbo, i can help you with brother printers23:35
graingerterty it's for oem's23:35
ActionParsnipcrc32: if you upgraded directly from 8.04 to 9.10 you will most likely get a tonne of problems23:35
graingerterty it's an automated installscript23:35
crc32AcionParsnip: So now grub is no better then LILO?23:35
karma_policei have startup manager but i don't see an option to edit23:35
timbojimboae86-drifter, did you read my question above?23:35
graingerterty for dell mainly23:35
IdleOneerty: OEM installation install ubuntu but does not ask you to set a user name or password. On the first boot the user will be asked to provide that information23:35
ActionParsnipcrc32: it never was23:35
crc32ActionParsnip: I did a clean install and I don't recognize anything23:35
spiffmankarma_police: uninstall the old kernels that you don't use through synaptic23:36
ikoniaerty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview23:36
timbojimboae86-drifter, hey I installed my brother printer driver the other day, but the printer still won't work. It says it is recieving data and ubuntu says it sent the data, but nothing ever happens. any ideas?23:36
ActionParsnipcrc32: bith are decent bootloaders23:36
ae86-driftertimbojimbo, did you install the PPD file? are you using the cupswrapper driver or the LPR driver??23:36
timbojimboae86-drifter, I installed both23:36
Flannelerty, IdleOne: On the first boot (after you choose)--so you can boot and set it up (install programs, configure whatever) before handing it off to an end user23:36
biabiathe language packs were upgraded and i dont know which keyboard input method system to select23:36
timbojimboae86-drifter, I did not install a pdd file23:36
luismendeshello, how can I hear my own mic in ubuntu 9.10? input levels go up when I speak, in sound preferences, but I cannot hear myself. thanks23:36
biabiaibus, scim etc23:37
crc32ActionParsnip: One of the selling points of grub was you could edit the config and just reboot with out any suproses. IE running lilo after editing the confs confused a lot of users.23:37
gigatarcomputerex:  can you run "sudo vol_id --uuid /dev/hda5 or sda5"23:37
ae86-drifteropen synaptic and install brother-printers-common23:37
graingertluismendes, this is a silly idea23:37
graingertluismendes, why would you want this? you would get massive feedback23:37
ae86-driftertimbojimbo, goto brother.com.au and see if theres a ppd file available.23:37
luismendesgraingert, still I'd like to do it23:37
graingertluismendes, in pulseaudio you can loop it round23:37
luismendesgraingert, how is it done?23:37
graingertluismendes, install all the pulseaudio cack, padevchooser and freinds23:37
crc32So Why does sysv-rc-conf show gdm as disabled yet I keep booting into a GUI?23:38
ertygraingert what are oems23:38
ActionParsnipcrc32: lilo writes to the boot sector i think. grub keeps its config in file (as far as I know)23:38
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:38
graingert!oem | erty23:38
ubottuerty: please see above23:38
ertyok i see23:38
ActionParsnipcrc32: you can use oldskool grub if you choose23:38
=== rainofkayos is now known as AIX_Boy
karma_policei have ubuntu 2.6.31-16, ubuntu 2.6.31-15, ubuntu 2.6.31-14, and windows 7.. where do i delete entries at? i looked in synaptic and dunno what i am looking for.. lol23:38
timbojimboae86-drifter, I can't find brother-printers-common in synaptic package manager23:39
ikoniakarma_police: delete the uneeded kernels from synaptic it will then get tidied up23:39
luismendesgraingert, it seems I've already have it installed, how can I configure it?23:39
graingertrun it and look in your gnome panel23:39
karma_policewhere in synaptics do i find the kernals?23:39
graingertluismendes, ^23:39
Flannelkarma_police: linux-image*23:39
trismkarma_police: the kernels are in the various linux-image packages, dpkg -l linux-image* | grep ii will show them23:39
mesutcimekenhi again23:40
graingert!kernel | karma_police23:40
ubottukarma_police: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages23:40
klappikarma_police: search for linux-image but beware not to remove the latest kernel that works for you23:40
mesutcimekeni did my system check23:40
mesutcimekenno sound23:40
mesutcimekenit gave me a list23:40
ga_sk8eri need help getting my video card installed23:40
gehzumteufelHow can I fix this? http://pastebin.com/d16c72a8c23:40
mesutcimekenbut i didnt understand23:40
karma_policety.. i think that will do it23:41
gehzumteufelI already have sqlite 3.6.16 installed, but it just doesn't seem to figure it out23:41
ga_sk8eri have a nvidia card thats built into the motherboard23:41
alinuxfanmesutcimeken, what does the command  'lshw -c Multimedia' give you?23:41
klappigehzumteufel: sudo apt-cache search sqlite23:41
magmarulesGuys i just found out my computer actualy has 4GiB of memory, but it seems to be only using 3. WHy is that ?23:41
gehzumteufelklappi: I already have it all installed23:41
EastDallasMattga_sk8er:  What exactly is the problem?23:41
lostinspace_46When using my hplip manager it says it can't print jpegs. It says it only prints .g3, .g4, .py, .bmp, .cpp, and .cxx files??23:41
klappigehzumteufel: maybe you need the dev package23:41
gehzumteufelsqlite3 -version brings up 3.6.1623:41
crc32So is Ubuntu still useing GDM or is it useing runlevel 5 to boot into X23:42
ga_sk8eri need my driver so i can do the high end grapics in games23:42
ActionParsnipga_sk8er: gksudo jockey-gtk23:42
mesutcimekensorry can you say that again pls23:42
alinuxfanmesutcimeken, what does the command  'lshw -c Multimedia' give you?23:42
* ikonia tests b0xxy 23:42
gehzumteufelAh I will check that23:43
klappimagmarules: do you use the 64bit version of ubuntu?23:43
EastDallasMattga_sk8er: have you gone to System>Administration>Hardware Drivers>and activated the Nvidia driver?23:43
mesutcimeken description: Audio device23:43
mesutcimeken       product: IXP SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller23:43
mesutcimeken       vendor: ATI Technologies Inc23:43
mesutcimeken       physical id: 14.223:43
mesutcimeken       bus info: pci@0000:00:14.223:43
karma_policewhats the difference in memtestx86 and memtest + serial console? they are both in the loader also23:43
FloodBot4mesutcimeken: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:43
mesutcimeken       version: 0123:43
gehzumteufelYep, that was it! Thanks klappi! :)23:43
magmarulesklappi, indeed i do not. And i was convinced i was =(23:43
klappimagmarules: thats the problem23:43
EastDallasMattga_sk8er: have you gone to System>Administration>Hardware Drivers>and activated the Nvidia driver?23:44
mesutcimeken description: Audio device23:44
mesutcimeken       product: IXP SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller23:44
mesutcimeken       vendor: ATI Technologies Inc23:44
mesutcimeken       physical id: 14.223:44
mesutcimeken       bus info: pci@0000:00:14.223:44
mesutcimeken       version: 0123:44
FloodBot4mesutcimeken: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:44
AOCi accidentally deleted the user 'ssh'23:44
magmarulesklappi, is there by any chance an easy way to do a 32 -> 64 upgrade ? =P23:44
AOCand now i can't ssh into my machine23:44
ae86-drifterAOC, lol23:44
ikoniamagmarules: no23:44
ga_sk8eri think i did23:44
alinuxfanmesutcimeken, at least it isnt an Intel device...what about this command 'sudo aplay -l' that is an L23:44
klappimagmarules: none that i know of23:44
AOCdoes anyone know how I could re-add the user to get ssh access back?23:44
crc32So how do I disable gdm?23:44
luismendesgraingert, ok but it looks the same as the sound preferences panel I already have23:44
crc32in 9.10?23:44
GuiriIs anyone familiar with Curl? I'm having scripting trouble.23:44
GuiriI'd appreciate any help23:44
magmarulesklappi, so a fresh install is needed then ?23:44
jmyersOMG, ActionParsnip and Redache.  You are not going to BELIEVE what the problem wa.23:44
crc32sysv-rc-conf ain't doing anything.23:44
EastDallasMatt ga_sk8er: YOu think you did?23:44
mesutcimekenyes i did23:45
ikoniaAOC: sshd:x:112:65534::/var/run/sshd:/usr/sbin/nologin23:45
AOCwhat is the best way to recover my deleted user account 'ssh'23:45
graingertluismendes, yes but it is more powerful23:45
ActionParsnipjmyers: sup?23:45
ikoniaAOC: re--add it23:45
epsil0nwhich is the best firewall for linux? (i heard of ipkungfu and iptables)23:45
lostinspace_46When using my hplip manager it says it can't print jpegs. It says it only prints .g3, .g4, .py, .bmp, .cpp, and .cxx files?? Is there some way to correct this?23:45
ga_sk8erim trying the command that someone gave me & its finding drivers23:45
klappimagmarules: sorry i dont know23:45
AOCikonia, isn't there additional setup needed?23:45
karma_policecan anyone tell me what the difference is between memtest x86+ and memtest x86+ serial console?23:45
jmyersActionParsnip: Redache: I was nosing around in the settings, and it was trying to print the documents from the color cart ONLY.  Color cart is empty, and has been for ages, because I don't print in color!23:45
ActionParsnip!best | epsil0n23:45
ubottuepsil0n: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:45
magmarulesk ty =)23:45
luismendesgraingert, ok, but how can I hear my own mic? it looks the same23:45
ikoniaepsil0n: this is ubuntu support - it was explained to you in ##linux a few minutes ago23:45
computerexcan someone tell me how to fix the grub here: http://pastebin.com/m71e0a5c323:45
ikoniaAOC: it's that simple, I've just given you the parambeters23:45
ikoniaAOC: sshd:x:112:65534::/var/run/sshd:/usr/sbin/nologin23:45
jmyersActionParsnip: Redache: So I changed it to 600dpi greyscale from black cart, and printing like mad now.23:45
GuiriCan someone find out why this isn't working? http://pastebin.ca/171505323:45
graingertluismendes, mess about with your imput and output streams23:45
ActionParsnipjmyers: nice one23:46
mesutcimekenList of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****23:46
mesutcimekencard 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]23:46
mesutcimeken  Subdevices: 1/123:46
mesutcimeken  Subdevice #0: subdevice #023:46
mesutcimekencard 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 1: STAC92xx Digital [STAC92xx Digital]23:46
mesutcimeken  Subdevices: 1/123:46
FloodBot4mesutcimeken: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:46
EastDallasMatt ga_sk8er: Why don't you go to System>Adminstration>Hardware Drivers and see what version of Nvidia accelerated graphics driver is activated.  Forget about the command line for now23:46
crc32So I rememer it used to be boot into run level 3 to avoid X11 then it was disable GDM since debian doesn't follow the runlevel standard. Now in 9.10 how do you boot into console?23:46
ikoniamesutcimeken: stop flooding the channel use www.pastebin.com23:46
jmyersWHY, would anyone in their right minds print a b/w doc with the color cart?23:46
graingertluismendes, I can only point you in the right direction for your crankpot schemes23:46
alinuxfanmesutcimeken, if you right click on the sound device in your taskbar and go to the hardware tab, what kind of device does it say in the dropdown box?23:46
GuiriEssentially I want it to click http://cp.shoutcheap.com/cast/client/index.php?page=control&action=restart23:46
klappikarma_police: thats a special device that i think you dont own23:46
GuiriBut I'm not sure how to script Curl23:46
ActionParsnipepsil0n: there is no best, its an opinio, and an opinion ONLY23:46
alinuxfanmesutcimeken, if it is on analog change to digital and vice versa...then see if sound works23:47
ActionParsnip!firewall | epsil0n23:47
ubottuepsil0n: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist23:47
epsil0nActionParsnip: firewalls are comparable, for example i know th best for windows due to some test done on various sites.23:47
karma_policeis there a way to remove that from the startup grub? i have two memtests23:47
mesutcimekenwhat is going on ? paste is forbidden is here ?23:47
ActionParsnipepsil0n: only compared to a users needs, not all users needs are exactly identical so tere is no best23:47
ikoniaepsil0n: youve just had this conversation in ##linux and you go the info23:47
ikoniaepsil0n: this channel is for ubuntu support23:47
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:47
ActionParsnipepsil0n: this is the same with ANY app and ANYTHING in life, for some people, even living isn't "best"23:48
trismkarma_police: sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+; sudo update-grub; that will remove memtest from the menu23:48
mesutcimekenok sorry23:48
mesutcimekenwhat can i do now for my sound problem ?23:48
ga_sk8erits still searching for available drivers23:48
crc32Any one know how to disable GDM in ubuntu?23:48
ga_sk8erhow long does it take to find it?23:49
luismendeshello everyone! how can I configure pulseaudio so that I can hear my own mic? thanks!23:49
klappiepsil0n: thats like asking "what is better a knife or a fork?"23:49
epsil0nActionParsnip: i didnt know linux has builtin firewall. Ok i need something secure and simple..   i use kde, guardog is a frontent to iptables? people told me about ipkungfu too23:49
alinuxfanmesutcimeken, did you go to sound preferences and see what the hardware is showing in the dropdown box?23:49
epsil0nklappi: forget about best, my mistake23:49
JOKERinci just downloaded ubuntu... and it sucks monkey balls lol23:49
IdleOne!language | JOKERinc23:49
ubottuJOKERinc: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:49
ActionParsnipepsil0n: guarddog is a KDE interface to iptables, its not the best nor is it the worst23:49
alinuxfanmesutcimeken, my profile setting is: Analog Stereo Duples23:49
ikoniaJOKERinc: then don't use it. That language is uncalled for in this channel and not welcome23:49
JOKERinchow... is this better then xp :|23:49
BouncingBallJOKERinc, lul23:49
mesutcimekeni did and this dash is empty23:49
karma_policethanx trism. i think u helped me last time23:49
BouncingBallJOKERinc, install Gentoo23:49
GuiriAnyone on curl? I'm using latest ubuntu23:49
EastDallasMattga_sk8er: Let me know when it's done.23:49
ae86-drifteri sudo chmod 777 /var/www, so i can remotely sshfs into my server and edit files, i understand that this is a security issue, should i enable root login through ssh on the server or is there a more secure way?23:49
mesutcimekenno hardware overthere23:50
jMyles_Is there a way to synchronize audio / music between two computers23:50
JOKERincwhats that?23:50
epsil0nActionParsnip: ok perfect then, i will use that. btw is iptables enabled my default? is it running now?23:50
ActionParsnipJOKERinc: nobody is forcing you to use it, its you using it23:50
EastDallasMattjMyles_: rsync23:50
karma_policei like ubuntu a lot23:50
JOKERinci know, im trying to figure it out... patience right ;)23:50
jMyles_EastDallasMatt: Thank you - I'll check it out23:50
ActionParsnipepsil0n: yes, just unconfigured. if you use a router then i personally wouldnt bother, your call23:50
jMyles_karma_police: good to hear - what do you like best so far?23:50
epsil0nkarma_police: try chakra linux23:50
karma_policei'm new to linux... been ubunting since october23:50
EastDallasMatt!info rsync23:50
ubottursync (source: rsync): fast remote file copy program (like rcp). In component main, is standard. Version 3.0.6-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 341 kB, installed size 704 kB23:50
BouncingBallJOKERinc, haha i thought you were actually informed about linux, if ubuntu is hard then you have lots to learn23:51
epsil0nActionParsnip: k thanks23:51
klappikarma_police: good move23:51
epsil0nikonia: thanks for your time, ;D ... again23:51
spiffmanjMyles_ check out Pulseaudio's streaming audio23:51
karma_policeit makes use of hardware  resources a lot better than windoze does23:51
jMyles_EastDallasMatt: Sorry, that's not what I meant - I want to sync the audio between two computers, like "party mode" - somewhat similar to Abelton or what the SquakBox does23:51
spiffmanjMyles_ oh wait nvm23:51
ae86-drifterhas anyone had any issues with playstation media server running on ubuntu?23:51
JOKERincwell, its the only os i could get installed on here for now, but i kind of like it. im just used to windows... someone told me i needed to not be a "Windows End User" lol23:51
jMyles_spiffman: oh?23:51
gehzumteufelAnyone here ever setup FUPPES?23:51
ae86-drifteri have setup fuppes23:51
spiffmanjMyles_ if you want to connect to a server playing audio, pulseaudio can do that23:52
JOKERinci take it, like every os, it takes getting use to...23:52
klappikarma_police: i started using linux in 1996 it was a whole new world23:52
spiffmanjMyles_ and then stream the audio locally23:52
jMyles_spiffman: Mm hmm - the key though is getting the music in sync23:52
crc32How do I disable GDM at bootup. I want to boot into the console.23:52
jmyersActionParsnip & Redache: Thanks for the assist.  I feel like a tool that it was just a setting.  I still don't understand why anyone would want to print B&W from their color cart.  But lesson learned, and gained some nice terminal / cups / forum crawling experience!  I'm sure I'll be back shortly begging for help getting my ati drivers going. lo23:52
ae86-driftergehzumteufel, use ps3 media server instead23:52
crc32o 9.1023:52
ActionParsnipJOKERinc: exactly23:52
karma_policei bet it was back then.. no gui back then right?23:52
spiffmanjMyles_ yea you'll probably get a delay23:52
mesutcimekennow should i install some audio program to fix my sound problem ?23:52
ActionParsnipjmyers: well you got burned, but learned so its cool23:52
alinuxfanmesutcimeken, you have no hardware in the hardware tab? then maybe the module isnt being loaded23:52
BouncingBallJOKERinc, no seriously, install Arch Linux, using ubuntu after that will not only seem easier it'll seem stupid23:52
gehzumteufelae86-drifter: Cool I will check it out23:52
JOKERincim just used to windows programs. it would be find if i could get into yahoo's voice chat, but im clueless on where to start.23:53
jmyersActionParsnip: I always hated HP products too. :P23:53
ActionParsnipjmyers: some printers can make composite black23:53
EastDallasMattjMyles_: I have my music share mounted to the same mount point on all my computers and use the same MySQL DB for Amarok on all machines23:53
ikoniaBouncingBall:this is ubuntu support channel, not push other distros23:53
ActionParsnipjmyers: hp loves linux23:53
jmyersActionParsnip: I bought this cuz it was $3023:53
EastDallasMattga_sk8er: any luck?23:53
ae86-drifterbrother needs color ink to print black! bastards23:53
mesutcimekenhow can i load it ?23:53
gehzumteufelae86-drifter: Do any debs exist that you are aware of?23:53
karma_policeonly complaints i have is flash issues.. its more on adobe's side than it is linux i'm sure tho23:53
EastDallasMattga_sk8er: any luck?23:53
ActionParsnipJOKERinc: gyache will allow that23:53
ga_sk8erstill searching for available drivers23:54
ae86-drifteru can get around that by getting a permanent marker and write over the cartridge where the sensor goes23:54
ga_sk8erslow piece of crap lol23:54
jmyersActionParsnip: Well, I wiped windows for Ubuntu, so if linux loves HP, and vice versa, then I guess I'll soon become a fan instead of a hater.23:54
crc32How does one preven ubuntu from going into GDM at bootup?23:54
JOKERincis that in the software center or something? lol, like i said, i just installed and am new, sry if im a bug23:54
EastDallasMattga_sk8er: still going?!?! :-s23:54
ae86-driftergehzumteufel, its java based i think, you just run the script and it loads up, no installation needed, just dependencies23:54
xtjacobHello everyone! I've had a problem that is starting to get on my nerves. Ever since I upgraded to version 9.10 my Internet seems to be moving at a crawl. Websites takes forever to load and updates are slow. When I look at update manager it moves anywhere from 1 to 100% and sometimes I have to reconnect and its faster then it slows down again.23:54
alinuxfanmesutcimeken, have you seen this post: v23:54
alinuxfanmesutcimeken, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45299223:54
mesutcimekenbut  first days it was working , there was no sound problem then suddenly happened23:54
ae86-driftergehzumteufel, search for it, goto the official website, its REALLY easy23:55
gehzumteufelae86-drifter: Ah cool. Thanks for the suggestion. Although, does it ONLY stream to PS3?23:55
karma_policesounds like a lan issue23:55
gehzumteufelYeah I just downloaded it23:55
ga_sk8eri just wonder if i should re-install ubuntu from fresh23:55
computerexCan someone please tell me how to reinstall grub?23:55
jMyles_EastDallasMatt, et. al.: I'm sorry, I guess I did not explain properly.  I don't want to share my music files across a network -that's easy.  I want to synchronize the audio, so that I can have computers in different rooms playing the same audio with it in sync.  This is obviously difficult due to latency, but several (non-linux) solutions now exist.  I wonder if a linux solution exists or is forthcoming.23:55
ae86-driftergehzumteufel, i use it to stream to my xbox 36023:55
xtjacobAlso i'm on wirelss23:55
ActionParsnipJOKERinc: please use my nick if you are addressing someone, see how my text to you highlights, tats not an accident23:55
gehzumteufelThat was the exact reason I asked. Thanks ae86-drifter! :)23:55
alinuxfanmesutcimeken, oooh...so what changed between the time it was working and the time it wasnt? did you install any new programs or remove any?23:56
karma_policei had to blacklist my wireless usb adapter when i first downloaded 9.1023:56
mesutcimekenjust give me a second to check it23:56
JOKERincActionParsnip like that?23:56
jmyersI guess before I bail, I could ask in here.  Is there a simple way to find out what ATI chipsest my video card has?  I THOUGHT it was a 4850, but when I install those drivers Gnome no longer loads.23:56
Jordan_U!grub | computerex23:56
ubottucomputerex: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.23:56
=== jMyles_ is now known as jMyles
spiffmanjMyles_ here is your problem discussed with a couple solutions http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/9trcz/is_there_a_way_to_stream_audio_from_one_computer/23:57
EastDallasMattjmyers:  pull the card out an look at it?  lol23:57
ActionParsnipJOKERinc: exactly like that, you can use tab to complete the nick23:57
jMylesspiffman: wonderful - I'll give it a good look.  Thanks.23:57
ActionParsnipJOKERinc: if you add this PPA to yuor software sources you can install gyachi using software centre: https://launchpad.net/~baudm/+archive/ppa23:57
computerex....For the last time, I have already tried the conventional ways...23:57
ga_sk8erjoker....if u have a 2nd pc, u may google search ur video cards model number23:57
spiffmanjMyles no problem23:57
xtjacobcomputerex: what version of grub do you have installed?23:58
lostinspace_46When using hplip's device manager hplip says it can't print .jpeg, .odp, .doc, and several other file types.  How can I correct this?23:58
GuiriCurl still calls23:58
ae86-drifterActionParsnip, !@@$@# i just upgraded the kernel, my wireless is working great now, EXCEPT MY SOUND STOPPED WORKING23:58
gehzumteufelae86-drifter: You mind if I PM you about this app?23:58
ActionParsnipae86-drifter: i can read lowercase dude23:59
ae86-driftergehzumteufel, sure23:59
JOKERincActionParsnip Okay i will try that. thank you, 1 second23:59
ae86-drifterActionParsnip, sorry this is making me angry23:59
jmyersEastDallasMatt: was hoping to avoid that. :P23:59
=== [newbie] is now known as RussellAlan
ActionParsnipae86-drifter: run: sudo lshw -C sound; lspci | grep audio   you can websearch for one of those to find guides23:59
=== adante_ is now known as adante

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