
dtchenphoenixz: integrating often-fast-moving upstream code into a cohesive user experience is non-trivial00:02
dtchenphoenixz: in your case, linux moves *very* quickly00:02
bearbonez_phoenixz: welcome to the world of linux, we do it because we like ripping the OS apart & fixing it :)00:12
=== TuxPurple_ is now known as TuxPurple
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
chuckf_am I doing something wrong? I am trying to copy text from an OOo doc to another OOo doc, a terminal and Kate and failing. I am highlighting the text, using ctrl-c then ctrl-v. I've also tried to use the copy/paste menu options with no better success01:18
philippecomment je fais pour aller sur undernet?01:23
cheekois there any downloag manager for kubuntu like the dowmload manager for windows which boosts the down load speed by 300 %01:36
geniicheeko: The "DownThemAll" firefox addon works on Linux01:37
cheekoi have it it seems to be sluggish01:38
vashitnany body here01:39
coolaleehow do i know my root password? during installation i wasn't asked to create one and user management requires it01:41
vashitncoolalee your account password01:42
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:42
geniii_is_broke: Or in graphical KDE, kdesudo ...01:42
i_is_brokegenii, not me, i know.01:43
coolaleeok i get it when it comes to console, but still, when i'm being asked for root password in user management, what i'm supposed to do?01:46
i_is_brokeits the same01:46
dequireis it even possible to make a Kubuntu install w/o making a root password on install (answering ? from above)...01:59
dequirecoolalee: I think you have to have made a PW on original install for your user acct. it's the same one.01:59
cheekoin ktorrent the torrent which is the top most gets to be donloaded but in normal bit torrent i f ther are 3 torrents to be dloaded all of them work simultaneously02:03
hagabakais there a kde nightly ppa?02:07
cheekoi have ktorrent as my torrent clent whaen ever i put 2-3 torrents to gether to download only the first one starts to download the rest two of them sit idle is ther any other better torrent clent which downloads all torrents simultaneously02:10
hagabakayou can configure ktorrent to download more torrents simultaneously02:12
cheekohagabaka: how do i configure that02:16
hagabakacheeko: Queue Manager - Maximum Downloads02:17
yang_Any word on  the no compisition thing?02:19
geniihagabaka: If anyone knows about some kde-nightly repo, it would likely be in #kubuntu-devel02:20
=== bobesponja is now known as patcito
egoflux_what command can i use to show the location of a command?03:05
egoflux_or application03:05
geniiegoflux: locate filename-goes-here03:12
hagabakawhat is the purpose of "network manager"?03:25
geniiOne would guess - to help manage your network connections03:26
=== sean is now known as Guest19298
hagabakaI have just one connection, and it's been just wasting space there03:27
hagabakawhen the connection isn't working, I can't use it to fix it either, but I can use /etc/init.d/networking restart03:28
=== orion is now known as Guest27292
Guest27292can someone tell me the last "stable" kubuntu version?03:30
maco9.10 karmic koala03:30
macojust like ubuntu03:30
i_is_brokethe last lts was 8.0403:31
i_is_brokenext one is 10.403:32
macobut those arent ethe only stable releases03:32
i_is_brokeno lts03:32
i_is_brokei was just saying03:32
=== Guest27292 is now known as BlueX
Guest19298is it possible to run programs from an external hard drive?03:34
BlueXi_is_broke: how old is 8.04?03:34
BlueXso its superior to 9.04?03:34
i_is_brokewell i wouldnt say superior thats for sure, its getting quite outdated.03:35
BlueXbecause I have now tried kubuntu 9.10 and sabayon 5.1 with kde 4.3 etc and they are both buggy and unstable03:35
i_is_brokeBlueX, some people are staying with 9.04 cause of compatibility issues with 9.1003:36
BlueXthat's kde 4.2?03:38
i_is_brokeim not sure i wasnt on that one very long it didnt like my video so i had to update.03:38
juan__quien habla  espanol ?03:39
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:39
macoBlueX: yes 9.04 is 4.203:39
i_is_brokemaco, ty i couldnt remember.03:39
macowas the first kde release i actually liked :P03:40
i_is_brokei would of probably stayed with it, if it wasnt for the sluggish intel video.03:40
macoheh i upgraded to karmic as soon as i got home from UDS03:41
macoand now that my good laptop is back from the shop, it should be getting lucid tomorrow03:41
i_is_brokeyeah i was on karmic, about the day after the first alpha release.03:41
macothis one'll probably stay karmic just because im too lazy to do two upgrades this week03:41
maco"dont run it on a production machine"? pssshhhhhh i ran feisty alpha2 on the only machine i had. worked fine!03:42
* maco wreckless03:42
i_is_brokebeen running lucid on test box, since the day the lucid change were released. just not on this one..i dont want to lose all my stuff again if it crashes.03:42
i_is_brokeyeah been there done that.03:43
dtchenI really wouldn't run lucid until way after the kernel has stabilised for a couple more point releases03:43
* chuckf_ wonders if there's a better way to control networking in Kubuntu outside of NM03:43
* chuckf_ wonders if it might just be the ath9k driver causing problems03:43
i_is_brokedtchen, thats why i put mine on a test box..03:44
geniichuckf_: Some people like to use wicd03:45
rstob911chuckf_: have you tried wicd03:45
chuckf_no wicd yet03:46
chuckf_but I will investigate it03:46
Guest19298is it possible to run programs from an external hard drive?03:52
=== nick is now known as lazydragoon
chibi-wingyea its possible, needs executable access03:53
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Guest19298how do i set that up?03:55
kindofabuzzcan I install Synaptic? this Kpackagekit sucks04:07
BlueXas far as I know04:07
kindofabuzzand what should I install to do a proper crash report. it says i don't have something installed to be a proper one when i get the report but doesn't tell me what to install04:12
chuckf_genii: rstob911: thanks for the tip on wicd. I'm using it now and we'll see how it goes04:21
r00t__Can anyoen think of some fun eyecandy that isnt preinstaled with kubuntu?04:22
rstob911my wireless sometimes i have to restart my cable modem about once a week04:22
kindofabuzzusing 4.4b1 and now I get Failed to activate desktop effects using the given configuration options. Settings will be reverted to their previous values.04:22
BlueXrstob911: ath9k?04:23
r00t__how do i use the kill comand to terinate an app if kill or kill -9 dosent work? Im a bit new to linux..04:23
BlueXyeah, still being developed but its really a kernel issue..kubuntu 9.10 uses kernel .31 which drops connections with a number of cards especially atheros04:24
chuckf_well that sucks04:24
r00t__kubuntu/ubuntu is the only OS that works decetn with my card.. windows drops my conections 20~ tiems a day.04:24
BlueXr00t: use k menu, system, system monitor04:24
BlueXto kill apps04:25
rstob911yea it is the kernel at this point but seems like they are addressing this issue in lucid04:25
BlueXlucid *should* be much better yes04:25
r00t__BlueX: there isnt a CLI option?04:25
BlueXif kill isn't working I'm not sure how better to us it04:25
r00t__Thank you.04:26
BlueXalthough sometimes things in kubuntu 9.10 won't kill simply because of bugs04:26
shinchan_isnt here chat like gtalk in kubuntu04:27
BlueXwhat network does gtalk use?04:27
BlueXI haven't heard of it04:27
shinchan_chat for windows04:28
shinchan_chat client04:28
shinchan_so any chat client in kubuntu04:28
r00t__Huh... system monitor isnt working either. i mean i coudl reboot but im going to keep trying to figure out a way aorund it04:28
BlueXhmm, log off and log in04:29
BlueXshinchan, you don't instant messaging, you mean chat rooms yes?04:29
shinchan_i have heard of empathy but cant install it04:30
shinchan_dont know why04:30
shinchan_i have kopete04:31
BlueXoh, use pidgin04:32
shinchan_kopete wont work04:32
BlueXsure it will04:32
=== nick is now known as lazydragoon
Roasted_whats up guys04:53
Roasted_Im on my kubuntu laptop. I have a kubuntu desktop here running samba. I know samba is working cuase I can hit it on my mac laptop, yet my kubuntu laptop cant see it. It previously worked, but now it doesnt. Any idea on what I could try? I also ran smbtree in terminal and nothing came back04:53
Roasted_the only thing that came back was the name of my kubuntu laptop, which I expected cause I have samba installed on this laptop04:53
dequireRoasted_: I'm having the same issue - let me know if you get it resolved.04:55
Roasted_dequire: sure thing man04:55
Roasted_it sucks cause I know it works fine04:55
Roasted_gota love samba though04:55
dequireRoasted_: In fact, Dolphin crashes when I try to connect from my laptop to my desktop, which apparently is a known bug...04:56
Roasted_what version of kde are you running04:56
dequire4.3.2 on desktop and 4.2.4 on lappy04:56
Roasted_which one crashes04:56
Roasted_4.3 is solid as a rock, imo04:56
Roasted_hard to believe theres a known bug like that04:56
dequire* 4.3.2 on desktop and 4.3.4 on lappy04:56
Roasted_what if you try konq?04:56
=== nick is now known as lazydragoon
dequirei will next. I'm really just trying to use Samba to play media on my laptop that is stored on the desktop04:57
Roasted_what if you set up NFS since youre going linux to linux?04:57
Roasted_most people say use NFS if at all possible, unless you NEED other OS support, only then does samba make more sense04:58
dequireRoasted_: I did that before and it worked. I just didn't like dropping to the CLI after every re-boot to connect.04:58
dequireRoasted_: though I could write a script I'm sure04:58
Roasted_cant you throw an NFS entry in fstab?04:58
dequireRoasted_: probably. didn't get that far since i installed Kubuntu 9.10 on the laptop. BTW I can get you the bug # if ya want.04:59
Roasted_I wonder if its something in regard to Kubuntu 9.1005:00
Roasted_I wonder if Kubuntu 9.04 would yield better results05:00
Roasted_9.10 had quite a few problems :(05:00
Roasted_but even still youre on newer versions of KDE....05:01
dequireyea not sure. i don't appear to have the problem with Linux Mint KDE (9.04) but that's based on Ubuntu I believe05:03
Roasted_kubuntu is ubuntu05:03
Roasted_its just with kde05:03
Roasted_I dont see how itd be any different from mint to kubuntu05:03
Roasted_what Im questioning is 9.04 vs 9.1005:03
dequireRoasted_: right but I thought it might be worth differentiating for this one point05:03
Roasted_yeah, I understand05:04
Roasted_but the thing is, its the same underlying OS05:04
Roasted_kubuntu and ubuntu05:04
dequireyea that seems to be the likelyhood right there05:04
Roasted_just a different window manager05:04
Roasted_mint, tho based on *buntu, would be more different than kubuntu vs ubuntu05:04
Roasted_mint is a different OS all together despite being "related"05:04
dequireRoasted_: yepp. but i think you're likely right on the 9.04/9.10 being the likely problem here05:05
Roasted_its just a guess bro, but one I'd put a few dollars down on05:05
Roasted_Id be tempted to try a live cd of kubuntu 904 and see how it goes05:06
dequireI'm with ya. anyways simple networking lin - lin still needs refined.05:06
Roasted_it is refined, but the thing is, if youre going lin lin, who cares about samba?05:06
Roasted_samba was made for linux to windows networking, thats where it shines05:06
Roasted_lin lin with samba is iffy simply due to the fact most poeple use nfs for lin to lin05:06
Roasted_not saying its right, just saying how I view it05:07
dequireRoasted_: right, but many people use it because it's perceived to be "easier"05:07
Roasted_what easier?05:07
Roasted_everyone I talk to says that NFS is easier than samba05:07
dequireRoasted_: for some people, or it's all they know.05:07
Roasted_I havent used NFS so I cant offer an opinion05:07
Roasted_but everyone I talk to said to go with NFS, but I use mac and windows at home too, so I use samba05:07
dequireyea try it. it's a lot of fun *rolls eyes* lol05:08
Roasted_I heard its easy, but I have no clue05:08
Roasted_samba can be a royal pain in the rear05:08
Roasted_but theres a lot you can do with samba05:08
Roasted_thats one reason its confusing, is all of the different features and ways you can authenticate etc05:08
Roasted_but with trial and error I got my system working05:08
dequireyepp. my first excursion into Samba was years ago with my 1st Mythbuntu box05:09
dequirehad a win server. got it to work but TBH it was all copy / paste CLI stuff so I learned nothing05:09
dequireand a lot of trial and error05:10
Roasted_I use samba with my windows boxes, they back up to it at 3 am every day05:10
Roasted_plus I have my home directory shared with samba05:10
dequirethe thing about Samba and NFS that hangs people up IMO is the Client / Server nomenclature and Win ppl think in simple Peer-to-Peer05:11
dequirethat's cool! I'm not 100% windows-free, though I do keep an XP disk and license if needed05:11
Roasted_I dual boot, but only for games05:12
Roasted_other than that Im windows free. Its family members who run xp yet05:12
Roasted_though theyre asking me to run their rigs dual boot too, that may be my next project05:12
dequireheh.. incrimentalism is a good thing. then one day it will just hit them... :)05:14
dsilversI need help with a KDE program05:14
dequirei agree BTW 4.3 is stable and 4.4+ is just going to blow anything out there away05:14
dequirehi dsilvers - what is it?05:15
dsilversk3b, I'm trying to burn a video DVD that will work on a regular DVD player05:15
dsilversI'm currently running Ubuntu 9.04 if that helps05:16
dequiredsilvers: what is the issue? burned DVD's won't play on a regular one?05:17
wee_hi, i cant get my mic to work. i have tried to oppen up all channels in alsamixer and tried to change my input source with no luck. when i try to start pavumeter --record i just get "connection refused" my sound card is alc889a hd audio. (gigabyte ma790x-ud4 mother board) does anyone know how i can fix my problem ?05:17
dsilversdequire: it won't even burn05:18
dequiredsilvers: did you try burning at the lowest speed possible (i.e. 4x)?05:18
dsilversthe program was recommended to me on another channel and I've never used it before05:19
dsilversdequire: I'm not sure how to set that05:21
dequiredsilvers: not sure as I've never had a problem with it. But I have read elsewhere that if you are having problems, to set the bern speed as low as you can05:21
dequiredsilvers: when the "burn" dialogue box comes up there is a dropdown box to set the burn speed05:23
dsilversdequire: I found it but no dice05:24
dequirewee_: I don't know as I have not tried a mic yet05:24
dequiredsilvers: What kind of media is it?05:25
wee_its strange, bc i can hear my mic through my headset. but for some reason it dosent seem that my input work on the system05:25
dsilversdequire: MP4 videos05:25
dequiredsilvers: If you know the media file is good, and the blank DVD is good, I would ask on the #k3b channel.05:27
dequiredsilvers: I've had tons of probs personally with Brasero, but never had any with K3b05:28
dsilversdequire: ok, these videos are hi-def does that make a difference? I'd really call myself an intermediate Linux user but I've never burned DVD's in it05:30
dsilverswhat the?05:31
dequiredsilvers: if the mpg4 is encrypted it won't copy05:31
dsilversdequire: I just pulled it off of my Flip, do you know how I unencrypt them? also I have a message that files will only be accessible it mounted with UDF05:33
dequiredsilvers: sorry I'm not sure. try this guide though it might help:05:34
dequiredsilvers: http://www.my-guides.net/en/index2.php?option=com_content&do_pdf=1&id=7705:34
dsilversdequire: thanks for your help, my friend who normally helps me is not talking to me05:36
dequiredsilvers: no problem05:36
wee_is there anyone that can hlp me with my mic problem ?05:39
yang_Hey, I compiled my own kernal and wish to delete it. Is there anythign specially i should do ? or just delete the /boot/vmlinux... image?05:51
=== carlos is now known as Guest17945
phillipHi all06:07
Hoppiyo phillip :)06:08
=== hemathor_ is now known as hemathor
vedguys needed a lil help06:25
vedsomething happened after karmic update... getting only console login06:26
contrastved: !paste the contents of /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:27
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic06:27
vedsorry i formatted d drive.. running live now06:28
contrastved: Ohh... So you're just gonna reinstall, I take it?06:29
contrastved: Or was there a question I missed? :)06:29
vedyea.. but i dont want to run into this again06:29
vedany suggestions to avoid it?06:30
=== sean is now known as Guest23341
contrastved: Kinda tough to troubleshoot without any of the information that would've been found on the formatted drive. ;)06:30
contrastved: Running "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bkup" will reset X to its default settings, which should allow you to get back to the GUI...06:31
contrastved: Had you installed a proprietary driver for your graphics card via an installer downloaded from the card manufacturer's website, instead of doing so via Kickoff -> Applications -> System -> Hardware Drivers?06:32
vedyea i shall do that if i come accross d prob again06:33
vedno i'd enabled it in hardware drivers... but this problem occurred when i updates xorg n related display stuff06:33
contrastved: Using any third-party repositories?06:34
vedno all ubuntu...06:34
contrastOdd... Sorry, not sure what to tell ya'. : \06:35
contrastved: What driver were you using?06:36
vednvidia 185... i guess not many people have had this prob...06:39
vedtried googling it.. not much there... anyway thanks contrast :)06:39
contrastved: What card do you have?06:40
vednvidia 6100 n series,, built in gigabyte motherboard06:42
contrastved: Do you know if that's supported by the 190 driver?06:43
vedyea it is actually... but i didnt know how to install from the tarball... is it there in d repos?06:44
contrastved: Well, it's in a PPA, which I wouldn't recommend enabling if you're having issues, but...06:45
vedyea i'll try reinstalling kubu... i hope it stays stable this time..06:46
contrastved: You might download the drivers from here - https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=karmic - and just keep them around to fall back on in case the 185 driver starts acting up again.06:47
contrastved: You'll basically just want to download every .deb file for your architecture that has "nvidia" and "190" in its name, except those ending in -dev, and if the need arises, run "sudo dpkg -i <packages> || sudo apt-get install -f"06:48
contrastI've been using the 190 driver for ~3 months now with no issue with my 9800GT, so that's worth a shot, at least, if worse comes to worst.06:51
vedo then i wil surely try it...06:52
contrastGood luck.06:54
hagabakadoes anyone else get the problem that plasma-desktop does not start when you login to KDE?06:54
contrasthagabaka: Yup. I presume you've added some Internet-related plasmoids and this is occuring when you don't have an active Internet connection?06:55
hagabakano, I'm always connected to internet06:56
hagabakabut let me try removing some plasmoids06:56
contrasthagabaka: Wired or wireless?06:57
hagabakaand it happens when I just log off and back too06:57
contrastThat's new to me then. Sorry.06:58
hagabakano problem06:58
contrasthagabaka: You might try hitting Alt+F2 -> konsole, then running "killall -9 plasma-desktop" followed by "plasma-desktop &" to see if that yields any useful output.06:58
=== kb is now known as Guest3854
contrastAs beautiful as Plasma is in theory, it breaks my heart how fragile it is in practice lately. : \07:00
contrasthagabaka: If removing the suspected plasmoids doesn't work, you can always try running "mv ~/.kde/share/config/plasm* ~/.kde/share/apps/plasm* ~" - this will obviously reset Plasma to the defaults though.07:02
=== ubuntu is now known as LitGaz-M
Striking7Hey all - I forget, how do I tell if I have 3D acceleration working?07:10
Striking7I installed 9.10 and it ran great, but then I tinkered with a few things and installed kubuntu-desktop, and kde runs really slow, I'm pretty sure I broke 3D accel.07:11
Striking7But I don't remember how to check.07:11
contrastStriking7: Alt+F2 -> "glxgears" I *think.* Been a while since I needed to do that.07:11
Striking7contrast - HAha, I'm in the same boat. I haven't had to mess much with 3D support since like... 200607:12
Striking7It's tended to work since then.07:12
Striking7I thought of glxgears too.07:12
contrastThat's not exactly the "proper" way - you kinda have to eyeball it to tell. I know there's a command that'll tell you in concrete terms, but I forget.07:12
Striking7Problem is it's been so long since I've seen it run I don't know if it runs ok because CPUs have gotten faster or if it runs ok because I have proper 3D07:13
Striking7I tried running glxinfo, but I forgot what to look for in there.07:13
contrast"direct rendering" maybe?07:14
Striking7I grepped for drm, dri, etc and they didn't show up07:14
Striking7I'll try grepping for "direct" - good call contrast07:14
Striking7Thanks contrast.07:15
Striking7direct rendering: Yes.07:15
contrastStriking7: They're not showing up here either, and I know it's working here. :)07:15
Striking7Bummer being that means I don't know how to make KDE not be super slow.07:15
Striking7I don't think it's actually taking advantage of the hardware.07:15
contrastStriking7: KDE is kinda vague. The window manager, desktop effects, plasma..?07:15
Striking7contrast: totally, I understand.  I just installed kubuntu-desktop and logged in - so pretty much everything.  The window manager itself is having issues because resizing windows is sluggish07:16
Striking7So kwin has to be partially to blame at least.07:16
contrastStriking7: ATI?07:16
Striking7Maybe using compiz instead would help07:16
Striking7Nope -nvidia.07:17
Striking7Geforce 8600GT07:17
Striking7Yeah, really.07:17
Striking7Kind of puzzling.07:17
contrastSo everything was fine under GNOME?07:17
Striking7I'd like to give KDE a shot "as is", pre-configured so I know if there are bugs it's not my own fiddling.07:17
Striking7Yeah, everything was ok under Gnome07:18
Striking7BUT - it may not be now07:18
contrast(i.e., Compiz running acceptably well, etc.)07:18
Striking7I tinkered with a bunch of stuff.07:18
Striking7... while drinking.07:18
Striking7 :-)07:18
contrastNever a good idea. :P07:18
Striking7Haha. Agreed.07:18
Striking7So yeah, I haven't tested if Gnome runs acceptibly.07:18
contrastLet's make sure KDE's actually using OpenGL...07:18
Striking7But at least I know it isn't broken 3D support.07:18
Striking7Ooh, if you know how to do that, sweet.07:19
contrastStriking7: Alt+F2 -> Desktop Effects -> Advanced tab07:19
contrastStriking7: What do you see for Compositing type?07:19
Striking7Man the alt+f2 looks a lot nicer in kde4...07:19
Striking7Bah! it says OpenGL for compositing type07:20
contrastAnd OpenGL mode?07:20
Striking7Texture from pixmap07:20
contrast: \07:20
contrastStriking7: Try running "compiz --replace"07:20
Striking7Sorry, brb - chicken just got done. 3 mins07:21
=== TuxPurple_ is now known as TuxPurple
hagabakacontrast: I found out from ~/.xsession-error that the problem was the my ~/.config/autostart/plasma-desktop.desktop had no Exec entry. I overwrote it with a copy of /usr/share/autostart/plasma-desktop.desktop, and now the panel starts correctly07:23
weehi, i have an output sound problem. i was using alsa before and it worked fine, but my mic dident work. then i made playback/recording with pulse pri1 in all the sub dirs under multimedia. but now i cant get any output sound, but my mic(input sound) strted to work.  does anyone know how i can make output sound to wrk with pulse ?07:23
contrasthagabaka: ^_^ Interesting find. I'll keep that in mind next time mine starts acting up; thanks.07:24
Striking7Oh that is WEIRD07:25
contrastStriking7: What are your specs? KWin is still a bit more demanding than Compiz, and it really shows on older hardware.07:25
Striking7This is a Macbook pro circa 200707:25
contrastStriking7: That doesn't really tell me anything. :)07:26
Striking7So Core 2 duo 2.4 ghz, 3 gigs ram, 8600GT with 256 MB07:26
Striking7Haha, hey I was typing... :-p07:26
contrastYou Apple guys sure love to plug that you use Macs. :P07:26
contrastohh ok. hehe, sorry07:26
Striking7Haha, I'm actually not an apple guy really.07:26
Striking7First thing I did when I got it was slap Ubuntu on it. I make Apple guys cry.07:27
Striking7Huh... but ok this is a strange bug.07:27
contrastNice. >=)07:27
Striking7Check this out07:27
Striking7When I resize windows (biggest performance problem I was having with kwin) ...07:27
Striking7I can't shrink them horizontally now.07:27
Striking7I can expand them, and I can both expand and shrink vertically07:27
Striking7But when I use alt+middle click OR click-drag the lower right corner, I can't shrink the window.07:28
Striking7That's a really strange bug.07:28
contrastI believe I came across that one a time or two, but it was very intermittant.07:28
Striking7Seems so specific you'd think it was intentional.07:29
Striking7(obviously it's not)07:29
contrastStriking7: Honestly, if Compiz is still running fine, given you've got it installed anyway, I'd recommend it over KWin. Only time I use KWin is on ATI systems where compositing isn't worth the trouble.07:29
Striking7contrast: Yeah, makes sense, we'll see if compiz runs any faster - I'm not sure if it is yet or not.07:30
hagabakathe "network" system monitor plasmoid in 4.4 is very wide, and there's no way to make it just a square :/07:30
Striking7contrast: My first Ubuntu install was Breezy (5.10) on a system with an ATI mobility 200M - I was scared away from ATI after that :-)07:31
Striking7I'd consider going back now that AMD opened up a lot of their specs.07:31
Striking7Huh. Seems the horizontal resizing bug may be Amarok-specific.07:32
contrastStriking7: Don't. :-|07:32
Striking7Still that bad, eh?07:32
contrastStriking7: I had that exact same idea ~a year ago. Just trashed the laptop a few weeks ago to cash in on the replacement warranty.07:33
Striking7Sigh. I forgot how poorly the KDE desktop pager widgets work with compiz.07:34
Striking7Wow, that bad? dayum.07:34
contrastStriking7: -_~07:34
Striking7Even with the crappy Xpress 200M compiz still ran alright -- it just took a long time to get it working.07:34
contrastWorks perfectly here.07:35
Striking7For some reason the KDE desktop pagers don't interact well with compiz's desktops for me.07:36
Striking7Like, they report an incorrect number of desktops, and the ones they report don't actually coincide with compiz's.07:36
contrastStriking7: How so, exactly? Since ~KDE4.1, it's worked without issue for me.07:36
contrastStriking7: Are you using the GConf configuration backend?07:37
Striking7Hmm. Well when I started compiz it went to the default of 2 desktops, but the pager reports just one.07:37
Striking7contrast: likely. Should I jump into CCSM and change that?07:37
contrastStriking7: Try changing any of the pager's settings and see if it fixes itself.07:37
contrastStriking7: Well, you can, but IIRC, you'll lose all your settings.07:38
contrastI always use flat-file.07:38
Striking7Yeah, well it probably isn't using gconf since I already set my desktops to 4 in gnome.07:38
Striking7so if it went back to 2 it probably switched backends.07:38
Striking7Sad. Yeah, pager isn't working right, but it may be because I'm dual-head too.07:41
Striking7The pager shows my 2 displays the way you'd expect different desktops to display07:41
sysop2is there a graphical lvm utility for kubuntu?07:42
sysop2or kde in general?07:42
Striking7contrast: thanks for the help - I'm headed off to bed.07:44
contrastA couple ieee processes owned by root went to town on my CPU when I plugged in my ethernet cord, and refused to die even for signal 9. o_O07:47
weehi, i have an output sound problem. i was using alsa before and it worked fine, but my mic dident work. then i made playback/recording with pulse pri1 in all the sub dirs under multimedia. but now i cant get any output sound, but my mic(input sound) started to work.  does anyone know how i can make output sound to work with pulse ?07:48
weeim using latest version of kubuntu07:48
dihaehello all07:49
contrastwee: Do you have the pulseaudio package installed?07:49
contrast!hi dihae07:50
weecontrast: im not sure tbh. dosent kubuntu have those as defoult ?07:50
weecontrast: i have the pulse volume control and sound server pref07:52
dihaesince kde 4.4 beta 1 (yeah, living on the edge) it complains about not being able to use the virtuoso rdf nepomuk backend. Does kubuntu include this package, which means it is a bug in kde, or is virtuoso just not available07:52
contrastwee: Nope, it's not installed by default.07:52
=== david is now known as Guest96417
weecontrast: ohh, do you know the name of the package ?07:53
contrastdihae: Good question. I'd try running "apt-cache search virtuoso" to find out (I'd do it, but I don't have that repo enabled).07:54
contrastwee: pulseaudio ;)07:54
weecontrast: hehe sry for my questions, this sound stuff is getting so confusing =)07:54
dihaecontrast: I did that earlier, and it returns nothing at all07:56
contrastwee: No prob. :)07:56
weecontrast: i allrady had that package07:56
contrastwee: Do you get any notifications when you click Test for the Pulse Audio device in the Multimedia settings dialog?07:56
contrastdihae: Might be a question for the guys over in #kde. Sorry. : \07:57
contrast::hand-mouth:: s/guys/people/07:57
weecontrast: no error, but no sound either07:57
dihaeno prob, I was'nt using nepomuk anyways07:58
contrastdihae: Heh, same here... I keep wanting to, but I can never seem to get it working properly. haha07:58
contrastwee: Open up KMix and check all the volumes?07:58
dihaewee: you should probably max out the PCM channel07:59
contrastwee: I've had certain devices mysteriously get muted from time to time. Seems to happen more often with Pulse.07:59
contrastPCM at max sounds like shit on 99% of systems. Good practice to turn it down a notch or three from max. :)07:59
dihaethat does the trick for most people (if I understand the problem correctly)07:59
weenon of the channels are mutet08:00
dihaeas long as it's open ;) I'm on a portable anyway, so it already sounds like shit :)08:00
weeand pcm is maxed08:00
weeso far i have tried to pri1 the folowing in multimedia sub dirs: playback/recording through pulse (with just pulse as last and number 2) and pulse as pri 108:02
weenon working so far08:03
contrastwee: Have you tried the GStreamer backend?08:04
contrastwee: (You may need to install phonon-backend-gstreamer.) Also, have a look and make sure all of these packages are installed: gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio libasound2-plugins libpulse-browse0 pulseaudio pulseaudio-esound-compat pulseaudio-module-udev pulseaudio-module-x11 pulseaudio-utils08:05
contrastwee: Which application were you trying to record with that ALSA wasn't working for?08:05
weecontrast: with alsa i tried a terminal one and mumble08:05
weecontrast: i will try to install all packages that u listed now08:06
contrastwee: Are you just trying to record audio via a mic?08:08
weecontrast: i get response with my mic in pulse08:09
weeits just in alsa my mic dont work08:09
weebut i dont get any output sound in pulse08:09
contrastwee: Right. But what are you trying to _do_? :)08:10
weecontrast: get output sound =) so i can listen to music, hear other ppl on mumble etc08:10
contrastI ask because you may be better off fixing ALSA than Pulse, as Pulse has horrible latency for certain things.08:11
contrastwee: Ok... Did you have those packages installed?08:11
weecontrast: yes got all08:12
weecontrast: im trying to install the backend now08:12
weeshould i do a restart or pulse server restart ?08:13
contrastwee: I would just quit System Settings, start it back up, prefer the GStreamer backend, Apply, and Test.08:14
contrastwee: Sorry, but it's kinda hard for me to walk you through this since I'm not using Pulse, and I usually avoid it like the plague.08:15
contrastwee: Do you have mplayer installed?08:16
weecontrast: will vlc do the work ?08:16
contrastwee: That's generally what I use as a fail-proof test for whether audio output is working.08:16
weecontrast: okay i wil install mplayer08:17
contrastwee: Get mplayer-nogui08:17
contrastwee: And afterwards, just run "mplayer /path/to/file"08:17
contrastEven if that gives no sound, it may spit some useful errors out.08:18
contrastwee: By the way, is this on a laptop or desktop?08:19
weecontrast: its desktop08:19
weecontrast: shouldent mplayer be under home as .mplayer or something ?08:20
contrastwee: And you're certain there's only one microphone hooked up, no webcam, etc?08:20
weecontrast: yes, its only this mic connected08:21
contrastwee: If you've changed any of its settings or run its gui, yeah.08:21
contrastwee: So mplayer is installed now, yes?08:22
weecontrast: yes its installed what command should i use behinde mplayer ?08:22
contrastmplayer /path/to/whatever/file08:23
contrastlet it play for a few seconds, then hit q to quit, and pastebin the full output of mplayer.08:23
weeStarting playback...08:25
weeA:  17.7 (17.7) of 229.0 (03:49.0)  0.8%08:25
weeExiting... (Quit)08:25
weewee@wee-desktop:~$ tarting playback...08:25
weetarting: command not found08:25
FloodBotK1wee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:25
weewee@wee-desktop:~$ A:  17.7 (17.7) of 229.0 (03:49.0)  0.8%08:25
anirudhany python programers here?08:26
BlueXghostcube, if I am having stability problems with 9.10 do you think 9.04 would probably be better?08:26
ghostcubeuffz good question08:26
ghostcubedepends on grafic card08:26
contrastwee: Sorry, that was kind of my last idea. : \08:27
ghostcubeand the rest08:27
FloodBotK1ghostcube: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:27
ghostcubewoha i just woke up FloodBotK dont drive me nuts :D08:27
BlueXis kde 4.3 just buggy or what08:27
ghostcubenope normally not08:27
ghostcubekarmic is a bit buggy what version of kde 4.3.2 .3 or .408:28
ghostcubei think karmic has 4.3.3 by default or ?08:28
ghostcubehmm ok08:28
ghostcubewhat are the stbility issues08:28
weecontrast: okay, thank your mery much for your time =)08:28
BlueXwireless disconnects from internet randomly or freezes08:28
contrasterm, 4.3.4 isn't in karmic by default. that's only in a ppa, i thought?08:28
contrastwee: np. good luck.08:29
ghostcubehi Quintasan :)08:29
contrastmeh, i'm off to bed. g'nite, y'all.08:29
Quintasanghostcube: hiho08:29
ghostcubeits much too early to work or ?08:30
paul_____wow did i just find a chat for linux...??08:30
BlueXhad bugs08:30
BlueX[00:30] --NickServ-- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.08:30
BlueX[00:30] ->> resolved to
FloodBotK1BlueX: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:30
BlueXanyway, I was saying that even the default version of kde that came with 9.10 was buggy08:31
BlueXand my internet freezes randomly and I didn't have this problem in an older version08:31
ghostcubeBlueX: you run knetworkmanager ?08:31
paul_____i love my linux i wish it could read my mind and do what i want............08:32
ghostcubehmm, ok i know its not the default way to do this but try wicd as knetworkmanager makes pure trouble for most in karmic08:32
ghostcubeand before08:32
ghostcubepaul_____: tahts called bionical interface just invent one pls08:32
BlueXok well, how do I put wicd on a flash drive cause I currently have no internet in kubuntu08:32
BlueXor how do I install the package if I can't connect to the internet08:33
TeLLuSBlueX: What wireless manufacturer, model and driver version. Linux version uname -a ?08:33
ghostcubeany chance getting to an cable and then into web08:33
BlueXcause I tried to install wicd and it said I had to uninstall knetworkmanager first08:33
ghostcubecause cable works in knetworkmanager08:33
ghostcubeBlueX: thats normal08:33
ghostcubethey cant coexist08:33
BlueXyes but I removed knetworkmanager08:33
BlueXand I dont have wicd either08:33
ghostcubeno prob just edit the interfaces manually08:33
ghostcubeman interfaces08:33
ghostcubeuse the default single ip settings08:33
BlueXI don't know how to do that08:34
BlueXhow to get the packages on there without internet08:34
paul_____whats the trick to get the cube to work on open suse...?////08:34
ghostcubeany chance you have a dvd ?08:34
ghostcubepaul_____: ask in opensus ?08:34
BlueXI have the dvd08:35
ghostcubeBlueX: must check if the packages are on the dvd moment08:35
paul_____ahhh right you are..........08:35
ghostcubepaul_____: or just in #compiz08:35
paul_____my kubuntu seems to be locked up and i cant add any packages.....08:36
ghostcubesudo apt-get -f install08:36
paul_____well its not locked up it runs fine ... just my add package part seems to be locked up08:37
ghostcubeif it tells you there is another process its daily update by cron08:37
ghostcubenah paul_____ heh08:37
paul_____which is probably goo because i cant mess anything up that way,,,,lol08:37
BlueXI know knetwork manager is on the dvd, but how do I install it from there?08:37
echotoneI run a NVIDIA geforce 9500gt. Does anybody know why after a reboot my computer looks great but then after maybe 10 minutes (sometimes more/less) it looks like an old tv with bad reception? The windows freeze, my mouse freezes, it resets my desktop effects its fuzzy all over. and a dialog box pops up to tell me that the screen is not composited. please restart compize...etc08:37
ghostcubeBlueX: add the dvd to the sources list08:38
BlueXbtw I have an atheros wifi card08:38
BlueXrequires ath9k08:38
ghostcubeyeah but this is made by your kernel08:39
ghostcubejust use synaptic to manage the software sources would be the fastest way i think so08:39
BlueXwicd might solve the disconnects?08:39
BlueXwell, I have kpackagekit08:39
paul_____echotone are you using a soyo board08:39
echotonePaul___: I run an xpc.08:40
paul_____i had some capacators swell from heating that acted kinda like that08:40
echotonemy machine, while small, has 5 fans in it. and i have a mini desk fan pointed in it sometimes also.08:41
echotoneidk if it can overheat.08:41
echotoneis there a way to check?08:41
paul_____you can look at them and see if they are swelled08:42
paul_____on my board i will say08:42
echotoneoh they litterally swelled.08:42
paul_____the top bulges up a little08:43
echotonethat would be a bummer because i cant replace my board on an xpc. i need to buy a new case08:43
paul_____they can replace just the capacators for $35 at frys.........08:43
echotonethats good to know. i used to work there.08:44
paul_____i guess this should be self explanatory but my kubuntu says when i try to find a package ...."there are broken dependincies in you  r  system pleasue  use advance package manager e.g. synaptic or aptitude to resolve this situation"   is there an easy way to do this??????/08:50
llutzpaul_____: sudo aptitude -f install08:50
paul_____thank you  ill go try that08:51
paul_____ok where should i do that...............08:55
lukefeili need a small toll that give me a beep or something like that every 5 seconds08:57
lukefeilis there one in the repos08:57
sysop2you can do that with a shell script08:58
sysop2you want a console beep or to play a mp3?08:58
lukefeila beep is enought08:59
sysop2hold on.08:59
paul_____i should be in some kind of beginers room.... i really know so little about programing....08:59
paul_____i came home recovering from a bad bike wreck and my dad moved out and left me in an empty house with a computor that has linux on it and sys here learn this... i think it was either a cruel joke or an experiment...........09:01
sysop2while :; do echo $'\a'; sleep 30; done09:02
sysop2while :; do echo $'\a'; sleep 5; done09:02
paul_____so all i kept hearing was dont worry its a steep  learning curve youll get there........09:02
paul_____all the books i keep finding look like they are written in a forien language09:03
sysop2just change the number after sleep for the number of seconds.09:03
sysop2whole numbers only.09:03
paul_____so i got this box that has three hard drives that i switch through when i lock them up and a terribyte home base09:04
paul_____yeah i know yall think this is funny i laugh about it too now............09:04
sysop2did that work for you?09:07
paul_____so i  got it running a multiboot with ubuntu gnome// kubuntu kde4,// opensuse, gnome,, kde4//and then amongst them all i use multi browsers to make tinks work you should see my suse running konkeror,seamonkey,chrome,firefox,epephony,and opera09:08
paul_____i really like the opera that is why im in the kubuntu room i hate the default konkeror and i want to get the opera on her09:09
paul_____i would gladly quit suse if i could get opera on her09:10
paul_____i just cant get the dag gone package thing to unlock..............09:10
dihaepaul_____: there's always binary packages of opera09:10
weehi, i have som problems gettin pulse auido to give output sound. for some reason the only program i can get sound from on my pc is wine (set to use oss driver) all other programs (music players, firefox etc woundt work) tried to make all sub dirs in multimedia to use playback/recording through pulse audio as pri one. checked that i have all pulseaudio packages. tried the gstream backend. checked for muted channels in alsamixer/kmix. for some09:11
wee reason i cant play movies anymore when i switch to pulse audio. im using alc889a hd audio onboard sound. latest kubuntu release09:11
dihaewhich have a some sort'a installer09:11
paul_____do i go through the terminal and load those or something............09:11
dihaewee why are you using pulseaudio in the first place09:11
paul_____you got to forgive me im a total moron on how to do this stuff......09:12
weedihae: my mic works, and i couldent get it to work in alsa09:12
paul_____but even so frustrated about this i dont think that i would ever go back to windows.......09:13
dihaepaul_____: just go to the opera website: they have packages for every major distro in fact09:13
paul_____ahhhhhhhhh genius idea why didnt i think of that09:13
dihaelook for 'suse', not opensuse09:13
dihaepaul_____: btw, if you'd like to learn how to program, just creating something09:14
dihaejust think of an application you miss and start creating it, with an easy to learn language like java09:15
weedihae: is pulseaudio only bad ?09:16
paul_____ahhhhhhhhhhh   1 min 23 sec to opera............. bless you!!!09:16
dihaewee: dunno if it's really bad,  it's just that it doesn't seem to work nicely with kde09:16
Goliathwhich is the easiest firewall i can use for linux? firestarter/ipkungfu/guarddog/other ?09:17
paul_____ahhh i miss my kubuntu with the 3D cube     ive been stuck settling with suse too long09:17
weedihae: tbh. i started out trying to get my mic work with alsa. i ended up with a working mic, trying to get my output sound work in pulseaudio :S09:18
dihaewee: kinda strange your mic doesn't work out of the box09:18
weedihae: just had that problem on this pc. all others have worked fine tbh09:19
paul_____hmmm it gave me a binary file that looks like this �}yW�H�m�[���>]�C����e�m��d�x3�&V[`[ƒ����7$Ci�������A�i#]E����!Kk����[�09:20
paul_____~��g�i6���AQ?�H�"�+[��â>�٪�i��iѭ][ټ�g��>����Q� what should i do with that09:20
FloodBotK1paul_____: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:20
weedihae: my first "hd" onboard sound card though09:20
dihaepaul_____: not paste it in this channel, that's for sure09:20
paul_____yeah i see that now sorry im new to this09:21
jtheuerdo we look like matrix guys?09:21
dihaepaul_____: what extension has that file09:22
dihaewee: I can't really help with that I guess, and I probably should return to work as well, haha09:22
paul_____ahhh yall seem like matrix guys .. forgive my excitedness you must understand i live in this world where i have no linux friends .....i  felt really lucky when nixie answered an email off you tube09:23
weedihae: hehe =) i understand. but just quick what sould i do ? skip pulse audio and try alsa again ? i upgraded from the previus version on kubuntu btw, dont know if thats the reason my mic is screwed ?09:24
dihaedunno really, I never used pulseaudio myself, but then again, I've never used my mic either...09:25
dihaewee: usually the mic works out of the box without pulse though09:26
dihaepaul_____: the opera filename, what does it look like?09:26
weedihae: okay, i will try alsa again then. have a nice day at work =)09:27
paul_____not sure what that means but hold a sec i found a diferent option trying a second download ,, one thing i have learned about linux is persistance helps.........09:27
dihaepaul_____: you are on suse, right?09:28
paul_____no kubuntu09:28
paul_____i already  have opera on my suse09:28
paul_____but i would rather play on my kubuntu09:29
EvaLuaTewhen trying to 'make' a kde module (more specifically tags/KDE/4.3.3/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/digital-clock/ ) I get the following error: /home/cristi/devel/digital-clock/clock.h:24:24: error: QtCore/QTime: No such file or directory amongst a couple of other errors of the same type. I'm using Kubuntu 9.10 btw. Any idea how I could solve this?09:30
dihaeok, paul, this is the easy way :09:31
dihaeopen kpackagekit09:31
paul_____where do i type that09:31
dihaejust open the start menu and look for 'system settings'09:32
dihaeEvaLuaTe: did you install the kdebase-workspace-dev package?09:33
EvaLuaTedihae: yes, it's installed09:34
dihaepaul_____: did you find the system settings dialog09:34
paul_____yes but that has stuff like  look and feel and stuff09:35
dihaeEvaLuaTe: in that case, I won't know actually09:35
EvaLuaTedihae: also, I know where those QtCore and the other required files are, I have found them on my system, the problem is though that make doesn't seem to be able to find them, and I don't how how to tell it where to look for them. I'm guessing I have to set a env variable or pass make some arguments, but I wasn't able to find anything relevant on neither the kde site nor using google09:36
paul_____am i looking in advanced settings09:36
dihaepaul_____: true, look for 'add and remove software' somewhere at the bottom09:36
paul_____yeah that part is locked on me that was my original problem09:36
paul_____it says broken dependincies09:37
dihaeEvaLuaTe: have a look at this: http://milianw.de/blog/building-kdevplatform-kdevelop-and-the-php-plugin-from-svn09:37
paul_____then it calls me a moron.......09:37
paul_____sends an electric shock through the keyboard..........lol09:38
dihaepaul_____: open konsole and type: sudo aptitude -f install09:38
paul_____i tried that09:39
dihaeEvaLuaTe: I think the 'setting up your environment' might be useful09:40
EvaLuaTedihae: I'm looking through it right now. :)09:40
dihaepaul_____: I'm off to work now09:41
paul_____wait maby i didnt try that in konsole i tried that in terminal is that the same?09:41
dihaeyou should first try to fix your dependency problems, and then add this: deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ stable non-free to your sources.list09:42
dihaepaul_____: konsole is basically the same as terminal, both are terminal emulators, just like google and yahoo are both search engines09:42
paul_____dihea i thank you though i kinda know what im looking for i think you gave me the  same answer as another so i will be persistant on thatt avenue........09:43
dihaepaul_____: I'm off now, you'll probably find some answers on the net on how to fix those dependency problems09:44
dihaeonce you have done that, you should append this line: (deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ stable non-free), everything between the (), to '/etc/apt/sources.list'09:44
dihaeif you update after that, opera becomes available in the package manager, and can be installed like every other package09:45
paul_____ahhhhhhhhhhhh i think it worked i copied and pasted that in there and it says that it didnt like sun java..... and i remember that was what i loaded when it went bad......09:47
paul_____current status "0" broken yyyyeeeaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!   look at that yall have withnessed the first time that i have used the terminal for anything...... now i know yall got to think thats funny.............09:48
paul_____ooooohhhhhhhhh  yeah i can get new packages now  yes yes yes im on my kubuntu agian yes !!!!! the linux cherry is broken now ive done something with terminal!!!!!09:51
kriss3dDang. Having a problem with Wow.. I cant run the new patch .exe file it tells me it cant run the application for some reason.. its about as useful a message as the windows error messages10:19
bullgard[Karmic] K3b Version 1.68.0 > Help > "Error KDE Help Center; The file or folder help:/k3b/index.html does not exist." How to access the KDE User's Manual?10:21
mUrshEdi wan to need how to use KUBUNTU in a server10:23
=== adriano is now known as Jena
AlexanderSupertrnoob issue:10:40
AlexanderSupertrhow do i rearrange order of widgets on default panel?10:40
rorkAlexanderSupertr: right click the panel > Panel Options > Add widgets, hover a widget and you can move it10:45
rorkAlexanderSupertr: right click the panel > Panel Options > Panel Settings, hover a widget and you can move it10:46
bullgard[Karmic] K3b Version 1.68.0 > Help > "Error KDE Help Center; The file or folder help:/k3b/index.html does not exist." How to access the k3b User's Manual?10:46
AlexanderSupertrrork: thanks a lot.10:48
rorkAlexanderSupertr: you're welcome10:48
||arifaXwhat is the difference between a gsm connection and a cdma connection in knetwork-manager? I want to use my umts-stick and I find it nice that it is supported without additional driver10:50
AlexanderSupertr||arifaX: GSM and CDMA are two different mobile standards. Check which one is used by stick.. It depends on the mobile operator.10:54
||arifaXAlexanderSupertr: I see10:55
AlexanderSupertrGermany operates on GSM10:58
=== steveire_ is now known as steveire
steveireI've just done sudo aptitude install libhibernate3-java{,-doc}. How do I read the docs now? Where are they?11:13
rorksteveire: /usr/share/doc/libhibernate3-java-doc/index.html11:17
AlexanderSupertrsteveire: it should be available in devhelp index i guess11:18
steveireNever heard of devhelp, but getting it now. Thanks.11:20
AlexanderSupertrsteveire: type "devhelp" in terminal and hit enter.11:24
steveireAlexanderSupertr: Looks like a gtk version of khelpcenter11:26
steveireI don't know how to add the new docs to it, so I'll just use konqueror as sugested.11:27
AlexanderSupertrsteveire: oh...it's native gnome thing. not very relevant in channel #kubuntu :)11:34
dfxhi all11:36
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Goliath i removed a package and this caused some additional things to be removed ( no needed dependancies i installed) but i dont know which one i actually need so i can reinstall it. take a look and tell me if any of those is need it standalone... .http://pastebin.com/m732b477d12:44
Goliathwhat of those where present in the original kubuntu installation?12:45
Goliathops!| SIGMAX_ BAN EVADE12:58
DTsanfirst i have a possibly dump question not entirely related to linux: can a telnet client be used to connect to IRC?13:21
=== MarkieMark1_ is now known as MarkieMark1
DTsanmy main concern is trying to install a program to wine. frst issue is getting the exe file to run. what's the terminal command for that?13:26
Piciwine yourprogram.exe13:26
DTsanok thanks13:27
DTsantrying now13:27
DTsanok, i need to remove and reinstall a program, but it's not letting me do it13:29
DTsanhave alot of crap it won't let me remove actually, anyway to just flush it all out in one shot?13:30
PiciDTsan: What 'crap' are you referring to? Packages you've installed?13:31
DTsanwine programs i tried to run and either don't or my computer can't handle well13:32
PiciDTsan: I think that Wine might provide some sort of uninstall program, but to be sure you could always ask in #winehq , that is their official channel.13:33
DTsanahh ok13:33
DTsanwne does have an unilstall program, but it's not working for the one program i need to get out13:33
DTsanwill ask in there tho13:33
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BluesKajhowdy folks13:59
weehi, where can i get the newest 64bit flash as .deb ? ihave tryed adobe, but i cant choose 64bit from their downloader14:18
funcrushwhat packages I need when i sync with iPhone???14:21
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod14:28
funcrushtsimpson: thanks :)14:32
tech404I have a Dell E6400 Laptop and while most of the stuff worked out of the box I still need some help with a couple of things... First, when I have my laptop in the dock it is connected to 2 screens. It has a Nvidia card. I have the Nvidia driver installed from the repo but compositing only works in the built in display.14:35
shadeslayeranyone with working nepomuk in 4.4?14:41
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shadeslayersoee: hey14:48
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zosoHi! I'm unable to get the prntscr button working14:54
zosoI have checked the setup in xhotkeys, the mapping seem to be correct14:55
zosoevery time I need a screenshot, I have to manually start Kscreenshot from the k menu14:55
zosoThis was never a problem in gnome14:55
zosoDoes anybody have a clue?14:56
=== m__ is now known as v6lur
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:59
||arifaXhow can I open "konsole" and let it then open an ssh session? in one command?14:59
zoso||arifaX: have you tried ctrl+F2 and then type ssh <address> ?15:04
||arifaXzoso: I want to use an ssh wrapper in firefox and write my own script in between. I think I found it, it is konsole -e command15:04
zoso||arifaX: OK :)15:05
frybyeHi - I have a problem with wrong flash player and or wrong nvidia driver for the flash player installed... would sombody walk me thru fixing this methodically. Just installing latest nvidia driver did not work - the latest ones do not like my new evga gt240 grafic card somehow...?15:08
frybyeorry - I am in wrong # - forget it pse...15:09
tyrnovпосоветуйте клиент irc а то чет все не удобные или по англ все хочется на русском15:11
tyrnovконверсион вроде не че но на англиском15:13
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:14
kalinuxbonjour il y a des français par ici ?15:14
Pici!fr | kalinux15:14
ubottukalinux: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:14
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about couchdb15:21
cH40zLordis there any package available for the latest kubuntu that supports the ASUS EEE T91 touchscreen ?15:27
bigbrovar__hey guys am running kubuntu karmic and using the ayanata notification. however am unable to accept bluetooth request because ayanata doesnt allow clicking to accept, is there a way i can set it to use the knotify?15:35
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit15:40
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antlarranybody knows why is kdebase-workspace-dev 4.3.3 not in the repositories?15:48
antlarr(nor in ppa)15:49
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit15:51
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JuJuBeeIm using Jaunty still, how can I upgrade Amarrok to the newest release?16:01
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simo_hello k-world16:08
simo_i wanna install a effect 3D to my desktop16:08
simo_any body help me ?16:09
NakkelInstalled 4.4b1 packages and having some problems with Kontact. > Cannot load part for Calendar. Could not find plugin 'korganizerpart' for application 'kontact'16:11
NakkelCommon or just me? :P16:11
NakkelTried to reinstall but doesnt change.16:11
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Daskreechsimo_: What effect?16:15
BluesKajtrying out quassell again , konversation kept dropping the server16:16
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mwhello everybody. i just started strigi/nepomuk and they did the indexing. but, how do i search now? i cannot find a strigi client wicht should be preinstalled... using kubuntu karmic btw.16:16
DaskreeCHNakkel: Not heard of it before16:17
DaskreeCHLets see16:17
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DaskreeCHBluesKaj: The servers are under attack. Possibly it's the server dropping?16:18
DaskreeCHmw: The Search in dolphin is a strigi search16:18
mwDaskreeCH: aaah ok thanks16:19
DaskreeCHNakkel: I got TODO list cannot be loaded16:19
DaskreeCHapparently there is something going on there16:19
DaskreeCHNakkel: Can You open korganizer by itself?16:19
NakkelDaskreeCH: Yes, by itself it works.16:21
mwDaskreeCH: the dolphn search tells me it depends on slocate, wich has to be updated via updatedb. not a word about strigi. are you very sure with that?16:21
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DaskreeCHNakkel: OK thanks16:22
DaskreeCHmw: Ahmmm Wait I'm on KDE 4.4 sorry :)16:23
DaskreeCHWhy won't they stop attacking Freenode?16:23
BluesKajhmm, I like quassel a lot better now that it has some more configurable options16:24
DaskreeCHBluesKaj: Ha of course :)16:24
mwDaskreeCH: ok, kde 4.3 here. another weird thing: i wanted to install the package strigi-client. this also install strigi-daemon wich is NOT installed yet, but can be enabled in system settings o0 and, it did something, at least it told me that it did index the files16:24
BluesKajDaskreeCH:  it was hopeless yesterday ...netsplits all morning16:24
DaskreeCHmw: ok in the URL bar for dolphin type in nepomuksearch:/16:24
motownif i want to update kde 4.3.4 > 4.4 do i need to remove backports ppa? or just added deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/beta/ubuntu karmic main ?16:25
DaskreeCHBluesKaj: They started the attacks again expect it all of today as well16:26
mwDaskreeCH: ok, that tells me recently used files. but that still is no search :P and, also, it is not very noob-friendly. i am using linux for years now and had to search :P16:26
DaskreeCHmotown: You don't need to but it's probably wise to.16:26
DaskreeCHmotown: KDE 4.4 is a beta so install it if you are willing to report bugs16:26
DaskreeCHWhen it's stable it will move to the backports repo16:27
BluesKajDaskreeCH:  aha , that could be why I was dropped on the hubbard server16:27
BluesKajmw:   http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.4-beta1.php16:30
motownDaskreeCH, ok, i only use my pc for openoffice, playing audio/video, browsing, and torrent so is it wise if i move to kde 4.4?16:30
mwBluesKaj: thanks, but i had enough trouble brining the stable kde4.3 to live on an older hp notebook. happy enough, dont want to upgrade now ;)16:30
BluesKajmw:  cool , cuz 4.4 is still buggy , and it's worse on lucid :P16:31
mwyep. so i dont want to try it now ;)16:32
BluesKajright, gotcha16:32
mwor, at least, not just because of strigi16:32
mwok, gonne go to work now. will examine this later. thanks so far everybody16:33
BluesKajwell, time for my daily walk ...think I'll go over to the main post office and mail some local Christmas cards16:34
DaskreeCHNepomuk is not for noobs currently16:35
DaskreeCHmotown: as I said if you are willing to report bugs :)16:36
BluesKajDaskreeCH:  how does one mark oneself away in quassel ?16:37
* BluesKaj searches for options16:38
ubottuYou should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»16:38
DaskreeCHYes I know it's ironic as all hell out to invoke that on today of all days16:38
BluesKajDaskreeCH:  in the server textbox ?16:38
BluesKajok gotit16:39
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motownDaskreeCH, ok16:41
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vigilaitвсем привет. Есть кто нибудь не слишком занятой?17:00
maco!ru | vigilait17:00
ubottuvigilait: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:00
ico2what's the default quassel account name in kubuntu? ie: if i run quassel -p 4242, what details should i connect with?17:10
daskreechico2: It's whatever your username is for the computer17:12
ico2oh, ok17:12
=== astra is now known as Guest24770
[GuS]Hi guys, since i've installed kde4.4 from ppa, konversation is using 100% of my CPU. Anyone knows the problem?17:12
macoi think you just stated it17:13
||arifaX_is there an option to group applications like in ms win 6+117:19
* ||arifaX_ ||arifaX17:19
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maco||arifaX: can you explain that for those of us who've never used anything newer than xp?17:20
||arifaXmaco: sorry, It already works - damn I am so stupid17:21
macoheh ok17:21
macoi'd guess you're not stupid though :P17:22
||arifaXmaco: well being online with kde on a brand new notebook with usb gprs might tell so :)17:22
BluesKajahhh, nice fresh air ...good for the lungs and bloodstream17:22
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phant0m_could someone explain to me exactly what it is that i do with firestarter firewall once it indicates something serious pls?17:29
daskreechphant0m_: investigate17:32
vigilaithelp me please. I try to install VLc. Its writtten no vlc-plugin-esd17:32
phant0m_yes but im a little unsure as to what exactly im looking for17:32
daskreechphant0m_: Depends on what the warning is about17:34
phant0m_alot of the time its icmp17:34
phant0m_or whois17:34
vigilaithelp me please. I try to install VLc. Its writtten no vlc-plugin-esd, What is the problem? what is it?17:34
phant0m_alos traceroute17:34
daskreechphant0m_: those are fairly normal unless they consistently come from the same server17:35
daskreechvigilait: how are you installing it?17:35
vigilaitsudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd mozilla-plugin-vlc libdvdcss217:35
phant0m_right so when i get too much traffic from the same server its then something i should look into17:35
daskreechvigilait: Remover vlic-plugin-esd17:36
vigilaitjust sudo apt-get install vlc mozilla-plugin-vlc libdvdcss217:36
daskreechphant0m_: yes I would say so most programs send out a icmp (a ping) to find out if a server is live17:36
phant0m_right do you have a guide as to what i should do when this occurs17:37
daskreech hundreds of bots and hacker programs do icmp ping sweeps of all possible IP blocks to find open servers17:37
daskreechso once your IP is reachable you will get thousands of ping requests a day17:37
phant0m_so then i just get the ip and block?17:39
avihayvigilait: you don't usually need vlc-plugin-esd17:39
vigilaitwill try)17:39
avihaymake sure you have all the standard repositories enabled reload your package database and search for vlc again17:40
vigilaiti've instolled) But where is i now?%)))17:42
macohit alt+f2 and type vlc17:42
daskreechphant0m_: Yep17:43
daskreechvigilait: alt+F2 -> type vlc17:44
phant0m_ok another issue thats bugging me is how to uninstall the freenet program i installed manually17:44
daskreechvigilait: type vlc on the command line thn17:44
macovigilait: didnt bring up a krunner box? bah. ok open the menu and try typing vlc into the search boxx17:44
macoor "video" maybe and itll be video lan client17:45
daskreechphant0m_: you uninstall the same wat you installed it17:45
phant0m_it wasnt installed via synaptic17:45
daskreechmaco: won't be indexed till the runner refreshes or krunnner gets restarted17:45
phant0m_it was installed using java17:45
macodaskreech: oh. i thought it was more real-timey17:45
vigilaitwill i am going to reboot17:46
macophant0m_: check the README then17:46
daskreechmaco: it is kinda realtimey but not uberish real timey17:46
phant0m_ok ty17:47
daskreechphant0m_: if it starts attempting login attempts you may want to put a general limiter on login attempts17:49
daskreechblocking the IP will likely just make them move the IP and start an assault again17:49
phant0m_right ok how do i limit login attempt17:51
vigilaitthz alot, steel dont have VLC but i fixed another serious problem!17:52
RiddellKubuntu meeting in 5 minutes in #kubuntu-devel on irc.oftc.net (not this irc network)17:54
phant0m_how do i uninstall this program im in the terminal and have used ls to show the files but when i try to execute the fils it gives an error17:59
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BluesKajdaskreech, lost the nicklist, toolbar or serverbar in quassel and there's no obvious option to get it back..whats the method to recover those options?18:27
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vicky_hi, all. is anyone familiar with this error:18:51
vicky_x-terminal-emulator: Fatal IO error: client killed18:51
vicky_kDebugStream called after destruction (from virtual Konsole::SessionManager::~SessionManager() file ../../../../apps/konsole/src/SessionManager.cpp line 301)18:51
vicky_Konsole SessionManager destroyed with sessions still alive18:51
FloodBotK1vicky_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:51
vicky_it is from .xsession-errors file18:51
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daskreechBluesKaj: Sorry very distracted right now. Can you check in #quassel they are very friendly there18:58
BluesKajtoo late , i got too frustrated trying to connect another server that wouldn't show up in server list ...who writes these apps anyway ... certainly doesn't seem user friendly to me19:00
s2rhello everybody. Could anybody be so kind to tell me what's the name of the partition manager KDE install disc uses? I'm trying to run manually from the Cd but I can't find it.19:06
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reisis2r: parted or qparted or something like that19:07
reisis2r: not sure if it's as an executable there; you can find it in grml-small for example, if you just need to do maintenance19:08
s2rreisi: grml-small?19:08
reisis2r: *ubuntu live cd's are not good/designed for that sort of maintenance;19:08
s2rreisi: I just need to resize an existing ntfs partition.19:09
reisis2r: grml is debian based live cd distribution, i use it always when i need to rescue an hd, and stuff like that19:09
reisis2r: for that, you use ntfsresize19:09
s2rreisi: Ok, thanks. I will checkit out. Also I found that there's a kpartiion-manager live cd @ sourcefor.19:09
s2rreisi: sourceforge19:10
s2rreisi: from kubuntu?19:10
reisis2r: but i'd recommend getting to know grml or any other tool like it; it has almost every maintenance tool you can imagine of (even in the small version)19:10
s2rreisi: ok, thank's again.19:11
reisis2r: same program, every distribution; however i think you are trying to find more graphical solution, grml is great if you know your way around the console (small version includes no graphical environment)19:11
reisis2r: but the larger versions of grml do contain what you need (graphical partition programs)19:12
reisis2r: go over to #grml and ask there, describing what you need to do19:13
s2rreisi: console would be fine.19:14
reisis2r: grml it is then, the small one downloads fast; good luck and remember #grml :)19:15
s2rreisi: just downloaded the iso, thanks. I will try it right now.19:16
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kushali am in trouble.... my synaptic package manager doesnt open... it says bus error... kubuntu desktop is also not opening.... help19:27
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KwpolskaDid kde4.4 is usable for normal work?19:42
kushalwhat does bus error mean??19:43
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Fleckhey anyone using firefox here? 3.5.520:00
gizFleck: yeah ?20:02
apparleFleck: yeah20:02
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=== MsMaco is now known as maco2
Fleckgiz, apparle try this out: get some list with link/buttons etc, and get in full screen with F11 - can you click on the last link at the bottom? It's like inbisible status bar is still on top here...20:09
=== Jeremy_ is now known as Guest81235
apparleFleck: why don't you just give use the exact link so that we can check exactly20:11
Fleckapparle this happens for me in all pages all links20:12
Fleckno matter20:12
Fleckapparle http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.3.4 for example - month/year links20:13
Fleckon the left20:13
Flecki have 1280x1024 resolution and this gets me to August 2008 in full screen mode - and i can't click that link20:13
FleckJune 200820:14
Fleckif i scroll i can again click on June if link is a bit higher ,,,20:14
gizFleck:no problem here20:14
Fleckhmm maybe some addons i have installed, giz do you have firebug installed?20:15
gizFleck: no but let me try it with that addon20:16
Fleckgiz two PCs, one is kubuntu amd64 and another is x8620:16
Fleckfirebug is installed on bouth20:16
apparleFleck: I have same resolution..... and I don't get an problem20:16
Fleckapparle do you have firebug?20:17
gizFleck:no problem after install of firebug20:19
Fleck3.5.5 yes?20:19
Flecki have same thing on two different pcs20:22
wilhartare there repos for 4.3.4 ?20:24
wilhartok nice i  see the topic sorry for spamming20:26
wilharthey deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu karmic main20:29
wilhartshould i add backports repo aswell ?20:29
Fleckgiz ok will try to rename .mozilla and start new profile with new settings :)20:29
Fleckohh giz, one more thing - do you have auto hide taskbar?20:30
=== avihay__ is now known as avihay
Fleckgiz lol, that fixed the problem :P20:32
Flecki have auto hide20:32
gizFleck:yeah it autohides in F1120:32
Fleckcan you try with auto hide ?20:32
Fleckgiz no i mean KDE panel on the bottom20:32
gizoh hehehe20:32
Fleckwhen i set it to allways visible then F11 works OK, when auto hide - i can't click links/buttons on the bottom if in full screen mode20:33
Fleckgiz can you try this?20:33
gizjust did no problem with the links20:34
Fleckwith auto hide?20:34
=== kb is now known as Guest21610
Fleckgiz i guess it's something with panels width too...20:35
gizmmm I have the size set to the middle and not touching the sides20:36
Fleckgiz middle?20:37
gizyeah like macs hehehe20:37
Fleckgiz and height?20:37
giza little over normal20:38
Fleckgiz windows can cover?20:38
Fleckor windows go below?20:39
subitois there a way to place the widgets in a panel without using the spacers but by placing them is an 'absolute' way?20:39
simo_how can i use a effect 3D of my desctop20:40
diablosimo_: Are 3d drivers installed ?20:41
Fleckgiz dunno as far as i set it to auto hide - links in full screen at the bottom don't work ... :/20:41
gizfleck weird20:42
Fleckgiz lol, i set panel heught to extreme heigh - works with autohide now20:42
simo_i don't know wath is this diablo ?20:43
gizFleck LOL20:43
diablosimo_:  What's your graphic card ?20:43
simo_no idea :)20:43
simo_any way to know it ?20:43
diablook you know how to open a terminal20:43
wilhartinstalled 4.3.4 now i run VLC and when i put it fullscreen taskbar is visible20:44
wilhartcant hide the bar20:44
diablosimo_: Allo ?20:45
gizwilhart:just put the panel on autohide20:46
Fleckgiz compiz enabled?20:46
wilhartgiz: isnt there another way20:46
Fleckgiz yep - disabled all effects - and all is fine now... :)20:47
wilhartdoes this new kde have new effects?20:47
gizFleck: no I'm running on a laptop right now no compiz20:47
big--benhey guys. i'm on the newest beta from the ppa. every time i start kopete or digikam it crashes. where/how should i report this? it's possiibly kiconloader causing it20:47
Fleckgiz can you turn one desktop effekts?20:48
wilhartdoes this new kde have new effects?20:48
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wilharthow many uses compiz in kde ?20:51
big--benhey guys. i'm on the newest beta from the ppa. every time i start kopete or digikam it crashes. where/how should i report this? it's possiibly kiconloader causing it20:51
Fleckanyone using compiz and firefox 3.5.5 ?20:53
wilhartuse chrome20:53
wilhartit's the fastest20:53
rtkhey alll20:54
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gizFleck: my screen turned black and I had to alt-shift-f1220:59
Fleckgiz ok, thanks for trying :)21:00
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gizFleck: I tried on my desktop with desktop effects no problem for the links21:04
Fleckenabled compiz, set panel to auto hide?21:04
Fleckthen it's some kind of effect i'm using21:06
ScreamOfSilencehello :)21:07
PasNox from mbr ?21:09
PasNoxi installed it on the wrong one ( sdb )21:10
PasNox from mbr*21:10
PasNoxhow to remobe grub2 from mbr*21:10
big--benhey guys. am i blind? where is the "report bug" button on launchpad.net?21:11
PasNoxsorry i was not activated vernum and instead of number it clear my text :d21:11
ScreamOfSilenceah ok.21:11
PasNoxi installed it on wrong mbr ( sdb )21:11
diabloPasNox: installing windows, it does clear MBR really well21:11
PasNoxand i want to install it in sda21:11
PasNoxdiablo: i do not have windows21:11
PasNoxi know how to reinstall grub2 on sda, but i want to reset mbr of sdb21:12
PasNoxwithout loosing datas, as it's my linux disk21:12
PasNoxother one is an os x disk21:12
ScreamOfSilencefor reset mbr you can use a dos drive21:12
PasNoxoups WINDOWS*21:12
PasNoxScreamOfSilence: hm ??? grub2 can install on mbr and not resore original mbr ?21:13
ScreamOfSilenceyou can create it from ubuntu too21:13
PasNoxScreamOfSilence: can u please tell me how ?21:14
ScreamOfSilenceyour sda is without grub?21:14
PasNoxyes sda is grub free21:15
PasNoxsdb is currently the on having the grub21:15
PasNoxi had to F8 at bios and select sdb as boot device to boot correctly21:15
PasNoxhm let me check, no sda is not grub free :(21:15
PasNoxit has old grub installed :D21:16
PasNoxall i want is to clear grub on sdb21:16
PasNoxso i can install grub on sda21:16
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
ScreamOfSilenceyou can clear sdb with a dos drive21:17
ScreamOfSilencelike a usb drive21:17
PasNoxScreamOfSilence: hu ? please could you details me the step to follow21:17
PasNoxi have a fat32 usb key21:17
PasNox(i insist in the fact i don't want to loose partitions / datas )21:18
ScreamOfSilenceyou must have a "bootable drive"21:18
PasNoxi have a original windows 98 cd21:18
PasNoxdoes it will be ok ?21:19
ScreamOfSilenceit's the same ;)21:19
PasNoxso let go ? :d21:19
ScreamOfSilencefrom dos write:21:20
PasNoxScreamOfSilence: hm i will need to reboot the machine :/ does i can rewrite mbr when computer and disk used ?21:20
Raszyn_urlop_od_I thing that this will be useful for mbr https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows21:20
=== Raszyn_urlop_od_ is now known as Tysek
ScreamOfSilencei don't know how to do this wothout reboot.21:20
PasNoxRaszyn_urlop_od_: i may try, but i don't loose ubuntu, i know how to restore, i just want to clear and reset ( original ) mbr on sdb21:21
PasNoxScreamOfSilence: ok so, let reboot , listening your steps21:21
ScreamOfSilencefrom dos: fdisk /mbr21:21
ScreamOfSilenceit will clear mbr21:21
ScreamOfSilencethen, from live cd you can install grub21:21
PasNoxScreamOfSilence: does i can reinstall grub on sda now, then after reboot on win98 clear sb ?21:22
PasNoxall should be ok ?21:22
Fleckgiz geforce video card?21:23
ScreamOfSilenceo,  it will cleare the installed grub21:23
PasNoxScreamOfSilence: fdisk /mbr will reset all disks mbr ?21:23
ScreamOfSilenceno, only the first disk21:25
genii-aroundfdisk /mbr  replaces the primary master hard drive's mbr21:25
ScreamOfSilenceyou can set sdb to first hard drive21:26
gizFleck:nope intel21:26
genii-aroundIf you do that in bios it becomes sda21:26
PasNoxoki i will set my sdb as first drive then fdisk /mbr21:28
PasNoxdamn, there is no small linux tools for doing this damn thing ??? :D21:29
=== rafael_carreras_ is now known as rafael_carreras
Fleckgiz ok then maybe it's only with nvidia cards...21:30
ScreamOfSilenceI have always used the drive dos21:30
Fleckwhat do you need?21:31
Fleckclear mbr in linux?21:31
genii-aroundPasNox: There is a way to use dd to make backups of the mbr into a file, then later you can use the file to restore the mbr21:31
PasNoxFleck: yes, i wrongly installed grub2 on sdb while i would have to use sda, so now i want to clear sdb mbr so i can safety install it on sda21:31
FleckPasNox dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=121:32
PasNoxFleck: this will not destroy my table partition of sdb ? and no data loose ?21:32
PasNoxScreamOfSilence: bye, and thanks again21:32
genii-aroundPasNox: It will only zero-out the mbr and not the partition table (which is elsewhere on the drive)21:33
FleckPasNox nope - but if you whant - copy your mbr  dd if=/dev/sdb of=/path/where/to/store/sdbs/mbr bs=512 count=1 :)21:33
PasNoxdoes i can do it when the disk is used ?21:33
PasNoxi'm running my system on sdb21:34
PasNoxlet go ;)21:34
FloodBotK3PasNox: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:34
gizPasNox: you could use a bootable linux usb it as the tools to do this in linux21:34
PasNox times ...21:34
gabrieldoes anyone know about a problem to select file raws to repeat to print in openoffice calc ?21:35
kaddiI need a tool that will allow me to edit a windows registry from unix.. if possible command line21:35
PasNoxFleck: done :) how i reinstall grub2 on sda: sudo grub-install /dev/sda ?21:36
Flecksudo grub21:37
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:38
judgeanyone familiar with the netbook version of kubuntu?21:42
Tm_T!ask | judge hi :)21:43
ubottujudge hi :): Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:43
judgei'm trying to understand how to force icons to be arranged to my liking e.g. by name21:43
judgeon the desktop21:43
Tm_Ticons on desktop?21:44
judgeyes, i'm using the netbook version of kubuntu21:44
judgeit has a different type of interface than i'm used to21:45
Tm_Tjudge: yes but I don't remember it having icons on desktop (:21:45
judgei'm using karmic21:45
ubuntuFleck: hm21:51
ubuntui does the dd thing to reset the master boot record of sdb21:51
ubuntu and .... wwhat is see SDBA no valid table partition :'(21:52
ubuntuwhat i can do ?21:52
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing.21:55
ubuntuand damn thing, i did not save mbr ....21:56
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PasNoxFleck: any idea please ?21:58
=== diego is now known as Guest8017
kaddiI need a tool that will allow me to edit a windows registry from unix.. if possible command line22:01
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Tm_Tkaddi: have you asked in ##windows ?22:01
kaddithe don't do linux stuff22:01
gizPasNox: did I misunderstand or did he say to use sudo grub to install the new mbr to sda22:02
Tm_Tkaddi: and we do "windows stuff" ? (:22:02
kaddithey're usually pretty strict about that stuff22:02
kaddiwell it is a ubuntu application I'm looking for...22:02
Tm_Tkaddi: I know none, sorry22:02
PasNoxgiz: i do a mistake, i dd the sdb, and now on linve cd, it tell me sdb does not contains a valid partition table, sda is still fine, but fuck sda, my datas and linux system was on sdb :'(22:03
Tm_Tkaddi: but I wonder if registry is just file readable with text or hex editor22:03
kaddino, don't worry, windows isn't that logical or simple :p22:03
PasNoxanyway to recreate table of partition ??? i was thinking ( and asking about possible partition / datas loss, he tell no problem ) :(22:03
Tm_Tkaddi: well, I know it is in file form too22:04
PasNoxand now the sdb is illisible :/22:04
gizPasNox: I know it's old but always backup your data before experimenting22:04
kaddiTm_T: it's some kind of compiled form, and I've never done any reverse engineering, so I'm pretty much lost22:04
Tm_Tkaddi: roger22:04
PasNoxgiz: yep :'(22:05
PasNoxgiz: i have not modified the disk since the dd thing, is there a tool capable of recreating the Table of partitin ?22:05
gizPasNox: just go ahead and try to make the new mbr , all it did was zero out your mbr which is a seperate partition than your data almost sure it is still there22:06
PasNoxgiz: how to do new mbr ? i already do it using the dd tool22:07
gizPasNox:you have to run grub as root user22:08
PasNoxgiz: do u have a step to follow list ? i'm on karmic live cd22:08
PasNoxsudo grub -³ command not found22:09
Tm_Thi nhandler22:09
Tm_Tgiz: I hope you are sure about this all...22:10
nhandlerHello Tm_T22:10
gizhttp://www.gnu.org/grub/manual  explains it to you with the steps22:11
PasNoxgiz: page not found, for now i don't want to reinstall grub, i just want my table of partition of sdb come back22:12
PasNoxdoes grub can restore table of partition ?22:13
PasNoxso i don't need grub for fixing my table of partiton problem :/22:13
kaddican anyone tell me to which package /usr/lib/libcrypto.a belongs to? How can I find out?22:14
gizPasNox: last , I don't think your data is gone on sdb22:14
PasNoxkaddi: libcrypto is from ssl no ? or qca22:15
PasNoxgiz: i think too, but the table of partition seem broken, i need repair it22:15
kaddiPasNox: I thought so too, but  I have openssl installed and the file isn't present22:15
gizPasNox:unmount and fsck22:16
PasNoxkaddi: install libopenssl-dev22:16
PasNoxgiz: hm may try22:16
Tm_Tkaddi: packages.ubuntu.com has search, also you can do in commandline: dpkg-query --search /usr/lib/libcrypto.a22:17
xizinhohello all22:18
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PasNoxgiz: i'm trying testdisk, a linux tool that can recreate table of partition if content not modified, and it find them :D ouf now need to write table ;)22:19
kaddiTm_T: awesome, I'll keep that in midn for next time :) I just installed openssl-dev and the files are there now :)22:19
kaddi@PasNox thanks :)22:19
Tm_Tkaddi: jolly good, I would've given answer rightaway but I don't have same release (:22:19
kaddiTm_T:  the dpkg-query --search will definitely be helping me in the future :)22:21
PasNoxi need reboot ;) cya22:22
rodroxkubuntu is part of canonical ?22:25
gizPasNox: Good luck mate22:28
=== ubuntu is now known as PasNox
PasNoxproblem fixd :)22:32
kaddinice :)22:36
kaddiand I got ntpasswd for registry editing from lunix :) Fixed my registry and can boot again :p22:36
Tm_Tkaddi: lovely22:36
kadditotally. :)22:37
kaddiit only took me a little too long, so that I didn't remember what I wanted to fix, when I finally got in :p22:37
wilhartis there no easyer way than downloading style/window/themes from kde-looks.org?22:41
wilhartthats stupid22:41
wilhartis there no thingy like gnome-art22:42
wilhartor are there any theme packs available?22:42
Tm_Twilhart: you can install packages from repositories22:42
wilhartTm_T: like 2x or so besipn is the best all other 4 are crap22:42
Tm_Twilhart: then you use kde-look, I guess22:42
wilharttnta: there should be repos for losa styles22:43
Tm_Twilhart: only if there's people packaging them22:44
wilharti dont even know where to put those files in kde-look22:44
tntawb Philip522:44
Philip5tnta: :)22:44
wilharttnta: where?22:44
Tm_Twilhart: they should have instructions22:45
Philip5tnta: what are you up to?22:45
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tntaPhilip5:  just watched a movie22:46
Philip5tnta: aha22:46
Philip5i was just thinking of package the new luckyBackup 0.3.4 that just got released upstream22:47
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antlarranybody knows why is kdebase-workspace-dev 4.3.3 not in the repositories?22:54
antlarrI'd like to compile a kdevelop package, but that one is a requisite for building kdevelop22:55
ofnhello. i'm trying to follow a guide called "howto-via-chrome9-igp-on-ubuntu-linux", but don't know what to do when i'm supposed to add <Driver "openchrome"> in xorg.conf. i've read it's gone in 9.10. anyone know how to do this? i probably can't paste the link to the guide without getting kicked22:56
Philip5antlarr: i have it in karmic22:56
Philip5sorry... i only have it for 4.3.4 and 4.3.222:56
ofnsorry, maybe i should have asked the question in the ubuntu-channel22:59
simo_where we can see others chanels ?23:03
=== GiNeeRinG is now known as RussellAlan
Mamarok!list | simo23:10
ubottusimo: This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:10
=== Cybert1nus is now known as Cybertinus
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:14
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Kage_JittaiFreenode has been so unstable lately23:14
wilhartkde has window themes but i dont know how style is changed so that only window themes would be chosen23:21
wilharthw to disable style and only use windows?23:22
wilhartkwin4 only no styles??23:23
wilhartor how to overide styles and onlu use what windows have in store?23:23
andy____I have a problem with pinentry. it always says my passfrase is wrong and so i cannot read my emails23:27
andy____problem is: it doesn't even ask for a passfrase, and I must export key and mail to another machine in order to be able to read it23:28
=== noaXess1 is now known as noaXess
joshuajtlhey folks, can anyone tell me how to configure the scroll area for my synaptics touchpad? (my touchpad currently has two, one in the middle of the pad and one on the left, I only want the one on the left)23:30
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:31
wilhartkwin-style-aurorae - Theme engine for KWin window decorations23:32
wilharti cant seem to get style changed??23:32
joshuajtlhey folks, can anyone tell me how to configure the scroll area for my synaptics touchpad? (my touchpad currently has two, one in the middle of the pad and one on the left, I only want the one on the left)23:32
maco2wilhart: im not sure how kwin works but if anything like metacity, a theme engine isnt a theme. it just lets you be able to use certain other themes23:34
joshuajtli mean i have one on the right and one in the middle (from a regular kubuntu install) i want to keep the one on the right23:35
wilhartmaco2: haev u tried this : kwin-style-aurorae - Theme engine for KWin window decorations23:37
wilhartmaco2: i want styles to change too, not window borders only23:37
wilhartmaco2: like kde4 toolbar themes23:38
maco2then you want a qt theme23:38
maco2kwin is by definition just the window manager23:38
wilhartqt ehmm23:38
wilhartmaco2: i change to QtCurve still styles are not changing23:39
wilhartmaco2: check out that progarm and try to install a theme23:39
wilhartmaco2: do you know what i mean ? when i change windows deco, style doesnt change to the windows deco23:42
maco2the theme and the window decorations are two different things23:42
maco2you have to change both23:42
maco2note that there's also a spot to change the colours used with your qt theme23:42
wilhartmaco2: ehmm do you know that theme engine ?23:44
wilhartmaco2: how do i fix this crap23:45
maco2no i dont23:45
maco2but i know that if it says kwin it is ONLY for window decorations23:45
maco2are you looking at a screenshot and wanting the qt theme but theyve only listed the kwin theme, maybe?23:45
wilhartmaco2: doh, i'll google for this nobody know what i mean this i a new feature in kde, so it uses themes not style/windows anymore23:46
wilhartthey are all in 1 theme23:46
wilhartand toolbar has a theme engine too23:46
wilhartu can download them dirctrly from net23:46
maco2um ok. i dont use kwin though23:47
wilhartno need for look-kde anymore23:47
maco2kde-look you mean23:47
maco2you're not referring to Get Hot New Stuff are you? cuz that pulls from kde-look23:47
maco2are you talking about plasma themes?23:49
maco2those arent for normal windows...just your panel and the plasmoids on your desktop23:49
wilhartmaco2: http://main.v00d00.net/kde4-theming-aurorae23:49
wilhartmaco2: yea plasma themes probably23:49
wilhartno not plasma then23:49
wilhartmaco2: did you check it23:52
maco2its still loading23:52
wilhartKwin has inbuilt desktop compositing with a lot of effects + Aurorae Window Themes = Insane KDE desktop.23:55
wilhartaurorae window themes23:55
joshuajtlcan anyone tell me how to find out which touchpad i have? alps or synaptics?23:55
wilhartstyle wont change?? that's my question?! cant find in google23:55
wilhart Re: Tried 'aurorae' theme engine (to be included in KDE4.4). It's cool !!23:56

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