
=== elky is now known as elky`
=== elky` is now known as elky
mac__vkwwii: hi... for cursors , we could use the oxygen cursors ;)07:37
darkmattermac__v: by jove! I think I got it! http://www.flickr.com/photos/92826085@N00/4189873892/ and the money shot: http://www.flickr.com/photos/92826085@N00/4189112919/08:03
mac__vdarkmatter: nice :)  but the panel shows Bug #403135 :(08:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403135 in alltray "Notification area icon wrongly rendered/has a black background (multiple apps)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40313508:22
darkmattermac__v: that only seems to apply with a panel bg. if you set a panel image in the theme proper, it doesn't do a funky render *shrug*08:23
darkmatterbut yeah, that bug is slightly annoying08:23
mac__vah , pidgin is already registered in the bug ;)08:23
mac__vsomeone should tell cimi to reduce the size of the + and - in the expanders08:36
darkmattermac__v: still have a lot of tweaking to do on that theme. its a hybrid (some minor pixmap work) template. so basically 'everything' needs to be recolorable.08:42
mac__vargh..! lucid is messing with me :/08:47
zniavre__<mac__v> someone should tell cimi to reduce the size of the + and - in the expanders > that's right09:02
zniavre__but they are supposed to be "customisable" no?09:02
thorwiloh boy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Lucid/My%20Computer%20Explorer09:16
mac_vis there even an adobe photoshop for linux? o.009:26
zniavre__via wine ?09:27
mac_vhehe :D09:27
thorwilit screams Windows so loud, one could think it's something i haven't seen before: troll mockups. trollups, perhaps?09:33
* thorwil moves it to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Concepts/09:35
* thorwil contacts user about it09:41
=== zniavre__ is now known as zniavre

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