
asacbdrung: micahg: shoot00:09
micahgasac: do we need the -dev package before pushing TB3 to Lucid?00:09
asaci think that makes sense00:09
asacand unversioned -dev package00:09
asacfor now empty i guess00:10
micahgasac: ??00:10
asacbut it needs no content00:10
micahgasac: I think that's the way it is now00:10
micahgso, it's not blocking?00:10
asacwell. its definitly blocking release00:11
asacor even beta00:11
asacbut not the upload00:11
asacwe need to file grave bugs against enigmail00:11
asacand tbird00:11
asacwith target alpha-3 i would think00:11
micahgasac: next question, am I branching for lucid first or will .head for TB3 replace TB2 in the PPA as well?00:11
asacmicahg: you could remove all files from tbird.dev branch locally ... then see if you can merge the whole tb3 tree using merge -r 0..00:12
asacor something00:12
asaceverything locally ;)00:12
asacadn manually add the changelog on top ;)00:13
asacmaybe generate that using bzr log or something00:13
asacnot really needed though. but would be nice if there are noteworthy changes to include them00:13
micahgasac: I know to test locally first, I'm just wondering if you intend the TB3 PPA to replace TB2 at the moment00:13
micahgasac: I plan to diff the 2 versions before merging to find out what to change00:14
micahgasac: dailies00:14
asacyeah. we can add a transitional package for that00:14
micahgTB3 dailies pull from .head00:14
asacwe should rename thunderbird.dev to thunderbird.head at some point00:15
micahgasac: I see, ok, so we have a release branch and a devel branch00:15
micahgTB3.head will remain a devel branch00:15
micahgand TB.dev will become the TB3 release branch?00:15
micahgasac: but what if there's another release of TB2 (sec updates)00:16
asacmicahg: we have stable branches for our stable releases00:18
asace.g. thunderbird.karmic ... thunderbird.jaunty etc.00:18
asacdont we?00:18
asacif i forgot to create karmic we should do that00:19
micahgasac: yes, we do, so we don't need to keep a master for TB2 then?00:19
asacwe havent created karmic yet00:19
asacso first thing is to push current .dev (or whatever revision reflects last upload) up00:20
asacset that to mature in launchpad and add a proper description (lke the others hopefully have (nor not have))00:20
asacmicahg: the branch is unversioned00:20
asacso tb3 is just a "major version upgrade"00:20
asacon that branch00:20
asac(which is what we always did before we introduced the version scheme for ffox and friends)00:20
micahgasac: right, I just wanted to make sure we don't need to keep a master TB2 branch, that's all00:21
BUGabundowelcome skillman00:21
asacmicahg: well. the idea is that .dev still has the currenct .dev in history00:21
BUGabundoasac: can you help skillman to repair his accidently removed NM packages?00:21
asacBUGabundo: not sure00:21
asacsudo apt-get install network-manager00:21
BUGabundosomething about probs with wifi, so I did a bit of a mess00:22
micahgasac: the next question is do we need a profile migrator like we had in FF3500:22
BUGabundoasac: no network :)00:22
asacmicahg: i think so.00:22
BUGabundoso he has to generate a script via synaptic, download on another PC00:22
BUGabundoand install localy00:22
asacmicahg: though we havent put that in the archive00:22
micahgasac: ok, can I pull the code from FF35 and modify it?00:22
asacmicahg: also the new location is probably similar to the 3.0 one00:22
asacordidnt we use .thunderbird?00:22
micahgasac: I was going to ask if we should move from .mozilla-thunderbird to .thunderbird00:23
asacBUGabundo: he is gone00:23
asacguess he figured it ;)00:23
asacmicahg: i thought we moved to .thunderbird as part of the 3.0 migration00:23
asacskillman: what network do you have?00:23
asacskillman: how did it happen that you removed the package?00:24
skillmani went to the options in the network manager00:24
skillmanand just deleted00:24
skillmanevery connection00:24
asacmicahg: hmm. so seems we moved from .mozilla-thunderbird to .thunderbird-3.000:24
skillmanthan, I went to the software00:24
asacmicahg: we can decide to ignore users that used dailies00:24
skillmanand deleted the app00:24
asacor add the same migration as we did for ffox00:24
micahgasac:only in the PPA00:24
micahgasac: I'd like to do the same migration like in FF3500:25
asacmicahg: in any case we should move from .mozilla-thunderbird to .thunderbird (witthout asking)00:25
asacmicahg: sure.00:25
asacmicahg: you can copy the code over, modify it00:25
asacand hook it up to the startup script00:25
micahgasac: ok, so if only .m-t move it, if both, ask00:25
asacdefault is to keep using .m-t00:25
asacas that is the supported ancenstor00:26
asacand we somehow consider the preview branches for "testing" ... even though they might use that only00:26
skillmanasac: i went to the options in the network manager00:27
skillmanasac: and just deleted00:27
skillmanasac: every connection00:28
skillmanasac: than, I went to the software manager and deleted de app00:28
asacskillman: but why would you do that?00:28
skillmanasac: I know... I know... I'm new with this linux thing, and I was trying to understand why the wireless of my pc was always breaking down, than I downloaded some windows wireless drivers app, to install the original one of my oc, but that came with an error and all the network stopped working...00:30
asaccant you just reinstall and in future not do that ;)00:30
asacsounds like thats the least-support intensive way to get back to a normal state00:31
skillmanasac: than, stupid of me, thought (i know you're going to laugh) I'm just gonna uninstall this, and than install it again... yeh right... but without internet how am I going to do this00:31
skillmansorry, back00:32
skillmanI'm just so dumb that every time I want to close a window in the program of IRC I close everything...00:33
asacskillman: how did you first install?00:33
asacyou should have a CD00:33
asacyou can just use that to install ubuntu completely00:33
skillmanasac: yes, I have the ubuntu 9.10 cd00:33
skillmanI thought of that00:33
asacskillman: so if you dont mind loosing your data ... just install it again00:34
skillmanbut I didn't want to have to pass all the files again00:34
skillmanyes I will do that00:34
asacwell. its less cost intensive for you to just install ;)00:34
skillmanI just wanted to learn more00:34
asacskillman: well... so you can download the .deb00:34
asacand install it locally with dpkg -i ...00:34
skillmanasac: I did that00:34
skillmanasac: I did that00:34
asachowever, what makes me think you shouldnt do that is that you installed the windows drive00:34
asacthat probably did something bad to your system00:34
asacwhich i would need to understand before i can help you ... but that takes too much time on my side ;)00:35
skillmanasac: but in the console it doesn't identify the program installed00:35
asacnot sure what that means ;)00:35
asacskillman: do you have the .deb files on your system?00:35
asacon the ubuntu system00:35
asacwhich ones?00:35
asacjust one? many?00:35
asacyou probably need more than one: e.g. network-manager network-manager-gnome libnm-util1 libnm-glib2 ... and modemmanager00:36
asacat least00:36
skillmanasac: I have the network-manager_0.8~a~git.20091013t193206.deb00:36
asacif you hvae all those on your broken ubuntu install (e.g. through usb stick) ... run sudo dpkg -i /path/to/debs/*.deb00:36
asacskillman: yes. you need all the others i mentioned too00:36
skillmanjust does00:37
asacskillman: however, that will probably not bring the net back as you still have the bogus driver on your system00:37
skillmanI unistalled too00:37
asacso if you remember how you installed that, you might be able to find help how to uninstall that in #ubuntu00:37
asacskillman: yeah. so hope. install all the packages i mentioned using that command00:37
asacsudo dpkg -i /path/to/debs/*.deb00:37
skillmangot it00:37
asacand hope that after restart your net comes back ;)00:37
asacif it doesnt i think its easiert to install fresh00:37
skillmanlool.. ok. if not I just install everything back again00:38
asacand next time if you want to learn stuff, break things != network ;)00:38
asaceverything else is probably easiert to learn :)00:38
asacnetwork is essential00:38
skillmanyeh, I know... but the net was allways coming down00:38
skillmancan you think of something00:38
skillmanthat could be causing that?00:38
asacskillman: what chipset do you have?00:39
asacwhat are the issue? regularly network latency?00:39
asacor droppage=?00:39
skillmanhow do I see that... (yes... newb to this point)00:39
asacthats almost cerainly a driver issue ...00:39
asacskillman: post lspci and lsusb output to paste.ubuntu.com00:39
skillmanpost lspci and lsusb output to paste.ubuntu.com if I only knew what this means00:40
skillmanI'm just so newb... I'm sorry00:40
asacskillman: paste.ubuntu.com is an address00:40
asacthen type00:40
asacand put the output on that webpage (whcih should be self explanatory00:40
asacdo the same for "lspci" command00:41
asacwhen you submit stuff there you get a link00:41
asacpost that link here and we can look at your output00:41
asacdifficult without net00:41
asaclsmod | grep ath00:41
asacdoes that yield anything?00:41
asacskillman: you can also look at lspci output00:42
asacmaybe you there is wifi or something00:42
asacin there00:42
asacthat should give you a name00:42
asacso for me00:43
asac03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection (rev 61)00:43
asacis one entry i get for lspci00:43
asacso its a "ntel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection (rev 61)"00:43
asacmicahg: ok so where were we?00:43
asacor all clear on tb3?00:43
skillmanok, tks, gonna read and do00:43
micahgasac: well, I think I'm clear on it, I hope to have it done by next week00:43
asacmicahg: take your time. on the other thing, have no feedback yet. will poke directly tomorrow00:45
bdrungasac: can you have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/mozilla-devscripts/dh_xul-ext and convert the xpath commands into python code?00:45
bdrungasac: and we have to discuss the package meta data (Xb-Xul-AppId and Xb-Xul-Eol)00:46
asac                                                found_duclicate = False00:47
asacat least consistent ;)00:47
asacbdrung: typo ;)00:50
asacbdrung: i think we should followlink ... and add the final destination to dictionary relying on unique constrained to filter out dupes00:50
asacrather than omitting all install.rdf links00:50
asacbdrung: what dom/xpath lib would you suggest for python?00:51
bdrungasac: what do we gain from following the symlinks?00:51
asacbdrung: we do it right ;)00:51
asacif we dont follow them we might omit valid linkis00:52
asace.g. it could be install.rdf -> install-myvariant.rdf00:52
asacwhich imo would work00:52
asacbut we would omit as of now, right?00:52
bdrungasac: but then we have to depend on another package, which depends on the xul app00:52
asacnot sure what you mean00:53
asacwhat links do you exactly omit?00:53
bdrungasac: now i get your point.00:53
asaci am not 100% sure i interpret the current code right. but it feels like we drop install.rdfs if they are links00:54
bdrungasac: we want to omit links pointing to different directories00:54
asacto something else00:54
asacassuming that the somthing else will always be called install.rdf thats valid00:54
asacso basically we assume that everything found through a linki will be found otherwise00:54
asacwhich might not be true00:55
asacsimple and most safe way is really to populate a set with unique constrained with all the realpaths... we autoamtically get _all_ install.rdfs00:55
bdrungasac: ok. i have added this to my todo list00:55
asacso dom/xpath lib?00:55
bdrungasac: is there such a lib?00:56
bdrungasac: http://docs.python.org/library/xml.dom.minidom.html would be the included battery00:57
bdrungbut is this dom library sufficient?00:57
asaci need a xpath lib ;)00:57
asaci assumed it would also be based on dom00:57
asacbut could be other dom like variants00:57
asacbdrung: there is no xpath in that, right?00:57
asacbdrung: maybe there even is a rdf lib?00:58
bdrungor yes, there is no xpath in it00:58
asacwe basically used xpath because there exists no good rdf lib for command line00:58
asacso a real (most likelyl fully implemented) rdf lib would be preferred00:58
asacwould prevent us to add all paths that can exists ;)00:58
bdrungthere are some results00:59
asacis that in archive?00:59
asacpython-librdf - Python language bindings for the Redland RDF library00:59
asacpython-rdflib - RDF library containing an RDF triple store and RDF/XML parser/serializer00:59
asaci will check that out. but definitly will take a bit - fighting various wars atm ;)00:59
bdrungasac: yes: python-rdflib01:00
asaclets hope that is more or less complete01:00
asacotherwise i already see that it just doesnt understand how mozilla is doing things ;)01:00
* bdrung hopes it. 01:00
asacthere are some awful impls of rdf out there ... they basically can read what they generate ... and all other formats are off ;)01:01
asacbut great.01:01
asacfeels like we can have a win from moving to python ;)01:01
asaci think evne you could write it with that ;)01:03
asacfor row in g.query('SELECT ?aname ?bname WHERE { ?a foaf:knows ?b . ?a foaf:name ?aname . ?b foaf:name ?bname . }',01:03
asaci will check that ;)01:03
asacat least getting you the right queries01:04
asacwhat do we need?01:04
asactriples: (targetapp, min, max)?01:04
bdrungso a list of triples would be nice01:04
asacgreat i will try that tomorrow01:05
bdrungasac: other topic: package meta data collection (in function get_xul_apps)01:06
bdrungwe have to add Xul-AppId to all apps and Xul-Eol for all packages that have a eol01:07
mbanano sun java?01:07
bdrungasac: i Xul-AppId a good name?01:08
mbana  Depends: sun-java6-bin (=6-15-1) but 6-16-0ubuntu1.9.04 is to be installed01:08
micahgmbana: for what?01:08
mbanafirefox of course01:08
mbanai'm on karmic having updated01:08
micahgmbana: which version?01:08
mbanafrom jaunty01:08
mbanai shall _never_ updated again01:09
asacmicahg: where did you upgrade to?01:10
micahgasac: ??01:10
mbanafrom januty to karmic01:10
asacmicahg: sorry01:10
mbanaanyhow, any idea what's wrong with the plugin installation01:10
micahgmbana: what version of firefox?01:10
mbanadefault that comes with ubuunt01:10
mbanajust firefox01:11
mbanai tihnk it's 3.501:11
asacmicahg: it should just work01:11
micahgasac: no java in 3.6 and up at this point01:11
mbanaMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20091212 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.501:11
asacmicahg: it was readded to 3.601:11
asacreed told me a few hours ago in this channel01:11
micahgmbana: I still have 6.16 on kamric01:11
asacnot in 3.7 though01:11
micahgasac: which version of 3.6, I can't get it to work in beta 501:12
asacmicahg: i think he says that he cannot install that01:12
asacand gets a upgrade problem01:12
asacbut he didnt give any info01:12
asacbut that line01:12
asacthats ok01:12
mbanait's confused01:12
mbanathinks i'm still on jaunty maybe01:12
micahgmbana: that's the one I have01:12
micahgmbana: what does 'dpkg -l | grep sun-java6-plugin' show?01:13
micahgmbana: I have the jaunty java packages still as karmic was never updated to 6.1601:13
asacthats ok01:14
micahgmbana: you need to install sun-java6-plugin if you want java01:15
mbanaof course01:15
mbanabut i cna't01:15
micahgmbana: but it won't work now :)01:15
micahgmbana:  uninstall the rest of the java packages01:15
dtchenasac: 3.5.6 from the ppa/karmic tests fine for 3.0.15 existing profile migration, 3.5.5 existing profile migration, and 3.5.6 new profile01:15
mbanait refuses to install.  and complains about missing dependencies01:15
micahgmbana: or grab the plugin from the jaunty repos01:15
dtchenasac: also tested addon updates, works there, too01:16
mbana<- confused01:16
micahgmbana: download the deb from here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty-updates/sun-java6-plugin01:16
mbanaso this is a known 'bug'?01:17
mbanathanks micahg01:17
micahgmbana: well, not exactly...java should have been updated for karmic, but they were talking about dropping it01:17
asaci think in lucid java moves to partner archive01:18
mbanaout of interest, anyone have an imac?01:18
asacno ;)01:18
mbanai think i'll get one for the LTS release and never update again01:18
micahgyep to asac, no to mbana :)01:18
asacimac is inferior material ;)01:19
asacnot sure about imac01:19
asacthough tabout macbooks01:19
asacthey have crappy broadcom chipset for wifi ;)01:19
asaccheap and dirty stuff ;)01:19
mbanaso many things are broken on my upgrade it's frustrating.  mouse is constantly showing busy01:20
mbanasome apps are showing that they're arne't installed, but actually are.  c.f. open office01:20
mbananot installed but is01:20
mbanaam i unlucky?01:20
asacguess your upgrade is not completely finished01:21
asacsudo apt-get update01:22
asacsudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:22
asacif that suggests to install more stuff then you are not done01:22
micahg[reed]: was oji restored everywhere in 1.9.2 or just OS X?01:23
asacmicahg: everywhere01:24
asacthats what he said today01:24
asac21:15 < asac> [reed]: sun java plugin uses old plugin api ... which afaik isnt there in 3.6+01:25
asac21:16 < [reed]> it's there in 3.601:25
asac21:16 < asac> at least they used oij etc.01:25
asac21:16 < [reed]> we put it back01:25
micahgasac: openjdk added npapi support, but only when built against xulrunner > 1.9.201:25
asac21:16 < asac> oh ... great!01:25
asac21:16 < [reed]> still gone in 3.701:25
asacmicahg: ^^01:25
micahgasac: I jsut pulled up the log01:25
asac> ?01:25
asaci thought its not yet completely finished in openjdk01:26
asacbut even better then01:26
asac>= ?01:26
micahgasac: nope, it seems to have been added, yep, >= 1.9.201:26
micahgI tried to get it to builld, but I had some issues, I'll have to poke doko at some point to get some help with openjdk build...01:26
micahgwell, I wanted to test it to see how complete it was, but apparently, there are a lot of references to xulrunner-1.9 in the debian build files01:39
asacmicahg: dokos packages usually have everything in debian/rules directly01:42
asace.g. he generates most control stuff on the fly01:42
micahgwell, it was like 3AM when I looked at it, so maybe if I look earlier in the evening it'll be easier01:42
asacor rather during debian/rules clean01:43
asaci think01:43
nigel_nbneed a little help with triaging a bug filed against firefox02:53
asacbdrung: committed stuff for you03:12
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== kbrosnan_ is now known as kbrosnan
micahgjdstrand: apparently there are some files missing in firefox-3.7 and the daily build failed06:45
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=== jtv is now known as jtv-eat
ftaBUGabundo_work, file a bug :)13:58
ftai should welcome you like that everyday :)13:59
* BUGabundo_work files fta up to his ears13:59
=== c0p3rn1c is now known as copernic
ftaasac, d'oh! chromium-browser ( -> [95.20MB (+12348kB, +12.97%)]16:18
asacthats really incredible16:19
BUGabundo_workfta: some one mess up ? lol16:21
BUGabundo_workor are they including debug stuff in there16:21
fta /data/bot/upstream/chromium-browser.svn/src/chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome_linux/*16:21
ftaone more thing to drop16:22
ftatests i need to keep, but not reference_build16:22
ftawell, i should keep our builds instead16:22
ftafixed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/342796/16:26
micahgfta: on the first bzr commit after a release, do I need a separate commit for the new snapsnot and the change17:07
ftamicahg, it's always nice(r) to isolate the commit with just the version bump so it gives us a marker in the timeline17:29
micahgso, it should be a new changelog entry with nothing in it?17:29
micahgfta: ^^17:30
ftayep, just d/changelog17:31
ftaoh, you mean the .head wrt the dailies?17:31
micahgfta: yep17:31
ftawell, even so, yes17:31
micahgfta: xul191 is fixed17:34
=== fta_ is now known as fta
ftad'oh, this time, not a netsplit, but my weekly disconnection :P17:57
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ftachrome is now #3 thanks to the linux & mac betas, safari is now #418:32
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
motedInteresting.  After yesterdays daily update it seems as if the latest java plugin no longer works with Namorka.  Works fine in Shritoko and Minefield for me.21:38
micahgmoted: you sure it's after yesterday?21:41
micahgit doesn't work for me in 3.6 beta 521:41
motedyesterday it worked fine21:43
motedI updated this morning21:43
moted[UPGRADE] firefox-3.6 3.6~b6~hg20091213r33358+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1~karmic -> 3.6~b6~hg20091216r33380+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1~karmic21:44
micahgmoted: what version of 3.6 did you have before?21:44
micahgmoted: idk21:47
micahgmoted: there will be a working version in lucid :)21:48
=== aakashd_ is now known as aakashd
motedI just wanted to throw it out there21:48
motedWhenever you use daily builds your mileage may vary21:48
micahgI just don't know why it would've worked before21:49
motedIt literally worked until yesterday.21:49
motedI did however turn off the plugin compatibility options21:50
micahgmoted: which version of the java plugin do you have?21:52
motedJava(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_1521:52
micahgand is it from the repos or did you manually install it?21:52
motedpretty sure It's from a PPA21:53
micahgmoted: ah21:53
BUGabundomid conversaion here21:56
BUGabundobut are we talking of java plugin?21:56
BUGabundoand PPA FF?21:56
BUGabundoonly 3.5.x works21:57
BUGabundo.6 and .7 don't21:57
motedroger that21:57
BUGabundoI confirmed that yesterday with asac and [reed]21:57
motedI was just noting that until yesterdays build 3.6.x worked21:57
motedand 3.7.x seems to still work21:57
BUGabundonot to me21:57
BUGabundowon't even show21:57
motedyeah, you have to disable the compatibility check21:58
ftakenvandine, strange, gwibber stopped showing new dents 5 hours ago, yet, i still get the notifications22:10
ftai guess i should just kill it22:11
BUGabundoor close it22:11
BUGabundoand reopen22:11
BUGabundoits what I do22:11
BUGabundoI've run it in debug22:11
BUGabundoand found no common reason for it to die22:11
BUGabundoit can die after 10 mins22:11
BUGabundoor 5 h22:11
BUGabundowith no apperent reason22:12
BUGabundowell I see one, but not very easy to test...22:12
BUGabundotwitter api limit22:12
BUGabundobut I don't think fta uses twitter22:12
BUGabundobut I could be wrong22:12
ftanope, just identica, or whatever its new name is22:12
BUGabundoidentica is the server22:13
BUGabundostatusnet is the code22:13
ftano update in 18 days.. hm22:14
ftadead trunk?22:15
micahgBUGabundo: I'll get a Java plugin working on > 3.6 sometime this cycle22:26
BUGabundomicahg: you running lucid?22:26
micahgBUGabundo: not yet22:27
BUGabundoaint it a bit to soon for you ?22:27
micahgBUGabundo: I have a PPA, I can push for any release :)22:27
BUGabundoyou control the world22:27
BUGabundoyou run unstable ahah22:27
ftai'll need a working java + certs pretty soon to declare my taxes22:28
BUGabundono more releases... just rolling distro22:28
BUGabundofta: +122:28
BUGabundoI forgot about that22:28
micahgfta: you just need to get openjdk to compile against xul-1.9.2-dev22:28
BUGabundoI use sun java22:29
micahgif you need it sooner than I can do it22:29
micahgBUGabundo: you're out of luck than :)22:29
BUGabundoonly one that runs ok with android sdk22:29
BUGabundomicahg: why?22:29
micahgBUGabundo: unless Sun is going to migrate from oji to npapi22:29
micahgthe plugin architecture changed in 3.6 for most platforms AFAICT22:30
micahgfor sure in 3.7, but I can't find anything to the contrary in 3.622:31
ftaseems i have both gcj and sun java 5, so it worked last year with one of those as i don't use java for anything else22:31
micahgfta: it was removed in april 200922:34
ftaBUGabundo, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/chromium-popcon-20091216.png23:23
* BUGabundo checks23:23
BUGabundochrome dropped after beta came out23:24
BUGabundobut put togheter is more the chromium23:24
ftayep, 25k vs 26k23:24
BUGabundostupid users23:25
BUGabundoI guess google brand still accounts for  a lot23:27
ftaindeed. i don't mind, it's not yet a million in a week ;)23:31
ftawe should compare again when it's in a release23:31
BUGabundofta: you are so right23:52
BUGabundodarn funny23:52
BUGabundo"latent sexual feelings"23:52

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