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destiEeemy ubuntuone doesn't like to upload any files, only empty folders08:11
aquariusdestiEee, that's rather strange. These are files inside folders in your Ubuntu One folder, yes?08:15
destiEeei placed a tar.bz2 directly into the ubuntu one folder and it doesn't upload too08:16
aquariusdestiEee, can you look at the file .cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log, at the end of it, and see if there's anything that looks like it might be an error?08:17
destiEee2009-12-16 09:01:14,556 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - WARNING - connection lost: Connection was closed cleanly.08:19
aquariuscan you file a bug? From the Ubuntu One cloud on the top bar, you can say "Report a bug"08:20
aquariusand that will attach the log files, so someone with more deep knowledge about the file sync system can look at it and help08:20
destiEeeok, i will report it later08:21
aquariusthanks, and sorry I can't help more myself!08:22
destiEeedoes ubuntu one require some special ports? i'm at university network and i don't know wether they block something or not08:24
aquariusI don't think that's the problem, because the folders are being created (even if they're empty); if the ports were being blocked, your machine probably couldn't talk to Ubuntu One at all, so the folders wouldn't be created either08:27
=== joshuahoover2 changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Have a question? Post here to urbanape | https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Please honk if you want a music store
ChipacadestiEee: we (ab)use the HTTPS port12:11
ChipacadestiEee: but as aquarius says, it either works or it doesn't. Can you do "u1sdtool --current-transfers"?12:11
aquariushey mattgriffin12:53
CardinalFangI'm AFK today.  Kid is sick.13:10
urbanapeBummer. Was gonna ask you about what we talked about the other day: returning the rev id with the response from Couch.13:11
aquariusurbanape, did you get a chance to test that the external couch app worked?13:17
urbanapethe one you wrote last night? Nope.13:25
urbanapeI didn't read far enough back in the scrollback13:25
urbanapeyay, aquarius!13:32
urbanapev. cool.13:32
* urbanape is Face today. Gaze upon my answers, ye mighty, and despair.13:33
aquariusurbanape, glad it works for you :)13:37
destiEeeChipaca: Current uploads: 0 Current downloads: 013:52
urbanapesad fnode again today, I see.14:16
olyanyone any ideas if you can get ubuntu one for arm or the source code to attempt a compile ?14:38
dobeyoly: the nautilus extension is the only piece that needs a recompile... the source for ubuntuone-client is available in bzr or on the download page at http://launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client14:39
olyokay, so i will need to compile nautilus as well :-D14:40
olynetbook currently has thunar14:40
olythanks for the info dobey something for me to attempt a bit later14:42
jblountDesktop+ MEETING BEGINS15:03
jblountHello party people! You know what to do:15:04
aquariusvds, Chipaca?15:08
jblountAlright, let's kick it off:15:10
jblountDONE: Bugs into LP, start work on web-ui-layout-issues, BUG DAY!15:10
jblountTODO: Work on web-ui-layout-issues, make a couple tabs for statik, listen to pfibiger wax poetic15:10
jblountBLOCKED: Nope15:10
jblountaquarius: !15:10
aquarius⚀ DONE: desktopcouch HTML API docs branch; bugfix branch for DC; add more DC docs to freedesktop.org15:10
aquarius⚁ TODO: continue work on desktopcouch developer docs; work with rodrigo on Music Store; write up things learned at UDS; step-by-step guide to what happens during contact sync; hand off "pipe" to transfer data between two HTTP connections with twisted 9.0 to lucio's team; make tomboy first-sync experience nicer15:10
aquarius⚂ BLOCKED: test music store15:10
teknicoDONE: bug triaging, more work on disabling free phone sync after 30 days (#403941), reviews15:10
teknicoTODO: more reviews, finish disabling free phone sync after 30 days (#403941)15:10
teknicoBLOCK: none15:10
tekniconext: urbanape15:10
teknicooperatic? :-)15:11
urbanapeDONE: Just about fed up with pqm. Submitted for fun and despair my branch a few more times. Changed focus to Bindwood manifest branch for alpha 2.15:11
urbanapeTODO: I'm Face today, so I'll be watching forums, here on IRC, and the Twitter and Identi.ca streams15:11
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:11
urbanapedobey: please15:11
aquariusteknico, more that sort of voice you get in football chants, I think :)15:11
dobey☺ DONE: Talked to rtgz about splitting Nautilus fixes into separate bugs/branches, Emergency branch landing for servers trunk, Weekly planning meeting, Bug day, Infrastructure notes, Stable PPA updates for client/protocol, Started new client work15:11
dobey☹ TODO: New Client Code, E-mail motu-council, Review Nautilus fixes15:11
dobeyvds: ciao15:11
dobey☹ BLCK: None.15:11
vdsDONE: 30 free plans #403941, need to fix one test and it's done, some email exchange with funambol support15:11
vdsTODO: propose the branch15:11
vdsBLOCKED: nope15:11
vdswho's next?15:12
aquariusvds, you're last, unless Chipaca shows up to do his job or something ;-)15:12
vdsChipaca or CardinalFang maybe?15:12
aquariusCardinalFang's away today15:12
vdsah ok15:12
vdsEOM then I guess :)15:13
jblountvds: Yep, thanks.15:13
jblounturbanape: yo! Does lazr-js have a "don't submit this form until validating this stuff inline" bit? I'm at a loss googling for it for yui.15:21
urbanapenot really15:21
urbanapeis the form on a page or in an overlay?15:22
urbanapeThat could be a useful addition to the formoverlay class.15:22
jblountOn a page, and it submits to SalesForce on another server so I can't do it with the form itself: DONE: Bugs into LP, start work on web-ui-layout-issues, BUG DAY!15:23
jblountTODO: Work on web-ui-layout-issues, make a couple tabs for statik, listen to pfibiger wax poetic15:23
jblountOn a page, and it submits to SalesForce on another server so I can't do it with the form itself: https://one.ubuntu.com/support/account-assistance/15:23
urbanapewell, if you control the page, we can make the form action a javascript function that validates before submitting.15:23
jblountYeah, we own the page.15:24
urbanapeso, it shouldn't be any problem to validate the form before submission.15:27
urbanapebut there's no conveniences afforded by YUI for that.15:28
jblountOh, ok. I'm always looking for the cheap way. Should I just tackle it using YUI or should I be talking to some #rhinos about doing something in lazr-js to help this out?15:29
urbanapewell, the easiest way to do it would be to hook up the form submission to a function.15:33
urbanapeY.on('submit', function() { validate_form(); }, '#form-id') or the like.15:34
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urbanapethisfred: do you recall the conversation the other day about whether we could get Couch to include the rev_id in the response?17:16
thisfredehhh, maybe17:17
thisfredwhat response?17:17
thisfredview results?17:17
thisfredurbanape: there is a switch you can set in a design document, something like options: {"local_revisions": true}17:19
thisfredand then you should have access to them in views17:19
thisfredurbanape: but I have not got that working yet17:20
urbanapeno, like on a PUT17:20
urbanapethe response that comes back. CardinalFang was dicussing the possibility, I think.17:20
urbanapeAt first, I didn't think it would be useful, though I'd asked for it before.17:20
thisfredyeah, I vaguely remember17:20
urbanapeAnd I realized last night when I woke up, that it would be useful.17:21
thisfredYou only need it for the first put of a document17:21
thisfredoh no,17:21
urbanapenope my thinking is like this:17:21
thisfredit changes, when you send it17:21
urbanapeBindwood responds to a bookmark update, so it PUTs the new bookmark changes.17:21
urbanapea few seconds later, it's going to hit _changes and get that bookmark record back17:22
thisfredurbanape: but I think you do get it back17:22
urbanapeIt would be nice for me to say, "Uh, yeah, seen it. BECAUSE I PUT IT THERE."17:22
urbanapethe rev_id?17:22
thisfredurbanape: yeah, I think so:17:22
urbanapeI had Bindwood spitting out the entirety of the response text, and I don't recall ever seeing the rev_id.17:23
urbanapelemme check.17:23
thisfredurbanape: python-couchdb does this:17:24
thisfred    def __setitem__(self, id, content):17:24
thisfred        """Create or update a document with the specified ID.17:24
thisfred        :param id: the document ID17:24
thisfred        :param content: the document content; either a plain dictionary for17:24
thisfred                        new documents, or a `Row` object for existing17:24
thisfred                        documents17:24
thisfred        """17:24
thisfred        resp, data = self.resource.put(id, content=content)17:24
thisfred        content.update({'_id': data['id'], '_rev': data['rev']})17:24
urbanapeI think you're right. I just looked at the couch.js17:24
urbanapehow did I miss that?17:24
thisfredso something is returning it17:24
thisfredunless it makes two calls under the hood17:25
urbanapemaybe I was spitting out some othe rpart of the response. a subobject, or something.17:25
urbanapeno, it's even there in the js lib.17:25
urbanapeman, how dumb.17:25
urbanapeokay, cool!17:25
urbanapeyay us!17:25
thisfredbetter than to expect it's there and find it's not ;)17:26
thisfredaquarius: in the params branch, any reason not to just have **params and pass that on?17:52
thisfredoh, not here.. :)17:53
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dobeydoh, and of course rtgz isn't here right now20:33
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