
=== Keybuk_ is now known as Keybuk
KeybukNon-root users get strange output when they run initctl which tries to get information from system dbus.10:54
Keybuk $ initctl list10:54
Keybukinitctl: Name "com.ubuntu.Upstart" does not exist10:54
Keybuksadmac_: ^ really?10:54
plautrbaKeybuk: it's current state in fedora now12:39
plautrbaand "strange" means that it should say something like you need to be root or someting12:40
Keybukstrange means that it should work12:41
Keybukquest scott% initctl list | head -212:41
Keybukavahi-daemon start/running, process 94812:41
Keybukmountall-net stop/waiting12:41
plautrbaI agree that it should work12:43
Keybukyou don't have to be root to use commands like list, status, etc.12:43
temoto1How to run upstart in user home?12:52
temoto1I had a day of pain trying to run upstart in debian lenny, without installing it system-wide.12:53
=== temoto1 is now known as temoto
Keybuktemoto: just install there and use init=/home/temoto/sbin/init ?12:58
temotoKeybuk: without installing it system wide, also implies without touching existing init system :)13:03
temotoi could write a line into inittab or something, that's not the point13:04
Keybukyou don't need to13:04
Keybuk./configure --prefix=$HOME/upstart13:04
temototroubles were in just starting it13:04
Keybukthen when you boot, init=/home/temoto/upstart/sbin/init13:04
Keybukon the kernel command-line13:04
Keybukit'll look for config in /home/temoto/upstart/etc/init obviously13:04
Keybukso you'll have to provide some13:04
Keybukotherwise it won't do much13:05
temotoi don't want to replace init13:05
temotobut that's not the point13:05
Keybukthen you're in the wrong place13:05
KeybukUpstart isn't a word processor ;)13:05
Keybukit's a replacement for init13:05
temotoi wanted it to manage separate user jobs.13:05
Keybukit's not designed to do that13:05
Keybukit must be pid 113:06
Keybukyou can comment out the code that requires it13:06
Keybukbut you lose things like daemon supervision and stuff13:06
temotowell init says you can run telinit and it doesn't want to be pid 113:06
temotobut i actually had troubles with dbus connection13:07
temotoit says /com/something is unknown13:07
temotoi did sudo ~/upstart/sbin/telinit 213:07
KeybukI think you're confusing yourself13:07
temotoDoes that loose daemon supervision?13:07
Keybuktelinit simply communicates with the init daemon13:07
Keybukit's identical to running "initctl emit runlevel RUNLEVEL=2 PREVLEVEL=$(runlevel)"13:08
temotoThat's why it couldn't connect to /com/something?13:08
Keybukjust easier to type13:08
Keybukthe thing it couldn't connect to was Upstart13:08
temotoThanks :)13:08
Keybuksomething was "com.ubuntu.upstart"13:08
temotoThanks for explanation.13:09
temotoMaybe it deserves to be mentioned on website.13:09
KeybukUpstart is a replacement for Init13:09
Keybukif the website listed everything that Upstart wasn't, it'd take months to download13:10
temotoMaybe it's more obvious that Upstart is not a game and less obvious that you can't run supervisor part without replacing Init. I just proposed, if no, then no, fine. Thanks for explanation anyway.13:12
Keybuk"Upstart is an event-based replacement for the /sbin/init daemon"13:13
Keybuk(the first sentence on the website)13:13
KeybukI just don't get how people can read that, and think that they can use Upstart without replacing /sbin/init ;)13:13
temotoWhat about documentation on stuff like `task' ? Does it exist anywhere? sadmac explained it, but i couldn't find.13:13
KeybukI mean13:13
Keybukthat's like asking whether you can run HURD as a normal user :p13:13
Keybuktemoto: yes, in the man page13:14
Keybukman 5 init13:14
temotoGreat, thanks.13:14
=== pocek_ is now known as pocek
=== [1]sassyn is now known as sassyn

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