
Riddelldon't think so Lex7900:05
Lex79ok, I'm going to do that00:05
nixternalooh, that is pretty nice00:06
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
apacheloggerRiddell: freeflying was never member according to kubuntu-members former members list, so I suppose he should apply for kubuntu membership00:41
freeflyingapachelogger: how come I was never kubuntu membership?00:42
apacheloggerfreeflying: you are at least not appearing anywhere00:43
apacheloggermaybe timeouts do not show up at all, but only manual deactivations00:44
apacheloggerfreeflying: are you sure you were kubuntu member?00:44
freeflyingapachelogger: sure00:44
apacheloggerwell, ok, if Riddell and you are positive on that I assume reinstatement is appropriate00:44
apacheloggerseele, Riddell, JontheEchidna, Nightrose: ^ I am readding freeflying (lp:~zhengpeng-hou) as kubuntu-member00:46
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
apacheloggerfreeflying: done00:46
freeflyingapachelogger: thx00:46
Lex79colibri needs review: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/colibri00:51
jjessegood evening ever since updating to the most recent beta choqok crashes every time i start it up, it launches and starts showing me my tweets and dents, anyone else havign issues with choqok?00:52
freeflyingjjesse: seems works fine here00:52
RiddellI think there's a new choqok we should be packaging anyway00:54
Riddellapachelogger: you can revert the topic now00:56
apacheloggerkubotu: topic restore00:56
=== kubotu changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Lucid Alpha 1 Released! | Kubuntu has the Doctor on the brain | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | almost congatulations to Quintasan | Meeting Wednesday 18:00UTC
apacheloggerkubotu: topic del 500:57
=== kubotu changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Lucid Alpha 1 Released! | Kubuntu has the Doctor on the brain | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | almost congatulations to Quintasan
apacheloggerRiddell: better?00:57
apacheloggerRiddell: is Quintasan still not confirmed?00:57
RiddellI've not heard anything00:59
apacheloggerhm, nixternal gave a +1 which should result in quorum01:00
* apachelogger goes poking01:00
jjessefreeflying: what do you use as your notifcation libnotify or knotify?01:05
freeflyingjjesse: libnotify01:06
daskreechis http://gould.cx/ted/blog/Having_a_tidy_systray from Ubuntu's prodding ?01:08
apacheloggerdaskreech: more like kde's inovatitionism :P01:11
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apacheloggerthough without canonical that would never have reached a cross-desktop span01:11
jjessefreeflying: hrmm using knotify myself wonder whats going on01:13
daskreechapachelogger: Well we know we have the better tech but as I recall there was some recoil when it was suggested that Gnome actually make use of it01:16
apacheloggeryeah, though gnome, so I have been told, was not too motivated01:17
daskreechkoffice-kde4: Depends: krita-kde4 (>= 1:2.0.2-2ubuntu3)01:17
apacheloggercanonical however considered it a good idea and is now brining it to gnome01:17
daskreechapachelogger: that's all I was asking :)01:17
apacheloggerand honest to whatever you believe in most, having the spec applied acrross desktops makes much more sense from a user POV01:18
apacheloggerhence I find this step very important01:18
daskreechapachelogger: of course that's why there is a xdg in the first place01:18
daskreechI wish that the stupid *dm would follow a spec01:18
daskreechReally annoying to lose the abilty to control the computer just because of a default DM01:19
apacheloggerdms are a general problem01:19
apacheloggerAFAIK both kdm and gdm are based upon xdm, but what they stack upon the xdm base is so no standardizied it is quite horirblye actually01:20
daskreechWhich is why I wish someone (by someone I mean Gnome and KDE of course) would sit down and propose a standard01:20
ScottKSo clearly we need dmdm01:21
daskreechtheming and all that junk can be tossed out. Just make computer wide crucial actions able to be passed along in some fashion01:21
* apachelogger thinks that theming might be the easier thing there01:21
daskreechI don't care about the theme possibiltes01:22
apacheloggerjust propose some base spec which both kdm and gdm must comply to, then define some fallback rules and all is done01:22
apacheloggermakes gdm users able to use kdm themes and vice versa01:22
daskreechsharing themes is a noble win for the fashion concious consumer but having to logout to get a hibernate button is just plain stupid01:23
apacheloggerthat is more of a structural problem inhereted by Xorg01:23
apacheloggerX needs to be run as root01:24
apacheloggerhence kdm needs to be run as root to invoke X01:24
daskreechyes but KDE loaded from KDM can shutdown etc and Gnome loaded from GDM can do so as well01:24
apacheloggerof course X running as a different user than the desktop session within the X makes it kind of difficult to streamline deskto -> dm communication01:24
daskreechbut KDE from GDM? No no no computer control for you01:25
daskreechYou get logout and that is all01:25
apacheloggeryeah, but that is difficult to spec, because the shotdown systems of KDE and GNOME are not very similar to my knowledge01:25
apacheloggerdaskreech: take a look at the ksmserver code and the kdm one01:26
apacheloggerksmserver really just emits a signal to kdm that lets it do the shutdown01:26
apacheloggerultimately that signal would be done via dbus, hence being dm agnostic01:26
daskreechapachelogger: which is why I said allow a passthrough01:26
apacheloggerBUT, dbus depends on hal and hal depends on a load of crap to start, thus using dbus here would prevent early startup of the dekstop manager01:27
apacheloggerAFIAK again01:27
apacheloggerdaskreech: I think that is not posixy01:28
daskreecheither have KDM and GDM agree on common functionality and then have a proxy that passes on requests from the DE or have them turn over control to a second party system which gets decided by the De at init time01:28
apacheloggersame reason you cannot invoke halt without sudo halt01:28
apacheloggerdaskreech: a common system creates cpu overhead most likely (see earlier discussion about unavoidable more calculations with gzip compressed content on a web server01:29
daskreechYeah it's an annoying issue but I guess I'm just more annoyed that no one even thinks it's an issue01:29
apacheloggerdaskreech: well, from a regular user perspective it is not much of an issue01:29
apacheloggersince she will either install kubuntu or ubuntu, hence hend up with a desktop fitting the dm01:30
apacheloggerbut I understand you point, and I also find that limiation rather silly01:30
daskreechapachelogger: under the assumption of a home type user01:30
jjessethis may be the most technical converstation i've seen here in awhile01:30
jjesseand i don't understand most of it :)01:30
daskreechjjesse: Short break Down is X Sucks01:31
apacheloggerI wouldnt even say that, X mostly is just bound to limiations of a plain/orignal posix system01:32
daskreechIt's amazing at how I can distill most reasons for why Linux is horrible to use down to Propietary Software, Hardware manufacturers and X suck01:32
apacheloggerwhich requires X to run as root, whereas modern linux system can actually hand X being run a user (hence X having user space permission sets)01:32
* daskreech ponders a DM built on wayland01:32
apacheloggerdaskreech: X is just horrible to hack at01:33
daskreechX.org is just the most perplexing aspect of a FOSS ecosystem to me01:33
apacheloggerpossibly much more than the kernel even01:33
apacheloggerif you break something  in X the likelyhood of affecting a lot of people is a lot higher01:33
daskreechI know! and in a FOSS framework for any other possible aspect X would have been forked01:33
apacheloggeralso I personally find that graphics stuff a lot more complex than regular OS work01:34
daskreechBut in the entire multiverse of FOSS X stands as the only program that does not have a reasonable illusion of choice01:34
apacheloggerdaskreech: it does not need to be forked, in fact xorg already is a fork :P01:34
daskreechYou use X and you like it. There are no alternatives01:34
apacheloggerxorg is a fork of xfree01:34
apacheloggerdaskreech: because X is considerable complex structure01:35
daskreechI know and it will get better but that doesn't change that it sucks01:35
apacheloggerimplementing a competior from scratch is a real PITA01:35
daskreechapachelogger: by that do you mean X11 ?01:35
apacheloggerX11 is a standard or something01:35
jjessei wrote one while i was sitting here :)01:35
apacheloggerXfree86 is the implementation X.org was forked from01:35
daskreechExactly with for all purposes a single implementation01:35
kallecarlnixternal: all done documents edited and looked at after "make all" . You wrote "validate" docs. How is .../scripts/validate.sh run against docs?01:36
daskreechwhich in the framework of how FOSS normally works is just astounding to me01:36
apacheloggerwell, you only have one intel driver at this point :P01:36
daskreechYou have two nvidia and ATI drivers01:37
apacheloggerwell, that is because of prop vs free01:39
apacheloggernot competior vs competior01:40
daskreechif Intel made a long term lets break everything policy intel's drivers would fork01:40
apacheloggersome stuff is just awful to work on01:40
daskreechI know that :(01:40
apacheloggerhence there will be no forking01:40
apacheloggerI doubt that linux woud be forked01:40
daskreechand as I said there will be a time it gets better01:40
apacheloggermuch more likely it is that people move to bsd or other free OS01:40
daskreechapachelogger: But you have a choice of BSD01:40
daskreechand haiku01:40
daskreechand HURD01:40
daskreechor as it's commonly known HU HU HU HURD01:40
kallecarland Windows 701:40
daskreechkallecarl: Speaking in terms of FOSS ecosystem01:40
kallecarli know couldn't resist01:40
apacheloggeronly a couple of months until win7 will be gpled01:40
apacheloggerbecause some essential part of the kernel is identified to violate the gpl or something :P01:40
kallecarlin this case, what does gpl stand for?01:40
daskreechbut even if you choose Postgresql with nginx nd Ruby on BSD over mysql with apache and python on Linux on both of them you get X.org01:40
daskreechcause there is no choice01:40
kallecarlgood ph..kg luck01:40
apacheloggerdaskreech: you can use xfree86 :P01:41
jjessekallecarl:  i think you can just do the validate.sh and then the doc you want to validate against01:41
daskreechkallecarl: MS shall feel the force of our lawyers!!!01:41
daskreechI should see when they last made a release01:41
apacheloggernot that it would be better, because it applies the same stupid basic paradigms crated like 20 years ago01:41
kallecarljjesse: thanks01:41
apacheloggerbut then, so does the very core of openoffice and no one is complaining there01:41
kallecarlI'll try it01:42
daskreechapachelogger: but the relative spec that's built against is Documents and ODF noticeably for which there are alternatives01:42
daskreechone of which will not install due to KDE 4.4 b1 on Koala01:42
daskreechkoffice-kde4: Depends: krita-kde4 (>= 1:2.0.2-2ubuntu3)01:42
* daskreech brings the chan back to Doktoring01:42
apacheloggerdaskreech: those are pardigms, not specs01:46
apacheloggerwell odf is a spec, but it is based on a pardigm01:46
apacheloggerthe paradigm of having documents stored digiatally01:46
apacheloggerwith formatting and all01:46
apacheloggerX is implementing a paradigm, it just leaks competing implemations for that pardigm01:46
apacheloggerosx doesnt use X AFAIK, so they created a competing implementation, the thin gis that it is just not free hence no option for a free OS01:46
daskreechand Windows has their own I know01:46
daskreechagain I was speaking within the constraints of choices for a FOSS multiverse01:46
apacheloggerwell, windows is not posix based, but yes they also implement a visual paradigm01:46
daskreechright if we are speaking of paradigms ;)01:52
apacheloggerwell, if we are talking at stack based implementations than whatever osx uses is as clsoe to a competitor to X as it gets01:54
apacheloggerand as I said, implementing those  kinds of paradigms is a real PITA thus there will be no from-scratch implemenation be done unless absolutely necessary01:55
apacheloggerwhich, considering the IMHO pretty obious superiority of osx' graphics stacks over X might not be that bad of an idea after all01:56
apacheloggerthen again you need to motivate the people and all01:56
apacheloggeropen source is a lot more complex than prop driven development IMHO01:56
apacheloggersocial stuff plays much a greater role, also you cannot tell people what to do01:57
apacheloggermost of the time anyway :S01:57
kallecarlnixternal, jjesse: validated, proposed merge. Please let me know if anything didn't work properly.02:03
daskreechsocial stuff in FOSS rocks ;)02:03
kallecarlanti-social too02:03
jjessekallecar reviewing now02:19
jjessedoh he left02:19
jjessenixternal:  shouldn't we create a new entitity to refrence the change to the branding for &kde;02:19
* ScottK notes the irony of Asiego blogging about the importance of having one single location be "The KDE source code".02:32
stackedagainsthey, I'm hoping to get in touch with one of the devs02:58
stackedagainstthere is a launchpad bug filed for the kubuntu ppa, bug 497562.  Is this part of a public testing call?02:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 497562 in digikam "On newest PPA beta (KDE 4.4beta1) digikam crashes every time at startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49756202:59
daskreechstackedagainst: I'm not sure what you mean03:01
daskreechAs long as you are using FOSS there is a call for the public to test03:01
stackedagainstdaskreech: thanks for responding.  The bug squad policy is to close PPA bugs as invalid and notify the devs, unless its a public announced testing initiative of a big ubuntu team03:02
stackedagainstbasically, I'm just notifying you guys about the PPA bug, because I dont think there is another way to file a bug against a PPA03:03
=== Guest48610 is now known as NCommander
ScottKstackedagainst: We have a kubuntu-ppa project that takes such bugs, just move it there.03:06
stackedagainstScottK: thank you, will do. :)03:07
daskreechstackedagainst: sorry one process was taking up 100% of my CPU another was taking 72% and a third was taking up 55% so in short everything froze03:12
stackedagainstdaskreech: no problem, Scott helped me out :)03:12
daskreechYeah caught up now03:12
JontheEchidnaIt wouldn't feel right to copy/paste endorsements from the kubuntu-dev app, and the feedback might change given the context anyways03:27
JontheEchidnaScottK, apachelogger, Riddell, ^03:28
ScottKJontheEchidna: How would you feel about copying and pasting it and then I'll edit it a bit?03:32
JontheEchidnaas long as it's ok with the sponsor03:32
JontheEchidnawhich it is in this case :P03:32
ScottKOK with me.03:32
JontheEchidnaScottK: done03:34
stackedagainstthanks guys for the help with the bug, I've added a kubuntu PPA task to it03:37
ScottKJontheEchidna: Done.03:39
ScottKWell done as soon as w.k.o catches up03:39
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nixternalhrmm, colibri doesn't work with 4.4, for me05:05
nixternalRiddell: what do you think about having a doc that we can place on the desktop/netbook workspace on a Live CD or after install to introduce people to what's going? I was thinking along the lines of a 'welcome-desktop' and 'welcome-netbook' instead of the 'about' one we used before06:09
* nixternal beds06:10
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=== Quintasan1 is now known as Quintasan
Quintasanapachelogger: unfortunately not :/06:56
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* Lure gets some quassel crashes recently09:21
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ghostcubeehlo :)11:00
ghostcubeguys http://blog.freenode.net/2009/11/testing-the-nets/11:14
apacheloggerQuintasan_: congrats12:01
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Lucid Alpha 1 Released! | Kubuntu has the Doctor on the brain | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | congatulations to Quintasan
apacheloggerjussi01: do you think meeting minutes would have use in general?12:04
apacheloggerif so we probably should streamline the process a bit to make it less likely that no one does it ;)12:04
jussi01apachelogger: I think they should be done, yes. there is a team report thing that might be useful.12:06
apacheloggerjussi01: mind digging it up?12:07
* apachelogger notes that team reports != meeting minutes :P12:07
jussi01apachelogger: 1 min12:07
apacheloggerwhatever happened to team reports12:07
apacheloggerI remember we usually fighted to come up with some useful information every now and then for that :D12:07
apacheloggerdid they get abandonned?12:07
Lureapachelogger: do you know who (beside Riddell) can increase kubuntu-ppa/beta (we are at 3GB with 1 GB cap)12:07
jussi01apachelogger: theres a template there that makes it a bit easier12:08
apacheloggerLure: Riddell cannot, only soyuz devs can12:08
apacheloggerLure: just post a question like https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/73122 regarding soyuz12:09
apacheloggerpossibly you could also try finding someone in #launchpad to speed up the processing a bit ;)12:09
apacheloggerjussi01: I dont want to be bitchy again, but having that kind of stuff done in a wiki is just horrible :P12:10
apacheloggerone could propably master up a more efficient approach in rails in like half an hour12:11
Lureapachelogger: thanks, done: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/9436112:11
jussi01apachelogger: well... Im guessing patches are welcome :P12:13
* jussi01 hugs apachelogger12:13
apacheloggerjussi01: well, obviously that would only be used if done inside lp12:13
apacheloggerand after looking at the code once I do not feel like doing that again for the next year or so :P12:13
apacheloggerkdelibs is less scary12:14
jussi01apachelogger: I think nhandler is the guy you want to talk to about it in anycase...12:16
* apachelogger also finds it rahter silly that the wiki pages are themed inline12:16
apacheloggermy lecturer on internet and nu media would go all mad when he saw that :P12:16
apacheloggerjussi01: yeah, so it seems :)12:17
apacheloggerulysses__: you should really report a bug about the stasks vs. smooth tasks12:18
ulysses__apachelogger: I'll do it12:18
jussi01I thought smooth tasks didnt allow the icon only in the systray...12:22
jussi01this 4.4 beta is somewhat annoying tbh... I guess Ill get used to it though12:23
ulysses__bug 49774212:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 497742 in ubuntu "Please replace STasks with Smooth Tasks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49774212:29
Quintasan|SzelYeah! I iz MOTU12:32
ulysses__Congratulation Quintasan|Szel12:32
Quintasan|Szelhurr, that damned wireless12:35
RiddellLure: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/9426212:40
Riddellug, I hurt, back to bed for me12:40
LureRiddell: maybe we get twice the space now that we have two open questions ;-)12:41
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter_work
freeflyingQuintasan|Szel: welcome then :)12:52
Quintasan|Szelso I need to find a minion12:56
apacheloggerRiddell: where comes the hurtery from?12:59
apacheloggerXand3r_: ping ping ping13:08
apacheloggerXand3r_: about krandr from 4.4 ... I actually still had the sources around and svn upped them ... to build you'd go mkdir build; cd build; cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr && cd kcontrol/randr && make && sudo make install13:10
apacheloggerit is super important that you go to the randr dir before make, otherwise the build will fail due to api incompability of 4.4 stuff on 4.313:11
apacheloggerXand3r_: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/src/workspace-krandr-r1063223.tar.lzma13:12
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
* ghostcube wonders why we congrat Quintasan o.o13:17
apacheloggerQuintasan_: there you have someone to make a minion13:19
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ghostcubeQuintasan congrats just joking :P13:19
Quintasanso, aboard the MOTU ship :P13:19
apacheloggernow whom did I wanna write a mail?13:21
* apachelogger is not much use today13:21
ghostcubesteve jobs .. he should lend me all his money13:21
Quintasanlike what13:22
Quintasan"Hey Steve, borrow me all your money so I can waste it on girls and alcohol"13:22
ghostcubeapachelogger: heh you testet ssl :) i think thi is cool step to get freenode more nuke free13:22
ghostcubesteve give me your money my car needs love13:22
ghostcubemy flat needs love13:22
Quintasankubotu: order cookies for apachelogger13:22
* kubotu slides a whole bunch of world's finest cookies down the bar to apachelogger.13:22
apacheloggerwelll, not steve13:22
Quintasanapachelogger: there you go13:22
apacheloggerbut mark13:23
apacheloggerQuintasan: thx13:23
apacheloggerghostcube: I shall feel more secure with ssl really13:23
ghostcubethis sarkasm is not good for you13:25
Quintasanlol just lol13:25
ghostcubeit will eat you up13:25
QuintasansarKasm version 4.413:25
ghostcubeQuintasan nice article13:26
QuintasanThat's just awesome, this guy failed so much it was a win in the end13:27
JontheEchidnaScottK: Could you put gtk-qt-engine on the sync blacklist and delete it again?13:29
amichairQuintasan: congrats :-)13:35
Quintasanamichair: thanks13:45
=== Xand3r_ is now known as Xand3r
markeyhey guys13:56
markeygot a question:13:56
markeyKarmic currently has libMTP version 0.313:56
markeythere is 1.0 out in the meantime13:56
markeyI need to test a bug in that lib, to make sure it's not Amarok's fault13:56
markeyhas anyone got a package of it? :)13:56
markey0.3 is ancient13:56
Mamarokmarkey: it is in lucid, it would need to be backported to Karmic13:57
markeyif anyone could do that, it would make me very happy13:57
markeycause these bugs are very grave13:57
markeycan make Amarok freeze several minutes13:58
markey(and even crash your MTP device)13:58
Mamarokand is the potential cause for MTP problems in a few other bugs13:58
bbigrasis there any progress or interest in having an updated package to fix the MALLOC_CHECK_ problem?13:59
markeybbigras: that issue also is very grave... causes countless crashes14:01
markeyshould really try to get an updated GLIBC asap14:02
bbigrasmarkey: yes, I feel bad for the guys triaging bugs14:02
markeyreally, it causes crazy memory corruptions14:02
markeymakes your head smoke14:02
bbigrasit's a bit of a pita to test 4.4 with it14:02
markeyif possible in any way, I would recommend that Karmic gets that an update too14:03
markey(dunno if that requires building $WORLD, or not)14:03
markeythe bug might theoretically be exploitable (though I haven't read of an exploit yet)14:04
bbigrasyes it would be nice to have it for karmic too, that's what I use to work on KDE14:04
agateauRiddell: ping14:04
Mamarokbbigras: the ubuntu devs know about, cjwatson promised to have a look at getting the new glibc version in and backported14:04
bbigrasMamarok: nice, thanks14:05
Riddellagateau: hi14:07
agateauRiddell: I'd like to request an SRU for gwenview ( #497769 )14:08
agateaummm, the bot did not get this one, bug #49776914:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 497769 in kdegraphics "Crop handles are invisible" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49776914:09
agateauRiddell: what's the best way to do this?14:09
Riddellagateau: find someone to package it and upload it, then subscribe ubuntu-sru and pitti will get to it at some point14:10
agateauRiddell: ok, I'll have a look at packaging it, thanks!14:10
Riddellagateau: sorry I seem to be ill today and not in a state of mind to help14:11
agateauRiddell: sure, no problem14:11
agateauRiddell: I should be able to do it myself14:11
markeyapachelogger: ping14:13
maco2Quintasan: hey, congrats!14:13
apacheloggermaco2: pong14:13
apacheloggereh markey: pong14:13
apacheloggermaco2: though, ahoy, did you get anywhere with kmess upstream?14:13
markeyapachelogger: do you happen to have a backport of libMTP 1.0 (or 1.0.1) for Karmic somewhere?14:13
* apachelogger feels he asked that at some point already14:13
markeyI really need that urgently14:13
Quintasanmaco2: Thanks! :D14:14
apacheloggermarkey: nope14:14
markey0.3 is so buggy it can crash your MTP device14:14
apacheloggerQuintasan: ^14:14
apacheloggerwanna backport?14:14
MamarokQuintasan: you would do us a big favor14:14
* apachelogger is writing a super important mail to the dictator right now :P14:14
markeycheck this:14:14
Riddellmarkey, apachelogger: libmtp should be in stating or beta or something14:14
markeyPTP_ERROR_IO: Trying again after re-initializing USB interface14:14
markeyusb_claim_interface(): Bad file descriptor14:14
markeyLIBMTP PANIC: Could not open session on device14:14
markeyafter that, I had to hard-reset my Sansa player14:14
markey(and it froze Amarok for 40 seconds)14:15
apacheloggerrockbox ftw14:15
markeyRiddell: can you explain to me how to get it?14:15
markeyapachelogger: no, the Sansa actually has really good firmware by default14:15
QuintasanI disapprove of Sansa14:15
markeyas opposed to most other players14:15
QuintasanRockbox > * :P14:15
apacheloggerI know, I have some sansa thingy too14:15
Riddellmarkey: sorry ill, back to snoozing now14:16
markeyI _love_ the device :)14:16
apacheloggerbut srsly ever since I flashed it with rockbox I would not even think about going back14:16
QuintasanRiddell: so no need to backport it?14:16
apacheloggerrockbox is just so flexible in about every aspect14:16
markeynote: not all Sansa's are the same. I have a "Sansa Clip"14:16
* Quintasan hugs his Sansa E260 with Air theme14:16
maco2apachelogger: no, i have to check with them again. i was in "ahhh must study to pass finals" mode, but exams are done now, so will try again. the upstream dev they said was most likely to know was *also* busy that day14:16
QuintasanRiddell: no need to backport then?14:16
apacheloggermarkey: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libmtp14:17
markeyapachelogger: thanks :)14:17
apacheloggerunderneat the version history for official ubuntu stuff you will find a list of packages in a ppa14:17
MamarokQuintasan: rockbox doesn't work for all devices, libmtp would really be nice to have, and we could at least test14:17
apacheloggermarkey: so if it was in some ppa or the backports repo it would always show up there14:17
apacheloggerin this particular case we seem to have 1.0.1 in the beta ppa14:17
Mamarokapachelogger: you sure? I only see it in Lucid14:18
apacheloggerunderneath the offical versions!14:18
Mamarokcause 4.4 beta comes with Qt 4.6, an even bigger problem :(14:19
apacheloggerdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/beta/ubuntu karmic main14:19
apacheloggeradd that14:19
apacheloggerthen run sudo apt-get install libmtp8 libmtp-dev mtp-tools14:19
apacheloggerthen remove above line again14:19
apacheloggerno need to upgrade to kde 4.4 ;)14:20
Mamarokyep, thanks, I didn't see the link earlier :)14:20
apacheloggeror you download the debs manually14:20
apacheloggerat the very least you need libmtp8 and -dev14:20
apacheloggermaco2: oh, ok :)14:21
=== Quintasan1 is now known as Quintasan
QuintasanWhat's with my connection today, grrr14:25
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ScottKJontheEchidna: That (gtk-qt-engine) needs an archive admin with shell acess (e.g. Riddell).14:36
JontheEchidnait's all black magic to me ;-)14:36
ghostcubehmmm i think the splits wont happen on the new testnet14:52
ghostcubecause different ports14:52
rgreeningdid virtuoso not be added to beta backports?15:02
rgreeningLex79: ^15:10
ulysses__Hello, I'm working on bug 49774215:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 497742 in ubuntu "[needs packaging]Please replace STasks with Smooth Tasks" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49774215:17
ulysses__Currently I want to write the control file. My question is, what should I write as build depends?15:17
rgreeninganyone else having compositing failing on KDE 4.4 beta1?15:22
Quintasanulysses__: don't bother, I did the stasks package so I will replace it right away15:23
Quintasanulysses__: or hell, if you do it I can upload it now :P15:24
ScottKrgreening: Known issue for some cards.15:24
ulysses__Quintasan: I'm just learning the packaging from Ubuntu Wiki :/15:24
Quintasanulysses__:  pkg-kde-tools, kdelibs5-dev, kdebase-workspace-dev15:24
Quintasanulysses__: and in debian/rules15:25
Quintasanulysses__: http://pastebin.com/f7f2ae98d15:25
Quintasansince we use pkg-kde-tools for plasmoids etc.15:25
rgreeningScottK: hmm... for Intel ? wow... that's a bad sign15:25
Xand3rapachelogger: hey have you some time for me? #kde and #kde-devel are ignoring me.15:27
Quintasanulysses__: I'm not busy so feel free to poke me if you have any problems15:27
Quintasanulysses__: are you using pbuilder yet?15:27
ScottKQuintasan: Congratulations.15:28
QuintasanScottK: Thanks :)15:28
ulysses__Quintasan: No, I'm trying to make the packagae from scratch https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Packaging%20from%20Scratch15:28
ScottKQuintasan: Now that you can upload, kgraphviewer, plasma-widget-mail, and kopete-cryptography all need to be switched to boost1.40 from boost1.38 (and are in Universe)15:29
Quintasanulysses__: Pbuilder is used to testbuild packages, so you can check what build-dependecies you missed and what files are not installed15:29
QuintasanScottK: okay, I'll do it right away15:30
tsimpsonfiguring out the build-depends takes digging around, trial and error.15:30
tsimpsonkdelibs5-dev is a good start though15:30
QuintasanScottK: also, do I need to add some sort of entry to dput or I just upload package without specifing upload destination?15:35
ScottKQuintasan: The default is to upload to Ubuntu, but you will want to change that so you don't accidentally upload something to the archive that you intended for a PPA.15:36
refichow's lucid today?15:38
QuintasanScottK: one more thing, changelog should point lucid or karmic?15:41
Quintasanoh wait 1.40 means lucid15:42
QuintasanScottK: kgraphviewer uploaded16:10
JontheEchidnagrats Quintasan16:13
QuintasanJontheEchidna: thanks16:13
JontheEchidnaAny core dev up for sponsoring kdebase-runtime from bzr and http://jmthomas.toniox.org/phonon-backends_4.3.80-0ubuntu1.dsc ?16:16
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Lex79Quintasan: congrats ! :)16:18
Quintasan1Lex79: thanks :)16:19
Quintasan1I just don't get whats with my connection :/16:20
=== Quintasan1 is now known as Quintasan
QuintasanJontheEchidna: did you reply? my connection really sucks today16:21
JontheEchidnareply to what?16:21
Quintasanoh nice, my message didnt get send16:22
QuintasanJontheEchidna: http://pastebin.com/m2eb4fbb6 <-- what's wrong, I'm doing debuild16:22
JontheEchidnaoh, you need pkg-kde-tools 0.5 to use dh --with kde16:23
ScottKJontheEchidna: I'll get it.16:23
JontheEchidnaScottK: Thanks. Thanks for getting Qt sponsored too16:23
ScottKNo problem. Glad to do it.16:24
JontheEchidnait's all just a bit frustrating16:25
Lex79JontheEchidna: when you have time http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/colibri16:25
ScottKJontheEchidna: Is kcm-phonon-xine in the archive (and in Main) yet?16:28
JontheEchidnaScottK: split from kdebase-runtime and -runtime-data16:29
ScottKJontheEchidna: Yes, but has it landed in Main?  rmadison doesn't know of it yet.16:29
JontheEchidnaIt's not been uploaded yet16:29
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ScottKJontheEchidna: How about if we do that one first so we don't break installability?16:30
JontheEchidnaoh, yeah. I suppose the order I requested them in is wrong :P16:30
ScottKJontheEchidna: I'd prefer to see if the current armel build for runtime succeeds before we upload runtime again16:32
JontheEchidnaLex79: your package needs a build-depend on pkg-kde-tools16:37
Lex79JontheEchidna: build fine here without pkg-kde-tools16:38
Lex79iirc no warning and no errors16:39
nixternalmaco: how can I get someone to be a mod for our loco's forum?16:39
JontheEchidnaThe --with kde requires files from pkg-kde-tools16:39
Lex79JontheEchidna: for what? for building package or for others stuff ?16:40
JontheEchidnaFor --with-kde to work pkg-kde-tools must be present16:40
JontheEchidnawhile it will build without --with-kde, --with kde provides the default CMake flags that debian/kubuntu use16:41
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Lex79uhm ok I will add it16:42
JontheEchidnaThe package loooks fine otherwise16:42
nixternalmaco: nevermind16:44
apacheloggerXand3r: I am leaving for AVATAR in a bit16:45
Lex79JontheEchidna: thanks, reuploaded16:49
ghostcubeapachelogger: take a cam with you16:56
ghostcubei want a copy :P16:56
ScottKJontheEchidna: runtime failed on armel again.  Would you please consider if you have ideas how to fix it before you uplaod: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-runtime/4:4.3.80-0ubuntu8/+build/1396928/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-armel.kdebase-runtime_4:4.3.80-0ubuntu8_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:58
JontheEchidnaScottK: Uploading 0ubuntu9 will fix that. The phonon stuff was never removed from the .install.armel files17:01
Lex79ScottK: did you try to remove kdebase-runtime.install.armel from the package or edit that ?17:01
QuintasanScottK: I think we are missing few files to kopete-cryptography to build, kleopatra includes to be exact, cmake fails to find them and kdepimlibs5-dev are installed17:01
ScottKJontheEchidna: Cool.17:01
JontheEchidnabut now that we build phonon support again, it'll all be there17:01
ScottKLex79: I did not.  This was upload a long time ago, I just retried it today17:01
ScottKQuintasan: Not sure on that one.  kleopatra is in Universe, so maybe something gets left out.17:02
QuintasanJontheEchidna: kdemultimedia needs changing in bzr, still depends on mplayer instead of mplayer OR mplayer-nogui17:12
QuintasanJontheEchidna: it should be mplayer | mplayer-nogui?17:12
JontheEchidnamaybe mplayer-nogui | mplayer, to give nogui preference17:12
QuintasanI'll change and push17:13
QuintasanJontheEchidna: UNRELEASED or lucid normally?17:14
* Quintasan is always confused17:14
JontheEchidnaUNRELEASED, unless you're uploading it right then17:14
JontheEchidnathe upload sponsor will change to lucid and upload to ubuntu17:14
ScottKQuintasan: Also mplayerthumbs source needs to be removed. 1.2-kde4.3.2-0ubuntu1 is still there.17:16
QuintasanJontheEchidna: pushed17:17
QuintasanScottK: how come? it grabs kdemultimedia source, at least in karmic17:17
Quintasanulysses__: how are stasks going?17:17
ScottKIt used to be a separate source package.  That's still there and needs to be removed because we build the binary out of kdemultimedia now.17:18
ulysses__Quintasan: Ah, I can't understand the method of packaging :(17:18
Quintasanulysses__: where are you stuck?17:18
ScottKQuintasan: Try rmadison mplayerthumbs and see the results.17:18
QuintasanScottK: nice tool, thanks :)17:19
QuintasanScottK: How do I remove things? I can do it myself or I need to poke someone?17:19
ScottKQuintasan: You can rmadison -u debian [PACKAGE] to see what is there.17:19
ulysses__Quintasan: Last time I tried to write the control file, no I read Herbert's book, the Dune :P17:20
ScottKQuintasan: You file a bug asking for removal and subscribe ubuntu-archive.  There's a wiki page somewhere that describes it.17:20
ScottKQuintasan: Alternatively ask Riddell and he'll just do it sometimes, but that's not the official procedure.17:20
QuintasanScottK: okay will get to it asap17:20
ScottKQuintasan: Make it clear you only want source removed, not binary17:21
Quintasanulysses__: I'm pretty sure I gave you exact dependecies to be put into control file, what's the problem now?17:21
ulysses__Quintasan: Sorry, i had no more pleasure17:23
Quintasanulysses__: okay, I no pressure, I just wanted to know whether you are working on it17:24
Quintasanulysses__: I wanted to do it after my MOTU approval but I won't take away your work :P17:24
* Quintasan hopes to go to next UDS17:26
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ejatCannot load part for Calendar. Could not find plugin 'korganizerpart' for application 'kontact' <-- any info about this?18:14
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Lex79ejat: it's disabled because fails to build from source in beta1, we will try to build it again for beta218:27
ejatthanks Lex7918:28
Lex79no problem18:28
ejatis there somewhere showing the timeline for KDE SC 4.4 ?18:28
* ejat discover its kinda lag a bit while typing ...18:29
ejatits a bugs or desktop effect (kwin) ?18:30
Lex79for timeline here: http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.4_Release_Schedule18:32
ejatluckily beta 2 is on dec 22nd18:35
ejata few day to wait :) hope to get the improvement ..18:36
dhillon-v10nixternal, hi :D how are you19:48
ScottKJontheEchidna: How's the runtime update coming?19:52
JontheEchidnaScottK: Dunno, I was waiting for you to sponsor it :P19:53
ScottKJontheEchidna: Did you give it to me?  I remember just the phonon backends one.19:53
JontheEchidnaIt's in bzr19:53
ScottKJontheEchidna: Did you testbuild, etc?19:54
JontheEchidnayeah, testbuild and running19:54
JontheEchidnait's in -ninjas too19:54
JontheEchidnaAnybody else noticed that bazaar.launchpad.net is being hella slow?19:55
ScottKNoticing it right now.19:57
ScottK(trying to pull your runtime update)19:57
JontheEchidnaall hail the might lunchpad19:57
DaskreechMMMM a pad of Lunch19:58
Mamaroklunch? where's lunch? nomnom20:00
ScottKJontheEchidna: "bazaar.launchpad.net is down, but being fixed"20:10
JontheEchidnaI'll pastebin the diff.gz, un-gz'd20:11
Lex79oh, figures is for -> I see -> I understand ? :)20:12
JontheEchidnaNot exactly. It's more like "Yeah, it makes sense that that happened"20:13
Lex79ah ok :)20:14
JontheEchidna.!!!~~~~>Bat paste: pasted at http://paste.ubuntu.comhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/openid/login?next=/20:17
JontheEchidnaScottK: http://pastebin.com/f2c4937520:19
ScottKJontheEchidna: Looking20:19
ScottKJontheEchidna: Is that the full debian dir?20:20
JontheEchidnathinking about it a debdiff would have probably been better20:20
JontheEchidnaScottK: http://pastebin.com/f2ede797520:21
ScottKJontheEchidna: Why did you drop libx11-dev20:22
* JontheEchidna looks20:22
JontheEchidnaoh, Lex did that20:22
Lex79ScottK: it's a dependency of libqt4-dev now20:22
Lex79no need to keep20:23
ScottKLex79: Not a reason to drop it.20:23
ScottKAll the packages that configure looks for should be in build-dep20:23
* ScottK will take that bit out20:23
cragdorHi all, not sure if this is where to post this but can people with karmic, tell me if they have a file called Phonon-Xine.xine.conf? Apparently it holds the phonon config but i can't find it!20:25
ScottKJontheEchidna: Why did kubuntu_12_arm_no_soprano.diff come back?20:25
cragdorShould exist in ~/.config/kde.org/Phonon-Xine.xine.conf20:25
JontheEchidnaScottK: My mistake. I think that got deleted in bzr while I was working on things20:26
JontheEchidnabut not from the debian dir I copied over to the source20:26
ScottKAlso there's some sftp stuff in runtime-data20:27
* ScottK removes that too20:28
JontheEchidnaIt actually does install the sftp docs without the build-dep20:30
ScottKYes, it's docs.20:31
ScottKI already deleted it and I'm not going to worry about it for now since it's docs for something we aren't building.20:32
ScottKJontheEchidna: Did you ever pester asac about libssh?20:32
JontheEchidnanope, will ping now20:32
ScottKJontheEchidna: Uploaded.  Would you please update bzr to match the package once it comes back?20:33
* Quintasan goes to bed21:01
ScottKJontheEchidna: bzr's back up.  I went ahead and pushed the changes.21:01
QuintasanNight everyone21:01
ScottKGood night Quintasan21:01
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* nixternal kicks the snot out of LP and Bzr22:25
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Riddellhmm, still no beta 223:33
dtchenso, slightly-offtopic VCS question: is anyone seriously bothered by having to learn multiple VCSes?23:34
macoim not23:35
macocvs, svn, bzr, git, hg....ive used those so far. for normal usage its all the same23:35
maco$VCS commit23:35
macoand if one of the latter 3: $VCS push23:35
macowoowee that's hard!23:35
dtchenright, for single tracking they're quite similar23:36
JontheEchidnaI've used svn, bzr and git. I must say I'm not too fond of learning git23:36
dtchenKDE SC has moved to git, correct?23:36
JontheEchidnaKDE is planning to move to git, but haven't as of yet23:36
dtchenit's still SVN currently?23:37
JontheEchidnahaven't-> hasn't23:37
dtchen(ugh, git is a huge win over SVN in that respect)23:37
dtchenmerging in git can be quite pain{less,ful}23:38
Sputwell, amarok and konversation have moved to git already :)23:39
Sputand other subprojects are preparing the move23:39
macoright now im the most git-experienced person where i work. that's saying something (about them, not me)23:40
* Sput loves git23:42
Sputworking with svn now feels like using notepad to write a program :>23:42
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