=== NCommander is now known as Guest48610 === Guest48610 is now known as NCommander === NCommander is now known as Guest88322 === Guest88322 is now known as NCommander === asac_ is now known as asac === ogra_ is now known as ogra [15:07] JamieBennett: Is there a bug tag for all the enlightenment library syncs? [15:17] yes, there are several bugs for the syncs [15:18] persia: I can get you a list if you want [15:19] JamieBennett: If you have it handy. I'm mostly interested in the context of the netbook-launcher-efl upload. [15:19] persia: one moment, need to get the list [15:19] If you don't have it handy, then I'll just let it be :) [15:24] Half way down https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~jamiebennett/+subscribedbugs 496641 to 496649 [15:31] Oh my. The queue of u-a requests is > 100 items, which is going to take a few days. [15:31] Maybe next week. Thanks. === kung|away is now known as kung === kung is now known as kung|away