=== ripps|sleep is now known as ripps === MJ94_ is now known as MJ94 [04:17] How does the Minnesota team handle meetings online/ What is the current schedule? [04:17] h00k: We just decided to do them again, and the current operating plan is 7:00PM local time, first monday of each month. [04:18] tonyyarusso: alright. [04:20] We had the first one this month. [04:20] Yeah, I rememer being late for it, I forgot why. [04:20] Oh, I think I was on duty. [04:26] right, first Monday of month, 7pm CST [04:26] I like it :) [04:27] we're talking perhaps bi-monthly, second and last Wednesday of the month, 8:00pm [04:28] (we being Wisconsin, sorry) [04:28] Also, I like the ubuntu-minnesota.org site, the uniform Drupal theme === tonyyarusso is now known as Guest12865 === Guest12865 is now known as tonyyarusso [19:34] h00k: oh hey, how'd your presentation go? [19:35] tonyyarusso: Turns out I present Tuesday [19:35] oh, ok [19:35] it was a random order === h00k_ is now known as h00k