
=== astechgeek is now known as techgeek
dhillon-v10newz2000, hi :) how are you02:13
dhillon-v10newz2000, I had to do a fresh install for Ubuntu and I lost the instructions you gave me for the porting task, sorry about that, can you please tell me what I am supposed to do again :)02:24
GreySimdhillon-v10: If you use Ubuntu One and Tomboy sync you may not have lost it. Just throwing that out there. :)02:33
* GreySim doesn't use it yet, actually, but is going to set it up Real Soon Now.02:33
dhillon-v10GreySim, yah didn't think of that but now I will :D02:34
=== GreySim_ is now known as GreySim

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