
EsatYucewgrant, : why need i press Ctrl+D while typing passphrase?00:01
rwwHello! If my account has a PPA added to it that I've published packages to, I can't rename it, correct?00:06
rwws/rename it/get it renamed/00:07
EsatYucewgrant, :00:07
wgrantEsatYuce: What happens when you enter your passphrase?00:10
EsatYucewgrant, : it appears that: gpg: encrypted with 2048-bit ELG-E key, ID 1111ABCD, created 2009-12-1700:11
wgrantOnce you have entered your passphrase, press Enter, then Ctrl+D.00:12
wgrantThat should give you a Launchpad URL to activate your key.00:12
EsatYucewgrant,  ok00:12
EsatYucewgrant, but when i paste the text where in my e-mail: it appears passphrase00:13
wgrantEsatYuce: I don't understand what you mean.00:14
EsatYucewgrant, : i typed "gpg" then clicked enter00:15
wgrantEsatYuce: Then paste the message, including the ----- BEGIN ... and ----- END ... lines.00:16
EsatYucewgrant, : then it says me that gpg: Go ahead and type your message ...00:16
wgrantYou should be asked for your passphrase.00:16
wgrantenter it.00:16
wgrantPress Enter.00:16
wgrantAnd then press Ctrl+D, so signal that you've finished the message.00:16
EsatYucei think it is ok00:16
EsatYucelet me check00:17
EsatYucewgrant, : he key 1024D/A12B1234 was successfully validated.00:18
EsatYucei am trying this steps again and will type them wiki00:19
rickspencer3hi all00:40
rickspencer3I'm having a bit of trouble grocking how to get a bug_task object from launchpad if I have a the url for the bug_task00:41
wgrantrickspencer3: lp.load(someurl)?00:41
rickspencer3I assumed it would be launchpad.bug_tasks[url] .. but apparently not :/00:41
rickspencer3wgrant, ok00:41
rickspencer3I tried that bug got 401 errors00:42
* rickspencer3 pokes a bit more00:42
wgrantAre you trying to use a normal browser URL?00:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 482885 in enigmail "please package new upstream release" [Wishlist,Triaged]00:43
rickspencer3wgrant, well, I use whatever bug_task.self provides00:44
bryce_rickspencer3, does https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/bugs/482885 work?00:44
EsatYuceHow can i be admin in Launchpad00:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 482885 in enigmail "please package new upstream release" [Wishlist,Triaged]00:44
* rickspencer3 tries00:44
wgrantEsatYuce: Admin for what?00:44
bryce_rickspencer3, that'll get the bug rather than the bug_task.  I've used it like this -     bug = lp.load("https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/bugs/%d" % (id))00:45
EsatYucewgrant, : to make faster our language package00:45
rickspencer3bryce_, right, but we need the task00:45
wgrantbryce_: Why not just lp.bugs[id]?00:45
EsatYucewgrant, : for example, we finished to translate some package, but they are still in list ,00:45
rickspencer3anyway, same error00:45
* rickspencer3 wonders if the problem is in lucid version of lazr00:46
bryce_wgrant, at some point in the past I had tried to call it that way but it didn't work whereas the explicit url did, so I stuck with it that way00:46
rickspencer3doesn't like my access token00:46
* rickspencer3 tries deleting access token00:46
bryce_does the '.edge.' in the url matter?00:48
spivbryce_: surely you need at least one of those '.' ;)00:50
rickspencer3I deleted my cache and regenerated access tokens, etc..00:51
rickspencer3bryce_, seems it's working on production but on staging00:53
rickspencer3wgrant ^00:53
wgrantrickspencer3: Your new token will not be on staging, so that's not surprising.00:54
rickspencer3wgrant, no, I regenerating a token for staging00:54
bryce_rickspencer3, ok I'm in process of reworking all the scripts to use production instead of edge00:54
rickspencer3bryce_, what's wrong with using edge?00:55
bryce_rickspencer3, unfortunately the version of launchpadlib that provides LPNET_STAGING_ROOT is not in karmic00:55
bryce_rickspencer3, it goes down every night, causing my scripts to leave lots of cron emails for me in the morning ;-)00:55
rickspencer3I see, so I asked the staging server for a url on a different server00:55
rickspencer3bryce_, bugugger is using EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT for "production"00:56
rickspencer3if you switch to production, won't that cause issues with bughugger?00:57
bryce_rickspencer3, hrm maybe00:57
wgrantWhy would it affect an unrelated service?00:59
bryce_wgrant, bughugger is a client not a service00:59
bryce_(in this case)00:59
rickspencer3bryce makes urls for bug_tasks, and then bughugger wants to use those urls to make bug_task objects01:00
bryce_rickspencer3, I could provide the urls without the service root prefixed, so you'd use them as .load(EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT + bug_task.url)01:01
rickspencer3or you could add them ;)01:01
rickspencer3or you could add "__edge_url": , "__prod_url": ,etc.. ;)01:01
rickspencer3bryce_, just kidding01:03
wgrantSo you really want a particular bugtask, not just a bug?01:03
rickspencer3wgrant, yes01:03
rickspencer3you can't assign a bug, set a bug priority, etc...01:04
rickspencer3wgrant, it's working now anyway ... we just need to figure this one detail out01:04
rickspencer3bryce_, just do your url however you do it, and bughugger will be robust01:05
rickspencer3in fact, your suggestion is probably a good solution01:06
cyberixCan I somehow get the url name of my project changed?01:09
wgrantcyberix: Ask at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion, and an admin will do it for you.01:10
xnox"This branch cannot be deleted because it is sharing revisions with 5 other branches"02:40
xnoxShall pull the branches, push them back so that they get restacked onto new development focus and then delete this one?02:41
xnoxCan I run reconfigure on lp branches?02:44
mwhudsonxnox: yeah, you can run reconfigure on lp branches02:46
xnoxok cool =) tried it and found a bug in reconfigure ;-)02:47
mwhudsonbzr is good like that, there aren't many (any?) branch operations that you can't do over the network02:47
mwhudsonnot true for all tree operations of course02:47
mwhudsonxnox: argh!02:47
xnoxGonna file two now ;-) they should be easy02:48
xnoxbug #49805702:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 498057 in bzr "bzr reconfigure doesn't use UrlDirectories" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49805702:50
xnoxbug #49806102:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 498061 in launchpad-code "Stacked branches don't notice when stacked-on branch changes name" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49806102:53
mwhudsonoh man that last one is so true :(02:54
mwhudsonthe former is a bit surprising02:54
xnoxYeap it doesn't it for one url and it doesn't for the other ;-) lol02:56
xnoxI believe none of bzr commands should have access to any of url transports directly. It should always go thru directory check02:56
* xnox is waiting for reconfigure to finish02:57
xnoxI'm on fire bug #49806303:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 498063 in launchpad-code "Redonfiguring lp branch (which is used as --stacked-on by other branches) to be --stacked-on to something else ruins it." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49806303:11
xnoxNow having more knoweledge about the bugs in lp and bzr. I'm gonna reconfigure all branches as stand-alone non-stacked. In correct sequence03:12
xnoxdelete the old-mothership branch03:12
xnoxreanble shared repos and restack ;-)03:12
mwhudsonxnox: i'm sorry this is so painful03:14
xnoxNo worries. It is for the greater good. Cause the old-mothership was me doing cron jobs of bzr pull (using bzr-svn) and bzr push. But now I have automatic bzr-svn imports hence the troubles since the imported branched reused the revisions from the "old-mothership" and the rest of the branches are still using "old-mothership" as well.03:16
xnoxIn true fairness this is very safe-proof and space-storage efficient for lp. I'm just pushing the corner cases to the limit with this ;-)03:16
xnoxPlus if you have loads of branches you don't neceseraly have the write privilage to all of them ;-)03:18
xnoxto do this kind of procedure03:18
mwhudson498063 is pretty confusing03:19
mwhudsonbut i sort of knew that trying any kind of stacking on launchpad other than the default stuff tends not to go so well03:19
wgrantI've manually stacked before, but I needed to go in and set the stacked-on URL manualy using bzrlib afterwards.03:27
mwhudsonwell ok, that works yes03:27
xnoxUpdated the description and added additional comment bug #49806303:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 498063 in launchpad-code "restacking lp branch results in branch stacked onto filesystem url instead of bzr+ssh url" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49806303:27
xnoxwgrant: yeap that's what I'm experiencing. which is very imho not friendly03:28
xnoxI could sftp into is and update the .bzr/config ?03:28
xnoxor how did you do it?03:28
mwhudsonyeah, you can do it with lftp's 'edit' command03:28
mwhudsonor you can do it with bzrlib03:28
mwhudsonwith the set_stacked_on url method on branch03:29
xnoxI'm not quite familiar with bzrlib (i guess import brach, open branch, branch.setSomthing) I think I'm gonna use lftp's 'edit' command or can emacs do?03:29
xnoxI'll try bzrlib ;-)03:30
* xnox is still unstacking branches03:32
mwhudsoni guess emacs + tramp will work03:33
mwhudsonbut bzrlib is surely easier03:33
* xnox figured out how to work with bzrlib03:42
xnoxmwhudson: I think we need launchpad UI in branch configuration to be able to change stacking03:45
xnoxcause right now i have a branch to delete and it says I can't delete it because it is sharing revisions with other branches and I have no way to do this easily on the website without using bzr reconfigure + bzrlib magic ;-)03:46
mwhudsonxnox: i think that's probably a good idea, feel free to file a bug03:53
mwhudsonit's not completely trivial of course, because restacking implies copying revisions between the branches03:53
xnox$ ssh bazaar.launchpad.net04:00
xnoxNo shells on this server.04:00
xnoxcause bzr reconfigure is downloading the whole histrory to do --unstacked and uploads it back again.04:01
thumperxnox: have you heard of hitchhiker?04:13
xnoxwhich one? the one with galaxy and towels?04:13
thumperxnox: how about just marking the branch as abandoned instead of deleting it?04:14
xnoxhmmmm good idea04:15
xnoxa little to late now =)04:15
xnoxI've downloaded a backup of all branches into my local shared repo which has most of the revisions04:15
xnoxnow I'm deleting the old branches one by one and reuploading them04:15
xnoxI have 2 left04:16
xnoxBut thanks for the suggestion ;-)04:16
xnoxI'll remember it for the future04:16
thumperit would be nicer to have better stacking reconfiguration support on LP04:21
thumperideally I'd love for the stacking to be transparent04:21
thumperand not get in the way04:21
thumperbut hey04:21
thumpergotta start somewhere04:21
micahgdoes deleting a PPA package, delete the orig.tar.gz as well?05:00
wgrantmicahg: It will remove it from the archive if it is not used by any other packages.05:00
wgrantBut it will not let you upload the same version again.05:01
micahgwgrant: ugh05:01
micahgseems that debian and ubuntu have adifferent orig.tar.gz for a apckage05:01
wgrantYes, that happens often enough.05:01
* micahg guesses he has to modify the dsc to match the one already uploaded05:02
wgrantYou should firstly lambaste whoever introduced the difference, then wget the orig.tar.gz that is already in the archive, and debuild again.05:02
micahgah, that works too :)05:02
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
xnoxIf I want to draft a good blueprint on dev.launchpad.net what template should I use? e.g. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SpecSpec05:42
xnoxBut adapted for launchpad05:42
=== danilo_ is now known as danilos
micahgis karma broken?08:18
wgrantmicahg: There have been a few reports of that.08:22
wgrantspm: ^^?08:22
wgrantI thought it was mentioned during the meeting that the script was no longer failing.08:22
micahgwgrant: rebalancing specifically, I didn't see a response on the ML08:22
micahgwell, how long after midnight local time is it working these days?08:22
ad-530hi all08:27
ad-530is there an alternative for dput ?08:27
wgrantad-530: Well, you could always upload manually via FTP, but why?08:28
ad-530wgrant, dput hangs on bigger packages08:28
wgrantad-530: That's either a problem with your router, or a bug that occasionally shows up server-side, not a problem with the client.08:28
ad-530wgrant, yeah, i think that's related to my cheap router but that makes no difference as the result is the same ;)08:29
ad-530for ftp the login is anonymous and the folder is ~user/ubuntu/ , right?08:30
ad-530wgrant, thank you very much08:31
wgrantYou must upload all the files in one connection, too.08:31
=== doko__ is now known as doko
sivanghey folks09:06
sivangI know I've asked this before, but SteveA once noted to me a dozen more solution that do the same think like selenium, some of them party better depending on the goal.09:07
sivange.g. , what is used for launchpad's functional/integration testing ?09:07
sivangmrevell: I just asked this:09:07
wgrantsivang: LP uses Windmill for JS testing.09:07
sivang09:07 < sivang> I know I've asked this before, but SteveA once noted to me a dozen more solution that do the same think like selenium, some of them party better  depending on the goal.09:07
sivangwgrant: right dude, I think it is even you that answered me last time I asked? :)09:07
wgrantsivang: Possibly.09:08
sivangwgrant: how's you ?09:09
sivangwgrant: does it snow for you already ?09:09
* sivang has sand storms and dirty rain09:09
wgrantsivang: I'm in Melbourne, Australia. It veeeeery rarely snows near here, except on the taller mountains. Plus it's summer.09:10
sivangwgrant: ah :)09:14
dholbachhow would I get all merge proposals for the ubuntu-branches team via the API?10:18
dholbachlp.people["ubuntu-branches"].getMergeProposals() is empty10:18
sivanghey dholbach dude10:21
dholbachhiya sivang10:21
sivangdholbach: how's you and your wonderful town ?10:21
dholbachBerlin is cold, but I'm good - Friday, how can it be bad? :)10:21
dholbachhow 'bout you?10:21
sivangdholbach: I'm good :) it's rainey and dust stormy here10:22
sivangdholbach: cold is good10:24
sivangdholbach: below zero cold ?10:24
sivangdholbach: ah, that's now cold, here it is the same * -110:26
sivangdholbach: so practically summer for me, but everybody are in their coats and furs (hopeflly syntatic)10:26
dholbachthat's not so bad :)10:26
thekornhey dholbach10:27
dholbachheya thekorn10:27
thekornmaybe this method needs an argument10:27
sivangdholbach: finally I can get cycling without coming back all wet from sweat, but from rain :)10:27
thekornhmm, looks like it is working for every other person/team10:28
dholbachreally? that's weird10:28
sivanganyway people, enjoy your weekend, I'm back to #maemo10:29
dholbachubuntu-branches, ubuntu-main-sponsors and ubuntu-universe-sponsors are the ones I'm interested in10:29
dholbachsivang: enjoy it too!10:29
thekornlist(launchpad.people["thekorn"].getMergeProposals(status=["Work in progress", "Needs review", "Approved", "Rejected", "Merged", "Code failed to merge", "Queued", "Superseded"]))10:29
thekornthis is working correctly10:29
sivangdholbach: thanks :)10:29
* sivang notes telepathy is cool on the maemo, *cough* dholbach 10:30
dholbachthekorn: I tried it with "Needs review", no dice10:30
dholbachsivang: hm?10:30
thekorn...and no error message10:30
dholbachthekorn: maybe it doesn't work for source package branches yet!?10:30
dholbachjml: do you know anything about that ^?10:30
thekorndon't know10:30
dholbachjml: (getting the branches that are up for review for ~ubuntu-branches via the API)10:30
sivangdholbach: never mind, I think lots of your packaging work on it is reused there10:31
sivangdholbach: I spotted at least one pkg10:31
dholbachsivang: yeah, but nowadays luckily Debian/Ubuntu's Telepathy team take care of it10:31
dholbachI did some of the initial packaging there10:31
sivangdholbach: right, I've noticed it from the change in the maintainer name10:31
sivangdholbach: right, you were the pioneer :)10:31
dholbachthat's a bit too much :)10:31
sivangdholbach: you pushed it like a madman, don't be modest10:32
dholbachlet me be modest for once ;-)10:32
dholbachthekorn: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/352094 maybe?10:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 352094 in launchpad-code "Expose ISourcePackage.branches" [Medium,Fix committed]10:33
sivangdholbach: anyway, enough gossip, let you go back to your work :)10:33
dholbachsivang: take care10:34
sivangdholbach: you too, thanks, hope to come to berlin soon and meet you10:34
dholbachyeah :)10:34
dholbachthumper: do you know anything about sourcepackage branches and the API? how would I get ~ubuntu-branches/+activereviews via the API? :)10:35
dholbachor maybe rather bug 411357?10:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411357 in launchpad-code "Please expose a method to get all merge proposals that a person has been asked to review in the API" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41135710:36
thekornI don't know, it is just bad that you don't get an Error telling you what's going on10:37
dholbach ^ abentley maybe? (although you're probably not up yet ... :-))10:37
dholbachthekorn: thanks in any case :)10:39
thumperdholbach: you wouldn't10:45
thumperdholbach: but I'm not here right now10:45
thumperdholbach: you can get close but not the same10:46
thumperdholbach: getMergeProposals I think10:46
* thumper leaves10:46
dholbachthumper: that doesn't work :)10:46
dholbachlp.people["ubuntu-branches"].getMergeProposals() is empty :)10:46
dholbachhave a good time... wherever you are :)10:47
dokohttps://edge.launchpad.net/~openjdk/+mailinglist-moderate does time out for me ... Error ID: OOPS-1448ED476 OOPS-1448ED48210:58
=== jelmer_ is now known as jelmer
ucohviI need the information that would be at https://help.launchpad.net/Projects/Registration  (how to create a project) .  If you tell me what to do, I will add it to the Wiki.  Or if you write in the wiki, i will test it to see that i understand it and it works.11:44
maxbucohvi: Follow the "Create a new project" link on https://launchpad.net/11:45
maxboh, and https://help.launchpad.net/Projects/Registering is the page you are looking for11:48
ucohvithen i will change the bad link11:50
ucohviCan a project be registered by a team rather than individual?11:52
salgadoucohvi, no, but it can be assigned to a team after it's created11:55
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
ucohvisalgado: thank you for informing me of the futility of what i was attempting12:11
ucohviI have pushed a bazaar branch but do not see it in launchpad.  It can be seen with  bzr info lp://staging/~gpl3/gp/non    --but not at https://staging.launchpad.net/gp  . Why is that?  Is there something missing?12:24
spivucohvi: I see it at https://code.staging.launchpad.net/gp12:28
spivucohvi: (click the "Branches" link on https://staging.launchpad.net/gp)12:29
ucohviYes, it is there.  I expected to see it instead of "trunk" under "Series and milestones"12:31
spivIn Launchpad, a branch is a different sort of thing to a series or a milestone.12:32
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
pedro_hello folks, I'm having a little issue with launchpad, don't know if it's the script or launchpad12:54
pedro_I've created an script to propose members to a team: http://paste.ubuntu.com/343748/12:54
pedro_it was working fine until today that we're getting 401 errors12:54
pedro_yes, I've recreated the credentials just in case , but still doesn't work12:55
pedro_is there something wrong on the script or is lp having issues?12:55
intellectronicapedro_: so, you authorize on LP when it opens in the browser and yet you get 401?13:01
hggdhintellectronica: correct. I even tried adding myself (already an admin in the team), and I get a 50013:04
pedro_intellectronica, that's correct13:04
ahasenackhey guys, as an admin of the landscape LP group I got an email about a new invitation to join another group13:04
ahasenackbut I can't act on it: LP says I'm "unauthorized to perform that action"13:05
ahasenackis that a bug?13:05
hggdhah. The plot thickens ;-)13:05
intellectronicahggdh: 500 is a different story altogether13:05
hggdhintellectronica: I pretty much supposed so, but I had to try ;-)13:05
intellectronicaahasenack: oh dear. that does sound like a bug13:06
ahasenackwell, the exact wording is completely different, sorry. "Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page."13:06
ahasenackit happened to another admin too (niemeyer)13:06
ahasenackhe got the same invitation and also cannot accept it13:06
intellectronicapedro_: and i wouldn't be surprised if this is related to the problem you are experiencing13:06
hggdhintellectronica: so it seems that a bug would be a good idea?13:07
pedro_ah could be, since it was working fine the other day, so maybe13:07
intellectronicaahasenack: would you mind filing a bug on launchpad-registry? i'll investigate13:08
ahasenackintellectronica: sure13:08
ahasenackintellectronica: #49817913:10
ahasenackI pasted everything there, I don't think there are any secrets in there13:11
intellectronicaahasenack: thanks13:13
intellectronicapedro_: would you mind also filing a bug? we can dupe them if we find out they're actually the same bug13:13
pedro_intellectronica, on launchpad-registry as well?13:14
intellectronicapedro_: yes, please13:14
pedro_intellectronica, will do it, thanks for your help :-)13:14
intellectronicavery annoying, because i can't seem to find anything that changed around that recently13:18
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abentleydholbach: Have you got it sorted?14:10
dholbachabentley: no, seems like it's not possible14:10
dholbach(or I missed something which might be true too :-))14:10
abentleydholbach: It seems like it's meant to be possible.  You're still getting an empty list?14:11
dholbachabentley: I guess that gives the list of the merge proposals the team itself has proposed14:11
dholbachso naturally it'd be empty14:11
dholbachwhich is why I followed up on https://launchpad.net/bugs/41135714:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 411357 in launchpad-code "Please expose a method to get all merge proposals that a person has been asked to review in the API" [Medium,Triaged]14:12
intellectronicawow, that will be very useful for tools14:12
abentleydholbach: I think it gives the list of proposals where the source branch is owned by the team.14:17
dholbachhey james_w14:18
dholbachor something14:19
james_wdholbach: do you get an empty list for ~ubuntu-branches?14:19
james_wjust firing up ipython to have a play myself14:21
dholbach>>> launchpad.people["ubuntu-branches"].getMergeProposals(status="Needs review")14:21
dholbach<lazr.restfulclient.resource.Collection object at 0x93fcacc>14:21
dholbach>>> [a for a in launchpad.people["ubuntu-branches"].getMergeProposals(status="Needs review")]14:21
james_wA list of merge proposal statuses to filter by.14:23
james_wyou are passing a string14:23
james_wwhich is also an iterable14:23
james_wbut of statuses N, e, e, d...14:23
dholbach>>> [a for a in launchpad.people["ubuntu-branches"].getMergeProposals()]14:23
james_wthat might be part of the problem14:23
dholbachI just wanted to try that it might just work if you give it a status14:23
james_wit does not like being given an actual list though apparently14:24
dholbachmh? I'm not sure I understand14:24
james_w[a for a in ub.getMergeProposals(status=["Needs review"])]14:24
james_wso there might be magic to turn a single argument in to a one-item list14:25
james_wstill can't get any merge proposals though14:25
dholbachabentley, james_w: do you know any other tools that make use of that part of the API?14:26
james_wI don't14:26
james_wdobey does14:26
abentleydholbach: I could guess that tarmac or MAD might use them.14:27
abentleydholbach: But I think the problem is what I said earlier.14:27
dholbachjames_w: doesn't ubuntu-branches own them?14:28
abentleydholbach: That it's looking for merge proposals where the source, not target branch is owned by ubuntu-branches.14:28
james_wso we're SOL then14:29
dholbachok, then we need to get your bug fixed then :)14:30
james_wit looks like it14:31
dholbachthanks abentley and james_w for having another look at it14:34
zekopeko_is there a way to know how many KB/MB is bzr branch going to download from a specific branch on lp before starting the checkout?14:41
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intellectronicazekopeko_: there must be a way, but i don't know it. maybe try in #bzr?15:13
zekopeko_intellectronica, could you do a little test for me?15:14
zekopeko_or anybody else for that matter15:15
zekopeko_i'm trying to branch this repo: https://code.launchpad.net/~gloobus-dev/gloobus/newInterface15:15
zekopeko_but every time i tried it last night it would download a huge amount of data15:16
zekopeko_i got to something like 300mb ?!15:16
zekopeko_before quiting15:16
intellectronicazekopeko_: oh yes, for me too15:27
intellectronicazekopeko_: guess it has some huge binaries?15:27
zekopeko_apparently some 100mb but http adds weight to it15:28
toobazHello. The PPA help seems (to me) to suggest that providing different versions for different Ubuntu releases is fine - as far as they have different version codes. But I get "Version older than that in the archive. 0.0.4-1~ppa1~hardy <= 0.0.4-1~ppa1"16:09
toobazI don't want to create new PPAs just for multirelease support...16:09
bigjoolsnoodles775: did that version check take the series into account?16:10
noodles775Sorry, which version check?16:11
bigjoolsthe ppa version checking against ubuntu16:11
noodles775bigjools: The check for a *newer* version in the archive on the PPA page do you mean? Is that what toobaz was meaning?16:12
bigjoolsyeah I think so16:12
bigjoolsoh wait maybe not16:12
bigjoolsah he screwed up his versioning16:13
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-afk
toobaz(also, is there some trick or recommended practice to automatically create packages for all supported versions, when no source changes are required apart from changelog?)16:13
bigjoolstoobaz: you need something like   0.0.4-1~hardy~ppa116:13
bigjoolstoobaz: yes, use "copy packages" and include binaries, and copy between series16:14
bigjoolsotherwise you need to upload once for each series16:14
toobaz_here I am. Now it should be more stable16:17
noodles775heh :)16:17
toobaz_as I said: the help suggests to first put first ppan, and I think it makes sense16:17
toobaz_since ppan+1 will supersede any release-specific thing16:18
noodles775toobaz_: it does indeed. And you're seeing that error when attempting an upload right?16:18
toobaz_right, I get the email16:18
noodles775toobaz_: and you've definitely got the correct distroseries in the changelog?16:20
toobaz_pietro@vousci:~/Software/evolution$ cat remove-duplicates-plugin_0.0.4-1~ppa1~hardy_source.changes | grep "urgency=low"16:20
toobaz_ remove-duplicates-plugin (0.0.4-1~ppa1~hardy) hardy; urgency=low16:20
toobaz_while so far I only uploaded for Karmic16:20
toobaz_(see https://launchpad.net/~toobaz/+archive/toobaz/+packages )16:21
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
toobaz_great, he disappeared...16:45
toobaz_bigjools: I have to leave, do you think I should file a bug?16:45
bigjoolstoobaz_: there is no bug16:46
bigjoolshave a look at the bzr PPA for an example of how to version across different series16:46
toobaz_bigjools: I'm happy bzr PPA works fine... but I don't seem to do anything bad16:48
toobaz_that's why I think there's a bug16:49
bigjoolsthere is no bug, you have your versioning wrong16:49
toobaz_bigjools: you mean I can't upload for karmic something older than for hardy (or vice versa)?16:50
bigjoolssee my suggestion earlier16:50
bigjoolsuse a version like  0.0.4-1~hardy~ppa116:51
toobaz_bigjools: ok, this should be as a bare minimum documented16:51
bigjoolsif it's not mentioned already, yeah I totally agree16:51
noodles775Sorry, can someone do a pastebin of the backscroll for me? the irc logs take too long to update :)16:52
toobaz_noodles775: I also disconnected a bit in the meanwhile... but http://pastebin.com/m6564635716:54
toobaz_bigjools: thanks for assistance (it's not mentioned indeed, I'll maybe file a bug against documentation)16:56
bigjoolstoobaz_: actually the docs are fine16:57
bigjoolsone of your versions doesn't have a series name in it16:58
bigjoolsso: 0.0.4-1~ppa1~hardy <= 0.0.4-1~ppa1 is right16:58
noodles775but so would 0.0.4-1~ppa1~hardy <= 0.0.4-1~ppa1~karmic right? So you've always got to upload hardy through karmic then?16:59
noodles775In which case the easiest thing would be to bump the ppa version and upload 0.0.4-1~ppa2~hardy first, then 0.0.4-1~ppa2~intrepid ... karmic. (assuming it needs to be rebuilt for each series).17:01
bigjoolsor copy between series if it doesn't17:01
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=== jon is now known as Guest9114
xnoxright I try to delete lp:~dmitrij.ledkov/xiphos/obsolete18:34
xnoxbut it tells me there is one branch sharing revisions with this one hence it cannot be deleted18:34
xnoxcan someone tell me which branch is it?18:34
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
tcrIs there a way to enable blockquote in comments (in the bugtracker) for code examples?19:16
tcrThe only thing I have so far been able to find is https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/3000219:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 30002 in launchpad-foundations "Cannot add HTML markup (or other formatting) in descriptions" [Medium,Triaged]19:16
jamaltaSo apparently launchpad has my address19:18
jamaltaBut I no longer live at that address, and can't figure out how to update it19:18
jamaltaAny clues?19:18
micahgkarma recalculating still seems broken19:21
qnixHi... emm... what can I do if a source package "software-version.tar.gz" is already on the server ?19:49
qnixbut it is not the good one ?19:49
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
jamaltaIs there any way to modify a project's name (not title) or do I need to create a new project?20:24
dhillon-v10jamalta, hi :D one of the admins has to do this one, you can either post this as a launchpad answer or try here, and someone will definitely help you out20:25
jamaltadhillon-v10: hey! so you ditched us now and only hang in launchpad? :'(20:26
jamaltadhillon-v10: thx for the answer20:26
dhillon-v10jamalta, no, I you guys are awesome, I couldn't get on IRC for the past few days because I didn't have internet connection its back now20:27
dhillon-v10* you guys are awesome20:27
jamaltadhillon-v10: Heh, I was only playing with you. how's it going?20:27
dhillon-v10jamalta, its pretty good, especially after getting the internet back :D20:28
dhillon-v10jamalta, btw did you guys finish building Chromium OS I heard about that on the list20:28
jamaltadhillon-v10: I did20:29
jamaltaBut I didn't use it much20:29
jamaltai'm not sure what the rest o fthe team was doing with it20:29
jamaltadhillon-v10: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/94519 Is that sufficient? :)20:29
dhillon-v10jamalta, alright great, now let's hope one of the admins get a chance to fix it :D20:31
jamaltadhillon-v10: yeah, it's no rush so i don't mind waiting20:31
dhillon-v10jamalta, only canonical employees can serve as admins so I can't help you out there sorry20:31
jamaltadhillon-v10: I understand, it's alright20:33
=== Meths_ is now known as Meths
mrjazzcatI'm working on creating my first LP bug fix.  Although I thought I had all the dependencies worked out, when I go to create the branch, the make step can't find: apr-1-config22:41
wgrantmrjazzcat: Did you use rocketfuel-setup?22:42
mrjazzcatWhile looking around to figure out what is even asking for this, I see I also don't have sourcecode deps for: twisted, lasr-js, lsprof22:42
mrjazzcatwgrant, yes, I did22:42
mrjazzcatwgrant, it worked fine, no complaints22:42
wgrantThose missing sourcecode deps are fine.22:42
wgrantThey're either used as eggs or not at all now.22:42
mrjazzcatwgrant, ok, makes sense22:43
wgrantWhat stage of make fails?22:43
mrjazzcatwgrant: rocketfuel-branch bugs-402964  (I'll send what it does next)22:43
mrjazzcatwgrant: utilities/shhh.py make -C sourcecode build PYTHON=python2.5 PYTHON_VERSION=2.5 LPCONFIG=development22:44
mrjazzcatwgrant: gets error: sh: apr-1-config: not found22:44
wgrantmrjazzcat: Any idea which branch it's trying when it fails?22:44
mrjazzcatwgrant: well, not yet.  I'm trying to create a new branch22:45
wgrantmrjazzcat: libapr1-dev contains apr-1-config, and is depended upon by launchpad-dependencies. Do you have either installed?22:46
mrjazzcatwgrant, ah, that's it.22:48
mrjazzcatwgrant, I had reinstall this machine and never did the whole launchpad-dependencies.22:49
mrjazzcatwgrant, thanks22:49
wgrantmrjazzcat: rocketfuel-setup installs launchpad-developer-dependencies.22:49
wgrantIf you've not run rocketfuel-setup on this machine, do so now.22:49
wgrantThere's a lot of other setup that it does.22:49
mrjazzcatwgrant, thanks.  Come to think, I should run that again to be sure I didn't miss it since the install22:53
mrjazzcatwgrant, dumped so much stuff back onto the machine, but may have forgotten that step22:53
mrjazzcatwgrant, thanks again22:53
wgrantmrjazzcat: np22:54
=== jon is now known as Guest78916
mrjazzcatOne more newbie question.  To remove the half-baked branch, can I safely delete the directory and start over?23:08
wgrantmrjazzcat: Yes.23:13
wgrantmrjazzcat: But you could probably just re-run 'make'23:13
mrjazzcatwgrant: hmm, yes, I'll try that first23:13

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