
KetsubanWhy is "do nothing" not an option for action when the laptop lid button is pressed? It's currently set to "blank screen", but that apparently means "crash" in whatever language Ubuntu speaks.00:00
nvmeoh okay this looks like it00:00
bjsniderdtchen, are you back on that again?00:00
dtchenbjsnider: yes, I am. For a kernel guy, having a non-crashing system is really useful.00:01
dtchencos you know, work can actually get done.00:01
bjsniderthey've spent a total of 12 minutes on that driver per year in the past decade00:01
bjsnidermight as well use vesa00:02
dtchenbjsnider: like I said before, I don't really care about the fact that it's essentially unmaintained. I care about the fact that it's a crackton more stable.00:02
dtchenyes, I did use stable for the entirety of Karmic.00:02
bjsniderit's just really ironic00:02
bjsniderthey spend no time developing that piece of garbage, and yet it's much more stable for you than the one they constantly work on00:03
bjsnideror maybe your graphics card is old junk00:03
dtchenshrug. It isn't as if this hardware is spectacular, either. It's an HP, of course it sucks.00:03
bjsnideri gues you don't work for the hewlett packard corporation00:03
i_is_brokeheh, some of the old junk runs better then the new crap there making now tho.think about that.00:04
dtchenI don't think it would matter if I had/do.00:04
bjsniderthe blob never crashes this system00:04
dtchenwell, that's great. PA works wonderfully on my systems, too.00:04
dtcheni.e., just because it "works" under one's purvey doesn't really mean a lot00:05
dtchenpurvey? purview. anyhoo00:05
RAOFdtchen: Try nouveau, really.  It's like nv, but where resume works.00:06
nvmeanyone know how i can find out about 'evdev' rules ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Lucid/XorgHalsectomy00:06
bjsnideri tried to get him to do that00:06
bjsniderhe said he couldn't be bothered00:06
bjsniderif he's using vesa on karmic...00:06
bjsnideri don't even know how to comment on that00:07
dtchenok, let me explain: this laptop has a broken bios. It corrupts low memory on resume.00:07
RAOFAh, missed that.00:07
dtchenso, in light of that, do you really think I give a flying wazoo if a gfx driver has working suspend & resume?00:07
RAOFNo, not really.00:07
dtchennow, certainly, I could submit a quirk for linux to "reserve" the contaminated bits00:08
bjsniderdtchen, if nouveau is the default in lucid, will you use it or go out of your way to use nv?00:08
dtchenbjsnider: dude I'm no luddite00:09
dtchenif it's there, I'm not going to rip it out like people do with PA00:09
bjsnideri see00:09
dtchenagain, I'm *not* particularly attached to "nv". I *am* attached to a working system. Being able to see the actual alsa/pulse source code is slightly useful.00:10
bjsniderwhat nvidia chip is in that thing?00:10
dtchen00:12.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C67 [GeForce 7150M / nForce 630M] (rev a2)00:11
bjsniderno vdpau support00:11
oldude67mine is older its a riva tnt2:D00:12
bjsnidernow that is old junk00:12
oldude67works good.00:12
bjsnidercan't do any decent bling00:12
dtchenI remember when the TNT was the new hotness. Heck, I remember the furor when it usurped the 3dfx lines.00:13
dtchen"translucent water in quake?!"00:13
bjsniderdtchen, i had a guy email me saying he had to rip out pa from karmic because he couldn't get surround sound to work...00:14
oldude67now let me get this right, the kernel has to work with this release as well as with the release of the 8.04 lts?00:14
dtchenoldude67: it should; there obviously isn't a guarantee00:15
dtchenbjsnider: where "couldn't get surround sound to work" entails...?00:15
oldude67i was just wondering if it was cause they could go from the 8.04 to the 10.400:15
bjsniderit sounded like he was grabbing mplayer from my ppa, playing a 5.1 ac3 or dts flick, and couldn't get the 5.1 side to work with his speakers...00:16
oldude67and i understand there is no guarantees on updates.00:16
bjsniderso his brilliant google-inspired decision was to rip out pa00:16
bjsnidernot to go to you for help00:16
dtchenthat's ok, people are Free to hang themselves. There's plenty of rope.00:17
bjsniderthere must be a lot of advice out there on google saying "if pa doesn't do exactly what you think it should, get rid of it"00:17
i_is_brokeugh i should of reboot the computer before i logged out of ssh...grrr.00:23
dtchenbjsnider: yeah, that's a battle I no longer care to fight00:37
bjsnideryou can't fight google00:38
bjsnideryou can't win00:38
dtchenno, you can't fight stupid. It burns.00:38
bjsniderhe then had the gall to complain that no other sound output module would give him surround sound00:39
bjsniderhow the hell did he think he was going to achieve that without pulse...00:39
dtchenit's possible through alsa-lib's plugin layer directly00:39
dtchen(which is in fact how PA does it)00:40
bjsniderwell, he failed in that effort too00:40
bjsniderhe was using another output module00:40
bjsnidercan't remember the name now00:40
nvmeanyone know how i can have the mounting of stuff in /etc/fstab delayed (trying to improve my boot)00:47
nvme*boot time00:47
RAOFbjsnider: FWIW, ymanton now has some free time, part of which he plans to spend getting g3dvl to expose a VDPAU interface, which would be nice.00:57
RAOFbjsnider: The gallium video-acceleration winsys - it currently does XvMC on the 3D engine, but there has also been work done to get gallium to drive the specialised video decoding hardware.01:03
RAOFWhere it exists, and use the 3D engine where it doesn't.01:03
bjsnideryeah, i've heard of that being on the agenda01:04
bjsniderit would be especially nice for intel users since most people have intel gpus01:05
RAOFSadly intel gpus are also horribly underpowered.01:05
bjsniderthe 4500 has purevideo type hardware in it01:06
bjsniderdoing jack squat in linux right now01:06
RAOFAh, well.01:06
bjsniderit would be a big laptop power-saver for people who watch flicks on their laptops01:07
* RAOF would just like to offload some mpeg4 avc decoding to the TV box's 6600GT, so it can actually keep up with high-resolution video.01:08
bjsniderget a newer card01:08
bjsniderthey're practically giving away the 8400s now01:10
bjsniderprobably because they're bumpgate cards01:10
XiXaQit seems versions for default software in lucid has been decided already, at least for many applications. Where can I find a list?01:11
XiXaQor is it so that the major versions have already been uploaded and there won't be any major upgrades in this cycle?01:12
bjsniderof course there will01:12
bjsniderit's a conservative release, but not that conservative01:12
XiXaQI mean why is it obvious?01:13
bjsniderlook on the schedule for "debian import freeze" or whatever they call it01:13
bjsniderthen look for whatever package worries you on packages.debian.org for the current upstream version01:14
XiXaQI've seen those, but that'll include evolution 2.29, for instance and it still won't get into lucid.01:14
bjsniderthat's probably what will be pulled01:14
bjsniderRAOF, when would you epect gallium to being to be used?01:15
bjsniderbegin to be used01:15
RAOFAs the default 3D provider?  I don't really know.  Probably a couple of mesa releases away.01:16
bjsniderintel is wading into that pool a toe at a time01:16
RAOFRight.  Because, until laribee comes out, that pool is much more interesting for nvidia & ati cards than for intel.01:17
RAOFNot that it's completely uninteresting for intel, but the nvidia & ati cards are just so much more likely to want to rewrite their drivers, because nv5x and r600-r700 are really very different and intel isn't there yet.01:20
bjsnideri've read some time in the latter half of next year01:22
RAOFThat mesa will release with gallium-default?  That wouldn't surprise me.01:23
RAOFAnd it'd probably release with at least _some_ nouveau 3d enabled :)01:25
bjsniderthat would be nice01:26
bjsniderXiXaQ, you can file a luanchpad bug that's a packaging request and then make your argument for why you want whatever this app is included in lucid01:31
XiXaQit's not that I want a spesific package included. I want to know which packages to expect when we're done.01:32
bjsniderwell, i already told you01:33
bjsniderwhatever is upstream in debian at that moment01:33
XiXaQfor instance, if I know that Evolution 2.28 will be included, and noone else, then I know now, what to expect in april.01:33
XiXaQbjsnider, are you sure?01:33
XiXaQso then, if Debian decides to package 2.30, then Ubuntu must obey even though it's been decided that Lucid should stick with 2.28?01:34
bjsnideryou said you didn't know what had been decided01:34
bjsnidernow you say you do know01:34
XiXaQI did not.01:34
XiXaQI know what's been decided regarding _evolution_. I don't know what's been decided for all the other default apps and packages, if anything.01:35
XiXaQthat's what I want to know.01:35
bjsniderwhich evolutionis upstream right now?01:35
XiXaQright now? 2.28, i guess. Why?01:36
bjsnideryou guess01:36
XiXaQwhy does it matter?01:36
bjsniderit's part of gnome isn't it?01:36
XiXaQyes, but Ubuntu will not stick with GNOME in this version.01:36
XiXaQthat is, some will be 2.30 and some will be 2.28 aiui.01:37
XiXaQso, Evolution 2.30 will be released in march, but it will not be included in Lucid.01:38
bjsnidernd you want to know which will be the case with evolution01:38
XiXaQare you _trying_ to be difficult?01:38
bjsnideri guess i'm not understanding what you're asking01:38
bjsnideryou know alraedy which evolution will be there01:39
XiXaQI want to have a general overview of which packages are planned to be included in lucid. Evolution is the _one_ application I _do_ know.01:39
bjsnideroh, i see01:39
bjsnideri thought you'd said that you were only interested in evolution01:39
XiXaQno, I just used that as an example of why I'm asking, since it breaks the pattern from all the previous versions of Ubuntu to not ship the latest upstream packages.01:40
bjsniderthey publish a "planned features" type document online for that info, but i don't know if it's up yet01:40
bjsniderthey're very conservastive with lts releases01:40
IdleOneXiXaQ: I think what is important to remember is that Ubuntu use upstream but it is not bound by upstream, just because Debian is going to use for example evolution 2.30 does not mean Ubuntu will or even has to.01:42
IdleOneleast that is how I understand the ubuntu release philosophy01:43
bjsniderit's likely whatever gets held back will be published in a ppa anyway at some point01:43
DanaG(nautilus:10628): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_window_set_back_pixmap: assertion `pixmap == NULL || gdk_drawable_get_depth (window) == gdk_drawable_get_depth (pixmap)' failed01:45
XiXaQIdleOne, I know. That's why I'm asking where I can find out which versions are decided for lucid. It's more useful to discuss the issues while they're relevant.01:46
RAOFXiXaQ: Evolution is a bit of a special case, but it's by no means unique; we shipped gdm 2.20 for a couple of releases after the rewrite was release and only switched in Karmic.01:46
XiXaQif I always hear about the decisions a few weeks after they've been made, then I loose my opportunity to voice my opinion.01:46
IdleOneXiXaQ: not sure where the list of proposed versions is or if there even is one at this point01:46
IdleOneRAOF: might know better01:47
bjsniderthe import freeze wouldn't be for months i would think01:47
RAOFXiXaQ: So, the policy is basically the same: latest upstream version at feature-freeze time, barring exceptions - in this case, it looks like Evolution is going to go through stability-breaking changes, and the concern is that 2.30 won't be sufficiently stable.01:47
XiXaQIdleOne, ok, this is an issue, I think. It's very important for people to know what to expect. We see the concequences of the opposite with karmic. Everyone expected it to be the best release yet, and that's because very few were aware of the big underlying changes that had been made.01:48
bjsniderfedora publishes these great documents detailing exactly what they want to import and how far they've gotten. ubuntu needs to do that01:49
XiXaQbjsnider, I'm sorry if I came across a bit strongly there, btw. I'm trying to quit smoking and I'm a bit edgy these days. :>01:49
bjsniderwell, i wasn't tryingt o be sarcastic, i just didn't quite know what you were trying to ask01:49
XiXaQbjsnider, I think so too. It makes it very much easier to avoid "over selling" Ubuntu.01:49
XiXaQI got that.01:49
RAOFbjsnider: But we don't really have enough information to do that, and where we do have enough information (ie: we're also upstream) there's plenty of design docs on the wiki.01:49
bjsniderRAOF, you've seen the fedora docoument i'm talking about?01:50
RAOFI'm not sure that the characterisation of Karmic is correct, either, but I'm not in a particularly good position to comment.01:50
DanaGweird... nautilus is drawing my desktop as opaque window-background color.01:50
RAOFbjsnider: I've seen a bunch of fedora documents; what are you particularly thinking of?01:50
bjsnideri'll see if i can find it01:51
XiXaQkarmic is the most unstable distro I've ever used, I think. I can't remember any release of ubuntu that's been so unreliable.01:51
RAOFBut is that your peculiar hardware, or more general?01:51
RAOFKarmic hasn't been unreliable here, for example.01:51
XiXaQit's fairly predictably unreliable though, so I can live with it for now. (And I've filed bugs on the issues)01:52
bjsniderwhat's unstable in karmic?01:53
XiXaQI have to remember to unplug my mobile phone before rebooting, for instance, otherwise I get a kernel panic when the login screen appears. Not a very big issue, though it's annoying when I forget it.01:53
XiXaQand network-manager must be restarted when I reconnect my hspa connection. It goes nuts on cpu cycles and nothing connects. But that was just a matter of adding a launcher to the panel, so I can live with that as well for now.01:54
RAOFbjsnider: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid looks like basically the same thing.01:54
XiXaQI've read all the blueprints.. that's not really what I'm after.01:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 491521 in nautilus "Decorations and RGBA" [High,In progress]01:54
RAOFWhat's different between the blueprints and the Fedora 12 feature list?01:55
bjsniderthe names of the items are overly technical compared to the fedora document, and there's no up-front description01:55
XiXaQI don't know as I haven't looked at Fedoras feature list. But I want something far more comprehensible than the blueprints.01:56
bjsniderXIXi posted the fedora document earlier01:56
RAOFXiXaQ: I don't believe that the information that you're after exists; indeed, I don't believe that the decisions you think are being taken in fact exist.01:56
DanaGhttp://www.cimitan.com/blog/  -- interesting idea, the placement of the login box in the same place as where the progress bar was.01:57
XiXaQRAOF, it's been confirmed for me, that it's been decided that Evolution will stay at 2.28 in lucid (and also in RHEL 6)01:58
RAOFXiXaQ: That's true, yes.01:58
RAOFXiXaQ: But that's a significantly special case.01:58
XiXaQRAOF, I'd like to know that the discussion exists before the conclusion is reached. That shouldn't be so hard to do?01:58
RAOFYou'd probably want to be following the desktop-team for stuff like that.01:59
XiXaQI pay close attention to ubuntu-desktop@lists.ubuntu.com. Any other good sources?01:59
XiXaQI thought that was the primary list for issues like that, but I haven't seen anything about these discussions there.01:59
bjsnideryou could also post a packaging-request bug and make your argument there. you might talk them into your way of thinking02:00
RAOFPossibly #ubuntu-desktop.  I'm not sure where the particular discussion occurred; it's entirely possible that it was at UDS.02:01
XiXaQbjsnider, assuming that I know that any discussions exist. It'd be a lot of resources wasted if everyone should file a packaging bug on every package that exists just in order to confirm that it won't be denied.02:02
bjsnideroh, everyone won't02:03
bjsniderbelieve me, hardly anyone will02:03
bjsniderhardly any users seem to care02:03
RAOFIf you know the new upstream version will fix a bug you experience, that's useful information to have on a bug.02:03
RAOFIf you know the new upstream version will introduce a significant feature that you'd find useful, that's good information to have on a bug.02:04
XiXaQyes, but if the assumption is that the new version will be included, it doesn't seem wise to file a bug on it not being included just in case it isn't.02:04
bjsniderbut even after the decision is made, it can be reversed02:05
bjsniderthere's nothing written in stone02:05
XiXaQhmm, for a release named lucid, the development discussions seem very foggy.02:06
bjsniderit can even sometimes be reversed after the import freeze02:06
RAOFXiXaQ: That depends on what's actually in the bug you file - if you add a comment to an existing bug that "this is fixed in $NEW_UPSTREAM_VERSION", that's useful.  If you want a shiny new feature in the new upstream version, it's useful to file a bug saying "please add $FOO; available in $NEW_UPSTREAM_VERNION"02:06
RAOFThere are limited packagers, and limited time; knowing that a new upstream version fixes something we care about or includes a shiny new feature that people care about makes it easier to prioritise.02:07
XiXaQhmm. If I feel it's safe to assume that a certain package will be included in Ubuntu, you still want me to file a bug about it not being included, just in case? That seems like a waste of everyones time.02:08
RAOFIt's not necessarily safe to assume; this depends.02:08
RAOFWhat package is it that you think it's safe to assume it'll be included in Ubuntu?  Why do you assume it'll be available?02:09
RAOFIf you assume it'll be available because it's in Debian testing and we've been syncing from Debian, then yes, that's safe to assume that the next autosync run will pull it in.02:10
XiXaQwell, until a few hours ago, I was confident Evolution 2.29 would appear in lucid any day now. I was just wondering _when_ to expect it. That's when Matthew Barnes told me that seb128 had told him it had been decided not to include it in 10.04.02:11
XiXaQI don't think Ubuntu has ever held back a version of Evolution from the current upstream version of GNOME before.02:12
bjsniderthat wouldn't work in the ppa build system. minor changes would have to be made to certain files in the debian diretory02:12
RAOFRight.  This is an example of the rare exceptions.  We _have_ held back on other core GNOME compenents before.02:12
XiXaQRAOF, ok. Not often anyway.02:12
XiXaQbut I really don't mind breaking the patterns from time to time. What I do mind, is not being aware of it.02:13
* DanaG wonders when compiz and metacity will get MPX support.02:13
RAOFThat's fair.02:14
XiXaQshould be easy to make a routine of sending a short mail about this to ubuntu-desktop ml for instance.02:17
RAOFWell, except that it's not a routine instance.02:17
XiXaQno, that's the reason why it's so important to have a routine for it.02:18
XiXaQeveryone expects an established pattern to be followed unless they receive contradictory information.02:18
RAOFRight.  But it's difficult to make a routine of something that's happened twice that I can think of.02:19
RAOFIt _would_ be good to have the reasoning somewhere obivous.02:19
XiXaQ"When something unpredicted happens, make sure everyone knows about it". How difficult is that? Most developers should know about exception handling?02:20
XiXaQof course, this would also help give it-journalists something to write about, giving us more free pr, which is good.02:25
sebsebsebI have caught up good discussion XiXaQ and the others02:35
sebsebsebI think it would be a good idea if Ubuntu had something like the Feature List pages for Fedora02:35
sebsebsebthat's rather clear, about what is to come and progress of features,  I have seen it for Fedora 1102:35
sebsebsebas for Karmic it has been a let down for many people,  there are quite a lot of negative articles out there on the web, as well as peoples negative comments02:36
sebsebsebI don't know much about Lucid yet, but from what I know, I think it will be a pretty good release, well I hope so anyway, since it's LTS02:37
RAOFWhat's different between the current blueprints page and the fedora features page?  Or, in other words, what would need to change to make the blueprints page as useful to you as the fedora page?02:37
sebsebseb,but ideally non LTS releases should also be pretty good :)02:37
sebsebsebRAOF: well the blue prints are loads of pages02:37
sebsebsebFedora's stuff is one page02:37
RAOFSo are the fedora pages.02:38
RAOFThey're lots of different pages, with one master-list page.  Similarly, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid02:38
RAOFSo, is perhaps the answer "people don't know how to find Ubuntu's list page as easily"? :)02:40
sebsebseboh I have been on the blue prints before02:40
XiXaQhmm. I'm looking for something less detailed, as I said before.02:41
sebsebsebRAOF: XiXaQ  look nice and clear feature list, uhmm table even,  showing their progress percentagewise as well, and a summar of the feature, then from it people can go on the pages with more details https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/13/FeatureList02:45
sebsebsebwhere as the Ubuntu blue prints,  the names are technical,  and things are done on more than one page, as well as pages for details about the feature.  oh and the IRC stuff isn't really a Lucid feature, but it is a blueprint02:47
RAOFSo, the difference between that and the blueprints list would basically be the one-line summary?02:47
sebsebsebI have to only go on one page to get an idea of what is to come in Fedora 12,  where as with Ubuntu I would have to go on many pages.02:48
XiXaQnot necessarily.02:48
sebsebsebFedora 12 uhmm Ubuntu, another typeo I did earlier was Summary02:48
sebsebsebI correct myself and mess up again hmm02:49
sebsebsebFedora 1302:49
sebsebsebRAOF: that's fne to have loads of technical details some where for developers and such,  but the average Ubuntu user won't really understand about most of that,  however they will understand if there's a page like Fedora 13's  Feature List with the main features on one page.02:50
RAOFRight.  But the _reason_ you can do that is because there isn't a one-line feature-summary on the blueprints page and there is on the Fedora page.02:51
sebsebsebalso the blueprints well,  that would take quite a bit of time, for me to go through it all02:51
sebsebsebXiXaQ: and that's the kind of thing you want as well or?02:52
sebsebsebRAOF: tables can also be added to as new features get accepted02:53
RAOFAs can blueprints.02:54
sebsebsebright now no one really knows what the main Lucid features will actsualley be right?02:54
sebsebsebRAOF: sure, but it's good to have a table like Fedora's feature list, with the main stuff02:54
XiXaQI think mails would do. "We've decided to stick with Evolution 2.28 in Lucid because of many underlying changed in 2.29/2.30 that would not be suitable for Evolution. See blueprint x"02:54
XiXaQthat would suffice.02:54
RAOFsebsebseb: The blueprints _are_ the main stuff.02:56
sebsebsebRAOF: well it could get presented in a better way I expect, so don't have to go on so many pages02:56
RAOFWhich is what I'm suggesting; rather than duplicating existing work, we get launchpad to present the existing information in a better way.02:57
RAOFXiXaQ's problem is orthogonal; that's something that just hasn't been announced anywhere visible.02:57
sebsebsebXiXaQ: Evolution uh huh, well  hopefuly Thunderbird 3 will be in the repo :)02:58
XiXaQsebsebseb, again, it was just an example. I think it's very strange that it isn't immediately visible to the entire community that a decision like that has been made.02:58
sebsebsebXiXaQ: well it wasn't clear to the whole community that with 9.04, they would put in their edited fast user account switcher, resulting in shut down and log out being removed from the system menu, when that's enabled.  They are also really meant to be in the system menu according to upstream Gnome.   Also it wasn't clear that in Karmic that most of the default screensavers would be removed from the default install,  screensavers that have been03:01
sebsebsebthere since I guess the first release.  Plus your Evolution issue.  I guess these are just seen as little things by many people,  things that  aren't really worth telling loads of people about.03:02
=== dereks_ is now known as dereks
bjsniderkaffeine was mistakenly bumped to pre-1 in karmic when it should have stayed with 0.8.8 as well03:03
sebsebsebXiXaQ: at least fusa looks better in 9.10 :)  nice icon03:03
XiXaQyes, lots of improvements. I'm not complaining about karmic in any way. I'm just saying that it would be easier for people to understand why there are some nasty issues in it if they knew about the massive changes well in advance.03:04
sebsebsebXiXaQ: Ubuntu like being open about loads of stuff, but you still got to know where to get info from.03:04
sebsebsebsome people thought Karmic would compete properly against Windows 7 or something,  in fact there was a good comment on the web I read to something and that person would stay on Windows 7 whilst waiting for Lucid.  As someone who has used Ubuntu for long enough,  I know that Karmic was never made to compete properly against Wndows 7.03:06
sebsebseb10.04 will have a better chance at that, it seems03:06
sebsebsebAlso as someone who has used it long enough, I know that newer is not always better, and I know that with Ubuntu it's not about what is the latest, it's about what is still supported,  loads of users do not know this.  That's something Canonical and the Ubuntu community should be a lot more clear about really, I think.03:07
BluesKajwell, 10.04 still needs a lotta work03:07
sebsebsebThere was a good comment on the web that basically said it's unacceptable for 9.04 to still not provide the proper Firefox 3.5 from the repo,  yes the proper one not Shiretoko.  I guess a user that doesn't reolize that, normalley  or always/only  it's security updates from the repo.  That's something else that should be made more clear to users I guess.  Also whilst I am at it, it would probably be a good idea for it to be made clear to users,03:11
sebsebsebthat it's a good idea to md5sum/sha1sum or both even,  the ISO, before burning the contents to CD.03:11
sebsebsebWell nothing is perfect I guess!03:11
sebsebsebBluesKaj: well yeah, but I have a feeling it will be a pretty good release :)03:14
bjsnidergod is perfect, if there is one03:14
sebsebsebbjsnider: yeah I guess so03:14
RAOFbjsnider: Totally off topic (continue in #ubuntu-offtopic, if you want), but there are plenty of "god" definitions which don't include perfection :)03:17
sebsebsebXiXaQ: well there are the release notes, but loads of users won't read those, unless someone tells them to03:18
sebsebseb!notes |  XiXaQ03:18
ubottuXiXaQ: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91003:18
sebsebsebXiXaQ: also that's when it's released, not before release, but  the alpha's and such get a release notes type page as well03:19
sebsebsebto go with the subject of things being perfect or not,  i'll do this.  I read a comment on the web, about someone going back to Windows 7, because they didn't like Karmic,  if I remember correctly.03:24
sebsebsebalso, because I wanted to03:26
i_is_brokeyou know i havent tried vista on my own computer, but i did look at it in the stores and on my brother computer..and hated it.i havent even seen windows 7 yet.03:29
i_is_brokei just got so upset with windows, that it would have to take an awful lot to get me to ever go back to it.03:29
rr72_lucid FTW!03:29
i_is_brokerr72_, well even as buggy as karmic was and is for some, its still not as bad as windows, cause i didnt have to buy a new computer just to run it.03:30
sebsebsebi_is_broke: I tried the RC for Vista Version 2 (Windows 7) not used a final yet,  I am thinking virtual machine a trial03:30
i_is_brokesebsebseb, thats what i thought to,might do that after christmas,but the grandkids come first.03:31
* rr72_ hides from KB1JWQ_ 03:32
i_is_brokeheck i even took my name out of there free beta trials i was so upset.03:32
i_is_brokethey were going to send me windows 7 to use as a tester and told them thanks but no thanks..should of took it then quit.03:33
sebsebsebi_is_broke: well Windows 7 is meant to use less resources so be able to run on certain types of computers that VIsta woudn't run on or whatever.  oh yeah by the way their off topic rule  goes for here as well03:33
i_is_brokelol yeah03:34
sebsebsebso pm if you want, but I am also in #ubuntu-offtopic   I don't go there much, since don't like it much03:34
i_is_brokesorry  peeps...03:34
rr72_sebsebseb~ PM ok from anyone to you? :_P03:35
sebsebsebwell it can be annoying when doing support in #ubuntu and they start pm'ing when really they should of just stayed in the channel03:35
sebsebsebfor example03:36
bjsnidershould have just stayed...03:36
sebsebseb,but useualley I don't mind pm03:36
sebsebsebbjsnider: I mean pm'ing about something, when for example really it would have been better to ask the channel03:36
i_is_brokeanyhow, did i see someone saying they was going back to the xorg setup?03:37
i_is_brokeis that just for now or is it going to stay???03:37
sebsebsebbjsnider: they tend to also stay in the channel,  when they try and get their pm support03:37
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:38
i_is_brokeok, have a question about ramzswap, if i use it on my computer will it just make the memory my swap and if i dont have a lot,cause it to start using swap memory on the hard drive?03:39
i_is_brokeim using it on my lucid box right now.03:39
sebsebsebrr72_: your answer is above, if you missed it03:41
sebsebsebwell it's still there, even if you didn't miss it,  :D03:42
rr72_<exclaim-mark>off topic :-P03:42
=== KB1JWQ_ is now known as KB1JWQ
sebsebsebrr72_: hmm/hrm ?03:43
i_is_brokeok if i run 9.10 server on my home server, when 10.4 comes out, will i still be able to update to it as an lts?03:44
liquidanyideas? http://pastebin.com/d1200a27a03:52
RAOFi_is_broke: Yes.  10.04 will be an LTS release; that's not going to change depending on how you got to 10.04.03:55
XiXaQsebsebseb, you have to know where to get the info from, yes. And I've been asking that question for a long time, and noone seems to be able to give an answer. That suggests to me, that the information might not exist in the form I'd like.03:57
XiXaQsebsebseb, the release notes are _way_ too late. We should have a community filled with people knowledgable about the release way before it is released.03:58
XiXaQi_is_broke, I haven't tried Windows 7 either, but that's not because I'm upset with Microsoft. Actually, I just don't care about them anymore. They don't have anything I want. Alot of companies don't have what I want. I can't be upset with them all.03:59
sebsebsebXiXaQ: nice idea, but it's mainly people that are quite new to Ubuntu using it these days, I guess04:00
i_is_brokeXiXaQ, well its all personal reasons im upset with them..04:00
sebsebsebalso a lot of these people haven't tried another Linux distro yet04:00
bjsniderRAOF, i'd like to see matroksa support and vdpau in gstreamer. any thoughts on that?04:00
XiXaQsebsebseb, I've been using Ubuntu since 5.04 and still I don't know where to get this information in time. That should say something.04:01
RAOFbjsnider: Matroska support is there; vdpau is being talked about.04:01
sebsebsebDesktop Linux is so much more than just Ubuntu, but it seems that the average Ubuntu user, does not know this.04:01
sebsebsebXiXaQ: second release in 2005 for me, Fedora Core 2 and 4 before it04:01
bjsniderRAOF, matroksa support with all features including alternate audio/chapters etc.?04:01
XiXaQoh, how I wish the term "Desktop Linux" would die a quiet death. It's a meaningless expression which only serves to confuse.04:01
sebsebsebXiXaQ: to some extent maybe so.  because of laptops/notebooks and netbooks as well04:02
i_is_brokelets see i started with slack, went to suse , then to redhate, then to debian, then to ubuntu, then back to slack then to ubuntu..and have been here ever since.04:02
RAOFbjsnider: The former?  I believe so.  The second?  Dunno.  I don't know if that requires GStreamer support, or whether it's Totem not supporting it.04:02
XiXaQsebsebseb, let me elaborate. Would you agree that Debian is one of the biggest Linux distros?04:02
sebsebsebalso I guess a more proper term instead of Desktop Linux that is very similar to it is,  Desktop GNU/Linux04:02
sebsebsebXiXaQ: of course it is04:03
sebsebsebXiXaQ: ,but how many of them use Ubuntu a lot of the time?04:03
i_is_brokeyeah, of course redhat isnt free:(04:03
bjsnidereither way it's folded into gnome04:03
XiXaQsebsebseb, then Debian GNU/FreeBSD is a Linux distro with a FreeBSD kernel?04:03
sebsebsebDebian can also use Hurd04:03
sebsebsebinstead of Linux04:03
bjsniderthere is no totem-xine anymore. totem is gstreamer 100% now04:03
sebsebsebXiXaQ: Desktop and Server, but now we got other devices as well, mobile etc04:04
sebsebsebwell I guess it's,  Desktop,  mobile,  and cloud?04:04
sebsebsebmobile in this context being notebooks and netbooks and mobile phones04:04
XiXaQsebsebseb, then what we're communicating is that Debian is a Linux distro except when it's not. That's ... bad communication. For Debian, using GNU/Linux in the name is good. For Ubuntu, which aims to be a user friendly alternative to the proprietary stuff, "Linux" should be hidden, imho.04:05
RAOFExcept "Linux" is a relatively well known trademark.  GNU isn't.04:05
sebsebsebXiXaQ: By default Debian uses Linux04:05
RAOFbjsnider: Is there a bug report that you know for Totem not respecting matroska chapters?  If not, that'd be a good start :)04:06
XiXaQsebsebseb, ergo what I said: It's a Linux distro except when it's not. Through that at your grandparents and see how they react.04:06
bjsnidernot that i know of. but there are lots of gnome bugs that go back years without having been dealt with04:06
sebsebsebmy point when using Desktop Linux04:06
sebsebsebis to say that04:06
sebsebsebthere is more than one distro04:06
sebsebseb,but sometimes or a lot of the time when I use it, that isn't really clear04:07
sebsebseband also that it's the desttop, for the consumer/homeuser,  not some commercial  business server04:07
sebsebsebfor example04:07
XiXaQsebsebseb, then you also have to explain the concept of distros, meaning that you also have to explain the different kernels, forcing you to explain what a kernel is. At this point, you seem like such an advanced user, if you tell them it's user friendly, they won't believe you.04:07
sebsebsebwhen I tell people online for example, about Ubuntu and sometimes other distros even,  I usually give them a basic idea of what Linux is as well.04:08
XiXaQok? Can you give me a short an simple explanation so I can use it when I encounter the question?04:09
sebsebsebXiXaQ: By the way this is all off topic, for this channel.04:09
XiXaQindeed. :)04:09
XiXaQexcept for the fact that we're talking about Lucid communication :>04:09
sebsebsebAll operating systems have a kernel, a kernel is  a program in the background, that deals with all hardware and software.04:09
sebsebsebMy definition might not be 100% correct, but it's good enough for a basic idea.04:10
sebsebsebthe kernel is the heart/core of the OS04:10
XiXaQso Linux is like Windows? It's where you install the applications?04:10
sebsebsebno  the kernel is the heart/core of the operating system04:10
i_is_brokewell sort of they are both operating systems.04:10
sebsebsebthe operating systems are,  Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux distributions  such as Ubuntu, and Mandriva, etc04:11
i_is_brokebut so is osx unix04:11
sebsebsebinstead of us Linux people calling it an operating system, we call it a distribution or distro for short04:11
XiXaQsebsebseb, but you just said Linux _wasn't_ like Windows? I'm confused.04:11
bjsniderthere is a linux kernel, and a windows (ntoskernl) kernel04:12
sebsebsebA Linux distro such as Ubuntu or Mandriva, can be used for  the basic Windows tasks such as using the Internet, and more04:12
sebsebsebbjsnider: sure, but he wants a basic thing to say to people that don't know about this kind of stuff04:12
bjsnidereverything is built on top of the kernel04:12
XiXaQoh, I get it! Linux is the _core_ of the Operating system, so Ubuntu and Windows both use Linux, but Linux uses different applications, like Firefox instead of Internet Explorer?04:12
sebsebsebXiXaQ: normalley they don't go that far?04:12
XiXaQsebsebseb, you're right. normally, they say: "you know what, this seems complicated, and Windows works for me".04:13
bjsniderwindows does not use the linux kernel04:13
bjsnidermicrosoft is far too stupid to do that04:13
sebsebsebif they start with that, you could say that xorg is the in the background, program responsible for running the graphical programs in Ubuntu/Mandriva/whatever04:13
XiXaQbjsnider, I was trying to show why I think Ubuntu should stop nagging about Linux.04:13
bjsniderthey'd prefer to pay a kernel team to develop an inferior product than use a free one04:13
XiXaQsebsebseb, oh.. Someone told me the window manager did that..?04:14
sebsebsebXiXaQ: Xorg runs the Gnome and KDE desktop envrionments and window managers such as Fluxbox,  you decide which one to use,  well distros usually have one by default04:14
XiXaQthe point is that if you talk about Ubuntu, then everyone knows what you're talking about. If you talk about Linux, then you just invite a lot of questions that doesn't bring any answers to the newbies.04:15
sebsebsebXiXaQ: depends on who they are etc04:15
sebsebseb,but I guess I normalley say that Ubuntu is an alternative to  Windows for what they want to do04:15
sebsebsebthen later I may explain about Linux and such04:15
liquid /set irc_conf_mode on04:15
XiXaQof course, it's always best not to either overestimate or underestimate people, but if you have to choose, I think it's better to underestimate everyone.04:16
bjsnideri don't want a majority of people using linux04:16
bjsnideri'd rather have it down at 10%04:17
XiXaQnobody uses Linux. They use tools that use Linux.04:17
bjsniderjust enough to drive good development and that's all04:17
liquidlike chrome-os04:17
sebsebsebXiXaQ: most people are pretty stupid at computers really,  that is also  Ubuntu's target market really,  and if Canonical target these users properly, they can make some money doing so,  Ubuntu One is a start for those that want  more than 2GB  of space.  Also I have read about a music store,  where there will also be a plugin for Rythombox, and the music will be probably bought from the Amazon store.04:17
sebsebsebXiXaQ: most people that use computers, being more exact when it came to what I just said04:18
sebsebsebbjsnider: yeah 10% market share is good,  that will bring enough good apps to Linux as well, uhmm yeah commercial apps hmm04:19
sebsebsebideally most software should be opensource/freesoftware sure, but there are also some pretty good closed source apps our there04:19
XiXaQthey're not stupid. They're not that interested. That's my point: if we make the communication blurry and incomprehensible, then we are actively discouraging them from even trying it.04:19
bjsniderthat's fine by me04:19
sebsebsebsome people are better off with Windows really04:20
bjsnidermake it so esoteric that most people don't want to learn how to use it04:20
XiXaQbjsnider, why don't you want people to use free software?04:20
sebsebsebXiXaQ: if enough people use Ubuntu more malicious stuff will be made for it, oh sure the user will probably have to install them self, but yeah what I just said04:20
XiXaQbjsnider, there are many systems like that. :)04:20
sebsebsebin fact recently there was something on gnome look  that was meant to be a screensaver, which then turned out to be a malicious program04:21
XiXaQsebsebseb, uh..04:21
bjsniderit's likely to dumb down linux to the point where it would be boring and full of feature bloat, like windows04:21
liquid10% would still be a big enough market for virus makers04:21
XiXaQsebsebseb, have a little faith. That's just MS FUD right there. The fact that there is little malware for free systems, is not just a matter of user levels.04:22
XiXaQbjsnider, then you're saying that you consider stuff like GNOME to be a part of Linux?04:22
sebsebsebliquid: well yeah Mac OS X is apparnatlly on 10% now, and some viruses and such has been made for it04:22
sebsebsebviruses or such, whatever04:22
sebsebsebbjsnider: to some extent the feature bloat is already happening04:22
XiXaQsebsebseb, is that true, or just a rumour? I had a look at the wildlist recently, and they're all Windowsviruses.04:23
liquidlinus "kernel will probably double in size before stabilizing" apx quote04:23
XiXaQfeature bloat in Linux or Linux distros?04:23
sebsebsebbjsnider: Ubuntu One in the default install, uhmmm a lot of us don't want to use that, me included.  Yes it's a way for Canonical to make money from people who want more than 2GB space,  but it's also being forced on users in the default install hmm.  Maybe a better idea would be for users to know that it's available and then let them choose to install it or not.  Same thing for this music store idea I hav read something about that's meant to be04:24
sebsebsebin 10.04.04:24
bjsniderthe kernel has already doubled in size many times over. i think it doubles almost every year04:24
XiXaQat the moment, I believe most of the new features in Linux are for fairly advanced users.04:24
dtchensebsebseb: how are you quantifying "a lot of us"?04:25
XiXaQsebsebseb, I disagree. But you have to remember that we haven't seen the real usage of Ubuntu One yet. The same goes for Telepathy. Right now, it just seems like something that's nice to have, but they'll have side effects that will revolutionize things.04:25
bjsnidersebsebseb, ubuntu one wasn't what i was talking about when i mentioned feature bloat04:26
sebsebsebdtchen: well I don't know, but probably loads of 9.10 users, dont' use Ubuntu One04:26
dtchen"probably loads"04:26
bjsnider"adobe reader" is a good example of feature bloat04:26
sebsebsebbjsnider: the kernel doubleing in size ok, and what else?04:26
XiXaQimagine being able to load a live-cd, log onto u1 and have the system sync your settings to give you your contacts, calendars, tasks, memos, firefox history and bookmarks, etc. Or between your computer, just by entering a single password. That'll be nice.04:27
bjsniderlinux has a tiny little program for looking at pdf files that works spectacularly well04:27
liquidUbuntu one could eventually tie into user preferences and such ...aka login on any pc.04:27
XiXaQbjsnider, that's not Linux, is it?04:27
bjsniderwhat, adobe reader?04:28
liquidits like evice or something.. the app04:28
XiXaQbjsnider, when you talk about feature bloat in Linux, I would not expect to hear anything about PDF readers or desktop applications, but rather something about KVM+KSM, and those kinds of things.04:28
bjsniderno, i'm saying adobe reader in windows is a perfect example of how windows attracts that kind of bloated garbage like a cow patty attracts flies04:29
i_is_brokeok be back in a minute..reboot...ugh.04:29
sebsebsebSome people aren't happy that Gimp won't be in 10.04, but I don't mind about that, since I don't make graphics anyway, and if I start to, I can install gimp or something else anyway.  Plus there's that other program that people think will be better than F-Spot.  Here's another thing some people aren't happy that Ubuntu has Mono in the default install.  Well I guess the defaults will never make all users really happy them.04:30
sebsebsebabout them04:30
bjsnideri don't want to see that happening in linux. and it would happen if 90% of computer users were using it04:30
sebsebsebbjsnider: there are good PDF   alternatives for  Desktop Linux :)04:31
XiXaQbjsnider, there you go with that "Linux" of yours again. That's _not_ a Linux issue. PDF readers will never be implemented in the kernel.04:31
XiXaQbjsnider, doesn't matter if 10% or 100% uses Linux.. It will never implement a PDF reader.04:31
bjsniderok, call it what you want04:31
XiXaQI call it Ubuntu.04:31
liquidoss alows for evolution, propriority dosen't04:31
RAOFbjsnider: I think that's partially an artefact of propritary software, though.04:32
RAOFbjsnider: Combined with the "kindly bundle the world" philosophy of windows application distribution.04:32
RAOFbjsnider: I don't think it's an artefact of Windows' 90% market share.04:32
bjsniderRAOF, that might be ture, but it's also unquestionably because of the ignorance of the average user04:33
dtchento some extent, this is all petty handwaving. Of course there will be "bloat" as software is written/bundled to attract some target users.04:33
XiXaQbjsnider, would you say that Lubuntu is bloated?04:33
sebsebseb(Going back to my comment just now,  I might make basic pictures on the computer sometimes, for fun, and it's not been anything fancy.  Plus they probably won't get saved.)04:33
bjsniderno, ubuntu is not bloated04:33
liquidcd size limit*04:33
sebsebsebbjsnider: Ubuntu 9.04 comes with pretty good defaults04:34
XiXaQI think removing Gimp and f-spot is a good idea.04:34
sebsebsebXiXaQ: F-spot is not being removed04:34
XiXaQsebsebseb, it isn't?04:34
sebsebsebF-Spot is staying04:35
XiXaQwhen was that decided? :>04:35
sebsebsebquite a whiel ago04:35
XiXaQdefine a while?04:35
RAOFOne man's "bloat" is another's "competitive feature" :)04:35
sebsebsebXiXaQ: I read a few articles about it04:35
sebsebsebabout a week or two ago or something04:35
sebsebseba few articles or was it just one or two, with quite a lot of peoples coments, hmm04:36
XiXaQso, sometime, somewhere, someone said that f-spot stays?04:36
sebsebsebXiXaQ: yep04:36
XiXaQhurray for clear communications.04:36
RAOFXiXaQ: No; that _was_ at UDS.  Videos of the "default applications discussion" are available.04:36
XiXaQoh, ok :)04:36
liquidshotwell > fspot04:36
baehello can some body talk 2 me?04:37
RAOFAnd has been widely publicised; it has, among other things, hit the front page of arstechnica.04:37
XiXaQRAOF, today, I've read several articles discussing that very subject.04:37
sebsebsebI think Ubuntu should remove Mono and any apps that depend on it from the default install.  Banshee is a nice player that uses Mono, that's not in the default install anyway.   F-Spot there's that other program uhmm Gphoto or something.  Tomboy there's  Gnote.  Yep Mono stuff not needed.  No I don't hate Mono, but it is linked to Novell and Microsoft.04:37
RAOFliquid: Someone said that on the mailing list, so I tried it out; it doesn't work :).  And the other option wasn't even in the archives, so...04:38
baedo i no u?????04:38
bjsnideroh, no. don't dredge up that old mono argument again04:38
dtchensebsebseb: that is one of the least technically sound reasons to remove Mono.04:38
RAOFGNOME is also linked to Novell :)04:38
KetsubanI think Ubuntu should remove anything I don't use from the default install. :)04:38
sebsebsebdtchen: well remove Mono to save space on the default install :)04:38
sebsebsebbjsnider: true, there's a lot of that on the web04:39
dtchensebsebseb: that, also, is one of the least technically sound reasons to remove Mono.04:39
liquidbae: probably not04:39
baecan some one talk 2 me? not only me???04:39
RAOFKetsuban: I think Ubuntu should remove anything dtchen doesn't use from the default install!  We could have just gnome-terminal & screen! :)04:39
XiXaQI see no reason to include Mono by default at this time. And far as I'm aware, it's only needed for F-Spot at this time?04:40
RAOFXiXaQ: And Tomboy.04:40
sebsebsebyep and Tomboy04:40
XiXaQbut if the discussion is over and decision is made, then the point is moot.04:40
liquidbae: do you have a question?04:40
baewhats ur name?04:41
bjsniderand banshee04:41
liquidfspot alternatives : http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2009/11/gimp-to-be-removed-lucid.html04:41
XiXaQI've never understood why we can't have another alarm clock in the default install because Evolution has the ability to provide it, when we can have tomboy for notes, even though that's a core feature of Ubuntu.04:41
XiXaQerr, Evolution.04:41
liquidbae: david04:41
sebsebsebbjsnider: yep, but that's not in the default install04:41
bjsniderit will be04:41
baehow old r u?04:41
sebsebsebbjsnider: it will be???04:41
XiXaQso, I also think Tomboy should be removed, just to be consistent with the desktop philosophy of Ubuntu.04:41
bjsniderit will be the default music player before too much longer04:41
liquidbae: do you really need to know that?04:42
sebsebsebI went to Banshee when that became better than Rythombox. Banshee used to suck,  now days though Rythombox has improved quite a bit.04:42
i_is_brokewhat will be the default music player?04:42
baeim ust askin danm ?04:42
sebsebsebi_is_broke: Rythombox will be the default for 10.0404:42
liquidbae: 2004:42
sebsebsebAmarok for Kubuntu04:42
i_is_brokebae,this is not a normal chat room04:42
i_is_brokeah i see.04:42
=== bae is now known as Mrz
sebsebsebRythombox is fine for now as the default music player in Ubuntu.04:44
i_is_brokeyou know i have never even used it, i use amarok all the time.04:44
XiXaQsebsebseb, I see _no_ reason why we should replace Rhythmbox. Replacing apps should not be an easy decision. Replacing Pidgin with Empathy, for instance, was absolutely _necessary_. Otherwise, I wouldn't have supported it at all.04:44
i_is_brokethats another app, i dont use either.04:45
IdleOneMrz: this chatroom is a tech support room for Ubuntu Alpha if you would like to chat please type /join #ubuntu-offtopic04:45
sebsebsebXiXaQ: absolutely necessary,  what why, becasue upstream Gnome made one?  normalley it's good to go with upstreams, but sometimes they mess up for certain users as well,  this wasn't a mess up for me, but I have two examples where I am not that happy with upstream Gnome.   Anyway many of us like Pidgin still.04:45
* XiXaQ takes the not so subtle hint from IdleOne. 04:46
i_is_brokeif i had to chose over empathy. or any other i would pick most anything over it.04:46
IdleOneMrz: thank you04:46
XiXaQsebsebseb, because we want to have an interpersonally connected desktop. Telepathy provides the underlying mechanism to provide that.04:46
Mrzur w3llcome04:46
IdleOneXiXaQ: that was not directed at you btw :)04:47
sebsebsebXiXaQ: what does that actsaulley mean, not read Empathy stuff recently, I also haven't tried Empathy last time,  and when I tried it last time it was just for IM.04:47
Mrzwats up?04:47
sebsebsebXiXaQ: uhmm that was meant to say I haven't tried Empathy recently04:47
IdleOneMrz: how old are you?04:47
bjsnideran interpersonally connected desktop...04:48
sebsebsebbjsnider: that does what04:48
liquidMrz: may i redirect you to http://tinychat.com/04:48
bjsnideri don't know04:48
bjsniderit's not my term04:48
IdleOneok. Olivia, listen this is a technical discussion forum. We are not interested in a/s/l type discussions. You are more then welcome to stay here and join in the conversation but please keep it on topic04:48
i_is_brokei still want to know why its so important?04:48
XiXaQsebsebseb, it provides loads of cool stuff, from the simple and useful, like having an indicator in your contact list, showing if the person is available for chat, voice, video, etc, to sharing your desktop over the internet, directly with your contacts without any NAT setup, configuring passwords or anything.04:49
i_is_brokei loaded it, used it once and hated it.04:49
sebsebsebXiXaQ: ah yes the  desktop sharing thing, but is it done in a secure way, is the thing04:49
i_is_brokeyeah that kind of spooks me.04:50
XiXaQsebsebseb, yes.04:50
liquidwell the hope with empathy is that because its default it will get more work done on it as well04:50
bjsniderthere's a more mature program for that purpose called pidgin04:50
XiXaQsebsebseb, but that's just a simple use case, almost like a demo, of Telepathys possibilities.04:50
XiXaQbjsnider, Pidgin is just a chat application, nothing more. Telepathy is much more.04:50
=== Mrz is now known as ba3
sebsebsebXiXaQ: well yeah, but how many of us actsualley need Empathy/Telepathy ?  or I should say have a good reason to use it04:51
XiXaQsebsebseb, how many of us actually need inet sockets?04:52
XiXaQ... most of us.04:52
XiXaQwhy shouldn't you be able to connect your applications with a _human_ and not only a _computer_?04:52
bjsniderwhat does telepathy give me that pidgin does not?04:52
i_is_brokeor couldnt add?04:52
sebsebsebwould be good if on install of Ubuntu,  a message came up?  explaining   about some of the other popular apps that they might want to install, Pidgin etc?  and then letting them instal lit easilley?  Gimp even, and  Synaptic for those that still want it when 10.04 comes out.  Software Centre will replace Synaptic.04:53
bjsniderno, pidgin has that04:53
XiXaQbjsnider, lots. Like Tubes, for instance, enabling you to open "sockets" between applications over an IM channel to your contacts.04:53
liquidbut telapathy isn't in the default any more soo...04:53
i_is_brokeugh, what about kpackagekit?04:53
bjsniderXIXin specific terms, what does a socket between applications do?04:54
XiXaQbjsnider, we need Empathy because we need Telepathy, because Telepathy provides lots of stuff that Pidgin won't ever provide. It's far beyond IM.04:54
i_is_brokewill you be able to install them even tho they are not default?04:54
bjsniderXiXaQ,  specific terms, what does a socket between applications do?04:54
XiXaQbjsnider, what do you do with your computer and what do you do with other people? That's what it does.04:55
liquidi_is_broke: of course04:55
sebsebsebi_is_broke: Synaptic I guess will be in the 10.04 repo, just like I guess Gimp will be.  Well Gimp has to be for sure,  and if it's not, I can imagine the articles/blog entries on the web, and peoples comments regarding, that already.04:55
bjsniderthose aren't specific ebnough terms, in my view. those are generalities04:55
XiXaQbjsnider, instead of opening a socket to a computer at a given port, you open a connection to another humans application. What you do, is up to you.04:55
IdleOneUnless they plan a major upgrade to the Software Center I will continue to favor Synaptic04:56
bjsniderthat sounds less like a feature than a security hole04:56
i_is_brokewell that sounds all fine and dandy for tech people but for the average user, i dont want them messing with my stuff...that just means more breakage.04:56
XiXaQbjsnider, is Internet a security hole?04:56
liquidIdleOne: what about aptitude?04:56
IdleOneliquid: and aptitude of course04:57
bjsniderpretty much, yes04:57
XiXaQbjsnider, why do you think it's more dangerous to connect to a port number than a contact name?04:57
IdleOneliquid: I was comapring GUI for GUI04:57
sebsebsebIdleOne: yeah I have a feeling that when Synaptic gets replaced by Software Centre, that I will still want Synaptic installed04:57
i_is_brokei can see someone loging into konsole and doing rm on my root folder.04:57
XiXaQbjsnider, I meant the other way around. :)04:57
XiXaQbjsnider, and why is it more dangerous to transfer voice data to a contact than text data?04:57
bjsniderwhat if eth socket is connecting to an application that's running a thread in kernel space?04:57
liquidi_is_broke: no root passsword?04:58
i_is_brokewell yeah, of course.04:58
IdleOnei_is_broke: they will only have the permission you grant them.04:58
bjsnideror as root04:58
i_is_brokeah ok04:58
XiXaQbjsnider, Telepathy doesn't provide inet sockets. It provides Telepathy Tubes.04:58
bjsnideryou sound like a commercial for telepathy04:58
bjsnideryou've got the branding down and everything04:58
XiXaQbjsnider, if you rightclick your contact list (when running as root) and select "Share my desktop", then that's ... well. You've _tried_ to make a hole.04:59
liquidit is convient to unify applications04:59
sebsebsebIdleOne: add/remove in pre 9.10 is what a  lot of us would tell new users to go into to get some program,  or well use the commands.   Synaptic is good for people with some experience, but also new  new users really.  You agree?04:59
liquidsebsebseb: yes, for thouse who need to see Everything05:00
IdleOnesebsebseb: Synaptic I think is friendly enough even for new users.05:00
XiXaQbjsnider, I'm very enthusiastic about Ubuntu, yes. I love DBus and I love Telepathy. I think they'll change the way we consider our computers.05:00
sebsebsebIdleOne: yep same here05:00
i_is_brokeok, back to them using my desktop, if kdewallet is open, would that give them access to roots password?05:00
IdleOneSoftware Center just is not ready, can only install one app at a time05:00
XiXaQIdleOne, that's not true,.05:00
XiXaQIdleOne, you can install several applications at the same time.05:00
IdleOneXiXaQ: really? not from what I saw05:01
i_is_brokei dont know i have never used it.05:01
sebsebsebSoftware Centre only replaces add/remove now, and yes it looks better,  and I guess when it replaces Synaptic as the default, it will be quite useable and good looking.  Which reminds me,  it's not just right click on a program and install in the software centre in 9.10.05:01
XiXaQIdleOne, try again. You're used to appinstall.05:01
liquidYep, it does i sequntialy and you can stack em05:01
* IdleOne will try again05:01
KetsubanTelepathy seems to like a case of architecture astronautics to me. If both people have Telepathy then you can share your desktop to them, great - but none of my friends have Telepathy because they don't run Linux. In that respect, I find Pidgin more useful because it's more feature-rich - Empathy by contrast feels extremely barren.05:02
XiXaQKetsuban, hmm. I thought Pidgin couldn't even do voice and video with Windows users?05:02
XiXaQEmpathy does that right out of the box.05:02
IdleOneI stand corrected05:02
liquidKetsuban: there's always gchat and such  untill empathy fills the gaps05:03
IdleOnebut it is not intuitive05:03
sebsebsebXiXaQ: If I remember correctly Pidgin can now do web cam with Jabber.05:03
XiXaQIdleOne, I think it is. However, you're used to appinstall, which was different. Don't confuse habit with intuitiveness.05:03
sebsebseb  /Gmail05:03
XiXaQsebsebseb, Empathy does the same thing over MSN and SIP as well.05:03
KetsubanXiXaQ: I wasn't talking about Voice/Video (which is in progress for Windows at the moment).05:03
sebsebsebXiXaQ: AMSN can do web cams05:03
KetsubanBut most of my friends don't use Pidgin either, so that's kinda a moot point. For VoIP we use Skype.05:04
IdleOneXiXaQ: maybe they should add a tab " To be installed"05:04
IdleOneafter selecting apps05:04
sebsebsebXiXaQ: just like that closed source Mercury Messenger can if I remember correctly,  made by one guy, and written in Java app, Can do most MSN features and it's own stuff, and the program might be a bit buggy.05:04
=== ba3 is now known as lilmamabadash3ll
IdleOneHow do I remove a package now?05:05
liquidsudo apt-get remove (package)05:05
IdleOneI know that lol05:05
IdleOneI meant in the Soft Center05:05
liquididleone: just find it05:05
liquididleone: and click uninstall05:05
IdleOnethere is no uninstall option05:06
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liquiddouble click05:06
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sebsebsebIdleOne: exactly, which is  the point I made earlier basically, except for install05:06
IdleOneahh ok I have to go to the Installed Software tab05:06
sebsebsebit's not that easy to install a program in int05:06
liquidcherry *i hope they notice me changing my name and kick me*05:07
sebsebsebyou can't just right click on the program and install05:07
sebsebsebyou have to get the program details showing and the button showing when doing that, or whatever05:07
liquidIdleOne: instead of install there will be an unintsall05:07
IdleOneliquid: are we talking about the same thing?05:08
sebsebseboh I was going to install a program with software centre, but  used Synaptic instead or just the command.  I wasn't on Karmic for long before getting rid of it, because of a few things that are actsaualley features as well.  Other computer is on 9.04 for now.   I am looking forward to a development version of Lucid that has most/all of the features, so I can try early.05:08
liquidIdleOne: software center?05:08
IdleOneliquid: yup05:08
sebsebsebI have alpha 1 in a virtual machine.05:09
XiXaQI didn't mean to talk negatively about Pidgin. Quite the contrary, I'm active in the Pidgin community and I love the software. It's a great IM application, and that was my point: if we only wanted an IM application, then I would have been in strong opposition to replacing Pidgin. But we don't. We want more. Telepathy provides it, making Empathy the logical choice.05:09
liquiduninstall = remove05:09
IdleOnedouble clicking the app takes me to a window with install and website buttons05:09
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sebsebsebMandriva One 2010 as host at the moment :)05:09
sebsebsebXiXaQ: depends on how it is done, but sometimes negative feedback can be good, and to the actsual developers05:10
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liquidcherry: please stop05:10
bjsniderkick the troll05:10
XiXaQsebsebseb, of course. But Pidgin isn't designed to do what Telepathy is designed to do and it shouldn't aspire to do so either. It's a great IM application and that's what it is.05:11
sebsebsebXiXaQ: correction, the geeks and that want all those extra features,  the average Ubuntu user probably doesn't, because they don't know about the features.05:11
sebsebsebliquid: What did they do?05:12
XiXaQsebsebseb, I disagree. Especially to the average user, being able to click on a contact and select a choice, is very much what they want to do. They don't want to mess with their router, set up special applications and do networking stuff just in order to communicate with someone.05:12
liquidsebsebseb: she keeps changing her nick05:12
sebsebsebliquid: I saw one, but then I saw more when I looked above05:13
sebsebsebXiXaQ: well sure05:13
sebsebsebXiXaQ: well yeah, anyway as I  put before I haven't used Empathy recently, and when I did it was only for IM.05:14
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i_is_brokei guess thats all i tried to do to was im..so maybe after everything calms down with lucid a bit i will reinstall it and look at it more closely..05:14
XiXaQsebsebseb, wouldn't it be nice to actually surf the net with someone who's far away? Right click the name and select "Share Firefox" and you then if you click somewhere, your contact also opens the same link, so you see the same page. Then, at the same time, over the same connection, you use your microphone and discuss what you're seeing. This is communication!05:15
liquidXiXaQ: well dynamic dns dosen't help either, maybe ubuntu could provide dynamic name resolution as a service so people could easily host files?05:15
babyboopwhat r u talkin bout/.05:15
liquiddynamic ip i mean*05:16
XiXaQliquid, if you're tring to share files with a spesific user, you should do that by clicking the name of the contact and select the folder to share. Dynamic DNS? Come on :>05:16
liquidi'm thinking a little more long term... :p05:17
XiXaQyou shouldn't have to know their IP. You already have a connection to them. You should be able to connect to _people_ and not just _computers_. That's what makes Telepathy cool, imho.05:17
XiXaQif I had to know the IP of all the people I talk to in a day, I'd stop talking.05:17
KetsubanIf I want them to see what I have in my browser window, I copypaste the link and send it.05:18
liquidwell of course thats handled by the os/app05:18
XiXaQKetsuban, wow.. That's... Very 80s of you :)05:18
sebsebsebXiXaQ: stuff like that can already be done05:18
liquidthats one of the reasons you can't directly share you desktop for exp.05:19
sebsebsebXiXaQ: well you can already share your desktop over the  Internet with someone I mean05:19
bjsnidersounds like a huge pri\vacy violation to me05:19
XiXaQKetsuban, we used to do that in the mid 80s, actually. We'd dial up to a BBS and browse the content. Then, we'd phone our friends and tell them about it. :>05:19
XiXaQbjsnider, that's a weird thing to say. Why shouldn't I be allowed to show someone what I do?05:19
bjsniderwhy shoud you want to05:20
liquidwell you can, but you have to use a third party05:20
XiXaQbjsnider, uh.. I have co-workers?05:20
XiXaQliquid, that's ugly. It should be built right in.05:20
IdleOnebjsnider: it's not like I can connect to your app without your permission. Telepathy will allow you to share your browser with me and let me control the browser but only with your permission05:20
liquidim clients for example are a third party05:20
liquidgoogle* aim*05:21
bjsniderIdleOne, whatcouldpossiblygowrong05:21
RAOFIn fact, it's not like I can connect to your app without you *explicitly* sending a "please connect to my app" invitation.05:21
IdleOnebjsnider: security has to be built in of course05:21
XiXaQbjsnider, why is automatic sharing of links more dangerous than manually copying and pasting them, or sending them though the snail mail postal service?05:21
liquidits not05:22
IdleOneyou allow cert privs to the user to control the app. root access is NEVER given by defaultr05:22
XiXaQno, it isn't.05:22
bjsniderfamous last words05:22
XiXaQactually, it'd be very difficult for an average user to give root access over Telepathy.05:22
i_is_brokewell it sounds like it would have to be nearly idiot proof...05:23
XiXaQyes. SSH over Telepathy is something I'm looking forward to. People are working on that now.05:23
liquiddouble answer :p05:23
babyboopy ssh 4???05:23
bjsniderwhat would happen if you gave control of your browser to someone masquerading as a trusted friend?05:24
XiXaQI have several friends I'd like to help over the internet, but cannot, since it's way too complicated. If they could just right click my name and "Give terminal access", then it'd be easy.05:24
liquidyour browser dosen't run as root05:24
IdleOnebabyboop: ssh is a transport protocol. not ssh as in shush05:24
bjsniderIdleOne, don't talk to the troll05:24
XiXaQbjsnider, I don't understand the problem.05:24
babyboopr u trying 2 be nice or mean?05:25
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.05:25
IdleOnebjsnider: i'm not convinced she is a troll05:25
bjsnidershe is05:25
XiXaQI'm not convinced the troll is a she.05:25
liquidshe probably just want to make love with one of us sexy nerds05:25
babyboopi no i dont use proper english 4 some reason?05:26
IdleOneliquid: yeah, good luck with that lol05:26
bjsniderthis is not a street corner in thailand05:26
IdleOnealright let's keep the comments family friendly please05:26
XiXaQbjsnider, but why would it be more dangerous to send a link over IM to the wrong person than sending it over email?05:26
IdleOnetroll or not we still act civil05:26
XiXaQgood one, IdleOne. :]05:27
liquidXiXaQ: well it really depends wich reciving application is more secure05:28
bjsniderit would be more dangerous to give control of your browser to a "wrong person" than sending a link05:28
liquidXiXaq: Firefox or Empathy, but both run with out root05:28
babyboopsome body talk 2 me?05:28
IdleOneXiXaQ: I assume anytime you would select a contact and share Desktop for example there would be the option to Allow user to Control or View Only05:28
bjsniderwith control of the browser they could destroy all userland files05:28
IdleOnebjsnider: it would be like allowing guest access. they can read files but not modify05:29
liquidbut the beauty of that is the system is still intact an that other users shouldn't be effected05:29
IdleOnethe amount of control is left up to you05:29
DanaGssh != shh05:29
XiXaQbjsnider, in any case, I think I would recognize the voice of my girlfriend in anycase. I don't ever want to assume that nothing is possible because everything can be abused.05:29
IdleOneDanaG: indeed it is not :)05:29
RAOFbjsnider: That's right, but are you arguing that handing out remote access should be _impossible_?05:29
bjsniderIdleOne, i'd like to reiterate whatcouldpossiblygowrong05:30
babyboopbord ashell???05:30
DanaGI wish Ubuntu had an "install updates and shut down" button.05:30
RAOFBecause there are some fairly big use-cases for, in fact, handing out remote access.05:30
babyboopord ashell???05:30
IdleOnebjsnider: yeah things can be abused, of course.05:30
i_is_brokewould someone please boot the troll?05:30
bjsniderRAOF, i think it should be hard rather than easy05:30
IdleOnebabyboop: you are acting like a child. please stop05:30
XiXaQbjsnider, then you don't want to have the ability to just show your desktop to someone you know is the right person, because if you instead had given them control over your computer, and if they were someone else, then you might have had problems? You're looking for problems where none exist, my friend. :)05:31
DanaGI wish Ubuntu had a way to do the remote-assistance thing to non-Pro Windows.05:31
RAOFbjsnider: But that doesn't work when what you want to do is provide remote assistance.05:31
XiXaQDanaG, what does that mean?05:31
bjsniderXiXaQ, well that's certainly...your view05:31
IdleOneDanaG: that's a windows issue not ubuntu?05:31
babyboopthat was my son05:31
IdleOnebabyboop: how old is your son?05:32
XiXaQbjsnider, yes, I still don't understand why you would trust a connection with anything at all, if you didn't trust the connection. And vice versa.05:32
DanaGWell, remote-assistance is not the same as remote-desktop (rdp). :(05:32
bjsniderRAOF, you're inn tlephone contact with such a person at the time05:32
RAOFThis was a recurring theme on an ubuntu-devel-discus@ thread about making server administration easier.  "It shouldn't be easy to administer a server, because then people who don't have a deep knowledge of server administration will administer servers & they'll have problems".05:32
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.05:33
liquidXiXaQ: its a program to allow remote access between computers, met to send it to someone else05:33
RAOFbjsnider: So?05:33
liquidRAOF: agreed05:34
bjsniderRAOF, presumably you trust the person you're conceding desktop control to05:34
XiXaQliquid, yes and extremely complicated in comparison to what Ubuntu has built-in right now.05:35
RAOFbjsnider: So, rather than saying "now, open up an IM conversation with me and hit the 'share my desktop' button", you'd prefer that I'd have to explain a bunch of stuff, get the helpee to find their IP address, forward the appropriate ports in their router...05:35
bjsniderwell, that's two extremnes there05:35
bjsniderthe former is too easy and the latter is too hard05:35
RAOFSo, if you trust the person you're conceding desktop control to, why object to the existence of a "concede desktop control to this person" button?05:35
XiXaQbjsnider, too easy?05:36
RAOFI disagree with the premise that an action can be too easy.05:36
XiXaQI do too.05:36
IdleOnethat button will also come with a popup explaining the possible risk of doing so05:36
XiXaQeasy does not mean insecure.05:36
babyboopldleOne y did u ask how old my son iz?05:36
IdleOnebabypoop, was curious05:37
XiXaQIdleOne, is that what they call a freudian mistype? :>05:37
bjsniderRAOF, an action can't be too easy?05:37
IdleOneXiXaQ: yup, something like that05:37
RAOFbjsnider: An action that you want to perform can't be too easy.05:38
RAOFbjsnider: A computer is a tool for doing stuff.  If what I want to do is X, I want the computer to make X _as easy as possible_.05:38
liquidRAOF: but in the end the user is in control05:38
bjsniderthen why are there spambots out there with 250k or more zombie computers driving them having been infected by users doing easy things?05:38
XiXaQit can be too easy if you can do it without meaning to do it, like tapping the touchpad results in a click.05:39
IdleOnebjsnider: because windows user tend to not be careful about who they allow access05:39
liquidbjsinder: they are tools to hid the cheaters05:39
RAOFBecause it's _hard_ to distinguish between safe and unsafe things.05:40
IdleOneWe need to get out of the mind set that Linux should be hard.05:40
XiXaQbjsnider, because Windows up till very recently gave the first user administrator right by default, without guarding it in any way and without explaining the danger to the user.05:40
bjsnideri don't want usability to get so easy you can blow up the world by hitting a red button by accident05:40
IdleOneLinux should be easy to use and safe. other OS'es have made things easy by sacrificing security05:40
liquidIt should be simple of course, but a thurow warning should be delt, and it shouldn't effect other users05:41
bjsnideri want there to be several difficult steps to take05:41
XiXaQbjsnider, you can't do that in Ubuntu. That's what the sudo mechanism is for.05:41
XiXaQbjsnider, oh, ok. You want to reboot in order to gain root privileges, for instance, just to make it difficult?05:41
RAOFSo, there seems to be two things here: "I want possibly insecure things to be difficult to do" and "I want it to be difficult to _accidentally_ do insecure things"05:41
RAOFI disagree with the first, and agree with the second.05:42
XiXaQagain, I second that.05:42
bjsniderRAOF, which one has resulted in those spambots?05:42
RAOFA combination of both.05:42
i_is_brokewell i think for people who help people with their computers its a great idea.as far as the ones that will abuse it. well we know what and how they do things..05:42
XiXaQbjsnider, no. Noone has ever proposed that Ubuntu should remove the sudo mechanism and run all applications as root, like Windows has done for the past decade.05:42
bjsnidervista removed that feature05:43
bjsnideror maybe i shouldn't call it a feature05:43
XiXaQbjsnider, yes, and what's the percentage of spambots OS?05:43
bjsnideroverwhelming percentage is xp systems05:43
liquidbjsnider: still, in windows, the user is not informed of what could go wrong05:43
XiXaQbjsnider, right, so your point it moot.05:44
RAOFActually, let me retract that.  I don't think the spambots are the result of _either_ possibly insecure things being easy to do _nor_ for it being easy to accidentally do insecure things.05:44
bjsnidermost people still use xp05:44
XiXaQbut this has nothing to do with being able to share a link over IM.05:44
RAOFMalware, by and large, works by making the user _want_ to run whatever it is that the malware is.05:44
bjsniderit's social engineering attacks, yes05:45
liquidXiXaQ: for most cases it is safe to assume that sending a link is safe... clicking it is different, we are more discussing allowing someone else enviromental control of the os or root access05:45
bjsniderbut if it was harder to do what the malware wants to user to do, then it would be less of a problem05:45
RAOFBut the malware wants the user to run a program downloaded from the internet.05:45
XiXaQliquid, no, actually. We were talking about sharing a display with a friend over an IM connection.05:46
RAOFYou have to admit, this is actually something that many people legitimately want to do :)05:46
liquidyah "enviromental control"05:46
XiXaQliquid, it's just bjsnider who are intent on making it a very dangerous security issue. It's not.05:46
bjsniderit's not a security issue to give control of your desktop to someone else in a remote location???05:47
IdleOneRAOF: I know that I would like to spend an hour or two watching what my son is looking at on the web, with his knowledge. it would be a nice way for me to spend some time with him being I am 700 miles away05:47
XiXaQbjsnider, desktop? I never talked about a desktop or giving anyone control over my desktop.05:47
liquidyah i guess its not that big a deal, it really is you to blame.. assuming all this can be done with out root05:47
RAOFNot if that's _what you explicitly want to do_.05:47
sebsebsebbjsnider: the connection itself should be made to be secure, VNC over SSH for example05:47
XiXaQbjsnider, but now that you mention it.. No, it's not.05:47
bjsniderRAOF, the user doesn't know what they want to do05:48
XiXaQbjsnider, oh, so everyone is stupid?05:48
RAOFbjsnider: They've clicked a button which says "Share my desktop with this user".05:48
XiXaQthis is tiresome.05:48
liquidif root is required the only the real user should be allowed to grand such, otherwize share away.05:48
XiXaQPeople should be able to connect to other people. The question is not if, the question is how. I believe Telepathy to be the best answer at this time.05:49
XiXaQand that concludes my part of this discussion, I think :)05:49
IdleOne+1 XiXaQ05:49
RAOFbjsnider: If the user doesn't understand the implications of this, the solution isn't "Make it harder to share my desktop" because people will just follow longer, more convoluted, _less secure_ HOWTOs.  The solution is to make it obvious that the remote end will be able to control your desktop.05:49
bjsniderliquid, that is not how it works in vista. desktop sharing must be run as root05:49
IdleOnebjsnider: this is not Vista!05:49
IdleOneF Vista and how they do it05:50
i_is_brokeoops nice language..lol05:50
IdleOneWe can do it properly05:50
i_is_brokeits ok..im old enough to hear it..lol05:50
IdleOnebut comparing apples and oranges to make a point is ridiculous05:50
bjsniderRAOF, my theory is that they'll give up after a short time05:50
i_is_brokeyes i agree.05:50
liquidbtw is this really lucid +1 discussion :p05:51
i_is_brokenot me, i didnt know the first thing about ssh, but i started reading about it, and learning and i can actually do it now..not to sure what i can do but i can do it.05:51
RAOFbjsnider: So, your solution is to make it impossible for users to recieve remote assistance?05:51
IdleOneliquid: we are discussing possible implementations of telepathy in +1 :)05:51
liquidIdleOne: oh05:51
bjsniderRAOF, somewhere between too easy and too hard05:52
IdleOneliquid: that is my story lol05:52
RAOFI still dispute the existence of "too easy" :)05:52
DanaGhmm, the way windows does remote-assistance is through "help and support" center.05:53
DanaGit lets you e-mail or IM an "invitation"05:53
liquidIdleOne: well if it really is a possibility of including it (assuming its fairly small package?) it should be added/ merged into empathy in someway05:53
XiXaQbjsnider, why do you want it to be difficult instead of just making it secure?05:53
DanaGIt's not directly through the IM app.05:53
i_is_brokewell i work with a bunch of people on the g/f side of the family that dont know much about computers, i can see it being an  advantage for me in that aspect...05:53
IdleOneliquid: indeed and as XiXaQ mentioned there are people working on such things05:53
bjsniderXiXaQ, it cannot be secure05:53
RAOFIdleOne: Check out empathy right now.  It's implemented.05:53
XiXaQbjsnider, please prove that.05:54
RAOFIdleOne: Open a conversation -> Contact -> "Share My Desktop".05:54
IdleOneRAOF: I haven't played with Empathy as I don't have any friends :(05:54
IdleOnewill you be my friend?05:54
XiXaQIdleOne, aww! You have one! :)05:54
RAOFbjsnider: Remote access *cannot* be secure?05:54
DanaGI don't like the idea of it being chat app -> remote access.  Perhaps make it chat app -> tell person to go to 'help and support' -> send invitation.05:55
i_is_brokebjsnider, why?05:55
RAOFWell, I guess I can accept that.  A network-connected computer is not secure.05:55
i_is_brokeand im not trying to be a smart elic, i just am curious to why you said that?05:55
bjsnidergiving control of your system to someone else is never secure05:55
RAOFI don't think that's a useful level of security to aim for, because I'd like to actually use my computer.05:55
DanaG <"your mom" joke>05:55
IdleOneeasy does not mean insecure. it can be rock solid and easy at the same time. the regular end user does not want to learn about port forwarding and ssh and vnc. they want to be able to click and do stuff fast. The devs need to make sure that it is secure.05:56
IdleOneand lucky for us it is all FOSS so people can make sure it is secure05:56
XiXaQbjsnider, it's not useful to be so extreme. I'm very glad Google gives me access to their computer, for instance, and I don't think they fear me very much.05:56
liquidThe user should be aware that it is more then just chat, thus I would reccomend it in the administration, however.. maybe a link to it from empathy?05:57
RAOFbjsnider: I don't think that a definition of "security" which makes it impossible for work to be done is a useful definition.05:57
bjsniderit's impossible to do work without giving up direct control of your system?05:57
bjsnideri don't see why05:58
RAOFBecause the work that I want to do involves giving remote access to a known agent.05:58
RAOFThere are all sorts of interesting security things to talk about here, though.  How do I know that the person I'm talking to is _actually_ the person I'm thinking of?  Can 3rd parties see this conversation?  Can 3rd parties influence this conversation, etc.05:58
bjsnideri'm fairly certain that you could implement complex procedures to accomplish that task05:59
RAOFRight.  I _could_ fly out to Whoopwhooop.05:59
IdleOneand get some WhatWhat06:00
XiXaQbjsnider, ssh username@address <-- it's very easy, isn't it? Do you propose that we make it more difficult?06:00
RAOFSecurity is a spectrum.  A network-connected computer is not secure.  A computer to which others have physical access is not secure.06:00
RAOFThat doesn't mean that I don't want my laptop to connect to the Internet.06:01
bjsniderXiXaQ, ssh is hard enough to scare off people who shouldn't be using it06:01
i_is_brokeif you want your computer to be secure, dont hook it to the net.06:01
RAOFbjsnider: There is no "shouldn't be using it".06:01
RAOF"It should be difficult, otherwise the plebs might be able to use it inappropriately" is not security.06:01
bjsniderhahaa, well, we've got a difference of opinion on that, no question.06:02
RAOFThe computer should _never_ prevent me from doing something that I deliberately want to do.06:02
XiXaQbjsnider, well. We disagree. I think it should be easy to talk to other people, even if not all words should be spoken.06:02
RAOFI want to share my desktop with one of my contacts; making this hard to do does _not_ make it more secure, just more frustrating.06:03
bjsnidercomputers are too easy for the uninitiated to use06:03
RAOFWhile being too _difficult_ to use safely, yes.06:04
i_is_brokenow will this telepathy let you connect to anyones desktop or does it have to be someone else running linux?can it be done with osx,or windows?06:04
RAOFi_is_broke: It'll only work between telepathy clients, IIUC.  The underlying technology is VNC, though, for which windows & OSX clients exist.06:05
XiXaQbjsnider, then, it sounds to me, you believe in security by obscurity?06:05
i_is_brokeok, so i would have to install all of that on a windows box to connect to it in the first place..gotchya...06:06
IdleOnelet's say I don't have a webcam but the person I am talking does. They could turn on the cam and a window opens with them in it, they then share the desktop with me and I can look at them threw their desktop?06:06
bjsnideri think osx and gnome have good design philosophies where they hide dangerous or obscure features and keep the simple stuff out in the open06:06
XiXaQi_is_broke, telepathy enables you to make a channel (Tube) to a contact. These tubes can be used for anything a normal inet socket can be used for, but you don't have to consider DNS or routing at all.06:06
i_is_brokei get it.06:07
bjsniderso if you really want to set up desktop sharing, you an't just click a button. you have to learn about it and educate yourself so you can use it with some degree of safety06:07
i_is_brokewell considering i take care of my whole family's computers, it would be something i would want to learn.06:08
RAOFbjsnider: The problem with "educate yourself" is that people end up following the first howto on google.  They're not _interested_ in how to use it with safety, they just want to use their computer as a tool.06:12
RAOFAnd howtos on google end up old, obsolete, are of variable quality, people don't necessarily read the caveats, people don't necessarily *understand* the commands, etc.06:13
RAOFIn short, if you're relying on random howtos on the net in order to provide security, you've lost.06:14
liquidRAOF: but its the thought that counts06:30
sebsebsebok just caught up, since I went away when the discussion was still on06:54
sebsebsebwho is still here?06:54
sebsebsebgot a few questions myself for the topic06:54
sebsebsebRAOF: IdleOne  bjsnider  XiXaQ06:55
sebsebsebstill about?06:56
RAOFsebsebseb: Ask the question; that's the way it works :)07:01
sebsebsebUsing this stuff to remote connect with people you know right,  but it could also be done with strangers from the Internet.  Which could be rather useful to help them with something.  However who is being remote connected to?  What computer is being remote connected to?  Is it ok to remote connect to people from the net that you don't know, as long as you don't do anything bad when in?  etc07:02
RAOFsebsebseb: If someone invites you, then yes, certainly.  Why wouldn't it be OK?07:03
RAOFsebsebseb: The person who sends the "please connect remotely to my machine" is the person whose computer is remotely connected to.07:04
sebsebseb,but does age matter for example?07:04
RAOFAs in: should you only attempt to help someone in that way if you know they're over the age of consent?07:05
RAOFI don't think that's a very helpful question, because it's not something that I can know.07:07
sebsebsebRAOF: well there are ages for loads of stuff,  for example to register on Freenode your meant to be 13 years or over07:07
RAOFRight, but that's obviously unenforced.07:08
RAOFThat's there for legal reasons, I'm sure.07:08
RAOFIf you're suggesting that there should be parental controls available for desktop sharing, then that seems reasonable.07:10
sebsebsebRAOF: exactly legal stuff,  and I guess there is that when it comes to remote connecting as well,  but if there is that,  I don't know what it is exactly.  I do  assume though that people can maybe get in trouble if doing something bad, when remote connected to someones computer07:11
RAOFPossibly?  That's going to be juristiction-dependent, and I don't think it's a particularly interesting question.07:12
RAOFYes, you can do illegal stuff if someone invites you into their house.07:12
KB1JWQNot always.07:12
* KB1JWQ consults handy reference lawyer07:12
sebsebsebAs for young children having Internet access at home,  I guess that really the parents or parental guardian should be responsible for them being safe online at home.07:13
RAOFRight.  Having remote access to their system is not particularly more dangerous than talking to them online :)07:14
sebsebseband if anything bad happens as a result of the child having Internet access,  the parant or parental guardian is to blame.07:14
RAOFKB1JWQ: I'd be surprised if you can find a juristiction in which being invited into someone's house gives you the legal right to burn it down :)07:14
sebsebsebIt's the Internet, differnet counteries have different laws, and you can also remote connect people that are in a differnet countrey.07:15
sebsebsebRAOF: bingo07:15
sebsebsebjust like with remote connecting,  it's ok really,  as long as you don't do anything bad/malicious when in?07:16
RAOFMorally?  Yes, that's how I'd treat it.07:17
sebsebseb,but legally would depend on countrey and so on?07:17
sebsebsebthis kind of stuff is getting a bit more public I think actsauly,  not that long ago I saw an advert on the TV for something that was commercial and paid for, so  people for example could remote connect to their home, from work07:19
sebsebsebplus operating systems having some kind of remote connect software with them07:19
sebsebseba lot of people will still be afraid to give people they don't know access to their computer though, but as was already discussed, remote connecting can be rather useful at times07:21
sebsebsebafraid since all that hacker stuff in the media,  really it's called cracker, but the media use the wrong term07:22
sebsebsebRAOF:  KB1JWQ Any comments?07:23
KB1JWQsebsebseb: Usually I tend to keep my commentary to myself. :-)07:24
sebsebsebRAOF: My bingo comment earlier was  a response to your comment to KB1JWQ  regarding house being burnt down,  just wanted to be clear07:28
sebsebsebRAOF:  Going back to your comment earlier, parental controls for remote connecting could be rather useful in the future, but right now most computer users don't even know about remote connecting.07:41
XiXaQsebsebseb, yes, that's one good thing about sharing desktop using Telepathy. You don't open a general port. You allow for one single connection. When it's broken, you have to reopen the connection. The normal way you do it, is to enable remote desktop and then set a password. If you forget to deactivate it, then it stays available.08:31
XiXaQ... I should have been asleep many, many hours ago :|08:32
sebsebsebXiXaQ: same here in a way08:32
sebsebsebXiXaQ: that sounds like the insecure way,  not VNC over SSH08:35
sebsebsebwhere something might get left open08:36
sebsebsebwith SSH first a SSH account needs to be connected to. then VNC can be tunneled08:39
DanaGugh, my screen keeps randomly blinking.08:45
BUGabundo_workShuttleworth steps down as Ubuntu CEO10:01
BUGabundo_workso why didnt any one told me yet ?10:01
ikoniahello AlanBell10:31
ikoniaBUGabundo_work:where is your source for that information10:31
BUGabundo_workikonia: sec10:33
BUGabundo_workikonia: http://blogs.computerworld.com/15275/shuttleworth_steps_down_as_ubuntu_ceo10:33
ikoniaah, thats the one I'm reading also, maybe a good topic for #ubuntu-offtopic10:33
AlanBellhttp://markshuttleworth.com is the best source10:35
AlanBelland also read the interview in the first link of Mark's post10:36
ikonialooks a good topic for #ubuntu-offtopic rather than here10:36
=== Oli``` is now known as Oli``
=== BUGabundo_work is now known as BUGabundo_lunch
knittli upgraded to lucid a few days ago … and i still have no sound12:09
knittlknown problem?12:09
Ian_Corneare you sure you driver is loaded?12:14
Ian_Cornei saw some1 saying a day ago or so that the driver simply wasn't loaded12:14
knittlIan_Corne: i don't know. but checking now12:14
knittli can see the volume in pavucontrol12:14
knittloh … speaker volume was 012:15
knittlthere's no way to set it with the new volume control =/12:15
=== mac_v_ is now known as mac_v
=== BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGabundo_work
BUGabundo_workknittl: yes, i have the same problem, sound is always MUTEd on boot13:03
knittlBUGabundo_work: always?13:03
knittlsucks :D13:04
knittlbut i found the reason, so it's not a big a deal13:04
BUGabundo_workknittl: *always*13:04
BUGabundo_worki just increase it , when i need it13:04
knittlwill lucid include the 2.6.33 kernel on final release?13:05
knittlor will they stay with 2.6.3213:05
BUGabundo_workprob 3313:05
BUGabundo_workask on #ubuntu-kernel13:05
knittlnot that important13:06
knittlwhere can i get working nvidia drivers for lucid?13:07
kavurthas anybody installed kubuntu? install icon doesn't work here13:18
bjsniderknittl, try the nvidia-vdpau ppa13:21
bjsniderthe 195 driver specifically13:22
knittlbjsnider: ok, i'm adding it right now13:24
knittl195 you say? great :>13:24
knittl:( it wants to remove ubuntu-desktop and xserver-xorg*13:25
bjsniderdoes it really?13:26
knittlBUGabundo_work: don't worry, i won't ;)13:27
bjsnideri just copied the binaries from the karmic build. let me build it against the lucid packages13:27
knittlalthough ubuntu-desktop is just a virtual package as i understood13:27
bjsniderit's attached to the xserver-xorg stuff, so that's why13:29
BUGabundo_workknittl: yes13:30
BUGabundo_workbut along devel cycle, not having it will lead to a very confusing system13:30
knittljup, ok13:32
bjsniderknittl, amd64 or i386?13:37
bjsnidernobody's on i386 anymore13:38
bjsniderit's an outrage13:38
knittli have an core 2 duo, but use a 32 bit operating system13:38
knittli figured this counst as i38613:38
bjsniderif i was linus, i'd be cursing you out for being a luddite13:39
knittlare you linus? :P13:39
knittltell me about direct advantages of amd64 over i38613:40
knittli never really informed myself on the topic13:40
bjsnideri'm not linus, no13:40
bjsniderbut whent he graphics guys tried importing gem into the kernel, he chewed them out for not using amd6413:41
bjsniderbuild successful. packages being published now13:41
knittlcool :)13:41
bjsniderrefresh your sources and try again13:42
bjsniderthe packages are so new they have steam coming off them13:42
knittlawesome :)13:42
knittlok, looks great13:43
bjsniderkind if curious to see if this works. the 195 driver is almost twice the size of the previous ones for reasons unknown13:43
bjsnidermy theory is the new one contains secret state dept. records or something13:44
knittli'll reboot and then i can tell you13:44
knittlno wait …13:45
bjsniderrun the command dkms status13:47
knittlnothing happens13:50
knittlexit code 013:51
bjsniderdkms status results in exit code 0?13:52
knittl$ dkms stats; echo $?13:53
bjsniderjust type dkms status, without anything else13:55
knittli did13:55
knittlno output whatsoever13:55
bjsniderknittl, ok, there was a slight issue with a script in here. hold on a few minutes13:59
knittlno problem14:00
bjsniderupdating to a new driver line, from say 190 to 195 requires that every reference to "190" in the 46 or so files in the debian directory be replaced with the new number, which in this case is 195. sometimes there are oversights14:02
knittlfind -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/190/195'14:02
bjsnidernot that simple though14:03
bjsniderthe control file requires some to be changed and others not14:03
bjsniderand then in some cases the full numbers are used, like 195.22 for instance14:03
bjsniderit's a total mess14:03
knittlsounds like14:04
bjsnideralright, this is going to take a half hour, possibly more. the builds have been queued14:06
knittlno problem, i can wait14:06
knittlthanks for your help14:06
bjsniderknittl, give it another try14:51
* BUGabundo_work pins mac_v to the #15:02
mac_vBUGabundo_work: hey ;)  what did i do :P15:03
mac_vwas just testing a gnome-session bug , wm just wont start on their own :/15:04
knittlbjsnider: ok15:14
knittlok, it went through without error messages15:16
* knittl rebooting15:17
knittlcomplains about no valid video driver/configuration or something along those lines15:22
knittlif i choose to start in low graphics mode i have the vesa driver again (with full resolution though)15:22
falktxhi, I have a question15:27
falktxi'm using lucid15:27
falktxbut i'm having real trouble using copy-paste15:28
falktxeverytime I select an area,15:28
falktxthat area becames "auto-copied"15:28
falktxso I have to delete all the sentence in order to replace it15:28
falktxis that a known bug, or it just happens with me?15:29
BUGabundo_workfalktx: what??15:29
BUGabundo_workeverytime u select anything its copied to memory15:29
BUGabundo_workthats a X and WM feature15:29
BUGabundo_workbeen like that for years15:30
falktxlet me explain better15:30
falktxI type something15:30
falktxI select all I've typed15:30
falktxthan cut15:31
falktxI write some other things15:31
falktxand select them all15:31
falktxwhen I ctrl+V15:31
falktxinstead of the old copied text pasted,15:31
falktxthe text remains the same15:31
falktxif I delete the text and ctrl+V15:32
falktxthe second text I typed (but not copied), will be "pasted"15:32
yofelfalktx: kde?15:33
falktxi guess you know about it15:35
yofelfalktx: open the klipper configuration and enable 'Ignore Selection'15:36
falktxwhy was it like that?15:38
falktx(many thanks! that worked!!)15:38
yofelno idea, I was really confused at first too...15:39
falktxhas kde been informed already?15:39
yofelfalktx: seems like that was a kde decision15:51
falktxi don't like it... and I think most user will just "WTF"15:56
yofelfalktx: +1, talked to the folks in kubuntu-devel, they don't really like it either16:06
knittlhm strange. i'm getting a segmentation fault after choosing the kernel in grub16:20
knittlplus X won't start anymore -.-16:20
falktxnot with me16:20
falktxI just booted 1 hour ago16:21
knittlfalktx: but i tried to install a new version of nvidia driver16:21
knittli'm in a root shell right now16:22
falktxwhat's the output of "uname -m"?16:27
falktx"uname -a", instead16:28
knittllinux $name 2.6.33-8 .... .. i68616:29
knittlbut i'll try another reboot16:29
knittlscreen isn't working either so i'm restricted to a single shell, which sucks ...16:29
yofelknittl: it you want to temporary use nv instead of nvidia, rename xorg.conf into something else16:29
falktxselect the option "recovery mode"16:29
knittlyofel: i don't have an xorg.conf at the moment16:29
knittlfalktx: that's what i'm in right now16:30
knittli also removed nvidia-glx-stuff16:30
knittli'll try rebooting again, brb16:30
knittlhm, x still won't start16:36
knittlstarting in console it says it can't load glx module16:36
knittlsucks balls16:37
knittlshould i reinstall nvidia-glx-195? *g*16:38
knittland yofel, i thought the new kernel will use nouveau? or was that the next one to be released? (2.6.33)16:41
yofeloh yeah, now that you mention it... not sure then if the default is right now, it should be nouveau for release16:42
yofelcheck in your /var/log/Xorg.0.log what goes wrong and which driver you're using16:43
knittlfailed to load module glx (module does not exist, 0)16:44
knittlthere are lines of an built-in configuration16:45
knittlwith nv, vesa, fbdev16:45
falktxI can guess you're missing some packages16:46
falktxthe one containing the driver X is trying to load16:46
knittldo you know which one those are?16:46
falktxyou have to check X16:47
falktxX &16:47
falktxthen change to tty1 (ctrl+alt+F1)16:47
falktxit should tell what driver is missing16:48
knittli can't find a driver name16:48
knittlonly a backtrace16:48
falktxwhat about:16:49
falktxcat /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:49
knittlok, seems to be NV16:50
knittlthere's just a whole bunch of information16:51
knittland anywhere i find references to drivers i find nv, vesa und fbdev16:51
falktxsudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-all16:51
falktxtry the command then reboot16:52
knittlno new packages to install16:52
falktxi guess you have to install nvidia-glx-*16:54
falktxbut go for a stable version16:54
falktx(I don't use nvidia, so i'm not sure what version you need)16:54
knittl195 should be the right one for lucid16:55
knittland i'm still having segfaults right after grub16:55
knittlalthough the systems boots after a few seconds waiting16:56
falktxare you sure the segfaults are related to nv driver?16:56
knittlbut i thought i'll mention them16:57
knittland i know nv isn't working with current X version16:57
knittlit's in the list of known issues on ubuntu.com/testing16:57
falktxyou can force the driver to vesa16:57
falktxif you don't mind until it gets fixed16:58
knittlbefore i had full resolution16:58
knittlmust've been vesa16:58
knittlbut with 1920x120016:58
falktxyou know how to do it?16:58
BluesKajknittl, which nvidia card ?16:59
BluesKajknittl, to find out ,in the terminal : lspci | grep VGA17:01
knittlBluesKaj: quadro fx 360M17:01
knittlfalktx: i guess writing a custom xorg.conf17:02
falktxyou need help?17:02
knittli can look it up with elinks ;)17:03
BluesKajknittl, the nvidia-glx-190 is the driver you need17:04
knittlBluesKaj: oh?17:04
BluesKajif you have an installed nvidia driver you have to remove while X is shut down17:05
knittlx won't start anyway ;)17:05
BluesKajI assume you are running 32 bit , knittl17:07
knittlBluesKaj: yes, that is correct17:09
BluesKajknittl, I used this procedure with success , http://www.pastebin.ca/1719599 .Give it a try , it worked on my 7600GT17:10
=== seren is now known as seren__
knittlcopy paste using a sheet of paper *g*17:10
yofelfalktx: if you're interested about the klipper selection, there was a pretty interesting discussion on kubuntu-devel right now: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/12/18/%23kubuntu-devel.html#t15:4117:10
knittlor my brain ... that works too :)17:11
knittloh, 24 packages broken in aptitude ... meeen17:12
BluesKajok time for my walk , bbl17:13
falktxyofel: thanks, I hope they disabled it in time for karmic17:13
yofelwell, the kde4.4 backports are the same as lucid right now17:14
yofeland kde4.3 had a different behaviour iirc17:14
knittlthere is no nvidia 190 driver in my repositories17:27
falktxseems like it hasn't been pushed to Lucid yet17:30
falktxbut there's nvidia-glx-18517:30
knittlyay, looks good :)17:34
knittlusing 195 now17:34
BluesKajknittl, there's a ppa here , sorry shudda posted it earlier https://edge.launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/nvidia18:01
BluesKajknittl, bookmark it, just in case :)18:02
BluesKajknittl, but I'm glad to hear the 195 worked out18:03
knittlBluesKaj: i'm using the nvidia-vdpau ppa right now18:04
knittlbut i'll bookmark it anyway18:04
marco what's beyond light-speed bothing of 10.04 ?18:15
falktxi saw a lot of changes in the udev rules18:21
falktxand initramfs18:21
falktxno device is scanning unless is really necessary18:22
falktxthat might get the system to boot a little faster18:22
falktxneed help18:37
falktx(maybe an ubuntu bug?)18:37
falktxI submited a package to revu, but it can't be displayed18:38
falktxbecause it has "++" in the name18:38
seren__you can try with the htmlentities for + instead18:39
falktxstill doesn't work18:40
seren__(I don't know it offhand)18:41
falktxit's ok18:41
falktxbut we'll be a problem if someone wants to look at it18:41
falktx(for reviewing)18:42
falktxshould I open a new bug for this, or what?18:42
seren__I vote fill a bug18:46
Picifalktx: File a bug here: https://edge.launchpad.net/revu  and/or bug the people in #ubuntu-motu, since this really isn't an issue for #ubuntu+118:47
falktxjust added the bug report18:53
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
bjsniderknittl, did the updated 195 blob work for you?19:38
knittlbjsnider: after a lot of struggle, yes19:39
knittlbut i guess it was not the 195 at fault, my whole xorg must've been messed up19:39
knittli also got segmentation faults right after grub19:39
bjsniderdid it go into dkms and build without errors this time?19:39
knittlyup, no errors for me19:40
bjsnideri see19:40
knittlthanks a lot for updating the driver(s)19:41
bjsnideri'm just glad to have a guinea pig to test them out on19:42
mac_vanyone know how i can transfer chrome's user data to a new install?21:13
hrochagood evening21:48
hrochajust wanted to install lucid on my laptop21:49
Seven_Six_Twocan I expect greatly differing results between running 10.04 native and in a vm?21:49
hrochabut it doesn't install21:49
hrochai step through all the 8 steps of the pre-installation and then it does nothing21:50
hrochai'm running the live version of lucid at the moment21:50
hrochamaybe because i'm running the installation process with the pt_PT locale?21:50
Seven_Six_Twohrocha, I don't know what you should do, but your issue makes me think I should try updating my 9.10 vm install first.21:52
hrochaSeven_Six_Two, yes, try on a vm first21:53
hrochaSeven_Six_Two, empathy in lucid doesn't even show IRC in the protocol list21:53
hrochai had to install xchat21:53
hrochai'll try to reboot and try installing in english21:54
Seven_Six_Twohrocha, that's what I use anyhow (xchat) and I figured a vm would be the safest route. I'm not experienced with using virtual machines though, so I wasn't sure if there are problems that I'll have with a vm that I wouldn't experiance natively21:54
* swoody thinks Empathy is horrible for IRC anyways :)21:54
hrochaswoody, i agree21:55
swoodyit's like trying to clear snow off your driveway... you *can* do it, but you're not going to enjoy it :/21:55
swoodywith a broom*21:56
swoodywow... major PEBCAK21:56
Seven_Six_TwoI don't know why empathy is even there by default. I much prefer pidgin for im and xchat for, well... irc21:57
swoodySeven_Six_Two: a big +121:58
swoodyand Empathy really didn't seem to be ready for the spotlight when it was included with Karmic21:58
swoodywas pretty glitchy for a lot of users from what I hear21:58
hrochait doesn't install :(22:03
hrochaback to 9.1022:03
swoodyhrocha: what are you having trouble installing?22:06
hrochai downloaded lucid and used the usb-creator to be able to boot from my usb drive because my dvd drive died22:07
hrochai'm just trying to install lucid on my laptop22:07
hrochabut the installation process doesn't work22:07
swoodyhrocha: and you can boot into the liveCD fine?22:07
hrochait should't boot the livecd but it does22:08
swoodyhrocha: any kind of error messages?22:08
hrochai didn't choose "try ubuntu", i chose "install ubuntu"22:08
guntberthrocha: its alpha - why don't you try in a VM first?22:08
swoodyhrocha: what happens when you select 'try Ubuntu'?22:08
hrochait starts the installation process and after the 8 steps it fails and starts the live session22:08
hrochaif i install lucid inside the live session it doesn't work either22:09
swoodyhrocha: no error messages when it fails?22:09
swoodyit just quits?22:09
hrochanone that i can see22:09
hrochayes, it just quits22:09
swoodyhrocha: have you tried checking the LiveCD integreity?22:10
hrochai tried a vm but virtualbox says that lucid is for x86-64 and the processor is a i686 (i assume this is a bug from vbox)22:10
hrochaswoody, no, i didn't, i assumed the copy to the usb drive was done correctly22:10
swoodyhrocha: that would be my first thing to do, just to make sure22:10
hrochaswoody, i'll try to check that, let me reboot22:10
swoodyhrocha: did you also check the md5sum after downloading the .iso?22:11
hrochaswoody, also not, i'll do that now before rebooting22:11
swoodyhrocha: :)22:11
hrochaiso is fine =)22:13
swoodygood, good22:13
hrochaswoody, everything is fine22:17
hrochai can't boot the iso on virtualbox so i guess i'll wait for the alpha222:19
rippsis xorg.conf.d working yet? and will I be able to port my custom wacom fdi to it?22:22
swoodyhrocha: hmmm... it may just be a glicthy Alpha :/22:22
joaopintohrocha, if it says lucid is for x86-64 that means you have downloaded the 64 bits iso22:22
swoodyhrocha: but that stinks22:22
swoodyhrocha: you could always install Karmic, and then do update-manager -d to get Lucid on your laptop22:22
hrochajoaopinto, yes, i'm using a 64 bits iso22:22
hrochai'm also using 9.10 64bits22:22
crimsunall the alphas should be treated as "glitchy"22:23
hrochacrimsun, glitchy yes, but not even installing? :D22:23
crimsunhrocha: sure, brokenness is expected.22:24
crimsunI'm *not* saying that isn't a bug.22:24
hrochajoaopinto, vbox is saying this iso is for x86-64 and the processor is an i68622:24
hrochai'll download a new vbox22:25
DanaGAlso make sure your CPU has VT enabled.22:29
RAOFThe (intel) x86 virtualisation extensions.22:31
DanaGOr AMD-V if it's AMD.22:31
hrochaswoody, hey! my problem was already reported22:59
hrochaswoody https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/49460822:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 494608 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashed with TypeError in partman_edit_dialog()" [High,Fix released]22:59
michhello! can anyone help me with nvidia upgrade from karmic problme?23:00
michafter upgrade I removed all my xorg and installed nvidia-glx-18523:00
hrochaswoody i can't do manual partitioning23:00
michnow I can't boot to gdm... and I can't reinstall xorg23:01
crimsunmich: the new ABI of the X server is incompatible with Lucid's existing NVidia driver and GLX23:01
michso what can I do?23:01
crimsunmich: you have a few options: use nv, use nouveau, use the xorg-edgers PPA for 190.42 debs23:02
michok, but i have a tiny problem... I am unable to remove nvidia-glx-185 package23:02
michsomething with usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libGLcore.so not found23:03
crimsunthat should be diverted by nvidia-glx-18523:04
michoik I was able to remove that package... how is called that nv driver?23:06
yofelmich: nv should be installed by default, xserver-xorg-video-nv23:06
michok thanks.. btw what is the diff between nv and noueve?23:08
RAOFnv is maintained by nvidia, and (deliberately) contains no features.23:09
michbtw, I am able to boot to gdm, (nice) but gives arrors and works only in low-resolution mode23:09
RAOFnouveau aims to be fully featured, but is a bit experimental.23:09
hrochaare you able to boot a 64bit ubuntu inside virtualbox?23:11
michI am in system23:11
michin low res mode,23:11
hrochai tried to boot from a lucid x64 but it doesn't boot23:11
hrochavbox says that it doesn't support x86-6423:12
hrochaam i missing something?23:12
michnope I did not tried it.. probably vbox can't run 64bit23:13
DanaGI  think vbox can... it may just not be enabled by default.23:15
hrochahmm, ok23:16
bjsnideri've got the 195 driver in my ppa which apparently works on lucid23:17
hrochafrom launchpad i suppose the latest daily doesn't have the issue i'm having while trying to install luic23:17
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crimsunbjsnider: you should submit it to the xorg-edgers PPA23:18
CosmiChaosbjsnider, yeah hope they will go further than 195.22 before christmas23:19
crimsunman, you guys are slave drivers23:19
bjsnidercrimsun, the blob is not a xorg supported driver23:19
crimsuna week before the holiday and you're asking for more releases?23:19
crimsunbjsnider: there's an existing 190.42 in that PPA.23:19
CosmiChaoscrimsun, i always do23:19
bjsnidercrimsun, that's their bidnez23:20
crimsunbjsnider: the point is to provide a central location for it23:20
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crimsunbjsnider: I haven't read anything saying that the proprietary driver is *unwelcome* in that PPA23:21
CosmiChaosbjsnider, hey its just nvidia released 195.62 whql for windows weeks ago, i guess they could spent more effort in supplying linux users with latest drivers23:21
michis there any way to make my ubuntu run faster? (it's slow as hell.. even liveCD runs faster... :-( on same machine   (from karmic Alpha3 )23:21
CosmiChaosmich, never directly upgrade from alpha to alpha23:22
michwhaat? :-D23:22
michI always did that :-)23:22
michi've installed alpha 3 and only upgraded via apt23:22
CosmiChaosnot a very good idea23:22
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michso that's the reason why is my karmic so fked up?23:22
crimsunhuh? we're being kinda sloppy if you *can't* upgrade between alphas23:23
CosmiChaosyou are running karmic?23:23
michlucid :-)23:23
michupgraded from karmic  :-D23:23
CosmiChaosi suggest you never to go on using upgraded releases for developing new versions23:24
michbut system is very slow last few months :-(23:24
CosmiChaosalways fresh install latest release and then upgrade on release scheduler point steps23:25
michwow! nvidia-195 saved the day! Lucid works fine with that x server/org :-)23:25
michaha, I'll know then :-)23:25
bjsnidercrimsun, my ppa contains vdpau=related stuff that woudl also have to go in there, including mplayer, libvdpau and xine. i think it would be better to keep that stuff separate23:25
* DanaG is using Lucid with Karmic X server, because radeon open-source driver is bad for heat and my sanity (fan noise).23:25
michso probably it will be wiser to use Karmic only23:25
CosmiChaosthats just to reduce trashing devolping process with bugs that are just upgrade issues23:25
CosmiChaosand of course to avoid bugs23:26
michso I'll install fresh karmic probably ;-/23:26
bjsniderDanaG, there isn't power management on that driver even in the bleeding-edge version?23:26
CosmiChaosother way would be to never use beta and regularly run upgrade and upgrade distrubution when its released23:26
michok thank you guys, my system works again23:27
michgood night!23:27
CosmiChaosthat way you can keep your instalaltion most securly23:27
hrochagood night, bye23:27
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
DanaG[  578.690766] type=1503 audit(1261179503.146:24):  operation="file_lock" pid=7889 parent=2653 profile="/usr/lib/firefox-3.6*/firefox{,*[^s][^h]}" requested_mask="k::" denied_mask="k::" fsuid=1000 ouid=1000 name="/media/shared/firefox/dana/.parentlock"23:39
DanaGhmm, anyone here know how to tweak apparmor?23:39
CosmiChaoslibesd0 (=0.2.41-6ubuntu1 available) depends on esound-clients (=0.2.41-6ubuntu1 available) that depends on esound-common (=0.2.41-6ubuntu1) but 0.2.41-6 is installed, no new esound-common available...23:41
nvmehow do i configure the startup stuff for udev ?23:43
DanaGhmm, does this new phonon have the new pulseaudio stuff?23:55
crimsunnot enabled in the Kubuntu builds last I checked23:55
crimsunbut yes, it would23:55
crimsunOTOH I have no idea if it has been ported to KDE SC's23:56
DanaGhmm, works fine as-is; do we at least know it'll be there in the final version?23:56
crimsunask in Kubuntu-devel23:57
crimsunCosmiChaos: libesd-alsa0 is awaiting binary NEW23:57
crimsunCosmiChaos: you can just grab it from launchpadlibrarian if it ruffles your fluffles that much23:58

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