
=== eeejay is now known as eeejay_away
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mac_vAmaranth: hi... is it a known Lucid bug that the system starts without an window manager? i'm having to reload compiz every time i boot up...07:40
pittiGood morning08:17
pittibaptistemm: backlight working> great!08:17
pittibaptistemm: libhal* doesn't matter08:17
baptistemmpitti, okay nice08:41
baptistemmI don't recall what is my hardware but I can provide it to you it you care08:41
pittibaptistemm: wouldn't be of much help to me, I think08:41
baptistemmI was able to change the backlight and I had the notification working aslo08:42
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:51
pittigood morning chrisccoulson08:52
chrisccoulsonhey pitti, how are you?08:52
pittiI'm great, thank you! how about you?08:53
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm good too thanks. only half a day at work to go before the weekend starts :)08:54
pittichrisccoulson: when will you start into holidays?08:54
chrisccoulsoni start on christmas eve. i used all my holiday allowance up this year already ;)08:55
chrisccoulsonwhen do you start?08:55
pittion the 24th08:56
chrisccoulsonpitti - so, you'll still be around next week then ;)09:00
chrisccoulsoni've heard it's going to be fairly quiet in here09:00
pittiright, sounds great for getting stuff done :)09:00
seb128hey there09:22
seb128I'm a bit late today but with a new screen09:24
baptistemmSanta was coming earlier this year ? :)09:24
seb128brb need to reboot to try something09:25
pittibonjour seb12809:25
mvocome back seb!09:29
mvoseb128: what did you got?09:30
Ngmdz: fwiw, you asked yesterday if anyone else was getting "cannot remove.... modules.*map" from update-initramfs. just did my morning updates and ntfs-3g tripped the update-initramfs trigger and I got that message09:30
Nghmm, that was supposed to go to #ubuntu-devel, my bad09:31
chrisccoulsonhey seb12809:32
pittiseb128: how's the new screen working then?09:33
pittiseb128: (FTR, I fixed the lucid chroots, and committed an ubuntu-fat-chroot fix to divert update-alternatives, to permanently fix the dist-upgrade problem009:33
seb128hey mvo chrisccoulson pitti09:34
seb128mvo, got a 24" flat screen09:34
mvoseb128: nice! what did you have before?09:35
seb128mvo, got a 24" flat screen to replace a 19" one09:35
seb128I like it ;-)09:35
mvowhat model/brand is it?09:35
seb128it's much better than using laptop + 19" that I was doing this week09:35
seb128I've space and no screen confusion ;-)09:35
seb128Iiayama prolite e2407hds09:36
mptmvo, hi, did you see my question about apt+http: yesterday?09:36
mvompt: no, sorry09:36
seb128pitti, (thanks)09:36
mvompt: but apt+http is something we do not really support for security reasons, it lets you add any repository09:37
mvompt: and that is not something we want to make too easy (especially triggering it from a website)09:37
mptmvo, I thought we had a whitelist for that. Or am I confusing it with something else?09:37
mvooh, hold on09:38
mvowe solved the whitelist with a different mechanism (the channel= parameter to apturl)09:39
mvo(unless I'm confused which is quite possible, but not that likely)09:39
mptmvo, the channel= parameter isn't described in the man page, so I haven't included it in <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#apturl> yet. Is it documented anywhere?09:40
mvompt: could you please paste again what you asked yesterday? I don't have logs it seems09:40
pittimvo: (irclogs.ubuntu.com FTW :) )09:41
mpt<mpt> mvo_, are URLs of the form "apt+http://launchpad.net/~mvo/ppa?package=2vcard" actually supposed to be implemented at the moment? Firefox gives me an error when I try to open one, and won't let me set up apturl to handle it.09:41
mpt<mpt> ("Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (apt+http) isn't associated with any program.")09:41
mptthat's all :-)09:41
mvompt: ok, thanks. I look at the code in some minutes (need to finish some apt coding first) and come back with answer from code (and not memory)09:43
mptok, thanks09:43
mptThis apturl replacement is turning out to be ever so slightly more complex than I thought it would be :-)09:43
chrisccoulsonpitti - will you have time to review any SRU's today?09:59
pittiI counter the question with: did you upload anythign which should be processed soon?09:59
pittiI can make some time, yes10:00
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i uploaded transmission a couple of days agoand robert_ancell uploaded a gcalctool update as well10:00
chrisccoulsonoops, there was meant to be a carriage return somewhere in there10:00
mvompt: ok, so the README has a tiny bit of information about channel, that is the mechanism used for adding trusted third parties (like partner or in the future other repos). the apt+http stuff is disabled in the source10:01
mvompt: I'm updating the man-page now10:02
mptmvo, can you send me the diff so I can design the replacement? :-)10:04
mptthanks mvo (and "Avaialble" should be "Available")10:31
mvompt: thanks, fixed10:32
mptmvo, if you have a few spare minutes, could you have a quick look at the "Custom package lists" and "Launching and navigating from apt: links" sections to check that they make sense? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#custom-list12:20
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chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks for processing the transmission SRU :)13:01
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pittiRiddell: would you mind adding some kubuntu status to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus ?14:18
mac_vtedg: hi... hope UX folks would consider Bug 498182 ;) .. this menu isnt a single one as the previous items :)14:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 498182 in indicator-application "Indicator-application does not support vertical panels" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49818214:21
dobeypitti: around? :)14:22
tedgmac_v: It's not going to be a huge priority as vertical panels aren't in default setups.14:23
mac_vtedg: yeah , i know but atleast hope its not a "wont fix" like the rest ;)14:24
dobeyit's a trivial fix though14:24
Amaranthmac_v: starting without a WM is certainly not supposed to happen (works fine here)14:24
Amaranthmac_v: file a bug against gnome-session, I guess14:25
mac_vtedg: it took quite a while for me to realize that rhythmbox was being sent there...14:25
tedgmac_v: Not a "wont fix" but may end up being a "dont' have time to fix" :)14:25
mac_vAmaranth: gnome-session? it happens everytime for me :(14:25
Amaranthright, gnome-session in responsible for starting a WM14:25
Amaranthyou wouldn't blame a WM for nothing telling it to start, would you? :)14:26
mac_vAmaranth: hehe  , nope.. ;) .. i thought it was a side effect of moving plugins to the -extra package , and that it was not starting since ,certain plugins are missing14:26
Amaranthno no, compiz will start no matter how badly its configuration is screwed up as long as you don't manage to crash it14:27
mac_vah , ok14:27
mac_vtedg:  "dont' have time to fix" :( .. dobey mentions its a simple fix , damn if only i knew how , i'd submit a patch :/14:28
dobeymac_v: look at the source in gnome-panel for the menu applet thingy14:36
dobeymac_v: i think it just rotates the whole menu bar14:37
dobeymac_v: but you need to rotate a different direction depending on which side the panel is on14:37
mac_vdobey: ah , right the gnome-menu... will check it out :)  thanks14:38
kenvandinemac_v, PANEL_ORIENTATION_LEFT and PANEL_ORIENTATION_RIGHT in panel-menu-bar.c14:39
kenvandinenot sure how trival it is to add that to indicator-applet, but i would imagine easy14:40
mac_vcool , will test/try it out ...14:41
pittidobey: hi14:58
dobeypitti: hey. care to poke at a couple SRUs for me? haven't seen any activity on them in a few days, and was wondering how to push them along and get them through15:00
pittidobey: we by and large need someone to confirm that the package still works and fixes the bug15:00
dobeypitti: hrmm, ok15:01
pittifeel free to ask in the bugs, of course15:01
mvoits snowing!15:05
* mvo feels like christmas already15:05
pittisnowing here since yesterday, too; everything is bright white15:09
rickspencer3good morning pitti, I hope you are enjoying the snow15:12
rickspencer3seb128, pitti, Riddell, bryce_, etc... shall we cancel the team meeting for next Tuesday? Not many of us will be here I think15:13
pittihey rickspencer315:13
pittirickspencer3: I'm enjoying it from inside :)15:14
Riddellrickspencer3: aren't you on holiday anyway?15:14
pittirickspencer3: meeting> makes sense, I think15:14
* pitti looks forward to having three quiet days to get stuff done15:14
rickspencer3Riddell, yes, today is my last non-holiday day, but I thought you guyses might want to meet anyway15:14
kenvandinepitti, it should be snowing here in about an hour15:23
rickspencer3kenvandine, if you were writing some code with Quidgets, and you were going to make a function call that brought up a dialog to collect a string as input from a user ...15:24
rickspencer3what would you expect that function call to be named?15:24
rickspencer3pitti, seb128, eeejay, didrocks, anybody? ^15:25
* rickspencer3 practices participatory design ;)15:25
kenvandineperhaps something that starts with raise_15:26
pittirickspencer3: how many similar things do you have? (a yes/no dialog, info/error messages, etc.)15:26
kenvandinesounds like exception handling15:26
pittisounds very similar to standard message box use cases15:27
rickspencer3pitti, yes, I'm thinking you'll be able to get:L string, number, date, yes/no15:27
rickspencer3yes, and also just show a message box15:27
pittihttp://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/unstable/GtkMessageDialog.html is already quite nice -- it allows you to specify arbitrary buttons, etc.15:28
rickspencer3pitti, nah, it's too hard15:29
rickspencer3it should be:15:29
rickspencer3response, input = somefunction(a couple of params)15:29
rickspencer3so I need to wrap up messagedialog15:29
pittiso I'd like to see an equivalent gtk_input_dialog(InputDialog.DATE, "when is your birthday?", InputDialog.OK | InputDialog.Cancel)15:29
rickspencer3(not that I'll take away message dialog)15:29
pittibut I wouldn't do an int_input_dialog, date_input_dialog, etc.15:31
rickspencer3pitti, why not?15:31
pittisince these might get different arguments and thus are harder to remember/error prone15:32
rickspencer3oh, I see15:32
pittimaybe it's just me, but I usually don't like to encode data types in function arguments15:32
rickspencer3no, they should all have the exact same arguments15:32
pittibut of course this is all bikeshedding, I don't have a scientific argument :)15:32
rickspencer3pitti, mmm15:32
pittirickspencer3: in the general case you might want "any string"15:32
rickspencer3pitti, I was asking for bikeshedding, I'm building a bike shed ;)15:32
pittibut you might hand over a type flag, a regexp, etc.15:32
rickspencer3but I think, perhaps, pitti you are rather more systematic than the user I am targetting15:33
pittione day I might need a message box which lets me enter [a-z_]\w+15:33
rickspencer3pitti, right, at which point you can write that yourself ;)15:33
pittibut of couse this might be a little too complex15:33
rickspencer3I'm thinking of someone who is new pygtk and is used to alert("boo");15:33
pittirickspencer3: ah, for date you actually want to show a calendar applet, and no input line15:34
rickspencer3here's what I'll do, I think15:34
rickspencer3you can go:15:34
pittiright, that should be a different function, since it looks totally different15:34
rickspencer3result, date = quidgets.prompt.date_prompt()15:34
pittiinput_string(title, text), input_date(title, text), etc.15:34
rickspencer3^notice that I am handling the run(), etc... for the programmer15:35
pittis/string/line/ perhaps, too15:35
rickspencer3pitti, what do you think of a prompt namespace in the library?15:35
pittirickspencer3: no firm opinion, I think15:35
pittijust that I don't like prompt.date_prompt()15:36
pittieither prompt.date() or .date_prompt()15:36
pitti(namespace name duplication)15:36
rickspencer3pitti, , right15:36
rickspencer3let me start with that15:36
rickspencer3I'll start with string, data, yes/no15:37
pittiincidentally, in apport I have something similar for hooks15:37
pittipython -c 'import apport.ui; help(apport.ui.HookUI)'15:38
didrocksprompt.date() seems good to me :)15:40
seb128tedg, hey15:44
seb128tedg, so the rhythmbox icon issue is that the icon is in an app dir15:44
seb128which works when the code is running from the application side...15:44
seb128but the applet doesn't look in the /usr/share/rhythmbox dir15:44
tedgseb128: Yes, so we need to allow apps to specify those directories.15:44
tedgseb128: And then we have to remove and add them appropriately (which is the harder part)15:45
seb128the code to show play, stop button seems to doesn't work either15:45
seb128your example is not clear15:45
seb128should apps use set_icon15:45
seb128or set_attention_icon?15:45
seb128you use the second in your example15:45
tedgThey're different icons.  One is for attention, the other is the standard case.15:46
seb128but I would think the first is the one to use15:46
seb128what is attention?15:46
seb128the api is not clear about that15:46
seb128the rhythmbox code set that one15:46
seb128to play or pause15:46
seb128which are in the standard dir15:46
seb128but that doesn't work15:46
seb128but maybe it's never is the attention status15:46
seb128rickspencer3, hey15:47
seb128rickspencer3, I'm on vac next week15:47
seb128so no meeting for me in any case15:47
seb128(to reply to earlier question, sorry I was not in front on the computer running IRC)15:47
tedgseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~ted/libappindicator/current/AppIndicator.html#AppIndicator--attention-icon-name15:47
rickspencer3hi seb12815:47
seb128tedg, when should attention be used?15:48
tedgseb128: When you want to show that icon :)15:48
seb128tedg, the attention icon is used for the attention status...great15:48
seb128I wouldn't have guessed from the name15:48
seb128well, why should I set that rather than just change the icon?15:48
seb128what is asking for attention?15:48
jcastrotedg: shall I assign the bug to you? It would be a shame to be on holiday with a broken rhythmbox icon15:48
seb128do you have a concrete example?15:48
tedgseb128: Because KDE people like it that way :)15:48
seb128tedg, sorry but it's not clear to me still15:49
seb128I don't understand when I'm supposed to set the attention status15:49
tedgseb128: I'm not a fan of it, but I think it's a convinience thing.  Like you can just set the state and not worry about icons.15:49
tedgseb128: Like Evolution saying it has new mail.15:49
seb128the rhythmbox change sets the attention icon to play and pause15:49
seb128but that doesn't work15:49
seb128the icon never change15:49
seb128I'm not sure if that's a stack bug15:50
seb128or if the attention status is a special case to trigger15:50
seb128and how to trigger it15:50
seb128I can do play and pause and still get the no found icon15:50
seb128the play and pause icons are standard dir ones15:50
seb128ie not in the rhythmbox dir15:50
tedgseb128: I'm not sure.  Are you talking about the icons in the menu now?15:51
seb128I was trying to understand the rhythmbox change15:51
seb128ie does set the status icon15:51
kenvandinetedg, when there is a song change or state change, it changes the icon15:52
seb128and the api is not clear about when that should happen15:52
seb128and the actual icon is never displayed15:52
seb128I'm trying to understand why15:52
seb128also the padding makes icons look weird15:52
kenvandineseb128, i tried changing every place that set the icon to use a common one that should be found and it still never set it15:52
seb128not sure if that's a bug15:52
seb128kenvandine, it works if I copy the /usr/share/rhythmbox/icons/hicolor/scalable/status/rhythmbox-notplaying.svg15:53
kenvandineseb128, but using the same icon in a python example works15:53
seb128to /usr/share/libindicator/icons/hicolor/scalable/status/15:53
kenvandineoh really?15:53
seb128it's just that the code runs under the wrong namespace15:53
seb128ie doesn't find custom rhythmbox icons15:53
kenvandinein fact, in a python example i set it to the rhythmbox icon15:53
kenvandineand it worked15:53
kenvandinewhich i thought was weird15:53
kenvandinejust passed "rhythmbox" as icon-name15:54
kenvandineso i suspect in the rhythmbox case, it is because it is setting attention15:54
kenvandinemaybe that only uses icons in /usr/share/libindicator/icons/hicolor/scalable/status/ ?15:54
kenvandinetry making it not set attention and see if it works15:54
seb128kenvandine, try sudo cp /usr/share/rhythmbox/icons/hicolor/scalable/status/rhythmbox-notplaying.svg /usr/share/libindicator/icons/hicolor/scalable/status/ and run it15:55
seb128it works there15:55
seb128it = rhythmbox15:55
seb128the patch uses rhythmbox-notplaying naming15:55
seb128not rhythmbox15:55
kenvandineyeah, i am just wondering if it wasn't setting attention if it would find it15:56
seb128it's in /usr/share/rhythmbox15:56
seb128not /usr/share/icons...15:56
seb128the applet doesn't use custom rhythmbox directory...15:57
seb128anyway I need to run for some errands now15:57
seb128be back later!15:57
kenvandinei see15:57
seb128we can change the icon to use rhythmbox for now15:57
seb128that one would like work15:57
kenvandinei tried that and it didn't15:58
kenvandinein rb15:58
kenvandinebut it does in my example15:58
seb128so maybe it only uses /usr/share/libindicator/icons15:58
seb128for some reason15:58
kenvandinewhich is why i suspect it is related to attention15:58
seb128tomboy works though15:58
seb128it must be a rhythmbox issue15:58
seb128could be15:58
seb128I will play with that when I'm back15:58
kenvandinetedg, if i do indicator.set_status(appindicator.STATUS_ATTENTION)16:07
kenvandinei should get the icon i used in indicator.set_attention_icon ?16:08
tedgkenvandine: No.  The icons are kept distinct16:08
tedgkenvandine: The only place it should be different is the panel (not sure if it works or not)16:09
kenvandinetedg, well it isn't changing the icon in the panel :)16:14
kenvandineso if i set_status to STATUS_ATTENTION it should change the icon?16:15
tedgkenvandine: Yes.16:15
kenvandineok... not working :)16:15
tedgkenvandine: :-/16:15
kenvandineand should set_icon change the icon ?16:16
pittidobey: please notice that testing PPAs doesn't count for SRUs; you have to test the packages in -proposed16:27
dobeypitti: ok, they are the exact same packages... only difference is the ~ppa1~series at the end :)16:31
pittiright, but they will/might get built in a different environment16:32
pitti(different toolchain, etc.)16:32
pittithat's not very important for testing that the bugs are fixed16:32
pittibut we still need a general test of the -proposed binaries to check for misbuilds16:33
dobeywell, i guess they need to be uploaded to proposed then. i'm not sure how to do that myself, or if i can16:36
pittino, you'll need a sponsor16:38
pittidobey: btw, that's the reason why "update to 1.0.1" bugs are rather useless for SRUs16:39
pittisince they aren't reported by someone who is actually affected by them16:39
pittiand the SRU policy mandates to use the actual, real bugs instead16:39
dobeypitti: this is another reason that launchpad needs bug dependencies16:40
pittiwell, they might be useful indeed16:40
pittibut not really important16:40
pittiwe don't really want to update karmic to 1.0.116:40
pittiwhat we really want is to fix a bug16:41
dobeywell, we want to fix 20 bugs16:41
pittiand we upload 1.0.1 as a means to that16:41
dobeybut i don't want to do 20 separate updates when they're all fixed already in the code16:41
pittino, sure16:41
pittiI mean conceptually, not technically16:41
pittifrom an user's POV, I filed a bug, and a month later I get a followup "please test karmic-proposed"16:42
dobeyyes, sure. and i don't want users to think their bug is somehow less important than this other one, where we decided to put the SRU request16:43
pittiright, exactly my point16:43
dobeyand i don't want to go through every bug and duplicate the same SRU request16:43
pittia separate "SRU request" bug is useless16:43
pittiit wouldn't be the same, though16:44
pittiif you fix 20 bugs, there are 20 different test cases and 20 different solutiosn16:44
pittiand the changelog needs to mention 20 bugs and descriptions16:44
dobeythe changelog does mention them all16:46
dobeyi don't see how the SRU request wouldn't be the same for all the bugs16:47
dobeybut how do i get it into -proposed in the first place?16:48
asacmdeslaur: i cannot find your mm bug id16:57
asacis that filed against mm at all16:57
pittidobey: normal sponsoring, just like any other package; shall I upload something for you?16:58
pittidobey: (sorry, I'm lagged; release meeting going on)16:58
dobeypitti: well i guess ubuntuone-storage-protocol and ubuntuone-client need uploading to -proposed. if i've done something wrong and need to make changes to the packaging, for that to happen, please let me know and i'll fix it asap. thanks :)16:59
pittidobey: .dsc url?16:59
pitti(or PPA, or whereever I can get the source from)17:00
dobeypitti: ^ there :)17:01
dobeyi gotta get lunch now. but i'll be back soon17:01
pittidobey: can you please fix s/karmic/karmic-proposed/ in changelog?17:02
pitti(I can't commit to those branches)17:02
didrockspitti: not sure to be able to debug the netbook-launcher thing until the nvidia priopriotary driver working with Xorg 1.7 makes it in lucid (I have another error as 3D acceleration isn't available)17:07
pittididrocks: njpatel said he has an idea17:07
pittididrocks: oh, you figure it's graphics driver related?17:08
didrockspitti: Can't confirm. Only that I have another error not being able to get 3D acceleration17:08
didrocksif njpatel has an idea, great :)17:09
njpatelpitti: didrocks: off the cuff it looks like we're not reading something properly and trying to set a NULL pointer to the ClutterText's "text" property. However, I need to make sure17:09
pittidobey: u-s-p uploaded with that karmic-proposed change17:11
pittidobey: a lot of those changes aren't really SRU matter, btw (like "Fix for running on python < 2.6.3" or "Distinguish auth errors from other errors" or "Create a POT during the build", and the like)17:15
pittidobey: next time, please don't add changes which potentially destabilize things and aren't SRU matter17:15
pittiit's causing you and me extra work, and makes verification much harder17:16
tedgI can't seem to make this bug public.  I thought since I filled it...  bug 49818917:33
ubottuBug 498189 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/498189 is private17:33
tedgCan someone check to see if it's just me :)17:33
pittitedg: I can see it, and you are subscribed, so you should be able to, too17:44
pittiif not, that's an LP bug17:44
pittitedg: are you logged in?17:44
tedgpitti: yeah, cause I can see the bug...17:46
pittioh, I misread17:47
pittiI can make it public (just did so)17:47
tedgHmm, cool.  Thank pitti!  That's the important thing :)17:47
pittitedg: made private again for your testing17:47
pittitedg: do you get an error message?17:48
tedgHmm, I just noticed as it loaded the icon came up and disappeared.  I wonder if it's an Epiphany bug.17:48
pittianyway, I made it public again17:48
tedgAh, it is an Epiphany bug.  I can't make it private again either.17:50
tedgThanks for the help pitti17:50
dobeypitti: the "distinguish auth errors" issue is most certanily an sru issue. and most all the fixes are well tested already, by thousands of users using our beta ppa18:08
asacdobey: how did you get those stats ;)?18:15
asac"thousands" ;)18:15
dobeyasac: i think < 10% of ubuntuone users using the beta PPA is a pretty safe estimate18:18
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* pitti had rather estimated that < 1% of users even know what a PPA is..18:24
asacdobey: how so? did you install that somehoe automatically?18:25
dobeyasac: the install instructions on the ubuntu one web site are "click here and this will add the PPA, and then click here, and it will install the software"18:26
dobeypitti: u1 users, not ubuntu users :)18:27
pittiright, for ubuntu users in general the percentage is probably more like 0.1% :) (which would be some 10.000)18:27
pittibut anyway, I uploaded both packages18:28
pittiI just need you to do the changelog fix in bzr18:28
asacah right. you shipped this ugly package installing the ppa etc.18:28
dobeyyeah i will18:28
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pittigood night everyone18:50
chrisccoulsongood night pitti18:50
chrisccoulsonhave a good weekend18:50
pittibye chrisccoulson, have anice weekend!18:50
chrisccoulsonmac_v - you there? i'm just going through my bug mail and saw you opened a gnome-session bug18:51
didrockshave a nice weekend pitti :)18:53
mac_vchrisccoulson: hi.. yup19:08
chrisccoulsonmac_v - you're restoring from a saved session which seems to be broken19:08
chrisccoulsonwhen did this start happening?19:09
chrisccoulsonmac_v - WARNING: Could not launch application '108f965d3aada14f25125765658777116800000018040038.desktop': Unable to start application: Failed to execute child process "/usr/bin/compiz.real" (No such file or directory)19:09
chrisccoulsonthat's the wrong restart command for compiz ;)19:09
mac_vchrisccoulson: ever since , I installed Lucid on a separate partition ... I'm using same /home for both lucid and karmic19:09
chrisccoulsonmac_v - that's why19:09
chrisccoulsonwhat has happened is, you've saved a session in karmic (where compiz set the restart command to /usr/bin/compiz.real)19:10
chrisccoulsonand then tried to restore it in lucid, where /usr/bin/compiz.real no longer exists19:10
mac_vchrisccoulson: ah.. ok , how do i remove it?19:10
chrisccoulsonmac_v - you can just delete ~/.config/gnome-session/saved-session19:11
* mac_v checks19:11
chrisccoulsoni'm just wondering if gnome-session should check the existence of the executable when loading saved session info19:12
chrisccoulsonto handle things like upgrades19:12
mac_vchrisccoulson: what other session info would be removed? anything else that would be lost?19:13
mac_vnvm... i'm removing it...19:14
chrisccoulsonmac_v - did that fix it?19:17
mac_vchrisccoulson: yay , fixed :)19:17
mac_vchrisccoulson: awesome , thanks19:17
chrisccoulsonmac_v - cool. it's still a bug though, as it will break in the same way on upgrade for anybody using session saving19:18
mac_vchrisccoulson: yeah... so , i'll leave the bug open  , and mention the workaround ?19:18
chrisccoulsonmac_v - yeah, no problem. you can just copy the IRC log if you like :)19:19
mac_vnice.. :)19:19
rickspencer3pitti, kenvandine: http://theravingrick.blogspot.com/2009/12/quidgetsprompts-gtkdialogs-now-one.html19:25
tedgseb128: I can't believe you got mad at me for not using a field that isn't even in the Debian Policy Manual: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html19:35
tedgseb128: :)19:35
seb128tedg, which one?19:36
tedgseb128: Breaks19:36
seb128tedg, http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-breaks?19:36
tedgseb128: Okay, why isn't it a control field?19:37
seb128it is?19:37
seb128see 5.619:37
seb128on the page you pointed before19:37
tedgseb128: Ah, I see.  Sorry :)19:37
seb128np ;-)19:37
seb128and for the record I didn't get mad there ;-)19:38
* mac_v filed a Bug #498195 , regarding the icon not changing :)19:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 498195 in indicator-application "Rhythmbox menu icon doesnt change indicating the player state" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49819519:38
mac_vtedg: why is it only using a 16px icon size :(  . the indicator-message applet uses 22px this uses 16px , its tough to get good icons in 16 px :(19:40
dobeyyou're actually suggesting 22px is easier to find icons in?19:44
tedgseb128: There, I fixed the vim syntax highlighting macro -- so I'm all good.19:47
mac_vdobey: hehe , easier to get it done , we can just get more info in.. ;)  I couldnt add an extra "audio wave" for the rhythmbox icon ;)    actually all the humanity panel icons are only 16-17px icons done in 22px ... just missed having an extra pixel i guess ;p19:47
tedgmac_v: They really should match the text hight, what ever that is.19:47
tedgmac_v: That's why it's important not to make them a particular size, but a few.19:48
mac_vtedg: ah...ok , makes sense... what other applets are being done or planned?19:49
dobeythere's no good way to do icons that match the text height19:50
dobeybut the most fitting icon for that height should be picked19:50
tedgdobey: the only way would be if we could pass the icon the baseline and the max/average accender and decender.  But yeah. :)19:53
tedgmac_v: Applets?19:53
mac_vtedg: i meant , menus nm/gpm/volume?19:54
tedgmac_v: Do you mean these?  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=indicator-application19:55
mac_voh , boy! thats a huge list...19:56
mac_vtedg: all those for Lucid? awesome :)19:57
tedgmac_v: Well, that's the goal -- I can't imagine we'll get through *all* of them.19:57
tedgmac_v: :)19:57
mac_vtedg: but some features are being removed because of this migration :( .. like for rhythmbox , it was possible to minimize by just clicking on the icon , but now its not possible :(19:58
tedgmac_v: Yes.  We need a way to reopen it using the icon as well.19:59
mac_vtedg: maybe using the right-click instead?  should i file a bug for that ?20:00
tedgmac_v: We plan on making right click open the menu as well.20:01
mac_vhmm ...   :(20:01
tedgmac_v: But we can't in gnome-panel currently.  It's controlled by the panel.20:01
tgpraveen122mac_v: so right click for open/close left for options. that is just the opposite behaviour of what is right now. will get confusing20:01
tgpraveen122tedg: right click opens same menu or different menu as left click20:02
mac_vtgpraveen122: the present behavior uses the left-click for menus and thats is being done to keep it consistent20:02
tedgtgpraveen122: I think it should open the same.20:02
tgpraveen122mac_v: umm no. in karmic left click opens/removes from tray for RB20:03
mac_vtgpraveen122: i'm talking about Lucid... karmic is old stuff ;p20:03
tgpraveen122one prob with app indicators if i understand right is that it will be better for volume control,NM, etc but will make open/close of rythmbox,banshee type of apps which minimize to tray20:06
tgpraveen122clicking the indicator and in the menu clicking the open or something increases no. of steps for a commonly used operation20:07
dobeytedg: you can calculate the height of the text, and make the lookup call check for the best size :)20:09
mac_vtedg: why open same menu for both right and left clicks , doesnt seem very ideal , when we could just use the right-click for other actions like minimize , or anything else...20:10
* mac_v also tries to remind tedg about a long forgotten app named inkscape :)20:11
tedgdobey: Yes, but it seems like the idea icon would also be based on the height above baseline, for instance.  You wouldn't want a lot of visual weight where the text doesn't naturally have it.  But, yes, for the simple case that makes sense.20:11
tedgmac_v: X supports, I think 9 buttons on pointers, perhaps we should put functionality behind all of them?  ;)20:12
tedgI think right click makes sense on something that is alike a canvas.  But not in a menu bar type structure.20:13
dobeytedg: most icons aren't small enough to work that way for my text :)20:13
dobeyyou can only fit so much detail in 8px20:13
tgpraveen122mac_v: the prob is that what would right click do with volume control or NM then? application indicator from what i read on their docs seems to aim at consistency above most other things20:13
mac_v;p even OSX failed with their one button mouse20:14
tedgdobey: You just need a higher DPI screen ;)20:14
dobeytedg: my laptop is 260dpi :)20:15
dobeybut yes, i do need a 1200dpi screen20:15
mac_vtgpraveen122: consistency doesnt mean you loose functionality that was already present... nm already has a context menu , volume we can find something else ;p20:16
tgpraveen122i am actually all for having traditional behaviour with app indicators. left click for mini/open and right for the menu on all items20:18
tgpraveen122and for places where open/min is not applicable like volume control etc only there right and left click should bring up the same menu20:19
dobeyi'm all for just getting rid of app icon thingies20:19
tgpraveen122it is having some amount of consistency while maintaing traditional behaviour and stilll being sane20:19
tgpraveen122tedg: whatsay?20:19
dobeytraditional behavior?20:20
tgpraveen122 left click for mini/open and right for the context menu \20:20
rickspencer3having a context menu on something that is essentially a menu doesn't really make sense20:20
tgpraveen122like in karmic for say rhythmbox icon20:20
rickspencer3I think the new Application Indicator design is much more sane20:21
dobeyrickspencer3: i think it makes sense in some cases, but not the majority20:21
dobeyprobably not on indicators at all so much20:21
tgpraveen122well if it solves the easy open/remove from tray for apps like banshee,RB etc then it would be even great20:21
rickspencer3what I really want is the easy keyboard access20:22
dobeybanshee/rb shouldn't be sticking crap in the tray :)20:22
rickspencer3as a netbook user, especially20:22
mac_vrickspencer3: but what about folks who use the mouse more? ;)20:22
rickspencer3mac_v, the mouse should work perfectly20:23
rickspencer3but lots of people *can't* use a mouse for all different reasons20:23
rickspencer3sometimes it's hardware, but some people have physical limitations that make mousing very onerous20:23
rickspencer3we should always strive to be inclusive in our design20:24
mac_vrickspencer3: actually , the new design does make sense , but the only problem is the removal of behavior like the "click-to-minimize" which certain apps have :)20:24
dobeymac_v: they still have that20:24
rickspencer3mac_v, well, those functions should become menu items in the menu20:24
dobeymac_v: there's a button in their title bars that looks like [_] that does exactly that20:24
kenvandinemac_v, you should be able to close a window and have it really just hide20:24
rickspencer3dobey, lol20:24
kenvandineand like in rb, there is a show/hide menu item20:25
rickspencer3dobey, is right, but mac_v is referring to the windows going away entirely20:25
mac_vdobey:  actually as kenvandine mentions it mimizes on close ;)20:25
kenvandineyup :)20:25
rickspencer3I find those behaviors maddening20:25
kenvandinerickspencer3, i dig it :)20:25
rickspencer3when I try to click on the indictor and it hides/shows the window20:25
kenvandinerickspencer3, oh that20:25
rickspencer3it pisses me off20:25
dobeymac_v: which is inconsistent with every other app :)20:25
kenvandineyeah... that is annoying20:25
mac_vkenvandine: but we cant restore it :(20:26
tgpraveen122rickspencer3: yeah this will make it increase one step ie first click on indicator to open menu then click on open action20:26
kenvandinemac_v, yes you can20:26
rickspencer3tgpraveen122, right20:26
mac_vkenvandine: you mean , only from the menu ;)20:26
kenvandinemac_v, i uploaded a fix for that20:26
kenvandinewell yeah20:26
kenvandinemac_v, how else?20:26
dobeyrb/banshee should have the stupid tray icon removed, and just fix their UIs. everyone likes the tray icon because it lets them hide the giant ugly UI20:26
* rickspencer3 goes for lunch20:27
dobeyif we had something like the osx dock, they would belong there, but we don't, we have the systray20:27
dobeyso everyone abuses that :)20:27
mac_vkenvandine: well , no other way now , since the clicks have interchanged... [i was mentioning using right-click , but not all apps have the feature to minimize :/ ]20:27
tgpraveen122dobey: apps like banshee/rb have tray icon because they are open for long periods of time when one is doing something else so it shouldnt take up space on the task bar (bottom panel) and still be accessible20:27
tgpraveen122so having a tray icon for them makes sense. how do u suggest they get rid of this functionality20:28
dobeytgpraveen122: so do you also have a tray icon for firefox?20:28
dobeyfirefox stays open far longer than rb for me20:28
tgpraveen122well if ff is open then i will mostly be using it20:29
dobey(primarily because rb crashes after pulseaudio leaks a crapload of FDs)20:29
tgpraveen122but rb i splaying songs in background20:29
dobeytgpraveen122: i have 6 firefox windows open right this second20:29
tgpraveen122and only when i want to change songs or something i need it else i want it to be out of my way doing its job20:29
mac_vdobey: well ff , is open here too , but ff needs to be visible for it to actually be of use ;p ... while rb doesnt ;)20:29
kenvandinedobey: on that tiny laptop?20:29
tgpraveen122dobey: umm tabs20:29
dobeykenvandine: well if i were using my tiny laptop, yes, but no20:30
dobeykenvandine: i use my desktop pc at home :)20:30
tgpraveen122should be used20:30
dobeytgpraveen122: no, they shouldn't :)20:30
dobeythat's one thing i very much hate about chrom(e,ium)20:30
mac_vyay i found one person who actually doesnt use firefox tabs \o/20:30
dobeymac_v: i do use tabs20:31
dobeymac_v: but i also use multiple windows20:31
tgpraveen122mac_v: many IE users dont use it too20:31
mac_vtgpraveen122: thats why i mentioned "firefox" ;p20:31
dobeymac_v: the way chrom{e,ium} works, horribly interrupts my workflow20:32
tgpraveen122i mean IE users who shift to ff ;p20:32
mac_vdobey: how so?20:32
dobeymac_v: well, i also use multiple desktops20:32
kenvandinerickspencer3, quidgets are looking nice :)20:32
dobeymac_v: and some windows have different sizes20:32
dyek_Hi! I saw a lot of annoying gvim error messages below. Is it known what can be the workaround to remove such messages?20:32
dyek_(gvim:29397): CRITICAL **: gtk_form_set_static_gravity: assertion `static_gravity_supported' failed20:32
dobeymac_v: when i click on a link in my e-mail client in another desktop, i expect a new window on that desktop20:33
dobeymac_v: but no, i have to go find it now20:33
dobeyalso, chromium looks nothing like the rest of my gtk+ apps20:33
dobeywhich saddens me20:33
mac_vdobey: ah, ok.. well , i use devilspieand assign ff / chrome one desktop :)  chrome works nice without a top panel ;)20:33
dobeychrome works nice for google20:34
mac_vhehe , that too ;)20:34
dobeyit lets them build an OS out of their web empire20:34
dobeybut for people, it's not really all that great20:34
mac_v"wempire" ;p20:34
* mac_v doesnt really understand all the fuss around chrome OS :)20:35
=== dyek_ is now known as dyek
* tgpraveen122 says mac_v should wait to see chrome os netbook prices20:39
dobeyi don't think the price of chrome os can be expressed in dollars20:41
chrisccoulsondyek - you need to report a bug at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vim/+filebug20:44
chrisccoulsonpreferably with a backtrace when you run gvim with G_DEBUG=fatal_criticals20:45
seb128dobey, the firefox analogie just don't work there20:51
seb128dobey, you can close firefox and restore the session20:51
seb128it will not make any difference20:51
seb128but if you do stop rhythmbox you get nothing playing either20:51
seb128you do want to service to keep running20:51
seb128even if you don't want to interact with it20:52
dobeyseb128: rbox isn't a service. it's an application. if you want a service, you're using mpd or slingbox or something already anyway :)20:53
dobeyseb128: the analogy fits, because you can minimize rbox and it will keep playing20:53
seb128well I want something to play my music which is in the default installation20:53
seb128it will be noise in your tasklist though20:53
dobeyi can minimize firefox, and google chat or whatever will be still running as well20:53
seb128well you can close firefox and open it later again20:54
seb128that avoid noise while you are not using it20:54
seb128how do I tell rhythmbox to just play and get out of my way?20:54
dobeyseb128: then perhaps the solution is to change our multimedia framework in the default installation20:54
seb128I don't want to have alt-tab listing it20:54
seb128or fix rhythmbox20:54
dobeyyou push the "play" button on your keyboard, and put it on a different workspace20:54
seb128what is the fix you suggest?20:54
seb128that's a workaround20:54
dobeywell, it sounds like what you want is a service, not a file manager. rbox is a fancy file manager.20:55
seb128what is wrong with having an audio service running and not getting in the way?20:55
dobeyrbox is not a service20:55
mac_vdobey: you suggest to use a new workspace instead of a tray icon ;)20:55
seb128why not?20:55
dobeytrying to make it one with a tray icon is just a workaround20:55
seb128code to play + a gui is a service + a client20:55
dobeyif you want a service, the gui needs to be a client of that service20:56
seb128what is the difference?20:56
seb128having no ui on screen is basically the same20:56
dobeya tray icon isn't no ui on screen20:56
seb128well you need a way to reopen it20:57
seb128you could close without a try and tell users to reopen the UI using the menu entryu20:57
seb128try -> tray20:57
dobeyand to do that the gui and the "service" should be separate20:57
seb128just comment the current systray show call20:58
seb128and you get that20:58
dobeybecause it's the same as running the skype gui so you can see your skype contacts in pidgin20:58
seb128what difference does it make to have your interface not displayed or not displayed?20:58
seb128are you concerned about the ressource use of the ui while it's not on screen there?20:59
dyekchrisccoulson: Found the bug report already: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vim/+bug/40218820:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 402188 in pida "gvim complains about "gtk_form_set_static_gravity: assertion `static_gravity_supported' failed" in the shell it's started from" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:59
dobeyseb128: if the ui isn't going to be displayed, why should it be wasting resources21:00
dobeyseb128: it's not my only concern no, but it's a valid one21:00
seb128you trade a small extra use for less complexity21:00
dobeyseb128: i'm concerned we're creating crappy workarounds for crappy UIs, rather than making good UIs that don't need workarounds21:00
dobeysmall extra use?21:01
seb128the server,client things and the UI things are different topics really21:01
seb128you could just hide the systray in the current design21:02
seb128and tell user to run the application again to stop what they are playing21:02
seb128if your concern is the systray use21:02
mdeslaurasac: bug #49620621:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496206 in modemmanager "Analog USB modem isn't closed when probing fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49620621:02
mdeslaurasac: I assigned it to you21:02
seb128any it's friday evening, got to go21:03
seb128see you later21:03
ccheneyboot times are getting impressive :) < 19s now :)21:06
dobeywould help if rbox/pulse would stop leaking file descriptors already :(21:07
seb128(oh and quick note I'm on holidays starting today until end of the year now)21:08
seb128bye everybody!21:08
chrisccoulsonlol @ the last comment on bug 393521:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 3935 in glib2.0 "Gettext support for gkeyfile when accessing .desktop files" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/393521:21
mac_vhuh! o.021:25
mhujairianyone there ??21:42
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