
aratseliot, hi!09:51
tseliotara: hi09:52
aratseliot, are the nvidia drivers now available?09:52
tseliotara: I'm still working on it. As you can see, the blueprint involves some work: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-xorg-proprietary-drivers09:52
tseliotmainly https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/ProprietaryDrivers/IntegrationImprovements09:53
aratseliot, thanks! I'll subscribe to the blueprint :)09:53
tseliotara: good idea. I'll do my best to complete it ASAP09:53
tjaaltontseliot: err, are you going to use alternatives instead of diversions?09:53
tseliottjaalton: yep09:54
tjaaltonI thought pitti said it's even more fragile than using diversions09:54
tseliotinstalling fglrx, nvidia (all versions) won't cause a mess09:54
tjaaltonyes it will09:54
tjaaltonwhich one gets the top priority?09:54
tseliotI thought that he was against this change but then he told me that he agreed09:55
tseliotdefine a use-case and I'll answer to your priority question09:55
tjaaltoninstalling both fglrx and nvidia, I thought that was the driving factor to get this done?09:56
tseliotyes, that too09:56
tjaaltonand what if you have legacy nvidia drivers09:56
tseliotsame thing09:56
tseliotall libraries live in the directory of the driver they belong to09:57
tjaaltonbut which one is used?09:57
tjaaltonthe driver doesn't know09:57
tseliotwhatever you choose09:57
tjaaltonso the user needs to choose.. that will end in tears :)09:57
tseliotwith update-alternatives --set09:57
tseliotyou = Jockey09:58
tseliotit works great in Mandriva09:58
tjaaltonso how does jockey choose which one to use?09:59
tseliotyou can activate a driver in Jockey, right?09:59
tseliotone click on the driver that you want to use, reboot and it will work10:00
tseliotmaybe I'm missing the point of your question10:00
tjaaltonwell, as long as fglrx doesn't support 1.7 this is pretty academic10:00
tseliotyou can have mesa, nvidia current, nvidia 173, nvidia 96 and fglrx installed at the same time10:01
tjaaltonso the use case where you have to choose between fglrx and nvidia will diminish10:01
tseliotand you can select what you want to use with Jockey10:01
tseliotfglrx will arrive in time10:01
tseliotfor Lucid10:01
tjaaltonI hope not :)10:01
tjaaltonso we can get rid of it :)10:01
Ngwe're getting rid of all our ati users? ;)10:02
tjaalton(fat chance)10:02
tseliotin the future it should become a fall back as we will prefer -ati10:02
tjaaltonNg: check the phoronix survey results, most of the ati users use free drivers10:02
tjaaltonand now we have r600_dri10:02
Ngtjaalton: most phoronix survey takers with ati hardware? ;)10:02
tjaaltonnot perfect, but good enough for most10:02
tjaaltonNg: exactly :)10:03
tseliotbut if you need a specific feature which only the proprietary driver supports (don't ask me what) you should still be able to switch to it10:03
Ng(I honestly have no familiarity with what ati fail is supported by which drivers, I'm just being facetious)10:03
tjaaltontseliot: ok. maybe the plan has been reworked further, so my concerns are obsolete.. hope so10:03
tjaaltonat least this will get rid of all the upgrade bug10:04
tseliottjaalton: yes, don't worry, I would never put in an Ubuntu release something that doesn't convince me10:05
tjaaltontseliot: also, we are getting close to the point where it doesn't make sense for jockey to push users to use fglrx10:05
tjaaltonI've no first hand experience how well fglrx works nowadays, but a friend of mine seems to have issues and is waiting for lucid..10:06
tjaaltonand the new free stack10:07
tseliottjaalton: yes, maybe we can make Jockey mark the open driver as recommended10:07
tseliotso that users will know that they can keep the open driver10:07
tseliotespecially users coming from Windows10:08
tjaaltonI guess we can drop the (unused) nvidia/fglrx patches from the server, since they could only break things10:15
tjaaltonand since the driver will be hardcoded to xorg.conf like before10:15
tseliottjaalton: what was the problem with those patches again?10:17
* tseliot doesn't remember10:18
tjaaltontseliot: the autoconfig only works if there is no xorg.conf10:18
tseliotaah, right10:18
tjaaltonothewise there's no fallback10:18
tjaaltonit would just check the top driver10:18
tjaaltonand since I'm proposing to pull the xorg.conf.d patches from upstream, there would practically always be an xorg.conf10:19
tseliotI haven't looked at those patches but if you can keep them there for a while I will see if I can fix that10:19
tjaaltonshipped by some driver, for instance10:19
tjaaltonit's not the patches, you'd need to rework the whole logic10:20
tseliotyes, of course10:20
tjaaltonbut yes, that would be cool10:20
tseliotI haven't had the time to see how the xorg.conf.d stuff works10:20
tjaaltonmentioned to bryce too10:20
tjaaltonthen it would be possible to have for instance the synaptics quirks in a synaptics.conf10:21
tjaaltonand not mess with udev rules10:21
tseliotthat would be great10:21
tjaaltonthe backend probably will drop support for that anyway10:22
tjaaltonno need to relive the fdi hell10:22
tjaaltondan sent the latest versions to the list this week10:22
tjaaltonxorg-devel@, when you have time :)10:23
tjaaltonI'll probably test them during the holidays10:23
tjaaltonand xf86-input-wacom too, should first buy an intuos4 though10:23
=== mac_v_ is now known as mac_v
sconklinbryce, tseliot: did you do any testing of kernel performance differences with the moblin patches I put in the test kernel (a couple of weeks ago now)16:40
tseliotsconklin: I didn't but Keybuk did16:41
sconklintseliot: thanks, I'll bug him over in #kernel16:42
Duke`omg two freezes in 5 minutes (i945, GEM, KMS, kernel 2.6.32)18:04
Duke`Sarvatt, I still got those freezes with i945 :(18:07
Sarvattya mean with updated libdrm? there hasnt been any changes that'd fix it if so18:07
Sarvatti'm using stock lucid for now, that'll work at least until 2.4.16 gets uploaded to lucid then we're gonna have to figure out something else to get around it :D18:08
Duke`I note that it often happens when quickly scrolling up and down on a particular website18:09
Sarvattmaybe make another PPA with an 11-25 libdrm versioned higher18:09
Duke`for example: http://www.pcinpact.com/actu/news/54628-jacques-myard-nationalisation-loi-internet.htm?vc=1&p=3#vc18:09
Sarvattsame deal here, that or scrolling in a folder with hundreds of video thumbnails18:09
Duke`it froze two times in 5 mins just 10 mins ago18:09
Sarvattwont be able to build ati or intel against the 11-25 libdrm even though it has the features it needs from 2.4.16 :(18:10
Sarvattthe Add drmGetDeviceNameFromFd function commit18:11
Sarvatti'm hoping http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/intel-gfx/2009-December/005221.html makes it into stable too, that seems to fix my flashing and hanging after suspend/resume too18:14
Sarvattwith 2.6.33-rc1 i still get the freezing on a solid color after resume most of the time but the blinking is gone, and havent frozen with that patch applied yet. on 2.6.32 I get flashing every 90 seconds or so after resume. some people like jcristau are getting the post resume problem I get on first boot, that would be nasty18:19
Sarvatthttp://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14781 https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2537118:21
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 14781 in Video(DRI - Intel) "181a533 is causing severe screen flickering on 965GM" [High,New]18:21
Duke`I haven't experienced those, but I never use suspend to ram (my hardware is broken)18:33
Sarvattreally tempted to buy an ssd for this netbook to not have to use suspend because its so often broken :) just looking at the bootchart of the nc10 on phoronix and it looks like the desktop is up and ready to use in 23 seconds19:01
Sarvattits a little over a minute here on this acer aspire one19:02
Sarvatti usually use this thing as an ebook/manga reader when i'm out all day, got lots of 10-15 minute gaps of time to turn it on and off19:06
Sarvattoh boy, abi break in xserver master about to hit that'll break the nvidia blob i think19:14
tjaaltonSarvatt: the config change?19:21
Sarvattnah [PATCH 3/3] Add type name argument to CreateNewResourceType19:21
tjaaltonoh that19:23
Sarvattin the [PATCH 0/2] Patches to ensure all ResourceTypes are named thread the nvidia guy said the blob uses it still when they were talking about how no drivers would be affected by the abi change19:23
tjaaltonthe reply was rather terse19:26
tjaalton..meaning that he probably wasn't happy with it :)19:41
bryce_configure.ac:33: error: must install xorg-macros 1.3 or later before running autoconf/autogen22:35
Sarvatteverything needs xorg-macros xutils-dev 7.5 now upstream22:38
Sarvatterr xutils-dev I meant, xorg-macros being a part of that :D22:38
Sarvattthey went through and made all x components need it last month though, guessing yer trying to build a newer ddx on karmic?22:39
Sarvattr600 : enable gl2, set R600_ENABLE_GLSL_TEST by default.22:41
Sarvattwoohoo dont need to manually change the define for r600 people anymore22:41
bryce_ah right, thanks Sarvatt22:42
bryce_yep, working on a new -ati snapshot22:42
bryce_guess needs done in a chroot22:43
rippsIs it going to be possible to port my custom_wacom.fdi to the new xorg.conf.d configs?22:44
Sarvattis lucid shooting for mesa 7.7 or 7.8? wondering for r600/nouveau users, probably not much point trying to do nouveau gallium on 7.722:44
Sarvatti'll try that later tonight and see how it goes, i get over 100 fps at 1280x800 on my 8400M GS laptop with 7.8 gallium22:50
Sarvattplenty usable22:50
RAOF100fps at what?22:53
Sarvattoops thought i said that22:54
RAOFYeah.  I think nouveau might be losing the "please don't ship 3D, it doesn't work" argument.22:58
RAOFIt made more sense when it didn't drive compiz on nv40+22:59
Sarvattcompiz does freeze on my 8400 though when i start it :(23:03
Sarvattlooks like a gpu hang23:03
Sarvattyou start it any special way? any environment variables or anything?23:04
RAOFexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH; export LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH; compiz --replace23:05
RAOFApparently you _don't_ want to install it where X can find it; AIGLX apparently doesn't work as well.23:06
Sarvattsame as me23:06
Sarvattdidnt know if you used like LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT or anything23:06
RAOFNo, nothing fancy.23:06
Sarvatti'm still using a build from 11-30, maybe it got fixed after23:07
RAOFmesa, X, drm or DDX? :)23:08
Sarvattmesa, rest is fresh from git23:20
Sarvatti haven't tried since updating nouveau though, had any luck with the firmware thing?23:21
Sarvatti dont think its likely to change, could just grab the binaries out of git from before they changed them to ihexed ones and ship those seperate maybe?23:21
Sarvatti saw some other dkms packages doing a make firmware and make firmware_install to ship the firmware, a v4l2 package on mandriva i think it was23:24
RAOFActually, I think what I'll end up doing is uploading a nouveau-firmware package from their firmware tarball.23:31
RAOFSarvatt: Want to give unpacking http://people.freedesktop.org/~pq/nouveau-drm/nouveau-firmware-20091212.tar.gz in /lib/firmware a try?23:33
Sarvattdoing it now23:36
Sarvatti'm not at home with the machine so i'll only have logs to go by :D23:36
Sarvattoh i already used ihex2fw on those ihex-ed ones23:37
Sarvatti'll try that tar though just incase23:37
Sarvattrebooting now23:39
Sarvattloaded the firmware fine in dmesg but no accel in xorg.0.log23:42
Sarvatt[    2.068644] nouveau 0000:05:00.0: firmware: requesting nouveau/nv86.ctxprog23:42
Sarvattoops think i have to update-initramfs23:43
Sarvatt[    0.595218] (EE) NOUVEAU(0): Error creating GPU channel: -1923:43
Sarvatt[    0.595232] (EE) NOUVEAU(0): Error initialising acceleration.  Falling back to NoAccel23:43
Sarvatt200mb of updates to grab again then i'll reboot again23:45
Sarvattsame deal, NoAccel23:54
SarvattDISPLAY=:0 LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/sarvatt/source/mesa/lib/" LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH="/home/sarvatt/source/mesa/lib/gallium/" glxinfo is giving me swrast23:56

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