
djbclarkFYI problem was with crap tunneling via openvpn in an inopportune path, not bzr :-)00:23
Pengscorp007: P'raps with "bzr reconfigure" (but back up first).00:25
Jordan_UHow do I continue a merge after resolving all conflicts?01:09
maxbIt's not clear what you mean by "continue"01:31
Jordan_Umaxb: Nvm, what I wanted was bzr commit ( and what I really wanted was bzr rebase :)01:32
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lifelessjames_w: around?02:56
lifelessbzr builddeb question02:56
lifelessI'm debianising something02:56
lifelesswhats the right way to get the upstream tarball recorded02:56
lifelessspecifically, as merge-upstream writes to debian/changelog02:56
lifelesswhat version should I have in debian changelog, if the upstream release is N02:57
james_wyeah, that's currently broken02:57
lifelessthere are currently no commits on the debian branch02:57
lifelessok, so given its broken, do you have a recommended workaround?02:57
james_wyou can trick it by setting an upstream- tag and then putting that version as the top debian/changelog02:57
lifeless[this is why I think an import command that can do a merge would be clearer than a merge command which can do an import]02:57
scorp007does bzr compress the stream as you check it out?03:00
scorp007and does bzr show no progress information *at all* when you branch by default?03:03
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cody-somervillescorp007, yes03:10
scorp007damn. If I'd known I'da used -v.03:10
lifelesshuh, it shows progress by default03:11
scorp007if I kill it now I'm gonna have to start all over again.03:11
scorp007well, it don't show me anything.03:11
scorp007taking over an hour and still going...03:11
scorp007how do I merge in a patch from lp?03:17
lifelessjames_w: this is annoying too :(03:22
lifeless:!bzr merge-upstream --version=0.1 ../testscenarios-0.1.tar.gz ../trunk/03:22
lifelessbzr: ERROR: There are uncommitted changes in the working tree. You must commit before using this command.03:22
lifelessjames_w: pretty sure I filed bugs covering this.03:23
lifelessscorp007: bzr merge BRANCH; bzr commit - I suggest you read the docs though, as it sounds like you're a new user.03:23
james_wlifeless: why is that annoying?03:24
lifelessjames_w: because I'm trying to debianise this03:24
james_wbzr merge does it03:24
lifelessjames_w: bzr merge has --force03:24
scorp007lifeless, I'm not trying to merge a branch though03:31
scorp007just a patch: http://lists.mysql.com/commits/9384403:31
scorp007erm, I think I got it actually03:32
lifelessjames_w: bug 49840203:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 498402 in bzr-builddeb "debianising things with bzr-builddeb is near-impossible" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49840203:39
lifelessjames_w: If you can suggest a workaround that would be great.03:40
james_wdebuild -S -i -I03:44
scorp007does launchpad support the bzr:// proto?03:44
james_wno, that won't work03:44
scorp007what's the fastest one I can use?03:45
scorp007arg. I keep getting bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir when I try to bzr pull from lp.03:46
scorp007http does not support mkdir()03:46
lifelessscorp007: you did 'bzr checkout'03:46
lifelessto update a checkout, use 'bzr update'03:46
lifelessif you want an independent branch03:47
lifelessyou can run 'bzr unbind'03:47
lifelessjames_w: do you mean 'use import-dsc' ?03:47
scorp007I'm already at the head. I'm trying to undo a local edit so I can merge a branch, but I can't even do a bzr revert.03:48
scorp007update just tells me I'm up to date.03:48
scorp007I tried deleting the file I edited, but update won't get it again03:48
james_wlifeless: yeah, but that won't put your upstream branch as the base03:49
lifelessjames_w: I'm fiddling with that direction already, however its broken in treeless repos03:49
lifelessI've filed a bug03:49
james_wI saw03:50
james_wI merged your branch to fix it03:50
lifelessjames_w: I think that was merge-upstream was broken03:52
lifelessthis is new03:52
lifelessas I'm already running my branch, Ithink :)03:52
* james_w -> leaving03:53
james_wplease file bugs for anything still broken03:53
lifelessoh, I will :)03:53
scorp007does bzr revert not work with lightweight checkouts?03:54
lifelessit works03:57
lifelessyou might like to provide more detail with these questions03:57
lifeless'I experience XXX, is that expected'03:57
scorp007I sort of alluded to it earlier. Same problem with locks.03:58
scorp007D:\dev\mysql-5.1>bzr revert03:58
scorp007bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mysql/mysql-server/mysql-5.1/03:58
scorp007.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()03:58
lifelessthat appears to be a bug04:00
lifelessnote that using lightweight checkouts over the internet will be very very slow: don't do it.04:00
scorp007that makes me even happier.04:00
scorp007what do you suggest?04:00
scorp007heavy checkouts?04:00
lifelessbzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mysql/mysql-server/mysql-5.1/04:00
lifelessor follow the mysql docs they wrote up04:00
scorp007I did.04:01
lifelessthere are several howtos04:01
scorp007as we speak, I'm running >bzr branch lp:mysql-server04:01
lifelessI'm pretty sure none of them suggest lightweight checkouts over the net04:01
scorp007it's been going for 2 hours.04:01
scorp007and the bloody thing won't finish.04:01
scorp007with no feedback, either.04:01
lifelesshad you run launchpad-login ?04:01
lifelessscorp007: is it using network or cpu ?04:01
scorp007no, but is that necessary, just to view it?04:01
scorp007yes, it's downloaded 900mb of stuff.04:02
scorp007and occasionally uses cpu.04:02
lifelessscorp007: launchpad-login enables bzr+ssh which is a lot faster than http doing VFS calls04:02
lifelessfor most projects it doesn't matter04:02
lifelessbut mysql-server is very large, and it makes a great deal of difference there04:02
scorp007great... I wish they told me.04:03
scorp007they just say "use bzr branch lp:foo"04:03
scorp007which seems to default to http04:03
lifelessthere is a discussion at the moment about making the default better04:03
lifelessits desired04:03
scorp007I'm sure. But this has killed over 2 hours of my time and I don't know whether there is a benefit of killing it and starting over.04:04
scorp007I already have a lw-checkout copy though -- perhaps I can convert it to a branch?04:04
scorp007(it's times like these I wish they used git... or even CVS for goodness sake.)04:05
scorp007with those old things like cvs or svn, you can at least abort the process and continue on, just by running an update.04:06
scorp007if I cancel this branch operation, it's gonna start from scratch.04:06
scorp007do you know if it's possible to put my lw copy to use?04:10
scorp007i.e. convert it to a "real" branch or something?04:10
lifelessscorp007: you can convert it but it has to download the same amount of history04:20
lifelessscorp007: I would stop the branch, do launchpad-login, and branch again.04:20
scorp007so you think I need a launchpad account in order to get access to the code in a timely fashion?04:21
lifelessscorp007: as for using git, bzr and git branch at the same speed when using the smart server these days04:21
scorp007right, but what will a lp-account help me with here?04:22
lifelessscorp007: as I said above it lets you use bzr+ssh04:23
scorp007so the command would then be bzr branch bzr+ssh://lp:mysql-server ?04:23
lifelessno, still lp:04:23
scorp007how will I know what it's using?04:23
lifelessbut if you've logged into launchpad it selects bzr+ssh under the hood04:23
scorp007and are you sure it's not using it now/04:24
lifelessit will ask for your ssh passphrase ? :P04:24
lifelessscorp007: have you done bzr launchpad-login before?04:24
lifelessthen yes, I'm sure04:24
scorp007so it never uses ssh anonymously?04:24
scorp007what about regular bzr:// without ssh?04:25
lifelesslaunchpad doesn't operate a naked bzr:// protocol server.04:25
scorp007why's that?04:25
lifelessno reason04:25
scorp007hmm, I've reg'd an account, but how do I know what my username is?04:28
scorp007It only asked for a display name and email.04:28
lifelessits the bit after the ~ on your home page04:29
scorp007why don't I get any progress information with branch?04:39
scorp007even with -v@04:39
lifelesswhat do you get04:39
scorp007D:\dev\bzr>bzr branch -v lp:mysql-server04:39
scorp007Connected (version 2.0, client Twisted)04:39
scorp007Authentication (publickey) successful!04:39
scorp007Secsh channel 1 opened.04:39
scorp007that's it.04:40
lifelessmight be a windows thing04:40
lifelesswe normally show a progress bar04:40
scorp007do you know any small projects I can check out just to see if the bloody thing works?04:44
scorp007oh so that works04:46
scorp007but still no progress information... horrible.04:46
scorp007especially for large projects.04:46
lifelessfile a bug, assuming you're using some half-recent release04:47
scorp007Bazaar (bzr) 2.0.304:47
lifelessfile a bug04:47
scorp007re: what?04:47
lifelessnot getting a progress bar04:47
scorp007thanks, cuya04:48
jkakarlifeless: commandant is packaged in my jkakar/commandant PPA.  The latest trunk version isn't package though, because it has some changes that rely on bzr 2.1 (I think).  I'll probably back out those changes so I can make another release sooner than later.05:34
lifelessjkakar: I mean in debian :)05:56
lifelessjkakar: PPAs are not at all as convenient or discoverable as distros proper05:56
wgrantWhy does bazaar-vcs.org now redirect to bazaar.canonical.com?06:56
wgrantYou guys needed to become *less* associated with Canonical, not more!06:56
lifelesswgrant: see the long thread about that on the list06:56
* wgrant headdesks.06:56
lifelesswgrant: I share your concerns.06:56
* wgrant reads.06:57
lifelesshowever, close association with canonical works both ways - for some folk its a 'way cool' response, for others its a negative06:57
* Kamping_Kaiser goes to find thread06:57
wgrantOne of the major objections to bzr seems to be that it's owned by Canonical and only Canonical and only Canonical has anything to do with it.06:58
lifelessWhile I am concerned about the change, the association with Canonical itself is something I'm very pro, and I don't think its something we should ever feel ashamed of.06:58
Kamping_Kaiserits not. but using a .canonical domain reinfoces the 'just a product' meme06:59
wgrantBut this new domain name shows that Canonical owns it, and you feel it is a Canonical roduct.06:59
wgrantNot a community project.06:59
lifelessgrab my on jan 4th :P07:00
lifelessthis is too close to being work :>07:00
Kamping_Kaiserlifeless: hehe.07:00
lifelessthere are however many positives to being a product, not just a project :). As I've said I have concerns myself. Bring it up in the thread.07:01
wgrantI cannot yet find this thread.07:02
Kamping_Kaiserfor the logs: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/2009q4/065173.html07:02
Kamping_Kaiserwgrant: ^^07:02
PengI've heard about these people that like the Canonical association, but I've never seen one.07:02
wgrantPeng: I presume MySQL does, but that's about all I can think of...07:02
wgrantKamping_Kaiser: Ah, thanks.07:02
Kamping_Kaisernp. looks to be a dozen or so posts from the list history ( https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/2009q4/thread.html )07:03
wgrantAh good, so everyone else disagrees too.07:05
wgrantSo, bzr is even more fucked than before.07:06
lifelessdon't whine here. Post to the thread.07:08
lifelessIf you want to have an impact, that is.07:08
ChrisMorganI'm wanting to install on a Gentoo machine, but http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/DistroDownloads#Gentoo just contains the code-formatted text "dev-util/bzr" - what does this mean?  I'm lost!10:27
ChrisMorganShould I just download the tgz and work from that?  Any easy_install script?10:29
luksChrisMorgan: dev-util/bzr is the Gentoo package name for Bazaar10:32
ChrisMorganOh... how does that get installed?10:32
luksI don't know, I don't use Gentoo, you do :)10:32
ChrisMorganIt's not my machine, it's an OSUOSL machine, just wanting to work out exactly how to do it so I can ask them10:33
ChrisMorganIt took me a while even to work out how to work out what OS it was...10:33
luks`emerge bzr` doesn't work?10:34
ChrisMorganI'm not going to run it to see if it does10:34
lukswell, I can tell you how to install bzr from sources10:35
ChrisMorganI'm just wanting to know so I can ask them to do it10:35
luksbut surely if y ou are going to maintain a Gentoo machine, you should know how to install Gentoo packages10:35
ChrisMorganI'm not maintaining it.10:35
luksthen anybody who maintains it will know how to install a standard package10:36
luksto just tell them to install the package mentioned on the wiki page10:36
ChrisMorganOK, that's fine then :-)10:36
ChrisMorganIt's an OSUOSL machine hosting inkscape.org for Inkscape, and we want to switch from SVN to Bazaar for the website repository (Inkscape source has just moved to LP, so we naturally want the website to too)10:36
luksis this for accessing the repository via bzr+ssh?10:37
luks(which is confusing if you said you are using LP)10:38
ChrisMorganWhy is it confusing?10:38
lukswhy do you need bzr on the inkscape.org server?10:38
ChrisMorganThe website is updated via SVN currently10:38
luksso you want to check out the website source code there10:38
ChrisMorgan(Sure, we have to trigger svn up manually, but it's in an SVN repo)10:38
ChrisMorganBut I'm planning on having the new Inkscape website also modifiable from the web interface, and thus have it able to do committing and pushing as well as pulling and updating.10:39
ChrisMorganIt's a Django thing we're (I'm) working on for it, Python, so that might make it easier, import rather than exec... I'll find out when I handle it10:40
luksjust installing the bzr package will be enough10:40
ChrisMorganSo that's why it may need bzr+ssh10:40
lukstheir admins should know how to do that10:40
ChrisMorganOK, thanks10:40
ChrisMorganIs there a nice friendly API for that sort of thing?  something like import bzr, bzr.pull_update()?  :D10:42
luksthere is an API, but it's more low-level10:44
luksyou can call the command which handles "bzr pull"10:44
ChrisMorganOK.  I'll take a look at it when I get to that stage.10:44
luksbut then you have no advantage over actually calling "bzr pull"10:44
ChrisMorganExcept saving memory10:44
ChrisMorganNo need for a second Python interpreter to be loaded into memory10:44
ChrisMorganAnd if editing content through the website is done often, it's worth saving.  Faster as well, though for some things you'd want it asynchronous10:45
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nyusomeone pushed his branch on top of server trunk and replaced the whole log with it15:44
nyuis there any way to fix that?15:44
jelmer_nyu: Hi15:45
jelmer_nyu: to prevent that from happening in the future you mean, or to get the old trunk back?15:45
nyuI don't think we have local branches without the new log.  "bzr pull" seems to have overwritten it15:45
nyujelmer_: the latter15:45
nyuthough the first would be useful too15:45
jelmer_nyu: if you run "bzr heads --dead" on the server it should list as one of the revisions your previous tip15:45
jelmer_nyu: you can then switch back to that revision by running "bzr pull -rrevid:<revision-id> ."15:46
nyujelmer_: "bzr heads --dead" lists nothing15:52
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jelmer_nyu: what about without --dead?15:53
nyujelmer_: I think the revision is just not there.  it's not that he merged a branch we didn't want to merge, he replaced the whole thing with his local branch15:53
jelmer_nyu: even if he replaced the tip of the branch then the revision should still be there in the repository15:53
nyuso the log now lists merges from his local perspective ("merge from remote", etc)15:53
nyuok, without --dead I get a commit id15:54
nyu*revision id15:54
nyuthis rev id corresponds to a commit done after the mess15:56
nyutried bzr heads --all, but this is all it lists15:57
james_wnyu: did they just push, or did they log in and rm -rf and then push?15:59
jelmer_nyu: Did they perhaps merge in the old tip before pushing ? In other words, does "bzr log -n0" list the old tip somewhere?16:00
nyujames_w: I think they just run "bzr push", which failed with "diverging branches" error, then run "bzr merge <remote url>" and "bzr push" again16:00
nyuseen this happen before.  but last time we had a recent local branch as backup16:01
james_wnyu: ah, in that case you can just find the old tip in the log of your local branch16:01
nyujames_w: my local branch is destroyed16:01
james_wthen run "bzr push --overwrite -r <revno>"16:01
nyuI run "bzr pull"16:01
james_wthen grab from the server again16:01
james_wit's ok16:01
james_wthe revision is still there16:01
nyuthat's the problem.  the server one was replaced16:01
james_wno it wasn't16:02
james_w"bzr log -n0" and you will find it in the history somewhere16:02
nyuI'm confused now16:02
nyubzr log does list commits from before this happened, but they date back to october16:02
james_wwhat's the branch URL?16:03
nyuafterwards it's all "merge from server" commits16:03
james_w"Resync with gnash packages from getgnash.org"16:06
james_wwas that the old tip?16:07
nyusounds like it could be, yes16:07
nyuit's fairly recent16:07
james_wbzr pull --overwrite -rrevid:rmh@aybabtu.com-20091217202044-ze9vfdfi9r157uin16:08
james_won the server16:08
james_wthen pull --overwrite locally16:08
nyuwhen you say on the server, do you mean on the server filesystem directly (e.g. sshfs mount) or with <server url> as argument?16:08
james_wthen "bzr merge -rrevid:karl@kgoetz.id.au-20091218212429-gx6ixjplvm5yo88u sftp://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/srv/bzr/gnewsense/metad/"16:09
james_won the server16:09
james_wor locally, followed by push --overwrite instead of pull16:09
james_wthen put "[DEFAULT]\nappend_revisions_only = True" in .bzr/branch/branch.conf on the server to stop this happening again16:13
nyuthanks a lot man16:14
nyuI got pretty scared, I thought I'd have to live with a fscked log16:14
nyucan this append_revisions_only setting be applied to the whole shared-repo?16:15
james_wit's per-branch16:16
nyuuhm a quick google shows some pages suggesting it should be made the default16:17
nyuIMHO it'd be a good idea.  it can be a terrible mess when this happens and people like me have no clue on how to resolve it16:17
nyuoh, I see your name there16:18
ejatcan i push to 2 destionation with 1 branch?18:24
ejatTak: any url can i refer ?18:25
ejatu mean .. i can push to subversion n launchpad together ?18:26
Takyou'll have to do two pushes, but you can push to both places from the same branch18:27
ejatowh ok ..18:29
ejati got it .. u mean .. i need to push manually from the same brach to destination branch right ?18:30
ejatok thanks Tak18:31
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rockyif i've been working with multiple branches on a project and then stepped away for a few months what's the easiest way to see which branches i already merged back to the main branch?21:16
lifelessrocky: there is a plugin, removable21:59
lifelessor you can just running missing22:00
lvhHello :-)22:04
lvhAny IDEs that integrate well with Launchpad? I'm guessing no, but no harm in trying I guess :-)22:05
lvh(IE: the bug tracker, the bzr bit ...)22:05
lvhNormally I'm an emacs person but people around me keep bugging me to look at netbeans/eclipse so I decided to humor them22:05
ebrahimI need some speed benchmarks for Bazaar 2.022:22
ronnylvh: that stuff is on my tod22:23
lvhronny, I thought you were a vi person22:43
ronnylvh: pida stufff a on other things23:17

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