
Quintasanulysses__: we can't upload to karmic now, only lucid :S00:03
DaskreechDanaG: not at this point00:04
ulysses__Good night00:06
Quintasanulysses__: night00:07
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JontheEchidnaWell, that fixed the phonon dependency01:10
kallecarlIs nixternal on?02:13
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nixternalgotta stay for more than 4 minutes02:19
JontheEchidnadudes, source format 3.0 support is in the hizzouse02:20
nixternaldudes and dudettes to be a bit more pc :p02:22
ScottKwhoa.  crimsun.  Long time no see!02:26
JontheEchidnaAt least I got to do this in debian/changelog: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/konversation/1.2.1-1ubuntu102:36
ScottKThere it is.02:50
ScottKJontheEchidna: What package is this needed as a build-dep for?02:52
JontheEchidnaScottK: It is needed as a runtime dependency for all KDE packages using PolicyKit-102:52
JontheEchidnawell, they could use policykit-1-gnome too if they so chose, but yeah02:53
ScottKJontheEchidna: OK.  I was afraid it was needed for a kdelibs build-dep or something.02:53
JontheEchidnaThat's in polkit-qt-1, all sorted02:53
JontheEchidnabtw, I updated the dep graph too02:55
JontheEchidnaafter I got kdepimlibs from not dragging in kdebase-runtime02:55
JontheEchidna*from dragging in02:55
JontheEchidnaactually, that sentence makes no sense02:55
ScottKSource looks good.  Building now so I can do binary New quickly when it comes.02:56
ScottKJontheEchidna: I totally understood it.02:56
JontheEchidnaeh, maybe I'm looking in to it too much :P02:56
ScottKI agree it didn't make sense, but I could extract the sense from context.02:57
JontheEchidnaI do wish graphviz could throw a few of the kdelibs deps on the other side of the chart, instead of making it super wide02:57
ScottKJontheEchidna: Accepted.03:05
ScottKJontheEchidna: Build-deps need a bit of work though.03:05
ScottKJontheEchidna: cmake looks for polkit-gobject-1>=0.95', but you don't build-dep on it.  This works because polkit-agent-1 does depend on it, but your shouldn't rely on indirect depends.03:06
ScottKJontheEchidna: Second, all three of the polkit packages require a minimum version of 0.95 in cmake, but you don't version the build-dep.03:07
ScottKSo the buildds will think it's buildable on karmic, but then cmake will fail.03:07
ScottKSo all three should be versions.03:08
JontheEchidnaAt least for libpolkit-qt-1-dev, it doesn't exist in either karmic or lower that 0.95~svnblah03:08
ScottKOther than that, really good.03:08
ScottKOK, well I'd put it in there anyway, it may be somewhere.03:08
JontheEchidnaworth a (sponsored) upload now?03:12
ScottKActually, yes.03:14
ScottKThis is the time to get it right.03:14
JontheEchidnaScottK: http://pastebin.com/f1dd1f0ec03:18
ScottKJontheEchidna: Ready to go for after I accept the binaries03:19
ScottK(we don't want them to fail to upload)03:20
ScottKJontheEchidna: Accepted and in Main.  In ~83 minutes they should be available.03:23
JontheEchidnathis unblocks packagekit from not being able to update03:24
ScottKJontheEchidna: ubuntu2 uploaded.03:24
ScottKWeird.  Went into New again.  I guess it needs a publisher run first.03:29
ScottKAccepting again ....03:30
ScottKDone.  Back later.03:34
JontheEchidnaScottK: for the MIR bug, it is actually split from -workspace04:14
ScottKJontheEchidna: Would you please edit it then.05:08
* ScottK just got back from driving in the 'winter storm' and it was NOT fun.05:08
nixternalScottK: I just got back from driving in our winter storm, and it was a ton of fun :)05:16
crimsunthis place shuts down with an inch of snow05:28
ScottKThe snow tonight was particularly slick near my house and I was driving a 1991 Volvo 240 with bad tires.06:24
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ScottKryanakca: I fixed bangarang so it builds in Ubuntu.14:28
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ryanakcaScottK: as in on Karmic?15:33
ScottKryanakca: Lucid15:33
ScottKIt failed to build.15:33
ryanakcaScottK: Oh, what was wrong? It initially built here in my schroot (I think so anyways)...15:33
ScottKFor KDE 4.4, it needs to build-dep on shared-desktop-ontologies.15:34
ScottKI dont think we had 4.3.80 yet when you were testing it.15:34
ryanakcaScottK: I assume I'll need to make the same changes in Debian once shared-desktop-ontologies appears there?15:35
ScottKryanakca: You will once 4.4 is in Unstable.15:35
ScottK(which implies shared-desktop-ontologies)15:36
ryanakcaScottK: OK, thanks15:36
ryanakcaWhere can I find the ktorrent packaging branch?15:36
ryanakcabug 498524 looks easy enough to fix...15:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 498524 in ktorrent "remove defunct Pirate Bay tracker" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49852415:36
ryanakcalp:ubuntu/ktorrent ?15:37
Quintasanryanakca: nah, you probably need kdenetwork source15:42
Quintasanryanakca: apt-get source ktorrent15:42
ryanakcaQuintasan: thanks15:48
Quintasanryanakca: no problem15:48
Mamarokapachelogger: about that glib bug: it's getting worse and worse: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21928916:20
ubottuKDE bug 219289 in general "amarok play cd bug when forward sing" [Crash,Resolved: duplicate]16:20
Mamarokit seems to affect so many apps that this could well be exploited if it is not backported soon16:20
Mamarokcjwatson is not online these days, I pinged doko, let's hope this will get sorted out soon16:20
MamarokRiddell: please see above ^^16:21
Mamarok(besides the very strange English in that bug, it really worries me a lot)16:22
macobit of a wait for a response. he's out on what is apparently the biggest river in the UK, canoeing16:22
ScottKThat shouldn't take long.16:23
Mamarokmaco: well, we already talked to cjwatson who promised to talk to doko, but I have no news and this is a really big problem, crahes Amarok, Phonon and a few other KDE apps, so this needs to be fixed ASAP16:24
macoScottK: what?16:25
ScottKmaco: UK isn't that big.  How big a river can it be.16:26
MamarokScottK: I only know the Thames16:26
Mamarokalso, the bigger the river, the faster it flows, no?16:27
ScottKNo.  The steeper.16:27
macoRiver Tay16:27
Mamarokhm, from the amount of water contributed the river just 30 km away is the potential biggest in Europe, it just get's renamed to Rhine later16:30
* ScottK always thought it was either Rhine or Danube.16:51
ghostcubeuk got rivers o.O16:53
ghostcubeits like to say netherlands have hills16:54
SputMamarok: mh, afaik the glibc bug is fixed upstream16:54
Sputplus you can just unset the MALLOC_CHECK_ variable...16:54
ScottKNext one sees Lex79, please mention that kdenlive could really use a merge.16:56
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MamarokSput: yes, I know, that's why I want it backported ASAP16:57
Mamarokand don't expect end users to change that, this needs to be backported to Karmic, sick of these bug reports, this can't wait till Lucid16:58
macoSput: quassel is doing something weird right now17:51
macoit showing nixternal and nixternal_ in this channel, and it can tab complete both of those nicks17:51
macohowever, if i double click on nixternal_ and send him a message, i get back "no such nick/channel nixternal_" so i think quassel is showing me non-existent users17:52
Sputyes, that's a known and worked-on bug in the netsplit detection17:52
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DaskreeChWell if you ping nixternal_ that would be a defacto contentless ping17:53
macohahahah i have my mic lying on the bed and the cat is propping herself up and making noises into it17:56
ScottKLex79: kdenlive could use a merge.18:14
Lex79ScottK: you meant I have to do kdenlive merge?18:16
ScottKLex79: You don't _have_ to, but you did touch it last.18:17
Lex79oh ok :)18:17
JontheEchidnakopete indicator patches are breaking the compile :(18:19
JontheEchidnaand not an agateau in sight18:19
shtylmanJontheEchidna: got a pastebin of what broke?18:22
JontheEchidnahmm, maybe that whole patch can go18:24
ScottKJontheEchidna: My advice is drop them for now and mail agateau.  I'm sure he'll update them when he's $working.18:24
JontheEchidnalooks like he plans to move the kopete plugin to extragear18:28
ejatkopete-facebook <-- also break for kde sc 4.4 beta 118:28
shtylmanJontheEchidna: from what I can see, the part of the patch that adds the showCloseWindowMessage and shouldExitOnclose are not neede anymore18:36
shtylmankde trunk has that code already18:37
shtylmannot sure which version we are patching against though18:37
shtylman[13:36] <shtylman> JontheEchidna: from what I can see, the part of the patch that adds the showCloseWindowMessage and shouldExitOnclose are not neede anymore18:39
shtylman[13:37] <shtylman> kde trunk has that code already18:39
shtylman[13:37] <shtylman> not sure which version we are patching against though18:39
shtylmandidn't realize you left the channel :)18:39
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QuintasanLex79: you are doing kdeutils? I though I put my name on it, anyways overwrite my commit since I made a mess with encodings and such20:18
QuintasanLex79: and I'm unable to do anything since it makes changelog filled with crap20:19
Lex79ok, I'm trying to fix changelog encodings20:20
DaskreeChJontheEchidna: The kopete runner kinda sucks now to match the current state of kopete20:34
DaskreeChhi jjesse20:34
Mamarokgah, could we please next time put a big warning on the announce "this is Beta, not for beginners, it will eat your babies!" ?21:27
Mamarokpretty, please?21:28
Mamarokthere's already enough work we usual support, no need to force people with Qt 4.6 problems on us :(21:28
DaskreeChMamarok: Welcome to the New FOSS where shiny is in and reading what the shiny will do to your baby is out21:31
ScottKPeople install from the staging repo where is says "DO NOT INSTALL".21:32
Mamarokyeah, I know, it's just tiring21:32
* ScottK can understand that.21:33
DaskreeChMamarok: I think that people are more willing to listen when they are burned. I tend to try and get people to be more responsible then21:33
Mamarokgah, I don't know what is worse, people with 8.04 who want to install Beryl or those with the Qt 4.6 problems...21:33
claydoha little bit of s disclaimer would be useful in the future, though I am not seeing any complaints in the forum on it, problems perhaps,  but no one griping :)21:33
* ghostcube does install from staging too ...21:33
DaskreeChOh you lost all of your files? Hmm did you make a backup before trying the beta file system as we said? no Hmm well you know this is exactly why we said that.21:33
Mamarokwe should put 10 windows in between with big flashy warnings, then abort the install and they need to get a special permission from us to unlock21:34
DaskreeChghostcube: There is a difference in responsibilty.21:34
DaskreeChIt's like people upgrading to KDE 4.X+121:34
DaskreeChbackup your ~/.kde21:34
Mamarokoh noes, not java again... can somebody help Pavel, please?21:35
DaskreeChin two days. My stuff doesn't work anymore and Plasma crashes a lot so I"m back on KDE 4.x and my apps don't remember my settings21:35
DaskreeChdid ya backup ~/.kde ?21:35
ghostcubeme ?21:36
DaskreeChwell that's why we said back it up21:36
ghostcubeoh in general :D21:36
ghostcubeheh too late here ...21:36
DaskreeChMamarok: I think that perhaps what we should do is have a release that first speaks of the problems, then the precautions that should be taken then the announcement something new is out then how to get it21:37
DaskreeChour version of Click here to agree to the EULA21:37
nixternalwould it be wrong of me to use my blog, post to the planet, that I am looking for some work? :)21:37
DaskreeChnixternal: Is it FOSS related work?21:38
Mamaroknixternal: others have done that before you, why not? Just keep it decent :)21:38
nixternalDaskreeCh: I only work in floss21:38
Mamaroknixternal: go on I would say21:39
nixternalI can't work for proprietary companies any more...it is way to much work21:39
Mamarokyep, neither can I, drives me mad21:39
DaskreeChI wouldn' have a problem with it. I think that more devs should post when they have jobs available21:39
nixternalI don't even put down on my resume that I contracted for MS :)21:40
nixternalin 2005/2006 when I first started working on Kubuntu, I was doing so from a nice comfy office at MS :)21:40
ghostcubewho wants to throw the first cookie ...21:40
Mamarokwow, nixternal, you worked for MS?21:41
Mamarokisn't that what Miguel always wanted?21:41
nixternalunfortunately so21:41
nixternalMiguel did work at MS21:41
nixternalwhere do you think he came up with the idea to create GNOME? :p21:41
* Mamarok suspects he still gets a paycheck21:42
nixternalor I thought he worked at MS when he created/founded GNOME21:42
crimsunhe isn't the only one.21:42
nixternalwell, MS has been paying quite a few of Novell's largest bills :)21:42
nixternalMS was Novell's government with a bailout plan21:42
nixternalcrimsun: didn't miguel work for ms then?21:42
Mamarokno, he applied and was turned down, that's the funny part of it :)21:42
crimsunI think so, but I didn't and don't know him21:43
Mamarokcrimsun: officially he didn't21:43
Mamarokfrom wikipedia: "In summer of 1997, he was interviewed by Microsoft for a job in the Internet Explorer Unix team (to work on a SPARC port), but lacked the university degree required to obtain a work H-1B visa"21:44
DaskreeChnixternal: Neither does Miguel so I guess it's a wash21:45
* DaskreeCh catches up and sees that the obvious was already pointed out :)21:46
nixternaloh, ok I thought he did work for them21:46
DaskreeChHe has the same kind of view that I have that MS is a fantastic Tech company21:46
nixternalimbrandon and I worked at MS at the same time :)21:46
DaskreeChHe just belittles the crazy Insiduios culture and the legal side of MS21:47
crimsunDaskreeCh: it is. It continues to have the incredible R&D machine.21:47
DaskreeChnixternal: It depends on if you define working for them as getting paid :)21:47
nixternalhaha, true21:47
DaskreeChcrimsun: That's why I said it's A fantastic tech company21:47
nixternalmiguel is a cool dude though, I just have fun poking fun at him21:48
nixternalno matter what he does now, he has done a lot for the open source world, so he has my respect21:48
DaskreeChThe MS "vision of the future" videos always make me laugh my ass off cause theyare so unrealistic either from a Technical or a logistic stand point but they do actaully have a mind for future stuff like that and try to make it21:48
nixternalimagine if we followed everything that RMS spewed or that boycottnovell put out...half of us wouldn't be online because our broadcom's would be biting us in the asses :)21:49
DaskreeChAnd regardless of FOSS ideals somethings are better trashed out in closed circles than being engeineered by the world at large21:49
DaskreeChbut the full control from start to end is just really something I can't stomach much and I hate the way they always turn to tearing others to shreds publically when they can't compete21:50
nixternalI will say this though about Windows 7....finally MS got it, and they created a product that doesn't bug me with slowness...my new desktop has it on there, and it is pretty fast and usable21:50
DaskreeChnixternal: best Windows Evar!!!!21:50
nixternalI couldn't say that about Vista, XP was good, but it was so 1990s21:50
DaskreeChSo it's one above the rank ladder of best Cholera ever now21:50
DaskreeChnixternal: Xp wasn't good it was better than Windows 9521:51
nixternalthis is the first time I have really used windows, though I might only touch it for like 1 to 2 hours a week...the last time I used windows was windows 2000, and that was so I could play q3, counter strike, and some other game that I totaly forgot its name21:51
DaskreeChnixternal: Still anonys me that it's less secure than Vista by design and I think I can leverage that to hold out a disparaging taste for it :)21:53
nixternalI will say, the MS Security Essentials is better than any anti-* I have ever witnessed...it doesn't hog resources and it gets the job done well...oh and it is free21:54
DaskreeChnixternal: That's why they got sued :)21:55
nixternalI don't pay attention to their news..unless it is on lwn, lxer, or one of the planets21:55
DaskreeChnixternal: Well in short when they said they were making Vista more secure and the ywould have a MS Antimalware suite all the securoty guys freaked21:56
DaskreeChWith a secure MS OS and one that works by understanding how the system works and not just trying to get another subscription next year MS can singly handly kill an entire industry21:57
DaskreeChWhich I find overtly amusing21:57
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DaskreeChWe don't have QtParted anymore do we? It's mentioned in the Wikipedia page22:58
DaskreeCh!info qtparted23:06
ubottuPackage qtparted does not exist in karmic23:06
apacheloggerat some point partitionmanager will sure eat it23:06
DaskreeCh!info partitionmanager23:06
ubottupartitionmanager (source: partitionmanager): partition manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 726 kB, installed size 2848 kB23:06
* DaskreeCh corrects wikipedia23:06
* apachelogger thinks that qtparted should just be retired in favor of partitionmanager23:07
DaskreeChIt has it seems23:07
apacheloggerDaskreeCh: I mean globally23:12
apacheloggereject qtparted from all distros and replace it with partitionmanager23:12
DaskreeChapachelogger: again based on what I'm seeing from the partitionmanager discussions basically distros that haven't been updated since about KDE 4.0 ship with Qtparted everyone else ships with at least some mix23:16
apacheloggeroh ok23:18
_Groo_hi apachelogger23:18
_Groo_apachelogger: can you take a look at bug 498608 and 49861223:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 498608 in koffice2 "wrong dependencies in krita break both krita and koffice-kde4 install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49860823:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 498612 in kdenlive "kdenlive asks for wrong dependencies, cant be installed in lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49861223:19
_Groo_thanks ubottu ;) nice bot!23:19
apacheloggerdidnt Lex79 wanna take a look at em?23:20
_Groo_dont know23:20
_Groo_apachelogger: i just opened the bug reports since i cant do squat23:20
* apachelogger pretty much thinks so23:20
_Groo_btw are you guys doing the beta2 packages yet? i miss my kwin 3d :P23:20
apachelogger_Groo_: you could provide debdiffs I can upload :P23:20
DaskreeCh_Groo_: you lost #d?23:21
_Groo_DaskreeCh: yeah its broken in beta 1, kwin cant activate 3d with radeon and mesa 7.7/7.823:21
Lex79apachelogger: maybe tomorrow I can look, I want also merge with debian23:22
_Groo_Lex79: thanks lex...23:22
apacheloggerLex79: okies :)23:22
Lex79no problem23:23
_Groo_what about virtuoso, anyone taking care of that?23:23
Quintasan_Groo_: we need to wait for 6.0.1 to be released23:23
Quintasan6.0 won't work with 4.423:23
_Groo_oh btw, (sorry for so many questions), is the phonon package with equalization suport making into lucid?23:23
apacheloggeralways this waitery23:23
_Groo_Quintasan: cant we release a 6.0+git until 6.0.1 is out?23:24
Quintasanoh damn I going to bed, I wanted to do more but I'm not thinking clearly23:24
Lex79apachelogger: when you got a second, I need ack here http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/colibri23:24
Quintasan_Groo_: 6.0 is in ninjas repo but really no point in releasing it23:24
DaskreeCh_Groo_: Ah ok I lost it but my secondary account had it working fine. I don't know why23:24
DaskreeChQuintasan: Any release schedule for that?23:25
_Groo_Quintasan: can i take a look? i might be able to backport the necessary patches if i have the time23:25
DaskreeChQuintasan: having 6.0 not even on the main page is a little depressing23:25
_Groo_Quintasan: whats th ninja repo url?23:25
DaskreeChapachelogger: Waitery?23:25
apacheloggerwait +ery23:26
QuintasanDaskreeCh: duuno about the release schedule, check virtuoso home page for it but it doesnt say anything AFAIK23:26
Lex79_Groo_: it's a private repo23:26
QuintasanDaskreeCh: and 6.0 is really useless now unless someone needs it for something else than Nepomuk23:26
_Groo_Lex79: ¬¬ figures23:26
DaskreeChQuintasan: I know. It doesn't I looked. I'm wondering if waiting is a good idea23:26
_Groo_Quintasan: isnt 5.0 working with 4.4?23:27
Quintasan_Groo_: try compiling it :)23:27
QuintasanDaskreeCh: if I had to choose between waiting and compiling 5.0.2 I'd rather wait23:27
_Groo_Quintasan: is it java based?23:28
DaskreeChQuintasan: Agreed. I'm just saying that we should probably have a cutoff date if we want to do testing23:28
Quintasan_Groo_: beats me, when I saw the source I was like "lol WTF is this"23:28
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_Groo_Quintasan: im quite good in slapping misbehaved code into submission, im gonna take a look this christmas then23:29
_Groo_btw boys, any eta for beta 2? next week maybe?23:32
DaskreeCh_Groo_: Checked the KDE release Schedule ?23:32
DaskreeChThey normally don't miss by more than two days23:33
* apachelogger is thinking about going on vacation from floss23:33
_Groo_DaskreeCh: no, not the release.. they tagged beta 2 already, i mean the ppa packages so i can update :)23:33
Quintasan_Groo_: good luck then23:34
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_Groo_Quintasan: just out of curiosity, i know you rock , im just curious to see the mess that virtuozo is23:35
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QuintasanI wanted to puke just by looking at rules required for building :DD23:36
DaskreeChMamarok: is there a known java6 issue?23:38
Quintasan_Groo_: I can assure you it is safe to assume I was too lazy to get it done :P23:38
* DaskreeCh slowly sticks one toe in to test that assumption23:38
_Groo_Quintasan: btw are the kubuntu package rules already adressing the qt 4.6 stupidity in forcing tests for every compile? or i need to patch each and every cmakelist by hand?23:39
Quintasan_Groo_: beats me, Qt uses tests? I haven't seen anything like this when using cdbs with pkg-kde-tools23:40
_Groo_Quintasan: now with qt 4.6 it does... try to compile rekonq or anything else..23:41
QuintasanI will do it tomorrow23:41
Quintasanhurr it's tomorrow already here23:41
* Quintasan calls it day23:42
QuintasanGood night Ladies and Gentleman :P23:42
_Groo_Quintasan: seeya quintasan23:45
ScottK_Groo_: Tests are a good thing.23:47
_Groo_ScottK: not when they break every single package build :P23:49
ScottKThen either the test or the build is broken and should be fixed.23:49
_Groo_ScottK: do you guys have any documentation or custom builds? cause qt 4.6 is new in many aspects for me23:50
* ScottK doesn't23:51

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