
cprofittgell all00:35
cprofittsorry... hello was what I meant to type00:35
pleia2cprofitt: getting some snow this weekend? :)00:35
pleia2they are saying 10-14 inches for us! I'm so excited!00:36
cprofittAccording to my forcast -- no.00:36
pleia2I guess the atlantic is going to eat it00:36
cprofittwe are potentially too cold for snow...00:37
pleia2yeah, the temperature here is going to hover around 3000:37
pleia2perfect snow weather00:37
cprofittwe are 18F now... and going down00:38
* pleia2 nods00:38
doctormo_thats cold01:33
doctormo_It's only -1°C here, fairly cold for the englisg est coast.01:34
cprofittdoctormo_: where are you right now?01:36
doctormo_cprofitt: Liverpool, England01:37
cprofittyou back home for the holidays?01:37
doctormo_how are things back in the states?02:33
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mhall119|workFFEMTcJ: jcastro is goind a user day session?04:35
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nigel_nbher FFEMTcJ :)16:31
FFEMTcJ|mobilenigel_nb: ?16:33
nigel_nbFFEMTcJ|mobile: just said hi :)16:34
FFEMTcJ|mobileO.  Hehe howdy16:34
nigel_nbpleia2: hey, hows that storm coming along? :)16:37
pleia2nigel_nb: very snowy :)16:40
nigel_nbpleia2: wow, wow wow16:40
* nigel_nb saw Avatar today!!16:41
pleia2cool, how was it?16:42
nigel_nbit was *awesome*16:43
nigel_nbguaranteed to blow your mind away16:43
nigel_nbanimated detail level was really really good16:43
ZachK_nigel_nb: i'm gonna buy it...16:44
nigel_nbstory is kinda predictable after some time, but still worth every bit :)16:44
* nigel_nb away for dinner16:50
nigel_nbpleia2: who did the ubuntu women logo?17:27
pleia2nigel_nb: Troy Sabotka17:28
nigel_nbpleia2: wish I could make something like that17:28
nigel_nbnow I feel self conscious about the one I did :P, it does look like it was done by an 8-year-old17:29
doctormonigel_nb: link to logo?17:47
nigel_nbdoctormo: not yet.  I deleted what I did earlier17:47
nigel_nbdrawing on paper17:47
doctormonigel_nb: Your drawing a logo?17:48
nigel_nbdoctormo: dont embaress me more17:49
nigel_nbgimp and inkscape is overwhelming without having an idea of what I want17:49
nigel_nbso, first I'm deciding what I want17:49
nigel_nbjust play with letters17:49
doctormonigel_nb: I'm interested, I do logos now and thwn17:50
nigel_nbdoctormo: ha, then I'll just give u a pic of what I have in my mind on paper and u cud improvise17:50
doctormonigel_nb: depends what project it;s for17:51
nigel_nbdoctormo: ubuntu user days till comes under uclp17:51
nigel_nbdoctormo: I've got a basic idea, can you take a look?18:02
nigel_nbpleia2: I cud use a review ;)18:06
nigel_nbpleia2 & doctormo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nigelbabu/4197256675/18:06
pleia2that's nice :)18:07
nigel_nbbut childish too18:07
nigel_nbthere is no logo yet, per se :(18:07
nigel_nbpleia2: anyway logo on hold for a few hours, first the docs18:14
pleia2ok :)18:15
doctormonigel_nb: It's not childrish, there isn't even a crayon tree.18:16
nigel_nbdoctormo: :P18:16
nigel_nbprobably I should put it in18:16
nigel_nbdoctormo: you'll be around for a few more hours?18:18
doctormonigel_nb: back now20:13
nigel_nbdoctormo: was hoping to finish off the bzr module which has morphed into a how-to-contribute module :P20:13
nigel_nbdoctormo: helps if you and pleia2 are around, keeps me piped up20:14
doctormonigel_nb: Go go, rar rar!20:50
nigel_nbdoctormo: doing the last part20:51
nigel_nbasciidoc intro20:51
doctormoWe'll get it peer reviewed and then get some blog entires written to celibrate it20:52
nigel_nbdoctormo: check this out :p http://i.imgur.com/YRoqC.jpg20:58
nigel_nbpleia2: thats not much snow :)20:59
pleia2nah, not much yet21:00
nigel_nbyet being the key word there I guess21:01
pleia2they're still saying 12-18 inches when it finishes tomorrow21:02
nigel_nb1 to 1.5 ft?21:03
nigel_nbonly snow i've seen is artificial, but I still loved the experience21:03
pleia2it doesn't snow where I'm moving in a couple months21:04
pleia2this is a nice goodbye :)21:04
nigel_nbI know, CA21:04
nigel_nbI used to work with clients from CA, not these days though21:05
nigel_nbat least you'll be done with cold and winter dressing ;)21:05
nigel_nbdoctormo: what is the presentation folder for?21:13
doctormonigel_nb: svg files which will help presenting the course21:13
doctormobasically, but not just ant image21:14
nigel_nbother than images, what else?21:14
nigel_nbpdfs and presentations?21:14
nigel_nbdoctormo, pleia2: found an awesome resource http://andrewk.webfactional.com/asciidoc.php21:19
nigel_nbtype anything in asciidoc, see the output immediately, easier to catch errors :)21:19
doctormonigel_nb: Not really, we want to encourage people to only save sources, not compiled documents.21:19
nigel_nbbut if something goes wrong or u want to experiment with some formatting, thats the place21:19
doctormonigel_nb: I was talking about pdfs and presentations.21:30
nigel_nbdoctormo: oh sorry, I thought u were commenting on the link21:30
nigel_nbdoctormo: but what is intended to into resources and presentation?21:30
doctormoresources is for mostly files that are additional things the students will need.21:32
nigel_nbdoctormo: ah :)21:32
nigel_nbpleia2: do we need as asciidoc primer?22:00
nigel_nbI find that I'm just copy pasting from the asciidoc cheat sheet22:00
nigel_nbdoctormo: thoughts on ^^22:00
pleia2nigel_nb: I'm hoping that ones exist already (I don't want to have to write one)22:00
nigel_nbpleia2: hang on, I'll push what I've written on, I'm not inclined to push a course for asciidoc, there's nothing to teach :(22:01
pleia2nigel_nb: where is the asciidoc cheat sheet?22:06
nigel_nbpleia2: http://powerman.name/doc/asciidoc22:06
pleia2perfect :)22:06
nigel_nbpleia2: no point in duplicating that22:06
pleia2I agree22:06
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nigel_nbpleia2: pushed up to new rev22:23
nigel_nbcan't see it online, loggerhead's down22:23
pleia2nigel_nb: can you build the class.html and stick it up somewhere?22:24
nigel_nblemme see what I can do22:25
nigel_nbpleia2: well, since I dont have a host, I got create22:34
nigel_nbput into an HTML ;)22:34
* pleia2 does22:36
pleia2nigel_nb: this is great22:41
nigel_nbnow I only need to finish it off22:42
nigel_nbone or two lines about compiling22:42
nigel_nbu got anything else I have to add?22:42
nigel_nbpleia2: um..^^23:01
pleia2nigel_nb: nope, it looks good23:03
nigel_nbokay, I'll add the demonstration23:03
nigel_nbshould I alert the mailing list for review?23:03
pleia2will you be adding a link to that asciidoc reference?23:03
nigel_nbyou want me to?23:11
nigel_nbok, will do23:16
pleia2I'd say something like - "The build script will make a 01-begin.txt with some basic asciidoc formatting, for more formatting see this reference:23:16
nigel_nb:), will do23:16
nigel_nbone course is near completion23:16
nigel_nbpleia2: u'll be around this coming week? or busy with family?23:16
pleia2I'll be around23:17
nigel_nb:) we can finish everything about this one then :)23:20
pleia2great! :)23:21
nigel_nbhowdy ffEMTcJ :)23:53
FFEMTcJhey nigel_nb23:54
nigel_nbhow are ya ffEMTcJ, at work ?23:54
FFEMTcJat my parents23:55
nigel_nboh great :)23:56
FFEMTcJMet some ubuntu people from this side of the state today for lunch..23:57
doctormodid it go well?23:57
nigel_nbu guys are lucky23:57
nigel_nbdoctormo: ah your back.23:57
doctormonigel_nb: lucky?23:59
nigel_nbdoctormo: to have an active community of ubuntu geeks ;)23:59
nigel_nband users23:59

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