
ubottuIn #ubuntu, dragon said: ubottu: PAE is <reply>Physical Address Extension (PAE) enables the use of more than 3.2GiB of physical memory in 32-bit systems. For more info, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE00:17
ubottuAlan502 called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:20
dragonIn #ubuntu, _BLACK_MAN_ is looking for attention.00:20
dragonthanks bazhang00:21
bazhangin PM now00:21
bazhanglinera seems to be having trouble understanding basics00:50
bazhanglinera seems to be trolling; anyone else seeing this?01:15
MenZabazhang: looks like trolling to me01:16
MenZa[2009-12-19 01:15:10 UTC] < Linera> i need dxdiag to see it01:16
MenZathat got me convinced ^01:16
bazhangMenZa, oh hai01:16
MenZao hai bazhang01:16
bazhangyep, and two suggestions have morphed into 10,00001:16
bazhangMenZa, UBUNTU MEMBER!!!!01:16
MenZa'tis a nice feeling.01:17
nhandlerYou deserved it MenZa :)01:17
MenZaThanks, nhandler :)01:17
bazhangvery true :)01:17
* MenZa bows deeply.01:17
MenZaMy @ubuntu.com e-mail still isn't functioning.01:19
nhandlerMenZa: How long has it been? The script runs every 2 days: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEmail01:22
MenZaAye, it's been since Tuesday01:22
MenZaI confirmed with ninnnu who was accepted at the same meeting, and she's experiencing the same01:22
MenZaso I sent off an e-mail to rt@ubuntu01:22
MenZaOh, nhandler -- yesterday, yes, I was referring to the ubuntu-irc thread01:23
bazhanggoing out for a bit, linera seems to have quieted down01:25
MenZaI'm confused as to Linera's intentions.01:38
MenZaTrolling? Are they just clueless?01:39
ubottuJamed_ called the ops in #ubuntu (Linera asks the same question over and over, ignoring any attempts to help. i consider that trolling)01:39
nikoany ops around ?01:40
ubottuBilliard called the ops in #ubuntu (Linera is a troll, complaining about lack of dxdiag, won't answer any questions when attempted to be helped)01:40
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from linera)01:40
MenZabazhang: Hold it for a second.01:45
bazhangMenZa, ok01:45
MenZabazhang: I've been watching it, and it seems like they /may/ make some sort of progress.01:45
MenZaOr perhaps they were just intimidated by all the ops calls.01:45
bazhangMenZa, apparently its been going on for hours01:45
MenZabazhang: yeah, I'll keep watching01:46
bazhangokay, really going away now :)01:46
MenZaI have no access! :P01:46
bazhangI can mute her/him and have a chat01:46
bazhangthe channel seems to be asking for his/her removal quite explicitly01:47
MenZaI'll just query switch01:47
MenZaNo, no that's alright01:47
MenZaIf it goes out of control, I'll call staff01:47
nikofeel free to ask here01:47
nikoif there is no ops01:47
bazhanghe/she is just not listening.01:48
MenZaniko: gotcha01:48
bazhangsame circle of I have ubuntu installed after repeated explanations01:48
MenZa\o enjoy, bazhang01:49
MenZaniko: If you're around, I'll poke you instead of calling everyone in here ;)01:49
nikoi prefer you ask ops first :)01:50
PiciIts certainly not helping that 5 people are giving varying directions at the same time.01:50
MenZaPici: I think people have gotten over-eager, and that last comment ("There is no terminal") is making me think this is just a very successful troll.01:51
bazhangits not varying directions. he/she was told to try something lighter.01:51
* MenZa considers something like !confusion is <reply> Please don't all step in at once! It can be very overwhelming and confusing for a person to receive advice from more than one person at any given time.01:53
bazhangnah, its a troll.01:53
PiciIt sounds like a confused user to me.01:54
MenZaPici: It's been going on for hours now.01:54
bazhangthat is what I thought as well01:54
MenZaPici: Literally.01:54
bazhangbut the responses are the exact same. and then it starts afresh.01:54
MenZaah, there we go01:58
MenZathe cycle is complete.01:58
MenZaand starts again.01:58
PiciThen take them aside01:59
nikoi'm agree01:59
bazhangI'm already on ubuntu01:59
MenZabazhang: yours for the taking.01:59
MenZaThis is getting ridiculous.02:00
bazhangwaiting for a response02:01
nikoi guess you can wait a long time02:03
bazhangI'm a patient individual; try Taipei traffic sometime :)02:04
bazhangno response via PM so far02:04
Picibazhang: please send another one02:05
* Pici sighs02:05
bazhangPici, done02:05
Picibazhang: you're up02:09
bazhangLinera, hi02:09
Picibazhang: Can you op up in #ubuntu and deal with Linera, I need to take a phone call02:13
bazhangPici, no problems02:13
bazhangray66, hi02:14
bazhangLinera, you are here though. This is where you need to address, or via PM02:16
bazhangLinera in here02:19
bazhangPici, he/she claims not to be in this channel, I have to step out for a minute, will be back soon.02:21
MenZaI'm grabbing Cunbuntu in PM02:24
elkyplease tell me someone had a word about <AtomicSpark> i cant stalk the womens if my browser is unstable!02:25
elkyin -ot02:25
bazhangdid not see that02:25
MenZame neither02:25
elkyit seems he though myspace crashing firefox seemed to warrant that comment02:25
elkycame through right on the hour to me02:26
elky13:00:00 my time02:26
bazhang<Linera> i have only 1 channel opened  (from #ubuntu)02:27
PiciPerhaps ask how they got to #ubuntu and suggest that they use the same method to get here?02:27
bazhangPici, he/she is refusing to listen to any/all responses.02:28
nalioththen let them be02:28
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)02:29
naliothLinera: if you don't wish to speak with us here, please respect our topic02:29
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)02:29
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)02:29
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)02:29
bazhangwhoa in his quit message no less02:29
naliothno ban needed02:30
bazhangremove the mute on Linera ?02:32
MenZaFor the record, Cunbuntu insisted he did nothing wrong and threw more of his nonsense from -ot at me.02:32
PiciJust a heads up, terrorink seems to have some problem with me. I've given him the appeals stuff, so if he comes in here please try to address his concerns.02:32
naliothbazhang: leave linera as they are, please.  i was responding to the DCC in #ubuntu02:34
bazhangnalioth, ah sorry.02:34
bazhangPici, going to de-op now, as Linera is in here and still not responding to my PM02:35
Picibazhang: thats fine02:36
naliothLinera: may we help you?02:36
Picibazhang: someone reported some racist spam they were getting from cunbuntu02:47
bazhangPici, lee ?02:48
bazhanghe was doing similar in -ot02:48
PiciAlso, it seems like terrorink is now trying to guess where I live.  I think I'll put him on soft-ignore now.02:49
bazhanghe's klined now (cunbuntu)02:53
naliothPici: feel free to give them my address02:53
PhantomLinkI have temporarily disabled my script so that I can get help in the main channel.03:43
PhantomLinkAm I okay to join there?03:43
dragonThis guy Dorkins in #ubuntu is trolling.03:59
dragonAsked the same question several times and never acknowledges answers. Several people tried between 6:55pm - 7:20pm PDT04:01
dragonand now he's back with the same04:02
naliothjrib: did dorkins not seem familiar to you?04:57
naliothdorkins = linera (ban evading)04:57
jribnalioth: nope, haven't been around much lately05:07
naliothjrib: ok.  was a real big to-do earlier over it05:08
DrVenturetest me06:10
DrVenture<< test me >>06:10
bazhangjust a heads up, computer issues so will be away for a bit.07:31
mobi-sheep!ops | dominic in #ubuntu08:54
ubottudominic in #ubuntu: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!08:54
ubottumobi-sheep called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (dominic in #ubuntu)08:54
tonyyarussomobi-sheep: can you give me a quick run-down?  (just joined)08:55
mobi-sheeptonyyarusso: Spamming. Ubuntu is virus, etc.08:55
tonyyarussoheh, fun...08:55
mobi-sheeptonyyarusso: STFU and whatnot. :<08:56
ubottuBilliard called the ops in #ubuntu (dominic)08:56
tonyyarussowell that makes life easier.08:56
mobi-sheeptonyyarusso: Good job. :)08:57
FlannelFloodbots are crazy right now, apparently08:57
ubottuIn #ubuntu, grubster said: ubottu: the probllem is i cannot access the web10:10
aaron11grubster wants to change somthing in !german10:19
ubottuguntbert called the ops in #ubuntu (crazyjr)10:39
wgrantelky: Thanks.10:52
elkywgrant, ping me if he comes back for your jugular10:54
wgrantelky: I'd have removed him myself if I hadn't been busy hunting for a reference.10:55
elkyyeah, it's also better to have someone else deal with someone attacking you like that10:55
elkyor some random onlooker will try cry personal10:55
wgrantYeah, I guess.10:55
elkynot essential, but makes it way easier to process10:56
ubottuaaron11 called the ops in #ubuntu (Crazymethjesus)11:17
elkyyet another bad *jesus*@ :-/11:18
MamarokTm_T: what is wrong with that yang guy?11:18
MamarokTm_T: please don't feed a troll...11:21
Tm_TI don't think I feed11:22
Mamarokjust ignore him, he has been told the appropriate place to ask for his question, if he continues he is out11:23
Tm_Tbut I feel these things have to be told, it's up to them then to listen11:23
MamarokTm_T: we told him 3 times, I guess that is enough, no?11:24
Tm_Tsure, I wasn't planning to go further, only to say how these things works11:24
Mamarokeverything else is feeding trolls IMHO11:24
Tm_TMamarok: hmh, didn't notice, I'm busy here cleaning home, sorry11:24
MamarokTm_T: OK, just read the backlog next time :)11:25
Tm_TMamarok: I tried, my old eyes seems to fail when in hurry (:11:26
Mamarokveery old eyes :)11:27
* Tm_T oils his/her/its rusty joints11:28
* Mamarok wonders what she could oil that is not completely blocked yet11:29
Mamarokoh, right, good suggestion, in case I need it it better is oiled, indeed :)11:30
jussi01Hello komputes, is there something we can do today?11:38
jussi01(for you?)11:38
MamarokI am off for shopping, later :)13:37
Amaranth_MenZa: Actually the script to create your email is "making elmo setup emails every so often"15:11
Amaranth_So, not actually a script :)15:11
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
AmaranthWell, I guess there may be a script involved somewhere...15:12
Myrttilots of new names...16:05
pleia2hey Myrtti :)16:06
* Tm_T huggles Myrtti16:24
Myrttihi. I'm only testing the water16:25
Mamarokjussi01: komputes not reacting?16:28
Mamarokkomputes: can we help you?16:28
Myrttihe's idle...16:28
MyrttiI could remove him but he's a member and might have a valid reason16:29
MamarokMyrtti: he is idling since days now16:30
Mamarokhe still can come back when not idle anymore16:30
Myrttiok, pming16:31
Myrttiwow, I still know how to do that16:32
Myrttiso, I hear paste.ubuntu.com has been rendered useless?16:32
macowhy's that?16:33
tritiumHow so?16:33
macohi Myrtti16:33
Myrttithe openid login stuff?16:33
* maco hugs Myrtti16:33
macoi havent seen you in a long while!16:33
macoeeeeek when did THAT happen??16:34
maconow we have to send people to pastebin.ca? ugh. pastebin.ca is slow. its only use WAS the fact that it had encryption16:34
maconow i guess its use is "not everybody has an lp account"16:34
Myrttiwell my banlist script now useless until I rewrite it16:34
macowhose idea was *this*?16:35
Myrttiand the reason I chose it to use paste.ubuntu.com was because p.u.c doesn't have a list of past pastes that you can click and look at16:35
Myrttiso there was the random anonymity of "if nobody knows the id, you're safe"16:35
Myrttiit's not like the ban statistics are high security stuff, but I would've wanted to keep them at some level discreet16:36
Mamarokit changed to ubuntu.pastebin.com16:36
Myrttimeh, not going to use it16:36
macoMamarok: which does have the sidebar list Myrtti is complaining about16:37
Myrttioo, I can click my way to an email pici has pasted there16:37
Myrtti"road to hell is paved with good intentions"16:39
MyrttiI wonder if pastebinit has taken this recent change into account16:40
Tm_TMyrtti: 99,99 % sure it has not16:40
Myrttioh, WELL.16:41
Tm_TMyrtti: interesting times are these16:41
Tm_Tdoes this paste.ubuntu.com change being announced somewhere?16:42
MyrttiTm_T: I don't know, I just read it from the logs of this channel today16:42
MyrttiI've been trying to keep up with the latest news via them16:43
elkypastebin.ca does allow basic passwording16:43
Tm_TMyrtti: yu, I was wondering if others knows about it16:44
MyrttiI need more tea16:47
bazhang avash (n=avash@ has left #ubuntu  just now16:59
bazhangavash, thanks for joining17:00
avashyeah because you forced too much. we are at residence now. so it was not any ban evading i was doing.17:01
bazhangasmodeus, ujjwhol switch , bulb have been using your addresses to troll several ubuntu channels17:01
avashnot this one... they all maybe asleep by now. they do it at daytime from the ip of our work place not this one.17:01
bazhangavash, switching IP to gain entry to #ubuntu and other channels is ban evasion.17:02
avashthis one is my personal one17:02
avash113.199 is different one. you will know it after two days coz now we have weekend.17:02
bazhangavash, the way to resolve this is not to switch IP to gain entry, but to talk about it here17:02
avashthe ip 113.199 may be banned till now also. its from our work place.17:03
avashanyway... i will take care of them. and promise you they will not spam or troll or disturb you in your channel. not oly inyours... in whole freenode17:04
bazhangand asmodeus was using it [asmodeus_] (n=avash@ Avash17:04
bazhangjust a little bit earlier today17:04
avashyeah man.. i said it is my residence and all the machines i have are mine17:05
bazhangthen you need to control your machines.17:05
avashit was actullay the olpc we use. we give it to everyone. all from my supervision17:06
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (BLACK_MAN ban evade)17:06
avashi will just stop them...now stop blaming me to ban evade. its 11 pm here. i will go to sleep. wil inform you when i have done it.17:07
bazhangodd. the floodbots did not ban with remove (he's using gateway)17:09
tsimpsonbazhang: because he /nick'd probably17:09
tsimpsonthe +e was removed then17:10
bazhangtsimpson, oh right, LjL just told me17:10
Myrtti[18:54] <komputes> oh hi, sorry about idling in your channel, I did not  know, I just wanted to get to know the IRC operators for  the official ubuntu channels17:10
* MenZa boggles17:11
MenZaA... Myrtti?17:11
Tm_TMenZa: no, go back to sleep17:11
* Tm_T hides17:11
MenZaIt's 6pm here17:11
tsimpsonto be fair, that's how I first became an op, joined here and started idling ;)17:11
bazhanghad a long chat with avash17:11
Myrttitsimpson: the times, they are a'changed17:12
bazhangtwo or three of his flatmates are using his machines to troll,stalk, etc #ubuntu channels17:12
MenZaThis is what passwords are for.17:12
* MenZa never, ever lets anyone use his machines unless they're on a seperate user account which he'll happily create for the sole purpose of not using his, even for five minutes.17:13
bazhangI asked him to rejoin here when he has gotten the machines in question under control in the next day or so17:13
* MenZa nods17:14
bazhangthe leader of the project they are involved with in Nepal knows as well17:14
ubottujtaji called the ops in #ubuntu-server (Storm3yy)17:25
guntberthi, the floodbots still tell people to use http://paste.ubuntu.com ....18:49
Myrttiyes, we know18:51
guntbertok, ... bye then18:52
ubottuJamed called the ops in #ubuntu (zEu[z] is a spambot.)18:55
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler

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