
arjforce command00:00
arjor maybe you have that part already00:01
masshuui just modified /etc/passwd to run a bash file instead of /bin/bash for that user00:02
masshuuthough its not like i absoutly need it, im just playing around with an idea, ill probably drop the idea if i can't get this done00:03
dragonmasshuu: why do you want to ruin the app by incoming connections?00:03
dragonIs there a way to set the order in which services are started by upstart? My apache tries to start before tomcat and hence dies.00:05
masshuuim playing around with the idea of a fake OS(im not gona go into the details cause last time i did i was met with alot of 'wtf' 'theres cygwin, etc, and no one ever answerd my question at the time, though i solved it my self)00:05
masshuuand i would love the ability to "SSH" into this fake os00:06
dragonmasshuu: aren't you doing it through windows?00:06
masshuubrb real quick00:06
masshuumain qiestion is, im sure that when a connection is accepted by sshd, its got to run a script or somthing for the login prompt and then the info stuff like00:09
masshuuUbuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY bla bla bla00:09
masshuuTo access official Ubuntu documentation, bla bla bla00:09
masshuuthough thats the motd file00:10
masshuuwould i need to modify the sshd source directly? to make my custom server?00:10
masshuualso dragon, check the /etc/rc*.d/00:12
masshuuor there should be a script to let you change it00:12
dragonmasshuu: it used to be that way until upstart was implemented00:14
ruben23hi i sload avarge 11.59  normal status for an particular application.r, im running on a dual core processor Xeon..with 4GB Ram..00:16
dragonruben23: sudo top00:16
ruben23yes im using htop00:16
dragonruben23: something unusual there?00:16
ruben23and i can see my average running 11.59 is that a desirable value for my server load..?00:17
ruben23or my server are putting its power on it to run an application na having that value..00:17
masshuuill probably just write a telnet server and use that00:19
ruben23dragon: any comment00:19
dragonruben23: anything over 1 is not desirable for load average.00:24
ruben23dragon: what option should i have for it..?00:25
ruben23actually im running 64bit ubuntu server.00:25
dragonruben23: in top, sort by processor usage and see what process is using the most.00:25
ruben23yews i already identified it...it an IP telephony..application..00:26
ruben23should i upgrade the hardwares.00:26
dragonruben23: if everything is configured properly, then yes.00:26
dragonruben23: how much processor do you have?00:26
ruben23whats the command to see the specs of my processor..?00:28
subcat /proc/cpuinfo00:29
ruben23dragon: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU Dual Core    3040  @ 1.86GHz00:30
ruben23thnaks --->sub:00:30
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ruben23hi i ahve setup an LVM on my ubuntu server setup, then why it says on reboot that---> volume have mounted 25 times.. need to scan..01:42
MTecknologyI think I setup remote logging correctly but I don't know where the logs wind up..01:49
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magicrobotmonkeyHi, i just set up a ubuntu server instance on amazon's ec2, but it can't find any of the LAMP packages I want to install, how do i fint them?02:22
magicrobotmonkeyder, had to update, nm02:24
Nwallinsdoes the minimal cd support wifi for package downloads?02:41
Nwallinsit appears not: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/13283/02:49
jmarsdenMTecknology: I'm confused by: "I think I setup remote logging correctly but I don't know where the logs wind up.."  Surely, if you set it up correctly, then they "end up" on the central logging server which you configured the other machines to send their log entries to, by definition.  So, if you don't know where the log entries end up, what evidence leads you to think that you set it up correctly?03:25
MTecknologyjmarsden: I don't know where they're stored on the logging server03:26
jmarsdenMTecknology: You configured it... so they are stored where you configure it to store them... under /var/log is common... ?03:27
MTecknologyjmarsden: I was under the impression there was a default place for the logs to end up at03:28
jmarsdenRead /etc/syslog.conf .  I don't think there is a *.* entry in there active by default in Ubuntu.  But since you already configured both the remote host(s) and the central log server... you must already know what you set up in there... right?03:30
jmarsdenThere is a    *.*;auth,authpriv.none          -/var/log/syslog     entry on my system here, so /var/log/syslog is one place to start looking :)03:33
jmarsdenMTecknology: Same line is in /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default/.conf on a Karmic server, so... definitely try /var/log/syslog for (non-auth) log entries.03:36
MTecknologyjmarsden: I read a blog saying I need to edit /etc/sysconfig/rsyslog but the file doesn't exist03:41
jmarsdenMTecknology: Quit reading blogs, start reading man pages :)03:42
MTecknologyjmarsden: the man pages didn't prove very helpful03:42
jmarsdenI think that location is a RedHat-oriented one, BTW.03:42
MTecknologyyou know what the alternative is?03:42
jmarsdenMTecknology: What are you trying to find out by reading {blogs,man oages} ?03:42
MTecknologyand ya - in my drunken state i missed that03:42
jmarsden/etc/rsyslog.conf and /etc/rsyslog.d/*   # in Karmic...03:43
MTecknologyinteresting... - it also mentions editing /etc/rsyslog.conf03:43
jmarsdenBTW, a quick    locate rsyslog     would have revealed this to you :)03:44
MTecknologythat file isn't the equiv03:44
jmarsdenEquiv of what?03:44
jmarsdenWhat are yo actually trying to configure?03:45
MTecknologyremote logging for 3 servers03:45
jmarsdenRight.  So you configured the 3 remote servers to send some/all of their log events to the central server, right?  and you verified that they really do send such log info to that server, perhaps using jnettop or tcpdump or whatever network tool you prefer, right?03:46
jmarsdenSo all that is left is to see what the log server does with those incoming log entries...03:46
jmarsdenam I correct?03:46
MTecknologyI'll try jnettop03:48
MTecknologyI'm doing this right now :P -> grep 'SYSLOGD_OPTIONS' /* -d recurse03:48
MTecknologyI need to change that; then I'll use jnettop to verify data xfer03:48
jmarsdenMTecknology: Why?  You are (I think) running rsyslog not syslogd03:48
MTecknologyI need to change a value there on each host though03:49
MTecknologyI need -r and -t on the server and -h -t on the clients03:50
jmarsdenI think you may be confused... rsyslogd does not seem to have those options, according to its man page...03:52
jmarsdenWhat makes you think you need them?  or did I read the wrong man page...?03:52
MTecknologyjmarsden: -t is for tcp03:56
jmarsdenman rsyslogd and look for a -t option in it...03:57
jmarsdenI doubt you will find one.03:57
MTecknologyit also doesn't show -r (remote)04:00
jmarsdenGood, now you're reading a source of information that is likely to be accurate :)04:00
MTecknologyI know -t and -r are options......04:02
jmarsdenHow do you know this?  You read the rsyslogd source code?04:02
MTecknologyI'm considering it04:03
jmarsdenHow do you currently "know" this?  What leads you to believe this?04:03
MTecknologyevery single page i read online says rsyslog has these options04:04
jmarsdenAs I said earlier: <jmarsden> MTecknology: Quit reading blogs, start reading man pages :)04:04
jmarsdenrsyslog has very probably changed...04:04
MTecknologythere were online man pages i read with this04:04
jmarsdenThat matched the exact version of rsyslog on your machines?04:05
MTecknologyI just want remote logging04:05
jmarsdenSo quit arguing with me and use the man page info to configure remote logging, instead of wasting time with blogs etc... :)04:05
qman__the local man page is going to be the most accurate source of information for the locally installed version04:06
MTecknologyhm... http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/rsyslogd.8.html04:06
jmarsdenThat's rsyslog 1.19.12-1, Karmic has 4.2.0 ... note the large version number change...04:07
jmarsdenWhich version are you actually running?04:07
MTecknologythat's just a quick search04:07
jmarsdenThen use Karmic documentation :)04:07
qman__then that information is totally irrelevant04:08
MTecknologyI'm looking at this now - http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/man8/rsyslogd.8.html04:08
MTecknologyhurray - I'm lost04:08
jmarsdenRead the sentence "For details and configuration examples" maybe?  Then follow the link to more docs ...04:09
MTecknologyemplar.kalliki.com <-> li107-143.members.linode.com04:12
MTecknologyThat's my CRM server04:12
MTecknologydata is coming into the system04:12
jmarsdenOK.  Are you sending it as UDP syslog, TCP syslog, or RELP ?04:13
jmarsdenTMP?  What's that?04:14
jmarsdenAh :)04:14
MTecknology                                                           514    TCP                                                         53414       0b     74b      74b04:14
MTecknologyit's coming in .... that's a good thing04:15
MTecknologyI have $AllowedSender TCP,, xxx.xxx.xxxx, ..04:16
MTecknologyit should be winding up in /var/log/MACHINE/*04:18
jmarsdenMTecknology: You configured expression based filters to do that, before you read the docs?  That would be impressive, if it worked.04:21
MTecknologyjmarsden: such as this - $template DynAuth, "/var/log/%HOSTNAME%/secure.log"04:22
jmarsdenMTecknology: Maybe try filtering just by old fashioned selectors first and see if the msgs then get logged mixed in with the local log entries?  Then if that works, start exploring the expression-based stuff?04:24
jmarsdenAh... I need to go pick up some kids and drive them home... back fairly soon, I hope...04:25
MTecknologyi just smashed my finger ;"(04:25
MTecknologyjmarsden: so just leave these lines?   $ModLoad imudp.so   $TCPServerRun 514   AllowedSender TCP,,, xxxx   ?04:27
MTecknologyjmarsden: with just that it doesn't seem to do anything wither04:28
MTecknologyjmarsden: actually 0 having it all filter into the same logs might be best04:37
MTecknologyI'm still royally freakin' lost right now :(04:37
MTecknologyjmarsden: I think I have everything getting to the remote server the way I want it to - it's just not being stored05:07
DoonzHey guys i have a ubuntu 8.04 server. Was wondering if you could point me to the most correct how-to for installing vmware server onto the box Thanx05:16
MTecknologytwb: make me not go insane05:21
twbMTecknology: that's beyond my power05:22
MTecknologytwb: help me with logging then?05:23
twbMTecknology: how so?05:23
MTecknologytwb: I'm trying to have rsyslog log to a remote system over TCP - is seems to be arriving at the loggin server just fine; on the server I have these lines   $ModLoad imtcp.so  $TCPServerRun 514  $InputTCPServerRun 514  AllowedSender TCP,,, xxxx05:24
MTecknologyhrm - I missed "$" at the start of the last line but I doubt that did it05:25
twbMTecknology: did you look at the local log output after restarting rsyslog?05:25
keesMTecknology: does the remote rsyslog actually bind to port 514 tcp to listen?05:25
twbDid you start rsyslog by hand with full debugging and "don't detach from tty" options?05:25
MTecknologytwb: no05:26
twbMTecknology: do so05:26
MTecknologykees: hmm... netstat -a doesn't show it05:28
MTecknologytwb: I'm trying to run in debug05:30
MTecknologypaste.ubuntu.com uses openid now?05:33
MTecknologykees: twb: I found an error but no errors now; still no bind to 514 and here's the debug output - http://paste.ubuntu.com/343845/05:34
MTecknology..... this is irritating me05:37
MTecknologytwb: hm... local logs - Dec 19 05:31:42 insto kernel: [118952.786346] [UFW BLOCK] IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=fe:fd:48:0e:bb:c0:00:d0:d3:9f:81:36:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=105 ID=256 PROTO=TCP SPT=6000 DPT=1433 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=005:37
twbMTecknology: I've helped all I can.05:38
MTecknologythat's the issue... where's the port?05:38
MTecknologyi forgot tcp is 3-way05:39
MTecknologydpt must = dest port05:39
MTecknologyuh-oh - no idea what to do now...05:39
MTecknologymaybe I need to use UDP instead05:39
MTecknologyThis should be so simple05:48
MTecknologynow I need to figure out ufw rules05:52
MTecknologyand now I think my servers are finally setup.... just need to cofnigure backups; the logging system mailing; and a few other smaller things06:04
MTecknologynow logcheck won't let me send out any email06:46
MTecknologyI jsut disabled ufw so that's not doing it06:48
MTecknologysudo -u logcheck logcheck -o givs me expected output so it must just be with smtp now06:49
MTecknologyhelps if I install to the right server though06:50
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AiyaIs that possible to make shell using ubuntu?09:27
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acovrigThis is a sad question - what exactly is the cloud thing?12:04
fahadsadahacovrig: Basically, the internet is the cloud12:18
acovrigso you make your own internet hub?12:18
sektorNBAanyone skilled with squid_ldap_group ?13:01
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LibertyI have 2 ubuntu systems Desktop and server Cups is running on server. Dsktop prints through server.but I want to add my windows system. to cups, Drivers installed but windows can't connect14:48
LibertyHowdo I geet my server to a widows request15:02
MTecknologytwb: what's that runlevel editor you like so much?15:09
Storm3yyHey, can somone help me install LAMP?15:11
MTecknologyStorm3yy: sudo tasksel15:11
MTecknologyStorm3yy: pick LAMP Server and press Enter; done15:12
LibertyI have 2 ubuntu systems Desktop and server Cups is running on server. Dsktop prints through server.but I want to add my windows system. to cups, Drivers installed but windows can't connect15:12
Libertyhow can i print from my windows system15:13
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:13
LibertySorry i saw some new people join the channel I am on forums too but there there is lots of noise on cups search15:15
Storm3yyMTecknology - How do I select it? I've scrolled down and hti enter15:15
Storm3yybut it dosnt select it it just goes back15:15
ScottKStorm3yy: Hit the space bar15:16
Storm3yyNice ty15:18
Storm3yyWill LAMP start automatically each time I turn it server on etc?15:18
Storm3yyNice ty :D15:19
Storm3yyDoes LAMP come with a control panel?15:23
Storm3yya web one?15:23
MTecknologyScottK: You know of any easy way to manage default cron tasks aside from ls, mv, rm, and vim?15:23
Diamantohh install 9.10 after 9.04 my sabmba dony work nobody cant connect and open my folders on server15:23
MTecknologyStorm3yy: no15:23
Storm3yyAnyone used phpmyadmin before?15:23
MTecknologyStorm3yy: LAMP = Linux Apache MySQL PHP; It installs the most common parts that the servers use including modules to interact with each other15:23
MTecknologyStorm3yy: many people use it but learning things via cli can teach you a lot more15:24
Storm3yyI've just installed phpmyadmin to manage the databases15:24
Storm3yyHow do I get it accessable via the web?15:24
Storm3yyYeh I'm working on that.15:24
Storm3yyI done sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin to install it15:24
Storm3yySolved it15:27
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twbMTecknology: rcconf15:32
Libertyhow do I enable cups to accept print jobs from my vista puter15:34
Storm3yyHow do I make my ubuntu user an admin15:34
Storm3yyI cant use sftp permision denied15:34
ewookStorm3yy: you can use it, but you don't have permission for the files in question I guess. try sftp something from your home folder.15:47
Storm3yyyeh it works15:47
Storm3yybut I need to edit files in the etc folders etc15:47
jtaji!sudo | Storm3yy15:49
ubottuStorm3yy: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)15:49
ewookStorm3yy: you could enable the root-account, or change the permissions on the files in question, or add your user to the apropriate group owning the files, depending on group rights to the file.15:49
ewookjtaji: over sftp is the question.15:49
jtajiyep sorry15:50
Storm3yyHow do I see what group to use?15:50
Storm3yyI basically want to add my account to the admin group15:50
ewookacctually, it's usually more sane to enable the root-account and connect with that if you wanna have full permissions to everything - not recommended if your server is public.15:52
Storm3yyWell my servers public15:55
Storm3yyHow do I just add this account?15:55
ewookI think most of your question could be answered here - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:57
ewookit convers the pro's and con's and explains it a bit.15:57
ewookso, yes, jtaji was right on from the start :)15:57
ewooksorry jtaji :)15:58
Storm3yyhow do i make a admin group then?15:58
Storm3yyor edit a user15:58
Storm3yyit dosnt say there15:58
jtajino prob, I was just reading thinking something doesn't make sense ;)15:58
ewookStorm3yy: there's a follow-link on that page going to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=716201, covering some things I think you need to consider with just adding your user to the root-group.16:00
ewookStorm3yy: and here's a link to how to control and manage groups/users https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/user-management.html16:01
ewookor a 'never' version if you like https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/user-management.html :)16:02
ewookStorm3yy: I want to help, but I'm not sure I can avoid doing what I do right now, enabling a useraccount that was is kind of risky - sudo exists for a reason :)16:08
ewookwas = way. god, I can't spell today.16:08
Storm3yyYou dont want to help me16:11
Storm3yyotherwise you would of told me16:12
Storm3yyI dont really care anyway I'll just pay for support.16:12
ewookThen I'm sorry I couldn't assist you, even with the appropriate links.16:13
jtajiStorm3yy: you need to add your user to the admin group, but didn't you say you already used sudo?16:13
jtajiI mean you need admin access to give admin access16:13
Storm3yyYeh I've used sudo16:16
Storm3yybut the thing is to sftp the files I  dont have permision16:16
Storm3yyThe servers a public server on a lan16:17
Storm3yyIt's not connected to the internet well it wont be once its setup16:17
jtajiyou need sudo/root account on the destination machine16:17
Storm3yythats what i'm trying to setup16:17
jtajido you currently have sudo access on that machine?16:18
jtajiat all?16:18
Storm3yyOn the linux box I'm on16:18
Storm3yysetting up yes16:18
jtajino, the destination16:18
Storm3yywhats that?16:18
Storm3yythe computer shhing in?16:18
jtajithat's the client16:18
Storm3yyBasically I have the linux server16:18
Storm3yyand my PC16:19
Storm3yyand I'm trying to get a full admin prems on the linux server16:19
jtajiwhat runs on your pc?16:19
Storm3yyIRC, Windows 7 etc16:19
Storm3yyputty winscp16:19
jtajiso basically you want to use winscp to access files on the server for which you need admin privs16:20
jtajiand you have a router/firewall?16:21
jtajithe best way is probably to just enable the root account, by loggin in to the server and doing 'sudo passwd'16:23
jtajiyou'll also need to edit /etc/sshd/sshd_config, and change PermitRootLogin to yes16:24
jtajidon't forward the ssh port in on your router (at least not directly) and you should be safe16:24
jtajialso 'sudo service ssh restart' after you edit the config16:24
jtajiand only login in with root from winscp when you absolutely need to, use regular user for other purposes16:25
jtajiand make sure you use a good text editor that doesn't change unix line endings16:27
* jtaji much prefers ssh and sudo vi16:27
Storm3yyI need to run OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.exe16:27
Storm3yyand keep them running16:27
Storm3yyHow do I do that?16:27
jtajiprobably not the best choice for a service, but the .exe endings make me suspect that they're even linux programs16:28
jtajibut I have no idea about what that is16:28
Storm3yythey work16:29
Storm3yybut I can only run one at a time then press ctrl and c16:29
Storm3yyto end it16:29
Storm3yyto run the other16:29
Storm3yyI need to run 1 minimize it16:29
Storm3yyand run the 2nd and so on16:29
jtajiyou should read their docs on how they are designed to be run16:29
Storm3yyThey dont have any16:29
jtajione option would be calling them from /etc/rc.local16:29
Storm3yywell they are out dated16:29
jtajianother would be setting up with init/upstart/whatever...16:30
jtajiprobably just rc.local is good, it will run them at the end of the boot process, and they will stay running in the background16:30
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto16:31
jtajithat wasn't too helpful16:31
Storm3yyand another thing where is a www dir for LAMP?16:32
jtajieh, I think the default for apache is /var/www, I usually work out of /srv/http/, personally16:32
Storm3yyOh I see /var/www yeh16:33
jtajion a one partition system it doesn't really matter I guess16:33
Storm3yyEr can I make that in the home/user/www?16:33
jtajiwell, you can serve out of different places, even if the main site is /var/ww16:33
jtajithere's a way to make all users able to automatically have their own www like you mentioned16:34
jtajistudy up on apache ;)16:34
Storm3yyI want the default to be /home/user/www16:34
jtajiStorm3yy: http://heriman.wordpress.com/2008/08/05/enabling-apache-user-home-public_html-directory-in-ubuntu/16:40
Storm3yyGod sake16:42
Storm3yyI still not figgured how to my my user a super user16:43
Storm3yyor get the root acc working16:43
Storm3yyits not letting me on16:43
jtajiso your user can not use sudo?16:43
jtajior you can not even login?16:44
Storm3yymy user 'ubuntu' can use sudo and login16:44
Storm3yyand I've done sudo passwd16:44
Storm3yythen the password twice16:44
Storm3yyand not I can tlogin to the root user16:44
Storm3yyand in the sshd config thing it said rootuser login enabled16:45
guntbert!root | Storm3yy but I told you that several times already16:45
ubottuStorm3yy but I told you that several times already: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:45
guntbert!noroot | Storm3yy16:45
ubottuStorm3yy: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.16:45
Storm3yyOh can somone just tell me how to make this user admin16:45
jtajiguntbert: what is your solution to his problem?16:45
Storm3yyand have permision to all files on the server16:45
Storm3yyI dont care about security its not on the internet16:46
jtajiguntbert: because I honestly couldn't think of a better way16:46
guntbertjtaji: use sudo, what else?16:46
Storm3yyIt wont work16:46
jtajihe want to edit files using WinSCP16:46
Storm3yyon sftp16:46
Storm3yySo what should I do?16:48
jtajiI knew somebody would jump in without understanding the problem, and I almost gave a disclaimer at the beginning16:48
jtajiusing Linux 10+ years and I enforce the no root policy as much as the next guy16:49
jtajiStorm3yy: did you restart the ssh service?16:49
Storm3yyno but it was already set as yes16:49
Storm3yyCan you not tell me how to put this user in a group16:50
jtajiwhat is "this" user16:50
guntbertjtaji: point taken - I shut up :-)16:50
Storm3yythe user I'm on16:50
Storm3yythe one that cant access the files16:51
Storm3yybut i'd like it too16:51
jtajiStorm3yy: well if you want to edit files with winscp like you do, you need to use root16:51
jtajiwe would much prefer you to just ssh in, and use sudo with a command line text editor16:52
jtajiand keep root disabled16:52
Storm3yyI'm not sure how to use that16:53
jtajiit would be 'sudo adduser thisuser admin'16:53
Storm3yyplus i have a ton of files to upload16:53
jtajito let thisuser use sudo16:53
jtajiand 'sudo password -l' to re-lock root account16:53
Storm3yyit says I'm already part of the admin group16:54
Storm3yybut I still cant access the files :S16:54
jtajiStorm3yy: yes, because you can't "sudo" with winscp16:54
Storm3yyok so I'm added to the group16:54
Storm3yynow what do I do?16:54
jtajiI feel like we're going in circles ;)16:55
jtajiwe were enabling root to login to winscp16:55
jtajidid logging in with winscp with user root, and password you just set, not work?16:55
Storm3yyRight start again16:55
Storm3yyAccess denied16:55
jtajiand you are sure PermitRootLogin was yes? because the default is no16:56
Storm3yyThat said yes16:56
jtajiyou changed it already?16:56
Storm3yyIt was set as yes16:57
Storm3yyWhen I looked at the file16:57
jtajisomeone had to change it, sometime after you installed ubuntu16:57
Storm3yyoh I might have done it16:57
Storm3yyyeh I think I did16:57
jtajiso try restarting ssh like I mentioned16:57
Storm3yyok how do I do that?16:58
jtajisudo service ssh restart16:58
Storm3yyok sec then16:58
Storm3yylet me see17:00
Storm3yyAuthentication log (see session log for details):17:00
Storm3yyUsing username "root".17:00
Storm3yyAuthentication failed.17:00
jtajiStorm3yy: let's see the end of your /var/log/auth.log17:01
jtaji!pastebin | Storm3yy17:01
ubottuStorm3yy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic17:01
Storm3yythis is crazy17:03
Storm3yywhy cant u use groups17:03
Storm3yynever seen so much rubbish in my life17:03
jtajiStorm3yy: you can, if you are willing to use the command line17:04
jtajior you can stay calm and continue debugging this problem17:05
Storm3yyi'm using the commandline17:05
Storm3yyI have no GUI17:05
jtajiI mean to edit files, and copy files to system locations17:05
Storm3yyIf you can be kind enough to tell me how to do it17:06
Storm3yyAll  I've been wanting for the last few hours is to make this user have full server permisions17:06
Storm3yywithout the use of sudo17:06
jtajiyou can't do that17:06
Storm3yytell me what to do17:06
Storm3yyI want the root account17:06
Storm3yywhat should I do to do this17:07
jtajiI did, and we were trying to get it working17:07
Storm3yytell me what to type please17:07
Storm3yyI'm lost so far17:07
jtajiStorm3yy: let's see the end of your /var/log/auth.log17:07
jtajion your server17:07
Storm3yyIts got my IPs17:07
Storm3yylet me see17:07
jtajidon't worry, your IP is
Storm3yyno server ips afaik17:08
jtajibut there are no IPs in that file17:09
jtajiStorm3yy: and then paste it into pastebin, link ubottu gave you above ^17:10
jtajionly need the last 20 or so lines17:10
Storm3yyI pmed u the url17:10
Storm3yypass 117:10
Storm3yyjtaji - did you get it?17:13
jtajiI don't know what's going on17:21
jtajialso I guess I misunderstood and thought you were doing this over a private LAN17:21
Storm3yygod sake17:23
Storm3yyubuntu is shit17:23
Storm3yywhy didnt I choose somthing else17:23
jtajiany Linux distro would be the same17:23
twbYea, verily, AHS and ASS.17:23
Storm3yyLots of distros have the root account enabled17:25
Storm3yyall I want to do is have a fucking root account17:25
Storm3yyno shit17:25
jtaji!ops | Storm3yy17:25
ubottuStorm3yy: Help! Channel emergency! soren, lamont, mathiaz or tom17:25
Storm3yyWhats that?17:25
twbStorm3yy: the root account is only "disabled" in that it has no password.  If you had performed an "expert" (i.e. priority=low) install, you would have been asked whether you wanted to have an "active" root account.17:25
Storm3yyI used an amazon EC2 EBS to try this out on17:26
jtaji!language | Storm3yy17:26
ubottuStorm3yy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:26
jtajisorry maybe that was more appropriate17:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #494497 in openssh (main) "ssh-copy-id fails with certain args" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49449717:26
twbStorm3yy: assuming you're still using traditional flat file auth, you can use "sudo passwd" to activate the root account.17:26
Storm3yythats not letting me login to it tho17:26
veebullStorm3yy, have you tried 'sudo su -l' to drop you into a root login session for the duration17:27
Storm3yythat wont work with winscp17:27
twbStorm3yy: your current user has no sudo privileges?17:27
twbStorm3yy: you can check with "sudo -l"17:28
Storm3yypasswd: password updated successfully17:28
Storm3yyMatching Defaults entries for ubuntu on this host:17:28
Storm3yy    env_reset17:28
Storm3yyUser ubuntu may run the following commands on this host:17:28
Storm3yy    (ALL) ALL17:28
Storm3yy    (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL17:28
twbStorm3yy: you should now be able to log in as root with the password you just set.17:29
twbStorm3yy: note that some applications, such as ssh, might be configured to specifically disallow root logins17:29
jtajiwe changed sshd_config already17:29
jtajiand restarted ssh17:30
twbjtaji: OK17:30
Storm3yyargh putty is saying Disconnected: no suppored auth methods available17:30
twbOf course, two-factor authentication (i.e. ssh keys) would be more secure than enabling password auth17:31
Storm3yyok so whats wrong?17:31
jtajiDec 19 17:01:05 ubuntu sshd[9913]: Accepted publickey for root from port 52399 ssh217:32
twbAnd it seems a bit silly to enable login for TWO accounts (i.e. root and the user with full sudo privileges), though I concede it's possible to shoot yourself in the foot with /etc/sudoers.17:32
jtajilooks like it did use a key?17:32
twbjtaji: buggered if I know.17:32
Storm3yyit didnt now17:32
Storm3yygod you dont understand17:32
Storm3yyI want ACCESS to ALL files on this server17:33
twbStorm3yy: I've lost patience with you.  Good luck.  Plonk.17:33
Storm3yyI CAN NOT access the files outside of the home dir17:33
Storm3yyon my user acc17:33
Storm3yysince they belong to root17:33
Storm3yyso i want to know why I cant connect to the root account now17:33
Storm3yyOk so what should I do?17:38
veebullI may have missed it in the above... but have you checked the config file for ssh?17:39
veebullA very common setting is 'PermitRootLogin No' (or something to that effect)17:39
veebullbecause most system admins acknowledge that logging in directly as root, even over ssh, is a bad idea17:40
twbveebull: the Right Thing is to teach Storm3yy how to use sudo to escalate privileges as necessay.17:40
Storm3yyIt says yes17:40
Storm3yyOk so what should I do17:40
veebulltwb, agreed.  But he seems to not be able to figure that part out <shrug>17:41
Storm3yyBasically I want to edit the files using this user account17:41
Storm3yyusing winscp17:41
Storm3yywhen I try to edit files outside my home directory it says permision denied17:41
Storm3yythats becuase everything is 'owned' by root17:41
Storm3yySo if it was your server what would you do to fix this?17:41
twbStorm3yy: winscp isn't an editor.  sudoedit(1) is the appropriate way to edit files in e.g. /etc.17:42
veebullbecause while you are logged in as that user, you don't have the privileges to access other peoples files - thats what *nix file permissions are all about17:42
Storm3yyI also want to upload files17:42
jtajiStorm3yy: we log in over ssh with our user accounts, then use sudo17:42
twbStorm3yy: if you're trying to do web shite, ~/public_html is probably the Right Thing17:42
Storm3yyis that directory too17:42
Storm3yyno, I need to edit, upload files in the /etc folders etc17:43
veebullyou might be able to add your user to the 'admin' or 'wheel' group (I forget what ubuntu uses) and thereby be able to gain some flexibility17:43
jtajiStorm3yy: you could use winscp to copy the files to your user home directory, then log in and 'sudo cp' them to their desination17:43
Storm3yywhy cant I just use the root account?17:43
Storm3yyor set the permision to those other folders to my account?17:43
veebullsorry, I only use WinSCP very rarely so I'm not so hot with it.17:43
twbveebull: unfortunately, there's no stock RBAC17:43
jtajiStorm3yy: never change system file permissions, period17:43
twbveebull: the first user created has full sudo, that's it17:44
jtajiunless you know what you are doing17:44
veebulltwb, ah.  Did not know that, thanks.17:44
Storm3yyim nackerd then17:44
Storm3yythe server is useless?17:44
jtajiStorm3yy: spend a couple of days, and learn linux command line usage17:44
Storm3yyUnless I want to keep copying stuff which will make my life hell17:44
Storm3yyHow do I setup root?17:44
jtajiyou seem to be somewhat proficient acutally, which is confusing me17:45
twbjtaji: possibly via cargo cult training17:45
Storm3yywhat a load of rubbish :S17:50
veebullStorm3yy, help us understand what you're trying to do.  What files do you need to upload to /etc?  Why not simply open them in PuTTY (after sudoing to root privileges)?17:50
veebulland do your editing that way?17:51
frojndHello there...17:51
frojndTill recently I had static IP for server17:52
frojndbut since I don't need to have it anyomre17:52
frojndI'd like to make it dhcp17:52
frojndI went to /etc/network/interfaces17:52
frojndand type in auto lo17:52
frojndiface lo inet loopback17:52
frojndauto eth117:52
frojndiface eth1 inet dhcp17:52
Storm3yyveebull - basically Ineed to upload files to the /etc folder17:53
Storm3yyfor apache and software im running17:53
frojndsaved it and after that I run a command /etc/init.d/networking restart17:53
Storm3yyand editing them17:53
Storm3yysince they are ran by root17:53
frojndbut I got somethging interesting17:53
Storm3yyI can tdo it on my account17:53
Storm3yyi get permision denied17:53
twbveebull: I think Storm3yy wants to edit files using a local GUI editor instead of using e.g. vi (via sudoedit).17:53
frojndsomething about broadcast adress...17:54
jtajifrojnd: comment out #iface eth1 inet dhcp17:54
frojndjtaji: it is17:54
twbfrojnd: that file looks fine to me17:54
jtajifrojnd: yeah sorry, ignore me17:54
Storm3yytwb - correct17:54
frojndwhen I had static I configured also adresses17:54
Storm3yyand upload files17:54
veebullStorm3yy, could you edit the files in a local editor, then cut-n-paste them in a PuTTY window?17:55
twbHe could use a GUI editor that understands transparent remote file access using both ssh and then sudo -- Emacs is such an editor.17:55
frojndI get there is already a pid file /var/rin/dhclient.eth1.pid with pid 13451907217:55
frojndand I get repitedly17:56
twbfrojnd: is network-manager (NetworkManager) installed and/or running?17:56
veebulltwb, I don't generally wish emacs on people ;)17:56
Storm3yyveebull - No17:56
frojndDCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval [1-9[1-9]17:56
Storm3yyI want to upload them17:56
frojndtwb: er... no17:56
twbfrojnd: good17:56
frojndI only edit some files that I can't remember now17:57
twbfrojnd: next time, install etckeeper.  It'll help you remember17:57
frojndmaybe hosts also beside /etc/network/interfaces17:57
jtajiStorm3yy: it's the same thing really, just start with an empty file in putty17:57
veebullThen you have a problem.  You don't have the permissions (you are a regular user), and the system will not let you login remotely as the root user for security reasons (as you've found)17:57
jtajiand paste in the whole contents17:57
frojndok but now can someone please help me connect to the internet the server?17:57
Storm3yyI cant17:57
frojndfrom then on I'm good17:57
Storm3yyI cant make new files in any folder outside my HOME DIRECTORY17:58
Storm3yyPERMISION denied17:58
Storm3yycaps sorry17:58
veebulldo you not understand file permissions?17:58
veebull*nix style?17:58
jtajiStorm3yy: you can with sudo17:58
veebullStorm3yy, here, I searched the WinSCP site for you:17:59
frojndok so noone knows17:59
frojndthat's sad :<17:59
Storm3yyI cant use sudo with winscp17:59
Storm3yyfor goodness sake17:59
veebullyes you can, read the faq17:59
veebull'Use sudo on login'18:00
twbveebull: ha18:00
Storm3yylet me see18:01
twbfrojnd: what you're doing SHOULD work.  Use mii-tool or ethtool to ensure that the cable is connected18:01
Storm3yysorry im stressed been working on this for 3 days18:01
twbfrojnd: otherwise, check that your DHCP server is serving DHCP18:01
frojndtwb: erm i'm pretty sure it is :>18:01
frojnd2 computeres happily on right now18:02
veebullStorm3yy, any luck?18:20
Storm3yyno cant seem to find ou thow to issue the sudo cmd18:21
Storm3yywith winscp18:21
frojndI'm desperate here18:21
frojndcan someone please help me connect to the internet18:22
frojndI hae 8.0418:22
veebullStorm3yy, Did you go and read the link I sent you?18:23
frojndhow can I force server that it will get Ips via dhcp?18:23
frojndanyone please?18:23
veebullSpecifically the part where it talks about specify a specific command as a custom shell18:24
veebulland then tells you how to go do that18:24
frojndI give up18:24
frojndhow can I configure server that it would have static IP?18:24
veebullAnd it still doesn't work when you specify 'sudo -s' as the login shell?18:25
Storm3yyi dont see how to do that18:25
Storm3yyit dosnt say18:25
veebullIf you go to http://winscp.net/eng/docs/faq_su, go to the section titled 'Use sudo on Login'18:26
veebullabout 10-12 lines down it starts 'With SCP protocol, you can specify following commands as custom shell on the SCP/Shell tab...'18:27
veebullclick on the green text 'SCP/Shell tab'... it's a link to the page for *that*18:28
veebullspecifically http://winscp.net/eng/docs/ui_login_scp#shell18:29
Storm3yyIt dosnt tell me where to put the command tho18:30
Storm3yyok fixed18:31
Storm3yyhow do i setup lamp to point to /home/user/www18:32
veebullI was starting to think maybe you *shouldn't* be allowed access to /etc at all! ;) (just kidding)18:32
Storm3yyinstead of var/www/18:32
Storm3yySorry i thought it was a box I typed it in18:32
Storm3yyit was a drop down menu lol18:32
diplofrojnd, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-ubuntu-server-from-dhcp-to-a-static-ip-address/18:32
veebullI'm less experienced w/ Apache config...18:33
veebullis there a reason /var/www won't work, or http://<hostname>/~username?18:33
Storm3yyit does but I'd prefer to keep everything in my home directory like that18:34
veebullperhaps a link from a folder in your home dir to /var/www/whatever?18:35
Storm3yyDone it I think18:36
frojnddiplo: I tried18:39
frojndhow can Icheck ifconfig /all in linux?18:40
frojndifconfig /all is for windows18:40
guntbertfrojnd: ip ad18:41
frojndI don't understand18:42
frojndin /etc/resolv.conf I add my router's IP18:42
frojndand I still can't ping router :S18:42
diplofrojnd, ifconfig on it's own will display the results from all your adaptors18:44
Liberty76My server hosts a printer. The printer will print from my desktop, but when I try to print from my vista machine it won't print. I think I need to tell my server about the Vista machine.. How?18:44
diploDo you get nothing ?18:44
diploResolv.conf is for DNS18:44
uvirtbotNew bug: #498578 in samba (main) "While installing wine the needed smb-client package could not be installed. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49857818:46
diploYou can check a paticular NIC by doing ifconfig eth0 or eth1 etc18:48
frojndthat's just insane18:50
frojndI'll reinstall server18:50
diploWat results do you get when you do ifconfig18:51
frojndand installe nex time etckeeper18:51
frojndI just  get one ifconfig18:51
frojndI mean eth118:51
frojndand lo18:51
diploand eth1 have any ip's against it ?18:51
frojndwell yes18:51
frojndwwhen Trying to static I p yes18:52
diplo inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
frojndbut I only need dhcp18:52
diploWell that's all you should need from that page18:53
diploauto eth018:53
diploiface eth0 inet dhcp18:53
diplochange the 0 to 1 obviously18:53
frojndjust 2 lines?18:53
diploShould *just* work18:54
diploifdown eth1 ; ifup eth1 after18:54
frojndwhat about /etc/resolv18:54
frojndthere is <- my router's ip18:54
diploresolv is for dns18:54
frojnddo I need that?18:54
diploif it's already in the resolv and it's correct for your router that's fine18:55
frojnddiplo: :(18:55
diplonot worked ?18:55
frojndI keepg getting DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval ...18:55
frojnd no unforunatelly no18:56
diplodefo got dhcp running on the router ?18:56
frojnddiplo: I just tested with live puppy cd18:56
frojndand I just clicked dhcp for eth118:56
frojndand I was on the internet18:56
frojndso I'm pretty sure18:56
frojndmaybe some other files are doing a mess18:57
diploCan't think of anything else that should affect it18:57
frojndI get there is already a pid file /var/run/dhclient.eth1.pid with pid 13451907218:57
frojndsurprisingly I get this always after restarting network18:58
frojndand now I need to download again ubuntu 8.9418:58
frojnd8.04 just because I screwed something up :s18:58
subthat's an abnormal pid18:58
frojndit's big yeah _D18:59
diploCould try /etc/init.d/networking restart ?18:59
frojndwhere can I get ubuntu 8.04 LTS 64bit?18:59
frojnddiplo: I did the same error18:59
diploNever had to do that before but i suppose worth a go18:59
frojndas with ifdown...18:59
frojndI need to reinstall server in order to increase /19:00
diploGot two NIC's in the machine ?19:00
frojndand to isntall 64bit19:00
frojnddiplo: yes one is dead19:00
frojnddiplo: it isn't even shown in ifconfig19:00
frojndthe dead one is also integrated... it suffered too much of electricity :P19:01
frojndso where can I get ubuntu 64bit19:01
jtajifrojnd: ubuntu.com19:01
jtajithey have made it difficult to find19:02
frojndjtaji: i know19:02
frojndthat's why I'm asking19:02
jtajioh not so much, just click alternate download options19:02
frojndand that's not sarcastic :>19:02
frojndjtaji: thanx :>19:03
jtajino prob19:03
diploNot sure if that's the right link19:03
frojndhow can I DL it with wget?19:03
frojndI prefer wget and screen19:03
frojndI really do19:03
jtaji^^ diplo just linked19:03
uvirtbotjtaji: Error: "^" is not a valid command.19:03
frojndthanx jtaji19:04
ghostlinesmy filesystem has erros and i sometimes I can't mount it, and when i do mount it i can't write to it19:04
ghostlinesi did a fsck check to automatically repait it and that didn't work19:04
ghostlinesnow fsck says i should run fsck manually, my question is what i can do manually?19:05
ghostlinesall I suppose i can do is hit y everytime it asks me if it should repair a block19:05
diploCan automate the -y19:05
ghostlinesisn't that what the -a switch does19:05
ghostlinesyeah used that switch too19:06
ghostlinesbut to no avail19:06
diplo-p ?19:06
ghostlineshmm let me check that one out19:06
diploThat's automic repair ( No Questions )19:07
ghostlinesthe -a switch does automatic repairs according the manpage19:08
ghostlinesi don't see -p but do see -P in the manpages don't understand what that's exactly for though19:10
ghostlinesahh my bad man19:11
frojndis tere a way to DL this from slovenian server?19:11
frojndthe speed from this server jtaji gave is kinda slow19:11
ghostlinesI think i gotta use the -p switch with e2fsck not fsck19:11
frojndjtaji: the link you gave me... can you privide me the one with arnes server?19:13
jtajifrojnd: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors19:15
frojndjtaji: thanx!!19:16
frojndaaah what a speed == relief :D19:19
MTecknologytwb: thanks19:35
MTecknologyI'm close... "ufw enable" remote logging server only logs local logs; "ufw disable" remote logging server logs everything19:58
ruben23hi , how do i set an application to run on reboot automatically..?20:00
ruben23like tomcat20:00
MTecknologyruben23: you mean run a command that starts it on reboot or a service?20:01
MTecknologyidk how tomcat works..20:01
MTecknologyfor something like supybot; I add this line in "crontab -e"  "sudo -u mtbot supybot mtbot.conf --daemon"20:02
ruben23MTecknology:yeah as a service20:03
MTecknologyruben23: for a service; aptitude install rcconf; use that - it's much much nicer than the default tools20:03
MTecknology... I LOVE ufw; this is everything for iptables I ever wanted20:08
ruben23MTecknology: how about adding script just to run the application on reboot..20:09
MTecknologyruben23: I'd add an entry in cron20:09
frojndHOw can I check if my downloaded file is ok?20:10
jmarsdenruben23: @reboot /path/to/script/that/runs/application20:10
MTecknologyinstead of the "* * * * *" part use "@reboot" Then every reboot/startup it'lll be ...........20:10
MTecknologythere's that20:10
guntbert!md5sum | frojnd20:10
ubottufrojnd: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:10
MTecknologyjmarsden: type slower20:10
MTecknologyI need to figure out why logcheck is mailing out every hour....20:11
MTecknologyit's pretty much mailing on 2 * * * *20:12
frojnddamn it :S20:12
frojndHow come has failed .S20:12
frojndI didn't get any errors while wget20:13
MTecknologyfrojnd: watch the language20:14
frojndMTecknology: my bad20:14
MTecknologyfrojnd: it happens sometimes... in most cases I install without checking20:14
MTecknologyfrojnd: can you use firefox to download instead of wget?20:15
frojndmaybe isn't the whet20:15
frojndI dl'ed 8.04.320:16
frojndand on the has site there is only 8.0420:16
frojnddoes this make any sense?20:16
frojndpardon :(20:16
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)20:16
frojndMTecknology: I can use chromium yes20:17
frojndbut what would change this20:17
frojndin wget I have -c option20:17
frojndalso -bandwith option20:17
frojndand so on20:17
MTecknologyI think firefox has a few tools built-in to prevent bad downloads20:17
frojndthat's for alternate20:18
MTecknologyI thought cdimage.u.c had more than just alternate :S20:19
frojndthat's weird20:20
frojndI have the same sum20:20
MTecknologythen be happy :)20:21
frojndwhy would checking the test report that either CD-ROM or some data is corrupted?20:21
frojndmaybe I've burn't wrong20:21
frojndI'll try with 10x  and not with 4x speed20:21
MTecknologyMy issue is usually burning and not downloading20:22
frojndcds sux20:23
frojndthere is always something worng20:23
Liberty76why LTS? Isn't karmic newer and better and still have as much support life left20:27
MTecknologyLiberty76: for some people running with LTS is a better option20:28
Liberty76LTS for server though is 5 years though I suppose20:28
ScottKLiberty76: Yes. For server, Hardy has longer support left20:28
Liberty76hmm but why is LTS better?20:29
ScottKFewer upgrade cycles.20:29
ScottKFor some that won't matter20:29
MTecknologyPersonally; I like the 6mo releases; if I had >30 servers to manage I'd probably use LTS20:29
Liberty76I built new server on karmic... Will likely upgrade in April but don't expect to ever again20:30
MTecknologyGAH! I can't figure out why logcheck is mailing out hourly.....20:32
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)20:45
frojndis there a way to install lxde from ubuntu server 8.04 ?20:59
frojndapt-cache search won't find it20:59
mcdermmnis there a easy way to get the number of block groups in a partion without mounting it?21:00
MTecknologyfrojnd: It's recommended to use cli instead of gui to manage your server21:01
MTecknology!info lxde21:01
ubottulxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.2-1ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 4 kB, installed size 36 kB21:01
MTecknologyfrojnd: You need to enable universe repos for it21:01
MTecknologymcdermmn: doesn't fdisk show you that?21:01
frojndMTecknology: it's not  for managing the server :D21:02
frojndMTecknology: it's for my sis...21:02
frojndMTecknology: all the background is done by me and ssh21:02
frojndI upgraded with 1gb ram21:02
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:02
frojndso this shouldn't be a problem21:02
frojndMTecknology: to be hones I don0t even know how to manage a server with x :D21:03
mcdermmnMTecknology it shows blocks, i dont think it does block groups21:03
MTecknologymcdermmn: oh, beyond that I have noe idea - sorry21:03
frojndMTecknology: universe are enabled... that's odd21:04
MTecknologyfrojnd: apt-get update; apt-get install lxde21:04
frojndMTecknology: there is no package named lxde21:04
frojndMTecknology: and I did update and upgrade frist thing after installation21:05
MTecknologywhat version of ubuntu?21:05
MTecknology!info lxde hardy21:06
ubottuPackage lxde does not exist in hardy21:06
MTecknology!info lxde intrepid21:06
ubottulxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB21:06
MTecknologyNeed to be on at least 8.10 for it21:06
frojndMTecknology: yeah.. but those versions have like 6months of support21:07
MTecknologythen you need to pick something different21:07
frojndI installed 8.4 so I don't have to dist-upgrade every half a year21:07
frojndyeah I don't have time for another installation21:07
MTecknologyaptitude install ubuntu-desktop21:08
frojndthat would install gnome?21:08
MTecknologyand all tools21:08
MTecknologywhy didn't you start with that if it's for a desktop21:08
MTecknologyalso - desktop support is #ubuntu21:08
frojndMTecknology: it ain't21:09
frojndX would be just an extension for my sis21:09
MTecknologyI need to go21:09
frojndShe only needs a browser epiphany file browser nad mplayer21:09
frojndMTecknology: have fun21:09
frojndwhatever your gonna do :)21:09
MTecknologythat's a desktop system...21:10
frojndMTecknology: no21:10
frojndMTecknology: 90%of time server will do other work21:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #498614 in openssh (main) "SSH in and out of host produces bad packet length on fresh build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49861421:21
MTecknology:S - I can't figure out why I can't change how often logcheck sens out email21:49
MTecknologyIt's default 1x/hr but I want less often21:49
MTecknologyI have a cron to run @daily; I need to figure out how to disable the hourly21:51
MTecknologyGOT IT!21:58
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KismetGFXwas wondering if anyone has insight on this issue, seems a lot of people are experiencing it. hitachi drives reporting false positive / bad sectors when fsck has no problems https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libatasmart/+bug/43813623:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 438136 in libatasmart "palimpsest bad sectors false positive" [Unknown,Confirmed]23:31
mike3Anyone experiencing CPU soft lockups?23:39
mike3is the latest dist-upgrade fix a lot of bugs?23:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #498641 in postfix (main) "package postfix (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 128" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49864123:46
mike3well i managed with the latest dist-upgrade23:47
mike3I'm running ubuntu in a XEN guest and it's locking up my other systems... I noticed from the Xen host that I was getting cpu soft locks that seem to be coming from Ubuntu... So I'm hoping this upgrade fixes the issue. I've even reinstalled Ubuntu with the newest 9.10 and it still didn't fix the issue.23:48

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