
jonafan_so ubuntu one allows applications to support synchronization with the magic of couchdb04:59
burzkiaccording to linux outlaws?05:00
jonafan_i am curious, how is that superior to just keeping your apps data in ordinary files in your ubuntu one folder05:00
burzkii'm no expert.  i think it hasn't been tested much, still in development05:03
burzkithat might be a hassle for normal users05:03
jonafan_i still don't get it05:06
burzkihave you tried it.  does it work fine?05:08
jonafan_well yeah, i tried putting a file on it and also tried enabling the tomboy support05:09
jonafan_but i don't really use tomboy and only have one linux machine that i use heavily05:09
jonafan_it seems to work though05:09
jonafan_i've used drop box for a while05:10
burzkiwere you asking about files or apps data?  same thing?  maybe i misunderstood05:17
burzkithought you meant apps data as configs and prefs, etc.05:18
jonafan_whatever the couchdb thing is05:22
jonafan_i don't understand how it's different from just keeping config files on ubuntu one directory05:23
burzkicouchdb is a database, platform neutral. configures differently than mysql, ie. -- i know i wouldn't want to go around my system for all the app configs to get them into the One folder05:26
burzkitry this for more .. http://twit.tv/floss9905:27
jonafan_i actually i listened to that at work today05:28
jonafan_i've heard a lot of pitches, but i just don't what's impressive about it05:30
jonafan_i'm not trying to be negative, i just don't understand05:30
jonafan_well placed symbolic links provide this kind of functionality in a way that is transparent to the applications05:32
burzkidont understand One, or how it works .. ?05:32
burzkigot it05:32
jonafan_well i'm wicked tired05:36
jonafan_i'm sure some app will come out some day that will show how obviously awesome couchdb integration is05:37
b1ackcr0wim teaching myself about symlinking this morning11:16
b1ackcr0w if i symlinked a conf file in my home directory11:16
b1ackcr0w to one that didn't exist in an ubuntu one folder11:16
b1ackcr0w would that file get backed up?11:16
=== mbarnett` is now known as mbarnett
verterokjelmer_: hi16:59
jelmer_hey Guillermo17:00
jelmer_Do you know if there are any plans for a desktopcouch backend for gconf?17:01
verterokjelmer_: I think there is17:01
* verterok digg in the mail17:01
verterokjelmer_: I can't find the reference17:05
verterokjelmer_: but I think some user asked about that17:05
jelmer_ah, cool17:06
jelmer_that'd be a killer feature, at least for me17:06
verterokjelmer_: I think isn't in the plan for lucid, but if someone in the community works on it that would be great ;)17:06
* verterok -> out17:16
jelmer_verterok: ttyl!17:18
riverbirdis there a way i can get tomboy off an 8.04 machine up into One, so that i can get it back down to my new machine?18:38
riverbirdand possibly vice-versa?18:38
riverbirdi'll take that as a not possible or not known .. thx18:51
IzinucsI've got one machine running Intrepid.. how do I get Tomboy on that machine to sync with ubuntu one?23:41
IzinucsMy version of Tomboy doesn't have a "Tomboy Web" sync option.23:42

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