
DaskreeChsupersub: still downloading?00:11
jc0694hello everybody!00:17
jc0694i just installed kubuntu 9.04 on my pc and i'm looking for a good guide or book to download... any ideas?00:17
jc0694i'm a noob if you haven't figured it out (too much enthusiasm)... hehehehhe00:18
jc0694@find ubuntu00:18
DaskreeChjc0694: Welcome to Kubuntu!00:21
DaskreeChjc0694: A good question would be what do you want to do?00:23
DaskreeChAny questions on anything jc0694 ?00:25
DaskreeChHow new are you?00:26
DaskreeChAs in new to Linux? Or new to KDE or new to Kubuntu?00:27
jc0694first off, does this channel support being able to share and download files/documentation?  i tried the @find command but got nothing... i'm new to linux and kde00:27
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jc0694i'm actually new to irc too...00:28
Vroomfondlethe bot has factoids accessible via !00:28
DaskreeChwell the documentation is mostly at wiki.kubuntu.org00:28
Vroomfondlelike !ubuntu00:28
ubottukubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde00:28
Vroomfondlethe bot does not howeevr offer downloaded00:29
Vroomfondleas DaskreeCh says, the wiki/forum is the place to look for documentation00:29
DaskreeChjc0694: if you open konqueror it has a handbook there00:30
iconmefistohow do I set up network audio streaming? I have a laptop with no sound, and want it to output audio on my desktop machine's soundcard00:30
DaskreeChiconmefisto: Look into Pulseaudio00:31
jc0694ok... was kinda looking for a good .pdf file to download and break me in slowly00:31
Vroomfondleone generally learns Linux piecemeal, as-and-when00:32
iconmefistoDaskreeCh: yeah I thought pulseaudio would be the answer, but I can't find any info on how to do it in kubuntu karmic00:32
DaskreeChjc0694: Ha ha sorry to say there is no real slowly for Linux. It moves so quickly that it's all you can do to run fast enough to see it disappearing over the horizon00:33
jc0694is there a good server/channel that you may know if that facillitates the exchange of .pdf files or manuals for linux stuff?00:33
DaskreeChjc0694: but as I said let us know what you are interested in and we can go at it.00:33
DaskreeChjc0694: You have no idea what "linux stuff" entails :) that's like asking for a few tips on how to "live"00:34
DaskreeChyou'd be crushed by the table of contents :)00:34
iconmefistojc0694: the problem is there is too much documentation. you need to narrow down what you want to know00:34
jc0694i know, i know... bad question... i'm a noob... i just need something to get me off the ground and feel confident getting around the operating system... when i power on kubuntu now, i look at the screen for like 10 minutes and poke around looking at menu options then i get out because i don't know what the hell i'm doing... heheheheh00:35
DaskreeChiconmefisto: the kubuntu isn't really needed any docs you find on pulseaudio should suffice. Pulseaudio acts the same as it's below the desktop layer00:35
Vroomfondlejust identify what you want your computer to do for you, then if you can't figure out how to make it do it then ask here00:36
DaskreeChjc0694: what do you do when you are not in KUbuntu ?00:36
jc0694using windows xp... that's all i've ever used... linux is a bit, uh.. how do you say... "different" from xp00:36
jc0694... but i like it!00:36
DaskreeChjc0694: Different it is. but what does "using windows XP" mean for you?00:37
iconmefistoDaskreeCh: but how do you configure anything pulseaudio in kubuntu. everything I read is ubuntu/gnome specific and installing those gnome config tools screws with sound generally, so I end up with no sound at all00:37
DaskreeChjc0694: open konqueror and at the top there is a section that says starting points: Introduction. Click on Introduction00:38
jc0694i have know idea what windows xp means... i think the xp means like "extended program" or professional something... i don't know00:39
DaskreeChiconmefisto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio doesn't seem to have any Gnome Tools to configure00:39
DaskreeChjc0694: it was something that wasn't a year to make people forget it came out a few months after Windows 200000:40
Vroomfondlejc0694: XP stands for "eXPerience"00:40
jc0694ya... anyways, i hate the way ms keeps making you get their new os (not to mention new software to run on the os)... i'm through with ms, which is why i want to try linux00:41
iconmefistoDaskreeCh: padevchooser and the related tools are all gnome-specific00:41
jc0694ahhh... thanks for that vroomfondle00:42
DaskreeChjc0694: Ok how about we get you up on installing software. What version of Kubuntu are you using?00:42
jc0694i knew there was a reason to get up today :)00:42
iconmefistoDaskreeCh: also seems outdated: Dec-08-2007 for ubuntu gutsy00:43
iconmefistojc0694: a good way to learn (if you have the time and patience) is to screw things up, then try to fix them00:45
* DaskreeCh considers tempting jc0694 to jump to 9.1000:45
DaskreeChGood way to screw things up and try to fix them :)00:46
jc0694i want to get 9.1 but i don't know how to upgrade...00:46
Vroomfondlebad man00:46
Vroomfondleor... lady00:46
iconmefistoDaskreeCh: exactly what I was thinking. try to upgrade00:46
Vroomfondlejc0694: there's no 9.100:46
jc0694sorry... *9.1000:46
VroomfondleUbuntu release are numbered: y.mm  ie 9.04 is april 2009, 9.10 is oct 200900:47
DaskreeChjc0694: ok it's 9.10 First number is the year second is the month it comes out00:47
iconmefistojc0694: if this is a new install of 9.04, the upgrade will probably go smoothly00:47
Kage_JittaiI have heard that 10.04 is off to a bumpy start00:47
jc0694yes it is... do you recommend upgrading as each new release comes out or wait maybe for 10.04?00:48
VroomfondleI usually wait a month or so after each release.00:49
Vroomfondlebut tbh if the current release works for you, stick with it for a bit00:49
Vroomfondleno point upgrading without reason.00:49
Vroomfondleunless you're a madman like me00:49
jc0694ya... i think i will for now... i've got bigger fish to fry at the moment, like having the remotest idea of how to use this OS00:50
jc0694i opened up konqueror... i saw some help documentation but it's only on how to use knoqueror... where is the built in documentation on how to use the acutal OS00:50
Vroomfondlejc0694: what do you want to do with the OS?00:51
Vroomfondledocumentation on what to do with it would have to cover so many eventualities that it'd require a major project in itself - you may as well say "where's the documentation on how to use XP?"00:52
iconmefistojc0694: well if you do decide to upgrade, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu00:52
Vroomfondlemuch documentation is on wikie.ubuntu.org00:52
jc0694i'm in a technical field that does a lot of modeling (it's a science field)... i will mainly be using kubuntu to do programming in fortran and c (some matlab if you call that a language)00:52
Vroomfondlefortran, eh. I guess you'll want to look into the GNU fortran compiler00:53
DaskreeChjc0694: You program fortran?00:54
Vroomfondlejc0694: http://gcc.gnu.org/fortran/ for general docs, and the compiler is available as a packe in the software repositories00:54
Vroomfondle(i.e. apt-get/aptitude/synaptic)00:54
jc0694did... it's been a while and i need to get back into it00:54
Vroomfondleand of course for C, GCC00:54
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)00:54
Vroomfondlejc0694: do you know how to use apt-get? If not, it's worth learning00:55
Vroomfondleit's the main way of installing & managing software on K/Ubuntu.00:55
DaskreeChjc0694: What kind of modeling? Math modeling or somethign more concrete?00:55
jc0694ya... i'm learning the hard way... i was hoping kubuntu had an installed aps menu so i could see what programs are installed on my pc (like in xp)... i installed matlab but the program doesn't show up anywhere... i have to run it from the shell command prompt00:56
jc0694major drag00:56
what_ifI cannot see the local samba network from Dolphin, but I can from smb4k. Any ideas?00:57
Vroomfondlejc0694: it should show up in the K menu...00:57
Vroomfondleeven if it's installed as a Windows program (should show up under the Wine submenu)00:57
jc0694i found the documentation on kde in konqueror... i really need to read this first...01:02
Vroomfondleto be honest I think apt is the most important thing to learn in k/ubuntu01:02
jc0694on last question:  has anybody gotten wireless internet configured on kubuntu on a laptop?  i've been checking forums and this seems like a major issue (some people even telling me to forget about... it's not worth the trouble)... is this possible?01:04
Vroomfondleit can work. Depends on the chipset.01:04
VroomfondleI didn't have any trouble when I used Kubuntu on my laptop01:04
jc0694what chipset do/did you have?01:05
iconmefistojc0694: well it's definitely possible. I'm doing it now01:06
luux_jc0694: works outta da bok01:07
luux_* box01:07
iconmefistojc0694: find "Hardware Drivers" in the system submenu and get any proprietary drivers you may need, especially for wireless. the things likely to show up there are graphics and wireless devices01:08
Vroomfondlejc0694: iwl394501:09
Vroomfondle(I think)01:09
jc0694ya... it keeps saying "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system" at the bottom it's referencing my broadcom STA wireless driver.01:10
jc0694it says "activated but not currently in use"01:11
VroomfondleI have to confess I've abandoned Kubuntu for SUSE on my laptop, so will have to refer you to my fellow channel users for info01:12
iconmefistojc0694: I got that message when I first "activated" it, but I don't remember what I did to enable it01:12
jc0694i don't know how to install the driver for it...01:13
DaskreeChjc0694: what is your wifi that you are using?01:13
jc0694i think it's a broadcomm STA... that's what the kubuntu is saying is activated but currently not in use01:14
iconmefistodo you have a button on your computer that switches off the wireless?01:15
DaskreeChjc0694: Ok can you type sudo lshw -C network into a terminal and pastebin the output?01:15
jc0694ya... i turned i turned it on before so it's on now... i don't know if it needs to be on when the OS is booting up though01:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:16
DaskreeChVroomfondle: I thought you might be on Suse :)01:17
iconmefistojc0694: from memory, I think I turned mine off physically, rebooted, then turned it on, then disabled/enabled it in hardware drivers again01:18
DaskreeChiconmefisto: broadcom ?01:18
iconmefistoDaskreeCh: yes01:18
jc0694ya... it's called a broadcom STA wireless... broadcom has made drivers for it which i've downloaded but it's complicated to install the driver... you have to do some type of make file to create the actual "executable" to install the driver01:19
wesley_hi, can my harddrive become fragmented?01:20
jc0694let me type of the sudo command01:21
wesley_because 97% of my home dir is full01:21
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:21
DaskreeChHmm don't know if that's the STA01:21
DaskreeChwesley_: yes01:22
Vroomfondlewesley_: potentially01:22
DaskreeChNot likely but it can happen01:22
Vroomfondledelete some stuff :)01:22
iconmefistoDaskreeCh: I see the same STA in hardware drivers. mine is BCM431201:22
wesley_It was like 1,5tb and just 5 gb free01:22
DaskreeChOh os it is a BCM43?01:22
jc0694i did the sudo command and it returned some info... what specifically are you looking for because my laptop is on a different computer and i don't know how to tranfer the data (in a timely manner at least) to this chat screen01:24
DaskreeChjc0694: open paste.ubuntu.com and put what it said there01:24
wesley_I have my home direction encrythed, but I have a nother harddrive and thats 1 gb, I would like use it for back up, but I want it encrypted to01:24
DaskreeChWe can all see it then. Paste the URL that it gives you here01:24
DaskreeChwesley_: You would like to back up a 1.5 TB HDD to a 1 GB HDD ?01:25
iconmefistoDaskreeCh: but the laptop is not connected, so not easy to just paste01:25
wesley_No DaskreeCh just some fils which I almost never use01:25
DaskreeChiconmefisto: ha ha of course :) I thought he was on the machine01:25
iconmefistojc0694: can you connect the laptop with an ethernet cable?01:26
wesley_those files take to much space on my home01:26
wesley_like corrupted usenet downloads01:26
jc0694yes... i went to the website (past.ubuntu.com) but i have to have an account right?01:27
iconmefistojc0694: have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105981901:27
DaskreeChwesley_: Why are you keeping corrupted downloads?01:28
DaskreeChjc0694: paste.ubuntu.com ? No01:28
wesley_because they say after few weeks it could be that those corrupted downloads will be reapairable01:29
DaskreeChsupersub: ping01:29
DaskreeChwesley_: Ah ok01:29
wesley_I use Astraweb01:29
wesley_but I want to backup my files but the harddrive should be protected, if police or what ever would come and see copyright procted files for example I have big problem, so have make sure they not get in01:31
DaskreeChjc0694: It's asking for a account login ?01:32
DaskreeChwesley_: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/08/17/7-steps-to-an-encrypted-partition-local-or-removable-disk/01:33
wesley_The best feature of 9,10 is option to encrtyh your home01:34
wesley_but I have recently bought a samsung eco drive, so I bit slower then normal drive, but atleast my nettop uses just 40 watt01:36
wesley_Lets see what our country's will do, I am running Atom330 pc with Nvidia Ion to reduce co201:37
DaskreeChwesley_: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Karmic#Create_an_encrypted_folder01:38
wesley_that guide better or what?01:38
wesley_could my computer be slowing down because full harddrive01:40
wesley_ah wtf you will not believe a single program is using 1500 mb memory01:42
jc0694daskreech you still there?01:42
jc0694jc0694@school-laptop:~$ sudo lsjw -C network01:43
jc0694[sudo] password for jc0694:01:43
jc0694jc0694@school-laptop:~$ sudo lshw -C network01:43
jc0694[sudo] password for jc0694:01:43
jc0694  *-network01:43
jc0694       description: Network controller01:43
FloodBotK1jc0694: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:43
DaskreeChjc0694: Yes01:43
wesley_I should report sometime like this orb is normal nzb downloader using 1500mb memory01:43
prefrontal I can't get libx264 to compile from source on Ubuntu 9.10. I configure with --enable-shared (which implies --enable-pic) and I get: /usr/bin/ld: common/x86/cabac-a.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 against `x264_cabac_range_lps' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC01:45
jc0694i've got the data but still can't show you... past.ubuntu.com is asking for a login and password01:46
DaskreeChjc0694: paste.ubuntu.com01:47
DaskreeChpast.ubuntu.com is you trying to hack into the server :001:47
jc0694paste.ubuntu.com defaults to: https://login.launchpad.net/+openid01:48
DaskreeChwhen did that happen?01:49
DaskreeChjc0694: pastebin.ca01:49
DaskreeChjc0694: or pastebin.com01:50
jc0694ok... got a link:  http://pastebin.ca/172092401:51
DaskreeChcool thanks01:52
DaskreeChjc0694: Ok you said you had some steps you were following. Do you have a linkg to those?01:55
jc0694ya... http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README.txt01:56
DaskreeChjc0694: ok and where are you stumped ?02:07
DaskreeChjc0694: Oh did you install build essentials?02:07
jc0694yep... hold one sec...02:07
=== naruto is now known as Guest53312
DaskreeChnaruto: Beleive it!02:08
jc0694the problem was at the end, specifically:  "modprobe lib80211" command02:10
jc0694this command does not build the file02:10
=== lamar is now known as mrlinux10101
DaskreeChthat should happen long after the file is built02:11
DaskreeChjc0694: Can you pastebin the putput of lsmod ?02:12
DaskreeChjc0694: If you don't understand any of this please ask questions I can explain what is going on if you like02:12
jc0694yep... one sec02:13
chris_what's goin on everyone02:19
chris_I have a question02:19
chris_Can someone help me with drivers for Ubunut?02:19
DaskreeChjc0694: type sudo rmmod ssb02:19
DaskreeChchris_: Which drivers?02:19
jc0694done... didn't look like it did anything... after i entered my password it went directly back to the prompt... nothing displayed02:21
DaskreeChjc0694: Ah Right.02:22
DaskreeChjc0694: A good UNIX command says nothing if something went right02:22
DaskreeChImagine it sort of like the boss of a well run organization. If you give the order for something to be done then it's simply done02:23
DaskreeChIf it's not then they will report to you as to why it wasn't done and leave you to make a choice as to what to do next02:23
jc0694specifically:  when i run the command "modprobe lib80211" it returns "FATAL:  Module lib 80211 not found."02:24
DaskreeChFor most commands you can tell them to report what they are doing as they are doing it so you can get info but for the most part nothing happeneing means that infact good things are happeneing02:24
jc0694got it... thanks for clarifying... see above for the error i get when i run the second to last command02:25
DaskreeChjc0694: right why is there a space there?02:25
DaskreeChdid you run sudo modprobe lib 80211 ?02:26
jc0694let me try that02:26
DaskreeChjc0694: no that was a question :) that shouldn't work02:27
DaskreeChyou should be running sudo modprobe lib8021102:28
jc0694dumb question... but the lib80211... is that a file?  the current directory that I'm in i don't see a file named lib8021102:28
jc0694... becasue it keeps saying that it can't find this lib80211 file02:29
DaskreeChjc0694: It's a file but it's kept  in the kernel modules directory that modprobe looks for. If the compile that you did was successful then it should be there02:29
DaskreeChdid you run make or sudo make when you compiled?02:29
DaskreeChmake would probably compile it but not have the authority to put it in the kernel directory02:30
jc0694it did build the wl.ko file but it put that in the current directory where in unzipped everything02:30
DaskreeChjc0694: do you still have the directory that you compiled in?02:30
DaskreeChok cd there and type sudo - i02:31
DaskreeChok cd there and type sudo -i02:31
jc0694done... that put me in the root directory02:32
DaskreeChtype pwd02:32
DaskreeChdoes it say /root ?02:32
jc0694it says "/root"02:32
jc0694what is that command supposed to do?02:33
DaskreeChhmm ok cd back to the directory you were in before02:33
DaskreeChjc0694: it makes you a full root user02:33
DaskreeChYour prompt should have a # instead of a $ now02:33
DaskreeCh# means you are root02:33
DaskreeChso be careful since you can do whatever you like now02:34
jc0694what does the -i mean for sudo?02:35
DaskreeChI just said :)02:35
DaskreeChit makes you a full root user02:35
DaskreeChso everything that you type now is done as if you were root instead of as your self02:35
jc0694oh... i've typed sudo before but no -i option... didn't know if there was a difference02:36
Vroomfondlewithout the -i, the root permissions only last for one command.02:36
DaskreeChjc0694: Without it it runs the next command that you do as root then returns you back to yourself02:37
jc0694gotcha... how do i leave sudo?02:37
DaskreeChjc0694: If you have Konqueror still open you can type man:/sudo to see all the options while you are working02:37
DaskreeChjc0694: type exit or Ctrl+D but we need root for now02:38
DaskreeChjc0694: Oh in Linux ^ is read as Ctrl so if you see me type ^F that just means Ctrl+F02:38
DaskreeChjc0694: We like shortening things to the smallest they can get :)02:38
DaskreeChjc0694: cd back to the directory02:39
DaskreeChit should be in your own user directory which is under /home02:39
jc0694i'm there... still have the # so i'm still sudo :)02:39
DaskreeChI can show you a shortcut for that if you like02:39
DaskreeChok type make clean02:39
DaskreeChthis will clean out the things from the last compile02:39
DaskreeChtype make02:40
jc0694done... got a warning about missing a license file... but it did build the files02:41
DaskreeCh!hi | Wolfcastle02:42
ubottuWolfcastle: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!02:42
DaskreeChjc0694: ok you should have a wl.ko file in the dir ?02:42
Wolfcastlehow come kubuntu doesn't use pulseaudio?02:42
jc0694that is correct... it's there02:42
DaskreeChWolfcastle: Pulseaudio isn't quite ready, Kubuntu works without it and most of the features that PulseAudio bring to the table are not needed by most people02:43
DaskreeChjc ok type ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/net/wireless | grep wl02:43
DaskreeChjc0694: ^^02:43
WolfcastleDaskreeCh: I see thanx, i just like the fact that I could turn up the volume beyond 100% with it02:44
DaskreeChLet me know if it prints anything02:44
WolfcastleIt's kind of low in general02:44
DaskreeChWolfcastle: If you need it you can install it and use it we don't block people using it02:44
DaskreeChWolfcastle: I'm assuming you went into kmix/alsamixer and turned up the controls?02:45
jc0694do i type the parenthesis?02:45
Wolfcastleyes indeed turned up the volume in both02:45
DaskreeChWolfcastle: They are the same thing so turning up in kmix turns up in alsamixer and vice versa :)02:45
Wolfcastleah ok02:46
Wolfcastlejust found a channel that helped a little at least02:46
DaskreeChjc0694: Ok two things about that command I just gave you 1) is that it runs a command that replaces part of what you did and 2) it piped the output of the command to a new command02:46
DaskreeChWolfcastle: great :) which channel?02:46
DaskreeChand which card arey ou using may I ask?02:46
Wolfcastlehda intel02:47
DaskreeChAh of course02:47
jc0694having problems... in the /lib/modules directory theres only one directory called "2.6.28-11-generic"02:47
Wolfcastlehehe is it that bad?02:47
DaskreeChWolfcastle: They are redoing their drivers which casues a little bit of havoc02:48
DaskreeChjc0694: right that should be fine02:48
DaskreeChjc0694: you can do ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/net/wireless | grep wl02:49
DaskreeChjc0694: you can do ls /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/kernel/net/wireless | grep wl I mean02:49
jc0694i'm lost on the path you want me to go to:  do you want me to type it exactly as you said (i.e. "$(urname -r)") or should i be substituting something for urname?02:49
DaskreeChthough that is the same thing02:49
DaskreeChjc0694: They are the same thing02:49
DaskreeChtry one then the other02:49
DaskreeChnixternal: would Canonical hire you?02:50
DaskreeChjc0694: neat trick eh?02:51
jc0694ok... i did it... a little confused:  when i type "pwd" it says my current folder is in the 2.6.28-11-generic02:51
DaskreeChjc0694: Hmm not sure how you got there :-)02:52
DaskreeChjc0694: type cd -02:52
DaskreeChwith the -02:52
DaskreeChthen type pwd and tell me where you are02:52
DaskreeChjc0694: :-)02:53
jc0694is this right?02:53
DaskreeChok did the command that I give you show anythign ?02:53
jc0694no... i have used grep before so i know it's searching... that's what I'm saying though... there is no folder/subfolder after /lib/modules except "2.6.28-11-generic"02:55
DaskreeChjc0694: you can just press up to get it back02:55
DaskreeChjc0694: Ok seems that it didn't have the shared library before02:55
jc0694that's the only subfolder under /lib/modules02:55
DaskreeChjc0694: ok lets take a pause here :)02:55
DaskreeChjc0694: type uname -r02:56
DaskreeChwhat does it say?02:56
jc0694it says " -bash: urname: command not found"02:56
DaskreeCh2.6.28-11-generic ?02:56
DaskreeChjc0694: No uname02:57
DaskreeChnot urname02:57
DaskreeChuname -r02:57
jc0694oh... im stupid heheheh =)02:57
DaskreeChshoudl say 2.6.28-11-generic02:57
jc0694that's right02:58
DaskreeChthat s what you were typing before ?02:58
DaskreeChok type $(uname -r)02:58
DaskreeChshould say the same thing02:58
jc0694i'm still in the modules directory... it says:  command not found03:00
DaskreeChjc0694: Right of course :)03:00
DaskreeChsorry yes that's right03:00
DaskreeChjc0694: type echo uname -r03:00
DaskreeChit should say uname -r03:00
jc0694says "uname -r"03:01
DaskreeChtype echo $(uname -r)03:01
DaskreeChshould say 2.6.28-11-generic03:01
jc0694that's right03:01
DaskreeChwhen I said type  ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/net/wireless | grep wl the $(uname -r) would be replaced with 2.6.28-11-genric03:02
DaskreeChwhich would go inside the directory there03:02
jc0694ok... let me try that command again03:02
DaskreeChI didn't know which kernel you were using so that would always put you in the right place03:03
DaskreeChwithout the ur :)03:03
DaskreeChjc0694: did it say anything ?03:04
DaskreeChso I just had you list out everything in the directory03:04
DaskreeChthe | passed that list to another command03:04
DaskreeChand as you said grep looks for things so we were looking for a file that has wl in it03:05
DaskreeChnone exist so it's empty03:05
DaskreeChHmm want to learn another fun trick ?03:05
DaskreeChok you have a history of commands03:06
DaskreeChPressing up gets you back the command you did before pressing up again gets you the one before that03:06
DaskreeChlets jump back to the direcory that you were in before03:06
jc0694nice... how do i copy really long weird file name to prompt without trying to do it manually... that's a real drag03:06
DaskreeChPress ^R and type home03:07
DaskreeChit will search through all the old commands you did and show you the last one that had home in it03:07
DaskreeChthat shuld be the cd command to your directory :)03:07
DaskreeChWell I hope so :)03:08
jc0694says something about a reverse i search... didn't take me home though03:08
DaskreeChpressed enter?03:09
jc0694yep, i pressed enter... still in /lib/modules03:09
DaskreeChbah :)03:09
DaskreeChok fine another trick03:09
DaskreeCh~ is a shortcut for home03:10
DaskreeChyou are root right now so I think that if you type echo ~03:10
DaskreeChit should say /root03:10
jc0694ya... that took me to /root03:10
DaskreeChRight but you wnat to get to your users directory03:10
DaskreeChso you can type cd ~username03:11
DaskreeChand it should take you to the home directory of username03:11
jc0694ok... yep...that's good, i'm there now03:12
DaskreeChok cd into the directory with the source03:12
DaskreeChyou can of course have done both in one step by saying cd ~username/path/to/source03:12
lazydragoonsomeone know how to put emerald theme ?03:13
jc0694do you want me in the directory with the wl.ko file we made?03:13
DaskreeChso we will copy over the driver with cp wl.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/network/wireless/03:14
DaskreeChjc0694: you don't have to be but it's slightly easier for you right now03:14
jc0694keeps saying that the file cannot be created because the directory does not exit03:16
DaskreeChjc0694: Hmm03:16
DaskreeChlazydragoon: actaully #ubuntu is more adept at that than here03:17
DaskreeChjc0694: Moment :)03:17
jc0694when i went to /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic I didn't see any subfolders there either... not sure why?03:18
DaskreeChjc0694: none?03:18
DaskreeChnot even kernel ?03:18
jc0694sorry...that's not right... there ARE files there... kernel and some other stuff03:19
DaskreeChjc0694: Ok try this03:19
DaskreeChcp wl.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/net/wireless/03:19
jc0694but there is no network folder under kernel03:19
jc0694there's a folder called "net" in the kernel directory03:20
DaskreeChRight :)03:20
DaskreeChjc0694: ok umm check to see if there is a net/wireless03:21
jc0694... but no network... the path above was referencing "network" as a subfolder for kernel... that doesn't exit03:21
DaskreeChI really should have looked at that before >_>03:21
DaskreeChjc0694: yeah I was reading the broadcom docs which don't match03:21
DaskreeChjc0694: press ^r and type network03:22
jc0694yep... there's a wireless03:22
DaskreeChYou can press ^r again till you get the | grep wl command03:22
DaskreeChpress esc then and edit it to change network to net03:22
DaskreeChlets see if grep finds anything03:23
jc0694the ^r command is funny... it's either not working right or i'm doing something wrong... the only file in wireless is a file called "cfg80211.ko"03:23
DaskreeChthere should be a lib80211.ko as well03:24
DaskreeChwhich I guess explains why the modprobe was not finding it03:24
jc0694nope... nothing... just the cfg file03:25
DaskreeChjc0694: ok let cp the wl.ko in there03:25
DaskreeChyou can copy it from where you are or you can go back to the dir and copy it from there to /lib/modules03:26
DaskreeChok type depmod03:26
jc0694in which directory?03:26
DaskreeChdoesn't matter03:26
jc0694done... paused a few seconds but it's done03:27
DaskreeChok where are you now?03:27
jc0694sorry... it's NOT done... says permission denied03:27
jc0694i was in the wrong terminal... not the sudo one... hold a sec03:28
DaskreeChcd into the wireless dir under kernel/net03:28
DaskreeChHa Ok :)03:28
jc0694now says done03:28
jc0694no problems or anything03:28
DaskreeChok cd into the wireless dir under kernel/net03:29
jc0694ok... i'm there03:29
DaskreeChwhats in there ?03:29
jc0694still just the cfg file and the wl.ko that was copied03:30
DaskreeChok type insmod wl.ko03:30
jc0694gives error:  " 'wl.ko' : -1 Unknown symbol in module"03:32
DaskreeCherr wait actually this is probably better done back in the other dir03:33
DaskreeChcd ~username/path/to/source03:33
DaskreeChthen insmod03:34
DaskreeChinsmd wl.ko I mean03:34
jc0694fyi... i'm in the extract directory w/ the original wl.ko file:  says the same thing about unknown symbol in module03:34
jc0694could the file be corrupted or something?03:35
DaskreeChno it's looking for a module but it's going to want the lib80211 module03:35
DaskreeChbut I'm betting if you type modprobe lib80211 it will fail03:36
jc0694ya... it failed... says it cannot find lib8021103:36
jc0694where could that file be?  and how come it's not where it should be?03:36
DaskreeChiconmefisto: ping03:36
DaskreeChdon't know let me try track it down03:37
DaskreeChjc0694: actually let me try this. modprobe wl03:39
jc0694from which directory?03:39
DaskreeChShouldn't matter03:40
DaskreeChDo you get lib80211 errors?03:40
jc0694hahahah... a little gui popped up down below... said something about network inferface... then it closed03:41
jc0694maybe it did it?03:41
DaskreeChno errors?03:41
jc0694no... it ran ok apparently03:41
DaskreeChAh nice must have removed the 80211 depends :)03:42
jc0694it popped a gui up titled "network" sometihng... then it closed03:42
DaskreeChthough it should need 0211_crypto for an encrypted network03:42
DaskreeChIf you click on the network do you see the wireless network?03:43
jc0694no errors though... do we still need to do an insmod command?03:43
DaskreeChthough honestly 9.10 is a lot nicer for Wireless Networks03:43
DaskreeChnope I don't think os03:43
jc0694how do i "click on the network"03:44
DaskreeChThere should be anetwork icon in the lower right on the panel03:45
jc0694looks positive... shows a check box and says enabled but the wlan interface is showing disconnected... is that good?03:46
DaskreeChat least it;s the right direction03:46
DaskreeChmost of the time that means the hardest part is done03:47
jc0694let me log into my router for a sec... and see if i can get it connected wirelessly03:47
jc0694YOU'VE DONE IT!!!!!  many many many thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!03:50
webbb82im running kde 4.4 and i just went to install plasma-netbook but i get this error03:55
webbb82  Depends: plasma-netbook (=0.0~svn1016996-0ubuntu5) but 4:4.3.80-0ubuntu4~karmic1~ppa2 is to be installed03:56
webbb82any help?03:56
DaskreeChjc0694: It was actually a lot easier than I made it look I was just teaching you things as I went along03:56
DaskreeChwebbb82: Where are you installing it from?03:56
webbb82any idea?03:59
DaskreeChwebbb82: Yes but which repo04:06
DaskreeChjc0694: Anything else you want to do?04:15
jc0694no... i'm good... actually there is something but I won't push my luck... you've done enough for me today... i may try back tomorrow and ask you a question about getting some of these apps i've installed to show... currently i'm having to run them from the shell04:16
DaskreeChjc0694: You can edit the menu and put whatever you want in there04:17
DaskreeChjc0694: Just right click the menu and choose edit04:17
jc0694hmmmm... you're tempting me hehehehhe04:17
DaskreeChIt's pretty easy just try it04:18
jc0694i did... i've opened the kde menu editor04:18
DaskreeChok go to where you want it to trn up and just make a new item04:19
jc0694let me ask you a really general question:  i'm having problems when I minimize something i can't find it again and have to open it up all over again... where do minimized "things" go?04:20
DaskreeChand alt+tab doesn't show them?04:23
jc0694well, like web browsers and stuff... i click the down arrow in the upper right hand corner and they just disappear... i thought it would be like in xp and you would see a tab down at the bottom of the screen... i will say this:  when i hover my cursor over desktop 2 icon at the bottom it says i have 23 windows open but when i try and move to click it disappears... any ideas?04:25
DaskreeChor only a specific app?04:25
DaskreeChjc0694: Do you have a list of open windows on the panel?04:26
poyntzinstalling the most recent linux-headers has made kubuntu fast. (is that because i accidentally upgraded to the 64 bit version, or what is it?)04:26
DaskreeChpoyntz: kernel headers don't do anything by themselves. They are source code needed by some programs while you are compiling04:27
DaskreeChSo unless you had some optimization that needed the linux-headers Kubuntu hasn't gotten faster04:28
jc0694it doesn't show... only when i hover my cursor in the bottom left of the desktop screen will it show that the desktop has 23 windows open, but as soon as i move it disappears so I can't get to them04:28
poyntzDaskreeCh: is there any recent update that could have done the trick that you know about?04:28
DaskreeChpoyntz: That's more likely04:29
poyntzDaskreeCh: It's cause I read somewhere x64 next to the latest linux-headers, so i assumed that meant 64 bit04:30
DaskreeChjc0694: ok can you open the add widgets dialog and tell me if you have the pastebin widget?04:30
DaskreeChadd applets I think04:30
poyntzDaskreeCh: also because the linux-headers are required for boot to occur...04:30
DaskreeChpoyntz: it means 64 bit aware yes04:30
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poyntzDaskreeCh: bizarre. because when Intrepid came out I tried to install the 64 bit version of ubuntu and it failed...04:31
DaskreeChYou have  64 bit Processor I assume?04:31
poyntzDaskreeCh: the only reason i know i'm on the latest headers is because i manually modified the menu.lst file04:31
poyntzDaskreeCh: and ever since it's been a fast desktop04:32
poyntzDaskreeCh: I have an hp pav dv500004:32
poyntzDaskreeCh: wouldn't kno what it supports04:32
poyntzDaskreeCh: if there's a command that could be of more use, i'll run it for you and give you the output04:32
jc0694yep... i do04:33
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=== eddie is now known as Guest48949
jc0694how do you chat in this public forum but reference a certain individual?04:37
geniijc0694: theirname themessage04:37
jc0694daskreech this is a test04:37
jc0694DaskreeCh this is a test04:38
DaskreeChpoyntz: uname -r04:38
DaskreeChjc0694: FAIL!04:38
jc0694hmmmm... didn't work04:38
jc0694how do you chat with me where you have me address with my name and then a colon (:) like that?04:39
DaskreeChjc0694: :)04:39
DaskreeChjc0694: It worked I'm just joking04:39
jc0694ya... like that... hehehehe04:39
DaskreeCh!tab | jc069404:40
ubottujc0694: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:40
i_is_brokestart typing there name and hit tab04:40
jc0694!tab | DaskreeCh testing 1 2 304:40
ubottuDaskreeCh testing 1 2 3: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:40
poyntzDaskreeCh: 2.6.31-16-generic04:40
jc0694DaskreeCh | test04:41
jc0694hmmmm... still not working04:41
jc0694if you said "hi" to me on chat, type exactly how you would say it inside quotations04:42
DaskreeChpoyntz: Ok it should use 64 libraries if you have them04:43
DaskreeChjc <tab> hi04:43
jc0694!tab | DaskreeCh testing04:43
ubottuDaskreeCh testing: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:43
DaskreeChjc0694: In this channel ! is a command to the robot04:43
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:43
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!04:44
* genii slides DaskreeCh a coffee04:44
DaskreeCh!find partitionmanager04:44
ubottuFound: partitionmanager04:44
jc0694i got that... but you said type "!tab | jc0694"... that didn't work04:44
DaskreeCh!info partitionmanager04:44
ubottupartitionmanager (source: partitionmanager): partition manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 726 kB, installed size 2848 kB04:44
DaskreeChjc0694: I was telling the bot to tell you about the tab command04:44
poyntzDaskreeCh: what's the package name?04:45
DaskreeChjc0694: type das then press tab04:45
jc0694DaskreeCh, testing04:45
DaskreeChpoyntz: you have it already04:45
DaskreeChjc0694: That worked04:45
jc0694ok... so the username seperated by a comma and then the message right?04:46
jc0694jc0694, testing04:46
DaskreeChjc0694: anything with the username will highlight the message usually04:46
DaskreeChjc0694, this should work04:47
DaskreeChthis should work as well jc069404:47
jc0694DaskreeCh did this work?04:47
jc0694ok... i thought it was more complicated, like a script or something04:48
DaskreeChIt is but it's built in and enabled by default04:48
jc0694thanks again... i'm gonna call it a day... once again thanks for all you help04:48
jc0694i'll tag up tomorrow to go over where all my windows are disappearing to04:48
DaskreeChI can probably fix that now :)04:49
DaskreeChbut night!04:49
poyntzDaskreeCh: thanks04:49
DaskreeChmrlinux10101: hi05:26
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=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
Wolfcastledo you guys recommend using strigi?05:43
Wolfcastleit's not a resource hog right?05:43
HardDriveHow sexy is my ride?05:43
DaskreeChWolfcastle: It is but if the tradeoff is better for ou then wheeee :)05:43
Wolfcastlehmm ok I guess I'll stick to find in my konsole ;-)05:45
WolfcastleHardDrive: I bet the ladies go crazy when they see that05:45
cjaeHi. Coulld anyone spare the time on how to add efnet to quassel05:46
cjaeFile > Networks >Configure Networks > Add  irc.efnet.net ?05:47
cjaeor just use the syntax from this page?05:48
cjaeDaskreeCh: is that the correct network address?05:49
mrlinux10101nice ride!05:49
mrlinux10101looks like it has plenty of room05:50
DaskreeChcjae: use the servers they have on the servers page but the efnet server you said should work05:50
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mrlinux10101what is efnet um never come here google05:50
mrlinux10101anyone try the new kubuntu release? alpha build cant remember the name05:51
DaskreeChmrlinux10101: 10.0405:52
mrlinux10101how is it05:52
cjaeDaskreeCh: sorry one more thing, is there a way to add a list like the one that comes with xchat?05:52
mrlinux101019.10 is the best thing on the planet right now05:52
cjaeit is just a network list added to it upon install05:52
DaskreeChcjae: You mean one of all the well known IRC Networks?05:53
DaskreeChmrlinux10101: It's a little rough but pretty good shape for being this early05:53
DaskreeChcjae: Not sure can you join #quassel and ask there?05:53
mrlinux10101i guess ill wait intill upgrading05:53
cjaeinstead of manually entering each one separately05:54
cjaethanks again05:54
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bdizzlehi, I was wondering if anyone knew how to fix the time zone on the clocks?06:05
bdizzlefor some reason, mine is getting confused. I had to manually adjust it for daylight savings change over and was on mountain time, but had to use east coast time to show it for some reason06:06
DaskreeChbdizzle: What time is it saying now?06:08
bdizzleright now it is showing 11:09 PM06:09
DaskreeChWhat do you expect it to say?06:10
bdizzleI am using East Coast time, although currently for the holidays, I am back on the east coast06:10
bdizzleI'd expect it to say 1:10 AM right now06:10
DaskreeChWhat is selected as your time zone?06:11
bdizzleNew York06:12
DaskreeChWhat was selected before?06:14
bdizzleDenver I believe06:14
DaskreeChDo you have NTP on or off?06:15
bdizzleokay, I think I figured it out uzing the date and time settings06:15
bdizzleNTP? The automatic date and time set? I just turned it on and it fixed it somehow06:15
DaskreeChThat's what I was about to ask06:16
bdizzlebut yeah, it works for now at least06:17
bdizzleI'll have to play with it when I go back to mountain time for school in january06:17
DaskreeChProbably just have to click NTP first06:20
bdizzlealright, thanks06:23
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michaeljwjrHey guys I keep getting the following error when I try running configure on my intel video driver:06:41
michaeljwjrchecking for XORG... configure: error: Package requirements (xorg-server >= 1.6 xproto fontsproto ) were not met:06:41
michaeljwjrNo package 'xorg-server' found06:41
DaskreeChmichaeljwjr: install xserver-xorg-dev06:47
michaeljwjryeah I did that.06:49
michaeljwjrstill didn't work06:49
DaskreeChTell her Hello from Jamaica ;)06:51
i_is_brokemichaeljwjr, you have to install xserver-xorg-core06:51
michaeljwjryes, I already installed it, still not working06:52
davherethinking of how to word my question06:53
i_is_brokemichaeljwjr, did you do dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg?06:53
michaeljwjrdoesn't work06:54
michaeljwjrdpkg: unknown option --reconfigure06:54
i_is_brokeah try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:55
i_is_brokesorry i know its something like that.06:55
davherei need to install a cd writable on this puter that i dont have drivers for to get drivers for my second computers net card06:55
i_is_brokei had to do it with mine to get x working a little while back.06:55
i_is_brokedavhere, k3b06:56
davherewhats that?06:56
i_is_brokeits a burn program for kde.06:56
i_is_brokelike nero06:57
davherewill be under add and remove?06:57
i_is_brokei think there is one called burn as well.06:57
i_is_brokebut its cli06:57
i_is_brokei think.06:57
i_is_brokeand yes i think its in the add and remove. if not you can get it from kpackagekit.06:58
i_is_brokeor go to terminal and type in sudo apt-get install k3b06:58
DaskreeChdavhere: The CD writer will just work06:59
i_is_brokedavhere, yeah you dont need a driver for it in linux at least i never have had too.06:59
davherei had not put it in yet06:59
i_is_brokemichaeljwjr, getting anywhere?07:00
davherety for help...you all are great07:01
i_is_brokedavhere, np and your welcome07:01
michaeljwjrapparently intel has been "blacklisted" a friend suggest a site to fix it07:01
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i_is_brokehuh, i run it on 2 computers, how can it be blacklisted..?07:02
chris____what's up everyone07:02
DaskreeChmichaeljwjr: What are you trying to do?07:02
i_is_brokeok whatever, its late and i am falling asleep g/luck07:02
DaskreeChi_is_broke: Night07:03
chris____Is anybody in here from Germany? Kommt jemand hier aus Deutschland?07:03
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.07:11
keekeehello everyone07:13
keekeei need some help07:13
DaskreeChmichaeljwjr: How are you getting along?07:26
michaeljwjrwell when I tried running the KSM thing with sudo rmmod i915, i was told i915 is in use.07:27
michaeljwjrso I am still learning07:28
DaskreeChmichaeljwjr: sudo modprobe -r i91507:35
th3ziki need some help07:40
th3ziki have trouble with samba07:40
aliendoggiehi, how I can reinstall *all* packages in kubuntu-desktop?08:19
shocklateboy92hey guys08:20
devilsadvocatealiendoggie, reinstall?08:21
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shocklateboy92erm just btw08:22
aliendoggiedevilsadvocate, i messed up my installation. now plasma-desktop always crashing. I want to reinstall all packages in kubuntu-desktop in hope to fix it08:22
shocklateboy92does anyone know if it's possible 2 intergrate nepomuk into kickoff08:22
DaskreeChaliendoggie: sudo apt-get install -a --reinstall08:23
DaskreeChshocklateboy92: I assume you mean krunner08:24
DaskreeChAnd yes that's how kickoff ships in KDE 4.408:24
shocklateboy92in krunner, its allready there08:24
shocklateboy92(when i press Alt+F2)08:24
aliendoggieDaskreeCh, thanks. i will try that08:24
shocklateboy92but what i want is the start menu search thing 2 use nepomuk08:24
shocklateboy92like Vista's Indexing search08:25
aliendoggieDarkriftX, E: Command line option 'a' [from -a] is not known.08:25
DaskreeChshocklateboy92: should be like that in KDE 4.408:25
shocklateboy92well i have 4.3.208:26
shocklateboy92and 4.4 is still in beta right?08:26
DaskreeChshocklateboy92: Yes should be out in less than a month08:28
DaskreeChor about a month actually08:28
shocklateboy92oh kl i'll get it then08:29
shocklateboy92thx DaskreeCh08:29
aliendoggieDaskreeCh, no go  E: Command line option 'a' [from -a] is not known.08:29
aliendoggieDaskreeCh, what package I have to reinstall in order to reinstall plasma-desktop?08:30
aliendoggieDaskreeCh, thx. will try that08:32
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SilentDishello, how does one get the BISS psplist.zip blocklist to work with ktorrent?  I've tried keeping it zipped, unzipping it (appears to be a straight text file of IPs), but each time i attempt to import it in ktorrent, it says no IPs were found.08:54
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zxsovso quiet!09:23
DaskreeChI was napping09:26
Peace-i was listening Beach Boys - I Get Around09:27
Mesdaganybody knows about an issue with the 185.x drivers in ubuntu that causes the output on the dvi head to be dvi when a vga-adapter is used? I'm unable to get twinview working with dual vga monitors. The card is a 8400GS09:31
zxsov<Peace-:   would you like to share your music more?09:32
Peace-zxsov: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zvpMBxVAvU&feature=related09:35
zxsovwhat's that?09:36
Peace-music then09:37
zxsovthankyou    to go to Youtube , I  must thru tha web proxy09:39
Peace-Creedence Clearwater Revival Cotton Fields09:39
bibiiHi ppl!10:15
bibiiAre you speek russion?10:16
bibiiНе, ребят, серьёзно, кто нить говорит по русски?10:16
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:17
faileasyou'd best try there ;)10:17
ionuthow can i install kdm themes?10:21
znikaplease may you tell me how to use printer canon mf4010 on ubuntu 9.10 ?10:23
ionutdoes anyone knows if ubuntu 9.10 can work with windows 7 on the same pc( dual boot) ?10:25
filthpigHi all. I've installed Kubuntu 9.10 on a laptop, and had to fix the wireless drivers manually. I've had some problems with the driver not working (possibly after updates), and suspect this is due to me doing stuff manually instead of compiling the sucker (it threw some errors at me, while the manual copy/paste/depmod/modprobe-solution worked. (this is the exact recipe I followed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/401126/com10:28
ionutcan i install ubuntu 9.10 and have also windows seven on my pc ?10:39
sjakie-ionut, yes you can have multiple operating systems installed10:45
ionutsjakie-: yes,i know,but are compatible linux ubuntu 9.10 karmic coala with windows seven ?10:46
sjakie-yes you can have those installed10:47
sjakie-it doesn't matter if you install windows xp of ubuntu 8.04 of windows 7 or 9.1010:48
ionutyes but i heard that ubuntu 9.10 is not compatible with windows seven10:48
sjakie-you have your harddisk, you make at least 2 partitions. install windows 7 first on one, then ubuntu on the other10:49
sjakie-if it does not work out of the box you can edit the grub menu and enter the windows 7 entry10:50
ionutok,and if i have the ubuntu 8.04 and i want to make an upgrate it still works,isn't that ?10:50
sjakie-you mean dualboot still works?10:50
sjakie-if so yes10:50
ionutok,than thx10:51
ionutdo u know how can i make upgrate ?10:51
ionutto ubuntu 8.10?10:51
sjakie-open a shell and run do-release-upgrade10:51
ionutthis command will upgrate my ubuntu 8.04 to ubuntu 8.10?10:52
ionutok,thx man10:52
ionutsjakie-: when i run that command it comes out "No new release found"10:53
poyntzwhen i click on menu items, folder links, etc. they do not open. to open folders i have to be in dolphin/konqueror. how do i set the folder default from "none" to dolphin ?10:53
sjakie-ionut, edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades10:56
sjakie-in that file you will find "Prompt=lts"10:56
sjakie-change that to "Prompt=normal"10:56
sjakie-if you run do-release-upgrade after that it will upgrade to 8.1010:57
ionutsjakie-: wow it works ,thx so much10:58
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funcrushwhen I hit the alt+Tab, it doesn't effect to other desktop, but i want to it effect to all desktop. how can i do it?12:01
jc0694i need help finding minimzed windows... i don't see them in the system tray.  i know they are there because when i hit alt-tab i see them but i don't like doing it this way... aren't minimized windows supposed to show in the system tray?12:03
funcrushsystem tray?12:04
funcrushor working manager?12:05
jc0694i think it's called the system tray... at the bottom of the desktop12:06
jc0694it's a widget called "system tray"... says you can access hidden applications minimzed12:07
jc0694but i don't see minimized windows in there... it should be a repository for minimized windows right?12:07
funcrushjc0694: sorry my english is poor12:08
jc0694as an example... i open konqueror web browser right? then i hit the down error in upper right hand corner of the window to minimize and the window disappears.  how do i bring this window back?  it should be down in the system tray right?12:08
funcrushjc0694: when a window is minimized, the window are stay working manager.12:09
funcrushnot system tray12:09
jc0694working manager... is that a widget that i need to add to the desktop?12:09
funcrushyup... u should add into desktop or panel12:09
funcrushmy local system is not English so i don't know the name exactly12:10
jc0694funcrush, how come i don't see working manager as an available widget to add?12:13
funcrushjc0694: can u see this? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/989955/1.png12:14
funcrushfind a widget, the same icon12:15
funcrushand add it into ur pannel12:15
jc0694bingo... it's called task manager12:16
funcrushright! g12:16
jc0694i don't know why kubuntu would default to not include that as a widget installed at startup... that's like one of the most important widgets u could include by default... sheesh!  i spent like 3 days trying to figure this out... thank you12:17
funcrushjc0694: it is default setting...12:18
funcrushmaybe something was wrong. anyway did u solve it?12:18
jc0694yep... many thanks12:19
filthpigHi all. I've installed Kubuntu 9.10 on a laptop, and had to fix the wireless drivers manually. I've had some problems with the driver not working (possibly after updates), and suspect this is due to me doing stuff manually instead of compiling the sucker (it threw some errors at me, while the manual copy/paste/depmod/modprobe-solution worked. (this is the exact recipe I followed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/401126/com12:20
Peace-filthpig: ?12:23
Peace-your problem is wifi ?12:23
filthpigPeace-: yeah. The wireless connection just died and stayed dead. So I'm guessing my manual approach of copy/paste etc led to some kind of breakage when the kernel was updated. However, I've now managed to compile the driver properly and everything works atm, so I hope it's the end of my issues. I'm just asking, trying to learn from this if something like it should happen again, or if I need to help somebody later on..12:31
Peace-filthpig: generally when you have to do something on the kernel when you upgrade kernel youhave to re-do what you have doen12:32
filthpigPeace, even if the driver was compiled properly?12:32
Peace-new kernel :)12:33
filthpigAnd I'm only thinking about *ubuntu-related kernel updates, like moving from 2.6.31-15-generic to 2.6.31-17-generic (hypothetic kernel names)12:34
filthpigI'm not talking about a whole new kernel like 2.6.32 or anything12:36
filthpigbah, gotta go. Work on a sunday, no rest for the wicked.12:37
krzdi have got a asus supremefx card on my asus maximus iii formula, and in the beginning i had only stereo sound. then i installed the driver by asus and now i don't have any sound. what to do?12:40
krzdat least to reset the settings, so that i can hear stereo insted of nothing. make uninstall on the asus driver didn't work12:42
jc0694funcrush... you there?12:43
jc0694how do u talk to somebody in irc where it shows their name followed by a colon... funcrush was doing this with me see above... sometimes he would talk to me regularly and other times it would have my nick followed by a colon... it also flashes browser promting me the other way... how do you do this?12:46
bittin^Hello anyone know how i do a list off my installed Debian packages with dpkg into a textfile?12:46
Goliathi got a problem with okular, it says could not open file (when i try to open a pdf)12:46
jc0694it also changes the color12:47
Peace-1 moment12:50
Peace-jc0694: which file?12:50
Goliathokular problem12:50
Goliathcould not open file12:50
lrdofnightmaresHello guys!!! Long time no see!! How you've been?12:50
krzdbittin^: dpkg-query -l | grep ii > list.txt12:51
jc0694no... just like that:  when u just spoke to me the color changed and it turned red... my name shows followed by a colon12:51
Peace-Goliath: so maybe it's a damaged file12:51
jc0694is it just the nickname followed by a colon then the message?... i want to use this because sometimes you say things and people don't know who you are talking to in this irc chat12:52
krzdbittin^: but it's a bit more than just an package list. it's with version, description ---12:52
jc0694jc0694: testing12:52
bittin^krzd: thats ok :)12:52
GoliathPeace-: no i tried many, it may be a kdelib problem or pdf lib12:53
jc0694no that didnt' work... does anybody understand what I'm asking?12:53
Peace-Goliath: could yoiu post me this file?12:53
lrdofnightmaresGuys i have a big problem...my pc after a while crashes...i am using ubuntu and ubuntu studio 9.04...why is this happening?? can anyone help me??12:53
GoliathPeace-: i tried many pdfs, so its not a corrupted file thats the problem12:54
Peace-Goliath: mm12:54
Goliathkdelibs or popper problem12:54
Peace-Goliath: upgraded to kde 4.4?12:54
krzdlrdofnightmares: it would be easier with some more information, since when does the problem exist etc.12:54
Peace-well then...12:54
Peace-you know12:54
lrdofnightmareskrzd: After about 15 minutes it just crashes and always when i try to do updates12:55
bittin^http://bittin.linuxuser.se/HilleLinuxpackages.txt got it to work :)12:55
krzdlrdofnightmares: is this since you installed ubuntu?12:56
jc0694anybody available to help... i got a really simple question12:56
Goliathtell me12:56
Goliathan okular alternative12:56
Goliathto try for test12:56
krzdjc0694: just ask instead of asking if you may ask12:56
jc0694i have but nobody responds12:57
lrdofnightmareskrzd: Yeah, first i thought that it might be compiz that made the pc crash but well...it wasn't12:57
krzdjc0694: oh sorry, i haven't seen^^12:57
WolfcastleI have a little problem with kmix, it tends to stick around after changing the volume12:58
jc0694how do u write to me in irc where you adress me specifically.  it turns what you say a different color so i know you are targeting me.12:58
Wolfcastlei.e. I click the icon, change the volume, clic something else and the volume changer does not dissapear12:58
jc0694it will also flash my browser when minimized so i know somebody is adressing me12:58
jc0694i need to know how to do this12:58
Wolfcastledepends on your client12:59
Erodjc0694: It's an IRC client feature. Nothing you can do about other's setups.12:59
krzdjc0694: just type the nickname followed by a double point, e.g. nick: in some clients you don't need the double point12:59
krzdjc0694: some clients got an auto completion feature if you type tab12:59
krzd*press tab13:00
jc0694hmmm... is that also something specific to a certain channel... i've tried to do this from a different client to myself but have been unable to get it to work13:01
krzdjc0694: normally only client specific13:01
krzdis there nobody who got knowledge about hd-audio under linux?13:02
jc0694krzd:  does this message change color for you since i've put your nick first followed by colon?13:03
krzdjc0694: yeah13:03
jc0694krzd, what about this?13:03
krzdjc0694: yep13:03
krzdlrdofnightmares: does compiz work with kde?13:04
jc0694krzd and this?13:04
krzdjc0694: yes, sir xD13:04
jc0694jc0694, test13:04
krzdjc0694: but i don't think that it will work with the own nick13:05
jc0694it's just weird... i use another irc client to send myself a message to this screen and it doesn't change the color13:05
jc0694i have a different nick on the other irc client13:06
krzdjc0694:  in public or query?13:06
jc0694what do you mean by public or query?13:06
krzdjc0694: do you send a private message or in a channel readable for all13:07
jtheuerHi, I connected my bluetooth headset and got a confirmation beep - should it be somewhere listed as music device? (kmix?)13:07
jc0694in this place where we are chatting right now... where this exact message is posting13:07
krzdjc0694: then it is strange13:08
krzdjc0694: i have got no ideas13:08
bob4960jc0694 testing13:11
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millunis it hassle free to upgrade 9.04 -> 9.10?14:06
millunjust wondering14:06
Peace-millun: you can upgrade but it there could be some problems ...14:08
Peace-try before a live cd14:08
milluni got 3GB FUP14:08
milluni don't wanna download more than absolutely needed14:09
Peace-don't speak like that 3gb of waht?14:10
Peace-omg this young guys14:10
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jtheuer_Hi, I connected my bluetooth headset and got a confirmation beep - should it be somewhere listed as music device? (like kmix?)14:11
millunw00t? 3GB `fair user policy`14:12
millunwhen i reach the limit, my bandwidth will be like 3kB/s...14:12
millunfor that case i've rooted my G1... so i'll be tethering from my phone :)14:13
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CupofDiceAnyone here have a Fiber optic connection and does it show up in Manage Connections (lower right taskbar)?14:23
Jonathan___hello everyone... i would like to do a fresh install of both kubuntu karmic and windows 7 x64.   I am unsure about my partitions.  Surely they should have about 20GB each for the OS then a combined share for the data... is this correct?14:23
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CupofDiceIf you want it that way Jonathan. The shared partition with be fat 32, right?14:24
edouardHi, I have a problem with my wifi connexion. Can someone help me ?14:26
shadeslayer_Jonathan___: yes that is the most efficient way14:27
shadeslayer_edouard: go ahead and state your problem14:27
edouardI am on ubuntu 9.10 and I use knetwork-manager14:27
Jonathan___so then i was planing on doing a fresh install of windows 7 x64.  full format the HDD.  then do a fresh install of kubuntu14:28
shadeslayer_edouard: ok and whats the exact problem with the connection14:28
edouardwhen I enter the passphrase, it doesn't work14:28
Jonathan___but what way to i install kubuntu to give me the desired setup ??14:28
edouardi don't know it is written "activation" indefinitely14:29
shadeslayer_Jonathan___: ok do this : install windows,set up 3 partitions with the disk manager in windows,install kubuntu by using the advanced disk mode in the kubuntu installation14:29
shadeslayer_edouard: hmm,well which encryption method?14:29
Jonathan___advanced disk mode...?14:30
shadeslayer_Jonathan___: yes,in the install itll ask you to set up partitons... select the advanced mode14:30
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shadeslayer_edouard: install wicd14:32
shadeslayer_edouard: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123317114:32
Jonathan___windoze disk manager:14:33
Jonathan___part1: windows7 20GB14:33
Jonathan___part2: kubuntu     20GB14:33
Jonathan___part3: data            Rest of GB14:33
Jonathan___then when installing choose the advanced one and pick part 2 to install karmic... the data partition will be in NTFS then?14:33
FloodBotK1Jonathan___: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:33
shadeslayer_Jonathan___: depends on what you select... you can set it to fat32 from windows or from the kubuntu installer14:34
Jonathan___does that make sense?14:35
edouardbut i don't know if the passphrase responsible, because I also tried to connect without any security, and it doesn't work as well14:35
Jonathan___sry i got disconnected14:35
shadeslayer_oh he left :P... i was gone for a moment14:38
shadeslayer_edouard: ok well the problem is with knetworkmanager.... its a wip app14:39
shadeslayer_edouard: wicd is a better network manager... as is nm-applet14:39
edouardokay i installed it14:40
shadeslayer_edouard: you need to restart the pc for it to get working14:40
shadeslayer_edouard: it should start automatically after that,but if it doesnt,press alt+F2 and type wicd14:41
shadeslayer_edouard: so did it work?14:44
mindaugashey all why i cant write my psw in konsole when trying chmod file (sudo chmod a+x)15:06
shadeslayer_mindaugas: its a security feature,there is input15:06
shadeslayer_mindaugas: the password is just not displayed15:07
mindaugasya but im trying to write it15:07
mindaugasand i cant15:07
mindaugasi will try15:07
shadeslayer_mindaugas: yeah so it is being taken as input...15:07
shadeslayer_mindaugas: just not being shown :P15:07
mindaugasoh there is more problem15:08
mindaugasi downloaded program15:08
mindaugasand i press that file which run it15:08
mindaugasbut it open with kate15:08
mindaugaswhen i open it with konsole15:08
mindaugasit dont do anything :/15:08
mindaugassry for english15:08
shadeslayer_mindaugas: what programme?15:08
mindaugasoh not programe , but game :D15:08
mindaugasworldofgoo or smth xD15:08
shadeslayer_mindaugas: if its something ending in .sh then do : chmod a+x name_of_file.sh : and then : ./name_of_file.sh15:09
shadeslayer_mindaugas: other than that no idea....15:10
mindaugasoh damn i tried to chmod .bin file :D15:10
mindaugasty wm15:10
shadeslayer_mindaugas: ah its a .bin file... well it should run by itself..15:10
shadeslayer_mindaugas: try running it in a konsole15:11
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mindaugasu know .sh file must open that bin cuz in sh file is string "exec ./file.bin15:11
mindaugasand when im trying to open that bin it will begin extract but drop error15:12
shadeslayer_mindaugas: well i would suggest that you read any instructions that came along with that game15:13
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mindaugasthere is any instructions, i just downloaded archive extract it and im trying to play but cant15:13
mindaugasit's like firefox15:14
mindaugasech whatever.. :D15:15
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Guest74557how to deactivate ipv6 in kubuntu 9.1? konqueror and co dosent load any pages15:29
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Xand3rhow can i move a partition out of an extended partition15:42
delightsftp is not working for me in dolphin kde sc 4.4 beta 1 ... is this only happening in lucid or is this an kde 4.4 beta 1 problem ?15:46
shadeslayerXand3r: without formatting it?15:47
delightapparently there is no kubuntu+1 channel for the momment ... I'll ask in ubuntu+1 ;)15:47
shadeslayerdelight: ubuntu+1 is a common channel15:47
delightshadeslayer: you mean for lucid in general right ?15:48
shadeslayerXand3r: btw your i think your site is down or something.... i tried to download the playwolf plasmoid but couldnt open the site15:48
shadeslayerdelight: yep15:48
delightshadeslayer: did you install kde 4.4 beta 1 + can u use sftp:// urls in dolphin ?15:49
shadeslayerdelight: didnt try sftp.. give me a link and ill try15:50
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delightshadeslayer: you can connect against any ssh-server even your localhost if ssh-server is installed ... the url would be sftp://localhost in that case16:01
delightdolphin was able to do that in kde 3.316:01
shadeslayerdelight: nah... says invalid protocol16:02
shadeslayerdelight: ask in #kde for more info... maybe its a hidden option somwhere16:03
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franciAlguem do brasil?16:50
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:51
bibiigood night!17:16
Anitanewer versions of kubuntu will not boot up on my pc...help17:17
bibiiWho does what?17:17
Anitathe disks are good, the work on other pc17:18
bibiiизвините за мой английский17:18
bibiisorry for my English17:18
chris_what version of kde does kubuntu use?17:18
ghostcubedepends on what relese u stay17:18
chris_also can i keep my dads ubuntu crud out of my kde17:19
ghostcubebut check it open an kde app and go to help17:19
ghostcubeand about kde17:19
Anitai can get kubuntu 9.4 to boot but 9.10 won't17:19
bibiiI cant install ATI driver on 9.1017:19
chris_Anita, i hate when bugs like that happens :( i use to be only able to use 7.04 till 8.10 came out :\17:20
Anitai tried fedora 12 also17:20
chris_ghostcube, if i install kubuntu-desktop will i be stuck with all the gnome crud?17:20
Anitabut no luck there either17:20
Anitaonly ubuntu 8 and kubuntu 9.4 will boot17:21
chris_whats the error?17:21
ghostcubechris_: some gnome things are needed so it wont do you any harm to keep them17:22
Anitait boots up to windows instead of disk17:22
Anitadoes anyone have some help with this issue?17:23
mendredAnita: u are trying to boot up with the live cd correct?17:24
Anitano dont think17:25
Anitawhats the differerence in them17:25
mendredthe live cd is what u use to install kubuntu17:25
Anitawould it say live17:25
mendredummm the live cd is the kubuntu installation cd that u download17:26
mendredit does a full boot sequence17:26
mendredso are u able to boot up from there?17:26
Anitaok it's the disk i burned for kubuntu17:26
Anitait works on another pc17:27
Anitaonly the older versions will work17:27
Anitato boot17:27
Anitathe disk is good17:28
Anitaso i don't know why it boots on one pc but not the other17:28
mendredok so u have a livecd of kubuntu 9.10 it loads in another PC but doesn't load in one particular PC17:28
mendredso the live cd is good17:28
mendrednext question17:28
Anitayes true17:28
mendredu mentioned that it directly boots to windows17:29
mendredso i am guessing ur PC is set up for booting in sequence17:29
Anitayes with the newer version of kubuntu17:29
mendredi.e. something like CD first and then Hdd?17:29
Anitathe older versions boot up17:29
mendredok so the sequence is fine then17:30
Anitaits set for disk first17:30
chris_what is better?, kdm or gdm?17:31
Koliais qt creator 1.3 is available in Kubuntu?17:33
mendredAnita: a quick question, what model PC is this?17:34
mendredand what is the arch of the CD?17:34
mendredwhat i am trying to check is the CD the 64 bit CD17:34
mendredwhich is being booted on a 32 bit PC?17:34
mendredif ur other PC is a modern arch17:35
delightKolia: in lucid its still 1.2.117:35
mendredthen it would explain the CD booting up properly there17:35
delightKolia: but I guess it will get an upgrade eventually17:35
mendredsay for e.g. trying to boot up a 64 bit distro on a P4 would probably error out17:36
delightKolia: in karmic not ... but you can install the version of the website anytime17:36
Koliadelight: ok that is what i was thinking, thanks for your answer17:36
Koliadelight: but not sure i can only download qt creator, looks like i have to download the whole SDK17:37
Koliadelight: but i don't want qt, just qt-creator17:37
Kolialet's try..17:37
bibii!register bibii17:38
Anitaits a built pc17:39
mendredok cool..which chip is this?17:39
mendredbefore that is the CD the standard one or the one for 64 bit ?17:40
Anitaomg i just realized what the prob is17:40
Anitadvd's dont' work on that pc17:41
Anitaonly cds17:41
mendredwas that a dvd on a CD drive then?17:41
mendredok cool :)17:41
Anitayes the newer versions are on dvd17:42
Anitaand that pc is only cd17:42
Anitaso if i burned cds it would work17:42
mendredyes i guess so17:43
Anitak then there is still hope lol17:43
mendredhave fun then :)17:43
znikaplease may you tell me how to use printer canon mf4010 on ubuntu 9.10 ?17:55
ZoraelIt is possible to make certain widgets show while the screen saver/lock screen is showing, right? How do I do this?17:55
hagabakais it known that krita-kde4 on kubuntu-beta ppa depends on libkdcraw7 but kdegraphics-strigi-plugins on the same ppa depend on libkdcraw8?17:56
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KoliaZorael: try asking on #plasma18:09
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njathanany ideas how to get the apt protocol working on kubuntu 9.04? all 'working' solutions point to installing packages that  also get gnome packages along (which may not be used for anything other than this otherwise)18:22
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what_ifWhat is a good KDE graphical equivalent to netstat ? It there such a program?18:35
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apparlehello guys18:56
DaskReEchapparle: You were asking something in #kubuntu-devel the other night?18:57
apparleDaskReEch: yes.... who decides what is the xplash, wallpaper etc. for kubuntu18:58
DaskReEchAh well ,, actually easier to discuss in #kubuntu-devel18:58
DaskReEchapparle: if you want to you can jump in over there19:00
what_ifHas anyone found a reference for creating/programming ksysguard tabs?19:00
apparleDaskReEch: well actually I was thinking with ubuntu moved on to a different splash screen... why not design a better one for kubuntu19:00
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apparleDaskReEch: so I was wondering who decides what will be all these stuff19:05
apparleDaskReEch: see the las post by evalin in the thread http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3108696.019:07
millun_i got my phone for usb tethering.... i've modified firewall rules for masquerade but it won't work19:08
millun_iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --out-interface usb0 -j MASQUERADE19:08
millun_iptables --append FORWARD --in-interface eth0 -j ACCEPT19:08
DaskReEchhi millun_19:12
DaskReEchhi soee19:12
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DaskReEchapparle: Looking19:14
millunthe firewall commands were working for PPP0, but not for USB0?19:15
millunany apparent reasons why?19:15
millunalso, while you are at helping one desperate lamer... :) how should i restart my Phonon daemon? whenever i try to play something in amarok, it tells me about how the device failed, that it is going back to some old device.19:17
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist19:17
apparlewhich firewall should I use for kubuntu19:17
DaskReEchapparle: iptables ?19:18
DaskReEchmillun: because tethering works differently I think19:18
DaskReEchI'm not sure though I could be wrong :)19:18
millunah ok19:18
apparleDaskReEch: so where should I begin to setup the firewall19:20
soeedo u know hiw can i fix this weather widget - i cant pick any location wrom wetter.com :/19:22
chuyzozHello all, how can i install kubuntu over an existing ubuntu installation  ? i want to presever my windows partition19:27
chuyzozshould i first delete the ubuntu partition and then install kubuntu on top of it ?19:27
macosudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop19:27
macosudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop19:27
chuyzozisn't a clean install better ?19:27
macoyoull get to keep all your stuff this way19:28
briancronchuyzoz: Yeah, I would do a clean install and manually set the partitions to your current partitions19:28
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macoand as its new software, you dont have to worry about old configs hanging aroudn for those same apps19:28
macoif you wanna remove *all* gnome apps too...19:28
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal19:28
chuyzozi don't have anything in the ubuntu... i installed it about 2 hours ago .. and concluded i prefer kubuntu19:28
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »19:28
macothats he one i meant19:28
FloodBotK1maco: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:28
chuyzozbriancron ... i know what you mean19:29
chuyzozi'm a noob .. ( of course) ... to manually set the partitins19:29
chuyzozi just need a ext3 and swap drive right?19:29
chuyzozswap partition?19:29
briancronchuyzoz: no your partitions are set now19:29
macowhen you install, instead of choosing guided partitioning, choose manual19:30
macoitll automatically detec the swap one19:30
briancronchuyzoz: you just make sure you don't let kubuntu install to decide. manually install and then just use the existing paritions19:30
chuyzozso the swap one can remain the same ..19:30
macoyou then select the current root ext3 partition, hit edit, and tell it to keep using it as ext3 and to mount it at /19:30
chuyzozbut the / ? would i need to delete that one an create a new one  ?19:30
TheJudgerCan I change from KDE to Gnome... if I can what i have to do ? I have Kubuntu 9.10 Netbook edition19:30
macochuyzoz: no need to remove the partition, just use the same one19:30
chuyzozlol... and here i'm changing from gnome to kde19:30
briancronchuyzoz: no need to delete the old one, just use it and select format19:30
maco!purgenome | TheJudger19:31
chuyzozso .. format then okay19:31
maco!puregnome | TheJudger19:31
ubottuTheJudger: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal19:31
chuyzozwhat exactly does mounting it do?19:31
chuyzozlike "mount at /"19:31
macochuyzoz: meh. dont even need to format really. doesnt matter.19:31
apparlesomeone plz tell me how to setup firewall19:31
macochuyzoz: mounting is what makes a drive usable19:31
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist19:31
macochuyzoz: if its not mounted, you cant use it. so itll ask "mountpoint: ______" and have a dropdown. choose "/"19:32
apparlewhich one should I use ufw of iptables19:32
Peace-apparle: have you a router?19:32
macoapparle: ufw is an easy wrapper for iptables19:32
chuyzozokay ... and i've read i also need to specify a home ?19:32
Peace-apparle: if you have a router you can use that and stop19:32
macochuyzoz: no you dont19:32
macochuyzoz: /home is a directory under /19:32
macochuyzoz: its like C:\Documents and Settings\19:32
chuyzozso it should be straightforward cool.. just wanted to check here...  before went ahead and did it19:33
apparlePeace-: I am using university LAN connection and have internet over proxy19:33
chuyzozso .. swap shouldn't need to be changed .. i just need to mount it on the existing one19:33
chuyzozand what does the swap partition do ?19:33
macochuyzoz: its where the contents of ram go when you hibernate, and its where stuff goes when youve got more running than can fit in ram19:33
Peace-apparle: bah i am on linux here since 2006 and... i have not firewall i get only a router .. if you are on lan i think you can leave firewall stuff19:33
macoit gets "swapped" out to disk19:33
chuyzozoh .. makes sense19:34
macoPeace-: only if the router has a firewall built in19:34
apparlePeace-: thanks19:34
chuyzozi figured that would be part of the main partition19:34
Peace-maco: well every good router has one .. then19:34
macoPeace-: and even still, you might not trust the other folks on your side of the router19:34
macoPeace-: apparle said uni lan. what if someone in apparle's uni is a jerk?19:34
Peace-omg who spend a lots of his time to crack your silly sistem maco?19:34
macothe router's firewall isnt going to protect you then19:34
apparlemaco: so what do you recommend on LAN.......I agree some... ppl are jerks here19:35
macoapparle: ufw is easier to configure on command line than iptables is. gufw is a easy gui19:35
apparlemaco: I have never used a firewall in linux.... in windows.. it just says <program> is trying to access internet... do you want to allow etc. .... Is it that simple here?19:37
Peace-maco: ... if i am on uni i think i will spend my time to study and i will not spend 1 week to crack a system19:37
macoapparle: ufw and gufw only do the inbound firewall19:37
macoapparle: that would be a question for an outbound firewall19:38
macoPeace-: obviously not in an engineering school19:38
ionutcan anyone give me the ubuntu irc ?19:38
macoionut: #ubuntu19:38
macoapparle: by default *buntu has no services running listening on any ports. so as long as you dont install anything like an ssh server, mail server, or web server, nobody can make a connection to any services on your system19:38
Peace-maco: 3 year here on my university none has done nothing19:39
apparlemaco: cool....19:39
macoapparle: so really, you dont have to worry unless youve got something listening. windows has plenty of services listening by default so having one is more crucial there19:39
njathanany ideas how to get the apt protocol working on kubuntu 9.04? all 'working' solutions point to installing packages that  also get gnome packages along (which may not be used for anything other than this otherwise)19:39
apparlemaco: so right now I think I'll not use any password...19:39
apparlemaco: sorry .... firewall19:39
macoapparle: if you want to do outbound firewalling...well, thats going to require actually using iptables which is a bit harder. its also a bit silly since any smart hacker is going to have their malware go over port 80 because *nobody* blocks port 80...port 80 is web browsing19:40
njathanshould i go the apturl way?19:40
apparlemaco: :)19:40
maconjathan: is there an apturl-kde package?19:40
Peace-maco: if you are an hacker you don t crack you buddy system ... you crack server damn...19:40
Peace-maco: call them with the right name .19:41
njathanmaco: i cannot find one for 9.04 in the usual repos19:41
macoPeace-: not everyone who goes to school together is buddies :P might be playing a prank on a kid you hate19:41
macoand yeah you're right, if its without authorization it's a cracker19:41
maconjathan: then might have to go with ubufox i guess19:42
njathanubufox is the one that forces me to install lot of gnome packages... something i dont want to do unless absolutely necessry19:43
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maconjathan: i dont know any other way19:48
maconjathan: you could also just not use apturl19:48
njathanmaco: right... i rather not :-P19:49
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njathani am not getting any sound in firefox on any of the video sites... any ideas?19:56
njathani thought it was a flash problem... hence removed the one installed with apt-get and installed a deb available for 8.04+ manually on my 9.04 system19:57
njathanproblem still persists19:57
djusticenjathan: checked kmix/alsamixer for muted channels? flash liek to use weird sound channels...20:02
njathandjustice: whops.. fixed! thanks!20:03
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djusticenjathan: :)20:05
apparlenjathan: which channel was it using20:12
njathanapparle: PCM20:12
njathanapparle: strangely, audio on amarok worked fine with zero on PCM channel20:13
njathanisn't system sound also supposed to depend on PCM?20:13
apparlenjathan: strange.... if I mute PCM... I can't hear anything20:13
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=== Dekans[afk] is now known as Dekans
factotumI've been reading up on different distro's and their KDE implimentations. A lot of people seem to suggest opensuse for a KDE desktop, saying they do a better intigration. I personaly don't get that. Are they just saying that everyone else is using a more vanilla KDE setup? If that's the case I think I would rather prefer it over some over tweaked mess.20:23
factotumI'm not looking to poke fun at all, don't get me wrong. Just getting bored with Gnome and really like Ubuntu so I thought I would see if there are any "gotcha's" for Kubuntu when starting out. I gave 9.04 a go for an afternoon but had some issues with freeze up's or apps just not starting and a problem with keeping a wireless connection up and running.20:26
factotumokay im shutting up lol, sorry20:26
ocni49messieurs dames bonsoir20:27
apparleocni49: !any20:27
ocni49j'ai besoin de votre aide20:27
ocni49si il y a quelqu'un de français...20:27
macoapparle: most of the actual devs arent in #alsa, but yes, thatd be a bug to report20:29
apparlemaco: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/49886320:29
macoapparle: on the other hand, i find alsa maintainers are more receptive to patches sent to the mailing list than attached to bugs20:29
macoim actually trying to debug my sound right now20:30
apparlemaco: what's the problem... maybe I could help20:30
apparlehow to view mht files.... I received some as attachments20:31
macoim just trying to figure out the right quirk20:31
macofigured out a while back a quirk that works better than nothing, but its still not quite right20:31
macowhat is a mht file?20:31
macohelps if you say what kind of program its for20:31
apparlemaco: I think its a webpage saved using IE7 onwards20:32
macoO_o no idea then20:32
macoif theyre saving as something other than .html, im not sure any browser other than ie can open it20:32
apparleanyone else here..... MHT files20:33
soeedo u know hiw can i fix this weather widget? - i cant pick any location wrom wetter.com :/20:34
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=== Christian is now known as Crisss
Crisssany help.. how to change from ubuntu gnome.. to Kubuntu ? KDE ver20:37
apparleCrisss: do you want fresh Kubuntu or KDE over ubuntu20:38
CrisssKde over ubuntu20:38
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DaskReEchfactotum: try kubuntu since you are on UBuntu If you don't like it then try OpenSuse20:39
apparleCrisss: install the package kubuntu-desktop20:39
DaskReEchCrisss: install th package kubuntu-desktop20:39
DaskReEchfactotum: The major difference from your experience is more likely to be the packaging system than the Desktop changes20:40
Crisssyeah.. but is a command from console.... sudo apt-get remove (here i dont remember) ....  and sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ..... i have tried to do with synaptic .. but i get a black screen when i log in KDE ver... and no aplication available20:43
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Crisssapparle: can u help me with that command? i dont remember sudo apt-get remove ******20:46
apparleCrisss: what are you trying to remove........... you only need to do 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop'20:47
apparlemaco: I found the app kmhtconvert it opens mht file20:47
Crisssi wanna quit gnome ver... and have kde20:47
maco!purekde | Crisss20:48
ubottuCrisss: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »20:48
replmanHi! Is there a console utility to record from microphone to a file?20:49
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apparlereplman: arecord20:58
replmanapparle: thank you!20:59
Crisssapparle:  I have tried to remove Gnome ver like was on that link... but the problem is next... the first screen (where I log in) is KDE ver.. but after start is the same ver of gnome:(21:00
macoCrisss: there should be an options menu where you can choose the kde session instead of the gnome session21:01
soeeCrisss: u have both gnome and kde now ?21:02
Crisssbut is still a gnome desk21:03
zeruwowz nice ;]21:03
soeewell i sugest to reinstall system if u have separated partition for /home and install clear kubuntu :)21:03
Crisssi do: sudo aptitude remove ubuntu-desktop .. after that i restarted.. and is the same gnome ver21:04
zerui have a question ... i had a perfect installation 2 hours ago i even started skype etc  and i rebooted21:04
||arifaXCrisss: whats in /etc/X11/default-display-manager21:04
zeruwhen i rebooted grub said that ther is nothing on 000000000000-0000000000-00000000 or something like that and i couldn't boot the kubuntu21:04
Crisss||arifaX: root@criss-linux:/etc/X11# cat default-display-manager21:06
||arifaXCrisss: nothing?21:06
Crisss||arifaX: root@criss-linux:/etc/X11# cat default-display-manager ; /usr/bin/kdm21:07
||arifaXCrisss: thats ok for KDE21:07
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Crisssbut the desk is knome now..21:07
Crisssi wanna go ack to kubuntu21:08
tsimpsonyou need to choose KDE from the menu before you login21:08
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||arifaXCrisss: at the login screen there should be a button you can click to select KDE before logging in21:09
Crissstsimpson: not well .. i have tried... but i get a black screen.. with no aplication on it.. i can do ctr+alt Delete, and logoff21:10
cH40z-LordI'm running kubuntu 9.10 on my ASUS EeePC T91 and I've got a problem with my wlan... everytime I connect to my wifi-network the pc will crash after ~2-3mins with the original driver and immediatelly after "obtaining address" using the backport-packages as suggested at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1193429 - any ideas ?21:11
ofirkHas someone encoutered this problem: http://www.violetech.org/screenshot2.png ?21:13
ofirkI am running kubuntu 9.10 with KDE 4.3 and latest updates, no pulseaudio installed21:14
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jnewti have suse / winxp on a laptop, i want to replace suse with kubuntu.  i have booted to a live cd, and i see that there are 4 partitions and a free space.  I am thinkin of installing on sda4 (i think it's suse) but i want to make sure.  I go to dolphin and it says the volumes are locked, can someone tell me how to verify that i am installing over suse?21:23
jnewtand, i am worried about f-ing up grub, so any advice on this would be great.21:24
sergiossalve a tutti, mi sapete dire come entro nel canale di ubuntu?21:37
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oorahhow come in kpackage or whatever its called when i type what i'm looking for nothing shows up in the list?22:02
soee oorah wrong package name or filter selected ?22:04
oorahsoee, i typed flash, nothing showed in the list22:04
soeeand ur filter is selected as Show all packages ?22:05
oorahsoee, i just typed it just as i do in xubuntu22:06
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MoscowSindyShohello, guys.  Say me please, what application help me to make Use Case diagrame for my project.   And help me to meke UML diagrams!!22:09
MoscowSindyShoguys!   mondey is today!!!  lets work!22:10
capt_blackwoodI just installed the KDE environment and i can't get internet access22:16
* capt_blackwood is operating in xfce currently22:16
ernie_demain language is english?22:20
oorahhow come in kpackage or whatever its called when i type what i'm looking for nothing shows up in the list?22:20
oorahin xfce and gnome i type somethin, it shows up in the list22:20
ernie_decan anybody tell me how to connect a pptp-connection? i set up the connection via the knetwork-manager, no problems so far. but i dont know how to connect the vpn-connection22:21
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ernie_dei can even see the connection in the tray(?)22:22
KyranBeI've got a big problem22:24
KyranBeafter installing last nights updates, my computer doesn't boot into linux anymore22:24
KyranBeno matter which kernel22:24
KyranBewindows boots fine22:24
KyranBeit gets stuck after the initrd line22:24
Fn0rdeach time i try moving a folder to oen of my exteranl drives i keep getting "ERROR: malformed url"22:30
oorahhow come in kpackage or whatever its called when i type what i'm looking for nothing shows up in the list?22:30
oorahin xfce and gnome i type somethin, it shows up in the list22:30
Dragnsliceroorah- what are you searching for?22:31
Fn0rdIm searching for inner peace and enlightenment sadly that isnt showing up in the list either.22:32
oorahflash, gxine, pidgin, etc22:32
oorahand nothing showed up when i typed stuff in the list22:32
Dragnsliceroorah- do you have "Find by Name" selected?22:35
GalvatronFor sometime KpackageKit doesn't work22:36
GalvatronWhenever I click on .deb package, enter password and start installation, I get an aerror on the very beginning22:37
GalvatronIt just says: "Sorry, an error occured." and thats all22:39
GalvatronNo details22:39
GalvatronReinstalling KpackageKit didn't help22:39
Roastedwhats up guys22:40
Galvatronsudo dpkg -i works perfectly22:40
Roastedquestion - in quassel I have windows open from when people directly "IMed" me. How do I close them?22:41
macoright click22:42
macohide temporarily or permanently22:42
macotemporarily means they come back when they talk to you again22:42
macopermanent hiding means if they talk to you, you dont see it22:42
macoor you can delete it22:42
WilliamBuellmy cd/dvd drive drawer keeps opening no matter what i do, on my ubuntu machine.... what can i do from the desktop or terminal to close the drawer22:43
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Fn0rd each time i try moving a folder to one of my external drives i keep getting "ERROR: malformed url"  Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?22:44
GalvatronProblem solved by replacing KpackageKit with Gdebi22:47
Fn0rd each time i try moving a folder to one of my external drives i keep getting "ERROR: malformed url"  Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?23:05
soeewhere can i fond widgets files (directory)?23:06
islingtonsoee: you mean your plasma widgets?23:06
soeeislington: yes23:06
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kjcoleKubuntu Karmic and microphones, anyone?  (I can hear myself through the headset very, very loud, but it doesn't seem to use that to record, or send to Skype.)23:08
kjcoleI've been through a lot of docs that tell me to fool with Phonon settings, PulseAudio settings, Skype settings, alsamixer, kmix, etc. I figure it's all just helped me dig a bigger hole.23:09
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kjcoledthacker: pass23:33
dthackeryay! my quassel is working23:37
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