
arielCosebsebseb: it's a feature requested by the EU. On installation, Windows7 should prompt for which browser you want to use, out of a list of popular browsers. There's an article linked/discussed on /.00:00
arielCobjsnider: too late - done it00:00
_Groo_DanaG: mplayer, ffmpeg and mencoder with multi code support00:00
sebsebsebarielCo: yes that's what I am on about,  it's been requested by the EU yep00:00
_Groo_multi core00:00
sebsebsebarielCo: well not the EU,  the European Commission00:01
DanaGwrong tab-complete?00:01
bjsniderarielCo, ok, just refresh again and the new mplayer will show up00:01
arielCosebsebseb: awright, I always mix them up. Gotta read up on that some time.00:02
bjsniderDanaG, brad pitt's psychotic nihilist cult leader from "fight club"00:02
arielCobjsnider: yup - just got 2:1.0~rc3+svn20091207-0ubuntu1~karmic~nvidiavdpauppa1100:02
DanaGNever seen that movie.00:02
DanaGheh, now I need an amdxvba / vaapi PPA.00:02
sebsebsebarielCo: now we just need one,  saying what OS's are avaiable as alternatives :D  Ubuntu etc00:02
* arielCo giggles00:03
arielCosebsebseb, that would be a sticker outside the box, so you can choose before shelling out00:03
DanaGhang tight?  made me think of "hang loose" -- not sure what that would mean.00:03
arielCohmm... gotta give MPlayer a scalable icon00:04
bjsniderarielCo, i would stay away from gmplayer. install mplayer-nogui and either gnome-mplayer or smplayer00:05
bjsnidernobody's touched gmplayer in years00:05
DanaGhmm, on your kwin, what style window border do you use?  Lines, or the tab thingy?00:05
arielCowhat's gmplayer? I got MPlayer and MPlayer-nogui00:06
DanaGisn't gnome-mplayer just gmplayer?00:06
bjsnidermpayer is gmplayer00:06
arielCooh, g for GNOME?00:06
bjsniderDanaG, no, it is a completely new gtk gui00:06
bjsniderno, g for gui00:06
_Groo_bjsnider: actually its a very OLD gtk gui00:06
bjsnidergnome-mplayer is a great little program too00:07
_Groo_best mplayer gui is smplayer, hands down00:07
bjsnider_Groo_, i was talking about gnome-mplayer when i said it was a completely new gtk gui00:07
bjsnider_Groo_, i agree00:08
_Groo_bjsnider: ah ok00:08
arielCooh, now I get it - gmplayer is the default gui app supplied with mplayer00:08
bjsniderand it's an old piece of crap00:08
arielCoI remember using smplayer on Windows some time ago - nice enough, save for some quirks I don't remember well now00:08
bjsnidersmplayer has about 350k options00:09
arielCooh yes, now I remember that it had a lot in common with mencoder, and the docs were sometimes inconsistent00:09
arielCosome options had changed00:10
_Groo_bjsnider: yeah, its a qt/kde app, its suposed to be that way... gnomies prefer the:  i just want a play button and maybe a fullscreen button, gnome knows better then me what i must use.. just like oprah00:10
_Groo_bjsnider: yeah oprah and gnome have a lot in common , they both know whats best for their audience00:11
arielCobjsnider, it looks a lot better than I remember :D00:11
DanaGthen what's gnome-mplayer?00:11
arielCo_Groo_ good one00:11
bjsniderthat's the first time oprah has ever been dragged into an irc discussion, that i know of00:12
_Groo_bjsnider: im original00:12
bjsniderDanaG, gnomne-mplayer is a completely new gtk gui for mplayer00:12
bjsnider_Groo_, do i sense a bit of contempt and loathing for oprah's audience?00:13
_Groo_bjsnider: nahhh, after all less is more... why do you need all features if you just use one feature, the problem is, even if you want TWO features you only can use ONE.. so you cant actually complain lol00:15
sebsebsebarielCo: yep I guess, regarding the box00:15
DanaGgmplayer doesn't have deinterlacing options, for example.00:15
arielCognome's fine if you need someone to hold your hand. At some time you may want to walk on your own even if you trip over from time to time.00:16
DanaGweird... kwin 4.4 doesn't do the liney style.00:16
sebsebsebarielCo: that's not just Gnome, that's Ubuntu00:17
sebsebsebarielCo: at some stage, you might want to use a distro that isn't as easy to use00:18
arielCosebsebseb: good enough for non-technical people. I once tried Kubuntu but it lasted less than a week.00:18
_Groo_arielCo: GUIs arent hard or easy, kde/gnome are both fine from a starting point, the problem is that gnome treats all users as stupid little...beeep...00:18
arielCo_Groo_: right on. I remember a fine example around xscreensaver00:19
sebsebsebarielCo: hmm?00:19
DanaGoh yeah, that whole brouhaha00:19
bjsniderand kde is voluble to the point where you want the explanations and excessive options to go away00:19
sebsebsebarielCo: what's the example?00:19
DanaGtake a look at the qtcurve config... that's way way too much config displayed by default.00:20
_Groo_bjsnider: explanations??? excessive options???00:20
arielCothey removed the screensaver configuration button in gnome-screensaver  (or whatever the equivalent applet is called) because that should be handled by the theme instead of the user00:20
sebsebsebbjsnider: if you mean KDE 4 can be a bit difficult to set up properly, indeed at that00:20
arielCothere was an argument along the lines of "if it needs a configuration dialog, it's broken"00:20
DanaGThat's bollocks.00:20
DanaGOh no, people could configure their screensaver to say profane things!00:21
arielCoof course it is, but they expected all that to be handled by themes that *someone* would cook up00:21
_Groo_bjsnider: the problem is, average user WONT costumize, and when he DOES he WANTS the options.. the problem with gnome is that its a all or nothing (more of nothin) proposition00:21
DanaGOr if gnome-shell is the way to come, it's nothing or -- nothing.00:21
bjsnider_Groo_, well, i don't see it that way. everything here is changeable00:21
sebsebsebarielCo: Well starting with Karmic, I assume it will also be like this for Lucid, but most of the screensavers that were there in the default install aren't anymore.  Apparently that's, because of them running out of space on the CD.00:22
_Groo_bjsnider: if you mean, via a register im gonna slap you :D00:22
DanaGhmm, in gnome... how do you set rss-glx screensaver "flux" to use only "regular" preset?00:22
bjsniderDanaG, why not go to gnome's irc network and talk to the devs there about your concerns?00:22
arielCoDanaG: more like "oh no, people will see all those knobs and checkboxes and run away from Ubuntu". I don't know you, but if I bump into an overly-complicated config screen, my first reaction is to hit Cancel until I have time to dig into it.00:22
_Groo_arielCo: thats why you are a gnome user ;)00:22
sebsebsebarielCo: I would much rather have all those nice screensavers that were there before by default,  than Ubuntu One for example.00:23
arielCo_Groo_ : that's why I run the other version of the xscreensaver config, note down the parameters it creates, and edit some file which I can't remember now00:24
_Groo_arielCo:  :)00:25
arielCo_Groo_ : I'm not afraid of twirling knobs, especially if there's a "Reset" button, but my feeling is that Joe User would say "naw, too complicated", close the dialog, and keep enjoying Ubuntu as it is00:25
sebsebsebarielCo: well the software centre will become a rather important and user friendly part of Ubuntu, it seems00:26
sebsebsebit's wiki page is good00:26
sebsebsebhowever in the future something about how it will offer commercial apps for people to buy, hmm00:26
arielCohaha, now we only have to do   s/sudo apt-get install (\S+)/Install $1 from the Software Center/g   :D00:27
arielCoin all docs00:27
_Groo_arielCo: joe user would buy the sara palin book and find it "dense"¬¬ we cant just dumb down everything00:28
sebsebsebarielCo: I don't understand what this means (\S+)/Install $1  also why did you put s/sudo ?00:29
arielCoI've always wanted it to be an onion-thing. You want deeper control? Fine, take a look and step back if you don't feel capable.00:29
sebsebsebUbuntu is starting to become a lot more for Joe user or whatever you want to call them00:30
arielCosebsebseb: well, the typical advice is to run "sudo apt-get install foo". With the software center, we'd have to change all that to "look for Foo in the Software Centre"00:30
sebsebseb,but if it can target the average computer user, with most of them currently running Windows, well if it can do that and properly,  then it should start to gain a more proper market share00:31
arielCosebsebseb: and I'll be happy to have some distro for them. Joe User might be my mom, or my VP who doesn't have the time to even skim a manpage.00:31
sebsebsebby what I have read about 10.04, it seems that 10.04 will be the start of that00:31
sebsebsebarielCo: VP?  uhmm remind me what that is, or did I even know hmm00:31
_Groo_sebsebseb: but thats the problem (one of) with desktop linux, everyone thinks that ppl want simple stuff, well they DONT, they want familiarity, not simple00:31
arielCohaha... vice-president. Old guy making big, hard decisions.00:32
sebsebsebarielCo: oh ok that, well we aren't all from the USA, etc00:33
arielCo_Groo_: they can handle a change from Windows to a simpler interface even if it's alien to them. Think Windows -> Apple; to tell the truth, most who switch are delighted after a while.00:33
arielCosebsebseb, neither am I but I guess I read a lot of stuff from there00:33
sebsebsebmost  Linux tech news and such I will read, will be on an American website00:34
sebsebsebor  typed/written by one anyway00:34
_Groo_arielCo: kde/gnome are actually easier then apple if proper pre configured00:36
sebsebsebseems most of the properly active support people in #ubuntu are from USA.00:36
arielCo_Groo_: you beat me to it! If we (active users + developers) can manage to simplify most *config* tasks, migrating from Windows to Linux will be as easy as migrating to a Mac. A bit simpler if you count the added ease of not shelling out $1,500 :D00:36
sebsebseband loads of Americans in off topic as well etc00:37
* arielCo doesn't really know how much Macs cost00:37
* arielCo glances at sebsebseb >_>00:37
sebsebsebarielCo: why?00:37
_Groo_arielCo: thats your fundamental mistake, we dont need to dumbify desktop linux to become apple drones, we need to have them PROPERLY PRE CONFIGURED!00:38
sebsebsebwould have been good if it was called the Software Centre, rather than Center, by the way, but no00:38
_Groo_arielCo: do you know why netbooks with maemo took of? because they JUST WORK!00:38
arielCo_Groo_: right00:38
_Groo_arielCo: ask an average joe to install and configure windows xp/vista/7.. he would be as lost as installing ubuntu, even loster00:39
sebsebsebwell maybe not that good, but some of us would have been quite happy :)   it's called that in the menu for those with en GB, but not the program itself00:39
sebsebsebUbuntu is becoming more Windows like it seems00:39
bjsniderarielCo, $1k>$1.4k unless you get a pro desktop, which is at least $250000:39
sebsebsebor will be  becoming more Windows like I should say00:39
arielCo_Groo_: can Maemo be regarded as basically a well-configured Linux?00:39
arielCosebsebseb: from a layman's perspective there's at least one BIG shining difference - performance!00:40
sebsebseb10.04 might even look more like Windows aero,  well I put this after reading something00:41
arielCothe machine under my fingers came with Vista - I can remember the pain of opening a new IE8 window or tab00:41
bjsniderinternet exploder 8?00:42
arielCosebsebseb: so Compiz will come pre-configured? Not a bad idea.00:42
arielCobjsnider: actually, it's useful as a tool to test my patience00:43
sebsebsebalso I gave this link out here lastnight/thismorning ,but  this is a good read people00:43
arielCobjsnider: kinda like a bottle of catsup that you can't shake00:43
_Groo_arielCo: it already does since jaunty at least00:43
_Groo_arielCo: and kwin3d usually just works...00:43
arielCokwin3d? that's a window manager?00:44
bjsnidercompiz has been out of control for too long. now it's beyond saving00:44
_Groo_the problem with windows -> linux migrations are the same of any migrations... perceptions.00:44
sebsebseb_Groo_: I also gave this link out here lastnight/thismorning and it fits in well with what your saying, about how Ubuntu doesn't always just work. http://www.insidesocal.com/click/2009/12/ubuntu-linux-gnome-and-xorg-th.html00:44
_Groo_first thing i see a new "windows/linux" user do it to scourge the internet looking for drivers/programs to "install" instead of using a package manager, since they arent familiar with the concept00:44
sebsebsebUbuntu doesn't always just work properly on a computer, I should put really00:45
sebsebseb_Groo_: that is what your saying isn't it?00:45
arielCodo you know if gnome-Do is going to come preconfigured? It's a nice gimmick for the new user. Heck, I use it instead of the panel.00:45
sebsebsebarielCo: I think the memenu will be be of interest to newusers as well as a lot of users who have been using Ubuntu for a while already, check out the  arstechnica link00:46
_Groo_arielCo: it already does also00:46
sebsebseb_Groo_: as for the looking for drivers stuff,  I think eventually Software Centre will start to really take care of that00:48
arielCosebsebseb: in my experience, there's a lot in common between Ubuntu and model kits - some decals to stick on, some rough edges to sand... but then again, installing Windows on a new PC brings some of that feeling00:48
arielCosebsebseb: I'm still trying to figure out my 802.11g card. There seem to be three different choices depending on how "free" I want to go =/00:49
sebsebsebarielCo: Ubuntu and model kits,  I am not following00:49
KetsubanWhat concerns me is the apparent assumption that people only ever interact with other Linux users. This Telepathy stuff is all well and good, but I can't use any of it when talking to the people I talk to because they don't use Linux.00:50
arielCosebsebseb: kinda like these: http://www.jetplanes.co.uk/modelaircraft/mh53seadragon.html00:50
sebsebsebKetsuban: ah yes that00:50
sebsebsebwell Gimp got ported to Windows00:50
_Groo_Ketsuban: This windows messenger stuff is all well and good, but i cant use any of it when talking to the people i talk because they all use windows00:51
sebsebsebEmpathy could get ported as well,  plus I can think of three ways on how it can be run inside Windows00:51
sebsebseband not natively of course00:51
arielComethinks Empathy was made the default IM client a bit too early00:52
sebsebsebarielCo: same here00:52
sebsebsebI guess00:52
sebsebsebhmm things have gone  well00:52
BUGabundoguys a bit OT, what do you know similar to hamachi VPN? I need a way to hook two PCs, that can't open ports between them !00:52
sebsebseboff topic here, but no one telling us off00:52
arielCoBUGabundo: there's Hamachi for Linux, afaik00:52
BUGabundoarielCo: I know, but its no longer mantained00:53
BUGabundoand some of its depencies no longer work00:53
arielCohmm... I remember having done some research a while ago00:54
arielCowait up00:54
_Groo_BUGabundo: openVPN?00:54
sebsebsebI feel like using the bot00:54
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.00:54
_Groo_ubottu: goood bot, gooood bot, heres a cookie!00:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:55
_Groo_ubottu: its  just a cookie ¬¬00:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:55
sebsebseb_Groo_: there is a !cookie factoid for good helpers00:55
_Groo_sebsebseb: i know i know, but he was suposed to know what a cookie is ;)00:56
BUGabundo_Groo_: and how do I connect both ends?00:56
sebsebseb_Groo_: you just called her a he00:56
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)00:56
KetsubanI'm not sure "it's ported" is a solution. Sure, it turns "this is a useless feature because you're not running the same OS" into "this is a useless feature because you're not using the same client", but it's still a useless feature, and good luck convincing people Telepathy is useful, especially given the joke that is Empathy.00:56
Ketsubans/it's ported/it might be ported later/00:56
_Groo_sebsebseb: shes a she?? oO00:56
arielCoBUGabundo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamachi#See_also00:56
sebsebseb!sorry | _Groo_00:56
ubottu_Groo_: It's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/00:56
_Groo_sebsebseb: thanks sebsebseb00:57
BUGabundoarielCo: thanks00:57
arielCoWippien looks good00:57
sebsebseb_Groo_: for what using !sorry ?00:59
BUGabundoarielCo: GUI is win32 only. CLI requires unknow daemon to be run as root :\\00:59
BUGabundosebsebseb: _Groo_: play with bots on #ubuntu-bots . thanks01:00
KetsubanAnd I don't think I will ever be pleased with things like gnome-shell which threaten to turn my laptop into a dumb kiosk.01:01
BUGabundoarielCo: n2n is in the repos :D01:01
_Groo_gotta go, seeya another day01:01
arielCobye _Groo_01:01
* BUGabundo presses F11 on Ketsuban brower01:01
_Groo_seeya all01:02
arielCoBUGabundo: the homepage looks scary ;)01:02
BUGabundoeheh full instrucntion set on home page01:02
KetsubanI fail to see what you're trying to prove. The only time I fullscreen a browser is when I'm trying to show something to my mother across the room and thus need to zoom in real close.01:03
_Groo_gotta go, seeya another day01:03
sebsebsebKetsuban: I haven't tried Gnome Shell01:03
sebsebsebin fact I don't really know anything about it01:03
sebsebsebI know there's a ppa that can be got for Karmic and I guess Lucid as well01:04
sebsebseband that things go a bit crazy or something when Gnome Shell is turned on01:04
bjsnidersebsebseb, there are videos of gnome-shell being used that you can take a look at01:05
bjsnideri'm using it right now so things can't be too crazy01:05
sebsebsebbjsnider: that's a point,  videos01:05
sebsebsebwell seems some like it, and others aren't sure about it01:06
sebsebsebbjsnider: your using it in what, Karmic Lucid?01:06
KetsubanThen again, I also don't get the "waaaah people aren't using the notification area properly" stuff. How else is something like Liferea, which stays resident but doesn't constantly sit in your face doing nothing, supposed to hide?01:06
sebsebsebKetsuban: oh the notification area, they will be uhmm  well removing that for 10.0401:06
sebsebseband doing something else instead01:06
sebsebsebI gave a link a little while ago01:07
sebsebsebabout the memenu01:07
arielCoBUGabundo: okay, so you need a third machine to do what a Hamachi server would otherwise do01:07
=== dereks_ is now known as dereks
BUGabundoarielCo: yeah I gather that01:07
sebsebsebKetsuban: well memenu in 10.04, if it's ready in time01:09
KetsubanYes, sebsebseb, I saw that. Funnily enough, feeds don't seem to be a "me menu" sort of thing - they're not social, and they're not networking. Also, I find amusement at the fact that they quote someone who made Gwibber, considering the one thing I couldn't do with Gwibber when I tried it was actually send a tweet.01:10
sebsebsebKetsuban: also Gnome 3 apparantly already has something like the memenu01:11
bjsniderno it doesn't01:12
sebsebsebbjsnider: ok01:12
sebsebsebbjsnider: Gnome Shell doesn't have anything like it,  a guy put something  on IRC to me earlier...01:12
sebsebseb,but I guess he doesn't know what he is on about01:12
BUGabundoarielCo: are you voluntering a machine so I can test?01:12
sebsebsebbjsnider: or whatever01:13
BUGabundoarielCo: $ supernode -l PORT01:13
arielCohmm... I didn't think of that, but can do!01:13
arielColet me install the thing01:13
BUGabundoits all its needed. even with just users space privs01:13
bjsnidergnome-shell has a basic panel with a notification area like gnome-panel01:13
arielCooh, wait01:13
sebsebsebbjsnider: Gnome Shell has nothing like it?01:13
BUGabundoarielCo: PVT01:13
* sebsebseb remembers he should really see some videos of Gnome Shell01:14
arielCoshould I forward a port or something? I'm behind a router too.01:14
sebsebsebwell I didn't forget that01:14
sebsebsebKetsuban: oh right ok01:17
sebsebsebKetsuban: well I don't have a Twitter account yet01:18
sebsebsebKetsuban: and I haven't used whatever this is  Gwibber is01:18
sebsebsebarielCo: Ubuntu and model kits going back to earlier, when it comes to install?  went on your link01:27
BUGabundoarielCo: back ?01:32
hyperstream_how can i get Lucid to display my remaining laptop battery life?02:06
BUGabundohyperstream you can't02:07
BUGabundoit was dropped02:07
hyperstream_it was functioning last night, closed the lappy went to bed opened it up, punched in my password and its gone..02:07
hyperstream_rebooting brb02:08
hyperstream__that fixed it02:10
=== mylogic_ is now known as mylogic
bjsniderBUGabundo, are you using the blob right now or nouveau?02:41
i_is_brokeok this is probably a real noobie question but im going to ask anyways, whats the difference in between the gnome terminal,lxterminal,and the konsole terminal?02:41
bjsniderdoes it boot with plymouth in there?02:42
bjsnidermbierl is apparently having some internet issues02:43
i_is_brokeyeah it looks like it.02:43
i_is_brokei hate that when that happens.02:43
BUGabundobjsnider: yep02:44
BUGabundoor at least I think so02:44
BUGabundo I removed splash02:44
bjsnideri thought you needed a kms driver to use plymouth02:44
bjsniderBUGabundo, which blob?02:46
BUGabundo185 I think02:46
BUGabundoarchive nvidia02:47
Bookmanhow do I update from the command line.  I do not have x working?02:51
Bookmanupdate-manager -d does not work02:52
BUGabundoBookman: do-release-upgrade ?02:52
BUGabundoor sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade02:52
i_is_brokewell lets see what happens with the test box this time, upgrading kernel now..so this might get interesting again.02:52
BUGabundodepends on you beeing upgrading distro, or running regular updates02:53
BookmanOK, This has started the process.  I have a newly built computer with an old Ubuntu installation on the hard drive.  It did not boot properly, but I could get to the command line.  Will this upgrade correct all of the drivers and such?  I have no working CD/DVD or USB02:55
i_is_brokewell i dont know if it will fix it, but the way it sounds you dont have much of a choice other then a reinstall.02:56
bjsniderBookman, what old distro?02:58
Bookmanbjsnider, 9.0402:59
i_is_brokehmm thats not that old03:00
bjsniderwell, that's not so old03:00
BookmanNo, but does not work all the same03:00
i_is_brokeyeah broke is still broke.03:00
bjsniderit should install whatever the new distro is in its entirety, but There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip03:00
i_is_brokei have never had luck putting old systems on new computers that way..its just never been my luck.03:01
BookmanYeah, I might have to scrap this one.03:01
BookmanToo bad, new motherboard, new cpu, new ram.03:01
i_is_brokenew video card as well?03:01
i_is_brokewell that wouldnt mess with the cd/dvd rom or the usbs.03:02
bjsniderwhat video chip?03:02
BookmanNope, none of my machines work with the usb/cd anymore since 9.1003:02
i_is_brokethats a bus.03:02
i_is_brokewell no one can guarantee an upgrade, but like i said dont think you really have much choice other then a new install.have you got your data saved?03:04
i_is_brokewhat chip set is in the computer?03:04
i_is_brokeand what was in the last one?03:05
BookmanMSI K9N6PGM203:05
BookmanLast was too old to remember03:06
i_is_brokei have that kind of memory too..03:06
i_is_brokei was going to say if they was both the same thing then you might get real lucky but...03:07
i_is_brokebut you upgrade other computers and they did the same thing, and did you change parts on them too or just the upgrade"?03:07
BookmanNo, just upgrade03:08
BookmanThis one is unique03:08
i_is_brokethats odd.03:08
BookmanI might just toss it and buy a new machine03:08
bjsniderBookman, that board has an onboard nvidia gpu supported by the latest blobs03:08
i_is_brokewell i wouldnt toss it.03:08
Bookmani_is_broke, I will just for personal satisfaction.  Building your own used to work.  Not so much anymore03:09
i_is_brokei build all of mine.03:09
bjsniderit does not have any purevideo technology so it would make a poor gaming system and poor media center03:09
BookmanHopefully not with 9.1003:09
i_is_brokei have yet to buy a complete system.03:10
BookmanHmm, I built all my own before with Windows.  No issues.03:11
BookmanThis is a nightmare03:11
bjsnideryou can put a pci-express graphics card in that and make it better03:15
bjsnidereven a cheap one like an 8200-8400 that is practically being given away would give you better graphics and vdpau03:16
bjsniderand that's one step closer to world domination03:16
BookmanIf I could boot my machine, that would be a big step closer to domination03:38
i_is_brokewell if it was me and i was wanting to run linux on a new machine i would read about it before i bought the parts to make sure they was compatible...sheesh..doesnt take rocket science to figure that one out.04:29
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:43
geniialso !laptop04:43
ubuntuanyone here?05:11
geniiYes, we're here05:13
ubuntuHi ... I upgraded to the alpha version of lucid lynx , and my computer wouldn't boot anymore .... get a message saying "Segmentation fault" .... would someone know how to fix this?05:20
ubuntugenii: short of reinstalling, that is ... I've a lot of data, and backing it all up before reinstalling would be a pain05:22
RAOFubuntu: If you've got a lot of data that you don't want to lose, go back to 9.10.05:23
ubuntuRAOF: yep, how do I do that?05:23
RAOFubuntu: By reinstalling.05:23
geniiYes, there is no "downgrade"05:24
ubuntuRAOF: wouldn't it format the drive and loose all my data05:24
RAOFIt's technically possible to downgrade, but (a) there's no guarantee that it'll work, (b) you're quite likely to end up with something that's not quite 9.10 in crashy ways, and (c) it's moderately difficult.05:24
RAOFubuntu: Not necessarily; Ubuntu hasn't been formatting /home for at least a couple of releases.05:24
ubuntuRAOF: oh really!? so if I just reinstall 9.10 , there's a chance I can keep all my data05:25
RAOFYes; I would, however, back it up.05:25
RAOFI'm fairly sure that the default is to not format anything, and preserve /home.05:26
RAOFBe careful in the installer, though :)05:26
ubuntuRAOF: ok :) I'll try ... to be sure, there's no hope of recovering the lynx alpha?05:27
RAOFOh, there probably is.  But alpha-1 is not the time to jump in if your system has to work & not destroy your important data.05:27
ubuntuRAOF .. well, looks like I'm backing up my data anyway ... so after I've done that, i might also try making lynx work05:28
sebsebsebubuntu: unless your pretty experienced with Ubuntu, it's probably best for you not to bother with Lucid for proper useage early, untill at least the beta, if you can't wait untill the release candidate or final05:33
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sebsebsebubuntu: plus all your data should be backed up, when testing it,  but really it should be backed up anyway, hard disks can just fail for example05:34
ubuntusebsebseb: ok05:34
sebsebsebubuntu: Why did you go to Lucid anyway?05:35
geniiProbably "because it was there"05:36
bjsniderRAOF, how is it that plymouth would work without a kms driver?05:36
ubuntusebsebseb: well, was just curious to see .. I'd previously upgraded to kaola in beta, and it wasn't a *big* problem (though I had some booting issues there too)05:36
sebsebsebgenii: yeah, but  Jaunty is still there, and loads of them aren't putting that back on :)05:36
RAOFbjsnider: Because we load, at worst, vga16fb so there's always a framebuffer?05:37
sebsebsebubuntu: I have done that before myself a few times,  got it early,  used as my OS,  and then got issues before the beta, that stayed there05:37
RAOFbjsnider: This is also, incidentally, why Intel died recently; vga16fb was taking the framebuffer & confusing everything.05:37
bjsnideri've got a guy emailing me using the bob and not getting pas an error at plymouth05:38
sebsebsebubuntu: I kept on thinking how I would virtual machine test instead, and now I have started to a little bit05:38
bjsniderhe says the problem was "a bad mountall from the ubuntu-desktop PPA"05:39
ubuntusebsebseb: raof: :) yeah, now that u mention it, its a smarter thing to try05:39
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sebsebsebalso if I was going to put on like that, I woudn't  do it untill like alpha 4 by the earliest, but for people who are going to do that,  on a machine that isn't just a test machine, it's best to wait untill at least the beta really05:39
RAOFbjsnider: No idea; none of my systems actually lack kms :)05:39
sebsebsebubuntu: anyway this time round I will be virtual machine testing,  but that's only, because I have put on another distro on this computer05:40
sebsebsebotherwise I would have probably done like before, even though,  I would have told myself not to05:40
DanaGActually, I've had to block vga16fb.05:40
DanaGIt breaks even uvesafb.05:40
DanaGThe "bind if nothing else has bound yet" happens BEFORE anything else has a CHANCE to bind!05:41
DanaGSo it says, screw you, I'm claiming the device!05:41
DanaGAnd gives me a screen full of garbage.05:41
ubuntusebsebseb: lesson learnt :)05:41
sebsebsebubuntu: the noticeable end user feature don't start coming in untill like alpha 3 or something05:41
ubuntusebsebseb: I see05:41
sebsebsebubuntu: well for this release.  not got the scheduled in front of me.   anyway the beta will have them05:41
sebsebsebubuntu: have a look at the release scheduled :)05:42
ubuntusebsebseb: yep05:42
ubuntusebsebseb: RAOF: thanks guys .. looks like its going to be a few gruelling hours of backup work .. see u later05:43
sebsebsebubuntu: hold on05:43
sebsebsebubuntu: did you ever do 9.04?05:43
ubuntuI think I did05:44
sebsebsebI much prefer it to 9.10 :)05:44
ubuntu:) i don't remember much from it05:44
sebsebseb9.04 as in Jaunty as in the April release05:44
sebsebsebJaunty Jackalope05:44
ubuntusebsebseb: 9.10 has been buggy for me ... the screensaver program hanged my system many times05:45
sebsebsebubuntu: oh?05:45
sebsebsebmost of the screensavers that used to come by default in previous versions of Ubuntu05:45
sebsebsebdon't come with Karmic05:45
sebsebsebubuntu: So why did you get Lucid early?  because you thought it would solve some problems maybe?05:45
ubuntusebsebseb: not really, was just curious .. wanted to scratch am itch :)05:46
sebsebsebubuntu: here's a little tip by the way when it comes to getting ISO's.  md5sum/sha1sum or both your ISO, to make sure you have a good download,  if you get from the torrent it's probably ok05:47
sebsebsebubuntu: really easy to do the check in the terminal05:47
* sebsebseb Got reminded of when I put Gutsy on, way to early hmm/hrm, (or maybe it was feisty)06:00
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
DanaGhmm, in kde 4.4, how do you bind a hotkey to a panel launcher?08:13
DanaG"icon properties" has no place for shortcut-key.08:13
z987kI'm having problems with ls10:21
z987kit hangs every time I give ls to a large directory10:22
janneDoes anyone have a broken Nautilus?12:05
bittin^Hello anyone know how i do a list off my installed Debian packages with dpkg into a textfile?12:46
Michalxodpkg -l >> textfile?12:48
bittin^http://bittin.linuxuser.se/HilleLinuxpackages.txt got it to work :)12:55
Michalxobittin^, not working for me12:57
bittin^its http://bittin.linuxuser.se/HilleLinuxPackages.txt12:58
delightsftp is not working for me in dolphin kde sc 4.4 beta 1 ... is this only happening in lucid or is this an kde 4.4 beta 1 problem ?15:47
BUGabundodelight: known15:51
BUGabundoask yofel for the bug15:51
BUGabundobattery widget in gnome is broken15:51
BUGabundoas soon as I unplug power it says zero % :(15:51
BluesKajhowdy folks , konversation is using upwards of 75% of cpu again . I wonder if others are seeing this too15:53
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BUGabundohi BluesKaj15:55
BluesKajhey BUGabundo15:55
BUGabundohow do I tell dovecot to not start at startup ? what's the current "user easy way" to do that?15:55
BUGabundosince we now use vsysinit is there a UI for it?15:57
delightBUGabundo: known but is it an upstream kde or an lucid problem ?16:02
yofeldelight: bug 496208 - lucid problem16:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496208 in kdebase-runtime "sftp:// protocol no longer works in KDE 4.4 on lucid" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49620816:03
BUGabundothere you go16:04
yofelhi BUGabundo16:04
BUGabundonow, who can tell me what is availble to manage startup services?16:04
BUGabundodo would inet.d tools work ?16:04
yofelthat's what I was wondering too, some upstart scripts have runlevel references, but I don't get how that works now...16:05
BUGabundoI need a GUI for dummies16:05
BUGabundoI want to close down ALL my inicial services, I have installed and only use on occation16:06
BUGabundoa search in synaptic reveals only ONE tool for it16:06
BUGabundoand its startup16:06
BUGabundowb nhandler16:06
penguin42BUGabundo: I was asking yesterday on #ubuntu about this, since I was fighting with ssh, and it seems there isn't an equivalent of update-rc.d for upstart and there isn't something that integrates the two16:09
BUGabundopenguin42: :(((((16:09
penguin42BUGabundo: This seems nuts since you somehow have to magically know which one a particular service is16:09
BUGabundowell guess ill go hardcore16:11
BUGabundoand manually change links in RCs16:11
penguin42BUGabundo: Well for the rc.x dirs there's always update-rc.d but that won't help you for upstart16:17
yofelBUGabundo: i fear you'll have to edit the 'start/stop on ...' parts of the init scripts...16:18
BluesKajone can use the rcconf app to make rc*d links easier16:19
BluesKajthe bot doesn't have any info16:19
BUGabundoeach seem worse16:19
joaopintoBUGabundo, for regular rc service you can use sysv-rc-conf, for upstart afaik you will need to disable them manually16:36
joaopintoit's becoming a common complain these days, services management16:36
penguin42it seems odd, other distros have had a little services dialog for many many years16:38
joaopintothose tools are not upstart aware16:40
penguin42yeh sure16:50
BluesKajthat kpackagekit service daemon is a pita ...first to be disabled on my setup16:52
BluesKajand why the powerdevil is default on my desktop is another16:53
BluesKajanyway , time for the daily walk ..BBL16:54
bjsniderjoaopinto, is there a gui tool under development to resolve that issue?17:09
joaopintobjsnider, I remember reading something about the gnome utility needing to worked, but I don't know if anyone is working on that17:11
BUGabundorc2 and rc5 hacked up17:35
BUGabundowith losts of 'k's now :D17:35
=== DBO_ is now known as DBO
nperryWhen did plymouth replace usplash18:23
nperryCant seem to a thread on forums18:23
BUGabundosoee: hi19:11
dupondjeany list with planned changes for Lucid ?19:15
joaopintoI hate not having fglrx :\19:16
BUGabundojoaopinto: :p19:16
BUGabundoget nvidia19:16
BUGabundodupondje: check technical overview wiki page19:17
bjsniderjoaopinto, you mean in the sense that it doesn't support the latest instable kernel? or you have old hardware?19:29
joaopintobjsnider,  latest kernel19:34
billybigriggerBUGabundo, how goes it?19:36
BUGabundobillybigrigger: head bashing with rssh19:42
BUGabundoand you ?19:42
billybigriggerthinking of taking the dive into +1 today19:43
BUGabundoeheh billybigrigger19:43
BUGabundowe welcome you with arms wide open19:43
BUGabundoX is broken though19:43
billybigriggerthe x.10 cycles are no good for me, i'm not around my computer much this time of year19:43
* BUGabundo stupid rssh19:43
BUGabundobillybigrigger: why so ?19:43
billybigriggerbecause it's winter here in canada, and this is my busy season for work19:44
billybigriggeroil rigs are just starting to fire up so ya...not home too much19:44
billybigriggernv driver is totally broken i see from the notes...have to revert to vesa? bah19:45
billybigrigger^^^ no good19:45
crimsunif you want Xv or 3D, yes, "nv" is broken.19:45
crimsunif you only care about 2D, "nv" is fine.19:45
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BUGabundobillybigrigger: ppa seems to be in better shape19:45
BUGabundoI must be doing something very stupid, or the docs are wrong... :(19:46
BUGabundoI've set the user shell to use rssh, set the properties in rssh.conf for that user, and it still wonder around my system :(19:47
billybigriggerstill wonders around your system? so what, are you trying to chroot that shell user or what?19:51
BUGabundobillybigrigger: trying to have it chroot to /usr/local/chroot/19:51
BUGabundobut with SSH19:51
BUGabundomaybe I'm reading this wrong19:52
BUGabundoand rssh only does scp19:52
billybigriggerhah, brb, need to go tow mom's car out of the back alley19:53
* billybigrigger loves snow19:53
BUGabundobillybigrigger: I bet she loves to have you as a son :D19:54
joaopintoBUGabundo, there are better options ot rssh, like an apparmored ssh profile19:54
BUGabundotell me then :D19:54
BUGabundoif I'm going to expose access to my machine to "someone" I rather have it confined19:55
crimsundoes "someone" absolutely need a shell?19:55
joaopintoBUGabundo, http://penguindroppings.wordpress.com/2009/09/09/serving-up-sftp-and-apparmor/19:56
BUGabundocrimsun: "I" do19:56
BUGabundoI'll be accessing this machine from another place19:57
BUGabundobut only to browse a few docs and file dirs19:57
BUGabundothanks joaopinto19:57
BUGabundosome one did a bad math on the battery widget20:04
BUGabundomine goes from 0.0 to 1.020:04
BUGabundoits currently at 9.520:04
BUGabundoI guess its x10 :D20:04
crimsunthat sounds like a combination of devicekit-power not scaling the information and/or the batter widget not handling out-of-scale20:05
joaopintois it just me or gdm ramdomly fails to start ?20:05
joaopintofrequenrely I need to manually start it from a tty20:06
BUGabundojoaopinto: not here20:08
joaopintohum, odd, it might be X driver related20:08
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=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
BUGabundocrimsun: I jumped to a TTY, jumped back to X, and lost all sound. how can I restore it ?20:57
crimsunnot nearly enough info.20:58
crimsunwhat does ck-list-sessions give you?20:59
BUGabundook just tell me what's the best way to restart it20:59
crimsundon't paste it here20:59
crimsundon't pastebin it20:59
crimsunprivmsg it20:59
BUGabundocrimsun: im21:00
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=== ZeroDivisionErro is now known as flox
slacker_nlwill 10.04 lts convert legacy grub to grub2?21:28
XiXaQkarmic uses grub2. What do you mean?21:29
yofelI think he means on upgrade21:29
KetsubanHm. Rhythmbox crashes when trying to display a status icon.21:29
slacker_nlI have karmic with legacy grub21:30
sebsebsebslacker_nl: it might be converted on upgrade, but probably not21:30
sebsebsebslacker_nl: also Grub legacy is fine really21:30
slacker_nldebian upgraded from legacy to grub2 if you switch from stable to testing21:30
sebsebsebslacker_nl: well it might happen then21:30
sebsebseb,but Grub Legacy is fine really21:31
slacker_nlsebsebseb: i know21:31
crimsunBUGabundo: line 41 of your paste. D: module-udev-detect.c: /dev/snd/controlC0 is accessible: no21:40
crimsunBUGabundo: if PA can't control the mixer, it will bail that card (for good reason)21:41
BUGabundolog out, login, crimsun, and all got fixed21:41
BUGabundoits just proves I can't avoid reboot in alphas :D21:41
crimsunBUGabundo: I suspect some app you're using refuses to play nicely with PA21:42
BUGabundoexaile most prob21:42
BUGabundoit was after it, prob started21:42
KetsubanThe inability to put Rhythmbox in the notification area is annoying.21:44
crimsunisn't that a plugin?21:45
KetsubanYes, but when I try to use it it either doesn't make a notification icon or crashes.21:46
KetsubanI tick the box and I get this warning in the console: ** (rhythmbox:1837): WARNING **: Unable to create Ayatana Watcher proxy!  Could not get owner of name 'org.ayatana.indicator.application': no such name21:46
KetsubanAnd then I untick and tick it again and the application crashes with this message: * ERROR **: Failed to register GObject with DBusConnection21:46
BluesKajopenssh is broken on my setup , I can ssh into my other linuxbox in the cli , but that restricts access to displaying the files I'm after...any ideas21:48
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BUGabundoanyone wants to package Retroshare ?21:51
BUGabundobjsnider: ^^^^^21:52
bjsniderBUGabundo, what the #$%^& is retroshare?21:56
BUGabundonetworkless IM and file transfer app21:56
BUGabundothey a deb... why not a PPA ?21:56
BUGabundoguess ill popup on their #21:57
bjsnideris it in upstream deian?21:57
bjsniderdebian i mean21:57
BUGabundocouldn't find it21:57
bjsniderhow mature is it?21:58
BUGabundojust learned about it 4 min ago22:00
BUGabundowhile reading N2N docs22:00
bjsnideryou just learned about it 4 minutes ago and you already need it packaged?22:00
bjsniderhow can IM and file transfer be done without a network?22:00
BUGabundoN2N :D22:01
BUGabundonot networkless, but serverless22:01
ActionParsniphey all, is there a way to tell devede where mplayer is?22:01
ActionParsnipits in my $PATH but devede still says it can't find it22:02
ActionParsnip!info devede22:02
ubottudevede (source: devede): simple application to create Video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.15.2-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 1898 kB, installed size 3768 kB22:02
bjsniderfind out where it's looking and create a symlink22:02
bjsniderbut it's pretty broken if it can't find it in your path22:03
bjsniderBUGabundo, that sounds a bit like bittorrent with magnet links22:04
bjsnideror dht22:04
BUGabundoyes, it uses DHT22:04
bjsniderjust finished packaging vdpauinfo for the first time. but this thing should be folded in to libvdpau22:05
oldude67well i noticed today that i should of rebooted the computer yesterday as i did today and lost x again and had to do a update to get it back...what was they working on nv or nouveau?22:06
oldude67what is the irc help channel as well?22:07
BUGabundobjsnider: can I test that?22:07
bjsniderhold on a few minutes while i get it into the lucid section22:08
bjsniderBUGabundo, it depends on libvdpau1, which you might not have22:09
BUGabundoor are filled with good suprises22:09
BluesKajActionParsnip, devede looks for ffmpeg and usually it's in /usr/bin , bt try /usr/local/bin22:11
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: it only moans about mplayer, i'll check it22:12
BluesKajActionParsnip, they all use ffmpeg22:12
ActionParsnipyeah its there, i symlinked it22:12
* ActionParsnip installs ffmpeg22:13
BluesKajor you copy it to usr/bin22:13
ActionParsnipi'm just gonna comment the line to check if mplayer is installed22:14
ActionParsnipits there the check just fails22:14
ActionParsnipi'll log a bug when i get it nailed22:15
BluesKajffmpeg is a very easy to use cli app ...it has a lot of uses22:15
ActionParsnipi'm making a dvd iso from avis22:15
BluesKajcheck the ffmpeg man , you.ll see how to dvd from avi22:16
bjsniderwhy do such a thing?22:19
bjsniderset-top players can play avi files22:19
ActionParsnipim after chapters etc as its multiple wrestling matches22:22
BluesKajavimerge ia another tool i use to join avi files together to make on large file for dvd22:23
BluesKajone large file22:24
ActionParsnipyeah but when its mukltiple matches, chapters are hugely advantageous22:24
BluesKajwrestling ...uhmm okaay22:25
ActionParsnipyeya boi :D22:25
AmaranthBluesKaj: Plus some people would rather click 3 buttons instead of typing 200 hard to remember characters :)22:27
* Amaranth remembers making DVDs by writing out XML files by hand22:28
ActionParsnipif theres an app which can handle chapter creation then let me know. I use CLI more than gui stuff22:28
BUGabundoAmaranth: ehe22:28
bjsniderBUGabundo, ready for testing22:28
BluesKajAmaranth, ffmpeg or avimerge ?22:28
Amaranthoh, ffmpeg, right :)22:29
BUGabundosure why not22:29
BluesKajActionParsnip, avidemux ?22:29
bjsniderBUGabundo, do you have libvdpau1 or not?22:29
Amaranthwell, ffmpeg is easy enough to use but then you have to use dvdauthor too which takes an XML file and spits out a folder that you then have to pack into an ISO file which you then have to burn22:29
BUGabundo  Installed: (none)22:30
BUGabundo  libvdpau1: Conflicts: nvidia-libvdpau which is a virtual package.22:30
BUGabundoThe following packages are BROKEN:  libvdpau122:30
bjsniderright. there is no longer an nvidia-libvdpau package22:30
BluesKajAmaranth, why make an iso , it's not necessary22:30
BUGabundoThe following actions will resolve these dependencies:22:31
BUGabundoRemove the following packages:22:31
AmaranthBluesKaj: well, no22:31
BUGabundobjsnider: removing my driver is not a good idea :D22:31
AmaranthBluesKaj: but it's handy to have if I want to burn more than one copy22:31
bjsniderBUGabundo,  the drivers in the ppa work22:31
BUGabundolast time I tried that, I had to manually scp debs in an revert X22:32
BUGabundoso I have to upgrade to PPA 190 ?22:32
bjsnideryou can use any of the 322:33
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
BluesKajAmaranth, I haven't used dvdauthor for a while , since using tovid to make dvds when devede was too unstable to be reliable22:45
BluesKajAmaranth, a new to me app that uses a gui and if you don't mind a java written app, then Varsha might fit some needs, http://varsha.sourceforge.net/23:00
BluesKajmy problem is fixing openssh ...seems to be broken using the network wizard , which I prefer for displaying files on our linuxboxes23:07
=== TheImp is now known as TheInfinity
AmaranthBluesKaj: ugly :/23:39
_Groo_hi/2 all23:43
komputes_Groo_: hi23:48
_Groo_hi komputes23:49

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