
slangasekScottK: does anything use the WTF_PLATFORM_IA64 define, then?00:23
slangasekScottK: btw, bug #49863100:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 498631 in binutils "ld segfaults with --gc-sections on powerpc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49863100:23
ScottKslangasek: Nothing except getting us into the JS64 set instead of 32_6400:24
slangasekoh, is that what the PLATFORM() macro expands to?00:25
ScottKMore specifically WTF_USE_JSVALUE64 instead of WTF_USE_JSVALUE32_6400:25
ScottKThe first patch I gave you would have resulted in using WTF_USE_JSVALUE64, but who knows what else.00:26
ScottKSo I'm defining IA64 as an alternate way to get WTF_USE_JSVALUE64 without whaterver X86_64 might have brought along00:26
ScottKI'm pretty sure that's what I want to have happen, I'm really unsure it that's the way to do it.00:27
ScottKAs I said earlier, I'm in over my head here.00:27
slangaseklooks appropriate to me; should I try another ia64 build to see if anything else fails, or do you just want to throw this at the buildds along with the ppc fix?00:27
ScottKslangasek: Your call.  IA64 won't get more broken.00:28
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ScottKslangasek: WRT timing, qt4-x11 takes a long time to build on armel.  We're packaging a new KDE upstream right now that's set for upload on Monday.  It'd be nice if qt4-x11 was not in the middle of building then, so I'd like to revise my answer and prefer an upload tonight.01:16
ebroderSuck. The open-vm-tools kernel modules apparently don't build on Lucid's kernel. Or Sid's02:13
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LaserJockwhere does Ubuntu Netbook Remix/Edition development happen?02:31
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slangasekScottK: qt4-x11 has a completely broken clean target, btw07:57
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ScottKslangasek: I see what's wrong with my patch.  I'll fix it.14:01
fqhHi, all, which tool can be used to check linux kernel coding style? I forgot.14:35
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ejatanyone know how to temporary solve this bug 47234515:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 472345 in evolution "Evolution mail client completely closes when i click 'close window' from the 'File' menu. " [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47234515:50
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akgranerogasawara_, ping18:06
zbertHello room... anyone in here?18:06
zbertI have some questions about #ubuntu-devel18:07
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zbertThere's a lot of names in here but no one is in here?18:08
geserit's weekend so most are idle18:08
zbertokay, see that's one of my questions18:09
zbertisn't this an open source project?18:09
zbertYesterday I got told to go to the #ubuntu room but isn't that like general support?18:09
geseryes, the Ubuntu distribution is open source18:09
zbertI'm wanting to participate in development in the same way that I do on source forge projects18:09
zbertWhich being weekend thing confuses me as I do most of my coding on the weekend as I work my normal job during the week18:10
geserit depends, this channel is mostly used by the paid Ubuntu developers who seldom work on weekends18:11
zbertYeah, see that's the answer I was looking for...18:11
zbertWhere's a good place for the unpaid people who do open source as a hobby?18:12
geser#ubuntu-motu is where the "universe" community hang outs18:12
zbertIt's been a pretty big downer because I was hoping to get involved with it more this weekend but I'm not really finding a good start point, maybe I'd do better working on the bugs18:12
zbertHaha... that's more the people like me who just want to do some systems coding18:13
geserhave you been pointed to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted already?18:13
zbertNo, thanks... this is the help I've been looking for.18:13
zbertI'm not new to coding for open source but am new to doing it for Ubuntu so I just googled ubuntu development and got to here18:14
geserif you are interested in helping with Kubuntu, you might also want do look in #kubuntu-devel. The Kubuntu community is also very strong.18:15
zbertYeah, but I barely tolerate KDE on Backtrack... I really prefer gnome or open-box18:17
zbertSo I've not done much in working with KDE really... but I like hearing that.18:17
gesergnome is discussed in #ubuntu-desktop, but also mostly during the week18:18
zbertSo #ubuntu-motu is more of what I'd be likely to find in working through something on like sourceforge/forge.mil type of projects?18:18
zbertSame situation, mostly done by the paid staff?  Curious, are you a paid staff?18:18
geserMOTUs care about the packages in the "universe" component of the archive18:18
gesergnome is mostly done by paid devs but also some community devs, and I'm not paid18:19
zbertYeah, I was just reading that... I'm looking more to working with kernel programming and driver modules18:19
zbertOh cool... I've always done programming as a hobby and never really thought of it as a pay thing, it's a big reward to see a patch or something I contributed on actually being applied.  I'm actually a social worker for my full time job18:21
geserthe kernel people hang out in #ubuntu-kernel but I don't know how many paid/non-paid devs there are18:21
zbertNice, I appreciate this tutorial to development in ubuntu, this helps a lot18:21
zbertSo what projects do you work on?18:28
ScottKslangasek: No joy on powerpc, ld still bites: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/4:4.6.0-1ubuntu5/+build/1407295/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-powerpc.qt4-x11_4:4.6.0-1ubuntu5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:30
shtylmanis anyone else experiencing problems using intel 3945 wireless?18:41
shtylmanare there any recent open bugs about it?18:41
shtylman(in lucid that is)18:41
ogasawara_akgraner: pong18:50
akgranerogasawara_, is there a way to find total bugs ever reported for Ubuntu...on LP18:51
akgranersince the code push last week that number doesn't show up anymore18:51
akgranerogasawara_, here is where I normally got it from  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs18:51
ogasawara_akgraner: hrm, was just going to point you to that, but if it's no longer there give me a sec and I'll see if I can find it18:52
akgranerogasawara_, thank you!18:52
ogasawara_akgraner: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?advanced=118:52
ogasawara_akgraner: as a sort of brute force approach, go to the above and tick every status18:53
zberthey, there are people in here... can I get some help finding my way around ubuntu development?18:53
akgranerogasawara_, so just click all the boxes and it will give me a total18:53
akgranerwell all the status'18:53
zbertI'd like to contribute, particularly to kernel and gui development, but I've not found rooms that are active18:53
ogasawara_akgraner: yah, tick all the status' (new, incomplete, etc. . .) and then hit search18:53
akgranergotcha.. thank you!!!18:54
zbertlike ubuntu-kernel is as quiet as this one... is there a decent place to go to get started contributing?18:54
akgranerogasawara_, sorry to bug you on a Sunday...18:54
ogasawara_akgraner: np :)18:54
zbertakgraner or ogasawara_?18:55
ogasawara_zbert: it's the weekend so people are likely away.  is there a specific area you are interested in, for ex the kernel?18:55
zbert<zbert> I'd like to contribute, particularly to kernel and gui development, but I've not found rooms that are active18:56
zbertI'm just happy to find a foothold at this point18:56
ogasawara_zbert: well I'd be more than happy to get you started with the kernel18:57
ogasawara_zbert: a great place to initially lend a helping hand is triaging bugs18:57
zbertI figured for open source, weekends would be a good time but I've found that ubuntu development most be done a lot by paid staff...18:57
ogasawara_zbert: can you priv msg me your email and I'll send you some info to get started18:57
zbertOkay, sorry to appear frustrated, I've been reading through the pages then trying quiet rooms most of this weekend, and I only have time to code on the weekend as it's all hobby for me so a day and half of getting started has been used finding a foothold.18:58
zbertSure, and thanks!18:58
slangasekScottK: blast; ok, will look at why my powerpc patch doesn't work19:30
ScottKslangasek: Thank you.19:39
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slangasekScottK: right; my patch doesn't work because I used another non-working bit in the build system as an example19:48
slangasekScottK: are there docs for these .pro files anywhere?19:50
ScottKslangasek: I don't know.19:53
ScottKI usually just ask fabo about fixing qt4 stuff.19:53
ScottKRiddell: ^^^?19:53
slangasekok.  I'm confident that the workaround in question is the correct one, I just have no idea how to apply it to powerpc given this .pro file format that I have no familiarity with19:57
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Lureslangasek: .pro files are for qmake (from qt4)20:25
Lureslangasek: doc is here http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.6/qmake-manual.html20:27
slangasekLure: what does 'unix:!mac:*-g++*:' mean?20:41
Lureslangasek: to complex for my knowledge level ;-)20:55
slangasekLure: ok, well, so far I haven't hit on the magic combination that lets me exclude powerpc from this21:14
slacker_nlhi, question, will grub-legacy be upgraded to grub2 by lucid? debian does this when going from stable to testing, will you do the same with karmic/hardy to lucid21:34
wgrantLaney: I've recreated the import that you retried, as bzr-svn this time. it worked: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/multidistrotools/trunk22:25
Laneywgrant: Cool. I just grabbed it from svn directly22:25

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