
bllzMy channel changing script (for IR transmitter) works perfectly for all 2 digit channels but inexplicably fails when trying to tune to triple-digit channels.  Can anybody help me debug this issue?  I've tried changing the sleep time on line 10, but to no avail... I don't know _anything_ about scripting, so any help would be greatly appreciated.  Here's the script:  http://pastebin.com/m7dd3a08900:13
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].00:19
darthanubisrhpot1991, I found the page, but not the file01:05
darthanubisI have not remebered yet the correct syntax to edit the file01:06
darthanubiswith mythtv work with OSS4?01:12
bllzI cannot control the volume and mute with my MCE USB remote.  The volume slider and mute overlay both appear in the myth frontend, but there is no corresponding change in the sound.  My audio output device is ALSA:default and I've tried changing the mixer controls back and forth between PCM and Master.  What should I try next?01:52
MythbuntuGuest58hello there i have mythbuntu 9.10 and a hauppauge hvr 850 usb and for some reason i can t get analog cable scanned and my digital channels all have artifacts in em04:35
MythbuntuGuest58noone any idea on how to get the analog to work on a hvr 850??05:33
bllzMythbuntuGuest58:  try #mythtv-users05:34
=== MythbuntuGuest58 is now known as zombu3
zombu3can someone tell me what this error means??? http://mythtv.pastebin.ca/172106606:51
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=== MythbuntuGuest50 is now known as zombu3
zombu3anyone here that could help me with a lil problem on my hvr-850 card?16:15
ZinnPlease don't ask if anyone is around or if it is alright to ask a question.  Many people check back periodically and may answer your question when they see it.  IRC is not normally an instant fix so check back often for an answer.16:21
zombu3well i need help to get the analog side of my hvr-850 going i have grabbed teh cable list from schedulesdirect but when i click watch tv it goes back to the main menu after a couple seconds16:24
zombu3here is teh log of my backend but i don t get anything out of it http://mythtv.pastebin.ca/172141316:27
mrandHowdy zombu3, did you look over that backend log?17:14
zombu3yes but i m too much of a noob to understand17:17
mrandLines 18 through 23 mean that you are missing something in your tuner/capture config.  It is a two step process within mythtv-setup.17:18
zombu3like i said i m a dumbass when it comes to mythtv17:18
zombu3i prolly messed it up myself and don t even know it17:19
mrandno problem.  As I recall, the first step is creating/configuring your capture card.17:20
zombu3there should be a v4l for analog and a dvb for digital17:21
mrandThen the second step is to define channels and such, and when you do that, as I recall, you assign channels to those card(s).17:21
mrandThe log seems to be saying that the cards don't have any channels assigned to them.17:22
zombu3yes i downloaded from schedulesdirect and fetched the listing then set the lineup to the v4l analog part17:22
zombu3scan does not work17:22
zombu3there s no option17:22
mrandyeah, scan is troublesome for many.  But if you are using schedules direct, no scan is necessary.17:23
zombu3yeah i did that called it analog and assigned it to the v4l television input17:23
mrandok.  And then you exited and ran mythfilldatabase?  Did that seem to find stuff from schedules direct?17:24
zombu3yes took a long time on first start17:24
zombu3then after mythfilldtabase i click watch tv and it says please wait then goes back to the main menu17:25
mrandYeah, mythfilldatabase isn't the fastest operation.17:25
mrandI'm sorry, down at the bottom, it indicates that you have the tuners/inputs/channels configured correctly.  The early errors threw me - looks like you fixed those and moved on.17:27
zombu3well if you want i can give you another log with the latest errors on the bottom17:28
zombu3 Channel(/dev/video0) Error: InitPictureAttribute(    colour): failed to query controls.17:31
mrandIf you "cat /dev/video0" or "cat /dev/video1" do you get anything (from a shell/terminal window)17:31
zombu3this is what throws me off17:31
zombu3no cat does not show me anything17:33
psicobrai am trying to get a dvb-s card working i have found a web pagw witch is supposed to have a working solution but i have no clue what to do with it maybe one of you can take a look the page is http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.drivers.dvb/3816317:33
mrandzombu3: are you on 9.10/karmic?17:34
mrandok, not an old kernel problem then.17:35
zombu3also ran the updates17:35
zombu3would it be easyer to determin the problem with ssh access??17:36
mrandbtw, you should also update  auto-builds to get the latest 0.22 bug fixes17:36
zombu3how would i do that17:37
mrandprobably not... I'm not a digital card expert.17:37
ZinnIf 9.10 upgrade broke auto-login for you, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/46331417:37
ZinnAuto builds are available for MythTV 0.22 for Intrepid, Jaunty, and Karmic (0.22 and 0.23-trunk).  See http://www.mythbuntu.org/auto-builds for more info.  If you see references to 0.22-trunk, you can ignore the -trunk part :-)17:37
mrandpsicobra: that is pretty old stuff... don't think that is included/fixed in the kernel by now?17:38
zombu3well this autobuild stuff how would i go to update them17:38
psicobrawell my card doesnt seem to be working17:39
psicobraso i really don't know17:39
mrandzombu3: if you just click the download repos package.  It walks you through it.  then you "reload" or "update" or "check" in synaptic or update-manager.17:40
mrandzombu3: but having said that, if viewing video through mplayer, vlc, or cat doesn't work, it isn't likely to worth via myth17:41
mrandpsicobra: ^^^ goes for your setup too.  Get it working outside of myth first, then tackle myth.17:41
zombu3well i noticed something yesterday17:41
zombu3myth wants to use v4l but in vlc i have the option to use v4l-2 and i can open the card and i see static17:42
psicobramrand, i have no clue17:42
psicobraany chance of some one talking me through it17:43
mrandpsicobra: you'll need to try viewing video from your capture device via mplayer or vlc first.  Not sure which is easier.  I happen to have vlc up... if you open it up, then you can say Media -> open capture device17:44
psicobrak 2 secs17:45
psicobrait is a dvb-s card will that matter?17:45
mrandI don't think so.17:46
mrandzombu3: what is connected to your analog input?17:46
zombu3comcast cable17:46
zombu3if i open vlc and try to open the cards with v4l it says cannot open but when i try with video for linux 2 it opens up and i see static17:47
DaremonaiHello, I'm trying to install mythtv on ubuntu 9.10 from synaptic, and i got the following error: can't read /etc/mysql/conf.d/mythtv.cnf: No such file or directory - should i just create that file and let it re-run?17:47
zombu3so i m guessing there must be a setting in myth to use the video for linux 217:48
mrandzombu3: can you research a way to change the channel on your tuner outside of myth?  there should be a way... change the channel to something you know should work (i.e., something your TV shows without a cable box).17:49
mrandDaremonai: what gave that error?17:50
Daremonaithe installation of mythtv (after picking mythtv from synaptic.. clicked install, and as it was insalling, it gave that error and stopped installation)17:50
zombu3let me find out is there a prog in mythbuntu i can install as external tv app ???17:51
Daremonaimrand, i just did touch mythtv.cnf in /etc/mysql/conf.d/ and am gonna try reinstalling the mythtv-database17:52
mrandzombu3: just like you can manually watch via vlc or mplayer or cat, there should be a way to change channels.  vlc or mplayer may even provide a way, but since I do'nt have that card, you'll have to look around a bit.17:52
Daremonai(which is the reason it gave that error btw)17:52
mrandDaremonai: I'm guessing you don't have a backend installed.17:52
zombu3kk lemme look around17:52
Daremonaimrand, you mean mysql?17:52
Daremonaimrand, or mythtv-backend?17:53
mrandDaremonai: My standard suggestion is to install mythbuntu-control-centre and go through that.  It will insure you have everything you need installed.17:53
Daremonaimrand, it's not in the repository?17:55
mrandDaremonai: yep.  http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=mythbuntu-control-centre17:55
mrandIt's in universe, anyway.17:56
mrand!autobuilds | Daremonai17:56
ZinnDaremonai: Auto builds are available for MythTV 0.22 for Intrepid, Jaunty, and Karmic (0.22 and 0.23-trunk).  See http://www.mythbuntu.org/auto-builds for more info.  If you see references to 0.22-trunk, you can ignore the -trunk part :-)17:56
mrandI'd suggest enabling that too, to get the latest myth bug fixes.17:56
Daremonaiisn't mythbuntu a distro? i'm using normal ubuntu17:57
Daremonaianyway.. i just found mythbuntu-control-centre... i will install it now17:58
mrandDaremonai: technically yes, it's a distro, but anything that applies to it applies to standard ubuntu.  I run standard ubuntu, actually.17:58
Daremonaiah.. alright17:58
mrandzombu3: possibly one of the things under advanced options within vlc17:59
mranderrr... within the "open capture devices" screen.17:59
mrandon vlc17:59
mrandguys, I gotta run for now... Christmas presents need to get finished before the wife gets back.  Keep hacking away at it.... search ubuntu forums, mythtv-users mailing list, and google in general.  If all fails, either post something to ubuntu forums, or here (but be prepared for a possibly long wait... no telling when I or someone else may be around)18:01
Daremonaialright.. tahnks for your help mrand18:03
Daremonaimrand, and gl with the christmas shopping :)18:03
tritiumrhpot1991: making good progress on packaging hdhomerun_config_gui?18:29
zombu3how do i force video for linux 2 in mythbuntu18:30
zombu3ok i can now see analog tv on vlc but mythtv still gives me crap18:49
zombu3here s the log avattr19:01
rhpot1991tritium: http://www.baablogic.net/drupal/node/1019:02
rhpot1991tritium: I have a few things to look at still, but they are fully functional19:04
zombu3so yo know what you are doing huh19:05
markl_ok i have a subtitle question.  i have a movie here that shows subtitles in vlc but mythtv says no subtitles available19:14
markl_i am not too familiar with subtitles though, is there a good way to troubleshoot them?19:15
markl_i understand that there are way too many different ways to do them19:16
Daremonaihow can i use vlc on my laptop (windows) to play the videos (stream) from my ubuntu server that is running mythtv?19:26
zombu3how can i fix this error Channel(/dev/video1) Error: InitPictureAttribute(    colour): failed to query controls.19:29
rhpot1991Daremonai: mythweb can do that for you, there is a windows mythtv player as well but its out dated (not sure it will work in .22)19:34
Daremonairhpot1991: why can't vlc stream from mythtv?19:35
rhpot1991Daremonai: I'm not certain if it can't, I'm just telling you things I know that can do what you want19:35
Daremonairhpot1991: ah.. alright... doesn't mythtv work with upnp?19:36
rhpot1991yes it does, so that is another option19:36
Daremonaihmm.. how do i enable that then?19:36
Daremonaialso, through upnp, i'm guessing I could pick the movie/show i want right?19:37
rhpot1991you lose some features with that, like commercial skipping19:37
Daremonaiah.. i don't care about that.. i already have my shows.. i just wanna play the shows i have on my disk19:37
rhpot1991you could dual boot the laptop too19:38
Daremonaihehe yeah.. but that's kinda not what i have in mind :)19:38
tritiumrhpot1991: awesome.19:44
tritiumrhpot1991: Was it tricky working out the soname issues, etc.?19:44
rhpot1991tritium: their build system is a pain, I had to break it out19:45
rhpot1991made a library package and then the gui build-depends it19:45
rhpot1991I had to patch the gui's make files for that as well19:46
tritiumrhpot1991: yep, as I expected you'd have to.19:48
tritiumThanks for finishing what I couldn't.  :)19:49
rhpot1991tritium: no problem, thanks for taking a try with it19:50
rhpot1991still need to clean up some things and get it approved for lucid19:50
tritiumrhpot1991: that rocks!19:51
MythbuntuGuest49how can i force mythbuntu to use v4l2 instear of v4l20:53
iamlindoromyth uses v4l2 by default20:55
iamlindoroyou don't have a choice in the matter20:55
MythbuntuGuest49well my capture card only works in v4l2 and for some reason mythbuntu chooses v4l20:56
iamlindoroWaht give you that ideA?20:56
iamlindoromyth doesn't have any pure v4l1 code left at all20:56
MythbuntuGuest49i start vlc and try to open the card with v4l and i get a can t open error i do it again with v4l2 and i see analog pic20:57
iamlindoroso what's that got to do with myth?20:57
MythbuntuGuest49well i m guessing that could be the prob20:57
iamlindoroagain, no pure original v4l code left in Myth20:57
iamlindoroit's a deprecated api which is no longer used20:57
MythbuntuGuest49so what can i do to fix it20:58
iamlindorodunno, but you are after the wrong cause20:58
MythbuntuGuest49hmm ok what would you suggest20:58
iamlindoroit's almost assuredly a setup issue, or a driver issue, more likely the former20:59
MythbuntuGuest49ok i can believe the setup issue20:59
MythbuntuGuest49if you would be so kind and help me out a lil i would apreciate that20:59
iamlindoroSorry, my focus is on other things this weekend, no time to get into deep dark troubleshooting21:00
MythbuntuGuest49maybe it s just something stupid if i paste you a backend log would you have a quick look only21:01
MythbuntuGuest49anyways if someone would be so kind looking at my log http://mythtv.pastebin.ca/172166121:06

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