=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [02:24] People really don't like ext4, do they... [02:24] Does anyone here feel that over 200 nick changes per day by one user in #ubuntu is excessive? Here is a grep from my irc logs: http://ardchoille42.pastebin.com/m6c43932d [02:24] This looks like a bot gone crazy, lol [02:25] ardchoille: More likely somebody reconnecting then failing to identify, thus having the network rename them. [02:25] wgrant: Can you view that paste please? Can this user be banned until they explain their actions in here? [02:26] n=Sharker@static. [02:26] ardchoille: I looked at the paste. [02:26] I'm not sure it's bannable. But perhaps you could PM them. [02:26] ok [02:26] It looks like a fight between their client and nickserv. [02:26] I've tried for days, they never reply [02:27] It's not being particularly disruptive. [02:27] I see. [02:27] it used to be that we're not supposed to change our nicks at all while in #ubuntu [02:27] that was the reason for the !nick trigger [02:29] wgrant: the last time I pm it, I got this reply: [02:29] -Sharker(enforcer@services.)- This is a registered nick enforcer, [02:29] but the IP doesn't add up [02:30] Ah, you didn't PM the user. [02:30] ardchoille: enforcer@services. is freenode. [02:30] I PM'd Sharker [02:30] You need to PM the Guest* name. [02:30] oh, ok [02:30] Thanks [02:30] I'll pm and remove. I agree its disruptive. [02:30] .. [02:37] Pici: I think if that were really Freenode services, it would have a cloak to reflect that? that "@services" can be written into a pm by anyone can it not? [02:38] ardchoille: I assure you, its from freenode. [02:38] Anyway, I reported it, I'll let you all deal with it. Just wanted to let you know that nick changes every 5 minutes by the same user is, IMHO, quite disruptive. [02:38] Pici: ok, thanks. [03:26] wgrant, ##fix-your-connection exists for a reason, dear, and not only for join/part issues. [03:27] it's actually an irssi script that does the above, IIRC [03:27] elky: OK. [04:38] Hm. "BL4CK_MAN" in #freenode [04:39] yep [04:40] * genii slides bazhang a coffee [04:40] genii, good timing :) [04:40] just ran out :) [04:41] bazhang: Cool. Happy to be of service [04:47] Heh, K-Lined === nhandler_ is now known as nhandler === nhandler is now known as Guest95780 === nhandler_ is now known as nhandler [06:08] How sexy my ride? [06:08] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrvC-lgTqhk [06:13] NTFS, this is not the right channel for that try #ubuntu-offtopic [06:15] ok [06:18] NTFS, please dont idle here, as per the channel topic [06:18] sure [06:21] wonder if deeptime is a bot [06:29] no response via PM should I remove? [06:39] bazhang: IME it repeats messages that have already been repeated. [06:41] So it's pretty clearly a bot. [06:44] wgrant, seems so, saw it in another channel as well [07:29] deeptime is a bot eh? [07:30] seems so [07:30] sorry for bringing that up Dominian , he was ban evading twice now [07:30] thanks [07:30] no problem :) [07:30] ok :) [07:30] I looked at the logs, he was definitely being an ass. [07:31] and he outed the bot while he was at it :) [07:31] oh? [07:32] ah sorry that was __python__ [07:32] SO what does deeptime do? [07:33] repeats when more than it sees two repetitions, apparently (in the case of __python__ was Ubuntu is #$%^ twice) [07:33] Yeah, it's a bit odd. [07:34] But it has happened several times today. [07:34] That I've seen. [07:34] just happened in #freenode [07:36] thanks fort he heads up [07:37] that was a nice test test :) [10:47] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from dimitar) [13:34] we might just have had a mini mass join... [13:35] possibly [13:35] I was just looking at that [13:50] now this is the life, infront of a warm fire, irc on a 60'' plasam and listening to music while wrapping presents [14:16] ikonia: could you please wrap the 60" plasma for me? [14:17] I'll pull it off the wall now [14:18] ikonia: what's the resolution of that screen? [14:19] it's in a 1080p resolution at the moment [15:04] ikonia: you make me jealous... :P [15:05] sorry, just getting stuff working makes life good [15:08] bed, quilt, tea and croissants [15:08] ahhhh [15:20] nice [15:21] * gord grumbles at the small cat thats hogging his sofa covers :( [15:21] just moved my cat for hogging the fire [15:22] think I'll have a quick playstation to pass a few minutes [16:47] FTR: I pm'd eddy and asked him to stop with the ctcp - gave him the guidelines and explained about ctcp requests to the channel - he then did 3 straught after me explaining it to him [16:47] looks like it was SAM, zasasdafsdf or mesula - whatever he's calling himselfd [16:48] using the freenode chat gateway [16:57] ikonia: what make/model plasma? [16:58] Pioneer XD60$somedhing D [16:59] I'll dig out a URL if you're interested, bit tricky, using my phone to remote control my laptop [17:00] kk [17:00] is it a kuro? [17:00] yes [17:03] the older version of the LX6090 [17:03] hence why it's got a D in the name [17:03] must be the 7 - 8th gen rather than 9th [17:04] krups are meant to be very good [17:04] *kuros [17:05] yup, love it [17:05] I've got a 50'' model for the bed room, it's super good too [17:06] I have a panasonic PZ80 [17:06] probably a year older than the living room [17:06] ahh the panny's are nice [17:06] got a couple of 32'' panny's in the conservatory and office rooms [17:06] like them a lot, [17:14] how many 32" or greater TVs do you have in the house? [17:16] k-train - I wonder what his intentions are :) [17:16] Seeker`: err 5 [17:16] wow [17:16] why do you need that many? :P [17:17] different rooms [17:18] sick [17:19] keeps people happy, eg: one for playing games in the office, stops people getting annoyed [17:20] Myrtti: just noticed your back in channel "hi" [17:20] hi :-) [17:40] time to finish the wrapping and pickup with 24 === nhandler_ is now known as nhandler [19:52] hello [19:53] im gonna give a hit [19:53] capiche [19:53] later [20:12] hrm [20:12] intresting [20:57] poutine isn't in constructive mood [21:02] watch out for him, I just kicked him, but there's an entry on him in bantracker now [21:03] lovely chap [21:06] I see he has a history [21:27] I'm off to sleep [21:28] okies, nitenite [21:28] poutine does have a history, indeed (and not a nice one) [21:57] nitenite sweetpeas [23:20] In ubottu, ardchoil1e said: !newtoubuntu is New to Ubuntu? 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