
=== mylogic_ is now known as mylogic
UnixDawganyone awake I have a small issue going on on 8.3lts03:43
UnixDawgI added a sigg sata II card03:44
UnixDawgit sees the card and loads a driver but its not seing the drives03:44
UnixDawgthis sound slike a incompatable driver correct03:44
UnixDawg00:0b.0 SATA controller: Initio Corporation INI-1623 PCI SATA-II Controller (rev 02)03:46
UnixDawgis the card03:47
UnixDawgthats dmesg ?03:52
RyanMy init.d scripts haven't been run at boot for the last 4 days. Any ideas what I should check to help debug?03:54
MTecknologyIf you ever want to try openbox - this is excellent - http://urukrama.wordpress.com/openbox-guide/03:58
jmarsdenRyan: Look at the scripts in /etc/init/* and especially /etc/init/rc.conf03:59
UnixDawganyone willing to help me fix this sata card issue ?03:59
UnixDawg00:0b.0 SATA controller: Initio Corporation INI-1623 PCI SATA-II Controller (rev 02)04:00
Ryanjmarsden: rc.conf hasn't been modified for months, but it was working 4 days ago04:01
jmarsdenUnixDawg: Repeating questions in under 10 minutes is not good form.  If no-one answers that's because no-one has answers for you.  Try again maybe every 4 hours, not every 10 minutes...04:01
jmarsdenRyan: Sounds like you would want to debug upstart itself... I've not had to do that, but it's the general direction I would take in your situation.04:02
Ryanjmarsden: cat /var/log/syslog | grep upstart returns nothing, same with /var/log/messages04:03
Ryanjmarsden: I'm not sure how else to debug it04:04
jmarsdenRyan: man init and consider checking whether other upstart tasks (stuff in the /etc/init/*.conf files) are being run OK...04:04
UnixDawgok night chek tomorrow04:10
Ryanjmarsden: The runlevel command tells me it's unknown04:14
Ryanjmarsden: Looks like the problem started after I installed the 2.6.31-17 kernel04:16
jmarsdenRyan: OK, well, can you boot from the previous kernel and see if things then work as they used to?04:21
Ryanjmarsden: I think I might be experiencing this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/49729904:22
jmarsdenI'm running 2.6.31-17 here (Karmic Desktop, not Server, though) with no issues like that.04:22
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 497299 in upstart "upstart not starting init-scripts (event net-device-up IFACE=lo missing)" [Undecided,New]04:22
RyanMine's desktop too04:22
jmarsdenRyan: Then... you're in the wrong IRC channel... :)04:23
RyanI asked in #ubuntu but no one answered04:23
jmarsdenYes, looks like the same issue.  No solution in the bug info yet though.  You should probably add something to the bug saying you are experiencing it too, and subscribe to it, in case someone posts a fix there.04:26
jmarsdenIf you do a telinit 2 does everything "burst into life" ?04:28
MTecknology!info openbox04:32
ubottuopenbox (source: openbox): standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 279 kB, installed size 1464 kB04:32
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91004:33
MTecknology!info openbox lucid04:33
ubottuopenbox (source: openbox): standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 266 kB, installed size 1432 kB04:33
MTecknologyI need to change that04:34
jmarsdenRyan: OK, so the issue is that somehow your kernel is not triggering the event setting runlevel 2.  You might be able to force that by adding a 2 to the kernel parameter list in grub, as a workaround?04:39
MTecknologykhelvan: we will be04:40
MTecknologykhelvan: wrong window - sorry04:40
Ryanjmarsden: Done, going for reboot now04:43
RyanBack in a tick04:43
Ryan1jmarsden: Nope, they're not running04:45
jmarsdenRyan1: OK, well, it was worth a try.  If you boot from the earlier kernel is all working fine?04:46
Ryan1ok, I'll try that04:46
khelvanMTecknology - You have roused me from my slumber.  :)04:47
MTecknologykhelvan: hi04:47
Ryanjmarsden: Not running in 2.6.31-16 either04:49
RyanSo it mustn't be kernel related04:49
jmarsdenRyan: That sounds logical... there *was* an update to upstart itself...04:50
jmarsdenYou could try going back to the earlier one and seeing whether that fixes things for you.04:51
RyanI'm running upstart 0.6.3-11, which I think is the same one in the bug report04:51
khelvanMTecknology, did you mean to send something to me?04:51
MTecknologyjust wrong window04:52
jmarsdenRyan: Right.  The one in Karmic itself (not karmic-updates) is 0.6.3-10 so going back to that might help?04:52
RyanAlready installing 0.6.3-10 ;)04:53
RyanRebooting again04:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #391882 in kdenetwork "Make Samba easy to disable and enable in KDE" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39188204:56
Ryanjmarsden: All good now04:56
jmarsdenGood.  Updating that bug to say so would be good, so others know the workaround.04:57
Ryanjmarsden: Should I change the status to confirmed, or is that for a developer to do?05:04
ScottKNo, if you can confirm the bug, then make a comment to that effect and mark it so.05:05
jmarsdenRyan: You can ; you duplicated the issue, so it can be confirmed (by you).05:05
RyanWell I'm going to go05:21
RyanThanks for your help05:21
osmosisis there a FAQ on ways to protect myself from brute force SSH attacks?06:38
jtajiosmosis: fail2ban or denyhosts takes care of that pretty well06:44
twb-m recent is a static iptables mechanism to prevent brute-force attacks.07:32
twbIMO, it's more robust than a daemon that reads logfiles and adds stuff into ipset or tcpwrappers.07:33
Donk3Could someone fix this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerSideIncludes It should read "AddOutputFilter INCLUDE .shtml" not "AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml"07:42
ScottKDonk3: It's a wiki.  Anyone can fix it.07:43
RoyKwell, here I am giving Windows a chance once more. seems windows 7 has some "unmovable" files, incidentially placed in the middle of the drive so shrinking the drive size won't work, since no defrag program can move these files. wtf would be the point of fixing a file's disk position in a filesystem in 2009? Perhaps I should give Windows another ten years before trying again........07:44
RoyK(btw I _can_ shrink the partition size to 120gigs, but not to 30, because the placement of these files)07:45
Donk3only if you create a login first :)07:45
* RoyK wants to throw small darts at Bill Gates and his gang07:46
Donk3"I'm RoyK and I'm Windows 7 forever" ;)07:48
* RoyK hits Donk3 on the head with a spade07:49
twbRoyK: are you examining this NTFS partition using Linux?07:57
RoyKtwb: no, I'm doing this on fucking windoze. I'm just blarting out in here08:08
twbRoyK: what, you're trying to resize a filesystem while it's in use?08:10
RoyKtwb: no problem with that, if it weren't for the files that i'm unable to move08:11
frojndHm... I think I know why I can't run startx from server12:36
frojndI don't know why but12:43
frojndwhen trying to install ubuntu-desktop connection was losed and something went wrong12:43
frojndnow if I do apt-get update I get at the end dpkg was iterrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem12:44
frojndif I do run this command computer hangs at the poing when trying to configure network manager....12:44
frojndI tried to remove ubuntu-desktop but I also get this command dpkg --configure a12:45
frojndso now I'm stuck?12:45
frojndI though I can fix this with apt-get fix something?12:45
RoyKfrojnd: perhaps try to apt-get remove --purge ubuntu-desktop13:02
RoyKbtw, if you need a desktop computer, why install ubuntu-server?13:02
RoyKthe only real difference between server and desktop is the kernel, and the difference there is tiny13:04
dragon_i would like to remove apache from my desktop, since I have a LAMP setup on a separate machine.  What is the best way to do it?13:05
frojndRoyK: I know it's less secure but..13:07
frojndmy bro's computer died13:07
frojndand now my sis deosn't have any X13:07
frojndRoyK: I'll only use openbox + mplayer + firefox + epiphany + light music player + alight file browser + maybe kwrite in X13:08
RoyKless secure?13:10
dragon_apache removed, problem solved13:29
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ghostlinesfor some strange reason my ntfs parition turned into an extended partition and now I can't read it, is it possible to change fs to ntfs and recover my files?13:40
ghostlineswell Extended isn't a filesystem  but that's what fdisk is telling me http://pastebin.com/mdb5f47c13:44
UnixDawgmorning guys13:58
UnixDawgI have a issue Ineed help with13:59
UnixDawgI added a sata  card to a server and ubuntu-server sees the card loads the driver13:59
UnixDawg00:0b.0 SATA controller: Initio Corporation INI-1623 PCI SATA-II Controller (rev 02)13:59
UnixDawgbut when I attache drives and boot up and it still see the b=card but the drives fail14:00
UnixDawgthis is dmesg14:02
UnixDawgto me its seems a driver issue as if we bootup with pclinux and it finds the card the drives work fine14:04
UnixDawgany thoughts ?14:09
twbUnixDawg: is that 8.04 or 9.10?14:18
UnixDawg8.04 LTS 32bit14:31
jtajiUnixDawg: which is getting a bit old, I'd wonder if it's supported with 9.1014:32
UnixDawgok how would I do a dist upgrade safely ?14:33
UnixDawgI was tols 9.10 had threading issues14:33
UnixDawgthats why we used 8.0414:33
jtajinot to mention that you'd have to upgrade 8.04 > 8.10 > 9.04 > 9.10, not a desirable prospect14:33
jtajior wait to go straight to 10.0414:33
UnixDawgok there is a 9.1014:34
UnixDawgok I dont see a 10.04 iso14:34
ScottK10.04 isn't released yet14:34
jtajiit won't be out until March 201014:34
UnixDawg9.10 ?14:34
UnixDawgor is it not out14:34
jtajiUnixDawg: year.month14:34
jtajiit's out ;)14:34
ScottKReleased in September of this year14:34
UnixDawgI dont see it on the server download page14:35
UnixDawgyes I do I am blind14:35
jtajiUnixDawg: I might grab the 9.10 livecd, run that to see if your hardware is supported14:35
UnixDawgwell we dont have alot on this box yet14:35
jtajiI'm guessing the pclinuxos you tried is a newer version14:36
UnixDawgthe latest ver14:36
jtajiif it worked there it is probably likely it works in latest ubuntu14:36
UnixDawglike it alot its very clean14:36
UnixDawgI have a 2nd drive I can install on with out loosing anything14:37
UnixDawgso I am safe14:37
UnixDawgthanks for the input14:38
jtajigood luck14:38
UnixDawgI will test and report back14:38
tsoilandIs it possible to run a cloud with just the controller? will it function as a node?15:05
eagles0513875hey guys i got a question for ya is xen still supported in karmic as the documentation doesnt mention how to setup xen in karmic15:55
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen15:55
eagles0513875!info xen15:56
ubottuPackage xen does not exist in karmic15:56
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM15:56
ChrisRutIs there a way to automate the install of mysql-server so that you don't get prompted to enter a root pass?  When you "apt-get install mysql-server" it prompts for a MySQL root password, is there anyway to automatically set the root pass as part of the install command?17:49
ChrisRutpipedream: will that stop from being prompted?17:51
pipedreamtry #ubuntu-server on freenode too17:52
ChrisRutgreat thanks17:52
pipedreamon a configured box17:52
pipedreamdebconf-get-selections package > pkg.seed17:52
pipedreamon a new box, while installing, before install pkg, debconf-set-selections < pkg.seed17:52
pipedreamtry it somewhere for exact syntax17:53
pipedreamyou have to install some of those commands first17:53
pipedreamdon't remember all the details now17:53
pipedreamI guess this is ubuntu-server :-P17:53
pipedreamI thought it was ubuntu-za17:53
pipedreamI've used it for other packages, not mysql-server17:54
ChrisRutnp, Thanks for the help pipedream :)17:54
pipedreamnot sure whether the password string you see will be encrypted, for instance17:54
ChrisRuti'll give'er a shot and report back... how can I check if it needs to be encrypted or not?17:56
qman__ChrisRut, I'm guessing if it's encrypted, debconf-get-selections will show a hash, and if it isn't, it'll show the password you used18:02
slestakanyone got a Sil based pci sata card in a machine with 9.10 server?18:15
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware18:21
X-M4-Xwhats an irc server package i can install to ubuntu server?18:37
ZiberI imagine most of the ircd's are ubuntu-compatible.18:46
* Ziber uses unrealircd, personally18:47
X-M4-Xthat tells me i have no c compiler in the system18:51
slestakX-M4-X: did you install build-essential18:57
Ziberor gcc?18:59
X-M4-XI did not19:03
X-M4-XNow i have - dang i love linux-10 second installs19:05
dragon_i have installed a LAMP server and while typing a server name in firefox addressbar(on client machine), I'm getting 404 error. Look at error.log tells that /htdocs can't be found. Strange thing is that I don't need it or have ever entered such a path. I'm little lost here, can anyone help me with that, plz?19:40
dragon_what I am typing is http://guardian-s01 (this is the name of my server)19:42
bogeyd6dragon_,  do you have an index.html in /var/www/20:00
dragon_bogeyd6: yes, i do20:00
bogeyd6dragon_,  default apache2 install is /var/www20:01
bogeyd6dragon_,  what if you http://ipaddress20:01
dragon_bogeyd6: I know, this is why this error is so stupid. IP is
bogeyd6dragon_,  same error message?20:02
dragon_bogeyd6: yes, in firefox. must check in error.log20:03
dragon_bogeyd6: [Sun Dec 20 21:03:06 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: /htdocs20:04
RoyKdragon_: looks like config error20:08
dragon_RoyK: i know, but where to look? httpd.conf is completely empty20:09
guntbertdragon_: do a find / -name "httpd.conf"20:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #498859 in ntp (main) "package ntpdate 1:4.2.4p6+dfsg-1ubuntu5.1 failed to install/upgrade: pacote ntpdate já está instalado e configurado" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49885920:11
RoyKdragon_: apache.conf20:11
RoyKdragon_: that is - apache2.conf20:12
RoyKdragon_: look in /etc/apache2/ and /etc/apache2/sites-enabled20:12
RoyKubuntu/debian uses a rather neat apache config tree20:12
guntbertRoyK: of course - thx for the reminder :)20:14
dragon_RoyK: httpd.conf is an empty file20:16
RoyKlol http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/chart/singles/20:16
RoyKdragon_: yes, it is20:16
RoyKdragon_: see the others I mentioned20:16
dragon_RoyK: there is nothing in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled20:17
RoyKdragon_: there should be a symlink, 000default -> ../sites-available/default20:17
dragon_RoyK: and in /etc/apache2/sites-available is default and default-ssl which I didn't touch20:18
RoyKthere aren't any symlinks in sites-enabled?20:18
RoyKif not, cd /etc/apache2/sites-enabled20:18
RoyKln -s ../sites-available/default 000default20:18
jtajidragon_: you can use 'sudo a2ensite default' to make that link20:18
jtajidoes the same thing though20:19
jtajiwell, except that the link should be 000-default20:19
RoyKoh - didn't know that :)20:19
RoyKjtaji: it really doesn't make much change20:19
jtajia2ensite, a2dissite, a2enmod, a2dismod20:19
jtajihandy stuff20:19
RoyKjtaji: ln, handy command20:19
jtajioh yeah, that true20:19
jtajieverything is just read from that directory in order20:19
RoyKwell, if you just make the symlinks, you see what happens20:20
jtajiRoyK: indeed it is ;)20:20
RoyKdoes a2* reload apache as well?20:20
jtajiother cool thing is bash-completion magic works for the a2ensite et. al.20:21
jtajino it doesn't, but it tells you to20:21
dragon_RoyK: no20:21
RoyKwell, create it or do as jtaji said20:21
dragon_RoyK: the a2ensite default solved the problem, now works everything just like I wanted it, thank you very much!20:22
RoyKthen make a new entry in sites-available and enable that one20:22
dragon_jtaji: thank you!20:22
RoyKa2ensite makes a symlink and sends a hangup to apache20:22
RoyK(so that you understand how things work)20:23
jtajihuh, does the hangup cause the config to be reloaded?20:23
RoyKyeah :)20:23
RoyKmost daemons trap SIGHUP and reload the config20:23
jtajiit still tells you: Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 reload' to activate new configuration!20:24
jtajiI imagine the code hasn't been touched in a while20:24
RoyKapache2ctl graceful20:24
jtajiis what a2ensite does not graceful?20:26
dragon_jtaji: i did init.d before I tested if a2ensite did the work unfortunately, so I can't tell anything if you must or must not to do it after sending the command20:26
jtajino worries, I can test if I'm curious ;)20:26
jtajibecause apparently apache2ctl graceful sends a SIGUSR1 instead20:27
RoyKjtaji: afaik graceful is SIGHUP and I gues a2ensite does just that20:27
jtajithat's what it says in man apache2ctl anyway20:28
RoyKthought that was sighup20:28
jtajiGracefully  restarts the Apache daemon by sending it a SIGUSR1.20:28
RoyKsighup might be a little tougher, then20:28
jtajiyeah it says apache2ctl restart sends a SIGHUP20:29
RoyKgraceful doesn't stop active connections20:29
RoyKnice to know20:29
jtajiseems like a2ensite should be graceful or give you the option20:29
jtajithank you, good info20:30
RoyKirc ftw20:30
jtajiI think you've stumbled across a potential bug20:30
guntbertjtaji: I want to apology for stepping on your toes the other day (the issue with Storm3yy wanting to be root)20:31
jtajiguntbert: no problem at all... I figure that's how we handle #ubuntu but should be a little more lenient in here20:32
jtajiguntbert: but honestly after the fact I regretted the advice.. and it turned out he was doing it over the public internet20:32
guntbertjtaji: I see - I was a bit angry too - because he consistently refused to say what his *real* goal was (aside from being able to scp as root)20:34
jtajithere actually turned out to be a way to use sudo with winscp20:35
guntbertjtaji: I followed the conversation and learned :-)20:35
jtajiit was right on winscp website20:35
jtajiso now there really is no more excuse ;)20:35
jtajiit is pretty rare to actually need root20:35
jtajiand those people will know how to do it already20:36
guntbertjtaji: :)20:36
henriquevso I'm setting up a web server for just one website (actually it is going to have three virtual hosts: one of the web interface, another for the API and another one for a internal shortlinking redirection). I see Apache uses /var/www as default (I'm familiar with Apache, but just not too much btw)20:37
henriquevshould I use it or how do you guys think it is better to do?20:37
jtajiI've been using /srv/http/20:37
henriquevchange the user from root for the /var/www to anything else, create an user and put everything in a directory there, etc...20:38
jtajiit's kind of the newish place to put that stuff, according to FHS20:38
jtajibut it really doesn't matter20:38
jtajiwell, I usually make /srv/http/domain.com directories20:38
henriquevand what about the user, what do you use?20:38
jtajiand the domain.com directory will be owned by a user20:38
jtajibut not /srv/http20:39
jtajinow, I'm the only user ;)20:39
jtajiso just my main user20:39
jtajiit needs to be readable by www-data20:40
jtajiso you can make it world readable, or if that's not appropriate, owned by group www-data and group readable20:40
jtajiif any directory needs to be written to by apache, you can make it group writable by www-data20:41
=== dragon__ is now known as dragon_
StormehHey - Has anyone used Amazon EC2 EBS Unbuntu before?20:45
X-M4-XI need help with the IRC server it doesnt work!21:02
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X-M4-Xanyone here321:26
RoyK 21:26
RoyKX-M4-X: which irc server? what are you trying to do?21:27
X-M4-XI have everything set up and configured  but i need to copy unrealircd.conf to  /Unreal3.221:28
RoyKeeerm - what sort of software is this? what are you trying to do?21:29
X-M4-Xits an irc server package called Unrealircd    i just need to know how to copy that file21:30
RoyKseems that doesn't come with ubuntu21:30
RoyKif that's the case, then this is the wrong channel for   you....21:31
RoyKthere are a few irc servers in the ubuntu repository21:31
RoyKX-M4-X: did you find out about your probs?21:37
RoyKX-M4-X: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IrcServer21:38
X-M4-XI need to copy the configuration from /Unreal3.2/doc to /Unreal3.2 and i have no clue how to do that21:38
diploX-M4-X, use the command cp to copy21:40
diploso cp /Unreal/config.conf /Unreal3.2/21:40
Jeeves_how can I install Ampache on a v-hosted system so it's only available to ONE domain?22:33
billybigriggerdoes ampache allow relaying?22:39
billybigriggerie, relay from my home pc, to a remote server and broadcast from it?22:40
ChrisRutis there a way to diff two directories but have it show the difference in permissions & owners?23:11
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rootlinuxusrhave a xubuntu 8.04.3 LTS base with apache, and mysql installed, have run tasksel install lamp-server, yet still apache keeps wanting me to download php files instead of parsing, where is my error?23:38
jmarsdenrootlinuxusr: Is this affecting all .php files, or only index.php?    For example, if you do    echo -e "<?php\nphpinfo();\n?>" |sudo tee /var/www/html/phpinfo.php     # and then browse to http://localhost/phpinfo.php    what happens?23:42
rootlinuxusrfirefox tries to download asdf.php(what I named it.23:44
jmarsdenrootlinuxusr: Don't modify things you are asked to try, just cut and paste from here, it generally saves time and avoids typos...23:45
rootlinuxusrstill tries to download it.23:47
jmarsdenOK... try     sudo a2enmod php5   # and then restart Apache.23:47
rootlinuxusrModule php5 installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload to enable.23:48
jmarsdenGood.  DO what it says to reload apache23:49
rootlinuxusryup, still tries to download.23:49
jmarsdenThat's... odd.  OK, let me see if I can duplicate the issue on a fresh (virtual machine) install of 8.04.3 .   Will take a few minutes to set up...23:50
rootlinuxusrno problem. really need this fixed, trying to install phpmyadmin23:51
jmarsdenrootlinuxusr: I've solved this kind of issue for someone else before (maybe for two people), here in this channel... but I don't remember what the fix is or was...23:54
JanCI think you need to enable PHP for each virtual host23:54
JanCfor each virtual host that needs it23:54
jmarsdenJanC: a2enmod does that apache-wide, doesn't it?  What do you mean specifically by "enable PHP" ?23:55
JanCa2enmod makes sure that module gets loaded, but you need to tell apache to use that module for *.php files23:56
jmarsdenJanC: Be specific... AddHandler?  What are you suggesting?23:56
jmarsdenYou may be right..., btw...23:57
JanCyeah, that23:58
jmarsdenphpmyadmin.conf already does an AddType for it...23:59
JanCthe exact config for such things might differ foir each virtualhost, so can't be done automaticly23:59

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