
ScottKdhillon-v10: Are you a Kubuntu users?00:01
nixternaldhillon-v10 not worth starting on it really until we know the features for 4.5 and trunk opens back up...otherwsie they will get placed somewhere and forgotten about00:02
dhillon-v10ScottK, dual boot, Ubuntu and Kubuntu but I am in the process of writing a lot of Kubuntu docs. so I was wondering if I could do that since nixternal is quite busy with other stuff00:02
* nixternal goes back to family who I have been neglecting all day :)00:02
dhillon-v10nixternal, alright thanks :D00:02
_Groo_guys im creating virtuoso 5.0.12 packages, should be out real soon now (TM)00:18
_Groo_is compiling as we speak00:19
_Groo_virtuoso 5.0.12 is compiled and working now01:17
_Groo_how do i make a diff? always have problems with those01:22
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ScottKJontheEchidna: (from #debian-qt-kde): [19:20:11] <pusling> ScottK: feel free to offer jonathan thomas to comaintain (and have commit access) to packaging of shared-d-ontos01:29
ScottKJontheEchidna: I think it'd be good if you took them up on it.01:30
_Groo_hey ScottK just finished the virtuoso 5.0.12 package and tested it, is working just fine with nepomuk01:30
ScottKGood to hear.01:30
_Groo_ScottK: i just need to find a good diff/patch tutorial01:31
_Groo_better yet, what procedure do you guys do to make a patch for a package?01:31
ScottK_Groo_: Most of the KDE packages use quilt, so have a look at http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/howto/quilt.html01:33
_Groo_ScottK: ok thanks01:34
_Groo_ScottK: are you guys interested in my virtuoso 5.0.12 package till 6.0.1 is out? that way mroe ppl could test beta1,2 while debian guys wait for 6.0.101:37
ScottKqt4-x11 built on ia64, so only power pc left.01:45
JontheEchidnaScottK: nifty02:26
JontheEchidnaprobably means I should idle there ;-)02:26
ScottKJust filed my first bug (with patch) with Qt upstream (for the ia64 build failure)02:50
ScottKLex79: Source format 3 is OK now, no need to convert back to version 1.03:35
ScottK(looking at kdenlive)03:36
DaskreeChGRRRR Why are people asking where is the switch for their laptop in #kubuntu ?03:36
DaskreeChHow are we supposed to know?03:36
DaskreeChOh dear... now they would like to know what command they can use to turn on the killswitch03:42
Lex79ScottK: feel free to change that and get the credits, I have no kubuntu time in these days03:52
ScottKLex79: I dropped that change, but still left your name on the upload.  Thanks for taking care of it.03:58
Lex79ok thanks ScottK03:59
DaskreeChWhy would do-release-upgrade fail to find he next Kubuntu ?04:26
ScottKDaskreeCh: What are you upgrading from/to?04:30
DaskreeChJaunty Karmic04:31
DaskreeChScottK: which should work but it's saying there is no upgrade04:31
ScottKAll updates done before you try?04:31
DaskreeChShould be04:35
DaskreeChThe person says they did a dist-upgrade04:35
ScottKupdate then upgrade?04:36
DaskreeChok lets try04:37
ScottKDoes the mirror in their sources.list have Karmic?04:38
DaskreeChI was going to check that04:39
ghostcubehi :)08:52
Quintasan|Szeloh, double message is the best09:51
ghostcube:) ehlo09:53
Quintasan|Szelurgh I hate those days before xmas09:54
ghostcubei even hate xmas09:55
ghostcubeits a lie09:55
Quintasan|Szelwe are doing nothing in school, yet we have to go there09:55
ghostcubethat combines millions of peoples09:55
ulysses__I have no school, only exams at the university:(09:56
Quintasan|Szeloh well, ,I like xmas cause I can eat a lot of cheesecake :d09:56
Quintasan|SzelI guess I'll need to poke guys at #gluon to help me with blok09:58
Quintasan|Szelulysses__: any progress on Smooth Tasks?09:58
ulysses__I should learn:(09:59
Quintasan|SzelWhere are you stuck?09:59
Quintasan|Szelulysses__: Did you bother setting up pbuilder?10:00
ulysses__don't remember10:00
ulysses__23th december I have an exam10:00
Quintasan|Szeloh well, learn then, you can't afford to fail, can you?10:02
ulysses__Quintasan|Szel: I read yesterday your interview :)10:05
LureRiddell: do you know what is the status of my per-package upload application - did somebody inform DMB?10:09
* Lure has a pending digikam upload, which I could also do alone if I get the rights10:09
Quintasan|Szelulysses__: hehe :D10:13
ulysses__you're younger than me10:13
* Quintasan|Szel is quite famous10:13
ulysses__and famous of course:)10:13
Quintasan|SzelI belive I'm one of the younes MOTUs or Members approved10:14
* ghostcube is old man10:15
ghostcubeand none of both10:15
Quintasan|SzelI guess you can call this the effect of having computer at home ever since I was small, I remember breaking first mouse, insted of pressing the buttons I tried to lift them up and they broke xD10:15
Quintasan|Szelghostcube: how old are you?10:15
ghostcubeo.o 3110:16
Quintasan|Szellol you call this being old?10:16
ghostcubeyeah if you see that some 12 year old guys can even code better than me10:16
ghostcubei would say iam old10:16
ulysses__We bought our first computer when I was ~1010:16
ghostcubei bought my first atari 1024 st10:16
Quintasan|Szelwho said I can code?10:16
ghostcubei never was an amiga one10:16
Quintasan|Szelmaybe basic things :P10:16
ghostcubeQuintasan|Szel: nah was not meant this way just in generl10:17
ulysses__We had an Intel 486, with ~16 MB RAM10:17
ghostcubeoh i bought an 286 in 1994 for 2500 bugts10:17
ghostcubenow even my handy can do more10:17
Quintasan|SzelI remember I had and Intel Pentium 100 MHz, Total Annihilation was pretty awesome game10:17
ghostcubeyeah i bought me an pentium to play half life10:18
ghostcubebest game ever10:18
Quintasan|SzelHalf-Life made me afraid of going to sleep for a while :D10:19
ulysses__I like RTS games, Age of Empires, Cossacks10:19
Quintasan|Szelanyone remembers Z from The Bitmap Brothers?10:20
Quintasan|SzelI used to play that instead of lerning :P10:21
Quintasan|Szeloh the teacher came. 20 minutes after the bell rang10:24
ghostcubehmm i played return to castle wolfenstein to the extreme10:25
Quintasan|Szelno that I relly care, few lessons left and I'm free10:26
Quintasan|SzelI'm just like a ghost wandering through the classes10:26
Quintasan|Szelnnone gives a damn bout lessons right before xmas10:26
ghostcubeanyone here got a damn tomtom navigation system10:27
Quintasan|Szelit's just like now, techer's here, she checked attendance and we are doing anything but the lesson10:28
ghostcubeare u on univerity10:28
Quintasan|Szelhigh school10:29
ghostcubei got my diploma at saturdy10:29
Quintasan|SzelI want to go to un10:29
ghostcubeoh cool10:29
Quintasan|Szellike lol, on IT we learn Excel10:29
Quintasan|Szelsrsly WTF10:29
ghostcubehehe i have seen this before10:29
ghostcubeexcel is cool10:29
ghostcubefor my job10:29
Quintasan|SzelWHo cares bout excel, OO.o Calc ftw :P10:33
Quintasan|SzelI'm thinking about writing a short novel in english10:34
Quintasan|SzelYou have quite nice sounding words10:34
ghostcubei cant use OO here10:35
ghostcubei must use windows and office10:35
ghostcubethe Taxation programms we run here are only running on windows10:35
ghostcubein combination with office10:35
Quintasan|Szelusing only windows - worst nightmare10:36
ghostcubeits all .NET10:36
Quintasan|Szelit's just like.. breathing mercury :P10:36
ulysses__At the university we have both Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.0410:36
ulysses__the servers running also Ubuntu 9.0410:37
ghostcubethe problem is no one cares enough to port the software to linux10:37
ghostcubeat univerity10:37
ghostcubei run the asta servers with ubuntu 9.04 server10:37
ghostcubebut here at work no chance10:37
ghostcubewindows 2003 server10:37
ghostcubei have no idea how to config it10:37
ghostcubei made once a click to show settings of active directory10:38
ghostcubeafter this it wont boot10:38
ghostcubeso i never touched again10:38
Quintasan|Szelit might be just me but I think using IIS is just like commiting suicide :P10:38
Quintasan|Szellol :D10:38
Quintasan|SzelI'm waiting for Linuix binary for Unreal Tournament 3. then I will get rid of windows10:39
ulysses__There are some Windows and Solaris server also here, at the computer professorship10:39
Quintasan|Szelnever used it10:39
ulysses__h864777@home.cab:~$ uname -a10:40
ulysses__SunOS rozi 5.9 Generic_122300-03 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R10:40
Quintasan|Szelits POSIX compatible P?10:40
ulysses__I don't know, we never use it10:41
ghostcubeisnt there linux binary for UT310:41
Quintasan|Szelbeats me, last time I checked there wasnt10:42
ghostcubeno there isnt one10:46
ghostcubeseems they forgoten it or cant do it lol10:46
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ScottKQuintasan|Szel: You are definitely among the youngest MOTU, but I know of a coupld that got MOTU evenyounger.13:07
ScottKghostcube: Give it 15 years and you'll be as old as I am.  You are not old.13:07
ScottKRiddell: Did you see the ping I gave you on #ubuntu-devel yesterday?13:08
RiddellScottK: don't think so13:09
ScottKRiddell: OK.  Let me get the conversation and pastebin it for you.13:10
ScottKRiddell: http://pastebin.com/d7925b8a013:11
ScottKIt seems like we're close to a fix for powerpc, but it needs a little integration work.13:11
Riddellah yes, the joy of qmake13:13
RiddellScottK: do we know what his workaround is?13:13
ScottKSo if we could just find someone who knew a bit about that .....13:13
ScottKRiddell: http://pastebin.com/f3fb11da513:17
ScottKRiddell: debian/patches/92_powerpc_no_gc_sections.diff in the current package.13:18
ghostcubeScottK: hmm yeah but 31 is old :) ofcourse yours is a bit more but after you get the 3 before the rest it sux a bit13:22
amichairwho else is 31?13:24
amichairoh, cheers :-)13:25
ScottKghostcube: Didn't you hear?  40 is the new 30.  You're fine.13:25
ghostcube78 the best build date ever13:26
ghostcubeScottK: oh havent known this13:26
ghostcubethen its cool :D13:26
ghostcubeevilFunkyFinger wth why is anybody using such an nick :D13:27
amichairghostcube: he ain't a '78... :-)13:27
* Riddell puts some tinsel on wstephenson 13:30
wstephensonho ho ho13:30
* wstephenson passes round the brandy and mince pies13:30
Riddellvery kind of you13:30
* wstephenson hopes for a decent bottle of whisky this christmas as he's still drinking the jamesons he received last year13:30
Riddellbah, they don't even know how to spell whisky13:31
wstephensonbut i wanted to ask, what's the quickest way to get a dev setup going? there is a KNM bug only kubuntu users seem to get that i want to fix.13:31
Riddellwstephenson: you have a kubuntu install?13:31
Riddellsudo apt-get build-dep knetworkmanager13:32
wstephensonon a real machine for once13:32
wstephensonRiddell: no source package found - and i thought you had it named plasmoid-something...?13:33
wstephensondo i need to register a source repo too?13:33
Riddellyou would for that to work yes13:34
wstephensonand how do i do that?13:35
wstephensonif there's a noob kubuntu kde developer page somewhere, send me there...13:35
Riddellsudo software-properties-kde  tick source code at bottom of first tab, close, reload13:36
amichairRiddell: no poking yet, just a reminder... a few more fixes waiting in software-properties branch13:37
wstephensonRiddell: done that, still no source package named knetworkmanager?  is plasmoid-knetworkmanager a generated package built from knetworkmanager the source package?13:39
ScottKwstephenson: plasma-widget-networkmanagement13:39
ScottK(I didn't pick the name)13:40
wstephensonif i was doing the same on suse, i'd rpm -qi `which knetworkmanager` to find out the source package name, then zypper source-install -d <pakcagename> but my apt-fu is weak.13:40
wstephensonScottK: works, thanks13:40
JontheEchidnadpkg -S 'which knetworkmanager' in apt-fu ;-)13:40
RiddellI'm wrong, there is no knetworkmanager package13:41
Riddellit's plasma-widget-networkmanagement indeed13:41
wstephensonis there a general kde or c++ development pattern i can install to get my usual hacker tools as well as the pure build deps?13:41
Riddellsudo apt-get install build-essential devscripts kdelibs5-dev13:42
Riddellfor network manager the build depends are    sudo apt-get install cdbs debhelper cmake pkg-kde-tools quilt libqt4-dev kdelibs5-dev kdebase-workspace-dev libknotificationitem-dev network-manager-dev libnm-util-dev quilt13:43
wstephensonyep, got those from the build-dep13:43
ScottKRiddell: Except not libknotificationitem-dev13:43
ScottK(at least not for lucid)13:43
wstephensoni want things like gdb and svn too.13:43
RiddellI'm assuming wstephenson is looking at the version in karmic13:43
wstephensonRiddell: right, that's the one causing me 2-3 BRs a day13:44
ScottKProbably a good assumption13:44
Riddellwstephenson:   sudo apt-get install qt-sdk kde-devel    would bring in the meta packages with that sort of stuff13:44
wstephensonthat looks good - thanks13:46
wstephensonfinally, how do i find where "apt-get source plasma-widget-knetworkmanager" put the sources?13:48
Riddellwstephenson: current directory13:49
Riddelland it's plasma-widget-networkmanagement13:49
wstephensonyes. found it.13:51
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rgreeningwhats the difference between Tiger woods and Santa...13:56
rgreeningsanta only has 3 Ho's!13:57
rgreeningmerry x-mas13:57
rgreeningScottK: kubuntu-desktop recommends kipi-plugins but I believe this package cannot be installed with new gwenview/digikam..14:07
ghostcubeyep cause it wants to remove them14:08
ghostcubei seen this last night14:08
ScottKSomething needs a rebuild then.14:08
ghostcubelibkipi6 is going to be removed if you distupgrade and espacially choose gwenview14:09
ghostcubeand kipi-plugins14:09
ghostcubeand installed is going to be libkipi714:09
rgreeningScottK: kipi-plugins: Depends: libkdcraw7 (>= 4:4.3.2) but it is not going to be installed14:10
rgreening                Depends: libkipi6 (>= 4:4.3.2) but it is not going to be installed14:10
rgreeningbut these need to be libdcraw8 and libkipi714:10
ghostcubergreening: ++14:10
rgreeningwhere is polkit-kde-1 housed and is is backported for karmic? can't install latest kde beta backport without it14:11
ScottKThat was supposed to be dropped for the backport.14:12
rgreeningScottK: seems not14:13
ScottKI'd propose fix the backport then.14:13
rgreeningScottK: If I have some time, I can have a look. Im pretty booke atm14:14
rgreeningbooked even14:14
ScottKYet not to booked to play with a KDE beta install ....14:15
rgreeningScottK: apt-get install vs building a package..14:15
rgreeningno effort vs effort14:16
rgreeningScottK: anyway, it's kdebase-workspace right? Anything I need to change other thna remove the dep?14:16
ScottKrgreening: I think it's kde4libs, but JontheEchidna is the expert.14:17
JontheEchidnakde4libs needs the build-dependency back to libpolkit-qt-dev, and any binary packages need to depend on kdebase-workspace-bin rather than polkit-kde-114:18
JontheEchidnathough I think kdebase-workspace-bin might be the only policykit users in KDE-proper at the moment14:19
rgreeningok.. I'll have a look. my meetng got rebooked for later so I may have a few minutes to poke at this...14:22
rgreeningIs polkit-kde-1 actually correct? or should it be polkit-qt-114:29
JontheEchidnayeah, it's correct14:30
JontheEchidnaWe used to have policykit-kde which was moved into kdebase-workspace14:31
JontheEchidnapolkit-kde-1 is policykit-kde for the PolicyKit-1 API14:31
JontheEchidnaya, a bit much to wrap one's head around :S14:32
rgreeningso, looks like kde4libs is ok... so I guess the dep issue is in workspace14:32
JontheEchidnaluckily we will be able to drop the -1 endings soon and replace the normal packages14:32
rgreeningJontheEchidna: so, in workspace, replace polkit-kde-1 with nothing (it only appears once on kdebase-workspace-bin)14:34
ghostcubeis anyone working on an tool to sync the channels from xchat quassel and so on ? if you move to another pc ?14:35
ghostcubei thinking about doing such a thing mabye14:35
rgreeningty JontheEchidna.14:36
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ScottKJontheEchidna: polkit-kde-1 MIR is approved, so that's one blocker resolved.14:55
JontheEchidnapolicykit and k3b just need updating for polkit-114:56
rgreeningDo we have a backport of virtuoso yet for karmic that will work with nepomuk?14:56
JontheEchidnaI wonder if K3b's been ported to KAuth yet...14:57
JontheEchidnaback in a bit14:57
Riddellrgreening: I don't think we have vituoso for lucid yet14:58
ghostcubeyipieh my tor works again :D15:07
* ScottK looks around for Lure to package Digikam 1.015:14
LureScottK: will do tonight15:14
LureScottK: do you know where my per-packge upload right is right now? Did somebody inform DMB about kubuntu-dev decision?15:14
ScottKLure: IIRC, Riddell was going to do that.  We'd have to hear from him.15:15
LureScottK: we got MIR approval for liblqr, so one diff with debian less for digikam15:15
LureScottK: and opencv 2.0 with all build-depends have built sucessfully in my staging ppa15:15
LureScottK: so I plan to upload that one also soon15:16
ScottKLure: Will it replace opencv?15:16
ScottKI have a pending merge of opencv and I'm wondering if I should bother.15:16
RiddellScottK, Lure: pitti says it needs approval from the DMB so I'll write them a sterntly worded e-mail15:18
ScottKRiddell: That or let's just make him kubuntu-dev and tell them since we weren't allowed to give upload rights to part of kubuntu-dev, we gave all of it.15:19
Riddellcertainly an option15:19
Riddelldo we trust him not to get drunk one night and upload the fluffy bunny theme to kubuntu-default-settings?15:20
ScottKI'd worry more about Hannah Montana, but I think it's OK.15:21
ScottKapachelogger, JontheEchidna, Tonio_: Got a moment for an inpromtu kubuntu-dev meeting?15:21
JontheEchidnaI can15:22
ScottKRiddell: Three is a quorum.15:22
RiddellI'm +1 if he restricts himself to digikam, kipi-plugins and kdegraphics (other stuff he can upload but with asking for review first)15:23
ScottK+1 too15:23
ScottKLure: Do you agree to restrict your uploads (without review) to digikam, kipi-plugins and kdegraphics15:24
LureScottK: I am fine with that15:24
Riddelllet me set the powahs then15:25
ScottKCongratulations.  Welcome to kubuntu-dev15:25
Lurewill use my new powers wisely15:25
Riddell"Luka Renko (lure) has been added as a member of this team."15:25
LureScottK: you did merge with testing (1.0 version)?15:25
LureScottK: my merge will be from unstable (2.0)15:26
LureRiddell: thanks15:26
ScottKLure: I didn't touch it yet this cycle.15:26
LureRiddell: will try new powers on digikam upload tonight15:26
LureScottK: then no need to bother15:26
ScottKLure: Thanks.  I won't.15:27
ScottKRiddell: I'll do the welcome email unless you've already done it.15:30
RiddellScottK: go ahead15:30
ScottKLure: Could I have a link to your per-package uploaders application?15:33
LureScottK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LukaRenko/DigikamKipiPluginsApplication15:34
ScottKAnnouncement mail sent.15:48
* rgreening needs to work on his app...15:57
ScottKRiddell: Is the qmake problem with the powerpc patch something you can work on or do I need to see about hunting down someone to figure it out?16:46
RiddellScottK: oh sorry, I was looking fro thiago but he hasn't turned up16:49
RiddellScottK: but we could just make the patch apply only on powerpc16:49
ScottKRiddell: No problem.  It isn't a rush as we don't want a Qt upload while we're building KDE.16:50
ScottKRiddell: That sounds good.  How about we try that after beta 2 is done?16:50
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
apacheloggerScottK: now you just need to blog about that we-cannot-give-per-package-upload-privileges ;)17:06
ScottKapachelogger: Considering who I sent the congratulations mail to, I think the target audience has been notified.17:07
apacheloggerwell, the more ranting, the more fuzz, the more annoyance ;)17:08
ScottKLet's see how this works first.17:08
* ScottK used up his quota for a while on ranting and annoyance on the Ayatana stuff in Karmic.17:09
apacheloggerRiddell: can we please block mails with subjects containing "Digest, Vol" as well as all HTML-only mail?17:10
ScottKapachelogger: I think at least one of those needs a mailman patch.  Fortunately it's written in Python so you can hack on it.17:11
apacheloggerI am quite sure you can filter on subject17:11
ScottKYes, but silently discarding is evil.  You'd need to give a useful error message.17:11
* apachelogger doesnt find it any eviler than subjects that are as useful as "fluffy bunny subject"17:12
QuintasanI see we are almost good to go with Beta 2 :)17:58
RiddellI'm almost done uploading it to lucid17:59
Quintasangood, I'm going to poke gluon upstream in a second, I want to compile all apps they provide in git, would be nice to have few apps for users to test and/or report bugs :)18:00
skreechapachelogger: though  you may be a PITA I don't see you as one18:25
skreech\o/ KDE 4.4 b2 is out18:26
* apachelogger is wondering if b1 is really left without any sound18:35
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
skreechwell I can't get anything Phonon working18:37
skreechif it's a FOSS data file then it can't find the file specified if it's not a FOSS data file then it can't find the codecs for that file18:37
* skreech shrugs and uses mplayer in the meantime18:38
skreechjjesse: Did you figure out amarok btw?18:38
jjesseskreech: i haven't looked at it18:38
jjessebeen busy w/ work :)18:38
apacheloggerskreech: just have been told the same18:39
skreechapachelogger: I knew that Phonon was screwed pre b1 packages dropping so not surprised18:39
skreechAnything with Phonon segfaulted before that so having them open was a step forward. Now they can't play anything  hopefully b2 they can18:40
skreechthen b3 they will spout kittens from the speakers18:40
jjesseshould be pretty easy right?18:40
skreechjjesse: once you know where it is. It's in a pretty annoying place if you don't know it18:46
skreechNot sure why amarok handles it like that18:46
jjesseseems like a pretty common use case that a lot of people would use so it should be easy to do18:48
skreechWell it's not obviously easy18:49
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Quintasanwtf, I have sound, b1 here18:58
Quintasanreally, KDE junior jobs dont look like junior19:00
apacheloggerQuintasan: urly?19:07
apacheloggerURLy that is :P19:07
Quintasanapachelogger: whole list, JJ: implement XXX kioslave19:08
apacheloggeroh funs19:09
* apachelogger notest that kioslaving can be a JJ19:09
apacheloggernotes even19:09
apacheloggerdepends on the slave of course19:09
Quintasanlooks like I'm lower than a total noob in coding :DD19:09
apacheloggerbut mosly it is just implementing some silly named convenience class19:10
apacheloggercan someone do something about the audio thread?19:11
apacheloggermore like a topic for kubuntu-users19:11
apacheloggerhence the -users :P19:11
apacheloggerlike in "using the product"19:11
apachelogger-devel as in "developing the product"19:11
apacheloggersince we do not develop "audio not working" I suppose it belongs to using a system where audio is not working :P19:12
QuintasanI would really like to troll the devel of amarok runner19:12
apacheloggerin fact some self-help group might be suited ... "how to live with a system without audio" :D :D :D19:12
* JontheEchidna hints that it would be a really good idea to SRU the fix for bug 43348619:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 433486 in kde4libs "plasma-desktop crashes when widget style is non-oxgyen [QGraphicsGridLayout::sizeHint()]" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43348619:13
JontheEchidnato nobody in particular, but feel free to jump in ;-)19:13
Quintasanofc the KDE 4.4 searches only trough collection and the other one through the playlist and both fail @_@19:13
apacheloggerQuintasan: go SRU the SRUworthy bug19:13
* Quintasan though he ain't minion anymore19:13
* apachelogger looks at launchpad19:14
apacheloggeroh my, I am still superior :P19:14
ScottKIf less active19:14
apacheloggerthat is what superior rank means, isnt it? :P19:14
Quintasanapachelogger: just wait... :>19:14
* apachelogger enhances JontheEchidna's endorsement for core dev a bit and then prepares for vacation19:15
ScottKapachelogger: Please go give soyuz a kick so beta 2 can get built.19:15
ScottKSeems it fell over and needs motivation.19:15
QuintasanJontheEchidna: the fix was backported already or  I should do it?19:15
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: done SRUs before?19:15
QuintasanJontheEchidna: just one for Parley19:15
JontheEchidnaoh yeah, you did19:16
apacheloggerI did all the hard work :P19:16
JontheEchidnaYeah, the patch needs backported19:16
JontheEchidnayou know the drill19:16
* apachelogger goes after soyuz with laser screwdriver19:16
QuintasanI'd like to gluon be built first but who cares :P19:17
apacheloggeroh my, it lost an arm!!!!19:17
* apachelogger hides behind ScottK19:17
nixternalhere, give me that laser screwdriver19:17
* nixternal grabs a keg of beer and throws it at...19:18
nixternalwait a second!19:18
QuintasanJontheEchidna: hmm against stable packages or against out ppa packages?19:18
* Quintasan is confused19:18
* nixternal rethinks that, doesn't throw the keg of beer, instead goes over in the corner and starts drinking while laughing at apachelogger hiding behind ScottK 19:18
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: SRUs are for the stable packages, though I suppose updating the PPA wouldn't hurt too19:18
* ScottK is too skinny for proper hiding anyway19:18
apacheloggerI am lost!19:19
nixternalScottK: this is hillarious...you guys get less than 2 feet of snow, and it is all over the news...Chicago gets 2 feet of snow, we hit the bars and celebrate...and never watch about it on the national news19:20
ScottKnixternal: I'm not sure what the big deal is.  We're all shoveled and plowed.  Just dropped all the kids at the mall (no idea why school is closed either)19:20
nixternalScottK: yeah, my daughter has today off as well it seems19:21
nixternalthough I will admit, they have gotten pretty silly with snow days here as well19:21
Quintasanlol your kids get days off because of 2 feets of snow?19:21
Quintasanfck I want to live there19:21
nixternalwhen I was in school, a snow day wasn't called until school was about to start and there was at least 6 inches of snow on the street19:21
* apachelogger notes that the best he ever got in austria was to be excused from school with appropriate proof of not being able to get there19:22
QuintasanI think we would need at least 2m of snow to get school canceled19:22
nixternalhell, one year they didn't call snow day...there was like 8 inches of snow and it was still falling...they made people drive their kids to school as the busses said "hell no we aren't going out in this"19:22
apacheloggerQuintasan: why do you think it is that europeans are more intelligent than the rest of the world :P19:22
apacheloggeroh, tokyo ska paradise orchestra19:25
* apachelogger takes Nightrose for a dance19:25
apacheloggernixternal: the busses can talk over there? :O19:26
* Nightrose dances around with apachelogger19:26
apacheloggerNightrose: doki doki time19:26
nixternalapachelogger: yes, our busses are intelligent19:27
nixternalprobably more intelligent than those riding on them19:27
nixternalour busses will even talk to your smart phone and provide you some good info if you have the apps installed19:27
apacheloggeroh my19:27
apacheloggernixternal: smart busses one could say19:28
* apachelogger finds that indeed handy19:28
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I am all out of stuff to endorse :S19:29
nixternalplus, our bus company, just open sourced their api's for the smart busses and all of that stuff19:29
* apachelogger finds it jolly hard to write endorsements for people who shouldnt need any endorsement :P19:29
nixternalI should be like everyone else and create yet another plasma widget that is useful for just 3 people19:29
apacheloggerlol :D19:30
apacheloggermine is useful to more :P19:30
nixternalyeah, those 8 people are happy too :p19:30
apacheloggernixternal: you should lobby the API rather19:30
apacheloggermake it a standard and all19:30
apacheloggerthen all smart phones could ship with some minimalistic app19:31
nixternalI am sure someone around here is already doing it19:31
apacheloggerand voila, the world is yet a better place to live in19:31
nixternaloh, in Ruby too at that :D19:31
apacheloggerwell, for the 10% of humanity that can effort smart phones and smart busses anyway19:31
nixternalit was pretty cool how the CTA did it...they worked with the open source world...they really worked more with all of the Ruby and RoR hackers here in Chicago19:31
nixternalwe have smart busses, and pot holes that can eat a car19:32
nixternalit doesn't make sense to me19:32
apacheloggerwhom else would you be working with in chicago? :P19:32
nixternalRuby and RoR is huge here all of a sudden19:32
nixternalI guess I need to start messing with online services more than desktop applications....seems that's where the money is nowadays19:32
Quintasanhurr those lines even ain't present19:35
QuintasanJontheEchidna: no matter how I look at version the bug is reported against 4.3.1 which I can't find, even the 3/4 of lines in the patch are not present19:40
ScottKnixternal: Weren't you on enough councils already?19:40
nixternalI guess not19:41
nixternalthey insisted that I run...I tried to not run, but they wouldn't let me...so now I feel quote motivated to help out Edubuntu and get them up to speed now19:42
skreechQuintasan: I try to pick out really simple JJ or worthwhile ones and dent them every monday19:43
JontheEchidnaman, it is way too different...19:44
JontheEchidnaoh well, thanks.19:44
Quintasanskreech: okay, tough the one about kopete links in status messages is sitting there since KDE 3.5 :P19:44
Quintasanskreech: I mean this -> http://imagebin.ca/view/IWN-4j.html19:45
Quintasanlink not clickable :S19:46
skreechapachelogger: and not being there is not proof of not being able to get there? :)19:47
apacheloggerskreech: huh?19:48
skreechnixternal: Our buses here are smart. They stay the hell off the damn roads19:49
ghostcubewoha snow again ....19:50
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you can quote me on that when in your core dev interview .... make JontheEchidna a coredev already, I dont know how to endorse someone who knows all and everything19:51
Tscheesyis there some Digikam1.0 Pakets under packaging ? http://sourceforge.net/projects/digikam/files/19:51
apacheloggerLure is working on packaging I think19:51
LureTscheesy: will check with debian first19:52
LureTscheesy: also, we need to include some patch (one crasher was fixed just after release)19:52
ejatJontheEchidna: is it all the fixed release to the development version of lucid will be port to karmic ?19:53
ejator maybe in beta 2 ?19:53
ejatnvm ..19:54
ejatsorry ..19:54
skreechQuintasan: Yeah I dented that one like a month ago :)19:55
JontheEchidnaejat: it's ok, I just don't know what you're talking about :)19:55
skreechQuintasan: On the profile cards as well. Well no where actually19:56
skreechKopete needs looooove19:57
ejatJontheEchidna: i just get bug fixed update in email .. all saying fixed in 10.04 .. is it available for 9.10 :)19:57
JontheEchidnadepends on the bug19:57
skreechapachelogger: not being at school wasn't enough proof that you could not get to school? :)19:57
apacheloggerskreech: nope, could also have been proof of you didnt wanna get to school :P19:58
ejatis it kde sc beta 2 on building process .... ?19:59
skreechapachelogger: Ah those unruly chicldren :)19:59
apacheloggeroh yes!20:00
skreechapachelogger: Also it was always annoying when you had the one child who lived near you and was intent on getting to school damning the rest of people who lived near him into being liars that they couldn't make it to school20:00
ejatScottK: thanks ..20:01
nixternalwhat is on the agenda for today? what needs to get done?20:01
nixternalto lazy to read scrollback20:01
nixternalI think it would be good to start doing scrum meetings every day20:02
nixternalto much work trying to keep up with what is going on and what people are doing, at least for me it is...seems my hand might be in to many cookie jars20:02
apacheloggerrounds :D20:02
markeyapachelogger: you were right, once again :)20:02
markeyAVATAR is the real deal20:03
markeymyri and I both went out thinking: best film ever made.20:03
markeysimple as that :)20:03
markeyboggles the mind20:03
apacheloggercouldnt agree more20:03
markeyit's a new paradigm in cinema, it's not a normal film any more20:03
markeymore an experience :)20:03
Quintasanskreech: I'd like to do this but I'm veeery new to programming20:08
apacheloggeras every art it is more of a trial and error sort :P20:11
* Sput never got a snow day at school20:11
SputI think I got two heat days in 13 years of school though20:11
apacheloggerglobal warming!!!20:11
Sputyeah. so holland drowns, cologne is gonna be at the coast, and we won't have any snow anymore. How often do I need to take my SUV around the block to make that happen?20:12
JontheEchidnaSource format 3.0 rules! No more repacking .bz2 tarballs as .gz <320:12
apacheloggerjust wait until KDE deploys xv :P20:12
ScottKkdenlive tar.bz2 is in the archive.20:12
JontheEchidnakgmailnotifier tar.bz2 will be in the archives soon20:13
Sputapachelogger: Gentoo already repacks KDE tarballs as .xv :)20:13
apacheloggerthere you have it20:13
apacheloggeralso suse was always pushing quite a bit towards lzma20:13
apacheloggerand since dirk is doing the tars I dont think it will be long before bz2 distribution gets stopped :P20:13
apacheloggernot that I would be sorry about that20:14
Sputprobably right after they've moved to git :P20:14
Sputand the hurd is released20:14
apacheloggerigittigitt :P20:14
apacheloggertime to leave20:14
Sputand Duke runs on the hurd20:14
apacheloggersee you after vacation20:14
* apachelogger hugs everyone and puts a haralds-spot-do-not-use-sign on his chair20:15
Lex79apachelogger: see you :-*20:15
Quintasanwell Harald's not here so we can relax :PP20:19
* JontheEchidna wonders how much waterboarding there was to decide that quilt would be the standard patch system for 3.020:22
JontheEchidnaer, not the word I was looking for20:22
ScottKThe quilt fanboys are well in charge in Debian, so not much.20:23
JontheEchidnaI am glad with the outcome, it's just that one would think that it would be a devisive issue20:23
Quintasanwho cares bout dpatch? :P20:24
* Quintasan used it twice and didn't like it20:24
JontheEchidnathere is something to be said about simple-patchsys20:24
ScottKJontheEchidna: If we had a quilt-edit-patch, then I think it'd be fine, as it is, Quilt is significanlty harder for new people to use.20:25
JontheEchidnathe learning curve is a bit steep, yes20:25
LureJontheEchidna: is cdbs somehow deprecated now?20:30
* Lure see some changes in that regard20:30
JontheEchidnayeah, it looks like it might be moving that way but imo it'll probably stay around for a bit20:30
ScottKJontheEchidna: -1 for undocumented changes in kde4libs.20:33
ScottKLure: the dh 7 stuff removes a lot of the rationale for cdbs.20:33
ScottKJontheEchidna: Please add your debian/rules changes to debian/changelog and I'll pull again.20:34
LureScottK: I noticed, that is why I am not sure if there is any push to move away from cdbs20:34
* Lure notices that digikam is still cdbs20:34
ScottKShould be easy enough to switch to dh 7 --with-kde20:34
yuriyis 1.0 packaged btw? that's pretty exciting20:35
LureScottK: actually writing quilt-edit-patch should not be that hard to implement...20:35
ScottKLure: I agree.  Just needs someone to actually do it.20:35
* Lure did not like quilt at first, but I am now fine with it20:36
JontheEchidnaah, those changes are wrong. I had fixed that in bzr but I accidentally unfixed it copying the debian directory back over20:36
JontheEchidnaScottK: fixed20:37
ScottKJontheEchidna: OK.  Got it.20:39
ScottKStill waiting (will be for a while) for stuff to depwait.20:39
skreechJontheEchidna: Waterboarding probably more applicable20:42
Quintasanoh btw, anyone got distcc or icecc working?20:43
RiddellQuintasan: you'll need to tell me if you need to use my machine again20:43
BausparfuchsHi, is there a simple way to get qt 4.6 on my Kubuntu karmic? A ppa or something?20:45
QuintasanRiddell: I have done several changes, I will include those licenses, and it's quite not ready yet since I can't build anything that uses gluon now :/20:49
RiddellBausparfuchs: yes it's in the experimental PPA20:51
Riddellin ~kubuntu-ppa20:51
BausparfuchsRiddell: i just had a look at the experimental ppa and it seems that there is only the rc, not the final.20:52
Riddellor in the beta PPA then20:54
BausparfuchsRiddell: in the experimental ppa there is "qt4-x11 - 4:4.6.0~rc1-1ubuntu1~ppa1 " published on november, 18th. Release was on december 1st20:54
BausparfuchsRiddell: I only found it in the lucid repo. ll wair20:57
Bausparfuchsill wait20:57
skreechnixternal: http://identi.ca/group/linuxjobs20:59
RiddellBausparfuchs: it is in this PPA https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/beta21:05
BausparfuchsRiddell: oh, thanks, fine. I didnt find that before21:06
skreechWhy don't I have a network management plasmoid?21:27
skreechDid 4.4 mask them out or something?21:28
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_StefanS_not to push on things, but I imagine that you're preparing the KDE 4.4 SC beta2 packages ?22:02
_StefanS_or atleast thinking about it :)22:03
skreech_StefanS_: No we are not we are partying like it's 2009!22:03
skreechOh.. wait22:03
skreech_StefanS_: Lucid is priority so it gets rolled out and tested there first22:03
_StefanS_skreech: oh yes ofcourse22:04
_StefanS_skreech: but I guess they will be available for karmic eventually22:04
_StefanS_4.4 was a great improvement.. even the plasmoids remember where you put them now ;)22:04
skreech_StefanS_: Yes22:05
skreechTHough My plasmoids dont :-(22:05
skreechStop covering each other!22:05
_StefanS_ah didnt test that22:06
skreech_StefanS_: What?? Then why are we giving out the beta? Test test test test!!22:06
_StefanS_skreech: will do, and sorry for my laziness :)22:08
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nixternalskreech: yeah, I follow a linuxjobs on twitter22:20
zegenieanybody know if the soprano virtuoso backend will be packaged with this beta?22:35
zegenie(beta 2 - whenever it becomes available)22:35
Riddellzegenie: I believe not22:41
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zegenieRiddell: so will the strigi / nepomuk functionality be broken for karmic if I use 4.4 for any forseeable future?22:53
Riddellzegenie: no more so than in 4.3 I expect22:53
zegeniebut it works fine in 4.3, just installing the sesame backend, popping in the symlink and voila22:54
Riddellthere you go then22:55
zegeniethe sesame package is already in the repos, and the onliner symlink command isn't exactly rocket science :)22:55
zegeniebut with 4.4 it won't even initialize22:55
zegeniebecause it says it needs the virtuoso backend22:55
zegeniewhich *isn't* in the repos22:55
Riddelloh well, guess it won't work, it's a beta22:56
zegenieyeah, always something22:59
zegenieso is the virtuoso backend package in lucid yet?22:59
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Riddellzegenie: no, there isn't a working version as I understand it23:05
zegeniethat's unfortunate23:06
zegenieany idea what the guys in fedora/gentoo/opensuse are doing then?23:06
zegeniealso just packaging it w/o functioning strigi/nepomuk?23:06
zegeniejust wondering since the're already shipping beta 2 packages :)23:06
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LureScottK: do you know the state of debian-science merge done by mok023:13
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* Lure considers just doing opencv + boost1.40 transtion upload23:13
skreechzegenie: as far as I'm aware there is a break in the version compatibilty23:19
skreechVirtuoso 5.x works 6.0 doesn't 6.x will23:19
Sputzegenie: Gentoo has working Virtuoso packages.23:21
Sputthough upstream shuffling around things didn't make things too easy the past few weeks :)23:21
ScottKLure: It's been marked he's doing it for a long time.  I'd go for it.23:22
Sputalso we've made upstream to finally do releases for redland and other soprano stuff23:22
LureScottK: merge with newer upstream (0.7/0.8) requires update to blends, which I am not really planning to do just now23:23
ScottKLure: Blends is a pretty easy merge.  Just have to add stuff for the new release.23:23
LureScottK: but it brings another couple of rdepends to follow23:24
LureScottK: might look into it when I am done with opencv23:24
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