
wallyI neesd some help in ubuntu00:04
vit__hola a todos!!00:29
vit__alguien por ahi que m diga para que sirve esta aplicacion?00:29
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr00:30
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:31
fa4anaheimtest test...is this thing on?00:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:58
fa4anaheimnoted...i am trying to figure out how to open files as root so i can edit them...what info do you need?00:59
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fa4anaheimThe file in question is /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode. I am trying to change the "FN" key to the opposite state but I cannot figure out how to open, change, and save it as root...01:04
fa4anaheimi guess not then...01:09
Dragnslicersudo kate /path/to/file should work01:10
islingtonfa4anaheim: you just need to know the sudo passwoed01:10
islingtonkdesu kate /path/to/file should be safer01:10
DragnslicerThere is no "sudo password"01:10
DragnslicerEr, yeah01:11
DragnslicerObviously I'm not thinking quite straight tonight01:11
Dragnslicerfa4anaheim- kdesu kate /path/to/file01:11
fa4anaheimcool, trying it now...01:11
DragnslicerUgh, no01:12
Dragnslicerfa4anaheim- kdesudo kate /path/to/file01:12
DragnslicerI think that's actually correct now01:12
fa4anaheimWell it opens, but I can't save it...also, I get several lines of "X Error: BadWindow"01:17
Dragnslicerfa4anaheim- the X errors can probably be ignored. Why can't you save the file though?01:23
fa4anaheimGood question...says the file is "Protected" and I do not have permission...01:24
nokI am Extremely new to Kubuntu wondering if any would mind helping me01:24
fa4anaheimnok - with what?01:24
Fanfarenok: whats your prob?01:24
nokAm i able to download .executables and use them? am getting an error with it.01:25
=== nathaniel_ is now known as gnat56
Fanfarenok: well executables (*.exe) are windows specific you can try to run them with wine01:26
Fanfarenok: www.winehq.org01:26
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nokok ill check it out thanks.01:26
Fanfarenok: try to find an linux alternative!01:27
millun_hi, how can i make pulseaudio work again?01:27
fa4anaheimnok - an executable in linux is created when you compile from source, did you download the source file?01:27
noknot sure for the specific program i didnt see a source fille just the .exe01:27
Fanfarenok what app?01:28
nokyoull probably laugh but Fulltiltpoker01:28
fa4anaheimnok - from a website? I would try using an rpm manager...are you using gnome or kde?01:28
nokMy system is pretty crappy and runs slow on windows so thought i would try kub and is alot better01:28
nokgnome i beleive01:28
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Fanfarenok: well, kde has nice card games :-) try to query appdb.winehq.org01:29
noktrying to play with real money ;)01:30
Fanfareappdb has instructions on how to install windows apps in linux...01:30
Fanfareif u have any probs with wine, ask there then... #wine01:31
Fanfaresry  #winehq01:32
nokWell thanks fanfare preciate the help like i said new to linux period just installed it today.01:32
Fanfarenok: np ur welcome. this is kubuntu channel. (ubuntu + KDE) if u have gnome, the chose #ubuntu01:34
the_cyber_guyis there any way to just download the package from kpackage kit and not to install them01:34
Fanfarethe_cyber_guy: not kpackagekit, but apt-get01:36
the_cyber_guyhow ?01:36
Fanfareman:apt-get its the -d option01:36
fa4anaheim"Permission Denied" as root..?!01:46
Dragnslicerfa4anaheim- yeah, that's weird01:49
Dragnslicerfa4anaheim- what file are you trying to edit?01:49
=== Shadow_mil is now known as Kage_Jittai
fa4anaheimIt is the file that determines the state of the "Function" key on my Apple keyboard. Right not it is set to 1 which means I must hold the FN key for any of the F1-F19 keys to work. I am trying to change it to 2 which is opposite...01:51
DragnslicerDo "ls /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode" and give us the single line it shows01:54
fa4anaheimOk...fnmode is the file...but if I do "ls /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters" it shows just "fnmode"01:56
DragnslicerOops, sorry01:57
fa4anaheimThat's cool...01:57
Dragnslicerls -al /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode01:57
fa4anaheim...stand by...01:57
DragnslicerI forget that not everyone has -al aliased in to ls01:57
fa4anaheim"-r--r--r-- 1 root root 4096 2009-12-20 19:45 /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode"01:58
rejohn1Is it considered safe do do the KU 904 > 910 upgrade now?02:03
Dragnslicerfa4anaheim- that's odd. Doesn't look like there should be anything stopping you from editing the file02:08
fa4anaheimI know right...what about tcsh..? Overwrite maybe..?02:08
Dragnslicerfa4anaheim- you could try "sudo nano /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode" and see if that works for you02:08
fa4anaheim[ Error writing /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode: Permission denied ] WTF?!02:11
DragnslicerThat is bizarre02:13
fa4anaheimI know...02:13
DragnslicerOkay, try this02:13
Dragnslicersudo cp /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode.new02:13
fa4anaheim"cp: cannot create regular file `/sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode.new': No such file or directory"02:14
Fanfaredo i get that right, that file contains blanks?02:17
Dragnslicerfa4anaheim- hm, I get the same result (different directory under /sys/module though)02:17
DragnslicerYou'd think I would know this, but I'd guess that /sys/module is a special directory02:18
DragnslicerHave you looked at this page- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleKeyboard02:18
fa4anaheimThanks for all the help Dragon, I'm going to read through the link you gave me. If I'm still stuck I might give you a shout. Thanks again!02:20
rejohn1Is it considered safe do do the KU 904 > 910 upgrade now?02:22
Dragnslicerfa4anaheim- there's a section there about how to change it permanently02:23
fa4anaheimThat's what I need...02:23
Fanfarerejohn1: upgrade should work ok, no raisefs4 nor grub2 then, but should work02:26
DaskreeChrejohn1: It was considered safe when 9.10 was released. What are your concerns?02:26
rejohn1DaskreeCh: I read that there were problems, maybe w/ Ub 9.1002:27
Fanfarerejohn1: run 9.10 live cd see if everything works02:28
rejohn1I'm running KU 9.04 with the KDE 4 updates from the launchpad ppa, installed maybe 0906.  Are there any special instructions for doing the upgrade from that to the standard KU 9.10?02:29
DaskreeChrejohn1: There will always be problems. you are upgrading a few thousand programs along with settings and new kernels nderlying all of them. If there were no problems the world would implode from the gasp of surprise02:29
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rejohn1DaskreeCh: I'm just trying to ensure the major bugs are out of the upgrade process to 9.1002:29
DaskreeChrejohn1: The upgrade will disable the ppa. The packages in 9.10 are newer so it should be a clean upgrade02:29
rejohn1DaskreeCh: so, i just follow the regular upgrade process, no special instructions cause i ws using the later kde?02:30
DaskreeChrejohn1: What would be wise is to check your hardware compatibilty. There were some driver regressions so check out any problems with your wifi sound and video card in 9.1002:30
DaskreeChrejohn1: No changes needed02:30
rejohn1DaskreeCh: check out using the live cd, or in what way?02:31
DaskreeChFanfare: That's for you ^^602:31
dungahi guys! how can I find out what's wrong with my Linux installation. It freezes a lot and I have to REISUB or physically power off to get it back. It does that a lot02:48
francisco_hello there02:52
rejohn1After I asked my question above about upgrading to 9.10, I had a konqueror window pop up with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions  - was that window pop up caused by a command from someone in this channel?02:52
francisco_can anybody help me with a big issue with my wifi in kubuntu 9.1002:53
DaskreeChdunga: Video card drivers02:55
DaskreeChrejohn1: not by me02:55
DaskreeCh!wifi | francisco__02:55
ubottufrancisco__: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:55
DaskreeChhi _202:55
_2what is going on fellowz02:55
_2DaskreeCh shalom02:55
_2long C  no time02:56
DaskreeChI know02:56
DaskreeChBeen out of the helping people thing for a while02:56
DaskreeCh!wifi | francisco__02:56
francisco_yes sorry i am new in this matter02:56
DaskreeChfrancisco_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:56
_2what are the new specs ?   kubuntu 9.10 ?   kde 4.??? ?02:57
dungaDaskreech: sorry - thought nobody was active. my graphic adapter, VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controlle02:59
DaskreeCh_2: specs? Specs would be for 10.0402:59
_2i'm still using 6.6 dapper drake    on three boxen   debian etch on another.   just wondering what the latest "common problems" were.02:59
DaskreeChdunga: Switch your driver to vesa and sit out 3D for 9.1003:00
_2and is 10.4 an lts release ?03:00
DaskreeCh_2: Right so you canre about 10.0403:00
DaskreeChYes it is03:00
_2cool i'll have to uptoit03:00
DaskreeChdunga: The Intel driver went nuts for that chipset sometime in 9.04 and got worse in 9.10 It should be fixed by Feb so 10.04 will be stable again (hopefully)03:01
DaskreeCh_2: it's in alpha right now03:01
dungaDaskreeCh: I use Mint 7 based on Jaunty. Let me see what happens when I switch to VESA.  Thanks a lot for helping03:01
_2heh  ten four   sounds like a release for a citicens band distro  :>03:02
_2DaskreeCh kubuntu+1 ?03:02
DaskreeCh_2: Hopefully it will arrest some problems :)03:02
DaskreeCh_2: KDE 4.4 was just merged in and is on the road for being a fine release03:02
DaskreeCh_2: you've been avoiding KDE 4 up until now?03:03
_2DaskreeCh avoiding "fixing what isn't broken" more than anything else.03:04
DaskreeCh_2: Well if you like KDE 3 has an unsupported repo in 10.0403:04
ubottuKubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page03:04
DaskreeChha that needs to be updated03:04
Roastedanybody good with kdenlive?03:05
iconmefistothere's lots of kubuntu stuff that needs updating, things have been moving fast in the last year or so03:05
rejohn1DaskreeCh: do you know if people in the channel have to capability to cause konq to pop up with that url?03:06
DaskreeChKDE moves quite fast Ubuntu Docs are getting to be quite the unmainteind forest though03:06
DaskreeChrejohn1: I would doubt it. If someone gave a link and you clicked on it (even unintentionally) it would pop up though03:07
DaskreeChRoasted: Want to ask the question?03:07
rejohn1I see this url: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu  But, is there a description of a way to upgrade 904 to 910 using the command line?03:07
DaskreeChRoasted: also #kdenlive is quite friendly03:07
DaskreeChThough they do have a strong tendency to the SVN version which is a good deal better than the latest release03:08
DaskreeChrejohn1: sudo do-release-upgrade03:08
Roastedmy kdenlive question is very simple - I have a fade out on a picture. Real simple, right? Too bad it doesnt fade out. Its something so small and its enraging me.03:08
rejohn1DaskreeCh: thx - is that process described in a web page someplace?03:09
Roastedtwo pictures in a row, 1 fades out, 1 does not, both have the same setting03:09
DaskreeChrejohn1: on the Ubuntu upgrade page it's the same as the server upgrade03:10
DaskreeChRoasted: Same codec?03:10
Roastedsame codec? *shrug*03:10
RoastedI dont know man. Its my first time using this program.03:10
DaskreeChRoasted: I honestly don't know I"m just asking. #kdenlive sounds like a proper place to get a knowledgeable anwser03:10
RoastedI just added 2 pictures, added face effect, and one works 1 doesnt03:11
RoastedIm in that chat now03:11
Roastednobody is responding03:11
DaskreeChRoasted: It's a much smaller channel can't expect it lively all the time :)03:12
_2Roasted are the paciures the same format ?03:12
Roastedcancel that03:12
Roastedboth of them dont fade out now03:12
Roastedthis is ungodly frustrating03:12
Roastedsuch a smallt hing03:12
RoastedI assume so, they were taken with the same camera to the best of my memory03:13
Roastedall JPG's03:13
DaskreeChAh pictures03:13
Roastedtryin to make my lady friend a slide show for Christmas :P03:13
DaskreeChHmm again I have no ideas as to how this stuff works but perhaps try making one fade out a second or so after the other03:14
Roastedwell isnt that friendly of them03:14
RoastedI posted in the chat03:14
Roasted"hey guys"03:14
Roastedtheir response was "were not here". Oh. Okay. Thank you.03:14
DaskreeChWhichversion are you using btw?03:15
Roasted0.7.3 on KDE 4.3.203:15
webbb82_hey i am trying to install the plasma-netbook files   but im getting a dependencie problem  does kubuntu netbook work in kde 4.4?03:18
webbb82_plasma-netbook-dpg wont install03:21
francisco_daskreech can you give me an idea to know which wifi i have in my laptop03:22
_2regex question   howto find piriod followed by any char except space ?  >looking.for< >but. not<03:23
iconmefistofrancisco_: lshw -C network03:23
Dragnslicer_2- \.[^ ]03:24
DragnslicerAssuming you're using Perl-style03:25
_2Dragnslicer ty03:25
_2yes thanks03:25
francisco_and this work for wifi03:25
francisco_it is say realtek03:25
francisco_id 003:25
francisco_i think this is for lancard but wired03:26
rejohn1Help, please:  I'm getting this failure:  do-release-upgrade  Checking for a new ubuntu release  No new release found   , but:03:27
rejohn1lsb_release -a //  No LSB modules are available.  Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 9.04 Release: 9.04 Codename: jaunty03:27
rejohn1Any ideas?03:28
DaskreeChfrancisco_: try typing sudo lshw -C network03:29
francisco_iconmefisto this command it is useful for wifi too03:29
francisco_thanks Daskreech trying right now03:29
DaskreeChrejohn1: Umm hold on03:29
rejohn1DaskreeCh: thanks, holding03:29
DaskreeChrejohn1: can you tell me if sudo do-release-upgrade -d finds 10.04 ?03:30
francisco_Daskreech this is useful for wifi too03:31
DaskreeChfrancisco_: yes. If you are not seeing anything check if you hardware kill switch is off03:32
rejohn1DaskreeCh: it's working, doing some downloading03:32
francisco_how can i do that cause it is not present03:32
Zenith88hi! Does anybody know how to change text console resolution? I tried vga=ask kernel argument, but it results in 'vga=ask is deprecated' message. Also tried directly using mode ## from grub vesa info command, did not work too.03:33
francisco_it is appear off in led wifi03:33
francisco_ has to be off how can i turn on03:33
_2mine has a switch on the case...03:34
DaskreeChrejohn1: Woah stop it03:34
francisco_switch is on my dear03:34
rejohn1DaskreeCh: it did not mention 1004.  it did say:03:34
rejohn118 packages are going to be removed. 163 new packages are going to be03:34
rejohn1installed. 921 packages are going to be upgraded.03:34
DaskreeChfrancisco_: flick it on and off03:35
DaskreeChrejohn1: did you type do-release-upgrade -d ?03:35
francisco_how please03:35
DaskreeChfrancisco_: I don't know I dont' know what kind of laptop you have03:35
DaskreeChZenith88: Koala?03:36
francisco_hp 6925la03:36
rejohn1DaskreeCh: as root, i typed:  "root@ :~/apt# do-release-upgrade -d"03:36
Zenith88DaskreeCh: yes, 9.1003:36
DaskreeChrejohn1: That should upgrade you to 10.04 so please don't let it continue03:37
DaskreeChZenith88: You'd have to follow the grub2 not the grub sequence I think03:37
rejohn1DaskreeCh: thanks,  btw, i've beeen doing "apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade" for months, to get the latest packages.  Any suggestions?03:38
Zenith88DaskreeCh: Sorry, I am new to this whole grub thing. What exactly do I have to do? And  I guess it's related - how can I boot into text only mode?03:38
Zenith88DaskreeCh: I tried telinit, but it's quite different than SysV init, sometimes it will switch modes on me, sometimes not...03:39
DaskreeChrejohn1: umm use sudo?03:40
DaskreeChSuggestions for what?03:40
rejohn1DaskreeCh: how to upgrade to 910.,03:40
rejohn1DaskreeCh: I was root, so i shouldn't need to do sudo.03:40
DaskreeChZenith88: Umm I'd guess you need to sit somewhere between #upstart and #grub to get your answer03:40
DaskreeChrejohn1: what does do-release-upgrade say?03:41
rejohn1DaskreeCh: do-release-upgrade  Checking for a new ubuntu release  No new release found03:41
Zenith88DaskreeCh: That went over my head03:41
DaskreeChZenith88: join #grub and ask there. If you hit on problem then #upstart may be helpful03:42
DaskreeChBut you should probably start in #grub03:42
DaskreeChDid you upgrade to 9.10 or did you do a clean install?03:43
DaskreeChfrancisco_: can you pastebin the output of sudo lshw ?03:43
Zenith88DaskreeCh: Thx!03:44
_2Zenith88 i would think that console size is a kernel "thang" maybe asking in #linux #kernel or #linuxhelp would be more productive03:45
rejohn1DaskreeCh: any suggestion on how to get the upgrade to 910 going properly?03:46
rejohn1DaskreeCh: was that a suggestion from you that i should join #upstart?03:49
iconmefistorejohn1: have you tried sudo do-release-upgrade as normal user?03:51
rejohn1iconmefisto: no, i can try that, though.  I did the dru as root.03:51
rejohn1iconmefisto: same result as before, when doing dur as normal user:  no new release found.03:54
rejohn1iconmefisto: suggestions for getting the upgrade to work?03:54
iconmefistosame result for the gui method?03:54
rejohn1iconmefisto: DaskreeCh btw, i have 904 with the launchpad ppa update for kde 4 in my sources.list. - in case that matters.03:55
rejohn1iconmefisto: i haven't tried the gui method, because i prefer to do console update, so i can script save the output, in case i need to debug something,03:56
rejohn1iconmefisto: i could try it, though.03:56
iconmefistoalt-F2, and type update-notifier-kde -u03:57
rejohn1iconmefisto: did you see DaskreeCh 's note to me indicating that by one command he suggested, it was going to try to do an upgrade to 10.04?  I want to make sure the gui method doesn't doan upgrade to 10.0403:58
DaskreeChrejohn1: Ah right. Ok so lets try update manager03:58
WerenerdI am drawing a blank here guys. I have something that is using up to 2.03:58
rejohn1DaskreeCh: are you telling me i should not do the gui method?03:58
Werenerd2.5 mbit of my eth003:58
WerenerdIs there an application that will identify what is using the network device?03:59
rejohn1DaskreeCh: what is your current suggestion for me - how use the update manager?03:59
DaskreeChWerenerd: snort04:00
DaskreeChrejohn1: Ah seems they may have taken out update-manager04:00
rejohn1DaskreeCh: ok, go on04:00
DaskreeChrejohn1: I think you are set to only update to LTS04:00
DaskreeCh!broadcom | francisco_04:01
ubottufrancisco_: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:01
WerenerdDaskreeCh: aside from that being funny,  what do you think of that app?04:01
rejohn1DaskreeCh: hmm.  1) why? 2) how? 3) how can i get upgraded to 9.10?04:01
DaskreeChWerenerd: It's well known and pretty well renowned. You can try wireshark as well though that's more a of a network hacking monitor04:02
DaskreeChrejohn1: does alt+F2 -> update-notifier-kde -u find 9.10 ?04:02
DaskreeChrejohn1: oh umm can you check if update-manager-core is installed?04:03
rejohn1DaskreeCh:    alt+F2 -> update-notifier-kde -u   says: no new upgrade availale04:04
rejohn1DaskreeCh: ii  update-manager-core         1:0.111.10                  manage release upgrades04:05
rejohn1DaskreeCh: suggestions?04:06
DaskreeChrejohn1: grep rompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades04:08
rejohn1DaskreeCh: Prompt=normal04:09
DaskreeChrejohn1: What does it say?04:09
rejohn1DaskreeCh: one of those days, eh?  what's the prolem?04:10
DaskreeChafter this it's starting to look at network proxy issues I think04:11
rejohn1DaskreeCh: ok, here's a thought:04:11
rejohn1DaskreeCh: right now i'm direct on the internet,04:11
rejohn1DaskreeCh: but, usually i connect with celll phone isp,04:12
DaskreeChAh yeah perhaps04:12
rejohn1DaskreeCh: that isp has a proxy,04:12
WerenerdDaskreeCh: actually, you lead me down the right path. I think Etherape will do teh trick for me. Unfortunately it is a GTK app04:13
rejohn1DaskreeCh: which has required me to set up something for apt, to get through that proxy,04:13
DaskreeChsudo http_proxy="http://ip:port" do-release-upgrade04:13
rejohn1DaskreeCh: I haven't disabled that, iirc.  i sset it up  a long time ago & i'm not sure exactly what or where the setting is, prob in /etc/apt?04:13
DaskreeChrejohn1: I'm confused as to why -d works though04:14
rejohn1DaskreeCh: actually, checking /etc/apt, i now _donot_ have that file (apt.conf) in place.  I've renamed that file to .back, so the "Acquire::http::Proxy "http://wap.metropcs.net:3128/";" line is _not_ in place right now.04:16
rejohn1DaskreeCh: i renamed that file a month ago, probably to let me apt-update on the direct inet connection.04:17
DaskreeChand apt-cache policy  kubuntu-desktop says wht is the candidate?04:18
rejohn1DaskreeCh: actually, i'm accessing the inet through a wireless network, so i'm not wired to the net, but iirc there is no proxy blocking my computer even though i'm using wifi.04:18
DaskreeCh^^^^ rejohn104:20
rejohn1DaskreeCh: kubuntu-desktop:  Installed: 1.122   Candidate: 1.122   Version table:  *** 1.122 0 500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/main Packages  100 /var/lib/dpkg/status04:21
rejohn1DaskreeCh: thoughts?04:22
DaskreeChkick sudo do-release-upgrade ?04:23
rejohn1DaskreeCh: meaning?  "kidk"? -- is that a command?04:23
DaskreeChrejohn1: no I mean find very thick shoes and kick the commands behind as hard as you can then shout "Get to work" at it04:24
rejohn1DaskreeCh: as root, not using sudo, "do-release-upgrade" > "no new release found"04:26
DaskreeChrejohn1: I'm guessing you ran apt-get update already?04:26
rejohn1rejohn: yes04:26
rejohn1DaskreeCh: "apt-get update"  then "apt-get dist-upgrade"  erarlier today04:26
rejohn1DaskreeCh: suggestions?04:27
DaskreeChI"m sorely tempted to do a manual upgrade04:27
rejohn1DaskreeCh: how many steps, aprox, is that?  &, does the "do-r-u" thing run a script that checks stuff, & moves stuff around, etc?04:28
rejohn1DaskreeCh: where's the procedure for manual upgrade - url?04:29
DaskreeChThere is none04:29
DaskreeChIt's just something I used to do before I got lazy and did things the supported way04:30
DaskreeChwhat does do-release-upgrade -m say ?04:30
rejohn1DaskreeCh: what's your position in the KU project? just a user, or do you work for cannonical?04:30
DaskreeChwhat does do-release-upgrade -m desktop sorry04:30
rejohn1DaskreeCh:  Checking for a new ubuntu release  No new release found04:32
DaskreeChrejohn1: basically no one in KU works for Canonical04:32
DaskreeChrejohn1:  replace desktop with server04:32
rejohn1DaskreeCh: what do you think the cause of my upgrade inability is: is it a Ub or KUb issue?04:33
rejohn1DaskreeCh: 2) replace d w server:  do you mean using a sw upgrade procedure, or by doing a reinstall ala from cd?04:34
rejohn1DaskreeCh: 3) might i just dl & install KU 910 from cd?04:34
DaskreeChrejohn1: do-release-upgrade -m server is what I mean04:35
DaskreeChrejohn1: pull http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/9.10/kubuntu-9.10-alternate-i386.iso while we wait04:37
DaskreeChrejohn1: try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo do-release-upgrade04:38
fa4anaheimI need help applying a patch...04:38
DaskreeChhi francisco_04:41
DaskreeChfa4anaheim: and?04:41
francisco_sorry i was trying to solve the problem i have with your directions04:41
fa4anaheimI need help applying a patch...04:42
DaskreeChfa4anaheim: ok04:42
fa4anaheimIt's for the apple keyboard, specifically the "FN" key...04:42
lordarshola kopete 0.80.2 dice que soporta webcam pero no envia ni resive alguien sabe como puedo hacer04:44
fa4anaheimI have the .gz in my home dir04:44
iconmefisto!es | lordars04:44
ubottulordars: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:44
DaskreeChfa4anaheim: ok good04:45
DaskreeChfrancisco_: what's the problem?04:45
fa4anaheimSo I "gunzip xkb-apple-aluminium-kdb-iso.patch.gz | patch -p1...04:46
rejohn1DaskreeCh: "No new release found"04:47
rejohn1DaskreeCh: i'm dl'ing the cd. any other suggestions? any idea what the cause of the problem is?04:47
fa4anaheim...and I get this, "gzip: xkb-apple-aluminium-kdb-iso.patch: unknown suffix -- ignored"04:47
DaskreeChrejohn1: None. It should check the version of some of your key files and check that against the server04:48
DaskreeChrejohn1: can you run grep armi /etc/apt/sources.list ?04:48
rejohn1DaskreeCh: finds nothing matching04:52
DaskreeChrejohn1: Ok that's good04:53
rejohn1DaskreeCh: who writes the "do-release-upgrade"? Ub, or KUB people?04:54
DaskreeChYou can open it in a text editorand look at it04:56
McLinuxhi hi.. i'm a new kde4 user04:58
McLinuxi'm usually a GNOME user, i am just trying out KDE4.. was wondering if anyone here has experience in setting Kubuntu (KDE4) up for netbooks...04:59
DaskreeChfrancisco_: can you run lsmod | grep b43 ?05:00
DaskreeChMcLinux: you mean the netbook edition of KDE ?05:00
francisco_ok wait05:00
McLinuxi have the ubuntu netbook remix.. just installed kubuntu-desktop05:00
McLinuxits a little tight for space (particularyl on taskbar, etc)05:00
francisco_yes nothing appear DaskreeCh05:01
DaskreeChMcLinux: sudo apt-get install plasma-netbook05:01
rejohn1DaskreeCh: suggestions?  Do you think someone in #ubuntu might have a valueable insight on this?05:01
DaskreeChI think it's possible but I think they would be as confused05:02
McLinuxwhat exactly is that.. i've just installed it05:02
McLinuxrelog and see the difference ?05:03
papashouoh i see05:05
papashourahter interesting05:05
=== papashou is now known as McLinux
rejohn1DaskreeCh: what do you do IRL ;)05:05
McLinuxthere's still a taskbar on the bottom + icons on the top?05:05
Roastedso, Im a little confused about something. Im on two laptops right now. a mac, and a kubuntu laptop. Tthe mac sees my samba server. The kubuntu laptop does not. Why??05:06
DaskreeChrejohn1: Curse programs that don't do  what they say they should do05:07
DaskreeChMcLinux: press alt+F2 and type kquitapp plasma-desktop05:08
DaskreeChMcLinux: Does the taskbar go away?05:08
TidersIve been looking into it and Kubuntu looks a like it might be a lot "prettier" for my gaming box... Will I lose any speed and how hard is it to get used ot the new environment?05:08
McLinuxyea it does that worked, interesting05:08
McLinuxi guess i have another question.. the top bar (for kubuntu-netbook).. disappears wehn i go into an app05:09
McLinuxis that typical?05:09
DaskreeChMcLinux: press alt+F2 and type plasma-netbook05:11
DaskreeChMcLinux: apps run full screen I think05:11
rejohn1DaskreeCh: what company do you curse programs for?05:12
DaskreeChAlteroo Consulting05:13
McLinuxyeah not automatically though, it seems that ubuntu's default netbook remix is a little more predictable05:13
DaskreeChMcLinux: If you think that a certain action should be omni present file a bug on it05:13
McLinuxi'm not going to file bugs until i understand how it functions well enough to file bugs on it.05:14
McLinuxotherwise i'll add about 100 of them.05:14
DaskreeChThat's fine :)05:15
McLinuxdo you speak for the kde developers /05:16
DaskreeChthe kde developers speak for the kde developers05:17
TidersHow hard is it to get used to KDE compared to GNOME?05:17
McLinuxi don't care if they speak for themselves.05:17
McLinuxprob not hard at all, Tiders.. there are subtle differences but nothing like trying to push black buttons o na black screen.05:17
McLinuxIt's a matter of learning how it is set up and works.05:18
DaskreeChTiders: umm used to it? I dunno some people may never become used to it05:18
TidersMcLinux, One thing I dont understand... Do Ubuntu programs run on KDE?  Like I notice a lot of programs that are seperate does that mean things like Cedega or Crossover installed from .debs wont run?05:18
DaskreeChThey are both fairly easy to figure out05:18
McLinuxanyways.. on the "home" screen.. am I supposed to see running apps in the box in the top middle ?05:18
DaskreeChTiders: All programs can run under both05:18
McLinuxTiders: you can run GNOME apps on KDE and vice versa.. provided you have all the libraries required.05:18
DaskreeChMcLinux: If you have apps running then yes05:19
McLinuxOk, cuz I do..a nd I don't see it there.05:19
TidersMcLinux, Oh so its just the included libraries that differentiate?05:19
McLinuxThe "By default" libraries, yes...05:19
McLinuxreally if you're running under GNOME you would try and stick to GNOME/GTK apps because that would be 'quicker' to load..05:20
DaskreeChbecause Gnome already is using those libraries and has them loaded05:20
McLinuxKDE apps would then appear to suffer a loading time penalty because it has to load all the libs that wasn't loaded in the absence of KDE4 desktop environment05:20
DaskreeChopposite is true under KDE of course05:20
TidersMcLinux, But things like Crossover would still work?05:20
McLinuxyes absolutely05:21
McLinuxi don't think crossover is kde/gnome dependant05:21
TidersMcLinux, Hmm.. And umm hmm how does KDE work with dual displays?05:23
TidersSame as Gnome pretty much?05:23
rejohn1DaskreeCh: thanks for your help. :)  Do you get paid to do this, or are you a volunteer?05:24
rejohn1DaskreeCh: yr 1 bz volunteer ;)05:25
rejohn1DaskreeCh: any further suggestions?05:25
DaskreeChThis is a slow time you shoudl see the week after a release05:25
DaskreeChrejohn1: I can't think of anything other than a file corruption or something's up on the servers05:25
DaskreeChWhen the ISO is done I can try and do an upgrade from that05:26
rejohn1DaskreeCh: i just finished dling the desktop & alternate - suggestions?05:26
TidersSO Pidgin is Gnome dependant?05:27
DaskreeChTiders: it used Gtk but no Gnome Libraries05:29
DaskreeChit's not a Gnome application05:29
TidersWill only THAT application run slower05:30
TidersOr all if I have that installed / open05:30
DaskreeChrejohn1: do you have a Cd in the drive?05:30
DaskreeChTiders: It will not run slower it will open slower once it's open it will be the same as you are normally used to05:30
McLinuxi <3 cheese and crackers05:32
rejohn1DaskreeCh: I only have the dl on the hdisk.  I don't have a blank cd here.  I'll have to go home & burn cds tonight.  Can this be done from the iso on hd, or do i need a burned cd?05:34
iconmefistoyou can mount the iso05:35
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.05:35
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:35
DaskreeChrejohn1: we can upgrade from the HDD05:36
DaskreeChrejohn1: Linux is ammmmmmaaaaazing05:36
McLinuxis it really? how does it stack up against Windows 7?05:36
rejohn1DaskreeCh: should I get the iso mounted now?05:36
DaskreeChMcLinux: Well ithas an operating system for one....05:37
DaskreeChrejohn1: sudo mount -o loop ~/Desktop/ubuntu-9.10-alternate-i386.iso /media/cdrom005:37
DaskreeChOr where ever you downloaded it to05:37
McLinuxneed to figure out why apps aren't populating the box in the middle05:38
McLinuxi don't know that it is working reliably..05:38
DaskreeChI'm installing now so I can get an idea what you are seeing05:39
DaskreeChI'm on KDE 4.4 though05:39
McLinuxaccording to the kubuntu site, app switching is only partially implemented05:40
iconmefistoDaskreeCh: kde 4.4 on karmic? or the next release (is it lynx?)05:40
DaskreeChMcLinux: you see a page one in the middle?05:40
TidersI think the hardest thing in KDE to get used to will be the taskbar being on the bottom05:40
McLinuxlucid lynx?05:40
DaskreeChiconmefisto: Karmic05:40
McLinuxi'm using karmic05:40
DaskreeChrejohn1: kdesudo "sh /media/cdrom0/cdromupgrade05:40
iconmefistoDaskreeCh: from ppa? do you have a link?05:41
DaskreeChMcLinux: app switchers are on the right05:41
McLinuxDaskreeCh: unless there's another way to see what apps you have running05:41
DaskreeChiconmefisto: www.kubuntu.org05:41
McLinuxon the right?05:41
McLinuxclickin the "Applications" thing.. only brings up a menu05:42
McLinuxfor widget settings05:42
DaskreeChMcLinux: ok I have from left to right on the taskbar Searchand Launch, Page one , Systray, Clock, Runing applicatiosn05:45
DaskreeChMcLinux: Is that what you are seeing?05:45
McLinuxthis is kubuntu netbook we're talkinng about, daskree ?05:46
rejohn1DaskreeCh: thanks, i'm working to do the MD5 check on the iso05:47
DaskreeChMcLinux: yes05:48
g_giuliohi guys some1 can help me please with ktorrent...is not a setting problem but a strart problem with kde4,please.05:53
DaskreeChg_giulio: More info05:54
g_giulioùok, i've try to reinstall some times.. when i start my cpu 100%power05:54
g_giulioit don't work...05:55
g_giulioto stop i've to kill in top on a bash05:55
DaskreeChOnly Ktorrent does this?05:55
g_giuliobut i can see it ...05:55
g_giuliojap only05:55
DaskreeChsounds like you have a rogue tracker.05:56
DaskreeChtry moving the data from where it's downloading and stopping the torrents the next time ktorrent loads05:56
DaskreeChYou can start them one by one to see which one is making Korrent crazy05:56
g_giuliook it was my  idea too,but i don't05:56
g_giulioknow where they are...05:57
DaskreeChYou don't know where you were downloading them to?05:57
g_giuliojap 4 me i can erase and cancell all but i don't know where they are...05:57
DaskreeChWell then try pluggin the computer out from the network then starting it05:57
g_giulioi've just done it...05:58
g_giuliorestart too05:58
g_giuliomaybe are the local  part of download... but i don't know where they are on kubuntu...05:59
g_giulioi've try in tem and local folder but none i have seen...06:00
DaskreeChg_giulio: rename ~/.kde/share/config/ktorrentrc to something else then start ktorrent06:00
g_giuliook now i try.thanks06:01
g_giuliosorry but start or  reinstall?06:01
g_giulionow i don't have ktorrent...06:01
DaskreeChyou don't have it?06:04
g_giulionow i've  cancel on my pc...06:04
g_giuliocancell and reinstall is my first try... now it isn't in my pc...06:05
g_giuliowith synaptic..not alone...06:06
rejohn1DaskreeCh: is it possible to boot into the desktop iso on my HD, to see if that will run on my HW, before doing an install or upgrade?06:06
DaskreeChrejohn1: The Alternate CD doesn't work like that. It's not a desktop environment06:08
TidersWhy are fonts displaying TINY TINY in Kubuntu?06:08
DaskreeChMaybe they are set tiny?06:08
rejohn1DaskreeCh: I said "desktop" cd. I've dl'd both. -is it possible to run from the dt iso?06:08
TidersDarkriftX, Like even for this IRC client I can BARELY read the text its PUNy I have to move closer to the screeen06:09
DaskreeChrejohn1: In theory yes06:09
rejohn1DaskreeCh: & in practice?06:12
DaskreeChI don;t know I only tried it once06:13
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.06:13
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto06:13
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or !QtParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter06:14
rejohn1DaskreeCh: both iso's md5's match,06:14
rejohn1DaskreeCh: er, do you think those links show how to maount an _iso on the hd_ to be able to boot into that desktop iso ?06:17
DaskreeChThat does06:18
rejohn1DaskreeCh: er, that's for _installing_ from the alter iso image on hd.  I was asking: is there a way to _boot_ from the Desktop (or alternate) iso which is on hd, without installing it, in order to ensure the sw works with the hw, without a physical cd being used. Is there a way to do that?06:24
DaskreeChrejohn1: Thre was away to boot from Deskto drive. It's noted in hte arttivls06:27
rejohn1DaskreeCh: noted in which archives? where do i find that?06:28
g_giulioDaskreeCh: it doesn't work.. but now i'm trying in another way.thanks too much as well06:31
iconmefistoDaskreeCh, did you solve everyone's problems? so quiet suddenly06:39
DaskreeChI guess so06:42
g_giulioand we love 4 this...hahaha06:44
g_giuliosorry my silly but in italy are 7:30 and tonigh i've no sleep...06:44
rejohn1DaskreeCh: noted in which archives? where do i find that?06:48
rejohn1DaskreeCh: thanks for your help - gotta get to sleep. Maybe i'll get bacck her abbout this in a day or few. :)06:51
g_giulioguys but i've cancel some like 10gb in a microsecond only push shift when i push delete...but kubuntu REALLY erase this file?06:54
iconmefistoshift + delete? yes, I think that erases the file instead of sending to trash06:55
g_giuliojap  shift + delete, i used the word "erase" but i don't know the difference betwin cancel and erase... i think there no difference?06:59
g_giuliosending to the trash=they are in the trash and i can see it in...        shift + delete=delate forever     it's ok?07:01
g_giulio(forever is a big word...hihihih)07:02
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ipm2404any python wizards wana give me a hand?08:19
ipm2404i get an error msg everytime i try and run a pyqt script08:20
ipm2404from: can't read /var/mail/PyQt4.QtGui08:20
CQhello, I'm trying to add a local printer to my box, but the printer configuration only has options to add network printers ... the printer is shown as a local printer hooked up to the windows host where it was before, but nowhere can I add a local printer it seems.08:33
CQthe printing manager mentioned here http://www.kubuntu.org/docs/kquickguide/C/ch02s05.html isn't there int eh current version (karmic)08:35
fa4anaheim<CQ>: Go to System Settings>Printers. There should be a tree on the left...Network & Local...08:38
CQgot it now08:39
jussi01!tab | fa4anaheim08:39
ubottufa4anaheim: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:39
CQthe button says "New network printer" and the description "Add a new printer which is connected to your home network or the internet" ... well, that wouldn't sppear to apply to USB printers, but the USB printer is listed under that option ... thats quite confisung ;)08:39
fa4anaheimubottu: Awesome. Thx! :)08:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:39
ocshi. Is there an option to automatically accept ( = without typing "yes") to install a package when performing apt-get install ?08:40
fa4anaheimocs: apt-get install -y08:42
ocsthanks fa4anaheim08:43
fa4anaheimocs: np08:44
fa4anaheimDragonslicer: You got you're ears on?08:51
fa4anaheimGuess not...need help with my monitor...08:54
biledemonsomeone help me please!08:55
fa4anaheimbiledemon: sup?08:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:55
biledemonmy cedega don't work... i have registered and i have trial account but i can't login!08:56
biledemonsomeone knows what this is a bug?08:57
biledemoni asked users on #cedega... no one answer.08:58
fa4anaheimbiledemon: Are you getting an error?08:58
biledemonit has logged in!08:59
biledemonyes, error08:59
fa4anaheimbiledemon: Number?08:59
biledemonno number.08:59
biledemonjust X08:59
biledemonimage X09:00
biledemonno text...09:00
biledemonit's over. logged in.09:01
fa4anaheimbiledemon: Ok...09:01
CQhm, I now have a printer that works from ubuntu,windows sees it and installs the correct driver, but I cet an access denied; can not connect error message from windows... any ideas?09:03
=== |eagles0513875| is now known as eagles0513875
fa4anaheimCQ: Are you using Samba?09:07
MamarokCQ: a bit more precisions would be good, different PCs or from the same with dual boot?09:07
CQdifferent PCs... laptop with XP, desktop with karmic09:07
||arifaXCQ: The user that prints might be not allowed to print on your linux box09:07
CQI set it up using the KDE printer configuration wizard09:07
CQsamba is on teh ubuntu box, but not sure if the printer sharing is using it, could be, as I can browse to the printer through teh network connections from XP09:08
CQI have connections to the ubuntu box files, they work, and I can print from that user onthe ubuntu box09:08
fa4anaheimCQ: I'm not entirely sure but you might need to enable a "guest" account in the workgroup that the printer is on...09:10
CQhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/344021/ here's the part fromteh samba config...09:12
CQit doesn't make sense though, because the printer is browseable even though samba says no ... the printer shows up under printers and faxes when browsing via the network browser09:13
fa4anaheimCQ: Try changing you're Samba settings to allow guests...Windows will prob detect the device even if it can't do anything with it...09:17
CQdid that, restarted samba, no change...09:20
CQreboot maybeß09:20
fa4anaheimCQ: Sorry, Yes I would reboot...09:23
ghostcubeCQ: you set samaba share inside kubuntu systemsettings ?09:24
ghostcubetry sawt too ....09:24
CQno lchange after the reboot...09:32
fa4anaheimCQ: Hmm, if you right click on the printer on the Windows machine, what options do you have?09:34
CQhttp://www.brennan.id.au/18-Samba.html -- The "use client driver" allows non root/admin users to view the contents of the print queue on the remote server. This fixes the "Access denied, unable to connect" error that many Windows clients suffer when connecting to Samba printers.09:38
CQthat solved it.09:38
FloodBotK1CQ: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:38
CQwtf? flood, for two lines? that bot#s a bit too sensitive ... ;)09:38
fa4anaheimCQ: Glad you got it working :)09:39
CQme too :) problem was finding the right error message in english to google for it...09:40
fa4anaheimCQ: Usually is...09:40
BIGIf I use wubi to install ubuntu onto my windows Xp, then surf the net through ubuntu say using it's version of mozilla firefox, is that any safer a way (virusfree/spyware free) to surf the net? I'm not talking downloading stuff just looking around...09:43
CQbig with firefox use adblock, noscript, better privacy and request policy addons... that's pretty safe.09:44
fa4anaheimBIG: CQ is right, just watch who you are downloading content from.09:45
BIGnoscript sounds the best?09:46
CQno, they all do different things... adblock and noscript should be first, then better provacy (long term tracking cookies), then request policy to show you cross site scripting (can be annoying but gives you teh most control)09:47
BIGso is surfing through ubuntu any safer/better?09:48
CQbig otherwise if you really feel like playing around, install virtualbox and install ubuntu in that ... then you're in a completely separate OS running under windows, and virtualbox doesn't give access to the underlying drives unless you explicitly allow it.09:48
BIGYa that's what i'm thinking is ultra safe haha09:50
=== millun_ is now known as millun
BIGI download virtual box, then run wubi?09:50
CQno, in virtualbox you need to create a new virtual system... read the HOWTOS on teh wesite, they're very good09:51
CQin parallel, download the kubuntu distribution (unless you already have the ISO for wubi, then you can use that09:52
BIGso virtual box will not be emulating ubuntu in windows it will actually be running the real deal?09:54
Vroomfondleit will be running a distinct instance of Ubuntu, inside a virtual computer within Windows09:54
CQyes. you create a say 10GB file that becomes the hard drive, and then the entire OS is in that hard drive and virtualbox runs it09:54
Vroomfondle(in other words - yes :) )09:54
BIGbiggest advantage to doing all this?09:55
CQcompletely separate sstem, safe from windows, no wubi... I haven't used wubi, so I don't know how separate the ubuntu OS is when running it ...09:56
VroomfondleBIG: this way you can't mess up your existing Windows system09:56
CQbig and if you're paranoid, you can snapshot the virtual OS and return to that state later ...09:56
Vroomfondleand you can even "checkpoint" your virtualbox system so that if you screw it up, you can just click a button to restore it to a fresh state09:57
OxDeadC0dehmm wth, baobab shows that I'm only using about 7gb of my 15gb / partition yet df -h says only 345M is available ... baobab also says my /home is using only 14.8gb but df shows 24G   23G  406M  99% /home10:13
OxDeadC0deI ran it as root when I scanned everything10:14
the_cyber_guyDolphin file manager is not showing format option for disks like in ubuntu, is there any way to get it ?10:22
Peace-the_cyber_guy: mmm?10:31
Peace-maybe ypou should install a stuff10:31
Peace-i gueess10:31
the_cyber_guyPeace-: what utility you use ?10:32
Peace-the_cyber_guy: like said kdiskfree as you can see here http://imagebin.ca/view/Ht0XHu8.html10:34
Peace-kwikdisk i gueess too10:34
Peace-and here for kwikdisk http://imagebin.ca/view/CAjmJ4L.html10:36
iconmefistoformat option? as in, format this disk ?10:40
Peace-iconmefisto: =?10:41
iconmefisto<the_cyber_guy> Dolphin file manager is not showing format option for disks like in ubuntu, is there any way to get it ?10:41
Peace-iconmefisto: he wants usage and that stuff for his hardriver10:42
iconmefistolike the device notifier plasmoid?10:43
Peace-% usage of an hardisk10:44
the_cyber_guyi think kdeutils will do that ?10:46
Peace-the_cyber_guy: but you mean this stuff http://imagebin.ca/view/qY05Yl.html10:48
Peace-or wat?10:49
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
the_cyber_guywill give format this disk option in Dolphin10:53
Kage_JittaiI had a dream last night... that my "uptime" command broke, and I couldn't fix it... I ended up crying11:09
Kage_Jittaiactually... I left a part out... I could fix it... but it required rebooting :(11:10
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shanklykmail don't show to me all the files in a directory when I try to attach one12:07
shanklysomeone knows why?12:07
shanklyno one? If I open the directory with dolphin I've no problem, all the files are listed. When I click on "attach" and want to select a file, some file are not listes12:13
jussi01shankly: are the files you refer to starting with . ?12:18
shanklyno, are not hidden files12:18
jussi01shankly: strange. perhaps check the security settings in kmail?12:19
shanklyknow, i'm sending a mail to my office, and I have to attach a simple odt files. I've to open dolphin and to drag the file on the mail to attach him12:20
shanklyjussi01: in the security settings I've no bad option selected12:22
stefan___join #ubuntu.de13:01
hyper_chHmm, I noticed something strange. On the canon business printer that we've got printing out from KDE apps takes a very long time. A simple email from KMail takes like 1 minute per page to print out.... PDFs in Okkular take equally long..... however if I print out from OpenOffice it's fast - as it should be. What could be the reason?13:05
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rav_hello. since a couple of days ago, sometimes when a taskbar entry blinks because of a notification and I click on it, the X server restarts and sends me back to KDM. has this happened to anyone else?13:37
rav_I have the feeling it has to do with the last update of firefox, which is the only thing that has updated in the last few days13:39
r00t_hi im trying to install world of padman  and it keeps giving me the error "no perrmissiont o write to usr/locla/games. how would i fix this.13:46
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rav_r00t_: how are you installing?13:47
r00t_im not sure i downloaded worldofpadman.run made it executabel/read/write  thats abot as many details as i can give you. im not that gvreat at linux yet.13:48
Koliar00t_: run it from command line, with sudo before it13:51
Koliato run it as root13:51
r00t_Kolia: thanks.13:52
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hyper_chHmm, I noticed something strange. On the canon business printer that we've got printing out from KDE apps takes a very long time. A simple email from KMail takes like 1 minute per page to print out.... PDFs in Okkular take equally long..... however if I print out from OpenOffice it's fast - as it should be. What could be the reason?14:15
mimehello! thnx for the help. my question is : can i use kubuntu 9,04 auddio driver on opensuse 11.2?14:15
mimeand if, that would fish my jack sense issue?14:15
BluesKajHiyas all14:18
hyper_chmime: I tend to think that's not a wise idea to mix packages like that14:20
iconmefistomime: probably better to ask opensuse people14:20
iconmefistobut I wouldn't try it14:20
mimebut i cant uderstand why sound in kubuntu 9.04 permit me both built in and external, and koala not14:20
mimei want both built in and external woofers14:21
mimeand i just cant understand why is not a shitty option to switch /unswitch easily on and off14:22
mimedo u think its impossible?14:22
matteo1990hi all, i have succeded setting a wireless network under gentoo with ifconfig and route. I tried the same under Kubuntu (my network manager didn't work good) but my ping don't work... Under Ubuntu i get no loopback w device... Why?14:38
BluesKajmatteo1990, pastebin your /etc/network /interfaces file so we can have a look14:44
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:44
matteo1990BluesKaj Thats a problem because i don't have connection on that pc... I can grep a line or two if you say me what you need14:46
BluesKajmatteo1990, do you have an entry ,  auto lo iface lo inet loopback14:51
matteo1990BluesKaj Yes i have14:52
BluesKajok have you run iwconfig ?14:52
matteo1990BluesKaj but if i make route -n i get only wlan0 entry14:53
BluesKajalso run ifup14:53
matteo1990BluesKaj i have run iwconfig14:55
BluesKajstaic ip ?14:56
BluesKajstatic ip14:56
matteo1990BluesKaj Under acces Point i get ( Not aSSOCIATED) is this normal?14:56
matteo1990BluesKaj i have setted as ip the same of this other pc with the last number ++14:57
BluesKajmatteo1990,  Not aSSOCIATED usually happens when there's an eth0 connection as well14:59
matteo1990BluesKaj i have no wired plugged in15:00
matteo1990BluesKaj If i launch ifconfig i can read lots of ethernet devices15:01
matteo1990BluesKaj wlan0 too15:01
matteo1990BluesKaj I mean wlan0 is listed also with ifconfig as ethernet...15:04
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BluesKajmatteo1990, do you know your modem/router gateway ip ?15:05
matteo1990BluesKaj How to know it? i tried with the same ip of this laptop (setted with gnome network manager) changing the last number. It seems to work with gentoo.15:07
BluesKajsorry matteo1990 , I have to leave for 20mins or so...BBL15:08
matteo1990BluesKaj if you came back maybe try to msg me :) Thx alot aniway15:08
matteo1990I am having problems connecting to my wireless network under Kubuntu, anyone may hel me? I can see the Network but i get a uellow exclamation dot at the left of his name...15:11
shadeslayersoee: hey15:13
r00t_hi id like to add a functinality toteh search bar at the top ofthe K menu. id like to be able to not oly search my menu but also use the input field as a place to run comands. IE if firefox isnt on my menu id like to be able to type firefox in and run it form my menu.\15:17
r00t_is this even possible?15:17
shadeslayerr00t_: its the default functionality15:17
TidersDoes the Kubuntu alternate install CD support hardware RAID just like the Ubuntu one?15:17
shadeslayerTiders: it should15:18
r00t_Also is the  new kubuntu stable enough to try out for a nooB?15:18
shadeslayerr00t_: all releases are stable15:18
r00t_shadeslayer:  i was wondering about the beta15:18
shadeslayerr00t_: lucid?15:18
Tidersshadeslayer, Okay cause Ive decided that its not Ubuntu as a whole thats causing me grief its GNOME that is so limited15:18
r00t_isnt there a channle for lucid?15:19
shadeslayerr00t_: yes : #kubuntu+115:20
millunhi, how can i know what is using my /dev/dsp?15:22
matteo1990iwconfig wlan0 ap (address) seems not to change my wireless access point settings, and it still is "not associated".. any tips?15:27
Machtinhey guys. which tool would i want, if i'm trying to edit a pdf-file?15:32
shadeslayerMachtin: pdfeditor15:32
shadeslayer!info pdfeditor | Machtin15:32
ubottuMachtin: Package pdfeditor does not exist in karmic15:32
Machtinhm, k.. guess you mean pdfedit15:33
shadeslayerMachtin: yeah... i didnt remember the exact name :P15:34
Machtinhm.. somehow i just don't understand how that tool works.15:38
shadeslayerMachtin: pdfedit?15:38
Machtinjust reading a tutorial15:39
Machtinbut it doesn't work as described15:40
shadeslayerMachtin: never used it :P ... have a look at the docs15:41
Machtini fear it's a problem with the pdf15:41
shadeslayerMachtin: :P15:42
Machtinbut come one.. pdfs are bitches sometimes :/15:43
shadeslayerMachtin: language please15:44
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Machtinoh.. pardon.15:44
iconmefistowhat does pdfedit not do?15:45
Machtinedit my pdf file!15:45
iconmefistoedit how?15:45
Machtinwell.. inserting text in blank fields15:45
Machtinor.. instead of "_____________"15:45
matteo1990iwconfig wlan0 ap (address) seems not to change my wireless access point settings, and it still is "not associated".. any tips?15:45
iconmefistoMachtin: insert new text? or change existing text?15:48
bibiiHi ppl!15:48
bibiithan spans?15:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:52
iconmefistoMachtin: use the "select text" tool to select text you want to change. it will show up just below the toolbar, top left15:53
iconmefistoMachtin: you can change the text in that box15:53
iconmefistoMachtin: if you want to add new text somewhere, use the "add text" tool15:54
kavurtMachtin: you can try KRITA15:56
Machtinthanks guys.. i'll try that16:01
michi_hey guys, I have no sound playback with pulseaudio under kubuntu 9.10 - can u help me?16:02
kavurtpulseaudio sucks. I removed it completely16:02
michi_yeah but then i have a problem with simulatanous playback in different applications16:03
michi_so i switched to pulseaoudio16:03
Ryguy__I have three HDDs installed on my computer and on Windows 7 (Which I'm currently on) I can see all three.. Two are partitioned and one has no partitions on it at all. Now in the Kubuntu 9.10 installation, it can only see two HDDs. What's going on? Even when I partition the empty drive to NTFS in Windows, the Kubuntu installation cannot find the drive. I just ran some tests with the Seagate HDD tester and all HDDs passed fine.16:03
Machtiniconmefisto: right.. i didn't see that. but if i enter text there.. it just displays some broken stuff16:04
michi_Well can somebody tell me at least if theres a way to enable simultanous playback (like hardware mixing) in kubuntu with ALSA without pulseaudio?16:07
Ryguy__michi_: Why are you trying to play two things at once?16:08
sayedslttt tt le mondeeeee16:08
matteo1990iwconfig wlan0 ap (address) seems not to change my wireless access point settings, and it still is "not associated".. any tips?16:08
michi_Ryguy, for example i like to play Heroes of Newerth (new game with linux client) and also have linux version of teamspeak running. - and just teamspeaks has audio playback and record and no sound in the game16:09
Ryguy__hm.. Did you try updating ALSA?16:10
michi_yes have 1.0.2216:10
ososi had the same problem.16:10
ososinstalling pulseaudio fixed it for me.16:10
Ryguy__yeah he installed pulseaudio but wants to figure out why alsa would do that, I believe16:11
michi_installing pulseaudio resulted in have no sound at all16:11
michi_in my case16:11
ososand you configured it?16:11
Ryguy__you're using onboard audio or do you have a sound card?16:11
michi_i have onbourd intel hda sound and a hdmi sound chip on my ati grafic card which i dont use16:12
michi_i configured it in the way that i unmuted the volumebars16:12
michi_so i use onboard sound.16:12
ososthe default audio-stream for an application is for some reason rtp multicast.16:13
ososwhich results in having no sound.16:13
ososchange it to internal audio and voilá16:13
Ryguy__does your motherboard have linux drivers?16:13
ososi have a intel hda as well.16:14
jimmy51_i'm getting failures an any attempt to burn a CD16:14
jimmy51_fresh kubuntu 9.10 + updates16:14
michi_oh i try. that thx osos. - i dont use drivers of my motherboard manufacturer.. dont know if there are some... but alsa should be fine with onbourd sound in *.22 version as i read16:14
michi_osos u said internal audio, I cant find the option.. do u mean i have to enable multicast/rtp sender -> create seperate audio device for multicast ?16:16
ososwhen you start an application that needs audio resources pulseaudio automatically takes a hold of the resources16:18
ososyou don't need to generate anything.16:18
ososvolume ctrl -> playback16:19
ososor output devices.16:19
ososcan't remember which.16:19
iconmefistomichi_: http://kubuntuguide.org/Karmic#PulseAudio16:19
iconmefistopulseaudio really needs a nice looking plasmoid for kde16:20
michi_y thx, i look at the manual again16:21
michi_strange, i can see the sound bars pitch up and down while playing sound, but i dont hear anything...and yes my speakers are on and loud^^16:26
iconmefistomichi_: do you have more than one soundcard?16:26
michi_y, onboard (in use) and ati grafic hdmi chip (dont wanna use)16:27
ososi have the exact same problem with intel hda.16:27
ososwith the default settings i mean.16:27
ososw/o pulse16:27
michi_y onbourd is intel hda with me too16:27
michi_alsa driver updated on *.2216:27
jimmy51_i'm running k3b as root because it was givving permission errors.  now as root i keep getting failed burns (it says to try TAO, but TAO doesn't help).  why doesn't this just work like on every other machine i run 9.10 on?16:28
iconmefistoI couldn't get all sound out of the right soundcard, in the end I disable the soundcard I didn't want16:28
jimmy51_i've just toasted 16 CD's with different settings on speed, write mode, permissions, etc16:28
michi_the only way to disable the other soundcard is by removing it, thats what kubuntu does automatically on restart. i did so - but still no sound16:30
michi_before using pulseaudio onboard sound was working fine... just pulseaudio not16:30
iconmefistojimmy51_: try running k3bsetup first16:30
jimmy51_iconmefisto: i've run that.  it has root and cdrom set, and i've confirmed i'm in cdrom16:31
jimmy51_i've also just run with sudo in case that were the problem16:31
michi_another thing i read in forums was to bring pulseaudio at the top of all listed sound devices for it to have first device priority. but still no luck16:31
jimmy51_i've also just run with sudo in case that were the problem16:32
jimmy51_(sorry for the dupe)16:32
iconmefistojimmy51_: shouldn't need sudo. but in any case, you should use kdesudo for gui programs, not sudo16:32
matteo1990iwconfig wlan0 ap (address) seems not to change my wireless access point settings, and it still is "not associated"..  if i try to run Dmesg i get ( wlan0 connected and then  disassociating by local choice (reason=3) Any TIps?16:34
jimmy51_iconmefisto: here's my log http://www.pastebin.org/6737416:35
jimmy51_it says cannot write medium - incompatible format.  it's a CD-R16:35
michi_Im going to restart - maybe until later16:37
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jimmy51_is there some big bug that prevents CD burning on newer burners?16:42
iconmefistojimmy51_: is it new? are you sure it works?16:43
iconmefistohow about dvd burning? does that work16:44
Machtinwhat should i do if pdfedit doesn't work?16:44
michi__osos, iconmefisto: sound works! lol dont know what i ve done different but hey, jippii - played around with interal audio device maybe it was that16:45
Machtinand with "doesn't work" i mean: i can't edit text.. it's screwed up after editing it.16:45
jimmy51_i'll try a DVD16:45
ososmichi__: congrats.16:45
Machtinor: how can i check which font a text is written in pdfedit?16:46
ionuti am having problems with ubuntu one .It gives me this error: "Authorization Failed- Error showing url: Failed to execute chil...firefox/firefox"(No such file or directory )16:46
ososmichi__: :)16:46
iconmefistopulseaudio is pretty cool once you get it working properly. I use it to stream sound from my audio-less laptop to my desktop machine16:46
michi__iconmefisto: well i hope i can claim that to once i get heroes of newerth, teamspeak and kompete simultanously working^16:47
michi__thx alot for now16:47
jimmy51_iconmefisto: dvd failed.16:47
jimmy51_iconmefisto: when i received the machine it had win7 on it and it was able to burn16:48
jimmy51_iconmefisto: i'll swap into another machine just to make sure it hasn't died16:51
jimmy51_iconmefisto: shutting down to swap.  have a nice day!16:51
matteo1990i cannot connect to my wireless network in Kubuntu... Th network manager see it but if i double click on it i can't connect... I have a yellow dot  near the name... The same pc worked fine with ubuntu.. ANyone may help me?16:59
=== Nickoe is now known as Nick112
Nick112I need help installing java :s17:01
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
soeeNick112: whats ur problem with java ?17:03
Nick112soee: I've installed it using the instructions of the java website, but my java -version remains 1.6.0_017:03
Nick112soee: When it should be 1.6.0_1717:03
kavurtis there a CPU temperature monitor in Karmic?17:06
Nick112kavurt: It's in the widgets17:06
soeeNick112: are u hecking ver using the applet on java page ?17:06
Nick112soee: Yes, both that and java -version17:06
Nick112soee: They both give me the same version, 1.6.0_017:07
soeehmm, i have java installed from repositories and ith 6 update 1717:07
Nick112soee: The repository version stays at 1.6.0_0 as well17:08
atulHow to activate Kubuntu in Ubuntu as I already INstall Kubuntu on My Ubuntu Machine ?17:13
llutzatul: switch session in kdm/gdm to kde17:13
atulllutz: oh thanks17:14
Nick112soee: I just checked the jcontrol, it found the 1.6.0_17, and I disabled and then enabled it, and I'm still 1.6.0_0 apparently17:14
soeeNick112: i think i cant help you :/ dunno wheres the problem17:15
Nick112I'll post on ubuntu forums then17:15
wathekhello all17:16
wathekgot a question is there any repos with Qt 4.6 ?17:16
atul_llutz: can I get the command to stop gdm and set the default kdm ?17:17
wathekI think I found it !17:17
llutzatul_: try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm"17:17
atul_llutz: ok thanks17:18
michi__Hey again, hey osos and hey to all who want to play Heroes of Newerth and have no sound ingame with pulseaudio. I found a great hint. Follow this info: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=52590617:18
soeemichi__: whats Heroes Of Newearth ? :D17:23
michi__soee: if u know what DotA is, that thats the sequal to it so to say. - A nice new game for win, LINUX and Mac. see: http://www.heroesofnewerth.com17:24
michi__strategy game17:25
soeemichi__: its free or smth ?17:25
michi__the beta phase in which it is was free but is going to be commercial17:25
soeeah ok17:25
GalvatronI've got some long-term problems with my Kubuntu 9.04.  When I use Opera and browse a certain website, system hangs and the only responsig thing is "jumping" (not fluently moving) cursor. The other thing is that my monitor suddenly shuts down without reason just before or shortly after loading desktop17:35
GalvatronMy VGA is Radeon 9200SE with open drivers17:36
dariomHi guys! Anyone knowing an easy way to configure my scanner buttons?17:40
dariomGalvatron: have u ever updated your system packages17:42
dariomor tried kubuntu 9.10?17:42
GalvatronAll up to date17:45
GalvatronI came back from 9.10 due to X problems17:45
Tiders-Are the Kubuntu download servers seriously down....17:46
GalvatronIt was pretty unstable17:46
dariomah ok, so in 9.10 it was even worse17:46
GalvatronIn 9.10 I must switch to DRI2, to retrieve stability, but it causes serious performance drop17:47
jpedrozaCan anyone point me to a decent XML editor for Kubuntu? I have used Oxygen on Mac and Windows, but am not aware of a GPL compliant editor.17:47
dariomGalvatron, I would google a little bit around if there is someone else17:48
dariomwith the same problems you told me17:48
GalvatronI tried, but I don't really know how to ask Google17:48
GalvatronPlus I'm not sure what causes the problem - X, drivers, Compiz maybe?17:49
GalvatronX is just my guess17:49
geniiCompiz and KDE don't play well since they both want to grab ahold of the compositing17:50
GalvatronI disabled Kwin ;)17:50
HeToenabling compositing on kubuntu 9.10 replaces the desktop with blackness17:55
HeToso I don't see the wall paper or the folder view I've put on the desktop17:55
HeToany ideas?17:56
dariomHeTo, Galvatron: could be something related to this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/444139 ??17:57
HeToI'm using kwin, and the hardware is a ThinkPad T40p with a Mobility FireGL 9000, using the radeon driver17:57
dariomeven if I don't have any clue of this problem.. was just googling around..17:57
GalvatronI have 9.04 not 9.10 ;)17:58
HeTodariom: the symptoms look correct on that bug17:59
dariomHeTo: there is also a solution posted17:59
dariomtry with that one, many people reported it to solve your problem18:00
dariomGalvatron: what about proprietary drivers?18:01
GalvatronThere are none form my VGA18:01
GalvatronOr rther they don't work with my X18:01
GalvatronInstalling them always ends up with system starting without X etc.18:02
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ShuraHi, will KDE SC 4.4 B2 be packaged in 9.10 ?18:03
dariomGalvatron: yeah, I've just read it, it's true18:03
GalvatronI just reinstalled broken xserver-xorg-video-all + non-broken xserver-xorg-video-ati18:05
GalvatronAnd reconfigured X to use kernel framebuffer18:05
GalvatronWonder If system will reboot properly...18:07
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dariomGalvatron: good luck.. I'm not sure I can help you.. :(18:09
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dariomGalvatron: also try to take a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47689318:12
HeTodariom: wow, the solution worked, I wonder why I didn't find the bug with kubuntu compositing black desktop search terms18:13
dariomHeTo: it's because of my magic powers, so don't worry :P18:14
NoviceIs there a i686 iso image of kubuntu?18:14
GalvatronCould you takea look on my xorg.conf?18:15
geniiNovice: i386 is the generic name for all the x86 ones.18:16
dariomGalvatron: I'm really not an expert of xorg.. sorry18:16
dariomI'm just a googling expert.. :P18:16
GalvatronI will just observe the system and see If what I did helped ;)18:17
dariomkeep asking here and there, maybe someone can solve your problem18:17
dariomI would also ask to #ubuntu forum18:17
GalvatronAlmost forgot18:18
GalvatronIs installing KDE SC 4.4 beta on 9.04 safe?18:18
GalvatronWon't using Karmic repository mess my system (dependency hell etc.)?18:19
tsimpsonit will almost certainly break something18:19
GalvatronThen I'll wait for stable Lucid18:20
lucas_just wanted to know if there is any app like spolight for kde??18:26
soeei see that kde 4.4 beta 2 is ready, so when can we expect packages for kubuntu ?18:28
lucas_soee: they already are... just search kubuntu ppa on google18:28
hagabakabeta 2?18:28
soeehagabaka: http://kde.org/announcements/announce-4.4-beta2.php18:29
hagabakaI know, but I was saying to lucas18:29
hagabakaonly beta1 packages seem to be on ppa18:30
lucas_its still very buggy... i wouldnt try them yet18:30
soeeim using beta 118:30
hagabakame too18:30
soeenow so if tehy fixed some bugs its better to update18:31
lucas_im still with 4.3.418:31
lucas_i dont know...... ive tried 4.4 but its really buggy still18:31
hagabakacompositing will hopefully work for me in beta 218:31
soeelucas_: yes tehre are some bugs but it looks and works realy nice for me18:31
lucas_ur lucky18:32
iconmefistowhat is spotlight?18:34
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iconmefistolucas_: spotlight is desktop search on mac, right?18:36
lucas_yeah iconmefisto, but i dont know which app would do the same thing on kde...18:37
iconmefistodesktop search, enable it in systemsettings, advanced18:37
iconmefistothen search in the alt-F2 dialog18:38
iconmefistolucas_: btw, you don't need to enable strigi (which indexes file contents for searching, rather than just filenames)18:39
lucas_iconmefisto: yeah but i have another partition not just /home18:39
mahmoodfirst time in an IRC channel18:44
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Nick112When I install Java, it installs 6u15 isntead of 6u17..19:21
Nick112And the download off the Java website doesn't even install19:21
Nick112Does anyone know how to help me?19:23
Nick112Please someone?19:26
Nick112Nevermind, Ill go somewhere else19:28
judgen_What is the name of the app for controlling what effects kwin is to use?19:30
Peace-judgen_: system settings19:32
Peace-judgen_: systemsettings19:32
judgen_cant find the setting-19:32
judgen_is it not included in kdebase?19:33
Peace-you can't see systemsettings?19:33
Peace-omg what have you done?19:33
judgen_yes i can, but i cant find the setting in systemsettings19:33
Peace-select desktp19:33
judgen_aaah thanks19:34
judgen_i thought it to be within the kwin settings as a whol19:34
RoastedI just got thunderbird in kubuntu to play nice with the windows exchange server at work - but I cant hit the global address list. Is there a way to do this?19:34
judgen_Peace-: do you know how i can change from meta+- shortcuts (i dont have a windows key on my keyboard.)19:36
judgen_i want to use alt instead19:36
Peace-always on systemsettings kid19:36
judgen_i see the own button, but id does not seem to accept mouse scrolling as a valid selection19:37
judgen_oh i was still using kwin3. sorry19:40
judgen_kwin --replace =) now i got zooming as i like it.19:45
jimmy51_!!  it looks like the kubuntu baseball cap is available to US customers now !!19:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:55
jimmy51_ordering today :)19:55
soeewoot ?19:55
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!19:56
csc2is there any small (in size , < 1GB) ubuntu-based ditro ?20:03
versuchsanstaltwhats the one true easy way (tm) to configure xorg (nvidia) with kubuntu?20:04
cH40z-Lordcsc2 every disto is <1gb20:04
csc2cH40z-Lord, i meant after having installed it20:05
csc2i remember the first linux distros when you could choose ever single package for the installation20:06
csc2i miss those days20:06
versuchsanstalthow can i configure xorg from the console, maybe automatically or guided20:06
geniiversuchsanstalt: Try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg20:07
versuchsanstaltgenii: aaah, i wasnt aware of -plow. thank you, genii20:07
jimmy51_is crdtools in a package?20:08
llutzjimmy51_: nope20:10
llutzjimmy51_: only wodim, the fork20:10
jimmy51_llutz: ok.  is wodim pretty much up to date on crdtools bug fixes and updates?20:10
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llutzjimmy51_: not at all20:11
genii!info dvd+rw-tools20:11
ubottudvd+rw-tools (source: dvd+rw-tools): DVD+-RW/R tools. In component main, is optional. Version 7.1-4 (karmic), package size 156 kB, installed size 476 kB20:11
llutzjimmy51_: get it from http://cdrecord.berlios.de/private/cdrecord.html , build it, be happy :)20:12
jimmy51_llutz: i shudder with apps that aren't through my handy package manager!20:12
llutzjimmy51_: me too, but this is an exception. due to license-changes, cdrtools aren't available in any repo i guess20:13
ubuntu_Hello, i was turning my computer off to fast so Grub failed anyone know how to fix this without reinstalling the Whole Kubuntu System?20:15
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.20:16
jimmy51_ubuntu_:  i've used supergrub in the past.20:16
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub220:18
ubuntu_iam using Grub120:18
ubuntu_jimmy51_: :o ok20:18
ubuntu_what does SuperGrub do?20:18
jimmy51_ubuntu_: you download a burnable ISO that is bootable.20:20
ubuntu_and then it will fix grub or?20:20
jimmy51_ubuntu_: it can act as your bootloader temporarily, or let you repair what's on your drive20:21
ubuntu_ah i want to repair my /boot20:21
ubuntu_or make a new one20:21
ubuntu_somone know of any good repair grub live CD?20:27
jhutchinsubuntu_: Pretty much any live CD will work, but you're gonna have to read the directions, nobody's going to fix it for you.20:28
ubuntu_jhutchins: i was thinking if there was a CD just for making a new GRUB folder20:28
jhutchinsubuntu_: Many.20:29
jhutchinsubuntu_: Try that link I gave you in #debian.20:29
soeeanyone who is using 10.4 ?20:31
geniisoee: Probably most people in the #ubuntu+1 channel20:31
iconmefistoanyone know where I can find stats on popularity of kubuntu vs ubuntu?20:33
mdk66what's the newest ubuntu version ?20:33
geniimdk66: Karmic Koala (9.10)20:33
iconmefistowell that's not the newest20:33
mdk66so which is ?20:34
iconmefistothat's the current one20:34
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:34
iconmefistobut there's the upcoming 10.4 lucid lynx20:34
mdk66Ok, thanks all :)20:34
mdk66but, i gotta 8.04 (full updated) atm, should i install 9.10 ?20:36
geniimdk66: Probably best to wait until 10.04 has been released for a little bit, and then do a Long-Term-Support to Long-Term-Support upgrade20:38
jimmy51_what app should i use to see my CPU temp?20:48
jimmy51_(desktop... not laptop)20:48
[GuS]jimmy51_: there is a plasmoid for that20:50
[GuS]mostly that should work20:50
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jimmy51_[GuS]: I see a "System Monitor - Temperature" widget20:51
[GuS]jimmy51_: that one20:52
jimmy51_but it doesn't show anything once installed.  it has a picture of an IC on it20:52
jimmy51_(it doesn't list any sensors)20:52
geniiI think you need lmsensors pre-installed for that20:53
geniie !info lm-sensors20:54
genii!info lm-sensors20:54
ubottulm-sensors (source: lm-sensors-3): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:3.0.2-2ubuntu4 (karmic), package size 122 kB, installed size 556 kB20:54
jimmy51_got lm-sensors20:56
iconmefistoI don't have lm-sensors, and the plasmoid works for me20:56
geniijimmy51_: Yes, you have to run the sensors-detect  so it can understand what to monitor20:57
[GuS]<genii> I think you need lmsensors pre-installed for that ---> is not needed for that plasmoid20:58
jimmy51_either way, the plasmoid didn't find any sensors20:59
jimmy51_but sensors-detect did20:59
jimmy51_maybe i need an app to display the sensors data from lm-sensors?20:59
[GuS]jimmy51_: if that plasmoid didnt find one, then yes you need lm-sensors21:01
HeTomeh, my screen is starting to get disturbingly garbled again21:01
sajithHelp needed. I deleted kde panel. How can I get it back??21:01
HeToenabling KMS made compositing work at a reasonable speed and with a visible desktop, but it also made everything slowly get garbled21:02
genii[GuS]: Not sure, I'm not using anything right now (previously used another monitoring plasmoid under 4.1 which required lm-sensors)21:02
[GuS]genii: that is another history. I am talking about that plasmoid21:02
[GuS]and that one does not use lm-sensors, but the info of /proc21:03
jimmy51_i still don't get info in the plasmoid, and don't know how to get info from lm-sensors21:03
jimmy51_lm-sensors isn't a command... what do i use to dump the info?21:03
[GuS]jimmy51_: maybe you need  to google? :)21:03
AlexanderSupertrdefault panel keeps disappearing again and again21:03
AlexanderSupertrusing 8.121:04
AlexanderSupertrkde 4.221:04
jimmy51_[GuS]: i have... unfortunataly google says to install lm-sensors and run sensors-detect.  after that everything should be peachy.21:05
jimmy51_sensors still outputs no sensors found21:05
jimmy51_i think it didn't edit /etc/modules.  i'll edit it by hand21:06
geniijimmy51_: /etc/modules  is at boot21:07
jimmy51_can i forcefully load f71882fg ?21:07
jimmy51_(without reboot)21:07
jimmy51_modprobe f7blahblah ?21:08
brzionlineHello, I have a question, does anybody knows how to enable qt theme in netbeans ide?21:08
geniijimmy51_: If: modprobe -l | grep f71882fg      shows it available you can sudo modprobe it21:08
jimmy51_got it21:09
jimmy51_widget works, sensors is working21:09
jimmy51_thanks guys....21:09
sajithCan anyone help me to get back my KDE panel??21:09
sajithI have deleted it by mistake21:10
[GuS]jimmy51_: nice21:10
jimmy51_i've got a Q9400 in a 1U server running at 64 deg F at idle... i wanted to compare to my workstation.21:11
jimmy51_32 deg F!21:11
sajithI tried removing $HOME/.kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc21:11
sajithbut it is not working21:11
rafasmarton 9.10, system-config-printer-kde didn't show "add local printer" option, so how I do this?21:19
AlexanderSupertris kicker not available on 4.2?21:21
AlexanderSupertrcan't run kicker or kcontrol21:21
AlexanderSupertrwhat are the new apps?21:21
[GuS]AlexanderSupertr: kicker and related others apps was replaced by Plasma desktop. KControl for Systemsettings21:24
AlexanderSupertr[GuS]: thanks for reply. how can i configure plasma desktop? the pannel keeps disappearing>21:25
AlexanderSupertris there a place where current active panles are listed?21:29
sajith@AlexenderSupertr I'm new to KDE but try in ~.kde/share/config21:31
AlexanderSupertrsajith: thanks. but there are so many files in there, hard to say which one is of use. :(21:35
sajith@AlexanderSupertr Do you want to reset to defaults??21:36
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rd1381why i cant add tags to my files in dolphin in ubutnu ??21:59
rd1381nobody here?22:05
iconmefistodoes ubuntu do tags?22:06
iconmefistomy guess is that tags are a kde feature, not specific to dolphin22:07
`mOOse`guys I have a Q about Amarok - anyone know where the lyrics url is stored? Mine doesn't think I'm on the internet, and I'd like to use it - I *just* installed it a little while ago so I'm on my virgin run with it22:09
epimethhow do I add a plasmoid container and define its size and location?22:10
epimethI'm using the netbook edition and would like to add a task manager to the bottom of the screen22:11
rd1381iconmefisto: yes they are kde related and not for gnome. my question is why when i right click on right panel on dolphin ,tags rating and comment are grayed out.i was able to use them in suse22:12
TidersOkay Im trying to install a new splash screen but when I click get new tehemes and accept it it doesnt show up in the list of currently installed ones22:13
iconmefisto`mOOse`: lyrics in amarok work with scripts. you can find the script manager in the tools menu22:13
`mOOse`I'll take a look iconmefisto - thanks22:13
iconmefistord1381: so are you running kubuntu?22:13
iconmefisto`mOOse`: ultimate lyrics is the one I use for lyrics22:14
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`mOOse`aha - this is simple - thanks again iconmefisto22:15
rd1381iconmefisto: i am running ubuntu but logged in kde22:17
iconmefistord1381: ok, so you have kde installed22:17
rd1381sry cound resist22:17
iconmefistord1381: I think you have to enable nepomuk in systemsettings>desktop search22:18
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iconmefistord1381: advanced tab22:18
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rd1381just a sec22:18
rd1381can u give me systemsetting command line ?22:18
iconmefistord1381: it's in the menu, but the command is systemsettings22:20
rd1381oh you are rigth22:21
rd1381so i have to logg out and log back in?22:21
epimethhow do I add a plasmoid container and define its size and location? I'm using the netbook edition and would like to add a task manager to the bottom of the screen22:21
iconmefistonot sure about that rd138122:21
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rd1381iconmefisto:just one more thing . do you know a search tool that supports searching in tags that i give to files.i prefer a gui and windows like22:22
iconmefistoepimeth: don't know about netbook edition, but on regular kde you can right-click desktop and add a panel22:22
epimethright click does nothing22:23
iconmefistord1381: alt-F2 and type something, it should find commands, files, bookmarks, tags, anything22:23
rd1381iconmefisto: i meant something like tracker in gnome but more stable and integrated with kde22:24
iconmefistoI don't really know about tracker22:25
rd1381it can index files22:27
rd1381strigi does that right?22:27
TidersIs there any way to change the actual login screen and not just the splash?22:27
`mOOse`iconmefisto:  it's still not seeing the lyric url22:29
epimethTiders: /quit22:29
dodgerhi all :)  so, i just installed the kde 4.4 beta and nepomuk stopped working - the server is running and strigi is indexing, but i don't get tagging functionality in dolphin anymore, and searches for hastag seem to never end22:29
dodgerhas anyone had the same issue?22:30
epimethsorry tiders22:30
iconmefistoTiders: systemsettings, advanced tab, login manager22:30
epimethTiders: I didn't mean to tell you to /quit22:30
Tidersiconmefisto: Thanks22:30
Tidersepimeth: Oh I got really confused haha22:30
epimethI just meant to quit...22:31
epimethdunno why that was directed at you :-)22:31
epimethbye :-)22:31
dodgerin fact, i get a 'the nepomuk system is not activated. unable to answer queries without it' message22:32
iconmefisto`mOOse`: not sure what you mean by lyric url. it should show lyrics of the currently playing track in the lyrics window22:33
OxDeadC0dehmm in ubuntu 8.10 I went and manually deleted a bunch of /lib/modules/linux folders from old kernel versions, then I went to remove the packages, and now every time I try to use apt-get it says it's going to remove the module packages, but then fatal errors trying to make an initramfs for them when they don't exist anymore..22:34
OxDeadC0deand I can't get them to be removed from apt-get.. is there some magic cli option I can pass to ignore the errors?22:34
`mOOse`Could not download lyrics.22:35
`mOOse`Please check your internet connection.22:35
`mOOse`Error message:22:35
`mOOse`Lyrics not found. Sorry.22:35
FloodBotK3`mOOse`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:35
`mOOse`sorry - that's the error iconmefisto22:36
iconmefisto`mOOse`: that just means it couldn't find the lyrics for the song22:36
`mOOse`hmm...for lyrics like billie jean or beatles tunes?22:37
iconmefisto`mOOse`: is the title of the song the actual title, or does it have other words in it?22:37
`mOOse`no they're actual names of the tunes - out of id3 tags22:37
`mOOse`I understand where you're going with that line of thinking though22:38
iconmefistoeg, if the title is Beatles - Get Back - live rooftop version, you should change the title to just "Get Back"22:38
`mOOse`nothing unusual - no mp3's are being recognised22:38
`mOOse`let me try something real plain - brb22:38
TidersIs there a program that downloads from FTPs for Kubuntu?22:41
TidersLike Filezilla22:41
kubianlike kget?22:41
tuxburnun saludo para todos22:42
tuxburnme pueden colaborar a configurar daap en amarok2.222:43
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Ritzeriskis there like a command to give me General CPU info and mem for like what hardware i have22:56
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OxDeadC0dehow can I manually remove a file from apt-get's database?23:12
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iconmefistoOxDeadC0de: more info? why? what do you want to do?23:15
OxDeadC0dehmm in ubuntu 8.10 I went and manually deleted a bunch of /lib/modules/linux folders from old kernel versions, then I went to remove the packages, and now every time I try to use apt-get it says it's going to remove the module packages, but then fatal errors trying to make an initramfs for them when they don't exist anymore..23:16
iconmefistoremove a deb package that was downloaded?23:16
iconmefistotry installing the package, then remove it23:17
iconmefistosudo apt-get install --reinstall <deleted-stuff>23:18
OxDeadC0dealready way past that point, the only thing left is to manually remove the package identifiers from apt-get telling it they're no longer installed,23:18
OxDeadC0deso I'm going to remove the entries from /var/lib/dpkg23:18
TidersWhy does Kubuntus fonts randomly go small on some boots23:19
dkkongI've got an issue with the PPC Karmic Disc. It burns and loads fine on my mac, but I get an authentication failed when it tries to login. There's no username and password, so I can't login to the Live CD. How do I fix this?23:20
kazikis there any one around?23:20
chlomoya m here23:21
kazikhey :) i have an annoying problem with compositing in new kde23:21
kazikit's disabling all the time23:21
kazikwhenever i restart23:21
OxDeadC0deremoving from /var/lib/dpkg/status and /var/lib/dpkg/available worked finally iconmefisto (I had already tried reinstalling, wouldn't let me, packages no longer exist in the repos, could be because I just did a distupgrade)23:22
chlomosorry m new & cant help23:22
iconmefistodkkong: try username: ubuntu  with no password23:23
Ritzeriskis there like a command to give me General CPU info and mem for like what hardware i have23:24
ScuniziRitzerisk: just answered in #ubuntu23:26
flowerfacei want to use kubuntu on my flash drive usb . and pluge it to any computer and run it. just like live cd. how can i do it?23:27
dkkongiconmefisto: I tried that and root with no luck23:29
iconmefistodkkong: is there a "check CD for defects" or similar option before boot?23:32
dkkongNot that I can find. I did check the md5 sum though and it matched23:33
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iconmefistodkkong: only thing I can think of is try burning another disk at slowest speed possible23:39
iconmefistodkkong: did you burn the disk on the same machine you're booting?23:40
dkkongiconmefisto: That's what I had tried. I figured it was my cd, but some googling reveals that several people have had a hard time with it23:40
dkkongiconmefisto: Nope, separate computer23:40
iconmefistodkkong: I've had it happen to me a few times, and I blamed the drive not reading the disk, because the same disk would boot fine on other machines23:41
iconmefistoflowerface: if you have a k/ubuntu install, you can install usb-creator and do it with that tool23:45
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Scuniziiconmefisto: isn't there a tool already on the live cd that will do that.. I created a usb bootable stick with it.23:52
Scuniziiconmefisto: it's in K>Applications>System>USB Startup Disk Creator23:53
judgenhow do you set the icon theme for gnome apps to use via text files?23:54
judgenit seems to default back to hicolor23:55
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zzzxzzzis anybody here?23:59

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