
mdeonteIs there a way that I could set 2 owners for a group?02:45
mwhudsonyou can make the owner be a team02:45
mdeontemwhudson; then members of that team can have control?02:45
mwhudsonmdeonte: right02:46
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KabEewebsite builder for launchpad.net around?10:30
KabEei found some spam on it10:31
KabEenevermind, i spoke with intellectronica10:43
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dholbachcan somebody help me with hitchhiker and getting me to push lp:~loco-directory-dev/loco-directory/0.2?11:08
dholbachI thought I had deleted the branch from LP11:08
dholbachbut there seems to be something still lingering around11:08
dholbachand I get:11:08
dholbachbzr: ERROR: KnitPackRepository('lp-64802192:///~loco-directory-dev/loco-directory/trunk/.bzr/repository')11:08
dholbachis not compatible with11:08
dholbachdifferent rich-root support11:08
wgrantdholbach: You're pushing a 2a branch, and it's trying to stack on the pack-0.92 development focus.11:09
dholbachwgrant: how can I get it not to stack? :)11:10
wgrantdholbach: Just push again, without deleting.11:10
dholbachwe have LOTS megabytes of cruft in the old branch and wanted to start 0.2 branch from rev111:11
dholbach(yeah, I know)11:11
dholbachsomebody committed megabytes of map data which makes it painful to push a new branch for every review and stuff11:11
wgrantBut stacking should have minimised that problem.11:12
dholbachit still takes a long time11:12
dholbachwgrant: anything I should do about: "This transport does not update the working tree of: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~loco-directory-dev/loco-directory/0.2/."11:12
dholbachwgrant: will that make loggerhead not work?11:12
dholbachah no, it works11:13
dholbachthanks wgrant11:13
* dholbach asks a lot of stupid questions today :)11:13
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cjwatsonhi, can I prod a LOSA about https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+question/94536 ? I've got the rest of my openssh imports in place now, so this is really the last piece I need14:16
* mthaddon looks14:16
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jdalyHi, Ive noticed that my branch revisions no longer show up in my karma. I checked some other folks karma and it appears theres are still functioning. Any ideas?14:34
mthaddoncjwatson: done14:39
cjwatsonmthaddon: ta14:43
cjwatsonmthaddon: hmm, should I not expect to see something other than "Packs containing knits without subtree support" on https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/openssh/main? That sounds like an old branch format to me ...14:44
mthaddoncjwatson: hmm, not sure if there needs to be some kind of import somewhere - I'm in mwhudson's hands on this one I'm afraid14:45
jamaltaactually, we should make an rsvp page for ubuntu hour14:45
jamaltaeh,, sorry.. that was supposed to go to another channel14:46
cjwatsonmthaddon: I'll wait until a bit later today and follow up on the ticket if it doesn't fix itself14:46
mthaddoncjwatson: sounds good14:46
cjwatsonis it possible to register a mirrored branch in the source package namespace? (I'd like to ask Launchpad to import a branch from bzr.debian.org, and it ought to live in ~cjwatson/debian/sid/lucid/debian or something like that)14:47
cjwatsonI can do it with https://code.launchpad.net/openssh/+addbranch, but https://code.launchpad.net/debian/+source/openssh/+addbranch doesn't exist14:48
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cjwatsonah, bug 34775514:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347755 in launchpad-code "No UI for registering package branches" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34775514:52
leoquantsecurity updates to FireFox 3.0.x in Ubuntu 8.04 have14:58
leoquantbeen based on security updates from upstream (Mozilla project)14:58
leoquant But as I14:58
leoquantunderstand it, the stream of security updates from upstream is about to14:58
cjwatsonleoquant: #ubuntu-mozillateam would be a better place to ask14:58
akgranerderyck, ping15:00
akgranerif you have a couple mins I need to pick you brain about some bug stats15:01
deryckakgraner, hi.  Sure.  I have a couple minutes.15:02
akgranerderyck, do you look and the bug stats section in UWN at all?15:03
akgranerderyck, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs  this is the link we used to use to get those stats15:03
akgranerbut now the information we used to report on isn't there any more15:03
akgranerso I need help in getting that information again15:04
akgranerspecifically unassigned and total bugs reported15:04
akgranerI tried the advanced search and the numbers weren't even close15:04
deryckakgraner, looking at the +bugs page for a second...15:04
akgranerderyck, thanks15:05
deryckakgraner, what info was there but isn't now?15:05
akgranertotal number of bugs every reported15:05
akgranerand unassigned15:05
akgranerunassigned we used the advanced search and got close enough15:07
akgranerbut I can't figure out how to get total number of bugs reported to date15:07
deryckhmm, I see that's gone now.  Had noticed.  Wonder why we dropped that.15:08
akgranerthis was the last number we reported  All bugs ever reported (356337)15:08
deryckintellectronica, was this ^^ (total bugs and unassigned bugs being dropped from +bugs home) part of the 3.0 redesign?15:08
akgranerso if we could get unassigned and totals back that would sure make the UWN staff happy campers  :-)15:08
intellectronicaderyck: yes15:10
intellectronicaakgraner: you can still get these numbers with a search15:10
deryckintellectronica, I don't recall talking about these specific bits of info (which is fine, of course) but did we drop them feeling they weren't as useful to general users?15:11
akgranerintellectronica, I tried and got the unassigned15:11
akgranerbut I must have been doing something wrong with trying to get totals15:11
akgranerintellectronica, this was what we last reported All bugs ever reported (356337)15:11
akgranerand I could not even get close to that number...15:12
intellectronicaderyck: yes for total number of bugs. i don't remember why unassigned got left out, and i think it might be useful15:12
akgranerintellectronica, willing to learn how.. could someone just email me or walk me through the correct boxes to tick?  I ticked all the status boxes15:13
deryckintellectronica, yeah, total feels a bit like it go in some leading paragraph.  i.e. 356337 bugs reported here.  And I think unassigned would make a nice filter still.15:13
deryckakgraner, I think you want to check all statuses and uncheck hide duplicates.15:13
intellectronicaderyck: sure, i'll file a bug. might even do it later, it's very little work15:14
akgranerderyck, ok do I have to do 2 searches or will it include the nobody ones as well15:14
deryckintellectronica, excellent.  thanks!  It could actually fall in CHR since akgraner asked about it. ;)15:14
intellectronicaakgraner: b.t.w if this is something you want to do regularly (to track the number or something) you could also easily set up a script to read it using the api.15:15
intellectronicawe can help you write it, of course15:15
akgranerintellectronica, always willing to learn15:16
deryckakgraner, by "nobody ones" if you mean the unassigned bugs, that would be a subset of the all bugs query I gave you.  So I would two two searches -- one for all bugs and one for unassigned.15:16
akgranerthen add them together and I should have the total in theory right..15:16
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akgranerintellectronica, it's 5 lines on UWN we report on... # Open (76454) +61 over last week15:17
akgraner# Critical (41) +8 over last week15:17
akgraner# Unconfirmed (39611) +121 over last week15:17
akgraner# Unassigned (67029) +73 over last week15:17
akgraner# All bugs ever reported (356337) +1821 over last week15:17
akgranerand the difs from week to week15:17
intellectronicawow, the new post-dupe-search anim looks like a compiz effect15:17
akgranerthose were from 2 weeks ago just so you can see what we use them for15:18
deryckakgraner, I believe the query I gave you will include unassigned bugs.  intellectronica, or am I understanding this wrong, that assignee "doesn't matter" is only if there is an assignee?15:18
intellectronicaderyck: you are correct. "doesn't matter" means any assignee or none. it doesn't filter by assignee15:19
deryckakgraner, see ^^15:19
akgranerderyck, intellectronica thanks..:-)15:19
deryckakgraner, no problem.15:19
akgranerjust wanted you all to see why we needed the stats...15:20
akgranerand since you all are the bug people... is there something else you would perhaps like to include with those numbers  while I am hear and asking15:21
akgranerhere even15:21
intellectronicaakgraner: looks like a perfect use case for a script. if you tell me a bit more about it i can help you write it so that you can run it regularly15:22
akgranerintellectronica, awesome  can I email you?15:23
intellectronicaakgraner: sure thing15:23
akgranerintellectronica, thank you so much!!15:24
akgranerwill get that out to you in just a few then15:24
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geneteHi, I'm currently the most visible header of Synfig Studio project. We are looking for a new host service to migrate to. Current host of Synfig is giving some troubles to make the community grow. We need some info about launchpad and its features, anyone?15:55
akgranerintellectronica, email sent to gmail account is that ok?15:56
cody-somervillegenete, https://launchpad.net/+tour15:56
akgranerintellectronica, also Thank you again!  much appreciated,  :-)15:56
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intellectronicaakgraner: that's fine15:56
intellectronicaakgraner: no problem, my pleasure15:56
genetecody-somerville: yes, the tour is great but I need more info. For example, Synfig has already a forum (phpBB) and a wiki (mediawiki) database  with its own users. Can we migrate them to launchpad without problems?15:58
cody-somervillegenete, No. Launchpad does not provide those types of services.15:58
genetecurrent host service we have has problems with sendmail so it doesn't allow us to make the community grow15:59
geneteso wiki and forum has to be hosted externally launchpad, right?16:00
cody-somervillegenete, Thats correct, yes.16:00
geneteHmmm what a pita16:00
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thomasgoing crazy trying to dput my package into launchpad.  Can't seem to get the changes file right. I get the error "no valid opengpg date"16:35
geserthomas: what did you try?16:35
al-maisanthomas: the date should be in `date -R` format16:35
geserusually signing during build (dpkg-buildpackage or debuild) or using debsign later on the .changes files works16:36
thomasfirst I created my debian/files and then did dpkg-genchanges and then gpg to create the asc file16:37
* al-maisan reconsiders16:37
cjwatsonyou should not create debian/files by hand16:37
cjwatsondpkg-buildpackage should create that; it should also take care of running dpkg-genchanges for you16:37
thomasWhen I ran dpkg-buildpackage some error showed up and then it stopped just before createing the files16:38
cjwatsondebug that, then :)16:38
thomasok. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.  Actually If I just run dpkg-buildpackage it should work...16:38
cjwatson'dpkg-buildpackage -S' (or 'debuild -S') is the proper way to create a source package for upload to Launchpad16:38
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joaopintois there an example how to get the bug list for a specific project ? I coudn't figure from the launchpad api doc16:44
joaopintoassuming it's possible16:51
thekornjoaopinto, that's easy, let me try to find get an example16:52
joaopintoI have looked at the bugs collection, there is no reference to bug queries excep by using bug nrs16:53
thekornjoaopinto, http://paste.ubuntu.com/344175/16:53
thekornthis gets a list of all bugs in the bughelper project16:54
joaopintothekorn, just what I was needing, thanks :)16:56
thomasnow I did the dpkg-buildpackage and it says "dpkg-genchanges error; cannot open file list"16:56
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cjwatsonthomas: it would be easier to analyse your problem given a full build log on paste.ubuntu.com17:07
thomasthanks.  It seems to be working somewhat now. With the S flag it seems to have worked except that I needed to run gpg manually. As we speak dput is putting the files up on my ppa17:09
thomashmm... Strange.  It said "successfully uploaded packages but I don't see the packages in my ppa.  Does it take some time to get there?17:12
bigjoolsit takes up to 5 minutes17:12
noodles775...and you should get an email within 5mins too.17:13
bigjoolsif it takes longer then see https://answers.launchpad.net/soyuz/+faq/22717:13
thomasok .. thanks...17:14
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zekopeko___could somebody tell me how to manually merge translations in trunk?17:26
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joaopintoTypeError: can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes <- any hints how to determine the bug age using python ?17:36
jamaltaAny launchpad admins willing to show this question some love? https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/9451917:36
intellectronicajamalta: sure, i'll assign it to the admins team17:39
chmacI gots me a question about imports. I'm looking at wordpress on launchpad, I think it makes sense to import both trunk and branches/2.9 from svn. Any idea how to progress that?17:40
jamaltaintellectronica: thank you!17:40
chmacThe code in trunk and branches/2.9 will diverge. The useful code is really in branches/2.9, but the vcs import page says it will only import trunk.17:41
chmacintellectronica: Are you the help person?17:43
intellectronicachmac: at your service :)17:44
chmacintellectronica: :-)17:45
intellectronicachmac: how can i help?17:45
chmacintellectronica: Is it possible to get http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress/branches/2.9/ imported into launchpad as well as the trunk branch?17:45
intellectronicachmac: no, we usually only import trunk from cvs/svn17:46
chmacintellectronica: The word "usually" is my focus here... :-)17:46
intellectronicai don't know if it's a technical limitation or just a policy. why do you want to import it?17:46
chmacintellectronica: Let me rephrase another way, what steps would I need to go through to convince somebody to import branches/2.9? :-)17:46
intellectronicaabentley: do you know if it's possible (technically) to import a non-trunk branch from svn?17:47
chmacintellectronica: The code in branches/2.9 is production quality, trunk isn't really. I want to start remixing versions of WordPress. The useful code for that is in branches/2.917:47
chmacIt's the way WP uses code, branches/2.9 starts to diverge from trunk almost immediately17:47
intellectronicachmac: i think that's a legitimate use case. why don't you try setting up an import. if it's successful i'll approve it17:48
abentleyintellectronica: Yes, it's technically possible, but it's a bad idea because it won't be compatible with trunk.  This will be fixed for new imports when we switch from cscvs to bzr-svn.17:49
chmacabentley: What does "not compatible with trunk" mean?17:49
intellectronicaabentley: right, so that's why we don't do it. the same revisions will be different in trunk and in the other branch?17:49
chmacThe same revision numbers (r3, r4, etc) would exist in both branches but be related to different actual changesets, is that the issue?17:50
abentleychmac: The import will assign different ids to the revisions and files, so merging them will be impossible.17:50
chmacabentley: Merging from trunk to branches/2.9 for example?17:51
abentleychmac: yes.17:51
chmacHmm, let me ponder that for a few minutes. I wonder if that will be an issue in this case...17:51
chmacIn this case, I don't think that will be a problem.17:52
chmacMost developers will still use svn, so anything that needs to go from trunk to branches/2.9 would be done by somebody in svn.17:53
chmacI see the use on launchpad as creating "custom spins" of WordPress, to use Fedora's terminology17:53
chmacintellectronica: I'll request the import now... :-)17:54
intellectronicachmac: cool17:54
chmacintellectronica: Ok, sent the request, hopefully I got the urls correct, I double checked them... :-)17:57
chmacintellectronica: Any idea on a timescale for the 2.9 branch to be imported (or not as the case may be... :-) ?18:12
chmacI'm refreshing the page every few minutes, but that might be overly optimistic, I did read from a few hours to a few days on the wiki18:13
intellectronicachmac: it really should run soon18:14
chmacCancel that, message from Tom Beger "The import has been approved and an import will start shortly." :-)18:14
chmacJust got the email...18:14
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AnAntHello, does LP support 3.0 source format now ?18:42
chmacAnAnt: What's 3.0 source format?18:47
sinzuiAnAnt: Yes it does, but I am not certain it is fully operational to all users.18:48
thekornintellectronica, hey, is there any action from me needed to get https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~thekorn/launchpad/affects_in_interleaved_activitylog/+merge/16261 merged, or is it just patience ;)18:49
AnAntchmac: erm,  a new source format18:49
intellectronicathekorn: actually, thanks for reminding me. i need to merge it and will do it now18:49
RoAkSoAxhey guys any idea of why i'm getting this error when using launchpadlib??: 'IOError: [Errno 36] File name too long:...[]'18:51
thekornintellectronica, super cool, thanks18:51
rCXHow do I make a hyperlink when commenting at bugs.launchpad.net?18:52
chmacAnAnt: A new source format for what? For bazaar?18:53
AnAntchmac: source package format18:54
intellectronicarCX: you can't make a hyperlink, but urls are linkified, as are mentiones of other bugs or of branches18:55
chmacAnAnt: Ok, sounds like packaging talk, way over my head :-)18:55
rCXintellectronica: so if I put "#12345" it will be linked automatically?18:56
AnAntchmac: yup, packaging talk indeed18:56
thomasI sent my package to ppa an hour ago.  Seems launchpad does not know my key.  But everything seems completely right.  Nice key in launchpad and same key in gpg...18:58
thomasI have not received any mail either18:58
intellectronicarCX: 'bug #12345' will be18:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 12345 in isdnutils "isdn does not work, fritz avm (pnp?)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1234518:58
rCXintellectronica: ok thx18:59
thomasany ideas what could be wrong???19:00
intellectronicathomas: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+faq/227 perhaps?19:01
thomasWell, I signed the package changes file with the same key I have in launchpad and sent it and dput worked for a while sending the file19:02
thomasso I tried everything in that link19:02
thomasIs there any way to test my key???19:03
thomasit should be ok19:03
ScottKintellectronica: Is something stuckon soyuz so that package builds aren't getting initiated for Ubuntu?19:04
intellectronicaScottK: i wonder if that's the case. it seems code imports aren't running either19:05
ScottKOK, you're listed as help contact, so Help!19:05
intellectronicaScottK: spray some UBIK on the clouds? ;) i'm trying to get an admin to look at it for us. will update you as soon as i know anything19:07
intellectronicathomas: did you try to do something else which requires signing with that key, like signing an email to the launchpad bug email interface?19:10
thomasintellectronica: I signed the Ubuntu code of conduct.  That should test the key....19:15
intellectronicathomas: right, yes, that's an adequate test19:16
zekopeko___hey could somebody show me how to do some merge translations foo?19:16
zekopeko___as stated before i need to sync a translation to trunk19:17
thomaswhen I do gpg --list-keys I see I have a "pub" key with same name that is in my launchpad and then a "sub" key.  It it perhaps the sub key I should be using???19:17
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zekopeko___transl. is already on lp just needs sync to trunk19:17
zekopeko___so can somebody help. the guy that knows this lp black magic isn't online19:18
intellectronicaScottK: would you mind filing a question with all the information you have, so that we care share it with the soyuz folks later, and with an admin?19:24
ScottKintellectronica: I'm not sure what to say other than package builds aren't starting and there are a bunch in queue.19:25
intellectronicaScottK: that's a good start :)19:26
ScottKintellectronica: https://answers.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/9480219:28
cjwatsonabentley: compatible> I spent the entire weekend constructing very very careful manual imports of a bunch of openssh branches using cscvs :)19:30
cjwatsonopenssh is in CVS upstream, so bzr-svn wasn't an option19:32
abentleycjwatson: Sorry, I don't follow you.19:34
cjwatsonoh, just noting that it is just about possible to make file-id-compatible branch imports using cscvs, although quite possibly far more trouble than it's worth19:35
chmacintellectronica: I got an email saying the branch would imported a couple of hours ago, no visible progress on launchpad.net yet. Is patience the order of the day?19:58
chmacintellectronica: I'm wondering if something has gone wrong with the import or I just need to wait... :-)19:58
ScottKintellectronica: It's fixed.  Thanks for the help.20:00
geserthomas: and you have only one gpg key? (just asking to be sure that dpkg-buildpackage doesn't pick the wrong one)20:03
joaopintousing launchpad lib, I can't use any of the fields listed for bugs on the searchTasks( orderby parameter20:16
joaopintois there a specific list of fields for the orderby ? They don't seem to match bug fields20:17
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maxbjoaopinto: I'm not sure, does https://launchpad.net/+apidoc help?20:21
joaopintomaxb, I have been reading it already20:21
joaopintoI think I am getting it, searchTasks returns bug_tasks, not bugs20:22
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micahgless than 1k bugs from 500k20:26
joaopintoerm, it's a bit messy, you search using a criteria field, then the field is not available on your results :\20:26
zekopeko_can you upload .po file to translations?21:14
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chmacintellectronica: Code has arrived, 2.9 is a go... :-)22:06
intellectronicachmac: excellent!22:07
chmacintellectronica: The branch is lp:~chmac/wordpress/2.9, might make more sense as lp:~vcs-imports/wordpress/2.9 I reckon22:08
chmacAny idea if / how I can change that without breaking the import?22:08
intellectronicachmac: your wish is my command22:08
chmacintellectronica: :-)22:09
chmacI was just saying on #bzr by mistake, I love the responsiveness of people on this channel, launchpad has a very human feel to it... :-)22:09
intellectronicachmac: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/wordpress/2.922:09
chmacintellectronica: Beautiful, now it looks like an independent copy rather than my own personal branch :-)22:10
intellectronicachmac: i'm glad to hear you've had a good experience. we really do put an effort to make launchpad a true community project22:10
chmacintellectronica: I was just debating between google code & hg, git & github and launchpad / bzr, looks like I made a good decision22:10
chmacI particularly like the teams feature, gives us an easy way to let anyone contribute to our code (different project)22:11
mwhudsonheh yes22:19
mwhudsonoccasionally i deal with services that don't have teams and then get annoyed22:19
mwhudson(amazon ec2, for example)22:19
MTecknologyNO! This is NOT cool.23:16
MTecknologyI can't call you rubber duckies anymore...23:16
wgrantMTecknology: The LOSA icon has changed; the admins one has not.23:18
MTecknologywgrant: what is it now?23:20
MTecknologya glass and what beside it?23:20
chmacI'm struggling to figure out how to produce a tar.gz from my new wordpress branch lp:~wpflavours/wordpress/wpflavour-no-visual-editor23:39
chmacI'm not familiar with packaging at all. I'd like to produce a tar.gz of the whole branch so it can be downloaded as a single file rather than via bzr23:40
chmacCan anyone point me to the right section in help or explain how I go about it?23:40
spivchmac: 'bzr export foo.tar.gz' in your local branch23:41
spivchmac: and/or are you unsure how to upload that to Launchpad?23:41
chmacspiv: Yeah, uploading to launchpad is the part I'm not sure about23:41
chmacspiv: I thought there might be a way to produce the tar on launchpad, but I can do that locally, so thanks for answering that part :-)23:42
spivchmac: IIRC it's something like you go to the series and upload it there23:42
chmacspiv: Ok, I'll look into that, thanks23:42
wgrantYou need to add a release within a series, then add the file to that release.23:42
chmacwgrant: Ok, thanks23:43
chmacwgrant: I'm starting a project called WP Flavours to produce multiple remixed versions of WordPress. Would you recommend creating a new project WP Flavours with WordPress as the parent project?23:44
chmacI'm not an admin on the WordPress project so I don't think I can create new a series there23:44
chmacI'll ask the admin if he can give me access or do it for me...23:45
wgrantchmac: What is a flavour?23:45
wgrantI wonder if perhaps a separate project for each makes sense.23:46
chmacwgrant: For example, wp-no-visual-editor, exact replica of WordPress 2.9 minus the visual editor23:46
chmacwgrant: That's a simple example. Flavours might include custom plugins, or edits to core code to achieve a specific purpose.23:46
chmacWe could create a different project for each flavour, set the parent project to WordPress23:47
wgrantWouldn't everybody be a whole lot better off if the code changes were turned into config options in Wordpress itself, and everything else just distributed as plugins?23:47
chmacwgrant: lol, that's a hot topic of debate, there are many who feel that way :-)23:47
chmacwgrant: One of the key issues that started this for me was the "phone home for updates" feature WP introduced.23:48
chmacThere's no way to turn it off except with a plugin, but by the time WP is installed and you go the plugin management page, it phoned home already23:48
chmacOnly way I can see to install wp without it phoning home is to hack core before installing23:48
chmacA flavour might simply be a wp core plus a few selected plugins, but packaged as a single tar.gz to make it easier to download / install23:49

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