
DanaGkwin(6358) KWin::CompositingPrefs::detectDriverAndVersion: Detected driver "radeon" , version "(RV.200"01:01
DanaGkwin(6358) KWin::Workspace::setupCompositing: Compositing is turned off in options or disabled01:01
DanaGargh, can't use kde4.4 compositing.01:07
_Groo_DanaG: yeah same problem here01:20
DanaGOnly works on fglrx, not on radeon.01:20
_Groo_DanaG: on another news, i just finished creating virtuoso 5.0.12, working as a charm, already converting by old sesame2 backend01:20
DanaGvirtuoso?  is that that thing that's always being complained about by Nepomuk, whatever that is?01:20
_Groo_DanaG: told ya... aparently they fixed it in beta2 - wink wink.. pleaseeeeeeeee compile it ! :D01:20
_Groo_DanaG: yep, the backend needed for nepomuk to work now01:21
DanaGI'm also curious what you can do with a tdfx card (Voodoo3) nowadays.01:22
_Groo_DanaG: a good barbecue?01:23
DanaGOr a fingerprint burn-off device?01:23
naught101how stable is Lucid alpha1, compared to Karmic alpha1 when it was released?01:24
_Groo_DanaG: eheheh01:24
_Groo_naught101: define stable01:25
_Groo_can someone point me to a good diff/patch howto? wanna do a diff for the virtuoso package01:25
yoasifnaught101, there are definitely weird bugs -- weirder than karmic in my experience, but it really depends01:31
bjsnider_Groo_, you want to create a patch?01:40
yoasifanyone around?01:44
_Groo_bjsnider: yes, just read the quilt howto.. already did it.. im finishing my virtuoso 5.0.12 package to send to my ppa01:45
bjsniderhahaha buggy was asking for retroshare to be packaged... there are ubuntu packages right here on the downloads page.01:49
yoasifheya -- im not sure about this, but i'm running kile in gnome, and it doesn't use gtk widgets (in lucid) -- isn't it supposed to have gtk+ widgets if i change it in qt4config?01:50
DanaGheh, cacafire over serial is sloooooooooooooooooooooooooow.01:55
crimsunnaught101: if you're tracking any Ubuntu development series, you can't stay with a static Alpha01:59
crimsunnaught101: we push updates constantly, so it's pretty much essential to stay current with updates after reading the appropriate announcement venues (-devel/IRC)02:00
bjsnidercrimsun, interesting that you would say that02:07
bjsniderwhy do alpha/beta releases at the expense of the daily-live releases?02:08
naught101crimsun: I know, I was just looking for two points in common02:08
naught101bjsnider: there are daily releases...02:08
bjsnideryes there are daily releases02:09
bjsniderthat's the whole point02:09
crimsunbjsnider: point testing tends to be easier with a "frozen" milestone02:09
naught101bjsnider: so the alphas/betas aren't at the expense of the dailies...02:10
bjsnidernaught101, in practice, they are02:10
bjsniderwe get people in here who just installed an alpha/beta that's 4 days old reporting bugs that have been fixed and released into the daily-live cd02:11
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naught101... if people aren't cluey enough to work out to upgrade via apt, then they're gonna have even more problems with dailies, cause they're gonna be downloading ISOs constantly, and putting more load on the server02:12
bjsniderwhat about people who are doing a fresh install because they don't yet have any ubuntu?02:14
yoasifdailies are for iso testing...02:15
yoasifalpha releases are for installation02:15
bjsnideri don't believe that's the case, no02:17
i_is_brokethere isnt a way to get it to update via internet for the the dailies? without downloading and iso?02:20
DanaGumm... there are repositories for a reason.02:21
i_is_brokejust asking...im sorry im not as experienced at this as most of you.im still learning.02:23
i_is_brokeso when it tell the computer to aptitude update its looking the repos for a daily build02:25
i_is_brokeoops i tell^^02:25
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)02:25
IdleOneapt/aptitude checks the packages in the repos against the packages on your computer if their are newer versions available in the repos then it offers to download and install them02:28
yoasifi_is_broke, what are you asking exactly02:28
yoasifyeah, what IdleOne said02:28
arandi_is_broke: apt-get/aptitude updates a development version just as it does a normal ubuntu system, just that there are way more upgrades happening now in the development stage...02:29
i_is_brokeok, but i didnt know that consisted of a daily build for the iso.02:29
i_is_brokei know what apt is.and understand most of how it did things, just didnt realize it did that as well.02:30
IdleOnethe daily builds are meant for testing the installation process basically02:30
IdleOneamong other things I'm sure02:31
IdleOnei_is_broke: if you want to keep up to date after installing/upgrading to alpha 1 then run the usual updates and upgrades everyday sometimes 2 or 3 times a day02:32
i_is_brokeIdleOne, i run updates every evening, figured they would most likely be in by then.02:33
i_is_brokeconsidering where i live.02:33
IdleOnesounds right02:33
DanaGhmm, anyone know how to set screen resolution in xorg.conf, for non-xrandr drivers?02:49
bjsniderDanaG, enter the horizsync and vertrefresh values and then it will be driven up to its native resolution automatically, in theory03:46
DanaGAnyway, I got that tdfx "working"... but got all sorts of weird assertion failures from glxinfo.03:49
DanaGglxinfo: ../common/drirenderbuffer.c:69: driNewRenderbuffer: Assertion `format == 0x1908 || format == 0x8050 || format == 0x8058 || format == 0x81A5 || format == 0x81A6 || format == 0x81A7 || format == 0x8D48' failed.03:49
i_is_brokedoesnt okular open pdf files?05:34
RAOFi_is_broke: Yes, it does.05:40
i_is_brokeyeah it does, i was going about it backwards...should of tried the way i just did first.05:42
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i_is_brokegood morning BUGabundo_work11:48
i_is_brokewell i dont know how good it is yet, theres snow on the ground here..:(11:49
BUGabundo_workhi i_is_broke11:50
BUGabundo_workno snow hre11:51
i_is_brokeits not much, enough to make the roads slick.11:51
i_is_brokehey i got a duh question, where is it that they work on ubuntu at?? what time zone is it in.11:52
BUGabundo_worki_is_broke: all over the world11:53
i_is_brokewell when they send out updates where are they coming from? if you know what i mean. trying to figure out when the best time to run update would be.11:54
BUGabundo_worki_is_broke: its from main server and other mirrors11:56
BUGabundo_workit can came anytime11:56
BUGabundo_workonce the devs with privs to upload to the builders do it11:56
BUGabundo_workand once builders finish building it, and push it to archives11:56
i_is_brokeah i see. ok, well then ill keep doing it like i have been...just checking it in the evening then.cause it seems like the best time for me.11:57
joaopintoi_is_broke, there is no "best time" for upgrades, except for the alphas and betas, which have freezes11:57
joaopintoapart from that, it's just random11:57
i_is_brokeyeah i understood that.11:57
joaopintoactually there is a best time, do it always when you have enough free time afterward in case you need to rescue :D11:58
i_is_brokejoaopinto, yeah i hear you there...been there done that..lol11:59
BUGabundo_workjoaopinto: ahaha12:01
i_is_brokehmmm imagine that 13 updates and its only 6:15 am12:11
i_is_brokeah its mostly cups.12:12
crimsunshould be an alsa-lib update soon, too12:18
crimsunI think I've spun more uploads in the past week than I have in a year12:19
=== crimsun changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support and discussion channel | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Milestones: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule | Alpha 1 released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha1
i_is_brokewasnt any on this one just cups mainly.12:28
BUGabundo_workcrimsun: ahahaha12:56
BUGabundo_workwhy so many ?12:56
om26er_can i make /home partition with btrfs?13:40
Scott__anyone using testdrive to test Lucid14:04
bjsniderBUGabundo_work, there are already ubuntu packages for that filesharing app you mentioned yesterday14:07
bjsnideron the project downloads page14:07
Scott__anyone using testdrive to test Lucid14:11
BluesKajHiyas all14:18
BUGabundo_workbjsnider: thanks14:22
BUGabundo_worki tested it a bit last night14:22
BUGabundo_workalthoug the UI and features are really nice14:23
BUGabundo_workthe "friends" integration sucks14:23
BUGabundo_workas it requires shared Key files :(14:23
bjsniderit would probably be very secure though14:23
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r00t_Is lucid stable enough that a linux nooB would be able to try it out?15:21
r00t_whats the magor changes? Im esp interested in new/addded eyecandy15:22
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BUGabundo_workr00t_: its not15:26
BUGabundo_workplease get used to the way Ubuntu (and GNU/Linux in general)  work15:27
BUGabundo_workbefore trying to run a devel release on your day to day maching15:27
BUGabundo_workwe appreciate your intusiasme and would love to have your feedback15:28
BUGabundo_workbut some much can and will break, that it makes it hard to recomment you to run it on your own15:28
bjsniderAmaranth, ping15:55
tj83_hello all, in a bit of a pickle, I just installed Lucid and upon install of the nvidia drivers ver 185, my system no longer starts x, i get a shell only. any quick fixes before i try the binaries from nvidia?15:58
JontheEchidnatj83_: to get a working X until you can get the new drivers, you can edit the driver setting in /etc/X11/xorg.conf from "nvidia" to "nv"16:02
JontheEchidnathen you can change it back once you get the new drivers16:03
tj83_JontheEchidna: well, i actually tried that, but will again, stuck in irssi lol16:03
tj83_JontheEchidna: so are you saying that the repo version drivers are known to be busted and the binaries from nvidia are the current choice?16:03
JontheEchidnathere might be a PPA somewhere with 190 or 195 version drivers, but I've not been keeping up with it too mucch16:04
tj83_JontheEchidna: k, ty, check back in a bit16:04
geniiWhenever I try to install nvidia-glx-185 it wants to remove any *buntu-desktop package, along with xserver-xorg ....16:20
bjsnidergenii, people report to me that my 195 ppa version works but i think at this point it's a crapshoot16:27
bjsnidernobody's sent me any useful info on why it doesn't work, only reports that it does16:27
bjsniderand the situations where it doesn't work, you never know what crap the user has installed that might be interfering16:28
geniibjsnider: This current chicken-egg situation is on a fresh install, standard repos, etc.16:30
geniibjsnider: https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/testing-ppa  ?16:31
bjsniderno, not the testing ppa16:33
bjsniderthat's for testing...16:33
geniibjsnider: Well, that worked, finally17:31
geniibjsnider: I'd been fiddling with it on and off for about a week, but no joy on getting X to start when using the nvidia-glx drivers.17:34
genii( Kubuntu desktop in this instance )17:35
bjsnidernobody uses kde anymore17:38
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tj83_hello all, on my 4th install of Lucid today, can someone give me info about issues with installing the nvidia drivers? after install all seems well, i have installed the proprietary drivers for nvidia once after an update, and once after a dist-update, I have installed via "Hardware Drivers" and via manual install, I have ran nvidia-xconfig, yet with all of these methods, after install of the drivers i get only a shell, even reverting18:12
tj83_ xorg.conf back to "nv" driver proves same result only the shell login.18:12
tj83_right now i am at a clean install once again without attempting to enable the drivers, advice would be highly appreciated, Should I give the binaries directly from nvidia a shot? or can i get the repo versions working some way?18:13
tj83_has anyone else installed lucid with the nvidia drivers recently with success?18:15
DanaGI believe xorg-edgers ppa has a newer nvidia driver that should work.18:16
tj83_DanaG, ty for the reply. is that the accepted approach right now?18:16
DanaGI'm not sure of that... I've just heard (or rather, read) other people talking about it.18:17
DanaGIf you don't want all of the xorg-edgers stuff, then you can just manually download the nvidia packages.18:17
tj83_ok, great, thanks DanaG18:17
tj83_DanaG, am i missing something or is just not here? https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/drivers-only18:22
geniitj83_: I just had this issue, used bjsnider's ppa nvidia drivers and X finally started up18:23
tj83_genii, can you give a URL plz?18:23
geniitj83_: Gimme a minute18:23
tj83_np ty genii18:24
tj83_rough start for Lucid eh? :) while not everyone was so fortunate at first in karmic, atleast the nvidia guys were lucky, seems not so much this time around.18:25
tj83_genii, i think i got the url thanks tho18:27
geniitj83_: https://launchpad.net/~brandonsnider/+archive/ppa   click on the Technical Details about this PPA     for the sources.list sample entries. Might need to add the gpg key etc18:28
tj83_genii, ok, but is this for karmic or will it matter?18:29
geniitj83_: I'm using it on Lucid18:29
tj83_alrighty TY18:29
geniitj83_: np18:29
DanaGadd-apt-repository is easier.18:30
DanaGthat ppa doesn't have lucid.18:31
tj83_yea, little concerned about it myself, when more things change, could be an issue?18:31
tj83_DanaG, hey, now that's lookin nice18:32
tj83_yall wish me luck18:34
bjsniderthose are built using the old style, now deprecated18:37
DanaGOld style?18:37
bjsniderlibvdpau packages should not be built anymore18:38
bjsniderit's separate. my ppa has it the way it hsoud be done now18:38
bjsnideralthogh it will change again when alberto finishes the new scripts for lucid18:38
bjsniderwhich i intend to backport to the other distros too18:38
bjsnidermario's ppa has it the right way18:39
tj83_DanaG, works perfect. using ver 195, genii I'd use DanaG 's source just letting you know it seems cool here for me now.18:43
DanaGmario's ppa?18:43
DanaGI just googled nvidia 195 lucid, to find it.18:44
DanaGthe one I linked, I mean.18:44
* Blues-Man au revoir18:51
nperryOdd, why does aptitude want to remove plymouth18:59
nperryBut not want to install usplash again18:59
Ian_Cornenperry: broken dependencies?19:03
nperryLooks like it19:03
nperryubuntu-standard doesnt depend on either usplash or plymouth19:05
nperryraised bug 49920119:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 499201 in ubuntu-meta "[Lucid] ubuntu-standard doesn't depend on usplash or plymouth" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49920119:10
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soeewhat version of kde kubuntu 10.4 has now?20:32
TscheesyKDE4.4 Beta120:33
JontheEchidna4.4 beta2 is building at the moment, however20:34
soeeso beta 2 isnt avi yet ?20:35
JontheEchidnaright. soon though20:35
soeeok thnx20:35
BluesKajhaven't used quassel much , is there a word wrap option somewhere ?20:46
TscheesyBluesKaj: Shift-Enter perhaps?20:51
TscheesyIs it this20:53
Tscheesywhat you mean?20:53
soeeis there a chance that we see kde 4.4 beta 4 pkgs today?20:53
soee*beta 220:53
Tscheesysoee:  spreading the packages will also take it's time.. - so rather not20:54
soeeok, thanks Tscheesy20:55
Tscheesysoee: though i don't know your timezone ;D20:56
soeeits cet :)20:57
hggdhanyone having issues with the XFCE panel?21:16
hggdh*and* with the ATI X driver?21:19
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Spirits-SightHello, after doing the upgrade to 10.04 I am unable to get into gdm X it says some thing to do with localDisplay22:25
joaopintoSpirits-Sight, try login in into the console and: sudo service gdm start22:27
joaopintogdm is also failing to start on me from boot22:27
Spirits-Sightso type sudo service gdm start? nothing else?22:27
Spirits-SightI am using a nv video card which I believe was the cause22:28
joaopintoah, ok, so yoour problem is probably different22:28
joaopintoon my case i just need to sart gdm manually22:28
ToxinPoweHi, Anybody can tell me if NVIDIA's driver works in Lucid?22:29
Spirits-SightToxinPowe: as far as I can tell no as I am not able to get into gdm / x at this time22:29
Spirits-Sightafter updateing from 9.1022:30
ToxinPoweok, thanks22:30
bjsniderToxinPowe, use the nvidia-vdpau ppa22:39
hrochagood evening22:40
hrochai'm having trouble installing lucid22:40
hrochathe installer doesn't work22:41
hrochai tried running the installer from the command line with "ubiquity --desktop gtk_ui" and it fails after the 8th step with the following error22:41
hrocha(gksudo:13636): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_str_has_prefix: assertion `str != NULL' failed22:41
hrochado you know what might be the problem?22:45
darthanubishrocha, did you try this in virtualbox first?22:47
darthanubisa livecd or something?22:47
hrochano, my virtualbox doesn't support 64bit lucid22:47
darthanubisall vboxes support 64bit22:47
darthanubislatest ones anyway22:48
hrochai'm using the latest one and it says "trying to boot x86-64 on a i686 processor" or something like that22:48
hrochai'm inside the live session now22:48
hrochaand tried running ubiquity from the command line to see if i could find the error22:49
hrochafrom the error it seems that ubiquity is calling gksudo22:49
DanaGhmm, there's a #vbox channel, but it's sometimes very quiet in there.22:50
hrochai don't need vbox since i'm using the live session22:50
hrochalet me check ubiquiti's code22:50
douglasawh-work_not really a +1 issue, but not really getting anything from #ubuntu...I've got a some full disk encryption going on.  How do I get that mounted?22:51
spirits-sightOK, I am in 10.04 system again YEAH22:51
spirits-sightOK I would like to know how can I get so I have full res again for my nviade <-spelt wrong video card?22:52
DanaGhmm, what card? google for "nvidia 195 lucid" if it's a recent one.22:54
spirits-sightyes it is I was using the 185 before and computer is less then year or there about22:55
bjsniderspirits-sight, add the nvidia ppa and request the 195 driver22:56
spirits-sightbjsnider: what is the address or location for the ppa thanks22:57
bjsnidergoogle nvidia-vdpau ppa22:58
ToxinPoweAnyone has Lucid on Vbox and miss the mouse pointer with visual efects? xD23:02
hrochaok, i think i've found the bug by looking at ubiquiti's code23:04
hrochait calls gksudo but sends it an empty password23:05
hrochayou can get the same error if you just run gksudo and press OK23:05
hrochait aborts with the same assertion failure23:05
spirits-sightbjsnider: I seem not be able to just find what I need, if you don't mind could you assist?23:06
spirits-sightgoogle is givening way to much23:07
hrochahow the hell am i going to fix this23:08
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ToxinPowehrocha, download install cd, no live-cd23:09
hrochaToxinPowe, you mean the "alternate" cd?23:09
ToxinPoweI don't know what name is, pero yes, the "no-live" version works for me in virtualbox23:11
ToxinPoweI have this problem with ubiquity too23:11
ToxinPowehrocha, o better23:13
ToxinPowestart cd23:13
ToxinPoweand choose Install ubuntu23:13
ToxinPoweno live-cd system23:13
hrochaToxinPowe, that doesn't work also23:17
bjsniderspirits-sight, what is your level of linux expertise at this point?23:17
spirits-sightI found this https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/nvidia?field.series_filter=lucid is it good23:17
ToxinPoweok hrocha sry, works for me ;(23:18
bjsniderit's using the older packagin style that installs the libvdpau stuff thru the nvidia driver23:18
bjsniderspirits-sight, https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa23:19
spirits-sightbjsnider: here goes keep figures crossed :-) restarting23:24
soeegush gimme beta 2 packages :)23:24
bjsniderAmaranth, ping23:26
i_is_brokecrimsun, did you do a update for karmic recently?23:27
spirits-sightthanks bjsnider IT IS NOW working :-)23:41
bjsniderit is NOW working?23:42
bjsniderwhat graphics card is that?23:42
spirits-sightthat the nvidia23:49
spirits-sightand yes its working NOW :-)23:49
bjsnideryes but which nvidia card?23:50

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