
=== sandy_ is now known as sandy|lurk
m0arIs this the place to get help with ubuntu one?07:38
m0arWhen trying to reach my files over the web, the pages just load infinitely when clicking a file. Am i missing something?07:43
aquariusm0ar, that shouldn't happen :)07:50
m0araquarius: Well, it's wierd ,_;07:50
aquariuslet me check whether it's happening for me07:50
m0arAny ideas?07:50
aquariusright, not happening to me. Which web browser are you using?07:50
m0arFirefox shiretoko07:52
m0arThe files are listed in red text in one.ubuntu.com/files07:52
m0arThe small cloud-thingie tells me that my folders are up to date07:52
aquariusah, so the web interface loads, it's just when actually downloading a file that it doesn't work07:54
m0araquarius: Yep07:55
aquariusworking for me in Chromium; let me try FF3.507:55
m0araquarius: Oh, now it works :s07:56
aquariusm0ar, there you go then, I fixed it.07:56
aquariusnot really :)07:56
m0arHasn't been working for three days, now it does :D07:56
aquariusI'm glad it works now...07:56
m0araquarius: Thanks for keeping me company :D07:56
aquariusmight have been a weird blip07:56
* aquarius laughs07:56
aquariusSorry I can't actually tell you what the problem was!07:57
m0ar :D07:57
m0arI'll have to hit the bus, see you around07:57
aquariuscheers. later!07:57
rtgzaquarius, hi, may I ask you about ubuntuone deb package?10:22
aquariusrtgz, sure10:22
rtgzaquarius, bzr branch lp:ubuntuone-client; cd ubuntuone-client; echo "How do I build deb properly out of this?"10:23
aquariusah, that bit I don't know all that much about :(10:24
aquariussorry !10:24
rtgzaquarius, yep, it looks like it is somewhere near, but I just can't get it :), ~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/karmic/ubuntuone-client/karmic seems to be somehow related though... but I just want a liiitle tiny deb... :)10:25
aquariusrtgz, yeah. that branch is the "packaging branch". The process is *something* like merging in the packaging branch and then doing "debuild", but I don't actually know very much about it :(10:25
aquariuspeople who will definitely know: kenvandine, dobey, cardinalfang10:26
aquariusall of whom are in the US and therefore asleep :(10:26
rtgzso far my workaround was to apply all patches, then take changes and apply on top of sources downloaded from ppa. Which works, but I feel that I am cheating...10:27
rtgzaquarius, yup, will hunt them here10:27
aquariuswell, the patches should be in the upstream source?10:27
rtgzaquarius, no, i mean i have several branches now and when I get them all together, then I still need to unpack the sources containing the debian/ directory, stuff my files into these sources and rebuild10:28
aquariusI *think* the way you're best to do it is:10:29
aquariusbzr branch lp:~rtgz/ubuntuone/mybranch mybranch; cd mybranch; bzr merge lp:~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/karmic/ubuntuone-client/karmic; debuild10:30
aquariusi.e., you merge the packaging branch into your branch locally, and then build10:30
aquariusbut I am not strong on this stuff10:30
* rtgz slaps his forehead10:30
rtgzbut it is still not clear how ppas get built..10:32
aquariusas I understand it, you check code in and launchpad builds it in a PPA for you?10:33
rtgzaquarius, yup, but ... no, I am not yet deb-enlightened, need some more time to grasp this. I liked Slackware approach though :)10:38
aquariushomeasvs_, ping?11:08
aquariushomeasvs_, have you been looking at pytohn-keyring for desktopcouch?11:09
aquariushomeasvs_, and...are there instructions around for how to install desktopcouch on fedora and the n900? I'd like to update http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/desktopcouch/Documentation/Installing11:33
rtgzhe-he, max object size for Amazon S3 is 5Gb ATM. Fortunately, most of the users will not notice this with their 2Gb plan. But some paying users might be upset if U1 does not do any object split/merge on their side.11:56
aquariusrtgz, we do, don't worry :)12:09
rtgzaquarius, then this needs to be called a "feature" :)12:10
* aquarius checks that his understanding is correct :)12:10
rtgzhow exactly a honk should be made if I want a music store?12:25
aquariusyou say to me: I want a music store12:29
aquariusand then I say: I am working on it :)12:29
rtgzah, so these three "honks" I did previously were not registered :)12:52
rtgz"This bug is released (rev 288) in the Ubuntu One beta PPA":  Bug #488413, don't think I would want to update to PPA after reading this sentence right away...13:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 488413 in ubuntuone-client "NoAccessToken: SD crashes when no access token found" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48841313:21
rtgz"is fixed" ?13:21
verterokrtgz: is fixed in trunk13:25
verterokrtgz: but it's "in progress" in the package, as it's proposed for SRU13:26
rtgzverterok, yep, it might me, but "This bug is released in the Ubuntu One beta PPA" might be just a typo13:26
verterokheh, yes13:27
dobeyit's fixed in the stable PPA as well13:50
TimH1iPhone app would be handy but I guess takes some work. Could the web page be changed to work properly with an iPhone / other mobile browsers instead?13:51
rtgzTimH1, building Maemo stuff at the moment (Google Android already set up). Will start poking devs about if web site does not work properly soon :)13:54
TimH1What's maemo? Sorry for ignorance.13:54
rtgzTimH1, Nokia OS based on Linux for N800 etc. network tablets and N900 Smartphone13:55
TimH1Good stuff. Thanks for all the work!13:59
statikhey there greg-g, i'm not sure why your account is jacked up but we're trying to figure it out14:39
aquariusdobey, ping?14:39
dobeyaquarius: hi14:45
aquariusdobey, you're working today?14:45
dobeyaquarius: today, tomorrow, and wednesday, yes14:45
aquariusdobey, if so, you need to change the channel topic :)14:45
aquariusunless you've swapped Face?14:45
dobeyi can't change the topic :)14:45
=== urbanape_ is now known as urbanape
=== aquarius changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Talk to dobey if you have problems | https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Please honk if you want a music store
aquariusto daah :)14:46
urbanapemorning, folks14:46
Chipacadesktop+ meeting begins. aquarius, CardinalFang, dobey, jblount, mandel, rodrigo, rtgz, teknico, urbanape, vds: you know how it works: say "me" to get a turn, then in your turn say your done/todo/blocked status. Weekly planning will follow, one-on-one, so please do not leave.15:01
vdsteknico is off this week15:02
rtgzme (though not much to say)15:02
Chipacavds: I was about to say :)15:04
Chipacadobey: jblount: ping15:04
Chipacaok. vds: go!15:06
vdsDONE: started a branch to fix #498324, I'll add also the changes I had to do to field_mapping to this branch. tested SMSes with not much luck so far.15:06
vdsTODO: finish this branch, setup funambol to send sms messages15:06
vdsBLOCKED: no15:06
vdsaquarius, you're up!15:06
aquarius⚀ DONE: get documentation on how to sign in to test music store; build example Python music store wrapper widget; tell rodrigo_ about it15:06
aquarius⚁ TODO: create music store auth URLs; create fake music store for testing; continue work on desktopcouch developer docs; publish DC HTML API docs somewhere (where?); look at Tomboy xml/html translator; work with rodrigo on Music Store; write up things learned at UDS; step-by-step guide to what happens during contact sync; hand off "pipe" to transfer data between two HTTP connections with twisted 9.0 to lucio's team15:06
aquarius; make tomboy first-sync experience nicer15:06
aquarius⚂ BLOCKED: not being able to think of where to put DC API docs because I am clearly stupid15:06
aquariusurbanape, you're in the chair15:06
urbanapeDONE: Kept my ubuntuone-servers branch up to date with trunk, but needs some CSS lovin' from jblount. Bindwood manifest branch is proceeding apace. Had to make some decisions about15:06
urbanapeclient-generated _ids.15:06
urbanapeTODO: Get manifest parsing going on, so we can easily track movments and structure.15:06
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:06
urbanaperodrigo_: go go go15:06
rodrigo_• DONE: Vacation. Sync with aquarius about music store work. Some tiny fixes in mobile notes web UI15:06
rodrigo_• TODO: Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers). Make sandy's snowy test suite work with our server (http://git.gnome.org/cgit/snowy/tree/api/tests.py). Discuss with jdo and aquarius about oauth token per app, not per machine? Look at Canola. Add envvar to override music store default location15:06
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: no15:06
rodrigo_CardinalFang: go!15:07
CardinalFangDONE: Got source package branch updated and uploaded.15:07
CardinalFangTODO: Tag it and get it merged.  Give mandel feedback about wrapper branch.15:07
CardinalFangBLOCKED: The SRU wiki page says things that are impossible.15:07
CardinalFangrtgz, what do you know?15:07
rtgzDONE: Found alternative way for #498019 (NautilusGetFileItemsCalledTwice). Posted some idea for NautilusFolderEmblems to #440848.15:07
rtgzTODO: Update ubuntuone-client-diagnose with the latest bug info. Find more bugs. Test UI on Android and Maemo platforms. Create more feature request tickets. Hack more for "Shared with Me" folder emblem support (if nobody else does this).15:07
rtgzBLOCK: (null)15:07
rtgzdobey, you are welcome!15:07
dobey☺ DONE: Reviews, Fixed get_metadata to return full paths, More initial new client work15:07
dobey☹ TODO: Face day, Reviews, New Client Code, E-mail motu-council15:07
dobey☹ BLCK: None.15:07
Chipacaok, thank you all15:08
Chipacameeting ends15:08
greg-gstatik: hey man, thanks for checking into it.15:08
greg-gwhew, I wasn't looking when I replied, I almost interrupted the meeting :)15:09
Chipacagreg-g: heh, no problem even if you did :)15:10
Chipacaaquarius: your TODO looks like a lot of things. Do you think you'll do all that this week?15:10
aquariusChipaca, not at all15:10
aquariusChipaca, it's my todo basically forever.15:10
aquariusChipaca, I can change it to be my todo just for this week, but I don't want to forget about the other stuff.15:11
Chipacaaquarius: no, no, that's fine15:11
Chipacaaquarius: can you create bugs for those that don't, and then in the next meetings mention the bug numbers?15:11
Chipacaaquarius: for those that don't have them already, i mean15:11
Chipacaaquarius: then a bit of tagging should get them into a few of our burndown charts15:12
aquariusChipaca, I can do...things on my to-do list tend to be high-level stuff which I can't time-estimate, though, rather than low-level stuff that's suited to bugs. They're more stories than bugs.15:12
Chipacajoshuahoover1: do you have suggestions for tagging for taht?15:12
urbanapeooh, bugs for todos. good idea.15:12
* urbanape goes to makes some bugs15:12
Chipacaaquarius: I'll take a story-bug until it can be split into task-bugs15:12
joshuahoover1Chipaca: sorry, catching up on your conversation first15:13
aquariusChipaca, OK, no problem, I will do so15:13
* aquarius adds "make bugs for all items in this todo list" to his todo list.:)15:13
rtgzurbanape, hey, these bugs will be easily discovered, even before the actual commit... So some part of me likes this idea...15:13
Chipacais there a way to tie blueprints to bugs?15:14
dobeyChipaca: i am not sure. you can link branches, not sure about bugs15:14
* Chipaca makes a note to look that up15:14
dobeyChipaca: yes, you can link bugs also15:14
joshuahoover1Chipaca, aquarius: all the work on the store should be captured in the blueprint work items...if the daily report is more detailed, that's fine...but we need to make sure that we know what work item in the blueprint we're working towards completing15:14
Chipacadobey: ah, great15:14
Chipacajoshuahoover1: ah, so I should be asking people to add work items to the blueprints, rather than bugs to be tied to the blueprint?15:15
dobeyChipaca: and we can make sprints in http://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints and link our blueprints to sprints, too15:17
joshuahoover1Chipaca: yeah, since that's how the platform team captures the work for the burndown charts...for the web work and mobile sync stuff, we'll need to use bugs with tags...i'm thinking something simple on the tags for those...like if jblount is working on files web ui improvement bugs, we tag those u1-lucid-files-web-ui...i'd like all bugs during lucid like this to start with u1-lucid and then match to the story/project they're a part15:17
dobeyoh, or there's a register meeting button on http://blueprints.launcphad.net/ubuntuone-client also15:17
Chipacajoshuahoover1: ok, good thing I asked when I asked then :)15:18
Chipacaaquarius: you read what joshuahoover1 said?15:18
dobeyspeaking of which15:18
* Chipaca swats ants off of his notebook15:18
dobeyhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client has some stuff we should probably "triage"15:18
joshuahoover1Chipaca: yeah, it's on my to-do today to help you guys get those tagged up...i'm going through the project tracker sheet and will give recommended tags for each feature that's not a blueprint15:19
aquariusChipaca, I do, but I'm not totally sure I understand what joshuahoover1 said. I need to look at everything on my todo list and make it a work item on a blueprint (possibly creating that blueprint)? Work items aren't tracked; they're just words in the description, right? So how does this help with burndown?15:19
joshuahoover1aquarius: you're working on the music store full time, correct?15:20
aquariusfor the moment, yes15:20
Chipacaaquarius: blueprints for what you're working on should exist already. Work items are "just" words in the description, following a certain format, that is pulled out by scripts15:20
Chipacaaquarius: have you seen the burndown charts?\15:20
aquariusChipaca, oh, something parses the work items? cool! I didn't know that15:21
Chipacaaquarius: yes :)15:21
aquariusblueprints for what I am working on do exist. It's the more ephemeral things in my todo list, like "improve the tomboy first-sync experience", that don't yet have blueprints, because they don't exist anywhere other than my todo list. It's something I added so as not to lose track of it.15:21
joshuahoover1aquarius: so all music store stuff should be captured in the music store blue print under the work items15:21
Chipacajoshuahoover1: as I understand it the blueprint work items are more like stories than tasks, right?15:22
joshuahoover1aquarius: that's the kind of stuff i don't have any visibility into at all15:22
joshuahoover1Chipaca: correct15:22
Chipacaaquarius: for work that is not in blueprints then, please create bugs15:23
aquariusjoshuahoover1, yep, because it's not even clear whether we'll be doing it or not, and I have no idea whatsoever how much work it is. I mean, I would like, at some point in the future, to think about deploying couchapps on our infrastructure. Might not happen for 5 years. Do you want that as 100% incomplete in the burndown charts for the next five years?15:23
Chipacaaquarius: later today we'll work on some kind of tagging system with joshuahoover1 to help us wade through it15:23
dobeyit would be nice to be able to convert blueprints to bugs, since most of these seem like wishlist bugs, and not blueprints15:23
joshuahoover1aquarius: i understand...no, we only want stuff we plan on doing for lucid showing up in the burn down charts...the other stuff can be captured elsewhere (where? not sure the answer on that right at the moment) but we don't want it affecting burndown charts15:25
dobeyaquarius: work items should ideally be bugs i think15:25
joshuahoover1dobey: agreed...it's less than ideal imo (the current setup), but we're trying to match what the platform team is doing on lucid so we can track things more consistently there across the board15:25
dobeyjoshuahoover1: the burn down charts only deal with blueprints on Ubuntu itself as i understand15:25
aquariusjoshuahoover1, exactly my point; currently, "the other stuff" that I want to do is in my todo list. So, joshuahoover1, Chipaca, you want me to make those items be bugs instead?15:25
joshuahoover1dobey: no, they have our work there too15:25
dobeyjoshuahoover1: yes, all the things from UDS are blueprints on ubuntu15:26
dobeyjoshuahoover1: it doesn't have http://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client things as i understand it15:26
joshuahoover1aquarius: sure, if it's future work, not necessarily for lucid, then put them in bugs for now and tag them in a way you'll be able to find them later :)15:26
aquariusok, no worries.15:26
Chipacaaquarius: I can't think of an easier way to bring your bus factor down :)15:26
joshuahoover1dobey: how about this? https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/lucid-ubuntu-one-client-app15:26
aquariusChipaca, heh, not a bad point, that one :)15:26
dobeyjoshuahoover1: see the /ubuntu/ there15:27
dobeyjoshuahoover1: that's not /ubuntuone-client/ :)15:27
urbanapeWhere in the blueprints do we create additional work items?15:27
joshuahoover1dobey: :)15:27
dobeyurbanape: i think the ubuntu stuff gets specified in the whiteboard, in a certain format15:28
dobeyurbanape: but *i* think they should be bugs, and linked to the blueprint15:28
joshuahoover1urbanape: all the u1 blueprints have workitems so you add them there and follow the same format...i'll send out an email to explain this since i haven't done a good job of letting people know what's going on there :)15:28
dobeyurbanape: or branches, linked to the blueprint15:28
joshuahoover1dobey: agreed, but that's not how the platform team wants to track them at the moment (as workitems in the blueprint whiteboard)15:29
Chipacajoshuahoover1: wasn't the format explained in a wiki page somewhere?15:29
urbanapejoshuahoover1: thanks15:29
urbanapedobey: cool15:29
dobeyit's hard enough trying to follow blueprints as-is15:29
joshuahoover1Chipaca: yep, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WorkItemsHowto15:29
urbanapeI agree. They seem very hub-ish15:30
dobeyjoshuahoover1: yes, i understand that15:30
dobeyjoshuahoover1: for future-ish stuff like aquarius is putting into bugs/blueprints though, i think they can be done on the specific projects, and we can use bugs/branches15:31
dobeywell, except for any private projects15:31
dobeybecause i don't think blueprints work well for that, yet15:31
Chipacadobey: we need the platform team to know where we stand. That means we need to put this information in blueprints.15:31
joshuahoover1dobey: yes...we don't have "a way" to do that per se so bugs/branches on the projects is fine15:31
Chipacadobey: on the plus side, you can think of blueprints' work items as tracking user stories, and bugs for tracking tasks, and you should be ok15:32
dobeyChipaca: the platform team shouldn't care about what our "futuristic space station" plans are, they care about what we're doing for lucid15:33
dobeyChipaca: and all that stuff is already in blueprints on the ubuntu distribution (as opposed to on desktopcouch or ubuntuone-client)15:33
Chipacadobey: not all of it is yet broken down to work items15:34
dobeyChipaca: so if we had http://blueprints.launchpad.net/desktopcouch/+spec/giant-laser-on-the-moon it shouldn't affect the platform team's charts or perception of us, while the music store on the other hand, is obviously important for lucid :)15:35
Chipacadobey: yes. Suddenly I get the impression you're talking about something different than I am15:35
dobeyChipaca: yes, but for aquarius's "i want to build a web app thing in the futures" it doesn't belong as work items on the current blueprints i don't think15:35
Chipacayes, I agree (hadn't I said that already?)15:36
dobeyChipaca: i think the discussion got sidetracked a bit, because there was a question about whether having a new blueprint would screw up the burndown charts15:36
dobeyChipaca: and i was trying to explain that stuff is only based ono blueprints against Ubuntu itself (which the music store, new client app, and user folders specs all are)15:37
Chipacaah, I missed that question15:37
Chipacawe should be creating no new blueprints15:37
Chipacaall the blueprints we're working on have been signed off by Mark already :)15:37
dobeyno new blueprints against Ubuntu, yes15:38
CardinalFangMy Gnome Notification Area in my top Panel has two slots that are empty-ish.  They're next to each other.  The backgrounds are grey, not the translucent of the rest of the panel and notif-icons.  They contain the contents of the two adjacent slots to the right.  It's like something claimed a slot, and has no onPaint() method (or whatever).  Has anyone else seen this kind of thing?15:38
dobeybut a giant-laser-on-the-moon desktopcouch blueprint on desktopcouch, for aquarius to throw down ideas for future stuff with desktopcouch, i think is fine15:38
Chipacadobey: but then we go back to the visibility of stuff in blueprints15:39
dobeyCardinalFang: i've seen evidence that there may be more afoot in the notification area15:39
dobeyChipaca: yes, but if one is pasting it in one's stand-up TODO in #ubuntuone, it's not really a visibility issue15:40
Chipacadobey: point15:40
dobeyChipaca: we just need to not use blueprints for obviously private things15:40
dobeyChipaca: granted, that won't stop other users from creating blueprints, either15:41
Chipaca*sigh* I'm trying to find the easiest way for us all to keep top-down visibility into our dev process, keeping things as lightweight as possible, and am willing to try lots of things until we find something that works15:41
rtgzCardinalFang, seen that, got 2 volume controls, could not reproduce so far since no extra applets were seem to be running15:41
dobeyas evidenced by https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers15:41
dobeyChipaca: i know. i am just trying to help push that in a direction which i think makes sense for doing so15:42
Chipacadobey: I appreciate it15:43
dobeyChipaca: the big problem is that no matter how we do it, if we do it in some public forum, random people are going to participate in some manner, which can be good, or bad15:43
CardinalFangA to-do item is hopefully imminent work.  That's too late for someone to steal/corrupt/block our work, I think.   A blueprint may mention work 6 months out, and that's far enough for Evil Corp to mobilize and break it.15:43
Chipacaaquarius: so, going back a little, do you know where and what to do re planning, blueprints and bugs?15:44
dobeywell i think google already has an app server thing, so we're probably safe for putting "coudhdb app engine" as a blueprint :)15:44
aquariusChipaca, as I understand it, now, anything that is to be done for Lucid against an existing blueprint goes into that blueprint as a work item, and everything else goes in as a bug. (There should be nothing which is due for Lucid and doesn't already have a blueprint.)15:45
dobeybut if blueprints are ever only going to be used to plan stuff for the next release of ubuntu, they seem pretty useless, and a hindrance, for our per-project planning15:45
Chipacaaquarius: right. the level of things in the work items are *stories*, not tasks15:45
Chipacaaquarius: so tasks for stories in work items in blueprints are bugs15:45
Chipacaaquarius: if you understood that far, please explain it to me again because I got lost15:46
aquariusI reckon I've got it, now. Probably.15:46
aquariuscan't help thinking that "put them in a tomboy note", which is what I've got at the moment, is quite a lot easier ;)15:46
* dobey wonders how one triages blueprints15:48
Chipacaaquarius: well... python-desktopcouch and python-launchpadlib :)15:49
Chipaca(or whatever the python couch thing is called)15:49
aquariusChipaca, heh. Yes. I should back-end my tomboy note to launchpad :P15:49
rtgzBy posting a note in ubuntuone, you get it posted to blogger, livejournal, twitter, and CNN web site. All from one place. Ubuntu One.15:50
rtgz... and launchpad blueprint. After all that's not such a bad idea :)15:51
rtgzsorry for interrupting, will stare on the enormous amount of letters for some more time...15:51
Chipacartgz: are you working on the CNN plugin?15:54
dobeyyeah, that would be great15:54
rtgzChipaca, I knew that nobody will ask about blogger and twitter...15:54
dobeyfacebook status becomes a launchpad blueprint15:54
dobeywhat a lovely world it would be15:55
rtgz[save as "Breaking News"] from web ui15:55
ChipacaCardinalFang, dobey, jblount, rodrigo, teknico, urbanape, vds: if you haven't, please follow the conversation since the standup meeting ended. Please get the stories you are working on into the blueprints if they're part of a blueprint, or into a bug if not15:55
urbanapeI like the idea more of making bugs as work items that we tie to blueprints.15:56
Chipacaurbanape: bugs are for *tasks*, and yes you should do that too15:56
Chipacaurbanape: and we'll use bugs for stories that don't have blueprints until we can think of someplace better. dobey says (if I understand correctly) that we should put them in blueprints of our own (not in /ubuntu), but he also says that blueprints should die :)15:57
Chipacaso I don't care if stories not related to ubuntu blueprints are in bugs or tasks in our own blueprints, but they've got to be *some*where, ok?15:58
vdsChipaca: can blueprints be private?16:04
urbanapewell, I think it's reasonable that bugs/stories/tasks are somewhat intertwined.16:04
Chipacavds: I don't know. I'm looking.16:05
Chipacavds: my launchpad is terribly slow today, though16:06
Chipacamust be the clouds or sth16:06
vdsChipaca: I think can't and that's why we are using bugs to represent stories16:06
Chipacavds: but now the stories (for lucid) are no longer secret in any way16:07
dobeyvds: no16:10
dobeyvds: blueprints aren't private, nor are sprints16:11
dobeyvds: and we can't disable blueprints for a project, it seems16:11
rodrigo_where does python expect modules to be installed? isn't .../share/pyshared enough?16:31
rodrigo_ah, libdir/python/site-packages16:32
rodrigo_dist-packages? under libdir/python?16:34
rodrigo_isn't there a pkg-config like to know where to install it?16:34
rodrigo_(btw, it's a module of my own, which python doesn't find wherever I install it)16:35
Chipacarodrigo_: isn't this taken care of by the dh python stuff?16:35
* Chipaca doesn't know16:36
rodrigo_dh is for packages, this is a source module, no package yet16:36
Chipacaah, my bad16:38
rtgzOk, me goes away, if I don't return today then -12 C is really cold :)16:41
=== rtgz is now known as rtg|outer_space
rtg|outer_spacei might be mistaking but one.ubuntu.com looks really weird in Maemo... erm.. I mean that on files tab there are no... files..16:44
* rtg|outer_space will happily harvest bugs in Maemo now16:45
rodrigo_rtg|outer_space: yeah, doesn't show up on my n900 neither16:46
rodrigo_oh, yes, it does, it's on the n810 that doesn't16:48
rtg|outer_spacerodrigo_, hm, looks like js broke there... aaah... need to go!16:49
dobeywhenever rodrigo gets back, tell him I can help him with the installing python modules stuff after I get back from lunch :)17:20
urbanapejblount: you around?17:33
Chipacaurbanape: off sick17:34
urbanapeah, so.17:37
urbanapek, well, I'll continue keeping my u-s branch up to date with trunk.17:37
urbanapeaquarius: so, I was thinking of a way to handle the uuid -> _id transition.17:40
aquariusurbanape, OK17:41
urbanapeI was thinking too much about making them all similar.17:41
urbanapebut I don't think that's necessary.17:41
urbanapeBindwood (the extension) already knows to update a local bookmark's annotation with an appropriate uuid if it comes from Couch. That being the case, we could just make the local annotation be the Couch record's _id.17:41
urbanapeIt'll still be unique.17:42
aquariuswon't that screw you up on a different machine?17:43
aquariusoh, sorry, you mean "get the couch record's _id and store that on the firefox bookmark", gotcha.17:43
urbanapecorrect, exactly17:44
urbanapeAnd then, when we create new records, we will use a locally-generated uuid17:45
urbanapeet voila! No need for migration, no need for messy conditional code.17:45
urbanapeIt will leave behind the application_annotations.Firefox.uuid field, unless we want to opportunistically remove that (which I'd kinda rather not)17:46
=== Bertrand_ is now known as bl8
aquariusOK...I have thought that through and I can't see an issue with it. Sweet.17:57
aquariusgood work!17:57
xanthello everyone18:25
xantDoes ubuntu one synchronize .* files?18:25
CardinalFangxant, I think it does.  The filename shouldn't matter.18:26
xantHow do I make Ubuntu one to recheck the files for changes?18:27
CardinalFangxant, Hrm.  It should use the kernel's inotify system so that any change triggers re-inspection.  If the timestamp doesn't matter, you could 'touch' the file.18:28
CardinalFangxant, confirmed, "> .a-dotfile" created, and it showed up in web UI immediately.18:29
xantCardinalFang, I'm to trying to use EncFS + Ubuntu One18:29
CardinalFangxant, fair enough.  I use them both.18:30
CardinalFangAt different mount points, note.18:30
xantCardinalFang, successfully?18:30
CardinalFangxant, yes.  Oh, let me guess -- you're putting the encrypted blocks in Ubuntu One, instead of what I'm doing, running an encrypted home with one directory inside, Ubuntu One, that is sync'd up and not encrypted on the 'net.18:32
xantCardinalFang, your data is not stored encrypted on the ubuntu one servers, is it?18:33
CardinalFangxant, are you sure that the encfs triggers the same inotify events as writing files normally?18:33
CardinalFangxant, No.  Everything I have there is not Sekrit.18:34
CardinalFangso, we're doing different things.  f(g()   g(f())18:35
xantCardinalFang, I'm not. Regardless of Encfs, my ubuntu one is broken for some reason.18:35
CardinalFangxant, tell us about it.18:36
xanthttps://one.ubuntu.com/files/ gives me 503 Service Unavailable18:37
xantCardinalFang, do you get the same error?18:38
=== rtg|outer_space is now known as rtgz
rtgzMO NI TO RING! Guys!18:38
CardinalFangIt sure does, xant.18:38
rtgzme is back18:38
xantAfter some really long delay, ubuntu one started to synchronize the files18:39
rtgzThe wording is also pretty strange, "No server is available to handle this request"?18:39
CardinalFangYah.  Weird.18:39
pfibigerthere is supposed to be a more descriptive error page. we're taking services down for a window to do some hardware upgrades.18:40
* pfibiger looks into it18:40
rtgzpfibiger, it would be much better if somebody posted a twitter note about this18:40
rtgzseeing that the service down _after_ end users do notice is pretty scary.18:41
xantHas anyone managed to set up ubuntu one wih his or her files encrypted on the ubuntu one servers?18:41
CardinalFangxant, Sorry, I don't know.  It should be possible, but the method is kind of weird.  A future version of Ubuntu One will allow you to pick the targets that are synchronized.  On that day, it will be easy to pick the ciphertext directory.  Right now, there are at least three things that are tricky to set up.18:44
xantMy upload speed is around 45 kB/s18:44
aquariusxant, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8517221 may be helpful18:44
CardinalFangxant, also, there's the cost of uploading blocks instead of diffs.  A single character changes, the block-cipher makes the remaining several kilobytes change, and all of those get uploaded and downloaded.  it's expensive.18:45
rtgzCardinalFang, erm, I don't think U1 uploads deltas right now18:46
CardinalFangOh.  Huh.  So much for if-I-had-designed-it assumptions.18:46
xantCardinalFang, what are the three tricky things? :-)18:46
xantaquarius, thanks. But I've already read it. I'm following the poster's method18:47
aquariusxant, oh, OK :)18:47
CardinalFangxant, er, I don't know.  Just estimating.  mount path.  order of startup.  U1 passphrase in keyring, but keyring in home directory chicken-and-egg problem. ... perhaps more.18:48
aquariusxant, are you trying to encrypt the whole contents of your Ubuntu One folder, or are you trying to have an encrypted folder inside your Ubuntu One folder?18:49
xantaquarius, the latter18:50
aquariusxant, how have you set it up? Sorry, I know I'm coming in late, here18:50
xantI've got an encrypted /home/xant/Ubuntu One/private folder with Encfs18:52
aquariusand that's mounted somewhere else?18:52
rtgzGuys, someone post something to identi.ca / twitter about server downtime. Otherwise new bug reports will be coming...18:52
xantIt's mounted to /home/xant/documents18:52
xantwith the following command18:52
aquariusI'll post about it18:53
xantencfs ~/Ubuntu\ One/private/ ~/documents18:53
xantI'm basically following the steps in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=851722118:54
xantIs ubuntu one down?18:55
rtgzxant, <pfibiger> there is supposed to be a more descriptive error page. we're taking services down for a window to do some hardware upgrades.18:55
xantWill I need to unmount the directory or will ubuntu one synchronize it right away?18:56
xantrtgs, thanks18:56
aquariusxant, yes, we're down at the moment to upgrade various bits of hardware -- which will not help your testing, I know :)18:59
dobeywhat's up?19:26
rtgzhttp://voices.canonical.com/ubuntuone/ might be updated as well (I know that you all already hate me) :)19:27
rtgzdobey, nothing is up, everything is down19:29
dobeytranslated: what did i miss?19:37
rtgzdobey, EncFS over Ubuntu One discussion, sync service is down ATM. To be continued...19:38
xanthello everyone one more time19:45
xantUbuntu one seems to be back19:45
rtgzxant, file proxy seems to be down19:46
dobeyindeed it does19:46
dobeyrtgz: you mean you can't download/upload files?19:47
rtgzaquarius, files.one.ubuntu.com/{uuid} gives Service Temporarily Unavailable19:47
rtgzIf i remember it right, aquarius is related to the web service...19:49
dobeyrtgz: it's still off for the moment19:49
dobeyrtgz: should be back in a few minutes though, as the various pieces come back up on the new hardware :)19:49
aquariusrtgz, it's on its way back :)19:49
rtgzaquarius, tell me when you think it starts and I check various bits (including sharing, upload/download)19:53
aquariusrtgz, pfibiger has a clearer picture of when everything comes back up than I do, so I'm waiting to hear from him too :)19:54
aquariusdoes anyone know what happened to rodrigo, btw? :)19:54
pfibigerrtgz, aquarius: i'll let you know when all the pieces are up. the way our sysadmins do the deploy, some parts are staggered. it should only be a couple minutes more19:57
dobeyrtgz: are you using lucid yet?20:00
rtgzdobey, not yet20:00
* rtgz went to see the iso images...20:02
dobeyi'm just looking for someone to try running the ubuntuone-client tests on lucid, to see if the twisted tests fail in the same way for others running lucid :)20:03
dobeyi'm not running it yet either20:03
rtgzdobey, he he he, getting the image (but in VM for now) :)20:04
rtgzMaemo: "Could not delete old cached thumbnail [...] Error removing file: No such file or directory" Such error messages are awesome...20:14
faalis there something wrong with ubuntuone today?20:38
dobeyhi faal20:38
dobeyit's currently down for some maintenence on hardware20:38
faalokey, any eta?20:38
dobeythe various pieces are coming back up though, and should be in full swing again soon20:39
faalok cool, that sounds good20:39
dobeyis there a particular problem you're having?20:39
faalyeah I can't download my files20:39
faalService Temporarily Unavailable20:39
dobeyok, yes. the file server for upload and download via the web is still down it seems, and is being worked on right now to get it back up.20:40
dobeyshould be back up shortly, i would expect. :)20:41
faalok cool, need a file so I can start working :-)20:43
rtgzfile sync via client seems to be up now. The Web UI side is down and the relevant bug reports started to appear.20:51
dobeyfaal: the software client should work now. just the files access on the web is having some trouble at the moment, but ops are working on it :)20:52
faalokay yeah I'm on my mac so I can't use the software client unfortunately20:52
dobeyfaal: can you try again now? looks like they should be up :)20:56
rtgzdl up20:58
rtgzupload up20:59
dobeythanks rtgz20:59
faalyeah it's working, thanks!21:01
faalcu guys21:01
faganI dont have a problem but I have a little question about the music store, did anyone suggest using rhythmbox's rating system for anything in the store?21:04
rtgzok, everything seems to be ok now with the web ui.21:05
* fagan was at the meeting at the UDS but forgot to ask21:05
dobeyi don't remember if that was suggested or not21:06
dobeybut i'm not sure ratings will be doable for the lucid music store any way21:06
fagandobey: well it was just an idea21:06
dobeythe lucid music store is going to be an embedded web page21:06
xantwhat music store?21:07
dobeyfagan: sure. i don't know if it was mentioned or not. i agree it would be good to have for the more native store for post-lucid though :)21:07
faganxant: there is going to be a music store in rhytmbox for lucid21:07
fagandobey: well ill mention it in the next UDS then :)21:07
aquariusfagan, how are you imagining that ratings would work? You're thinking something along the lines of: I view a song in the Music Store, and I see next to it "Ubuntu One users rated this sing 3.6", where 3.6 is an average of all the ratings given to that song by people who've bought it?21:08
faganaquarius: thats it :)21:08
dobeyaquarius: or integrate with $partner's ratings as well21:08
aquariusfagan, that won't happen for Lucid, but it's worthy of discussion (and it would be possible to implement 90% of it without actually touching the music store, and then you come and talk to me about how to display the resulting value :))21:08
dobey(assuming they have that)21:08
aquariusfagan, there are privacy concerns with it, though.21:09
aquariusdobey, they do not, as far as I can tell; I was just checkig that21:09
aquariusxant, yep, you'll be able to buy whatever music you want direct from your Ubuntu desktop21:09
dobeyexcept for Garth Brooks21:10
* fagan loves that its actually happening :)21:10
fagandobey: oh no I love a bit of Garth21:10
aquariusdobey, and AC/DC. I know. I can't fix that, though21:10
CardinalFangThat's a special case.  assert song.artist != 'Brooks, Garth'21:10
dobeyaquarius: and MC Hawking21:10
aquariusMC Hawking has an actual record deal??21:10
xantWho will the music store be operated by?21:11
faganhave you guys signed with a partner yet?21:11
CardinalFangfagan, that's kind of sensitive.21:11
faganCardinalFang: awh21:11
dobeyaquarius: MC Hawking is buyable on amazon and lala though :)21:12
aquariusdobey, orly? How does that work, then?21:12
dobeyaquarius: not sure. i guess he gets a penny for every song sold or something :)21:12
aquariusdobey, I understand how the concept of royalties works :)21:13
dobeyaquarius: i don't know how the underlying deal with those stores works for independent artists, no :)21:13
aquariusAC/DC aren't on Amazon, so it's not just Some Mystic Amazon Magic21:13
dobeyAC/DC are pwned by the same anti-MP3 label as Garth21:14
aquariusoh, didn't know that21:14
rtgzI have only one question regarding music store so far, btw. Will there be restrictions on the countries where the store would be available? I mean, I am unable to BUY audio/video files from Amazon just because "This media file is not available in your country"...21:14
aquariusI should send them an email saying "last month I wanted to buy an AC/DC record but couldn't so I bought an Airbourne one instead, since they are basically the same anyway"21:15
aquariusrtgz, there will be country-specific stores, yes.21:15
aquariusrtgz, I don't know the exact detail, I'm afraid21:15
aquariusrtgz, that's how music works, it seems :(21:15
* rtgz goes to bang his head against the wall21:15
faganaquarius: all I want is not to be shown the songs I cant buy21:16
aquariusI don't believe we will be taunting people by showing them songs they can't buy21:16
faganOh and localised currency too21:16
faganLike im in ireland and I have to use the amazon store using the english pound instead of the euro21:17
aquariusI am pretty sure that there will be localised currency, yes.21:17
dobeythe whole concept of trying to block people from buying certain songs because they live in certain coutries... on the internet... is a bit contrite anyway :)21:17
aquariusfagan, I reserve the right to be wrong about that, though :)21:17
faganaquarius: I wouldnt expect anything concrete21:17
faganoh and are ye going to use gecko or webkit?21:18
faganFor the plugin21:19
faganThats going to be really weird shipping 2 different engines21:19
aquariuswe're already shipping both engines21:19
faganFor what?21:20
faganOh hmmm21:20
dobeygwibber's not on the cd (yet)21:20
aquarius(is gwibber in the default install?)21:20
faganoh yeah gwibber is in lucid too21:20
dobeybut should be for lucid21:21
dobeywell, if we switch to chromium or epiphany or something... :)21:21
aquariuschromium bundles its own webkit.21:21
fagandobey: thats not happening in lucid21:21
faganit does but there is a bug report about that21:22
faganso they are going to unbundle it soonish apparently21:22
dobeyaquarius: yes, but it doesn't require gecko21:22
aquariusdobey, oh, I see what you mean :)21:22
aquariusdo we ship anything on the CD that requires gecko other than firefox?21:22
faganGnome-shell requires gecko too21:22
aquariusTB's not on the CD21:22
aquariusgnome-shell isn't on the cd either :P21:23
dobeygnome-shell requires libmozjs21:23
dobeyand again, not on the cd :)21:23
aquariusand...I think gnome-shell requires spidermonkey, not all of geco21:23
faganFor the next release21:23
dobeyi am pretty sure lucid still won't have gnome-shell on the cd :)21:23
aquariusisn't the UI clutter?21:23
faganYep spidermonkey21:23
faganbut they use js for the display hacking21:23
dobeyaquarius: it's a bunch of JS crap :)21:23
aquariusdobey, much as I love JavaScript (and you do not), it is not a rendering engine :P21:24
dobeyaquarius: neither is clutter21:24
* aquarius waves hands in the air...you know what I mean :)21:24
faganthey are using it as a dev language clutter is the rendering engine21:24
faganI would have used python but its slow21:25
dobeybecause javascript is so much faster?21:25
dobey*blink* :)21:25
faganits faster than python isnt it?21:26
faganmore mature too21:26
dobeyit's certainly less robust21:26
* fagan loves python just because its loose 21:27
faganSpeed is secondary to me21:27
dobeythey should have written it with vala21:27
aquariusPython's older than JS; Python's got a bigger stdlib. Raw "fastness" of the language...they're probably roughly the same. I disagree that JavaScript, qua JavaScript, is less robust than Python, but I'm happy to admit that the stuff that gets thrown in for JS to interact with is less robust than the Python stdlib.21:27
faganvala is supposed to be nice21:27
dobeypython is fast to write, but i am not a fan of it :)21:27
dobeyaquarius: well i meant robust in that it was designed to make it so you can't do some specific things, which you can in python :)21:28
aquariusoh, right, gotcha :)21:28
dobeymainly because JS was designed to run in a browser, not to write large software infrastructures with21:28
faganthats what they wanted21:28
faganplus it allows new devs from the web world21:29
aquariusthere's almost nothing that you can do in Python that you can't do in JS, except complicated introspection. And it is not clear to me that exposing introspection to application developers is actually a good idea. :)21:29
dobeyi don't want new devs from "the web world"21:29
dobeyi've seen how inconsistently bad they make "web apps' already :)21:29
faganWell the web is starting to look insanely nice21:29
dobeyaquarius: fopen() sys.exec() :)21:30
faganLike imagine evolution looking more like gmail21:30
dobeyaquarius: at least, unless you completely break the security model of js and add custom things21:30
aquariusJavaScript doesn't have a security model. JavaScript *in a browser* does, sure.21:31
aquariusI can fopen from JS in rhino or spidermonkey perfectly happily21:31
faganaquarius: ecma script does though21:31
dobeyfagan: gmail is awful (and so is evolution) :)21:31
dobeygmail might be prettier, but it's a pain to use21:32
faganPretty is all I want :)21:32
aquariushm, I lie, spidermonkey doesn't compile in File() by default. Rhino does, though :)21:32
dobeyaquarius: it's like c++ in the 90s, all over again :)21:33
dobeyno 2 compilers do the same thing21:33
dobeyfagan: if pretty is all you want, there are better things to look at than gmail :)21:33
fagandobey: like?21:33
dobeyfagan: like the squirrels rummaging for acorns in my backyard21:34
dobeyand the bamboo growing along the fenceline :)21:34
faganbut still the squirrels wont show me my emails :)21:35
dobeyfagan: they will if you train them well enough21:36
marenostrumdobey: Are there some problems related with ubuntuone servers or is something wrong on my side?21:36
dobeymarenostrum: not sure. what problem are you having?21:37
marenostrumdobey: does not connect. seeems to try connecting but thats all.21:37
dobeymarenostrum: and it was working fine before today?21:38
rtgzmarenostrum, are you talking about the web interface or the client?21:38
dobeymarenostrum: can you right click on the applet and choose "Quit" and then run it again from Programs->Internet->Ubuntu One ?21:38
marenostrumdobey: here is Turkish local and in the past we had problems with Turkish locale. I domt remember when I got last update,maybe an update messed it.21:39
rtgzbug #46739721:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 467397 in python2.6 "KeyError: 'ROUND_CEiLiNG' when using turkish locale" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46739721:40
marenostrumdobey: ok, i will do.thanks.21:40
dobeyit's probably that bug that rtgz just linked to21:40
marenostrumrtgz: Thanks a lo21:41
dobeyfagan: i guess i need to do a mock-up for a better messaging client as well21:42
fagandobey: that would be interesting21:47
dobeyfagan: i want an interface that combines e-mail, web services, and forums, all in the same place. so i can see group/page disucssions and private messages on facebook, as well as e-mail, and ubuntuforums and such as well (granted, I don't think many forums have APIs to do it)21:48
aquariusclosest thing at the moment is raindrop21:49
dobeys/interface/interface that's consistent with all the other interfaces i use/21:49
rtgzmarenostrum, the workaround will make it possible to run ubuntuone client, but it is still a python bug affecting Turkish locale :(21:49
aquariusdobey, then you are SOL :)21:50
dobeyaquarius: a long time ago, i got used to the fact that i'm probably going to have to write a lot of software myself :)21:50
marenostrumrtgz: I see. I just applied the workaround and now rebooting. But problem is: Why didit working yesterday?21:51
aquariusdobey, the #usability channel used to have the topic "There is not such thing as an 'average user'...and if there was...it wouldn't be you". It should probably have continued "...and it CERTAINLY isn't dobey" :-)21:51
fagandobey: thats good im starting development on something along those lines but its bigger than raindrop although I may use raindrop in some way21:51
faganI just need an email client to use so raindrop may do but its not mature21:52
dobeyaquarius: "it's most like dobey" you mean21:52
dobeyaquarius: after all, i do have the best birth day ever :)21:53
marenostrumrtgz: My story was like this: For the first time I had run ubunruone in English mode,then each timeI want to syncronize I started it manually. And it worked but today isdiffrent.21:54
rtgzmarenostrum, reauthorization21:54
dobeymarenostrum: it still fails with using the english locale?21:54
rtgzgot it21:54
marenostrumrtgz: I am going to try now.Waiting for chatting here. I will restart gnome or reboot.21:55
dobeymarenostrum: just restarting the applet should be enough. if there's still a problem, please let me know21:56
marenostrumlet me do it. sorry for leaving.21:56
marenostrumdobey: I willin ten minutes. Thanks again.21:57
rtgzthe servers were down for some period and OAuth might decide that you don't have the authorization and attempted to obtain one. applet OAuth can not work properly with Turkish locale therefore you might have gotten such kind of behavior21:57
dobeywb marenostrum22:14
marenostrumdobey: It worked but there was some weird situation. 1- It worked alsoin Turkish locale but start command for Ubuntu One EN. means: env LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 ubuntuone-client-applet22:15
marenostrumdobey: It worked like a charm. No need to start it manually. Started, syncronized and quit.22:16
dobeymarenostrum: ok, wonderful. glad that it's working for you again :)22:16
marenostrumdobey: But weird thing was: It didn't syncronize one file (Ichecked from web) and its name was chanded as: programlarim_9_04_seçme.u1conflict22:17
dobeymarenostrum: what version of ubuntuone-client do you have installed?22:17
marenostrumdobey: I dont know what that added ulconflict means.I renamed the file omiting that Turkish charecter ç. and it worked. Lookng for the client version.22:18
dobeymarenostrum: it means that syncdaemon for some reason thought that the file was conflicting because perhaps you independently placed it on that machine, and the u1 server somehow22:20
dobeymarenostrum: it may be a bug that might already be fixed22:20
marenostrumdobey: synaptic says,1.1.0+r29422:20
marenostrumdobey: should I file a bug? I am not even sure what is wrong.22:21
dobeymarenostrum: can you please file a bug, and attach the syncdaemon.log from the time that u1conflict file was created?22:21
dobeymarenostrum: i'm not sure what's wrong either :)22:21
marenostrumdobey: How will I create that syncdaemon file?22:21
dobeymarenostrum: you don't need to create it. there are logs in ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/ named syncdaemon.log22:22
dobeymarenostrum: there should be one which mentions the conflict22:23
marenostrumok. let me see.22:23
dobeymarenostrum: probably the latest one (syncdaemon.log) has it22:23
dobeymarenostrum: and mark the bug as private if there are any private filenames in the log file please :)22:23
marenostrumdobey: there are 6 syncdeamon.log.xxxxxx files and 6 syncdeamon.exception.xxxxx files22:25
marenostrumdobey: nothing privaye or nothing hidden from Ubuntu!22:26
dobeymarenostrum: grep u1conflict syncdaemon.log* :)22:26
marenostrumlet me check22:26
rtgzLate hours over there, good night to everybody!22:30
rocky|raccooni'm unable to connect the ubuntu one "folder" in 9.10 at all, is there a server outage? :/22:33
marenostrumdobey: Seems there is no line as u1conflict Do you want me to send those 6 log files toyou?22:33
dobeymarenostrum: hrmm, interesting22:34
dobeymarenostrum: grep for the filename without the .u1conflict part22:34
dobeyrocky|raccoon: there was earlier. try quitting the applet and starting again22:34
rocky|raccoondobey: Hmm, it appears to be connecting this time :> The initial problem was that every time I'd click "connect" in the nautilus folder it'd immediately disconnect...restarting the client that time seemed to do the trick22:37
dobeyrocky|raccoon: glad it's working again. :)22:37
rocky|raccoondobey: Same here, although it's technically in beta I've been using it a lot just for casually backing up things lately ;> Hopefully the remaining bugs will be rolled out soon22:39
dobeyrocky|raccoon: what version are you using btw?22:39
rocky|raccoondobey: Hmm...well I'm using whatever version comes with 9.10 by default? :>22:39
dobeyrocky|raccoon: ok, great22:40
marenostrumdobey: I can't find. Do you want me to send them to you?22:41
rocky|raccoondobey: Oddly enough though, although I'm sure I set everything up for 9.10 initially, nothing that I upload to One shows up in the web interface :<22:41
dobeyrocky|raccoon: if you enable the proposed packages in System->Administration->Software Sources, there is a slightly newer version with a lot of bug fixes, which we're trying to get tested, and verify the fixes work for people, if you wouldn't mind testing22:41
rocky|raccoondobey: Hmm I might have to give that a try, thanks22:42
dobeyrocky|raccoon: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bugs?field.tag=verification-needed22:44
dobeyrocky|raccoon: that's a list of bugs needing verification in the proposed update :)22:44
TimH11Having a bit of trouble syncing Tomboy notes22:45
TimH11Was working fine. Now saying Failed to synchronise22:45
TimH11Showing some notes as updated others "Uploaded changes to server"22:46
marenostrumdobey: http://rapidshare.com/files/324120070/my_log.tar.gz.html22:47
dobeymarenostrum: i suppose just attach them all to the bug you file please. sorry for slow reply there, helping multiple people and all :)22:48
dobeyTimH11: can you file a bug please? i'm not sure how to debug that myself, and i'm about to run off for the day ;)22:49
marenostrumdobey: so I will attach all and the bug will bw related with u1conflict.OK?22:49
TimH11Fair enough! Is there a log or something I need to include?22:50
dobeymarenostrum: yes. please file a bug about the u1conflict issue, and attach the logs. thanks!22:50
marenostrumdobey: Thank you. I am doing now. Thanks for your patience.22:50
dobeyTimH11: i'm not sure if there is or not. i think there is also a --debug option to tomboy that might help. but it might contain private data too.22:51
dobeyTimH11: but if you file the bug, we'll assign it to the appropriate developer and he can ask you for exactly what's needed :)22:51
TimH11Great. Thanks.22:51
dobeyok, i need to run off and do other things now22:51
dobeylater all! thanks for using ubuntu one!22:51
marenostrumdobey: :)22:52

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