
sbalneavEvening all03:42
aidavekabikaboo 1.7 now out!  https://launchpad.net/kabikaboo16:16
sbalneavI think we might need this:16:22
sbalneavI'll see about packaging it.16:22
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
alkisgsbalneav: at some point you were thinking about packaging an easy to setup ldap template, for schools... care to pick it up? I'm willing to help as much as I can... :)16:23
alkisgI'm trying to setup LDAP for the first time. I can succesfully do `sudo ldapaddgroup test` but I cannot get `sudo ldapadduser test test` to work, it says "ldap_add: no such object (32)". Help?!20:08
sbalneavWhich package are you using?20:09
alkisgI did: sudo apt-get -y install slapd ldap-utils ldapscripts20:09
sbalneavAhhhh, ldapscripts :)20:10
alkisgAh got it! The ubuntu guide was using "People" while ldapscripts is using "Users"...20:10
sbalneavthe whole problem with ldap is everything ONLY works if you've got your database laid out the exact way the scripts want.20:11
sbalneavand there's NO standard for your ou's20:11
sbalneavso some use "users"20:11
alkisgI wonder why http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html doesn't mention this problem, though :(20:11
sbalneavsome "Users"20:11
sbalneavsome "People"20:11
sbalneavsome just use uid= with no ou at all20:12
alkisgUhm... I think I'll just use whatever the ldapscripts use, to minimize configuration file editing :D20:12
sbalneavalkisg: silly boy! You're just supposed to KNOW this!!!20:12
sbalneavI've been using ldap for 10+ years.20:12
sbalneavnext to RS232, it's the most non-standard standard I've ever seen.20:13
alkisgHeh... I was trying to avoid using it for too long now :D20:13
alkisg...but maybe I need to see it to better decide what's better...20:13
sbalneavYou talk to any good enterprise sysadm, you'll find they all have their own highly customized shell scripts for dealing with their specific LDAP instance.20:14
sbalneavWell, the problem with LDAP is, it's well supported.20:14
sbalneavEverything can talk to ldap, problem is, you have to CUSTOMIZE everything to get it to talk to the way YOU layed out your ldap.20:15
alkisgBah... we should make a package for easy ldap installation for schools!20:15
alkisgI think I saw some packages in synaptic for caching credentials, do they work OK when the server's down?20:15
sbalneavWell, it's not hard.20:15
sbalneavskolelinux does it.20:16
sbalneavyou just pick a database layout20:16
sbalneavcreate a package that creates that layouyt20:16
alkisgReally?! Ah, I need to look at it for better compatibility then... they've probably thought about samba, too...20:16
sbalneavand patch ldaptools + any other ldap things to support that layout "out of the box:20:16
sbalneavit's not HARD20:17
sbalneavit's just... tedious20:17
sbalneavthere's a lot of ldap tools.20:17
sbalneavor things that can talk to ldap.20:17
alkisgIt's hard to get started with ldap... it'd be much easier if there was some easy-ldap package. ogra had started a spec about this I think 3 years ago, but it was never implemented...20:18
sbalneavThen you get told "Well, you shouldn't design an ldap database layout without talking to the server team"20:18
sbalneavand you talk to the server team, and 5 guys have 8 different ways they want to do the layout.20:18
sbalneavAnd... here we are.20:18
sbalneavI was going to implement it.20:18
sbalneavI'm STILL willing to implement it.20:18
alkisgWell, there are many schools out there *without sysadmins or server teams* looking for an easy way to install ldap + nfs20:19
alkisgI'm willling to help however I can20:19
sbalneavit's EASY to implemnt.  Consensus is hard.20:19
Ahmuck-Sralkisg>Well, there are many schools out there *without sysadmins or server teams* looking for an easy way to install ldap + nfs20:19
sbalneavLets talk about it at tomorrow's meeting.20:19
Ahmuck-Srthis is a correct statement20:19
alkisgsbalneav: nice :)20:19
* Ahmuck-Sr has been on this soapbox for a while20:19
alkisgAhmuck-Sr: did you get to install it?20:20
sbalneavLaserJock told me about bikeshedding.  You guys know what that is?20:20
Ahmuck-Srisn't LDAP standard?20:20
sbalneavAhmuck-Sr: Yes and no20:20
sbalneavLDAP itself is standard.20:20
sbalneavjust like SQL is standard.20:20
sbalneavhow you design your DATABASE for access, isn't20:20
alkisgHeh... http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/bikeshedding20:20
sbalneavit's up to you20:20
sbalneavright, and ldap becomes the ultimate bikeshed.20:21
sbalneavEVERYbody has an opinion as to why a databse should use ou=People instead of ou=Users20:22
alkisgsbalneav: what tools are you using to manage users? ldapscripts?20:23
sbalneavWhy you should use o=Greek Schools Division instead of dc=greek,dc=edu,dc=gk20:23
sbalneavalkisg: I have all my own custom scripts I've written, modified, and dragged with me for the last 10 years.20:23
alkisgHeh, at least that tells me that ldap is stable :D20:24
sbalneavOh, it's a fine system20:24
sbalneavit works well.20:24
alkisgIs dc=school,dc=local acceptable to be used by all greek schools? :D20:24
alkisgIf so, I'm good to go...20:25
sbalneavit's just the barrier to entry is SO FRIGGING HIGH20:28
stgrabersbalneav: are you using kerberos for password storage/policy or not yet ?20:28
sbalneavNo, I don't use kerberos yet.20:28
sbalneavso I'm using pamldap for my auth20:29
alkisgCan ldap work without nfs?20:29
alkisgI.e. some package to create the local home dirs etc?20:29
sbalneavSure, that's no problem.20:30
sbalneav*ALL* you need to solve this problem is to simply VOTE on a layout.  And then say, "screw everybody else, this is the layout we support"20:30
stgrabersbalneav: I deployed it on my LAN (80 or so VMs ;)) and it's freaking cool to be able to ssh to a server, then to another, then to another and never have to re-auth. Then when the ticket expires (once a day), I have to login again and that's it.20:30
sbalneavYou want something other tthan this, you're on your own.20:31
sbalneavwhich is EXACTLY what skolellinux does20:31
stgrabersbalneav: also I have my IMAP server, web server and proxy using kerberos, so no need to login there too :)20:31
sbalneavyeah, I just need to sit down with it for a day and actually play with it.20:31
alkisgstgraber: do put something in the wiki about how to do all this... :)20:32
sbalneavThat's why, curretnly , skolellinux is the ONLY one that actually SUPPORTS ldap20:32
* alkisg should better copy skolelinux's layout, then...20:32
sbalneavI've actually looked at skolelinux's ldap packages20:33
sbalneavit's just a presees.20:33
sbalneavit's just a preseed20:33
sbalneavMy thought was: just steal their stuff :)20:33
sbalneavdo what they do20:33
sbalneavthen edubuntu can auth against skolelinux auth servers, or vice versa20:34
alkisgRight. That's what I'd like to have in edubuntu, prepackaged solutions...20:36
stgraberalkisg: I'm not yet finished with looking at kerberos, I have the basics working but I need to connect it better with my LDAP20:56
alkisgIt'd be nice to have such solutions in edubuntu, working out of the box...20:57

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