
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
mellhenhey @all: i would like to know, where i can help in project timeloard00:45
mellheni ment "Project Timelord"00:45
crimsunsee the topic, namely Todo00:46
mellhenthx i found ir00:49
Riddellbeta 2 arriving in kubuntu-ppa beta01:19
Riddelltesters needed01:21
RiddellLex79: beta 2 arriving in kubuntu-ppa beta01:28
RiddellI'll announce tomorrow once someone has tested it (I've already tested from ninjas)01:29
* Riddell snoozes01:29
gorgonizerInstalling now..01:30
gorgonizerthere appear to be some dependency issues.. :( There appears to be a lack of kdelibs 4.3.85 in the beta repository..01:49
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gorgonizerThis may also be an issue: Depends: libsoprano4 (>= 2.3.70+dfsg.1-0ubuntu1) but 2.3.70+dfsg.1-0ubuntu1~karmic1~ppa1 is to be installed02:02
jjessegood evening, slight problem, i have enabled the repo for the kde 4.4 sc betas and tonight received a lot of updates, however when i login i have no background or apps, looks like plasma isn't running?  ideas?02:15
jjesseloks like plasma-desktop was not running02:24
jjessealso lost all my configs to kde02:26
jjesselike i'm starting over w/  a new .kde/apps/config dir02:26
jjessein the application launcher konqueror has lost its icon as well02:27
gorgonizerjjesse: I have tried to update from 4.3.4, and it appears that the kdelibs package for 4.3.85 hasn't been uploaded to the beta repository..02:29
jjessealso getting errors on the nepomuk indexing agents being disabled02:29
jjesseglad i updated02:30
gorgonizersame here :)02:30
jjesseso we just get to wait?02:31
jjessei ran into this problem with another beta of kde 4 as well, 3/4 of the packages were updated02:32
gorgonizerunfortunately yes, it appears that kdepim and kdegames also need updating to 4.3.85 on the beta repository..02:34
gorgonizerso we are stuck in a bleeding edge dependency hell :(02:35
jjesseargh that sucks, wish the packages wouldn't show up until everything was ready to go02:36
gorgonizerthat would be nice, but the packages so quickly is so impressive I am willing to forgive, luckily, my system is still usable at the moment :)02:37
gorgonizer*arrived so.02:38
jjessei wsih i could help but i have no clue what to do, just wish they all were blocked until the full release02:39
gorgonizerthe only thing to do would be to build our own debian packages for the missing packages from source..02:40
jjesseargh now chromium just bombed02:41
gorgonizerI am willing to wait..02:41
jjessewhy doesn't that save tabs when i relaunch them?02:41
gorgonizerno idea, unfortunately.. there may be an extension that does that..02:42
jjessei think this is the quietest i have seen the channel in a long time02:47
gorgonizersame here to be honest..02:48
jjessei think everyone is ignoring us :)02:59
gorgonizerprobably sleeping after lots of hard work :)02:59
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
jjessechirp chirp03:27
jjessehear the crickets?03:28
ScottKJust copies kd4libs into karmic beta PPA03:32
ScottKIt will take it a little bit to show up, bit it should be there soon.03:33
ScottKkdepim done too.03:35
ScottKLooks like we don't have packages prepped for kdegames on karmic, so that will have to wait.03:35
Lex79ScottK: I have a bit of time in this moment, what should I do for helping? I'm not update03:39
ScottKLex79: Someone needs to get the updated kdegames into beta ppa for karmic03:40
ScottKOther than that, I think we're just waiting on stuff to build.03:40
Lex79ScottK: that's all? I can do then03:40
ScottKIn terms of urgent stuff, that's it.03:40
txwikingerAre the build servers smoking again?03:40
ScottKLex79: Build it in ninjas and then copy it over when it's done.03:41
ScottKIt'll get built much faster.03:41
ScottKtxwikinger: They are.  doko did two gcc uploads today, all the sync requests for the last month got processed today, soyuz fell over and quit building packages today, and oh, a new KDE release.03:42
txwikingerI really missed a lot while writing legal briefs the whole week03:43
gorgonizerHello, I am trying to install KDE 4.4 Beta 2, and I am running into this problem: Depends: libsoprano4 (>= 2.3.70+dfsg.1-0ubuntu1) but 2.3.70+dfsg.1-0ubuntu1~karmic1~ppa1 is to be installed03:49
gorgonizer(apologies, that is a dependency error message when trying to install kdebase-runtime)03:52
JontheEchidnagorgonizer: should be fixed in a bit. the new package was overlooked from being copied over to the ppa03:59
JontheEchidnajust copied it03:59
gorgonizerthank you very much :)04:00
shtylmandist-upgrade wants to remove lots of stuff04:10
shtylmandoesn't sound kosher to me ...04:11
nixternalonly thing dist-upgrade is removing is:  libkontactinterfaces404:13
crimsunthat's due to plymouth not being in main until an hourish ago04:15
crimsunthe new initramfs-tools conflicts with the existing mountall, and the new mountall depwait on plymouth (which was in universe)04:16
crimsunslangasek did the promotion not too long ago04:17
nixternaloh, in lucid...yeah, there is a ton of stuff, especially x04:27
daskreechJontheEchidna: ping04:27
nixternalfigure I will wait until tomorrow...I learned that when using a development release, never dist-upgrade, unless it is pulling in a new kernel only and not removing stuff...and even then, new kernels are usually dangerous as hell04:28
ejatCannot load part for Calendar. Could not find plugin 'korganizerpart' for application 'kontact'04:30
ejatin KDE 4.4 SC Beta 204:31
nixternalI have witnessed that before, but can't remember when or what exactly fixed it...google knows iirc04:34
JontheEchidnadaskreech: pong04:38
daskreechJontheEchidna: If i go to bbc weather how do I get the county code to put in the plasmoid?04:43
JontheEchidnaactually I think somebody posted how to do that on my blog comments... sec while I search04:43
ejatnixternal: u manage to fix it ?04:45
ejatkorganizerpart ?04:45
nixternalI did before, but I don't use Kontact/KOrganizer/KMail, so I don't know anymore04:49
nixternaljeesh, kded is killing systems04:52
ejatkonversation eating 99-100% of cpu ?04:54
nixternalno, I don't use konversation, kded was though04:54
ubottuKDE bug 215256 in general "Konversations use 100% cpu doing nothing special " [Normal,New]04:56
ejatkded4 n konversation compete each other on the top :)04:57
ejatouch ..04:58
ejatnixternal: r u looking into the kded?04:59
daskreechJontheEchidna: Bah still broken05:04
daskreechThanks though05:05
JontheEchidnayou're welcome05:06
nixternalejat: if it happens again I will look into it...I restarted both of my systems when they went crazy...plus I am a bit busy working on my debian build system05:17
=== foursixnine is now known as santiago-ve
=== santiago-ve is now known as foursixnine
ScottKLex79: just noticed kdepim needs done for Karmic too if you're still around.05:41
ejatnixternal: owh ok .. thanks ...05:53
ejatLex79: any idea about the korganizerpart ?05:55
ejatmissing in kontact?05:55
Lex79beta1 or 2 ?05:55
Lex79I think you mean beta1, since I disabled korganizerpart, it was "fails to build from source"05:57
ejatbeta 205:58
Lex79now in beta2 it should works because I removed the patch05:58
sabdflpis it really you?05:58
ejatits still occurs in beta 205:58
ejatcalendar, todo n journal  .. in kontact beta 205:59
Lex79ejat: apt-cache policy korganizer05:59
ejatLex79: http://pastebin.com/f6d682ca806:00
Lex79ejat: so it's beta1, wait for kdepim beta2 then06:01
ejatowh ..06:01
ejatis it beta 2  4.3.80 right ?06:02
Lex79nope, beta2 is 4.3.8506:02
ejatowh right .. 4.3.85 .. thanks for da reminder06:02
Lex79no problem06:03
ejatkded n konversation competing each other with 100% of cpu usage :(06:04
ejataverage 90+%06:04
ejatany idea about that .. bugs ?06:04
Lex79no :(06:05
Lex79who is sabdflp ?06:07
Lex79btw I uploaded kdepim to beta backports06:07
ejatLex79: thanks .. seing it on progres building it ..06:10
ScottKlubyou: Just uploaded the blends merge so your way on debian-science clear.06:13
ScottKSorry lubyou.06:14
ScottKThat was meant for Lure, who isn't here.06:14
=== sabdflp is now known as vorian
woolyfrogLex79: sabdflp was vorian holding a nick for nhandler07:45
woolyfrogi thought everyone knows that07:45
Mamarokwho is this lunatic? He is cross-pasting in every folder08:06
ghostcubehey guys moin08:39
ghostcubeanyone searching nice fractal pics http://www.skytopia.com/project/fractal/mandelbulb.html08:39
ejatLex79: thanks for backporting it :) .. finally .. kontact back in action08:47
ejatjust need someone to check the kded n konversation08:49
falewhy even in kubuntu-ppa/package staging there is amarok
falesorry, got it09:10
=== _wstephenson is now known as wstephenson
wstephensonRiddell: ping09:38
Mamarokgah, I hate those users who advertize the staging repo on indenti.ca10:15
Mamarokguess who has to do all the debugging again...at least they could stick around in #k to help, then10:16
Mamarokidiots :(10:16
gribeluhey umm.. any idea how to start plasma in the new 4.4 beta? It doesn't start by default and trying to run 'plasma-desktop' tells me to install kdebase-workspace-bin which is already installed...10:29
gribeluthis is on Karmic amd64 btw10:30
dpmRiddell, what's the procedure to build the kde-l10n-* packages? I'm trying to build them to extract the translations and compare them with those from LP, but I'm stuck at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m57e6eb72 - it's complaining about missing files, although I did run the rule to download the .desktop file translations already.10:31
Riddellwstephenson: you pung?11:04
Riddelldpm: does it get stuck there?11:09
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dpmRiddell, yes, it seems so11:15
Riddelldpm: hum, there's no reason why it should get stuck there, it's only an echo command11:17
Riddelldpm: really it just freezes after that?11:17
dpmRiddell, yes, but let me try again to double-check - I must say that I'm on a very slow connection today, so if it is trying to download something after that, it might seem to me it's not doing anything11:19
dpmRiddell, yep, all I get is a blinking cursor after the Did you remember to refresh desktop translations with `make -f debian/rules get-desktop`? message11:21
Riddelldpm: maybe it's trying to run the svn command, you could try uninstalling svn if you have it11:27
dpmRiddell, right, I'll give it a go, thanks - I do have svn installed, it's what the above rule uses to fetch the .desktop PO files from svn.kde.org11:33
ghostcubeehlo peoples12:29
ghostcubehmm when did /etc/init.d/foo start|stop|restart came back ?12:29
dpmRiddell, yes, it was trying to download more PO files from svn, but on my slow connection it seemed it got stuck. It's sorted now, thanks12:32
Riddelldpm: I actually don't know why it does that when the make rule to do so isn't being called12:34
wstephensonRiddell: there is an easily fixable syntax error in /usr/share/kde4/services/searchproviders/lp*.desktop from kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts that stops them working properly - \{ should be \\{12:58
wstephensonevery time i rerun kbuildsycoca testing knetworkmanager here, it complains about it, so here's the fix12:59
=== Quintasan1 is now known as Quintasan
Riddellwstephenson: cor, those files have been around for ages13:01
* Quintasan is downloading beta 213:02
wstephensonsmelly and old, tsk tsk, keep your distro tidy13:02
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=== bjf is now known as NCommander
QuintasanRiddell, Lex79: smooth upgrade, no overwrites, works13:22
Quintasanlet me restart everything to be sure13:25
QuintasanRiddell: this is going to be awesome, everything works, less crashes and it's faster :D13:27
QuintasanLet me test Phonon13:28
Quintasanwell, works :D13:28
ScottKJontheEchidna: Your debian/changelog entry doesn't match what's in the package on kdepim-runtime and it FTBFS due to lack of quilt.  Would you please have a look.14:01
ScottKRiddell: For the new xv-utils, liblzma1 got accepted into Universe, not Main.  Would you please promote it?  kdeutils is currently FTBFS due to this.14:06
Riddellhmm, that reminds me, it's my archive admin day14:08
RiddellScottK: done14:08
Riddelland as usual new queue has packages 6 days old in it, whatever would ubuntu do without me :)14:14
ScottKBe a lot smaller?14:21
* Riddell puts some tinsel in seele's hair14:33
* seele giggles14:33
ScottKGreat.  kde4libs and kdebase-runtime built against liblzma0 and so those have to be rebuilt after liblzma1 in published in Main before kdeutils can get fixed.14:35
ScottKRiddell: Nothing like a library transition in the middle of a KDE build.14:35
Riddellhelps to keep us on our toes14:37
* ScottK is fixing kdepim-runtime since JontheEchidna hasn't made an appearance.14:39
RiddellScottK: what's up with it?14:46
ScottKRiddell: His debian changelog says he removed it's only patch.  He dropped the quilt build-dep, but not the patch14:47
ScottKSo it FTBFS.14:47
JontheEchidnaoops, forgot to bzr remove the patches directory14:48
* ScottK will upload the update in a moment.14:49
ScottKJontheEchidna: Would you have time to check out no change rebuilds for shogun and mupen64plus (both in Universe) for the liblzma transition?14:52
JontheEchidnaYeah. Just slept in a bit is all. ;-)14:52
ScottKShould be just a rebuild, but the debian/changelog entry for this new version is a bit scary14:52
JontheEchidna!find /usr/share/octave/debian/defs.make14:54
ubottuPackage/file /usr/share/octave/debian/defs.make does not exist in karmic14:54
JontheEchidnaugh, 164 MB to build a source package14:56
dpmRiddell, we've got some KDE translation import conflicts. When you've got a minute, do you think you could you tell me from http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m6478ea65 which is the correct source package for each of the listed templates? (the format is: translation-domain; template1 in srcpkg1; template1 in srcpkg2 - of which only 1 srcpkg is the correct one)15:05
Riddelldpm: kabc* we want from kdepimlibs15:11
Riddellkcmshell from kdebase-runtime15:11
Riddellkioexec from kdebase-runtime15:11
Riddellkontactinterfaces from kdepimlibs15:12
Riddelllibkscreensaver from kdebase-workspace15:12
Riddelllibphonon phonon_gstreamer and phonon-xine now from phonon-backends15:13
Riddellplasma_applet_currentappcontrol from kdebase-workspace15:14
Riddellplasma_applet_searchbox from kdebase-workspace15:14
dpmThanks a lot, Riddell. And the plasma-netbook template also from the kdebase-workspace source package?15:19
dpmperfect, thanks guys15:19
Riddellin lucid of course15:20
ScottKRight, in Karmic it'd be different15:20
dpmyes, that was all for Lucid15:31
Riddellrgreening: do you know how to make an smb share?15:36
RiddellTonio_: I'm about to remove klavier16:02
Riddelland mateedit16:03
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Tonio_Riddell: no problem16:11
JontheEchidnawstephenson: yay16:14
wstephensonJontheEchidna: :)16:15
wstephensonthat was quite a satisfying fix16:15
skreechQuintasan: http://www.milliways.fr/debian/packages/virtuoso/16:15
ScottKJontheEchidna: That's even an SRU you can do, right?16:16
JontheEchidnaYeah, I can SRU the networkmanager fix16:17
wstephensonJontheEchidna: please give the tyres a thorough kicking as i haven't tested it vs the revision you ship16:17
wstephensoni am fairly confident it's safe, but you never know till you try it16:18
Quintasanhow nice16:22
QuintasanLex79: http://www.milliways.fr/debian/packages/virtuoso/16:22
Quintasanskreech: thanks16:23
skreechWhen did 6.0.1 come out?16:25
Quintasanbeats me, upstream page says 6.0.0 is newest16:25
skreechWonder if this is a prerelease or a snapshot16:26
Quintasancvs means snapshot16:26
skreechWell yes I meant early snapshot16:27
skreech or is it just pending release?16:27
ubottuDebian bug 508048 in wnpp "ITP: virtuoso-opensource -- OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition" [Wishlist,Open]16:27
skreechThat might help16:27
skreechAh curses read the last message16:28
Lex79Quintasan: I uploaded this night in ninja virtuoso-opensource - 6.0.1~cvs20091210+dfsg1-1ubuntu116:39
Lex79it needs testing if you want16:39
QuintasanLex79: sure, I'll get to it right away16:39
Riddellwstephenson: what got fixed?16:40
Lex79Quintasan: thanks16:40
JontheEchidnaRiddell: bug 451899. I'm working on the update for lucid at the moment16:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451899 in plasma-widget-networkmanagement "knetworkmanager crashed with SIGSEGV in WirelessSecuritySettingWidget::writeConfig()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45189916:44
JontheEchidnasince I think the SRU people like for the fix to exist in ubuntu+1 before the SRU most times16:46
macohey have any of you seen where youll open up knetworkmanager and itll list networks, and you click on one...and it doesnt register the click at all? nothing happens. doenst try to connect, doesnt ask for password, doenst close the menu...just pretends you didnt click at all?16:46
JontheEchidnaScottK: shogun rebuild uploaded. I have to leave for the afternoon at 1:00 though, so what with the networkmanagement stuff I might not get to the mupen rebuild until this evening16:48
ScottKJontheEchidna: That's great.  It's not crisis urgent.16:49
* ScottK is doing local rebuilds of the KDE stuff first.16:49
Riddellmaco: I have to click twice sometimes16:51
macoi tried clicking like 10 times and knm just would *not* connect at dad's house. went back to /etc/network/interfaces16:51
macoeven after reboots16:52
macobut mum's house and at home? works fine. and theyre all wpa216:52
maco(not that that should matter, as it doesnt even get to the "try to associate" part..)16:52
wstephensonmaco: i am the knm guy. that means NM thinks the connection you created is invalid16:53
wstephensonmaco: and the version kubuntu shipped connection validation16:54
macowhy would it think that?16:54
wstephensonlots of reasons, but there is no way for NM to tell the client app (knm) that it spat out the connection16:54
macoso it cant throw an error?16:54
wstephensonso you need to look at the NM log and figure out what you did wrong16:54
wstephensonlook at http://userbase.kde.org/NetworkManagement for how to troubleshoot it16:55
macoi dont *think* theres anything wrong with it. it worked 2 weeks ago when i last visited. now it doesnt16:55
ScottKArgh. cp: writing `debian/kdelibs5//usr/lib/libkhtml.so.5.4.0': No space left on device16:55
wstephensondon't you just hate it when that happens after the 15th local rebuild16:55
wstephensonmaco: i think /var/log/messages or daemon.log is the place NM logs to on kubuntu, but that URL has the details.16:56
macoit says syslog on the webpage16:56
wstephensonor that16:56
* ScottK calls it close enough.16:56
wstephensonthe important thing to note is that NM validates the connections when they first appear on the bus, which is when KNM starts usually, not on click.16:57
wstephensonmaco: i guess you can't test it until you are at your dad's?16:58
QuintasanLex79: http://pastebin.ca/172387816:58
Quintasanforcing overwrite16:58
macowstephenson: i have the syslog from sunday16:59
macowstephenson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/344828/16:59
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: technically not a bug since that's never been released :P16:59
Quintasan * Starting Virtuoso OpenSource Edition 5.0  virtuoso-opensource-6.0                               [ OK ]16:59
Quintasanit's 5 or 616:59
wstephensonmaco: that shows the NM startup, not the point where KNM started up.17:00
wstephensonalthough line 11 says kubuntu has a bug in its distro plugin that reads /etc/network/interfaces; you should bug asac about that.17:00
macoyeah i thought NM was supposed to ignore any interfaces that are confgured in /etc/network/interfaces17:02
macowhich would mean that NM never touches my wireless17:03
macobut for some reason, i have to actually stop the network-manager service to be able to use ifup/ifdown17:03
JontheEchidnasweet, virtuoso-minimal doesn't install a server that eats 100 MB RAM :D17:03
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QuintasanJontheEchidna: doesn't work :/17:04
wstephensonmaco: yes i think it ignores /e/n/i interfaces.  perhaps it reads the file but doesn't do anything with it.17:04
macowstephenson: no i mean, i think its supposed to not manage any interfaces that are already configured inside that file17:05
Quintasanhttp://pastebin.com/f35786b33 <-- Nepomuk log17:05
QuintasanLex79: ^17:05
wstephensonmaco: that's what i mean17:05
wstephensonmaco: anyway, i am off home for christmas now.  if you can reproduce the bug and get a log file me a bug at bko and i'll get to it sometime.17:05
DaskreechQuintasan: the packaged17:06
Daskreechs are incompatible with nepomuk17:06
QuintasanDaskreech: how do you know?17:06
Quintasandamn it17:09
DaskreechQuintasan: The last message in the thread17:10
Quintasanwhich thread?17:10
JontheEchidnathe last message said they're just waiting on uploading to debian until the final release of
JontheEchidnathe last comment actually states that the snapshot is nepomuk-compatible17:11
Quintasanmeans a fault on our side17:11
QuintasanI have to help my father now, brb17:11
DaskreechJontheEchidna: really that's not how I read it?17:11
DaskreechJontheEchidna: can you give back the link. I'm on a new computer17:12
ubottuDebian bug 508048 in wnpp "ITP: virtuoso-opensource -- OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition" [Wishlist,Open]17:12
DaskreechStupid English language17:12
QuintasanThe worst thing is that I don't know how to diagnose th problem17:13
DaskreechI read it as we are waiting for the 6.0.1 to be released which will be when the Nepomuk incompatibilty is sorted17:13
DaskreechQuintasan: Jump into oftc and see if Debian guys are there17:14
DaskreechOr actually #nepomuk-kde would be the best place as it affects them most directly17:14
markeyhmm, is there any package for "Intel Thread Bulding Blocks"?17:19
markeyI'd love to give this a test ride17:19
markeyit's a library for helping with concurrent programming17:19
* Riddell publishes kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4-beta-217:22
* Daskreech rushes off to Identi.ca17:23
ScottKRiddell: Still not kdeutils on Lucid and won't be until after the kde4libs upload I just did gets done.17:23
JontheEchidnaplasma-widget-networkmanagement uploaded to lucid, will probably have to do the SRU later today unless somebody else does it17:23
JontheEchidnabrb, rebooting17:24
Lex79thanks Riddell :)17:27
Riddelloh no, thank you Lex7917:28
DaskreechLex79: In Black and white too if using default CSS17:29
Riddellamichair: fixes look good for s-p, you just need to use a new changelog entry (dch will make one for you)17:31
Riddellamichair: merging and uploading now17:31
amichairRiddell: cool, thanks17:41
amichairRiddell: so u fixed the changelog yes? nothing for me to do this time around?17:41
RiotingPacifistwhy the new repo instead of the ppa?17:46
Riddellamichair: right17:46
RiddellRiotingPacifist: new repo?17:46
RiotingPacifistsorry the update crashed some stuff, yeah http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/beta/ubuntu instead of http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu17:57
JontheEchidnathe latter ppa is for stable KDE updates. betas are not stable17:58
RiotingPacifistdidn't the ppa have 4.4b1 ?17:58
RiotingPacifistO right must have been something in my setup then, nvm17:59
Riddellamichair: hmm, I can still recreate bug 49625718:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496257 in software-properties "software-properties-kde cdrom progress dialog reappears after canceling" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49625718:04
Riddellamichair: hmm, or can I18:06
amichairRiddell: ummm...18:06
amichairamichair: dunno?18:07
Riddellamichair: ok my fault, it's all good18:09
amichairRiddell: I'm confused, the bug u just opened is a dup? is there still a bug?18:10
Riddellamichair: there's no bug, you already fixed it18:11
Riddellamichair: uploaded, thanks18:12
=== EagleSn is now known as EagleScreen
EagleScreenI'd rather to make my own compilation of a .deb package in karmic, it can be any kde3 application like kdbg19:20
EagleScreenkde3 applications depends on kdelibs4ca and I want them to depend on kdelibs4ca | ldelibs4ca-kde3, is it possible? this is for compatibililty with kde3 ppa19:21
EagleScreenfor instance, i want to edit kdbg package to depend on kdelibs4ca | kdelibs4ca-kde3 packages19:22
EagleScreenin debian/control, i only see Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}19:23
EagleScreenwhat muts i do to add "or kdelibs4ca-kde3" ?19:23
ScottKRiddell: kdepim is stuck in binary New for Lucid.19:26
ScottKEagleScreen: Manually editing the depends is the wrong way to do it.  You need to build against the version of kdelibs you want to use.  You can't have both.19:29
EagleScreenthere are kdelibs4ca from karmic and kdelibs4ca-kde3 from karmic kde3 ppa19:30
EagleScreenthen, how do you indicate against what kdelibs version is compiled the package?19:31
EagleScreenI must change kdbg to build against kdelibs4ca-kde3 from ppa19:32
ScottKEagleScreen: We don't do the PPA, so we don't know about it.19:32
harolddongis the virtuoso backend supposed to be funtional in beta 2?19:33
ScottKWhen you build the binary, shlibs will figure it out.19:33
ScottKharolddong: Not yet.19:33
ScottKNeed a new (not yet release) version of Virtuoso19:33
harolddongso there will be an actual package to install when it's ready then?19:34
harolddongI was just confused cause I search and find virutoso libs now in beta 2 but its still not working19:34
harolddongthanks for the info19:34
harolddongwill it be in the RC?19:36
ScottKIt's not directly part of KDE SC release.19:36
ScottKVirtuoso gets released separately, so it will get packaged when it's released.19:36
ScottKI understand it's expected soon, but don't know what soon means19:36
harolddongwell if its separate is it still going to be pulled in as a kde dependency or will there be an announcement?19:37
ScottKI am not working on it directly, but I'd be suprised if it didn't get pulled in.19:40
QuintasanLex79: ping19:41
harolddonggood to know19:42
nixternalany idea why xfontsel won't pick up ttf fonts?19:42
Lex79Quintasan: pong19:56
QuintasanLex79: You are using icecc or distcc?19:56
Lex79nope, only cchache19:57
QuintasanLex79: oh, I though someone here uses icecc for pbuilder19:57
Lex79Quintasan: JontheEchidna used that I think, with his two crap compy :)19:58
QuintasanJontheEchidna: ping19:59
QuintasanLex79: I have a second machine and I'd like to use it, it stands here so lonley  :<19:59
Lex79eheheh :)19:59
RiotingPacifistin 4.4b2 im missing a parts of the configure window behaviour actions-> this plugin uses an incompatible lib and desktop effects has nothing for the individual plugins, is anybody else getting this?20:09
ScottKRiddell: Beta 2 is fully built on i386 (Lucid) now.  Just needs kdepim released from binary New and a publisher run to be done.20:39
Tm_Tonly virtuoso missing...20:39
QuintasanI'm wondering why it doesn't work, all binaries and libs are in place, no missing libs and it just doesn't work :/20:44
Tm_TQuintasan: you have virtuoso installed?20:45
QuintasanTm_T: yes, not working20:45
Tm_Tfrom which source?20:46
Quintasan6.0.0, it's confirmed, waiting for 6.0.1 which is supposed to fix it20:46
Quintasanvirtuoso from cvs also doesnt work20:46
* Tm_T uses old release20:46
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Lucid Alpha 1 Released! | Kubuntu has the Doctor on the brain | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Oustanding merges: http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/merges.cgi |Congratulations to Quintasan for becoming a MOTU
* Tm_T huggles Quintasan20:53
QuintasanTm_T: lol, thanks :D20:53
QuintasanJontheEchidna: hurr, can you help me with icecc?21:01
Tm_Thi on3_g21:01
on3_ghi Tm_T21:01
on3_ghi Quintasan, congrat'z for your MOTU21:02
Quintasanon3_g: Thanks21:02
on3_ghi again ScottK21:05
* Lure notices that he was too fast with opencv transition uploads (or better buildd/publisher was slow today) :-(21:09
on3_gi would like to help in Kubuntu, some suggestion?21:16
Lure[ubuntu/lucid] digikam 2:1.0.0-1ubuntu1 (Accepted)21:22
* Lure happy with new upload rights ;-)21:22
ScottKLure: It's been clarified now that kubuntu-dev can grant per-package upload rights.  Would you be more comfortable switching to that or staying with the current situation?21:24
ScottK(speaking of upload rights)21:24
LureScottK: I am fine with both ways21:24
Lurejust that I do not have need to bug you for uploads to packages that I handle most often21:25
ScottKLure: Last night I uploaded the blends merge so your way on debian-science clear.21:25
LureScottK: oh, great - will look in debian-science21:25
macoon3_g: any idea what in particular youd like to do?21:25
LureScottK: I was too fast on transition uploads, so I will need to redo them ;-(21:26
on3_gmaco: bug triagging, packaging21:26
on3_gmaco: translation21:26
* Lure is surprised there is no way to give-back sucessful builds too (to just pick new depends)21:26
macoon3_g: ok well translations go in launchpad.net/ubuntu (click the "translations" button)21:27
macoon3_g: have you done any packaging yet?21:27
Quintasanon3_g: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete -> if you want to learn packaging21:28
LureScottK: actually, having kubuntu-dev rights might be useful in cases I work on some other packages and where other do review my upload, but at the end I can do the actual upload21:28
LureScottK: but not sure how often this would be useful21:28
on3_gmaco: i do a couple of packages with a little help from a friend (https://launchpad.net/~cesar.munhoz/+related-software), but i wanna do more from now21:29
on3_gQuintasan: i already read, thxs21:29
QuintasanRiddell: can we upload bzip2 sources now or I still need to repack?21:50
Lex79you can upload .tar.bz2 now21:57
QuintasanLex79: do I need to change anything in debian/ ?22:02
Lex79Quintasan: I'm not sure but maybe you have to create debian/source folder with format file. You can see a package in Debian with source format 3 or wait ScottK22:05
ScottKLook at kdenlive22:05
Quintasanoh, thanks :)22:06
Quintasanoh my, looks like I need to master debhelper22:10
ScottKRiddell: slangasek did kdepim binary New and amd64 finished, so those are both complete.22:26
QuintasanScottK: Can you help me with watch file? what I have now is -> http://pastebin.com/f12f92790  the current package version is 0.11, and uscan --verbose output is -> http://pastebin.com/f4939681422:28
Quintasanthe man is confusing for me :/22:28
jjesseanyone else havign problems w/ kde 4.4. beta 2 and some of the compositing effects?22:28
ScottKQuintasan: When you try to manually download the package, where tdo you access it from?22:33
QuintasanScottK: ^^22:35
ScottKQuintasan: I can get a directory list when I go to http://dl.fefe.de/ so I don't know that it's possible.22:36
LureScottK, Riddell: can one of you give-back packages that failed to build?22:37
ScottKLure: You probably can yourself.  What package/arch22:37
LureScottK: really? from LP?22:37
ScottKWhat package/arch and I'll show you the page.22:38
Lurewill check22:38
* Lure notices that LP is getting more and more powerful22:38
Lureoh, there is "Retry this build" - nice22:39
LureScottK: thanks!22:39
ScottKLure: You're welcome.22:39
Lureoh, nice: freecad/i386 was build with old libcv, freecad/amd64 with new one :-(22:41
ScottKTime for another upload ....22:41
LureScottK: yep...22:41
ScottKLure: versioning the build-dep is a good way to avoid this archive skew.22:41
LureScottK: I know, but did not want to diff to debian too much22:42
LureScottK: but now after results, I should do it ;-)22:42
ScottKIt can be dropped on a later upload, so it's not like its diff that has to be maintained.22:42
LureScottK: yep, you are right22:42
ScottKThe only alternative is to wait for the new lib to be built on all archs before uploading.22:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 427536 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Launchpad" [Wishlist,New]23:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 356367 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Portage" [Wishlist,New]23:28
QuintasanWhat next? Maybe Pacman?23:28
ScottKRiddell: slangasek kicked on the netbook i386 ISO build to we can see if we missed anything23:30

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