
donspauldingstgraber: ok, that all worked, succesfully resized and turned on the swap.00:00
donspauldingstgraber: is there an easy command to "grow" my root partition to all available free space?00:01
stgrabergreat, then you can try: lvextend -l +100%FREE files/root00:02
donspauldingstgraber: ok, it says it was successfully resized.00:04
stgraberif it works, then you can do: resize2fs /dev/mapper/files-root00:04
stgraberthat'll make your root filesystem grow to use that newly available space00:04
donspauldingit says it's currently mounted, so it's doing an on-line resizing…. awesome.00:05
stgraberyeah, I only did it once but it's very interesting :)00:05
stgraberif you check: df -h00:05
stgraberyou'll actually see it grow00:05
donspauldingthat's freaking sweet.00:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #499277 in tomcat6 (main) "Sync tomcat6 6.0.20-9 (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49927700:06
donspauldingok, so once that's done, I'm golden right?  It doesn't even look like I need to reboot.00:06
stgraberyep, everything should work just fine after that00:07
donspauldinggreat, thanks for the help stgraber.00:07
xperiahello to all. i have problems with receiving mails on my postfix server. the mail was send with thunderbird for some reason sucessfull but00:10
xperiawhen i do "cat /var/log/mail.log | tail" there is no info that a mail was received or handled.00:10
xperiacan somebody maybe help me with finding out the problem ?00:10
alex_jonidid you try to send one by hand?00:11
alex_jonitelnet server 2500:11
alex_joniHELO whatever.com00:11
alex_joniMAIL FROM:<mail@mail.com>00:11
alex_joniRCPT TO:<dest@email.com>00:12
xperiaon the server where postfix run i am able to send emails with no problems. but when i try to receive a mail on my server it fails00:12
alex_jonitry the above from a box that is on the outside00:12
I-Blocklist069hi, using... find /home/samba/backups/ -name "*.txt" -type f -mtime +30 -exec gzip {} \; which .gz's all the .txt files, how can i zip all the txt files individually?00:12
alex_jonimaybe you're blocking 2500:12
xperiaalex_joni: hmmm will try00:13
qman__I-Blocklist069, do you mean using zip instead of gzip?00:14
I-Blocklist069i tired just zip instead of gzip but it thinks im trying to do .zip files00:15
I-Blocklist069insted of zipping each .txt file00:15
qman__zip needs a target name00:16
qman__err, archive name00:16
I-Blocklist069anyway of making it just do it the same as the input name but with .zip at the end00:16
qman__gzip defaults to just compressing the given file, but zip doesn't00:16
I-Blocklist069i.e. like gzip does00:16
qman__I don't know if/how to do that, but reading the manual should help00:16
I-Blocklist069i tried -@ on the zip command but that didnt do anything00:17
alex_jonizip - doesn't00:17
xperiaalex_joni: really great howto. i am getting this error after the RCPT TO:<dest@email.com> "554 5.7.1 <root@myserver.com>: Relay access denied"00:18
alex_joniit takes the file from input00:18
qman__-@ is not relevant to what you want00:18
alex_joniyou can also use -print from find00:18
alex_jonito pass the filename to zip00:18
qman__yeah, if you just pass the filename twice, it will work00:18
alex_jonixperia: sounds like config issues ;)00:18
xperiaalex_joni: yeahh this configs of the software drives me crazy :-)00:20
alex_jonixperia: the 4th time or so will be easier00:21
alex_jonigood night & good luck00:22
xperiaokay thanks a lot for the debugging of the problem00:22
xperiaand good night alex_joni00:22
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
henriquevOn Amazon Ec2 I launched an Ubuntu instance, played with it a little and now I'd like to save my own image. How do I do that?00:26
erichammondhenriquev: Here are some notes I wrote on the subject: http://alestic.com/2009/06/ec2-ami-bundle00:29
henriqueverichammond: thank you00:29
erichammondThere are a lot of other tutorials if you do a search.  Here's Amazon's: http://ec2gsg-creating.notlong.com00:31
I-Blocklist069any her einstalled xz-utils ?00:41
UnixDawghey guys having a issue01:01
UnixDawgwe installed ubuntu 9.10 server01:02
UnixDawgand did apt-get update upgrade01:02
UnixDawgthen we tru ti install apache and deps fail01:02
UnixDawgis there a step we are missing ?01:03
unit3nope, that should work fine.01:04
erichammondUnixDawg: This should work: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get install apache201:04
erichammondWhat are you doing differently?01:05
UnixDawgnot working01:05
unit3can you pastebin the error?01:05
UnixDawgit says it has unmet deps01:05
unit3the full error, including what's unmet.01:05
unit3into a pastebin, plz.01:05
unit3can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list?01:07
valindil89can someone help me setup apache, mysql, and php?01:07
unit3valindil89: can you be more specific about what you need help with?01:08
valindil89unit3, I just installed ubuntu  and I need php, apache, and mysql to be able to run on the computer.01:08
unit3UnixDawg: there's your problem, you only have the security repo. You should also have the normal karmic repo, and the karmic-updates repo enabled.01:09
UnixDawgok what lines01:09
unit3UnixDawg: let me make you a more condensed sources.list, I'll pastebin it in a second.01:10
valindil89unit3, I guess I need help installing those.01:11
unit3UnixDawg: http://pastebin.com/m42bbf10301:11
unit3valindil89: so, you're having problems with apt-get, then?01:11
unit3UnixDawg: note that I changed the PPA line there too, since for some reason you had it pulling packages for hardy. it may be that that PPA isn't even needed on karmic, it might already have the drivers in there.01:12
valindil89unit3, I tried to figure out how to do it. But I just cant find what to do. I dont know what apt-get is.. I just started using ubuntu today.01:12
valindil89unit3, I am a newb in linux.01:12
unit3valindil89: and you decided to jump right into configured a web and database server, hey? well... that's quite the plunge into the deep end, good luck.01:13
unit3you may wish to start on the Ubuntu wiki then.01:13
unit3and the official ubuntu docs site: https://help.ubuntu.com/01:13
unit3valindil89: use those to get aquainted with Ubuntu, and then once you're more familiar with how things work, see if the docs on there about configuring the server software make sense.01:14
unit3if not, come back and ask some specific questions, and we'd be glad to help. ;)01:14
unit3UnixDawg: let me know if that works out for you, you shouldn't have any problems once you use that sources.list. :)01:14
UnixDawgthats working01:17
unit3awesome. :)01:17
qman__valindil89, sudo tasksel install lamp01:18
qman__but you definitely need to read up on it before you run a production server01:18
unit3alright, this day is finally over. time to get home.01:18
qman__the ubuntu server guide tells you how to install most of the things you'll want, so read through that as well01:19
UnixDawgwill do01:20
valindil89qman__, I am a programmer, and I am getting on an airplane tomorrow. so if I have it installed I can work on programs while not online :-)01:23
valindil89It is the only reason I run those software on my laptop01:24
UnixDawgalmost  ahve freeswitch installed01:27
qman__valindil89, if it's just for private use, and not hosting to the internet, a default setup should be just fine01:27
qman__it creates a default site located at /var/www01:28
valindil89ok, then only thing I ever do is after I setup these things. Normally in windows I have my firewall block it completely from going outside my computer, Is there a way to do that in linux?01:29
qman__valindil89, yes, but it would be easier to configure apache to listen on localhost only01:30
qman__valindil89, see /etc/apache2/ports.conf01:31
qman__change Listen 80 to Listen
qman__there are other ways to do it too01:32
valindil89that file path is not there01:33
qman__it must have changed, that was on a hardy server01:34
qman__grep -R Listen /etc/apache201:34
qman__that will show you where the Listen directive is01:34
valindil89apache2 wasn't there. so I am goign to install them separately.. for some reason lamp didn't install when I did that command. I am getting it now.01:35
UnixDawgthanks again freeswitch apache and all needed apps installed.01:38
UnixDawgthis is why I am liking ubuntu server next to using bsd  server install01:38
UnixDawgboth small and easy to install01:38
UnixDawgfrick I forgot the svn brb01:41
valindil89qman__, I ran this and it works like a charm... "sudo apt-get install lamp-server^"01:55
UnixDawgok I found a issue02:09
UnixDawgit seems the apache2 install is installing a blank  httpd.conf02:09
nat2610hey, if I want a user1  (not root) to be able to do sudo su user2 (not root) what am I supposed to add to visudo ?02:09
UnixDawgit there one that can be installed ?02:10
UnixDawganyone have a default httpd.conf ?02:15
UnixDawgis there a pkg I missed ?02:16
ajmitchUnixDawg: see apache2.conf instead02:23
UnixDawgnow I need to add php and a site alias02:25
UnixDawggot it02:42
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
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FuzzyKittens-TCmy server seems to take forever to reboot. it seems to get stuck on "saving the system clock" any tips on speeding up this process?04:05
=== FuzzyKittens-TC is now known as TangentCollision
qman__well it must not have been that big a deal, since he couldn't wait more than five minutes for an answer04:27
subit never is, qman__04:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #498721 in ntp (main) "package ntp 1:4.2.4p6+dfsg-1ubuntu5.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 127" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49872106:11
trimetaApparently apparmor and glib just had security updates. Two questions: 1. I didn't have /boot mounted when updating; I mounted it afterwards and ran update-initramfs -u, will that do all the necessary work? 2. Should I reboot to get the security updates to apply? There's nothing in USN about this update.06:21
ScottKThe USN doesn't get published until after all the updates are out, so it's not unusual for them to lag a bit.06:24
trimetaI'll see if they come up in a day or two, but in the past I've had updates which seem to never have been published in USN.06:24
ScottKFrom -security if it's in Main, it gets a USN.06:34
ScottKIn -updates there are non-security bug fixes that don't get a USN.  -security fixes get copied to -updates, so you may get them from there.06:35
trimetaI'm not exactly sure where they came from...I mean, I don't have any unusual repositories included here, but I guess both Main and Security are default.06:35
trimetaHmm, they all came from http://us.archive.ubuntu.com karmic-updates/main, so I guess that means they're not security updates?06:39
ScottKUnless they were copied from -security before you updated.06:40
ScottKYou can look them up on Launchpad and see.06:40
ScottKApparmor was not security, it was a bugfix: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/2.3.1+1403-0ubuntu27.306:41
ScottKSame for glib: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glib2.0/2.22.3-0ubuntu106:43
trimetaOK. In general, I find those by looking for the package on Launchpad and then looking for the changelogs?06:44
ScottKYou can also look on packages.ubuntu.com and it can be easier because it's arranged by binary package and LP is arranged by source package.06:47
ScottKThe only problem with packages.ubuntu.com is the data tends to lag a little bit.06:47
twbScottK: only by a day or so, surely?06:49
ScottKI think so, but if you're wondering about this new update you got, that's likely a problem.06:50
twbYou can also hit "C" in aptitude's GUI to fetch changelogs06:50
twbAnd IIRC there's a tool to show changelogs as you install packages06:50
trimetatwb: GUI? This is a headless server.06:50
twbtrimeta: aptitude's GUI doesn't use X06:50
trimetaSo you're referring to an ncurses-based thing, then?06:51
twbThat's still a GUI06:51
trimetaDebatable, but whatever.06:51
twbThere seems to be a /de facto/ retronymming to "TUI", which I don't hold with.  As you say, "whatever".06:51
twbOf course, aptitude 0.6 includes a GTK UI...06:54
trimetaHmm, "aptitude changelog <packagename>" apparently gives me the changelog, though the interface is more like less than it is an ncurses-based interface. Still, that's exactly what I was looking for, and I'll try to remember it in the future.07:20
twbThere's a perl library that it (can) use to make it put the newer changelog entries in bold, too07:31
twbOh, but "aptitude changelog" uses $PAGER instead of the internal aptitude pager.07:31
twbSo it probably *is* using less, unless you've customized your pager07:31
trimetaWhich is fine by me; I like less.07:33
twbtrimeta: less is ncurses-based, too... :-)07:34
trimetaI guess in the sense that it's taking over the whole screen rather than showing stuff line-by-line, but the interactivity consists of scrolling up and down and searching for stuff. Which is nice, but I certainly wouldn't call it a GUI.07:34
trimetaI think of make menuconfig as being the quintessential ncurses-based program.07:35
trimetaOr maybe the installer on the ubuntu-server CD. That level of interactivity.07:35
twbThat's the debian-installer, FYI.07:37
twbIt also has a GTK version, but I don't think Ubuntu provides it07:38
trimetaThe closest I've come to using Debian (aside from Ubuntu, of course) is using Sidux...I don't remember what that installer was like, though.07:39
alkisgHi, I found the Ubuntu server guide at 2 different pages, and their contents are not syncronized. Which one would be the correct one?07:52
twbWell, obviously the former applies to 9.1007:53
twbPerhaps the latter applies to ubuntu+1?07:53
trimetaThe latter has a large Draft watermark, though I'm not sure what that means in this context.07:53
alkisgThey're both for 9.1007:54
alkisgAnd they're quite similar, but not exactly syncronized07:54
twbalkisg: the best version is the one you get via apt-get, I think07:55
twbSince that should be the latest stable build that applies to your current installed version07:55
* trimeta reads the package management section of that document07:55
alkisgHeh, right :) I just thought I'd notify you people in case one of them needed to be taken off.07:55
trimetaWow, I never knew that just typing "sudo aptitude" launched an ncurses-based interface.07:55
twbalkisg: notification should probably be done as a LP bug report07:55
twbalkisg: most of us aren't Ubuntu developers07:56
alkisgI'm not sure if that's a bug, so how can I file one?07:56
alkisgI tried asking in #ubuntu-doc, but I got no answer yet...07:56
twbIIRC, "apport <package name>"07:56
twbYeah, #ubuntu-doc is usually quiet07:56
twbDevelopers hate writing documentation :-)07:56
ewookdidn't know they knew how to :P07:56
alkisgHeh.... sure but I'd expect people in ubuntu-doc *not* to be devs :D07:57
alkisgAnyway thank you guys, /me goes back to trying LDAP for the first time...07:57
twbalkisg: which release are you doing that on?07:58
alkisgI'm on 9.1007:58
alkisgsudo apt-get install ubuntu-serverguide :)07:59
alkisgBah.. that's the same as the first link, and it misses the "configuring ldap backend" part :(08:01
twbOK, so what makes you think the newer link applies to 9.10?08:03
alkisgBecause it writes 9.10 on top08:04
twbFair enough08:04
alkisg"Ubuntu Documentation > Ubuntu 9.10 > Ubuntu Server Guide"08:04
twbThe "DRAFT" in CSS makes me suspect it's an unreleased version or something08:04
twbAnd since 9.10 has been released, I was (am?) assuming that it can only apply to the next release08:05
twbThe sources are available in a (bzr?) repo of docbook files, if you want the utter bleeding edge08:05
alkisgMaybe it's how they prepare the next server docs... but then it shouldn't be in that URL imho08:05
alkisgNah, I just thought I'd ask, no need for such extreme measures :)08:06
=== Guest51729 is now known as fahadsadah
tarsmanwhat is the solution for not detected NIC RTL8102EL for 8.04? thanks.08:28
arjloading a driver08:29
jmarsdentarsman: Is any of the detail in bug #326891 or bug #240470 relevant to your issue?08:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 326891 in linux " kernel breaks r8169 support for rtl8102e" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32689108:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 240470 in linux "RTL8102EL / Ubuntu 8.04 intermitent failure (dup-of: 326891)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24047008:32
tarsmanjmarsden: I'm not sure. I have not read bugs #326891 or bug #240470. I'll check it.08:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 326891 in linux " kernel breaks r8169 support for rtl8102e" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32689108:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 240470 in linux "RTL8102EL / Ubuntu 8.04 intermitent failure (dup-of: 326891)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24047008:36
tarsmanthank you guys for your help. I'll check those links you gave.08:40
twbHuh, there's a udeb for qnx filesystems08:44
uvirtbotNew bug: #499367 in eucalyptus (main) "[lucid] On CLC+CC setups, uec-component-listener starts too early" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49936709:11
alvinWill the new version of mountall be released for Jaunty?09:16
alvinIt would be nice to be able to boot ubuntu-server without worries, like the previous versions.09:18
twbUnless it fixes a critical bug or security vulnerability, new stuff is not usually backported to existing releases.09:19
alvinI'd say booting is pretty critical09:20
twbDepends on how widespread it is09:20
alvinOn all my servers (about 10), I see the same issues. Of course, these all use NFS. If you don't use NFS mounts, booting probably works09:21
twbalvin: is NM installed?09:21
twbI have found that NM doesn't play nice with NIS/NFS09:21
alvinWhat is NM?09:21
alvinThere is an other issue, but I've only seen it on 5 servers: bug 460914 This one actually bugs me most09:22
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 460914 in lvm2 "karmic rc: root device sometimes not found" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46091409:22
twbIt's installed by default if you don't use the server media to do the install09:22
alvinAh, no, it isn't09:22
alvinAll those are just default installes. CD installed, and sometimes ubuntu-vm-server (and nfs-common). That's it.09:22
twbThese are virtual machines?09:23
alvinNo, they aren't09:23
alvinbut sometimes they are virtual hosts09:23
alvinVirtual machines have the same problems booting wen NFS is used. Having /home on NFS is tricky now09:24
alvin(This all worked very well on previous Ubuntu versions.)09:24
alvinI did use the ubuntu-server CD. No network-manager.09:24
twbI don't know what's going on there.  I use 8.04, with NFS and md RAID and LVM, and it doesn't exhibit behaviour like that unless the array is degraded (i.e. if I remove on of the nodes in the array).09:25
alvinProblem is now: I rebooted my remote headless fileserver and bug 460914 is probably active now, so I can't do anything about it. I ordered a KVM switch for that09:25
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 460914 in lvm2 "karmic rc: root device sometimes not found" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46091409:25
alvinUbuntu 8.04 is working fine with NFS mounts09:26
alvinI posted a message on the list with my experiences, but no reactions so far: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2009-December/003574.html I can't possibly be the only one with all those problems unless I really do the installations wrong. (I doubt that. It isn't so hard after all.)09:29
alvin(ok, I did get one personal reaction with congratulations. At least one other person must have the same experiences.)09:31
alvinRedHat doesn't have those problems, but I know Ubuntu far better and I'd rather aid in making Ubuntu work than learning another distribution. There IS being worked on most of those bugs, but Lucid is a bit far off.09:33
twbYou could be the only one if something obscure is happening, e.g. your network is negotiating 10baseT and thus it's taking much longer than normal to bring up NFS09:40
alvinThen why is it working for Solaris and all versions of Ubuntu, except karmic? No, I'm sure there are a whole list of new bugs that where introduced with upstart/mountall/grub209:41
alvinKarmic beta wasn't booting at all. The final version was, but there are problems on every server. I fear for every reboot.09:42
alvinA strange thing is: it looks like (difficult to prove) karmic has more problems finding the network 'in time'.09:43
alvinThere are still Jaunty machines in this network, and they boot a lot faster. They brin up the network, mount the NFS shares and finish bootiing. Karmic tries to brung up the network, then tries to find the NFS server, doesn't find it, throws an error, retries, goes on, might mount the drive, (might not), gives a prompt. You log in and... stil no network. If you wait a bit, the network will come up. The whole process takes a lot longer than Jaunty.09:45
tenachWhat would be different about using Unreal instead of ircd-hybrid or any other ircd?09:46
alvinOn top of that (most of the time, NFS shares do get mounted, but never without errors), the 'not-finding-the-root-drive' from time to time worries me the most. Jaunty could always find root.09:47
twbtenach: they all have different hacks on them09:55
twbtenach: for private use, and old ircd will suffice09:56
tenachThanks twb.09:57
tenachI think I'll just go with the ircd-hybrid, as it's the one that IrcServer in Ubuntu help focuses on09:57
imagodeiI have 9.04 Server, I manually configured DHCP on two interfaces. One is plugged to network, the other not. I get this message (reloading /etc/samba/smb.conf smbd only) every 5 minutes or so. Is there any way to stop smbd from reloading every time dhcp tries to get IP? Or at least decrease the interval? There was a discussion about this issue at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1140094 but10:04
imagodei no solution...10:04
fahadsadahimagodei: put interfaces = eth0 in smb.conf10:05
fahadsadahAssuming eth0 is the one that is facing the network10:05
twbimagodei: remove it from /etc/dhcp3/dhclient...hooks.d/10:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #499394 in ntp (main) "ntp server didn't support mssntp" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49939410:06
twbfahadsadah: ah, that's a better idea10:06
imagodeifahadsadah: OK, will try, brb10:07
imagodeiOK, I should say I'm pretty much n00b... I have a line in the smb.conf, says";    interfaces = eth0" The connected interface is eth110:14
fahadsadahinterfaces = eth1, it should say10:15
fahadsadahLeave the bit, actually10:15
fahadsadahSo interfaces = eth110:15
imagodeido I ommit semicolon?10:15
imagodeithen /etc/init.d/samba restart ?10:19
imagodeiOK... no message so far at a restart10:20
imagodeijust wanna wait for a few minutes :)10:20
imagodeino joy10:22
imagodeithe message's back10:22
fahadsadahWhat are you trying to do?10:24
imagodeiGenerally? I want the message out of console, cause it bugs me there while typing. The link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1140094 says that there are also network outages every time this happens. Don't wanna have them10:26
imagodeiI don't understand... is this normal behavior? I have little experience with linux, but I never had this issue. Is this because of dynamic IP config on server?10:30
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frojndHello there11:36
frojndI'm trying ot install ampache11:36
frojndI've downloaded tar.gz extracted it to /var/www/ampache/11:37
frojndas root11:37
frojndbut now I have a problem11:37
frojndI think something with file persmissions11:37
frojndlike websesrver wouldn't allowe ampache to write or change things11:37
frojndThis attempts to read /config/ampache.cfg.php If this fails either the ampache.cfg.php is not in the correct locations or it is not currently readable by your webserver.11:38
frojnd...it is not currently readable by your webserver11:38
frojndwhat does that mean?11:38
kerveli'd like to know how i can create a jeOS AMI with some custom stuff installed11:48
kerveli don't want to use the standard AMI, because i heard you loose all your configuration when your instance terminates11:48
kerveli searched the web for how to create custom AMI but i couldn't find anything recent on ubuntu11:49
mathiazkervel: you'll loose all your configuration when your instance terminates no matter what12:02
mathiazkervel: I'd suggest to look into rebundling your instance to create your own AMI12:03
kervelmathiaz: yeah, but if i have a preconfigured AMI then not12:03
kervelmathiaz: ah, i tought it was not possible to do that12:03
mathiazkervel: start from one of the official AMI image, log into the running instance, configure it the way you want, then rebundle it12:03
mathiazkervel: rebundled AMI are stored into your own S3 bucket and can be started whenever you want12:04
kervelah, is it really that simple ? great12:04
kervelbtw mathiaz do you know how frequently an instance gets "terminated" because of external problems ?12:05
kerveli mean amazon terminates your instance because of hardware problems / allocation conflicts or so12:05
mathiazkervel: not really12:05
mathiazkervel: you should plan accordingly though12:05
mathiazkervel: ie create an infrastructure where instances can go away at any time12:06
mathiazkervel: and make sure your overall infrastructure can cope with that12:06
kervelmathiaz: and that it auto-launches a new instance i guess when something like that happens12:06
mathiazkervel: probably - that includes some monitoring services12:07
mathiazkervel: amazon autoscaling feature may be helpful there12:07
kervelmathiaz: the problem is that i'm going to host a complex webapp with complex caching (not only read caching but write caching too)12:08
kerveland distributing state over different machines is impossible now12:08
kerveleg the webapp doesn't support running on 2 containers12:08
mathiazkervel: well - some applications haven't been designed to run on a cloud12:08
mathiazkervel: with the assumption that instances can go away anytime12:09
mathiazkervel: these apps are not necessarly the best candidates to be run on  a cloud12:09
kervelmathiaz: i was thinking the same way.. thing is, i get these requests all the time, a lot of people see a cloud as a really big vmware12:10
kervelso i wanted to find out what it takes to get a reliable hosting on EC212:10
mathiazkervel: it depends how you define reliable12:10
kerveland i found out that i can have EBS block storage that doesn't go away12:10
kervelmathiaz: we offer SLA12:11
mathiazkervel: hosting on EC2 can be very very reliable12:11
kervelmathiaz: i can imagine that if your app is loadbalanced on 5 instances it can be very reliable12:11
kervelbut i wonder if i can get a "single instance setup" also reliable12:11
mathiazkervel: well - depends how you define reliable - how much downtime can you afford12:12
kervelso my current setup ID would be: postgres database on EBS / application state on EBS / basic operating system and application code in AMI12:12
mathiazkervel: you can restart instances in EC2 and monitor whether they go away12:12
kervelmathiaz: do you know how long it takes to start an instance ? and do you think my setup with 1 instance and state on EBS makes sense ?12:13
mathiazkervel: it can take a few minutes12:13
mathiazkervel: you usage of EBS makes sense12:13
mathiazkervel: it's one of the use case for EBS.12:13
kerveland fast enough for databases ?12:13
mathiazkervel: sure12:14
kervelhmm then i'm going to try it12:14
mathiazkervel: you should definetaly test it before going to production12:14
mathiazkervel: it's very application specific12:15
mathiazkervel: and make sure that you web application works correclty (ie data are stored safely) on EC2.12:15
mathiazkervel: and plan for instance termination accordingly12:16
kervelok that seems possible12:16
kervelnow one thing: i'd like to develop certain features in our webapp that makes it more suitable. eg we have a built-in media asset manager (files/ videos/ pictures) and it would be cool to use S3 for them instead of the filesystem12:16
kerveli wonder how to setup a development environment for that12:17
kervelbecause having to deploy my application on EC2 every time i want to do a small test will slow things down12:17
kervelanyway mathiaz thanks a lot for your time, i'll figure out i guess12:30
kervelyou gave me the pointers i needed :)12:30
mathiazkervel: for testing purposes, I'd suggest to look into UEC12:32
mathiazkervel: which is a way to deploy an EC2-compatible cloud on your own servers12:32
mathiazkervel: http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/private12:33
mathiazttx: is there a server team meeting tomorrow?12:35
kerveljust launched my instance ... can't ssh into it, even tho i selected the right key. going to try karmic instead of hardy12:44
ttxmathiaz: yes, but it should be fast12:46
mathiazttx: who's gonna be around? you, me, ??12:46
ttxsmoser ?12:46
mathiazttx: I don't think so12:47
ttxmathiaz: let me think about it then :)12:47
mathiazttx: well - we could have a meeting in french!12:48
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mathiazttx: how do you de-register an kernel/image/ramdisk?13:16
ttxmathiaz: never tried13:17
Jarecan i set per user bandwidth limits in ubuntu server? For example one user would have max. 30Mbps/20Mbps and the other 5Mbps/10Mbps13:44
Jeeves_Jare: Not that I know off13:46
ttxmathiaz: so the current UEC/ISO start and runs. I fail to run an instance, I get a libvirt error.13:46
ttxmathiaz: will file bugs13:46
mathiazttx: ok - I'll stick to 1.6.1 then13:47
mathiazttx: when doing the stress testing13:47
ttxmathiaz: yes13:47
Jeeves_Jare: http://www.mastershaper.org/index.php/Main_Page maybe?13:48
ttxmathiaz: err... the latest from bzr upstream is even more broken, beh14:04
mathiazttx: that always happen when you're in *bug* *fixing* mode14:24
ttxmathiaz: in fact it's not /more broken/.14:24
ttxit's just a bug that only affects upgraded installs.14:25
ttxmathiaz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+bug/49948014:25
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 499480 in eucalyptus "[lucid] euca_rootwrap setuid status is lost on upgrades" [Undecided,New]14:25
mathiazttx: could this be related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/437012?14:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 437012 in eucalyptus "eucalyptus-common maintainer script should not add dpkg statoverrides" [Low,Fix released]14:31
ttxmathiaz: yes, that's a regression introduced in there14:33
ttxmathiaz: I just fixed it14:33
siretart`how to enable serial console access in grub2?14:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #499436 in eucalyptus "[lucid] /var/lib/eucalyptus/bukkits created with wrong rights" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49943614:47
mathiazsmoser: hi - it seems that the latest lucid UEC image requires at least 400M of Ram14:56
mathiazttx: ^^ have you seen something similar?14:56
mathiazttx: I can't run the lucid image with c1.medium anymore14:56
ttxmathiaz: haven't tried recently14:57
ttxor... rather... I can't get to that point anymore :)14:57
ttxmathiaz: here he comes again ^15:05
frojndWhat is the http user?15:05
frojndI need granted the http user to be able to write into /var/log/ampache15:06
mathiazfrojnd: www-data15:07
frojndso if www-data needs to write into /var/log/ampache15:08
frojndhow can I do that?15:08
smosergood morning15:09
mathiazsmoser: o/15:10
frojndany ideas?15:10
frojndhow can I grant http user in this case www-data to be able to write rad /var/log/amoache?15:11
mathiazfrojnd: it depends on the permissions of /var/log/ampache15:11
mathiazfrojnd: ls -l /var/log/ampache will give you the permission15:12
mathiazfrojnd: and then you'd probably add the www-data user to the correct group, and make sure the group can write to /var/log/ampache15:12
frojndmathiaz: so -rw-r--r-- 1 root   root  25497 2009-12-21 16:41 Xorg.0.log15:13
frojnddrwxr-s--- 2 mysql  adm    4096 2009-12-21 01:47 mysql15:13
frojndjust chown -R www-data:www-data /var/log/ampache?15:13
frojndnow it's drwxr-xr-x 2 root   root   4096 2009-12-22 01:55 ampache15:14
frojndbut I manually crated it /var/log/ampache15:14
mathiazfrojnd: right chown -R ... should work15:15
mathiazttx: so you've merged the latest eucalyptus?15:18
ttxmathiaz: yes15:18
mathiazttx: is the package available in the archive?15:18
ttxmathiaz: accpeted, building15:18
mathiazttx: I could test them on some of the machines I have access to15:18
mathiazttx: ok - I'll monitor it then15:18
ttxmathiaz: it's not very different from last week code drop15:18
ttx1.6.2~bzr1103 -> 1.6.2~bzr111315:19
mathiazttx: well - I haven't tested any 1.6.215:19
penta hi guys, anybody use scgi module with apache here?15:19
mathiazttx: I only tested 1.6.115:19
ttxmathiaz: kirkland did, and it worked for him, though I really wonder how it could work. He should have run into the things I had to fix recently15:20
mathiazttx: I'll give a try to 1.6.2 - as you seemed to be blocked15:20
ttxmathiaz: I've to isolate which version broke it, or if it's an issue in my test setup15:20
ttx(which is brand new :)15:20
pentawhy it just doesn't wor with my apache? http://pastebin.com/d753c1d0715:21
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mathiazsmoser: hey - have you looked into the increased memory footprint for the uec-images?15:53
mathiazsmoser: it seems that they can't be run as c1.medium on UEC anymore15:53
smoseri ran the alpha1 on c1.medium, but i did have issues on c1.small15:54
smoseryou think that is memory related?15:54
mathiazsmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/344786/ <- this is the console output of today's image15:54
mathiazsmoser: it's running on a c1.medium15:54
smoserhow much memory do you give? i'm guessing this isn't at all uec-only15:55
mathiazsmoser: by default c1.medium is 256M15:55
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mathiazsmoser: I don't think you'd see that on EC2 - the smallest amount of memory you get there is >1G15:55
smoserdo you have reason to believe something is uec specific?15:55
smoserrather than generic ubuntu15:55
mathiazsmoser: well - I think it's related to the uec images we published15:56
mathiazsmoser: IIRC the default -server install uses less memory15:56
mathiazsmoser: though I had to move to 256M of RAM for my default server installs last release cycle (I was at 128M)15:56
smoseryes, its obviously related to uec, but do you thikn that a "normal -server install" will not give the same issue on kvm (or real hardware)15:58
mathiazsmoser: under memory pressure, yes it will do the same thing15:58
mathiazsmoser: another particularity of uec images is that they don't have swap15:58
mathiazsmoser: I'm gonna check how much RAM is used by a default uec image15:59
smoserah. thats it. swap.16:00
smoserabove "under memory pressure" i think will occur in "normal -server install" with 256M of memory, i do not think that the -uec images are any more memory hungry than -server in general16:01
smoserexcept, for they do load python early in boot16:01
smoseri recently turned off swap16:01
smoserwhich is probably what is causing your problem16:01
smoserthe goal is to turn it back on if swap is available.16:02
smoserso, thats the primary difference i guess.16:02
* mathiaz nods16:02
mathiazsmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/344792/16:03
smoseryeah, i'm aware16:03
mathiazsmoser: ^^ this is the memory on the latest uec image16:03
smoserexplicitly i took out the /dev/sda3 (i think) entry for swap16:03
smoseryou probably have a swap partition there16:03
smosercan you do me a favor, since you apparently have a uec up ?16:04
mathiazsmoser: right - sda3 is a swap partition16:04
mathiazsmoser: sure!16:04
smosercan you run ec2-get-info --block-device16:06
mathiazttx: smoser: I don't see a good reason to have such small instances defined in UEC if the default UEC image we provide requires at least 300 M of RAM to run correctly16:07
smosermathiaz, its broke, we'll fix it16:07
mathiazsmoser: you mean reanable swap?16:07
smoseror are you saying that even with swap you think it doesn't make sense.16:07
smoseryes, i was saying re-enable swap16:07
mathiazsmoser: even with swap it doesn't really make sense16:08
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smoserits possible that it only sees the memory pressure early in boot16:08
mathiazsmoser: you boot a default uec image on m1.small or c1.medium and you're swapping right away16:08
smosersome of the new boot stuff is i think fairly memory hungry16:09
mathiazsmoser: well - I don't think that the system should be swapping right after boot16:09
smoserwell, if it swaps on boot, yes, that sucks, but then if it stops swapping, then its not that big of a deal16:09
mathiazsmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/344792/ <- this is just after boot16:09
smoserie, if it ballooned to 512M during the first 10 seconds of its life, but then trimmed to 128, who cares. thats what swap is for.16:10
mathiazsmoser: true16:10
kirkland`ttx: howdy16:10
ttxkirkland`: yo16:10
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ttxkirkland: just reading your email16:10
smosermathiaz, can you run the above ? the ec2-get-info16:10
sub+1, agreed. swapping is natural, normal behavior. it's thrashing that's bad D:16:10
kirklandttx: <kirkland> saw you had some trouble with the nc upstart script16:11
kirkland<kirkland> strange, worked perfectly for me16:11
kirkland<kirkland> my testing was from an upgraded system16:11
kirklandttx: also, nurmi and I did go over that diff16:11
mathiazsmoser: hm - I don't have the command ec2-get-info16:11
smoseri want to know if uec is correctly showing that there is a swap partition, so we could notice that and enable swap16:11
kirklandttx: it's mostly branding and euca_rootwrap that are the diffs16:11
mathiazsmoser: this is whith ec2-api-tools 1.3.46266-0ubuntu116:12
smoserits from ec2-init16:12
smoserbut maybe its not packaged. i was n't lloking at an image, but rather source tree.16:12
smoserhold on.16:12
ttxkirkland: I think we should have WI covering their transformation into separate patches16:14
kirklandttx: really?  we want separate patches?16:15
kirklandttx: i particularly like using bzr merging16:15
kirklandttx: it's *far* cleaner to me than fuzzing patches16:15
kirklandttx: i dare say that's the power of using a shared bzr source16:16
mathiazkirkland: ttx: you may wanna look at bzr looms if you want both have bzr merge goodness and separate patch16:16
ttxkirkland: I agree with that, just thought that wasn't what the spec said16:16
ttxkirkland: spec says "Keep debian/patches for ubuntu-specific non-upstreamable patches, merge all others"16:17
ttxkirkland: that's why I was wondering16:18
kirklandttx: hrm16:18
kirklandttx: having done the merge many times in the last few weeks, i find it far easier to fix conflicts in the bzr managed source, than re-fuzzing patches16:20
ttxkirkland: I agree with that. As long as we don't keep the patchsystem around16:20
kirklandttx: true; shall we try to get rid of the patch system entirely, in favor of inline code changes?16:21
ttxkirkland: ...and we don't lose track of what the diff contains16:21
kirklandttx: right, to me, that's the one advantage of debian/patches here16:21
ttxkirkland: I think the mix is confusing16:21
ttxAt least it confused me16:21
kirklandttx: we have a very specific list of what the patches are (and in my ideal world, documentation about the patch above it in the file)16:21
kirklandttx: i agree;  the WSDL issue is still open, though16:21
kirklandttx: we haven't agreed with upstream on the best way to solve that16:22
kirklandttx: well, we sort of have16:22
kirklandttx: there's some build dependency, that if promoted to Main, could generate the diff on the fly during the build16:22
ttxkirkland: I think they underestimate the work in there16:22
ttxI asked a question on that bug, unasnwered16:22
kirklandttx: i have it in the bug, don't remember it off the top of my head16:23
mathiazsmoser: hm - TBH I don't think the guest is just swapping during boot16:23
ttxkirkland: I'll reply to thread to make sure jos is in the loop16:23
ttxkirkland: no need to interrupt your vacation :)16:23
kirklandttx: heh, well, i just wanted to say hi :-)16:23
smosermathiaz, if thats true, we have generic issues that should be discussed.16:23
mathiazsmoser: otherwise why would the OOM killer kick in *after* the instance has successfully booted (http://paste.ubuntu.com/344786/)16:24
kirklandttx: i didn't want you blocking on me, or anything I did (or didn't do)16:24
ttxkirkland: it affects a spec contents that he approved. I don't think he would mind, but hey16:24
smoserie, if we care that server doesn't boot in 256M16:24
smoseror s/boot/boot and be useful/16:24
ttxkirkland: you managed to run an instance ?16:24
smosermathiaz, can you run the following in your instance:16:24
smoser b=; for x in $(wget "$b" -O - -q); do v=$(wget "${b}/${x}" -q -O - ) ; echo "${x}:${v}"; done16:24
ttxkirkland: with 1.6.2~bzr1103 ?16:24
smoseron small on ec2, that gives me:16:25
mathiazsmoser: sure - let me boot a new instance16:25
kirklandttx: yes, absolutley16:25
ttxkirkland: beh, couldn't make it run16:25
kirklandttx: well, timeout ...16:26
kirklandttx: with the build i did locally16:26
ttxmaybe another upgrade vs newinstall16:26
kirklandttx: i ran several instances16:26
kirklandttx: i did not test the soyuz-build deb's16:26
kirklandttx: mine were upgrades16:26
ttxI'll test again16:26
kirklandttx: i did have to bundle a new image, though16:26
kirklandttx: something about my images were out of sync, or not fully registered or something; there's an open bug on it16:27
ttxkirkland: anyway, it's almost working for me :)16:27
kirklandttx: almost?16:28
ttxkirkland: well, when the NC is running libvirt, you're pretty close to the end of the test16:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 499491 in eucalyptus "[1.6.2] Fails to boot an instance: Failed to add tap interface to bridge 'br0'" [High,Triaged]16:29
mathiazsmoser: http://paste2.org/p/57393016:35
mathiazsmoser: there isn't any information there :/16:35
smosercan you append a slash16:35
smoserhold on16:35
smoserb=; for x in $(wget "$b" -O - -q); do v=$(wget -q "${b}/${x}/" -O - ) ; echo "${x}:${v}"; done16:36
smoser(i added '/' to the wget inside the loop. crossing fingers)16:36
ttxkirkland: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+bug/487270/comments/216:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 487270 in eucalyptus "improve wsdl stubs generation" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:36
mathiazsmoser: nope - same result16:36
ttxkirkland: it's either too much work or no work at all, based on what dan meant16:37
mathiazsmoser: well - I'm not sure if it's relevant to rely on the meta-data service to provide that information16:37
mathiazsmoser: IIUC there is a swap partition on /dev/sda16:37
kirklandttx: yeah, i'll touch base with him after the holiday's on this16:38
mathiazsmoser: and it's the disk that is mounted as sda16:38
smoserthere is on i386 small16:38
kirklandttx: this is the biggest piece of work i think i have with that spec16:38
smoserthere is not on a large16:38
kirklandttx: your new comments not withstanding16:38
smoserits dynamic16:38
ttxkirkland: new comments ?16:38
mathiazsmoser: ah - so on EC2 you may have a swap partition or not16:38
kirklandttx: diff vs. patches16:38
smoserright. it changes based on some things16:38
ttxkirkland: right16:39
smoserideally the metadata service tells me what to do with things16:39
kirklandttx: it would be nice if you could get clarification on that ;-)16:39
smoserbut i can instead look at available devices and if one is type swap, then use it16:39
mathiazsmoser: it seems that UEC doesn't provide extra devices that could be used as swap16:39
ttxkirkland: will try to ping them on it16:39
smoserthe metadata service is providing more explicit info16:39
smosermathiaz, uec is strnage.16:39
ttxsmoser: UEC is good16:40
smoserwell, ec2 is strange, and uec is strange differently16:40
smoserdiversity :)16:40
mathiazkirkland: is there a reason why uec is still using scsi instead of virtio devices?16:40
smosermathiaz, the reason was related to hotplug of ebs volumes16:41
mathiazah yes - I remember - for compatibility with EC216:41
smoserno, not that16:41
mathiazvirtio devices show up as /dev/vd*16:41
smoserthat may have been a concern. at one point virtio hotplug was broken.  i asked nurmi this once.16:42
mathiazsmoser: well - fstab says to mount /dev/sda1 on /16:42
mathiazsmoser: ah right.16:42
smoserit does, but it doesn't matter.16:42
smoserbecause the kernel or ramdisk is reading the parameter from cmdline16:42
smoserso fstab doesn't matter for /16:42
smoserwhich is why i decided to only really put / in fstab, and dynamically write the rest16:43
kirklandmathiaz: compatibility with Amazon, I think16:43
mathiazsmoser: where should I file bugs related to UEC images?16:45
mathiazsmoser: I'd like to keep track of this memory issue16:45
smoserideally from an instance16:45
smoserwill tag it as ec2-images although i dont know if it does that correctly for uec16:46
smoserbut just file it against ec2-init for now, but really, i dont think its a UEC thing16:46
smoserour -server distro will fail to run in 256 M at the moment is my assertion16:46
smoserso however you would normally open such a bug16:46
mathiazsmoser: right - -server on 256M will be swapping after boot16:47
smoserso file that bug, and tag it uec-images ec2-images16:47
ttxsmoser: are you around tomorrow ?16:50
smoseri could call some where, but i will not be near computer for most of day16:51
ttxsmoser: no, I have to see if we should cancel the meeting16:51
ttxmathiaz: we'll see if anyone else shows up16:54
ttxmathiaz: if not, we'll cancel it. 2 is not quorum :)16:55
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kerveli wonder if it is possible to run an ubuntu enterprise cloud on a single server (documentation mentions you need at least 2 servers) , for testing  / development purposes17:37
kerveleg can the node controller and the cluster controller run on the same machine ?17:37
smosermathiaz, if you're still around and have uec up, could you verify that:18:01
smoserfor x in $(blkid -t TYPE=swap -o device); do sudo swapon ${x}; done18:01
smoserwill get your swap partitions mounted18:01
* mathiaz tries18:01
mathiazkervel: nope18:02
mathiazsmoser: \o/ - need to run blkid as root though18:05
smoserah. yeah.18:05
mathiazsmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/344858/18:06
smoserso, the goal will be to look at metadata if available, if not, use blkid18:07
smoserassuming (possibly hazardly that if blkid finds something it thinks is swap that it is)18:07
smoserthat is kind of scary18:07
smosermathiaz, what is the default small? m1.small on uec18:08
smoseris it 128 ?18:08
smoserwe used to run on whatever it was (karmic) but in lucid it crashes horribly. and very hard to debug because you can't get console logs because UEC doesn't cache them. so once the thing is dead the log is gone18:09
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mathiazsmoser: m1.small gives 128 M for ram18:16
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alkisgI'm having problems setting up my first LDAP. Why would `ldapsearch -x admin` succeed, and `ldapid admin` fail? http://pastebin.com/f5aaa1ee018:51
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alkisgAlso, `sudo ldapaddgroup george` gives me "ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)" in the log file. I'm following this: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html and I don't think I've missed any required steps... :(18:57
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teddymillscan someone paste bin the partition map of a default ubuntu 8X install?19:33
teddymillsI am trying to recover my partition map, but I do not know what to put it back to..it was the default install...with ext3 mostly I need to know where root is and what partition number...19:34
alkisgteddymills: partition map?! what do you mean? grub device map?19:36
teddymillsfdisk -l /dev/sda19:38
smoserteddymills, its going to be specific to the size of the disk at very least19:40
teddymillsi dont need the partition sizes..i need the partition types and numbers...19:41
alkisgHere's one from Lucid: http://pastebin.com/f5e89205d19:41
alkisgBut the extended partition has its own partition table, so I wonder how that would help you...19:42
teddymillsthx lucid that should help...19:42
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gkahlai'm trying to get fetchmail to pull my mail down onto my laptop, and fetchmail tells me port 25 isn't responding on localhost. Do I *really* need to set up postfix to get rid of this problem? Advice appreciated... destination machine is my laptop - NOT a server.20:38
ziesemerI replaced my dead motherboard.  Still an Intel x64, etc., but different on-board network controller.  Still my network (eth0) is working as expected.  However, my VLAN, eth0.5 is sending but not receiving packets.  What do I need to check / change?21:11
ziesemerAttempting to ping from this box to another box, the managed network switch shows the packets being sent from local to remote, then the remote to local, but "ifconfig eth0.5" shows only the transmitted packets, with 0 bytes received.21:12
ziesemer(I had already removed the existing entries from /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules , so that the new interface still came up as the old eth0, rather than a new eth1.)21:16
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unit3what's the best practises way under karmic to adjust which services get started at boot?23:24
unit3"update-rc.d cman enable" doesn't seem to get cman to start at boot.23:24
unit3hm... looks like "update-rc.d -f cman remove && update-rc.d cman defaults" does what I want. confused as to why enable/disable exist.23:30
unit3oh well.23:30

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