
mueslianyone in here already tried the kde 4.4 beta2 packages?00:22
gorgonizermuesli: I am running it atm, is working very well..00:31
muesligorgonizer: nice, thanks for the info00:32
gorgonizermuesli: I found B1 quite buggy, and I experienced a number of crashes.. hardly experienced any on B2..00:32
Phyber0ptikcan someone point me to a good tutorial on learning to use the terminal?00:42
rstob911Phyber0ptik: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=99063600:45
Roastedchickennnnnnnnnnnn yeahh!00:46
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petr_russiaantlarr hi man01:19
antlarris anybody using kubuntu with a bluetooth keyboard?01:19
antlarrhi petr01:20
antlarrI don't understand how it should work, and all the information I find is for (k)ubuntu 7.x or 8.x01:21
petr_russia<antlarr>  where do you live?  How time is now in your country?01:25
antlarrpetr_russia: 2:2501:27
petr_russiaeast europe01:28
petr_russiamoscow - 4:29   ))01:29
antlarrok :)01:30
petr_russiaantlarr   man, which ICQ client do you use in kubuntu?01:32
petr_russiaI use Pidgin   and I not like it01:33
petr_russiado not*01:33
petr_russiamannn       tell with me01:34
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idyleHey everyone does nepomuk search work for you? It's turned on in the settings, but when I search for stuff I don't get any results02:32
hagabakachromium-daily ppa is more like chromium-tri-hourly :O02:38
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augustinbonsoir à tous03:10
augustinquelqun peut me dire comment changer de langue avec firefox sur kubuntu 8.04 s'il vous plais03:11
augustiny a quelqun ?03:12
Cuddletaurenparles anglais03:15
oops6_4Hi can anyone please tell me how to enable subversion support in konqueror I am compiling it from source I have full kde trunk on my system03:18
augustinnon français03:23
augustinhow doi i to install vlc?03:23
sortealaugustin : sudo apt-get install vlc  from konsole03:25
augustinsorry, but i tried but it not work03:26
sortealaugustin : when you try what does apt report back to you?03:27
augustinE: Impossible de trouver le paquet vlc03:28
sortealaugustin : Have you tried through KPackageKit? You may have another program installed that vlc will break if it's installed.03:29
augustin E: Impossible to find the package vlc03:30
augustinwhat can i do to cure it ?thank you03:32
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sortealYou can try the instructions to add the most recent ppa for vlc to your sources at this site https://launchpad.net/~c-korn/+archive/vlc03:33
duryodhanhi .. I installed stuff from the kubuntu-beta ppa , now if I want to go back to the kubuntu-updates ppa ; is there any way I can do that ?03:34
sortealThen retry sudo apt-get install vlc03:34
sortealaugustin : Sorry that my French sucks.03:40
sortealaugustin : I'm American...enough said lol :)03:41
augustin <sorteal> i did that but it not works03:52
augustinit needs plugins .. i think but i dont know how to do03:52
sortealaugustin : Did apt report the same thing as before?03:53
ioobhey all, i've got a raid1 NTFS array that spans two SATA drives. It was created under Windows, and I'd like to mount it in Kubuntu, but it appears as two logical disks in Dolphin. Any idea how I can join them together?03:53
augustinyou mean that  i've to do that again?03:55
sortealI mean did it say it was impossible to find?03:55
scunizisorteal: most likely he's not connecting to the repos03:56
sortealThat's what I'm thinking that why I asked that03:56
augustinbut why i'can not find plugins vlc..on graphic ?03:57
scunizican you guide him on how to have kpackagekit pick a different set of repos? I don't know kde well enough03:57
sortealaugustin : Do the repos report back when you type sudo apt-get update?04:01
augustinrepos repport?04:03
augustinexcuse me i didn't undrstood04:04
sortealYour fine04:04
sortealWhat happens when you type sudo apt-get update?04:04
augustincan you give me command?04:04
sortealIn english it's "sudo apt-get update"  Again sorry my French is so bad.04:05
augustinhe said me : E: Impossible to find the package vlc04:05
sortealNo not sudo apt-get install vlc just type "sudo apt-get update"04:06
augustinno probleme sorteal04:06
augustini did that also04:07
augustinbash: sudo apt-get update : commande introuvable04:07
ioobDoes anybody know how to set up a RAID1 array in Kubuntu? I have an existing one that was built in hardware under Windows Vista, and it is showing up as two separate disks in Dolphin04:09
augustinsorteal> that means : bash: sudo apt-get update : untraceable order04:10
sortealTry going through this site and see if any of the trouble shooting will help. http://kubuntuguide.org/Karmic#Kubuntu_Package_Installation_and_Updates  If not try asking your question in this forum group  http://www.kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php  These are mainly English forums but someone should be able to help if all else fails04:10
sortealaugustin : Can you even get online? Don't mean to ask a stupid question just covering everything04:11
sortealAs in your kubuntu install? Is that what your in IRC on?04:11
sortealOkay just checking. Try those sites. I have to go I'm very sorry I couldn't be more help. Hopefully someone on that forum will be able to help you more than I.04:13
augustinsorteal> no probleme, it's too late here , i am so tired also!! but i thank you for trying04:15
augustinhave merry christmas ans happy new year everybody04:16
ioobhey all, does anybody know how to configure a RAID1 array on Kubuntu? I have a hardware RAID1 NTFS array that contains two SATA drives. It was created on Vista, and I've recently replaced it with Kubuntu. Now I can see the RAID, but it appears as two separate disks04:18
ioobalso, i have a dual monitor display, and i'd like to put a different desktop on each monitor, so that they each have their own panel where minimized windows show up. Any idea how i can map a desktop to a monitor?04:25
Pomanioob: you may not have a real "hardware" raid controller, look into mdadm and software raid under linux.04:58
ioobPoman, I've installed mdadm but i'm not sure how to use it. Is there a way to identify what disk you're looking at in Dolphin? Like sda1 or sdb or whatever?04:59
Pomanioob, if you have them mounted, then "mount"05:00
ioobPoman, one of my drives is sda, and the other is sdb. They are both NTFS. can i use mdadm to join them into a RAID1 array without losing the data on them?05:01
Pomanioob, doubt it.  certainly don't try anything without some form of backup.05:02
ioobPoman, alright, i'm going to migrate as much as i can onto another disk overnight then. thanks for your help05:03
Pomanioob, search the ubuntu forums for usage, that's where i found the easiest info: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40846105:04
ioobPoman, thanks. I'll read through that and the man pages tomorrow and try to figure this out05:06
yousefI just upgraded to 9.10 but I'm trying to figure out why aplay hangs05:24
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IzinucsIs webdav supported in Kontact's Calendar?05:54
gkffcskHey all, is there a native kde midi player/editor?05:54
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josh_my computer is saying errors when i try to install apps06:01
soberwhats up guys06:03
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supersubhi does anyone know the link for the 9.10 live download?06:07
josh_can someone help me out?06:10
macocan you be more specific06:10
josh_well when i in stall something it says some errors like i have broken dependencies06:17
josh_how do i fix it?06:20
funcrushhi all, how can i install java 1.4?? i can't find package06:24
OuarzaI'd like to save the accounts of kmail. Just the accounts because I'm imap. How?06:25
et_funcrush: Java 1.4 is, I think, no longer supported. I believe you can specially request old versions of Java from Sun Microsystems.06:26
funcrushet_: thanks :)06:26
et_Ouarza: save them for/from what?06:27
Ouarzaet_: Je souhaite réinstaller kubuntu, et j'ai besoin de faire une sauvegarde des paramétres de kmail, pas des mails, juste des comptes et configuration.06:28
Ouarzaet_: I want to reinstall kubuntu, and I need to backup settings kmail, no emails, just accounts and configuration.06:29
r4v3nsw0rdhello, I need help interpreting the instructions provided on the link in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1280617 to get wacom settings to stick after a reinstall06:30
r4v3nsw0rderrr, reboot06:30
Ouarzaet_: ?06:31
et_What you can do is make a copy of your /home/username/.kde/share/apps/kmail directory. That should preserve your settings. If you want to save your passwords too, also backup the kwallet directory06:31
Ouarzause the command cp -R ?06:32
OuarzaI don't use the appli Kwallet06:33
et_If you want. You can also use Dolphin (alt + . shows hidden folders).06:33
Ouarzaet_: et c'est un moyen sur? ça va marcher?06:34
dwaynehey maco i finished machinarium06:35
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macojosh_: can you copy it into paste.ubuntu.com?06:36
et_It has worked for me in the past. I usually backup my whole .kde directory when I do a reinstall. That saves all my settings.06:36
josh_i need help with broken dependencies06:37
macojosh_: paste the errors about the dependencies into paste.ubuntu.com then give me the link06:37
Ouarzaet_: cp: ne peut créer le fichier régulier `/home/mathieu/Bureau/sauvkmail/kmail/mail/.trash.directory/Sauv Orange/cur/1255880696.5855.wjVV5:2,RS': Permission non accordée06:39
Ouarzaet_: sudo cp -R /home/mathieu/.kde/share/apps/kmail/ /home/mathieu/Bureau/sauvkmail/06:40
josh_well il past what it says in konsol06:41
Ouarzajosh_: ??06:42
et_Ouarza: You should save it to an external hard drive or USB flash drive, just to be save06:42
et_Ouarza: You should save it to an external hard drive or USB flash drive, just to be safe06:42
Ouarzaet_: sudo cp -R /home/mathieu/.kde/share/apps/kmail/ /media/OUARZAKEY/06:46
et_Ouarza: oui06:47
Ouarzaet_: speak french?06:47
et_Ouarza: un peu, not enough to get by.06:48
Ouarzaet_: j'ai les meme erreur06:48
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr06:48
Ouarzatsimpson: pfff !06:48
Ouarzaet_: meme erreur, faut bien faire un cp -R??06:48
Ouarzaet_: same error, must do a cp-R?06:49
et_Oh, I see. It doesn't like the trash folder. See if you can delete the .trash and try again.06:52
Ouarzaet_: ok06:54
et_Ouarza: it worked?06:55
OuarzaI test06:55
Ouarzaet_: no: cp: ne peut créer le fichier régulier `/media/OUARZAKEY/kmail/mail/sent-mail/cur/1257443763.2077.eFqMZ:2,S': Argument invalide06:55
et_Is Kmail currently open?06:57
Ouarzaet_: no !06:57
et_Just checking06:57
tsimpsonit's probably that whatever filesystem /media/OUARZAKEY is can't handle file names like that06:58
OuarzaI rebuilt and I had only 2 errors, I'll stop there.06:59
et_A USB key is probably FAT32. EXT2/3/4 might solve the problem, if tsimpson is correct.07:00
Ouarzasudo cp -R /home/mathieu/.kde/share/apps/kmail/ /home/mathieu/Bureau/sauvkmail/07:01
Ouarzasame error07:01
et_Let's try a different method. Open Ark, create a new tar.gz and add the kmail folder to it.07:05
Ouarzaet_: yes is good by Ark07:09
Ouarzabonne journée ;)07:09
et_Any time.07:09
arma_gradahow do i disable that box om the destop showing all the icon?07:15
macoright click on desktop -> unlock widgets07:16
macothen put your mouse on the folder view widget and itll get a bar on the side of it. click the X on that bar07:16
macoarma_grada: ^07:16
arma_gradamaco, will the icons then be displayed as in gnome?07:17
macoarma_grada: um right click -> desktop settings; type: folderview (instead of deskop)07:17
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macohasta starts with an h, astalavista07:18
astalavistamaco, its ma style07:19
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monsiuermaco, isn't monsiuer french for mister?07:19
macowhen spelled properly, yes07:19
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monsieurmaco, its registered :(07:20
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et_use /nick et()07:35
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OxycrestHi all07:51
giuseppe_salve a tutti08:01
Oxycrestcan someone help me to install thunderbird 3 ?08:03
OxycrestI have the 2nd version08:04
Oxycrestand the 3rd is not in apt08:04
OxycrestI don't find any .deb package08:04
giuseppe_i have a problem to install ubuntu 9.10 on ald pc08:05
Oxycrest240 users and no response... :s08:07
Oxycrestcan someone help me to install thunderbird 3 ?08:12
KageOxycrest: hey08:13
Oxycresta human sign !08:14
OxycrestI'm french08:14
KageOxycrest: is thunderbird 3 not in the ubuntu repos?08:14
OxycrestI've thunderbird 208:14
OxycrestWhen I try to update it,it says it's up to date08:15
||arifaXI have to make freespace on /boot (remove old kernels) how can I do this savely?08:16
KageOxycrest: ok... where do you live?08:17
OxycrestLyon, why ?08:17
KageOxycrest: I need to select a mirror close to you08:18
OxycrestLyon, in France08:18
KageOxycrest: I assume you would prefer the "French" language of TB3?08:19
OxycrestIf it's possible08:19
Oxycrestbut I can install the french langage after08:19
Oxycrestas I do for TB208:19
KageOxycrest: download this: http://download.mozilla.org/?product=thunderbird-3.0rc2&os=linux&lang=fr08:20
Oxycrestit's done08:20
OxycrestI have already try this, but I don't know how to replace TB2 by TB3 by this way08:22
KageOxycrest: ok... how extract the archive somewhere in your /home/<user>08:22
Oxycrestit's done08:22
KageOxycrest: you'll have to uninstall 208:23
KageOxycrest: do sudo apt-get remove --purge thunderbird08:23
Oxycrestmy old emails and others won't be deleted ?08:24
Oxycrestthanks a lot for your help08:24
Kagebrowse to /home/<user>/thunderbird08:25
Kagehold on... I need to make you a .desktop file08:26
KageOxycrest: almost done08:40
OxycrestIt runs thanks08:43
OxycrestI leave08:43
supersubhEY GUYS does anyone know where i can download the non installable version of ubuntu 9.10?09:26
supersubPlease help!!!!09:26
supersubCan anyone help me please....!!!09:32
dimahez guzs i have an question is someone german here?09:32
dimahey guys*09:33
supersubCan anyone help with this boot up problem?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/343915/09:35
r00t_ninjadoes anyone get this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/49576309:37
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supersubHey Guys I really need someones / anyones help with this boot up issue..   http://paste.ubuntu.com/343915/09:42
kaddihi. which package would I need to install to get the dev packages of nspluginviewer?09:43
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r00t_ninjakaddi: could you paste your /etc/fstab09:45
kaddir00t_ninja: what for?09:45
Kagesupersub: looks like you deleted your hardrive, or at least messed up your fstab09:46
supersubyeah im not sure how it happend but my niece was doing something and I found my system in this state the next day,,,09:46
m4rtinsupersub: do "sudo blkid" to find the HDDs UUID and add an FSTAB line that incorporates it09:47
supersubehy i just booted with a kubuntu live disk any way of doing this way?09:48
Kagesupersub: you should had created a user for her, and not given out your main account/sudoer password :P09:49
Kagesupersub: then she couldn't possibly mess it up09:49
supersubmy bad for leaving it on...09:49
kaddiIf I want to do a bugreport with a sensible trace for nspluginviewer, which package do I need? Konqueror-plugins-dev doesn't seem to exist09:50
supersuband yes she does have a username but when im logged in its convinient09:50
supersubSo what are my option here, should I reboot and get to the (initramfs) _ prompt first?09:51
Kagesupersub: go into the live CD09:53
Kageand see if you can mount your harddrives09:53
Kageif you can't then likely all your data is gone09:53
supersubok gime a sec09:53
Kageif you can, then pastebin your /etc/fstab09:53
supersubKage: does it matter if im using the kubuntu CD on Ububntu " I hope this is not a stupid question but i dont want to make it worse"09:55
Tommy\DOHi. Which package do I need for getting the "Share" (on network) dialog in dolphin to work?09:55
simion314jow can i find how much Mb of memory has my video card?09:56
simion314sorry i meant HOW?09:57
Kagesimion314: type lspci and have fun09:57
Kagesupersub: no, it doesn't matter09:57
supersubkage: Tried to mount but not sure if it worked09:58
Tommy\DOsimion314: lspci -v09:58
supersubkage: a nit of a novice with this..09:58
Kagewhat did you do?09:59
supersubkage: the only thing it shows it volume (ext3) and ask me to add a description..10:00
supersubnot sure if this is right?10:00
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simion314thx all, it helped me10:01
supersubKage: what should I try?10:09
Kagesupersub: first pastebin the results of ls -l /dev/sd*10:10
supersubok gime a sec10:11
supersubkage: http://paste.ubuntu.com/345249/10:17
Kagesupersub: good, your partition table seems to be in tack10:18
Kagesupersub: do you know what partition your kubuntu install is on?10:18
supersubkage: Cool. good news10:18
supersubno but im just running it off the cd at the moment..10:19
Kagesupersub: your CD is on another device10:19
Kagesupersub: you have windows installed?10:19
supersubkage: no10:19
supersubkage: only ubuntu 9.1010:20
KageI guess we try them all10:20
Kagetype: sudo -s10:20
supersubkage: ok10:20
Kagenow do this command:10:20
supersubkage: #10:21
Kagemkdir /mnt/sda1/ /mnt/sda2 /mnt/sda510:21
* Kage suspects sda5 is your swap10:22
supersubkage: ok #10:22
supersubkage: done that but not sure which is my swap.10:22
Kagesupersub: now type:   mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 && mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/sda2 && mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/sda510:23
supersubkage: message mount: wrong fd type, bad option, bad super block on /dev/sda1, missing codepage or helpder program10:26
supersubkage: typo wrong fd type..10:27
supersubfs type10:27
Kagetry:   mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/sda2 && mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/sda510:28
supersubkage: ok it says..  mount: you must specify the filesystem type10:30
Kagesupersub: try:10:32
Kagewait... what version of kubuntu are you running?10:32
supersubno im runing ubuntu 9.1010:33
* Kage wonders why your asking for help in #kubuntu...10:34
Kagedid you do a fresh install of 9.10 or did you upgrade from a older version?10:34
supersubkage: i upgraded from an earlier version10:35
supersubkage 8.04 lts10:36
Kagetry this:10:36
Kagemount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda110:36
supersubkage: mount /sda already mounted or /mnt/sda1 busy10:38
supersubkage: mount /dev/sda already mounted or /mnt/sda1 busy10:38
Kagetry: umount /dev/sda110:38
Kagethen try to mount it again10:39
supersubkage: No command 'unmount' found, did you mean: command 'umount' from package 'mount' (main)10:40
Kageyou typed unmount...10:41
KageI gave you umount... no n10:41
supersubok sorry..10:41
supersubkage: umount: /dev/sda1: not mounted10:41
KageGrrrrrr.... try mounting it again10:42
supersubkage:  this command mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1?10:42
supersubkage: same as before mount /dev/sda already mounted or /mnt/sda1 busy10:43
Kagetype: lsof /mnt/sda110:43
supersubkage: lsof: warning: can't start() tmpfs file system /cow.. output information may be incomplete.10:44
Kagedo ls /mnt10:45
tomaszhi :) ... how can i install latest beta package of KDE in kubuntu with aptitude?10:45
Kagetomasz: you can't10:46
tomaszKage: i have to compile it?10:47
supersubkage: ok sda1 sda2 sda5 all appeared in a purple color..10:47
soeetomasz: no :)10:47
Kagetomasz: unless you can find a binary package10:47
Kagepurple ^_-10:47
soeetomasz just follow kubuntu.org info10:47
Kagesupersub: pastebin ls -l /mnt10:48
tomaszKage: ok, i'll try to find it ;)10:48
tomaszsoee: ok, thx :)10:48
tomaszsoee: there is it :) thx ;)10:49
soeejust type .. dist-upgrade not dist-uprade :)10:49
supersubkage:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/345265/10:50
Kagesupersub: ok... do this:   umount /dev/sda10:50
tomaszand how can i disable screensaver and monitor energy saver on fullscreen apps? ... I found, that it should be done in latest beta of KDE10:51
Kagetomasz: we don't support latest KDE here... ask #kde10:51
supersubkage: umount: /dev/sda: not mounted10:52
tomaszKage: so, what about current version of KDE?10:52
Kagetomasz: I have no idea, and it looks like I am the only help here at the time... so.... maybe ask #kde10:52
tomaszKage: ok, i take it, thanks for you help10:53
Kagesupersub: :(10:54
Peace-Hi :)10:54
supersubkage: hard one...10:55
Kagesupersub: try mount -t ext3 /dev/sda2 /mnt/sda210:55
dfaureif I want to compile a kernel with the same options as the default kubuntu one, where can I find the right .config file?10:55
Peace-dfaure: read debian documentation ...10:55
Peace-dfaure: i have read ..10:55
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Peace-one time but dfaure my 2 cent would suggest to don't compile a kernel10:55
Peace-just becasue the difference is very little10:56
Peace-on speed10:56
dfaureI have already done it in the past, and I need to do that in order to test whether the inotify bug is fixed, its developer asked me to.10:56
ghostcubedfaure: you can just run an mainline kernel10:56
supersubkage: mount: wrong fs type, bad option...... do you want the whole message?10:56
dfaurethis isn't about speed ;)10:56
Kagesupersub: no... thats fine :(10:56
dfaureI'm a kde developer and I'm investigating the inotify bug10:56
dfaureI would just like to know where to find the kernel config used by kubuntu ;)10:56
Peace-i have to eat10:56
ghostcubedfaure: yeah and so if you run an 2.6.32.rc1 from mainline ubuntu ppa10:57
ghostcubeit will show you10:57
Peace-bug if you google10:57
Kagedfaure: I think its in /boot10:57
dfaurethe fix isn't in
Peace-debian kernel compile you should find a tuttorial10:57
dfaurehe gave me a git url for a 2.6.33 branch10:57
ghostcubedfaure: wheere is the fix ?10:57
ghostcubeoh ok10:57
dfaureKage: thanks!10:57
dfaureit's there indeed.10:57
Kagesupersub: try:   fsck /dev/sda111:01
Kageit may take awhile11:02
supersubkage:  its doing something...11:02
Kagefsck = File System ChecK11:03
supersubKage: Inode 2114203 is in use, but has dtime set. fix<y>?11:03
Kageits making sure your filesystem isn't corrupted, and if it is, it will attempt to fix it11:03
Kagetype y11:04
supersubkage to all of them?11:04
Kageif you want, you can control+c11:04
Kagethen run this command:  yes | fsck11:04
supersubkage: how about imagic flag set?11:04
Kagefix them all11:05
supersubkage: it looks like its working...11:06
supersubkage: i take it this is good...11:07
dfaureKage: fsck -y   is the normal way of doing it ;)11:07
Kageunless it says it can't fix something... its good11:07
Kagedfaure: they always say yes when I wanna fsck :P11:08
Kage</endjoke nature="11:09
dfaurelucky you11:09
Kage</endjoke nature="Old joke about the similarity between fsck and fuck">11:09
dfaureexplaining a joke always ruins it, I got it before ;)11:10
supersubkage: its still running,,11:10
Kagedfaure: Im not lucky... I just have a gallon Chloroform11:15
* dfaure decides to get out of that discussion fast ;)11:15
Kagesupersub: done yet?11:24
supersubkage: still running...11:24
supersubkage: it says pass 1: checking indes, blocks and sizes11:25
soeecheck this: http://pastebin.com/d329e448e i found this code to put into .asoundrc to get 5.1 sound. It works, however after this change (in .asoundrc) i can have sound only in 1 program  - if i run 2 players at the same time with some music etc. only one of them have sound, any ideas how to fix it ?11:27
Kagesupersub: did your niece shutdown the machine correctly?  or what?11:27
supersubI dont think she did...11:28
Kagesupersub: that could be the reason your having trouble11:28
Kagesupersub: if we are lucky, this will fix your problem and you'll be able to boot normally11:28
supersubfantastic.. really apprciate your help11:29
Kage(unless its a deeper problem.... like she took the harddrive out and played teaparty with it)11:30
Kagesoee: don't use asound11:31
Kagesoee: use alsa or pulse11:31
supersubkage: lets hope not..11:31
soeeKage: istn .asoundrc part of alsa ?11:31
Kageerrrr... it might be... hold on11:32
soeeKage: i think its configuration file of ALSA11:32
Kageno, it seems asound is a driver for certain cards11:33
Kagesoee: nvm your correct11:33
Kagesoee: ummmm so you tried to write your own .asoundrc file?11:34
soeeKage: no just pasted code fromo some forum11:34
Kagesoee: remove the file11:34
Kageaccording to the ALSA website11:34
Kage"Neither .asoundrc or /etc/asound.conf is normally required. You should be able to play and record sound without either (assuming your mic and speakers are hooked up properly). If your system won't work without one, and you are running the most current version of ALSA, you probably should file a bug report."11:34
soeeKage: yes but its not @ playing or recording but geting 5.1 sound :)11:38
soeealso i have found this: http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/Playing_stereo_on_surround_sound_setup_%28Howto%2911:39
Kagesoee: ... honestly... I don't know... then.... you might have better luck in #alsa or #ubuntu or maybe alsa has a forum you can post on11:40
soeeoks :)11:41
Kagesupersub: still ticking?11:43
jtheuerdo you know a konqueror plugin or standalone app which displays an xml document nicely formatted?11:48
Kagejtheuer: kate?11:50
Kagesupersub: you still alive?12:01
supersubstill pressing <y>12:03
supersubkage: just finish...12:05
supersubkage: should i reboot?12:06
Kagesupersub: sorry, I should had thought ahead of time to do  yes | fsck  or   fsck -y12:06
Kagesupersub: go ahead :)12:06
supersubkage: Here we go...12:06
Kagesupersub: and pray in what ever deity you believe in12:06
supersubkage: the moment of truth..12:07
* Kage crosses fingers12:08
Kagethe anticipation is killing me12:09
supersubjust rebooted again hold on...12:09
supersubok does not look good...12:10
frantaHi there! I have problems with sound in 9.10 ... it keeps popping which is quit annoying ... anyone has same problems ?12:10
Kagesupersub: what does it say?12:11
supersubKage:  mount of root filesystem failed..6.31-14-386 a maintenance shell will now be started.  Control D will terminate this shell and reboot he system12:11
supersubgive root password for mantenance type 0x8312:11
Kagesupersub: :(12:13
Kagesupersub: this sucks...12:13
supersubKage: it now asking for a root password for maintenance but will not accept it...12:13
Kagesupersub: try leaving it blank12:13
supersubany other ideas?12:14
Kagesupersub: well.... I got really    really..... really..................... bad news....12:14
supersubok shoot me in the head...12:14
Kagesupersub: first off: I hope you have backed up your data12:14
supersubok NO...12:15
supersubCan i slave my HDD to a working version of linux and get my data?12:15
Kagesupersub: that is basicilly what we did with a liveCD12:15
Kagesupersub: go back to the live cd, and see if you can in some chance.... mount /dev/sda112:16
supersubok any other options?12:16
Kagesupersub: Ummmm... maybe12:16
Kagefirst lets see if you can mount it though a live CD12:17
frantamaybe boot to livecd and chroot to installation?12:17
supersubok will reboot from the live cd12:17
Kagefranta: he is having problems even mounting the drive12:17
supersubkage: brb its booting12:17
supersubKage: Almost there12:20
supersubkage: cannot mount /dev/sda112:22
supersubcant find it to be exact12:22
manjulai have a intel 82G33/G31 Express onboard graphic card and after i installed ubunut 9.10 i am unable to get in to  1024×768 resolution or higher. can some one help me ?12:23
Kageyou need to do mkdir /mnt/sda1 again12:23
supersubok cannot create directory ' /mnt/sda1' permission denied.12:24
Kagesupersub: try mkdir /media/sda112:25
supersubagain permission denied..12:25
Kageoh... duh12:25
Kagedo sudo -s12:25
Kagethen do mkdir /mnt/sda112:26
supersubkage: cannot create directory12:27
Kageit work?12:27
supersubpermission denied12:27
Kagethen do mkdir /media/sda112:27
supersubfile exists12:27
Kageare you logged in as root now?12:27
supersubroot is hash right?12:28
supersubok done.12:28
Kagethen do mkdir /media/sda112:29
Kagethen:  mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1                 -- and pray12:29
supersubsorry made a type12:29
supersubkage: it says file exists when i try and creat it as root.12:30
Kagesupersub: do   ls /media/sda1/*12:30
supersubls cannot access /media.sda1/* no such file or directory12:31
Kagenot /media.sda1/*12:33
supersubim typing ls /media/sda1/*12:34
supersubwas a typo.. sorry12:35
Kagei see12:35
Kagedo   mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda112:35
supersubmount point .mnt/sda1 does not exist.12:36
Kagemkdir /mnt/sda112:36
Kagethen try to mount it again12:36
supersubok that worked..12:37
Kagedo ls /mnt/sda1/*12:37
supersubok lots of colour..12:37
Kagesupersub: do you see a "home/"12:38
supersubkage: no12:39
Kagepastebin the results of ls /mnt/sda1/*12:40
Kagecolor doesn't matter12:40
jtheuerKage: can Kate format xml?12:41
supersubkage: ok...12:41
supersubKage: I can see some files i downloaded.12:41
Kagejtheuer: what do you mean "format"12:41
jtheuerKage, so actualy /know/ xml? ;-)12:42
jtheueryou know that whitespaces are (mostly) ignored between elements?12:42
jtheuerand by adding \t or \n it is easier to read....12:43
supersubkage: how do i call a directory to view its contents?12:43
jtheueri leave the rest up to your imagination, kage...12:44
Kagels directory12:44
supersubokcannot access them for some reason.. where do we go from here?12:44
Kagesome... reason....12:45
Kagedoes it give you a reason?12:45
supersubKage: not pointing the finger..12:45
supersubI wish....12:45
Kagesupersub: just TRY this:   cd /mnt/sda1/home && ls12:46
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supersubok two profiles administrator and my con..12:47
manjula_i have a intel 82G33/G31 Express onboard graphic card and after i installed ubuntu 9.10 i am unable to get in to  1024×768 resolution or higher. can some one help me ?12:47
Kagesupersub: do:   du -sh .12:48
supersubhow do i go back a directory as i just did a ls administrator?12:48
supersubKage: or this does not matter..12:48
Kagels doesn't change your directory12:48
Kageit just lists the contents12:49
frantasupersub: you change directories by cd , one directory back is cd ..12:49
supersubok just did du -sh12:49
supersubkage: hdd is spinning..12:49
Kagepress control+c quickly12:49
supersubkage: 144g12:50
Kagedid you do "du -sh" or "du -sh ."12:50
fumiHello all12:51
supersubdu -sh without the dot.12:51
Kageadd the dot12:51
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supersubspace dot?12:51
fuma 12:51
Kageor better yet...12:51
=== fuma is now known as fumi
Kagedo     du -sh *12:51
supersubKage: it listed the two profiles12:52
Kagehow big is each?12:52
supersubor two users12:52
supersubkage: one is 137g and the other is 7.1g12:52
Kagesupersub: don't happen to have a >=150GB external HDD?12:53
supersubmmmm... KMART is open thanks to Chrismas shopping i guess...12:53
supersubnot far for me to get to...12:53
Kagesupersub: it would make things a lot faster12:54
supersubbut i have one hany12:54
Kageis it empty?12:54
supersubhold on just remembered i have one from work i check the size gime a sec...12:54
Kageor have at least 150GB free12:55
supersubkage: i have a 440g drive available for use.. sorry KMART no sale..12:57
supersubKage: I'm ready to rock.. tell me what we need to do to save my data...12:59
Kagesupersub: ok.... plug in the external HDD12:59
supersubkage: connected...13:00
Kagedo dmesg | tail -513:00
Kageand pastebin the lines13:00
Kagebrb... gottopee13:01
supersubKage: http://paste.ubuntu.com/345317/13:04
Kagesupersub: ok... now do:   mkdir /mnt/sdb1 && mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb113:04
supersubmount:mount point /mnt/sbd1 does not exist13:06
supersubkage:mount:mount point /mnt/sbd1 does not exist13:08
Kagesupersub: do:   mkdir /mnt/sdb113:08
supersubok that worked13:08
Kagethen....   mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb113:08
supersubkage: mount special device /dev/sbda1 does not exist..13:10
Kagetype the command again13:10
supersubkage:  it worked13:11
Kagenow.... to save ya data13:11
Kagesimply do this:13:11
Kagetar -czf /mnt/sdb1/backup.tar.gz /mnt/sda1/home/*13:12
Kagemay take awhile... you got a lot of data13:12
supersubkage: tar: removing leading / from member names...13:14
supersubusb drive is flashing...13:14
supersubkage: I think i want to install Kubuntu instead of ubuntu..  i like the interface looks much nicer to use...13:16
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Kagesupersub: and the support channel is much better too... huh?13:16
KageI honestly can't see how anything gets done in #ubuntu13:17
supersubkage: this is the only support channel i have ever used13:17
supersubthis is default for me for some reason..13:17
Kagesupersub: because you use konversation13:18
supersubi c..13:18
Kagekonversation is a KDE app13:18
Kageif you were to use xchat the default would be #ubuntu13:18
supersubKage:  even though there was a stuff up i'll never move back to ms products..13:18
supersubkage: i've been running this machine for a long time and this is the first major issue i've had, i've even converted some friends who now see the light..13:19
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Kagesupersub: I encourage you to explore the command line more.... maybe by a book about the basic commands.... they can really come in handy13:21
Kagesupersub: unlike DoS, bash is much more powerful... and is even easier to use once you get the concepts down13:21
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:22
supersubkage: i love it, i'll look into buying a book..13:23
Kagedo we really need 3 floodbots?  ^_~13:24
supersubkage: gzip stdout: file too large13:25
Kagedid it exit the command?13:26
supersubkage:: yes13:26
supersubback at root#13:26
Kagefine we will do it without the gunzip, use this command:   tar -cf /mnt/sdb1/backup.tar /mnt/sda1/home/*13:27
supersubkage: it running again.. let see how this goes..13:28
Kagesupersub: what the z option does, is tells tar to compress the file13:28
Kagegunzip or gzip is simliar to the .zip files on windows13:29
supersubok cool13:29
Kagethere is also bunzip213:29
Kagewhich has a MUCH higher compression ratio13:29
Kagebut also takes longer to run13:29
Kageboth in compressing and decompressing13:29
Kagethe extension for these files are .bz213:30
supersubkage: tar: /mnt/sdb1/backup.tar: wrote only 4095 of 10240 bytes ... tar: error is not recoverabl: exiting now13:35
mrbHey.... i have Ubuntu 9.10 installed and then i installed Kubuntu from Synaptic.. everything is working fine But i only have this problem where KDE plasma freez and does nothing for like 2 or 3 mints and then it comes back!!! anyone can help me with that !?! thx in adanced13:37
Kagemrb: what applets are you running?  it might be them13:37
mrbKage, i am only running the analog watch and the weatehr applet..13:38
mrbsorry weather !!13:38
Kagemrb: could be the weather applet13:38
mrbalright i will give it a try thanks alot13:39
Kagesupersub: press arrow key, and press enter13:39
Kagesupersub: problem with working with corrupted filesystems is... well.... sometimes they are corrupted13:39
Kagesupersub: if it gives us that error again, we will have to find the file, and remove it13:40
supersubKage: i'll try via dolphine and select the stuff i really need. there are other things that can be downloaded again if you know what i mean..13:48
Kagesupersub: ok that works13:48
simo_hello world!!14:01
simo_how can i read the videos of quiecktime ?14:02
dhananjayhi all14:06
supersubKage: I really apprciate all your help..  Looks like i got all the main files so i'm happy.. thanks heaps..14:07
Kagesupersub: NP14:16
Kagesupersub: BTW... my service charge is... lets see.... $460... but Ill give you a discount... $415 :)14:16
stuqanyone here running 4.4 beta2? (4.3.85)14:35
stuqi'm trying to figure out if strigi/nepomuk is even *supposed* to run yet14:36
stuqI keep getting "Nepomuk Semantic Desktop needs the Virtuoso RDF server", but i'm not finding good info on how to fix the situation14:37
JuJuBee_My kate settings don't seem to stick.  I change them but when I close and restart kate, settings revert back to defaults.14:38
stuqJuJuBee_: make sure your permissions are correct in ~/.kde/share/apps/kate14:45
JuJuBee_stuq: I have rwx on everything inside off ~/.kde14:47
stuqhmm. ok.. kate has some screen elements that have a 'make persistent' on a right click, the other place that looks potentially useful for this is 'session management'14:49
stuqpossible that you have to save your settings as a 'session'? - i'm just guessing14:49
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JuJuBee_I never used to ... this started after a  clean install of 9.04  after finding out 9.10 is broken on my laptop.14:50
GalvatronI'm considering an upgrade from my 9.04 to 10.04 Alpha 1...14:51
JuJuBee_I have strange behavior since reinstall.... like using twinview with external monitor items launched from panel on laptop opeen on external screen.14:51
GalvatronIs it very unstable?14:51
geniiGalvatron: 10.04 questions in #ubuntu+1 please14:55
GalvatronOK ;)14:56
stuqah, genii, ty - I was wondering where to go with my 'beta' ques.14:57
JuJuBee_stuq: purged kate and reinstalled working now...14:59
JuJuBee_although when I open from panel on laptop it still opens on external monitor.14:59
stuqJuJuBee_: excellent15:00
stuqheh, I never expect mult. monitor setups to work without futzing15:00
JuJuBee_well, I wouldn't say excellent, but better15:00
memenodejust this one non-feature makes me wanna switch to gnome.. geez15:01
JuJuBee_Prior to the reinstall, was working flawlessly without any futzing...15:01
memenodehow many *dozens* of times do I need to "extract here"..15:01
BluesKajhey folks15:15
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manjulacan any one please tell me how to make the changes made via xrandr permanent ?15:18
JuJuBee_Hey BluesKaj15:21
BluesKajhi JuJuBee_15:21
JuJuBee_BluesKaj: you know anything about twinview?15:25
BluesKajJuJuBee_, no, afraid not ..dunno what it does , dual heads ?15:26
JuJuBee_nvidia control panel makes it easy to set up dual head.  Separate desktop and separate panels possible on each screen15:27
LuciusMarei have a multimedia keyboard,but they dont seem to work,amarok does not do anything. The system catches it,though,when i use xev,i get the keys,but i do not know how to assign actions to them.15:40
rav_hello. since last week, sometimes when I hover the mouse over the taskbar, everything closes and i'm sent back to the kdm login. it seems X server is crashing. is this happening to anyone?15:42
SShredrectionI have a problem15:48
geniiSShredrection: A better description of your problem might help15:49
SShredrectioni want to do a tunnel whith ssh everitime i start kubuntu15:49
SShredrectionbut ssh  question me the pasword everitime15:50
rav_where would i look for a log/backtrace for a xserver crash?15:50
SShredrectioni start15:50
SShredrectionmy cuestion is15:50
SShredrectionthere are some way of telling ssh the pasword automatically15:51
SShredrectioni tried to redirect like msdos15:51
geniiSShredrection: I'd recommend looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys#Key-Based SSH Logins15:51
BluesKajrav , do dmesg in the terminal to see what fails15:51
SShredrectionssh args < "file whith the password"15:51
geniiBah the url got truncated15:52
rav_BluesKaj: after it happens and I re-login?15:52
geniiSShredrection: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys   section 2 about key-based. Then you don't need password15:53
BluesKajrav_, no it's just a method of seeing logs15:54
BluesKajwhat is your graphics card , rav_ ?15:54
rav_BluesKaj: i have a nvidia geforce15:55
BluesKajgeforce number ?15:55
BluesKajrav_, lspci | grep VGA15:56
rav_BluesKaj: geforce 7150M15:57
SShredrectionthe problem is that i use key autentication ssh  request me the parshfrase15:57
rav_BluesKaj: here's the dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/345402/15:58
BluesKajrav_, and you're on Karmic ?15:58
rav_BluesKaj: yes15:58
SShredrectioni tryed ssh-add but only works when no reboot15:58
LuciusMarei have a multimedia keyboard,but they dont seem to work,amarok does not do anything. The system catches it,though,when i use xev,i get the keys,but i do not know how to assign actions to them.15:59
BluesKajrav_, look in the package manager and type , nvidia-glx into search to see which driver is installed , or do you already know ?16:02
rav_BluesKaj: nvidia-glx-18516:06
BluesKajrav_, and you're running a 32 bit kubuntu on a 64 bit processor , right ?16:08
rav_BluesKaj: no, 64bit kubuntu on 64bit processor16:08
lukefeili tri to create my own custom livecd16:09
lukefeili follow en tutorial who use squashfs16:09
lukefeilbut i'm asking myself "isn't it possible to use virtuabox"16:09
BluesKajrav_, ok good , then we need to install the new nvidia-glx-190 driver16:10
lukefeildoes anybody tried it already?16:10
rav_BluesKaj: i dont see it on the repositories16:10
rav_BluesKaj: i never had any problems with 173. would switching to that fix this?16:14
BluesKajrav_, here is the procedure recommended by nvidia ,http://pastebin.ca/172495216:14
BluesKajmake sure you've updated your sources.list16:15
ghostcuberav_: 190 glx is in ppa from the nvidia guys16:16
ghostcubevdpau ppa16:16
rav_BluesKaj: how do i get that repository?16:16
BluesKajodd , I thought it was already available in the repos16:16
ghostcubehere you go16:17
ghostcubethey work iam using them on 9.1016:17
rav_so this resetting of X will be fixed by the new driver?16:18
ghostcubeno idea only can tell you where to find the drivers :)16:19
BluesKajghostcube, thanks for the url16:19
ghostcubeBluesKaj: np :)16:19
BluesKajrav_, yes, add the pps to your sources.list follow the keyring instructions as well  then, you have to remove the old driver in the TTY first , then install trhe new one16:21
wftlI know there must be an FAQ somewhere, but Kontact is hung waiting for 'Starting Akonadi Server'. Suggestions?16:21
BluesKajrav_, the 173 driver is too old for that card on karmic16:22
wftlAs near as I can tell, every conceivable Akonadi package is loaded. No help though.16:22
BluesKajyeah ghostcube I had that ppa URL listed in my bookmarks , but it didn't import into the new browser , I used that ppa for installing the 190 on my machine too16:23
BluesKajswitched from chromium-browser to  chrome-beta16:24
ghostcube:) heh16:24
ghostcubeok guys i bbl :)16:24
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lcbhello. when booting i have several filesystems: generic and recovery consol and then i still have also 2.6.31. 16, 15 and 14 with recovery consoles. do i need ... and if not how can i remove those? Also, while rebooting, the system prompts to choose one oh them; how can i bypass that?16:41
lcboos, the first one is and not 16.16:43
BluesKajBBL ..time for my daily walk16:46
dwaynehow can i download videos frm youtube16:59
dwaynewith youtube-dl16:59
LuciusMarei searched manual pages for konsole,and i found this: --nomenubar - runs konsole iwthout toolbar.16:59
LuciusMareso i ran konsole --nomenubar16:59
LuciusMareit told me "unknown switch menubar"16:59
dwaynet_TM: how can I download youtube video with youtube-dl17:02
Paddy_NIdwayne: open a terminal and type either "man youtube-dl" or "youtube-dl --help" without the quotes17:02
Paddy_NIWould anyone know what the pin is for my phone to send files via bluetooth to my laptop?17:03
dwayneT_TM; yeah and then17:04
Paddy_NI!stop | RajD17:05
ubottuRajD: NOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.17:05
Paddy_NIAt the moment RajD you are making yourself out to be the last person anyone wants to help17:06
FloodBotK1RajD: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:06
Paddy_NI!caps | RajD17:06
ubottuRajD: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:06
ohayis it possible to choose KDE 3.5 in the alternate-install CD ?17:09
Paddy_NIohay: no.. although there is an unofficial ubuntu kde3.517:09
soeecan u tell me why 'gwenview' and  'kdegraphics-strigi-plugins' are blocked in updates ?17:10
ohayPaddy_NI: do you have the latest KDE installed?17:10
Paddy_NIohay: Yes17:10
Paddy_NIohay: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Karmic17:10
Paddy_NIsoee: install them manually17:10
soeePaddy_NI:  how ?17:10
ohayPaddy_NI: I mean, do you have the latest 4 flavour?17:11
Paddy_NIsoee: open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install kdegraphics-strigi-plugins gwenview"17:11
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soeeok Paddy_NI ill try17:11
Paddy_NIsoee: dont type the quotes17:12
Paddy_NIohay: I am using 4.417:12
ohayPaddy_NI: do you know which version of kbluetooth it has?17:13
Paddy_NIohay: not sure.. one sec17:13
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|sysop|is there any issues with dbus in 9.10? under ppc?17:33
|sysop|dbus seems to be running but since I dont know that much about dbus I dont know how to troubleshoot it and was wondering before I went head first was I bumping up against a bug in kubuntu?17:34
JuJuBee_What do I need to install on Januty to get dvd playback to work?17:38
frantais someone here using that new kde 4.4 beta 2?17:39
soeefranta: yes17:41
frantasoee: is it usable ?:) I'd like to try it, but I can't afford to reinstall my laptop...:)17:41
soeefranta: its usable but there are some annoying bugs like plasma crashes when closing system (knetworkmanager problem) - but finally system is closed :)17:43
muesliknetworkmanager... oh the hatred17:44
frantaand there probably isn't and easy way to go back to 4.3.4 ...17:44
frantathat would be really useful feature for apt ... to be able to take back at least last update17:44
muesliit's not that hard to revert really17:45
frantamuesli: like remove entry from souces.list and update and...? reinstall kde-something..perhaps?17:47
mueslifranta: yup kinda. remove the entry, remove kdelibs, reinstall kdelibs17:48
muesliit's probably easiest if you save an installed package list beofre the update and just revert to that afterwards17:48
frantahmm...maybe I'll try it... it's christmas after all :D17:49
frantaand does anyone experience problems with sound like sudden popping and/or no sound at all ?17:50
frantathat situation around pulse kinda sucks...17:50
soeefranta sound works nice for me except i cant get 5.1 working with ALSA17:51
kingfishrI have two monitors, but on the second one there is no activity button, no wallpaper, i can't right-click on it...it's just black. Also, when I fullscreen a window on that monitor it pops back to my main monitor. (I'm using 9.10/4.4 beta). Ideas?17:51
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SShredrectioni resoved the problem whith the keys17:57
SShredrectionmy cuestion is17:57
SShredrectionhow can i run an script automatically with user rights17:57
SShredrectionhow can i run an script automatically with user permissions?17:57
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geniiSShredrection: su -c "command" username-to-run-command-as18:00
SShredrectioncommand in quotes?18:00
geniiSShredrection: Yes18:00
SShredrectionthanks genii18:01
geniiSShredrection: If it makes files in users home dir or such, use also -l   (to simulate login envelope like where home dir is, etc)18:02
christer_how do i make Kopte show what i am listen on of Spotify.... is it possible?18:03
=== jon is now known as Guest32638
Guest32638hey all, I have a brand new install of Kubuntu. I restarted the machine, and my desktop is gone. Strange thing is, I have a cursor, and I can call up kRunner and launch any application on the system. But I don't have a desktop. Any ideas?18:12
Guest32638I've tried startx, and it says that X is already running18:13
Guest32638I've also launched kdm, but that didn't do anything at all18:13
=== christer_ is now known as Ira-lokErik
Guest32638Anybody have any ideas why Kubuntu would launch with no desktop, but still be able to run programs through KRunner?18:15
BluesKajplasma has crashed, Guest32638 , relogin and update/upgrade18:17
BluesKajGuest32638, the same thing happened to me yesterday , that's how I solved it18:18
Guest32638BluesKaj, I am running 9.10, just installed yesterday. What should I upgrade to?18:18
BluesKajthere are intermittent upgrades to your OS , even tho it's supposed to be final18:19
BluesKajalways improving , so to speak18:19
Guest32638BluesKaj, ok, I am new to Kubuntu, but have Debian experience. I have a terminal in front of me. What is the package name that I need to update? apt-get install plasma?18:20
BluesKajsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade18:21
OxDeadC0depersonally I'd do mv ~/.kde ~/.oldkde, then login again18:21
geniiGuest32638: I'd try first: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade18:21
OxDeadC0deif it's a problem with the plasma-desktop config file18:21
Guest32638OxDeadC0de, I'll try that. Right now I'm applying all of the Software Updates that are available through KPackageKit to see if it's a bug that's been fixed18:22
Guest32638OxDeadC0de, your method worked perfectly. Is there anything that I can do to avoid these problems in the future?18:36
devilsadvocateGuest32638, you could also have run 'plasma-desktop' from krunner18:37
Guest32638devilsadvocate, tried that, but it crashed when i did it with a bunch of errors18:38
Guest32638devilsadvocate, seems that OxDeadC0de was right and that i had messed up some config file18:39
Guest32638devilsadvocate, what im wondering is how i can avoid that problem in the future18:39
=== Raszyn_urlop_od_ is now known as Tysek
TD-Linuxhow stable is lucid going to be in the alpha?18:46
TD-LinuxI'm on 8.04 right now but am tired of backporting things (also, HDD upgrade soon)18:46
TD-Linuxideally I would jump from LTS to LTS I think18:47
TD-Linuxwhich would be a easier jump, 8.04->9.10->10.04 when released, or 8.04->10.04 alpha?18:47
TD-Linuxalso, kubuntu wiki is down18:49
geniiTD-Linux: LTS-LTS is how I usually proceed, with intermediate releases on a testing partition.18:51
TD-Linuxthis new HDD is 5x larger than the last18:51
TD-Linuxso I can clone this partition and test an upgrade18:51
geniiTD-Linux: Yes, not a bad strategy18:51
TD-LinuxI have had terrible luck with ubuntu upgrades18:52
TD-Linux7.10 to 8.04 is the only one that hasn't broken everything for me18:52
genii6.06.2->8.04 went OK for me, luckily.18:52
TD-LinuxI was always able to fix everything, but I was dissapointed that upgrades weren't as reliable as fedora's18:53
TD-Linuxhence, as I want to upgrade soon, I thought I would jump to 10.04 alpha to reduce the number of sudden upgrades18:53
TD-Linuxthe danger of course is that I don't know if there are any upgrade scripts that need to be added yet18:54
TD-Linuxor will be added18:54
geniiTD-Linux: If thats the route you wanted... perhaps wait til beta 2or 3, maybe RC1 (would be my suggestion) and not an alpha18:54
claudiohello people19:03
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shanwould anyone know how to set up  box as an install server on a personal network?20:30
markus_hy everybody21:10
markus_in dragon player and vlc the bottom toolbar is always in the foreground. can I do anything against that?21:11
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
colton_My installation of kubuntu doesn't have any sound when I try to play flash videos (on youtube for example), what's wrong and what can I do to fix it?21:17
o_aIf I install KDE SC Beta, how can I downgrade to 4.3?21:31
jussi01o_a: you cant without great trouble.21:38
soeeok im dealing with updates now :) finally i have gwenview updated but i had to remove kipi-plugins now if i want to install kipi-plugins i have to remove gwenview cuzo of dependies21:43
soeeany sugestions how to fix it ?21:44
=== bruno is now known as Guest74381
dagon2hey you guys21:59
dagon2I've got a small problem21:59
dagon2I want to change the colors21:59
dagon2on the system panel22:00
dagon2http://upload.infekterad.org/debian_5_plus_kde4.2.png <- like that22:00
dagon2that's my old conf22:00
dagon2but I can't remember how I did it22:00
dagon2any ideas?22:00
islington...system panel? I just see plasma in that screenshot22:01
dagon2islington: the one in the bottom22:05
dagon2not system panel in that way but..22:05
islingtonyou mean the system tray22:06
dagon2that's the one :P22:06
TD-Linuxdagon2: you change the plasma theme22:06
manbraI am on 8.04, I just updated my eeepc after awhile.22:06
dagon2is there an easy way or is it cp in folder?22:06
manbraI am having a problem with dragging scroll bars up and down22:06
islingtonokay, what you can do is system settings>advanced> desktop theme details22:06
manbraWhen I click one, and try to scrool, it just shoots to the top22:07
islingtonand pick a systemtray from another plasma theme22:07
o_aIs there any way I can install KDE SC Beta without removing the "old" KDE 4.3?22:07
o_aJust like in 8.04, which one could install 3.5 and 4.1 alongside22:08
o_aIn that case, 4.1 gone in the /usr/lib/kde4 folder22:08
manbraSeems that right click and left click go up and down22:09
manbraIs there anyway to disable that22:09
dagon2islington: hey, that was easy. you can even download them directly. thanks a lot dude :D22:10
islingtondagon2: np :)22:10
dagon2now I can continue to enjoy kde4 ;)22:10
manbraislington, do you know what would cause right and left click on my touchpad scroll?22:11
islingtonmanbra: ooh I dunno I dont have a trackpad but have you checked the settings in system settings>>keyboard and mouse ?22:12
manbraI can't find anything in there22:12
o_aLeft click: tap it anywhere22:13
o_aRight click: tap it on the right bottom22:13
manbraI know, but it scrolls up if I click and hold on a scroll bar22:13
manbraand moves down if I right click and hold on a scroll bar22:14
manbraNvm, I got it22:16
manbraNvm, still not working22:16
manbraIf I click directly on the scroll bar, it will go to the top22:17
manbraif I click on it, then hold down left click, and move off the scroll bar22:17
manbrait acts normal22:17
pteagueanybody know what engine amarok2 uses?22:29
o_aXine or Gstreamer22:30
o_aIt depends on your Phonon configuration22:30
islingtonodd after the update I can configure sound setting inside amarok22:30
pteaguei'm not seeing either in the apt dependency list22:31
islingtonpteague: everything uses xine in kde I believe.22:31
o_aYou can use either Xine or Gstreamer22:32
islingtonno? everything uses phonon then?22:32
islingtonOh I see o_a22:32
pteaguehow do i set the phonon config?22:32
o_aPhonon is not an engine, it is a backend22:32
Juraphotosis their any recomended web editors like dreamweaver for ubuntu/kubuntu thanks22:33
o_aJust a minute22:33
islingtono_a: ah so you can either use phonon or pulseaudio, or can phonon plug into pulse?22:33
pteagueas far as packages for phonon go, seems i have phonon-backend-xine installed & not phonon-backend-gstreamer... & i thought xine could play mp2s22:34
o_aSystem Settings -> Multimedia -> Infrastructure -> Be happy22:34
islingtonJuraphotos: I use nvu22:34
pteaguenvu changed it's name to komposer i think22:35
o_aEither Xine or Gstreamer can play anything you have a codec for22:35
JuraphotosI  have used nvu in the oast its quite good but was looking for somthing more php orentated22:36
woodyjlwis this a channel I can ask for help with kubuntu on?22:36
soeesure thing :)22:36
dagon2pteague: that's correct. Nvu is now Kompozer22:37
Juraphotosyep Konpozer is the newer nvu22:37
woodyjlwjust done a fresh install of kubuntu 9.10 and this is my first time on kubuntu. the fwcutter found and installed bcm43 wireless but I can not vew any wifi networks22:39
o_aI guess this answers your question regarding Phonon and Pulseaudio, islington: http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/2152/multimedia.jpg22:42
dagon2has anyone got this wallpaper? -> http://upload.infekterad.org/debian_5_plus_kde4.2.png22:49
dagon2oh, sorry22:50
dagon2wrong shot22:50
dagon2shoot, lost the link :(22:51
dagon2it's a "nom nom" pic. It was in KDE 4.2 if iirk22:52
JAMD456 Can someone help me fix the boot up screen to the default Ubuntu one? I installed Kubuntu desktop and my boot up splash screen changed also23:00
JAMD456 Can someone help me fix the boot up screen to the default Ubuntu one? I installed Kubuntu desktop alongside Gnome and my boot up splash screen changed to Kubuntu rather then leaving the Ubuntu splash screen in place23:03
e_t_JAMD456: sudo apt-get reinstall ubuntu-default-settings should do the trick23:05
islington testing: quassel is about to crash when I do this:23:06
JAMD456Thanks for that23:08
zegeniefamous last words23:08
pteagueah, i think i maybe might have figured out my problem... i don't have kubuntu-restricted-extras installed23:11
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